Super slut she has turned out to be
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The old man did not die. She can tell that he tried to bang her. Now she has fallen into a non bailable trap. Super
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How many times will Madan fuck her before making CEO ?
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Next day morning Ankita is woken up from her deep sleep. 

Her phone rings with a familiar tune, indicating a call from Amrish. She quickly picks it up, her voice bubbling with excitement. "Hi Amrish!" she greets enthusiastically.

"Hey Ankita," Amrish replies, his tone carrying a hint of apology. "I'm sorry, but I have some bad news."

Ankita's heart sinks a little, sensing the change in his voice. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. It's just that Deepak won't be able to make it back as soon as he thought. He has to stay in the village for a few more days," Amrish explains.

A wave of disappointment washes over Ankita. She had been eagerly looking forward to meeting both Deepak and Amrish. "Oh, I see. Is there a problem in the village?"

"No, not a problem, per se. It's just that his presence there is needed for a bit longer. There are some issues that need his attention, and he can't leave just yet," Amrish says, his voice reflecting Deepak's sense of duty.

Ankita tries to mask her disappointment. "I understand, Amrish. His village needs him, and that's important. But, I was really looking forward to our get-together. Deepak, you and I ... we need to spend some time together as friends."

"I know, and I was looking forward to it too. I'm really sorry, Ankita. I was excited about catching up with both of you. Deepak is sorry as well," Amrish sounds genuinely apologetic.

"It's alright, Amrish. These things happen. We'll just have to plan for another time. Take care of what you need to, and let us know when Deepak is back. We can reschedule then," Ankita says, her voice warm yet tinged with a hint of sadness.

"Definitely, I'll do that. Thanks for understanding, Ankita. I'll call you as soon as Deepak is back in the city," Amrish promises.

"Okay, take care, Amrish. And if you need anything or if there's any way I can help, just let me know," Ankita offers sincerely.

"Will do. Thanks again, Ankita. Talk to you soon," Amrish says before they both say their goodbyes and end the call.

Ankita sits quietly for a moment, processing the conversation. She feels a blend of understanding for Deepak's situation and disappointment about the postponed plans. 

Ankita tried falling back into sleep. Her room, a cozy cocoon, was slowly invaded by the chirping of birds and the gentle whisper of the morning breeze. Just as she was stretching away the remnants of sleep, her phone rang again, shattering the tranquility. It was her mother, her tone a familiar blend of excitement and insistence.

"Ankita, beta, have you forgotten? You're meeting Nandu Laal today, the young man I told you about," her mother said, barely containing her enthusiasm.

Ankita sighed, the weight of her reluctance heavy in her voice. "Yes, Ma, I remember," she replied, her words slow and reluctant. She had heard much about Nandu Laal, an arranged marriage prospect her parents were eager about, but Ankita's heart wasn't in it.

Her mother's voice took on a firmer tone. "Ankita, this is important for our family. Nandu is a good match. You must meet him with an open mind."

Reluctantly agreeing, Ankita set out for the day, her mind a whirl of thoughts. She met Nandu at a quaint café, its walls adorned with art and its air filled with the aroma of coffee. Nandu was already there, seated awkwardly, his hands fidgeting with a napkin.

"Hello, Ankita. It's nice to finally meet you," he greeted, his voice tinged with a nervous eagerness.

Ankita forced a smile. "Hello, Nandu. How are you?"

Their conversation started with trivialities - the weather, the café, their respective journeys there. Nandu seemed nice enough, but his conversation lacked depth, revolving around his job in accounting and his fondness for cricket. Ankita listened, her responses polite but noncommittal, her mind wandering.

Then, out of the blue, Nandu asked, "So, Ankita, I hope it's alright to ask – have you ever had a boyfriend before?"

The question caught Ankita off-guard. She hesitated, feeling a mix of surprise and irritation. "No, I haven't," she answered curtly, her discomfort evident. She wondered why her past mattered, why it was a topic in a conversation that already felt too structured, too forced.

Nandu nodded, a hint of relief in his expression. "Oh, good. I just wanted to know. You know how it is with families and expectations."

The rest of the meeting passed in a blur of uneventful chatter. Ankita was polite but distant, her answers short, her mind firmly made up. As they parted ways, with a promise to "think about it" and "let the parents know," Ankita felt a sense of relief wash over her.

The whole experience left Ankita contemplative. She realized that while she respected her culture and her parents' wishes, she yearned for something more - a connection, a spark, something that couldn't be found in arranged meet-ups and forced conversations. As she walked home, the sun setting in a blaze of colors, Ankita knew that her journey to find love would be on her own terms, in her own time.

As Ankita walked home, her thoughts were a swirling mix of emotions and reflections. The fading daylight cast long shadows on the path, mirroring the doubts and uncertainties in her heart. She pondered over her meeting with Nandu Laal, realizing it had solidified her desire for a love that was organic and spontaneous, not predetermined by familial arrangements.

Upon reaching home, her mother called her. She eagerly awaited her, her eyes brimming with questions. "So, how did it go? Did you like him?" she asked, barely able to contain her curiosity.

Ankita sighed, knowing the conversation that lay ahead. "He's nice, Ma, but there was no connection. I didn't feel the spark I was hoping for," she explained gently, bracing herself for her mother's reaction.

Her mother's face fell slightly, a mixture of disappointment and concern etching her features. "But Ankita, these things take time. You can't expect to feel something right away," she reasoned, her tone a blend of hope and apprehension.

Ankita sat down beside her mother, taking her hands in a gesture of understanding and affection. "I know you want what's best for me, but I need to feel that connection, that rightness. I don't want to settle in something as important as marriage," Ankita expressed, her words heartfelt and sincere.

Her mother looked into her eyes, searching for an assurance, a promise of happiness. "I just want you to be happy, beta. But you have to think about our traditions, our culture," she implored.

Ankita nodded, acknowledging her mother's concerns. "I respect our traditions, Ma, but I also believe I should have a say in my own life, especially in matters of the heart. I need to find someone who understands me, who connects with me beyond the surface."

The conversation stretched into the evening, with Ankita explaining her perspective and her mother slowly coming to understand her daughter's need for a love that was self-chosen. It was a difficult, emotional discussion, filled with moments of disagreement and understanding.

As night fell, a quiet understanding settled between them. Ankita's mother, though still worried, agreed to give her more time, to let her find her own path in love and life. Ankita felt a deep gratitude for her mother's willingness to listen and adapt.

That night, as Ankita lay in bed, the moon casting a soft glow through her window, she felt a sense of empowerment. She knew the road ahead would be challenging, filled with societal expectations and familial pressures, but she also knew she had taken the first step towards living life on her own terms, towards finding a love that was true to her heart.

The following days for Ankita were a blend of introspection and quiet rebellion. Her conversations with her mother had opened a door to mutual understanding, albeit a door that creaked with the weight of generations of tradition and expectation. Ankita felt empowered by her decision to seek a love that resonated with her soul, but she was also acutely aware of the balancing act it required within her family and community.

Her days were filled with the usual routines - work, meeting friends, and occasional gatherings. But beneath the surface, there was a newfound determination in Ankita. She started to explore her own desires and aspirations more deeply, understanding that her journey to find love was also a journey of self-discovery.

Meanwhile, her parents, particularly her mother, were caught in a whirlwind of emotions. They were torn between their deep-rooted beliefs in the traditions of arranged marriage and their love for Ankita, which made them want to see her happy and fulfilled on her own terms. Conversations at home often skirted around the topic of marriage, a silent acknowledgment of the uncharted territory they were all navigating.

In her quest for self-discovery, Ankita found solace in her hobbies. She rekindled her love for painting, allowing her emotions to flow through the brush onto the canvas, creating vibrant expressions of her inner turmoil and hopes. Her art became a sanctuary, a place where she could be utterly herself without judgment or expectation.

One evening, as she sat in a café, her eyes lost in the hues of the sunset, she realized how much she had grown. She was no longer the woman who sat across from Nandu Laal, uncertain and confined by expectations. She had evolved into someone who understood the value of her own happiness and the importance of carving out a path defined by her own choices and desires.

Ankita's story was not just about the search for love. It was about the journey of a young woman navigating the complexities of tradition and modernity, of familial duty and personal happiness. It was a testament to the courage it takes to stand up for one's own beliefs and the beauty of finding oneself amidst the chaos of expectations.

As the sky turned from orange to a deep blue, Ankita smiled to herself, a sense of peace settling in her heart. She knew her journey was far from over, but she was ready to face whatever came her way, armed with the knowledge that her happiness was her own to find and cherish.

Ankita's mother called her one evening, a hesitant quiver in her voice, reflecting a mix of hope and concern. "Ankita, beta, I've been thinking," she began cautiously, "Maybe you should give Nandu Laal another chance. Sometimes, understanding takes more than one meeting."

Ankita, surprised by her mother's request, felt a wave of unease. She respected her mother's perspective, but the thought of meeting Nandu again didn't sit well with her. Despite her reservations, she agreed, driven by a sense of duty and a faint hope that perhaps her mother could be right.

The second meeting with Nandu was arranged at the same quaint café, its walls now familiar to Ankita. As she sat across from him, the initial awkwardness from their first encounter seemed to have lessened. Nandu appeared more at ease, and the conversation flowed more naturally than before.

However, just as Ankita was beginning to reconsider her initial impression of Nandu, he asked a question that left her utterly shocked. "Ankita, I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you a virgin?"

The question hung in the air like a thick fog, heavy and uncomfortable. Ankita felt a rush of emotions - shock, anger, disbelief. She looked at Nandu, her eyes wide with astonishment. "Excuse me? I don't think that's an appropriate question to ask," she responded, her voice trembling with a mix of indignation and shock.

Nandu seemed to realize his blunder immediately. "I'm sorry, Ankita. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just that... well, in our culture, these things are considered important," he stammered, his face flushing with embarrassment.

Ankita took a moment to compose herself, her mind racing. "Yes, I am a virgin, but that is my private matter. And it should not be a condition or a question in a conversation like this. I'm here to understand if we can connect on a deeper, more personal level, not to be judged on such criteria," she said firmly, her voice laced with assertiveness.

Nandu nodded, his expression remorseful. "I'm really sorry, Ankita. I didn't mean to judge you. It's just the pressure from family and society... sometimes it gets to me too," he apologized, his voice low and sincere.

Ankita could see the genuine regret in Nandu's eyes, and part of her empathized with the societal pressures he too was under. However, the incident had made her realize that their values and perspectives were too different. She appreciated his apology but knew in her heart that a relationship between them wouldn't work.

The rest of the meeting passed in a blur of strained politeness. As they parted ways, Ankita felt a sense of closure. She knew she had made the right decision, not just for herself but for both of them.

Back home, Ankita recounted the incident to her mother, who listened with a mix of surprise and disappointment. "I'm sorry, beta," her mother said softly, "I didn't realize how different things have become, how different you both are."

That night, as Ankita lay in bed, she felt a sense of empowerment and clarity. She had stood up for her beliefs and her dignity. She knew that her journey to find love might be challenging, but she was determined to find someone who respected her and shared her values. The path ahead was uncertain, but Ankita felt ready to walk it with her head held high.

Nandu asks her mom for a third meeting.. he sincerely apologizes for his line of questioning. He admits that he is inexperienced with relationships and felt inferior. Ankita's mom is impressed and smiles. Nandu is not a good looking or attractive person but he is very good but he needs to be trained.. maybe Ankita can marry him Ankita's mom thinks to herself. She informs Ankita that she has to meet him again one final time.

Nandu, despite the awkwardness of their previous encounter, reached out to Ankita, requesting a third meeting. His persistence was a mix of traditional respect and a genuine wish to make amends. Reluctantly, Ankita agreed, curious about Nandu's intentions and moved by his apparent sincerity.

The third meeting took place in a small, serene park, a change from the café setting. The open space, surrounded by greenery and the soft murmur of the city in the distance, created a more relaxed atmosphere. Ankita sat on a bench, watching the leaves rustle in the gentle breeze, her mind a whirl of thoughts.

Nandu arrived, his demeanor noticeably humble. He greeted Ankita with a polite nod and sat beside her, maintaining a respectful distance. There was an earnestness in his eyes, a clear indication that he had given much thought to this meeting.

"Ankita, I want to sincerely apologize for my earlier question. It was inappropriate and disrespectful," he began, his voice steady but filled with remorse. "I realize I've been influenced by certain societal norms and expectations, but that's no excuse. I was wrong, and I'm truly sorry."

Ankita listened, surprised by his candidness. Nandu continued, "I also want to admit that I am inexperienced in matters of relationships and intimacy. I've always felt a bit inferior about it, and I guess that led to my awkward questioning. I'm still learning, and I hope you can forgive my ignorance."

There was a vulnerability in Nandu's confession that Ankita hadn't expected. She saw a different side of him - not just the unattractive, naive man she had initially perceived, but someone honest and willing to admit his faults and insecurities.

Ankita smiled, a genuine smile that reflected her appreciation for his honesty. "Thank you for being so open, Nandu. I understand it's not easy to admit such things, and I respect your sincerity."

As they talked, Ankita observed Nandu more closely. He might not have been conventionally good-looking or charming, but there was an innocence about him, a naivety that was endearing in its own way. His willingness to learn and grow was evident, and it struck a chord with Ankita.

In a moment of introspection, Ankita thought to herself, "Maybe I can marry him. He's not what I envisioned, but perhaps there's more to him than meets the eye. He's honest and earnest, and maybe, just maybe, he's someone I can help shape and grow with."

The meeting ended on a positive note, with both Ankita and Nandu feeling a sense of understanding and mutual respect. Ankita left the park with a lot to think about. She hadn't made any decisions yet, but for the first time, she considered the possibility of a future with Nandu, not just as a partner but as someone she could guide and grow alongside.

As she walked home, Ankita realized that relationships are not just about finding the perfect person, but also about understanding, compassion, and the willingness to see beyond the surface. Her journey of love and self-discovery continued, now with a new perspective and an open mind.

Later that evening, after returning home from her thoughtful meeting with Nandu in the park, Ankita was still processing the day's events. The house was quiet, a contrast to the whirlwind of emotions and thoughts she was experiencing. As she sat in her room, her phone rang, displaying Nandu's name on the screen. Curious and a bit apprehensive, she answered the call.

"Hello, Ankita," Nandu's voice came through, sounding hesitant yet earnest. "I've been thinking about our talk today, and I was wondering if... if you would consider being intimate with me."

Ankita felt a jolt of surprise and discomfort at his request. The directness of his question, especially after their recent conversations, took her aback. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding.

"Nandu, I'm surprised you're asking this. I value our recent conversations, and I thought you understood where I stand," she began, her voice calm but firm. "I am a traditional person in many ways, and for me, intimacy is something that comes after marriage. It's a personal choice, and I'm not ready to change that."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Ankita could sense Nandu's disappointment. "I understand, Ankita," he finally said, his voice tinged with a mix of respect and sadness. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. It's just that... I have feelings for you, and I thought maybe..."

Ankita interrupted gently, "I appreciate your feelings, Nandu, but we need to respect each other's boundaries and beliefs. What you're asking goes against my values, and it's important for me to stay true to them."

Nandu sighed, a sound of resignation. "You're right, Ankita. I respect your decision and your beliefs. I'm sorry for overstepping."

The conversation ended shortly after, with Nandu apologizing once more before hanging up. Ankita sat there for a while, the phone still in her hand, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. She respected Nandu's honesty and his willingness to understand her perspective, but his request had made her question the nature of their growing relationship.

That night, as Ankita lay in bed, she pondered the complexities of relationships and the importance of mutual respect and understanding. She realized that while Nandu had many qualities she admired, their values and expectations might not align as she had hoped. This realization was yet another step in her journey, a reminder of the importance of staying true to oneself in the quest for love and companionship.

Ankita, feeling stressed gets out of her bed, she pours herself a glass of Vodka. The room is dimly lit, creating a calming atmosphere. She takes a sip, letting the sweet taste soothe her nerves. As she pours a second glass, there's a knock at the door.

Ankita, slightly startled: "Who could that be at this hour?"

She quickly adjusts her night dress to look presentable and heads to the door. Upon opening it, she finds Amrish and Deepak standing outside, looking cheerful.
Ankita, surprised: "Deepak! Nice to finally see you! "
Amrish, with a friendly smile: "We were just passing by and thought to check on you. Hope we're not disturbing?"
Deepak, nodding: "Yeah, we noticed your lights on. All good?"
Ankita, smiling: "Of course, you're always welcome. Come in, come in!"
They enter the living room, taking in the warm and inviting space. Ankita gestures towards the sofa.
Ankita: "Please, make yourselves comfortable. Can I get you something to drink? I was just having some Vodka."
Amrish: "That sounds refreshing, actually. Yes, please!"
Deepak: "I'd love some too, thank you."
Ankita pours two more glasses of Vodka and hands them to her guests. They each take a sip, appreciating the flavor.
Deepak: "This is really good! What's in it?"
Ankita: "It's a mix of orange, apple. I find it quite relaxing."
Amrish: "It's delicious and so soothing. Perfect for a late-night chat."
They all sit back, sipping their drinks, the room filled with a sense of comfort and friendship.
[+] 2 users Like sominoru's post
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Super update
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Wow what a fantastic and decent twist in story.
It's gonna be really fun if she aggrees to Nandu and she has to take care so many things on her plate.
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Super update
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In the dimly lit living room of Ankita's home, the soft murmur of conversation blends with the clinking of glasses. Deepak, Amrish, and Ankita are lounging comfortably, the air rich with the scent of fruity vodka and laughter.

Deepak, sitting in an armchair with a relaxed posture, raises his glass. "To old friends and new memories," he toasts, his eyes sparkling with warmth.

Amrish, already a bit tipsy, chuckles heartily, his speech slightly slurred. "And to Ankita's impeccable taste in vodka," he adds, raising his glass a bit too enthusiastically, some of the golden liquid sloshing onto his hand.

Ankita, seated elegantly on the couch, her legs crossed, laughs melodiously. "I'm glad you both are enjoying," she says, her eyes twinkling in the soft light.

As the night wears on, Amrish's speech becomes more slurred, his movements more uncoordinated. He attempts to stand, swaying dangerously.

"Whoa there, Amrish," Deepak says, concern lacing his tone as he stands up swiftly to steady his friend.

Ankita's smile fades into a look of concern. "I think it's time for Amrish to get some rest," she suggests gently, her gaze shifting from Amrish to Deepak.

"Yeah, you're right," Deepak agrees, slipping one of Amrish's arms over his shoulder. "Come on, buddy, let's get you to bed."

Ankita leads the way to her bedroom, opening the door for them. The room is serene, bathed in soft, warm light.

"Here we go, Amrish," Deepak says, easing him onto the bed with a grunt. "Sleep it off, man."

Amrish mumbles something incoherent, already half-asleep, his breathing deepening.

Ankita dbangs a blanket over Amrish, her movements gentle and caring. "He'll be fine after a good night's sleep," she assures Deepak, her voice soft.

Back in the living room, the atmosphere has shifted to a quieter, more reflective mood. Deepak and Ankita sit back down, their conversation meandering from memories to present-day musings.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Ankita's expression brightens with an idea. "Deepak, I would you like to see your office downstairs. Can you show me? I want to see something."

"Sure, I'd love to," Deepak replies, intrigued.

They make their way to Deepak's office, down stairs.  

As the night deepens outside, the two friends continue their conversation in the quiet security of Deepak's office, a bond of friendship and shared interests keeping them engaged for an hour or so.

In the quiet of Deepak's office, the glow of the security monitors casting a soft light on their faces, the conversation takes a sudden, unexpected turn.

"So, Deepak, there's something I need to discuss with you," Ankita begins, her tone shifting to something more serious. She pauses, taking a deep breath. "It's about the elevator footage you have... the one with the woman pushing Salim out."

Deepak's expression changes from casual interest to surprise. "What about it?"

Ankita hesitates for a moment, then says, "That woman... it was me."

Deepak's eyes widen in shock. "You? But... Amrish told me about it, and I didn't believe him."

Ankita nods solemnly, her gaze dropping. "Yes, it's true. I'm sorry, Deepak. I was in a hurry that day and in a bad mood. It was wrong of me."

Deepak's mind races, trying to process this revelation. "Ankita, that's... that's serious. Why did you do that?"

Ankita's voice is low, filled with regret. "I know, and I regret it deeply. Deepak, can you delete that footage?"

Deepak frowns, troubled. "Delete it? But Ankita, that's evidence."

Ankita's expression shifts, a hint of desperation creeping in. "Please, Deepak. I'll make it worth your while."

Deepak's expression hardens. "Amrish also mentioned you gave him a blowjob for his cooperation. Is that true?"

Ankita sighs, a resigned look crossing her face. "Yes, that's true. What do you want for your silence, Deepak?"

Deepak leans back in his chair, his mind working quickly. "I don't know, Ankita. This is serious. I want more than just a blowjob."

Ankita tries to negotiate, to charm her way out of the situation, but Deepak remains unmoved. It's clear that simple manipulation won't work on him.

"Alright, fine," Ankita concedes, her tone laced with reluctance. "I'll give you what you want."

Deepak nods, a mix of satisfaction and conflict evident in his expression. "Make sure you do, Ankita. You have to satisfy me."

The tension in the room is palpable as Ankita agrees to Deepak's terms. Deepak's stance is firm, driven by a sense of jealousy, while Ankita, though regretful, is caught in a web of her own making. The night, once filled with casual conversation and laughter, now ends with a heavy weight of moral dilemmas and uneasy agreements.

As the weight of the situation settles in the room, Ankita reaches for Deepak's pants, her movements slow, burdened with the gravity of her actions. She with a hesitant hand starts unzipping him. She gets on her knees.

Deepak, his gaze fixed on Ankita. "Remember, you have to please me! You pushed a man, Ankita. An old man! This could have had serious consequences."

Ankita nods, her face etched with remorse. "I know, Deepak. I deeply regret it. I... I wasn't thinking straight. It was a moment of frustration that I wish I could take back."

Deepak's expression remains stern. "I hope you learn from this, Ankita. And I expect you to apologize to Salim. He deserves that much, at least."

Ankita agrees, her voice barely above a whisper. "I will. I'll apologize to Salim. Thank you for not making this public, Deepak."

Deepak's face still reflecting his internal conflict. "It's not about escaping, Ankita. It's about doing what's right. I'll keep this between us for now, but I expect you to make things right with Salim."

Ankita stands as well, her posture deflated, a stark contrast to her usually confident demeanor. "I will, Deepak. And... I'm sorry for putting you in this position."

Deepak nods, his face softening slightly. "We all make mistakes, Ankita. But we also have to face the consequences. Make sure you do."

As Ankita unzipped Deepak's jeans, his dick was erect and stood out pressing against his underwear. She then pulled his underwear down, and his thick and strong cock sprung out. His dick was dark black, an angry vibrant purple head with a vanilla like precum, glistened under the room's light, the cock head was smooth and inviting.

Holding the dick firmly, Ankita brought it to her mouth, her lips parting in anticipation. The first taste was a salty mess of sour precum that contrasted sharply with the fruity vodka she drank earlier. As his dick touched her tongue, Deepak began to moan instantly, coating her taste buds with his manhood.

Deepak felt each lick, as Ankita started moving her tongue slowly over the surface of his dick. He was relishing the way it cooled in her mouth and left a trail of salty flavor. As she continued, he started cumming slightly, small rivulets of semen beginning to trickle down the dick. She carefully caught these with her tongue, ensuring not a drop was wasted.

With each lick, Deepak felt more and more ecstatic. Ankita adjusted her grip, tilting the dick to access every last bit of the dripping cum.  Ankita was lost in the moment, absorbed in giving Deepak the pleasure of a blowjob.

Enough though Deepak tried to control himself, he couldn't he was about to cum in her mouth. He held her head tightly and rocked his manhood vigorously using her mouth as if it were a pussy.. then he came deep in her throat. Ankita was gagging but managed to swallow his semen entirely. 

With that, Deepak takes his dick out of Ankita's mouth, his steps heavy, reflecting the burden of the secret he now carries. Ankita watches him go, a mix of gratitude and guilt in her eyes. The room, once a place of friendly conversation, now feels like a silent witness to a moral crossroad.

As Deepak zips his manhood back. Ankita sinks onto the couch, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The night's revelations have altered the dynamics of their friendship, introduced a complex layer of moral and ethical dilemmas. She knows that the path ahead will be challenging, a test of character and integrity. The quiet of the room envelops her as she contemplates her next steps, the stillness punctuated by the distant ticking of a clock, marking the passage of time and the weight of decisions made.

"Now, can you delete the footage? You got what you wanted!", Ankita muttered. Her lips are covered with Deepak's cum. Deepak throws a towel at her and she wipes her mouth.

"Getting what I want?", Deepak looked at her seriously. 

"We are just getting started. I already told you I want more!"

Deepak was fixing a couple of drinks for the both of them. He gave one to Ankita and he placed another one on the table. 

Ankita quickly drank the entire peg. She really needed the relief after what happened just now. 

[Image: sexy-desi-girl-blowjob-17.jpg]
[+] 1 user Likes sominoru's post
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Good going...
Will Deepak record she giving him blowjob and when he fucks her.
Also she needs to fuck her fiancee.
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Lahu muh lag gaya....
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Super update
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Ankita and Deepak, feeling very tipsy from their drinks, settled into the cozy ambiance of the room. The soft glow of the night lamp cast a warm light, enhancing the intimate atmosphere. They switched on the television, the screen illuminating the room with scenes from a romantic song.

Deepak, with a playful naughty smile from having too much alcohol, patted his lap, inviting Ankita to join him. "Come here, you'll be more comfortable," he said with a gentle tone. Ankita, hesitantly, made her way over and sat on his lap. They adjusted themselves into a comfortable cuddle, Deepak's arms encircling Ankita's waist. Ankita's enormous and perfect ass was extremely tempting and it was turning Deepak on. She could feel his dick slowly getting harder but she did not say anything.

The song played on, but Deepak's attention was only partially on the screen. He was more engrossed in the little world he had created on the couch. Deepak whispered something about the song, and Ankita laughed drunkenly, her head leaning back against his shoulder.

"Isn't this nice?" Deepak murmured, his voice barely above the movie's soundtrack. Ankita nodded, his hand finding hers and squeezing it gently. "Perfect," he replied, his eyes meeting hers with affection.

As the song progressed, their conversation continued in hushed tones, interspersed with comfortable silences.

Deepak, at one point, brushed a strand of hair from Ankita's face, his fingers lingering for a moment on her cheek. "You know, you're even more beautiful in this light," he said softly. Ankita blushed with uncertainty. He leaned in, planting a tender kiss on her cheek.

The warmth of their embrace, the soft murmurs of their voices, and the emotional depth of the song created a romantic and heartfelt scene. He was lost in her presence, enjoying the simple pleasure of being together in such a cozy and loving setting.

As the song neared its end, Ankita rested her head against Deepak's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. They remained like this, content and wrapped up in each other's presence, as the credits rolled and the screen faded to black. The night was a beautiful blend of romance, comfort, and the deep connection he felt with her.

As the song ended, the room returned to its quiet state, with only the occasional sound from outside disturbing the peace. Ankita and Deepak remained in their embrace, he was eager to not break the moment.

Deepak looked down at Ankita, his eyes reflecting the soft light. "How about a movie? Or we could just sit here and talk," he suggested, his voice tinged with contentment. Ankita looked up, her expression thoughtful. "Talking sounds okay." she replied, her tone cold.

They shifted slightly, making themselves more comfortable. Ankita nestled closer to Deepak, her head still resting against his chest. 

At one point, Deepak's voice grew softer, more serious. "You know, moments like these... they mean the world to me, Ankita. Being here with you, it's everything," he said sincerely. Ankita was quiet. "I see! Deepak, you should delete the footage!," she replied.

Deepak felt irritated. "I said I will delete it. Don't ask again!"

She was still sitting on Deepak's lap when she reached out for another peg of whiskey.

As Ankita sipped her glass of whiskey, she felt her world beginning to spin around her, gathering momentum, till the glass slipped out of her hands and landed on the floor. 

Deepak looked at her and he smiled. He got up and then laid her out on the large sofa. He gazed at her appreciatively. Her top straps had fallen off her shoulders, baring her ample breasts clad in the skimpy, transparent blue top. The light from the stand lamp made her fair skin shine through the thin material, clearly outlining her black bra. Her bare stomach and deep navel, accentuated by the skirt worn low, looked extremely erotic. He looked down at her and moved in like a wolf closing in on a doe asleep in the forest. He went down on his knees near her feet and slowly lifted her skirt up to her waist. Her soft fair thighs came into view with the flimsy black panty nestling between them. He stroked her thighs and spread them apart and placed his palm on her panty clad pussy.

Ankita felt like her entire body was on fire. She was feeling very aroused. The whiskey got rid of her inhibitions. Deepak also had a little too much. He had vodka earlier and now whiskey. But his deep desire to enjoy Ankita kept him trying hard to control of his mind. 

"It's okay Deepak!", Ankita laughed loudly and drunkenly. "I know what you really want. But we can do it again later tomorrow. I am not going to run away". She was smiling as she said this. 

Deepak slowly unbuttoned her top and was caressing her breasts. He slipped the bra straps from her shoulders and pulled the cups down to reveal the lush globes with stiffening nipples. Tenderly he palmed them and started to squeeze gently, softly pinching the nipples to cause them to stiffen to hard points. He quickly removed his pants and was rubbing his hardening dick through his underwear.

Ankita felt electricity within her veins. She removed her bra and top and threw it to the side. Deepak is going to fuck her. No other possibility. It had to be done. Might as well make it quick. She absentmindedly reached for the whiskey bottle and had another sip. " this should help!", she thought to herself.

Deepak became busy between her thighs, as he hungrily tongued her pussy through her now wet panties. He hooked his fingers into the waistband and peeled them off her thighs until they were completely off. He resumed his position as he spread her thighs apart vulgarly and inserted first one, then two fingers deep into her slopping wet pussy. With his free hand he removed his underwear. His cock rose swiftly to rigid attention at the sight of a near naked Ankita. He stroked his cock, peeling the foreskin back to reveal an angry purple cockhead, to rock hardness. He extricated his fingers from Ankita's pussy and rubbed the juices on his shaft.

He knelt down in between her legs again and shafted her pussy with his tongue, holding the lips apart so that he could nibble her clit. Deep into her pussy he probed, clamping down on her mons veneris gently with his teeth. He squeezed her thighs till his fingers left impressions on her fair skin; he bit them leaving bite marks. 

Ankita involuntarily tried to shut her thighs close, and he was then rubbing his hard organ on her wet pussy lips. Deepak felt bad. 
Seeing his changed expressions. Ankita opened her legs again. 

"Ankita, if you are not interested we don't have to do it! I will delete the footage anyways", Deepak emotionally replied. 

"Stop overacting! Lets get this done and over with", Ankita said and she half smiled at him. 

He quickly eased his thick cock into her; it traveled deep inside as he buried himself into her pussy completely. The first thing Ankita realized as she started to feel the effect of alcohol was this very pleasant sensation in her pussy, as if it was on fire, a fire which quenched her thirst - for what she did not know. At the same time her mouth felt sore and her chest heavy. The alcohol made her dehydrated and thirsty.

All these sensations she felt in a fraction of a second. Deepak's tempo increased. She could feel Deepak's heavy and strong hands fondling her breasts. As her ass cheeks lay on the sofa Deepak withdrew his dick from her pussy and then rubbed his cock on her pussy lips, then he had another thrust inside her. She felt this thing deep inside her stretching her pussy wide apart, she felt his hands moving from her breasts to holding her thighs apart, and this thing was moving rapidly in and out of her, churning her body into a vortex of desire. She became aware of her own nudity, and in a flash it dawned on her that she was being fucked, by a lowly office clerk. Her cheeks became red with shame. She wanted to get the whole thing over quickly but it was looking like Deepak is going to take his time and thoroughly fuck her.

Deepak was fucking her and doing such a good job, that inspite of everything she could feel that her pussy was alive and on fire. Every stroke ignited her body and her innards convulse with desire. Deepak reached down and held her arms and pinned them to her sides,

 She heard him say, "Ankita Madam, you are such a beautiful woman! Your pussy is gripping me tightly! Just lie back and enjoy it, you will never forget tonight!." 

The more she tried to control her facial expressions, the more she excited him. Suddenly, she heard him moaning, "Fuck you Bitch!.. aaah.. ahh.. aahhhh, your pussy is so juicy, can you hear it?" She could feel his rock hard dick that was embedded deep inside her exciting her. She didn't know what excited her, the scalding comment, the fact that she was being fucked by an ugly low class guy or the fact that there was an undeniably vulgar squishy sound emanating from her pussy as his prick moved in and out like a well greased piston. Her nipples were tingling, begging to be sucked as he took them in between in fingers and rolled them like marbles. As she fell back, her mouth opened instinctively and she started moaning harder.. "ufff... hnnngg... mmmpfff.. aaaah.. agggg.. mmmmaa". Suddenly she realized that she was beginning to enjoy the fuck, as she started to move her body up and down his shaft.

Deepak gave a short snort as he realized that she was beginning to enjoy and increased the tempo of his movements. He clutched her breasts harder and kissed her beautiful face. He started to move his lips down to suck her hard swollen nipples. This was like setting a lit taper to dry leaves and Ankita began to shudder and moan even more loudly.

All the shame and guilt of being fucked disappeared from her mind as began to rock with the motion of Deepak's barrage of thrusts. She felt a flood break rose somewhere deep inside her and a wave of heat washed over her body, she was going to cum and send out all the signals to him that she was actually enjoying what was happening. She made one desperate attempt to stop herself but it was too powerful by then. Wave after wave of tremors coursed through her as she released her load of come somewhere deep inside, she had managed to moan heartily as waves of pleasure flooded her.

His cock began to twitch inside Ankita, as he felt her cum, and he withdrew it to the hilt, waited for a second before plunging it all the way back inside as his come rose up to meet Ankita's. He discharged deep inside her with a mighty grunt, saying, "Oh madam, Oh madam, Oh madam", over and over again. As he struggled to move out of the way,

He was completely spent. He laid on top of Ankita. His face was between her two large breasts. He cupped both of her breasts with his hands and kissed the side of her boobs. 

He then moved towards her face. "That was an amazing experience! Ankita! I feel lucky!"

He tried to kiss her but she moved her head to the side. He tried again but she avoided the lip to lip kiss. 

He embraced her tightly and kissed her neck and they both fell asleep in that position.
[+] 2 users Like sominoru's post
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Super update
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As Ankita woke up from her sleep, what happened previously lingered in her mind, blending with the soft lamp light that spread through Deepak's room. She lay there for a moment, her head heavy with the haze of alcohol, feeling Deepak's presence beside her. With a gentle push, she distanced herself from him, her movements slow and deliberate, driven by a desire for the comfort of her own room. She wanted to sleep in her own bed. Muttering a soft "Sorry," to Deepak, who barely moved, she collected her clothes scattered around the room and dressed in silence.

Her walk back to her apartment was a haze, her steps shaky but firm. When she got back, she quickly showered to wash off the night, letting the warm water wash away the buzz from the drinks. Wearing her nightgown, she felt really tired. Her bed called to her, offering the deep sleep she really needed.

As she collapsed onto the bed, the world seemed to spin for a moment before settling into a still, comforting darkness. But the bed was not empty. Amrish, her unexpected bedfellow, lay there, a silent testament to the night's unpredictability. With a gentle nudge, she moved him over, making room for herself. The movement roused Amrish from his sleep, his senses slowly registering Ankita's presence beside him.

"What's up... Ankita?" His voice was groggy, laced with confusion and surprise.

"It's okay, Amrish. Go back to sleep," she whispered, her voice a soft whisper in the quiet room. There was no room for explanations, not in that tired moment on the edge of sleep.

Feeling her beside him, Amrish's instincts took over, his arm reaching out to encircle her, pulling her closer in a warm embrace. The contact was comforting, familiar in its own right, and without a word, Ankita nestled into him. There was no resistance, only the silent acceptance of their shared warmth.

"Goodnight, Ankita," Amrish murmured into the darkness, his voice fading as sleep reclaimed him.

"Goodnight," she replied, a hint of a smile touching her lips, her earlier reservations melting away in the comfort of their embrace.

Right there, in the gentle embrace of Amrish, surrounded by the quiet of the night and leaving behind the chaos of the night, they fell into a calm sleep. The room was silent except for their soft breathing, showing how life can surprise you, creating moments of closeness when you least expect it.

Amrish felt Ankita's heavy thick breasts and he started to squeeze them and massage them. Ankita was getting irritated. 
"Not now, Amrish. Lets sleep! She moved his hands away from her breasts. She then tightly hugged him. She just wanted to sleep. Not have one more sex session with Amirsh. 

But, Amrish's instincts became strong.
[+] 2 users Like sominoru's post
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Nice update
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Oh nice. Amarish hasn't fucked Ankita yet, isn't it?
Now he fuck her in sleep and sleep over her body with dick in her pussy after coming.
Later she needs to fuck her fiance.
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Super. Business trip has turned a best bitch.
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Please give regular updates.
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