Adultery Sexy MOM with her Official Colleague Mr. GAJENDRA (UPDATED)
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Sir,plz update
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Bhai 2 din bolke gayab ho jata h tu toh itna time kagayega toh kaise kaja ayega han story main ek toh tu content bhi bahoot chota post kr raha h update toh bada diya kar jisse maja ayeaur joh time promiss kiya h tabhi update kiya kar i knw tujhe spchane likhane ke liye time chahiye bt itne din lega toh kaise chalega ha
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What happened writerji plz let us know ,what is the problem plz
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Sir, if u can plz update, otherwise atleast respond
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Dear writer when you will update this story give some info about that
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Where have you gone friend? It's been a long time but I haven't seen you yet. Please take the story forward.
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Atleast give us information about ur welfare
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Story continues from its last part :

After few minutes of lying on bed beside me, uncle went into deep sleep. Possibly he got relaxed after releasing his testicles load  into Shubhangi aunty's mouth. But my sleep was completely gone. Whenever wherever I saw him getting intimate with other women except my mom my anger reached to its extreme level. It was true that I enjoyed watching them as a voyear but not as a son.

Next morning around 7 AM I woke up and found uncle wasn't on my bed. I came out of my room . My eyes went to the kitchen . Mom was there preparing breakfast. She was in her sky blue saree and half sleeved red blouse. Her hair was open and seeming Little wet   Uncle was not there. Mom didn't saw me awake. I then proceeded towards the kitchen , in between when I crossed mom's room I saw her bedroom's door was little ajar. I saw uncle was lying on the bed shirtless and only in underwear. When I entered the room I saw uncle's eyes were closed and he  was breathing heavily . Sweat was making his body shine in the room's LED light. 

I saw mom's bra was lying on the floor and her sleeveless blue  blouse was in uncle's uncle's right hand. He was holding her blouse. It was the same blouse mom was wearing last night.
It seemed he had just ejaculated because his trouser was little wet at his penis area. I was thinking whether he masturbated holding my mom's blouse in his hand or had sex early morning with her. Uncle suddenly opened her eyes and he saw me. But to my surprise he didn't showed any astonishement over my presence there and seeing him in a such lustful condition. 

He said -"Good morning son. Had your breakfast?"
I replied -"Just woke up uncle. Going to get fresh"
Then I asked him- " You had your breakfast?"
Uncle smiled mysteriously and said -"No beta, just had my coffee half an hour ago."

I already knew about what coffee he was denoting me like he did last time. I said nothing to him and came out of the room.
Mom was still in the kitchen. My anger was again rising inside my brain after last night incident. His mentality was still the same . Mom took care of him in his worst situation and he was getting satisfaction from Shubhangi aunty last night. I were happy if it was mom in place of aunty last night. But it was not her.

I went into the kitchen and asked mom -"Uncle is alright now mom..I think he should go to his flat now. It's 10 days passed of his stay at our house."

Mom smiled and said -"Don't say like that beta. It's his choice when he go to his flat. We should not tell him to is not good etiquettes."

I then came out of the kitchen and went to washroom to get fresh. As I entered into the washroom I saw uncle's mobile on the soap stand. I closed the washroom door and quickly took his phone. I was confused why he left his mobile in the washroom. But that moment all I wanted to check his mobile to get more close to his womanising behaviour. I knew his mobile's password because once when I was going to order food from his mobile he made me aware of his password. Hence I opened his mobile easily. As I open I saw there were 20 missed calls from an unknown number. I saw the name in the true caller and it showed "Jai Kishore" . I then saw a message came on his WhatsApp. I opened his WhatsApp and saw the message came from the same number. 

The message was like this .

"Hey buddy,  you are outstanding. My divorce will be successful soon once the lockdown ends, Sonam has planned to divorced me last week. Harshit ji is also happy. You will get your amount soon."

After reading this message I was shocked. I was confused too that whether this message is of Sonam aunty's husband. Why he is praising Gajendra Uncle on this matter. 
I was more confused because I expected severe punishment from her husband for Gajendra uncle. That's why I made him aware about the affair of his wife and uncle. But now he is praising him. 

Sonam aunty hadn't came to our house since uncle's accident that happened 10 days ago. It was still a mystery for me and now this message made me completely shocked. And the new name Harshit I saw in that text. Who is that.. I was totally confused. The plan I was making to reveal uncle infront of every woman he is sleeping with seemed to be destroyed . 
Was he doing such activity for money?
Was Sonam aunty's husband forced him to do that with her ?
Is Shubhangi aunty's relationship with Gajendra uncle also based on some money deal like Sonam aunty's case?
Is Gajendra uncle innocent ? 

All these questions were striking my mind one by one. I kept the phone and get freshed quickly. As I came out of the washroom I saw uncle standing at the door .
He said -"Beta is my mobile inside ?"
I thought to reply "Yes" but then I said -"Inside ? I didn't see uncle. You can check..may be it is there"
 Saying this I went to the sofa room. Uncle went inside the washroom and took his mobile.
Mom then came out of the kitchen with breakfast in her hand and she went near dining table. She said to uncle seeing him taking his mobile out from inside the washroom -"How your mobile went there ?"
Uncle laughed and said -"I forgot to take it back after getting fresh."
Mom (laughingly)-"How much busy you were while getting fresh Gajendra ji that you forgot your mobile?" 
Uncle -"While having my coffee I didn't use my mobile...I was having my coffee inside there along with getting fresh."
On his such reply both mom and uncle laughed together. I was not a fool to recognise what they were talking about. It was clear mom and uncle had an erotic session inside washroom early in the morning. 

Same day around 3PM I was in my room busy in my studies . I saw mom and uncle went outside in the garden area. I didn't bother much about them and kept myself busy in my books. After few minutes I saw that both of them came inside the sofa room along with Sonam Aunty. I was astonished looking at her after so many days. She was in sleeveless black kurti and white leggins Instead of saree and blouse. 
They three sat on the sofa and started talking . As I was eager regarding their conversations I quickly came out of my room . Sonam aunty saw me and said -"Hello beta..How are you ?"
I replied -"Hello Aunty..Am fine. How about you ? Where were you since so many days ?"
To this she replied -"I had to visit my family...some important matter was to be done there."
My mind suddenly went throught the message I saw on uncle's mobile in the morning. Was that important matter related to her divorce due to uncle.
I said -"In this lockdown period how you managed to go so far ?"
Aunty replied -"Taken special permission dear."
I said -"I and mom were curious where you went... What was the matter ?"
Suddenly mom said to me laughingly-"Beta , why are you enquiring aunty ? Bring a glass of water for all of us."

The way mom interrupted my conversation with Sonam aunty , it seemed she doesn't wanted me to know or get involved in her matter. In other sense it seemed mom already knew the matter that's why she didn't want me to know it. 
Uncle then said to me -"Don't worry Ayush.. Sonam aunty will stay in our colony everytime from now onwards. She will come to your house everyday. Happy now ?"

I said in my mind "Happy my foot... Your character is getting complex day by day and you are enjoying your character at my house."
I remained silence and just smiled at his words. Then I went to the kitchen to bring water for them. They kept talking till late Evening. Aunty asked about uncle's injury in head and all those topics they three started discussing. Sonam aunty was looking very happy being with mom and uncle . Uncle was sitting in between my mom and Sonam aunty. Mom was in Pink saree and black sleeveless blouse revealing her cleavage partially and Sonam aunty's sleeveless kurti was also giving a perfect glimpse of her silky clean underarms and giving shape to her huge massive boobs. I can see his trouser was building a tent around his penis area sitting in between those two hot milfs. They were not talking anything erotic or double meeting things but being there in between them was surely giving an erotic feel to uncle.

That day Aunty didn't left our house in evening like she used to do before.
Around 9 PM we started having dinner . That day dinner was prepared by mom and Sonam aunty both. Sonam aunty was on the left side of Uncle and mom was on the left side of aunty. Means Sonam aunty was in between of uncle and mom on the dining table. I was sitting adjacent to mom but I was more infront of them than being adjacent.
I noticed uncle's left hand was on the Aunty's shoulder. His fingers was searching way to enter inside her kurti through her shoulder's and neck's opening but didn't get the path as  she was wearing kurti and it had very less space for his hand to go inside that from any openings. Sleeveless blouse makes this work easy like he did before with mom but kurti didn't . I saw when he didn't get his hand inside her clothe he angrily pressed her right boob. To this aunty suddenly said -"Ouuch..". Saying this she quickly removed his hand. 

I noticed mom was smiling on aunty's voice . But she asked -"What happened Sonam ?"
Aunty said nothing, just moved her eye's lens towards uncle showing my mom. 
Then both mom and aunty laughed a little. Uncle was too smiling. Whatever happeni g there was completely unexpected for me to witness. I never thought uncle will collect that much guts to flirt or being touchy with other woman infront of my mom. And to my biggest surprise mom was behaving abnormally that day since aunty has visited our house. Her behaviour was different and unique from other days. I was 100% sure that mom noticed uncle's hand on Sonam aunty's boob but instead of showing anger she was smiling and laughing along with aunty and uncle.

I was getting excited and irritated at the same time. I couldn't hold my words and said to uncle -"Your flat must be now very dirty uncle. As no one is there since so many days."
To my these words , mom , aunty and uncle all saw my face with a blank expression. I kept eating my dinner and said again -" I think you should visit your flat now, because leaving flat for so many days is not good these days."

Uncle looked my mom's face. Mom looked him too. Mom's face became little angry, but she controlled her anger and then told me jokingly-"Ayush, are you kicking Gajendra out from our house ? You have that authority ?"

I said -"No mom. I am saying uncle. Thieves are Roaming nowadays a lot since lockdown. They attack those houses where no one lives."
Uncle said -"You are right beta. I will go after the dinner. Happy now."
I can smell the anger in his words towards me. Mom and aunty both felt his anger. Then mom told him -" Not at all. You are not going anywhere Gajendra ji."
Then she turned her face towards me showing her red eyes and said -"You just shut your mouth beta. It's not a good manner to give suggestions to your elders."

I was angry too at both of them but said -"Sorry mom."
Mom then said -"Not to me...say it to uncle"
I then against my wish said to uncle -"Sorry uncle.."
Uncle just smiled and said -"Ohh come on beta. Don't be sorry. It's ok."

My interest in the dinner was completely gone. But any how I completed my dinner and then went to my room. Everyone there realised that my mood went off due to mom's words towards me. 
Even I went to my their talkings were still coming in my ears. I heard uncle saying to mom -"Why you always show your anger on Ayush. He is not a child anymore."
Mom -"As you says you are leaving to your flat after dinner I thought it's the only way to stop you now from going. Hence I scolded him."
Uncle -" are so innocent. What do you think I will leave today. No . Not at all. I just told that Ayush to calm his voice."

I was shocked hearing "Darling" word from uncle's mouth for my mom infront of Sonam aunty. Aunty was smiling at their conversations and having dinner. Uncle then said -"My load is full today. I need some relief. And you are thinking I will leave "

Hearing this they all laughed. I knew through his such words that today again he will have a steamy night with my mom. 
After completing dinner and kitchen stuffs, I saw mom came into my room. I were on my bed and playing game in my mobile. I didn't react anything seei g my mom. She sat near me and put her hand over my forehead and started caring my hair.

I said -"Don't do this. I need to sleep now."
Mom said -"Sorry beta. I apologise for my words at the dining table. But that's not the proper time to say uncle about his going to flat. You shouldn't have done that dear."
I -"It's ok . I understand. Now go ."
Mom -"Hey...remove your anger now my dear son . Go and close the main gate now."
I -"Now ? You forgot Sonam au ty is still here. She must be getting to go to his house now."
Mom -"No beta. She will stay here today."
I -"At our house ?"
Mom -"Yes."
I -"But why ? She never stayed here. Why then today ?"
Mom -"She said that beta. How could I say her to go. You sleep with uncle as usual. Sonam aunty will be in my room. Okey"

Hearing that I said "Okey mom" and then went to close the main gate of our house. When I came inside my room I saw uncle was lying on my bed. He told me -"So are you okey beta ?"
I -"Yes . What will happen to me uncle."
Uncle -"Relax. I will go to my flat tomorrow."
I -"Sorry once again uncle. I didn't mean that otherwise."
Uncle smiled and said -"I understand beta. It's ok. Don't take seriously your mom's words."
Thenafter talking for more 10-15 minutes I and uncle both went into sleep. 
Around 2:30 AM I woke up for nature's call. I saw uncle was in deep sleep. Earliar I thought he will have some fun with mom today but due to aunty's stay his fun got cancelled. I was happy for that.
I then went to washroom and after 5 minutes I again came to my bed and slept. 

Around 5 AM , had powercut and because it was hot weather outside I woke up due to sweating and feeling hot because A.C got OFF and fan hasn't that much capacity to make me feel cold. We had inverter but for me it's no use as I had habit of sleeping under A.C . I then saw uncle was not beside me. I came out of my room and saw my mom's room's light was ON. I went near that and found the door was locked. I can hear uncle's voice. It's very clear that uncle was inside the room. I was not surprised as such situation is not the first time happening at my house. But my biggest surprise was that Sonam aunty is also there. How will he manage his personal time with mom. 

I got curious and without wasting further time I went to my boundary wall behind the house at the window from where I always witnessed Mom and uncle's erotic plays.
I peeped inside her room and got the most shocking sight of my life . I never ever expected such scene.  The view I got made my each and every plan of revealing uncle's identity infront of my mother got destroyed within a second.

I didn't believe my eyes and felt whether I am in dream or what. But no. It was not a dream. It was reality.  And the most unexpected reality.
I saw uncle was lying on the bed fully naked and sucking Sonam aunty's boobs passionately. His rock hard dick was getting a vigorous suction from my mom's mouth. Both the ladies were naked too and not a single piece of cloth were on their respective bodies. 
Sonam aunty huge boobs were identical to that of my mom's. Only difference was in the colour of their aerolas and nipples.  My mom's nipples were light brown and Sonam aunty's nipples were dark brown. Uncle was squeezing her nipples through his mouth and in between his teeth alternatively.  Aunty's eyes were closed and she was enjoying her boobs being pulled and squeezed by uncle's mouth. 
Uncle was little moaning in between sucking aunty's boobs as his dick was getting the pleasure from my mom's mouth. Mom was lying in such a position that her boobs were crushed a little against uncle's legs and his face was infron of his penis area. She was sucking his dick very hungrily. At one point she took all his long hard dick into her mouth upto her throat. And the other moment she took it out. 

It went on for more than 10 minutes infront of my eyes. And suddenly I saw uncle pressed Aunty's right boob hard and put his face hide in between her cleavage. Aunty too put her hand behind his head and made his face buried more deep in between her cleavage. Mom's speed of sucking got more intense. All her saliva was on uncle's dick and making it shine a lot. Within 20-25 seconds I heard uncle groaned loudly being his face buried in aunty's cleavage -" darlingggg......"
Mom took his dick out of her mouth and a huge fountain of sperm hit my mom's face. And then a series of jets of seminal white thick fluid started to come out from uncle's dick. Some went directly into my mom's mouth and some gave her face a sperm bath. 
Aunty and mom laughed seeing his ejaculation. Uncle's face was still in between aunty's cleavage .
Aunty said -"Your load can make any woman feel relax from her thirst."
Uncle was breathing heavily and then he took his face out of her cleavage and smiled a little. 
Mom's face was looking like she had washed her face with sperm. But she was busy in directing all those fluid into her mouth. 
Uncle said -"See Sonam, that's my Sreerupa. She loves my load."
Aunty said -"Even I too baby."

Then I saw mom came near uncle and laid herself beside him. Aunty was on left side of uncle and mom on the right side.
Now aunty slided herself upto uncle's dick and started rubbing his dick again. She was making him ready for the another ejaculation. May be more intense and getting the ultimate sex.
Till then uncle and mom shared a passionate kiss. I can't see them kissing because mom's back was infront of me but through their body movements I can interpret they are having very intense kissing session on lips. Aunty was rubbing his penis with full speed now. And withing 15 minutes hus cock uncle got the hardness.

Now aunty asked mom-"You will come or I go for that ?"
Mom left uncle's lips and turned her face towards Aunty and said -"You go...I will go in next round."
Aunty said laughingly -"Gajendra ji will survive till next round ?"
Uncle said -"Don't worry for me baby...I will give you both my all manhood today. Just squeeze me hard. I am full now."
Saying this he pulled my mom's face towards his face and again they went busy in kissing. Aunty sat on his dick adjusting that rock hard part into her wet love tunnel with both of her legs were on either side of Uncle's waist. 
And now...ufff....what a scene was that. My dick too got the hardness to its ultimate level . Aunty started riding him and uncle kissing my mom's lips vigourously.
Suddenly I heard the uncle's phone rang that was lying beside them on the bed.

To be continued....

Next update coming soon...ENJOY

Give reviews regarding this part guys...
[+] 9 users Like Ayush0098's post
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Wow. Fantastic update..  thanks
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Wow, super twist!
And welcome back!!
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Nice update but too many unnecessary twists..would prefer more erotica than this..thanks anyways for the update.
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Too many twists, we have to see how u will resolve them, anyhow after a long time we have seen ur update, please continue with updates
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SUPER UPDATE BRO. But such a gap between each update will cause the readers to lose touch with the story
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It's an amazing story, I enjoyed reading it and seeing you again, please update it soon.
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Brother itne time baad update Diya to Kam se kam do update to dete
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focus on Hindi story also
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Excellent update bro
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Story continues from its last part :

Suddenly I heard uncle's phone started ringing. But he was so much lost in the pleasure that he didn't give importance to his phone .  And both ladies too didn't bothered about that call coming on his phone. 

It had been 5 minutes passed of aunty's riding over his dick. Now uncle left mom's lips and and said her to sit over his face. Mom laughed and said -"You are getting naughty day by day."
Now mom aparted her legs on either side of his head and made herself sat on his face. Her wet clean shaven pussy got attached over uncle's lips. Uncle started sucking her clitoris. At first he sucked and licked it slowly and within 2 minutes his pace increased. Mom's eyes were closed and she was enjoying his lips running over her pussy.  
She was saying -" Ohhh Gajendra...ohh my...oh are so...ohh baby..yeah..."
On the other hand Sonam aunty was riding him very hard. Her enormous boobs were bouncing with each thrust hshe was giving over his dick. She then hold both of her boobs in her hands and pressed them . She All three were in heaven that time. Few more minutes passed like that and then I saw mom moaned loudly -"Ohhhhh my goddd.....Gajendraaahhhhhh...."
Saying this she spurted out her juice over uncle's face. She was sighing heaving. It was an intense orgasm for my mom. Aunty was busy in her own pleasure. She just saw mom's orgasm and then again closed her eyes and started riding with more speed. Then mom took her blouse that was lying on the side of the bed and cleaned the love juices scattered over uncle's face by that. Uncle eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily. Through his face I can interpret that he is close to his next ejaculation.

Mom put her boobs on uncle's lips after cleaning her love juices from uncle's face.
At first uncle started to suck her nipples one by one alternatively but after 5 minutes he increased his speed of sucking and squeezing more part of her boobs flesh along with nipples through his mouth.
I could not hold that much load in my dick and I cummed inside my trouser standing there outside. I wanted to go inside the house and wash myself after ejaculating but I wanted to see how these ladies make him cum again . Hence I stayed there.

5 more minutes passed , then I saw aunty aparted herself from over the uncle's dick and then put his dick in between her cleavage and started rubbing it through her huge boobs. Uncle was busy in sucking mom's boobs vigorously. Getting that titfuck from aunty for more than 10 minutes suddenly Uncle left my mom's boobs and started focusing on aunty's boobs rubbing activity with his dick. 
Uncle started moaning a little. Mom was caring his forehead and roaming her fingers in his hair.  Aunty slowed down the speed of titfuck a little, to which uncle said with heavy breathing -"Ohh...don't stop... don't stop .yeahhhh baby rub it faster...Ohh yeah...aah...aahhhh..."
Hearing uncle's words aunty again increased her speed of titfucking and after 2 minutes uncle's dick exploded with huge jets of sperm in between her cleavage reaching upto her face and dripping over her boobs.  Uncle grunted loudly saying aunty's name -"Sonammmmm......aaahhhhh....ohh my god....aaahhh baby...."
Mom and aunty laughed while he ejaculated in between those enormous boobs . Aunty took his dick in her mouth and started sucking it hungrily. She was a good dick sucker just like my mom. Uncle was sighing heavily. He was sweating lot too. Then aunty  climbed over him and hugged him tightly. Same my mom did. She too hugged him tightly. Their naked bodies were shining in the room light. Uncle was in between both ladies. His face was towards mom and mom's boobs were crushed against his hairy chest and from behind aunty's boobs were crushed against his back portion.

Watching him in such condition made me hard again after few minutes of ejaculation. They kept lying in that position for more than 20 minutes. I was now getting tired standing there. Hence I decide to go inside the house. It was morning and sunlight was coming on my house boundary wall. As I turned to go inside the house I saw uncle aparted both the ladies and said something in the ear of my mom. Mom laughed a little and said -"Your stock is increasing with your age Gajendra."
Aunty too laughed and replied over mom's words -"You are right Sreerupa...He has a great stock."

I again made myself attached to the window . I then saw uncle started fucking my mom in doggy style. Aunty too made herself in doggy position. Both women boobs were hanging like cow's udder.
Uncle was thursting my mom hard....after 2-3 minutes of thursting he took out his dick from her anus and put it into aunty's. Now he bean thursting aunty with same speed like mom. This went for another 15 minutes. He alternatively fucked both ladies back. 

Thenafter 20 minutes of fucking he said breathing heavily -"I am about to cum...aahhh...where will you take this time ?"
Aunty and turned towards him and uplifted his arms. Through her gesture it was clear that she wanted him to cum on her fully waxed armpits. Mom too turned herself towards him and she too upliftedher arms like aunty. Both ladies wanted to make him cum on their clean shaved ,fully waxed armpits. Uncle then started rubbing his dick hard by his hand and after few seconds he spurted out the sperm jets on their armpits. This time his intensity of ejaculating was little less than the previous ones and the sperm was little watery too. But he groaned more loudly. 

After spurting out the last drop of his semen, he fell on the bed. Breathing and moaning heavily. He was totally exhausted. And it was obvious for any man. Within a time I terval of 2 hours he reached orgasm 3 times. Mom and aunty made themselves lie beside him with their head in uncle's chest. 

The eyes of all of the three were closed. I needed to cum again watching them. But this time I went inside the house holding my hard dick and went directly into the washroom. There I again masturbated remembering those activities of them and immediately my dick started making my sperm fall on the washroom's floor. After getting fully satisfied with my masturbation I cleaned myself and then came out of the washroom. I saw it was 7:30 AM. I spent more than 2 hours watching them from that window. Mom's room was still locked.

I was feeling blanked by that time. I never expected my mom will do this. I was making a plan to reveal uncle's womanising behaviour infront of my mom. But now my every plan was destroyed due to mom's such involvement in that threesome. 
I was not getting the idea why all this is happening. Then I realised that the only way to clear all these confusioms is to talk directly to uncle . I have to ask uncle and make him aware that I know everything. Only he can remove my every confusion regarding his and those ladies affair among which one is my mother. 

I took my mobile and again went outside and reach there where I used to see them having fun. I saw they were sleeping together in the same position. Uncle was holding both ladies in his arms. I took 2 pics of them. And quickly came inside my house.
As it was morning , I opened the main gate of the house and then came to my room. I then lie on my bed and then made myself relax.
About 10 minutes had passed I heard someone made the door bell of our house rang. The door bell must be listened by mom , uncle and aunty too . 
I had no idea who came early morning that time. I rushed towards the door and I saw my dad was standing there...

To be continued....

Next update coming soon...

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[+] 8 users Like Ayush0098's post
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awesome as always
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