Adultery Sexy MOM with her Official Colleague Mr. GAJENDRA (UPDATED)
(14-09-2023, 09:41 AM)Chetanhotty Wrote: [Image: IMG-20230914-092134.jpg]
share pic online

Nice description of that incident through this picture..most accurate bro 
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Nice update
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If you are liking my story kindly recommend it to others also around your friend circle. 
If you have any queries or doubt, then you can send me message over here. I will reply everyone's message.

Next Update will be posted tomorrow evening.
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Tq for information
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(14-09-2023, 09:39 AM)Ayush0098 Wrote:
Not like that bro..but you are right upto some extent

Dolly Sharma?
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waiting for nxt part
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When we can expect new updates bro. At least give any response to the reactions u r getting.
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Update plz, eagerly waiting
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We were supposed to receive an update on 15th sep, evening. (As per author's reply) This thread is also becoming irregular like others. Thought this thread would be different. Such a disappointment
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Sorry for late update guys. 
I was busy for last few days. But now I am free. Next update will be posted tomorrow (possibly after 12 noon)
A new female character will get entry into the story . 
[+] 3 users Like Ayush0098's post
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(17-09-2023, 09:40 PM)Anonymous_Guy Wrote: We were supposed to receive an update on 15th sep, evening. (As per author's reply) This thread is also becoming irregular like others. Thought this thread would be different. Such a disappointment

Don't get disappointed bro. Lots of dick raising moments are coming in further parts.
[+] 3 users Like Ayush0098's post
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Where r u . Update
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Story continues from its last part :

They (mom & uncle) covered themselves with the bedsheet upto their waist and after few minutes they slept hugging each other in the naked position . It was the most erotic night for me . I saw uncle ejaculating three times within 2 hours. I too released myself 2 times. I came inside the house and went to my room to sleep. I was very tired watching them for 2 hours. Within few minutes I too went into a deep sleep. 

Next morning I heared mom's voice calling me to wake up. I opened my eyes and saw my mobile. It was 9 AM . I quickly got up. I slept so long and missed my morning online classes. I stood of the bed and came out from my room. I saw mom sitting on the sofa reading newspaper. I went near her and said -"Good morning mom"
Mom -"Good morning sweetie. See it's 9 AM . Why you slept so long.  It's bad habit beta."
I said in my mind "You and uncle made me so tired that I slept this much long today."
But I remained silent. 
Mom then said -"Your exams are near. Try to sleep early and wake up early. Didn't you heard the quote :Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise."
I replied -"Sorry mom. I will try to wake up early"
Mom -"Good boy. Now get ready quickly. Breakfast is ready."
I then turned my eyes all over the room and asked -"Mom, where is uncle ?"
Mom -"He went last night after few minutes we reached home"
I then said -"Ok mom. I am coming in few minutes getting fresh."
I was habitual with her lying. She knows that I am aware of their sexual relationship but she never missed any chance to lie to me to hide her sexual encounters with uncle. I wondered that he (uncle) must left the house early in the morning before 6 AM because I usually got up around 6 AM daily.

Thinking these things I went to the washroom and got myself fresh. After half an hour I came out and then called my mom for breakfast. We both had our breakfast and after that mom left for the office. That day she was wearing salwar suit instead of saree. Her kameez was red and half sleeved. The neck opening was big which can easily showcase her cleavage but Dupatta was covering her bosom portion hiding that cleavage.

I went towards the door and saw uncle was waiting for her on bike. They both then left for the office. I came inside the house and went to my room. My mind was stucked at the night scene of my mom's room. Uncle is so lucky that he got such a hot sexy voluptuous woman to have sex with. His stamena was mesmerizing for me. He deserves to be with my mom. And my mom deserves a virile man like him. Thinking about them I again felt the hardness taking shape inside my trouser. But then I controlled myself and started concentrating on my studies. 

Around 1 PM I got up from study and went to the kitchen for lunch. I then came to the dining and started having lunch. I heard bike's sound entering into our garden area. I went towards the window and saw mom and uncle was there. Uncle was then parking his bike and mom proceeded towards the door.
I quickly washed my hands and then opened the door. As mom came near to me I asked -"What happened mom, you came in between working hours. Everything alright mom ?"
Mom came inside and uncle too.
They sat on the sofa . Mom asked for a glass of water for both of them.  I went to fridge and took out a bottle and came with two glasses. I gave them water and sat along with them on sofa.
I again asked-"What happened mom? Is everything alright?"
Uncle said -"Yes beta... everything fine."
I -"Then why you both returned at this time from bank?"
Uncle -"COVID is spreading with speed Ayush. Bank and other offices are getting closed. It is possible that some big new will today."
Mom -"Yes beta. That's why we came early. Let's see what happens"
I -"Ohh ok mom. You both did good. COVID is really spreading fast. This Chinese virus is slowly becoming a headache for whole world now."
Uncle then stood up and said -"Ok Sreerupa ji, I am going to my flat now. I am feeling sleepy."
On this mom smiled a little and said -"Ok Gajendra ji."
I clearly smelled their conversation. They hadn't slept well last night. Uncle went outside and mom too followed him upto main gate of our house. They gave quick kiss on each other's lips. Then he left. Mom ame inside and went to her room. I went to dining table to complete my lunch that I left in between.

That day went normal. At night we saw the news of "Public lockdown" (Janta curfew) is announced on 22nd March. Everyone was scared with that COVID cases but a little excited for next day curfew. It was a good decision taken by the government and citizen of India. Uncle called mom on mobile during dinner and they discussed about next day's curfew. Then while cutting the call I heard mom saying to him "Love you baby" infront of me. I was astonished but as we are known about each other I remained silent and normal. Mom then asked me -"You like that beta ?"
I -"Liked what mom ?"
Mom -"What I said just to uncle on phone"
I -"As you both are lovers z who am I to interfere"
Mom-"I am just asking you that you liked ?"
I wanted to say more to her but shortened my reply and said -"Yes"
Mom then laughed a little and said -"Good."
I was shocked from innerself why she asked me about this. She never talked to me about such matter even she knew that I am already known about their relationship. 

Anyways. Next day the curfew started showing its views on road. Nobody was visible since morning that day. Only few dogs were roaming on road. We all kept ourselves attached to Television that day. Uncle called mom few times during day and mom talked to him smilingly . 

At evening I was walking in my garden area. Mom was in the kitchen. I saw uncle came in his balcony. He raised his hands from there saying "Hello" to me . I too raised my hands showing to him. 
Then I went inside the house. Few minutes later mom told me to pour water in the plants. I again went to garden and started pouring water to all plants of ours. I saw uncle's balcony again but no one was there.  But after few seconds , I saw a woman came in his balcony. She was wearing saree and blouse just like my mom. I confirmed whether it is uncle's balcony or I am watching someone others balcony. But it was uncle's balcony for sure where few minutes ago uncle was standing. I saw that lady was standing in his balcony and using her mobile. And within few minutes she went inside the flat again. I was confused. Who that lady was. Uncle lives alone here then why this lady is in his flat . Then I thought may be his wife came here, but in this lockdown COVID period who the hell will come covering such a long journey . 
Anyways, after pouring water to all plants I went inside my room. I wanted to tell mom about that lady's appearance but then I thought I should confirmed first whether what I saw isn't my imagination or false interpretation. 

That night uncle didn't call mom . Usually mom and uncle talk on mobile everyday before going to sleep but since last two months, it was the first time he didn't call her before bedtime.

Next morning I woke up early as I didn't want to miss my online class again like a day before. I got fresh by 7:30 AM and then started waiting for the class on my laptop. Meanwhile I saw mom was too awake but she was still in her room using her mobile. 
Around 8 AM my class started and it continued till 11 AM. When I came out of my room I saw mom was watching television. I asked mom-"Bank is closed mom?"
Mom replied -"Yes beta. Further decision on lockdown is going to deliver today by our Prime Minister."
I -"Ohh I see. You had your breakfast?"
Mom -"Yes dear. You go and eat something. I will prepare lunch after an hour."
I went into the kitchen and took out some cookies to eat. I went to my terrace and started enjoying the view of buildings, parks and empty road.
After few minutes I noticed Uncle came out from his apartment's basement and a lady was with him. I then focused on that lady and tried to remember the last evening view of his balcony that whether this lady is the same whom I saw. I wasn't sure but 70% of my mind was saying this is the same lady whom I saw in his balcony. Uncle was in T-Shirt and that lady was in Saree and sleeveless blouse. Her blouse was thin strap over her shoulder. She was little fat and her curves was big same as that of my mom. Then they reach at Apartment's main gate and talked there for 2-3 minutes. I was watching them clearly from my terrace. 
Then I saw the most shocking scene . That lady kissed uncle on his lips for few seconds and left to the nearby Apartment. Uncle too kissed her hard hugging her tightly like he does with my mom.
My mind was totally blank by that view. Who the hell was that voluptuous lady. Why they kissed like that .
I came down from terrace and went to sofa room . I saw mom was still watching television . I went near her and sat on the sofa adjacent to her. My body was constant but my mind was facing a huge storm within it. I wanted to tell mom what I saw few minutes ago. 
Mom asked me before I could say anything -"What happened? Where you were?"
I replied -"On the terrace."
Mom -"Ohh. What you like to eat in lunch. I am going to prepare"
I -"Anything... anything whatever you feel easy to prepare."
Mom smiled and said caring my hair -"Ok beta."
I then asked her -"Mom, uncle will come today ?"
Mom -"May be...not sure. Why ?"
I -"Just asking as he is too free today from Bank and he likes to stay with us on off days"
Mom -"Yes, because he loves me. And you too. May be he will come."
Then she left for the kitchen.
Each corner of my brain was filled with the view of that lady's and uncle's kiss . I wanted to know who was she...looking like my mom...

To be continued....

Next part updated soon.
Give reviews regarding this update...
[+] 6 users Like Ayush0098's post
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Excited to know about the lady.
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happy happy happy happy happy happy
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As promised a nice update with no sex but a new character!
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Good update
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nice update. Uncle should marry mom. A romantic trip shuld be made
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