Adultery The Defeat of Poroma
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Poroma was almost successful in making her husband a cuck. If Ranjit had self esteem, he would not have allowed his wife to share her bed to his boss when he is on tour. Everything is for benefits. Why the hell he needs divorce now. He will lose his wife and job and be in roads with two kids. Also Rahul is not a person that would buy a coffee shop for few cup of coffee. He will enjoy poroma and will ditch her some day. He is already in affair with other lady colleagues too. waiting for a perfect finish.
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Poroma controlled Rahul with her beauty has now become complete slut
- allow rahul to fuck in her marital bed
- insulting her husband
- doing blow job in front of her husband in office
- beating her own child.
- the childrens are growing and become a disturbance for her fuck life.
- she will next kill the children
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Nice update
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Awesome bro. Will Ranjeet kill poroma in the fit of anger???
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Any chance of update here?
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Update plx
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         Chapter 37: The beginning of the Confession

That was the greatest shock I got in my life which finally made me take the decision to dump Poroma for ever. I suddenly found out that being with her is not only harmful to me but also my children  I was shivering like I was having a heart attack! I think I would have fallen from the seat, but suddenly Fatima hugged me tightly, her soft breast pressing against my arm!

“Please calm down Ranjeet,” Fatima consoled me, “nothing about this is your fault, it was all just an error of judgement on your part that you married a slut and thought her to be your faithful wife all these years!

Actually the video recording will increase your chances of getting the custody of your children. Each and every judge will prioritize the safety and well being of the children during allotment of custody in the case of a divorce! Actually that is what is going to go in your favour!”

Now that at least would be a nice compensation for me. I slowly started feeling better that at least I can get the custody of my children.

We both discussed the present problem seriously for a long time, it was finally decided that Fatima will be preparing the divorce case very meticulously and at the earliest while there will not be any confrontation to alert Poroma and nothing would be going to be discussed with her before she will be served with the papers to prevent any cunning game from her lawyer.

That day itself in the evening when I returned from the office something happened. There was a tussle between Poroma and the Aya.

Poroma got a little excited and called her, “you are a mean and vulgar broad!”

The Aya too got very angry at the use of the term and started calling her names, “you wanton prostitute, harlot, you are worse than a whore! You being a mother of children are performing debauchery with your boyfriend on your marital bed lying beside your sleeping children!

 You are even breastfeeding the milk meant for your own little baby to your boyfriend Rahul! You should have died in shame before doing that! Don’t know why even God is not able to give punishment to such an incredible incarnation of lust! You are a real whore, a slut, a woman from the flesh market!”

Poroma was at a loss of words and immediately was taken aback. She stopped instantly and stsyed very quiet and tight lipped for the whole day.

Finally at night in our bed she tightly embraced me and started weeping profusely hiding her face into my chest.

Surprisingly me she was crying, “oh whatever have I done? Oh my God, why didn’t you prevent me from commitment of such a huge blunder? How could I show my face in public ever again Ranjeet? How could I explain how all these things happened? During the last nine months Ranjeet, I have been promising to myself again and again that this once will be the last time but I have been repeatedly breaking my promise! I am a slut Ranjeet, I am a traitor! Shame on myself for being so lecherous! I have zero control over my mind, I never had any self control!” 

Then she wiped off the tears from her eyes, released me from the embrace and said with determination, “no more Ranjeet, even our babies are suffering so much from my affair! 
Now by any and every means I need to get out of my infatuation with Rahul. May be our sex life will become a little dull but since we love each other we will surely be able to overcome our sexual unsatisfaction by our emotions towards each other! Won’t we Ranjeet?”

I thought a little, though I had already decided to break up with her but I remembered that my own lawyer Fatima had strictly advised me not to disclose our plan to divorce her in any case till she approved.

So I held her tightly and said, “of course we can do that Poroma! But for that first you will need to tell me everything!”

“Okay Ranjeet,” Poroma sighed, “what exactly do you want to know?”

“The truth,” I said, “whole truth and nothing else but the truth!”

“Okay then Ranjeet,” she said, “you can go ahead and ask me whatever you want to ask!”

I didn’t want to lose this opportunity, I had many queries I wanted to clarify.

So I started with my first question to her after a pause, “did Rahul ‘s car really  have an engine problem on that day?”


“On the Valentine’s Day when there was the party at the house of Mohit and Rohini,” I explained.

She paused for a long minute, then she started whispering straight into my ear, “no Ranjeet my love, I lied to you for the first time on that day!”

“Can you tell me the truth now Poroma?” I asked her back, “you must be understanding how important it is for me to know about the details of what had happened on that day?”

“Of course I will be telling you everything today Ranjeet,” Poroma affirmed, “today I will be telling you everything that you will ask for.”

“Are you sure Poroma?” I asked, “have you thought about all the consequences?”

“Yes my love Ranjeet,” she said again, “I have already thought about all the details already before giving you the confirmation!”

I had already anticipated that Poroma had hid from me a lot of things that happened on that day on the road while they had been driving from our office towards the house of Mohit and Rohini to attend the Valentine’s day Actually I couldn’t go for a confrontation with her on that day because I didn’t have any evidence. And today I suddenly came to know that not only did Poroma hide the truth on that day but also meticulously lied to me in a pre-planned manner that there had been some problem with the car of Rahul, it couldn’t automatically ignite to start after the engine was stopping dead repeatedly my mind was poisoned against her. But of course I had to appreciate her strength of mind and her strong conviction of confession of her lying even in such a position of embarrassment! She surprisingly had to be appreciated.

 Strongly placing her head over my chest she was straight looking into my eyes without even a break. The look in her eyes were straight away making the declaration that she is not lying or dramatization today.

 Her eyes were not even blinking or twinkling suggested that today she was determined to open up completely and she was fully ready to make all confessions about her truths today! She was not even a little doubtful, ashamed or afraid to declare the truth any more!

“Ranjeet before making my full confession to you I would want to tell you a few words. That is I want to apologize first and foremost to you for everything I and Rahul have been doing to you behind your back till today. If it is possible for you, please please forgive me for my wrongdoings Ranjeet!”

“I will be thinking about it all later Poroma,” I said, “now please continue with your confession!”

“On the Valentine’s day as soon as Rahul proposed to give me a lift in his car surely I knew that if I took the lift from him something will have to happen on that day!

 Rahul ‘s offer of a lift immediately excited me very much turning me on! My heart was beating like a drum. In my horniness I forthwith accepted his offer. I didn’t even notice what an embarrassment it would look like for you as my husband, I actually didn’t even think about all these! To tell you the truth it never even occurred to me that I should consult with you and ask for your opinion regarding the matter. Actually when I finally got the chance to be in an intimate relationship with Rahul after a long wait my brain was not working properly. It never even occurred to me that you were still with me and he is your boss, not a common friend to both of us!

“What?” I exclaimed, “what do you mean by after a long wait? I couldn’t understand the phrase, were both of you in an intimate adulterous relationship already from before?”

“No no no,” she asserted, “nothing like that, before that day we had met only twice!”

“Then?” I asked, “please clarify my doubts Poroma!”

“Ranjeet you must be remembering when I had met Rahul for the first time at the AC market,” Poroma said, “it was you yourself who had introduced us to each other!”

“Yes,” I said, “I remember that!”

“And the second time I met him was probably at his house in New Alipore,” she continued, “at your last year’s office party!”

“Yes,” I replied, “I do remember that!”

“Do you know that,” Poroma continued, “each and every time the two of us met, the attraction between us was increasing in leaps and bounds? Before him never did anytime anything happen like this in my life for another man!

Whenever we both are together we feel a continuous attraction to each other just like the two poles of a magnet! On that day when there was that office party of you guys when we met we both could feel something happening inside our chests, our hearts were having palpitations for some unknown reason! Our breathings were deep and our nerves were making us feel a strange uneasiness between us! We were just not able to remove our eyes from each other! Of course you noticed none of these changes because both of us were taking good care to hide our behaviour from you and our prying eyes were taking good care to stare at each other but carefully hiding that from you! Of course we spoke nothing inappropriate or flirt with each other much, but the glances of our eyes were glued to one another all the time! Actually while we were not speaking to each other much our eyes were speaking a lot between ourselves Ranjeet!”

“That means you want to say Poroma,” I commented, “that Rahul have been seducing you from the first day itself behind my back, and also for you it was impossible to avoid his charming and seductive personality any more!”

“No,” Poroma replied negatively, “in the beginning he never tried to seduce me!”

“Then what?” I asked with a little irritation, “look Poroma I can’t understand what exactly are you trying to convey, please tell me everything more clearly!”

“Ranjeet do you remember that first day when we met him together at the AC market?” She asked back, “on that day I was at a shoe store trying some different shoes, I think you had been standing outside because the store was heavily crowded. You were standing there somewhere outside holding our daughter Nupur in your arms. I was trying different shoes displayed on the racks.

 Then suddenly I discovered that a tall broad shouldered young and handsome guy watching me from the corner of his eyes from the crowd inside the shoe store! 

From my childhood I have been used to such charmed and fascinated stares from different men but there was something strangely different in his eyes! It seemed to me that the guy had been completely hypnotized by my beauty! 

Again and again he was trying to remove his stare away from me but he was being completely unable to keep his resolution! Even from my childhood I was aware and heard from everyone that I am extremely beautiful! I have been very much used to such stares from different men from my school and college days but none of them had the looks of the sculptured Greek God like this guy! 

To say the truth I too had never seen such a well built handsome guy in my life! Naturally I got very greatly inquisitive about knowing more about this guy. I was also feeling a great pride that even being the mother of two children, such a handsome guy was mesmerized by just watching my beauty! 

After some time the guy finished his purchase and moved out of the store while repeatedly stealing glances at my figure! I too finished my purchases and walked out of the shop searching for you.  Just imagine how astonished I was when I found the same guy standing with you and talking to you!

I was so much nervously shrugging and in such a fix,  in so much  of an embarrassment to believe that the person was an acquaintance of you! 

Then it was you yourself that called me and introduced him to me. It was then that I came to know for the first time that Rahul is your colleague and new boss in the office.

 I started feeling a huge excitement and was turned on when I came to know he was my own husband’s colleague and his boss! 

I was blushing red and my heart started beating so fast!”
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gd 1ne
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Awesome update
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Like a cucky, the husband is asking the details of cheating and enjoyment of his wife.
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Thanks for the update. I only hope that husband will continue to be firm about his decision, divorces the wife and lives happy with his children rather than forgiving her or accepting her cheating. She is neither a good wife and at least not even a good mother to her children anymore. Atleast I hope the story ends with a good ending rather than shitty cuckold ending or husband just accepting her after all that happened. Don't want husband to end up a loser or like a fuck without any self esteem. Divorce for him and his children's future would be a good ending leaving poroma devasted or poroma to get the punishment she deserves
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