Adultery The Rural Posting: Shipra's ordeal.
(06-09-2024, 06:34 PM)critic_honest Wrote: 1. A story doesn't need to be a romantic drama or "cuckold" narrative to demonstrate that love exists between characters. Neither we need hundreds of words on it to believe if love exists. Love can exist in any kind of story, and actions often reveal it more effectively than words. While we all appreciate love in a story, it’s the emotional impact of those actions that truly makes the narrative compelling and effective.

2. Being wild doesn't change a person's core character. You can be both innocent and wild at the same time, and wildness is a sexual trait that may emerge in certain situations. It’s not appropriate to compare Meera and Shipra, as their stories are different, and Atul is not like Krish. 
I really don't think past is needed to push Shipra towards a free life style. While some background is useful for context, constantly revisiting her past can become monotonous as no one wants to live in past. Unlike past, she is a married woman now and things are difficult for women of character when they're married. She can't just simply start acting like a characterless woman. Viresh was her BF then and it was completely fine to act the way she did in past. Here, Pathode is neither her friend, nor her bf so of course she can't go and spread her legs just because Pathode is wild and making her remember of Viresh. That's why everyone is interested more in Shipra than Namrata as Shipra a mature and strong-willed woman unlike her so called jealous "friend".

The reason why every reader is more interested in getting to see Shipra fucked is because she has been portrayed a woman of character unlike Namrata.  Namrata is completely opposite woman and I'm sure if a different story is written taking Namrata as a central character, only a handful of people would be interested in reading that story.

3. Well it's completely natural for a person to feel tempted, especially wheno when you're in a room where specimen like Pathode is fucking someone. But what's impressive was when Shipra still managed to take control after a mere glance at her Mangalsutra. This self-discipline sets her apart from everyone else. We all know Shipra might be filled with lust and may possess wild tendencies  but what makes her interesting is the control and strong will he possess.

4. I don't think it would have been good idea if anger and conflict with her husband would have made Shipra do what she did. I appreciated that the author avoided this route, as anger often leads to regrettable decisions. We look forward to seeing Shipra make choices when she’s in a more balanced state of mind.

Even I agree, that the plot is both fresh and promising but like I said before, a woman can be both innocent and wild; it’s really about the person who brings out those hidden facets.
While I understand Shipra getting fucked is inevitable and even I'm eager to see how that plays out but all i expect that  occurring under right & logical circumstances, not by cheating and deciet. 
If Shipra had emerged victorious, the plot could have taken an entirely different turn and would have outrun other stories where things are quite predictful. It would have been fascinating to see how events might have unfolded if she had won
However, given the current trajectory, it’s clear what’s likely to happen next—unless there’s a surprising twist."

I genuinely enjoy this story, which is why I’m sharing my thoughts. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. The author, being the creator of the story, has every right to craft it in their own way, without needing to explain their choices. It’s their prerogative to deliver the narrative as they envision it.

1. Thats not the point. I was saying what happens between Alok and Shipra is no way related to the story. My point in bringing Krish and Meera is because when Krish is cuck its directly relevant about the adventures they plan and what keeps them going is their love for each its internal struggle for Shipra rather than Alok's influence so one sided narrative is enough to carry the story.

2. Once you eat a forbidden fruit you are no longer innocent. She had a wild sexual life prior marriage so how is she innocent? Innocence in physcial relationship is what I am referring to not being innocent human being, do not get confused. Since she had tasted an active and wild lifestyle in bed in the past and she is deprived of that what's wrong in getting tempted to taste it again? Ofcourse to push her towards the past you need a catalyst in the story and here it is Namrata. I do not see this as a weak plot as you do and very well written character arcs.

3. Yes she is self disciplined until now and we do not know if she lost here or not but as of now even if she loses here with Patode, does not mean she is changed or characterless. Every one has weak moments and trusting her friend is Shipra's weak spot. She has always been apprehensive on Namrata's decisions and past reveals that she though confesses everything to her friend she always restrains in following her suggestions. So what changed here compared to her previous stand with Namrata is obviously external dependencies which she is facing now and where she needs Patode. Namrata has used this opportunity well and trying to push her towards achieving both 1. Her suppressed desires 2. Profession hurdles. 
Writing story is arc is not easy ..pushing to the brink for someone to take the jump is an arc which is extremely difficult to write and author successfully wrote all circumstances which pushed Shipra to be at this point where she took the decision and i do not think there is anything rushed here though I agree every one has their own opinion and you expected more which is fine.

4. "Anger often leads to regrettable decisions" Of course Shipra at some point needs to regret this course of action hence adding fight with husband angle would make more sense though its an old plot. If not then what's the point of creating a section where Alok's friend plants bad seed in his mind about his wife? I thought that whole scenario is for establishing a fight between Alok and Shipra and also I think his friend's village has to be one of the village Shipra is going to be working soon where he encounters her so that arc will be interesting to see if he gets a chance to spend time with Shipra.

"i expect that  occurring under right & logical circumstances, not by cheating and deceit. "

This is where I disagree..why does every story needs lead women's arc falling for a man by herself? I think we have tons of stories where a married women falls for some seducer herself and later regrets it but no where a premise where she is pushed into it by her friend through deceit and i felt this is refreshing take but that's just my opinion. I am not criticizing your thought process just posting my thoughts on the story and a healthy discussion bro. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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Dear authors, I agree with the RFC user, I think it is too early to hand over Shipr Patoda. I think the better sequel is that Shipra won the bet and Patode followed her instructions and surrendered to him willingly. You have an exceptional narration and you have surprised us more than once, so I hope the sequel will be a surprise for Patode and Namrat. You are a great writer, well done. The dialogue conducted by the story's participants is excellent. Delay the surrender of Shipra.
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OK, is there anyone, who can name the village? where all these are happening? without checking the chapters..

Because I believe, those who follow the story keenly from the beginning has no queries, but the ones who are stopping here for time pass has problem now. Because they didn't get the story?

And it's been 18 chapters, what do you people want?

Do u want shipra to resign, and join with alok. So that both can beg under the traffic signals?

Or is that bastard going to work for the family, leaving all his ambition to join the civil service, seriously I don't get it.

And do you think alok will take care of her, if she leaves the job?
-Pickup, drop, escape.
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(06-09-2024, 03:20 AM)critic_honest Wrote: I must say this update was completely disappointing and frustrating one! The worst so far....thumps down !!
I wish I could unread it as my hopes for this story just fell to ground.

I don't understand why author tried to portray Shipra a smart woman in the start of story when the story has always depicted her in a completely contradictory light. She’s come across as quite naïve recently, or I could say 'dumb'.
How on earth could Namrata decide that Shipra didn't win? If this was intended to be a challenge, Shipra could have easily brought a stopwatch with an alarm to signal the end of the time.  Here some readers replies would come that she relied on her friend Namrata which really isn't a good cover.
                                    Is Shipra smart? It’s hard to say now. Or was this whole scenario was just a quick plot to maneuver Shipra into Pathode’s bed? Must say 'bad idea'.
Its really frustrating to see that even when Shipra won, still she's been shown a loser and all this just to make her fuck? Come on dear author.. why in so hurry to make her fuck and that too on a basis of a lie ?
Sounds so turnoff and illogical. 

This update felt tedious and disheartening. All potential excitement seems to have vanished unless something dramatic happens in the next update, where Shipra discovers that Namrata lied about the challenge. Perhaps she overheard Namrata talking to Pathode about the deception when she was near the door. If not, I’m sure the author might address this lying issue later, but it may lose its impact by then.

It feels like author is rushing and forcing himself just to make Shipra fuck Pathode as soon as possible which is such a turn off . This whole plot sounded so illogical. Namrata from start is brought in just to manipulate Shipra and to make her fall into Pathode's trap so that he can fuck her.
She is not a friend to her and Shipra can't even understand her own friend. Namrata somehow magically understood that Shipra enjoyed giving BJ which is weird and now she has magically turned Shipra'' mind to accept the circumstances. This all sounds too easy and is not making sense.

If we look closely nothing much happened in this update. All we got to know was that Namarate lied to Shipra and then Shipra magically turned into woman of cheating mindset  and now she is standing in Namrata's room ready to be fucked by Pathode.  Nothing much happened other than this.
Most of the update was largely consumed by lengthy explanations of Namrata’s thoughts ,as if we're watching some daily soap which started irritating at some point.  I skimmed through much of it because the narrative was overly verbose, stretching what could have been conveyed in a few lines into several paragraphs. After a while, when I realized sentences are just being stretched, I mostly  concentrated on dialogues part which were like 5% of the whole update, otherwise complete update went what either Namrata was thinking or what Shipra was thinking which we already knew from day one but same thing kept repeating again and again.

Additionally, the story initially suggested that Shipra and Alok were a loving couple, but this love has never been convincingly portrayed. Their relationship now feels more like an arranged marriage where the wife can’t even express her feelings to her so called loving husband and is on the brink of infidelity.

I had high hopes for this story, but this update was truly disappointing. It feels like the plot has become predictable and lacks substance.

Dear author, I apologize for the harsh critique, but I wanted to be honest. While some readers might be excited by Shipra’s new direction because all they wanted was to see Shipra magically turn into a slut which is about to happen, I find myself disheartened.


For me this story has already gone haywire. The sex should have already happened by now before this chapter or the earlier one. Also too much conversations is such a turnoff. If the conversations revolved around shiprass Ass or boobs compared to namratas it would have been a great addition. I also agree with you in the part where Namrata lied to Shipra that she lost. instead I would have wanted Shipra to go ahead with the honry state she was in and succumb to her sexual desires instead of letting her know that she lost. she would have won and still would have made her own decision to fuck patode as well as Namrata. I have the same sentiment as you do but we have to appreciate the author for coming up with a narration every single week. it's pretty tiring to write a story every single week between your work schedules. Many aspects of this chapter were rightly not arousing at all to say the least. Also the writer has already pointed out that he will not be descriptive about sex which reduces the entire story to a softcore version. What I mean by hardcore is description of patodes penis in length, shipras boobs ass and body in detail and great fucking descriptions of fucking between the three of them. what's the harm in describing the sexual activity in detail ? I have seen many stories where the narration itself lacks description of fucking. I would say make Shipra nanga on a road at night and make her a fucking slut (not forcibly but out of her own choice) let her wake up and accept her true nature. cut the Ekta kapoor bullshit ! let's namrata fuck Shipra using a strap on and let her husband and patode watch ! Spank Shipra 100 times naked and make her humiliated. These are all ideas that can add more spice to teh story.
[+] 1 user Likes maharsha25's post
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so many opinions..
suggestions are ok, opinions on what it should be is completely misplaced.
If you do not like where it is headed, either write your own or dont read it.
as readers you may suggest some small adjustments , but if you are putting out an opinion that the theme, the core of the story is wrong or you dont agree with then there is no reason for you to hangout on this thread.
[+] 4 users Like SubmissiveSwati's post
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Beautiful ❤️
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(06-09-2024, 10:05 PM)Хорнитамилан23 Wrote: ОК, има ли неко ко може да именује село? где се све ово дешава? без провере поглавља..

Јер верујем да они који паљиво прате причу од почетка немају питања, али они који овде стају да време прође сада имају проблем. Зато што нису схватили причу?

И прошло је 18 поглавља, шта ви људи хоћете?

Да ли желите да Шипра поднесе оставку и придружи се алоку. Па да и једни и други могу да просе под саобраћајном сигнализацијом?

Или ће то копиле да ради за породицу, остављајући све своје амбиције да се придружи државној служби, озбиљно не разумем.

И мислиш ли да ће се алок побринути за њу, ако напусти посао?
Мислим да нисте разумели поенту приче, наставак приче личи на принудни секс који већина пратилаца ове приче не подржава. Није битно које је поглавље, по теби је најбоље да је Топо појебао Шипру и да се прича заврши.
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(06-09-2024, 01:32 PM)Suraj76626 Wrote: Thanks for your critical comments my friend and sorry to disappoint you.

I cannot change my writing style buddy, I like an emotional buildup in a story and in future too I don't intend to change it even if seems like daily soap to few readers. 

Now coming back to the update

Your're are limiting the meaning of smartness. Smartness can be of many types. Some people are smart in academics, some are street smart and some are smart at handling their emotions. I consider myself smart otherwise but when It comes to handling people I consider myself a fool. (Bad experiences)

A smart person can also be vulnerable given the situation. Shipra is a smart women and that's why she has achieved so much in her career but at the end of the day she is but human. Women are more susceptible to emotions generally compared to their counterparts and Shipra actions here are not driven by logic but by emotions. 

Yes it was an arranged marriage. I have mentioned in my previous updates that Shipra married Alok under family pressure and to run away from her past life which was not natural to her. Yes she started loving him and he became the most important man in his life. Yes she has a kid with him a symbol of their love. But as mentioned before and even in this chapter she was not satisfied and started feeling neglected after Alok left his job and devoted himself into studies. I don't know about you but I have seen working married couples not having minutes to talk to each except for holidays.

And when you keep bundling your emotions inside you for so long something is definitely going to snap sooner or later. And it was not like that she didn't knew the limit of satisfaction she can experience,  her relationship with Viresh although ended on bad terms but left her with the experiences she couldn't forget.... no one can. And thus with time the love turned into something mellow which is common in almost all marriages.

Am I rushing into things? Maybe but it's the 18th chapter of the story and I am sure I have given enough buildup and supporting narration which justifies the current situation of the story. I suppose pleasing everyone is not possible.

Why didn't she used a stop watch? 

Well thinking to set a timer amidst a emotional storm inside her head was something Shipra didn't think of. How stupid of her. I need not say more.

Now coming to Namrata. Why Shipra let Namrata decide her fate? 

Simple she is her best friend. When you are in a tight spot with no one to support you who will you turn to? Shipra trusted her, she even helped her during the challenge and Shipra is not aware of Namrata's intentions yet. So think whatever you may.

Namrata didn't magically understand Shipra's plight. She is a women herself and with much experience in sexual activities. I don't think it must have been difficult for her to understand that Shipra was not herself at the end and may have enjoyed it. She just shot an arrow in the dark and lucky for her she hit the bull's eye.

The story is of Adultery category with name Shipra's ordeal on a shady site - Yes it is somewhat predictable I guess. But the story is only half done you never know what's in store. So thanks again and keep reading. I hope next chapters will be of your liking. 


Dear author, thank you for your detailed response. I truly appreciate the effort you've put into addressing my feedback.

I realize my previous comment might have seemed a bit harsh, but i promise that’s only because I’m genuinely invested in your story. I really believe in your potential as a writer and understand how challenging the craft can be. 

I completely understand Shipra's situation & your point of view but personally its always impressive and exciting to see a beautiful strong character woman like Shipra  putting up this level of fight when being seduced by such specimen. She upholds her state and denies to submit even in her weak emotional state which is truly admiring. 

I admit I was being selfish and a part of me is reluctant to see her predicament resolved too quickly. I don't wish to see her submitting so easily. If only we could make it more challenging for Pathode and thus bring more such subtle instances of him trying to seduce Shipra. These moments, however brief, could build up significant tension and anticipation for when the actual encounter takes place.
But again, its just my opinion and its your story and you can proceed the way you want.
Only request is please don't ever turn Shipra into someone like Namrata who is always ready to open her legs. 

These little instances where Pathode tries to find reasons to approach Shipra to seduce her & uses his crude language on her ignite tension between them which affects Shipra too thus somewhat helping Pathode . One can deny but its a fact that every woman likes to have male attention and he is persistent even after being thrashed, girl somewhere starts liking his presence if he's not forceful which might happen here as well. Slowly Shipra would too which she would never accept though which is completely normal.
I'm sure if such instances happen more, even Shipra's body unconsciously would start looking forward for Pathode's presence without letting him know. 

Dear author, you may say that its already 18th chapter, which might seem like a significant point to move the plot forward and show Shipra in the sexual act but trust me 18 is not that big of a numbe for an author like you & thus I encourage you to consider extending these nuances.
The writing capability you have can take the story to even 100 episodes or more and still keep readers craving for more. So just a suggestion from a fan to stop looking at episode number because there is a good chance that this story may reach an epic level. You have great skills my friend.

Thank you again for your hard work and creativity.
Looking forward for next update.....

[+] 1 user Likes critic_honest's post
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Awesome update
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Finally shipra is here to open her legs. Namrata and patode have succeeded in their operation.
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Мислим да ће нас писац изненадити и Шипра још неће раширити ноге.
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Great narration bro
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This is one of the best updates. After the outstanding build-up of the story, the erotica now enters the core theme, that is, Shipra's Ordeal in Rural circumstances. All of us have been craving simultaneous emotional and physical ordeals of Shipra in the hands of cunning rural males. Namrata's use as a Catalyst in Shipra's Ordeal is the best add-on in this erotica.

Most of the readers of this forum have been patiently waiting for Shipra's physical ordeals, hopefully in the next chapters, the author will be able to quench all of our thirsts regarding primal descriptions of multiple ordeals that Shipra and Namrata are destined to go through.

Big conversations are a bit of a turn-off in an erotica. The author can concentrate more on primal descriptions of the sexual uses of Shipra and Namrata to make this story the all-time best.

Many readers are giving long feedback with multiple situational suggestions.

The author must have understood by now that people can have different opinions. But giving long feedback to those opinions can break the rhythm and can affect his style of writing too... which would be the worst thing about this awesome erotica.

We all have to remember that ordeal/ ordeals are the core of this erotica which should be continued always.

Expecting some outstanding depictions of the multiple ordeals of Shipra and Namrata from the outstanding author in the upcoming updates to make this erotica the all-time best.
[+] 2 users Like neelchaand's post
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Waiting for shipra to give up
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(08-09-2024, 10:59 AM)краљ Кесаван Wrote: Чекајући да Шипра одустане

Мислим да је најбољи такав наставак приче, мислим да је још рано да Шипра отвори ноге.
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Namrata role in the story is commendable one.
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(08-09-2024, 10:59 AM)King Kesavan Wrote: Waiting for shipra to give up

Yes bro
[+] 1 user Likes shake chilli's post
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App ke update long he

Lakin jab tak panni nikalne hi wala rahta he stories ka update end hota he

Isliye or bejebri se intjar karna padta he
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Next update waiting
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next update please

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