Misc. Erotica Shwetha - My Sweet and Sour Wife
To Be Continued..!
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As he pulled his cock out and let my wife stand straight, he looked at my wife’s face, “did you like it?” he asked.  As my wife was still in tears, and was not looking at him, he choked my wife, “say it, bitch,” he said.  “I liked it,” as my wife replied, “now go clean yourself and come,” he said and took his hands off her neck.  As my wife was struggling to walk and crying, he gave a hard slap on my wife’s ass, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah” my wife started crying and almost ran inside the washroom.
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As my wife went inside the washroom, “what is that, you are holding, son?” the driver asked.  “It's a Deepavali Gun you bought for me, dad,” the driver’s son said.  As the driver started to put on his clothes, he and his son were happily talking to each other, “Gopi..!” my wife called from the washroom.  “Yes, Shwetha,” I said and went near the washroom.  “Please bring my clothes,” she said and I went and picked up her saree, blouse, and petticoat and went near the washroom and as she started collecting her clothes from me, she pulled me inside.  She had just washed her face and pussy off and was toweling her face and toweling her pussy.  Collecting the petticoat from me, she started wearing her petticoat, and as she was wearing her blouse, “we have to get the hell out of here as quickly as possible, Gopi,” she said and started wearing her saree.  “Shall I tell Balu to get his car ready?” as I asked.  “No, never in this bastard’s car again.  And this daughter, Maya, is not a girl, is a guy,” as my wife said, “What?!” I exclaimed.  “I will tell you everything.  We will just leave this fucking house and get the hell out first,” as my wife was saying tears started to flow all over her cheeks again and hugged me.  “Let's go…” I said and took her out of the washroom.  “Balu, we are leaving,” I said.  “Just a moment, I will drop you sir,” as Balu said.  “No, it's okay, you take rest,” as my wife said.  “Yeah, Shwetha, I need rest.  I am so tired after making love to you, twice,” as he was saying, my wife was biting her lips and crying.  She was feeling guilty for offering herself this guy.  Without even saying a word further, my wife started leaving the house and I started following her.  As we were about to reach the end of the road, “Mommy.!” the driver’s son called.  My wife turned around, “Fuck You,” she said showing her middle finger to him, and turned around and started walking as fast as she could.  We took an Auto, though he tried to overcharge us, we agreed to pay and reached our hotel.

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To Be Continued...!
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The moment the lift opened and we got inside, my wife, who had been holding all her tears all this while, started crying and hugged me.  “Gopi …. Gopi … Gopi,” my wife kept on crying.  As the lift opened and we went near our room, “Gopi, it's not safe here, we have to leave this place immediately,” my wife said.  She was totally scared, and was telling us about how the driver and his son, threatened her at gunpoint and bangd her.  That’s when I came to know that even his son made love to her in the washroom.  As my wife started telling me that the driver’s son was holding a gun and standing behind me and threatening her that he will shoot me if she does not cooperate with his dad, I told her that it was a Deepavali Gun, not a real one.  She was feeling totally foolish, embarrassed, and ashamed of herself at the same time.  She could not believe the fact that, she got fooled by an 18-year-old midget with a Deepavali Gun; she was feeling embarrassed that she got fucked by that midget; she was ashamed of herself that she let the driver kiss her, fondle her, sleep with her, make love to her, and enjoy her completely and let him cum inside her, not just one, but twice.

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“I did all this because that little bastard threatened to kill you, Gopi,” my wife said crying.  For a moment I got angry, “let's complain this to the security officer Station, Shwetha,” I said.  “Complain what?  That I was used up nicely at Gunpoint by a midget?  I don’t want to embarrass myself further there at the security officer Station, Gopi.  What if this becomes a NEWS? The people who are going to watch the news are going to laugh at my stupidity,” my wife said.  “Gopi, listen to me, let’s get the hell out of this Hotel, and go far far away and stay away,” my wife said.  “Shall I book tickets back to Canada?” I asked.  “No, Gopi, finish your business work first, until then I can manage.  You just book another hotel far away from here,” my wife said.  I agreed and checked out the hotel and booked another Hotel at the Outskirts of the city.

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I let my team have the party without me, and continued staying with my wife and comforting her.  Even the next day I did not contact my team members and was spending time with my wife who was upset with herself.  After a couple of days, I was in bed writing an email to postpone my business meetings, my wife was at the balcony wearing my white shirt, and her white panties inside, and talking to Vishal.  She was crying, and seemed like she was sharing everything that happened at Driver Balu’s place with Vishal.  After talking to Vishal for a good one hour, she hung up on the call and wiped her tears.  She put her phone on charging and came towards me.

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She saw me typing and came near me and saw my email, and told me to keep my laptop aside, and slept next to me.  As I saved the mail in the drafts and kept my laptop aside, my wife slept on my chest, she started by apologising for her stupidity.  “Sorry horny, sorry for my stupid behavior, you had to watch me sleep with that fat asshole,” my wife said.  “It's okay, honey,” I tried to console.  “Can’t believe I got tricked by that little asshole son of his, with just a dummy gun,” my wife said.  “The little bastard threatened me that he would kill you if I did not sleep with his dad, honey.  That’s why I had to do this,” my wife said in a guilty tone.  “That’s all right, my love, you are safe now,” I whispered.  “That little bastard threatened me to cooperate well with his ugly dad.  I was so scared for you honey, for a moment our beautiful family and lives came in front of my eyes, and made me cooperate with that ugly man, honey,” my wife said.  “Out of curiosity, I am asking you this.  The driver was so ugly, yes, but how did you manage to cooperate with him?” I asked.  “When Balu was making love to me, nowhere I was opening my eyes, did you notice?” my wife asked.  As my wife started saying, I was getting turned on and lifted her shirt and inserted my hand inside her white panties casually.  “No, you were closing your eyes and enjoying yourself, and the way you were kissing his ugly lips, full of passion, closing your eyes was a treat to watch,” I said.  “Yeah, I know, but when I was cooperating well with Balu, I was closing my eyes and telling myself, “Shwetha, your husband is making love to you now, not Balu, just enjoy yourself, don’t open your eyes.”  As I was telling myself and cooperating with Balu, I got comfortable and started enjoying myself,” my wife said.  “You liked his lips, while kissing?” I asked.  “Ewww … no, it was dark, fat and dry, but as I started telling myself, “Shwetha, it's your husband’s lips, not Balu’s lips, just enjoy yourself,” and started enjoying kissing his lips.  That’s when he got a hard on again, and turned me around and started making love to me from behind, Gopi,” my wife.  “But you started cumming early while he was making love to you?” I asked.
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“That’s what I am saying, as he started making love to me from behind, I was closing my eyes and telling myself, “Shwetha, it is your husband who is making love to you from behind, not Balu, just enjoy yourself,” and started enjoying his cock inside my pussy, Gopi.  As his full cock was inside me going deeper and deeper inside my pussy, I was enjoying myself closing my eyes and was ready to have an orgasm, at that very moment Balu called you and started telling how much he was enjoying my pussy and when he gave my pussy a deep push, I started cumming all over his cock.  Only after I came, I opened my eyes and started feeling all the pain,” as my wife was saying.  “He spanked your ass,” I said.  “My God, he spanked my ass really hard, Gopi, I can still feel the pain here,” my wife said pointing her hand at her ass cheeks.  “Let me see,” I said, and as I turned her around and started pulling her white panties down to check on her ass cheek, “mmmmm… Somebody is horny,” my wife said, smiling at me.  “Not me, it's you,” I said, sleeping next to her with my hands inside her panties and feeling up her ass cheeks.  “I am.  Vishal is coming here, and he is almost here, and he said he will be here in 15 minutes,” as my wife said, her phone started ringing, and pulling my hand off her panties, “it's Vishal,” my wife exclaimed and got excited and got off the bed and started pulling her panteis up and running towards her phone where she put it on for charging.
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My wife was so excited and happy.  The last time I saw my wife this happy was when she was with Vishal.  As she began picking up the call, “Yes, who is this?” my wife asked.  “Balu, what do you want now?” my wife asked.  “No, I don’t want to go saree shopping,” as my wife said, I could hear him yelling at my wife, as I went and picked up the phone, the driver started yelling at me as well.  “Honey, leave it on speaker,” my wife said and as I left it on speaker, “Balu,” as I started to speak in a soft tone so that things will be calm, “Gopi, why did you check out of the hotel without telling me?” the driver asked.  I got pissed off this time, but tried to answer him politely, “Balu, listen, we don’t have to tell anyone why and when we are vacating a hotel okay?” I said.  “Listen to carefully, Gopi, I know you check out of the hotel because I won’t fuck your wife again, but your wife lives to sleep with me, why are you stopping her?” he said.  “Balu, I don’t want to sleep with you, I never wanted to sleep with you,” as my wife was saying, “but you slept with me just 2 days ago,” he said, interrupting her.  “Yes, I did, because your son threatened me,” as my wife was saying, “you slept with me and were enjoying the way I was making love to me.  You forgot how passionately you were kissing my lips?” as the driver was saying, “while kissing your lips, I was thinking about my husband,” my wife said, but the driver was not at all listening to my wife and continued saying, “You forgot how you came all over my cock when I was fucking your bedding you over?”  As my wife started responding, “while you were doing that, I came because I was thinking about my husband,” the driver was not listening to her at all.  “I know you want me to make love to you again, bitch.  Now tell me which place you are staying,” the driver said.  “Balu, I will not tell you where I am staying, you are the last person I want to meet on this planet,” my wife said.  “If you don’t want to sleep with fine, but if you ever think about going to the security officer, I will fucking ruin your life, you fucking Canadian whore,” as Balu was saying in an angry tone, “Ravi, let's call the security officer in,” my wife said.  “Balu, how dare you yell at my wife, let me see how you will ruin our lives,” I said.  “Gopi, you fucking idiot, I fucked your wife right in front of you and were just watching,” as the driver started mocking me, my wife got angry, “hey stupid old pig, what do you know about my husband, he thought I was enjoying, and let you have me,” as my wife was saying, the driver was not listening to my wife at all and continued shouting at me over the phone.
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“Listen to me…. Listen to me… listen to me .. you dirty pig..” as my wife kept on trying to respond to him, he was not at all listening to my wife and continued shouting, and my wife just hung up the call and blocked that number.  Again she got a call, this time for another number, as she answered thinking that it was Vishal, “listen carefully you fucking bitch,” as the driver started talking, my wife left the phone on speaker again, “your husband is not the right man for you, he is a coward, when I was fucking you, he did nothing to save you,” as the driver started saying, “hey low life idiot, what do you know about my husband, he loves me, and is doing everything to make me happy.  Yes, when you slept with me, my husband did not stop you, because he did not know that your son was threatening to kill us if I didn’t sleep with you.  My husband thought I was enjoying when you were making love to me in the bed, and let me enjoy it.  If he knew about your son, my husband would have fought you both,” as my wife said.  “What do you want now, Balu?” I asked.  “Send your wife to me, Gopi.  Ever since I made love to your wife, I have been crazy about her, and I badly want to have her pussy now,” as the driver was saying, I was shamelessly getting turned on.  “Fuck No, you fucking pervert, we are going to the security officer and tell them the whole thing and you are gonna go to the jail,” my wife said.  “You don’t know about me, if you go to the security officer, I will ruin both your lives,” he said.  “Let us see who is going to ruin whose life,” my wife said and hung up the call and switched off her phone.

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“Gopi, call the security officer, this guy is ruining our time here,” as my wife was saying, the driver started calling my phone.  “Gopi, don’t answer the call, it must be him,” my wife said.  “Wait, Shwetha, let me see what he has to say and I will block him,” I said and answered the call.  “Hey Gopi, I know you love watching me enjoy your wife, bring her to me now, man,” he said in a soft tone.  “Balu, listen, she is not ready to meet you, will you please leave her alone?” I said, taking my phone away from my wife.  “Gopi, you don’t know about me, if I set an eye on a woman, I will definitely have her at any cost,” he said.  “You already had her Balu, please,” I said in a soft tone.  “Balu, you had her twice already didn’t you?” I said.  “It's not enough for me man.  You don’t know about your wife, you don’t know the value of your wife.  Your wife’s pussy is a pleasure hole, the more I put my cock inside your wife’s hole, the more your wife’s pussy gives me pleasure.  Just bring your wife to me, Gopi.  I know you love watching her get laid, I promise I will make her enjoy this time and make you have fun watching it,” as the driver was saying, I was getting more excited, shamelessly.  “I know Balu, but she doesn’t like you any more,” as I was saying, “who cares if she likes me or not, I like your wife and I am gonna enjoy your wife if she likes it or not,” he said.  “No, Balu, I can’t bring her for you,” as I was saying, my wife came towards me and snatched the phone from me.  “Listen you pervert, my husband has been trying to put some sense into your head, and you still want to talk to him?  Get the fuck off our lives,” my wife screamed.  “Put it on speaker,” I said and my wife put it on speaker.  “You have no idea what your husband was talking to me, you silly little bitch,” as he was saying, to divert him, “mind your language, Balu,” I said.  “Listen to me carefully, I know you will be leaving India in 2 Days, I want your wife in 2 days, if you bring her to me peacefully, I will give her all the pleasure and send her with you back to Canada.  If I come there to get your wife, I will make her suffer,” as the driver was saying.  “Fuck off, Balu, you are the worst person ever,” as my wife started cursing him, “In 2 days,” he said and hung up the call.

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“Gopi, we have to leave this place immediately, it's not safe here, I have a feeling that Balu will find us,” my wife said.  “Alright, let me go to the reception and book our flights and come,” I said and started going to the reception.  The moment I got inside the lift, Vishal was right inside the lift, “Sir,” he exclaimed.  “Vishal, how did you find out the address?” I asked.  “Shwetha gave me, Sir,” he said, he was completely charged up and I could see his excitement to meet my wife already.  He had even brought a bouquet full of roses to meet my wife.  “Shwetha said, I was texting her, you fingered her and made her cum,” he said grinning at me.  “Your texts were great, Vishal, you just turned her on with just your messages, and reading them even I got horny and started fingering my wife,” I said.  “You are great, Sir.  You have no idea how thankful I am for letting me have your wife’s pussy.  I mean who would let an average looking guy like me enjoy their beautiful wife?  I don’t want to lie to you, your wife’s pussy is the best pussy I have ever had.  Your wife’s pussy smells great, your wife’s pussy tastes great, your wife’s pussy feels great with I insert my cock inside her pussy, Sir,” as he was saying, he was looking desperate to fuck my wife.  I was excited to watch it.  As the lift opened and he followed me to our room, “sir stay back, I am gonna surprise, Shwetha,” he whispered and stood against the door clearing his throat and licking his lips with all the saliva he had in his tongue.

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As he was about to knock on the door, the lift opened and his friend, Hari, came out.  “I have been searching for you, Vishal,” as he started saying, “Shhhh…” Vishal signaled him to be quiet.  The moment my wife opened the door, “Vishal,” she exclaimed and Vishal readily hugged my wife and pulled her out of the room and started hugging her and circling her around.  Since my wife was only in her white shirt and white panties, when Vishal hugged my wife and circled her around, her white shirt rose up and she was giving full of her white panteis to Hari, and Hari was enjoying the view of my wife’s panties.  “Beautiful..!” Hari exclaimed.  “Oh I missed you, so much,” Vishal said, dropping her down.  “I miss you too, Vishal,” she said.  As she noticed Hari, she broke the hug and looked at Hari, “it's Hari, remember, you met him at my place, he is a Telugu Producer and Hero?” Vishal said.  (Only later I came to know that Hari was neither a Producer or Hero, but an Assistant Director).  “Oh yeah, hi Hari,” my wife said and shook Hari’s hand.  “Let's get inside, shall we?” I said, and my wife entered inside, and Vishal followed her, Hari, who was right behind me and ogling at my wife’s ass, “please excuse me, sir,” he whispered.  I did not notice and continued to follow Vishal and my wife.  Making Vishal sit on the coach, she took the flowers and kept them on the vase, “it's beautiful, Vishal,” my wife exclaimed.  “Really?” Vishal exclaimed and got up and stood behind my wife.  “Yeah,” as my wife whispered.  “Not as beautiful as you,” he whispered, and as my wife was putting her head down and blushing, he lifted my wife’s chin and started kissing my wife’s lips. 
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To Be Continued…
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Kissing my wife’s lips, he held my wife’s hands and wrapped them around his neck and started hugging my wife back and continued kissing my wife’s lips, and my wife was kissing his lips back.  The entire hotel room was quiet, and all the sound could be heard in the room was some birds chirping at the balcony and the sound of Vishal kissing my wife’s lips and my wife’s kissing Vishal’s lips back.  The room was so romantic and Vishal and my wife were looking like they were made for each other.  Breaking the kiss, Vishal whispered something to my wife and my wife blushed and he went to the bed and my wife followed.  As they both stopped at the bed, “One sec,” he whispered and said something into her ear and pulled out a blindfold.  “What?!” my wife exclaimed with a smile.  She refused to wear the blindfold first, and whispered something into her eyes and she gave him a naughty smile and agreed to wear it and closed her eyes and Vishal started wearing her blindfold.  “Promise me that you will not take your blindfold off,” Vishal said.  “I promise, I will not take the blindfold off,” as my wife said, he kissed my wife on her forehead and smiled at her and as my wife smiled back at him, he wore the blindfold on my wife and covered her eyes.  As she was whispering something, my wife was smiling, and he was removing my wife’s shirt buttons one after the other.  As he was done removing all my wife’s shirt buttons, he whispered something into my wife’s ear, and my wife smiled and Vishal started walking towards the washroom.  To much shock, Vishal was coming out with Hari.  The moment Hari saw me he got scared, and Vishal was pulling him towards my wife.  Before Vishal could take Hari to my wife, he had to pass through me, and as Vishal stopped at me, “Sir, it's all Vishal’s idea,” Hari whispered.  “Sir won’t mind, Hari,” Vishal whispered to Hari and looked at me, “Sir, just one kiss,” Vishal whispered, asking my permission to let Hari kiss my wife, and without even waiting for me to agree, Vishal sent Hari towards my wife.  As Hari went near my wife, he was nervous, and looked at Vishal, “Come on, Hari,” Vishal cheered him up quietly.  Taking a deep breath, Hari gently grabbed my wife’s unbuttoned shirt and started opening her shirt, “wow.!!” he exclaimed as my wife’s well shaped boobs came into his full view.  As Hari gently placed his hands on my wife’s boobs, “mmmm,” my wife let out a soft moan and started biting her lips.
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“Oh my god.!” Hari exclaimed softly and started taking his mouth close to boobs and started sucking her boobs.  “Mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm,” my wife moaned, biting her lips.  He was totally excited and his cock was fighting to come out of pants and he pulled his pants down and let his erect cock free and stood facing my wife.  As he looked at my wife’s lips, he could not control himself and all of a sudden, he held my wife’s right hand and made her hold his cock and held my wife’s face and started kissing my wife’s lips.  Thinking that it was Vishal who was kissing her lips, my wife started passionately kissing Hari’s lips back, and with all the lust she started stroking his cock, and Hari started moving his waist uncontrollably as he was enjoying the way my wife was stroking his cock.  Clearly he was excited, and looked like he was about to cum at any moment.  At the same time he was enjoying kissing my wife’s lips and was enjoying the way my wife was kissing his lips back.  He was moving his legs and waist uncomfortably, trying to pull his cock off my wife’s grip to prevent himself from cumming early, but my wife was in no mood to let his cock go and continued stroking his cock.  As he broke the kiss and started biting hips to prevent himself from moaning, my wife took her lips close to him, which excited him the most and started kissing my wife’s lips and his right hand went down and rested on my wife’s boobs.  “Mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm,” as my wife started moaning and enjoying the way Hari was feeling up her boobs and she was loving the way his cock was growing in her hands, Hari got excited and continued kissing my wife’s lips passionately.  The moment he got too excited and my wife was moaning and squeezing his cock and stroking harder, he took his right hand from my wife’s boobs and went down feeling up my wife’s navel, and her white panteis elastic and inserted his hand inside my wife’s white panteis from the front and grabbed my wife’s pussy, “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” my wife moaned and the very next moment squeezed Hari’s cock, and Hari started cumming all over my wife’s hand.

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To Be Continued..!!
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“Oh, my poor darling, got too excited?  Get me a towel or something,” my wife exclaimed, and readily pulled out a kerchief from his pocket, Hari gave it to my wife.  With the blindfold still on, as she started wiping Hari’s cum off her hand, “don’t worry okay? It's because you missed me so much,” as my wife was saying, Hari started cursing himself for getting too excited and cumming early.  “I am surprised, Sir,” Vishal whispered.  “What?” as I whispered.  “I am surprised he actually controlled himself for this long.  Judging by the way Shwetha was driving him crazy and how horny he used to get every time I spoke about Shwetha, I thought he would cum the moment he touched your wife, Sir.  Got to give it to him for controlling himself and managed to kiss your wife’s lips and feel up your wife’s boobs.  Unfortunately for him, your wife’s pussy was too much for him, and came all over your wife’s hands,” Vishal whispered. 

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Meanwhile Hari, who was disappointed with himself that he couldn’t control himself and came all over my wife’s hand, was in no mood to let my wife go.  Hari knelt in front of my wife and started grabbing my wife’s panteis’s elastic and started pulling it down.  “Mmmmm… hey,” as my wife exclaimed with a smile on her face, but she let him remove her panteis and started taking one leg after the other off her white panties.  “Shhhhh…” he said and started spreading my wife’s legs wider.  “Oh my god, this is so embarrassing !” my wife exclaimed and spread her legs apart.  Hari inserted both his hands between my wife’s legs and grabbed my wife’s ass cheeks with both hands and admired her pussy for a good 5 seconds.  Sniffing my wife’s pussy, “mmmmm,” he moaned and started eating my wife’s pussy.  “Mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm,” my wife started moaning, arching her head backwards and gently placing her right hand on the back of Hari’s head.  As Hari began kissing, licking, and digging his tongue inside my wife’s pussy,  “mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmmmm,” my wife began moan loud and started pushing his head against her pussy tighter .  The moment Hari, went up kissing my wife’s clit and inner thighs and started inserting his middle finger deep inside my wife’s pussy and started fingering her pussy, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah mmmmm,” my wife moaned and grabbing Hari by his hair, and came all over his finger, and quickly taking his finger off my wife’s pussy, Hari, now started licking, tasting and sucking my wife’s pussy off her juices.  “My God, that was great darling,” my wife kept complimenting, brushing Hari’s hair and letting him lick her pussy all he wanted.
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