Adultery The Rural Posting: Shipra's ordeal.
(11-06-2024, 12:48 PM)masterofvilla Wrote: What an update bro ! Truly you are a master of slow seduction and erotic thriller :Smile  I can imagine the scene in my mind while reading this and that's what separates a GOAT from normal writer. Hats Off  Namaskar

@ Bold.  Absolutely, this is excellent writing when you can see the image in mind just from reading these hot scenes.

Reminds me of a story I read years ago by a writer called Laddoo I think it was called bade ghar ki bahu
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Great updates
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Superb update
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Fantastic update
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hot update

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waiting for update

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[+] 1 user Likes gaytri_mom's post
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Superb updates bro
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Suraj, kya huva?

You are in the second page, other stories are taking over. Going in full throttle. Where are you? When is the update?
-Pickup, drop, escape.
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(21-06-2024, 06:01 PM)Hornytamilan23 Wrote: Suraj, kya huva?

You are in the second page, other stories are taking over. Going in full throttle. Where are you? When is the update?

Sorry bro, had a very hectic last week at work. Was travelling most of the time and also suffered a severe heatstroke. Was not able to write or be online.
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Chapter 10: Sunday's thrills, Monday's Chills: Part 1

The human mind is a fickle and complex entity, and when it comes to women, it can be highly unpredictable. One moment it can be steadfast and resolute, and the next, it can be easily swayed. A person may hold certain self-beliefs throughout their life, only to find themselves acting in direct contradiction to those beliefs in a moment of weakness. Emotional vulnerability, the presence of temptation, sexual desires, and a momentary lapse in judgment can lead to actions that starkly contradict one's values. Long-held self-beliefs and societal restraints often crumble when cravings reach a certain intensity. The events of last night experiened by Shipra were a rare and shocking example of such a case.

Shipra's life had always been shaped by the expectations and pressures of those around her. From a young age, her family set the bar high, pushing her to excel academically and conform to societal norms. Her parents dictated all her life choices. As she grew older, the influence of her friends began to weigh on her as well. Peer pressure dictated her choices, from the clothes she wore to the activities she participated in, all in an effort to fit in and be accepted. Then came her relationship with Viresh, her boyfriend, who added another layer of expectations. Blinded by love and lust Shipra found herself bending and compromising to meet all his desires and wishes even perverted one's. 

Finally, her husband entered the picture, bringing with him a new set of demands and expectations. The societal pressures to be the perfect wife compounded with his personal expectations, creating a suffocating environment where Shipra's own needs and desires were consistently pushed aside.Throughout these phases of her life, Shipra had been a dutiful daughter, a loyal friend, a supportive girlfriend, and a dedicated wife. Yet, in trying to meet everyone else's expectations, she had lost sight of her own identity. Her life had become a series of roles she played for others, leaving her own aspirations buried deep within.

After a painful breakup with Viresh, she decided to leave her high-stress corporate job, seeking refuge in the stability and predictability of a government bank position. This career shift was more than just a professional decision; it was an attempt to escape the haunting memories of her past with Viresh. The painful experiences and emotional trauma she suffered in the last phase of her relationship had left deep wounds. Shipra knew that if she didn't distance herself from that part of her life, she risked being consumed by the darkness that threatened to engulf her. Under relentless pressure from her parents, she eventually agreed to an arranged marriage. At the age of 27, she married Alok, who also worked at the same bank. Alok was a caring husband and a devoted partner. Their marriage was soon blessed with the birth of their son, Aarav, completing their small family. 

Everything in her life was now at the right track. Shipra had a loving husband, a beautiful child, and a stable job. The only thing that bothered her was Alok's relentless ambition. He was highly competitive, always striving for better and more powerful positions, both for himself and for Shipra. This drive for professional success often overshadowed the personal and emotional aspects of their relationship. Alok's focus on career advancement left him less expressive and emotionally available, at times creating a sense of isolation for Shipra. 

Shipra had different aspirations. She yearned for a simpler life, one where she could spend quality time with Aarav and feel the warmth of Alok's undivided attention. She wanted peace of mind, a respite from the constant pressure to achieve and excel. The rat race that Alok thrived in was something she wished to escape. She longed for the small joys of family life, moments of quiet togetherness, and the freedom to pursue her own pace. 

As a dutiful Indian wife, Shipra never complained. Alok's happiness always took precedence over her own wishes and desires. She believed that, in time, things would fall into place, so she dedicated herself entirely to supporting Alok's plans. Her unwavering commitment meant setting aside her own wishes, trusting that her sacrifices would eventually be rewarded. However, her hopes were abruptly dashed when Alok unilaterally decided to quit his job simply because things were not going his way. Despite the shock and disappointment, Shipra stood by him, taking on additional burdens to ensure he could pursue his dreams. She absorbed the emotional and financial strain without protest, bottling up her feelings and continuing to push forward for the betterment and future of her family.

The events of last night served as a stark reminder of these unaddressed and pent-up feelings. Her indecent behavior and uncontrolled desires that flared up on seeing the sexual act between Patode and Namrata were a raw and startling revelation of the internal conflict she had been suppressing for so long. In that moment, Shipra's carefully maintained facade crumbled, revealing the depth of her unmet needs and unspoken frustrations. The convergence of temptation, unfulfilled desires, and a lapse in judgment led her to actions she never imagined she would take. It underscored the complexity of the human mind and the unpredictable paths it can follow when confronted with powerful emotions. 

Staring into the mirror, Shipra tried to calm herself. Her heart raced as she thought about confronting Patode. The mere idea of facing him filled her with immense anxiety. It wasn’t just that he had seen her in a vulnerable, semi-nude state; he also knew that she lusted after him. What if he decided to take advantage of the situation and made unwanted sexual advances? The possibility sent a shiver down her spine. What if he spread rumors among the staff about her so-called indiscretion? And worst of all, what if Alok found out? A torrent of questions bombarded her mind, each one more troubling than the last. Her unconscious mind struggled under the weight of guilt, anxiety, and an overwhelming sense of dread. In times of distress, it is a common human tendency to shift the blame onto others to mitigate the discomfort of facing one's own faults. This psychological defense mechanism helps preserve the integrity of one's self-image when actions conflict with personal beliefs or values. Shipra, in her desperate state, began to succumb to this very impulse.  

As she stood there, trembling with worry, she found herself redirecting the blame for her predicament onto Namrata and Patode. It was easier to think that Namrata's inappropriate actions despite her warning had let to her embarrassing situation and Patode too had been complicit in exploiting her moment of weakness. By doing so, Shipra attempted to quell her nerves and find a semblance of peace. She told herself that they were responsible for leading her into this humiliating trap.

Shipra composed herself, wiping away her tears. She was furious at herself for behaving in such a depraved way in front of Patode, but her anger towards Namrata burned even hotter. How could her best friend lead her into such an act of betrayal? She had always known about Namrata's adventurous streak, but to involve her in something so immoral was beyond comprehension. Shipra decided to confront both Namrata and Patode, demanding an explanation and an apology. She needed to resolve the issue quickly before it could escalate further. With a sense of firm determination, she left the bathroom and headed towards Namrata's room. Her anxiety was boiling over as see inched towards Namrata's room.

Reaching Namrata's door, Shipra hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath before pushing it open. She stepped inside, her eyes scanning the room. Although she had mentally prepared herself to face Patode, she felt a slight relief upon realizing that he was no longer there. The room was filled with the lingering musky smell of sex, a stark reminder of the events that had transpired. Scenes of last night flashed before her eyes, the crude vulgar words of Patode resonated in her ears causing a tingling sensation between her legs. With great effort she suppressed the unwanted feelings and made her way towards the bed.

Namrata was deep in slumber, the disheveled condition of the bed was telling a erotic tale of the carnal activites the three of them were involved in. Her body sprawled across the bed, lying on her stomach, while the thin bedsheet dbangd over her lower half offered minimal modesty to her otherwise completely nude state. Her exposed shoulders and smooth back was on display. Shipra found her kurti on the floor besides Namrata's skirt and Bra piled up in a crumbled state. Shipra tried to look for her bra but couldn't find it. Frustrated and unable to find it, she approached the bed, hoping it might have been caught up in the bed linens. She gently tugged at the sheet covering Namrata, trying not to wake her. As the cover slipped away, the sight that greeted her was utterly shocking, making her gasp and cover her mouth in surprise.

Namrata was complete nude under the sheet. Her breasts were pressed against the mattress and her thies were parted. Her skin bore the marks of their passionate encounter, with hickeys scattered across her back and the telltale signs of rough sex evident on her flesh. But what stunned Shipra wasn’t just her thoroughly ravaged body, but the sight of two cum-loaded condoms obscenely wedged into each of her gaping holes, dangling lewdly between her splayed thighs. This graphic display was a raw, explicit testament to Patode's insatiable libido and sheer sexual dominance, leaving no doubt about the unrestrained ferocity with which he had taken her.

As Shipra stood there, absorbing the scene, her thoughts spiraled uncontrollably. She couldn't help but imagine what it would have been like if she had stayed the night. The thought of lying there in the same state as Namrata—well-fucked and utterly satisfied—sent a shiver down her spine. The image of her own body marked and used in the same way by Patode's huge dick ignited a fire within her. Her hand moved involuntarily, slipping between her legs to caress her tingling pussy. The brief touch heightened her arousal, making it difficult to control her growing desire. Shipra's mind raced, torn between the shock of the scene before her and the growing curiosity of experiencing such a night herself. Realizing she was losing control, Shipra abruptly pulled her hand away and took a step back. The intensity of her thoughts and the visceral reaction to what she had witnessed made her head spin. Abandoning her search for the bra, she hurried out of the room, desperate to escape before her curiosity completely overtook her reasoning.

Shipra rushed out of Namrata's room, her heart pounding in her chest. She stumbled down the courtyard, her mind a chaotic mess of shame, arousal, and anger. She needed to clear her head, to escape the overwhelming emotions that threatened to drown her. Determined to regain some semblance of control, she decided to focus on her daily chores and head to the office early, hoping that the routine would provide a welcome distraction. She took a long, hot shower, letting the steam and warmth ease her frazzled nerves. Almost ready to leave for the office, she was gathering her things when Namrata entered her room. Unlike earlier, Namrata was now dressed in a loose T-shirt and a skirt. She looked exhausted, her face drawn and her eyes heavy with fatigue. An apologetic expression softened her features, hinting at the remorse she felt. 

Their eyes met, a silent exchange of unresolved emotions. "You're leaving early?" Namrata softly enquired trying to start the conversation. "Yes," Shipra replied curtly, her tone sharp and uninterested, making it clear she wasn’t in the mood for a conversation. A heavy silence filled the room, each second stretching into what felt like hours. Namrata, visibly mustering all her courage, finally spoke up, her voice wavering, "We need to talk, Shipra. Why don't you sit down? I know I made a mistake yesterday, and you're angry, but please, just listen to me for a minute."

Shipra took a deep breath, her face hardening. "Not now, Namrata," she said firmly, her voice tinged with frustration. "If we talk now, I might say something I'll regret, something that will hurt you. So please, let me calm down. And you should take this time to think about the mistake you made last night."

"But..." Namrata tried to stop her, but Shipra had already left the room, heading out to the office. Namrata sighed deeply, she knew she had crossed a boundary under the influence of alcohol and a  competitive spirit. Yet, despite the guilt ridden conscience, her mind instinctively sought to deflect the blame onto Shipra. 

"It wasn't completely my fault," she rationalized to herself. "Shipra could have left the room at any time, but she chose to stay of her own free will. If it hadn't been for that mangalsutra, she would have let Patode have his way with her too. She's not as self-righteous as she pretends to be." This internal justification brought Namrata a fleeting sense of relief, but it couldn't entirely dispel the turmoil within her. Exhausted both physically and mentally, she trudged back to her room. Her body was sore from the long, intense night with Patode, and her mind was heavy with the stress of the previous evening's events. Entering her room, she collapsed onto her bed, the mattress offering a welcome reprieve from her exhaustion. She lay there for a moment, staring at the ceiling, her thoughts racing. The tension in her muscles slowly began to unwind, but the mental strain remained. Reaching for her phone, Namrata composed a text message, her fingers moving swiftly over the keys. A sly smile curved her lips as she hit send.

On her way to the office, Shipra ran into Swapnil at the main gate. She offered him a friendly smile, expecting the usual warm greeting in return. However, to her surprise, Swapnil responded with a stern look, his face devoid of the usual warmth. He walked past her without acknowledging her greeting, leaving Shipra feeling perplexed and slightly hurt. Why was he acting so cold? What could have happened to cause such a change in his demeanor? Shipra's mind raced with questions, but she had no time to dwell on them. She called the driver and left for the office.


Swapnil had taken a liking to Shipra since she started living as their tenant. To him, she was the epitome of his dream girl. Over the past two weeks, his admiration had blossomed into a full-fledged crush. Her simplicity, beauty, kind nature and cultured nature had captivated her. He cherished the affection she showed him, interpreting her friendly and considerate behavior as a sign of something deeper, mistaking her sisterly regard for romantic interest. 

However, the events of the previous night had shattered his illusions and filled him with a profound sense of betrayal and anger. The anger was not directed as much at Shipra as it was at his best friend, Alok. Swapnil had confided in Alok about his feelings for Shipra, explicitly asking him not to make any advances toward her. But his pervert friend didn’t consider his feeling before kissing Shipra and feeling her up to his heart content. What made it worse was Shipra's apparent slient approval to Alok's advances. She had allowed Alok to kiss her, fondle her breasts, and even finger her, responding to him  like a bitch in heat. Since the moment he woke up he had been thinking about Shipra and her betrayal.

As Swapnil returned to the room after getting freshened up, he noticed Alok had also woken up. Alok sat on the edge of his bed, lost in deep thought, holding a blue bra in his hands. However, Swapnil was too consumed by anger to notice what Alok was holding.“How could you do that to me, Alok?” Swapnil's voice trembled with fury as he vented his anger. “You knew I had a crush on Shipra, yet you still made a move on her. What kind of friend does that?”

Alok was a little taken aback, his stream of thoughts broken as he turned his attention to Swapnil. “What the hell, are you still drunk? Lower your tone when you talk to me, Swapnil,” he shot back, his voice equally ferocious. He was already annoyed that Patode had beaten him to getting laid, and on top of that, he couldn't piece together what had happened between the three of them before he spied on them. Did Patode sleep with Shipra too? Did they all have a threesome? The thought that bugged him the most was how Patode’s size compared to his own. His masculinity felt challenged by the raw scene of Patode bringing Namrata to orgasm with his big dick.

I will talk to you in whatever way I please, you are not worthy to be called a friend after what you did with MY Shipra.” Swapnil’s eyes almost teared up, his voice become shriller.

Your Shipra!!!!!!, you are delusional my friend. She is way out of your league. For women like her you are just an errand boy. And don’t blame me for taking advantage of her, I just kissed her and she surrendered to my charms.” Alok mocked Swapnil.

You are so full of yourself as always. She was drunk you motherfucker, don’t consider yourself to be a Casanova. You’re nothing but a pervert who got lucky.” Swapnil mocked him back.

Alok was now seething with rage, he wanted to humiliate Swapnil bad.  "You little wimp," he spat, eyes blazing with contempt. "Do you really think I just fondled her boobs and felt her cooch while she was drunk? That was just the trailer for the evening, you idiot." He laughed, a cruel, mocking sound that echoed through the room.

"Later last night, when you were passed out like a pathetic loser, she called me. She begged me to bring condoms, Swapnil. Do you know what that means? She couldn't wait to get her hands on me. Luckily, I had one with me, but honestly, even if didn't, she was so desperate she would have let me fuck her raw. She was practically dripping with anticipation for me." 

Alok leaned in closer, his voice dripping with venomous pride. "I fucked her so hard, she screamed my name. She came twice on my dick, Swapnil. Twice. And then, when I was done, she let me cum in her mouth. And you know what? She swallowed every last drop of my jizz, like the obedient little slut she is."

He straightened up, a triumphant sneer plastered on his face. "That's right, Swapnil. Your precious Shipra isn't as pure as you thought. She's just a whore who couldn't resist a real man like me. So go ahead, keep living in your fantasy world. But remember, while you were dreaming about her, I was the one who made her scream in pleasure."

“No, you are lying. Shipra would never do such a thing,” Swapnil retorted, his voice trembling but resolute. “You’re a loser, Alok. You’re just fabricating stories to prove your pathetic masculinity. You’re the real wimp. ” Alok’s face contorted with fury, but a twisted smile soon spread across his lips. “You think I’m lying? Then look at this.” He raised his hand, holding up Shipra’s blue bra. The sight made Swapnil’s face go pale, his heart sinking with disbelief. “She gave me this as a token of her appreciation for fucking her so well. Better than her husband ever could.”

Alok laughed cruelly as he walked past Swapnil, the sound echoing through the room like a dark taunt. “Don’t worry, Swapnil. Since I’m your friend, next time I’ll record something you haven’t seen.” He winked, waving his phone mockingly before leaving the room.

Swapnil was frozen in place, his mind reeling from the sight of Shipra's blue bra in Alok's hand. He couldn't believe his eyes. How could Shipra do that? Was she really the person Alok described? A wave of anger surged through him, almost uncontrollable urge to lash out at Alok. In that moment, he wanted nothing more than to make Alok pay for his vile words and the humiliation he felt.Yet, amidst his fury, a small voice of reason whispered in the back of his mind. He knew Alok well, knew his tendency to lie and exaggerate to boost his own ego. But the presence of Shipra’s bra in Alok’s hand planted a seed of doubt. Could there be any truth to his claims? Could Shipra really be involved in something so sordid?

It was too much for him, and finally, Swapnil broke down, overwhelmed by a crushing sense of betrayal and humiliation. Unable to control his emotions, he vowed to extract revenge against Alok.

END of Chapter 10: Sunday's thrills, Monday's Chills: Part 1  thanks  Enjoy.
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Sorry for the short update guys. Wanted to make a single long chapter but it would have taken some time. Stay tuned for a major update in Part 2.  Namaskar
[+] 1 user Likes Suraj76626's post
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Hi suraj,

Take care of your health, I loved the first para, it's true. In the spur of moment, we take some stupid decisons. And that one mistake can hurt us badly.

And you pervert dost, condom full of semen in both her holes. Raunchy..

So the mangalsutra saved Shipra from embarrassment of doing a threesome.

Also you give equal importance to all the characters, never leaving them out.

And you continue the chapters from where you left, it's shows your involvement. Instead of thighs you wrote thies?? May be an typo LOL. It says that after all we are human.

Looking forward for your next update.

So you are from north, heat waves are creating havoc there. Be safe, avoid going out from 12 to 3pm.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
[+] 2 users Like Hornytamilan23's post
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Great update
Revenge against alok instead of shipra. what a fool swapnil is
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(21-06-2024, 09:03 PM)Suraj76626 Wrote: Sorry for the short update guys. Wanted to make a single long chapter but it would have taken some time. Stay tuned for a major update in Part 2.  Namaskar

Nice short update Suraj. I wish this entire story was posted since the waiting game is making my mind crazy with perverted possibilities. The style of your writing is such a tempting masterstroke that I can't even gather the courage to be patient. Thanks for yout time. Take care of yourself bro !
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(21-06-2024, 08:46 PM)Suraj76626 Wrote: Sorry bro, had a very hectic last week at work. Was travelling most of the time and also suffered a severe heatstroke. Was not able to write or be online.

Tc bro
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The way you draft the dynamics between the different characters supportedd by their psych
No words .. This is gonna be a awesome ride
[+] 2 users Like satankama's post
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[+] 2 users Like Ajay Kailash's post
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Especially like the part that captures Sjipra's emotional turmoil and the reasoning....
[+] 2 users Like Pundit77's post
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(21-06-2024, 10:03 PM)maharsha25 Wrote: Nice short update Suraj. I wish this entire story was posted since the waiting game is making my mind crazy with perverted possibilities. The style of your writing is such a tempting masterstroke that I can't even gather the courage to be patient. Thanks for yout time. Take care of yourself bro !

Thanks man, will try to give quick updates
[+] 1 user Likes Suraj76626's post
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