Ankita could feel Deepak's warm pre-cum leaking down. It was a natural lubricant and Ankita made steady rythm moving her hand up and down. Her fingers encircled his dick. Deepak was really struggling to resist the urge to hold Ankitas head and make her go down on him. He was feeling the pleasure looking at her massive cleavage. 

Her lotus petals like lips would feel nice around his dick.

And yet he was afraid! What if she gets annoyed and stops everything!

"Come on, Deepak," Ankita said. "Relax! Enjoy the moment! I want you to finish off in my hand!", Saying this she winked at him seductively!

"No, I can't," Deepak managed to say. "I don't want to cum now!"

Ankita took it as a challenge. She increased the pace of her handjob.

"But it looks so erect," Ankita said. "I just want to try tasting it a little bit."

"Please," Deepak said. "Go ahead!"

Ankita sighed and came closer to Deepak's dick. She closed her eyes and savored the smell of his dick. It was smelt like cologne. Clearly Deepak made sure he smelt nice.

Deepak looked down at Ankita and smiled. He loved spending time with her. She was always so much fun to be around. And she was really good at making him feel aroused.

"I think we're almost done," Ankita said.

Ankita opened her eyes and looked at the dick closely! It was almost perfect. She could see the veins around his dick bulge. Just a few more minutes, and it would be over is what she felt.

"This is amazing," Deepak said weakly trying to control himself. He could feel the volcano about to erupt.

Ankita made a delicious O with her lips and started touching her lips with her tongue in circular motion very slowly while staring at Deepak's dick. Her face was inches away!

"You know, Deepak" Ankita said wryly. "I need a favor first!"

She removed her hand from his dick but his dick still erect in the same position. It was that hard!

Ankita smiled and put her head on Deepak's shoulder. 

"Please delete the security footage! I am not able to get in the mood because of it!"

Ankita could see the disappointment in Deepak's face. 

"Do it for me Deepak! Please!"

"I'll show you heaven on this earth! This is nothing!", Ankita whispered in his ear.

Deepak was lost in thought.

After a few moments, Ankita resumed the handjob. She started moving her hand again..  slowly... up and down!

She again brought her lips near his dick. Deepak could feel Ankitas breath on his dick.

 "I'm going to go wash up," Ankita said. 

 "My hands are messy!"

She showed her palm covered with his slimy pre-cum.

"Don't go! Please," Deepak said. "I'll delete the footage!"

Ankita smiled at Deepak. A very big smile!

She held Deepak's dick tightly and then..

started rubbing it against her massive cleavage. His dick came in contact with her exposed upper breasts. Above the nipples. 

At the same time she was making up and down motions on his dick while the tip was still in contact with her upper boobs.

[Image: warsaw8.jpg]

This was too much for Deepak and he erupted whitish liquid on Ankita's cleavage. She continued masterbating him till his cum got emptied from his balls. 

"There! Happy?", Ankita asked Deepak. Deepak was relieved. He did not want to cum so quickly but still he got a nice release.

"I will go clean myself up. I will take a long hot bath. I will give you a nice massage and bath too! But first! We need to delete the footage okay!"

Ankita went into the bathroom and turned on the faucet. She purposely left the door open for Deepak. She splashed some water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror. Her breasts were covered in cum, but she didn't care. She was just happy that she got what she wanted from Deepak.

Meanwhile Deepak walked up to his computer and started started logging in. It is an old computer and it took time for him to login. 

After she washed up, Ankita came back into Deepak's room. He was reviewing the footage. 

She silently tip toed and stood behind him. 

"That's the one," Ankita said excitedly. 

"That was the worst day of my life!"

Deepak started playing the footage from the morning of that day. The footage was divided by dates and again subdivided by hours. 

Ankita smiled. "Deepak! Can you get me something to eat! I am very hungry! please! go," she said.

Deepak who was completely in love with Ankita got up and walked towards the fridge. 

Meanwhile, Ankita quickly deleted an hour of footage where the incident happened and then copied an hour of footage from an earlier time where nobody was using the lift and replaced the deleted footage with it. It now looked like nobody was using the lift where the incident happened. 

Deepak came back with a heated samosa which Ankita took one bite of. 

Then, Ankita stood up. "I should probably go," she said.

"Don't worry about deleting the footage. Just don't mention anything about this to anyone! Okay!"

"Okay," Deepak said. "I'll walk you out."

Deepak and Ankita got dressed and walked out of Deepak's room and down the hall. They stopped at Ankita's front door.

"Thank you for coming over," Deepak said.

"It was my pleasure," Ankita said. "I had a lot of fun."

They both smiled at each other. Then, Ankita leaned in and gave Deepak a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight," she said.

"Goodnight," Deepak said.

Ankita opened the door and walked inside. Deepak watched her go, and he smiled. He was glad that he had spent time with Ankita. He got a wonderful handjob even though he wanted more than that! She was a great friend, and he was lucky to have her in his life.
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Nice update
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The next day morning Ankita, still in her nightdress, had just finished tidying up her apartment when her phone buzzed.

She picked it up, curious, and her eyebrows raised at the sight of the caller ID. "Madan," she whispered, surprised. Eagerly, she swiped the screen, accepting the call.

Her heart was beating hard. 

"Good morning, Ankita. I hope I'm not disturbing you," Madan's deep voice echoed from the other end, polished with the smooth, cultured accent that hinted at a lifetime of high-society education.

"Good morning, Madan," Ankita responded with a cautious smile. "No, you're not disturbing me at all. Tell me Madan!"

"I was hoping we could have a more detailed discussion about the deal between your company and Vikram Electronics. Could you come by my place this evening? I can text you the address." The question was phrased politely, but his tone suggested it was more of a polite command.

Ankita blinked at the request. After a slight pause, she replied, "Of course, I can do that. I'll see you today evening!"

Later that evening.... 

After a refreshing shower, Ankita wrapped herself in a plush, white towel, the soft cotton fabric clinging to her damp skin. She wanted to choose something very classy and not too revealing. At the same time not too conservative. This is an important meeting. The meeting she was waiting for and preparing for for months. 

She finally settled on a charcoal-grey pencil skirt that clung to her curves without hindering her movements. She paired it with a sleeveless top that highlighted her assets nicely. She had stylish ear rings. Ear rings that made her feel good about herself. The whole attire was professional and stylish, a perfect fit for the meeting.

She then double checked the expensive diamond necklace she bought and made sure to put it in her purse. It was too expensive and it would be stupid to carry it out in the open on her body. The idea was to put it on right before meeting Madan. It was a beautiful necklace and it went deep into her massive cleavage resting gently between her twin peaks.

[Image: Beautiful-Busty-Indian-Girls-Showing-Big...6.jpg.webp]

Situated on a cliff overlooking the Arabian Sea, Madan's luxurious villa was a beautiful sight. Mumbai's skyline glittered at a distance, the city's hustle and bustle a mere murmur compared to the tranquil waves hitting against the rocks below.

As she walked up the driveway, Ankita was captivated by the exterior of the villa. It was a harmony of modern and traditional architectural design. The walls were a pristine white, contrasted by dark wooden beams and large glass windows that hinted at the luxury within. The villa was surrounded by beautifully manicured gardens, the sweet scent of blooming jasmine filling the air.

As she rang the doorbell, she smoothed down her top and tugged at her skirt, her heart pounding in her chest. Madan himself opened the door, dressed in a casual shirt and trousers, his face creased in a welcoming smile.

"Ankita, I'm glad you could make it," Madan greeted her, opening the door wider to let her in. "Please, make yourself comfortable."

Madan welcomed Ankita into his home, leading her through a grand hallway adorned with marble flooring and tasteful modernist art. Their steps echoed in the high-ceilinged space, the soft glow from a magnificent chandelier above casting a warm, welcoming light.

In the dining room, an exquisite table was laid out with all the items for dinner. The room was elegantly decorated, its dark wooden floor contrasting with the room's light, cream-colored walls. A massive floor-to-ceiling window offered an unobstructed view of the city skyline, the twinkling lights reflecting in the glass top of the dining table.

As they settled in their seats, a wafting aroma of aromatic spices teased Ankita's senses. The dinner was to be started with a local favorite, chicken tikka masala, which was to be followed by an assortment of Naan and a flavorful biryani.

"Before we start, I want you to try this!", saying this Madan pushed the cut strawberry towards her. "The white sauce will make it taste so much better!".  

[Image: strawberry-cream-photo-u1?auto=format&]

Saying that Madan gently licked the white sauce with his tongue in a slow motion and spread it all over the strawberry. Then he gently took a bite while maintaining eye contact with Ankita and then smiled at her. 

Ankita was surprised and her face showed it.  

"Why were you so surprised? Did it make you think of something else?", he laughed. 

"No, I never thought anyone would put the sauce on a strawberry!", Ankita replied with a forced smile.

"You can put whatever you want on it. You just need to be gentle and make sure you don't spoil the delicate strawberry.", saying this he casually winked at her as he tongued the strawberry again.

As they ate, Madan struck up a conversation. "So, Ankita, how do you find Mumbai's weather compared to Bangalore?" he asked, his gaze steady on her as he took a sip of his wine.

Ankita paused for a moment before replying, "Well, it's more humid here. Bangalore has more of a pleasant climate throughout the year, but I do love the sea breeze in Mumbai."

Madan chuckled at that. "That's true. I find the sea has a certain calming effect, don't you think?" He gestured towards the window and the vast expanse of water visible beyond.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they chatted about their favorite foods. Madan professed a deep love for traditional Indian cuisine while Ankita expressed her fondness for experimenting with various international dishes. They discovered shared interests in music and travel, their exchange interrupted by bouts of laughter, anecdotes, and a sense of camaraderie.

Following dinner, Madan guided her through a hallway lined with impressive artwork. Under soft, ambient lighting, each painting was a testament to his refined taste. He shared stories of the artists, his fascination with each piece palpable in his enthusiastic narrations.

"The trick is to understand what the painting is trying to convey, the emotion the artist wants to bring out," Madan said, looking at a vibrant abstract painting. "Art, much like our business, requires understanding the meaning behind it."

Throughout the tour, the depth of Madan's knowledge and his passion for art left Ankita surprised. Their conversation ebbed and flowed as they went deeper into art and its meaning, their surroundings becoming a canvas for their shared interests.

Madan stopped. He pointed to one particular painting.

"This is my most expensive and favorite painting.", there is so much depth and meaning to this one. 

Ankita grew visibly uncomfortable and did not say anything.

[Image: jana-brike-watercolor-vulva.jpg]

Madan walked closer to Ankita. 
"I really loved your demo the other day. It was really good!", Madan paused before continuing. 

"I think the deal needs to be finalized! It will be good for Vikram Electronics. And.. it will be good for you as well!", he stopped for a minute. 

Ankita's heart started beating really fast. 

"But, I think you can be much more. So much more! And Vikram Electronics can help you guys quite a bit!"

"Thank you so much! For your kind words!", Ankita exclaimed with elation. Her face broke into a big smile. 

"I think it is a great idea for Vikram Electronics to buy out your company and then use your startup's technology to improve Vikram Electronics."

"Nothing will change really from your end. Your team will still have their jobs. We won't interfere in your day to day operations but we will install a new management team and I think you should be the CEO of your company!"

Ankita's couldn't believe it! She was shocked! 

"Ankita, you have all the qualities of an amazing CEO. You are smart, energetic, talented and can communicate really well! You are a star Ankita! A star!"

"All you need is some guidance now and then but I am confident you will be able to kill it! You will become famous and be on the cover of all the business magazines!"

"What do you think?", Madan gazed at her waiting for a response.

Ankita was shaking with nervous excitement. Her sleeveless top could barely contain her massive assets as she put both of her hands together and said, "thank you sooo much!", to Madan.  

Madan smiled back. 

"I think you are too nervous. Lets have some red wine. It will help you relax a bit!"

"Sure!", Ankita replied. She made a mental note not to drink the wine too much and say something stupid that will spoil everything. 

As they reached Madan's collection of wines in his cellar he picked one with 20% alcohol content and then poured it into Ankita's glass. 

They both started sipping the wine and became much more relaxed. The wine kicked in and made the atmosphere super chill. 

"You have an amazing place! The view is really amazing!", saying this she walked towards the window and started appreciating the beautiful coastline and the sea. 

Madan stood behind her, his towering presence an undeniable force in the room. The warmth of his gaze seeped into her backside as she was still observing the view, providing both comfort and anxiety. 

"Nice ear-rings!", Madan said gently while touching Ankita's ear rings.

Ankita was taken aback but still stood there not saying anything. 

"Beautiful necklace!", Madan whispered in her ear and then started pulling the necklace up to examine it further. 

He rested his hand on her cleavage while he palmed the diamond with his thumb.   

Ankita could feel the rising tension between his pants on her backside. He was that close behind her. She stood frozen on the spot and expressed no emotion.  

"Before we finalize anything I want to make sure you understand that there are a few key qualities that a CEO has."

"One. A CEO is not always in control. There are things that happen that are outside of your control and you should be okay with things not always going your way!"

"Two. You have to do things that you don't want to do because you are looking at things with a long term view and not just avoiding short term pain!"

"Three. You should always maintain a sense of calm and cool and smile on the outside even though on the inside you are feeling something else."

Ankita turned around facing Madan. "I will do whatever it takes to prove myself and will do my absolute best to take both the companies to great heights!"

"I know you will Ankita! I know you will! I have complete faith in you! You are the rising star!", Madan declared with absolute confidence. 

Madan then paused... and then cleared his throat, breaking the momentary silence. "Ankita," he began, his tone shifting to something more serious. "I have a request, a favor to ask."
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Awesome update
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Chills ran down Ankita's spine when she heard the word "favor" from Madan. The tone of it felt a bit off and she instinctively felt something untoward might happen!

Madan walked closer to her again. He was directly behind her. This time he was even more bold than the last time.

"This is an amazing dress Ankita!" Madan whispered in her ear.

"I wonder what you look like without it!" He grinned hard

"Looks like you are loaded at the top and the bottom." he continued with a laugh.

"You are beautiful.. beyond beautiful" he exclaimed as he ran his fingers through her silky smooth hair. 

Ankita did not react. She stood frozen at the spot. 

He put his hands around her waist and pulled her closer to him. The sudden movement caught her off guard and she turned facing him. She then felt his heavy hand on the skirt over her ass. He copped a proper feel.

[Image: butt-touch.gif]

"I have needs....  and so do you!" he hissed. She felt his other hand on her other ass cheek. He put pressure and parted her ass cheeks apart. 

"Oooh.. uff", Ankita moaned slightly. Her mouth was open and hot breaths escaped her. She wasn't expecting this at all! Madan quickly kissed her and put his tongue inside her mouth.

"Are you okay with how things are going?" Madan asked. He then turned her around again as he hugged Ankita tightly from behind. His hands... one was around her waist. The other was around her chest! 

She then felt Madan's growing hard-on on her ass crack... between her two ass cheeks.

Ankita was too shocked to even think of what to say!

"Ufff.. Madannnnn. I have to thinkkk.." She replied softly as Madan tightened his grip around her massive boobs.

"Ankitaaa... the little sleeveless piece you are wearing is so sexy" Madan said and he started tracing lines along her exposed cleavage.

Ankita trembled in fear. No one had ever played with her like this. She could have turned around and slapped him and left. Maybe with a swift kick to his groin area just like how she dealt with Amrish. But this was a difficult situation she found herself in. Madan was a powerful man. Someone whom she respected a lot but now this was a totally unexpected situation. 

She always wanted to be an executive and earn top of the line paycheck. "Whatever it takes.. I will do!", is what she told herself whenever she faced a tough situation.  

"So, Ms Ankita! I will make sure that you get the career you deserve and desire! All I am asking for is a favor!" Madan had made himself clear. Ankita had no expression on her face.

He then massaged her breasts and was squeezing them repeatedly over the fabric.

"It's okay right??", he whispered in her ear while looking down on her cleavage. "I want to explore you!", he gloated.

Till now Ankita was shaking with her heart pounding, thinking hard if she should set herself free from Madan's grip. Madan's hand reached underneath her short mini skirt to her crotch and gently rested his fingers on her camel toe.  She then felt his thick finger brush along the length of her pussy and she shivered visibly. Her underwear didn't provide much protection from his hands.

He continued squeezing her breasts and rubbing her pussy and then with his mouth he started blowing lightly on her ear lobes, nibbling, sucking, and licking them. Then Ankita leaned forward slightly as a reaction. 

This excited Madan and he moved his mouth from her ears and started kissing and licking her neck extremely gently. 

Ankita felt butterflies in her stomach and although her mind wasn't sure about the situation, her body started responding. Madan could feel her panties dampen, her nipples harden as well.

Ankita's heart was already pounding and her breath became even shorter still.

"Ankita!... You are getting wet!..." he grunted in her ear.

He managed to pull aside her panties just a bit and then felt her bare pussy.. he stuck his middle finger in.  

[Image: c0e1279bf5e54e55a3c643961fb05668.27.jpg]

"Ayeee.... Madannn.. Please...!" She struggled to express herself.

Madan immediately stopped. He pulled out his finger from Ankita's pussy. The other hand which was till now massaging her chest also stopped. 

"See... you are wet as fuck.. you are turned on by this!", saying this he slid his wet finger on Ankita's cheek! 

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable! If you aren't interested... you can leave now!" he whispered in her ear. 

Ankita just stood there silently and inhaled deeply now that Madan let go of her completely.

"Well??... ", Madan looked at her quizzically.

"Ankita!!...", his tone softened up a bit.

"You seem a bit nervous and uncomfortable! You need a drink?", he smiled at her.

Ankita nodded a bit. 

"Come Ankita! I'll get you scotch! It should calm your nerves a bit!", Madan continued.

They both sat down on a large sprawling sofa right next to each other. There was an indoor swimming pool right in-front of the sofa. 

Ankita had a glass of scotch in her hand and she was sipping steadily and quietly. With each sip she was getting a bit more tipsy.

Madan had a glass of scotch too. He sipped just a bit and put it down on the floor.

"Why don't you sit over here?", he motioned to Ankita pointing at his thighs.

Ankita gulped down the remaining scotch and sat on his lap.

Madan embraced her with a bear hug and after a few moments, Madan was back to what he was doing before. He was squeezing her breasts hard, switching between them while his other hand was back to rubbing her pussy. Ankita squirmed as she felt his hand slide under her sleeveless top and grab her bare breast. 

Ankita drew a sharp breath when Madan's hand expertly slid under her panties a second time and his finger moved along the length of her pussy walls. She visibly shuddered when his thick, rough finger grazed her clit. He laughed seeing her reaction and his finger started expertly playing with her clit. 

A few seconds later Ankita was back to shuddering like before and Madan was busy nibbling her ears, squeezing her tits and fingering her clit.

"Ummhh... Ummhppff... aah .. ah.. ooh.. oh... hmmhhh" her body was shaking while he was playing her like a guitar non stop.

Madan paused. Madan smiled to himself watching Ankita involutarily continue to twitch all by herself. 

Ankita then felt his hand trying to pull down her sleeveless top.

Instinctively, she tried to stop Madan from proceeding further. He just tugged at it and the top fell down and she reflexively covered herself. He then dug his hand into her bra and yanked it hard. The bra gave way and her massive breasts bounced out of the caged prison.

Ankita gasped hard but before she could recover her breath she felt his hand wasting no time taking off her skirt and panties and throwing them away.

"Turn around! Face me!", Madan ordered Ankita while at the same time he reached down for his scotch and another sip. 

Ankita now sat on Madan's lap facing him. She was completely naked. Her face, her cheeks became flushed pink with embarrassment and she lowered her eyes unable to make eye contact.

[Image: tumblr_owwgn7X7oa1si4l4ho3_1280.jpg]

"Ankita! Look at me!... look at me!", Madan asked Ankita. 

She looked at him. She was feeling shy. Her massive boobs were right in front of him. He could not stop admiring her assets. 
He looked at her face and her breasts together. 

Ankita's face grew even redder. 

"You are sooo beautiful! Ankita! This is beyond words! You are the finest of a female specimen. Look at you!", he was awestruck.

"Mmmmmmpppp... aahh..." she whimpered as he cupped her right breast and gave it a squeeze. He circled her aerola multiple times very smoothly with soft feathery touches. 

He then weighed both of her enormous breasts with his hands. One in each. Then he again started squeezing them. 

Her nipples became very hard and erect and stood at full attention. 

Ankita was feeling extremely shy and she closed her eyes. Madan paused and did nothing. 

When Ankita opened her eyes and looked down to see Madan's mouth right next to her right breast... right next to her erect nipple. She gasped out loudly!

She lowered her gaze but Madan was staring right into her eyes.

[Image: 179328024.jpg]

"Please be gentle!..." she said softly. 

He stopped and looked up at Ankita with a huge grin on his face.
Madan started breathing heavily with excitement. "Aaaaahhhhh.. ah.. hmm... unghgg.. ", was all Ankita could say as Madan started tentatively licking her nipple. 

Ankita took a sharp breath and leaned back as she felt his mouth close in around her nipple. She bit her lower lip, desperately trying to control herself. Madan's hand was now playing with her other breast, slowly rubbing her other nipple between his two fingers.

Her body was trembling and shaking with raw pleasure coursing through her body. Madan was hungrily sucking on her breast. His mouth was latched firmly on her nipple, pulling it with his mouth. She could feel his warm, heavy breath on her soft skin.

She closed her eyes again but could hear the loud sucking his mouth made as he sucked on her nipple like a new born baby.

He was squeezing her breast and pulled her nipple gently with his teeth while at the same time nibbling on it.

Ankita felt all kinds of sensations on her boob... she was extremely sensitive in the nipple area and she was getting turned on.
[+] 7 users Like sominoru's post
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Super sexy update
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Wow the story has got interesting and hot twist ever!
Waiting for more hotness. Ankita is behaving like Bitch, hope she is turned into slut by all of her friends and record her while fucking so that she is under control.
Like how she used other guy for footage.
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Ankita should know if she can exploit other people for her benefits, she will also get exploited by others for their benefits.
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Madan kept sucking on Ankita's right nipple for a few seconds.. then he switched to her left nipple and sucked on it as well.. 

He licked both of her areolas.. He then put both of her breasts together and made both the nipples touch each other. He put both of her nipples in his mouth at once and chewed on them lightly... At the same time he was squeezing the base of her massive tits with his large palms... 

"nnggg... aaaaah mmm.. ah aaah", Ankita moaned. Her nipples were a sensitive spot for her and Madan was enjoying them a lot!

He then stopped again... he was admiring her twin melons.. it was like a dream! 

It was now time to play with her nipples with his fingers!!!

"Ankita!!!", Madan excitedly exclaimed as he was twisting both of her bare nipples between his thumb and forefinger like a volume button on a stereo set. 

It was turning Ankita on!!! Her lips parted in an O shape and she was finding it hard to control herself. 

[Image: 76a67f959aaf54b33c4525755a56546e.28.jpg]

Her nipples and aereola were shining with Madan's saliva.

"Ankita! Put your hands together.. I want to see your boobs hanging close to each other"

"Whaaat???", Anita gasped. She was not used to not being in control and started getting aroused more and more. 

Nevertheless she did what Madan told her to... Madan was staring at the nipples which were now completely erect.. more erect than before.. 

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOY7qVnmcUiCbP-g0JY8T...c=48600113]

"What is your bra size?? Your breasts are amazing! Biggest ones I've seen in my life!"

"Hmmm????", Madan twisted her nipple more while waiting for a reply.

"34 DD", she gasped.

It brought back memories! The first time someone asked her about her breast size was when she was in her college!

Ankita always expected herself to at the top right from college days. She was a sudden bloomer. She was pretty much flat chested before college. From the time she was in college her breasts kept on increasing in size. It drew attention everywhere she went. It was both a blessing and a curse. She started wearing extra tight bras to make sure her breasts don't reveal their true size. She did not want to be distracted by the guys in her college or get into trouble. After she got her first job she became more confident and started flaunting her assets more and more. Not too much like a cheap whore. Not too little like a nun.. Just enough to keep things classy! Just like Ankita! 

She remembered the first time she used her twin mountains to her advantage. It was the final semester of the final year. Professor Kundra, a balding man in his late fifties was super strict and Ankita made a mistake. She was a top student but got unlucky and got a very difficult lab exam. She wasn't familiar with the experiment and got confused. By the time she figured out the right approach it was too late. She quickly guessed the values and made it look like it matched the expected values. 

Failing at her lab exam would mean that she cannot graduate. She has to comeback and redo the exam after 6 months instead of graduating and working at her first job. Kundra is strict and really smart. One look at her paperwork and he would know she screwed up bad. Nervously she handed in her papers to Kundra and left for home. Her college bus was waiting. 

She sat inside the bus with a sad face. She never expected to be in position wondering if she passed or failed an exam. 

The bus driver was about to start the bus.  

"Professor Kundra! He hasn't boarded onto the bus yet!", Ankita shouted at the driver. 

The driver smiled at her. "Kundra always stays behind and only goes home once he is done correcting all of your papers! So, he will be in the college for a while!"

"Stop! Stop! Stop the bus!"

"I forgot something! I will take the next bus home!", Ankita quickly got down from the bus. 

She went to the girls bathroom and washed her face. She removed her bra and allowed her breasts to fully occupy her white top. She was also excited. She was desperate. Her nipples were poking through her top. 

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQgIWN9_9TBj_SzaXilcg1...c=48600113]

"May, I come in Sir? Dr. Kundra?", Ankita exclaimed as she opened the staff room door where Kundra was. He was busy grading the paperwork.

There were no others in the room. She closed the door and bolted it shut. 

"What do you want Ankita?", Kundra irritatedly shouted. 

Every time it is the same song. Some student who hasn't performed well would drop by and beg him to give a passing grade which of course Kundra never gives. All that drama only makes it more late for him to go home. 

"Ankita! You failed the lab!", saying this he threw her papers at her. 

"I will see you in the next semester, in 6 months!"

Ankita bent down and picked the papers up and she stood right next to Mr. Kundra. 

She started crying and pleading with him. She explained how this will spoil her life. How her parents would be disappointed in her. How she has to sit at home doing nothing for the next 6 months while all her classmates would be graduating and moving on with their life. If this was any other semester that would have been fine but this is the final semester. But Kundra was stern and told her that he could not help. 

"Please Dr. Kundra! Please help me Sir!", Ankita cried and fell at his feet.

"Ankita! Getup! What are you doing?", Kundra reacted with a shock!

While trying to getup, Ankita caught Kundra staring at her breasts. She could see him constantly staring at her cleavage. He realized that Ankita caught him staring at her melons so he just felt bit ashamed of himself. Ankita started pointing her hand at the tent on his pants and asked him what was going on? 

She had a shocked expression on her face. 

Seeing her shocked expression he started stammering.

"Actually! Ankita! I did not mean to ... "

"Mean to what??", Ankita barked back with full anger!

"I am going to complain to the college administration. You purposefully gave me bad marks! Made me come here and then you are trying to take advantage of me!". 

"How can you expose yourself like this to me?"

"You are a 50 plus years old man! And you want a young woman like me? How dare you!"

Professor Kundra started getting chest pains. He was in a complete shock with the sudden turn of events. He was a respectable man and he was well known in the college. He did not want to lose his reputation.

"Ankita! I made a mistake! I can't take it back. But, I will pass you! Okay! Forgive the old man and don't complain!"

Hearing Kundra's plea Ankita softened up a bit. 

"We have a deal!"

She then hugged Mr. Kundra tightly. Her breasts crushed against his chest sending his pulse rising.  

"It's okay! Don't get a heart attack now!", she comforted the old Professor.
[+] 1 user Likes sominoru's post
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I wish you could complete Madan story than taking us in teenage flashback.
It is surprising that she was a top student and good looking and now she is behaving like a bitch.
Nevertheless, Such intelligent girl needs to fucked to the core. Hope worthy people make use or Ankita.
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I am waiting fuck Ankita and cum inside her.
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super bro
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Ankita enjoyed the feeling of power she had over her professor. He was in her total control. 

But now! The situation is completely changed. Madan knew how hungry Ankita was to become a powerful executive earning tons of money. And Ankita knew the price she had to pay to get what she wanted. 

"Wow! 34 DD!", Madan exclaimed. 

With great excitement he started pulling her nipples out and twisting them at the same time. 

"aaah! ooh. ufff!", Ankita gasped. 

Madan put both nipples in his mouth again and started chewing them and sucking on them. 

Ankita could not stop him at all. Seeing a senior executive being so intimate with her was something she did not imagine when she first accepted this job. But now, things are getting out of hand. 

She was watching Madan enjoying himself completely. Her precious treasures completely exposed and disappearing into his mouth!

[Image: boobs-sucking-3.jpg]
[+] 2 users Like sominoru's post
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Give bigger update
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Superb Update  yourock
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"Ankita! Let's continue in the bedroom!", Madan winked at her. He stopped sucking on her nipple for a moment. Her areola were shining with a coating of his saliva.
This made him chuckle.

He looked at her and smiled - it is time to become even more intimate! Ankita had a thoughtful expression on her face. Madan then carried Ankita and laid her out on the large King sized bed in the room. He gazed at her nude body appreciatively. Ankita's enormous breasts looked very inviting and demanded to be fondled and sucked and nibbled and chewed. The light from the bed stand lamp made her fair skin shine. Her bare stomach and deep navel looked extremely erotic. He looked down at her and moved in like a wolf closing in on a deer in the forest. Madan went down on his knees near her feet and slowly lifted her legs up to her waist. Her cleanly shaved pussy came into view. Ankita reflexively covered her pussy with her hands. Madan stroked her thighs and spread them apart and placed his palm on top of her hands.

He gently moved Ankita's hands away revealing her precious precious extremely private treasure she guarded all her life. Madan then made eye contact with Ankita. She was blushing hard. Her cheeks became light pink with embarrassment. 

Madan brought his face closer and Ankita could feel his breath on her most sensitive part of the body. He then hungrily but tentatively tongued her pussy. "Ufff! Hmm... hnnggg! Ooh.. aieee", Ankita reacted with clenched teeth as he started licking her pussy in steady strokes with his tongue. He then spread her pussy lips apart vulgarly and inserted first one, then two fingers deep into her slopping wet pussy. With his free hand he started stroking his cock and his cock rose swiftly to rigid attention at the sight of a naked Ankita. He stroked his cock in slow rhythm, peeling the foreskin back to reveal an angry purple cockhead, to rock hardness. He extricated his fingers from Ankita's pussy and rubbed the juices on his shaft.

He knelt down in between her legs again and shafted her pussy with his tongue, holding the lips apart even further so that he could nibble her clit. Deep into her pussy he probed, clamping down on her mons veneris gently with his teeth. He squeezed her thighs till his fingers left impressions on her fair skin; he bit them leaving bite marks. 

"Aaaah.. Madan... please!", she gasped

[Image: 526x298.7.webp]
[+] 2 users Like sominoru's post
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Write bigger updates yaar. Ankita has not been fucked even once. After this fucking session she will become CEO and Slut and whore of many by drinking their cum and pee.
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Nice update
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