Adultery The Rural Posting: Shipra's ordeal.
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......... ........Patode leaned back, his confidence unshaken. "I am no cocky boy and neither am i drunk. Why don't you have a closer look, I am sure this will be the biggest cock you ladies have ever seen."

"Don't mind if i do, what do you think Shipra, are you up for another challenge for the night." Namrata words slurried under the effect of alcohol.

"I think we all are way past sobriety and before things get out of hand we should call it a night " Shipra interjected as she got up from the bed.

Namrata caught hold of Shipra's hand and pulled her back to the bed. "Come on, girl, it's been a long time since we had so much fun together. Do it for me," Namrata coaxed, her voice a blend of playful insistence and genuine pleading.

Shipra was about to protest when a distinct unzipping sound cut through the room, followed by the soft thud of clothing hitting the floor. Both women turned their heads slowly, their eyes drawn to the source of the noise.

Night 11.30 PM

And there stood Patode, his jeans and underwear crumpled at his feet. Namrata and Shipra's eyes were irresistibly drawn upwards. Their pulses quickened, and a mix of shock and awe painted their faces as their gaze settled on Patode's fully erect cock. It was enormous, the biggest and thickest they had ever seen outside of the most exaggerated scenes in interracial porn.

Patode grasped his dick with his right hand, slowly rubbing it with a deliberate, teasing motion. The sheer size and girth of it seemed almost surreal, mesmerizing them as they were unable to tear their eyes away from his impressive endowment

"I wasn't bluffing, ladies," Patode said with a sleazy grin as he slowly pulled back the foreskin, revealing the large, bulbous head of his cock. "Who's going to try it first?" he tempted them with lustful eyes and an arrogant tone in his voice.


Chapter 9: The 9 inch Magic Wand: Part 2

Patode was typically a calculated and cunning individual, known for his meticulous and well-observed decisions. His interactions with Namrata and Shipra over the past two weeks were the result of such a calm and composed approach. He had carefully laid the groundwork, engaging them with charm and subtlety, ensuring every move was strategic and deliberate leading to this point. However, this particular evening, things took an unexpected turn. The provocative attire of Namrata and Shipra, coupled with Namrata's incessant flirting, stirred something primal within Patode. The alcohol only intensified these feelings, dulling his usual restraint and building an almost uncontrollable level of lust.

Seeing Shipra's resistance building he acted on an impulse betting it all on his 9 inch magic wand between his legs knowing it well that even if this desperate attempt back fires he can always blame it on his drunken state. Fully aware of the potential backlash, Patode took the plunge.The gamble was filled with uncertainty and could have led to an awkward or even hostile reaction. Yet, to his astonishment and relief, the immediate response from both Namrata and Shipra was neither repulsive nor discouraging. Instead of recoiling or expressing outrage, they appeared intrigued and receptive.

Namrata's eyes were widened as she looked at Patode's massive erection, her breath caught in her throat. The alcohol-fueled haze seemed to amplify her curiosity and excitement. She glanced at Shipra, who was frozen as well her eyes transfixed on Patode's vile display, her face a mix of apprehension and fascination. The sudden perverted action of Patode had stunned both of them. In the intoxicating blur of the night, the sheer audacity of Patode’s act didn’t register as a vile perversion to them. Instead, the excitement of the booze-filled night and the sensual tension built up over the last hour of their sexually charged conversation left them more curious than uncomfortable. The combination of alcohol and the provocative atmosphere had eroded their usual inhibitions, making Patode’s vulgar display seem less outrageous and more like a daring challenge. Instead of feeling disgust, their curiosity and arousal began to take over.

Namrata, despite her promiscuous lifestyle, had never encountered such an impressive specimen of male genitalia.The sight of Patode's massively thick cock made her pussy itch. Shipra, on the other hand, was both mesmerized and shocked by Patode's impromptu nudity. The biggest dick she had experience was that of Viresh, his ex, which was equally impressive. However, Patode's erection was even more intimidating, not just because of its size and girth but also due to its unusual curved shape, just like a banana it was curved from the middle pointing upwards in a way that seemed almost surreal. 

Patode knew he couldn't let this fleeting opportunity slip through his fingers. His gamble had a narrow margin for success, and any hesitation at this point could ruin all his and Toppo's planning and plotting. Seizing the moment, he swiftly moved to the edge of the bed where Namrata and Shipra sat, their eyes locked on his manhood. As he approached, he kept rubbing his cock, providing them with an increasingly obscene display that held their focus unwaveringly. Namrata's and Shipra's focus never diverted from Patode's cock as he inched closer. They were far too entranced to consider the inappropriateness of the situation, both in their actions and in Patode's. Though in back of Shipra's mind some deep seeded restraint still remained which involuntary made her body shift back slowly moving towards the wall as she saw Patode approach.

"Touch it, it won't bite," Patode's voice was a soft and teasing as he stood at the edge of the bed, his hand slowly stroking his engorged cock. The atmosphere in the room was electric, charged with a mix of apprehension, curiosity, and a palpable undercurrent of arousal. Patode's gaze was fixed on Namrata, intentionally avoiding Shipra. He had keenly observed the subtle rivalry between the two women throughout the evening, each vying for dominance in their interactions. Namrata had shown more daring, more willingness to take the lead, while Shipra had been more reserved, hesitant even. Patode knew that pushing Shipra too hard could backfire. Instead, he chose to capitalize on the competitive tension between them. By focusing on Namrata, he aimed to stoke her boldness, hoping that Shipra's curiosity and desire to not be outdone would likely draw her in.

Namrata, emboldened by her adventurous spirit and the liquid courage coursing through her veins, made her move. She reached out with a trembling left hand, her fingers wrapping around the thick shaft of Patode's manhood. The warmth and firmness of it sent a shiver through her body, igniting a deeper desire that she hadn't anticipated. Namrata's breath quickened as she absorbed the sensation, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked up, locking eyes with Patode, who watched her intently. Patode got rid of his shirt and was now stark naked. "Feels good isn't it, go on play with it" he encouraged, his voice a low murmur filled with eagerness. Namrata's fingers hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with the weight of the moment. She could feel Patode's anticipation, matching her own mounting excitement. Her fingers hesitated for a moment before she gently peeled back the foreskin, revealing the big, bulbous mushroom head. She paused, taking in the sheer size and shape of it. The sight of it, coupled with the feeling of him in her hand, sent a rush of heat through her body. She felt a mixture of awe and desire, her curiosity now mingled with a growing need to explore further. With a mix of curiosity and arousal, Namrata began to stroke him slowly, her movements tentative at first. The skin felt hot and velvety against her palm, each stroke sending ripples of pleasure through Patode's body. As she gained confidence, her grip tightened slighty, her strokes becoming more deliberate.

Shipra was in awe as she watched the sensual and erotic scene unfolding in front of her. She was fascinated by the raw and intimate connection between Namrata and Patode. A whirlwind of emotions surged within her, causing a storm of conflicting thoughts. She was caught in a fierce internal battle, torn between her rational mind and her aroused body. Deep down, she knew this was wrong, that they were crossing a line. She knew she had to pull away from the precipice of this dangerous liaison. But her body felt heavy and tensed, beside making slow and hesitant movement back on the bed she couldn't get herself out of the situation.The close proximity of Namrata and Patode’s sexual acts reignited the arousal she had felt earlier that evening at the hands of Alok. The way Patode focused his attention solely on Namrata, ignoring Shipra, aggravated her mental state further blocking her reasoning. It made her feel a mix of jealousy and desire, her competitive nature urging her to prove herself. 

Her bet with Namrata, combined with the constant belittling she endured in front of Patode throughout the evening and her initial attraction to Patode’s seemingly gentlemanly demeanor, made her indecisive in this situation. Shipra struggled to register the vileness of Patode’s act. Instead, she remained caught in the moment, her judgment clouded by the heady mix of alcohol and arousal. She was unable to see her continued presence as a mistake. The combination of arousal, competitiveness, and a misguided trust in Patode’s outward appearance ensnared her in a web of confusion and misplaced acceptance. She clenched the bedsheet with both hands, her body halted its movement, resisting every warning signal. She craved attention, pleasure and the intoxicating thrill of the forbidden. But still some sense of self restraint kept her from getting involved as she watched her friend and colleague get more and more intimate with each passing minute.

While Shipra was going through her internal struggles, Namrata's eyes flicked to Shipra sitting besides her. Namrata's gaze was intense, searching, as if trying to decipher Shipra's thoughts and feelings. Her movements remained fluid and unhesitant, her hands skillfully pleasuring Patode without pause. She stroked his dick with deliberate, practiced motions, eliciting soft moans from him.

"Shipra, it seems like I am going to win the bet, get ready for some fun." Namrata said with a triumphant look and an evil smile, her eyes filled with pure lust and mischief as he reminded Shipra about their earlier bet. Shipra's heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she made eye contact with Namrata.  Namrat eyes, dark and intense, never left Shipra's face, conveying an expectation of compliance that sent a shiver down Shipra's spine. The playful wager that had seemed so innocent before now came back to bite Shipra. Shipra's mind struggled to keep up. She was scared, curious, aroused, hesitant, tired and intoxicated all at the same time. It was too much for her to handle and then the reminder of the bet made her mind numb and she lost control of her body. 

Observing Shipra’s expression and body language Patode's face split into a wide, triumphant grin as the realization hit him, his gamble had paid off in ways he hadn't anticipated. He never expected such a turn of events, where he would not only relish the sexy body of this slutty bitch Namrata but also get to defile the much elusive and married hotty Shipra in a single night. In his mind, he silently thanked Namrata for unknowingly acting as his trump card in his gamble. The thought of what lay ahead sent a wave of primal desire coursing through him. His lust surged, nearly overwhelming him as he imagined the night to come. He couldn't hold it any longer he wanted them naked in bed moaning his name, craving for more and more, as he destroyed their sloppy wet cunt with his monster dick. He wanted their complete submission especially Shipra's. His unquenchable thirst and particular penchant for body of a married women reached its peak. The anticipation of the thrill and pleasure he would get when he ravishes Shipra's naked body, the satisfaction he would derive in stretching her married pussy reaching places her husband couldn’t, making her cum again and again on his dick and the kick he would get in breaking yet another faithful women that too a beautiful mother was driving him crazy. Patode, consumed by his lust, decided it was time to take matters into his own hands. He was done with mere teasing and playful games. His patience had worn thin, and the anticipation had built to an unbearable crescendo. The time for subtlety was over; now, he would assert his desires with unrestrained fervour.

Patode took a step back, causing his cock to slip from Namrata's grasp, much to her evident disappointment. She looked up, her eyes a mix of curiosity and frustration at his sudden retreat. Patode's face broke into a sly grin, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Why am I the only one showing off my assets here?" he teased, his voice dripping with playful challenge. "I think it's only fair that I get to see some skin as well. You both with your revealing attires have been teasing me all evening. It isn’t fair that I am standing naked giving you both a free display of my mighty manhood while you both just sit there basking in all the fun. Make it a level field Namrata?" he proposed, his voice a smooth, teasing murmur. He intentionally directed his question to Namrata knowing well that she will push Shipra to follow suit.

Namrata hesitated, a blush spreading across her cheeks as she processed Patode's bold proposal. Her heart raced as she considered his words, the audacity of his request sending a thrill through her. She had enjoyed teasing him all evening, watching his eyes darken with desire every time she moved just so, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her curves. Namrata decided to play along, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She stretched her legs out towards Patode, her movements slow and deliberate. Her hands slid to the hem of her short skirt, and with tantalizing slowness, she began to inch it upwards. Patode's eyes were glued to her every move, his breath catching as the smooth, milky expanse of her thighs came into view.

She took her time, savouring the effect she was having on him. Each movement revealed a little more skin, her thighs parting slightly to offer him a teasing glimpse. Patode's anticipation was palpable, his eyes filled with desire as he leaned forward, eager to see more. Her upper thighs came into view, the creamy skin just a breath away from revealing her panty-clad pussy. Patode's gaze was intense, his mouth slightly open as he drank in the sight. But just when it seemed she would unveil everything, Namrata paused. Her face bore a playful, naughty expression as she locked eyes with him. "Not so fast, Milind ji," she teased, her voice a sultry purr. "I'm not that easy."

Patode groaned softly, his eyes filled with a mix of frustration and admiration. He stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently caress her exposed thigh. "Come on, don’t be a tease, Namrata," he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "I let you play with mine, why don’t you return the favour."

Namrata laughed softly, a melodious sound that only fuelled the tension between them. She relished the power she held in this moment, the way Patode's eyes followed her every move, the way his touch sent shivers of pleasure through her body. She missed this attention and feeling of being desired. She was loving this slow seduction and teasing. She shifted slightly, her skirt slipping back down to cover her thighs, leaving Patode yearning for more. "Patience," she whispered, leaning in to brush her lips against his ear. "Good things come to those who wait."

Patode's fingers tightened on her thigh, his breath hot against her neck. "Don’t test me girl, I know what you’re trying to do, I won’t cum just by your seduction" he challenge her, his voice a husky growl. Namrata's smile widened, a thrill running through her at his admission. She placed a hand on his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath her palm. "Then let's see if you can handle a little more teasing," she challenged, her eyes gleaming. With that, she pushed him back slightly, giving herself room to maneuver. She sat up, her movements graceful and fluid, and slowly began to undo the buttons of her pink top. Each button came undone with agonizing slowness, revealing more of her deep cleavage, and smooth inviting skin. Patode watched, entranced, his desire mounting with every inch she bared.

When the last button was undone, Namrata shrugged off her top, throwing it behind her on the bed. She stood before him in her black lacy bra and skirt, a vision of tantalizing beauty. Her delicate and lacy bra, did little to conceal the fullness of her breasts. Her round shapely breast were straining the cups of her bra, trying to break free. Patode's breath hitched, his eyes devouring the sight of her. He reached out, his fingers brushing against her skin, but Namrata stepped back, shaking her head with a teasing smile. "Not so fast" she repeated, her voice a seductive whisper. Patode groaned, his frustration evident. "You're killing me, Namrata," he said, his voice a mix of exasperation and longing. With a playful glimmer in her eye, Namrata gave Patode a sly wink before gracefully mounting the bed once more. Seductively she crawled on all fours towards Shipra. While doing so she lifted her skirt from behind just enough to give Patode a glimpse of her panty clad ass.

Namrata’s playful glances over her shoulder kept Patode’s attention fixed on her every move. Shipra watched Namrata's advance with a mixture of anticipation and arousal, her breath quickening as she inched closer to her. She had been witnessing the erotic game of seduction between Namrata and Patode which was growing more daring and physical with each passing minute. She had been a passive participant of all the action till now but she knew Namrata will not let her just watch. The room was thick with tension, the air electric with the charged energy between the three of them. Namrata's movements were slow and deliberate, her body swaying seductively as she made her way towards Shipra. The growing anticipation only heightened the excitement coursing through Shipra's veins. Namrata reached Shipra and settled behind her on her knees supporting herself on Shipra’s shoulder, her lips brushing against Shipra's ear as she whispered, "Remember our little bet? You lost; look how easily I've got Patode dancing on my fingers. It’s time to honour your promise now." Shipra blushed, the memory of their playful wager flooding back. She was sure that Namrata would fail to win the bet, but her seductive prowess had proven too much to resist for Patode. Her body tingled with a blend of excitement and submission as she nodded, acknowledging her promise. "Fine, what do I have to do.”

"It's time for you to join the fun," Namrata murmured, her voice thick with sensuality. "Lose your Kurti for me, Shipra." Shipra was shocked at Namrata's demand, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red. She was about to voice her objection to such a bold and vulgar request, but Namrata's hands were already at the hem of her kurti. Shipra instinctively grabbed Namrata’s hands to stop her, but Namrata continued to lift the garment with gentle persistence.“Let go, Shipra. You can't deny it. You want this too, otherwise you would have left the room by now," Namrata said in a sensual voice, her words piercing through Shipra's defenses. "For once, listen to your desires and join me. Forget everything else and just enjoy the night. I promise you, I will never let you do anything immoral." Namrata's confident tone and piercing gaze made Shipra’s efforts to resist falter. She realized that deep down, she had already surrendered to her own hidden desires; she just needed the external validation and push to come out of her shell. Slowly, Shipra released Namrata’s hands, her heart pounding wildly in her chest.With Patode’s eyes fixed on her, Shipra let Namrata continue to pull up her kurti. The fabric slid smoothly over her skin, revealing the soft curve of her waist, her flat smooth navel and the swell of her full, supple breasts, delicately confined within a dark blue bra that contrasted beautifully with her skin. The cool air of the room caressed her exposed skin, sending a shiver down her spine. Namrata’s eyes sparkled with a mix of triumph and affection as she threw the kurti to the side.  Shipra's breath hitched, her senses overwhelmed by the closeness of Namrata and the intoxicating blend of fear and excitement coursing through her veins. Namrata glanced towards Patode, his eyes were fixed on Shipra's bra cladded breasts. His hand stroking his cock began moving more intensly with an increased pace. Namrata smirked at the site,  her fingers danced lightly over Shipra's shoulders moving behind her back, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Shipra closed her eyes, surrendering completely to the moment and the emotions swirling within her. 

Namrata's lips brushed against her ear, her voice a soft caress. "Trust me, Shipra," she whispered, her words like a gentle command. With practiced ease, Namrata's fingers swiftly unhooked Shipra's bra. A light sigh of relief and relaxation escaped Shipra's lips, her breathing became heavier. Her eyes remained closed, each exhalation a testament to the swirling emotions within her. As her bra loosened and slipped a little, it revealed the top of her soft, milky, and supple breasts. With each heavy breath the fabric inched downward, exposing the delicate curves of her light brown areolas and the tantalizing peaks of her nipples, which were taut with the thrill of the moment. Namrata traced her fingers along the straps of Shipra's bra, her touch light and teasing. With a gentle yet deliberate motion, she pushed the straps off Shipra's shoulders, allowing the bra to slip down. The garment fell under its own weight, leaving Shipra topless. Shipra's hands moved to cover her ample bosom, her fingers trembling as she tried to shield her nudity. Her eyes remained averted, avoiding the gaze of Patode, who watched silently from across the room.Namrata leaned in closer, her breath warm against Shipra's neck. "Don't hide," she whispered, her voice a soothing murmur. "You're beautiful, and you should show off." Her hands moved with tenderness, gently pulling Shipra's hands away from her chest, revealing the full expanse of her nudity. Shipra's heart pounded in her chest, a mix of vulnerability and exhilaration flooding her senses. Namrata shifted her position, moving to sit beside Shipra. With a deft movement, she reached behind herself and undid her own bra, the hooks coming undone with a soft, satisfying snap. She let the delicate fabric slide off her arms before tossing both bras in the direction of Patode.

Patode's eyes bulged out of their sockets, his arousal almost palpable at the surreal erotic display put on by Namrata and Shipra. He caught both their bras mid-air, bringing them to his face to inhale deeply, savoring their scent. The intoxicating aroma of their bodies heightened his excitement, and he couldn't resist rubbing the delicate fabric against his cock, feeling the silky smoothness against his sensitive skin. 

"Now tell me, Milind ji," Namrata teased, her voice dripping with seduction as she slowly played with her erect nipples, pinching and rolling them between her fingers. "Who has a better figure? You needed a closer look—is this close enough?"

Patode was speechless, he in his wildest dreams couldn't have imagined that this night will take such a turn. Two of the most sexy and beautiful women he had ever seen were now sitting topless in front of him ready to be devoured.  His gaze alternated between Namrata and Shipra, both embodying sensuality in their own unique ways. Namrata's breasts were perky and  seemed to defy gravity, standing firm and proud upon her chest, a testament to their perfect form. Each curve and contour seemed sculpted to perfection, captivating his attention with their elegant shape and softness.  Shipra, on the other hand, possessed breasts that were more voluptuous and rounder, a tantalizing contrast to Namrata's. Though they sagged slightly, this gentle droop was a subtle indication of motherhood, adding a layer of maturity and depth to her femininity. While Patode had experienced many a such encounters before, he knew deep down that this experience would transcend them all.

"You both have a beautiful figure, the best have ever seen," Patode said, his voice tinged with playful curiosity as his eyes lingered on their exposed breasts. "It's very difficult to make a fair comparison between the two of you just by seeing half of your mesmerizing bodies. You both are still hiding the best assets of a female body." Shipra's cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink, a mix of embarrassment and intrigue swirling within her. She exchanged a quick glance with Namrata, who offered her a reassuring smile. Patode's gaze remained fixed, his expression a blend of admiration and curiosity. "Why don't you both shed your remaining clothes," he suggested, his tone light yet insistent, "so that I can judge a little better?"

Namrata's smile widened into a playful grin, her eyes filled with a mixture of mischief and desire. She rose from the bed, her movements slow and seductive, every step a calculated tease as she made her way towards Patode. Patode's gaze was riveted on her, his eyes explored every inch her approaching form. With each step, her firm breasts bounced slightly, a tantalizing display that brought him to the very edge of his control. The sight was almost too much for him, and he had to stop stroking his cock to avoid cumming prematurely.

Namrata, too, was teetering on the brink of her own desire. It had been months since she last felt the touch of a man, and her need had been steadily growing since she first laid eyes on Patode's impressive cock. The anticipation was becoming unbearable; she was done with playing games and desperately craved the feel of his thick meat between her legs. Leaving Shipra behind, not wanting to involve her further in this moment, Namrata stopped inches away from Patode, her nipples just shy of brushing against his bare chest, her lips tantalizingly close to his."Go on, help yourself," she whispered seductively, her voice dripping with desire.

Patode understood her intent and needed no further encouragement. He reached out, his hands sliding over her curves, exploring her body with a hunger that matched her own. His fingers traced the contours of her breasts, squeezing them gently, his thumbs flicking over her hardened nipples. Namrata moaned softly, her body responding eagerly to his touch. He slowly descended downward planting kisses on her bare torso along the way. He knelt down, his face coming level with her navel as his hands slid upward, disappearing under her skirt making its way up slowly through her silky smooth thies. With a firm but gentle grip, he found the waistband of her panties and began to peel them down, his touch sending shivers up her thighs. Namrata lifted one leg and then the other, allowing him to remove the flimsy garment completely. His eyes never left hers, both sets locked in a gaze filled with raw lust. Holding her black panties in his large hands, Patode brought them close to his nose, inhaling deeply while maintaining intense eye contact with Namrata. Her scent was intoxicating, a mixture of her arousal and natural musk, and it only fueled his own desire. Namrata's breath quickened, her body reacting to the sight of him savoring her essence. The anticipation was almost unbearable, every nerve in her body alive with the need for his touch. She reached down, her fingers brushing against his cheek, urging him closer. 

Patode's hands slipped between her legs, his thumb running along her slit, teasing the entrance and slipping slightly into her wet folds. Namrata's knees almost buckled at the sensation, a soft cry escaping her lips. She had been waiting for this moment for so long, and now that it was finally happening, it was almost too much to bear."You are so wet, Namrata. Lift your skirt up, let me have a look at your sloppy wet cunt," Patode commanded, his voice filled with authority. He knew he was in control now.

Namrata, hungry for pleasure, pulled her skirt up without a thought, her clean-shaven, twitching wet pussy now on full display just inches away from his face. The sight was intoxicating, her arousal evident in the glistening moisture between her legs."Wow, what a beautiful clean pussy you have, girl," Patode murmured in delight.  He shoved his thumb deeper into her folds, spreading her love hole, his touch both gentle and insistent. The sudden impalement made her scream in pleasure, "Oh goooooddddd!!!!!!! " Namrata's body tensed up, her head falling back, her back arching, her breath caught in her throat. She was on the verge of her first orgasm of the night, her body trembled with the intensity of her arousal.

But just as she was about to topple over that edge, Patode withdrew his thumb, leaving her on the brink of release and filled with a desperate frustration. Her eyes flew open, a mixture of need and confusion flashing across her face. Patode smirked, clearly enjoying the power he held over her. "Not so fast, Namrata," he murmured, his voice a low growl. "It's my turn to tease you, I want to savor this." Namrata's breath came in ragged gasps, her body still tingling from the near orgasm. "Please, Patode," she begged, her voice a desperate whisper. "| need a release."

"In time, bitch," Patode's tone changed suddenly, a menacing edge creeping into his voice. With Namrata under his total control, his real personality slowly started to surface. "I need to taste your slutty cunt first." Patode slid both his hands behind her skirt firmly gripping her ass cheeks. His fingers dug into her fleshy ass as he pulled her closer. Namrata shivered at the roughness, her arousal spiking in response to his command. Namrata's breath quickened as Patode's rough hands roamed over her ass, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh. The hunger in his eyes was almost predatory, a look that promised both pleasure and pain. 

Patode leaned in, he started kissing the inside of her thigh, his lips trailing a path upward. Each kiss sent a jolt of pleasure through her, her body trembling with need. He reached her core, his breath hot against her wet folds. "'Spread your legs wider" he commanded, his voice low and authoritative. Namrata obeyed without hesitation, widening her stance to give him better access. The vulnerability of her position only heightened her arousal, her body responding eagerly to his dominance. Patode lowered his head, his mouth hovering just inches away from her glistening folds. He inhaled deeply, savoring the intoxicating scent of her arousal. "Such a dirty little slut,' he murmured, his voice filled with dark pleasure.

He leaned in, his tongue flicking out to taste her, the sensation sending a jolt of pleasure through Namrata's body. She moaned softly, her hands gripping his shoulders for support as he began to devour her. His tongue moved with expert precision, exploring every inch of her wetness, teasing her clit with delicate flicks. Namrata's moans grew louder, her hips bucking against his mouth as the pleasure built within her. Patode's tightened his grip on her ass, his fingers inching into the crevices of her butt crack as he held her steady. His tongue worked tirelessly, driving her wild with need, pushing her closer and closer to the edge."Yes... Yes... Right there," she gasped, her voice thick with desperation. "Don't stop, I am so close." 

Patode pulled out, leaving Namrata bucking her hips in a desperate attempt to hold him in. His eyes locking onto hers with a dark intensity. "Not yet," he growled. "I won't let you cum so easily." He slowly resumed his assault on her, his tongue moving faster, more insistent. Namrata's body trembled, her desire for release almost unbearable. Patode's hands roamed over her ass, squeezing and spreading her cheeks. Just when she thought she couldn't take it any longer, Patode pulled away again completely, leaving her panting and frustrated. "Enough with the foreplay, it's time to FUCK. Turn around, lift your skirt and bend over," he ordered, his voice roared leaving no scope of argument.

 Namrata complied quickly, her need for release overriding any sense of modesty. She turned, lifting her skirt high bunching it around her waist revealing her glistening, aching pussy, and bent over, her hands bracing against the bed, presenting her round peachy ass to him. Her eyes met Shipra's, whom she had momentarily forgotten was there in the room with her. The realization brought a mischievous twinkle to Namrata's gaze. She gave Shipra a naughty smile, her lips curving upwards seductively. Namrata's attention drifted back to Patode, as she glanced down at the impressive sight before her—the thick, nine-inch monster hanging between Patode's leg as he inched closer behind her. She could feel her body responding to the mere sight of it, her arousal intensifying.

Patode took a moment to admire the sight before him, her wet, glistening pussy and her round, inviting ass. His hands roamed over her body, tracing the curves of her hips before settling on her waist. He spread her cheeks with a firm grip, exposing her even more, eliciting a soft moan from Namrata. 

Patode took position behind her placing his cock between the cut of Namrata's ass, the thick length rubbing up and down over her most intimate area. The sensation of his hot rod, hard flesh sliding against her slick folds made her hips buck involuntarily, a desperate attempt to draw him inside. Patode's gaze shifted to Shipra, whose eyes were fixed on his cock, her pupils dilated with arousal as she watched it tease Namrata's entrance. Sensing her intense focus, Patode paused, his movements ceasing to draw her attention. Shipra's eyes slowly lifted to meet his, her breath catching at the raw hunger and lust she saw in his expression. Shipra was incredibly turned on by the erotic display unfolding before her. Leaning against the wall for support, she was squeezing her right breast with her left hand, her fingers kneading the soft flesh and playing with her nipples. Her right hand was lost inside her panties, her fingers moving frantically over her clit and dipping into her soaked folds. The white leggings she wore bore a visible wet patch, a testament to her heightened state of arousal.

Patode's lips curled into a knowing smile as he took in the sight of Shipra pleasuring herself. "Enjoying the show?" he asked, his voice a low, seductive rumble that seemed to vibrate through the room. Shipra nodded, unable to form coherent words, her body trembling with need. The sight of Patode's cock poised at Namrata's entrance, ready to plunge into her at any moment, was driving her wild. Patode's smile widened, his eyes darkening with lust. "Let me quench this slut's thirst. Next, I'll satisfy your leaking married cunt," his voice was threatening, filled with evil desires.

He returned his attention to Namrata, who was trembling with anticipation, her body ready to receive him. Patode kept his eyes locked on Shipra as he positioned himself, the head of his thick cock nudging against Namrata's wet folds. Namrata jolted as he pushed at her entrance, a gasp escaping her lips. 

"Oh... SHIT!" she screamed, feeling the overwhelming pressure as he began to enter her. "You're too big, Patode! Be careful! Fuck! Shit!" Her voice was a mix of pain and pleasure, the sensation of being stretched this much just by the tip of his cock was too intense to bear.

"And you're fucking tight," Patode groaned, his voice rough with pleasure as he pushed deeper.The tight heat of her pussy gushed around his girth just from the penetration made  him shudder. In a matter of seconds, Namrata transformed from a teasing and playful woman to a submissive, moaning mess, her body arching and trembling beneath him. 

Shipra watched without blinking, her own arousal almost at its peak. The sight of Patode's cock disappearing into Namrata, combined with her friend's desperate cries, was nearly too much for her to handle. Her fingers moved faster within her panties, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she imagined herself in Namrata's place.

"Come have a closer look, see how I am stretching your friends pussy, I won't touch you i promise. I just want a closer look at your voluptuous breasts and may be you can give us a peak at your itching pussy." Patode tempted Shipra in an soft seducing voice.

Curiosity got ther better of her, as Shipra in her aroused state started to shift her semi nude frame towards Patode. Patode grinned in excitement and roughly rammed his cock inside Namrata.

Ahhhhhhh! Ohhhhh maaaaaaaaa... cries  of pleasure filled the room ... It was going to be a very long night for Shipra and Namrata...

End of Chapter 9: The 9 inch Magic Wand: Part 2  thanks
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(10-06-2024, 06:59 AM)AnitaMathur Wrote: Those who says this is vulgar and not realistic.. you are wrong.. aisa hi hoti hai in branches me jindegi aur middle class couples me. This story is very relatable and so hot for a woman to read only a woman can understand. Thank you suraj keep writing more .. this story opens up so many angles

Thanks Anita Namaskar
[+] 2 users Like Suraj76626's post
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Guys I was unable to proof read the draft before posting.. sorry for any blunders in advance.  Big Grin

And, i wished to end chapter 9 with the second part but It kept on getting lengthier. Eventually I had to break it. So the Chapter 9 will going to have a 3rd part.

Enjoy...  Namaskar
[+] 2 users Like Suraj76626's post
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Hi suraj,
You are mastering the art. Right on the money from the word go. Explain the facial expressions and how she looks in every position, keep adding the nuances. You will kill millions of sperms bro. Mast update. It would be too much to ask you to post part 3 now. Eagerly waiting. You are tantalizing the readers with these two beauties and a madarchod.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
[+] 2 users Like Hornytamilan23's post
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I know how hard it is to give an update. Thanks for delivering as you promised.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
[+] 2 users Like Hornytamilan23's post
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Bro can you make an index in the first page, so that we can jump to the chapters, which we like and want to read it again. It would he helpful.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
[+] 1 user Likes Hornytamilan23's post
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What an update bro ! Truly you are a master of slow seduction and erotic thriller :Smile  I can imagine the scene in my mind while reading this and that's what separates a GOAT from normal writer. Hats Off  Namaskar
[+] 2 users Like masterofvilla's post
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(11-06-2024, 01:36 AM)Hornytamilan23 Wrote: Bro can you make an index in the first page, so that we can jump to the chapters, which we like and want to read it again. It would he helpful.

Sure.. will make one.. nice idea.. thanks.
[+] 1 user Likes Suraj76626's post
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(11-06-2024, 12:48 PM)masterofvilla Wrote: What an update bro ! Truly you are a master of slow seduction and erotic thriller :Smile  I can imagine the scene in my mind while reading this and that's what separates a GOAT from normal writer. Hats Off  Namaskar

Much appreciated bro thanks
[+] 1 user Likes Suraj76626's post
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Explosive update.... Totally arousing and wet
[+] 1 user Likes madiha.agarwal's post
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Great Update Keep It Up
[+] 2 users Like rp7575's post
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Chapter 9: The 9 inch Magic Wand: Part 3

It was beyond midnight, and the village of Kasegaon lay in a deep, peaceful slumber. However, in Namrata's room, the night was alive with raw, unabashed sexual action. Cries of pleasure broke the stillness and silence of the night. The rhythmic lewd sound of sweaty skin slapping against skin filled the room, echoing the intensity of their raunchy sexual intercourse.

"Thap, thap... thap!" The relentless noise of Patode's crotch hammering against Namrata's soft, fleshy ass was a testament to their craving for mutual pleasure. His big balls kept hitting her inner thies while his cock plunged in and out of her well-lubricated pussy, the slick warmth enveloping him as he drove deeper with each thrust.

"Oh god, oh fuck, mmmmmm. Uh, fuck... fuck... oh... maaaaa," Namrata moaned, her voice a mixture of ecstasy and desperate need. "More, deeper, go more deeper, Patode," she urged, her tight love hole now accustomed to his girth. She clutched the bedsheet hard as her face contorted with the impending orgasm. Her eyes were closed, lost in the waves of pleasure washing over her, each sensation more intense than the last. She was so consumed by lust getting her cunt stuffed after such a prolonged period of time, that too with such a meaty rod, that she failed to notice Patode had been taking her bareback. 

Tempted by curiosity and her own arrousal, Shipra edged closer to the bed beside Namrata, her senses electrified by her friend's moans of pleasure and the sight of her body squirming with every thrust. She sat leaning back arching her chest, supported by her left hand, while her right hand continued to pleasure her flared pussy. Her long, dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, the strands of hair offered only the slightest concealment, allowing a tantalizing partial view of her ample bosom. Her breasts seemed to have swelled even more since they had been freed from the constricting shackles of her bra, their fullness now completely exposed. Each breath caused them to rise and fall enticingly, her nipples prominently erect, pointing outward as if aching for some sucking. Beads of sweat formed on her juicy, round melons, trickling down slowly towards her flat abdomen, a testament to the heat of her overwhelming arousal.

Her feet dangled off the edge of the bed, just inches away from Patode's thighs. From this vantage point, she had an unobstructed view of the intense drilling Namrata was receiving from behind. Her eyes were fixated on the raw, primal scene before her, watching as their sexes mashed together repeatedly, each thrust eliciting a fresh wave of moans from Namrata. The obscene spectacle captivated Shipra completely, and she became lost in the sleazy act unfolding in front of her. She was so engrossed that she failed to realize how dangerously close she had gotten to Patode. 

Patode sensing Shipra's proximity, deliberately slowed his thrusts, giving her a slow-motion view of his monster cock pistoning in and out of Namrata's welcoming pussy. He could see the yearning in Shipra's eyes, her body, now glistening with a fine sheen of sweat and her breaths coming faster as she watched every sensual movement. The thought of having her so close, yet not quite participating, drove him wild with lust. He desperately wanted to grab Shipra's legs, pulling her closer, and bending her over just like Namrata. The image of both women positioned side by side, their round asses jutting out from the bed, was almost too much to bear. He imagined taking turns, plunging his dick into one sloppy, wet pussy while his fingers explored the other, making them both moan and scream in pleasure simultaneously as he brought them waves of orgasm one after the other.

Namrata groaned in discontent, pushing her hips back in an attempt to compensate for Patode's slow, teasing thrusts.  Frustrated by the lack of intensity, she reluctantly opened her eyes, only to be met with a surprising sight. The scene had transformed before her, Shipra sat beside her, panting and wriggling with arousal as she fingered herself while watching them fuck. Realization dawned on Namrata as she understood Patode's strategy. He deliberately slowed his pace, luring Shipra into joinig them by displaying the magic of his tool and his libido. Namrata glanced over her shoulder, Patode was staring down at Shipra, his eyes devouring her sexy posture. Namrata was entirely consumed by the intensity of her impending climax, unable to summon the will to object. Patode had been masterfully teasing her, keeping her on the very edge, making her desperate for release.

"Look how wet she is," Patode gloated, observing the glistening evidence of her arousal. "Juices are oozing out of her. I am only half way in, and she's already on the verge of coming. Watch how I make this cockteasing bitch cum on my cock." With a smug grin, he began to increase his pace, thrusting more deeply with each motion, filling her inch by inch.

"Smack! Smack!" Patode's hand came down hard on Namrata's ass, the sharp sound reverberating through the room a he increased his tempo. Each spank sent a jolt of pain and pleasure coursing through Namrata's body. She yelped, her cries a mix of surprise and arousal, but the frustration that had been building within her began to dissipate. With renewed intensity, Patode drove himself deeper into her aching pussy, each powerful thrust filling her more completely. The sensation of his thick, bare cock exploring the uncharted depths of her pussy made Namrata's whole body shudder with pleasure. The raw, intimate connection sent waves of ecstasy through her as she felt every ridge and vein of his hardness. Without the barrier of a condom, the intensity of each thrust was magnified, every inch of him stimulating her sensitive inner walls, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

"Soooo gooodd!! Yes... Yes, give it to me... I'm so close," Namrata moaned, her voice rising in pitch with every thrust. The wet, squelching sounds of her leaking cunt being relentlessly rammed echoed through the room. The relentless rhythm of Patode's thrusts was merciless, each powerful stroke hitting deeper than the last, reaching places within her that had never been touched before. The friction of his bare skin against her slick, wet folds was almost too much to bear. Namrata's back arched, her fingers clawing at the bedsheets as she surrendered to the exquisite torture of his relentless pace. Patode's grip on her hips tightened, his fingers digging into her flesh as he pulled her back onto his cock with each thrust. Namrata's body responded eagerly. She was lost in the sensation, her mind a blur of ecstasy as the pleasure built to an almost unbearable level. Each spank, each thrust, each moan was driving her closer to an explosive climax. 

Patode's eyes flicked to Shipra, who was now even closer, her own arousal evident in the way her fingers moved franticaly between her legs. Her eyes were locked onto the sight of Namrata being taken with such raw intensity. Shipra's hand worked feverishly over her swollen clit, her moans syncing with Namrata's cries of ecstasy. Her eyes were wide, pupils dilated with desire as she watched Patode's thick cock plunge relentlessly into Namrata's slick, eager pussy. The sight of both the women deriving pleasure from him spurred him on. With a growl of determination, Patode increased his pace even further, his thrusts becoming a blur of motion. Almost his entire length was now sliding smoothly into Namrata, filling her completely. Namrata's moans escalated into cries of pure pleasure. Her body tensed, every nerve ending alight with sensation.

"Fuck, Namrata, you're squeezing me so tight," Patode groaned, his voice thick with lust. "Tell your friend how good my cock feels. Tell her what she's missing." His words were a deliberate provocation, designed to tease and lure Shipra into joining them.

Namrata was breathless, her voice barely coherent as she tried to respond. "I am go...nna cummmm, Shiprraaaa!
He is fucccckinng me.. so goooood. His cockkk is ruiningg me... ohhhh, Ahhhhhhhhh!" She gasped for air, her words cut off as a powerful orgasm tore through her. Her body went rigid, trembling uncontrollably under the force of the body-shattering climax.

"That's it.. Cum on my cock. This is just the beginning. Just wait-I'l fuck you until you lose count of how many orgasms you've had tonight." Patode growled as he slowly pulled out of her. His shaft was glistening with Namrata's juices, a testament to the intensity of their encounter. He watched, captivated, as her gaping pussy twitched uncontrollably from his relentless onslaught.
Her orgasm had been so powerful that it almost seemed as if she were having a seizure. Her toes curled tightly, and every muscle in her body strained and quivered. She lay there, trembling uncontrollably under the relentless waves of ecstasy that coursed through her, each one more intense than the last.

The sight of Namrata in such an intense state caused Shipra some concern. "Are you alright, Namrata?" Shipra asked softly, placing her hand gently on Namrata's shoulder. Namrata was still trembling, her face buried in the bedsheet, breaths coming in short gasps."I’m okay," Namrata replied weakly, turning her face towards Shipra. Her expression was one of pure satisfaction, her eyes hazy with the remnants of pleasure, and her body visibly exhausted. Despite the intense ordeal, a faint, contented smile played on her lips, reassuring Shipra that she had enjoyed every moment.

Shipra was in awe at the instensity of Namrata's orgasm. It served as a catalyst, flooding her memories of her torrid affair with Viresh, her body remembered the feeling of such an intense experience at the hand of her ex . The memory of those passionate encounters with him stirred something deep in her.  She could feel the boundaries of her self-control weakening, her thoughts becoming increasingly consumed by longing and forbidden desire. The yearning in her chest grew stronger, morphing into a force that felt almost immoral in its intensity. 

She turned her attention toward Patode, who was bending down and rummaging through his jeans for something. He was presenting an obscene yet provocative image of his well sculpted ass, his toned back and his big balls hanging between his legs. As he straightened up, having retrieved an item from his pocket, he started walking towards Shipra. His glistening, erect penis swayed slightly with each step. Shipra bit her lower lip, feeling a rush of arousal. Her hands moved almost involuntarily to her breasts, squeezing them as she watched him approach.

"Who is ready for round two?" Patode's voice rang out, confident and demanding. He knew the effect his presence had, the way his cock had already worked its magic. Shipra's eyes were glued to him, her body itching to experience the same intense pleasure she had witnessed with Namrata. With a knowing smirk, Patode tossed the item in his hand towards Shipra. A condom, an extra-large one, sailed through the air and landed behind her on the bed. The site of it sent shiver down her spine in anticipation of what was to come.

"I don't want any one of you to get pregnant," Patode quipped with a vulgar grin as he inched towards the bed. "Come here and put that on my dick, Shipra. I know your dripping wet pussy can't wait any longer." His eyes flicked to the wet patch that had formed on her white leggings, a testament to her arousal. Standing at the edge of the bed, Patode let his hands roam over Namrata's buttocks. His middle finger slipped gently between her well-fucked, highly sensitive folds, drawing a light moan from her lips. "I'm not done with you yet," he murmured to Namrata. "Just rest and enjoy the show. I bet Shipra will moan louder than you as I fuck her to oblivion." His crude words hung in the air, making Shipra blush deeply. She couldn't deny the truth in his statement. Her body was aching with need, desperate for release. Without a word, she turned her head, searching for the condom that had landed behind her on the bed.

Shipra's hands trembled with urgency as she searched for the condom. She found it lying amidst a heap of her kurti and Namrata's top. As she lifted the clothes, her Mangalsutra slipped from the fabric and fell onto the bed beside the condom. Shipra froze, her face flushing deeply. She realized that her mangalsutra must have been removed along with her kurti earlier. The sight of her Mangalsutra lying next to the condom jolted her back to reality. In an instant, her arousal, inebriation, and all her immoral thoughts vanished, replaced by a crushing sense of guilt and clarity. The weight of what she was about to do, the betrayal it represented, hit her like a tidal wave. 

Her breath came laboured as she stared at the juxtaposition of the sacred and the profane. The Mangalsutra, a symbol of her husband and marriage, lay next to the condom, highlighting the contrast between her sacred vows and the moment of lustful infidelity. The weight of guilt bore down on her, suffocating any remnants of desire. Patode's voice broke through her turmoil, oblivious to the internal battle raging within her. "Hurry up, Shipra, My cock is itching to screw a married cunt after a long time" he urged, his tone laced with impatience and lust. "Or may be you want to get fucked bare like Namrata? I can't guarantee I'll pull out though. I love emptying my load into loyal pussies." Patode continued his obsecene remarks. 

Shipra was not in a state to pay heed to whatever he was saying. The weight of Patode's vulgar comments barely registered; she was numb to the world around her. Shock and disbelief coursed through her veins as she realized the gravity of her actions. Anger, guilt, and self-loathing churned within her, each emotion vying for dominance. Her eyes stung with unshed tears as she cursed herself inwardly, unable to comprehend how she had reached this point. Shipra's trembling fingers hovered uncertainly over the Mangalsutra, a symbol of her marital vows and the life she had promised to uphold. The sacred thread felt like a heavy burden in her hand, its significance now a glaring reminder of the betrayal she was about to commit.

In a blur of confusion and shame, Shipra grabbed Namrata's pink top and hastily pulled it on to conceal her nudity. The fabric provided a small shield against the vulnerability she felt in Patode's presence. She stood and left the bed making her way to the door. "I am sorry, but i cannot to this." she murmured to Patode, her head bowed downed with shame, her eyes welling up. She ran out the door towards her room leaving Patode shocked and annoyed.

"What the hell?" Patode exclaimed, his voice a mixture of frustration and bewilderment. His face contorted with an annoyed and angry expression as he stood there, grappling with the unexpected turn of events.  He wanted to chase after her, to drag her back forcefully, but he wrestled with himself, taking deep breaths to calm down.
"Think rationally," he muttered under his breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. Patode reminded himself that he still had Namrata for the night. The evening had gone better than he had initially expected. But his desire to bed yet another married women, that too a high class beautiful women like Shipra kept bubbling inside him. Now that he had seen her almost nude, his lust for her was even more amplified, turning a simple lust into an all-consuming obsession. He turned his gaze to Namrata who was now sitting on the bed, kneeling on her knees, holding the condom in her hands staring at him.

"Her mangalsutra tore right through the magic of your cock Patode," Namrata said, her voice laced with mischief and sarcasm. "Just keep the image of that rare, immoral act you witnessed from her. You’re not going to get another such chance in the future." she tried to bring back his attention on her. "Forget her and focus on me. I am ready for round two." Namrata’s eyes sparkled with a wicked glint as she placed the condom in her mouth and began to crawl towards Patode. Her movements were slow, deliberate, and tantalizing, a display of her eagerness and seduction. She tore the condom packet open with her teeth and bent down, preparing to put it on him.

"Not so fast," Patode commanded, his voice a mix of irritation and dark anticipation. "Suck my dick first. I want to feel the warmth of your mouth and softness of your lips on my tool." Namrata’s lips curled into a sly smile as she complied. Patode’s thoughts, however, remained partially entangled with the image of Shipra. "And as far as Shipra madam is concerned," he continued, an evil smile spreading across his face, "you’ll help me get between her legs. Next time I get the chance, I’ll have her suck my dick too with her precious mangalsutra tied around it."

Namrata’s eyes widened slightly at the intensity of his words, but her smile remained. She seemed to relish the dark fantasies he spun, her own arousal feeding off his dominance. With a seductive grace, she parted her thighs and raised her hips, her torso bending down until her lips touched the tip of his cock. She took hold of his magnificent shaft, her tongue darting out to lick its entire length, her eyes locked onto his. Her other hand played with his balls, her fingers deftly exploring as she slowly savored the feel of his veined, thick meat.

"Not gonna happen," Namrata said nonchalantly, her voice a tantalizing mix of defiance and seduction. "She is my best friend, and I am not going to corrupt her for your indecent desires. She is happily married; leave her that way." Despite her words, she continued to serve his dick with unwavering dedication, her tongue swirling and her lips teasing. "I am more than happy to compensate for her," Namrata added with a wink, her mouth slowly taking his cock inside, enveloping him in warm, wet pleasure. She began to move rhythmically, her head bobbing up and down as she worked him with expert precision.

"Ohhhh... wowwww," Patode moaned, his voice thick with pleasure as he felt the warmth of Namrata's mouth enveloping him. He relished the depravity of her actions, the illicit thrill fueling his arousal."For tonight, I'll content myself with you and your holes," Patode said, his tone tinged with a dark hunger. "But after today's sexy dalliance with her, my dick won't be truly satisfied until it defiles her faithful married cunt." Namrata's eyes widened slightly at his explicit words, but she didn't flinch. Instead, she continued to work him with skillful determination, her hands and mouth driving him towards the edge of ecstasy. "And you don't know it yet," Patode continued, his voice lowering to a menacing whisper, "but by the time I'm done with you... you'll be obeying me.... like the little bitch you are." he said, taking deliberate pauses between his words as he started giving long hard jerks. Namrata's body responded eagerly to his dominance, she loved the rough treatment. She glanced up at him, her eyes a mix of submission and desire, the intensity of his words only adding to the erotic charge between them. Despite the crude language, she reveled in the power he exerted over her, willingly surrendering to his primal need.

Patode's fingers grabbed a handful of her hairs and pulled Namrata's head closer into his crotch, a sensation that mixed pleasure with a hint of controlled aggression. He gave a final push and shoved his cock all the way into her mouth. Namrata's eyes teared up as she choked on his cock invading her throat. "Take it all the way in you slutty bitch." he commanded not relenting a bit.

The scene was absolutely obscene and vulgar. Namrata's eyes widened in surprise and discomfort as she struggled to accommodate his sudden intrusion. The abruptness of his action caused her eyes to water, and she choked as his cock invaded her throat. She started gagging around him, her hands instinctively gripping his thies for support and relief. He finally withdrew his dick, a thick strand of saliva connected the tip of his cock with Namrata's mouth. Her eyes were blood shot, a mix of her saliva and pre-cum trickled through her edge of her lips as she coughed and gasped for air. 

Patode showed no mercy as he snatched the condom from Namrata's hand and seized her by the hair one more, forcefully pushing her back onto the bed. Climbing atop the bed, he positioned himself between her legs and spread them wide apart with commanding hands. His eyes burned with determination, but beneath that fierce resolve lay a simmering frustration. A rare chance to nail Shipra had slipped through his fingers, leaving him seething with unmet desire. The tantalizing vision of her, so close and yet unattainable, tortured him, fueling his need to assert control and dominance elsewhere.

"This time, I'll make you scream so loud that Shipra will regret leaving me like that," he declared. With deliberate movements, he rolled the condom onto his throbbing cock. Grasping Namrata's hips firmly, he pulled her closer, the intensity of their physical proximity heightening the tension between them. Patode spat a thick amount of saliva onto Namrata's pussy, his actions both provocative and possessive. He teased her, running his cock along her slick slit, making Namrata squirm and moan in anticipation. Leaning his body over hers, Patode pressed himself against her, impaling her once again. This was the second time that night, but now with the protection of the condom. The barrier did little to diminish the raw, intense sensations as Patode plunged his cock deep into Namrata, pushing all the way to the hilt. Despite the condom, she felt every inch of him, the fullness and heat of his hard length driving deep within her.

Namrata, still reeling from the intense assault on her mouth, barely had time to catch her breath when Patode penetrated his full 9 inches into her with one swift, powerful motion. She gasped, her body arching in response to the sudden, overwhelming sensation of being filled so completely. Her mouth opened in a silent scream, the shock and pleasure rendering her momentarily speechless. For a few suspended seconds, no sound escaped her lips, her eyes wide and brimming with a mix of surprise and ecstasy. Then, as Patode began to withdraw, the floodgates opened. "Ohhhhh my goooddddddd!!!!!" she cried out, the sound bursting from her in a wave of raw, unrestrained pleasure.

Patode's cock slid out of her only to plunge back in with relentless precision. Each thrust was calculated, designed to break her into his personal slut. Namrata's cries filled the room as Patode kept plummeling into her with all his might.

Aaaahhhhhh...Ahhhhh...uffffffff...unggggghg.....faster..go faster....
Ohhhh...maaaaaaa.. hmmmmmm... deeeeper pleeease....
Oh...goooodddddd...... fuck fuck fuck.. Patoddddeeeeee....i am cumming again........

Faint cries of Namrata's moans of pleasure seeped into Shipra's room, piercing the quiet of the night with an unsettling clarity. Shipra lay on her bed, desperately trying to muffle the sounds with a pillow pressed tightly over her ears. Each muffled moan sent a pang of guilt through her, a relentless reminder of the evening's events. Her body felt heavy, weighed down by the burden of her actions and the overwhelming tide of emotions that threatened to drown her. Her mind was numb, struggling to process the whirlwind of events and the moral lines she had crossed. Guilt washed over her leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. Tears welled up in Shipra's eyes as she whispered into the darkness, "I'm sorry, Alok... I have let you down... I'm so sorry." The words were a mantra, a desperate attempt to seek forgiveness from her absent husband. Her voice broke with emotion, the guilt almost too much to bear.

Slowly, the exhaustion of the day's emotional turmoil began to take its toll. Her repeated apologies became softer, her voice fading into quiet sobs. The relentless weight of guilt and regret pulled her deeper into a state of weariness, her body succumbing to the need for rest as she slipped into deep slumber.

End of Chapter 9: Final Part.  thanks Enjoy  Cool
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Such an extraordinary storytelling.
I just loved it.
Thank you so much.
[+] 1 user Likes pro10's post
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Hi Suraj,

Enjoyed. No unnecessary drama.

You are readers writer.

There is genre called comedy in erotic novels. I would like you to try it with alok and his friends, its like the misfortunes they face trying to woo Shipra.

Atleast one or two episodes bro in that genre bro.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
[+] 2 users Like Hornytamilan23's post
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Awesome update
[+] 2 users Like chellaporukki's post
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clps clps clps
[+] 1 user Likes satankama's post
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Excellent writing. Every update is fantastic. Loved it so much
[+] 1 user Likes suryaspk's post
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Superb writing
[+] 1 user Likes drillhot's post
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Suraj bro your writing skills are fantastic, the way you’ve written the characters,  plot, dialogues,  everything is amazing. How the latest update has fitted so nicely with what happened previously shows you have a talent.

I’m loving Shirpa’s dilemma in her bodies needs and her morals.  She’s a good wife, loves her husband but she wants to experience the same pleasure as her friend.  The  committed wife feels the guilt even though she is sexually deprived. Going back and reading the scene where she feels shame and sadness looking at her mangulsutra is going to be such a turn on after she gives into her lust, the devoted housewife turning into a nymph is going to be so hot, I can’t wait.  Her mangulsutra right now is stopping her from taking the next step but afterwards it won’t have the power to stop her  happy

Even though Namrata is a strong part of the story and important to the plot, I only see her as a side kick to Shirpa, I’m more interested in Shirpa and seeing her get closer to the men in the story, especially the young boys and the other men at her work.  

So far the only slight criticism I have is that Shirpa doesn’t think of her son as much as she should, as a Mother I think he would be in her thoughts a lot more.  Leaving him behind must be very hard for her, maybe a few lines about that might make her inner turmoil more relatable.  Otherwise everything else is fantastic.  Please continue.
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