Adultery NAZRIN AN INNOCENT WIFE (With pics)
Nazrin stretched out her arms, the sun's early warmth seeping through the curtains of their cozy 2BHK apartment in Chennai. She could hear the distant murmur of the city waking up, the sound of the newspaper delivery boy pedaling his bike along the narrow street below. Her husband, Fahim, snored gently beside her, his face buried in the pillow. The digital clock on the bedside table read 6:00 AM. With a soft sigh, she slid out of bed, careful not to wake him, and padded towards the kitchen to start her morning routine.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as she prepared breakfast. Fahim eventually emerged from the bedroom, his hair disheveled and eyes still half-closed. "Good morning, my love," she greeted him, placing a steaming cup on the dining table. He mumbled a response, his eyes lingering on her figure wrapped in a simple white cotton nightie that hugged her curves in all the right places.
They sat down to eat, their conversation as mundane as the morning ritual itself. Fahim discussed his plans for the day at the bank, while Nazrin went over her lesson plans for the engineering college where she taught. It was a typical morning, filled with the comfort of routine and the quiet understanding that had developed between them over the years.
After breakfast, Nazrin began to get ready for work. She stepped into the bathroom, her firm boobs bouncing gently as she moved. The warm water of the shower washed over her, invigorating her for the day ahead. She applied a light scent of jasmine oil to her skin, a small luxury she allowed herself. The scent would linger throughout the day, a subtle reminder of her morning's tranquility amidst the chaos of the college.
Fahim, on the other hand, donned his usual attire: a crisp white shirt and trousers that hung loosely from his lean frame. He was a man of few words, but his attentiveness to his wife's needs never wavered. He noticed the way she moved, the way she unknowingly flaunted her assets, and felt a familiar stirring in his loins. Despite his desire, he remained the obedient husband, never crossing the lines of their traditional marriage.
Nazrin, dressed in a simple yet elegant cotton saree, her hair neatly tied in a bun, walked out of the bedroom. She paused at the sight of Fahim, his eyes tracing the contours of her body. For a brief moment, she felt a flicker of self-consciousness before reminding herself that this was her husband, her partner. She stepped closer, planting a soft kiss on his cheek, and whispered, "You look handsome."

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Fahim's cheeks flushed at her compliment, a rare occurrence. He often felt overshadowed by Nazrin's youthful beauty and vibrancy. As she left for college, he couldn't help but feel a pang of inadequacy. His job at the bank was stable, but it lacked the excitement he craved. He often wondered if their sex life would ever be more than the predictable routine they had fallen into.
The day at the college passed quickly for Nazrin. She was respected by her colleagues and loved by her students. Her beauty was not lost on the young engineers-to-be, and she often found herself the subject of their hushed whispers and glances. However, she remained unfazed, her mind focused on the day's lessons.
Muthu and Praveen, the two troublemakers in her class, had earned a reputation for their pranks and lack of academic diligence. Despite their antics, Nazrin had a soft spot for them, seeing the potential that lay beneath their mischievous exteriors. They were the kind of students who could either flourish with the right guidance or flounder without it. She was determined to be the one to steer them onto the right path.
Arun, on the other hand, was the epitome of an ideal student. His dedication to his studies was unparalleled, and his innocent charm was endearing. His father, the college bus driver, was a simple man who took pride in his son's achievements. The bond between Arun and Nazrin was more than just student-teacher; she was friendly with him.
As the final bell of the day rang, Nazrin gathered her papers and headed to the staff room. Her colleagues, a vibrant mix of personalities, greeted her with warm smiles and the latest office gossip. They knew of her struggles with Muthu and Praveen and often shared their own tales of the duo's escapades.
"How are you dealing with those two rascals today, Nazrin?" chuckled Mr. Srinivasan, the head of the department, as he passed by.
Nazrin couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, the usual. Muthu forgot his homework again, and Praveen tried to blame it on the college Wi-Fi!"
Her colleagues chuckled in sympathy before she collected her belongings and made her way home. The apartment complex was quiet, the heat of the day subsiding as the evening approached. She climbed the stairs to their second-floor flat, the soft jingle of her bangles accompanying her ascent. As she opened the door, she was greeted by the comforting sight of Fahim in the living room, already dressed in his favorite pajamas, watching the evening news.
"Welcome back, Nazrin," he called out, his eyes never leaving the TV.
Nazrin hung her bag on the coat rack and headed to the kitchen. "How was your day, Fahim?" she asked, her voice filled with the same mild enthusiasm she had mustered every evening for the past four years.
Fahim muted the TV and turned to face her. "It was fine. Just the usual at the bank." His eyes trailed down her body, taking in the way her saree clung to her curves, making him feel a stirring of desire that was quickly doused by his own self-doubt.
The night life in their apartment was as predictable as their days. Fahim would cook dinner while Nazrin changed out of her college attire. She'd sit at the kitchen table, sipping on her favorite tea, sharing stories of her students' achievements and the occasional misadventures that brought a smile to her face. The sound of pots and pans clanging filled the small space, melding with the spicy aromas of sizzling onions and garlic.
After dinner, they would retreat to the bedroom, the sanctuary of their private lives. Fahim, feeling a newfound boldness, decided to initiate their nightly intimacy. He approached Nazrin, his 4-inch member already showing signs of life. He reached for the hem of her nightgown, his hands trembling slightly. Nazrin looked at him, her eyes questioning but not resisting.
He raised her nighty to her hips, exposing her neatly trimmed mound. His gaze fell to her pink, glistening pussy, and his heart raced. It was a sight he had seen countless times before, but it never failed to excite him. With a gentle touch, he parted her folds, revealing the wetness that had gathered there. His dick, though small, was eager, and he lined it up with her entrance. With one firm thrust, he pushed into her, her walls clutching around him like a glove.
Nazrin gasped, her eyes fluttering shut as she felt the familiar sensation of being filled. She bit her lower lip, her body automatically adjusting to his size. It wasn't a sensation she craved, but it was a part of their routine, a bond she had accepted as her duty. She lay still, allowing him to set the pace, her mind wandering to the day's events as he moved above her.
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Fahim's strokes grew more urgent, his breath hitching in his throat. His eyes remained closed, imagining scenarios that were far from their reality. He wished he could be more for her, give her the passion and pleasure she deserved, but his inhibitions held him back. With a final grunt, he reached his climax, his seed spilling into her. He pulled out, his dick already beginning to soften, and rolled over to his side of the bed.
Nazrin lay there, feeling the stickiness between her legs. She was used to the routine, the quick release that signaled the end of their intimate moments. Sex was just another part of life, something that needed to be done to maintain their marriage's balance.
Fahim's breathing evened out as he drifted into sleep, his body curled slightly towards her. Nazrin couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness, a yearning for something more. She had heard whispers of other women's experiences, tales of passion and ecstasy that seemed so far removed from her own life. Her curiosity piqued, she found herself wondering if there was more to sex than just this simple act of penetration.
The next morning dawned, and with it, the same routine that had governed their lives for the past four years. Fahim donned his conservative office attire, while Nazrin wrapped herself in a different, yet equally modest, cotton saree. They shared a quick breakfast, the silence between them as thick as the slices of bread Fahim buttered for their morning toast.
As they stepped out of the apartment into the bustling street, Nazrin couldn't shake off the feeling of restlessness that had crept into her heart. The mundane routine of their lives had begun to feel like a cage, confining her to a reality she hadn't chosen. She watched as Fahim hailed an auto-rickshaw to the bank, his shoulders slightly slumped, the weight of his own dissatisfaction visible even from a distance.
Nazrin, on the other hand, walked to her college, the journey a short one that allowed her to clear her mind and prepare for the day ahead. The sun was already high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the buildings and streets of Chennai. As she approached the college gates, she could hear the bustle of students and teachers, the energy of a new day palpable in the air.
Upon reaching her classroom, she set her bag down and arranged her notes on the desk. The students began to file in, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the corridor. Muthu and Praveen, the notorious duo, sauntered in, trying to appear as innocent as lambs despite the knowing smirks on their faces. They took their seats at the back of the class, the very same seats where they had conducted their latest prank.
As Nazrin began her lecture, she noticed the whispers and giggles emanating from their bench. She paused, her eyes narrowing, and scanned the room. The rest of the class was attentive, but the two young men remained distracted. She approached them, her hips swaying with the grace of a seasoned teacher who knew exactly how to command attention.
"Muthu, Praveen," she said sternly, her voice cutting through the room's buzz like a knife. "What seems to be the matter?"
The two young men looked up at her, feigned innocence plastered on their faces. "Ma'am, we were just discussing a project," Muthu stuttered.
Nazrin raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "I see. Well, since you're so eager to work on projects, perhaps you'd like to share your findings with the class?"
The two boys' laughter died in their throats as they realized they had been caught. They exchanged nervous glances, their bravado slipping away. Nazrin held out her hand, palm up, demanding the phone. With a sigh, Muthu handed it over, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red.
"Thank you," she said coldly, her eyes never leaving theirs. She turned on her heel and walked back to the front of the class, the phone in her grasp. The room fell silent as the students waited to see what would happen next. Nazrin ignored the whispers that began to spread like wildfire and continued with her lecture.
As the bell rang, signaling the end of class, she turned to the two culprits. "Muthu, Praveen, I expect to see both of your parents here tomorrow to collect the phone. And remember, no phone in my class," she said firmly, her voice carrying the weight of authority. The two young men nodded, their heads bowed in defeat.
The day rolled on, with Nazrin's mind frequently drifting to the phone incident. The allure of what they had been watching tugged at her curiosity. The whispers of their conversation remained in her mind, a tantalizing mystery that she couldn't shake off.
In the quiet sanctity of the staff room during her lunch break, she pulled out Muthu's confiscated phone from her bag. Her heart thudded in her chest as she unlocked it, half expecting to be caught in the act. The screen sprang to life, revealing the explicit content that had held the boys' attention.
The video was of a voluptuous woman with lush, dark hair, writhing in pleasure as a well-endowed man took her from behind. Nazrin's eyes widened in shock, but she couldn't look away. She had never seen anything like this before. The raw passion and intensity of the scene was like nothing she had ever experienced in her own life.
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Her hand trembled slightly as she watched, her thumb hovering over the volume button. The woman on the screen was loud, her moans and cries of pleasure resonating through the quiet staff room. The man's strong hands gripped her hips, pulling her back onto his thick cock, his strokes powerful and deep.
Nazrin felt a warmth spread through her core, a sensation that was both alien and exhilarating. She had never seen anything so raw, so primal. Her own sex life with Fahim was a far cry from this; his modest four-inch length never brought her to the heights of pleasure that this woman on the screen was clearly experiencing. Her breath hitched as she watched the woman's ample breasts bounce with each thrust, the way her body responded to the man's dominance.
The video was only a few minutes long, but it was enough to stir something within Nazrin that she had never felt before. She quickly closed the phone, her cheeks flushed with a mix of arousal and embarrassment. The silence of the staff room felt oppressive, and she realized her heart was racing.
Nazrin's thoughts were a jumble as she tried to make sense of her reaction. The explicit scene was so far removed from her own experiences, and yet she couldn't deny the way it made her feel. Her hand unconsciously drifted to her chest, feeling the rapid beat of her heart beneath her blouse. She had never seen such raw passion, such unbridled lust.
Her mind raced with questions. Was this what sex was supposed to be like? The thought of Fahim's gentle, almost timid, lovemaking paled in comparison to the fiery display before her. Was she missing out on something? A quiet voice in the back of her mind whispered that perhaps there was more to explore, more to experience.
Nazrin took a deep breath and composed herself, shaking off the thoughts that had taken hold. She couldn't let her curiosity get the better of her, not here, not now. She had a job to do, a life to live. She returned the phone to her bag and focused on the rest of her day, but the images from the video remained etched in her memory.
As she walked out of the college, the heat of the afternoon sun beating down on her, she spotted Muthu and Praveen on their motorbike, their laughter carrying across the parking lot. She felt a strange mix of anger and intrigue towards them. She called out their names, her voice echoing off the surrounding buildings. The bike's engine cut off, and they both turned to face her, their expressions a mix of surprise and amusement.
Nazrin handed over to the phone to them and asked them about the video.
Muthu took the phone from her outstretched hand, his eyes never leaving hers. "Ma'am, it's just a bit of fun," he said, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. Praveen snickered beside him, his gaze roving over her body.
Nazrin felt the heat of their stares, and something stirred deep within her that she couldn't quite place. She swallowed hard, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is that... is that how it's done?" she asked, her cheeks burning with a mix of embarrassment and arousal.
Muthu and Praveen looked at each other, their smiles widening into grins. "Ma'am," Muthu began, his voice dripping with a newfound confidence, "there are many ways to enjoy. That was just one of them."
Nazrin felt a blush spread across her cheeks, but she held their gazes, her curiosity stronger than her embarrassment. "But is that all there is to it?" she pressed, her voice tentative.
Muthu leaned closer, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Ma'am, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Sex can be...experimental." He paused, his eyes flicking over her body. "If you're willing to explore."
Nazrin's pulse quickened at the implication. Her mind swirled with thoughts she had never allowed herself to have before. She took a step back, her hand unconsciously touching her lower lip. "I see," she murmured, her voice thick with unspoken desire. "Thank you for the insight, boys."
Muthu and Praveen exchanged glances, their grins growing wider. They could see the curiosity in her eyes, the yearning for something more. "Ma'am," Praveen spoke up, his voice a low purr, "if you ever want to...learn more, you know where to find us."
Nazrin's heart skipped a beat at the boldness of his words. She felt a strange thrill at the thought of exploring the unknown with these young, virile men. Yet, she was a married woman, a respected teacher. She couldn't indulge in such scandalous thoughts, could she? With a stern look, she snapped out of her daze. "Remember, no phones in my class," she said firmly, her voice wavering slightly.
The two boys nodded, their smirks unwavering. "Yes, ma'am," Muthu said, his voice dripping with feigned innocence. Praveen, however, held her gaze a moment longer, his eyes dark with something that sent a shiver down her spine.
Nazrin turned and walked away, her legs feeling like jelly. She had never felt so exposed, so...desired. The conversation played on repeat in her mind, and she couldn't help but feel a strange mix of excitement and trepidation. As she approached their apartment, she couldn't shake the image of those two young men, so full of life and passion, from her thoughts.
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What a brilliant start!!  Keep it coming bro
[+] 2 users Like tomdickharry2024's post
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Great Start ?, keep Writing
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Good start
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Superb start dude
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That night, as Fahim lay snoring beside her, she lay awake, her mind racing with the possibilities. The routine of their marriage felt suffocating in comparison to the fire that had been kindled within her. Her body ached for something more, something she had never even allowed herself to dream of.
The apartment was quiet as she moved through it, the silence a stark contrast to the cacophony of thoughts in her head. She couldn't shake the image of Muthu and Praveen, the way they had looked at her, the promise in their eyes. The desire to explore this newfound curiosity was like a siren's call, growing stronger with each passing moment.
The next morning, after Fahim left for work, Nazrin carefully selected a more conservative than usual cotton saree from her wardrobe. The fabric was thick, the color a deep maroon that matched the unspoken passion burning within her. She wrapped it around her body, tucking and pleating until it clung to her curves in all the right places, leaving just enough to the imagination.

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Her eyes met Muthu and Praveen's as she entered the classroom. The mischief in their gazes from the day before had evolved into something more knowing, more... hungry. They sat at the back of the room, their desks pushed together as if in silent collusion. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt their eyes roam over her, taking in every inch of her covered in the crimson dbang.
Nazrin cleared her throat, calling the class to order. "Good morning, everyone," she began, her voice a tad shakier than usual. She tried to ignore the way the two young men leaned in, their eyes never leaving her. She felt their gazes like a physical touch, stroking her skin, her body responding in ways she had never experienced before.
The lecture passed in a blur as she struggled to keep her thoughts in check. Her mind kept wandering back to the video, the woman's cries of pleasure echoing in her ears. As the time came for the assignment, she handed out the papers with trembling hands, hoping no one would notice her distraction.
The students scribbled away, their heads bent in concentration, but Nazrin couldn't focus. Her eyes kept darting to the back of the class, where Muthu and Praveen sat with that knowing smirk. She felt a strange pull towards them, their confidence and brazenness a stark contrast to Fahim's timidness.
Finally, she couldn't resist any longer. She approached their bench, her heart thudding in her chest. As she leaned over to check their assignments, she caught a glimpse of the phone screen. A girl, no older than them, had her fingers buried in her wet, pink Pussy. Her eyes locked onto the image, her body responding in ways she had never felt before.

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"Ma'am," Praveen whispered, his eyes sparkling with mischief, "this is called fingering. It's a way to relieve stress for women."
Nazrin's cheeks flushed a deep crimson as she snatched the phone from his hand. She had never seen anything so... obscene, yet she couldn't deny the allure of the act playing out before her. The image of the girl's fingers working her clit was burned into her mind, and she felt a strange sensation between her own legs.

The bell's shrill ring brought her back to reality. She looked around the classroom, relieved to find that the other students were still engrossed in their work, oblivious to the scandalous scene that had just unfolded. "Class dismissed," she called out, her voice unsteady. The students began to pack up their belongings, the air thick with the scent of scandal. She snatched the phone form Praveen.
Nazrin's legs felt like jelly as she hurried to the women's restroom, her heart racing. Once inside, she locked the door of the last stall and leaned against the cool tiles, her breath coming in short gasps. The image of the girl on the phone was seared into her mind, her own curiosity mirrored in the student's brazen act.
With trembling hands, she played the video again, her eyes glued to the screen. The woman's fingers moved with an expertise that was mesmerizing. Nazrin felt the fabric of her panties sticking to her wetness, the need to explore this newfound desire overwhelming. With a quick look around to ensure she was alone, she lifted her petticoat and gently pushed aside the crotch of her panties. Her heart hammered as she watched the video, mimicking the motions with her own fingers.
Her touch was tentative at first, unsure of the sensations that flooded through her. She had never felt anything so intense, so intimate. The walls of the stall seemed to close in around her as she grew bolder, her fingers delving deeper into her wetness. The sounds of the classroom outside faded away, leaving only the soft noises of her own pleasure.

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On the screen, the woman's orgasm grew louder, more intense, and Nazrin felt her own climax building. She watched, fascinated, as the woman's body convulsed with pleasure, her hand a blur between her legs. Her breathing grew ragged, her chest heaving as she matched the rhythm of the woman's fingers with her own.
The feeling was unlike anything she had ever experienced. The walls of the stall seemed to pulse around her as she grew closer and closer to the edge. Her eyes squeezed shut, her body tightening with every stroke. With a gasp, she felt the wave of pleasure crash over her, her body shuddering with the force of her orgasm. It was a feeling so powerful, so all-consuming, that it brought tears to her eyes.

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As the tremors subsided, Nazrin slowly opened her eyes, her gaze falling on the phone still clutched in her hand. She had done it, she had finally felt that elusive pleasure that had been whispered about in hushed tones by her colleagues and friends. The video continued to play, the woman on the screen now lying spent, a look of utter satisfaction etched on her face.
Nazrin quickly tucked the phone into her bag, her cheeks still flushed with the aftermath of her climax. She took a moment to compose herself, smoothing her rumpled clothes and straightening her blouse. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. She had never felt so alive, so... powerful.
As she stepped out of the restroom, she found Muthu and Praveen leaning against the wall, their smiles knowing and slightly smug. "Ma'am," Muthu said, his voice low and sultry, "I'm glad you enjoyed the... demonstration."

Nazrin felt her cheeks burn as she handed the phone back to Praveen. His hand brushed against hers, the contact sending a jolt of electricity through her body. She snatched her hand away, trying to regain her composure. "I-I don't know what you're talking about," she stuttered, her voice betraying her.
Praveen said “Ma’am Shall I have my phone back?”
Praveen's smile grew wider and continued as Nazrin handed the phone to him. "Never mind, Ma'am. It's just something we saw on the internet." He pocketed the phone, and Muthu stepped closer. "Could we have your number, Ma'am?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with a mischief that made Nazrin's pulse race.
Nazrin, still reeling from the encounter in the bathroom, felt a rush of excitement. She hesitated for a moment before rattling off her number, her voice barely a whisper. "Why do you need my number?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.
Muthu leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. "For... educational purposes, Ma'am," he murmured, his smile wicked.
Nazrin gives her Number to Muthu.
Nazrin's cheeks burned as she realized the implication of her actions. She had just masturbated in the restroom while watching a video on her student's phone. The scandal of it all washed over her, but she couldn't help the thrill that danced through her veins. She had never felt so... wanton.
With trembling legs, she made her way back to the staff room, her mind racing. She had to get away from those two before they realized what had happened. She couldn't bear the thought of their knowing smirks, the way they had watched her fumble with her own desires.
Once inside, she collapsed into a chair, her chest heaving with the effort to calm herself. Her hand strayed to her damp panties, the evidence of her transgression sticking to her skin. She couldn't believe what she had just done, but the memory of the pleasure she had experienced was too vivid to ignore.
Nazrin went back home once the college is finished for the day.

When she entered the kitchen, Fahim looked up from the stove, a spatula in hand. His eyes widened at the sight of her, and she realized she must have looked like a woman possessed. "Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.
Nazrin didn't bother with pleasantries. She grabbed Fahim's arm and dragged him into the bedroom, her eyes gleaming with a hunger she had never felt before. She pushed him onto the bed and began to strip off her clothes with an urgency that surprised even herself. Fahim watched, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and arousal as she revealed her naked body, her breasts firm and her stomach flat.

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Without a word, she straddled him, her slickness coating his thighs as she lowered herself onto his already hard cock. Fahim gasped, his eyes rolling back in his head at the suddenness of it all. He had never seen his wife like this, so wild and unbridled. He felt his own arousal spike, his four inches straining to fill her.
Nazrin began to rock her hips, her eyes closed as she imagined the powerful strokes from the video. She felt Fahim's hands tentatively touch her breasts, his thumbs brushing against her erect nipples. She moaned, the sound of his name on her lips.
Fahim, surprised by her sudden aggression, responded by bucking his hips upward, trying to meet her rhythm. Despite his efforts, he was overwhelmed by her passion, and within minutes, he reached his climax with a loud grunt, his seed spilling into her. He collapsed onto the bed, his chest heaving.
Nazrin, however, was far from satisfied. Her eyes searched Fahim's as he rolled over to leave for the bathroom. His expression was one of shock and confusion, but she knew he couldn't give her what she truly craved. The images of Muthu and Praveen's smirks, the way they had watched her with hunger in their eyes, filled her mind.

Her hand slipped between her legs, feeling the wetness that had been building since the moment she watched the video. She began to stroke herself, her eyes closed tightly as she tried to recreate the sensations she had felt in the classroom. She pictured the two young men's strong hands guiding her, showing her the way to pleasure she had never known before.
Her breath grew ragged as she grew more desperate, her hips bucking against her own touch. She knew Fahim wouldn't understand, wouldn't be able to give her what she needed. But the thought of Muthu and Praveen, their knowing smiles and the way they had looked at her, filled her with a burning desire that she couldn't ignore.

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Her hand moved faster, her imagination running wild with the idea of their strong, young bodies pressed against hers, their cocks thick and demanding. She bit her lip to stifle a moan as she reached the peak of her pleasure, her body spasming with the intensity of her climax.
The room was silent except for the sound of her own breathing, which gradually returned to normal. She laid there, her body still trembling from the aftershocks of pleasure, feeling more alive than she had in years. But it wasn't enough. The emptiness she had felt before was still there, now amplified by the stark contrast of the passion she had just experienced.
Nazrin took a deep breath and slowly climbed out of bed, her legs wobbly from the intensity of her masturbation. She had to get dressed for dinner, but the thought of facing Fahim was almost unbearable. The innocence of their marriage now felt like a cage she desperately needed to escape from.
As the evening rolled in, they sat down for dinner, the usual banter replaced by a tense silence. Fahim talked about his day at the bank, his words barely registering in Nazrin's mind. She pushed the food around her plate, her thoughts consumed by the events of the day. The food felt like ash in her mouth, a stark contrast to the sweet taste of her own desire.
Finally, Fahim kissed her on the forehead and retreated to bed, leaving Nazrin alone in the quiet apartment. She sat in the living room, the flickering TV her only company. Her eyes kept drifting to her phone, the silent device a beacon of the excitement she had felt earlier.
The sudden buzz of a notification sent a jolt through her body. She picked up the phone, her heart racing. It was a WhatsApp message: "Muthu has added you to a group." She opened the app with trembling fingers and found herself in a chat with the two students. The sight of their names on her screen was like a forbidden fruit, tempting her with the promise of the unknown.
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Very sexy update
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Awesome update
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Cant wait to read how Muthu and praveen goign to fuck her in rest room, class room and in her marital bed making her as their slut.
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Superb update!! It's going to be an awesome threesome!
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excellent start
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Update coming tomorow
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Amazing writing
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Good update
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Getting hot
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When u will give update bro eagerly waiting
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(17-07-2024, 11:34 PM)Rahulf2p Wrote: When u will give update bro eagerly waiting

Sorry for the delay guys,, will update by tomorow eve.
[+] 1 user Likes Cuckoldindian's post
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Muthu and praveen are going to work on project Nazrin. what is the name of whatsapp group. what conversation happened and did the boys shared the pics of their dicks, sexy jokes, stories etc. How Nazrin body going to change the bad boys to good boys.
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