06-01-2025, 05:35 PM
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Adultery My Loving Hotwife Meena
06-01-2025, 07:10 PM
It was Shahin's dream or wanna be reality...he was teasing Nadir or boasting with lies..There is no way Meena would move so fast with him on her first time at his home..Also I felt the dialogues he mentioned that Meena said doesn't seem like her usual one's in such situations. He is making this story up for sure..maybe teasing Nadir. But Nadir left saying emergency call before he say it is just a story...
Nadir is making this more difficult for himself...Now he will doubt Meena. I am 100% sure this is fake. ~RCF
06-01-2025, 07:49 PM
(06-01-2025, 05:35 PM)Salir Wrote: What was told was not Nadir's dream and his meeting with Shahin, happened as it was mentioned. I'm said not about Nadir.. shahins dream or really happened hope it will reveal next chapter and if it's true.. What about Nadir is he ask Meera or just leave
06-01-2025, 08:54 PM
Intoxicatingly hot eroticism, vividly written down to feel and touch...
Thank you Salir But I am not so sure whether the narrative - which Shahin has pulled off as breathlessly as an offset printing press - actually happened like this or whether it's his ‘wishful thinking’ that has sprung from his imagination. The choice of words used by Meena during the sexual act do not suit her. She chooses a different vocabulary and language that is more familiar to us from the past and from other episodes that have more or less characterised her. We do not know whether the ‘new Meena’ has changed in any way. If that is the case, then it could have happened as Shahin has rendered it. If not, and Meena is still the old Meena, then I think Mister Shahin has a very vivid imagination that he wanted to impress Nadir with. Will Nadir, when he gets home, or the next day, ask Meena what exactly happened on Sunday, or will Meena tell him everything without him prompting her? So far they have not lied to each other, so I think Meena will come out with the truth. However, what I do not like and what bothers me is the double role that Mitra plays (I have this feeling and I can not get rid of it!). For my understanding she is too 'much' emancipated and tries to suggest the same to Meena. But it could also be that I am wrong on this point. I do not know ... In this sense All the best Lollobionda
06-01-2025, 11:52 PM
I will try to prepare and send the next update tomorrow.
Thank you for your interest and your very exciting comments and opinions. Stay with us... Enjoy, Salir
07-01-2025, 06:25 AM
Yes,,,whatever shahin told Nadir was nothing more than a lie,
just like how a guy brags to his buddy about his date night escapades. but unfortunately, nadir's expression made it clear he believed it. before shahin could clarify, "man, it was just my wishful thinking," he, masking his anger, made an excuse and quietly left the coffee house. since he seemed convinced by shahin’s story and already had some trust issues, it only added fuel to the fire.
07-01-2025, 06:32 AM
I am hoping for god's sake for Nadir to not blame Meena or behave inappropriately saying things which show him blaming her for cheating him...It will break her heart and will only push Meena to actually do it to spite Nadir.
Damn...is that how it will play out? I feel for the couple now badly. ~RCF
07-01-2025, 11:31 AM
Meena's version of story seems more believable than shahin's, but nadir seems to be leaning towards believing shahin.
It's like people are drawn to juicy lies over simple truths. The “masala,” or spicy details, make a narrative more engaging and believable because it appeals to emotions, curiosity, and imagination.
07-01-2025, 06:12 PM
Hot Dog & Ice Age – 6 (II)
Nadir’s Narration: I went to the car in a state almost like a sleep. I just sat in the car for half an hour and tried to think. What am I supposed to do? What should I do? What can I do to save myself and my life? get my life back in order? should I break up with her? the person who fucked Shahin is not my Meena. she is no longer mine... I don't know this woman. I had to talk to Meena. I had to get to know her, to know this woman, and then I could finally get rid of her. I could only save myself. I have to talk to her and ask her questions and hear her answers before I perish. When I got home it was still quite light and warm outside. A beautiful late summer evening. Meena was reading at pond. She was in a bikini and when she saw me she just looked at me briefly and said hello and asked if I wanted something to eat. I just replied, "No, thank you, I'm not hungry." She said, "Okay," and then continued reading. I watched her for a few minutes without saying anything. Meena stood up, took her empty glass and asked if I wanted a lemonade, she got one, I replied yes, but a beer please. She looked at me a little surprised and moved on. Normally at that time I never drank a beer, I followed her as she walked towards the house, her beautiful bikini clad ass swaying seductively as she walked. I was entranced by her rhythmically bouncing butt cheeks. This is the ass that Shahin was talking and admiringn about and he less than 24 hours ago was having fun with, caresing it, kissng it and licking it. Thes buttocks and this hot ass doesn't belong to me anymore, what could I even do with? In my handicapped state? When Meena came back and after handing me my beer sat down again, she asked, "How was the meeting with your friend?". I replied, "We need to talk Meena, right now..." Meena looked in my direction and said, "I was just about to say that, but I have to tell you something before you start,". "Just one question and then you can tell me what you want to tell.“, I said. She looked at me and only moves the head to yes. " Do you still love me? do you love me at all?" I said calmly. "I love my Nadir, and if you are still my Nadir, which I hope, then I love you more than anything in the world." Meean replied, sadly, and after a short pause she looked at the pond surface and continued, „Now I tell a story and you should pay attention and judge and decide ... I am at the end of my strength and I can't continue this anymore,“. Meena was quiet for a moment. I waited and followed her eyes to the pond. “ Nadir, I think I know who you met today, I mean I know your friend and I assume he told you about himself and me, and our adventure, yesterday. I know that you asked him to do it. As you know, I was with him yesterday at a tennis match and then at his house. I drank a glass or two of wine with him and I'm sure he told you what happened next...","I know that you are in contact with him and I know that he tells you what and how we meet and everything, right?" I replied, slightly annoyed, "Yes, we are in contact and he told me everything, he told me how you..." Meena interrupted me, "Okay, Nadir, please let me continue talking before you scold me and put me down…" I stood up and said loudly, "Meena, why should I hear your explanations? I have heard enough and I know exactly what and how it happened, your cheating and your unfidelity, I have witnessed everything and before you, I am already at the end..." Meena said calmly, „Sit down please, you promised to hear my story, please just two minutes let me speak,", She pleaded, ", last days and even today, before you met him, before you were informed about my intimacy with him in detail, were you happy, did you still love me, was I still your Meena? Your great love and the woman of your life's dreams? Please Nadir, sit down, and tell me… Please,“ I sat down. Yes, I was devastated, although I was very angry, but curious what she would say? I wanted to take part and see the end, I wanted to see what would come out of it. Meena repeated the question, "Give me an answer Nadir, you owe me that after so many years and so many ups and downs, no matter how it goes now, I just want and have a right to know,". I answered, „"Yes, of course, you were my life and despite everything up to that point, everytime I found my way back to you, our love was the only true one for me and my motto and support in my life. Until today, before I found out all this, I was still happy and I loved you more than anything or ynybody in this world... But what you have done now... You have betrayed me, Meena, you...". Meena interrupted me, "One moment Nadir, just wait... You answered my question, then let me continue. ", "I'll start from the moment I was at Shahin's home and first we, me and him, drank two glasses of wine. I noticed that he, was about to start touching me and carrying out his plans with me. You know, kissing me and trying to seduce me. That was my moment. I said to him, "Shahin, I know why you brought me here. You want to sleep with me. That’s all your aim. You are a man who is sexually interested in me. That's normal but first I have to ask you something, let's sit down for a minute before you, I mean we began." Shahin was a little surprised at my direct way of speaking, just now... He was speechless. He didn't say anything and sat down face to face with me and waited. I said, "You know Dr. Nadir Shayan very well, don't you? How long have you known each other? Since childhood? Sch..l? Or later? It doesn't matter, but you know him well and he knows you too and you have been in contact since you brought your mother to him, right? Tell me the truth, please..." Shahin was caught off guard. I think he suddenly lost all his sexual thoughts and dreams or they were pushed into the distance background. He stuttered," Yes, I've known him since high sch..l but we are… We weren't friends, we just knew each other... But my interest in you has nothing to do with him... Yes, maybe he's curious about how close I got to you and if I'm in a relationship with you, I know that he tried or is still trying to get closer to you, I mean, I can guess from the way he behaves, he hasn't been successful to ... to win you over, he wanted me to think about it and give up it and not try at all... He is probably jealous...Yes, he might be jealous if he told you something negative about me but I want to say, but I swear... my interest in you is honest and...". I interrupted him, "No... No, Shahin... let me talk, I don't want to accuse you of anything... I know that you are honest when you say you want me... I want to say something else... Something completely different... He didn't say anything about you either, especially not something negative he told me about you... Wait please…". Then I waited a moment and took a sip of wine. I saw that he was looking at me very impatiently, waiting. I said quietly and slowly, emphasizing each word, "Do you know my full name, Shahin?". "Yes, Meena Salimi, I mean Dr. Meena..." He answered uncertainly. "Yes, but it's not quite complete. For years my name has been 'Meena Salimi-Shayan!'. "What does that mean, what are you trying to say?!" His face was now pale. I saild calmly, "You heard right Shahin, I am his wife, I am since many years, Nadir’s wife! ". "You can Imagine his reaction, Nadir, he was speechless. For some minutes he couldn‘t talk. He just looked at me with his mouth open and then he said in horror, "What an asshole husband you have, I'm surprised, you, such a woman..." "Shhh... Stop please, stop swearing and saying bad things... You heard him, I, Dr. Salimi, love my husband... I won't let you talk about him like that, please..." "And you went along with it, was that his plan? Did you want to humiliate me, why? Is this a game?" Shahin was now clearly annoyed. I tried to calm him down. I told him that I was so sorry that he was the victim of our not game, as he calls it, but a bad and dark time in our marriage. That was not planned, it was just my attempt to put everything right again. And right at the beginning, with his erotic comments about me he put you in a situation of shame and embarrassment telling him the truth about us, our relationship, that we are married couple. I told him that I see him as a friend and that I have liked him as one in this short time, and that I respect him, but I cannot have a relationship with him because I love you so much that something like that will never happen. I will never cheat on you or have an affair behind your back. I am too faithful for that. Then I asked him to forgive me and you and I want us to stay friends. But he can do something for me and he can pretend that we had a sexual adventure today. That I slept with him and he should tell you how he wants to, as openly and erotically as he imagines. I told him that I am asking him to do this as a friend of me and I will never forget it and he is my only hope of winning you over and saving my marriage and my love from ruin. So maybe I can win you back... I told him, maybe, you, Nadir, so can think through your shock and the depth of the loss of your happiness, and realize what we have and what we could lose if we carry on like this. Losing our beautiful life and marriage and above all our love. And he said yes, he said that he understood me completely although he still didn't understand you despite my explanation. Then his words were, "Meena, I respect you as a woman that there are not many like you, every man should appreciate and value you and your love a lot and for that reason alone I feel honored that you call me a friend, and I will do everything to guarantee your satisfaction, happy is the man who has you as his woman.". Then Meena looked at me with moist eyes and continued, „This is what is happened on Sunday. Now, this was all. I can't look you in the eye and lie, you know that. If you don't believe me you can call him and ask. I am going to do what you say, Nadir, as always. I am your wife and I feel me yours, with my body and my soul. If you love another woman, unfortunately there is no salvation for me, I mean for my love for you and our marriage. But if you don't love anyone other as your companion and your life partner, then I still have a chance and hope. I have suffered and been punished a lot, but admit that it is enough. Then tell me what I should do so that you let me back into your heart, your secrets and your bed. What should I do Nadir, I will definitely do that... no matter what...“. I couldn’t look in here yes. Meena in mine, neither. Her eyes were full of tears and she tried to see the distance. Her eyes were searching a distance depth in the cold, dark waters of the pond. I was feeling how my anger, is fading, replaced with an eager biting of my lip. Guilt and need began their usual tug of war at my body. Guilt because her love and trust for me being used By me, in turn against her, I had the feeling. She wanted to give me a lesson in love and how it should be, about loyalty and self-sacrifice. She wanted to tell me: how asomeone can forget himself oder herself and win love. She wanted to tell me push your ego aside and jump into the sea of love, directly and without any fear of going under and sink. To go througth any curtain, even if it ends in the collapse of your ego. The main thing is that you show how love wins. Then the love, will win. It is what counts. There is nothing more important. There is nothing real except love. Meena wanted to tell me that and she shows me how it works. I realized that I was crying loudly only when she hugged me and pressed my head into her perfect and pleasant smelling breasts and started to cry too. „Shhh…. My baby, my Nadir, please…“. We stood next to the pond about ten minutes, so. There was a light, slightly cool breeze. I felt I want to hug her, without anything in between, her whole body, just to feel her skin. I wanted to feel her, her nakedness. I murmured, „We're going upstairs to the bedroom, please,". and I grabbed her hand and quickly moved inside, dragging her behind me. When we were in the bedroom, Meena went straight into the bathroom to take off her bikini. I quickly undressed and lay down under the covers and waited. She was there after a minute and looked at me, "Under the covers? Okay!" and giggled. And then she was there too. I said, "Let's just hug, I just want to feel you today and smell you and kiss you, your skin, your hair, your hands, everything about you and I want to talk to you and tell you...". She smiled and kissed me briefly over my eyes, the tip of my nose and then long, lips... After that I told her about my masculinity problem, the examinations and my waiting for a cure... Meena just listened, the whole time, just listened and when I was finished, she just said, "I love you Nadir. You are my life and even if you don't get an erection by the end of our time, I will still love you. Sleeping with you is very nice, I have enjoyed all the years, and will enjoy it every day and, through over lovemaking, feel me a real woman, but even if that is not possible, then I love you too, for eternity," "But I am sure that we can get it under control together, because I see how important it is to you, I notice that because you kept it as a secret for so long... But we are a unity, if you haven't forgotten... This was and is our common problem and you should now let us work on it together, we can do it, I know it...". To be continued…
07-01-2025, 10:59 PM
Beautiful! You are lucky you have Meena, Nadir.
Personally as an outsider reading your experience I want Meena to punish you. Tell you that she is leaving you tomorrow morning after the end of the explanation because you do not have trust on her and trusted your friend. In the morning she forgive you and embrace you. Just kidding, I know Meena cannot see you in pain so she won't do it but you deserve for not trusting her..So many readers here , not one said she did it, every one knows its fake story and so should you. I guess when some one is in emotional state they lack clarity. No surprise people mess with their lives in hasty nature with out thinking through. Good lesson over all for readers and Nadir. On the note..Happy to see you both together again! ~RCF
08-01-2025, 12:22 AM
(07-01-2025, 10:59 PM)RCF Wrote: Beautiful! You are lucky you have Meena, Nadir. Thanks you my friend... You are (as always about us) right!... Have a niche time, N. (Salir/Nadir)
08-01-2025, 02:27 AM
* Wörter, die das Herz berühren, voll von Gefühlen und Emotionen, wie ein feiner Regen,
der die Glut des Feuers in uns abkühlt * Sentences that touch the heart, full of feelings and emotions, like a fine rain that cools the embers of the fire within us. In a partnership/marriage, we are like a garment for each other that protects and warms. Meena's loving talk caressed Nadir's senses and touched his soul deeply. She wrapped him in her robe of love ... I am simply overwhelmed ... In this sense All the best Lollobionda
08-01-2025, 04:54 AM
I was thinking—could it be that whatever shahin told nadir was actually meena's idea?
but I never expected that she would reveal everything about her and nadir's relationship in front of him. Anyway, it's a relief that the jealousy game finally came to an end. watching them both suffer through such tension was agonizing, but seeing them reunite filled my heart with a deep sense of happiness and peace, like witnessing love finding its way back home.
08-01-2025, 03:21 PM
Oh, Nadir, you so readily accept what others say without questioning it...she gave you every reason to trust her, yet you allowed your insecurities and emotions to cloud your judgment. instead of holding onto the love she poured into your relationship, you accused her of betrayal and pushed her away. you’re lucky meena’s heart is as forgiving as it is loving because she didn’t have to stay—but she did. you owe her more than you can ever repay.
Just wanted to say, I'm glad to see you two lovebirds back together. ![]() ![]() Two Birds
A love poem
Alex Godley
Two birds in a leafy tree,
Soaring, fluttering, so free,
Their hearts beat together so powerfully,
Their love had been instant and so obviously.
A love that they found in such a sweet way,
Something they will never forget to this day,
Their wings carry them over every hill,
As these two birds have unending love and will.
The perfect meeting of two birds so high,
The love between them in the sky,
A love that even the gods could not deny,
A love that will never die.
A love that they found in such a sweet way,
Something they will never forget to this day,
Their wings carry them over every hill,
As these two birds have unending love and will.
The wind carries them through the air,
As the two birds have no care,
One glance and they knew they’d found,
A love that could never be unbound.
A love that they found in such a sweet way,
Something they will never forget to this day,
Their wings carry them over every hill,
As these two birds have unending love and will.
09-01-2025, 06:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2025, 06:59 PM by Lollobionda. Edited 2 times in total. Edited 2 times in total.)
Dear friend,
I do not think it will be difficult for you to look Meena in the eye and just to say: I am sorry ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1yeC2wmtzw Lieben Gruß Lollobionda
09-01-2025, 08:49 PM
Here is Meena speaking:
Hello friends, First of all, thank you "Lollo", for your kindness, he, I mean my Nadir, shows always with his lovely eyes that he is "Sorry", (I always tell him you have dachshund eyes! and he confirms that, just like everything else I tell him!). I was happy that this phase of our story is over and I thought I would look at what he wrote, at least the last part, and I discovered an incredible number of spelling mistakes in his last update. I thought I always have to keep an eye on what he does and doesn't do even his writings... He is a man, my man, and I would like to apologize for him here because he is currently at job... I hope I will soon get involved and take over some of the writings and edit and correct his countless mistakes,too, if I can. Kiss you all, Meena
10-01-2025, 08:59 AM
Dear Meena,
*Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth is not.* Mark Twain -1897 Ich umarme euch Lollobionda
10-01-2025, 04:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-01-2025, 09:27 PM by Salir. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Sparrows and Sparrowhawks – 1 (I)
Nadir’s Narration: On Tuesday I had a long day at work. Despite work, my thoughts were often on the last days of our lives, those grey days, those cold, icy days. The past days were terrible, humiliating things happened to me. But I thought because of my fault, more to Meena, my beloved angel. But fortunately, through her vigilance, selflessness and love, it did not end in the downfall of our marriage and in a catastrophe for our lives. I thought I would talk to Shahin on Thursday and apologize in person for not coming out. He would have come to see me in the hospital, because of his mother who was planned to be operated by me, on Thursday. Meena had a date with Mitra after work and they met up outside to go shopping and then went to her place. When I got home, it was quite late, but she wasn't there yet. When I was at the door she called and said she was on her way. I knew that they had probably talked for a long time about our last days. We were both tired and went to sleep. * * On Wednesday, at lunchtime, Mitra called and spoke to me very enthusiastically. I could clearly hear and feel how relieved she was, that we, Meena and I, had found each other again and that our lives is normalized. After this phone call from Mitra, until I was back home, I was thinking about our lives and especially our emotional journeys, forwards and backwards, ups and downs. Even while driving home, my thoughts have receded further back, before the appearance of Jalal, or rather the time between the death of Mansour and Jalal’ appearance. For a period of time following Mansour’s departure, my wife Meena and I couldn't keep our hands off each other. It was a mixture of what I can only describe as loving and animalistic lust, a leftover from what we did and, I believe, a sort of coping mechanism. There was lots of talk during sex and otherwise about our experiences, especially hers, which made me very horny and Meena too. Then, about one or two months later, the excitement sort of wore off. The sex, while a bit less frequent, was more loving and about us, with less and less about others and mention of fantasy talk. And finally, there had been a day or two times sex in the week. Otherwise, we stayed close but somehow left each other alone. Increasing and progressing break time for body and mind. I could say we kept our heads for us, Just, for a few days, even if we didn't completely leave each other alone. It was not that we decided to do it, but it was something that we just did it. Meena would stay late at her Job place here and there, working her scientific projects, or I would be in hospital to work longer, even sometimes missing dinner at home. Sure, after we went to bed early a night or so, we usually gave in and had a little fun, too. But in comparison to earlier, we had increasingly far fewer fun sex evenings. * * * Tuesday early afternoon, we were both at home. We spent a long time outside watching, celebrating, and enjoying the sunset with a glass of wine in our hands. after the dinner that we had right by the pond, Meena told me that she wanted to feel me today and that we should go to bed straight after coffee. I was in the bathroom, downstairs, and then as I went upstairs and walked into the bedroom, I saw my angel lying already on the bed. Meena is stunning in person I thought. She was lying naked with a thin blanket covering nothing more than her middle, exposing her naked sweet body to the moonlight. Her eyes were closed. "Hi beautiful," I said. Meena opened her eyes briefly, smiled at me and then closed them again. I moved to the end of the bed. I stand there a moment watching her breathing. Meena’s eyes were still closed, first I thought she is sleeping or is trying to sleep. Her chest gently rising and falling as the moonlight highlighted her curves. She looked so peaceful, so innocent, so beautiful, her perfectly sized breasts, her dark hair spread against the pillow. Hesitantly, I reached out a hand and softly caressed her dark red lacquered big toe with my fingertips. Lost in her dreams or thoughts, she didn't even notice. I caressed tenderly and slowly, upper, from her well-formed ankle, her shapely leg to knee and then up to her midthigh. A soft sigh with a slight movement escaped from her, and I froze, afraid that I woke her up, holding my breath as I watched her. A moment later and she opened her beautiful one time more, smiled at me and said softly, “Please baby, please continue…”, and closed her eyes, again. Emboldened, I ran a finger along her pussy, feeling the soft folds of skin, the knot of her clit, the roughness of trimmed hair after the bareness of the rest of it. I did it again, this time pressing more firmly, my finger sliding between the folds to her entrance, feeling the warmth of it, naturally moist, but not yet wet. I softly caressed and teased her pussy lips and clit with my fingers, fascinated as the movements constantly change the way the moonlight and shadows play across the folds. Legs spread, but not too wide, the smooth curves of her stomach rising into the larger curves of her breasts, topped by still-soft nipples, the moonlight highlighting half of her face, so peaceful and serene. I silently moved to the side of the bed. Reaching out, I gently caressed her soft yet firm breasts. Fingertips teasing her nipples like a feather, feeling them rise at my touch. Boldly I leaned down and softly licked across one, tasting the sweet saltiness of her skin. Carefully and gently I continued, fingers on one, mouth and tongue on the other, cajoling them to new levels of hardness. Meena sighed again but I didn't pause. A short time more on her breasts before I finally did pause, then I moved back to the foot of the bed, pressing a finger gently between her pussy lips, this time found wetness which I brought up and rub around her clit. Her legs spreaded wider at the touch. I leaned forwards and repeated the action with my tongue, smelling her arousal as I drew close and then tasting it as I reached her. So sweet. Running my tongue up and down, around her clit, sliding it inside, I heard her breathing deepened. Meena’s mouth opened as she gasped ready to cry out. I couldn't wait to see the look of pure bliss and pleasure in her eyes. I smiled slightly. I noticed her whole body shiver and she looked deeply into my eyes. I looked intently into her eyes,"Want to tell me what you dreamed about baby, before I continue?", I said calmly. Meena showed me with a hand gesture that I should lie down next to her. When I laid down next to her, I had the impression that she was searching for something in her memories. Then I thought no, not in her memories but she was probably thinking about how we, or perhaps how she, would or should deal with the new situation, my physical problem. That look of both intensity and a litte nervousness about how future nights will unfold, or this was perhaps just my imagination with roots in my unsecurity? I asked if everything was okay. Meena said yes, but she was wondering why I had this problem and if it was her fault. I smiled and said it's our fault and more mine than hers. Just like it's our problem, as she formulated it, previously. I looked at her as she bit her lip, and said, "I'm still having anxiety. I'm worried about not being what you need, Meena, with this problem…" Meena looked directly into my eyes and told me not to worry and I'm everything that she needed. Then she turned to me. I looked at her eyes and then her lips and at the end those hard, fully erect nipples peeking out. I leaned in to kiss her soft, luscious lips. She leaned into the kiss, and I ran my fingers through her hair as I kissed intensely and passionately. Then I leaned back again, looked at the ceiling and spoke about my thoughts today regarding the last few months after Mansour's death. I mentioned that although it was a turbulent time for me and certainly, and more for her too, in terms of our emotions and feelings, with frequent disappointments in each other and above all feelings of hatred towards him. Mansour had unconsciously through his appalling behavior, caused an incredible movement with a very positive effect on our sex life. We both discovered new things about ourselves through his adventurous and incorrect approach to his beloved niece. Our unknown feelings, as well as physical desires and inclinations, which were already concealed There, in our subconscious, came to the surface and into our consciousness and thus gave us unbelievable, exciting moments. Meena, while stroking my forearm with her fingertips, said quietly, "You're right, but he, my uncle Mansi, or anyone else were just instruments that gave impulses and nothing more. They helped us to experience our inner selves consciously. Later, at least for me, when my inner hidden tendencies finally fully came to the surface of my consciousness, and I accepted them as they were and still are, as mine, it was like that no matter where and with whom, in the end, it was only you, only for you, and I was always thinking how you would feel, how what I do or what someone other does to me and with me, will excite you and that took me to higher limits, these thoughts and feelings and the idea of your mental and physical reactions." I knew part of Meena’s thought was now basking in the same sort of afterglow we both were in the days immediately after each erotic game we had especially with others. I asked her if she meant one special time or part, which was more excitig. Nothing in particular, she said. Just a feeling, and she wondered if I felt it also, if I felt her excitement because of my reactions. She emphasized further. “Nor does it have anything to do with anyone other, except you for sure," she said, looking at me. "Hmm," I pondered. "Meena, I think I know what you mean." I took her by the arm. "Maybe because we've just plain done more. We had another experience, with someone else. Someone very different. Other types than me... This sounds terrible but, some actions were not under our control, and this made it maybe, interesting, some new experiences, we were sometimes at the mercy of…" I spoke. Meena interrupted me, “You too?” I responded, “Yes of course, I couldn't interfere, at least not necessarily, sometimes I had the feeling that I am powerless, and I have to let it happen, maybe I wanted to, sorry for saying that, but maybe inside me I felt joy and stimulation of a special kind, I felt that makes me, hot and hotter and horny and hornier if things happen and I can not interfere,", “, experiencing someone taking full control of you and use your body in whatever way he pleased, especially during…”. While I was telling all this, I felt a stirring in my groin, as if something, a blockade came loose. Meean asked curiously, even excited, “Especially with Mansi?” I admitted, “Yes, especially with Mansour, was it wrong? Should I be ashamed for it?”. "No, not baby… I know, I understand what you mean," Meena said quickly. The she raised her head and kissed my lips briefly and said, "I love you,"... "Mm, I love it when we are so open and honest and in tune with each other," I said, meeting Meena in an instinctive and quick kiss, "we're feeling more comfortable with ourselves is all. Sooner than before. And I don't think in an ignorant way, intentionally or otherwise. Meena, I feel as good about you and us as I did the day I accepted my inner feelings and desires about sharing...". Meena interrrupted me, “You mean Bernstein is right when he said that if you share what you love, then that is real love…”. "Yes, there could be some truth in what he said... In any case, it also has to do with happiness and we know that happiness is not a state, not a stable state, but like a flash, an enormous feeling that is there for a moment and then could disappear or no longer be consciously felt, even if it is there..." "Hmmm, yes, absolutely…" Meena smiled. Then she moved in on me and whispered "I was gonna you just beat me to it." And then we made out, passionately. When our kiss ended Meena looked relieved to hear what I was saying and placed a hand over mine. I could see, she'd innocently and unwittingly sparked it. All of a sudden, I was hit with a wave of images of her, with Mansour and Murad and even Jalal, and I felt my heartbeat increase and I felt a stirring in my groin again. Meena tilted her head and stared at me, blinking."You got that look on your face, Nadir... Are you…?" "Imagining you? Yes." "With..." She asked calmly. "With all of them." I responded. Meena's shoulders rose as she took in a sudden but small breath through her nose and exhaled it just as quickly. "You and your lovers…" I said. She relaxed and gave me a smirk. I kept a straight face as I met her gaze. "But...mostly...you and your filthy uncle..." Meena looked longingly at me once more. "You with young Murad and with jalal, " I added. "I'm thinking of them, all of us, taking turns with you..." "Us'? You mean, you too?" she asked, snuggling closer to me. I nodded. "Nadir, baby, I like when you include yourself in our fantasies. I love when you show me that you are there, and you are paticipating…" "Really? Do you want it that much and that intensely? Do you mean my being there, just observe or participate? " I asked softly. Meena nodded, "Both…" "Really?" She nodded. And we kissed, then gazed into each other's eyes for a moment. "But I love mostly..." I spoke. Meena grinned at me. "Mostly? yes...let's hear it…" I chuckled and continued. "But mostly, I love them having you, as they want and me watching you… In ways they have." To be continued… |
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