Adultery Unwanted Houseguest....Continued (the Mouse that Roared) by breville1-COMPLETED

I left for my office. It was not yet 8am. Very few cars were in the car park. As I walked in through the main entrance, the security guard stepped up to me, blocking my way.
Good morning, Sir. Please come with me he said authoritatively.
Good morning, bhai. What is the problem?I replied walking behind him.
He led me into the small dark security office and said, There is a lady to see you, sir. He turned around and left.
The lady was sitting in the corner with her head covered by a dupatta. I recognized her as she turned around.
Gowrie!! I exclaimed.
She fell to the floor sobbing, knelt down and touched her forehead to my feet.
Manu.ji sir I know you have a big heart. You you have a kind heart. Please drop the charges. I beg you. I will do anything you want. Just tell me. Please
I picked her up and held her in my arms as she continued to sob uncontrollably. The shoe was on the other foot now. We sat down and I held her hands to comfort her. Poor girl, she was just a pawn in Kavi and Prems game.
If Prem has a criminal record, his life will be ruined. Our lives will be ruined. No one will give him a decent job. No one will look at us again.
Hes not really a bad man. What he did to you was because Kavi asked him to help her. We were all good friends at college.
So good that you all slept together? I asked sarcastically.
She took her hands away and looked down. It looked like she was making a decision.
Finally, she took a deep breath and looked back at me.
Yes she said.
How come he didnt marry Kavi? Why is he with you now? I asked
Manu, Prem was with a lot of girls but he spent the most time with Kavi. We all knew she was his girlfriend but Prem would still go out with other girls, including me. Gradually, he became interested in me also. Because Kavi didnt want to lose Prem, she accepted me. But she was also jealous. So she began going out with other guys too. When Prem tried to stop her, she left us for a while and Prem fought hard to convince her to come back. She only came back with the condition that she would be free to do as she wanted, just like Prem. Eventually her parents found out about what she was doing with so many boys, including Prem. She had left her phone lying around and her father picked it up. All the intimate messages with her boyfriends were there. She never deleted her conversations because she would be playing with several guys at the same. There was a big showdown with her parents. Her father was going to throw her out for being with a '. boy and sleeping around. Since there was no way they would allow her to marry Prem, she agreed to an arranged marriage. After many proposals, she met you and felt she could get on with you. I stayed with Prem and we finally got engaged three months ago.
But that was after Prem came to stay with us I pointed out.
Yes, because I was not comfortable with Prem staying with Kavi, even though she was already married. To appease me he brought me over for weekends. And I didnt mind the threesomes as we had done that before and I felt better being there than being alone. Anyway, I knew it was temporary but based on their past history, I didnt want to take any chances . So Prem proposed that we get engaged. He loved me and didnt want me to be upset.
You brought this upon yourselves I said slowly. You abused my generosity and hospitality.
Manu, Im pregnant! Please have mercy on me. She was gripping my hands tightly. I looked at her in shock.
If it wasnt for his temporary posting here, I would force him to stay with me all the time since Im now pregnant. The weekends he spends with me are too short for me. Thats why Im here for this whole week.
That would explain the weekends he was spending with her. But was that the reason Kavi was being nice to me during that weekend? A little jealousy building up? Or did she genuinely like being with me, maybe she did love me? I could swear that she loved me then. It had been such a wonderful weekend. Its hard to pretend to be happy through the whole weekend and despite everything, I knew my Kavis moods. And that orgasm, it was out of this world. Could she have faked it? With that level of intensity? The whole neighborhood must have heard her come.
It still didnt explain Mangal, John, Vasant and Raju.
“I see, I said softly. I got your messages, of course. My lawyer is taking care of all this. The charges will be dropped by this afternoon but only if he stays away from Kavi and me.
Gowrie leapt up with a cry and grabbed me in a big hug.
God has answered my prayers! Manu, you are so big hearted even though they. no, we did all those things to you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you! She began kissing my forehead and cheeks.
I promise Ill repay your kindness. Anything, anything, well forever be in your debt. Then she fell to the ground and rested her head on my feet, sobbing endlessly.
I pulled her up and gave her a hug.
There is something you can do for me, I said as I caressed her head.
I want you to look after Kavi for a couple of weeks. Be her companion. Talk to her, take her out for walks, get her back to normal. Unfortunately, I will be away on business. Can you do that for me?
She looked at me incredulously, Manu, that is nothing. Of course I'd love to look after her, poor soul. I'd be happy to do more.
Thats OK, I replied. Here are the numbers of my lawyer, Chaman Lal and the therapist, Dr Vanita Raja. I'll give them your number. Dr Vanita is seeing Kavi this morning and will authorize her release. Make sure you understand everything the doctor asks you to do for Kavi. A little latertoday, Chaman Lal will call you to the security officer Station. You and Prem will have to sign documents before he can be released.
I'd better go now. You take care, I said as I prepared to leave. Gowrie, looked at me for a moment and said, Manu, I love you. I can never thank you enough.; And she gently kissed my lips.
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The Generosity and Kindness of a Wounded Man

I buried myself in work. The Dubai client had sent word that they wanted a preliminary discussion at a working level before next weeks full meeting. There were a zillion things to be done. Our plans had been cut short.
Chaman Lal came by around noon to have me sign the Prem documents but also the Hospital release papers for Kavi. I told him that I'd seen Gowrie and that she was prepared to help out, and I gave him her number.
Soon after, I got a call from Dr Vanita about Kavis treatment. She explained that Kavi was re-experiencing the bang, fearing anything that reminded her of the bang, she was withdrawn emotionally, and afraid that she would be attacked again. She was constantly asking for me. Asking if I was alright, how badly had I been hurt, when I would come to see her, how grateful she was that I had been there to save her. She was quite stressed. Consequently, sedation was necessary to calm her down. When calm she seemed to be quite fine. She would gradually come off the sedation over the next few days.
At my request Dr. Vanita agreed to visit her daily for the next week or so. She would put Kavi through various therapies to help her overcome her PTSD. They would be aimed at helping her overcome her fears and become more positive. It was lucky for her that it wasnt a sudden forced attack. My early intervention and the fact that she had been a willing partner initially, made a big difference. She pointed out that many bang perpetrators were people known to the victims in some way. She knew Vasant and Raja. She expected Kavi to make significant improvements within the week.
About mid afternoon, I was in a meeting with our software developers when I was called out for an urgent call from Chaman Lal. He was at the security officer Station.
Manu, Gowrie is asking if you can let Prem stay with her for the two weeks?
What? I couldnt believe my ears.
She is pregnant and if anything happens she and Kavi will need help. And Prem is her fiancé. She swears that she will make sure nothing happens between Prem and Kavi. Dr Vanita agrees that it would be a good idea to have someone available
For several seconds I didnt reply. This was a crazy development. I had finally started to get even and then one by one it had all back fired on me. So now they would be all together while I would be out. Exactly what I didnt want. How could fate be so cruel to me? I could feel the blood pounding in my head. At least the money left in our account was at a minimum. They couldnt be lavish at my expense.
After my early morning conversation with Gowrie and seeing her genuine pain, I was sure of her good intentions. I had to drop the charges any way. Her kiss on my lips had sealed the deal. What a bastard I was! Did her kiss really make any difference? Would I have asked her for anything else? She had said that she would do anything for me. Could I fuck her and get even? My cock had twitched when I had seen her in her tight churidars and kameezes slit almost all the way up to her armpits. I wondered. Too late now.
Yes, I said softly and hung up.
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I went back to the meeting and forced myself to concentrate. I waded into every discussion and fought with the engineers, trying to make them commit to the new deadlines.
It was well after 8 pm when I left the office. It had been a long day and I was tired. I picked up some food from the nearby restaurant and headed to my hotel. I ate while watching the news on TV so that I wouldnt have to think about “things. Soon after I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Next morning was another very early start. However, by 11.30 am I was asked to see the CEO. He wanted me to leave immediately for Dubai to work with the client. They had booked me on that evenings 6.10pm Emirates flight. I had a couple of hours to give instructions to my team and then I went back to the hotel and checked out. I went to the mall and bought some smart clothes for Dubai. On the flight I enjoyed the pampering in business class. The champagne must have got to me, I was sure one of the stewardesses was Yami Gautham or was it Alia Bhatt? In Dubai, I was glad to get to my posh hotel. What a change from the cheap hotel I had checked out of. I wondered where I would stay once I got back. I'd have to find another flat somewhere near the office.
I checked my phone for messages from Kavi or Gowrie but there were none. For the next few days, I was buried. Every night I had to go out with the various people from the client. I was glad for Friday and a break from seeing those people, even though I would have to continue working with my team back home. That evening, I roamed the Dubai Mall, just taking in the sights. On Saturday I wandered along the beaches by the Palm Jumeira.
I had had no calls or messages from Kavi or Gowrie. I was still inclined to leave them to their own devices. They had to understand that I was not going to go crawling back to that life. She had to make a decision. Even if my absence could be considered as an abandonment of my marriage, I was not going back. I was not going to call her. She was in good hands for her recovery. I laughed at the thought. Yes, good old Prem was there to handle her.
Kavi had gone too far and I was glad in an odd way that the bang happened. Still, the question in my mind was how long before she would contact me? Would she? Perhaps she would wait me out! Yes, Kavi could be like that. Heck, another week to go in Dubai. Still time.
There was no point in being miserable by myself in Dubai. It was going to be another long and lonely night. I made a few calls for company. It was my first time ever and I didnt want to be robbed or get into any trouble. Eventually, I spoke to a woman who sounded very reassuring. I wanted a nice looking, calm desi girl, dressed in a quiet, elegant manner.
We met at the Dubai Mall, in the Food Court by an Indian restaurant. She was dressed in slim fitting, vivid green salwar kamees, with her long hair casually flung over her back. It was all very tasteful. Her name was Sunita. Probably in her mid- 20’s. After the introductions, we decided to have dinner there.
She was quite chatty and wanted to know more about me but I deliberated steered the conversation to her. It seems she had spent time in the UK and ended up in Dubai because she was offered a great job in a travel agency. It turned out that she had to take care of airline representatives. The travel agency bought and sold discounted seats and needed to get the best deals from the airlines, especially the big three Emirati airlines. Most of the guys were English or NRIs from the UK. So she was perfect. She was a natural in looking after these people. So she decided to do some entertaining during the weekends for a profit she could keep. What a life, I thought. Would have suited Kavi to a tee.
We took a taxi back to my hotel. The door man gave us a good looking over. In the reception area, a security guard stared at us. I calmly took her hand and walked over to the elevators. Worst case I'd give them some money. Inside the elevator, I continued to hold her hand but made no other moves. Up in my room on the 15th floor, we had a good view over the twinkling lights of Dubai at night. Sunita was clearly wondering what my next move was going to be. I turned on the TV to some Bollywood channel and went to the mini bar. I poured out some red wine for both of us and went over to the small sofa that she was sitting on.
Cheers, she said with a little laugh and took a big sip. I watched her over the rim of my glass and said, I need cheering up.
She took another sip and got up. She started swaying to the sounds of Character Dheela Hai and threw her dupatta at me. With a swaying of hips and thrusting of breasts she approached me.
Help me get out, pointing to her back.
I unzipped her and helped her step out of the kameez, rubbing my hands over her smooth shoulders and sliding them over her low cut bra, down to her slim waist. Her salwar was really more of a churidar. Very tight around her ass and thighs. Just like Gowries, I thought. I loved how her narrow waist billowed out to her hips. Even though her breasts jutted out temptingly, I decided to grope around her ass and thighs. It was so sensuous I could smell her aroma, a mix of some expensive floral perfume mixed with her body odor. I inhaled deeply as I brought my face to her belly and delicately licked her navel. She let out a small groan at feeling the sensation of my quivering tongue.
I remembered what Mangal had said about foreplay. I had one hand over her pussy mound and the other kneading her tight buttocks. My cock was struggling to get out. But I had all night.
After I had slowly peeled off her tight salwar, I finally got to rub her with my naked hands. A womens inner thighs are incredibly smooth and Sunita started to moan softly as my hands came closer and closer towards her pussy. I got up and cupped her bra covered breasts, rubbing my thumbs over her nipples. Yes that got her going, the sound of her moaning rising. I quickly took off my shirt and struggle to get rid of my pants. We were both now in our underwear. That thong just covered the bare essentials and I intended to get those essentials.
She started to rub her hands over my shoulders and chest. She nibbled my tits while massaging my small breasts. It felt awesome and I recalled how Kavi and I enjoyed making love after the Taj Express show. Unfortunately, my erection started drop. Sunita noticed my sudden change in demeanour.
Whats the matter?she asked.
Oh, I just had a thought about work, I replied.
Let me help you forget she said as she slipped off her bra. They had to be a 36 C, I thought. He nipples stared at me, making me want to go to them. While I kissed them and rubbed my face on the erect nipples, Sunita pulled down my underpant and started to stroke my cock. Oh God, I thought, let this be heaven.
I pulled away from her as I didnt want to come too quickly. I knelt down in front of her thong, that teeny scrap that separated me from nirvana. I could smell her excitement. I hoped she would be oozing. That always took my excitement level to the skies. A pussy was never as exciting as an oozing one. I liked it really wet. With that I pulled it down to expose a neatly trimmed pussy, the lips all smooth and dripping.
Before I could take a dive, she pulled me up and started fondling my cock. It was totally unbearable now. It felt like my cock would burst at any minute. She slowly got down on her knees and started to bring her mouth towards my cock. I was watching tensely, waiting for her lips and her tongue to start their wanton cruelty.
Ping! I heard my phone go off. I reached for it on the side table and saw that it was a text message from Kavi.
Hi. How are you, Manu was all it said. I stared at it, I couldnt believe it. She had finally contacted me. All thoughts of the impending pleasure with Sunita deserted me.
Sunita, I'm sorry but we've got to stop. Its been an incredible evening with you. I cant go on. Im sorry. I'll call you again. Im here for another week.
I helped Sunita leave and turned back to my phone. Shit! It had been close. Adultery. There was always a first time. I would have been just the same as Kavi. No loyalty, no trust, no morals. Easy come, easy go. Thank God she sent a text at that moment. It had to be providence, I thought.
Hi. How are you, Manu. Just Hi. How are you? Nothing else? She could be addressing any friend. She could have said that she was missing me or that she was much better or asked about the Dubai client or asked me to call back. So many things she could have asked or said. But it was just Hi. How are you, Manu? I was deeply disappointed.
It had to be around 2 am in the morning in Mumbai and she was awake? And she had thought of me? Well, wasnt that a good sign? Maybe she had arrived at a decision. At 2am in the morning? What to do? How to respond? Should I respond? My plan was to remain incommunicado for a while to let them figure out what to do next. It was obvious that I had made my move. I wasnt there.
I now felt afraid. What if she had decided to end it? That she couldnt bear it any more. That we had to go our own ways. Even though I had already considered these thoughts, now that she had actually contacted me, I was filled with dread.
I decided not to respond. After all it was late in the evening and it would be unusual for me to still be awake. Surely, she wasnt expecting a reply now. I would think about it again in the morning.
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The Sound of Silence

Next morning, I followed my normal routine and pounded away in the hotel gym. I kept wondering whether I should continue my silence. During breakfast I came to a decision. I would not respond. Silence, no response to a text message or call meant that the person was unavailable or did not want to respond. Since she knew that I used my phone for business purposes, it would be obvious to her that I didnt want to respond. And she would figure out why.
The big bosses would be arriving soon and all day I was checking materials, on calls with the Mumbai software team, finalizing details. The clients program manager was all over us, wanting details and requesting demo scenarios. Modern medical systems for hospitals had become extremely complex and each client wanted something different. The customization aspect was always the bear. This time the client wanted connectivity with aircraft. The communication links were the most challenging as broad band for aircraft was not widely available. The software guys had assured me that they had devised a solution. A live demo had to be arranged with one of the airlines and IT firewalls were proving to be a nightmare.
During the day, I received more messages.
Hi Manu, can you call me as soon as you can?
OK, guess youre busy. Went to take out some money. Salary for this month not there. Only enough left for rent. Can I use some? No money in savings account. What happened?
Took some money out.
Wrong reasons, I thought. I was seriously tempted to reply Ask your boyfriend, Prem
Late that evening, I got woken up by her call. It was almost midnight, 1.30am in Mumbai. I let it go to voice mail.
Manu, why arent you replying? Please answer the phone. Call me.
I was mentally hardened now and simply went back to sleep. The day had been long and tiring.
She called again at 6 am in the morning.
Manu, all the important papers are gone from the drawer. Whats going on? What are you doing? When will you return?...... Mani, call me back, please.
I could hear a hint of alarm in her voice. She must have realized by now what I was up to.
Exactly an hour later, I received a text message.
Understand why youre doing this.I deserve it. When you get back well finalize things.
I stared at the message. Had she just turned the situation around? Nothing about talking, discussion, compromise, nothing. Shed understood that I was leaving her? I guess that was an obvious conclusion to draw since Id taken the papers and moved the money. But shed simply accepted it? Shit! This was back firing on me again! Now,had to decide?
So far shed operated confidently and comfortably knowing that I wasnt going to go anywhere and that Prem would keep me under control. Clearly, the bang incident had changed things. She must have heard about Prems situation too. She obviously had no more aces to play and had accepted her fate. She had tried to keep me while also freeing her sexual frustrations and had lost. Any options she had didnt include me.
As I concentrated on pulling weights in the gym, I felt a bit more relaxed. No more belittling, no more sexy panties and nighties, no more Prem, Mangal and the rest of them. But I had lost my dearest, my love, my life. Yet, I knew that she would always remain in my heart. I remembered how I had felt when I first met her. Anyway, the silence had done its work. She knew where she stood. I needed to get back to work. The big chiefs were arriving later that morning.
There were no further messages from Kavi but Dr. Vanita did text me asking to see me when I got back. Probably to close out the bang trauma case, no doubt.
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Room Service

The meeting with the client went without a hitch. Thursday afternoon was basically a great schmooze session. My return flight was scheduled for early Friday morning. I decided to have an early night and went up to my room. I had a shower and then started packing. Then I called room service for a light dinner and started to put my notes in order. Without much else to do I settled down in the small sofa to watch a Bollywood movie, Jununiyat. I had seen a part of it on my flight to Dubai and thought Id finish it off.
There was a knock on the door announcing the arrival of my dinner. I hurriedly put on the complimentary dressing gown as I hadnt bothered to put on anything after my shower. I opened the door and stepped back in surprise, What the heck?!!
It was none other than Sunita.
Room service, she said with a smile and a wink. The waiter came up the elevator with me.
She was wearing a simple black sari with a deep red blouse.
Well, well, well! To what do I owe this honor? I said smiling broadly as I hugged her.
When I left last time, you were clearly upset. And I hadnt given you the service you paid for
I laughed out loud.What a story!!
I liked you, I enjoyed myself with you, I liked how you made me feel, you didnt just think of yourself. A woman knows when a guy is decent. All the men I know here basically want sex and thats it.
Im a quick learner, I replied cryptically.
Whatever message you received completely changed your mood. If you remember there was an open invitation when I left. So I took a chance that youd have an early night before your departure and here I am.
Im glad youre here. Im just killing time before I go to bed. Have a seat and join me for dinner.
After dinner, we sipped some wine as we chatted and idly watched the movie. We were sitting comfortably together in the sofa with my right arm around her shoulders. I didnt know what it was about her but I felt at ease with her. Perhaps I no longer felt inadequate and she definitely enjoyed my touch. Well, obviously she never knew about my inadequacy.
Soon we were kissing each other. I was enjoying sucking and nibbling her lips while alternating with some tongue twisting. Somehow the nibbling made her lips feel very sensitive and she began moaning with pleasure. I pushed her away and got up to remove my dressing gown, my cock straining for action. She turned around and let me undo her blouse. Soon I had her naked and we enjoyed the sensations of our bodies rubbing together. She gripped my cock and slowly stroked it while my fingers found her gooey slit.
As I stooped to lick her nipples I glanced up at the TV. Pulkit was trying to convince Yami that she still loved him. I paused and Sunita followed my look. Pulkit had grabbed Yami by her shoulders and brought his face close to hers.
Look in my eyes and tell me you dont love me he said with desperation. Yami wrenched herself away from his grasp and replied is a strangled voice, No, I can never say that as long as I live.
At that moment my world stopped. The scene that was playing out was exactly what I had to do with Kavi. As to whether she would answer in the same way remained to be seen.
My eyes teared up and I slowly sat down. Sunita realized something had happened and sat down with a concerned look on her face.
Im sorry, Sunita. I had a fight with my wife before I came here and this scene just shook me to the core. I love my wife very much
Sunita, leaned across and hugged me. Then she sat on my lap and gently kissed away my tears.
Itll be alright. Youre going back tomorrow, she said began kissing and nibbling my lips, just the way I had done to her earlier.
The combined effect of her kissing and the feel of her crushed breasts on my chest brought back my arousal. I lifted her up and we went to the bed.
I lifted her legs, spreading them wide and dived into her soaking mound. It didnt take long to take her over the edge. She gripped my hair and forced my face into her as she bucked and moaned wildly in her orgasm. I tore her hands off before she could finish her climax and inserted by cock into her heaving, dripping pussy. I began a slow rocking motion, following Mangals technique. Sunitas moaning started to rise as I took her back to her peak. I prayed that she would come soon as I was not going to be able to hold back for long. Mangals technique worked and we came together in a roaring crescendo.
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The Homecoming

Sunita left with me in the morning. The taxi dropped her off by her apartment. A brief kiss on her lips and she was gone.
On the flight home I was totally relaxed. Sunita had proven that that Taj Express night with Kavi was not random. I had overcome my feelings of inadequacy. Because Sunita never knew about my past issues, she behaved naturally. I never felt inadequate with Sunita. It gave me a sense of confidence in my own abilities. Somehow everything she had said and done with me, enjoyed with me, inspired me and made me feel confident. It had been the same with Kavi that night. Previously I would come too soon and would have to lick her to a climax. Wed just got used to that fact. Neither one totally satisfied, continuing my sense of inadequacy and her sexual frustration. I definitely felt that something had been lifted off my shoulders and mind.
The flight landed in Mumbai about 10.30am. I had to find a place to stay. So I went to the office, dumped my bags with the security guard and went to my office to use the computer. I finally settled on a studio flat at a new complex just beyond our existing flat. Then I called Dr. Vanitas office and arranged to see her later that afternoon. I picked up my car from the parking area and drove to the flat. Id have to see Kavi sooner or later.
As I walked up the stairs, I wondered where I would begin. I was at peace with myself but still had a sense of uneasiness. With Prem around, anything could happen. Dont say or do anything stupid, I told myself. Dammit! I still loved that woman! She was still my wife. Anyway, Prem would be at work at this time. So I had all my bases covered.
At the door, I decided to announce myself by ringing the bell rather than use my key. No sense in butting in on anything they might be up to.
The door opened and I stared into the face of my mother in law. I stood there unable to register why she was there. Seeing my surprised expression, she leaned forward with a big smile and hugged me, kissing my cheeks.
Namaste, beta. Was everything alright on the trip?
Namaste, ma. Everything was fine.
Then I was hugging my father in law.
Namaste, babu ji.
I was in a complete daze. I looked around and saw Kavi and went to give her a hug. Where was Gowrie?
Did you have a safe trip? Did you get the contract? she asked.
Finally, looking at her I asked, How are you, Kavi?
She wept and hugged me tighter. My eyes teared too and I hugged her back.
Wiping away my tears, I looked at my in-laws and asked When did you get here?
Two weeks ago. Kavi called us from the hospital on the Monday and told us about the mugging in the mall and that you were on a business trip. We took the first flight and got here about 5pm.
I simply stared at Kavi. So Gowrie and Prem had never stayed to look after her!
Unknown to any of us, she had wiped out the entire scenario that I had dreaded.
For two weeks I had lived under the wrong assumption. For two weeks I had made her suffer my absence and silence. This was my wife. She knew what had been bothering me and had taken a decisive stand right at the beginning. That Taj Express weekend indeed was magic, a renaissance. She wanted her Manu back!
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Confidence Goes before a fall

Wheres your baggage? asked my father in law.
Baggage? I repeated. Heck!
Where are your bags?
Oh, in the car. In my hurry to see Kavi I left them in the car. Kavi, why don't you come with me and give me a hand.
Well, how are you feeling now? I asked as we walked down the stairs. I know the doctor was seeing you for a while.
All the bruising is much better she replied.
What about the trauma? I asked.
First few days I was terrified and very depressed and you were not there but with the tranquilizers, Dr Vanita, mum and dad, I began to feel much better until I realized why you werent replying to my messages.
I ignored the last part.
Not that its any business of mine but I hope you make better decisions about who you make friends with in future.
We were silent for a while.
Then she said, Manu, its a long and complicated story. I do want to explain it all to you before we go our separate ways. I owe you that at least. We need some time alone;.
But I want to clear up the bang situation first. That bang attack just terrified me. The irony is that I was saved by you from my own misdeeds. Im deeply ashamed and sincerely sorry. I know that you can never forgive me.
That morning I was angry with you because you didnt let me sleep with you the night before. I went to the gym to work it out of my system.
Soon after I started my work out, Vasant and Raja arrived. Prem and I had seen them there on and off. The work out was good for me and I felt much better. When I finished I looked at my phone and saw your message. I knew by looking at the message time that you would be arriving within a few minutes and didn’t bother replying. I went to the coffee shop to wait for you.
Then Vasant and Raja came and joined me. We were just chatting, killing time and soon they started commenting about my figure and how all the work outs had made me look sexy. It was the typical stuff you hear when people talk about working out. I kept checking my phone for the time as I knew you were going to be there any minute. I wanted to talk to you;.
I dont know why but Vasant took out what I thought was a cigarette but it turned out to be ganja. I told them that I had just started to experiment with it. Well one thing led to another and I was smoking it too.
I actually saw you hiding behind the plants by the entrance. I felt angry that you were spying on me. Why couldnt you have just come in? Anyway, the ganja was having an effect on all of us and the guys were talking about how lucky my husband was as he could enjoy my toned body and they t. The conversation had become deliberately laced with innuendo. I knew that you enjoyed yourself watching me having sex with Prem and Mangal, that there was a cuckold in you. To spite you, I told them they could enjoy my body.
When we went to the store room, I knew you were going to follow us. The ganja made everything so sensuous. I was enjoying them groping me and I lay down to start the session but Vasant started tying my hand. I didnt want that. I had never been tied before. With two of them there, I suddenly felt very frightened and shouted for him to stop. You know what happened after that.
If its any comfort to you, Vasant didnt penetrate me and Raja never managed to get his cock in my mouth. I struggled with all my strength and made it very difficult for them. Vasant kept on hitting me but the security officer showed up before he could succeed. I think it was soon after you were knocked out. If you hadnt called the security officer, if you hadnt intervened.
Oh my God! I said. You did that to spite me? Your plan back fired and I saved you!! I was incredulous.
What kind of woman does that to spite her husband? I had come to talk to you, to apologize if I had upset you. Holy smokes!!
She didnt reply.
Actually it might be better if we continued this discussion after talking to doctor. I have a 3pm appointment with Dr Vanita. Are you free this afternoon? I dont know what your plans are.
Of course, Im free this afternoon! What else would I be doing?she said angrily.
I had no idea, I replied defensively.
I could feel the tension rising in her and changed the subject.
What story did you tell your parents I asked Kavi as we walked towards the car.We were shopping in the mall On Saturday morning. Since the car was parked on the north side of the mall, you asked me to wait by the south side while you went to pick up the car. While I was waiting two guys started chatting with me. I was just being polite as they were asking about which shops offered the best value and other shopping questions.
Then one guy grabbed my handbag and tried to pull it off my shoulder and the other one was pulling the shopping bags. The handbag guy then started hitting my face and body which made me drop the shopping bags but I didnt let go of my handbag. Then you came and started fighting with them. A few minutes later the mall security guards showed up and those guys ran off. They were never found.
We were taken to hospital for check ups. I was kept for a couple of days because I was traumatized and had follow up visits from the doctor. You had to leave for work. So I called them to come over.
Great. Now that weve got ourselves synchronized, how much longer will they stay with us?I asked.
They were going to go back as soon as you got back. They have many things to take care of in Delhi. So, maybe tomorrow or Sunday.
It would mean a small change to my plans. I would have to delay my move to the studio apartment.
I would have to watch and listen. Maybe delay my move even more.
How was your trip? she asked. You never replied to anything I sent you and you didn’t me call either.
Oh, it was extremely busy. I was not going to respond to the comment about the calls.
First I had to work with all the clients people night and day to prepare for the big chiefs meeting. Then I was at the beck and call of our CEO. Every night we were working late and then wed go out for dinner.
So did the client sign up? She continued.
Im not sure. Its at the CEO level. The client just bought some private hospitals in the U.K. and they re probably going to want the same system over there. It might be a condition of the contract I replied.
Will you have to go there as well?
I paused.
ProbablyI said.
Im glad your trip went well. You must have enjoyed it. You have a certain air of confidence around you now! she said with a big smile. That made her look so radiant and beautiful. I wished that none of this had ever happened.
Its nice to know that ones hard work will pay off, I suppose, I replied with a grin.
In my heart I still hoped that somehow we could get through all this and stay together. But how to be sure that anything she said was sincere? How could I trust her?
I thought that the Taj Express weekend was a new beginning. The fact that she had found a way of preventing Prem and Gowrie from staying seemed to build on that.
We had reached the car. I gave Kavi the smaller carry on and I took the suitcase.
As we wrestled the cases up the stairs, I remarked We could do with Prem right now!
That reminds me. So what happened between you and Prem? Kavi asked. How did he end up in jail? Gowrie said she found you on the floor and Prem was kicking you.
In between huffing and puffing I said, He reckoned that I had made you angry for some reason. You went to the gym to avoid me. You wouldnt normally have gone to the gym without him. So he blamed me for the attack and was angry with my inability to protect you. He beat me severely, worse than at any other time. When I fell down he began to kick me. Gowrie came in and took him away when she heard my cries.
Oh my God! How horrible that must have been. Kavi cried out. And right after what those guys in the gym did to you! Im truly sorry you had to endure that. He deserved it. He was always quick to use his strength against you even though I asked him many times not to.
That was a revelation to me. Prem had beaten me so many times when Kavi hadnt been around and sometimes also when she was there, like when I tried to speak to Gowrie. Where was the sympathy for her boyfriend, whom she had held high on a pedestal while I was kicked around? Strange.
We had stopped on the third floor landing so that we could finish our discussion.
I lay there for some time, recoveringand thinking. Thats when I decided to leave my prison, let go of my love. I was prepared to suffer anything for my love for you.all those months of torment but that beating was the last straw. It told me how much he cared for you and what he thought of me, my inability to look after you. I understood why you brought him back into your life.
Kavi held my hand in a death grip. There were tears in her eyes as she looked at me. She realized that that was my turning point.when she had lost me. Her pain was obvious.
It wasnt like that, Manu. I didnt bring him back because I loved him. I loved you.
Really? I ignored that. Kavi, I wasnt going to bear the never ending humiliation and pain of it anymore. I decided to give up waiting for you to show me whether you loved me enough to stop all those things. I didnt want any more of your mind games. No more belittling, panties, nighties, shaving, cuckolding me with Prem and the others.Kavi, I am truly, truly sorry. I still love you very deeply, I will always love you but I couldnt carry on with such a one sided relationship any longer.
She removed her hand as if my words told her that she didnt have a right to hold me any longer.
I picked myself up, took the important papers, laptop and went to the hospital to be checked up again. Then I went to the security officer station and filed a charge against him. He was arrested a short time later.
Despite my injuries, I had a deep sense of satisfaction in knowing that he would no longer bully me nor could he be with you. You cannot imagine the satisfaction I got in knowing that he could no longer say that while you might be my wife, he owned your pussy. Yes, he used to brag about that all the time and you did everything to reinforce that despite my pleadings. You enjoyed all the benefits of a wife but gave back so little. I was overjoyed that I had finally got rid of him.
I then moved into a hotel near my office for a couple of days before I had to go to Dubai.
My plan was not to see you or have contact with you until I got back. I wanted you to figure out what you really wanted to do with yourself going forward, without any pressure from me. Thats why I decided to move out. I was going to move into a studio apartment later today but that will have to wait. I didnt expect your parents to be here. I wanted to give you space to decide for yourself. I wanted you to tell me in your own time.
As for me, my position has been clear from day one. No point bleating about it anymore.
About the money, I moved it away the week before the bang incident because I was never sure whether you loved me or whether youd leave me for Prem. You were always playing games. I wanted to be prepared.
Kavi had turned away, fighting her tears. I gave her a little hug and brought out my handkerchief.
Compose yourself. Theyre waiting for us. Come on.
She reached out, held my hand and said shakily, I did a lot of thinking while in hospital. Gowrie was pregnant and I knew Prem would leave. I started dabbling with people I didnt really know. What I was doing was getting too dangerous. I wanted to go back to our old life. On Monday morning when Gowrie told me about Prem, your trip and that she would be looking after me, I no longer wanted them around. So I called mum and dad.<br />

Wow! Im glad you wanted to change. But it had come too late for me, I thought bitterly. I hadnt had the benefit of talking to her about that. I had already started my absence and silence maneuver.
Concentrating on dragging the bags up the stairs relieved us from further discussion and anguish.
Upon entering the apartment, we went straight to our bedroom. I took off my jacket and flung it on the bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up for lunch. Kavi went to prepare the lunch with her mother.
After lunch, Kavis parents went for their afternoon nap. We went to our room to unpack my suitcases. I picked up the big suitcase to place it on the bed and Kavi reached over to move my jacket out of the way. As she pulled it out of the way, there was a light tinkling sound as something fell on the tiled floor. Kavi bent down to pick it up while I unzipped the suitcase. But she stayed motionless, bent down looking at the object.
Kavi, what is it? I asked walking over to her.
She slowly got up and looked at me. Tears were running down her face. She opened her hand to show me what she had found.
It was a womans gold earring. The type that had several linked pieces. It was Sunitas.
The blood drained from my face and my mouth felt dry. I stared at her and swallowed. I felt myself shivering.
C..c..confidence?she asked, slowly shaking her head, body racked by sobs.
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She reached out for my hand and placed the earring in my palm. She closed my fingers around it, making it into a fist. Then with both hands she clasped my fist. I could feel her shaking. She could feel me shaking.
Ww why am I crying? You ve left your re .
I.I'll I m happy you ve found someone else.
Kavi, I whispered hoarsely. I swallowed, my throat was parched. My pulse had risen and I was deafened by the sound of my heart beat.
Its not like that.. She had put her hand over my mouth cutting me off.
Shush.. She said as she sobbed. All this time I thought you werent man enough and;.and . I made that the most important thing in my life. I ..became blind. to everything else. But.I was getting tired.tired of my game. I was beginning to see..see you truly;. again the Taj Express weekend.. it it.was .so beautiful. Now, I..I guess you ve found someone someone. who isnt blind who gives you confidence.
With that she left the room.
I stood there with the earring in my fist. I had been caught red handed. I had felt like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car, transfixed, waiting for the death blow. Why? I had left my prison, hadn’t I? What difference did it make whether she knew or not? Hadn’t she just spent the last six and a half months with Prem and the other guys? How easily she gave her body to Vasant and Raja to spite me. Yes, I would always love her but I had made my move and I did have a great time with Sunita. I did arrange to move to another apartment. I was ready for her decision. Then why the fuck did it matter so much? Why did it hurt so much?
in prison, she held the key. Her reaction to finding the earring was like the classic heartbroken and cheated wife. There was no mistaking that, it was genuine pain. How ironic. Just the other day she was blatantly and brazenly fucking these other guys. Could I trust her? I had metaphorically left the door open. I wanted her to make a decision. I wanted to know if I really mattered enough to her. I wanted her to come back to me only if she really wanted to.
The earring wasnt a decisive point for me. She hadnt thought I was capable. It was just simple jealousy and shock. But it was one hell of an experience to be caught like that. I wasnt going to tell her anything. I wanted her to believe that I was satisfying someone else. I wanted her to hurt, to realize that she had really lost everything. Until she specifically indicated that she wanted to come back, I would simply continue with moving to the studio apartment. But in reality, I was very afraid that she wouldnt respond. That some kind of pride thing would stop her from asking to come back. What would I do if she didnt say anything? What if she just took it for granted that we would separate? Damn my pride!
Still shaking inside I went out. I realized that I was upset that I too had cheated. The guilt was killing me. I loved her too much.
She was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter top, arms folded, staring vacantly at the opposite wall, eyes still streaming. I reached for her face and gently caressed it, moving her hair away. I wiped away her tears and took her gently in my arms. She gripped me tightly and cried even more. I just hated seeing her in that state.
Lets have some tea, Im shaking inside I said as I gently pushed her away.
Me too, she replied.
We drank the tea in silence but both clearly felt better.
My mother in law walked in yawning.
Tea, thats a good idea. Youre both very quiet, whats up? She remarked.
Didnt want to disturb you. But Kavi is feeling a little apprehensive as we have to see the doctor one last time.I replied quickly.
Don t worry, dear. Manu is with you now. You know he ll take care of you she said.
Kavi just looked at me, our eyes met and she said Yes I know, ma.
Let me make the tea for you. It ll help me calm my nerves a little.
I thought it better to leave as quickly as possible before my mother in law guessed that there was another issue besides the doctor visit.
Kavi, we need to leave now, otherwise well be late. Sorry, ma.
We hurriedly freshened up in our bathroom and we went downstairs to the car. As we walked, I explained why I had to drop the charges against Prem and why I agreed to let Prem stay because Gowrie was pregnant.
I had to agree as I had no other choice regarding who could look after you. So, in the end, despite everything that had happened to me, the three of you would be back together, enjoying like old times in my apartment, eating my food. That was another reason why I didnt want to reply to your messages. I was angry. I did feel glad that I had moved out though. If I had known about your parents, it would have been different.
On my part, I knew you were very upset about me, the bang, everything said Kavi. As I said earlier, I did a lot of thinking and I didnt want Gowrie or Prem, especially Prem with me any more. It was an easy decision to call mum and dad. When you didnt respond to my messages, I knew you were angry. But when I discovered that there was no money in the Savings account, I began to really understand your plans.
Dont worry, Ill give you enough money to look after yourself. I just didnt want Prem to enjoy it. I said.
Kavi had become silent and had started to cry again.
We got in the car and drove towards the new apartments.
Are arent we going the wrong direction for the doctor? asked Kavi.
Yes, I replied. Im going to pick up the keys to my studio apartment first. Otherwise they ll be closed by the time we get back.
She turned to look out through her window. I could tell she was sobbing uncontrollably.
After doing the formalities I asked for a quick tour. It was on the top floor with nice views. The design was ultra modern compared to our old place. I was pleased.
Nice, very niceI said. “Until I find a larger place.
Kavi remained silent throughout.
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Kavita's Tale

Doctor Vanita was waiting for us when we got to her offices. She wanted to first close out the bang case and then spend time on the broader issues that were affecting us.
First, we are thankful that there was no penetration. But the fact that Kavi was going to be tied up for sex with two men that she had never been with terrified her. It is this trauma that I have worked on with Kavi. It will not be entirely overcome as it is linked with the overall situation regarding her long term inability to obtain sexual satisfaction.
I expect that Kavi has told you the details of exactly how she got into that situation? she asked me.
Yes but did you explain that I was not a cuckold as such? I replied.
Yes, of course. Manu, we spent quite a lot of time understanding her thoughts and actions.;
Kavi, can you explain to Manu how this started?
Yes. When I was at college, I discovered and enjoyed my sexuality. I had many partners but only one boyfriend, Prem or Amir. I was sexually very liberal compared to the other girls. With my good looks, I could choose any guy I liked at any time. They knew me as a good time girl, ready to have fun but gone in the morning. When my parents found out, all hell broke loose. As a compromise I agreed to an arranged marriage. Right after we got married I realized that Manu could not satisfy me entirely, we had to resort to cunnilingus. I longed for my college days when I was free to do as I liked. I looked at many men and many potential affairs. But I had made a promise to my parents, I had made my vows of marriage and I was not going to break them. I was glad to have Manu as my husband. I knew he fell in love with me the first time we met. We got on very well, he was very respectful and was always concerned about my well being, unlike many other husbands we knew. With his unfailing devotion and care, I grew to love him.
Manu had nothing to do with my past experience. It wasnt as though Manu had deliberately starved me of sex. He had no idea, no way of knowing how to satisfy my sexual cravings. He had never been with another woman. All he worried about was that he was sexually inadequate. So we just worked around that problem. However, while I lay there night after night, enjoying basically just cunnilingus and masturbation, the knowledge that there were men out there within easy reach that would gladly fuck me at the slightest nod, drove my lust off the scale. By the time we came back to Mumbai, my lust was at unimaginable heights. I struggled with my morals. Just the limited sex with Manu and the never ending masturbation using the internet and my toys kept me sane.
This is a classic and well known problem, Doctor Vanita explained. Prolonged sexual dissatisfaction or deprivation leads to such situations. Consequently, and very often, the women, and men, have affairs, especially with people that they know, like colleagues. We actually spend more time daily, interacting with our colleagues. Other people are people in their social circles, neighbors or nowadays via the internet. The internet, smartphones, social media, chat and video apps are a rising cause of infidelity in all age groups. Very often partners, parents and other close relatives have no idea what is going on. The privacy and immediacy afforded by these systems make people do things that they would not normally do, like exchanging intimate videos and pictures. These are often used for blackmail when one partner is no longer interested. Statistically, the risk of separation and divorce is very high in couples that have prolonged sexual dissatisfaction or little or no sex in their lives. So Kavi’s situation is not unique. You both should have sought professional help before all this. Please continue, Kavi
Thanks Dr Vanita. Im so glad it wasnt my old promiscuity that crept in.
In Mumbai, I got back into my circle of friends. I was able to go out with them and that helped offset my lust. During this time, Prem, my ex-boyfriend from college, began to suspect that there was an underlying frustration. Over a few weeks of phone calls and chat he understood my situation. He offered to fuck me many times but I refused. I couldnt cheat on Manu. I really loved him.
Finally, I figured out that the best solution would be if I could fuck other men at will with the full blessing of my husband. After all, I loved him for so many things, why jeopardize all that just for sex? I did a lot of research on men like Manu, their personalities, sexual preferences, their overall psychology.
I concentrated on Manus natural introvertedness and his feelings of sexual inadequacy. Along with sexual inadequacy went insecurity. A beautiful wife that he could not satisfy sexually, who frequently looked at other men with obvious lust, and other men who looked at her with obvious lust, led to a constant uncertainty as to when she would leave him, whether she was having affairs and whether she really loved him.
For Manu to willingly allow me to go with other men I had to make him realize that his sexual inadequacy was a result of deep rooted feminine characteristics. Once he accepted that, then he wouldnt mind me going with other men.
So I had to make him effeminate. A process that would take time and another, stronger man, the alpha male. The idea was that the alpha male would be so dominant that Manu would see the sharp contrast and gradually accept that he was effeminate and that he would have to share his wife with other men in order to keep her sexually satisfied.
I enlisted Prems help. He had to wait a while to get a posting in Mumbai. It was for seven months. So that was the time we had to convert Manu. As a body builder, Prem was immediately a sharp contrast to Manu.
An unexpected bonus was when Prem found out that Manu had masturbated over an old picture of me and Prem. We played mind games with Manu trying to convince him that he was a natural cuckold and effeminate. If accepted that he was a cuckold, then he would accept other men sleeping with me. So I started sleeping with Prem but left obvious clues for Manu to find like hearing us making love just before he arrived from work. Because of his introvertedness, he found it hard to confront me and Prem. I used this to make him believe that the reason was because he was a cuckold. Similarly, I used his masturbation outside our room while we had sex to emphasize that he got off to seeing his wife with other men. Wearing slutty clothes added to this. He would get excited seeing me in sexy clothes and would masturbate while watching me having sex, first with Prem and Gowrie and later with other men.
By staying in Prems room, I played on Manus love for me. He was terrified that I would leave him for Prem, even though that was never the intention. Manu was also terrified of me finding out about him masturbating over my old pictures with Prem. I played on that by questioning his love for me, that he was hiding something important from me. Admitting to the masturbation would be like admitting he was a cuckold. I refused to go back to sleeping with him in our bedroom until he decided to come clean. He loved me so much that seeing me sleeping with Prem in his room rather than in our room with him for weeks was driving him crazy. So much so that he confessed that he was a cross dresser, that he was effeminate, anything I wanted from him to be in order to get me to return to him. But he wouldnt talk about masturbating over my picture.
With Gowrie pregnant, I realized that Prem would have to spend more time with her. So I had to bring forward the next phase which was for Manu to get used to seeing me sleeping with other men, other than Prem. I think he had got used to Prem, so introducing other men and his acceptance of them would not be too difficult and would complete my plan. If things had gone to plan, I would have found a male friend that I was sexually interested in. Somebody that I could become familiar with over time.
Since that had not yet happened, I would have to find someone quickly. I didnt want to take the risk of bringing in strangers. So I had to find men that I was acquainted with but not in our social circle. Even though my aim was to get Manu used to the idea of being a cuckold, I was nervous about sleeping with other men that I didnt know well. At college I knew those guys. My plan was not to be able to sleep with random men but with certain well known male friends from time to time to fully satisfy myself, my sexual urges. So I turned to smoking ganja. This helped me over come my fears and enjoy myself. And Manu could enjoy himself watching me enjoy myself. A dual solution if you like.
With Prem beginning to spend weekends with Gowrie, I would have to go back to sleeping with Manu, raising his expectations that I would be returning to him. I would lose the leverage I had when Prem was around. Manu feared Prem and he had kept up the pressure on Manu to accept my plan. So I brought in Mangal and John. I believed that the more often Manu saw me with other men, the sooner he would accept my plan. In the long run, the men would actually be friends that we both knew. It was all about making him accept before Prem had to leave.
The incident at the gym destroyed my plans. I was angered by Manus furtiveness, his spying and wanted to punish him. Having sex with Vasant and Raja would accomplish that as well as another opportunity for him to see me with other men. The fact that I was dealing with two men made me apprehensive but the ganja helped overcome that.
I think my plans actually started to go awry during the Taj Express weekend. With Prem away, I had to spend the whole weekend with Manu as man and wife. His invitation to see the show, to be going out together, was out of the blue and excited me. Something I hadnt felt for a while. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I saw and felt his love and all my resolve melted away. It felt strangely refreshing to be with him. Later, when we made love, I couldnt believe the change in him. I had never enjoyed sex with him so much. I reluctantly went back to the old set up when Prem returned. I just couldn;t forget the wonderful time with Manu.
That Friday, when Prem left for the weekend, I knew that I had to get back on track as I was so close. I needed to continue to bring in the men. In the mall that evening I chanced by my hairdresser’s and was chatting to John. I realized that he would do for that evening. I wandered around the mall until they closed and asked John to drop me home. Unfortunately, Manu got rid of Jon before we could do anything.
Later, he wouldnt let me sleep with him. I realized that in Prems absence, Manu was becoming bolder with me. The previous weekend had obviously given him hopes about us and he got rid of John quickly. He was acting in a protective way. It angered me that he seemed to take charge, even refusing to let me sleep with him. He had longed for me to come back and sleep with him and suddenly he was refusing me. I remember feeling very angry at being denied. That was what led to the incident at the gym the next morning.
Anyway, while in hospital I reflected on everything that had happened. The bang attack emphasized the dangers with propositioning other men. Once aroused they would have their way whether you liked it or not. It could be very dangerous for me and Manu. I recalled our Taj Express weekend and realized how much I enjoyed Manus company and how much he had changed in bed. I decided that I wanted my old life with Manu back.
Unfortunately, it was too late as Manu had decided to protect himself. He couldt afford to take a risk in case I actually left him. I had played so well that he no longer trusted me. Now I have nothing left. No Prem, no Gowrie, no Manu, nowhere to live. I will probably go back to my parents once Manu and I sort out things here.
Kavi, thank you for your honesty&quot;, said Dr Vanita. &quot;It was brave of you to explain everything. I want to emphasize again that all your current problems are because you both had a mutual problem and didnt seek professional help. At that time there could have been simple solutions for you try. And Manu now knows what to do. He used that to excellent effect during the Taj Express weekend. Kavis reaction is not unexpected under the circumstances and we have plenty of statistics to support her actions.
Though much has happened, you are lucky in that you are still together. You can still talk about it, try some ideas, you still have chances to save your relationship. You ve both learned things about yourselves and each other. You both still love each other. Why squander the opportunity?
Dr Vanita, you are right in that we do have another chance. I said. I now understand why she did this. I agree that we both share the responsibility for not dealing with it earlier. But the problem for me now is that the trust between us has been broken. That might not be repairable.
That evening, we went out to a movie and dinner. I couldnt face my in-laws over dinner at home while my thoughts were churning. Kavis long face would only invite questions. Going out would provide distractions.
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Tears of Happiness, Tears of Sorrow.

When I announced that we would be going to a movie, Kavis parents were over the moon.
Baba, we havent been to a movie in years! her mum said. Her dad was looking at me. He nodded his head in a knowing way and gave me wink.
Ya, we used to have so much fun! he said. Great idea! Im fed up of being cooped up here.
I looked at Kavi. She was trying not to grin.
In the movie, the women sat between the men. Kavi and I kept ourselves to each other and concentrated on the movie. As the lights came on for the interval, I was shocked to see Kavis father taking his hand out of her mothers lap and she taking her hand out of his lap. Kavi had noticed too. We both looked away in embarrassment. As we walked to get some drinks, Kavis father stopped and gave me a strong hug.
Thanks for bringing us here. It brings back so many memories. Why are you and Kavi so stiff? Come on, have some fun!
I couldnt find words to reply. I was so astonished at his boldness.
Sure, dad. Sure, I said with a nervous smile.
Later, during the second half of the movie, I put my arm around Kavis shoulders. I looked across at Kavis father. He winked at me, as he reached across to his wife.
What are you doing? Kavi whispered.
At the movies with my wife!; I whispered back, my nose buried in her hair.
She moved her hand across and let it rest on my thigh. My cock twitched immediately. Shit! It was like old times!
Parents are enjoying too. Enjoy the movie I whispered.
After what I would call a memorable movie experience, we went to a nearby restaurant for dinner. It turned out to be also an enjoyable affair. The parents were in a great mood after the movie. Kavi and I just tried to keep up. In the middle of all the frivolity, my phone beeped. It was a message from the CEO. He wanted me to go to London as soon as possible. Duration unknown. When I announced the news, it immediately put a damper on things.
Kavis mother was very concerned that she would be on her own again.
Shes just recovered. After we leave on Sunday, she'll be on her own again. Take her with you. Please baba. She reached across and held my hand as she spoke. Kavi face had already fallen to the floor.
It&s a business trip. I'll be busy all day and night. I said.
Nonsense! Kavis father cut in. You re in charge. When you get there, find her something to do in the background. She is an IT graduate, dont forget. Two sets of eyes will be more useful. She can assist you in all sorts of ways just like a personal assistant! In the evening, explore London together. Itll keep you out of mischief. And dont worry about the ticket. I ll take care of he said with a smile.
Alright. I said with a sigh. Let me check a few things first. I cant just turn this into a family event!
Kavi had visibly perked up at that.
On the way back to the apartment, there were all kinds of discussions about what to do in London. I played along as best as I could. We all retired in a happy frame of mind.
I felt awkward sleeping with Kavi. The last time it had been three weeks ago. Right now I had to continue with my absence and silence plan. Having a good time diminished the effect. We lay there silently for a while. I finally got up and went to lie down on the sofa. A few minutes later, Kavi showed up and stood by the sofa.
Why are you here?, she whispered.
Ive finished my acting for the day, I replied. I would have been in my own apartment if your parents hadnt been here.
She stood there staring at me. Then she grabbed my hand and pulled me up.
Well, my parents are still here. You have to continue the act. We have to sleep together or else there will be questions.
I gave up.
Back in our bed, it was difficult not to cuddle.
Dads booked flights for Sunday morning. Lets continue till theyre gone. Please dont destroy their happiness.
, I replied. Instinct took over and I turned to her and gave her a hug and a good night kiss on her forehead. I rolled back and dropped off to sleep almost instantly. Time zones always played havoc with my sleep.
When I woke up it was still very early as my body clock was still on Dubai time. Kavi was fast asleep. I wondered if it was the medication. I crept into the bathroom and quietly did my business.
As I was making the tea, I heard my in-laws walk in.
Namaste beta. Couldnt sleep? said my father in law with a wink and a grin.
Jet lag I replied.
My mother in law took over and started the breakfast.
With all the clattering in the kitchen, it was only a matter of time before Kavi joined us.
I couldnt sleep last night. I was just tossing and turning she said.
Some of those medicines can have that effect replied her father, still grinning.
Breakfast was all about planning the day. For Kavi and me it was all about keeping up appearances. Shopping in the morning for various relatives, lunch, nap and then some general sightseeing. Unlike some men, my father in law was an avid shopper. There was no chance of backing out.
After lunch at the mall, we returned for an afternoon nap. Kavi was totally exhausted after her sleepless night.
I sat in deep thought in front of the TV. Kavi seemed much happier even though it was forced on us by her parents. What would I do after they left on Sunday morning? Stay on and hope for Kavi to open up and tell me what she wanted to do or stick to my plan to move to my studio apartment and wait? No doubt that we needed to sit down and seriously discuss our situation. Even though I had no intention of separating, she needed to come forward and tell me in her own words what she wanted, how to build up the trust. I wanted us to have a second chance. The last thing I wanted was another episode of unsatisfied sexual urges. I felt that that was unlikely as she had learnt an important lesson, plus I now had some training under my belt! Nevertheless, there was still going to be some uncertainty and questions about trust. But Rome wasnt built in a day, as they say. Time would tell and we would consult Dr Vanita if necessary.
We spent the rest of the day and evening touring the various sites. It was an early night for all as the in laws had an early morning flight on Sunday. Due to the time zones I was totally zonked and fell asleep quickly.
I woke up in the early morning. Almost 4.30 am. I was still on Dubai time. Kavi was not there. I got up and wandered over to the sofa in the sitting room. As I suspected she was sleeping there. Probably couldnt sleep and left the bedroom to avoid waking me with her tossing and turning. The afternoon nap didnt help either, I guessed. I gently shook her awake and helped her walk groggily to the bedroom. At least it would be more comfortable. I sat down at the dining table with my laptop and caught up with email and reviewed the Dubai clients new acquisitions in the U.K.
Later, when we dropped her parents off at the airport, Kavi seemed particularly distressed, alternately clinging on to her dad and then her mum. She definitely seemed apprehensive.
Look after Kavi, wont you? Kavis mother said as she hugged me.
Of course, you know me. I spoil her all the time I said lightly.
Dont forget to enjoy yourselves. And figure out how you can take Kavi with you to London Kavis father said.
Kavi just couldnt seem to let go of her parents. After a rather prolonged goodbye, we drove back towards our apartment.
Why dont we do all the food shopping now while we re out? I suggested.
Kavi simply nodded her head and looked out of her window.
Youll feel alright once we get back and have some tea I joked.
Much later, we staggered into the kitchen loaded with shopping bags. There were things scattered all over the kitchen floor and counter top. I decided that a cup of tea was the priority. It would also perk up Kavi.
We spent almost an hour of slow tea drinking and stiff one sided conversation mainly about my London trip. I was waiting for her to say something, anything that would give me an excuse to stay. My pulse was quickening and I had begun to stammer a little. Finally, I decided to make a move.
I went to our bedroom and repacked by bags and placed them near the front door and went searching from Kavi. She was no longer in the sitting room. I found her sitting in the guest bedroom, staring at the floor. She slowly stood up as I came in.
i'll call the lawyer tomorrow and find out when he can see us I said, walking slowly towards the front door. Kavi followed me silently. I knew how sad she was. Again I felt my pulse rate rise, hoping she would say something. I had been getting worried by her lack of resistance to my plan to move out. It was definitely strange. It was as though she felt it was futile. As though some decision point had been passed.
Out of habit I gave her a hug.
Take care, Kavi I said, giving her a peck on her forehead.
She didnt let me go. With her right hand she slowly caressed my face, looking intently at my eyes. Her left hand was entwined in my right hand. Her eyes moved to one eye then the other as if studying them minutely. Emotions seemed to come and go on her face. Above all I registered a look of resignation, helplessness and sadness. Tears filled her eyes as she tried to smile.
I can never never. say how how sorry I am. She said painfully. My heart was gripped in pain as I listened and tears rolled down my face. I was still hoping that she would say something, like please dont go, I want you by my side, anything. My resolve was weakening rapidly. I would wait a day and come back. Take her to London with me. This absence and silence plan was killing me. Why wasnt she asking me to take her back?
No, I had to go through this. I had to demonstrate that I wasnt the old Manu, so blindly in love, always ready to do anything for her. I remembered that a few weeks ago in the depths of my misery, I had been ready to drink poison to get her back from Prem. It was that part of me that got exploited. I was not going back to that old me despite my love for her. Surely she understood that? I had told her that I planned to be away for a couple of weeks only so that she could make a decision. Why hadnt she decided? May be she had decided, decided to stay away. But absolutely nothing about her demeanor gave that impression. If anything, it was obvious that she was unhappy. Unhappy about me leaving her or unhappy with what she had done. Probably both.
You look after yourself, OK?she said finally. I couldnt bear to look at her any longer. I held her for a moment longer, then picked up my bags and turned towards the stairs.
It was a short drive to my studio apartment, barely fifteen minutes through the usual traffic. When I got in, I realized that I needed to buy a few things, bedding, towels, toiletries, tea, milk, etc. I had forgotten that it wasnt going to be fully furnished. There was no bed. I would have to sleep on the sofa.
I cursed at my plan. All this hassle for what? Exasperated, I called Kavi. It would be easier just to pick up things from her place. Her place? That didnt sound right. It went to voice mail. I left a message saying I was coming back for some things and that I would use my key if she was out somewhere. Then I called the land line phone in case her mobile was in her handbag. He ringer was barely audible when the phone was inside her bag. Again there was no response. Was she in the bathroom or had she gone out? Why would she go out? We had just done a massive amount of shopping. It hadnt been half an hour since I had left her. Strange.
I hurried to my car and drove over. I rang the door bell a few times but there was no response. I thought she must have gone somewhere. Why not? May be to see one of her friends in the block? May be just something we forgot in our shopping? I didnt like that. Hell! I was the one that moved out. Why should I be concerned about where she went? Was I being possessive? Or was it really jealousy? Jealousy in case her friend turned out to be a man? Yes, it was jealousy. I wanted her back. I couldnt bear to think of her with someone else. Damn!
I selected the front door key from my key ring and inserted it into the lock. When I pushed open the door the place looked empty. As I stepped inside and walked to wards the sitting area, I stopped in my tracks. My blood turned cold and I felt my hair stand on end, my skin turned goose pimply.
Kavi was lying on the floor and in front of the sofa with what looked like torn bed sheets twisted around her neck and blood on the tiled floor by her head. The other end of the sheets were wrapped around the ceiling fan which was also on the floor. The side table was smashed and there was glass everywhere.
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A Second Chance<

I was in total shock. I stood rooted to the spot. I felt cold but my hands were sweaty. I started to shiver. I was terrified that she might be dead. What to do? A sense of panic descended on me. I had to do something. I forced myself to move. I had never felt so scared in my life and tears rolled down my face. I started reciting prayers out loud. That seemed to calm me down a little. I was aware that my breathing was shallow and rapid, I was hyperventilating.
I knew I had to first check for a pulse. Breathe deeply I told myself. As I sucked in deeply, the air wooshed in through my nostrils. I picked up an arm and tried to feel for a pulse on her wrist but I couldnt be sure. Panic! Where else? I tried the other arm, same result. Was I doing this right? Oh shit! Oh shit! I was sobbing uncontrollably now. Then I remembered her breast, her heart. I was all thumbs as I tried to push my hand under her blouse and bra. It was all wrong, I didnt know what I was supposed to feel. I put my ear to her heart but my own pulse was thundering away in my head.
I looked at her face in despair. I had started to sob out loudly. My tears were making vision difficult. My whole body was wracked with sobs. Breathe deeply, I told myself. Then I remembered that I hadnt yet called for an ambulance.

I got up and called the emergency number and asked for an ambulance.
Then I called Dr Vanita.
I tried to explain what had happened but in my near hysterical condition, it was difficult for her to understand. She was in the shopping mall.
“Keep taking deep breaths and try to calm down otherwise youll be useless she said.
After I finally managed to explain. She asked me to send her a picture of Kavi.
Send me a picture of how she is lying. I'll be there in ten minutes.
I sat down by Kavi and picked up her hand and kissed it. I looked down upon her. She had worn that black and red sari, the one she wore to the Taj Express show. She had worn it for me, to remember her by. I wiped my tears away as I looked at the sari remembering that weekend.
The dashes of red against the black just gave it a modern sophisticated look.
As I looked, it suddenly struck me that the sari seemed to move a little. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and stared intently at her chest. Yes, it was moving up and down but the movement was slight. She had to be breathing! I was ecstatic and tears of joy sprung from my eyes.
I went back to her wrist. This time I felt for her pulse in one spot then moved to another across her wrist and another. Then finally, on the edge nearest to her thumb I felt something. I held my breath and pressed down on her wrist firmly. Yes! Yes! There was a pulse! I bent down and gently kissed her lips and whispered Forgive me.
Then I looked for the source of the blood. There was nothing obvious I could see. Her head didnt seem to have any cuts. There was nothing on her body. So I gently lifted her by her left shoulder and I saw a gash and a piece of glass from the side table. It was flowing freely and pooling around her head and shoulders. I grabbed a few towels from the bathroom and placed them underneath her. Her body weight would keep the flow down.
Now I understood why she it had been so hard for her to say goodbye to her parents, why she had held me before I left for the studio apartment. It was meant to be her last goodbye.
Dr Vanita arrived before the ambulance. She examined Kavi briefly.
Well, the pulse is weak but steady. The hospital will need to do a full check up, especially the head injuries and it looks like the bleeding has stopped. Hopefully she ll regain consciousness soon. There doesn seem to be any visible neck and throat injuries. You must have got here pretty soon after she fell.
Yes I replied. I was gone probably forty minutes max.
Then she stepped back and took in the whole scene.
Looks like she was trying to use the side table to reach the fan. The fan couldnt support her weight and she fell back on to the side table. I looked up at the ceiling. There wasnt much damage. I could see just the electrical cords. The support had simply ripped right out. If she fell sideways, then her body would have fallen on the sofa first. I suspect that is the case as there are no visible injuries to her head. I would have expected quite a gash if her head had hit the tiled floor from that height.
Help me remove the sheet she said. Kavi had cut the sheet in long strips and had braided them.
As far as we are concerned, you came in and found her on the floor. She must have tried to fix the fan and fell off. Do you understand? said Dr Vanita.
I looked at her for a moment with a questioning look on my face.
Attempted suicide is still illegal. You can be imprisoned for a year. They are trying to change this but whomever attempts suicide will need to undergo mental treatment, which could be like a jail sentence.
And dont forget the social stigma for the two of you.
I just nodded. What a fucking mess my absence and silence had caused, I thought, furious at myself. Why didnt I think of this? I already knew that her behavior was odd. Why didnt I join the dots? Why didnt I discuss it with her? She had made an assumption when she had found the money gone and I hadnt made any effort to change her understanding. I continued sobbing softly as I sat beside her, caressing her face. Dr Vanita sat beside me, in a hug, as she tried to console me.
The ambulance arrived and the technicians carried out their checks and revived her.
Sorry, Manu. Sorry was all she said with tears in her eyes. I kissed her forehead and held her hand.
Shush! No need to talk now I said.
As we went down the stairs, curious neighbors looked at us. I avoided their stares.
When we got to the hospital, Dr Vanita took care of everything. She liaised with the Emergency Room doctors and nurses and made sure the paperwork was to her liking. Then we waited while they did the X-rays and CAT scans.
Theyll do a thorough check up but I made sure they didnt look too closely at her throat. I distracted them by making a fuss with the cut on her shoulder. If, as I suspect, the sofa broke her fall, then she ll just be bruised. We still need to wait for the CAT scan though.
After a several hours, Kavi was released. She just needed to take pain killers for the bruising and the shoulder cut. We drove back to the apartment. Dr Vanita helped support Kavi as we slowly made our way up the stairs.
We sat Kavi down on the sofa while I cleaned up the mess and Dr Vanita made some tea.
I sat down next to Kavi while the doctor sat across from us.
What happened, Kavi? Dr Vanita asked. The last time we met I thought you two were going to discuss a plan going forward?
Yes, I was but my parents were here. So we didnt have time to discuss much.
After our discussion on Friday in your office, I felt that a load had been taken off my shoulders. I had explained why I did what I did. I explained how I changed after the bang incident. I had never stopped loving Manu but I understood it didnt appear that way.
Once I figured out that he was probably planning to leave me, I waited nearly two weeks for him, waiting in silence, telling my parents lies, hoping against hope that he would stay, dying a little each day with the uncertainty.
Why was it necessary for him to move out? she continued. Why was it so necessary for me to make a decision on my own without him here? Wasnt it obvious that I wanted to stay with him? I was the guilty one, I was the one repenting, I was waiting for him here, I had nowhere else to go. I understood his silence when he was in Dubai but why didnt he want to be with me in Mumbai, in our own apartment? If he actually moved out, it would mean that it was all over for me. Even though he said that he still loved me, his actions didnt. In fact, the decision was his to make.
What bothered me a lot was finding that earring in Manus jacket. That, along with his plan to move out to that Studio apartment could only mean the worst. Finding that earring was a tremendous shock. A terrible blow.
I visibly flinched when she said that. That hurt so much. I cursed myself. I should have told her it had been only a moments indiscretion. That there was nothing more.
The earring? questioned Dr Vanita. Never mind. Continue your train of thought. We'll come back to the earring later.
It may be hypocritical but I couldnt bear the thought of him with some other woman. I would rather die than see him with another woman. Despite what I had done, I loved him more than ever. I knew I had no right to but I did. I have never felt a more powerful longing for him than those days he was in Dubai, when he had sentenced me to silence.
After I found the earring, I concluded that he had found someone else and was waiting for me to figure it out and release him. I think he would have felt guilty if he had decided to leave me. After all he had been so desperate to have me back from Prem. As the guilty party, it wasnt my place to ask questions, to create a fuss. I needed to keep my head down and pray that he would stay. I had to hide my terror of the impending doom from my parents. So I remained silent.
With my parents here, we were forced to keep up appearances. Despite everything, it was obvious that we were all having a good time. It was nice to be able to go with my parents. They were fun to be with. We both enjoyed it. I didnt want to spoil it by bringing up the subject of moving out. I felt that he wanted to be free of me, free of having to see me every day, knowing what I had done. My guilt was inescapable. I was at his mercy.
In your office Manu said that the problem was how to rebuild trust. If he was not going to stay with me to try to rebuild our relationship, what else was there? You cant build trust by yourself. My hopes grew dim.
When Sunday came and he still hadnt said anything about not moving out, I knew it was all over. By moving out I understood that he had already decided what he wanted to do.. and that was not to stay with me.
On our way to the airport to drop my parents, I decided to end it. It would be a neat solution to the disgrace I had brought upon Manju. Without Manu, I wasnt interested in whatever life still had to offer me.
Dr Vanita turned to me, Manu, tell me about the earring.
yes I replied. was with a call girl in Dubai. That was her earring.
There was deathly silence. Both Kavi and Dr Vanita stared at me, their mouths hanging open.
I had a lot of work pressure, I was emotionally stressed about Kavi, I was angry, I was fed up of the endless dinners and lunches with the clients. I wanted some time to myself. On the first Friday there I roamed around by myself. On the Saturday, I was feeling lonely. I called an escort agency and she came. She only did that work part time. Her full time job was in the travel agency business. When we were in my room, we got disturbed by a text message from Kavi. I felt guilty and sent her away. However, the following week, the night before I left, she showed up unannounced and wanted to finish what I had paid her for. By that time the days of silence with Kavi had taken their toll. I was emotionally exhausted and she was very nice and caring. Im sorry, really sorry but I succumbed. I felt terrible when you found the earring. I cheated on you.
Why didnt you tell me? asked Kavi.
I looked at the floor and didnt answer immediately.
I wanted to hurt you before I took you back. I wanted you to come to me and ask to be taken back. Somehow that was important to me. In a way it was my way of punishing you. I expected you to say something when I came back from Dubai. But you didnt. I had hoped that you would bring it up during the weekend but you didn&t. When I left to go to the studio apartment I thought you would ask me not to go but you didnt.
Im sorry Kavi. Please forgive me. My pride kept me wanting to hear something from you. I should have just sat down with you after your parents had left. I;m so sorry.
Well, as I said before, you two need to sit down and discuss your issues. said Dr Vanita. “There are many things you can do before you take drastic action. Very often its the anger that stops people from talking, that causes them to walk away. Never walk away. Because it is like shutting the door to any possible opportunity to reconcile. Vent your anger and then start talking.
What Ive heard from both of you is how much you love each other. That is a great starting point for a new beginning. Manu, I think you can trust a woman who is prepared to die rather than live without you. Don't you?
Yes. Yes, of course. When will she be fit to travel? I asked.
Oh, in about two to three days at most. Why?replied Dr. Vanita
Im taking her with me on a business trip to London. I leaned over and kissed Kavis lips gently.
She had started to cry. Tears of joy for a change.


Writer;s Note
Many thanks to Dr Vanita for all her medical help and support. Thanks also to Mangal who trained Manu in marital arts as well as martial arts, and to Sunita for helping Manu rebuild his confidence and confirm what a decent guy he is.
Manu is now a VP, based in London, responsible for their Dubai client with operations in the Middle East and Europe. Kavi works part time running their London office. Part time because Manu used Mangals methods extensively and Kavi is now happily pregnant.
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[+] 1 user Likes Ramesh_Rocky's post
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It was great story. Thanks Ramesh for sharing such a wonderful story
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Nice story
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Great ending bro.....
It was a emotional story... And u end it with your extraordinary talent... All found with proper logic and matching natural...
Now, I also feel good for manu.. Yes.. He is now a real hero. In first part of story it was seem that he is a bloody ass hole...

Thank you again to repay respect the Manu's character...
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done - bore
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Good story
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Worst ending. Cuck manu dont have any luck to fuck. Kavi definitely deserve a REAL MAN and not a wimp.
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More than this ending is not possible
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This is the excellent ending of story
[+] 1 user Likes Paty@123's post
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