Adultery WHO WATCHES THE WATCHMEN CH. 06 (ShadowRising321 version)
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(Wife and husband are testing each other's limits, who wins?)

I got a email from my wife describing all the events that had happened recently in my very own house, My wife had made love to our watchman in front of her other lover Dinesh. I was sitting here thousands of miles away unsure of how things have progressed so fast. My wife Menaka was a classy lady who never would have thought of doing anything like this if it was not for me giving my blessing to her. Looking at the videos of my wife making passionate love to our watchman ignited something in me that I never knew was present. Maybe it was jealousy, arousal, excitement......I don't know what it was.

After reading her email, I was having the hardest boner I've ever had. I immediately rushed to the bathroom to jack off to the email along with watching the video recording side by side, it was incredibly erotic reading the email and matching it with the events happening in front of me on the screen. I jacked off three times to it and was feeling a little better. The man in me wanted to end things right away, but something in me had changed. Just like it changed in my wife Menaka, I realized even I've started liking watching her with our watchman. The gulf in class and status in our standing in the society was an incredible turn on for me and also my wife. Also it dawned on me that there was a gulf in our love making too, I knew I was no match to Dara in that department, despite being significantly older that me, he was a machine when it came to performance in the bedroom. I figured it was a once in a lifetime event for someone like him to be sleeping with a extremely beautiful and sexy lady like my wife. I'm sure he knew he had to make the most of it until it lasted.

I replied to my wife's email and immediately got a video call from her.

"Hey baby, finally you got time for your husband" I teased her

"Shut up Prakash! You know you mean the world to me" Menaka sighed as she showed her mock anger to me

"Just kidding babe. Your email was incredibly arousing, I mean there's nothing I can say right now" I shyly admitted to her

I saw her face changed to a serious expression, she looked away from the camera and avoided eye contact with me

"Menaka" I said

"Look at me baby, What's the problem?"

Just like that, my wife started sobbing lightly and I saw he face turn a shade red, making her look even sexier

"I miss you Prakash. You don't know how hard it is without you. Me and Ayan miss you a lot" Menaka chided

"I miss you too baby. I miss my son a lot, have to miss his growing up phase" I admitted to her

"Prakash, please come home" Menaka had a serious look on her face

"Okay honey, I'll be home with you tomorrow morning. I promise"

"You're the best husband ever" Menaka jumped in her chair and I saw her big boobs jiggle with it

I disconnected the call and booked my tickets for Mumbai, in the next 24hrs I was home.


I took a cab from the airport to my home and arrived at my apartment, at the gate I saw Banke and Dara were busy chatting with each other. As soon as Dara saw me he froze and had a worried expression on his face.

"Hello Dara, Kaise ho?" I tried to be polite to him

"Theek hoon sir" Dara replied

"Banke, quickly go and help sir with his luggage." Dara instructed Banke and he obliged

At the door, I was greeted by my pretty wife and excited son who were waiting eagerly for my return. My son jumped at me and I took him in an embrace, Menaka also quickly kissed me on my cheeks as Banke kept the luggage in the living room and left. I closed the door and joined my family on the couch.

Most of the day was spent in catching up with my wife and son, Ayan telling me stories of his school friends and how much he misses me.  Later that night we had the most amazing sex, I tried to replicate Dara's positions and techniques and was somewhat successful, I saw my wife give a little smirk as she realized what I was trying to do.

"I love you as you are hubby, you don't need to compete with anyone" Menaka said to me as we were lying on the bed

"I'm not competing with him, it's just that I missed you a lot" I lied to her, amazed at how easily she had caught me

I was lying naked on the same bed where our watchman fucked my wife and I saw her make noises which I've never heard her make whenever we have sex. She is quiet when we do it, but with Dara she was a different person. That's when it hit me, Our relationship was not organic like she had it with Dara, she had chosen Dara out of all the options that she had, ours was a arranged marriage. We didn't fall for each other naturally. These thought were creeping into my mind almost on a daily basis, something which irritated me a lot recently.

"So Menaka, tell me how's it going with Dara?" I asked her in a irritated tone

"What happened honey?" She was surprised

"Just asking, how many times did you sleep with him?"

"That's so rude Prakash, also there are no new developments since the last email I sent you" My wife replied

"Oh, is it?"

"Prakash, what's wrong with you?" Menaka was now facing me, taking support of her elbow

"Nothing, I feel sex with me is not as awesome as with him"

"No honey, you are amazing. Best lover I ever had" Menaka tried to reassure me

Internally, I knew she never compared our love making abilities but whatever I've seen on the video, I knew it was a no contest.

*beepbeep* *beepbeep* *beepbeep*

My wife's cellphone buzzed and rang multiple times to announce the arrival of several text messages.

"So Menaka." I said angrily, "I guess those are all text messages from Dara?"

Menaka ignored me and her fingers worked the keyboard furiously as she replied to the text messages.

"Only one." Menaka said once she got done. "The other are spam"

"And what does he want? Some nice pussy perhaps?" I reacted angrily

"Prakash. I will not have you talk to me like that again" Menaka yelled at me

"You know what'll make my stay great? No texts from Dara." I said as I turned the other way.

"Prakash please. Don't start." Menaka shook her head visibly angry

Just like that, we had the biggest fight we ever had in years with me accusing her of leading the watchman on and not showing enough passion when we were making love. She accused me of cheating on her with multiple women and being a entitled brat, who can't handle when his wife does the same. One thing led to another and I told her she'd be living a middle class life if not for me, who provides her with all the luxury she couldn't afford. My wife went to bed crying and I walked to the balcony for a late night smoke, I saw Dara taking Vimla with him to the terrace.

I was home for 15 days and we had already made a terrible start, most of my stay in Mumbai was overshadowed by constant fights with my wife and catching up with old friends. Both of us avoided each other and also the topic of our watchman, for the last 5 days things began to cool down as Menaka promised that she will end her fling with Dara and return back to being a normal housewife, as she was earlier. I took her and my son to a mini vacation to Lonavala and we had a great time at the hill station.

The 2 weeks flew past in a breeze and it was time for me to return back to Frankfurt, Ayan was crying the whole day as he was not allowing me to go back on the ship. In these 2 weeks at home, I had noticed a change in my wife as she was not busy on her phone like she was when I arrived. She also stopped peaking outside to check up on Dara or Banke or Vimla. She was more involved with me and my son. I felt that whatever I had said to her has worked and she was back to being the old Menaka. 

At the airport, I kissed my wife and son goodbye and saw them leave as I started with the boarding process. It was a connecting flight to Germany and I would be flying for more than 24hrs. 

As I reached the ship, I logged in to my PC and all the camera feeds started from Mumbai. It looked liked any other day with my wife running after Ayan, getting him ready for school. I switched the feed to the roof and saw Dara and Vimla going at it early in the morning. 

"Ohh god I love fucking your ass Vimla" Dara said between storkes

"YES...YES....YES" Vimla was leaning on the wall for support behind the water tank

I observed closely and saw his big black dick was entering her asshole with easy, I figured she had gotten used to it by now. It was a sight worth taking a screenshot as I saw our old watchman fucking the young maid in her ass. 

After some time, they were done with the session and quickly got dressed. 

"What's the matter?" Vimla asked him

"Nothing" Dara avoided eye contact with her

"I know what's going on. Her husband was here so you couldn't meet her" Vimla smirked

"No that's not it" Dara denied

"You only care about the rich memsaab who treats you like trash. On the other hand, you ignore me as you want" Vimla said nervously

"For you I am just a maid who will fulfill your demands, Memsaab on the other hand can ignore you whenever she wants and you oblige" she teared up

"No Vimla, you know how much I love you" Dara took her in a embrace

"With memsaab, it is only physical. With you it's different. I love you" Dara kissed her

"Dara, I'm scared memsaab will remove me from the job" Vimla raised her concern to him

"Don't worry. I will talk to her" Dara reassured her and both of them went down the building

Nothing much happened that day, I noticed Menaka was ignoring many calls throught the day, I reckon it was Dara who was calling her trying to tempt her into meeting. I was happy that my wife was sticking to her promise. I realized it was a matter of time before Dara got the message and will ignore my wife forever. Only if I knew how wrong I was. 

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(30-05-2023, 12:01 PM)ShadowRising321 Wrote: WHO WATCHES THE WATCHMEN CH. 10

I was happy that my wife was sticking to her promise. I realized it was a matter of time before Dara got the message and will ignore my wife forever. Only if I knew how wrong I was. 

Welcome back...Almost forgot about this gem.

Excellent update - stopped at the crucial point

clps clps clps clps
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(30-05-2023, 12:01 PM)ShadowRising321 Wrote: WHO WATCHES THE WATCHMEN CH. 10
(Wife and husband are testing each other's limits, who wins?)

Later that night we had the most amazing sex, I tried to replicate Dara's positions and techniques and was somewhat successful, I saw my wife give a little smirk as she realized what I was trying to do.

"I love you as you are hubby, you don't need to compete with anyone" Menaka said to me as we were lying on the bed

"I'm not competing with him, it's just that I missed you a lot" I lied to her, amazed at how easily she had caught me
oh, already she is saying hubby is deficient compared to watchman. Beautiful
And the fight during the most period,  will only ignite wifey's suppressed fire - even if she tries to control her feelings, hubby's actions will lead her automatically commiting the sex acts.
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Next day I was woken up by the sound of our main door shutting early in the morning, I saw my wife walking into our living room. Looking at the time, I reckon she must've returned after dropping Ayan at his bus stop. I watched as Menaka was doing all the mundane stuff like dusting the house, watching some TV and just chilling in the living room. I saw Menaka was startled as the door bell rang and she got up to open the door.

I saw Vimla walk into our living room, she was alone and I thanked my stars for it. Menaka strolled across to our living room and sat on the sofa, while Vimla sat down on the floor facing her.

"What's the matter Vimla?" Menaka questioned her

"Memsaab, please I request you to leave Dara and me alone" Vimla requested with folded hands

"What the hell, who are you?" Menaka was angry by her request

"Memsaab, I know everything. Dara told me you are jealous of me because Dara loves me. I also love him, we are planning to get married soon" Vimla said

"Do whatever, why do I care?" Menaka was upset

I watched as both the ladies had a fierce argument over our watchman, I realized the low life watchman had a grip on the emotional state of both the ladies in front of my screen. Something I was never able to achieve, no matter how much I tried. After arguing with my wife for more than half n hour I watched as Vimla left my apartment and Menaka closed the door loudly.

Menaka was visibly upset for the whole day as I noticed, later in the evening we had a video call where we had a discussion on all the routine stuff as I saw her call it a night early at 10 PM. I started working on my personal stuff as I kept the Mumbai feed on.

I saw my wife was unable to sleep as she was constantly twisting and turning on the bed, she was wearing skin tight NIKE pants along with a cute t-shirt which did a good job of hiding her big boobs. Around 11:30 PM I saw my wife reach for her phone which was kept on the side table in our bedroom.

"What is it????"


"Yeah, well, I won't open the door."

"I told you, It's over. Can't you respect that?"

"No, I am not acting coy to tease you."

"Do whatever you want. I don't care. I DON'T care."

"Jump off the roof for all I care."

"No, We are leaving from here anyway."

"Enjoy with your soon to be wife Vimla"

"Goodbye. Go to hell." Menaka slammed her phone on the bed visibly upset

I saw my wife get up and started typing furiously, maybe she was writing an email to me. She went back to the computer and continued typing. And typing. She was still typing. A few minutes later, she looked at the time and sighed. She picked up her phone and dialed a number. She kept the phone clasped to her ear.

"Hello ji, what were you saying about dinner?" Menaka said emotionally

"Oh you haven't eaten anything since morning?"

"Okay come over, I'll make something for you. No funny business promise? Ayan is home"

Menaka disconnected the call and I sat there with a dreadful feeling in my stomach, I knew the Gurkha had managed to manipulate her again.

I heard the main door open and Dara walked in wearing his uniform followed by my young sexy wife Menaka. Menaka instructed him to be quiet and sit down on the sofa, Dara sat on the sofa as Menaka went to the kitchen and started preparing something to eat for the watchman.

Ten minutes later, my wife walked out of the kitchen having prepared a bowl of oats for our watchman. Dara gladly accepted the bowl from her and started eating the oats. Menaka and Dara were completely silent, avoiding eye contact through out. I could feel there was clear tension in the air. Dara finished eating and got up, Menaka escorted him to the door and wished him good night. I checked the clock and figured it was midnight in India. Menaka closed the main door and walked back into the bedroom. I had a triumphant feeling as my wife had kept her promise. I switched off the screen but kept the volume on and went to sleep, feeling especially proud of Menaka.


Next day I woke up late in the morning, I turned on the screen and saw my wife was getting ready to leave Ayan at the bus stop. I found her body language to be a little hurried and she was urging Ayan to get ready quickly. I felt it was quiet strange of her to behave like that, Menaka was a calm and cool customer otherwise. I watched as Menaka left with Ayan closing the main door. What I saw next felt like a arrow pierced my heart.

As soon as Menaka closed the main door, the door to our bathroom opened and Dara walked out fully dressed in his uniform. He quickly exited our bedroom and made his way to the main door, he took a quick glance around the passage area of my apartment and exited my apartment. I felt my head was spinning as I tried to recollect the events from last night, Dara ate what my wife prepared for him and left. Am I missing something?

I quickly opened the recording from last night and scrolled back to the time when Menaka closed the main door as Dara left. I saw as my wife turned off the lights of our bedroom and lay down on the bed. I figured this was the time when I turned off the PC and went to sleep.

Half n hour later, I saw Menaka reach for her phone and started typing a message with a sly smile on her face. She got up from the bed still wearing her NIKE tight pants with displayed her big round ass perfectly. She turned on the night lamp kept near the bed and quietly made her way to the living room.

Five minutes later my heart dropped as I watched Dara walk into our bedroom with my wife in his arms, lovingly locking both her hands behind his neck for support and Dara threw her on our master bed and went to the bathroom.

"I'll be back memsaab" Dara signaled to her and winked

My wife started tying her hair in a bun, pushing out her big boobs in the process. Dara walked out of the bathroom still dressed and sat down on the bed next to my wife.

"So memsaab, what made you change your mind?" Haha

"Shut up, I don't know" Menaka said with a naughty smile

"Lie down on the bed" Menaka commanded him

Dara did what he was told as Menaka got up on the bed and slowly started opening the buttons of his shirt. Dara closed his eyes and let my sexy wife remove his shirt. His hairy chest came into view as my wife ran her dainty fingers on his chest, teasing him and playing with his chest hair. She bought her face near his left ear and whispered

"No touching unless I tell you"

Dara simply nodded his head as my wife started kissing and biting his left ear. She grabbed both his hands and pushed them over his head to which Dara gladly obliged. His hairy armpits came into view, a stark contrast to my wife's smooth and clean body. I saw in awe as my wife started kissing his cheeks, his ears and his neck, clearly giving the watchman a experience to remember. I felt a incredible pang of jealousy as my wife had never given me the same treatment which our watchman was getting right now.

Through the enhanced filter I could hear Dara moaning lightly as Menaka continued teasing the watchman. Menaka started kissing his hairy chest and also lick his nipples, all this time Dara had his hands over his head. Obliging my pretty wife's request. After kissing his chest for a few minutes, Menaka sat up straight and started removing his belt and opening the buttons of his pant, staring right in his eyes.

Dara moaned in approval as my wife unbuttoned his pant, Dara lifted his hips up as Menaka pulled his pant down towards his legs and a giant tent came into view through his underwear. I was shocked looking at his giant tent formed in his pant, unable to process the last time I saw his dick. This time it looked even bigger and better.

Menaka continued her journey southwards, kissing his hairy stomach and abdomen. I saw her playing with his dark ugly belly button and felt disgusted. What I saw next shocked me to the core of my being as I saw Menaka grab the elastic of his cheap underwear in her teeth and started pulling it down using only her teeth, no hands.

Dara lifted his hips and allowed my wife to pull the underwear all the way down. His big black cock sprang into view and hit my wife on her chin as she was taken aback looking at the size of it. It had been more than a month since she took a look at his dick.

"It looks even bigger" Menaka said to Dara

"It's all because of you memsaab darling" Dara romantically replied

"How big are you?" She asked without thinking, and then suddenly took a deep breath as she realized what she had asked.

"Big enough to make you scream the whole night." Dara answered and Menaka suddenly felt her pussy dampen.

Placing her hands on his legs Menaka ran her hands up his thighs until she came to rest right near his hard dick. Licking her lips the hot wife thought that this was finally it. She was about to touch the cock which has given her a lot of pleasure in the past. And she was about to slurp and suck on this thing like her life depended on it! And she was going to love every inch of it. She knew that already.

Giving Dara a nervous smile, the beautiful wife slowly inched her hands towards his hard dick, feeling a rush pass through her as her soft fingers gently touched the burning hot skin of his solid shaft.

Wrapping her fingers around the huge pole, Menaka let out a shuddering moan.

"Fuck! It's so huge!" She whispered breathlessly and looked up with glazed eyes as Dara spoke.

"Am I bigger than your husband?" He asked cockily.

A twisted, dirty smile curved Menaka's lips at that. How naughty he was, asking her if he was bigger than her husband! That was the moment when I felt Dara had complete control on my wife and I had lost the battle to our watchman. To our fuckin watchman!!

"A lot bigger. And a lot thicker." She answered with sexy honesty that made her pussy turn hotter and her stomach almost erupt in erotic butterflies!

Dara's grin doubled at that and his hand began working in her hair as he held her head.

"I'm going to fuck your mouth like your husband never can." He said smugly.

"Mmmm I can't wait any longer." Menaka replied before her fingers slowly began to move up and down his thick shaft.

Slowly and mesmerized, Menaka moved her hand, feeling every inch and vein of his pulsing cock. From the hilt of the impressive shaft, up to the bulging round head, and back down. Menaka slowly moved her hand in a soft but tight massage before she gently began moving faster and faster until finally her hand was pumping swiftly up and down.

The forceful movements caused her luscious tits to jiggle within her t-shirt and to begin with Dara was caught up staring down her top from where he had a perfect view. Then his head fell back as Menaka continued to stare at his cock as her fist jacked faster and harder. Finally he looked back down at her with eyes that should have burned her away on the spot and Menaka smiled naughtily.

Moving her head so that she was closer to his dick, Menaka spoke.

"Are you ready to finally feel my mouth, Dara? I know you've been waiting for this for so long." She teased.

"Fuck, memsaab! Suck my dick!" Dara half growled with tight breath as Menaka's hand flew up and down.

Menaka slowed her fist's movement until she was once more tightly massaging Dara's cock and leaned forward, his hand guiding her towards his dick. Her eyes remained locked on his as she slowly inched forward until her lips were less than an inch away from the fat shaft. And then she extended her tongue and licked the thick head.

Feeling a blaze of lust burst through her at finally touching Dara's dick with her tongue, Menaka thought of nothing but pleasuring his thick dick as she eased her tongue around the spongy head, licking the springy ridge before she licked down the hard pole almost its entire length, then licked back up. Kissing the fat head with her soft lips Menaka smiled sexily up at Dara.

"Anything for our watchman." She purred hornily against his cock and then slowly lowered her mouth onto the sensitive tip.

The spongy head touched her soft lips with a fiery heat that sent a bolt of pure lust blasting down into Menaka's pussy. But that was nothing compared to the feeling that wracked her hot body as she leaned forward and the firm tip pushed against her lips until it popped inside her mouth, brushing against her teeth.

Swirling her tongue around the thick head Menaka lowered her mouth and filled her hot, wet, gaping mouth with more of that gloriously thick shaft until she felt the tip press firmly against the back of her throat.

Looking up to lock eyes with her watchman, Menaka smiled around her mouthful of cock and purred sexily. Her tight throat vibrating against the sensitive tip. Dara's face was in awe and full of pleasure as he looked down at her with blazing eyes and an open mouth as bliss ran through him.

Menaka held herself there for a few moments, relishing in him looking down at her, knowing that this wasn't her husband, before she finally slipped her lips all the way back up Dara's impressive shaft and off his sensitive tip, her tongue swirling around as she breathed heavily.

"Mmmm, you taste so good in my mouth." She purred hotly as her fist began to pump up and down his now-slick pole.

"Do I taste better than your husband?" Dara asked smugly and Menaka felt a rush pass through her. She couldn't believe she was cheating on her husband again, even after him warning her of doing the same! It was just so...intoxicating.

"Much better. Though I'm going to have to get a real good taste to be sure." Menaka replied teasingly as she let her tongue lick around the sensitive tip once again.

"I think you should get a real good mouthful, memsaab. Be sure that you're not missing an inch." Dara said hornily as he reached for her head and pulled her mouth towards his cock.

"Mmmm fill my mouth Dara. Show me how you want to treat your rich sexy memsaab." She replied before her lips met his cock again and, with her eyes locked on his, Menaka lowered her mouth down his impressive dick once more.

Filling her mouth Menaka didn't stop until Dara's cock hit the back of her throat, her hand continuously jerking back and forth on the rest of his long, hard shaft. The moment she could take no more the beautiful wife sucked hard and let her tongue swirl around, dancing with the solid thickness, before she slid her lips back up. Almost at the tip Menaka sucked as hard as she could and flicked her tongue across the sensitive head before she once more slowly lowered her mouth down his big cock.

Over and over the stunning wife bobbed her head up and down, filling and refilling her mouth with solid man-meat as her hand cork-screwed firmly around the thick base.

"Mmmmmmph!" She moaned around her mouthful as her tongue lashed and her cheeks sank as she sucked harder and harder while bobbing her head up and down.

"Ahhhh Memsaab!" Dara moaned breathily, throwing his head back against the pillow as Menaka worked her way up and down his cock. "Memsaab, you've gotten so good at sucking cock!"

"Mmmmmph...Thanks to you." Menaka purred as she pulled her mouth from his dick breathily and began licking up and down the thick shaft.

"Do you suck your husband's cock this good?" Dara asked as he looked down at her with glazed, far-off eyes.

Menaka just smiled as she kissed her way back up the fat shaft and sucked hard on the head.

"Never" Menaka replied and continued the blowjob

With that the horny wife stuffed her mouth full of his dick and began to suck rhythmically as her head bobbed up and down swiftly. Back and forth, up and down, her hair swung as she sucked with all of her heart and slurped hungrily for more.

All Dara could do was groan in pleasure, his head falling back against the pillow and staring hotly down into Menaka's eyes. His hand squeezed and eased then squeezed again in her hair, pulling her down onto his dick every time she almost pulled her lips from his cock.

For Menaka it was hotter than ever looking up and not seeing her husband's face as she sucked hard on the biggest cock she had ever seen. But seeing his watchman's expression instead. The thought that here she was, on her knees in her bedroom sucking the watchman's dick and loving it, was just hotter than anything. And it was getting hotter by the minute as she felt his slick shaft slipping again and again between her tightly held lips and pushing harder and harder against the back of her throat.

Pulling her mouth from his dick in a gasp of breath, Menaka danced her tongue around his thick head before swallowing him back whole again. Breathing increasingly heavily through her nose she quickly began to speed up her movements until her head was slamming up and down his big dick like a blur.

"Fuuuuck! Fuck! Agh, fuck memsaab, you've got a hot mouth! Shit! Ungh...I always knew you'd be a hot cocksucker one day. Ahhh!" Dara groaned through gritted teeth as he stroked her hair and Menaka purred with his cock in her mouth.

"You like your memsaab's mouth, do you Dara? Do you like me fucking my mouth on your big dick while my husband is away?" Menaka asked sexily as she momentarily slipped her lips from his cock before hungrily devouring it again.

"Ohhh yeah!" Dara groaned shakily as Menaka's fist flew in time with her furious head bobbing.

"Memsaab! I want to grab your tits so badly. To bounce you on my dick. Ahhh!!" Dara half-groaned and half-growled, lost in how good her mouth felt on him.

"You do want to cum in my mouth, don't you?" Menaka looked into his eyes as she asked him this question

The look of lust in Dara's eyes blazed hotter at that and the tightness of his grip in her hair doubled as he pulled her back down towards his dick.

"Fuck! I'm going to fill your mouth up until you can't swallow quick enough!" He half-growled and half-teased and Menaka purred hornily as she let him pull her onto his dick.

Her lips wrapped around the thick shaft instantly and her tongue began to slash and flick wildly as she sucked hard and fast. Twirling her mouth around as she pumped his dick between her lips, slamming it back against her throat as she sucked harder and harder, Menaka gave Dara the best blowjob she had ever given. It was like she was desperate to suck his cum from his balls as she recklessly pounded her mouth full of his hard dick.

"Ahhh memsaab, suck my dick! Yes! Ugh ahhhh!" Dara moaned over and over, his face tense from how much pleasure he was getting from her hot, wet, cheating mouth.

"Mmmmmmph! MMmmmmmph!" Menaka moaned around her mouthful of cock, hurriedly slamming her face up and down to the slick, wet, slurping noises that filled the room.

SLURP............. SLUCK......................... SUCK

The whole room was filled with the illicit sound of the hot blowjob and it drifted in the quiet of the night. Meanwhile Menaka's hair swung back and forth as she fucked her face up and down.

"Mmmmm your cock is so big! I love it!" Menaka purred as she pulled her mouth from his dick to catch some air.

Dara grinned down at her as his chest heaved from how hard he was breathing. Fuck but it felt good!

"Do you like seeing your dick in my mouth?" Menaka teased

"Memsaab, you look so gorgeous! I always wondered what you'd look like on your knees with my cock in your mouth! Nnnngh, ahhh! You look hotter than I ever imagined." Dara replied honestly and Menaka blushed under the compliment, letting her tongue swirl around the thick head of his cock.

Squeezing her large, firm breast over her t-shirt Menaka lowered her mouth slowly onto Dara's dick, moaning as she sucked on the fat head before she gripped the sensitive tip between her teeth and smiled up at his face.

The expression Dara had almost made the hot wife laugh as a mix of pleasure and panic rushed across his old face. Gently, yet with a teasing nip, Menaka slid more of his cock between her teeth until she couldn't fit any more of his dick in her mouth and then pulled her head back until just the very tip remained held between her teeth.

Licking furiously as she held the sensitive head still Menaka laughed throatily before doing the same thing again, only this time her tongue played along the whole length of his cock - up and down - as she moved.

"Memsaab! You're such a tease tonight!" Dara said with shuddering breaths, half from how turned on he was and half from how nervous.

Her full luscious lips were wrapped tightly around his thick dick, stretched almost to their limit. With every shove of his dick in her face, some of her lipstick rubbed off against his shaft.

"Use your tongue, use your tongue!" he slapped her on the cheek and commanded.

And I could see her tongue tracing a circular pattern around the dick in her mouth as it moved all around, causing a bump in her cheek. She took the dick out after a few seconds, coughed a couple of times, and then sticking her tongue out, traced it all the way from the base of the shaft all the way to the tip. She ran it around the tip in a circular motion a couple of times. Her fingers were pleasuring his big balls the whole time.

Dara's voice had gotten more breathless and high pitched, and he was obviously close to cumming. So this time when his dick invaded her mouth, he decided to take charge of bringing it to climax. He grabbed her hair with both his hands and started bucking his hips rapidly, pretty much fucking her mouth instead of her giving him a blowjob. The rapid motion seemed to surprise Menaka who grabbed Dara's hips for support. But she seemed to get used to it and even enjoy it as her hands slowly moved to his ass and started massaging it.

"GLPPP...GLPPP...GLPPPPP..." Menaka's mouth let out muffled gagging sounds, but they conveyed carnal elation, not discomfort.

Finally the hot wife had all eight and a half inches down her throat again, and this time she didn't stop fucking her face up and down. It only got quicker and more feverish. Fucking her mouth and throat like a mad woman.


The illicit sounds from the blowjob filled the room, mixing with Dara's groans and moans of pure pleasure as ecstasy rolled through the old man like he had never experienced before.

Menaka's mouth was hot enough, but her tight throat was just mind-blowing! He felt like his dick was being squeezed by the tightest, wettest, hottest pussy ever! And fuck was he going to cum any time soon!

Dara was looking particularly dominant as he used my wife like his personal fucktoy.


Dara suddenly grunted, and stopped moving his hips. His grip on my wife's hair tightened and I saw her cheeks puff up as her mouth was clearly being filled with his jizz. Her eyes widened, and she seemed to be trying to push herself back so his dick would come out of her mouth. Dara held her firm and she stopped resisting, her mouth getting flooded.

It seemed like an eternity but was just a few seconds as the scene held like that.


She swallowed noisily. The thick stream of the watchman's cum oozed down her throat as she swallowed, but more came until droplets seeped from the corner of her mouth around his cock and ran down her chin.

Again and again Dara came hard, blasting the back of her throat and filling her mouth with more of his potent seed until Menaka could barely keep up swallowing. Her stomach felt full and her eyes were wide with shock at how much Dara was actually cumming! Her husband didn't even cum a quarter of that amount! Even after weeks of not having sex!

Gulping down the thick semen Menaka knew she couldn't take any more or swallow quickly enough and so she slipped her lips from the tip and opened her mouth wide. Dara instantly grabbed his dick and aimed it at her mouth just in time for a thick rope to spurt out from the head and shoot into her gaping mouth. Another sticky stream didn't quite make it as it shot out and landed across her eye.

Menaka did her best to keep her eyes on his face as he was cumming all over her but she could only squint with cum in her eye. Another big load ejected over her cheek and then Dara erupted over her lips and nose, spraying her beautiful face with his cum as she knelt open-mouthed before him.

Finally Dara groaned and one more huge glob shot out from his cock and covered her bottom lip and chin, dripping onto her exposed cleavage in a thick, long string, before he collapsed back into the bed and exhaled heavily.

"FUCK!" Was all he could breathe loudly as he stared up at the ceiling for a moment before looking down at her.

[+] 4 users Like ShadowRising321's post
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Extremely sorry for the delay. I have a very busy schedule as of now but you guys can expect quick lengthy updates from me. As always ideas and suggestions are welcome. In the recent update, I have introduced "Prakash worrying about his wife's closeness to Dara" as I believe any man would at least put up a fight before his wife decides what's best for her.
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(30-05-2023, 05:30 PM)ShadowRising321 Wrote: Extremely sorry for the delay. I have a very busy schedule as of now but you guys can expect quick lengthy updates from me. As always ideas and suggestions are welcome. In the recent update, I have introduced "Prakash worrying about his wife's closeness to Dara" as I believe any man would at least put up a fight before his wife decides what's best for her.

few ideas in older posts in this same thread, may be some still relevant?

Anyway, you are doing great. But doubt if Prakash wants to fight. He seems enjoying the view though not that happy.
[+] 1 user Likes Givemeextra's post
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We missed your writing so much....
Hope to see you going at this pace....
Thanks for return and continuing....
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Welcome back
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Thanks! Would love to hear from you
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Welcome back ....and nice updates  clps
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Welcome back @ShadowRising.
Apparently Prakash has insulted Menaka and has pushed her firmly towards Dara. She was oscillating between her marriage and the sexual pleasures she was receiving from Dara. By his insensitive comments Prakash has ensured she is now a willing mistress of Dara and perhaps some more. It is clear that Menaka was aware of his dalliances during travel and WAS NOT OK with it but never opened up her insecurities with Prakash, but their last fight had firmed up her mind to indulge that life herself.
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(30-05-2023, 05:30 PM)can you putup something like gurkha wife sovenier from her husband to menaka from dara, or enjoying suhagraat dressed as bride, or fuck menaka in her ass ,or menaka gave a sexy surprise to dara inviting him to take her ass as a gift for something dara do for menaka ShadowRising321 Wrote: Extremely sorry for the delay. I have a very busy schedule as of now but you guys can expect quick lengthy updates from me. As always ideas and suggestions are welcome. In the recent update, I have introduced "Prakash worrying about his wife's closeness to Dara" as I believe any man would at least put up a fight before his wife decides what's best for her.
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As this story is the continuation of the original, let us see the story background. For both Prakash and Menaka this is their second marriage. Prakash was living an open marriage kind of life style which resulted his failure of first marriage. So he already discussed and agreed regarding his open marriage lifestyle to menka and with that knowledge only they got married. But menaka was not ready to have sexual relationship outside marriage. Prakash is a sailor and spend lot of time in sea and away from home. So in shores he had hookups with other women and Prakash was open with this to menak. So menaka's accusation of cheating of Prakash is not a valid one. But it is clear that menaka was not OK with this and never open up regarding this to Prakash ( she should have talked about this if she is not ok with the continuation of her husband hookups).It is also clear that Prakash is the person who encouraged his wife to have sexual pleasure outside the marriage and slowly menka agree for that. He advice to find a person like Dinesh who having equal social status So that there will be less trouble and more safety to menaka. We can see that Prakash is an open minded husband who love his family and also ok for his wife to experince sexual pleasure outside marriage as he is away from home most of the time. Also we can see that he worried about his wife safety and privacy as well. However menka got attracted to Dara their watchman and started the relationship with him. Soon it was evident to Prakash and also to the readers that menaks relationship with Dara is not only sexual but morethan that. Menkas closeness with Dara worried Prakash as he is not ok with any emotional attachment between his wife and her sexual partners. She lied to her husband that Dara and she got a fight and stopped their affair. But in realty she continued it with an assumption that Prakash is not aware of this. She blatantly lied to her husband many times regarding Dara but Prakash was watching all their affair through spy camera. Who is the real cheater? Off course it is menaka. But in the latest update it is revaled that finally menaka open up about all these things in a detailed email and called her husband to come back as early, as she missed him a lot. See here Prakash forgive all her cheating and lie and comeback to their home with in short time. Clearly indicate his priority. Now , when Prakash is with Menaka, he never have other hook ups or none of his mistress called or msg him during his stay with menaka. Also he never called or msg any of his sexual partner's when he is with menaka. He have only physical relationship with others and no emotional relationship and he never drag them between menaka and Ayan. But in other side , menka is not open with prakash about dara and he lied to him that praksh is the best lover which praksh can not digest as he witnessed what is happened between dara and menaka. Also she is getting msgs from Dara even in late night while she is spending time with Prakash and she is cool about this ( here also she apparently lied to prakash that ony one msg from dara and all others are spam . Spams in midnight? )Offcourse these are big red flag for prakash and there is no wonder that Prakash got angry. Also it is clear that menka was more in phone, constantly checking on dara and Vimal through windows etc. How can a husband bear such an attitude from his wife? Clearly menaka was out of her character. She forget that paraksh came midway during his work to spend a quality time with family due to the request from menaka itself . But in other hand praksh is completely stay away from his mistresses when he is with menaka. Praksh argument is valid that when he is with menaka, he don't like any third party intervention even in the form of msg. It is clear that menakas concentration was not in praksh but in dara and Vimala. So later after fight she agreed to stop the affair and spend quality time with Prakash. But once praksh left she started to cheat him in his back. In open marriage, proper communication is needed and there should not be any hide and seek.also there should not be any emotional relationship with others. Clearly menakas relationship with Dara crossed the limits. Soon she will suffer her blunder decision.
[+] 1 user Likes Vikadakavi's post
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Menaka got up and went to the bathroom to clean up, I could hear the sound of water flowing for next couple of minutes. My wife washing her body clean of all the sex juices. Finally she came out with a towel wrapped around her body, tucked under her arms.

"I'm going to get some water and check on Ayan." she said and walked out of the room.

Dara just nodded, His chest was heaving and there was a tired expression on his flushed face. It looked like my wife had sucked him into exhaustion.
Menaka came back after a couple of minutes but her lover was already sleeping.

"Are you sleeping?" she asked.

There was no reply. She smiled and took a big swig of water, and went to turn the lights off. As soon as the room went dark, the night vision setting kicked in and I started seeing things in shades of green. My wife removed the towel from her curvy body and lied down on the bed next to Dara clad in her blue bra and black panties.

I watched the idle scene in green for a few minutes. My wife and her watchman lover slept cuddling like a loving couple. I decided to get up and take a a break. It was morning in Frankfurt.

I went to the shower and jacked off, emptying my stuffed balls all over the bathroom floor. Then I got dressed and headed out to the mess hall to get some breakfast. It looked like they would be resting for at least a while. I was sure I had time to get some grub and coffee.

Staring at the screen, my insecurities about Menaka started to creep in my mind again. Her little gestures like wearing a red sari or shaving her pussy, or even just the way she hollered and talked during sex. I didn't know if she realized it, but she was clearly in a deeper relationship with the guy than when she had started out. And what scared me was that Dara clearly seemed to recognize it.

For another half hour or so, I kept mulling these thoughts, getting more and more paranoid. At the same time, I could not deny the arousal I was feeling.

At 3:15 AM, I saw Dara move on the bed rubbing his eyes. He got up and drank some water from the bottle kept on the side table. Dara climbed on the bed next to my wife and I could see the hungry expression on his face, he was clearly ready for round 2.

He expertly hooked his thumbs around the sides of Menaka's panties and began to gently tug them down her legs. Once they were off, Dara bunched them up and tucked them in the pocket of his pant, adding another trophy to his collection.

He gently rolled her hips so she was lying on her back before he slithered up the bed until his head was between her legs. He inhaled slowly through his nose, taking in the familiar and intoxicating scent of her pink pussy and smiled.

It's been too long memsaab!! Dara hummed to himself

Hooking one arm around her thigh to keep her in place, he slid his other under her ass, lifting it slightly to give him a better angle.

Dara took a quick glance at the clock, Reassured that he had plenty of time to play with my wife before my son woke up, he lowered his head and began to run his tongue along Menaka's bare slit.

Her body squirmed at his touch, but Dara held her still. She didn't wake up.

People made assumptions about Dara when they saw him. Generally, none of those were positive. One assumption people never made about him was that he was skilled in the bedroom. Given his appearance, body type and short stature, this would be a logical assumption to make.

However, Dara had dedicated lots of time to perfecting his craft. One of the tools he had honed over the years was being particularly attentive to the female body. Giving a woman the most pleasurable experience of her life made it that much harder to deny him the next time.

Dara's tongue continued to dance up and down Menaka's slit. He could taste her beginning to become wet, and he smiled when he felt her hips involuntarily push up off the bed towards his face.

His tongue found her clit and began to slowly draw circles around it. He chanced removing his arm from around her thigh and brought one of his fingers towards her opening, slowly inserting the tip into her.

His finger gently traced the inside of Menaka, matching the circular motion of his tongue.

He continued his oral assault as he pushed his finger farther into my sexy wife.

"Mmm," Menaka moaned in her sleep. "Mmmmmmm."

Dara stifled a smile. He knew he had her now. He slipped a second finger inside of her and rotated his palm to face up, beginning to make a 'come here' motion with the two digits. The tips of his fingers ran over Menaka's sensitive G-spot as he did this, bringing out an even greater reaction from the sleeping young wife.

Each time his fingers ran against that spot, Dara sucked hard on her clit. Menaka's hips were bucking up against his face, wanting more.

"Oh," she moaned dreamily. "Mmmmmmmm."

He could tell by the way her pussy was clenching his fingers and the increasingly desperate movement of her hips that her body would come soon.

He increased the tempo of his sucking and his fingers followed the faster pace he was setting. It didn't take long before she finally came.

"Oh, oh," Menaka's hand found the back of Dara's head and pulled him into her as her hips pushed up against his face. He could feel her nails digging into the back of his scalp.

She'd definitely be waking up soon after that one, so Dara shifted positions, removing his fingers from her vagina and looping both arms around her thighs to hold her in place. He drove his tongue deep inside of her, doubling the intensity of his oral assault.

"Oh, fuck," he heard from her sultry lips. His eyes flicked up to see her magnificent breasts pushing up against her bra as she arched her back.

His tongue spun around inside of her, alternating between licking the walls of her vagina and driving into it in a penetrative movement. Menaka's hand stayed on the back of his head while the other had moved to grip the headboard.

Her back slumped to the bed as her orgasm subsided and her eyes opened, looking lazily down at Dara. She blinked a few times as she seemed to be slowly getting her bearings.

Her hips lifted off the bed, trying to roll to the side, but Dara held her tight. She opened her mouth to protest, but Dara stuck his tongue in deep and licked back alongside the roof of her vagina, hitting her G-spot.

Menaka's head fell back against the pillow while her hand stayed planted on Dara's head. Her hips continued to rise off the bed, no longer trying to get away.

"Dara," she moaned unintentionally as she tried to speak. "What's the time? My son will wake up -----"

Dara picked up his tempo, cutting her off.

"Mmmmm," she moaned again. "This is wrong. Uffffff. Mmmmm."

Dara could feel another orgasm building inside of her. She raised her hips yet again, trying to get as much of his tongue into her as possible.

"Oh fuck." she moaned. "Right there, don't stop. Don't stop."

Dara slowed down the pace of his tongue, withdrawing it so it only teased the inside edge of her pussy.

"Fuck, don't stop. Please," Menaka moaned. "Don't fucking stop."

Dara continued to slow his assault, though, purposely not matching the desperate pleas of her body. She wanted to cum again, her mind was rushing with endorphins, looking for that sweet release.

In one fluid motion, Dara unhooked his arms and crawled up her body. Before Menaka realized what was happening, he was on top of her. His cock was in one hand, pressing against her sex as her hips were still lifted up, looking for contact from his tongue. His thighs bent her legs back until they were resting on his hips, her body automatically responding by softly wrapping them around his waist.

He rested on his forearm, his hand going under her neck to grab the hair at the base of her head in a fist. He didn't forget how much she loved that.

She turned her face away and didn't meet his gaze. He continued to rub the head of his cock up and down her entrance, slowly pressing into it without diving all the way in yet. Menaka's hips continued pushing up, seeking out more contact with him.

Dara tightened his grip on her hair and turned her head to face him.

"Mmmmm," she moaned desperately. Her eyes eventually opened up to look at him.

Dara still saw that fire of defiance behind her eyes, but they were clouded over by something even more powerful: Lust.

He didn't dare smile like he wanted to, as this was the moment of truth. He just stared into her eyes like a hungry animal, matching the intensity of the lust in her gaze. He held his cock steady against her opening, pressing the cock head to her entrance, but not initiating penetration himself.

Then he felt it. Menaka's legs tightened around his waist, pulling him forward. Her hips lifted off the bed again, this time pushing against his cock instead of his tongue as more of his shaft disappeared inside of her. He didn't break eye contact.

"Oh!" As more of his cock slid into her, she opened her mouth in pleasure.

The fire in her eyes subsided, consumed by pure lust now. He let go of his cock and pushed a little deeper into her. He wanted her to be the one to bring him all the way inside. Her hands came to rest on his arms, her grip tight.

Her legs pulled at him, trying to get more of his cock. Her hips were continually pushed against him, desperate to cum.

Dara sunk down, burying the entire length of his bare cock inside of her. She was lost in bliss.

"Ohhhh, fuck," Menaka moaned loudly. With the enhanced filters, the sounds would be more noticeable than before. "Oh shit. Mmmmm."

Dara pinned one arm down and pulled her head up towards him, his lips mashing into hers. Without thinking, she returned his kiss as his tongue invaded her pretty mouth while his bare cock explored every inch of her behind her lower lips.

"Mhmmmm," she continued to moan into his mouth. Her hand found the back of his head, and she ran her fingers through his thinning hair as she pulled him down onto the bed with her. "Mmmmhmmmmmmm."

He had her again. CHECKMATE.

I couldn't take it anymore, In a fit of rage I slammed my laptop shut and disconnected the speakers. Stepping out of my room to catch some fresh air and sunlight, this way not going to plan. I never thought our life will come to this.

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let dara have the privilege of calling her menaka and dara do something good in his appearance for menaka
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2 things hurting Prakash:
> his ego 
> his inability to satisfy his wife like Dara does

He can enjoy with any prostitute he wants,    but his wife enjoying with watchman is an issue

He will not realize, His actions are pushing his wife closer to watchman
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Welcome back, really great updates. Thank you.
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What a fantastic and wonderful story it is! It is just an amazing story!
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Wonderful continuation....
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