Adultery NAZRIN AN INNOCENT WIFE (With pics)
Oh God....You killed it brother....
What an excellent update from u...You nailed it...It was so sexy and hotttt...
Expecting a lot from u Brother...
Slowly nazrin is crossing her is so hottt
Expecting a lot from u brother..


[+] 3 users Like Goddy's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
This UPDATE is just damn good sir..
Nazrin is enjoying a lot..CONGRATS sir..HOPING FOR THE NEXT UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE u said tomorrow..
Give this kind of long update makes it so intersting to read..Keep going
[+] 1 user Likes Shyam778's post
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Waiting since morning for ur update Bro...But u made it worth bro...It was a long and Sexiest update brother...YOU ARE JUST ROCKING...I AM BECOMING A FAN OF UR WRITING BRO..
EXPECTING NEXT UPDATE ON TOMORROW BRO..becoz this is such a wonderful story bro..YOU ROCK!!!!
[+] 1 user Likes Deva777's post
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I think you are in fire bro..Go onn...FANTASTIC UPDATE FROM YOU brother..AS A FAN, Waiting For ur tomorrow's update!!!!
[+] 1 user Likes Dynamo90's post
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Wow buddy. Such erotic and fast paced updates!! Thank you for your efforts!
[+] 1 user Likes tomdickharry2024's post
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(19-08-2024, 05:29 PM)Goddy Wrote: Oh God....You killed it brother....
What an excellent update from u...You nailed it...It was so sexy and hotttt...
Expecting a lot from u Brother...
Slowly nazrin is crossing her is so hottt
Expecting a lot from u brother..



Thank you bro
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Tease for the next update!!

Next day Nazrin, Muthu and praveen bunks college and goes for a movie and shopping.

Things with arun comes more sexy.
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wow awesome update ....waiting for next update
[+] 1 user Likes Rahulcool's post
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Excellent update

Good going

Eagerly waiting to know about her next day dressing & her bold moves
[+] 1 user Likes magneticpersonality's post
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Upfate 8:

The next morning, she woke up to the shrill sound of her alarm, the harsh light of day breaking through the curtains. She blinked sleepily, looking over at Fahim's side of the bed. He was already dressed, his tie askew as he fumbled with his phone. "Why are you leaving for work so early?" she asked, her voice still thick with sleep.

He glanced up at her, his eyes looking a little weary, as if he hadn't slept well. "Lots of work for the annual payments at the bank," he mumbled. "I'll be home late." He leaned in to give her a quick peck on the cheek, his stubble grazing against her skin, and she felt a shiver of anticipation at the thought of their evening plans.
As she watched him go, Nazrin couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of her secret life with Muthu and Praveen and Arun. The WhatsApp group had become a lifeline, a place where she could be someone else, someone who was desired and in control. She rolled over, reaching for her phone, eager to see what the students had to say about her photo.
The notifications were a blur of messages, a cacophony of desire that made her smile. Muthu had sent a string of fire emojis, while Praveen had been more eloquent. "Ma'am, you're so beautiful in towel," he had written, his words accompanied by a heart-eyed smiley face.
But amidst the flood of texts, there was one glaring absence - Arun. He wasn't part of the WhatsApp group, and she hadn't shared the intimate image with him. A pang of sadness tugged at her heart, a feeling that was as unfamiliar as it was uncomfortable. She had grown used to the thrill of playing with all three of them, the thrill of being the object of their desire. But Arun was different. He was a puzzle she hadn't quite figured out yet, a challenge she hadn't quite conquered.
As she scrolled through the messages, the reality of her actions began to sink in. She had become a player in a game she hadn't even known existed, and she was dangerously close to losing control. The line between her personal and professional life was blurring, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to pull back or let it all go up in flames.
Nazrin knew she had to tread carefully with Arun. He was different from the other two. There was a purity to his attraction, a raw, unfiltered need that was both thrilling and terrifying. With Muthu and Praveen, it was a game, a dance of power and submission that she had eagerly stepped into. But with Arun, it was something more, something that whispered of a connection that went beyond the physical.
With trembling fingers, she composed a message, her thumbs hovering over the screen as if the words themselves held the power to change her destiny. "Thank you, guys," she typed, her heart racing as she hit send. The message was a benediction, a promise to herself that she would savor the excitement of her newfound freedom without letting it consume her entirely.
Muthu's reply came swiftly, a declaration that sent a thrill through her body. "Ma'am, Me & Praveen are bunking class today and going for a movie." The audacity of it, the casual way he spoke of abandoning their responsibilities for a shared experience of pleasure, was like a siren's call to her. It was a declaration of rebellion, a declaration of loyalty to her and her alone.
Her heart raced as she read the message. The idea of joining them was tantalizing, but she knew it was a dangerous path to tread. She was their teacher, a married woman, and she had already crossed so many lines. Yet, the desire to feel that rush of power again, to be the one in control, was too strong to resist. She typed back, "What movie are you watching?"
The response was almost instant. "A new love story, just released," Praveen replied, his excitement palpable through the screen. "It's called 'Whispers of Desire'. It's about a woman who finds passion in the most unexpected places." The title alone was enough to make her pulse quicken, the plot a mirror to her own life.
Muthu chimed in, his message punctuated with winking emojis. "You should totally come, Ma'am. It's like the universe is telling us to watch it together." The audacity of their invitation was as thrilling as it was alarming. But the temptation was too great, the allure of their company, the promise of shared secrets and illicit thrills.
Nazrin's thumbs hovered over the keyboard, weighing the consequences. "What if someone sees us?" she typed, her heart racing at the very thought. The screen flickered as the message sent, the silence of the room seeming to hold its breath in anticipation of their response.
"Don't worry, Ma'am," Praveen's reply came swiftly, a cocky grin playing out in her mind as she read his words. "No one will see us. We'll take a cab to the theater, and it's on the outskirts of the city. We're safe." The idea of sneaking around, of hiding in plain sight, was a thrill she hadn't anticipated. The illicit nature of their plan made her feel like a teenager again, rebellious and daring.
Her heart racing, Nazrin glanced at the clock. "Ok, fine," she typed back, a hint of excitement in her voice. "What time is the movie?" The words sent a shiver down her spine, a delicious mix of fear and anticipation. This was it, the moment she had been both craving and dreading.
Muthu's response was swift and decisive. "10 AM, will come in a cab to pick you up." The thought of being seen by her students, by anyone, was a thrill she hadn't expected. But the risk was part of the excitement, the danger adding a spicy edge to their secret affair.
Nazrin's mind raced as she considered what to wear. She knew the effect she had on them, the way their eyes had devoured her the last time she had worn something revealing. She decided on a sleeveless red dress that hugged her curves, the neckline plunging just enough to show a hint of cleavage. The fabric was light and airy, sure to make her feel sexy and in control. She paired it with matching red heels that made her legs look endless, and applied her makeup with a careful hand, going for a look that was both seductive and professional.
As the clock ticked closer to 10 AM, she felt her heart pounding in her chest. The anticipation was a sweet agony, a cocktail of fear and excitement that made her feel alive. The sound of a car pulling up outside sent a jolt through her body, and she took a deep breath to steady herself. She walked out of the house, her heels clicking against the pavement as she approached the cab.

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Muthu's eyes widened when he saw her, his gaze devouring her from head to toe. "Ma'am," he breathed, his voice thick with lust. Praveen sat in the back, a smug smile playing on his lips as he took in the sight of her. "You look... incredible," he said, his eyes lingering on her chest.
Nazrin slid into the car, her heart racing. The scent of their cologne filled the small space, a heady mix that made her feel lightheaded. She felt their eyes on her as the car pulled away from the curb, the tension palpable.
Muthu sat to her left. Each bump in the road caused his leg to brush against hers, sending a thrill up her spine. She felt his gaze on her, hungry and intense, as if he were devouring her with his eyes. On her right, Praveen leaned back, just close enough to graze her bare shoulder.
Their conversation was a mix of innocuous banter and double entendres that made her cheeks flush. They talked about the movie they were about to watch, their favorite scenes from other films, and the latest gossip from school. Yet, underlying every word was the unspoken promise of what was to come, the shared secret that bound them together in this dance of desire.
As they approached the theater, Nazrin's heart hammered in her chest. She knew she was playing a dangerous game, but she couldn't resist the thrill of it all. Muthu leaned in, his warm breath tickling her ear. "Ma'am, tell us about your sex yesterday in the shower with your husband," he whispered, his voice a seductive purr that sent shivers down her spine.
Nazrin's eyes darted to the driver, his eyes focused on the road ahead. She knew they couldn't talk openly, but the urgency in Muthu's voice was like a siren's call she couldn't ignore. She leaned closer, her voice a soft murmur. "It was... intense," she began, her words trailing off as she felt Praveen's hand lightly brush against her thigh. She swallowed hard, her pulse racing.
"He took me from behind," she whispered, the memory of the shower's steamy embrace enveloping her once again. "My breasts bouncing against the tiles as he pounded into me." Muthu's eyes gleamed with excitement, his leg pressing harder against hers. "I took him in my mouth," she continued, her voice growing a little louder despite the risk. "It was hot, wet, and... powerful."
Praveen leaned in closer, his hand inching near her thigh. "Ma'am, did he lick your pussy?" The question was a challenge, a demand for every salacious detail. She felt her cheeks flush as she nodded, the scandal of sharing such intimate moments in this cramped taxi only heightening the thrill. "Yes," she murmured, "his tongue... it was like nothing I've ever felt before."
Her hand strayed to her own thigh, mimicking the motion she had felt the night before. "He licked me until I was wet, until I couldn't take it anymore." Muthu's leg pressed harder against hers, and she could feel his cock, straining against his pants. "And then?" he prompted, his voice low and urgent.
Nazrin took a deep breath, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Then he entered me, hard and fast. The water cascading down our bodies, mixing with our sweat and passion." She could feel their anticipation growing, their hunger for her words as potent as their hunger for her body. "I came so hard, screaming his name," she continued, her voice growing more confident with each word. "I felt alive, like I had never felt before."
"Ma'am," Praveen groaned, his voice strained. "You're making me hard." He adjusted his position slightly, but not enough to hide the bulge in his jeans. Nazrin's eyes flickered down to the telltale sign, her own desire spiking in response.

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The car pulled up in front of the theater, the engine idling as they all took a moment to compose themselves. The driver, blissfully oblivious to the sexual tension in the backseat, turned around with a friendly smile. "Madam, we've arrived," he announced.
Muthu and Praveen were quick to scramble out of the car, their eyes darting around to make sure no one was watching. They adjusted their pants, trying to conceal the evidence of their arousal, while Nazrin took her time, her heart racing as she stepped out. She knew she looked the part, the picture of innocence with a hint of something darker lurking beneath the surface.
The driver looked at her expectantly, his hand outstretched for the fare. Without missing a beat, Muthu stepped in front of her, slapping a wad of cash into the man's palm. "Ma'am," he said, turning to her with a cheeky grin, "today is on us." His words were like a declaration of war, a challenge to the mundane world that didn't know about their secret life.
The theater loomed ahead, a bastion of darkness and temptation that promised to swallow them whole. They walked towards the snack counter, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the empty lobby. The smell of buttered popcorn filled the air, a siren's call to their senses.
Muthu took charge, his voice steady despite the raging storm within him. "One large popcorn, please, and two Cokes." The cashier's eyes lingered on Nazrin, a hint of curiosity in his gaze. She felt like a celebrity, a woman who had the power to make men drop to their knees.
They walked down the dimly lit corridor, the smell of stale popcorn and sticky floors mingling with the faint scent of their own desire. Screen 5 was tucked away in the corner, a small sanctuary for those who sought refuge in the silver screen's embrace. The three of them entered the theater, the door squeaking shut behind them with a finality that made Nazrin's heart skip a beat.
The theater was empty, save for a few stray teenagers in the back row, too engrossed in their own world to notice the illicit trio. Muthu led the way, his swagger a clear indication of his newfound confidence around her. He stopped at the second row from the back, pointing to the corner seats with a flourish. "Ma'am, your chariot awaits," he said with a wink.
Nazrin felt a strange thrill as she took her place in the middle, sandwiched between the two young men. The velvet seats were sticky under her dress, a stark contrast to the softness of the fabric. She could feel the heat of their bodies, a silent testament to their desire. They sat in the half-light, the only sound the rustling of their clothes and the distant murmur of the projection room.
The movie began, the opening credits playing out against the vast expanse of the screen. It was a love story, as they had promised, but it was the kind that made her feel like she was peeking through a keyhole into someone else's life. The passion was raw, the scenes so vivid that it was easy to get lost in the story.
The theater was cool, the air conditioning a stark contrast to the heat that was building between her and the students. Their shoulders touched now and then, a subtle dance of skin on skin that made her pulse quicken. She felt like a teenager again, sneaking glances at them in the dark, her heart racing with the thrill of the forbidden.
Muthu leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. "Ma'am," he whispered, his voice a seductive purr, "can you please remove your dupatta?" The words sent a shiver down her spine, a thrill that made her smile in the dark. She knew what they wanted, what they were asking for. She felt like a goddess, her power over them intoxicating.

Her hands hovered over the soft fabric for a moment, teasing them with the promise of what was to come. The anticipation was a heady cocktail, making her heart race and her skin tingle. Then, before she could even make a move, Praveen's hand shot out, quick and confident, and the dupatta was gone.
The cool air of the theater hit her exposed skin, making her nipples tighten into hard peaks. She could feel their eyes on her, the weight of their stares as they took in the sight of her bare neckline. She leaned back into the chair, arching her back slightly to give them a better view. The fabric of her dress gaped open, revealing the luscious swell of her breasts.
Muthu's hand slid over to her shoulder, his touch light and feather-like. He didn't dare to go any further, not yet. They were in public, after all, but the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Praveen shifted in his seat, his eyes never leaving the delicious expanse of skin she had bared for them. His hand hovered over his own crotch, a silent confession of his arousal.

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Nazrin leaned back further, the fabric of her dress shifting down even more, revealing the top of her lacy black bra. The dim light of the theater cast shadows across her cleavage, playing a tantalizing game of peekaboo. She knew they were watching her, knew that every move she made was for their benefit. It was a heady feeling, one that she had never experienced before.
The movie's plot thickened, the lovers on screen now in a passionate embrace, their mouths moving in a silent symphony of desire. The scene in the film was like a mirror to her own life, the whispers of desire echoing through the darkened theater resonating within her.
Praveen's eyes grew darker "Ma'am," he murmured, his voice thick with lust, "you kiss your husband like that?" He nodded towards the screen, where the heroine's legs were wrapped around her lover's waist, their kiss deepening as the water cascaded around them.
Nazrin felt a rush of heat spread through her body as she watched the steamy scene unfold. She took a deep breath, her voice a little shakier than she intended. "Yes," she said, "just like that." The lie slipped easily from her lips, a secret shared between the three of them in the dark.
Muthu leaned in closer, his phone's screen casting a blue light on his eager face. "Ma'am," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the movie's soundtrack " He tapped the screen, and a new video began to play. A young woman with a mouthful of cock, her eyes closed in ecstasy, her cheeks hollowed with each bob of her head.
Nazrin's eyes widened, the sight of the pornographic video in such a public place making her heart race. She glanced around the empty theater, her breath hitching in her throat. Yet, she couldn't look away. The explicitness of the scene was like a punch to the gut, a stark reminder of the game she was playing.
Muthu watched her reaction, his eyes glinting with mischief as he angled the phone so that both she and Praveen could see. The girl on the screen was young, probably their age, and she took the man's cock deep into her throat with a skill that was undeniably alluring. Her eyes watered with the effort, her mascara running in black streaks down her cheeks.
Nazrin's eyes widened as she took in the scene, her heart racing. She had never seen anything like this before, not in the sanctity of her own home, and certainly not with her students. The sheer audacity of it was exhilarating, like a rush of cool wind through the stifling heat of her everyday life.

[Image: blowjob-gif-1.gif]
Muthu's hand was steady as he held the phone, his gaze locked on the screen. "Ma'am," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, "Did you give your husband a blowjob like this?" The question hung in the air, a challenge that made her stomach flip with a mix of excitement and fear.
Nazrin swallowed hard, her eyes glued to the woman on the screen. The way she took the man's cock in and out of her mouth, the way she gagged and moaned, was nothing like the tentative exploration she had shared with Fahim. She looked over at Praveen, whose eyes were fixed on the phone with a hungry gaze. "No," she replied, her voice barely a whisper. "The blow job I gave him was... simple."
Muthu's smile grew wider, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He leaned in closer, his index finger hovering in front of her lips. "Can you show us, how did you give blow job?" The audacity of his request made her heart race, but she was powerless to resist the thrill it brought her.
Nazrin looked at Muthu, her eyes wide with shock. He held up his finger, a cheeky grin playing on his lips. "Relax, Ma'am," he whispered, his voice low and seductive. "Think of this finger as a dick and suck it like you sucked your husband's dick." The challenge in his eyes was unmistakable, and she felt a thrill of power and danger at the thought of fulfilling his command.
Her eyes flicked to Praveen, whose gaze was equally intense. He leaned in closer, his breath warm on her neck as he whispered, "Please, Ma'am." The desire in his voice was like a siren's call, luring her deeper into their forbidden game. Her hand trembled as she reached out and took Muthu's finger into her mouth, her eyes never leaving his.
For a few seconds, she sucked on his finger, her tongue swirling around it as she mimicked the motion of fellatio. The simplicity of the act was deceptive; it was a declaration of intent, a silent promise of what she was willing to do for them. The students watched her, their eyes alight with excitement and awe.

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Muthu withdrew his finger with a pop, a bead of her saliva connecting them briefly before breaking away. "Ma'am," he murmured, his voice a soft caress in the dark, "that's good, but it needs... more." He took her hand in his, his thumb tracing the pad of her palm. "Let me show you," he whispered, his eyes dark with mischief.
Without waiting for her reply, he leaned in, bringing her index finger to his mouth. His tongue flicked out, swirling around the digit with a practiced ease that spoke of a young man well-versed in the art of seduction. His eyes never left hers as he demonstrated, his cheeks hollowing as he took her finger deep into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it with a passion that left her breathless.
Nazrin felt a jolt of excitement as she watched Muthu's technique. He was teaching her, guiding her in this illicit dance, and she was his eager pupil. His eyes bore into hers, a silent challenge that sent a thrill down her spine. She could feel Praveen's gaze on her, his anticipation a palpable force in the darkness.
With trembling hands, she pulled her finger from Muthu's mouth and turned to Praveen. He offered his index finger with a smug smile, his eyes never leaving hers. She took it into her mouth, the taste of her own saliva mingling with the faint scent of his skin. She sucked harder this time, her cheeks hollowing as she took him in deeper. The students watched her with rapt attention, their breaths quickening.
Praveen's eyes grew dark with lust as she demonstrated her skills, his own hand drifting to adjust the bulge in his pants. The sound of her wet mouth and the occasional gag filled the quiet theater, the only other noises the distant murmurs of the movie's soundtrack. She felt a sense of power, a heady rush of control as she pleasured them both with her mouth to fingers.
The scene on the screen had reached a crescendo, the couple now entwined in a passionate lovemaking session. Nazrin couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she watched, her mind racing with thoughts of how much more she wanted from her own life. The students' eyes were glued to her, their faces a mix of awe and desire.
Nazrin pulled her finger from Praveen's mouth with a soft pop, a question lingering in her eyes. "How was it?" she asked, her voice a soft purr that echoed through the darkened theater. Praveen's eyes lit up with excitement, and without missing a beat, he leaned in and took his finger still with Nazrins's saliva sticking into his own mouth. His tongue danced around it, tasting her, savoring her. When he finally pulled away, he looked at her with awe. "Ma'am," he murmured, his voice thick with passion, "you are the best."
Nazrin couldn't help but giggle, feeling a mix of embarrassment and pride at his words. She playfully slapped his hand, the sound echoing in the quiet space. "Naughty boy," she chided, but the smile on her face belied the thrill that coursed through her. She watched as Muthu leaned back in his seat, his hand still resting on her shoulder, his eyes hooded with desire.
The movie credits rolled on, the final notes of the soundtrack fading away. The theater was deserted, save for the three of them, the only witnesses to the dance of desire playing out in the dark. Nazrin felt a rush of anticipation as she turned to face Muthu. He stood before her, his eyes dark with lust, his hand outstretched asking for a hug.
Without thinking, she stepped closer, pressing her body against his. Her breasts crushed against his chest, the heat of his skin searing through the thin fabric of her dress. She could feel his heart racing, a wild stallion trapped within the cage of his ribs. His arms closed around her, pulling her in tight, and she gasped as she felt the unmistakable bulge in his pants, nestled right where she wanted it to be.
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Muthu's face was resting on her neck, his breath warm and moist as it danced along her skin. His hands roamed her back, pulling her closer, as if trying to meld their bodies into one. Then, without warning, his mouth was on her right neck, planting small, feather-light kisses along the sensitive flesh. Each peck sent a jolt of electricity through her body, making her knees weak.
Suddenly, Praveen was there too, his arms wrapping around her from behind. His cheek pressed against her left neck, his breath hot and ragged in her ear. She could feel the unmistakable bulge of his arousal pressing into her ass, and she gasped at the sheer audacity of his touch. His hands gripped her waist, his fingers inching closer to the edge of her dress, as if seeking permission to explore further.
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Muthu's kisses grew bolder, moving from her neck to her collarbone, his tongue tracing a wet line along her skin. His cock was a brand near her pussy, a promise of the fire that awaited her. She felt Praveen's hands begin to roam, his fingertips brushing the underside of her waist, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body.

[Image: neck-kiss-make-out.gif]
Nazrin's breaths grew shallower as she felt Praveen's hands move upwards, his thumbs brushing the fabric of her dress aside to reveal the soft mounds of her waist. His mouth followed, kissing and nipping at her neck while Muthu's hands moved to the zipper of her dress, his knuckles brushing against her skin.
But then, as if a switch had been flipped, she came out of her trance. "Boys," she murmured, her voice a gentle command that cut through the haze of desire. "This is enough." Her words were like a splash of cold water, bringing the heated moment to an abrupt halt.
Muthu and Praveen's hands retreated, their mouths leaving her skin with a soft kiss of regret. They stepped back, their eyes never leaving hers, as if afraid she might change her mind. For a moment, she felt a pang of loss, the thrill of their touch already fading into the shadows of the empty theater.
Nazrin took a deep breath, straightening her dress and smoothing her hair. "Let's go," she said with a firm nod, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions churning within her. They filed out of the theater, the bright sunlight a stark contrast to the darkened room they had just left. The world outside was bustling with life, unaware of the secret that the three of them now shared.
Muthu and Praveen exchanged a knowing look, their faces flushed with excitement. The thrill of the encounter was still palpable, a silent promise that hung in the air between them. They followed her out onto the crowded street, the noise of the city a stark contrast to the quiet whispers of their hidden desires.
"Ma'am," Muthu said, his voice eager and full of energy, "There's a great mall just a few blocks from here. They have a wide selection of modern dresses that I'm sure you'll love." His eyes twinkled with mischief as he spoke, the same glint that had been there when he'd suggested the movie.
Praveen nodded eagerly in agreement, his gaze flicking down to her bare neckline before returning to her eyes. "Yeah, let's go. We can help you pick something... suitable for you." His voice was thick with meaning, the word "suitable" dripping with innuendo.
They stepped into the bustling street, the sun high in the sky, and the world a blur of color and sound. The stark contrast to the darkened theater was like waking up from a steamy dream, but the heat between them was very much real. The mall was a glittering oasis of modernity, a playground for their desires.
Nazrin took a deep breath, her pulse racing as she looked at the boys. "Alright," she said, her voice steady despite the thrum of excitement in her veins. "Let's go shopping for that dress." It was a simple statement, but it was loaded with promise, a declaration of her intent to embrace the seductive world they had shown her.
The mall was a cacophony of sounds and smells, a whirlwind of activity that made her feel alive. They moved through the crowded aisles, their eyes scanning the racks of clothes with a purpose that was unmistakable. They stepped into a trendy boutique, the air thick with the scent of new fabric and the promise of transformation.
Muthu's hand brushed against hers as they approached the first rack, filled with a riot of colorful t-shirts. He held one up, the fabric stretching over his muscular arm, and grinned. "Ma'am, this one would look amazing on you." The shirt was tight, the neckline plunging dangerously low, revealing the faint shadow of his chest hair. She took it from him, her fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary.
Praveen's eyes lit up as she held the shirt against her body, his gaze dropping to her chest. "Yes," he murmured, his voice a caress. "It will show off your... assets." The word hung in the air, a delicious secret shared between the three of them.
Nazrin felt a thrill of excitement as she pictured herself in the t-shirt, the fabric clinging to her curves, revealing more than she had ever dared before. She could see the images of her in their minds, the way their eyes would devour her when she wore it for them. She nodded, placing the shirt in the growing pile in her arms.
They moved to the next rack, filled with a variety of shorts and jeans. "Ma'am," Muthu suggested, holding up a pair of skin-tight denim shorts that barely covered the curve of her ass. "These would look amazing on you." She took them, her cheeks flushing at the thought of the boys' reactions. The fabric was rough against her skin, a stark contrast to the softness of her own clothes.
Praveen offered a red t-shirt with a plunging neckline, his voice thick with desire. "This will bring out the color of your lips," he said, and she couldn't help but lick her lips at the thought. The shirt was a bold declaration of sexuality, a siren's call that she had never dared to answer before.
Nazrin took the shirt, feeling the soft fabric slide through her fingers. She held it up to her chest, watching the way the light caught the material and made it shimmer. It was as if the very air around her was charged with energy, the mall's fluorescent lights casting a seductive glow on everything she touched.
Muthu's eyes grew dark as he watched her, his hand brushing against her waist as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Ma'am, let's find you something to really show off those curves," he murmured, his breath hot and heavy. The intimacy of his touch sent a shiver down her spine, making her pulse quicken.
They moved through the racks, the students' suggestions growing bolder with each piece of clothing they picked out. Nazrin felt a thrill with every item she added to her pile, the fabric whispering promises of the new woman she was becoming. She took a black lacy bra that Muthu had found, the delicate material feeling sinful against her skin. The panties Praveen suggested were equally as daring, a scandalous thong that would leave nothing to the imagination.
As they approached the counter, the saleswoman's eyes widened at the size of Nazrin's haul. She began scanning the tags, her eyes darting between Nazrin and the students, sensing the tension that crackled in the air. The total flashed on the screen, and Nazrin reached into her purse to pay, but before she could, Praveen stepped forward, placing a wad of cash into the cashier's hand. "It's our gift," he said, his voice firm and possessive.
Muthu's hand was at the small of her back, guiding her out of the store. The heat from his palm burned through her dress, leaving a trail of desire in its wake. As they stepped into the bright mall, the bag of new clothes swung from her hand, a symbol of her newfound sexual freedom. They decided to grab lunch at a nearby restaurant, the three of them trying to act casual as they navigated the crowded food court.
The restaurant they chose was a cozy little place, dimly lit with the scent of spices and sizzling meat hanging in the air. They settled into a booth in the corner, as far from prying eyes as they could get. The conversation was light, a tapestry of laughter and mundane topics that served as a thin veil over the passionate undercurrents that flowed between them.
Nazrin couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration as she picked at her food, her eyes darting between the boys. Their every move, every gesture, seemed charged with a newfound significance. The way Muthu's hand hovered over the menu, the way Praveen's foot brushed against hers under the table, it was all a silent symphony of desire that played only for her ears.
The restaurant was a haven of normalcy amidst the chaos of the mall, a place where they could hide their illicit desires behind the façade of a casual lunch. They talked about school, about the upcoming exams, about anything and everything that didn't involve the whispers of lust that echoed in their minds. But every now and then, their eyes would meet, and for a brief moment, the pretense would fall away, revealing the raw hunger that lay beneath.
Praveen leaned in, "Ma'am," he whispered, his eyes dark with want, "can you remove your dupatta?" The question was innocent, but the way his thumb traced small circles on her hand was anything but.
Nazrin's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but smile, feeling the thrill of the power she held over these young men. She nodded, slowly unwinding the dupatta from around her neck. The fabric slid away, revealing the curve of her shoulders, the deep neckline of her dress dipping even lower without its modest shield.
The server approached, his eyes immediately drawn to the exposed flesh. His gaze lingered a beat too long, his eyes ogling her with a hunger that was unmistakable. The heat in the room seemed to spike, the very air thick with the scent of desire. She felt the students' eyes on her, their hunger palpable as they watched the man's reaction.
Nazrin leaned back into the booth, the leather cool against her bare skin. She took a sip of her water, watching the server's eyes flick from her face to her chest, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. The power she held over these men was intoxicating, a heady cocktail of desire and control. She knew they wanted her, and she reveled in the knowledge.
"Ma'am," Praveen said, his voice a low rumble of amusement, "you're driving him crazy." His eyes followed the server's gaze, lingering on the swell of her breasts before returning to her face.
Nazrin couldn't help but smile, a knowing glint in her eye. "Is that so?" she teased, arching an eyebrow. "I guess I'll have to be more careful," she said, adjusting the neckline of her dress ever so slightly.
The server had left them alone, but his eyes lingered on her cleavage every time he passed by. The boys watched him, amusement dancing in their gazes as they shared a knowing look. They were her secret keepers, her accomplices in this thrilling game of seduction. The tension between them was thick, a web of desire that grew more intricate with every shared glance and touch.
Muthu took a bite of his burger, his eyes never leaving Nazrin's chest. "Ma'am," he said with a cheeky grin, "you're going to make me spill the drinks."
Nazrin giggled, a blush creeping up her neck. She had never felt so desired, so powerful. "It's not my fault if you can't control yourself," she said, her voice a teasing purr.
Muthu took a sip of his soda, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ma'am, your beauty is just too much for anyone to handle." He leaned back in his seat, watching her with an open admiration that made her pulse race.
Nazrin felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words. She took a deep breath, basking in the glow of their attention. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice a soft whisper. "But it's time for me to go home now."
The cab ride back to her house was tense, the silence filled with the echoes of their shared desire. They pulled up to the curb, the engine rumbling gently as the driver waited for her to get out. Muthu and Praveen leaned in, each giving her a small, lingering hug that spoke volumes. Their bodies pressed against hers, the heat of their arousal unmistakable even through their clothes.
As she stepped out of the cab, the cool evening air was a stark contrast to the warmth of their embrace. She watched them drive away, the taillights disappearing into the night, leaving her alone with her thoughts. The house loomed before her, a silent witness to the secret she now held.
Nazrin pushed open the door, the sound echoing through the empty halls. The bags of her new modern dresses clinked together as she carried them to the couch, the fabric whispering promises of passionate nights to come. She pulled out her phone and dialed Fahim's number.
"Hello?" Fahim's voice was distant, the static of the call a stark contrast to the electricity crackling in the air around her.
"Hi, it's me," Nazrin said, her voice a seductive purr that seemed to resonate through the phone. "When will you be back?"
Fahim's voice was gruff, tired from a long day at work. "I should be home by ten," he replied, the exhaustion clear even through the static of the call.
Nazrin felt a thrill run through her as she ended the call. Five hours of freedom stretched before her, a delicious expanse of time to indulge in the forbidden. She quickly dialed Arun's number, her heart racing with anticipation. "Hi, Arun," she said, her voice a seductive whisper that seemed to dance around the edges of the line. "Could you come over for tutoring in an hour?"
There was a brief pause before he replied, the hesitation telling her everything she needed to know. "Sure, ma'am," he said, his voice a tightly coiled spring of desire. "I'll be there."
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How was the update? Still searching for a spark to get nazrin fuck others
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very erotic update. Nazrin is on the slippery slope.
[+] 1 user Likes dragonslair's post
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Wonderful. Plots are all amazing. Just want to see Nazrin seduce the boys to the peaks and then initiate the steamy part. Don't let her lose to the boys so soon. And just like that don't turn the husband cuckold. We have a lot of boring cuckold stories in this site with that theme nothing had the slow and seductive theme. This is good. Keep it going.

My imagination of Nazrin -

[Image: chitrangada-singh-struggles.webp]
[+] 2 users Like Solotrubator's post
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(20-08-2024, 06:50 PM)Solotrubator Wrote: Wonderful. Plots are all amazing. Just want to see Nazrin seduce the boys to the peaks and then initiate the steamy part. Don't let her lose to the boys so soon. And just like that don't turn the husband cuckold. We have a lot of boring cuckold stories in this site with that theme nothing had the slow and seductive theme. This is good. Keep it going.

My imagination of Nazrin -

[Image: chitrangada-singh-struggles.webp]

Oh yeah… she looks loke this only.
[+] 1 user Likes Cuckoldindian's post
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Wonderful story and build up man, after a long time such a great story
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Absolutely scorching story! I can't wait to place my bets on the passionate plot twists to come!  Heart Heart
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Awesome. But muthu and praveen are already hungry and they are the one that brought the slut out of her and why did she prefer Arun?
[+] 1 user Likes killthecheats's post
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(20-08-2024, 04:23 PM)Cuckoldindian Wrote: How was the update? Still searching for a spark to get nazrin fuck others

update was awesomeyourock bro ..waiting for next one ....
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(20-08-2024, 10:20 PM)killthecheats Wrote: Awesome. But muthu and praveen are already hungry and they are the one that brought the slut out of her and why did she prefer Arun?

When she is with muthu and praveen. They both are dominant and nazrin is a bot submissive. She learns how to be dominant from both of them.

Arun is basically a innocent boy. Nazrin uses the dominance learn from muthu and praveen, she tries on arun. And also nazrin pities arun since he is poor.
[+] 2 users Like Cuckoldindian's post
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It's time for Arun
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