Misc. Erotica Shwetha - My Sweet and Sour Wife
He was not done enough and grabbing my wife’s wasit for support, Hari stood up and held her face and planted a kiss on my wife’s lips just to let her taste her own juices.  As my wife was licking her juices and smiling, Hari turned my wife around and made her sleep on the bed on her tummy and both her legs on the ground, and spread my wife’s legs apart and standing kneeling down with my face close to my wife’s ass crack.  Placing both his hands on my wife’s ass cheeks, he started spreading my wife’s ass cheeks, Hari started sniffing my wife’s asshole.  “Hey mmmm what are you doing?” as my wife exclaimed and turned to put her arms behind and pull Hari’s head off, Hari started kissing my wife’s asshole.  “Ufffff hey aaaaaaaaaaa ooooo oooooooo,” as my wife started moaning, Hari started showering my wife’s asshole with continuous kisses.  “Ooooooooooffffffuuuuuu mmmmmmm ooooooooo,” my wife started moaning.  The way my wife was moaning excited Hari, and Hari all of a sudden started licking my wife’s asshole, “Oh my godddddddddddd oooooommooooooooooooooffffff,” my wife moaned and started loving it.  Taking his mouth off my wife’s asshole, Hari started placing his left hand between my wife’s ass crack and started exploring my wife’s ass crack, her pussy and her asshole, and at same time was stroking his cock with his right hand trying to get a boner.  My wife was sleeping in a freefall position and thoroughly enjoying his fingers exploring her ass crack.  Since my wife could hear Hari stroking his cock, she was waiting to get fucked and moving her ass in a sexy way teasing him.  Hari on the other hand was struggling to get a hard on, and was cursing himself for cumming too early, that’s when Vishal started to act and went towards him and whispered something to him and sent Hari towards me.  He was thoroughly disappointed and started going out curing himself.  Meanwhile, Vishal pulled his pants down and started inserting his cock inside my wife’s pussy which was nicely lubed with her juices by Hari.  I started feeling sorry for Hari.
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To Be Continued...
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Letting Vishal have my wife in bed, I went outside and Hari was looking totally disappointed.  The moment he saw me, he started to act normal.  “Hari, are you okay?” I asked.  “I blew it up, I completely blew it up, her pussy was right there for me to have, but I got too excited and blew up everything,” he said in a disappointed tone.  “It happens, Hari,” as I was saying, “such a tasty pussy she has, and I can’t believe that I failed to insert my cock inside her pussy and make love to her.  This was the best opportunity I had to enjoy this beautiful Tamil babe, but I ruined it,” as he was cursing himself, Vishal came out.  “What the hell were you thinking when you gave your cock to her?” Vishal started yelling at Hari.  “Vishal, I am sorry man, you know how much I love this woman right?  Ever since I saw her in her blouse and petticoat and shook her hand, I have been dying to fuck her, and the moment I saw her in her white panties right in front of me with her shirt open and I saw her full boobs, I could not control myself and made the shame hand which shook my hand hold my cock.  The moment she held my cock, I lost control and she stroked it off nicely and made me cum,” Hari said in a disappointed tone.  “Should have already enjoyed her pussy the second time when you put her to bed, she was literally giving her ass to have it,” Vishal said.  “But, I could not get hard on,” Hari said.  “She would have been so disappointed, but luckily I was there and inserted my cock inside her pussy and made love to her.  After making love, she was complimenting me for the way I ate her pussy and assshole, which means she thoroughly enjoyed the way you were eating her pussy and her asshole,” Vishal said.  “My God..!” Hari exclaimed.  “What is she doing now?” Hari asked.  “She is sleeping happily in bed after a nice fuck,” Vishal said.  “Shall we take her out now, Vishal?” as Vishal said.  “No, she is tired, man, let her sleep,” as they both were talking, I went inside to check on my wife.
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To Be Continued..!
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She was all covered up in a blanket, “Gopi,” she called, closing her eyes.  “Yes, honey,” I said and got inside the blanket.  My wife was naked inside, “how are you feeling?” I asked.  “How do I look?” my wife asked, smiling.  “You look like a well fucked woman,” I whispered and my wife started laughing.  “Mmmm did he do well?” I asked.  “Oh yeah.  Where is he now?” my wife asked.  “He is right outside,” as I said.  “Vishal?” my wife screamed and Vishal entered inside and straight lifted the blanket and slept next to my wife.  My wife was naked in between Vishal and me now.  “You were good today,” my wife whispered and hugged him naked.  “You made us forget all our worries, Vishal,” I whispered.  “He is right, Vishu,” my wife whispered, holding his face.  “Sir, can I take Shwetha out today?” Vishal asked.  “She is tired, Vishal,” I whispered.  “It's okay Gopi, let him take me out, we are leaving for Canada only tomorrow right?” my wife said.  “Okay,” I said.  “Shwetha, shall we take my friend Hari also along?” Vishal whispered.  “Hari is a nice guy, right.  Vishu, your friend is my friend as well,” my wife said smiling.  She was clearly in a happy mood.  “Just ignore him if he admires your beauty, okay?” Vishal whispered.  “No problem,” as my wife said, Vishal smiled at my wife, “thank you” he whispered looking at my wife’s lips.  “Just wait outside okay? I will wear something and come,” as my wife whispered looking at his lips back, and as they were about to kiss their lips, Hari knocked on the door.  Vishal and my wife laughed, “alright, get dressed and come,” Vishal said and got off my wife.
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To be Continued..!
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Bro, not trying to discourage you. But you should stop involving Vishal or his friends again, as its too repetitive now. And if you can, ignore Balu the driver too. This should be an erotic cuckold story, not a forced sex and crime thriller or something like that. Add new situations like she slowly falling for another person, like the nightclub part, and let her dumbness take her to do the things happen afterwards. If you can't do that, the readers will easily get bored of this story as its predictable now with repetitive scenes..
Good luck thanks
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As my wife got out of bed, wrapped a towel around her and stood in front of the wardrobe and was wondering what to wear, “where do you think Vishal is going to take you, Shwetha?” I asked.  “I don’t know, probably Vishal’s place,” my wife said, picking up all the clothes she decided to wear and keeping them on the bed and going to the shower.  “Gopi, you wanna meet your business team? Go ahead, I will be with Vishal,” my wife said, opening the bathroom door.  “Sure honey,” I said and picked up my laptop and started scheduling my meeting.  That’s when Vishal knocked on the door, and as I opened the door both Hari and Vishal entered inside.  “Mr. Gopi, I have this proposal.  Can you let Shwetha act in my movie? It will be a once in a lifetime opportunity for me.  I am willing to pay anything you ask for” Hari said.  “Hari, come on buddy, they are well off people, they don’t need money.  Besides you have enjoyed Shwetha off screen all you want,” as Vishal was saying, “But did I cum inside Shwetha? You did,” Hari said.  “And whose fault was that?” Vishal asked in an angry tone.  “I gave you such a golden opportunity to enjoy Shwetha, whom you have been dying to make love to, even her own husband, Gopi Sir, did not stop you from enjoying his wife, all because of the love and respect he had for me, but you couldn’t control yourself and came all over her hand, for shame,” Vishal said.  “Vishal, the only chance I have now to have Shwetha to act in my movie and enjoy her in the name of movie shooting,” Hari said in a desperate tone.  “Hari, she will not act in movies, period.  Just forget about it,” Vishal said.  Hari all of a sudden started feeling heart broken and started cursing himself for missing out on his opportunity to make love to my wife.  I started feeling sorry for Hari.  “Hari, tell me how much you like my wife,” I said.  “Sir, I have been crazy about your wife ever since I saw her in her petticoat and blouse.  I will do anything for her, Sir,” Hari said.  “Alright, first you have to create an impression with her, if you do that she will start liking you, and then start talking about you to me and I will indirectly convince her to get close to you,” I said.  “Sir, she is leaving with you to Canada in 2 days, what impression can I create now,” Hari said in a sad tone.  “She loves Tamil, start off with learning some Tamil sentences, and she will instantly like you.  Give her an impression you have learnt this all for her,” as I said.  “Brilliant Idea, Sir, I will help him with nice Tamil sentences,” Vishal said.  “Good, take my wife out and try to be as friendly as possible to her, Vishal, meanwhile teach him some Tamil sentences and help him grab Shwetha’s attention,” I said.  “I will do that, Sir,” he said and looked at Hari.  “Hari, come with me, I will teach you some Tamil sentences,” Vishal said and took Hari outside.

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My wife came out of the shower and wore her Chudidhar and was looking as homely as possible and went out with Vishal and Hari.  Meanwhile I had a zoom meeting with my team and gave them all the instructions and did all the preparations to leave for Canada tomorrow in the evening along with my wife.  Going out with Vishal and Hari, my wife came late in the evening, and slept next to me.  As we were having a conversation, “Hari tried to speak to me in Tamil, today, Gopi,” my wife whispered.  “Really?” I whispered.  “Yeah, the poor guy had tried to learn many Tamil sentences, just to make me smile,” my wife whispered.  “I think he likes me, Gopi, I figured out the way he was trying to take to me and give me all the attention,” my wife whispered.  “Who doesn’t like you here, Shwetha?” I whispered.  “I mean, he likes me in a bad way.  I saw him ogling at me all the while he was with me,” my wife whispered.  “Even I have been watching Hari ogling at you, Shwetha,” I whispered.  “He wants me to act in his movie as his heroine, Gopi,” my wife whispered.  “But you can’t act in movies, remember?” I said.  “I know.  He was telling me that it was a romantic story, and it will be so perfect if he romances me in the movie,” my wife whispered.  “Poor Hari, he is trying too hard to make a name for himself in the Telugu Film Industry,” my wife whispered.  “I think we should help him, Gopi,” my wife whispered.  “Help him how? By producing his movie?” I whispered.  “Yeah, Gopi,” my wife whispered.  “We can produce his movie, Shwetha, but we don’t know about the story,” I whispered.  “But I know the entire story, Gopi.  We rehearsed the entire story in Hari’s house, Gopi,” my wife whispered looking at me.  “Really?” I whispered.  “Gopi, I don’t want to hide anything from you, because I love you, but if you promise you will not get mad at me, I will tell you everything that happened during the story rehearsal,” my wife whispered.  “Tell me what happened?” I whispered.  “No, only if you promise me you won’t get mad,” my wife whined in a horny tone.  “Alright I promise I will not get mad,” I whispered.  “Gopi…,” my wife was blushing before she even started to say.  “What is it, Shwetha?  Come on please feel free to share with me, you know I love you no matter what,” I whispered.  “You like Vishal and me romancing don’t you?” my wife whispered.  The moment she started talking about Vishal, I got horny.  “Not just romancing you, I just love watching Vishal fucking you, Shwetha,” I whispered and turned towards my wife.  I was horny and started having a boner already and removed my t-shirt and shorts and got naked.  My wife clearly understood that I was horny and as I turned towards her and slept next to her naked, “mmmm… having a boner already,” my wife whispered, holding my cock.  “Oooooo ….what’s more exciting to me than Vishal romancing you, Shwetha,” I whispered, holding my wife’s face.  Gently stroking my cock, “Gopi, I know you love watching me and Vishal together, and I love Vishal too, but it was not just about Vishal today,” my wife whispered.  The way my wife was talking made me more excited, but I was calmly removing her nightie, and sensing that I wanted to remove her nightie, she removed her nightie and slept only in her white panties.  Hugging my wife who was only in her white panties, “mmmmmm… tell me more, my love,” I whispered near her ear and planted a kiss on my wife’s cheek.  “You know I told you that Hari and I were having a story rehearsal?” my wife whispered.  “Yeah, what is that story rehearsal, never heard about it,” I whispered.  “Yeah, me too, but Hari said it is enacting portions of the script, like an audition,” my wife whispered.  “Though I told Hari strictly that I can’t act in his movie, Vishal convinced me to at least do story rehearsal and act as Hari’s love interest.  You know that I won’t deny Vishal’s request, right?” as my wife was saying, “I know … I know… because you love Vishal,” I whispered.
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“Oh yeah, Gopi, I love Vishal, and I am gonna miss him a lot.  Poor guy misses me a lot as well, and when he begged me to have me in bed, I agreed, and Hari joined us,” my wife whispered.  “My God, you guys had a threesome?!” I exclaimed.  “Can’t blame Hari totally, Gopi.  Hari and I were having the story rehearsal.  According to the story, I am Hari’s wife, and in one scene Hari and I return home from a wedding, and we both are horny and begin removing our clothes and start kissing our lips in our underwear, and that’s when a relative of ours comes in the middle and disturbs us.  Initially I refused to act and kiss Hari, and that too in my bra and panteis, Gopi, but Vishal begged me to kiss Hari, only in my bra and panties.  You know I won’t deny Vishal’s request, right? I agreed to kiss Hari in my bra and panties.  As Hari removed his clothes and stood only in his underwear, and watching me stand only in my black bra and white colour panties, Hari started having a boner in his underwear.  Hari being a gentleman, was controlling himself and was asking me if I was comfortable.  I told Hari the truth that I was actually feeling uncomfortable, and I was going to do this for Vishal.  Hari liked the way I was being straight forward.  Knowing that I was ready to get kissed, Hari hugged me in my black bra and white panties and began kissing my lips.  Since I had to kiss Hari back passionately as I was horny as well according to the scene, I began kissing Hari’s lips back passionately.  Pausing the kiss in the middle, “thank you so much for the kiss, Shwetha, I always wanted to taste your lips,” he whispered and continued kissing my lips.  As Hari and I were kissing each other’s lips passionately, Vishal got jealous and pulled me off Hari.  “She is my girl, Hari,” Vishal exclaimed.  Hari was totally disappointed and even started apologising to Vishal.  “Sorry, Shwetha, I got turned on and got carried away and started kissing your lips more,” Hari said.  “It's okay, Hari,” as I said, Vishal started hugging me in my black bra and white panties and began carrying me to the bedroom.

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As Vishal begged me to let him have me in bed, as I was leaving for Canada tomorrow, you know I won’t deny Vishal’s request, right? Therefore I agreed.  As Vishal and I started kissing each other’s lips and Vishal got naked and started removing my black bra, I saw Hari standing near the door and watching us, and was looking sad and disappointed that he can’t have me and only Vishal can have me.  As Vishal was grabbing my white panties and removing it off and started sleeping on top of me and began kissing my neck, I saw Hari and he was looking sad and I started feeling sorry for him.  This time I requested Vishal to let Hari join us, and Vishal, who loves me as well, did not deny my request.  As Vishal asked Hari to join us, he happily removed his underwear and got naked and joined us, “come Hari,” I whispered and took him into my arms and let me have me first.  Vishal was so understanding that, while Hari was enjoying his time making love to me, moaning and telling me how much he is enjoying my pussy, and how lucky he was to get a chance to make love to me, Vishal was happily letting Hari make love to me without a bit of jealousy.  That freedom which Vishal gave, let me enjoy myself when Hari was making love to me, and as a reward for that when Vishal started making love to me, I let Vishal cum inside and mouth and I swallowed his semen.  More than making Vishal happy, I was so happy that I made Hari’s dream of making love to me come true,” my wife said.

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The next day Vishal and Hari came to the Airport to send us off to Canada.  As we were about to enter inside, Vishal and Hari kissed my wife’s lips nicely totally ignoring the people and took my wife to their car and fucked my wife nicely and gave her back to me and left the place.

The End


Novelist Casanova    
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You are one of the rare writer who finished up the story without and delay. Thank you for your story. Good one
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Thankyou..  clps  thanks

Waiting For Another Story..  Angel
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Thank you Desmond Miles  Namaskar
[+] 1 user Likes novelistcasanova's post
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Wonderful story. Keep going
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(21-10-2022, 05:49 AM)narenkroger Wrote: You are one of the rare writer who finished up the story without and delay. Thank you for your story. Good one

Thank you narenkroger, thanks for the support.
I am not delaying these days because I post stories here only after I finish writing them.  I think everyone should finish writing the stories with climax and only then they have to post their stories or else they will tend to discontinue in the middle.
[+] 2 users Like novelistcasanova's post
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Hope you have another great plot in mind for next story. Just wishing that it have more voyeur moments from husband, and also his discomfort shows rather than he openly saying it to his wife like this one. That clicks harder than the open wife sharing stories.. Take note of this please, brother.
Good luck! Shy
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(21-10-2022, 09:18 PM)vaddadi2007 Wrote: Wonderful story. Keep going

Thanks for the support vaddadi2007 Namaskar
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(22-10-2022, 04:31 AM)Desmond Miles Wrote: Hope you have another great plot in mind for next story. Just wishing that it have more voyeur moments from husband, and also his discomfort shows rather than he openly saying it to his wife like this one. That clicks harder than the open wife sharing stories.. Take note of this please, brother.
Good luck! Shy

Its because its a Cuckold Story.  The reason why the husband is openly encouraging his wife wife is because the husband actually is a cuckold, and has found joy in watching his wife being lusted by others.  There is a small flashback in the story, how he becomes a cuckold.  If the husband was a possessive guy, he wouldn't have let his wife have so much fun.
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