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AphArjunnnnn: wake up my lazy little boy!!!!!! have some coffee!!!!!, I stirred and awake, though still sleepy the robust aroma of fine grind coffee bean just stimulated my nostrils, tempted me to take a sip, I turned aside to witness the most picturesque scene unfold before my eyes.

The lush greenery of paddy fields immersed along with the yellowy shade of sun rays that gave ’em a unique aura, the fresh, unpolluted, non contaminated wind is just carrying the pet richer of the naive village ambience. I took more sips and I feel re-invigorated a mysterious energy that run through the entirety of my being I feel like I was just resurrected.

I try get my head out in to the window to get more of the pleasures that I’m having “Don’t take your head out ‘arju’!!, stay inside”, with some motherly strokes in my head she came close to me and brought my head to her mammaries and kissed my forehead with motherly love and stroking my hair, like I used to do I melted on her warm embrace

“Your grandparents and your aunties would be happy to see you again: it’s been a long while: we left the village when you are just a little boy, they were anticipate this homecoming for a long time, they are gonna treat my ‘arju’ baby like a prince”: me;”I hope the caveman age aunties won’t bite like village vampires”: a gentle slap landed on my cheek.Me;”Aaaah!! Mom that hurts!!!

Mom;”Sorry!!!!!!: my honey-pie!!!, ‘arju’ baby, they love you so much: you should respect their love: don’t try to make fun of ’em, village people had greater moral value than us”: she gave me the lengthy lecture while stroking my cheek slowly and I sink more deeper in to her embrace and I just slept for no one know how long, suddenly: mom;”Arjjuu, we’ve reached the place wake up!!!!”: me;”Momaa, no, I m tireeeeddd!!!!!”, mom; “When we reached home you can sleep all the while you want wake-up baby, my sweetyy-pie!!!” I got up and bring down our suitcase and mom went out first .

As I sat foot on my hereditary soil, I look around and it is indeed marvelous, entire surrounding is camouflaged by greenery again I felt great to be out here.

Suddenly a bull driven cart that was decorated with wood-carpentry work has reached us in a harmonized motion. A lady who wore a tightly wrapped saree around her busty body appeared out of it, she greeted us with bowed down head and took the suitcases from me and helped us to get in there.

Right after we get in the lady urged the bulls with a tight whiplash to run, they obliged with a ominous roar.The sun was about to set, we are moving in a perpendicular road which is surrounded on either side by paddy fields the ambience out there was amazing. I turned and smiled to mom in appreciation and she hold my hands and I rested my head on her shoulder.

After a half way through I felt the urge to pee, and mom must have sensed my discomfort, mom;”Whats is it arjuuu????”, me;”Mom I have to peeeee!!!!!”, mom;”you should have peed in the train restroom itself”: me;”mom!!!!, come on no more lectures, please!!!!”, she signaled the lady to stop the cart.And I got out fast.Mom directed me towards the tree covered with bushes and I looked at the lady that driving the cart she was having one hell of a view right here: mom sensed it and commanded her to move forward a bit and then I went behind the tree and freed my spitting cobra and closed my eyes and pushed and pushed and again pushed it ain’t coming, it don’t took too long for mom to come and check on me.Mom;”arju!!, what is it”, me;”I tried it ain’t coming mom”.

She came just behind me and put one hand on my shoulder and the other went all the way towards my lower abdomen I’m tensed and she slowly started to massage my lower tummy.And whispering in to my ear”Let it flow: let it flow, no one has to know, let it flow, let it flow, that thing ain’t your foe”. Instead of peeing my dick got erected in 90 degree, mom;”I tried: I just can’t”.It may be due to sitting in a wrong posture for a long time in the journey now take off your jeans and your undie”.Me;”whaaatttt!!!”, mom;”arjjuuu!!!, now!!!!!!”: with a stern voice and defiant look.
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I took off my dresses but made sure my cock won’t show up to her view and for a while she was speechless may be transfixed on my muscular bum, I broke the silence, ”what now???”, mom;”ahheeem!!!!, sit on with your legs folded”, me;”whaattt???”: mom;”right now!!!!!”.I did as per her request. And she sat behind me and put both her palms on my muscular butt cheecks and starts to massage it: I tried again but I still can’t pee, me;”mom!!, it ain’t coming”, mom;”push it hard!!!!, harder!!!!!!!”, while squeezing my butt cheeck, I pushed more harder and out of the blue I farted with a nasty sound, ‘ppphhhhrrrrr”

“ laughed aloud and slapped my ass hard


Mom;”u naught little silly baby”, me;”im sorryyy!!!”, mom;” its alright try again’, now she try to pump my ass cheek and squeeze ’em hard my cock is twitching the pleasure is un-bearable, finally I peed.Mom;”thats my boy!!!!!!, good” while keep on squeezing my ass cheek then she let it go, just when I try to zipp it up she said “Arjuu!!!!, clean your jhonny”, me;” but we ain’t got water”, mom;”here use this”, she extended her end of her saree pallu, I rubbed the tip with it and we went back to the cart and started our journey towards our ancestral home it was almost dusk, suddenly we entered some sort of highly densed forest, mom said “Here is where our property starts”: me;”it’s ouright weirdddd”. After travelling for almost an hour we finally reached our destination.

The entranceitself illuminated with oil lamp there are two ladies in the same attire as the one who drive cart protect it’s entrance with rifles.Suddenly the cart stopped, mom get out first. I heard a strange female voice asking, ” where is he????? ”, mom;” arjuu!!, come out!!!”.I stepped out to be witnessed by a bunch of ladies in various age group. There was a commotion which sounds like ”he is grown up”.Suddenly an old lady wearing lot of ornament and jewels came in to the scene evereyone including my mom bowed down to her there were two female guards guarding her with rifle in their hands, she looked at me up and down, and with a stern look come closer to me and spontaneously hugged me in to warm embrace, and showered me with kisses and starts to shed tear of joy, and everyone followed her with hugging and kissing.

And finally there was lady with huge butt and busty boobs, her garment try hard to hide her feminine charm, and it failed to do so, she with a wicked look came closer to me said ”aaaaahhh: you have grown up a lot”, saying this she came closer to me and pull me towards her big boobs and grind my face on her mammoth mammaries, ”big boy!!!”’ she put her hand on my butt and starts to squeeze it harder my ‘big-black-cobra’ just ‘woken up.

After that I figured out that mom never gave me my ‘undie’ and my cock must be poking at her belly, she felt my ‘peeing-pricky-python’ in her soft belly she moaned ”biggg, byyy” and squeezed my but so hard, I can’t take it anymore.I got out from her grasp and asked mom that I’m tired and needs to sleep, mom ordered the maids to show me my room in order to hide my raging hard-on I lead the way.

I somehow settled in and stripped off my clothes, because I’m all sweaty, I dugged in to blankets naked and felt the softness of the mattress and put my hand on my cock and slept.

”arjjuu”, ”arjjuu” wake up young man, I lazily opened my eyes and saw the busty ‘leela’ aunty . I said ”what”, I saw her gaze was far down, I looked down my ”big-black-python” is as hard as steel on it’s full glory

I suddenly sat up and covering my hard-on with blanket”whats are you doing in my room???”’., ” oh!!!!!, ‘arjju’!!!, you must have been tired but it’s our tradition to welcome our male offspring’s with a herbal oil massage and bath to get rid of evil eye and ominous spell, the matriarch of the family ordered me to do it before the moon rises so come on quick, the sooner the better”

Me;”right then who is gonna give me the massage???”: leela;”who else, me”, me;”what about mom??”, leeela;”she is fast asleep due fatigue, you don’t want me to wake her, do u?????: now get up like a good boy and follow me”, while saying she tried to take the blanket away from me, I tried cover up with the pillow in vain, me;”you just leave, I will be there”, leela;”hurry up!!!!!, and put this on”, she throw a ‘lungi’.

I came out with the lungi on while exposing my muscular chest, my chiseled abdomen and my pumped up biceps with the sweat beads all over my body I looked like a ”rhodeo riding bull” in twilight .

She was transfixed on my masculinity for a while then she broke the silence ”come on arjju its only a few minutes before the moon rises, it have to be completed soon”.I went there and sit on the rock carved seat and she open the bottle made out of bamboo.The exotic aroma of it just mesmerized me .She starts to pour it on my head and massaging my hair I let out a sigh of relief.Then she went to my muscular chest and seems like having fun with, she kneaded my tiny nipple hard I cried ” llela aunty what you are doing??? It hurts!!!”: leela ;”sorry arjju!!’

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Now she focused on my six packs and then immediately shifted to my lower abdomen and started do slower and circular motion my ”big-black-python” rise up and made a tent. I heard her giggle.All of a sudden she lifted my lungi.I was stunned ”what the hell??”, leela;”its just the ritual to massage your complete body before the moon rises otherwise the matriarch will get mad at you”.

Me;” but how can I stay naked??, leela;”you can wear the loin cloth if you need”, she showed me, me;”but I never used it”, leela;” thats why I’m here’ she signalled me to stand up and she lifted lungi and brought the loin cloth and bring it up and tied the waistband around my waist then tried to cover my crotch with loin cloth, suddenly the lungi fell in and I tried to escape and she grabbed from behind and lift me up towards a corner and said”just listen up kid, I need to apply holy oil all over your body whether you liked it or not”, me ;”fuck you bitch!!!!!”

I tried to hit her and punched her with my elbow to her face she was stunned then when I tried to do it again she cupped my balls hard”aaaaahh”.. Leela;’yo’u better stop fighting or I will crush your big balls”, she squeezed more ”aaaahh”’, ”please leeala aunty!!!, it hurts”, leelaa;” if it hurt then stop fighting and co operate with me or I’ll crush your big balls!!!!”, me;”aaaahh”:

Leelaa;”I never saw a men in a decade, you are young and fresh, top of all you got big cock, just d what I say you gonna be fine or I will rip your ball off”: she squeezed hard, me;” I will do it, I will do it, just don’t squeeze!!!!!’

Leela;”good boy!!!’ then she starts to stroke my cock so hard and vigorously

That it may burst in to pieces: me;”aunty just give me a minute please I can’t breathe, please stop for awhile, please”, then she stopped it and ease her grip, I turned around and opened my palm and strike her pussy so hard, ””’thaaaahp phhthth”, she screamed a born chilling scream

”’aaaaaaaaa ahhhh maaaaa” I ran away from her mom and matriarch of the family and her female bodyguards just came to the back yard.

Leela shouted I’m gonna squeeze your big cock with my deserted pussy you bastard and ran towards me female bodyguards hit in her abdomen with their rifle butt stroke she fainted they take her away. Mo lift me up and I cried like a little boy.She saw the damage done to my genital,

Matriarch suggested, wash him off the dirt, mom washed me and took my genital in her palm and show it to matriarch she called her maids who brought medicinal oil.

Mom made me sit on her lap and poured the medicinal oil to massage my cock to reduce the blood clotting and swelling, it hurts a lot I cried the maids caught both my hands and the matriarch started massage my crushed balls to free up blood clotting it hurts I cried, then mom pored a lot of oil on her both hands massaged it gently: I felt relieved. It continued for a while then the matriarch said we have to take as much sperm as we can to free up the blood clotting in the urethra, hearing this mom increased her phase, I cried loud in pain.

The matriarch started to squeeze my ball hard and signaled mom to increase the speed mom stroked in a supersonic speed and then I reached the pinnacle I thrust my hip up in the air violently, and a jets of cum flew in the air and landed on my mom’s face, but mom never stopped, she continued that hurts a lot

I screamed to stop but instead she accelerate her stroke, I again thrust my hip in the air again it landed on my mom’s face she still never stop, she stroked it harder than ever I matriarch squeezed it so hard and signaled her to jerk quickly

I felt like there is nothing left in my balls I thrust my hip in the air and twisted my body violently up to ten times and collapsed then the matriarch tell mom to slow down .I felt relief it’s the most brutal, cruel, and barbaric series of orgasm I ever had that from my mom’s hand with the guise of as a medicine to reduce swelling in my balls.

I laid on her body totally spent like a dead meat, I cany even move a damn thing I’m tired and spent.

******** ”The dark moon has already rose up in the air, foretelling the imminent threat to arrive” ********rodites Of My Ancestral Village


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Group Sex, Memsaheb fucked by mechanics

The speed with which the clouds gathered and the skies opened up took me by surprise. I was on my scooty, driving back from a work-related assignment in a village about 40 km outside of Delhi. Usually, I’d take the car for such a distance, but it refused to start in the morning. I expected to return before sunset, but the assignment had taken longer than expected and by the time I got done, the villagers insisted I have dinner before leaving.

So there I was, on my scooty, close to 10 pm on a narrow local road when it started raining cats and dogs, as the cliche goes. Since it wasn’t the time for monsoons, I expected the rain to stop soon, so I just pulled over by the side of the road and stopped under a tree. Half an hour later, the rain still had not let up. I was completely soaked, even under the tree.

I thought of calling home for a rescue from my predicament. As I reached into my purse to take my cellphone out, I felt certain dampness. That’s when I realized I had taken my fabric purse, which was obviously not waterproof. The cellphone was also wet, and had conked off. Great, I thought to myself. Stuck here without a working cellphone on a highway late at night. Some vehicles were passing by. I thought of flagging one down. But there had been so many news stories recently about a group of men in their cars or SUVs kidnapping women from the roadside and banging them, that I did not feel comfortable doing so. I decided the best course of action was to drive until I reached some village, and then make a call from there.

So I got on my scooty and drove for about half a km when putt... puttt... putt… hisssss. The scooty engine just stopped with some ominous noises. I tried to restart it. Even tried the manual kick-start. Did not work. Great. As if things couldn’t get any worse. Now I was soaked to my skin, with my scooter and cell phone refusing to work, stranded on a deserted road at almost 11 pm. I stood there re-evaluating the option of flagging down a car. The rain had gotten even harder now, definitely the heaviest downpour in the region in years.

Finally I decided to take the chance and stood by the edge of the road waiting for some vehicle to pass by. Nothing. Zip. Not a single car or truck for about 10 minutes. Was I in the twilight zone, I wondered.

That’s when I noticed a guy on one of those old rusty bicycles approaching from the Delhi side. He was wearing a raincoat, and had his eyes on the road, so did not notice me immediately. I called out to him and he stopped. Crossed the road and came close to me.

“Hello…, my scooty has broken down and my phone isn’t working either. Do you have a cellphone on you?” I asked in Hindi.

The man pushed his hood back. He was bald and in his 40s. Wiped the water from his face and replied in Hindi, “Cellphone? No. I don’t own a cellphone. But I am a mechanic. Want me to take a look at that scooty?”

“Oh, thank you. It will be great if you can fix it.”

He got off his bicycle, and started examining my scooty.

“Why are there no cars at all on this road?”

“It’s a pretty bad storm, Madam. Trees fallen all over. The road is shut on both the sides, about a km on the Delhi side and a couple of km on the other side. I was just cycling back home from the garage I work at. It’s just a km away.”

This did not sound good. If the road was closed both ways, how was I to get home? The man realized what I was thinking from the worried look on my face and said, “Don’t worry about the Delhi side. They were saying it will be cleared within an hour. It’s not a very big tree, they say.”

He looked under the scooty a few times. Took the toolbox out of the side-box and puttered around. Tried to start it a few times. And then said to me, “Sorry, Madam. There is thingummy thingummy with the thingummy of the thingummy and we need a thingummy.” Well, that’s not exactly what he said. But I am a total dunce when it comes to automobiles so he might as well have said that and I wouldn’t have understood it any less.

“Alright, so can you fix it?” I asked.

“No, not here. Don’t have the tools and parts for it. But if you like, we can go to my garage. It’s just a km away. We’ll get there in no time. There’s also a phone in the garage, so you can call someone and have them pick you up.”

That sounded like the best possible option. So we set off on foot towards his garage, him dragging my scooter, and me rolling his bicycle along.

“So Madam, if you don’t mind. What is your name?”

“Lafiza” I replied, and out of courtesy asked him, “and what is your’s?”

“I am Naresh Verma. If you don’t mind my asking…, what is a young lady like you doing here at this time. As far as i know '. women are all housewives, they don’t come out like this alone? We usually don’t get Delhi ‘memsaahibs’ in our parts.”

“Who told you this?” I asked him… in hindi. “That time is gone, even '. girls are working in metro cities now a days. I had some work in a village. Was driving back when this storm started.”

“Yes, this storm is really unexpected. Never seen it rain like this even in the monsoons.”

He stayed silent after that, but I noticed that he’d keep stealing glances at me. I had been so preoccupied with thinking about the scooty and how to get home, that I didn’t realize how completely soaked I was. Fortunately, as I always do while on village assignments, I was wearing a very conservative salwar-kameez, with a long scarf around my neck and chest. But even so, being as soaked as I was, the fabric was hugging some curves of my body more tightly than it ever would.

Nothing too scandalous, mind you, but I am sure it was titillating enough for a middle aged mechanic like Naresh. His name indicated he was a ***** and ***** women in those parts dressed very conservatively. So I must have been quite a sight for him. I tried not to think too much about it though. Apart from a few glances, which were perfectly normal for any male, he had been very polite and well-behaved. I did not feel threatened by him at all.

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Finally we reached the “garage”. I use quote marks because calling it a garage would be too effusive. It was just a small tin shack, probably no bigger than the average bedroom. There was a rusty signboard on top saying “Bajrang Auto Garage” with some Swastik signs painted on the gate and banners. Naresh put my scooter on its side-stand and banged on the metal door of the shack.

“Who is it?” came a thick voice from inside.

“Prashant, it’s me Naresh. Open up.”

The door creaked open and out peered a man I guessed to be Prashant. He was shirtless and wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. He was a small man, shorter than me, and I am just 5’3”. He had a Rajput type moustache, and curly black hair. I’d guess him to be older than Naresh, may be in his 50s.

“What happened?” he asked, staring at me.

“This is Lafiza Madam. She was driving back to Delhi when her scooty broke down. I saw her when I was going home, so brought her here.”

“Hmpfff… OK… bring it in.” Prashant said and opened the folding doors completely. Naresh and I walked in. It was, as I said, a small shack. There was a small mattress in the corner where I guess Prashant slept. The rest of the shack was filled with two-wheelers, their parts and other tools. The whole place also reeked of something I couldn’t quite place… probably just grease and petrol. In another corner was a chair with a table, and on top of the table, a telephone.

“Can I use the phone?” I asked.

“Yes sure.” Prashant said as he started opening the scooty casing.

I picked up the receiver and held it to my ear. Silence. No dial tone. “There is no dial tone” I said.

Prashatnt came over and took the phone from me. As he did, I could not help but notice his still shirt-less torso. It was hairy, and he had a pot belly. There were some stains of grease on his belly and arms.

“I guess the storm knocked the lines out.”

“Oh. Is there someone close by with a cellphone?” I asked.

“There’s just our garage and two other shops here – one a tea stall and another for hardware. Both are closed, and the guys who run them don’t stay in the shops like me. You will have to walk a couple of km that way for any other shops or houses.”

I weighed my options. It was still raining pretty hard. I could walk to the other shops. But may be I could just wait for these men to fix my scooty and then drive. Naresh was already working pretty hard at it. Prashant went and stood next to him and they started discussing whatever was to be done. That’s when my sneezes started. Achoo’s after achoo’s. About a dozen or so.

“Looks like you are catching a cold because of your wet clothes.” Prashant said looking at me. “If you want, I can give you a clean shirt and a lungi to change into.”

“No, that’s fine. I can wait. It won’t take long to fix this anyway, right?”

“It will take about an hour, and…”

He was interrupted by another bout of sneezing from me. After my sneezes subsided, he looked pointedly at me. I could feel the sneezes getting worse. I decided that it would be stupid to risk getting pneumonia when there was an option to change out of my wet clothes.

“OK I suppose I should change.”

Naresh went to the corner and opened a box. He took out a towel, a relatively clean t-shirt, and a lungi. A lungi, for those who don’t know, is a sarong-like wrap that many Indian men wear. He gave it all to me and said, “As you can see, there is no other room. You can change in here. Naresh and I will wait outside.”

They walked out and I went to close the door. It was just a rusty bolt which I slid into the loop. There was a nail hanging from a thread near the bolt. The purpose of the nail, as I later realized, was to be inserted into a hole at the end of the bolt, to act like some sort of a lock. I didn’t realize it then and left the nail hanging as it was, instead of inserting it into the hole. Which, ironically, lead to further events.

I should have moved to the back of the shack to change. But whether it was the greasy smell or just laziness, I did not. I started changing just a couple of feet inside the closed door. I then took off my salwar and kameez which were by now dripping with water. I thought for a second about keeping my bra and panties on, but they were too wet. So I took them off too, and got completely naked. I took the towel and started drying myself. I was drying my hair when it happened. The wind suddenly picked up, and the door started shaking from the wind.

A big and audible gust of wind came and as if in slow motion, I saw the bolt sliding back under the pressure. In what must have been just a second, but felt like an eternity, the bolt slid back completely and the folding doors opened with a bang. Naresh and Prashant who had been standing with their backs to the door were startled by the noise and turned around.

I stood there motionless with my hands holding the towel to my hair, as Naresh and Prashant stared at me dumbfounded. There I was, completely naked. In front of two men I had just met.

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I was caught in two minds about what to do. Whether to cover myself up or close the door. My first instinct was to grab whatever I could and cover my nakedness. I picked up my salwar and kameez which were lying on the floor at my feet. I held them in front of me and then ran forward to close the door again. Which was a big mistake.

The gusty wind which had blown the door open was still blowing strong. My hands were wet and slippery, as were the clothes. So the gust of wind blew my salwar and kameez out of my hand and outside on to the street and into the darkness. And once again my nakedness was visible to the two men who were still standing rooted to their spots, a few feet away from the door. I now decided to close the door first. Because of my hair getting in my face, I was struggling to pull the door back against the wind gusts when WHOOOSHHH… something else flew by me. The shirt, towel and lungi that Prashant had given me had also flown out. Those were the last possible things to cover my modesty. I could now think of no short term fix to my visible nakedness.

I sank to the ground, wrapped my hands around my folded knees, and hid my face in them, hoping this would at least hide my boobs and pussy. The face was hidden mainly out of shame. In a few seconds I heard someone walk in and close the door. I also heard a chuckle, and then realized, I had heard only one set of footsteps. I looked up and saw Prashant putting the nail into the hole of the bolt.

“You didn’t put this nail in, did you? I thought it was obvious. That’s what it was there for.” he said. I just started at him, red-faced. “Well, Naresh is out there running after your clothes to get them back. Good man, that Naresh. Always does the right thing. I, on the other hand, just had to have another look. He ...he... ! Come on, don’t be shy. I’ve seen everything anyway.”

Prashant was now standing right above me. He was fully drenched, as were his boxer shorts, and his erection was adding to the effect, leaving little to imagination. I could not help but stare at his penis and testicles outlined through the wet shorts. Which turned out not to be a smart thing because he noticed what I was looking at and said, “Oh, that’s what interests you? Well, fair’s fair. You showed me everything, so the polite thing for me would be to do the same.”

And in one motion he bent down, grabbed hold of my hair and pushed my face towards his dick. I stared at his dick as it hit me on the cheek. He pushed my head back and pulled it again, this time the dick hit my closed lips. I looked up at him, and our eyes met. He gave me a stern look, a primal dominant male look which I tried to return with a laboriously mustered up look of resentment. Then he smiled and cocked his head to turn his gaze lower. I followed his gaze and was shocked at what I saw. My left hand was fondling my clit. And I was now on my knees. My body was reacting entirely on its own without keeping me updated. He seemed at a loss for a few seconds.

So far his behavior was mostly about bravado and arrogant needling. He probably expected me to feel shy and shrink back. And frankly, I would have expected the same from myself. But my unexpected reaction had surprised him as much as it surprised me.

We were motionless like that for a few seconds, I staring at him with his dick jerking before my face, and him standing there staring back at me. Who moved next would be crucial in deciding the turn of events. If I had shrunk back, or maybe yelled at him, he would certainly have backed off. But my motionlessness gave him the opening he needed.

“Heh.. ha… ha ha ha” Prashant started laughing. I couldn’t help breaking into what they call a shit-eating grin. I felt his grip on my hair get tight again. He pulled my head towards his dick. This time I opened my mouth and let it in. Immediate reaction – gag reflex! A combination of the strong stink of his dick as well as the fact that he had thrust his cock all the way in and probably hit my tonsils. He took the dick out. I turned my head coughed a little. Then turned back to face his dick. Took it in my right hand and started sucking on it slowly, using my usual blowjob technique. I had encountered a penis with a foreskin for the first time. It felt nice, almost like a big lollipop. I took it out occasionally to glance at it, gave it a lick or two. I was like a little kid transfixed by a new toy.

Prashant was now moaning in pleasure and running his hands through my hair. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be enjoying this blowjob. I had been sucking for a couple of minutes when there was a knock on the door. Prashant clucked his tongue in annoyance, and said, “That is Naresh. Damn, I forgot about him.”

He took the three steps to the door, and opened it. Naresh rushed in, holding just my bra in his hand, and closed the door.

“Sorry Lafiza Madam, the rest of them just flew away. This was stuck in a tree so…….” his voice trailed off as he took in the scene in front of his eyes. Prashant was standing there naked with his dick erect. I was on my knees with my left hand still fingering my clit. He looked at Prashant and me turn by turn, and then said, “Oh…. I see.”

“Been years since I banged such a chick, friend.” Prashant said, slapping him playfully on the back. He then walked past me towards the mattress and lay down on it. He then beckoned me to go to him.

“But… is she… I mean... how come...” Naresh tried to string a sentence together, “You’re not forcing her, are you?”

There was silence for a couple of seconds. I realized Naresh was looking at me for an answer. With this break in the proceedings and Naresh’s question, I had suddenly become doubly aware of the situation. I had been willingly sucking a strange man’s dick, a fat old stinky hairy mechanic’s dick, and had been fingering myself while at it for good measure. Had I been forced? Naresh’s question gave me an exit route if I were to take it. I momentarily even considered it. But the work my fingers had been up to down there had put me in a different state of mind altogether.

The normal demure Lafiza who had struggled a few minutes back to cover herself up and close the door had seemingly been carried away by the gust of winds with the clothes. This Lafiza was possessed, consumed by the most animalistic and basest of instincts.


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Group Sex Memsaheb fucked by mechanics-2

I got up from my knees and stood up. Slowly walked towards Naresh. Took the bra from his hands and flung it down. Then I turned around, and walked towards Prashant, swaying my hips exaggeratedly, giving Naresh a great look at my butt. I reached the mattress and got down on my knees between Prashant’s spread legs. Bent down and resumed my blowjob.

Naresh did not need an engraved invitation after this. He was out of his clothes in a jiffy and was on his knees behind me. He fondled, pinched and slapped my tight round butt for a while. Then put his finger in my pussy, and chuckled at the wetness. And very soon, ahhh… a cock in my pussy. It had been weeks. After experiencing how an uncircumcised cock feels in the mouth, I was now experiencing one in the pussy. Not too different in the pussy, I must say. But there was much more to Naresh’s cock than just being long and uncut. There was thickness, the sort that I had never experienced before.

It dawned on me now as to why I had let these low class men ravish me. I had experienced sex only with my husband, a sophisticated and genteel lover. His gentle and somewhat timid love-making had begun to leave me unsatiated. Being a cultured and high-class lady, I could never venture outside my marriage to look for sexual fulfillment. Seeing my diminished interest and inclination, my husband sometimes brought Hindi porn books to read together. I think he did it more to arouse himself than to please me. I learnt from these books that rugged working class men were more powerful lovers than the urban sophisticates. When the opportunity came today to experience sex with these two rough and strong mechanics in conditions of relative anonymity, I could not resist the temptation. After all, it will only be a one-time experience. With this justification, I decided to let myself go.

Naresh was drilling me hard and deep. His hand kept moving from around my waist, up my back, playing with my boobs, back to my waist, grabbing my butt flesh and so on. His intense fucking distracted me from my sucking and I was just holding Prashant’s dick in my mouth. Prashant took the lead then. He got on his knees, grabbed my hair and started fucking my mouth. I was being pistoned hard at both ends, and was experiencing a never-before bliss.

Amidst his loud grunts, Prashant became vocal too, “Aah...! Oh yes ... oh yes! Choos mera lund ... Aur jor se choos, randi! Pahle Naresh se chudwa le. Fir dekhna main teri choot ka kya haal karta hoon. (Suck my cock ... suck harder, slut. Get fucked by Naresh first. Then you will see what I do to your cunt.)”

“Yah kya bakwas kar raha hai too! Memsaheb se izzat se baat kar. Inki kripa se hi aaj hamen yah mauka mila hai (What nonsense are you talking! Speak to madam respectfully. We have got this opportunity today only because of her kindness,)” Naresh interjected. He was trying to be genteel like my husband, but only in words, not in deeds. He was hitting the right spots and at the right tempo.

“Theek kah raha hai too. Agar memsahib kee kripa na hoti to aisa maal hame kabhi nahin milta (You are right. If madam wasn’t kind to us, we would have never got such stuff),” Prashant admitted, in between his strokes in my mouth.

I was unable to contribute to this exchange because my mouth was filled with Prashant’s cock. But Naresh intervened on my behalf without interrupting his thrusting, “Abe, ye oonche darze kee memsahib hain, koi maal nahin hain. Too tameez se maza nahin le sakta (Hey you, she is a high class lady, not some goods. Can’t you enjoy with manners?)”

“Is me to koi shak nahin ki memsahib oonche darze kee hain. Inki to choot bhi oonche darze kee hogi (There is no doubt that she is a high class lady. Her cunt should also be high class)”, Prashant enquired.

“YA ,.'...! YA ,.'...! AAHH... UMMMM… Ohhh Naresh,” I released Prashant’s cock and yelled as my orgasm hit me. I don’t know if Prashant’s words played a role in it, but I had an extremely intense orgasm. I shuddered with pleasure while it lasted.

Naresh had stopped pumping when the orgasm hit me. Prashant didn’t like it. He admonished Naresh, “Too ruk kyon gaya? Chodta rah aur memsahib ko aur maza lene de (Why did you stop? Keep fucking and let ma’am enjoy more.)”

“Too nahin sudhar sakta, yaar. Par shukra hai ki memsahib ko aise lafz samajh me nahin aayenge (You can’t mend yourself, buddy. But thankfully, ma’am won’t understand such words)”, Naresh exclaimed.

“Samajh me nahin aayenge (Won’t understand?)” Prashant said with surprise. He looked at me and said, “Memsaheb, aapko samajh me nahin aaya ki ham kya kar rahen hain?”

“Main sab samajhti hoon (I understand everything),” I replied. Naresh had resumed thrusting when my orgasm passed over. His longevity amazed me.

“To is bewakoof ko bataaiye ki aap kya kar rahi hain (Then tell this idiot what are you doing)”, Prashant said to me.

My orgasm seemed to have taken away my shyness with it. I replied, “Main tumhare dost se chud rahi hoon (I am being fucked by your friend.)”

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This seemed to please Prashant but surprise Naresh. Nevertheless, he kept going. It was amazing that the friction generated by my relative tightness on his thick cock hadn’t led to his early demise. Meanwhile, Prashant had resumed fucking my mouth. In a couple of minutes, his grip on my hair tightened even more and I realized what was about to come. Within seconds, my mouth was flooded with a big load of cum. It took me three gulps, but I swallowed it.

“Dekha kitni aasani se pee gayeen memsaheb (Look how easily ma’am has swallowed),” Prashant said. He took his dick out of my mouth, backed away and sat down watching us. Naresh continued fucking me. It was now close to twenty minutes, I thought to myself in the lustful haze, and he hadn’t paused at all, even for a second.

As if on cue, he paused and took his dick out of my cunt with a small ‘plop’ sound. “Memsaheb, ab aage chod loon (Ma’am, can I fuck you from front now?)” he said. His genteel manners had apparently left him.

I turned around and got on my back. Naresh knelt down between my thighs. He put my feet on his shoulders. He guided his penis between my cunt-lips with his hand and rammed it in. And I almost came again. At this angle, he had reached even farther inside and touched places that had never been touched. And he started yet again, at a hectic pace, fucking me.

“Naresh babu, it’s good to see your stamina has grown with age. But remember, you already have three kids.” Prashant said, “Tumhe ek aur chaahiye kya (Do you want one more?)”

“Nahin yaar, main memsahib kee choot me nahin jhadoonga (No friend, I will not cum inside her pussy.)” Naresh replied even as he kept fucking me.

“AAHHH… OOHHHH … I am ... on the pill. Insh,.' … tum andar jhad sakte ho (By the will of God … You can cum inside.)” I managed to get the sentences out. I really was on the pill, and the way this man was fucking me, I wanted him to cum inside me.

My words only encouraged Naresh. Still on his knees, he straightened and lay over me with his weight on his arms and knees. He started ramming my cunt even harder. His chest was rubbing my bare boobs. His strokes became ever more powerful and he started grunting. I sensed what was about to happen. The changed position had hastened my own orgasm. Naresh thrust his hips ahead, then back, ahead, then back. My whole body moved with him as we both reached our orgasms.

Naresh grunted loudly. His body arched and he started shooting his cum in my pussy in powerful jets. I was groaning and trembling with pleasure. When Naresh stopped cumming, I was still writhing with the after-shocks of my orgasm. I could still feel his dick hard inside me for about a minute more. He finally took it out and sat by my side.

I took my hand to my pussy and could not believe the amount of jizz that was coming out of it. I sat up, unsure of what to do. Naresh got up, walked unsteadily and looked around. Finally, he returned to me with a piece of cloth. I took it and put it on my pussy so that it might absorb the plentiful cum.

“Let’s work on her scooty.” Naresh said, and Prashant reluctantly got up and followed him. They both put some clothes on and started working on the scooty. I lay back on the mattress for a while to regain my breath. It was still raining, but the intensity had clearly waned. I got up and walked towards the table. Picked up the phone’s receiver. Thank God, the dial tone was back.

Phone lines had been restored. I dialed my home number.

“Hello. Lafizaa here.” I said.

“Lafiza, where have you been? I was worried sick!” my husband said, clearly worried.

“Sorry honey.” I replied, “It started raining very hard and the roads got dangerous, so I decided to turn back and return to the village to wait the storm out. But my cellphone got wet and stopped working. And the landline connections were down too, so could not call.”

“Oh okay. Thank heavens you’re safe. I was really worried. Should I come there and pick you up? It’ll take me just an hour.” hubby dearest asked.

I felt something poke my butt. I turned around to see Prashant, naked again, with his dick erect once more, grinning at me. He put his finger on my clit and bit my ear, silently chuckling.

“No, I am fine here.” I said, struggling to sound normal. “They have put me up in a small guest house of sorts here. I don’t want you to drive in these conditions. I’ve heard there are many fallen trees blocking the road. Plus, you have to work tomorrow. Just go to sleep. I’ll come back in the morning. Good night, honey.”

Prashant’s finger at my clit had now found just the spot and it took monumental effort to speak that whole statement normally.

“OK, good night. And take care. Is this the number I can reach you at? The one you called from?”

“Yes, honey. Bye.”

I banged the phone down breathlessly, and yelled at Prashant, “What the hell were you trying to do? Why aren’t you helping Naresh?” I looked over my shoulder at Naresh who was still working on the scooty.

“Don’t worry about the scooty, ma’am. Naresh is giving finishing touches to it. ... But can’t you see what you have done to this poor fellow?” He pointed to his dick which was jerking impatiently.

I retorted angrily, “What have I done to it?”

“Achchha, to aapka matlab hai yah Naresh ko dekh kar khada hua hai (Okay, you mean that it has become erect after seeing Naresh!) He replied, “Memsaheb, main us kism ka mard nahin hoon (Ma’am, I am not that kind of man!)”

His words nearly had me laughing. I pacified him, “I know you are not that kind of man. I haven’t forgotten that you came in MY mouth.”

Naresh decided to intervene now, “Memsaheb ne tera pani nikaal to diya. Ab kyon tang kar raha hai inhe (Ma’am did make you cum. Why are you troubling her now?)”

Prashant turned his face towards him and said, “Waah! Toone to memsahib kee choot ka maza le liya. Ab meri baari aai to inka saath de raha hai (Good! You have enjoyed ma’am’s cunt. When it is my turn now, you are siding with her.)”

Naresh pleaded with me, “Memsaheb, is bechaare ka bhi kaam kar deejiye (Ma’am, do this poor fellow as well.)”

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Fifteen minutes later, Prashant lay on top of me, his pot belly pressing against my abdomen and his bristly face brushing against my cheeks, as he fucked me lustfully. He was not as good at fucking as Naresh but was decent enough, better than my husband.

“Aah... kya kasi hui choot hai, memsahib (Aah… What a tight cunt it is, Ma’am.)” Prashant was talking in between his strokes, “Aisi pyari choot ka maza to kismet waalon ko hi milta hai. Isi liye Naresh aap ke oopar se utarne ko taiyyar nahin tha (Only the lucky few get to enjoy such a lovely cunt. That is why Naresh was not ready to dismount you.)”

His thrusts were becoming stronger. I was whimpering, clenching his arms, absorbing his strokes. Bending his head, he sucked my breasts and nipples, without interrupting the in and out movements of his cock. I felt my orgasm looming. He thrusts had become deeper. I was thrashing wildly under him, desperate for release. Prashant seemed to be oblivious to my need. He was going on and on, ramming his cock into my cunt. Unable to wait any longer, I pleaded, “Nikaal do ab ... nikaal do apna pani (Ejaculate now ... shoot you juice.)”

"Theek hai, memsahib (Okay, ma’am)," he grunted. "Ye lo ... aur lo ... ye aur (Take it ... take more ... still more.)"

Mercifully, he erupted inside my pussy, taking me to my orgasm. ... As we lay spent, trying to recover from our joint climax, Naresh said, “The scooty is fixed. And the rain has almost stopped. Ma’am, you can go now if you want.”

Naresh had moved beside us. I checked the clock. It was almost 2 am. I said, “You heard what I told my husband. I am supposed to be in a guest house in the village. So I can’t go home until morning.”

Dismounting from me, Prashant replied, “Ma’am, you can stay here as long as you want.”

Naresh made a move to get up and said, ‘Okay then, I will leave now.”

“Dekhiye ise, memsahib. Khada hua lund le kar ghar jaayega (Look at him, ma’am. He will go home with an erect cock!)” Prashant exclaimed. Turning to Naresh, he continued, “Ghar me memsahib jaisi haseena nahin, teri kaali aur moti beevi milegi. Ja aur chod use (You will find your dark and fat wife at home, not a beauty like ma’am. Go and fuck her!)”

His words made me laugh. I said, “Why don’t you also stay here until morning, Naresh?”

Prashant supported me, “If you stay here, ma’am will probably do something about your erection.”

A few minutes later, Naresh and I were together on the mattress. He had taken his clothes off. I was already naked. He lay down on his back and beckoned to me. I climbed on top of him, took his dick in my cunt and started riding him. He started thrusting upwards. Prashant sat close to us, watching our fucking, and rubbing his dick. After sometime, Naresh took over the responsibility of thrusting. I was enjoying with my face resting on his shoulder. That’s when I felt it, ... something touching my asshole. Surely Prashant wouldn’t.

“Nahin, wahan nahin (No, not there!)” I yelled and tried to shake him off. But he had gripped me strongly.

“Kyon nahin? Agar Naresh aapki doosri bar le sakta hai to main kyon nahin? Aur aapki choot bhari hui hai isliye main to aapki gaand hi le sakta hoon (Why not? If Naresh can take you the second time, why can’t I? And as your cunt is filled up, I can only take your ass!)”

And he applied pressure onto my asshole. It’s not that my asshole hadn’t admitted a cock before. It had. But it had been a while and it was my hubby’s small cock. So it hurt initially. But after a couple of inches had gone it, it was as if my asshole remembered how it is done and relaxed.

It felt weird kind of good that ass-fucking always feels. The pleasure is more mental than physical. I was sandwiched between the two, with Naresh in my pussy and Prashant in my ass. And it felt fulfilling. I was enjoying my first double penetration.

Prashant was besides himself with joy. He was pumping into my ass and exclaiming, “Oh memsahib, aisi pyari gaand maine aaj tak nahin dekhi. Kunwari choot kee tarah kasi hui hai! Naresh, ek bar too bhi memsahib kee gaand mar ke dekh (Oh ma’am, I haven’t seen such a lovely asshole till today. It is as tight as a virgin pussy! Naresh, you should also try ma’am ass once!)”

As it happened, tightness of my asshole overwhelmed Prashant. He didn’t last too long. He shot his load into my asshole and lay panting on top of me. I had a minor orgasm when I felt his cum bathing my bowels but I yearned for more. When Prashant felt my body being heaved by Naresh from below, he got off me and lay down by our side. Naresh kept thrusting from below.

Soon Prashant said to me, “Memsaheb, ek bar ise bhi apni gaand ka maza chakha deejiye. Ye bhi yaad rakhega (Ma’am, give him the joy of your asshole once. He will remember it for ever.)”

I wasn’t averse to offering my asshole to Naresh but the size of his cock was a deterrent. I said, “Prashant, iska bahut bada hai. Main nahin jhel paaoongi (Prashant, his cock is very big. I won’t be able to tolerate it.)”

“Memsaheb, yah achchhi tarah thook laga kar daalega to aapko koi taqleef nahin hogi. Ek bar koshish to keejiye (Ma’am, if he applies spit before inserting his dick, you won’t have any problem. At least, try once.)” said Prashant. He continued, “Naresh, jyada taaqat mat lagaana (Naresh, don’t use too much force.)”

Thus he decided the issue for Naresh and me. I dismounted from Naresh and, somewhat hesitantly, assumed the ass-fuck position - on my knees and elbows. Naresh looked very pleased as he got up and came behind me. He spread my ass cheeks and spat on my asshole forcefully. These crude men were so different from my gentleman husband! As I looked back, Naresh spat on his palm and applied the spit thoroughly on his cock-head. He placed the lubricated head on my slick asshole. I implored him to be gentle even as I braced myself for the attack on my asshole. He pushed it in, inch by inch. Prashant’s cock had made his job easier. It had also made my asshole more receptive. His entry was less painful than I had anticipated. I felt him sinking into my very core.

When he was fully in, I sighed with relief. The worst was over. I asked him to start fucking. He did. He banged harder and harder. The incessant fucking made me moan with pleasure. My lust peaking and ebbing, rising and falling till I could take no more. I came but he was still hammering away. It was a dream fuck, my ass had opened up for him and every pore in my body was screaming with pleasure. I was crying in utmost pleasure, begging him to cum.

Then he came, his cock just grew and grew, my eyes wide in orgasm, I felt like I was floating in air as he burst inside me. I could feel his throbbing cock spit red hot lava in my intestines. Finally when he pulled out, he was as exhausted as I was.

We slept for a while in the closed garage. When I woke up in the morning, my pussy was sore as was my asshole but it was a sweet soreness. Naresh and Prashant went out, looked for my clothes and fortunately brought them back. I got dressed and started my scooty.

As I was about to leave, Naresh and Prashant folded their hands in goodbye and Prashant spoke to me, “Memsaheb, hum se jo galatiyan hui hain unke liye hum aapse maafi maangte hain. Lekin sochiye ham gareeb aur majdoori karne wale log hain. Aap jaisi haseen aurat ko paas se dekhne ka mauka hamen kabhi kabhi hi milta hai. Aur aisi haseen aurat ko koi nangi dekh le to wo apne dil par kaboo rakh sakta hai kya? Fir bhi jo hua uske liye hum sharminda hain. Aap chaahen to aap pulis me report likha sakti hain. Hum bhaagenge nahin (Ma’am, we apologize to you for the mistakes done by us. But think, we are poor working class men. We rarely get an opportunity to look from up close at a beauty like you. And if someone gets the chance see a beauty like this naked, can he control his heart? Still we are ashamed for what happened. If you want, you can report it to security officer. We will not flee.)”

His words put me in a dilemma. There was a ring of sincerity in his words. I went up to them, kissed both on their cheeks, and left for my home. My mind was in turmoil. I was thinking that if I pass by their garage again, wouldn’t I like to repeat this experience. After all, I had got the best fucking of my life in that garage!


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Gang Bang In The Bus

I’m 23 years old 34b breast sized girl,I was so horny on this day and even during the break time I went to the rest room took my boobs out played with my nipple and came back out.

After lectures I couldn’t control myself. I took my big boobs outside lowering my bra, and I came out of uni with free boobs inside my blouse.

Normally I travel home by two busses, when I got in to the first bus my nipples were erected but the bus was not that crowded, I was bit upset so I was touching my nipples while travelling to thrill the conductor. He came near me to give the ticket and he brushed over my nipples while giving balance. I was at the last seat and when the last women got down from the bus he came near to me sat next to me and started speaking with me.

Miss are you going home? I said yes and I looked outside from the window. He placed his hand with a cloth on my right boob and brushed it with it. It was bit painful,, he pinched my nipples and also fingered me thoroughly till the end of my trip and finally I shouted at him saying stop. Lol.

Then got to the next bus,when getting there my nipples were like rock hard and erected well. But seemed like none noticed it,,I went in to the middle and I kept my bag to the front, I felt something strange and someone started touching my big nipples.

His hand came from both the sides under my arms.He was pinching them and after like 10 mins the conductor walked between me and the guy in front of me,,one button of my blouse got opened and I was so vulnerable because I was holding the pole with both the hands. Now my right nipple is literally out and the guy who were next to me see my nipples and also the man behind me touching my nipples.

The guy next to me seemed so nice and he paved his hand closer to the open giving me the sense that he was to close and he closed the button but he stood in front of me and took both the nipples out from the holes between buttons and started massaging them off. I loved him doing it and these two men are fucking me over my cloth.While him doing that the man who was touching me before sent his hands inside my panty and placed paper balls in it.And rubbed inside.

I got stuck between these two men for 40 mins. Then when people getting down, they stopped it for a while and he made me stay after people left, it was around 8.15 pm. I felt so bad when I got to know the first man who touched my boobs and fucked me from the back over my clothes is an old man.

Conductor also joined this move and he pulled me between two windows and closed them pressuring my boobs hard, and the old man slapped my boobs hard from outside. The second guy fucked my pussy from behind, I was a virgin till then and not anymore, these men took my virginity. I cried with the pain.

They turned me to the front and old man took my boobs, seemed like he is a boobstar,he didn’t hv one front tooth and he is a bold head.He licked around my areola and then the center. He placed my nipples between the tooth hold and played with it nicely, while the conductor anal fucking and the other guy fingering my bleeding pussy. When the conductor took himself away this old man fucked my pussy so hard. And the conductor stood on the seat and entered his dick in my mouth.

The driver was away watching us and masturbating himself on the gear box. Then these three men took me to the driver and made me sit on his dick. His dick was in my ass hole. Aaaghhh . And the conductor entered his dick in my pussy they did it in nice rhythm and the old man was touching my clit while the other man applying vicks balm on my nipples. He seemed to use it as a lubricant but it was so hurtful. He took pulled them so hard while 2 men fucking me hard.

When I started crying with the pain they laid me on the floor and sent their cocks to the throat of me. Throughout the whole scenario the old man stuck my nipples more often and I loved it. I’m sad losing my virginity but the whole story was nice at the end when I think of it. My nipples and the areolas are so big, wish I’d do it again.

Finally they dressed me with the conductors shirt with my bra lowered as it was with my boobs out. Conductor settled his dick in my ass hole and the driver placed his dick in my pussy in 90 degree position to me and the old man slept sucking my boobs to the 69 position making me suck his dick in the night.

We slept at driver’s lodge and two other men woke me up fucking my pussy and sucking my boobs. I was tired of those two men doing it in the same position. This lodge that I was in is a men’s thing, I used to walk around with the box pant of the conductor and with the bra with two holes made by the conductor to give feed them at anytime.

And I got fucked for two nights by the security guard, other drivers, and conductors. The second night they had bought another girl to massage me with hot water and also she sucked my boobs, and pussy to relax me from the pain and they sent me home.

They took my contacts. And sent me pictures that they have taken in the morning wake up sex.

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Baby Fair


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Baby Fair

Chapter 1

I am not sure if I was waking up to the chirps of the birds or to the far horn honks of the city. I lazily folded one leg and wished to get up. I love to hang out unclad and especially to sleep. Last night i removed everything except a short underwear. I looked up the ceiling and enjoying the coolness of the morning, I yawned and pushed slowly up from the bed. The door cracked open and my husband Ajit walked in with a chocolate cake in heart shape with a sparking candle.

Ohhh… so thoughtful of Ajit it’s our 4th Anniversary….
“Hi Sona darling… happy anniversary!”
“Thank you sweetie … same to you,”

I sat up… cognizance of my state gives me a confidence and I know Ajit loves me this way..

Wow, you are like the Aphrodite my love goddess!, said Ajit and he hugged my unclad body with his left hand balancing the cake on his right.

“Blow it babe…”

I blew the air and off went the candle, and i kissed Ajit in his cheeks and asked him with a wink “you meant blowing the candle only, didn’t you?” My hands freely roamed over his boxer shorts pressing down and pulling the softer pecker through the shorts.

He gave me a plastic knife to cut the cake… I cut it and picked up a small piece and fed his lips. he picked up another piece and fed me, then with the rest of cream in his hand, he rubbed it on my left breast… i whined…

“Don’t make me dirty…”

He smirked with naughtiness and bend down to lick the cream off my breast and picked up the nipple in his lips.

He slowly put the cake on the tea poy nearby and clasped the free hand on my hips holding me tight he kept licking up like with upward strokes.

It feels like yesterday… do you remember our first night?
Hmmmm... was all I could say

i was too dumbstruck in pleasure to answer him. With him being so loving I have almost lost all inhibitions and felt like heaven.

The phone rang and i came to my senses, it is our anniversary day and i have planned out many things to cook and make him special. Calls would pour in from family and friends.

i gently combed his hair with my fingers, “That’s enough babe, last night only you thoroughly used me up give me some rest - you know there’s always another night! - Someone’s calling in my mobile”

He was in no mood to listen, however i picked up the mobile that was on my reach.


It was his mom,

Good morning Aunty…
Good morning Sona beti, Happy Anniversary!
Thank you Sasuma.
Where is Ajit? Is he still sleeping?

I couldn’t tell her what he was doing, I took the phone off my ears and hushed to him … Aunty is on call…

He lifted his head from my breast, and picked up the phone and with new energy he said

“Hi mom…”

I really liked every one in Ajit’s family; especially his mom. She treats me like her daughter and never like a daughter in law in the Saas Bahu serials in TV. Ajit was her only son and most mothers struggle giving away their sons to their daughter in laws, all the more if he is the only son at home. We have had great times together whenever there are festivals or we were visiting them in their small little town. She wouldn’t let me do any work and she makes the best food around and I sometimes envy her talent in cooking.

While I was lost in thoughts about her, I saw Ajit making frantic efforts to cut something and he was frowning.

“ Of course mom, we are trying seriously”
“ I know, I’ll take her. But not now”
“ May be next week, mom, I am not a kid, I know what I should do”

Ajit’s voice was getting hoarse - I think he is trying to defend me from his mom.

“ Yea, please let me handle it, now take care of dad, i’ll call you later, bye”
He cut the call quickly and seemed to be worried.
I reached out to his face, and rubbed his cheeks “Why are you upset babe?, Is it about the baby?”
“Yea, she wants us to go to doctor. What the heck? I haven’t been trying hard I suppose” he winked looking at me.

“Leave me alone, my body is tender” I sighed, but I knew it was awkward to make excuses about not having a baby after four years of marriage. I felt hurt about why she was bringing it up on our happy moment. But then, she has never complained to me about it, may be she is concerned about us not being serious about having a child.

Again my phone rang… I picked up the call, it was my mom. She wished me and Ajit for anniversary, and I knew where she would come next to. Getting pregnant. having a baby. I have to again assure her that we are not postponing the pregnancy by choice.

I can’t believe how families are getting obsessive about having children. Well, that’s what families are for. Isn’t it? I was encouraging myself and looked at Ajit. He seemed to be in lost in thoughts. His face was downcast.

“Are you hurt about everyone asking about child?”

“No babe, I am worried that you might be hurt, I know how much you love kids”

“Well, It should happen when the right time comes” I looked down at my belly. Ajit gently rubbed my curvy tummy and put his finger in my navel. And he bent down to kiss the belly button. His hair was tickling. I couldn’t bear the tease it was, I pulled his face up to kiss him. I knew somehow the joyous mood has somewhat turned emotional for both of us.

I put up a bold front and encouragingly stroke his hair. “Cheer up and get ready to knock me up tonight… what say?”

“How about we take a little training for it now?” enquired Ajit - Although I felt like he is not in naughty mood anymore, rather sounded anxious and he felt like it is his duty to make me pregnant that very moment.

I pushed his hairy chest away and resisted his forceful hug. “Not now, reserve it for tonight”

I gently squeezed his semi-erect member and I know, when he is anxious, it is difficult for him to perform well.

He has to go to office and even I have urgent things to attend to at office. We both work in different organisations and climbing up the corporate ladder faster couldn’t risk growth. Anniversary is special so, we have planned to go in the afternoon to a resort to catch up our own sweet evening. It is actually Ajit’s plan to go out. He told me it is farm bungalow in the secluded beach with a swimming pool. Pool just reminded me about waxing myself and visiting parlour before Ajit could call me soon after lunch. Well, though I love to go skinny dipping as it is only Ajit around, he likes me parade around in bikini. Little hidden assets are more amorous says Ajit. I made a mental note to pack a sexiest bikini’s for the evening swim.

I love hanging out unclad as much as possible within my safe havens and well planned boundaries. I haven’t been a careless exibhisionist, but I evaluate my surroundings and pre-plan my escapades. I can recall my love for bare skin from my childhood. Being the only daughter at home with all the attention and expectations of being a good child, I needed the thrill of being bad. Unclad, I felt, I am in charge of my own freedom. But at the same time I hated the shame of getting caught and branded or the shame it could bring on my family. I loved being the bad me when I am alone or at situations where my dignity is not at stake.
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The marriage with Ajit was arranged and he was 5 years older than I do. But somehow, he caught me at the right point. I feel like I am madly madly in love with him. We are best friends, we talk everything openly. He made me describe my desire for nudity. I confided all the moments I had enjoyed with my kink of being nude and occasional exhibism and those who had seen me nude. He didn’t seem to critique me or look down, instead he understood and have given room and freedom to chose what I like and he lets me be who I am. Although I was nudist and enjoyed exhibisonism my virginity was in tact for my wedding night. I should say I saved it up from the few encounters with boys while at college or at my native village. One such moment was in our native village which I would count as childish play, just before me attaining puberty, I was playing one of those marriage games with my younger cousin Vineet, and I call him “Jamai Vineet” since then. We were supposedly getting married in this game. Soon after the kids who were getting us married, sent us to a private room in my granny’s farm house. Like a new bride in movies, I walked in and Vineet was shorter than me tried hugging. Then he said he knew what we should do. I asked him what, he told me to undress, and I did that happily. He undressed too. It was fun to watch his young body stiff and it brought some kind of hazy moments. But neither of us knew what to do with our fresh naked bodies. He hugged me for a while. He was short and stood up only to my budding breasts. His face felt nice on my breast and still I was afraid i may get pregnant. Because most woman in movies undress in front of men and they become pregnant. Soon after the game, I started to cry for fear and only when an older kid explained I am in no danger, I was relieved. But technically anything before puberty cannot be considered for the definition of virginity.

Ajit wasn’t a virgin when we got married, he has confided in me about his escapades with his ex. That was long before we were engaged, and I did not mind him having an ex. At least he is honest about it. She broke with him soon after the accident he met with when he was in his final year college over something silly. Ajit says she is married and gone. So, I’ve got nothing to feel jealous of her.

I prepared the shower and called out to him "Babe, I’m gonna take bath" Normally that should have been enough invitation for him to come hopping to the bathroom. Today, he wasn't moving. He seems to be engrossed in thoughts.

So I went over to him and sat by his side on the bed. Put my hands on his back, and gently rubbed my bare breasts on his shoulder. He turned and smiled. “Wanna come to shower?” I asked him looking into his eyes. “Sure” he got up, and I tugged his shorts down, exposing his soft member. Before he could react, I caught “it” and gave a gentle tug. “come on…” I pulled him with his pecker to the bath. He kicked off his shorts and walked with me still letting me hold his still growing member.
Once inside the bath, I pushed him to the wall, and knelt down.
“Here is something I loved to blow” i smirked.
I saw a broad smile on his face, and it soon became a look of expectation and anxiety when rolled the foreskin and start paying attention to his beautiful cock. My tongue slightly licking the head, and slowly I took him into my lips. I am not good at giving deep throats but I guess I can work my magic just at the tip. Right combination of my lips, teeth and tongue would soon send him to raging erection that he wants to shoot his seed into my mouth. I am still learning, because, blow jobs are reserved for very special occasions and today is certainly one of them.

I loved to hold his butts while giving him the head. I have a special attraction for it. Even when he is in his full suit, I loved the way it looked firm and sexy. The only thing that looked much younger in his body was his booty. I can sense him approach an orgasm and his hands were on my hair and he was calling out… “Oooh babe….”

I wanted to say, “Come babe…” but I only miffed “mmmm be” his semen was hitting the back of my throat, i loved the pulse i felt on my lips.

He pulled me up, and kissed my lips with still his cum in my mouth. I gave it to him freely. I don’t know how it feels when he tastes himself in that kiss, but it looked like he loved it. I opened the shower and picked up the soap. We soaped up each other and I was hoping all his emotions changed with it.

Quickly, as I came out of the shower, went to kitchen and started to work on breakfast. He loves palak with Aloo. I cooked his favorite combination and fresh juice. When I served it on the table with only my towel wrapped around the hair and in all my nudity, he came out with his pant and T shirt on.

Ajit likes me nude, and my nudist displays. But he isn’t showing interest in getting unclad except for sex. It’s my secret mission to make him join my triumphs.

After serving on the table, he sat on the chair and he pulled me up to his lap for a nice kiss. I looked into his eyes, and I felt his deep love for me. I kissed him back and pushed the hands that were involved in trespass in my body. I went on to sit on the other side of the table. We were talking about the day’s schedule. And he would pick me up at 4 pm from office. Soon we moved on to dress up and he wore the business suit I presented him and I wore the less revealing office formals with a mild make up on. I use only lip gloss and that is more than enough to get everyone’s attention to my lips. And it keeps me from feeling dry.

We hopped into his car and he dropped me at office and waived off to his office.

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Work caught me up and I felt like it is time for a coffee. Dialed Smiriti and asked her to join in. Smiriti was my first friend and I confide all our office secrets and we chew on the gossips. Though we don’t discuss much on the personal front, she still knows awfully a lot about Ajit and me. She greeted with a glee.
“Happy anniversary Sona, where is the party tonight?”
“Thank you Smiriti, He’s taking me to a beach house with pool”
“Wow… that would be nice… making out in the water… cool, have fun”
“Yup, fun would be never short, I am gonna have him unclad in the open pool”
“Hmmm… suits you, you’ve got a fetish for this nude stuff, aren’t you?”
“Well, that’s not a fetish, that is kind of - so to say a life style”
“But, it is difficult to practice here”
“You know it takes a big boldness to accept as you are, that is the first step into a naturists lifestyle”
“Not everyone are as bold as you are…”

Her comment has some amount of jealous and of competition and some amount of truth to it. Because she knows how liberally I dress up whenever we have our informal outings. For the last new year party, I was in negligee sans bra. It caught up every male attention and every woman’s jealous. Thankfully Ajit was next to me and didn’t allow anyone to approach or pick me up on my dress.

I laughed, and as we sipped our coffee, thought about her feelings about why she couldn’t be as bold, as she is worried about her reputation, what the society would think and all that. They always tarnished those with the liberal mind with character assassination. Gossips abound when they can’t compete. Well somehow, I don’t really care about what others think of me. Or may be I do care about what they think. I mean I want people to have a positive vibe about me and I don’t wish to give a damn about what they would think ill of me.

While I am lost in thought, Smiriti asked about what gift I got. Well, the dress was obvious gift, the cake was fine. But just now I noticed, Ajit hadn’t given me anything special. Well, I didn’t either buy him anything other than his suit. The “bj” was something special but I can’t spell that out to Smiriti. but just winked at her with a smile.

“Oh, it is kind of romantic stuff is it?”
“You know this dress his gift, besides that we are going to a this place in the evening is another special thing. You can’t expect a diamond ring every now and then, can you?”
“Of course not, but I still wonder how you have him in your charm as in the day you got married”
“It is easy… I just love him the way he wants me to” I laughed and gave her the hint of what makes a man happy.
Then our discussion turned on to the new things in market, what Sheila has bought recently and all the regular office kind of conversation.

I just remembered about waxing and the parlour. I was about to get up the phone rang. It was my aunt, that is “Jamai” Vineet’s mom. She greeted me for the anniversary and informed that they would be in city day after tomorrow. Vineet joined his college on the outskirts of our city and stays in a hostel. He has visited once or twice. He has grown from being the naked kid who played with me to a decent young man. I saw him sporting a thin mustache in his baby face. He has turned 18 last year and I remember wishing him a sweet girl friend. I could feel his embarrassment when I mentioned girlfriend. I love to pull his legs and we always have fun teasing each other. I am glad to know they are visiting and also glader that they are only visiting day after tomorrow as I have planned for my anniversary night.

I’ve gone through the day, done all that was planned. I called up Ajit and told him about my aunt’s families plan to visit us. I told him to hurry up as I can’t wait to meet him.

At four Ajit picked me up from office and we are on our way to the resort. We were chit chatting in the car and he recalled my first nude experiment with our car. I was topless on a long road trip next to him with only a handkerchief to hide when emergencies happen. It was a thrill for me and also for Ajit, because he is driving his own wife half naked around and letting guys who zoom fast him get a glimpse of his lovely new wife’s ample bosom. I wore a white beaded necklace which for anyone who sees from afar would look like a neckline in a body colored blouse. But when they are drawn closer, they may get their eye full of my tits. But our car was fast and I wondered whether any of them really got an idea that they are crossing a half naked woman in the approaching car. The only problem in that ride was, I don’t get to see their expression after what they have seen. Ajit was laughing and making fun of how the truck and cab drivers must have looked after they realised what they saw. Once out of the city bounds, he asked me to take of my top and enjoy the fresh air through the open window.

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Well, he knows this adds my my adrenaline rush and he would surely reap the benefits of getting me horny. This time is different because, we are on a broad day light trip. And anyone sees me from far might be able to guess my nudity. I opened my hair and let it flow in the front, and as the wind didn’t let my hair do any cover over my boobs. When the open hair flying about my bare chest, it naturally hardened my nipple. He throw a glance and grinned ear to ear.

“What’s funny?”
“Your nipples need some attention and your hair can’t hide them away, babe”
“But you watch the road, this is not for your eyes now”

I can’t resist touching it, he slowed down the car and took his left hand and caressed the right breast. I didn’t stop him but just warned him.

“Careful, you are driving, just do that you have all the time to play tonight”
“Yea, I love to press the “pom pom” while driving”
“Take your hand off, and you’ll see something more”
I turned around and sat facing him, lifted my leg and kept it on the hand brake. While lifting the leg, my thigh high dress rode up a little and my waxed shining thighs revealed just enough to show him my bald pussy.
He almost stopped the car. and brought his hands to rub my thighs or reach out to my freshly waxed pussy.
“See, you’ve almost stopped the car, its all yours when you reach there safe, now just drive”
“Let me touch just once” he put his fingers on it and felt its smoothness.
“Enough” I pushed his hand off and took my jacket to cover as he announced that our destination is close.

“This naturist stuff is my fantasy, and what is yours?”
“- - - “ He looked blank and he was trying to mumble.
“Come on, tell me”
“Mine … is to let you have fun”
“I have had fun even before meeting you, what was it before you met me”
“I didn’t have any, after marrying you I have developed few”
“Few, sounds like you have more than one”
“Well, yea, the voyeuristic pleasure of watching your nudism is one”
“What are the others?”
“I’ll tell you when the right time comes”
From the look on his face I knew he had something that he is not yet ready to open up
“Come on, spill it up”
“Yea, I’ll tell you very soon”

He pulled his car into a big farm bungalow with a big grin

“Stay here, let me check” he walked inside and a young man came out to greet him. He handed him gave him the key and walked over to a bike. While leaving he was looking at me, I was wondering what he must be thinking about me. I sat tight and let him pass. Soon he was gone and Ajit walked over and closed the big gate behind the car.

He walked back and said “Babe, you are free to check in, no one in this building except just the two of us, and you are at your liberty to walk in as bare as on the day you were born” He bent and kissed me through the car window.

This was a surprise to me. A whole big farm house to hang out nude. I lazily pulled out the cloths and just with my heels and a handbag I stepped out of the car.
Ajit opened the door for me. Like a queen he took my hand and kissed. He walked me in to the door and the house was all furnished and dimly lit. We walked in and he made me sit at the sofa.

I sat down and stretched my legs. It was fun. I pulled him closer and made him stand between my legs.
“It’s your turn to match with kind of dress”
I started to undress him, starting from his trousers.
“Wait let me go get all the stuff from the car, then I’ll join you”
“No, let’s get unclad and we’ll do that together” I laughed at his discomfort.

He gave in and got nude. He was semi-erect from being naked in a strange place and out of the thrill that he is gonna be going out in open to get the stuff out of the car.

I got up and gave him a hug. I bent down to kiss his semi-erect member. Then we both walked out and picked up the couple of bags that were in the car.

The air on the evening was still hot as the sun is yet brightly shining. I could sense Ajit was slightly sweating. I am sure it wasn’t the heaviness of the bags, but his first nude adventure out.

“Honey, you are sweating”
“Yea, I forgot to tell you the swimming pool is at the back yard, let’s go and cool off”

He hurriedly put the bags in the bedroom and pulled me over to the pool. I was enjoying his first attempt to be a nudist with me. But I gave him the space, I wanted him to relax.

As soon as we reached the pool, he jumped into the water and soon waived me to join. I took my time to pose for him. I went and stood near the pool handles and put a leg around and rubbed my bald pussy on the warm bar. I could see that he was slowly jerking his now full erect cock.
“I see that my pose is working!” I smiled.
“You are a tease”
He came to catch me and I jumped into water and moved to the other side and it was difficult for him to come faster to catch me.
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Baby Fair has an excellent start and promising. Hoping to have a good ride on this one....
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(09-04-2023, 10:22 PM)bineeshm Wrote: Baby Fair has an excellent start and promising. Hoping to have a good ride on this one....

Let's see !! Smile
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We splashed around in water and finally he reached me and he hugged me from behind. I could sense his full hard on press at my back. I felt his warm breath on my neck. it was a strong contrast of the cold water against his warm body. I closed my eyes to savour the moment. I opened my eyes, With a naughty smile I turned around and pulled him even closer and my ample boobs pressing on his hairy chest. I let my hand run down and hold his erect member.
“Now hunk, tell me your fantasies”
“You really don’t want to know about it”
I gripped him even tighter, “If you spell it out, there are going to be nice rewards, if not…”
i let go of him and pushed away from his chest,
“I’ll consider that as you not trusting me enough, and you may sleep alone”
“That’s too much of a punishment on an anniversary day”
“Then, make your choice”
“well, you really wanna know, ok, my deepest and strongest fantasy is to see you make it out with someone younger than you”
It took a while to sink what he was saying.
“Yes I do” said Ajit, and turned away unable to look at my eyes.
“You mean, you want me to sleep with someone else?”
I knew I am loosing my mind the thoughts were going with a whirlwind speed, “How can he think of me like a someone who can sleep with anyone? Didn’t he realize how much I love him?”
“No babe, don’t be so hard on me. That’s why I was so hesitant to tell you that, It was just a thought, may be you could get pregnant, I was thinking it would be best for you” he put on his vulnerable face and his it turned red and seemed very apologetic.

I have to hold down my emotions. Suddenly I felt betrayed. I felt meaningless and blank. I felt like crying. “Why Ajit, why? When you are there, why would I ever think of such a thing?, Don’t you know I love you so much? What’s wrong with you, are you thinking I am a slut just because I am a nudist” My complexities of emotions taking me over.

Ajit came closer and tried to hug me again, I tried to push him away. But not sure if my emotions are right. I knew I am feeling hurt, even more hurt because he wanted me to become pregnant with someone else.

I quickly turned around, and try to wade through the water.
“Babe, come on, it is you who insisted me to tell you, it is not fair that you are getting emotional about it.”

I avoided Ajit’s hands that were trying to hold me, and quickly got out of the pool, ran and picked up the towel and wrapped it around me. Ran to the bathroom and and closed the door. I had to control my emotions, I have to think rational.

I needed a few minutes to organize my thoughts. “Is Ajit feeling that he is not a man enough to impregnate me? Did I make him feel so low? Or is the thinking like this because of the pressure just like I do?” It just dawned to me that, may be he is too stressed about me becoming pregnant. four years of sex couldn’t get me even closer to the pregnancy. My gynecologist clearly said nothing seems to be wrong with me. I mentioned that to Ajit in a casual chat after the check up, did he catch that idea to think he is not capable?

With a new found clear thought, I walked up to Ajit, he was drying himself turning to the other side. I went behind him. Hugged him from behind, and punched on his back, “why did you say such things to me, you know that I only love you”
“I love you too”
“You are such a bad boy”
“I am glad you are back. Let’s not talk about it, ok”

I reach up and took hold of his flaccid cock and along with it his testicles. And pressed it, I felt something different on his testicles. I rubbed his lower part of the testicles with my hands. There was a strange scar underneath his testicles.

I realized, this is the first time ever I see him totally nude in broad daylight while his balls looked fine and the underside of his testicles seemed rough.

“Why is this place rough, I looks like a scar out of an operation?”
“Well you promise me, you won’t freak out again”
“Ok, I promise”
“Let’s get inside and we’ll talk”
“You are a bad boy, you always keep me waiting”

We walked into the house, he was holding my hips and I was holding his butts. It seemed to be the romantic walk just as it was on our honeymoon trip. Just the difference is now we are unclad and closer.

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