12-03-2023, 01:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2023, 03:27 PM by ShadowRising321. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Disclaimer: This is my tribute to the legendary author Aurelius1982. I will be continuing his famous story "Who Watches The Watchmen" chapter 06 onwards. I feel Dara and Menaka had a lot of things to explore together. Help me with ideas and suggestions for the story to be continued forward. I know lot of writers have tried to continue this masterpiece and failed, I wanted to have a go at it. Wish me luck!!
Things were quiet after that. Menaka was sleeping on the chair, curled up. Dara had turned off the lights and was splayed out on the bed like he owned the place. I watched the scene calmly for several minutes until I started feeling sleepy too. It was morning in Manila but I had been up most of the night.
I shifted to my bunk bed but before that, I put on my wireless headphone. So if there was any noise back in my Mumbai bedroom, I would wake up. And then I fell asleep.
"Yeah Banke..."
I was awoken by Dara's whispering voice blaring in my ears.
I stumbled out of my bed and rushed to the computer screen to see when Menaka's other lover or half lover had joined the scene. But he wasn't there. Dara was talking to him on the phone in a low voice to prevent waking my wife up.
"Yeah, it went even better than I expected...yes...hahaha...yes...okay listen..."
"Mmmmm?" Menaka slowly stirred on the chair where she was still naked.
"Nothing, memsaab." Dara said to her and walked out of the room with the phone to his ear.
I watched my well-fucked wife slowly raise her head and open her eyes. The room was filled with dawn's early light. She gingerly stepped off the chair, and looked around, confused. Then she slipped on her panties and moved to the bed and closed her eyes again. Soon her naked breasts were heaving again.
A couple of minutes later, Dara walked back into the room, fully naked. He saw Menaka on the bed, got behind her and laid down, clasping her naked breasts. Menaka felt his body next to hers and moved her head from the pillow to his well tones arm.
"What time is it?" she sleepily asked.
"A little after 6." our watchman replied, kissing my wife's neck. She reached back with her hand and gently stroked his cheek.
Dara played with her naked tits for a while and then his hand went lower and slipped into her panties. Menaka sleepily moaned as he started fingering her.
"Ready for another round?" he whispered in her ear. "As you can feel on your ass, I am!"
"Mmmmmmm." Menaka smiled with her eyes still closed as his fingers started moving in her panties.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Dara seemed really impatient because he didn't even bother to take her panties off. Just lifted her right leg slightly, pushed aside the crotch of her panties, and shoved his dick into her cunt once again. It slipped in quite easily. Soon he was fucking her gently, making her remaining sleepiness disappear with each stroke. Menaka had her right hand wrapped behind her lover's ass and was almost pulling him deeper into her cunt.
"Ride me again like last night." he said after a while.
Menaka nodded, turned around and straddled him, taking his dick inside her easily. Her panties were still on. Dara slipped his hands inside the back and started massaging her ass as he enjoyed the slapping of her boobs against his face. Menaka put both her hands on his chest and started grinding her ass back and forth as she took control of the fucking.
After a couple of minutes, she suddenly stopped and looked behind her with a panicked expression on her face. I could understand why. I had heard the sound of the front door opening and closing shut loudly.
"What the hell? Someone is breaking in!" she said, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around her.
She tried to get up, but Dara moved his hands from his ass to her waist and held her firmly in place.
"Relax, memsaab. It's just Banke. I told him to get us some chai and breakfast."
Sure enough, Banke walked into the room holding a thermos and a plastic bag in his hand. As soon as he walked in, his eyes went wide at the sight of Menaka, although covered now in a blanket, on top of his older friend.
"Oh, I'm sorry..." he said, blushing, "I didn't know..."
And he turned around to walk out of the room. But Dara emphatically said,
Banke stopped, but his back was still to them.
"What do you mean wait?" Menaka said, sounding genuinely upset. "Are you insane?"
She finally managed to wrestle free of Dara's grip and rolled off him, sitting next to him with the blanket wrapped around her.
"It's nothing he hasn't seen before, hahaha." Dara chuckled and tugged at the blanket exposing Menaka's boobs. But Menaka tugged back and covered them again.
"Banke, OUT!!" she yelled.
"Jee, memsaab." he said and walked out, closing the door behind him.
Now she faced Dara and glared at him.
"You're crossing your limits." she scolded him.
But he still had a cocky grin on his face.
"What's the big deal? He's already seen so much."
"Yes, but while we are having sex?"
"So what? Poor guy deserves a show. Besides, you've already sucked his dick."
"I told you, that was a one time thing!"
"Vimla doesn't mind him watching. In fact she even lets him..."
"Well, I am NOT Vimla!"
Menaka also screamed, rolled off the bed and started getting dressed.
"Aren't you going to finish what you started?" Dara asked, sounding a little cross.
"No!" Menaka said with a note of finality and Dara decided not to push the issue.
Within a minutes, Menaka had put on her bra, straightened her panties, and then slipped on a loose pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Dara watched her carefully, as did I, wondering what she would say next.
"Let's at least have breakfast with the poor guy." Dara said, putting my robe on again.
Menaka turned around and glared at Dara again, with her hands folded over her chest.
"Fine." she eventually said. "But no funny business in front of him. In your house, I did what you said. My house, my rules."
Dara shrugged and walked out of the bedroom with her.
I sat watching the empty bedroom for about half hour, catching up with my emails side by side. I could hear Menaka's mild arguments with Dara regarding allowing Banke to intrude their privacy, she made it clear to Dara that she won't tolerate funny business anymore and Dara should stay in his limits. She reminded him that he is only a watchman and she did a favor on him by allowing him to sleep with her which bought a smile on my face.
My wife Menaka sure was a strong willed and feisty woman. The argument continued for some time as Dara was trying to convince her that Banke can be trusted. Soon the argument turned serious and Dara stormed out of her house along with Banke, leaving the half eaten breakfast on the table.
Menaka was fuming by the end of their conversation as she thought Dara was being too cocky, what started between Dara and her should stay between them and Banke should not be involved as there was a chance of things going out of hand. She cleaned the dining table and dumped the remaining breakfast in the bin.
I watched Menaka typing for a minute or so. Her face wore a blank look as she stared at the keyboard and typed. Even in that situation, I could not help admire how her big tits gently shook with the movements of her hands.
Menaka's last email describing major developments had been really long and I expected this one to be the same. Unnecessary in a way because I had seen everything. But she didn't know that. I was looking forward to how she described the events in her own words. How much she hid from me.
So I was surprised when Menaka got up soon, moved to the bed, and laid down with her cellphone in her hand. I thought she was taking a short break. But then my email alert pinged. I checked my inbox. It was from her.
"Dearest Prakash
Please call me when you get the time. I know you'll want to know about what happened at night. I know I promised to write you an email like last time. But I don't feel like writing a long email right now.
love you Menaka"
I read the email and then switched back to the webcam feed. Menaka was still on the bed with the phone in her hand.
I picked up my phone to call her. But then stopped. I had to think about a few things before I spoke with her.
The last several hours had been quite an emotional roller coaster ride for me. It had been erotic to see my wife in real time getting fucked by our watchman but it was also a little difficult.
Then there was the question of what my approach to the phone call should be. Should I just tell her that I know everything? But how would I explain that? By admitting that I had tricked her into letting me spy on her all night? Even between husband and wife, that was an uncomfortably creepy thing to admit to. What if she got really upset? No, there was no way I could tell her what I had done.
So how do I approach the phone call? Play along? What if she lied some more?
I went through a lot of such internal debates for about ten minutes, staring at the image of my wife lying on the very bed on which she had been thoroughly fucked by our watchman a few hours ago. Finally I felt ready to make the call.
I unplugged the speakers and the headphones so the sound from the computer wouldn't create a feedback. But I kept the webcam feed on and kept watching her. I dialed her number. There was a 2 second delay in the webcam feed.
"Hi slut!" I said in a rehearsed joking voice. "Got nicely fucked by the watchman?"
"Prakash!!" she said in a whiny voice and a terse expression on her face. "Don't call me a slut. It makes me feel bad about myself."
"Okay, sorry. But you didn't answer my question."
"Yes what?"
"Yes, Dara and I...we did it." I could see her blush and cover her face on the screen.
"Congratulations!" I said, half sincerely. "How was he?" I was paranoid as there was a moment of silence before she replied
"Not bad." she said, her face clearly saying something else.
I felt somewhat better that my wife was dodging comparative questions from me. After all, I had seen the sex on the screen. It was obvious that she had enjoyed it a lot more than any time with me.
"So....details?" I left the question open-ended.
She thought for a few seconds before answering, as if deciding how much it was okay to share.
"He came over late at night. We had dinner. Then we went to the bedroom. We did our usual thing of making out, oral, etc. Then when he started doing his thing of...you know...rubbing his penis against me down there...I think he sensed I was ready..." I could see Menaka was clearly trying to carefully complete her sentence.
"What made him sense it?" I asked, wondering if she'd mention the red sari or the shaved pussy or the conversation about Vimla.
"Just my body language I guess. He asked me if he could put it in. I nodded. And...well...it happened."
She was silent.
"Okay..." I said, hoping for more details.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, I told you to go ahead, remember?" I could feel both of us getting tensed at the situation.
"Still, saying it is one thing." Menaka blushed and covered her face with her hands.
"Honey, I am fine. I play around and now so have you. No big deal." I said. "So...how did it feel to be penetrated by the first cock after mine?"
I phrased the question that way to give her an opening to tell me about the details.
"Actually..." she said and then stopped.
"Yes?" I said hopefully. I watched the expression on her face which clearly suggested an internal struggled.
"Actually...it felt very similar to yours." she finally said.
And that was the first actual lie. Telling me it felt very similar to mine was an obvious lie. I had seen how thick it was and heard her yell about how thick it was. Her reaction to Dara's penetration had been anything but similar to when I fucked her.
I felt a surge of anger, but calmed myself saying she was probably doing it to protect my male ego.
"Similar, eh?" I finally said.
"What else?"
"What else...I don't know...it feels weird talking about it..."
"I understand." I said, not wanting to pressure her too much. "Whatever sticks out in your memory..."
"He was...energetic...a lot more than what I'd expect from a man his age." Menaka bit her lower lip as she said it
"Energetic how?" I could feel a lump in my throat, expecting Menaka to compare Dara with my performance.
"You know...in terms of pace and how long he lasted and all that." she said and two seconds later I saw her blush.
"How long did he last?" I asked.
"About 15 minutes or so."
"Hmmm..." I replayed the image in my mind of her hollering through the sort of orgasm she had never had with me. This was again a lie as Dara clearly lasted way more than just 15 minutes. "What else?"
"That's it I guess. Like I said, feels weird describing such stuff." she shrugged.
"How many times did you do it?"
"Just that one time." another lie but I let it go.
"Was he there all night?"
"He left in the morning."
"He didn't want to do it again?"
"He did, but I didn't feel like it." Again, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was a lie meant to protect my male ego because we rarely if ever did it more than once a night. In being totally honest with me about how they had actually fucked three times and how she had initiated sex once, she might've felt like I would've felt threatened.
"Hmmm...so you are satisfied?"
"It was nice."
"You plan to keep doing it with him?"
"Maybe." Her face clearly saying otherwise
"What about Banke?" I asked an open-ended question.
"What about him?" she sharply countered.
"Was he there? Did he watch? Try to join in."
"No. I haven't seen him in a couple of days." I could sense the tension in her voice. This was clearly a sore point.
"Maybe he'll want his turn next?" I said, trying to sound jocular.
Menaka was silent for a few seconds. On the screen, I saw her chest heave and her face wear a tense expression.
"Prakash, I have to hang up. There is someone at the door."
Another lie. But I let it go again.
"Okay. Should I call you back in a few minutes?"
"No, I have to go meet...Alka for a while."
"I will message you in a few hours."
And she hung up.
And then just lay there on the bed. There was no one at the door as I knew. But the topic of Banke seemed to make her panic. I cursed myself for bringing it up. She put her phone on the bed, covered her face in her hands and just stayed still.
Menaka stayed on the bed for a while and I kept staring at her until I realized that she had fallen asleep again. The night had been a tiring one for her, so that was no surprise. I thought about the conversation a bit. Then I remembered a document I had to finish and send to my boss so I kept the feed open and the volume on high and started working on it.
I could hear some noise from the bedroom and quickly turned on the camera, Menaka had woken up and was getting ready. She quickly stripped her t shirt and shorts and started wearing a saree. I could almost feel an erection from what I saw on the screen, my sexy wife in her black bra and blue panties. In a short time, she was ready and I could hear the front door close and assumed she had stepped out of the house. I kept the volume on full and continued with my work, assuming my wife won't return quickly.
I didn't realize when I fell asleep on the couch, my laptop screen frozen. I was woken up by Ayan's playful screaming and Menaka's voice. I checked the clock and quickly figured out it was night time in India, 10:30 PM approx. I turned on the screen and saw my wife was carrying lots of bags with her which looked like a nice shopping day out for my wife and kid. I sent her a message to call me on Skype.
I was greeted with my wife's beautiful face on my laptop screen, her face glowing and radiating a beautiful smile as Ayan also barged in front of the camera. I was happy to see my wife and kid enjoying their day out.
"Papa, mom took me out for shopping today" Ayan told me excitedly.
I got to know from him that Menaka first went to get from from his friend Rahil's place and then both of them went to Inorbit mall and stayed there for a long time. Also they watched his favorite cartoon movie at PVR followed by dinner at Mc'Donald's. Ayan continued his rumbling for another 15 minutes as Menaka was staring at the camera patiently, waiting for him to be done. She asked him to go to his room as it was late and he must go to bed. My son obliged and soon it I heard his bedroom door close.
"Haven't met Dara today?" Was my first question as soon as I heard the door close.
"Noooooo.....God Ayan told you about our day" Menaka reacted in mock anger.
"I went to get him in the morning, followed by a movie at PVR and some shopping. Also we had dinner at his favorite place"
"When are you meeting him again" I enquired her
"Not sure" Menaka shrugged
"How about tonight?" I asked her
"PRAKASH......are you crazy?" Menaka angrily chopped back at me
"Our son is home and you want me to call him home" She glared at me through the screen
"Relax babe, I was just kidding. I was wondering you want some more of him" I tried to calm her down
"My god, you are obsessed with vulgarity" I saw my wife's big boobs heave up and down as she straightened up on her seat.
"I'm feeling sleepy, bye" She just ended the call
I sat there looking at the Bombay feed, as my wife changed into her night dress and turned off the lights. I just sat there looking at the screen, wondering whether I had pushed her too hard. Internally, I was still angry at her that she was hiding the fact that she was angry because Banke had barged and interrupted their sex session. Also she was hiding the fact that she had the best sex of her life with Dara, that old Nepali gurkha who barely make one tenth of what I make per month.
I heard a soft moan and quickly figured Menaka had started her fingering session before going to bed, the moan bought out a smile on my face as I knew my once shy and prim proper wife was slowly evolving right in front of my eyes. On my laptop screen, unknown to her.

Things were quiet after that. Menaka was sleeping on the chair, curled up. Dara had turned off the lights and was splayed out on the bed like he owned the place. I watched the scene calmly for several minutes until I started feeling sleepy too. It was morning in Manila but I had been up most of the night.
I shifted to my bunk bed but before that, I put on my wireless headphone. So if there was any noise back in my Mumbai bedroom, I would wake up. And then I fell asleep.
"Yeah Banke..."
I was awoken by Dara's whispering voice blaring in my ears.
I stumbled out of my bed and rushed to the computer screen to see when Menaka's other lover or half lover had joined the scene. But he wasn't there. Dara was talking to him on the phone in a low voice to prevent waking my wife up.
"Yeah, it went even better than I expected...yes...hahaha...yes...okay listen..."
"Mmmmm?" Menaka slowly stirred on the chair where she was still naked.
"Nothing, memsaab." Dara said to her and walked out of the room with the phone to his ear.
I watched my well-fucked wife slowly raise her head and open her eyes. The room was filled with dawn's early light. She gingerly stepped off the chair, and looked around, confused. Then she slipped on her panties and moved to the bed and closed her eyes again. Soon her naked breasts were heaving again.
A couple of minutes later, Dara walked back into the room, fully naked. He saw Menaka on the bed, got behind her and laid down, clasping her naked breasts. Menaka felt his body next to hers and moved her head from the pillow to his well tones arm.
"What time is it?" she sleepily asked.
"A little after 6." our watchman replied, kissing my wife's neck. She reached back with her hand and gently stroked his cheek.
Dara played with her naked tits for a while and then his hand went lower and slipped into her panties. Menaka sleepily moaned as he started fingering her.
"Ready for another round?" he whispered in her ear. "As you can feel on your ass, I am!"
"Mmmmmmm." Menaka smiled with her eyes still closed as his fingers started moving in her panties.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Dara seemed really impatient because he didn't even bother to take her panties off. Just lifted her right leg slightly, pushed aside the crotch of her panties, and shoved his dick into her cunt once again. It slipped in quite easily. Soon he was fucking her gently, making her remaining sleepiness disappear with each stroke. Menaka had her right hand wrapped behind her lover's ass and was almost pulling him deeper into her cunt.
"Ride me again like last night." he said after a while.
Menaka nodded, turned around and straddled him, taking his dick inside her easily. Her panties were still on. Dara slipped his hands inside the back and started massaging her ass as he enjoyed the slapping of her boobs against his face. Menaka put both her hands on his chest and started grinding her ass back and forth as she took control of the fucking.
After a couple of minutes, she suddenly stopped and looked behind her with a panicked expression on her face. I could understand why. I had heard the sound of the front door opening and closing shut loudly.
"What the hell? Someone is breaking in!" she said, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around her.
She tried to get up, but Dara moved his hands from his ass to her waist and held her firmly in place.
"Relax, memsaab. It's just Banke. I told him to get us some chai and breakfast."
Sure enough, Banke walked into the room holding a thermos and a plastic bag in his hand. As soon as he walked in, his eyes went wide at the sight of Menaka, although covered now in a blanket, on top of his older friend.
"Oh, I'm sorry..." he said, blushing, "I didn't know..."
And he turned around to walk out of the room. But Dara emphatically said,
Banke stopped, but his back was still to them.
"What do you mean wait?" Menaka said, sounding genuinely upset. "Are you insane?"
She finally managed to wrestle free of Dara's grip and rolled off him, sitting next to him with the blanket wrapped around her.
"It's nothing he hasn't seen before, hahaha." Dara chuckled and tugged at the blanket exposing Menaka's boobs. But Menaka tugged back and covered them again.
"Banke, OUT!!" she yelled.
"Jee, memsaab." he said and walked out, closing the door behind him.
Now she faced Dara and glared at him.
"You're crossing your limits." she scolded him.
But he still had a cocky grin on his face.
"What's the big deal? He's already seen so much."
"Yes, but while we are having sex?"
"So what? Poor guy deserves a show. Besides, you've already sucked his dick."
"I told you, that was a one time thing!"
"Vimla doesn't mind him watching. In fact she even lets him..."
"Well, I am NOT Vimla!"
Menaka also screamed, rolled off the bed and started getting dressed.
"Aren't you going to finish what you started?" Dara asked, sounding a little cross.
"No!" Menaka said with a note of finality and Dara decided not to push the issue.
Within a minutes, Menaka had put on her bra, straightened her panties, and then slipped on a loose pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Dara watched her carefully, as did I, wondering what she would say next.
"Let's at least have breakfast with the poor guy." Dara said, putting my robe on again.
Menaka turned around and glared at Dara again, with her hands folded over her chest.
"Fine." she eventually said. "But no funny business in front of him. In your house, I did what you said. My house, my rules."
Dara shrugged and walked out of the bedroom with her.
I sat watching the empty bedroom for about half hour, catching up with my emails side by side. I could hear Menaka's mild arguments with Dara regarding allowing Banke to intrude their privacy, she made it clear to Dara that she won't tolerate funny business anymore and Dara should stay in his limits. She reminded him that he is only a watchman and she did a favor on him by allowing him to sleep with her which bought a smile on my face.
My wife Menaka sure was a strong willed and feisty woman. The argument continued for some time as Dara was trying to convince her that Banke can be trusted. Soon the argument turned serious and Dara stormed out of her house along with Banke, leaving the half eaten breakfast on the table.
Menaka was fuming by the end of their conversation as she thought Dara was being too cocky, what started between Dara and her should stay between them and Banke should not be involved as there was a chance of things going out of hand. She cleaned the dining table and dumped the remaining breakfast in the bin.
I watched Menaka typing for a minute or so. Her face wore a blank look as she stared at the keyboard and typed. Even in that situation, I could not help admire how her big tits gently shook with the movements of her hands.
Menaka's last email describing major developments had been really long and I expected this one to be the same. Unnecessary in a way because I had seen everything. But she didn't know that. I was looking forward to how she described the events in her own words. How much she hid from me.
So I was surprised when Menaka got up soon, moved to the bed, and laid down with her cellphone in her hand. I thought she was taking a short break. But then my email alert pinged. I checked my inbox. It was from her.
"Dearest Prakash
Please call me when you get the time. I know you'll want to know about what happened at night. I know I promised to write you an email like last time. But I don't feel like writing a long email right now.
love you Menaka"
I read the email and then switched back to the webcam feed. Menaka was still on the bed with the phone in her hand.
I picked up my phone to call her. But then stopped. I had to think about a few things before I spoke with her.
The last several hours had been quite an emotional roller coaster ride for me. It had been erotic to see my wife in real time getting fucked by our watchman but it was also a little difficult.
Then there was the question of what my approach to the phone call should be. Should I just tell her that I know everything? But how would I explain that? By admitting that I had tricked her into letting me spy on her all night? Even between husband and wife, that was an uncomfortably creepy thing to admit to. What if she got really upset? No, there was no way I could tell her what I had done.
So how do I approach the phone call? Play along? What if she lied some more?
I went through a lot of such internal debates for about ten minutes, staring at the image of my wife lying on the very bed on which she had been thoroughly fucked by our watchman a few hours ago. Finally I felt ready to make the call.
I unplugged the speakers and the headphones so the sound from the computer wouldn't create a feedback. But I kept the webcam feed on and kept watching her. I dialed her number. There was a 2 second delay in the webcam feed.
"Hi slut!" I said in a rehearsed joking voice. "Got nicely fucked by the watchman?"
"Prakash!!" she said in a whiny voice and a terse expression on her face. "Don't call me a slut. It makes me feel bad about myself."
"Okay, sorry. But you didn't answer my question."
"Yes what?"
"Yes, Dara and I...we did it." I could see her blush and cover her face on the screen.
"Congratulations!" I said, half sincerely. "How was he?" I was paranoid as there was a moment of silence before she replied
"Not bad." she said, her face clearly saying something else.
I felt somewhat better that my wife was dodging comparative questions from me. After all, I had seen the sex on the screen. It was obvious that she had enjoyed it a lot more than any time with me.
"So....details?" I left the question open-ended.
She thought for a few seconds before answering, as if deciding how much it was okay to share.
"He came over late at night. We had dinner. Then we went to the bedroom. We did our usual thing of making out, oral, etc. Then when he started doing his thing of...you know...rubbing his penis against me down there...I think he sensed I was ready..." I could see Menaka was clearly trying to carefully complete her sentence.
"What made him sense it?" I asked, wondering if she'd mention the red sari or the shaved pussy or the conversation about Vimla.
"Just my body language I guess. He asked me if he could put it in. I nodded. And...well...it happened."
She was silent.
"Okay..." I said, hoping for more details.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, I told you to go ahead, remember?" I could feel both of us getting tensed at the situation.
"Still, saying it is one thing." Menaka blushed and covered her face with her hands.
"Honey, I am fine. I play around and now so have you. No big deal." I said. "So...how did it feel to be penetrated by the first cock after mine?"
I phrased the question that way to give her an opening to tell me about the details.
"Actually..." she said and then stopped.
"Yes?" I said hopefully. I watched the expression on her face which clearly suggested an internal struggled.
"Actually...it felt very similar to yours." she finally said.
And that was the first actual lie. Telling me it felt very similar to mine was an obvious lie. I had seen how thick it was and heard her yell about how thick it was. Her reaction to Dara's penetration had been anything but similar to when I fucked her.
I felt a surge of anger, but calmed myself saying she was probably doing it to protect my male ego.
"Similar, eh?" I finally said.
"What else?"
"What else...I don't know...it feels weird talking about it..."
"I understand." I said, not wanting to pressure her too much. "Whatever sticks out in your memory..."
"He was...energetic...a lot more than what I'd expect from a man his age." Menaka bit her lower lip as she said it
"Energetic how?" I could feel a lump in my throat, expecting Menaka to compare Dara with my performance.
"You know...in terms of pace and how long he lasted and all that." she said and two seconds later I saw her blush.
"How long did he last?" I asked.
"About 15 minutes or so."
"Hmmm..." I replayed the image in my mind of her hollering through the sort of orgasm she had never had with me. This was again a lie as Dara clearly lasted way more than just 15 minutes. "What else?"
"That's it I guess. Like I said, feels weird describing such stuff." she shrugged.
"How many times did you do it?"
"Just that one time." another lie but I let it go.
"Was he there all night?"
"He left in the morning."
"He didn't want to do it again?"
"He did, but I didn't feel like it." Again, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was a lie meant to protect my male ego because we rarely if ever did it more than once a night. In being totally honest with me about how they had actually fucked three times and how she had initiated sex once, she might've felt like I would've felt threatened.
"Hmmm...so you are satisfied?"
"It was nice."
"You plan to keep doing it with him?"
"Maybe." Her face clearly saying otherwise
"What about Banke?" I asked an open-ended question.
"What about him?" she sharply countered.
"Was he there? Did he watch? Try to join in."
"No. I haven't seen him in a couple of days." I could sense the tension in her voice. This was clearly a sore point.
"Maybe he'll want his turn next?" I said, trying to sound jocular.
Menaka was silent for a few seconds. On the screen, I saw her chest heave and her face wear a tense expression.
"Prakash, I have to hang up. There is someone at the door."
Another lie. But I let it go again.
"Okay. Should I call you back in a few minutes?"
"No, I have to go meet...Alka for a while."
"I will message you in a few hours."
And she hung up.
And then just lay there on the bed. There was no one at the door as I knew. But the topic of Banke seemed to make her panic. I cursed myself for bringing it up. She put her phone on the bed, covered her face in her hands and just stayed still.
Menaka stayed on the bed for a while and I kept staring at her until I realized that she had fallen asleep again. The night had been a tiring one for her, so that was no surprise. I thought about the conversation a bit. Then I remembered a document I had to finish and send to my boss so I kept the feed open and the volume on high and started working on it.
I could hear some noise from the bedroom and quickly turned on the camera, Menaka had woken up and was getting ready. She quickly stripped her t shirt and shorts and started wearing a saree. I could almost feel an erection from what I saw on the screen, my sexy wife in her black bra and blue panties. In a short time, she was ready and I could hear the front door close and assumed she had stepped out of the house. I kept the volume on full and continued with my work, assuming my wife won't return quickly.
I didn't realize when I fell asleep on the couch, my laptop screen frozen. I was woken up by Ayan's playful screaming and Menaka's voice. I checked the clock and quickly figured out it was night time in India, 10:30 PM approx. I turned on the screen and saw my wife was carrying lots of bags with her which looked like a nice shopping day out for my wife and kid. I sent her a message to call me on Skype.
I was greeted with my wife's beautiful face on my laptop screen, her face glowing and radiating a beautiful smile as Ayan also barged in front of the camera. I was happy to see my wife and kid enjoying their day out.
"Papa, mom took me out for shopping today" Ayan told me excitedly.
I got to know from him that Menaka first went to get from from his friend Rahil's place and then both of them went to Inorbit mall and stayed there for a long time. Also they watched his favorite cartoon movie at PVR followed by dinner at Mc'Donald's. Ayan continued his rumbling for another 15 minutes as Menaka was staring at the camera patiently, waiting for him to be done. She asked him to go to his room as it was late and he must go to bed. My son obliged and soon it I heard his bedroom door close.
"Haven't met Dara today?" Was my first question as soon as I heard the door close.
"Noooooo.....God Ayan told you about our day" Menaka reacted in mock anger.
"I went to get him in the morning, followed by a movie at PVR and some shopping. Also we had dinner at his favorite place"
"When are you meeting him again" I enquired her
"Not sure" Menaka shrugged
"How about tonight?" I asked her
"PRAKASH......are you crazy?" Menaka angrily chopped back at me
"Our son is home and you want me to call him home" She glared at me through the screen
"Relax babe, I was just kidding. I was wondering you want some more of him" I tried to calm her down
"My god, you are obsessed with vulgarity" I saw my wife's big boobs heave up and down as she straightened up on her seat.
"I'm feeling sleepy, bye" She just ended the call
I sat there looking at the Bombay feed, as my wife changed into her night dress and turned off the lights. I just sat there looking at the screen, wondering whether I had pushed her too hard. Internally, I was still angry at her that she was hiding the fact that she was angry because Banke had barged and interrupted their sex session. Also she was hiding the fact that she had the best sex of her life with Dara, that old Nepali gurkha who barely make one tenth of what I make per month.
I heard a soft moan and quickly figured Menaka had started her fingering session before going to bed, the moan bought out a smile on my face as I knew my once shy and prim proper wife was slowly evolving right in front of my eyes. On my laptop screen, unknown to her.