09-03-2023, 04:51 PM
wow, nice post, wanting more
09-03-2023, 04:51 PM
wow, nice post, wanting more
10-03-2023, 09:42 AM
I had no idea what I was in for. I had no idea what I would have to do, have to go through, to keep my marriage afloat. I had no idea what I'd have to endure to survive the wrath that was about to unfold.
"You're kidding? I just got back." Priya said into the phone. I hadn't paid attention to the phone conversation Priya was having up to this point. I was lost in my thoughts. I looked at Kareena, and noticed her studying Jacqueline, sizing her up. I watched her sneer, as if she thought Jacqueline didn't measure up to her. "Katrina, can it wait? I literally just walked in the door." Priya whined. Then, Kareena was looking at me, holding my gaze, and her fury was communicated through her eyes. She was pissed, more pissed than I had ever seen her. Her eyes were burning a hole in me and her hands were on her hips. And damn she had never looked sexier. God, that anger, that bitchy attitude, and her perfect body, it just fucking did it for me in a deep, unexplainable way. She had never looked angrier, and in that moment, I had never wanted to fuck her more. "Fine! I'll be there soon. Yeah, I know. I, uh, yeah, I do. Thanks." Priya hung up the phone. "Well, this is just lovely." We all looked to Priya. "I have to go into work. There was a big break in the case and they need me there." Priya said, clearly annoyed. "How long are you gonna be gone? I just got here." Jacqueline asked. "I don't know. Probably past dinner." Priya said. "Sorry, I really wanted to just chill out tonight, Jacqueline. We'll have to talk later. I have to get ready. Kareena, maybe Jacqueline can give you a ride home, or Gaurav. Sorry." "No." Kareena replied, her voice barely controlled, her anger barely hidden. "I might hang here. Relax a little bit." "Oh, uh, okay, whatever." Priya replied , a bit surprised but unsuspicious. "I might hang out as well. Maybe ask Gaurav more advice about boys." Jacqueline asked. "Oh, cool. Okay. Yeah, just hang out as long as you want, I guess." Priya said, blindly trusting of both her sister, and her best friend. And her husband. My wife had no second-thoughts about leaving me alone with two big-titted, filthy sluts. She didn't suspect a thing. "Okay, I've got to get changed." "I'm sorry you've got to go in, babe." I told her, knowing her presence was the one of the only things standing in the way of Kareena's fury. "Me too, hon." Priya said, smiling sadly as she headed back to the bedroom to change. "So, Jacqueline, this boyfriend of yours... Ranbir, is it? I've scouted out some of Gaurav's coworkers, so which Ranbir did you end up with? The fat one or the sixty year old?" Kareena asked, practically dripping with contempt. "Oh, uh, I think he's relatively new. Trust me, he's not fat, and he's not old." Jacqueline replied quickly, trying to keep up the act, trying to keep the peace with Kareena. I realized that Jacqueline was treating Kareena the same as always. She didn't know about Kareena and me. She hadn't figured it out yet. She was just biding her time, waiting to get me alone. Waiting for Kareena to leave. "You know, Kareena, I think there's a bus stop down the road. You can get a ride home from there, I'm guessing." Jacqueline replied. "My boyfriend bought me a fucking sports car. He bought me huge fucking house. I don't need to ride the bus." Kareena replied. "And judging by your car, your boyfriend doesn't like you as much as mine likes me." "Oh, I'm sure he'll buy me something nice in due time." Jacqueline replied, looking around the room and glancing at me as she did. "So, call up this boyfriend, I'm sure he'll pick you up." she added, sickeningly sweet. "Oh, I'm not going..." Kareena began. "Alright guys, I'm going." Priya interrupted, entering the living room, dressed in her work clothes and carrying her briefcase. "Sorry I gotta go, hon. I'll call you once I figure out when I'm gonna get home." "Okay, dear." I said, giving her a peck on the lips. But I was so distracted that I could barely focus on her. The tension was building between Jacqueline and Kareena, and I knew it would explode as soon as Priya left. "See you later." "Bye guys." Priya said, maintaining a positive attitude despite her annoyance at having to leave. "Bye." Jacqueline replied. Kareena remained silent. Seconds later, the door clicked shut, and Priya zoomed away, off to work for the rest of the day, leaving me alone, with Kareena and Jacqueline. The room was silent, and the tension was clear to all three of us. Kareena looked at me and Jacqueline, and Jacqueline looked between Kareena and myself. I was looking back between the two, unsure of what would happen next. Finally, the silence was broken. "You seriously fucked this skank?!" Kareena screamed out, causing us both to jump. "Uh..." I stammered. Jacqueline was confused. "Wait, what?" she asked, stepping back. "I'm not stupid, you dumb bitch!" Kareena replied, sneering at her. "You made it fucking obvious! My sister might be too stupid to notice, but I'm not!"
10-03-2023, 11:55 AM
Jacqueline was taken aback that Kareena had figured it out, that she had sussed out the truth. Her confident attitude had vanished. She looked like she was about to deny it, when finally, she let the veneer drop.
"Alright, bitch. That's right. I did fuck Gaurav. And it was incredible." Jacqueline replied, her attitude going from perky and peppy to silky and evil. "And what are you going to do about it? Tell Priya? That's fine, then I'll have him all to myself." "Is that right? Do you really think that's what's gonna happen? Are you sure?" Kareena said, moving towards Jacqueline, on the offensive. Kareena approached, like a lawyer badgering a witness on the stand, and Jacqueline stepped back. Jacqueline stepped back, her eyebrows scrunched, as if trying to figure out what Kareena was hinting at. This went on for a few moments, as Kareena looked down at Jacqueline smugly. Then, it clicked. "You fucked Gaurav too." Jacqueline whispered. "That's right bitch! I got to him first. I did all the legwork. I corrupted him. I took him, and made him mine! I made him into a sex-crazed beast. You just got my sloppy seconds. You swooped in once I was gone, when he was easy pickings." Kareena said, looking at me. "I turned him into an animal. He's the monster I created. I should have known he would need to slake his hunger." "How could you fuck this slut? She's just a huge bitch." Jacqueline replied, turning to me. I was silent and wide-eyed, unsure of what to do without pissing either of them off. "I, I, I..." I stammered. "Don't think you're getting out of this scot-free, Gaurav." Kareena said. "I told you to keep it in your pants while I was gone. There are consequences to fucking the first whore who waves her tits in your face that's not me." "Mmm, I did a lot more than that. He wasn't that easy to bring down." Jacqueline replied, unwittingly defending me. "I had to do just as much work as you did." "No you fucking didn't, slut." Kareena said. "I stole him behind my sister's back. You picked him off as he was waiting with blue-balls. All that cum he gave to you was meant for me." "Hmm, that's not what he was saying to me. He was saying his cum belongs to me now. Not anyone else." Jacqueline replied. "Is that right? Hm, a man will tell a terrible lay anything just to end things. Right Gaurav?" Kareena said. "Oh, trust me honey, it was no lie. I own his dick now." Jacqueline replied. "You rented his dick for the week! The owner has returned, and she's kicking you to the curb." Kareena said. "He may have fucked you first, but if he was truly satisfied with you, he wouldn't have fucked me." Jacqueline replied. "Bitch, I was a thousand miles way. That's the only way you had a shot with him. And, look at you, bitch. You've got nothing on me." Kareena replied, standing tall. "Well, he was telling me my ass was the greatest thing he had ever felt." Jacqueline replied confidently. "But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you, you fucking ice-queen?" "Oh, honey," Kareena said condescendingly, "I've been doing anal since I was 16. And besides, Gaurav is more of a tit-man anyway. So, why would he go with you when he could have these?" Kareena said, cupping her giant breasts. "Well, he never mentioned your tits when he was fucking my ass! He was too busy squeezing mine." Jacqueline said. "Well, he never mentioned your ass when he was squeezing my tits an hour ago." Kareena replied. "And he didn't mention your tits when he was about to fuck my ass ten minutes ago." Jacqueline argued. "But it's not your ass he's staring at right now, is it?" Kareena rebuked. Both women turned to look at me. I looked up. "So, Gaurav, which do you prefer?" Kareena began, "Jacqueline's favorite body part, her own butthole, or my huge, massive soft, perky, tits?" "Do you prefer the tightest, tiniest, sexiest hole that squeezes the cum out of your cock, or her overinflated, no-doubt-to-be-saggy-in-five years tits?" Jacqueline replied.
10-03-2023, 02:47 PM
I was frozen watching these two argue. I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth to speak.
"Uh..." I began. "You know, there's no fucking argument." Kareena interrupted. "This is a ridiculous conversation. This fucking princess doesn't know half of what I do." "You wanna bet?" Jacqueline replied, turning to face Kareena again. "Name it and I've done it." Kareena dared her. "Fine!" Jacqueline replied. "You done a three-way?" "Ha!" Kareena replied. "The real question is how many three-ways have I done. You?" "Yeah. A ton. I did one like a month ago." Jacqueline answered. "You done a black guy?" "Yeah. A bunch of times." Kareena answered. "Ha. I've done more than simply a 'a bunch'." Jacqueline replied quickly. "Good for you." Kareena snarled. "You fucked a girl? Like, one-on-one. Not in a threesome" Jacqueline asked. "Honey, a slut like me doesn't get very far without eating some pussy." Kareena stated. "Yeah, that's true." Jacqueline agreed. "Hon, this is the basics. I hope this stuff isn't the nastiest shit you've done, cause then you're a nun compared to me." Kareena said with a laugh. Jacqueline paused, wracking her brain. Then, something popped into her mind. "I gave my cousin a blowjob when at my graduation party." Jacqueline said proudly. "I'm fucking my brother-in-law." Kareena responded obviously. "But technically, he's not..." Jacqueline said. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Kareena said, waving her off. "Think my ex-boyfriend's Dad got more action in my dorm room with me than he did." Jacqueline said. "You think you're the first woman to do that?" Kareena asked. "His dad was an abstinence advisor at the local church." Jacqueline responded. Kareena paused and nodded, her anger momentarily dissipating. "Not bad, not bad." Kareena admitted. "One time, I convinced this young, hot youth pastor to eat my asshole." "Really?" Jacqueline responded with a nod, kind of impressed. "Check this out. I fucked the prom king on prom night in the prom queen's bed." "That's... pretty good." Kareena said, "One time, I convinced my best friend in high college's dad to give me half of her college fund so he could play with my tits. Guess who went from the Ivy league to the community college!" Kareena said with a laugh. "Okay, that is actually pretty awesome." Jacqueline admitted. "What'd you spend it on?" "Clothes. Diamonds. Underwear. It always turned me on, all the money he made working overtime to pay for college for his sweet little daughter paid for the tiny string running between the cheeks off my hot ass." Kareena said wistfully. "Oh, I got a good one. I convinced this one guy to give me a winning lottery ticket for one night with me." Jacqueline said. "How much was it worth?" Kareena asked. "It was only like ten grand." Jacqueline answered. Kareena nodded, impressed. I watched this interaction, frozen in place, watching them compete to see who the bigger slut was. But as this went on, the tone of the conversation softened slightly and became less harsh, and it seemed as if they were just trading notes now. I watched as this continued. "How did I not know you were such a skank?" Kareena asked. "I have a pretty good eye for this thing." "Trust me, the best way to get close to a guy is to be the peppy, perky, friendly girly girl. Women don't suspect a thing as when I talk to their man, and their men don't know they're gonna fuck me till it's too late to escape." Jacqueline explained. "I don't mess with any of that bullshit. I play fast and hard. When I set my sights on you, you know it and you can't stop it." Kareena explained. She paused then added. "When did you fuck him? This last week, right, cause I know he wasn't doing you while I was around. There's no way he had any ammo left." "Yeah, as soon as you and Priya left, I came over and fucked his brains out." Jacqueline explained. "You couldn't even wait twelve hours?" Kareena asked annoyed, looking at me. I stammered, unable to react, but Jacqueline spoke up, "Well, you can't really blame him. I was pretty irresistible." Jacqueline said coyly. "Uh, trust me bitch, with the way you dress, I sincerely doubt that." Kareena sniped back, her tone getting snottier again. "Well, just because I don't dress like a high-class hooker doesn't mean I don't look damn good." Jacqueline replied. "It didn't take long. I just slipped out of my clothes, went into the hot tub in my underwear, and soon, I had him drinking Priya's favorite wine off my pussy." "What?" Kareena asked, confused. "That's my signature move, babe. I take some wine, pour it down my stomach, so it runs down my belly, and my pussy, and my asshole, and into a guy's mouth. The flavor is... intoxicating." Jacqueline explained proudly. "Uh, I don't know why you put up with all that bullshit, Gaurav." Kareena said, glancing at me. "You want to know what my move is? Making men cum... harder than they've ever cum before...in my vagina. Or in my mouth. Or on my tits. Or in my ass." "Kareena, you have no elegance. You should take a few lessons from me. See how it's done." Jacqueline asked. "Bitch, I don't need to learn any of your stupid moves, like your dumb wine trick." Kareena stated. "Well, I left out some of the good stuff. My underwear wasn't the only thing I wore in front of Gaurav here. You know that one ugly two-piece Priya has?" Jacqueline asked. "You wore that too?" Kareena asked. "Wait, you wore it?" Jacqueline asked, surprised. "Yeah. Once again, I'm way fucking ahead of you." Kareena spat out. "Really?" Jacqueline said, surprised that in all her well-designed planning, she had come to the same plan Kareena had. "Yeah!" Kareena replied, annoyed at having to repeat herself. "It was a fucking struggle with these knockers. And I hate putting things on my body that are that fucking ugly..." "Oh my God, that suit is the worst!" Jacqueline said, seemingly relieved at finally having someone to confide this fact in. "Okay, you have nothing in terms of style, but my little sister is a fucking disaster." Kareena said. "Oh my God, I know!" Jacqueline explained. "She's a fucking train wreck. Could she please put in, like, five fucking minutes and at least try to look the least bit appealing?" "She's not that bad." I said quietly, causing both of the women to look at me. Honestly, I didn't see any difference between Priya and 95% of other women. There was literally no difference. Priya dressed like a normal woman, not the pig-demon that these two were making it sound like. I realized I had spoken out loud when I felt their eyes on me. For a second, I wondered how they would respond to this interruption as their expressions were frozen. Then, they both laughed.
10-03-2023, 07:03 PM
"Boys." Jacqueline said, shaking her head as Kareena nodded in agreement.
"Not that dressing better would fucking help with her face... and her body. Only so much you can do with a girl like that." Kareena said. "She barely has a girl's body." Jacqueline replied. "I can't believe I'm related to her." Kareena said. "You can't imagine how annoying it is to be cooped up around her. I don't know how Gaurav does it. Her lameness is infuriating. She makes people less cool when she is around." "Why do you think we don't have girls nights together anymore?" Jacqueline said with a laugh. "Hey, I'm stuck with her. You're friends with her by choice." Kareena remarked. "Here's the thing. I'm her best friend. She's, like, not in my top fifty. She's just some girl I hang out with from time to time. The only reason I've stuck around so long is that her hubby is so fun to look at." Jacqueline stated, glancing at me. I listened to this, and even though it should infuriate me, her speaking so negatively about my wife, it really fucking turned me on. "I don't know why I waited so long to do him." Kareena stated. "Oh my God, me too!" Jacqueline added. "Once I had my plan to seduce him, I wondered why I hadn't thought of it before." A pause fell between us, a lull in the conversation between these two sluts, bonding about how much they hated my wife. The tone of the conversation had gotten slightly less contentious, so the tension had dissipated slightly. Finally, Jacqueline spoke up. "So, what do we do about him?" Jacqueline asked. Both of the girls turned to look at me, and I froze as I was in their crosshairs. I gulped, knowing the anger they felt towards each other was about to turn on me. "Well, we can't leave him unpunished for the shit he pulled." Kareena said. "You're telling me." Jacqueline began, "He let me believe I was the only slut he had on the side. He let me believe I was getting all of that tasty cum of his." "And I told him to keep it in his pants for one week while I was gone. One week! I made him promise to save all of his cum for me, for my body. Not waste it by his own hand or with some random slut." Kareena spat out at me. "Well, I'm more than just a random slut. I showed Gaurav here I was wife material. I cooked for him. I cleaned for him. I drained his balls. I showed him I could be the slutty wife he always needed." Jacqueline proclaimed proudly. Kareena rolled her eyes. "Aww, that's really sweet. That's just really great. While you've been the great fucking wife, filling your head with recipes and ways to fucking vacuum a house, I was busy fucking men, learning every way possible to make them cum. So you can go cook us dinner, and I'll be taking my anger out on him." Kareena said to Jacqueline. "Hmm, I don't think so. You're a one trick pony, Kareena. You do one thing, and you may do it well, but I'm a fucking renaissance woman compared to you." Jacqueline said. "My one trick is better than anything you can bring to the table. I'd rather be good at one thing than okay at a bunch of things. I'm a great fuck, so I'm a slut. I don't screw around with other shit." Kareena stated. "I'm a lot better than okay." Jacqueline replied. "So, Gaurav!" Kareena began, turning to face me again. "You have to decide, what do you prefer? Do you choose Jacqueline and her cooking and cleaning bullshit and her okay body, or me, the slut who just hates keeping her clothes on, with the luscious body that you can't keep your hands off of? Don't forget that, whenever you're around me, your slutty sister-in-law, you just can't stop cumming." "Do you want a bitchy, one-trick whore, or do you want me, Gaurav?" Jacqueline began. "A slut with a crazy hot body who can keep your belly full, your chores done, and your balls empty? With a slut like her, she's so brazen and arrogant... I think she wants to be caught. With me, we can fuck behind your wife's back for years." Jacqueline offered. "Do you want to stick with a slut like me, Gaurav?" Kareena began. "Are you willing to give up these jugs for her, for that pathetic body?" she added, cupping her jugs and squeezed them. "Compared to my rack, hers is microscopic." "Are you willing to give up, what you yourself admitted, was the tightest hole you've ever fucked?" Jacqueline countered. "Gaurav, you have to decide. You fucked up big time. What kind of asshole fucks not just one but two sluts behind his wife's back? You had to know we'd find out. Neither of us are as stupid as my little sister. You had to know this would blow up in your face?" Kareena stated. "Sluts like us don't play nice, Gaurav. We play for keeps. Don't you know how competitive girls like me are? When a slut like me fucks a guy, she owns his life. You can't have two sluts in charge of you. So, you have to choose." Jacqueline added. "You have to pick." Kareena added. "Who do you like better, Gaurav?" Jacqueline asked. Finally, the two sluts were silent. Waiting for my response. Waiting for me to take action. What do I do? If I pick one, the other would surely be furious. The other one could blow this whole thing up and ruin me. I mean, Kareena, her tits, her ass, her body, her bitchiness, God, she just did it for me in the worst way. But Jacqueline, she was skilled, she was sinewy, and her asshole was crazy tight. Sure, Kareena had a tighter pussy, but Jacqueline's ass was, as she said, the tightest hole I had ever fucked. Jacqueline's ass was just perfect, the best ass you could ask for, but Kareena, her enormous rack was just mouth-watering. How could I pick one over the other?
10-03-2023, 09:16 PM
Then, it hit me. The cold, corrupted monster that these two had made me into came to the surface, as it only could in a circumstance like this. Me, on edge, confronted by my actions, with balls full of cum. With a cold clarity, the way forward, the way out of this situation hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew exactly what to do. The fear and nervousness drained from me, and when I spoke, even I was surprised at how calm and clear my voice was.
"This situation blowing up doesn't help any of us." I began. "Me picking one of you doesn't help any of us. What we need to do is to learn to get along." "What?" Kareena said. "What are you talking about?" Jacqueline asked. "We all agree that what makes the affairs I've been having so hot is that we're doing it behind Priya's back. Picking one of you is just like picking neither of you, because I have no doubt neither of you would hesitate to blow this whole thing up if I didn't choose you... right?" I asked. I watched both of them hesitate and then nod in agreement. "Yeah, probably." Kareena said. "Yeah." Jacqueline agreed. "We're in this together, whether either of you like it or not." I stated. "So either we all lose out on this, or we learn to work together." Both of them looked unhappy at this conclusion, but I think they knew I was right. "Now, I have shown I can get along quite well with both of you, so if we're in this together, we need to learn to work together. You two need to learn how to play nice." "Uhhh, seriously?" Kareena replied. "Do we have to?" Jacqueline pouted. "I know you don't want to get along. I know there's that cattiness between you. But you guys have to get over it. So, you guys need to learn to get along. You need to bury the hatchet. Say something nice to each other." I asked. "What?" Kareena asked. "C'mon." Jacqueline stated, not wanting to compliment this whore she clearly disliked. "We need to do this, or we're all screwed." I said amicably. There was a long pause before, finally, Jacqueline spoke up. "Fine." she said snottily. Jacqueline paused, asking herself if she wanted to actually do this, then finally, she bit the bullet and spoke up. "Kareena, I... uh... fine, I never admitted this, and I might have said otherwise before, but... uh, your tits are fucking perfect. I mean, I've never liked you, but I've always thought your tits were fucking perfect." "Well, yeah, I know they're perfect." Kareena replied arrogantly. "Kareena." I warned, asking her to play nice. She rolled her eyes. "Don't think this changes anything, Gaurav. This bullshit might make you feel better, but it won't make us best friends." Kareena stated. "I'm not telling you to be best friends." I began. "I'm just telling you to be cordial. So say something nice." Kareena sneered at me, unhappy at having to do this. Finally she sighed and said. "Fine, I guess... your body's not pathetic. It's... pretty good." Kareena said, although it seemed painful to her. "I mean, it doesn't compare to mine, but..." "Just pretty good? Kareena, you can do better than that." Jacqueline needled. Kareena rolled her eyes. "Fine." she said annoyed. "You have a great ass. You happy? You have a fantastic ass. There, I said it." "That's better." Jacqueline said, smiling wide. "So what are we trying to accomplish here with this stupid bullshit?" Kareena asked. "There's only one thing we can do at this point. There's only one way we're all walking away from this happy. Where everyone gets what they want. And, to get that, it will require teamwork between the two of you." I stated, letting that sink in. "What do you mean..." Kareena began, pausing as the truth hit her. She looked at me in surprise. "So, that's what you're playing at, huh?" "It's the only way we all get what we want." I stated. "Look at you. The man that got married to my baby sister would never try pulling this shit. Look at you now." Kareena stated. "It's like you said. I'm the monster you made." I replied. "What, what is he doing?" Jacqueline asked, still not sure what I was playing at. Kareena turned to Jacqueline. "He wants a threesome." Kareena said simply. "Ugh, really Gaurav?" Jacqueline said, a bit surprised and maybe a bit disgusted. "I don't want to be in a threesome with this whore." "And I don't want to be in a threesome with this princess." Kareena stated. "You both came here looking for one thing. Neither of you are leaving without it, so, it's the only way we all get what we want." I stated. Both of them stood there and thought about it. I turned up the heat a bit. "You both were so confident about who was the bigger slut. Now's your chance to prove it. This is the way to see each other in action and truly prove who is sluttier... who is nastier... who is filthier. But, if either of you are too afraid to step up and prove it, that's up to you." I said, feeding into their competitive natures and egos.
11-03-2023, 11:33 AM
Both women looked annoyed that I was trying to pull this off, but neither was stepping away. They were clearly contemplating this new depth of depravity. Finally, Jacqueline spoke up.
"Fine. I'm in. Let's do this." she said. We both turned to Kareena. "Ugh, fine, whatever." Kareena acquiesced. I couldn't believe it. I was about to have a threesome with my wife's older sister and my wife's best friend! This was so fucking wrong, but my dick was throbbing with need, as it now knew pleasure was near. "But don't think you're getting away with something here. You're gonna pay for making me wait. I was a good girl. I could have been getting laid with some random dudes back home, but I waited at home. I wasn't getting some on the side like you were. I lived up to my end of the deal. So, I'll do this fucking threesome, but I get your cock first. I haven't cum in a week! I'm climbing the fucking walls here!" Kareena said. "You haven't cum in a week? Jesus..." Jacqueline said sympathetically, as if this was an incredible burden for Kareena, to have not had one orgasm in a week. I know there had to be women out there who rarely had orgasms, let alone not cumming for a week, so probably few women would sympathize for Kareena's plight. But then I realized, for women with such voracious hunger as these two sluts, not cumming for a week sounded like hell on Earth. "So, are we doing this thing?" Kareena asked. "Yeah, let's get started." Jacqueline agreed, nodding at me. Inside, I was terrified. I was shocked I had been smooth enough to make this happen. But, I was pushing my luck here. I had talked two filthy sluts into a threesome, two women that kinda hated each other. Two filthy sluts that could ruin me in many ways. This could all blow up, but then I thought about their flesh. So much bare, smooth flesh, so much tits and ass. Two angry, horny sluts, competing on my dick, trying to out-fuck each other by using me. I knew this was risky, but the thought of these two babes in bed together with me drove me forward. I only hoped I could keep up with their voracious appetites. Kareena led us towards the bedroom as I was lost in thought. My earlier confidence had fled me. I followed these two sluts bouncing asses as they led me into what would no doubt be another level of pleasure. I had been so tense in trying to prevent a huge blow-up, that I almost couldn't believe I steered this conflict into the bedroom. I was still terrified this uneasy truce would fall apart and this maneuver I made would completely blow up in my face. Before I knew it, all three of us were in my bedroom, and Kareena and Jacqueline turned to face me. "Well, I bet you feel pretty smart, don't you Gaurav?" Kareena sneered at me, clearly angry at my little bit of manipulation. "You think that just cause you're about to pull off a threesome with two busty babes that that makes you in control here? I don't think so. I'm running this show." she said, grabbing the hem of her top. "Ha. Well, we'll see about that." Jacqueline replied, doing the same. I stood frozen as I watched these two sluts begin to undress. Kareena peeled her top off and threw it aside, revealing her massive, bra clad breasts, her smooth, bulbous flesh overflowing the red fabric. I swear they had grown a fucking cup size since last week. Jacqueline did the same as Kareena, tossing her top aside, revealing her massive, soft breasts filling her pink bra to the brim. Both women eyed each other's boobs as they lowered their jeans, peeling the thin denim down and stepping out of them, revealing each of their matching thongs. Both women stood now in their underwear, and they couldn't help but appraise each other. Jacqueline eyed the blimps on Kareena's chest and shook her head. "I've never liked you, Kareena, but I've never doubted your body. Your tits are out of this world. Just fucking huge. And I fucking love that thong." Jacqueline complimented. "I know, right?" Kareena replied, spinning to let both me and Jacqueline fully appreciate her thong clad ass. "It was a bit pricey, but it seemed perfect for me." "It really is. You have to tell me where you bought it." Jacqueline said. Kareena eyed Jacqueline's juicy body, and she couldn't help but stare at Jacqueline's ass. "And I meant what I said before. Your ass is really fucking amazing." Kareena stated. "I know." Jacqueline said confidently. "I mean, my thong is hot, but that thong on my ass would just be perfect." Kareena rolled her eyes. "Okay, that's enough. Can we just cut this girly crap and get down to business?" Kareena said. "Listen, we're not friends. Let's not act like this is something it's not." "Listen, Kareena. If we're gonna be having sex, then we might as well at least get along." Jacqueline proposed. "First of all, we're not gonna be having sex. We are both gonna be having sex with him, not each other." Kareena replied. "Oh, I didn't realize you were dainty around other women." Jacqueline said. "When I said before that I had had sex with women I meant it. I'm not afraid of it. I dive in."
11-03-2023, 02:22 PM
Kareena rolled her eyes again and glanced at me. Jacqueline smiled, seemingly having got one up on her rival. Kareena spoke up.
"Is this what you want, Gaurav? You want me and her to bond, to be best friends?" Kareena asked mockingly. "Is that how you plan to escape this predicament you found yourself in? Is this just an attempt at female bonding?" I shook my head at this. That was partly the truth, to be honest. Kareena stared at me, before rolling her eyes once more. Before anyone could react, Kareena reached out and grabbed Jacqueline by the back of head. Before Jacqueline could react, Kareena pulled her in and jammed her tongue down her throat. I almost jumped in shock. Jacqueline was taken aback but she melted into the moment. I was suddenly watching my sister-in-law French-kissing my wife's best friend. I was watching these two women, women who hated each other, making out. Their plump, soft lips pressed roughly together, their tongues in each other's mouths. My dick was pulsing as I watched these two gorgeous sluts making out. I watched Kareena's hands slide down Jacqueline's body and squeeze her firm ass cheeks that were just hanging out of her thong. Jacqueline's hands were also busy, sliding up between them, letting her hands immerse themselves in Kareena's huge, squishy breasts, squeezing them firmly. Both of the beautiful women dove in completely, letting the passion of the moment overtake them. They were simply going at it, trying to gain the advantage in this kiss. Finally, they pulled away with a sigh, spit connecting their plump lips. "Still think I'm dainty, bitch?" Kareena gasped out. "Mmm, no." Jacqueline whispered. While Kareena was able to turn off the switch, Jacqueline seemed a little more into it, lost in a daze of pleasure. Both women turned to look at me, noticing my expression of stumped shock. "What are you waiting for?" Kareena asked. I jumped into action, ripping off my shirt and unzipping my pants. "Look at you Gaurav." Jacqueline said. "You must have been so uncomfortable, being around the three women who are currently spreading their legs for you. And now, when the moment comes to take action, you don't know what to do." Emboldened by these two sluts once again, I ripped my pants down to my thighs, causing my rock-hard shaft to spring upward coming to a stop. I watched as the girls' eyes watched it bounce, following it until it stopped moving. I let the girls admire my thick shaft for a few moments. After all of today's teasing, I was on edge, and my dick was positively dripping with cum. The women couldn't pull their eyes away, and I took the opportunity to step out of my pants and my briefs, leaving me naked in front of these two sluts. With a confident swagger, I stepped forward, approaching the dick-hungry sluts. As I got within arm's length, I felt one set of fingers curl around my shaft, followed by a second set. I looked between the two women, lust in their eyes as they gripped my shaft. Then, they attacked. Kareena's lips met mine in a fiery kiss. Her tongue met mine as her soft lips pressed against mine. As me and my sister-in-law made out, Jacqueline kept herself busy. I felt her lips attach to my neck, sucking at my flesh as my mouth was busy with Kareena. Kareena moved in front of me, trying to box Jacqueline out, but Jacqueline wasn't having it. She kept one of her hands against my back, keeping a firm grip as she sucked at my neck. Kareena wrapped her arms around my neck possessively as our kiss became deeper. My sister-in-law's tongue mashed against mine as we swapped spit. Her moans echoed in my mouth, as my grunts no doubt did with her. This was a long-awaited, full-on, no boundaries, separated-for-a-week-and-desperate-for-rough-sex kinda kiss. We could have fallen completely into the passion, the need of this nasty kiss, at least until we were suddenly pulled apart. "Aaah!" Kareena called out. As my eyes opened, I realized Jacqueline had taken a handful of Kareena's hair and yanked it back. Kareena's head was forced back, pulled back as Jacqueline became aggressive. Before I could react, Jacqueline took Kareena's place, jamming her tongue down my throat. Jacqueline's tongue coiled around mine as her soft lips pressed into me, eager to out-kiss Kareena. She pressed her body against mine, my cock pressing into her belly, her huge, bra-clad breasts pressing into my chest. Like before, I could have fallen completely into the passion, but the instant before I could, we were once again interrupted. "Uh uh, you want to play dirty, bitch, then let's play dirty." Kareena snarled, with a firm grip on Jacqueline's hair as she forced her back, away from me. Kareena forced her back and pushed her onto my bed. Quick like a cat, she spun and grabbed me firmly by the cock. Putting her other hand on my chest, she turned and guided me towards the bed, shoving me onto it, next to Jacqueline. The bed bounced, and once I finally got my bearings, I realized Kareena was on her knees, between my legs. As I started to sit up, I felt her fingers curl around my cock. She grabbed it and pointed it towards her mouth, giving me a few short strokes in the process. Finally, looking up at me, holding my gaze with hers, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger, lust, and need, she opened her mouth, and I once again felt her warm breath on the tip of my cock. Her face descended, and finally, blessedly, her mouth surrounded my dick. "Aaaahh! Fuck yes!" I groaned loudly. Finally, after so much build up, I was finally receiving some much needed relief. I looked down as Kareena was hard at work. I loved the way her smooth, glossy lips looked when they were wrapped around my meaty dick. I loved the way she could so smoothly take the majority of my dick in her sexy mouth, down her tight throat. I loved the way her cheeks hollowed as she sucked me, really letting me know she was sucking my cock hard. I loved the way her tight throat squeezed me in just the right way that, along with the suction in her mouth, was trying to draw the cum from deep in my balls.
11-03-2023, 04:35 PM
I looked past Kareena to the mirror behind her. It was a thrilling sight. Me, sitting up on the bed, and a slut in front of me, on her knees, her head bobbing in my lap. And it was clear to anyone who saw this image that the woman in front of me was indeed a slut. Just one look at her smooth, velvety skin, so exposed by her tiny underwear. Her small, lacy bra. Her teeny-tiny thong, which disappeared between her round, firm ass cheeks. Her massive breasts, so big they could be seen from behind her. Her long, lustrous, sexy hair. And the way she sucked cock... these were not the dainty lunges of the average housewife. This was a deep, wet, nasty blowjob, the nasty ones you would see in porn, not on a marital bed. This was the type of blowjob that could only be performed by a true slut.
And I also noticed by looking at the mirror, that Jacqueline was not just waiting around. Noting where I was looking, she got on her knees, facing the mirror, and peeled her bra off, exposing her massive breasts to me once again. She let her hands drop to her side, holding my eyes with hers, showing off her massive, perky breasts and throbbing nipples. She tossed her bra away and curled up next to me. "Mmm, enjoy it babe." Jacqueline moaned out, grabbing my head, holding it against her large, soft breasts, bringing my mouth to one of her hard nipples. "Enjoy this whore sucking you off. This is just the warm up. Get ready for the main course." Letting me lose myself in her soft breasts, she pulled me back till the back of my head hit the bed. She pulled herself away and knee-walked over me, getting into position by straddling my face. I was looking down at Kareena inhaling my cock, but once Jacqueline straddled my head, my gaze was drawn upwards as Jacqueline pulled her thong the side and I was looking straight towards Jacqueline's bare, dripping cunt. Jacqueline began to lean forward, towards my cock. As she moved, her pussy brushed against my face. Her amazing scent and taste hit me immediately, and I had to have more. I reached up, palmed both of her firm, round ass cheeks, gave them a firm squeeze and leaned upward, rubbing my face against her wet cunt. For a minute I just did that, rubbing my face against her, letting her juices cover my face. I pulled back for a moment, and looked down. Jacqueline's head was near my pulsing dick. She was looking for room to maneuver, to get in on the action, but her rival was having all the fun. Kareena was still doing her magic, and God it felt good. Her mouth, her lips, her tongue, it was just magic. This woman was an expert at sucking cock. She just kept diving deep, burying my entire cock in her throat, letting her warm spit cover my shaft. I was amazed she could breathe as she choked herself on my dick. Just as I thought that, Kareena pulled back and breathed in deeply, air running across my wet cock as she did so. Kareena looked up at me and smiled wickedly, but this didn't last too long. Jacqueline seized the moment, seizing the opportunity to get in on the action, planting her wet mouth around my pulsing, spit-covered dick. "Aaah, fuck!" I grunted, the feeling of the new mouth on my dick surprising yet welcome. Jacqueline's method was different. Kareena's method of blowing was about forming, a tight wet seal with her mouth and sucking as hard as possible, her tongue smooth, firm, and untamed. Wild. Jacqueline was more methodical, her tongue coiling, sinewy, wet, firm, and insistent, trying to draw the cum from my balls. Jacqueline was soon working her magic, her smooth lips, her firm tongue licking around the tip of my cock, teasing me, bringing me close to the edge. "Don't think you get to hog all of it, bitch." Kareena snarled. Before I could think, Kareena's open mouth surrounded my balls. "Aaah!" I called out, the feeling of Kareena sucking and licking my married balls while Jacqueline cared for my shaft was shockingly pleasurable. For a fleeting moment, I reveled in arrogance. I felt like a fucking man. Having two busty, gorgeous sluts pleasuring me, competing to pleasure me better. I felt like the king on the throne, sluts eager to gain my sole affection. It felt... incredible. My head fell back as I breathed deeply in pleasure. As I did, Jacqueline's scent hit me again as her juices dripped onto my face. I tried to relax and enjoy the pleasure of Jacqueline's wet mouth and Kareena's smooth tongue running across my balls, but Jacqueline's juices were driving me mad. Finally, her scent overwhelmed me, and I had no choice but to dive in and feast. I leaned up and attached my open mouth onto Jacqueline's dripping pussy, my tongue diving inside of her. My tongue was busy, entering her small, tight cunt, gathering her dripping juices into my mouth. Her puffy lips spread around my tongue as I licked her. "Gnnnghhh!" Jacqueline moaned in pleasure around my cock. I ran my tongue around her cunt before I moved up and flicked at her clit, causing her to grunt in pleasure. But it wasn't until I nibbled at her clit that she really began to squeal in pleasure. "Hmmmmnnn!" she groaned, burying my cock completely in her throat as she squealed in pleasure, her saliva dripping down my balls into Kareena's sucking mouth. Jacqueline kept my cock buried completely in her throat for an eternity as I licked, until finally, she pulled her mouth away. My cock was covered in the two slut's combined spit. Jacqueline glanced back at me and smiled wickedly, her eyes heavy with lust. Then, she leaned down ran her lips up one side of my cock. She went up and down my cock, her smooth lips on one side of it, leaving the other side open. Kareena took the message, and she ran her tongue from my full sack up to my shaft. She ran her tongue up the other side, running it all the way to the tip. She then gave the tip of my cock a soft kiss before copying Jacqueline, running her soft, glossy lips along the other side of my cock, sucking at the shaft like Jacqueline was. My head fell back in pleasure. The sensation was incredible. I now had two sluts using their mouths on my shaft at the same time, two pairs of plump, soft lips sucking at my shaft, soaking it with spit, pleasuring it with their mouths. My pre-cum was bubbling from the tip, and they would alternate gathering the beads of cum leaking from it. These two sluts, these two rivals, united in sucking me off, it was bliss.
12-03-2023, 07:51 AM
Kareena was the first one to pull away, leaving my cock to Jacqueline. She jumped onto the bed, and moved close to my face.
SPANK! "Move, bitch! It's my turn." Kareena said, slapping Jacqueline's ass. Jacqueline complied as she resumed inhaling my shaft in earnest, moving her torso to the side, freeing me from my blissful prison between her legs. But my freedom didn't last long, as no sooner was Jacqueline's crotch was gone that Kareena took her place, kneeling above my face, facing my feet. I looked up as Kareena began to extricate herself from her bra, reaching back to unsnap it. Kareena undid the bra and tossed it away, revealing her bare chest to me once more. From my angle below her, I could see the bottom of her massive breasts, seeing the smooth round shape of these fleshy masses, and the hard nipples pointing outward. I looked at Jacqueline, and as she was sucking my cock, she was checking out Kareena's insane rack, as transfixed as I was. Kareena reached down and peeled her thong to the side, revealing her dripping wet cunt to me. "Eat." she commanded simply. Needing no further urging, I dove upward, sliding my firm tongue into her needy pussy. "Aaah fuck! That's it!" Kareena groaned out. She drove my head into the bed and ground her sweet cunt against me, swiveling her hips as she rubbed herself against me. My tongue flicked at her, gathering her equally tasty juices. Her pussy ground against my open mouth. And her cunt was positively dripping. I didn't have to do much for her to fill my mouth with her sweet juices. And the sensation of being forced to eat this slut's cunt, my wife's older sister's cunt, was just incredible. "God, I've needed this." Kareena moaned out. I felt Jacqueline bob on my cock a bit more, my cock hard as fucking concrete. I think she sensed I was on edge again, because she pulled back, letting my drool covered cock plop out of my mouth, onto my stomach. "God, Kareena, I know I said it before, but you're boobs are just fucking perfect." Jacqueline said, gasping to regain her breath as she stared at Kareena's rack. Kareena sat up straight, so that I could feel her firm ass cheeks against my face as I slurped at her juices. Kareena brought her elbows up and pushed her breasts together, ballooning them forward, making them look gigantic. "Mmm, I know they are." Kareena purred, swiveling her hips slowly as I ate at her. "And now you know why I am so fucking good at getting laid? I can be the bitchiest, nastiest cunt that I can be, and it doesn't Matter. People still want to fuck me. People still want my body. Men... women. I can be the most disagreeable little cunt in the world, I can treat someone like shit, and they would still give anything just to squeeze my tits. So, why bother with the bullshit, right? Why bother being nice, when I can just be direct, and super bitchy, and get exactly why I want every time? Especially when it's so much more fun this way. Look at Gaurav, here. Oh, fuck, that's it! I am as bitchy as ever and I treat his precious wife like garbage, and now he's here eating my sweet cunt. And doing a very good job of it. " Jacqueline watched, transfixed, as Kareena cupped her tits and pointed them at her. "And look at you, Jacqueline. I've treated you like shit. I've been a raging cunt to you every chance I get. You have no reason to like me, but here you are, drooling at my massive tits. I told you earlier I've fucked a lot of girls, and that might not be entirely true. You'd be amazed at what some women will do to get a peek at the goods. The scenarios they'll dream up just to get me naked. They'll do just... about... anything. Oh, fuck Gaurav, that's good!" Kareena squealed. "Anyway, the stories are all the same. Most women beat around the bush, play their little bullshit games. I cut through the crap. I force the issue, and soon enough, their hands are on my tits and their tongues are in my pussy. I don't have to do any work whatsoever. I just lie back and let girls worship me. I'm the type of girl that straight girls fantasize about when they want to hook up with a girl. They know I'm a bitch, a total whore, but I'm so nasty hot that they still want to do me. Tongue a little deeper, Gaurav." I complied, digging my tongue deeper into her cunt, gathering as much of her sweet juices from her tight cunt into my open mouth. "So I look at you Jacqueline, and I know you're no different." Kareena said. Jacqueline was looking at her, mouth slightly open as she unconsciously stroked my cock as she listened. "You dislike me, you fucking hate me, but deep down, you fucking idolize me, don't you? You always have, even when you and Priya were in college together. I was your best friend's cooler, hotter older sister. The one you secretly would rather be friends with, deep down. While you guys were studying and chasing boys in the dorm, you dreamed of hanging out with me and seeing what real adult women did with their free time. You probably dreamed of us going out to clubs together, changing clothes together, trying on skimpy dresses. Or maybe going shopping together, and trying on slutty clothes. Or maybe going to the gym, and changing in the locker room. Basically any excuse to see my tits, in a totally platonic, non-sexual way. Right? You hated how bitchy I was, you resented how popular I was, but you admired how sexy I was." "I should have seen it. I didn't know you were a little slut in the making. I didn't think twice about you, to be honest. But even after all your adventures, all the other girls you screwed over, after all the cocks you've sucked, you still wouldn't turn down a roll in the sheets with me. I mean, for me, the pussy I've eaten has been a means to end. I don't particularly seek it out. Like I said, most of the time, it finds me. I'm more of a 'strictly dickly' kind of girl." Kareena said, still scrubbing her pussy on my face. I was now flicking her pulsing clit with my tongue. "But I'm guessing you do it for the fun of it, right?" "No." Jacqueline said quietly, looking unsure at what Kareena was getting at. "I'm not typically wrong about these kinds of things." Kareena began. "Oh fuck, that's it! Um, you might be good at this, at fucking men, Jacqueline, but I'm better. Your bullshit methods are all well and good, but you're unfocused. You waste time. You play when you should take. You have potential, dear, but you don't match up to me. You know that, deep down. And that's why you fucking idolize me." "What? You don't know what you're talking about." Jacqueline snarled, jacking my dick fiercely. I was still focused on eating Kareena out, trying to make her cum, grunting into it when Jacqueline took me close to the edge but never over.
12-03-2023, 09:36 AM
"Oh, is that right?" Kareena asked, "So you don't want to rub your face against my giant rack?"
"What? No, of course not." Jacqueline replied, glancing at Kareena's massive fault-line of cleavage. "Really?" Kareena asked with a raised eyebrow. "You're saying you don't want to give these a little squeeze? C'mon, they're so big and firm. They are built to be squeezed. And they are so soft. You could rest you head on them and drown in softness. And these nipples are just dying to be sucked on. C'mon, what's the harm? All I want you to do is humble yourself and admit the truth. Then we can really get back to business." "Keep dreaming." Jacqueline snarled. "You're so proud. So stubborn, such an independent woman. You criticized me, my methods, but you know my ways are effective. Don't you? Cause you've fallen victim to it too. Right?" Kareena asked. "No." Jacqueline gasped. Her hand slowed down on my cock. "You hate me, but you want to fuck me." Kareena stated. She reached towards Jacqueline, fingers extended. "No." Jacqueline repeated. "It's okay, Jacqueline. Admit it." Kareena said softly. Her fingers curled into Jacqueline's hair. "No." Jacqueline said, unable to fight her off. "It's okay, Jacqueline." Kareena said. "Come to me." With that, Kareena pulled Jacqueline forward by the back of the head. With no resistance, Kareena plunged Jacqueline face-first into her immense cleavage. I was pulled from my task and looked up, watching Jacqueline plunge into Kareena's huge breasts. I heard the soft purr deep in Jacqueline's throat. In the battle of superiority, Kareena had seemed to have landed the first blow. "I told you, bitch." Kareena said, her harsh tone returning to the surface. She wrapped her hands around Jacqueline's head and smothered her face in her massive breasts. Kareena used her elbows to once again force her breasts outward. Jacqueline was clearly very comfortable in this position. She was scrubbing her own face into Kareena's magnificent flesh. Her hands slid up Kareena's sides and arrived at her chest, squeezing my sister-in-law's massive breasts firmly as she immersed her face in the soft skin. I had paused in my eating out of Kareena to watch this scene unfold. I was shocked. Shocked at how Jacqueline just crumbled at the sight of Kareena's rack and her iron will. I knew Kareena was tough, but I thought Jacqueline was more capable than that. Stronger than that, to be so enraptured so easily just seemed almost out of character. I thought she was stronger than this. No, I knew she was stronger than this. She was smart. She was clever. She wouldn't get this dumbfounded this easily. Unless, this was some play on her part. Some clever maneuver to let Kareena think she had won, when Jacqueline was in fact planning her next move. Jacqueline was clever enough to pull something like that, and Kareena might be arrogant enough to believe her plan would work. This had to be the truth. It had to. Shrugging off this thought, I went back to work, nibbling at Kareena's clit. I let my tongue run around it, playing with it but not driving her over the edge. I dug my tongue back into her gooey wet cunt, gathering her sweetness again. So now, Kareena was being serviced in two ways, me eating her cunt as Jacqueline played with her boobs. Jacqueline was squeezing away at Kareena's jugs, immersing her hands in the soft flesh. Jacqueline's mouth was open and she was running her firm tongue across Kareena's smooth, abundant breast flesh. Jacqueline licked all over, soaking Kareena's tits with her spit, until her tongue reached Kareena's hard nipples and began to lick and flick at her rubbery nipples. This went on for a few moments before, finally, Jacqueline dove in fully, opening her mouth and taking Kareena's nipple in her mouth. As Jacqueline began to suck at Kareena's nipple, Kareena spoke up. "Hmmm, look at you, sucking my titties. You talk such a big game, but now you're here, and it's you pleasuring me. It's me getting all the pleasure, and you doing all the work. So, who's the big, bad slut now, bitch!" Kareena said arrogantly at the younger woman sucking her tits. Kareena was clearly enjoying this spot of domination over Jacqueline, as her cunt was dripping like crazy, and her swiveling hips became more energetic.
12-03-2023, 01:48 PM
Jacqueline was attacking Kareena's nipple, worshiping the hard nipple with her tongue, devouring it in her mouth. Jacqueline moved forward, crawling over me so she could get better leverage at Kareena's nipple. As Jacqueline moved closer, she let one hand drop down and used the other to forcing as much of Kareena's breast into her mouth. I suddenly felt a hand snake around my cock. I felt this hand guiding my cock upwards, and I felt the tip of it brush against the outside of a pussy. Above me, Jacqueline's eyes slid up and met Kareena's gaze. Suddenly, Jacqueline's eyes flashed a look victory at Kareena, and at the same time bit down on Kareena's juicy nipple.
"Aaaaahhhh!" Kareena screamed out, in a mixture of pain and pleasure. At that same moment, I felt some pressure on my cock, as I realized I would finally, blessedly, be balls-deep in a pussy momentarily. But of course, it was not meant to be. "I don't think so, bitch." Kareena growled out. In a flash, she realized what was going on. Before Jacqueline could sink my cock into her cunt, Kareena jumped forward, grabbing a hold of Jacqueline's hair again. "Aaah! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Jacqueline called out in pain as Kareena gripped her hair. Jerking at her hair hard, Kareena pulled Jacqueline away, forcing her to the other side of the bed, next to me, on her side. Rubbing her sore head, Jacqueline got on her hands and knees and looked at Kareena with a wicked smile. "I can't believe you almost fell for that, you fucking dumb slut!" Jacqueline said. To my surprise, Kareena smiled. "Pretty good. Definitely not bad." Kareena said with an impressed nod. "You're not that hard, Kareena. All I have to do is flatter you a bit, and you'd fall for anything." Jacqueline said mockingly, getting on her knees, exposing the whole expanse of her firm, hot body to us again. "If you want to tell yourself you didn't enjoy that, that's up to you." Kareena accused. "Hey, I didn't say it was bad. I'm not going to pass up the chance to rub my face on a pair of giant tits." Jacqueline said confidently. "And besides, I love tricking dumb sluts into showing me their boobs." she added, attempting to take the advantage in this power struggle. "Well, I hope you enjoyed it, cause that's all you'll be getting for a while." Kareena said, crawling forward over me. "While you're remembering how good my tits felt, I'll be too busy fucking Gaurav, here." "Well, I hope you hurry up." I called out impatiently. "You sluts have been teasing me all day. If you guys don't stop fucking around with each other, then you guys are gonna make me have to fuck my wife." Both sluts smiled wickedly, almost proudly, but it was Kareena who spoke up. "Don't worry, baby. I'll take care of you." Kareena purred. "And Jacqueline will just sit to the side and watch while I'm cumming like crazy on your married cock. Let her learn a few things." Kareena's lithe body crawled smoothly down the bed, giving me a perfect view of her smooth round ass. She reached my crotch and turned to face me, pulling her hair back over her shoulders as she did. She straddled my dick and looked at me, reaching down to place my stiff dick in place, poised outside her cunt. Jacqueline sat on her knees, watching this happen, waiting for the chance to make her move but ceding this moment to Kareena. "It's been a long week." Kareena panted, holding back. "My body needs satisfaction. I hope you're up for it." With that, Kareena forced herself down, and finally, after a week's separation, my dick began to enter my sister-in-law's tight cunt. The tip parted her lips, spreading her tight cunt around my dick. Her cunt seemed extra tight today, and entrance to it seemed much tougher than usual. It seemed that week without made her more primed and ready for sex. Kareena flexed and shimmied, forcing more of my cock into her. The tip was soon smothered in warm, wet softness. "AHH! That's it!" I gasped. "MMMmmmmmmm." Kareena groaned. Kareena kept swiveling her hips, and finally finding the right angle, she forced more and more of my shaft into her. Soon, I was halfway in, halfway buried insider her, and she kept going. "Mmmm, fuck yeah Kareena, it's so good." I grunted out. I was frozen in place as her ass hit my hips, and I was one again buried inside her. "FUCK!" Kareena screamed out, the mere insertion of my dick almost enough to get her off. She began to flex her cunt around my shaft, driving us both wild. "I could cum just doing this!" she gasped out. Her normally super-tight cunt was now crazy tight, and she felt wetter than she ever had felt before. I looked up at her, and my hands were drawn like magnets to her massive breasts. My hands slapped against her silky flesh and I immersed my hands in her soft breasts once again. "God damn! These are perfect!" I grunted out, squeezing her huge, perky breasts firmly. I tweaked her nipples in my fingers. Kareena was flexing her butt, squeezing her cunt around my pulsing meat. "Hnnnnnggghhhhhh!" Kareena grunted. Simply having my cock inside her was driving her crazy. She was simply grinding on me, her hips and butt sliding on my lap as she tightened herself around me. She was really turned on. Her juices were dripping onto my balls. "You like that cock?" I asked, my fingers digging into her giant breasts. "Mmm, yeah, babe! I fucking love it! I need it! I need it! MMMMMMmmm!" Kareena groaned, closing her eyes as a small shiver went through her. Her cunt spasmed around me as an orgasm passed through her. It was a small one, simply taking a little of the edge of. Not one of her patented screaming, cursing, house-shaking orgasms that could wake the neighbors. Her tightening pussy nearly got me off, but I was able to ride the wave and escape exploding in her tight snatch. Finally, Kareena relaxed, a bit of the pressure off, and she opened her eyes. She looked down at me, and her typical sneer returned to her lips. "You're not done yet, Gaurav. Not by a long shot!" she said. "I know it." I replied, still molesting her huge boobs as she spoke. Kareena turned to the watching Jacqueline. "You ready, bitch? Ready to watch what real fucking is all about?" Kareena sneered at Jacqueline. "Let's see it, whore!" Jacqueline replied. Kareena looked down at me. She reached down and dug her nails into my chest firmly, which reminded me that despite her lust, despite her blatant horniness, she was still angry at me. She still planned to punish me.
12-03-2023, 04:09 PM
Kareena's ass rose from my lap, air once again hitting my wet, juice-covered shaft. Her hips and ass rose smoothly like a finely tuned instrument. I watched as more and more of my thick shaft appeared from within her small, tiny, stretched to the brim pussy. And just as she rose so the only part of me left in her was the thick tip of my cock, she grabbed my gaze again. With lust in her eyes, she drove herself down, her ass wumphing into my lap.
"Hgnnn!" I grunted out, her tight pussy smothering my dick again. Then she repeated the motion, going up......... then down. Up...... then down. Up..... then down. Up... then down. Up, then down. Up and down. She was building up momentum like a freight train. Her bouncing ass started slow then built up speed, going slightly faster and faster. And as soon as she gained enough speed, got her lithe body in motion, she brought the hammer down. WUMPH! Kareena's ass slammed into my lap. "Fuck!" I grunted out. WUMPH! WUMPH! WUMPH! WUMPH! WUMPH! My hands gripped her massive melons as Kareena started riding me. Her round ass slammed into my thighs with a meaty slap as she did so. She was riding me like she was trying to break me. I was a disobedient, untamed animal, and she was breaking me in, domesticating me, trying to make me the perfect, ideal stud for her to fuck. "Fucking shit, Kareena!" I grunted out. There was no gentleness. No preciousness or daintiness. Kareena got right to the rough fucking. I wouldn't have expected anything else from her. Kareena's ass drove into my thighs. WUMPH! WUMPH! WUMPH! She was building up a sexy sheen of sweat as I gripped her jiggling tits as she rode me. She was riding me as if trying to prove a point. As if trying to prove she was the best. She was trying to show Jacqueline what she was capable of. She was trying to show Jacqueline she could out-fuck me, fuck me better than Jacqueline ever could. "I'm gonna fuck you till you can't fucking walk! FUCK!" Kareena grunted out, "And that's not your punishment, Gaurav. That's just for fun!" Kareena's ass kept slamming into me as her huge tits bounced in my palms. Jacqueline was studying us, watching Kareena's body as she rode me. Watching Kareena's top-tier ass flex and bounce. Watching her breasts bouncing and jiggling. As Kareena's pace sped up, my hands slid to her sides to hold on tight. As I did so, Jacqueline replaced my hand on Kareena's massive right breast, squeezing it lightly as she curled up near her. Jacqueline leaned close to Kareena and spoke up. "This ain't nothing, bitch!" Jacqueline spoke up. "Me and Gaurav got up to much nastier shit when you were out of the picture." "I fucking doubt that." Kareena replied. "You just take his cum, like a cheap fucking whore. I was his perfect slutty fucking wife!" Jacqueline began. "Not his cheap slut like you are. I gave him everything. Everything he could want. I cooked. I cleaned. I gave him every hole he wanted. And bitch, I gave him a womb for his future children. Top that, bitch!" Jacqueline dared. Kareena turned and smiled. "Where do you think most of his cum is going, slut?" Kareena asked. "When I fuck, I go all the way and make it really nasty. He might have squirted a few loads of cum in you, but he's filled me to the brim with his married cum. I could be pregnant now!" Kareena stated. For a second, Kareena slowed down. Her face suddenly became thoughtful, and she turned to look at me as a thought hit her. She looked down at me as we both started to think the same thing. "Well, that would explain why my boobs feel bigger than usual." she said quietly. I looked at her, and she looked at me, as we both realized her truth. Holy Fuck! I couldn't believe it. "Oh my God." she said, suddenly knowing the truth, as I did. Neither of us needed proof. We both knew. And it was at that realization that she suddenly sped up. Kareena resumed her frantic bouncing as Jacqueline looked on angrily, furious that Kareena was one step ahead. But she gathered herself and went back on the attack. "Warm him up, slut!" Jacqueline said. "Warm him up for me! Cum all over that cock! Get it all wet and gooey so it slides up my ass!" "Uhh, fuck you bitch!" Kareena screamed as she drove herself into me. "This is none of that warm-up shit! This is the main fucking course! As it should be! Me taking all the dick! You on the sidelines! FUCK YES! If you and I went on a double-date, I'd fuck both my date and yours, and you'd be in the corner, rubbing yourself off, AAAAHHH!" Jacqueline's annoyance transformed into anger as she slid her hand up Kareena's body and tugged once again at her lustrous brown hair. But the affect was not as Jacqueline intended. "FUCK YES! PULL HARDER BITCH! You can't stop me, whore!" Kareena screamed out. It was clear Kareena did not mind it rough. She clearly didn't mind a slight bit of hair-pulling. I looked up at her. Kareena's eyes were closed and her teeth were bared as she seethed with pleasure. Jacqueline had a tight grip on her hair, and I was surprised to see Jacqueline tug at Kareena's hair a bit harder, helping pleasure the bitch she so hated. "AAAAAHHH! YESSSSS!" Kareena squealed. Her cunt quivered as she kept bouncing, up and down, driving me insane. "Spank me!" Kareena gasped. "Spank my ass!"
12-03-2023, 06:25 PM
Jacqueline looked up at the bouncing slut in front of her then maneuvered herself to a better position, directly behind Kareena. Still maintaining a firm grip on Kareena's hair, Jacqueline reared back with her other hand and...
SPANK! "UGHHHHHHH! YESSSSSSS!" Kareena grunted, this slight pain caused by Jacqueline an intense pleasure for her. This sex was about her. She was getting pleasured in multiple ways by me and Jacqueline. Right now, she was the star of this threesome. SPANK! "AHHHH! FUCK YEAH!" Kareena screamed out as Jacqueline slapped her firm ass again. Kareena's pace increased. Sweat was dripping from her naked body as she rode my dick. Kareena reached back and swept her hair out of Jacqueline's grip. "Help me!" Kareena gasped. "Help me fuck him harder! I need to fuck him harder!" Jacqueline looked at Kareena curiously as the older slut's speed bounced faster. Then, she slid her hands onto Kareena's back, just above her ass as she bounced on top of me. Jacqueline leaned forward, getting a little above Kareena, then, using her arms, she helped force Kareena downward as she bounced, using her own arm strength combined with Kareena's driving ass to fuck my cock as hard as possible. "Holy fuck!" I screamed out. "That's it, bitch! That's it!" Kareena squealed in approval, now fucking me harder than I had ever been fucked. "You like this, whore?!" Jacqueline asked. "You like this! I don't want to help you, cunt. I just want you to stop grunting like a whore so I can get to work!" "I need to cum! I need it!" Kareena begged. Jacqueline's firm arms were flexing as she helped drive Kareena into me. "Gaurav?!" Kareena called out, eyes lidded in pleasure and glassy with lust, gasping as if she was getting close. "Gaurav! I need you to... oh, fuck yes... I need you to accept your punishment before I cum. I need it!" "Whatever.... fuck yes! Whatever you want!" I grunted out. My dick was tingling with pleasure. It was a wonder I hadn't cum yet. "When you fuck around on me, you pay! No one fucks around on me! I'm always the girl on the other side! FUCK YES!" Kareena squealed. "So... if you fuck around on me, I'll fuck with you. SHIT YES! I... I... I... I want.... if you fuck with me, I'll fuck up your life. FUCK! I'll make you humiliate my ugly troll of my sister... even though you love her SO much! That's it, keep fucking me! I want you to fuck your wife, if you can even get it up for her. I want you to fuck her, and when you cum, I want you to scream my name! Scream my fucking name when you fuck my little sister! Will you do that for me!? Will you accept your punishment!?" "YES! FUCK YES! I love it! Whatever you fucking want!" I grunted. I knew this was beyond foolish for me to do, but at the moment, nothing sounded hotter at that moment than to humiliate my wife in that way. Humiliate her in favor of her older sister. "I'll do it! I'LL DO IT!" "Will you scream my name!?" Kareena asked. "WILL YOU SCREAM MY NAME???" she screamed. "YESSSSSSSS! I'LL SCREAM YOUR FUCKING NAME!" I screamed. "FFFFFUUUUCCKKKKKK YESSSSSSSS! I'M FUCKING CUMMING! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Kareena screamed at the top of her lungs. Kareena drove into me as the wave of bliss hit us both. My balls finally exploded, and cum began to fire from my shaft at a furious rate. Her pussy tightened and clenched around me as a long awaited orgasm hit her. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kareena squealed. "FUCKKKKKK YESSSSS!" I grunted. Kareena's cunt gripped my cock, smothering it with tightness, coaxing me to empty my cum deep inside of her. And by God, that's what I was doing. "I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it!" Kareena babbled as she rode the wave of pleasure, her cunt spasming around my shaft as it pumped a huge load of cum deep inside of her, bathing her womb with it, soaking her fertile eggs. Even though, at this point, we knew this was a redundant act, that the deed was done. But by God that wouldn't stop us from doing it over and over again, just to make sure. To ensure we were fulfilling our biological imperative. My cock was pumping cum from my swollen, overfilled balls, relieving the pressure from the hours of teasing these sluts put me through. It just kept pumping and pumping, filling her up. She was grinding into me, making sure all of my cum got as deep inside of her as possible. Our bodies were tense as we rode out these orgasms. Jacqueline's hands were digging into Kareena's ass cheeks, squeezing them roughly as she forced her fellow slut down onto me, making sure we both were receiving maximum pleasure. And finally, as I felt a bead of cum slide out of her cunt along my shaft, pooling on my balls, our bodies relaxed.
12-03-2023, 09:18 PM
Kareena collapsed onto me, our bodies now jelly after this energetic, arduous fuck. Both of us were gasping for breath, recovering from this ordeal. Her massive sweaty breasts were squashed against my chest as we lied there. I probably could have fallen asleep, but I knew it was not be.
"Alright, whore. Slide off." Jacqueline stated, breaking the silence, pushing a weakened, gasping, sweaty Kareena off from on top of me. Kareena fell to my side, landing on her back, her thong still on but useless, not covering her bare pussy, now dripping with my cum, her massive breasts pointing upward, her nipples still hard. I was on my back, gasping for breath as I recovered, my dick plopped onto my stomach, covered in Kareena's cum and my own. It wasn't hard as concrete anymore but it was still pretty impressive. Jacqueline clearly thought so, as she leaned over and ran one finger along my slick cock, gathering the juices on her finger before she brought it to her mouth and licked it off. "Well Gaurav..." Jacqueline began, as her fingers curled around my slick cock. "You can forget all about that whore. Now it's time for the main event." "Just... give me a minute." I gasped, still recovering from my exertions with my sister-in-law. "Aw, don't tell me you don't have more in the tank?" Jacqueline asked. "I know how much you cum, and I know that was not enough. I know you need more. I know you need me." She gripped my cock and began to lazily stroke some life back into it. "I know the whore is punishing you for cheating on her, but don't forget, you never told me you had a whore on the side." Jacqueline stated. "Here's one thing you need to learn Gaurav. When you have a slut, you need to open your mind to them. Spill all your secrets, the things you don't tell your wife. They need to know everything, or this whole thing falls apart. Sluts are the church guys like you worship at, and you need to confess to them all of your sins." She kept slowly stroking me, her hand now soaked with sex-juices. "Is there anyone else, besides me and her?" Jacqueline asked. "No." I grunted, as my dick started stiffening. "What will you do for me, to let me know exactly where your dick is going? What will you do to make this up to me?" Jacqueline asked. "I don't know." I grunted out as she kept stroking me. "What punishment will you accept, what are you willing to do, what risk will you put your marriage through just to show me that you will never do this again?" Jacqueline clarified. "I... I... oh, fuck,...I," I stammered. "I'll tell Priya how hot you are." "Is that right?" Jacqueline purred. "I'll tell my wife how beautiful you are... ugh... how sexy you are. How it's a wonder you're not married. I'll withhold sex for awhile. It'll make her compare herself to you, and let her think I want a girl with a body like yours, and not hers." I told her. "Mmm, that's not bad. It's a wonder she's never realized how much sexier I am than her." Jacqueline purred. "Does it turn you on, Gaurav, that your sweet lovely wife is now simply a tool to make your sex life better for your affairs with us? Your wife is a prop. A sex tool who's best use is being left out of the bedroom. And really, a sex tool that's best use is being left out of the action is really kind of useless. She doesn't deserve to be getting any dick whatsoever." "But you don't need her anyway." Jacqueline continued. "Just imagine me in her place. Me being the perfect housewife, the perfect slut wife that every man really wants. Cooking your meals. Waiting for you to get home, wearing a perfect, wifely sundress, pristinely made-up at all times. I would be the perfect wife to all your neighbors, the beautiful, gorgeous wife that reminds of the wife they dreamed of having. The wife that reminds them of how wives use to be. I would stay at home, cause you would be the big strong, working man that would never want his wife to have to work. You leave me in charge of your house, your bank account, and I would be the sunny housewife you dreamed of having. I would be gorgeous and pretty, in those airy-little sundresses, pretty lipstick, and a flower in my hair. The neighborhood husbands and wives would be jealous. But they wouldn't see the tiny underwear I love wearing. They wouldn't see the way I would greet you after a long day's work. They wouldn't see the way I would bring you a drink, or rub your shoulders, or suck your cock. They wouldn't see the way I would ease your stress by letting you fuck my ass as hard as you need to, and forget about your troubles. The neighbors would see me as a pretty, pregnant 50's-throwback housewife. But you would know I'm your perfect, dirty, knocked-up slut." I groaned in pleasure as she finished her vision of the future. "Do you like that Gaurav?" she purred. "Do you love it? I think you do." she added with a laugh. I looked down and realized my shaft was now throbbing hard with need once again, wet and smooth with sex-juices. "Well, it looks like you're ready, and so am I. So get up." I sat up and cleared my shaky head. As I did, Jacqueline got on all fours next to me, presenting her thong-covered ass to me. I got on my knees as she spoke up. "I want to be your knocked up slut as soon as possible, Gaurav, but right now, you know how I want it." Jacqueline panted, reaching back, peeling her thong to the side, showing off her bare ass to me. As I got behind her, and saw the way her ass-cheeks parted naturally, revealing her tight, ready asshole, I knew exactly what she was craving.
13-03-2023, 06:24 AM
Only one person is following this story ....
13-03-2023, 10:22 AM
As I moved in close, I looked over to see Kareena returning to Earth. But my focus at the moment was on Jacqueline, and I placed my cock in place, placing the tip against her asshole. Jacqueline looked back at me, holding my gaze, her lusty eyes telling me she was ready.
I placed my hands on her child-bearing hips and got a firm grip. Then, I flexed my hips forward, moving to enter her asshole. I steadied my dick with one hand as I tried to force myself into her. She was pushing back, eager to have her ass filled with dick. After a minute or so of pushing, her asshole finally began to yield to my invader, stretching to let the tip of my cock enter. "UGHHHHH! YESSSS!" Jacqueline gasped out. I grit my teeth and began to really push, trying to get my entire cock into her ass. Her asshole swallowed the entire tip of my dick, and Jacqueline was gasping as I did so. "I love it! Give me more! More!" Jacqueline pleaded. I grabbed her hips and flexed, forcing a few inches of my shaft into her. I knew how to do this. Let her adjust to my thick meat for a few moments, and then let her have a few more. And once she had fully adjusted, I knew her ass would just swallow the rest of my dick, eager to be filled to the brim. Knowing this, it wasn't too long before her asshole was stretched near the base of my shaft and my balls bumped against her pussy. "Aaaahhh! That's it! That's it! Do it, Gaurav! Fuck my ass! Fuck your wife's best friend's asshole!" Jacqueline called out. Rearing back, I pulled my dick out most of the way, then slammed it back into her. "Ughhh!" Jacqueline grunted. "I can't get over how tight your ass is." I moaned out to her. "I can't get over how big your cock is! Holy fuck!" Jacqueline gasped out. "It's so deep!" "You like that?" I asked, starting to drive my dick into her harder. "YESSS! I love big married cocks up my ass!" Jacqueline moaned out. She began to drive her ass back at me firmly, or flesh slapping together. I ran my hands over her backside as we drove into each other, our bodies getting into the rough sex rhythm we both needed. She was trying to stroke back, show Kareena what she was capable of, what she could do. She was trying to show her rival she was the superior fuck. We were both getting into it when I felt a pair of soft breasts rub against my back. I felt a hand curl around to my chest, gripping it lightly, as the other tilted my head so she could speak into my ear. "You like that, Gaurav?" Kareena whispered, now fully awake and directly behind me. "Yeah." I grunted out. "She's pretty good. I can admit that." Kareena whispered, her tone a bit softer now that she had received a proper fucking. "You can keep fucking her. You can keep letting her think she is the best lover you have, that her butthole is this incredible thing, but we both know the truth. We both know better. We both know I'm the best you've ever had. We both know you love me more. We both know my tits blow her away." I looked at her as I drove into Jacqueline and she drove back at me. I liked Jacqueline a lot, and her asshole was incredible, and she was an insatiable fuck. But Jacqueline was a bit more controlled, while Kareena, she was untamed... wild. Her nastiness, her lack of control, was incredible. I glanced back at Kareena, and my eyes were immediately drawn to her gigantic rack. They were just so fucking big... and smooth... and perky... and jiggly. A pair of tits like the ones Kareena had were a once in a lifetime find. When you find a pair like those, you grabbed hold and never let go. And the prospect of them getting even bigger, growing in size as her belly swells with my baby. I could only guess how huge they would get, especially when they got full of milk. They would be so swollen, so ready to burst, so full milk would no doubt drip from her nipples... Any doubt I once had was now gone. Kareena was my slut. And she would always be my slut. "I've created a monster, Gaurav." Kareena whispered. "A few months ago you were terrified of women like me. Now look at you. Fucking every skank you can get your hands on. It would be hopeless to try and stop you at this point, wouldn't it? I know this bitch won't be the last. Trust me, there are too many sluts out there with their eyes out for guys like you. I can't be with you all the time, unfortunately. So here's what we'll do. You have my permission to fuck any slut you want, but know this: at the end of the day, you answer to me. If you fuck some other whore, you confess to me. You tell me about every pussy you stretch with that big cock of yours. Every whore you make moan with that married dick. You tell me about everything. Got it?" "Yes." I whispered as I drove into Jacqueline, knowing a whole new world was opening up for me. A world full of hot asses and big titties. Those sluts out there were mine to conquer. My dick pulsed in desire. "I'm keeping you on a leash, Gaurav." Kareena affirmed. "You've become a beast, and that leash almost snapped thanks to this slut. So now, I'll give you some slack, some room to move. But don't ever forget who's holding your leash, Gaurav." I nodded at this. Jacqueline looked back as I fucked her stretched asshole, noting how Kareena was whispering in my ear. "Ignore that whore!" Jacqueline called out. "Focus on me. On my ass!" "Oh, c'mon Jacqueline," Kareena said silkily, pulling away from me and moving towards her. She moved next to Jacqueline. "You're really impressing me here. I didn't know a princess like you could get down this... hard." Kareena commented, watching Jacqueline drive her ass back at me firmly as I fucked her crazy tight asshole and it smothered me in pleasure. "It's a wonder me and you never hit it off. It seems as if me and you have much more in common than you and my baby sister." Kareena added. "You seem a lot, oh fuck, nicer than you were before." Jacqueline said, fucking me roughly. "Well, I can get a bit... bitchy when I don't cum for awhile." Kareena said, casually stroking one of Jacqueline's swaying breasts. She gave it a tentative squeeze. "Not bad." Kareena muttered. "But like I said, we have a lot in common. We clearly both like it rough. We have similar taste in men. And, we both hate my stupid, brainless, ugly sister." "Ugh, I know, she's the fucking worst." Jacqueline replied. "I know!" Kareena replied. "I don't get anyone likes her. I mean, who wants to be around someone so plain, and ugly, and boring, and dull? Who wants to be around a girl with such small titties? I'm ashamed to be related to her." "I have to fucking hide my face when we go out together." Jacqueline grunted out. "I love humiliating her. Running her down. Making fun of her to her hunky hubby." Kareena said, flicking Jacqueline's swaying nipple.
13-03-2023, 02:45 PM
My pace didn't slow down. I kept driving into Jacqueline, filling her ass to the brim. Her ass was as insanely tight as always.
"I love showing off my body to her. Letting her know what she doesn't have." Jacqueline groaned. "Oh my God, me too!" Kareena replied. "I love trying on her boring clothes and showing her how much better I look in them." "Oh my God, I do the same thing!" Jacqueline said. "Oh Fuck! She tries to pass off her shitty clothes onto me, and I rock the shit out of them. YES, do it Gaurav! Trust me, there is nothing I won't do to humiliate that bitch. I love fucking her husband behind her back! I love the idea of getting knocked up with her hubby's baby! That's fucking it! If I didn't enjoy doing all of this behind her back, I would fucking rub my ass and tits on her face while fucking her man!" "Mmm, I love it! It's so nice to talk to another girl about how much of a dreary bitch Priya is." Kareena stated. "Trust me, bitch, I have lots of nasty plans for her. I want to drip my sex-sweat off my ass into her water. I want to feed her his cum from my tight cunt into her milk! I want to blow out all of her tops with my big tits!" "Ughhh, that sounds, fuck, that sounds hot!" Jacqueline admitted, driving her ass back forcefully into me. "Trust me, you don't know the things I have done. I drank Gaurav's cum from in front of her. I jacked him off at lunch earlier today." Kareena said proudly. "Ughh, I never liked you, bitch, but we have way too much in common to stay rivals." Jacqueline panted out. "I agree." Kareena said, still squeezing Jacqueline's massive breasts. "Imagine what we could do if we team up. What we could put Priya through!" Jacqueline stated. "Poor Priya." Kareena said with a wicked laugh. "There you go, keep fucking Gaurav. Very good. See, neither of us like to share. I know that. I know you want him all to yourself, as do I." she added, trying to take control of this situation. "But it's too late for that. We both know it. We've created a fucking beast here. We've got to work together, share him, own him in all ways." "Fuck yes, Gaurav! Just between the two of us?" Jacqueline moaned out. Kareena shook her head. "I think we both know he can't keep it in his pants anymore." Kareena said. "And there are too many sluts out there to keep him as just ours. But working together, we can do our best to focus him in on us two." "Ughh, fuck me, Gaurav! Fuck me!" Jacqueline moaned out. "But the best part, the part that is extra sweet, is that you and I will start hanging out. We can stop hanging out with poor little Priya and spend some quality time with each other. We won't be fucking, even though I know you really want that, you fucking dyke." Kareena began. "Fuck you!" Jacqueline spat out. Kareena smiled, licked her lips and continued. "But imagine this: Me and you, hanging out, being besties, going shopping, talking about boys, going out to clubs. And we would fucking ignore Priya. Barely talk to her while you and I have best friend adventures, and she would be left on the sidelines where she belongs. She'll see the pictures online of you and I hanging out all the time and she'll fume. She'll stew with jealously, stamp her feet, and bitch to Gaurav. Imagine, my idiot little sister not only losing her man to both of us, but she will also lose her best friend to her hotter, sexier, cooler older sister. And, she will lose her big sister to her best friend, as I will be the best big sister to you. A better big sister than I ever was to her." Kareena said. "Fuck, that's so fucking hot!" Jacqueline squealed. "So, ugh, fuck yes! So are you and I BFF's now?!" "You'd better believe it, bitch." Kareena replied, smiling wickedly. "FUCK YES!" Jacqueline screamed out. I wasn't sure if either of these two actually liked the other, or if they were simply going to be friends cause it would make the affairs we've been having hotter, but at this point, I didn't care. Jacqueline's asshole felt too fucking good. I was getting close. "So now..." Kareena began moving towards Jacqueline's head at the front of the bed, "We need to cement our new friendship, bitch. We are gonna start doing best friend stuff." "Ugh, fuck, like what?" Jacqueline asked, trying to delay her orgasm. Kareena got near the headboard and turned around, getting on her knees in front of Jacqueline. "Oh, you know, typical best friend stuff..." she began. She bent over and pointed her ass at Jacqueline's face. "Like take each other's thongs off with our teeth." Jacqueline's eyes widened. She looked forward, at the string running up the crack of Kareena's ass, over her asshole. And below that, Kareena's cunt, which was leaking my thick cum. "Fuck, if I do this, you'd better return the favor." Jacqueline said. "I only do girls I like. So, you'd better do a good job." Kareena said, reaching back to spread her cheeks lewdly. Jacqueline's head was bouncing as I fucked her tight ass. Finally, her eyes lidded over and she dove forward, shoving her face in Kareena's ass-crack. "Uhhhh, that's it! Get in there, bitch!" Kareena moaned out. My eyes widened as I saw my wife's best friend dig in to my sister-in-law's ass. I saw her mouth moving. I saw her tongue curl around the string in Kareena's ass-crack. I saw her grab the string and pull it into her mouth. I saw Jacqueline pull back and yank it off, as Kareena suggested, with her teeth. I saw Jacqueline drag Kareena's thong down to her knees, then rise back up, lapping at Kareena's ass-crack with her tongue. I began fucking Jacqueline harder.
13-03-2023, 06:17 PM
I reached down and began to squeeze Jacqueline's tits, cupping them in my palms as I fucked her ass as hard as I could. Jacqueline's head was bouncing as she licked Kareena's asshole. I kept squeezing her massive breasts as Jacqueline let her tongue run down Kareena's ass and into her pussy. Kareena's juices and my cum no-doubt began to hit her tongue, but that didn't stop from diving in.
"Oh, that's it, bitch, eat me. Eat that cum!" Kareena moaned out. I dug in on Jacqueline's breasts as she ate out Kareena. I really reared back and began fucking her as hard as I could. "MMmmpphhh!" Jacqueline moaned, her voice muffled. "Fuck her, harder Gaurav! Fuck this slut and make her cum!" Kareena ordered. Jacqueline's ass quivered and my cock pulsed. I was close. "Oh God, bitch, flick my clit!" Kareena moaned. "I'm almost there! Do it bitch! Do it! AIIIIIEEEEEEE YESSSSSSSS!" Kareena's body twitched and jerked as another orgasm hit her. Jacqueline's head followed Kareena's jerking ass, keeping her mouth attached as long as she could, gathering her juices into her wet mouth. Finally, for Jacqueline, the dam broke. "OHHH FUCK YES! FUCK MY ASSSSSS! HOLY FUCK! AHHHHHHHHHH!" Jacqueline screamed, ripping her mouth off of Kareena's cunt. Jacqueline's asshole tightened around my cock, taking me over the edge. "OH FUCK! HOLY SHIT! UGHHHHHHHHHH!" I grunted. My balls twitched, and cum exploded from within me. My cock twitched and pulsed as jets of cum fired from the tip deep into my wife's best friend's tight ass. "I can feel it! I can feel it!" Jacqueline moaned, as I filled her ass with thick cum. I flexed and jerked into her, trying to bury my shaft as far as I could into her, trying to extend the pleasure. My cock kept twitching and pulsing, bursting with cum as it fired out of my dick and into her asshole. My body jerked and flexed as I drove into her, my balls once again being drained by a crazy slut, and God the sensation was bliss. After a minute or two, I fell off of her and onto my back, gasping for breath. Jacqueline fell onto her belly onto the bed, breathing deep as she came down from her high, her asshole gaping after I was done with it. Kareena curled onto mine and my wife's pillows, recovering from the orgasm Jacqueline gave her. It was a few moments before any of us recovered. Jacqueline leaned up on her hands. "Holy fuck." she gasped, strands of my cum, the cum she swallowed from Kareena's cunt, stretched between her lips. She turned to face me. "You up for one more?" I laughed wearily. "I don't know." I grunted out. "I think you sluts wore me out." "You sure?" Kareena asked, perking up. She got on her knees, now completely naked. "I think we can change your mind." "Oh yeah, I asked. "How's that?" "Well, first of all..." Kareena began. "Are you sure that watching two chicks hook up won't change your mind?" Jacqueline perked up and rolled to face Kareena. Kareena smiled wickedly and crawled towards her. "I mean, I have to return the favor, right?" Kareena said with a shrug. As I watched, Jacqueline smiled and spread her legs, showing off her soaked pink thong to Kareena. Kareena crawled forward, between Jacqueline's legs. She hooked the crooks of her arms under Jacqueline's knees and forced her legs up, spreading them up and apart. Kareena glanced down at the barely covered pussy between her little sister's best friend's legs. "This doesn't do anything for you Gaurav?" Kareena asked, her voice heavy with lust. She held my gaze as she ducked her head down. I watched her lean forward and bare her teeth, as if to bite. Her teeth clicked together, and as her head rose from the other woman's crotch I saw the tiny thong string between her teeth. She pulled it up Jacqueline's legs and maneuvered them until she removed them completely and tossed them away. Kareena looked up at me as she hovered over Jacqueline's bare pussy. With me watching, Kareena's slithering tongue emerged from her mouth, extending out, taunting me. Then she dove forward, and I watched as Kareena's tongue entered Jacqueline's cunt. "Hollllllllllllyyyyyn fuck!" Jacqueline spat out in shock. "Jesus." I muttered. I was in shock. It was always a thrill for most guys to see two chicks hooking up, but seeing these two, and knowing the context, it made my dormant cock pulse. Despite what she said earlier, about not enjoying hooking up with other women, it was clear Kareena was quite good at it. Her smooth lips formed a tight seal around Jacqueline's cunt and her tongue fluttered inside of it. "Jesus, Kareena!" Jacqueline gasped out, playing with her own tits. "Keep going." I watched Kareena take one long, firm lick at the length of Jacqueline's pussy until her tongue smothered her hard clit. Kareena forced Jacqueline's legs back until they were next to her head and dove in again, giving another long lick, this time from asshole to clit. "Holy shit." I gasped out, my hand unconsciously stroking myself. "Wow!" Jacqueline moaned out, her nipples stiff as Kareena licked her. Kareena circled her tongue around Jacqueline's asshole, rimming her a little bit, before ascending again to her pussy once more. "Kareena, you are really good at this." Jacqueline gasped. "I know." Kareena said. "It's ironic that a girl so good at eating cunt never has to do it." she said, before resuming her work with her tongue, eating Jacqueline's slick cunt. "Oh yes! Eat it, baby. Eat it!" Jacqueline gasped. Kareena's head was bobbing and her hair fell on Jacqueline's thighs as she worked. "I'm getting close baby, so close. Eat that cunt! Lick my clit!" Kareena sucked at Jacqueline's cunt for a little longer before her plump lips smothered Jacqueline's clit. Her eyes met mine, and I again realized that, in Kareena's eyes, this wasn't about pleasuring Jacqueline. This was about me. This was about her asserting control, dominating this situation. This was about outdoing Jacqueline. "AHHHHHH! DO IT! Lick my clit!" Jacqueline gasped. I was stroking my stiffening dick watching this. Kareena began fingering Jacqueline furiously, curling her fingers in her wet cunt. "OH God, do it! Do it! Make me cum! Make me cum! MAKE ME CUM! MAKE ME CUM! DO IT BITCH! DO IT BITCH! SO CLOSE! RIGHT THERE! RIGHT THERE! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
14-03-2023, 07:01 AM
Jacqueline screamed to the heavens as her juices squirted all over Kareena's face and hands as she worked the younger woman like a master lesbian would. Jacqueline was squirting everywhere, her juices soaking the sheets on my bed. Jacqueline's back was arched as Kareena worked her over, and finally, after a long, drawn out orgasm, Jacqueline's body relaxed and she collapsed to the bed. Kareena pulled away from the younger woman, girl-cum dripping from her lips.
"I thought you weren't into that kind of thing?" I asked. "I'm not." Kareena replied, "But clearly you are." I looked down and once realized I was now furiously stroking my fully hard and ready-for-action prick. I looked at her and smiled. "I don't have much left." I told her. "But I think I have one more." "Well, I've got an idea." Kareena said. "Just lay back. Lay that sexy body down, and let us do the work." Kareena reached over and slapped the curled up Jacqueline on the ass. "Hey bitch, let's move." Kareena called out. "Whuh?" Jacqueline asked groggily. "We've got more work to do. Unless you don't have anything left?" Kareena dared. "No! I'm up, I'm up." she called out, lifting herself up with her hands, speaking like a child getting woken up for college. Groggily, she crawled over, following Kareena. Kareena knelt next to me. "I think we can cook up something special for you." Kareena said. Jacqueline looked confused as to what Kareena's intent was. Kareena reached over and pulled Jacqueline in, pulling her close so they pressed themselves together, their mammoth breasts squishing into each other. The way their massive breasts pressed into each other, so much soft flesh, the absolute canyon of fucking cleavage... it was just remarkable. The two sluts held each other close, then both turned to face me. "Well Gaurav," Kareena began, "You must be imagining how soft it must be right here." she said, pointing in between her and Jacqueline, where their massive breasts pressed against each other. "Ready to find out?" she asked with an eyebrow raised. "Ready to have your dick in between four huge breasts, two a bit bigger than the others?" "Fuck you." Jacqueline replied softly to Kareena, keeping her breasts pressed into Kareena. "Yes! Fuck yes! I'm ready!" I said, letting go of my cock, letting it stand proudly on its own. Moving in unison, the sluts maneuvered so that their joined breasts soon hovered over my hard cock. Using their hands to press them together, the two pairs of breasts hovered in place, the spot where all four pressed into each other mere inches above my dick, poised to smother it with their soft, succulent, luscious flesh. "Please!" I begged. Both sluts paused for a second, and then... "Aaaaaahhhhh! Holy shit!" I called out. I suddenly felt nothing but softness around my cock. Nothing but soft, succulent flesh, pressing in from all directions. I looked down to see my cock disappearing between the two slut's massive racks. My head fell to the bed as the two women reached the base of my shaft, making sure my cock was completely smothered by massive, sweaty breasts. "Oh my God! This is insane!" I called out. "You like that baby? You like those titties smothering your big, fat married cock?" Jacqueline asked. Both sluts were bouncing their breasts around me, stroking me with their succulent breast flesh. Their combined cleavage was so big I wasn't sure my cock was emerging above their breasts or if my sizable cock was completely smothered by them. "I love it! I love it! I can't believe it! So soft!" I moaned out. I had never felt anything so soft, and that inescapable softness was right where it should be, around my throbbing prick. "C'mon baby, cum for us! Cum for your sluts!" Jacqueline said. "I know there's more in there, babe. I know it. I want to dig deep and get that cum from deep in your balls and give it to us. That's the best kind." Kareena called out. "I want you to squirt it all over us!" she begged. "I'm getting close!" I grunted. "Good! Squirt it everywhere!" Jacqueline began. "But mostly on me!" "Uh, uh, slut!" Kareena replied. "I'm getting it. This cum will belong to me!" "No, bitch! Whoever gets the cum wins the threesome. I've been in enough threesomes to know that!" Jacqueline replied. "I know how threesomes work, bitch!" Kareena replied. "The best slut gets the prize." Both sluts continued to jiggle their huge breasts around my cock, taking me closer and closer. So much, perky, soft, slutty flesh, smothering my dick, my married cock, while my wife was at work like a fucking moron. "Oh God!" I grunted out. "Here it comes!" |
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