Misc. Erotica Shwetha - My Sweet and Sour Wife
The next day I got busy with my team meeting at the Restaurant on rooftop, and I got a call from my wife.  “Excuse me guys,” I said, excusing myself from my team and came near the edge of the rooftop.  My wife was still in the bed, “yes, Shwetha,” I said over the phone.  “Gopi, there is a room service guy in the room, shall I tell him to come later?” my wife asked in a sleepy tone, as she was still too lazy to get off the bed.  “No, wait.. I have an idea..!” I said.  I started to get excited, “you said you will do anything for me if I take you to Vishal today right?” I asked.  “Yeah,” my wife answered.  “Listen to me carefully, I want you to lift your nightie up and reveal your panties to the room service guy, and pretend that you are asleep.  Switch to Video call, I want to watch his reaction,” I said.  “Gopi, are you crazy?” my wife exclaimed.  “Do it if you want me to take you to Vishal,” I said.  “No way.  What are you thinking about me?” she said.  “Do you want me to take you to Vishal or not?” I asked.  “Yes, but I am not going to show my panties to this room service guy, okay?” she said.  “Alright… alright … you take a rest, I am in the middle of the meeting now,” as I was saying “Gopi, I have been trying to contact Vishal, but his phone is switched off,” my wife said.  “Leave him a message on WhatsApp or something,” I said.  “I did, but no response from him,” my wife said.  “Don’t worry I will take you to Vishal after this, okay?” I said.  “Thank you so much, Gopi, I love you,” my wife said.  “Love you too, baby,” as I said and was about to hang up, “Gopi, about showing my panties to this room service guy, why do you want me to do that?  Does it excite you when others ogle at me?” my wife asked.  “Of course it excites me, in fact, it makes me feel proud of myself, the more they ogle at you and feel jealous of me for marrying you, the more I feel proud of myself that I have married to the most beautiful woman on the planet,” I said.  “Aww… Gopi, thank you baby, but I am not the most beautiful woman on the planet,” my wife said.  “To me, you are the most beautiful woman on the planet, no matter how old you get,” I said.  “Awwww… thank you baby,” my wife said.  “You are my queen, and my queen deserves all the pleasures on this planet, including Vishal,” I said.  “Vishal is the only pleasure I want now,” my wife said.  She was so desperate to meet Vishal.  “Ha ha ha… What about your favorite Tamil Actor whom you wanted to meet?” I asked, sounding casual.  “No, I only want Vishal,” my wife said, laughing.  “Ha ha ha … What if I let you sleep with your favorite actor?” I asked.  “No, only with Vishal,” she said laughing.  “That white guy Arthur or Vishal?” I asked.  “Arthur is just a friend, Gopi,” my wife said.  “I know, tell me Arthur or Vishal?  If I let you sleep with one of them, would you choose Arthur or Vishal?” I asked.  “Only Vishal,” my wife said.  “Why? Arthur is a handsome looking well built young white guy, way better than Vishal, who is an average looking Indian guy, dark in complexion, not well built, not good looking either,” I said.  “I don’t know, Gopi, it's not about the looks, it's about the feel they give when we are with them.  Vishal gives me a feeling that he is all that I want,” my wife said.  Women are crazy.  I could not believe that my wife was preferring the average looking Indian guy Vishal over the handsome white guy Arthur.  Clearly she was crazy about Vishal.  “I know it is Vishal that you want now, and I am gonna take you to his place after this okay?,” as I was saying, I could hear someone opening the door and entering inside.  “It's the room service, Gopi,” as my wife was saying, I looked at my team, and they were watching me and I realised they were waiting for me for a long time.  “Alright, let me finish the meeting and get back to you, Shwetha,” I said and hung up the call.

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Apologising to my team for making them wait, I resumed the meeting and they shared with me the good news that I made 10 Crores profit.  I was so happy and I called the receptionist and asked her to book a resort for my team to celebrate this.  My team members were totally thrilled, and within 30 minutes the receptionist called and told me that the Resort is booked for the evening and all the party arrangements shall be made.  My team members cancelled all their appointments for the evening and decided to join the party.  I ended the meeting and started taking the lift to go to my Room.

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I was in a great mood, and opened my room and entered inside and my wife was sleeping comfortably on the bed, but her nightie had risen up and revealed her panties.  As I changed my dress and went towards my wife and grabbed her nightie to cover her panties, she woke up, “Hey, Gopi… I thought it was the room service guy.  “Mmmmmm…. You were trying to tease the room service guy for me?” I said and slept next to my wife.  “I was not trying, I teased him up a bit already and was waiting to tease him more for you,” my wife said, holding my face.  “Awww… I wish I was there to watch you tease him, Shwetha,” I said.  “Don’t worry, I will tease him more tomorrow and you can watch it and enjoy,” my wife said.  “Wow… I am excited already,” I said and hugged my wife in bed.  “How did you tease him now?” I asked.  “Just like you wanted, I lifted my nightie and revealed my panteis and pretended to be asleep,” my wife said.  “What happened after that?” I asked.  “As I was pretending to be asleep with my half closed eyes, the room service guy came and sat next to me in the bed, and was getting a close view of my pussy over my panties, and you know what he said?” my wife asked.  “What?” I asked.  “He said the same thing you want to hear from other men who ogle at me,  “wow… what a woman, her husband is such a lucky man,” he exclaimed softly, Gopi,” my wife said.  “I am a lucky man, am I not?  I am married to a Beauty everybody wants to marry and sleep with,” I whispered.  “What did he do next?” I whispered.  “Nothing, he got a call and left,” my wife said.  “Oh no..!” as I exclaimed.
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“Hey, don’t worry Gopi, I am gonna tease him more and make you watch it, tomorrow,” my wife said with a smile on her face.  “Aww, thank you Shwetha,” as I said with a huge smile on her face, she understood that I like her teasing me.  “Guess what?” she asked.  “What?” I asked.  “I am gonna let the room service guy touch my panteis and if possible let him insert his hand inside my panties,” my wife whispered.  “My God..! Shwetha…!” I exclaimed.  “Anything for you, Gopi, because I love you,” my wife whispered.  “I wanna watch it,” I whispered.  “I am gonna let you watch it and enjoy it.  It's my treat for you, Gopi,” my wife whispered.  “Wow…!,” as I exclaimed in a melting tone, “before that, take me to Vishal,” my wife said.  “Alright .. alright.. Let me call him and see where he is now,” I said and picked up my phone and started calling, “his phone is switched off, Gopi, I have been trying to call him since morning,” as my wife was saying, Vishal answered my call.  “Hey Vishal,” as I started talking, my wife grabbed my phone, “Vishal, are you avoiding me? Haan?” my wife asked in a bold tone.  “Shwetha, I woke up just now and charged my phone and am answering your call,” he said in a sleepy tone.  “The whole night I did not sleep, Shwetha.  I told you that we are working on this Telugu movie script right?  We were working on that the whole night.  Hey, are you still in India?” he asked.  “No, I am leaving for Canada now, just wanted to call you and inform you,” my wife said and winked at me.  “Shwetha, just don’t go anywhere, okay? I will be there in 30 minutes,” he said.  “No, Vishal, you sleep, I am going,” my wife said, laughing, taking the phone away from her so that he couldn’t hear her laugh.  I quickly switched on the speaker and gave the phone back to my wife.  “Come on Shwetha, I will not send you to Canada without kissing your lips,” he said in a desperate tone.  “No, you are not going to kiss my lips,” my wife said, controlling her laughter and looked at me and I pretended to be laughing.  “Shwetha, please, don’t do this, you know how much I miss you,” Vishal stated to get emotional.  “I don’t miss you, I am going to Canada now,” my wife said.  “If you leave me without kissing my lips, I am going to kill myself,” Vishal said and started crying.  My wife was laughing all this while and now she got serious.  “Please, Shwetha, don’t leave me without kissing my lips,” he begged, and my wife close to me, “Gopi, quickly get ready, take me to Vishal immediately,” she whispered into my ear.  “Vishal, we kissed enough last night, didn’t we?” my wife said getting out of bed and started taking the phone to the washroom.  “I want more of you, Shwetha, I want more of you,” Vishal continued to beg.  Though my wife took the phone inside the washroom, I could still hear their conversation.  “Hey, you enjoyed me fully, didn’t you?  What else do you want now?” my wife whispered.  “Shwetha… Shwetha… Shwetha… the scent of you is still all over me, can’t believe you are leaving me without letting me kiss your lips,” he said.  “You can kiss next time, if I come to India, okay? Take care .. Bye,” my wife said and switched off the phone, opened the door and gave the phone to me.  “Gopi, don’t switch on the phone, I want him to suffer as much as I suffered when he had switched off his phone,” my wife said.

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As she was in the shower,  I got ready and went to the basement and arranged a Car for us.  Though Driver Bala was there, we did not talk to each other.  Ignoring him, I booked another driver and came back to the room.  By the time I came back to the room, my wife had already come out of the shower and was in her black panteis and white bra, and started wearing her grey petticoat and grey colour blouse, and a matching saree in a hurry.  As she sat in front of the dressing table, “Gopi, we have to go to Vishal fast and surprise him, I don’t want him to suffer too much,” she said.  “Shall I switch on my phone?” I asked.  “No, not until we go to his house and surprise him,” my wife said.  “Cool, I have booked a car already and it is waiting for us now,” I said.  “Great, Gopi, you are the best,” my wife said.  “Why are you wearing a saree?” I asked.  “To surprise him, Gopi.  He said he would love to see me in a saree,” my wife said and stood up.  She was looking stunning in this simple saree.  She was wearing her saree well below her navel and her waist was so pleasing.    For a moment I lost control and hugged my wife in her saree, “Shwetha, you are looking so hot in saree,” as I started to say and wanted to say “I wanna make love to you now,” and complete the sentence, “Vishal is gonna love me in this, Gopi, let’s go and surprise him,” my wife said and planted a kiss on my cheek and broke the hug.
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 My wife was all dressed up for Vishal and we started to leave our room.  As we waited for the lift to come down, the room service guy Ravi saw my wife and his eyes almost popped out of his eyes.  My wife noticed it and chuckled, “Gopi, did you see that room service guy’s reaction,” my wife whispered.  “Ha ha ha … he saw you in your panteis and now he is surprised and spellbound,” I said and looked at the room service guy, “Ravi, come here,” I said.  “Sir,” he said and came near us.  “Can you guess, madam’s age?” I said.  “Gopi, you said tomorrow, and started already,” my wife said smiling.  She was casually letting me tease the room service guy.  “Ravi, can you guess madam’s age?” I said.  “Sir, madam is looking at me and I am feeling shy,” Ravi said.  “Shwetha, close your eyes,” I said and my wife smiled and closed her eyes.  The room service guy looked at my wife from the sideways and looked at my wife’s right cheek, “from this angle, she looks 25, sir,” Ravi said.  “And in his angle?” I asked pointed at my wife’s back side.  He looked at my wife’s back and her ass, and for a moment fixed his eyes right on my wife’s ass over her saree.  “Two … two .. two…” as he stammered, “two..? You mean one and two?” I said pointing my fingers at my wife’s each ass cheek.  “No, sir, 25 from this angle also,” he said.  “Alright, come this side,” as I said and he came towards my wife’s left side, his eyes almost popped out looking at my wife’s waist and her left boobs in her blouse.  “Sir, in this angle, madam looks 19 or 20,” he uttered with his eyes still all over my wife’s waist and her left boobs.  “19?” My wife exclaimed and looked at him and he took his eyes off my wife’s waist.  “Sir, madam opened her eyes,” he said.  “Shwetha..!” as I exclaimed.  “Okay .. okay… I am closing now,” my wife said and closed her eyes with a smile on her face.
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“Alright, come to the front, Ravi,” I said and hugged my wife from behind.  As she was facing the lift, “alright now how old does my wife look?” I said and covered her waist fully with her pallu.  “25, Sir,” he said.  As I started moving my wife’s pallu aside slowly and revealing her tummy and half of her navel, “Sir..!” he exclaimed, biting his lips.  “Just tell me how old my wife looks now, Ravi,” I said.  “Sir, is it okay to see madam’s navel?” he asked, sounding innocent as if he had not seen my wife’s panties.  “As if he has not seen your panties, Shwetha,” I whispered into my wife’s ear, and she chuckled.  “Yeah, Ravi,” as I said and started pulling my wife’s pallu aside and revealed my wife’s full navel and her left boobs over her blouse, “Mmmmmmm sir,” he exclaimed and moaned biting her lips and having a boner in his pants.  To tease him more, “Guess my wife’s age now, Ravi? Oh you want to see more of my wife for that?” I said and moved my wife’s pallu completely aside and showed my wife’s enter belly and navel, and her entire boobs in her blouse.  “Oh my God mmmmmmmmmmm,” he moaned and stood frozen and his hand went right over his cock over her pant, and at the same time the lift opened and Driver Balu was inside and got a full view of my wife’s boobs in her saree and her tummy and navel and was in a shock for a moment and started ogling at my wife’s body.  But I covered her boobs and navel with her pallu quickly, “Sir, madam looks only 21 from this angle,” Ravi said and my wife turned towards the room service guy and looked at me and chuckled.
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“Hey, Ravi, she is 35 now,” I said and laughed and my wife started laughing looking at the room service guy.  “Sir, please get in,” Driver Balu said, looking at my wife in her saree from head to toe.  Since my wife was looking at the room service guy, “thank you for the compliment, Ravi,” my wife said.  “Madam, calling my name once again, made me feel like heaven when you called my name with your lips,” he said.  My wife smiled at him and looked at me, “Say his name,” I said and my wife looked at the room service, “thank you for the compliment, Ravi,” as my wife was saying, his eyes were all over my wife’s lips.  “Madam, please say my name 5 times, please,” he begged and as my wife started saying his name, his eyes were all over my wife’s lips and looked like he was dying to taste my wife’s lips.  Meanwhile, Driver Balu, who was inside the lift, was looking at my wife’s waist and side boobs over her blouse and ogling at her.  “No free shows for you, bastard, you were rude to me last time,” I said to myself and covered my wife from the side ways and took my wife inside the lift.  My wife did not look at his face, and I was standing behind my wife and he was standing next to me.  The moment the lift started to go down, “Sir, I am very sorry about last time, please forgive me, I was rude to you,” he said and got on his knees and started begging for mercy.  That’s when my wife turned around and noticed it was Driver Balu, and Balu all of a sudden fell on my wife’s feet and started apologising for the last time’s behaviour.  “Balu, wake up, Balu… get up…,” as my wife started saying.  “Please save you forgive me, only then I will get up, Madam,” he said and started grabbing my wife’s legs around her knees.  “Balu, what is this, get up,” as my kept saying, “no, I will not get up until you forgive me,” he said and knelt straight and grabbed my wife’s ass and started burying his face against my wife’s navel.  “Hey, Balu, what is this?” my wife exclaimed and started grabbing his hands which were over her ass on top of her saree and trying hard to pull his hands off her ass.  “Please say you forgive me, madam, please,” Balu, who was in no mood to take his hands off my wife’s ass and take his face off my wife’s belly, kept on saying.  “Gopi.. What is this? Do something,” my wife exclaimed.  “Alright Balu, we forgive you,” I said.  “Thank you, Sir,” he said looking at me and still grabbing my wife’s ass and as he tried to get up holding my wife’s ass, he rubbed his lips against my wife’s navel and got up.  My wife started adjusting her saree.  “Thank you for forgiving me madam, I should not have been so rude to you last night,” as he kept talking, the lift door opened and we got out and started walking towards the reception, but he kept on following my wife and continued ogling at her in her saree.  As the receptionist asked us to wait at the lobby until the driver came to pick us up, my wife started walking towards the lobby to have a seat, but the driver stopped me.  “Sir, please, I will drop you today, please, I will take you wherever you want to,” the driver started begging.  “You showed your true colour last night, Balu, you cannot be trusted,” I said.
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 “Sir, just give me one more chance, please I beg you.  Your wife is looking stunning in her saree today, and I just want to admire her beauty and pick you up safely and drop you back safely,” he said.  “No, Balu, I have already booked a new driver,” I said.  “He is my friend sir, don’t worry about him, I will pick you up and drop you safely, please give me this one chance.  Ever since I saw your wife’s navel and boobs in her saree at the lift entrance, I got crazy and realised that if I was not rude to you last time I would have spent all your stay here admiring her beauty,” the way he was begging me desperately just to let him ogle at my wife made me change my mind, but I was worried about the safety.  I was so proud of my wife that she made this rude man get on his knees and begged me to forgive him for his rudeness, all with the help of her beauty.  “Balu, listen, I am okay with you admiring my wife’s beauty,” as I was saying, “oh thank you so much, sir,” he said.  “Listen to me fully … I am okay with you admiring my wife’s beauty, but I am worried about the safety while travelling with you,” I said.  “Sir, I promise I will take you safely and drop you back safely,” he said.  “Let me talk to my wife first,” I said and went and sat next to my wife.  “What is he saying, Gopi?  He was so rude to us last time,” my wife said.  “Shwetha, he says he is sorry about what happened last time and asks us to let him pick us and drop you,” I said.  “What shall we do?” she asked.  “I think we should give him a chance, Shwetha,” I said.  “Yeah, Gopi, that’s what I think as well, we should forgive and move on,” as my wife was saying, she saw him watching her and called him.  As he came towards us, my wife got up and I got up as well, “Balu, you are a good man, but last time you lost yourself.  My husband and I have decided to forgive you,” as my wife started saying, he was about to touch her feet, but she caught his shoulders, “not required, Balu,” she said and smiled at him.  “Which means I can be as friendly as I was before the last time’s incident, Madam?” he asked.  “Yes, we have totally forgotten the last time’s incident, that’s what real forgiveness is,” my wife was saying and looking at me and I was smiling at her kind words.  Little did she know that he is still lusting for her.  “Thank you so much, Madam, let me not waste your time, I will bring my car” he said and rushed to the parking lot.
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 “He is a good man, Gopi, he has helped carry me and saved me at the pub.  He is a pervert though,” she said.  “Yes, but everybody gets pervy when they look at you here, Shwetha,” as I was saying, “and I have been ignoring them,” as she was saying, “and I am enjoying watching them ogle at you and feeling proud of my sexy wife,” I said and put my arm around her shoulder and smiled at her and she smiled at me and leaned her head on me.  “I am proud to be your wife as well, you give me everything I ask for,” she said.  “That’s because I love you, my Queen,” I said.  “I love you too, Gopi,” my wife said.  “Wonder what Vishal is doing now?” she said.  “Shall I switch on our phones and call him?” I asked.  “No, I want him to suffer trying to talk to me over the phone just like I suffered trying to talk to him over the phone,” she said.  “Why should he suffer, Shwetha, you like him don’t you?” I said.  “I like him, Gopi, but I want him to miss me until we go there and surprise him,” my wife said.  “He is a lucky guy, Shwetha,” I said.  “Who, Vishal?” my wife asked.  “Yeah, out of all the men who ogle at you here, it is Vishal who is getting to enjoy all this beauty.  You are all dressed up in saree and looking so sexy now, and I am sure he is gonna go crazy the moment he sees you like this,” I said.  “Sarees make me look older, Gopi, what if Vishal feels I am older to him?” my wife said.  “The room service guy said you look 20 in your saree, remember?  Lust sees no age, caste, religion, colour, etc.  Shwetha, you look sexy in this saree and you are gonna drive him crazy with his sexy look of yours,” as I was saying, Driver Balu came and asked us to get inside the car.  As we got inside, “take us to Vishal’s house we went last time,” I said.  “Okay, Sir,” the driver said and started taking us to Vishal’s house without even saying a word.  He was so well behaved that my wife started striking a conversation with him.  “Why are you quiet, Bala?” my wife asked.  “Feeling guilty for being rude to you madam, I just can’t get over that guilt feeling,” he said in a depressed tone.  “Come Balu, we forgot about it, didn’t we Gopi?” my wife said.  “Balu, you have me carry my wife from the pub, you saved my wife at the pub and carried her, do you think we are going to forget all your help?” I said.  “Yeah,” my wife said.  “Really? Then I can help carry madam for you next time as well?” he asked.   I looked at my wife and she smiled at me, “sure, why not,” I said.  “The guy is a pervert, Gopi,” my wife whispered quietly into my ear.  He saw it through the rear view mirror, “seems like madam has not forgiven me and doesn’t want me to carry her,” he said.  “Balu, not like that… I was just asking my husband something …,” as my wife was struggling to find words.  “I understand madam, you don’t like me carrying you,” Balu said in a depressed tone.  “Balu, come on …! Okay.. You can feel free to help my husband carry me next time, okay?” my wife said.  “Thank you so much madam, I consider this as a token of forgiveness for the last time’s behaviour,” he said.

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After a while, “Madam…!” he exclaimed.  “Yes, Balu,” my wife said.  “What about the saree shopping, madam? You asked me to take me for saree shopping,” he said.  My wife looked at me and realized about the Saree shopping plan she and the driver were discussing about the last time when we were in the car.  “Tomorrow?” my wife asked.  “Sure,” I said.  “We will do it tomorrow, Balu,” my wife said.  “Sure madam, I will take you to all the nice places to buy nice sarees, petticoats, and bras and panteis,” he said.  “Madam,” he called again.  “Where did you buy this saree you are wearing?” he asked.  “At an Indian store in Canada,” she said.  “And are you wearing a Canadian bra and panteis inside or Indian bra and panteis?” he asked.  “I told you last time to wear everything Indian, both inside and outside,” he said.  I like the way he was digging into my wife’s bra and panteis, it kind of turned me on.  “Canadian I guess,” I said, smiling at my wife.  “Is it madam?” he asked.  “Yeah,” she said.  “Only the panteis you are wearing under your saree now is Canadian or the bra you are wearing inside your blouse as well, Madam?” he asked casually.  “Both, Balu, do one thing: take her to a nice Indian undergarment shop tomorrow as well and help her buy Indian undergarments as well,” I said and looked at my wife.  She was like whatever.  “Be Indian both outside and inside,” I whispered.  “Sure sir.  There are some great Indian undergarment shops I know, they will just look at madam’s blouse and tell her what type of Indian bra suits her and give me the right size as well,” as he was saying, my wife was looking at the window and showing me that we are almost near Vishal’s place. “Similarly, sir, they will look at madam’s waist and find out her right size and give her the right size panties,” he said.  “I want to go to this shop with Shwetha, and tease them up nicely and come,” as I was telling myself, “Gopi, this is the place,” my wife said.  As the driver went near the gate, the security, like last time, opened the gate for us and let us in.
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As I got out of the car, the driver quickly went towards the other side of the car where my wife was sitting and opened the car for her.  As she was saying thank you, and trying to get out of the car, she was revealing her navel and boobs in her saree accidentally and he started feasting his eyes, and almost tried to grab my wife’s waist, but controlled himself, and my wife got out of the car.  As my wife started adjusting her saree, the pervy driver was shamelessly ogling at her.  We took the lift and started going up towards Vishal’s place.  Knowing that the lift is pretty slow, my wife quickly opened her handbag and picked up her mirror and started applying some last minute makeup.  Watching my wife applying makeup to look more sexy for Vishal started making me feel horny.  The bitch inside my wife was slowly waking up now.  After applying her makeup and keeping everything inside her handbag, she looked at me and smiled at me, “how do I look now?” she asked.  “Like a perfect whore ready to get laid,” I said to myself.  “You are beautiful, baby,” I said.  “Thanks,” my wife said with a blush and the 10th floor lift opened.  As we went towards Vishal’s place and knocked on the door, “who is it?” Vishal said from inside and started coming toward the door.

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As Vishal half opened the door, he was shirtless and was only in his lungi.  The moment he saw my beautiful wife, he got emotional and held her face and started kissing her lips and my wife got emotional as well and started kissing his lips back.  “You came back for me?” he said in an emotional tone holding my wife’s face and started kissing her lips and went down kissing all over my wife’s neck.  My wife went weak and dropped her handbag on the floor, and started enjoying the way he was kissing her all over.  “You came back for me,” he said, holding my wife’s face.  “You thought I would leave you?” my wife asked.  He got emotional, “I missed you,” he said and started crying and started hugging my wife.  With my wife’s arms around his neck, “I missed you too,” she said and started hugging him back and all of a sudden, Vishal started kissing my wife’s lips and my wife started kissing his lips back passionately totally ignoring me.  Kissing each other’s lips passionately, they began entering inside the house.  As I picked up my wife’s handbag and started entering inside, my wife’s pallu was already on the floor and her saree was leading towards the kitchen.  There my wife was, sitting on the kitchen slap, with her saree and petticoat risen all the way about her knees, and with her legs spread apart and with Vishal in between, grabbing her waist and kissing her lips passionately, and my wife with her hands gently placed over her bare chest and kissing his lips back.  “You lied to me, didn’t you?” Vishal said, grabbing my wife’s blouse hooks and trying to remove them.  My wife was clearly horny and enjoying putting her head down and watching him remove her blouse hooks and started looking at Vishal who was enjoying removing my wife’s blouse hooks one after the other.  Vishal removed my wife’s blouse completely and took it off my wife and put it on the floor and looked at my wife.  “Wow..!” he exclaimed, admiring my wife’s boobs in her white bra.  As my wife watched him admire her boobs in her white bra, biting her lips, Vishal started hugging my wife and started kissing her cheeks.  As he proceeded kissing her cheeks and kissing her ear, my wife looked at me with her half closed eyes and closed her eyes fully and started enjoying the feel of her favourite guy kissing her all over her.
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As he was kissing my wife’s chin, he took his hands behind her and was trying to remove my wife’s bra from behind.  My wife smiled at him, “it's in the front,” she whispered, he smiled at her and whispered something back and started removing her bra hook from the front.  “It's Canadian,” my wife whispered, smiling and watching him trying to remove her bra from the front.  The moment he unclasped her bra hook from the front, he inserted his hands under my wife’s bra cups and started grabbing my wife’s boobs and started kissing her lips.  My wife started moaning as she was getting her boobs squeezed and lips kissed at the same time.  Sparing my wife’s lips, Vishal went down kissing her neck and moving her bra cups aside, he started suking my wife’s boobs, “mmmmmmm…” she moaned, biting her bottom lips, and gently holding Vishal’s face and enjoying watching the way he was sucking her boobs.  “You like them?” she whispered.  “MMmmmm.. I love them,” Vishal said, taking his mouth off my wife’s boobs and grabbing my wife’s boobs with both his hands, and whispering something into my wife’s ear.  To which she smiled and held his face gently and whispering something with a smile brought her hands down casually placing her hands all over his chest and looked at his crotch over his lungi.  As he whispered something, taking his hands off my wife’s boobs and placing them over my wife’s saree and petticoat which had risen above her knees, she started laughing and playfully pinching Vishal’s chest.  “Mmmmmm.. Let's see what you are wearing underneath this,” Vishal said and started lifting my wife’s saree and petticoat.  “Oooooo, Black panteis..!” he exclaimed looking at my wife’s face, as she smiled, he covered her panties with her saree and petticoat and started inserting his hands under her saree and petticoat and began roaming his nails all over my wife’s inner thighs.  “Mmmmmmm,” my wife moaned, resting her hands on the kitchen slab and arching her head backwards and jutting her boobs forwards, and Vishal readily started sucking my wife’s boobs with his hands still roaming all over my wife’s inner thighs.  The moment Vishal started sucking my wife’s boobs, “mmmmmmmmm,” my wife moaned and took her hands off the kitchen slab and started holding his face.  As he took his mouth off my wife’s boobs, he whispered something to her and she smiled at him and held his face and started kissing his lips.  More like he was receiving and my wife was doing all the kissing on his lips.  As my wife was kissing Vishal’s lips with all the love and lust for him, he was inserting his hands further inside my wife’s saree and petticoat and started grabbing my wife’s panteis.
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 Realising that Vishal was trying to remove her panteis, my wife was adjusting her sitting position in order to make it easy for Vishal to remove her panteis.  As Vishal started removing my wife’s panties, she had to hesitantly break the kiss, but was enjoying watching him lustfully removing her panties.  As Vishal was removing my wife black panties from her, “mmmmm nice panteis,” he whispered.  “It's Canadian,” as my wife whispered with a smile, he smiled at her and started sniffing my wife’s panteis.  “Mmmmm… just love the smell of your panteis, Shwetha.  Smell of your pussy is driving me crazy,” as he was saying, my horny wife held his face again and started kissing his lips.  She was kissing his lips as if she was tasting a new sweet.  As my wife was kissing Vishal’s lips, Vishal removed his lungi and got naked and grabbed my wife’s legs and started pulling her close to him, to the edge of the kitchen slab.  As he lifted my wife’s saree and petticoat and revealed her pussy, she broke the kiss and was looking at his face for his reaction.  Vishal started licking her lips looking at my wife’s clean shaved pussy, and as he started stroking his cock to insert it inside my wife’s pussy, my wife held his cock and stroked it gently, she looked at his face with her half closed eyes.  She was genuinely enjoying the feel of his cock growing in her hand.  As my wife was stroking his cock gently, Vishal started grabbing my wife’s boobs and started playing with them.  “Mmmmmmmmm hmmmm mmmmmmm…” as she moaned, Vishal took my wife’s hand off his cock and started inserting his cock inside my wife’s pussy slowly.  As he cock was entering my wife’s pussy slowly, “mmmmmm aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh mmmmm,” she moaned, closing her eyes and taking Vishal into her complete embrace.  Vishal, whose cock was inside my wife’s pussy, hugged my wife back and started making love to her.  “Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmm…” my wife started moaning to every push, and placing her hands on his shoulder, she started looking into his eyes and continued moaning.  “Mmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmm… Vishal mmmm mmmmmm,” she was moaning looking at him and took his hands off his shoulders and started holding his face.  “Mmmmmm mmmmm, you like it, Vishal? Mmmmmm mmmmm mmmm?” she moaned holding his face and Vishal was enjoying my wife’s pussy.  “Hmmmmmm mmmmm aaaaaah… I am loving it, Shwetha… aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” Vishal started moan and began intensifying fucking my wife.  “Aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaaammmm,” he started to moan.  Quickly realising that Vishal is excited and would cum at any time, she started helping him cum inside her by hugging him tight and crushing him tight against her naked boobs and whispering into his ear all naughty things.  “Mmmmmm mmmmmmm Vishal… you are so good.. Mmmmm … hey …. I am loving it… mmmmm mmmmm,” my wife was hugging him and crushing her boobs against his chest and moaning at his ear.  “Aaaaaaah mmmmmm maaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah….. I am going to cum, Shwetha….. Mmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa,” Vishal started moaning, and as he hugged my wife’s tight, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm mmmm,” he moaned started cumming inside my wife’s pussy, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm mm mm mmm mmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmm,” my wife wrapped her legs around Vishal’s wasit and squeezed his cock inside her, and hugged him tight and came along with him.

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Looked like they totally enjoyed themselves and were relaxing after each other.  After a couple of seconds, they looked at each other, “thank you for coming for me, Shwetha, I missed you,” he said and started kissing my wife’s lips and hugged her.  Breaking the hug and pulling his cock out of my wife’s cum soaked pussy, “I knew you would come back for me, Shwetha,” he said, smiling at my wife and helping her get down from the kitchen slap.  As he held her hand and helped her down, “how do you know?” she asked.  “Something was telling me that you will come back to me,” he said and smiled at my wife.  “The washroom is that way, go clean yourself and come,” he said as my wife tried to pick up her saree which was all over the floor.  “Wait.. Wait.. Wait…” he said and removed her saree completely, “go now,” he said and sent my wife to the washroom with only her grey petticoat and white bra which was open in the front.

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As my wife went to the washroom, Vishal picked up his lungi and started wearing it, and picked up my wife’s black panteis.  “Vishal..!” I called.  With my wife’s black panties in hand, he smiled at me and came towards me.  As he started picking up my wife’s saree as well, “how was my wife?” I asked.  “One of the best pussies I have ever had, the best pussy, I should say.  Hope you allow me to enjoy your wife more in the future, Sir,” he said.  “Sure, Vishal, like I said my wife is all yours, just enjoy yourself okay?” as I was saying this, I was feeling horny.  “Gopi..!” My wife called from the washroom and I went inside.  As I quickly went to the washroom, my wife was looking at herself in the mirror and adjusting her hair, and had not hooked up her bra as well, “Shwetha, I can’t believe this is happening,” I whispered.  “Like a dream, isn’t it?” my wife whispered.  “Did you enjoy it?” I whispered.  “What do you think?” she asked, smiling looking at herself at the mirror and was about to hook her bra from the front.  As I was about to go from behind and hug her, Vishal entered inside, tugging my wife’s black panteis to his lungi  “mmmmmmmm… I need them,” Vishal said, standing behind my wife and stopped my wife from wearing her bra, and started removing my wife’s white bra and started tugging my wife’s bra to his lungi where he had tugged my wife’s black panties already, and started grabbing my wife’s boobs from behind.  “I am gonna keep your bra and panteis as a souvenir,” he said, squeezing my wife’s boobs from behind and resting his head on her right shoulder.  “This is the second time you are keeping my bra and panties as a souvenir,” my wife whispered, enjoying the way he was holding her by her boobs from behind.  “Every time I have you, I am gonna have your bra and panteis,” Vishal whispered.  “You are crazy, Vishu,” my wife whispered.
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“One day my wardrobe will be full of your bras and panties,” he whispered, telling my wife that he is going to make love to my wife many more times.  By the time my wife dumb wife began to realize what he meant my that, he turned her chin towards him and started kissing her lips.  It looked so romantic and I was totally horny.  Vishal paused, kissing my wife’s lips and turned my wife around, holding her hands, and lifting her hands up, “wow!” he exclaimed looking at my wife who was only in her grey petticoat and admiring her clean shaved underarms, her boobs, waist and navel.  “You are like a dream, Shwetha,” he said and as my wife blushed, he started hugging my wife.  As he was about to kiss my wife’s lips, someone knocked on the door, “excuse me,” he said and left my wife and went to answer the door.  “Gopi, get my blouse,” my wife said, as I was about to go out the washroom, Vishal came back casually picking up my wife’s grey colour blouse and giving it to her.  “Who is it, Vishu?” my wife asked.  “Nobody, Shwetha,” he said and closed the washroom door with me and my wife inside and went out.  As my wife started wearing her blouse without her bra inside, and turned around and looked at me, I was spellbound, as she was looking stunning giving me the full of her waist and navel, “what?!” my wife exclaimed.  “As if you are looking at me for the first time,” my wife said smiling.  “You look stunning in this, Shwetha,” as I said, she smiled at me, “but I am feeling naked underneath without my bra and panties, Gopi,” my wife said, smiling with her eyebrow up.  “Go wear your saree, you won’t feel naked underneath then,” I said, smiling at her and she smiled at me and turned around to open the washroom door.  The moment my wife opened the door fully and got out of the washroom to wear her saree, to our shock Vishal was standing, but he was with another guy.  The moment the guy standing next to Vishal saw my wife in her blouse and petticoat, his eyes almost popped out and started shamelessly ogling at my wife.  “Ermm.. Shwetha…, this is my friend from the Telugu Film Industry, …. Erm..  you saree is in the bedroom ,wait, I will get it,” he said and started going to his bedroom.  The Telugu Film Industry guy without having the basic manners to leave the place, “hi, Shwetha, I am Hari,” he said and tried to give my wife a handshake.  My dumb wife on the other hand, instead of covering herself, still thinking that she was living abroad and it was okay to reveal her navel and stuff, “hello, Mr. Hari,” she said and started shaking his hand.  “Vishal has been telling me a lot about you.  Come let's go to the living room and talk,” he said casually, at the same time shamelessly started ogling at my hot wife.  “Let me wear my saree and come, please wait for me in the living room,” my wife said.  “Sure,” he said, smiling at my wife, and started to leave towards the living room walking backwards with a smile on his face and getting an eyeful of my wife in her blouse and petticoat.  “You look stunning, Shwetha, you are the perfect heroine material I was looking for,” he said and left for the living room.  “What is he talking about?” as I exclaimed, Vishal came inside with my wife’s saree.  “Sorry, Shwetha, your expensive saree was on the floor, so I took it and kept it in my bedroom,” Vishal said.  Collecting her saree from Vishal, “who is he, why does he want to talk to me?” my wife asked and started wearing her saree.  “Well, wear your saree and come, we will talk about it,” Vishal said and went to the living room.

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As my wife got dressed up and went to the living room, “please sit down, Shwetha,” Vishal said and got up from the three seater sofa where he was sitting on the one where while the Telugu film industry guy was sitting on the other.  “Guys, we have to leave, we are getting late,” I said.  “Yeah, Vishal, we are getting late,” my wife said.  “Okay, Shwetha. When are you leaving for Canada?” Vishal asked, my wife looked at me and told him the truth that we will be leaving next week.  “Great, we will meet tomorrow then, shall we?” Vishal asked.  As I started to say “tomorrow, we have some shopping to do, and ….” Vishal held my wife’s hand, “you have to come, okay?” he said and my wife agreed, and started leaving Vishal’s house.

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