Misc. Erotica Shwetha - My Sweet and Sour Wife
Very nice writing. Erotic. Some are not realistic like that last part as it lead very fast to finger in open area in India. But very good story. Kept this going..
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As we reached the exit, the driver dropped her down, my wife was feeling embarrassed and did not even look at the driver.  “Sir, cover madam on both sides, she is bottom naked,” he said and made my wife walk in between us and took my wife in his car.  As he started the car and started moving, not a word we spoke.  As we reached our Hotel, “here madam, take this shawl,” the driver said and gave a shawl to my wife to cover her lower body.  “Thanks Balu,” my wife said and wrapped it around her waist and we went to our room.  My wife was totally sad, as we reached our room she started removing her clothes.  “Gopi, give this to Balu and come,” she said and gave me the driver’s shawl and went to the shower.  As I went down and asked the receptionist, she said Balu has gone to drop a guest and he will be back in 10 minutes.  As I went back to the room, my wife already had her shower and wrapped a towel around her body and was blow drying her hair in front of the mirror.  She was totally absent minded, though he had blow dried her hair already, she was still keeping the blow dryer on.  “Shwetha… Shwetha…” I shook her and brought her back to senses.  “What happened to you?” I asked, placing my hands on her shoulders and helped her stand up.  As she stood up the towel she was wrapping herself with gave off and fell down, and she was naked now, “I know what is bothering you now,” I said and carried her naked and placed her in bed and I got naked quickly and slept next to her in bed.  “Shwetha, I am missing Vishal already,” I said, sleeping next to my wife and placing my right hand gently over her belly.  “Me too, Gopi,” my wife whispered looking at me.  “I am gonna find him for you, Shwetha,” I said.  “Gopi..!” my wife exclaimed, as she did not know what to say and how to say.  “He likes you, Shwetha, the romance he had with you felt so real, and I loved it.  That’s the reason I let him dance with you, Shwetha,” I whispered.  “Gopi..!” she exclaimed and turned towards me.  “You both looked like a great pair, Shwetha, and I loved the way you both were kissing each other’s lips, Shwetha,” I whispered.  “Gopi..!” she exclaimed.  She was loving the way I was telling her that I was okay with Vishal romancing her.  “I am gonna find him soon for you, my love, and I am gonna let him romance you, and I am gonna let him have you completely in this very bed, and I am gonna watch you enjoy making love to Vishal,” I said and slept on top of my wife and hugged her.  “Gopi..!” my wife exclaimed and hugged me.  “Because I love you, my love,” I said and started making love to my wife.  “Oh Gopi… mmmmm mmmm mmmm…” my wife started moaning.  “Next time it's gonna be Vishal’s cock inside your pussy, and you are gonna love it mmmmm mmmmm,” as I was saying and making love to her, I was getting too excited and so was she.  “Keep your pussy ready for Vishal, okay, Shwetha?” I asked.  “Mmmmmm… Gopi…. mmmmmmm….” she exclaimed and moaned.  She exclaimed as if she was agreeing to what I said.  “Now give me a smile,” I said, and my wife’s face brightened and she started to smile.  That was clearly a horny smile, as she was so happy that I am gonna let her sleep with Vishal.

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The very next moment, she got a call from Vishal.  “It must be Vishal, I left him a message to call me,” my wife said and got off the bed and went near the mirror where she left her phone.  As she answered the call, “leave it on the speaker,” I said and she left it on the speaker, “Hi Vishal,” my wife said.  “Hi Shwetha, how are you? Did you reach home safely?” he said.  “Yeah, Vishal, I am fine, we reached the hotel safely.  My husband wants to talk to you as well, the phone is on speaker, you can say hi to him,” my wife said and kept the phone on the dressing table.  I was horny and was hugging my naked wife from behind and was enjoying the way she was getting excited talking to Vishal.  “Hi Sir, how are you? Who was the guy who was carrying you, Shwetha?” he asked.  “He was our driver, Vishal, a very nice guy,” as I said.  “He isn’t, he is a pervert.  When the lights were almost gone at the stairs, he removed Shwetha’s leggings and removed her panties as well and took full advantage of her and fingered her pussy.  I tried so hard to save her, but the crowd pushed me away.  “I knew he was a pervert, right from the day 1, forget about him, Vishal, where you, we are missing you already,” my wife said in a desperate tone.  “Are you safe, Vishal, I am missing you already,” my wife said in an emotional tone.  “I am missing you too, Shwetha, I wanna hug you now, Shwetha,” he said.  “Vishal, if you ever want to hug my wife, now is the best time, because she is naked now,” I said and hugged my naked wife from behind and kissed her right cheek, and she was blushing.  I could hear the ring of the lift opening on Vishal’s call, which gave me a feeling that he was very close to us.  “Can’t wait to hug your naked wife’s sir,” Vishal exclaimed.  “Vishal ….,” my wife exclaimed, and when I accidentally placed my hand on my wife’s inner thighs, I could feel her juices flowing through her pussy and inner thighs already, as she was excited to make love to Vishal.  “Shwetha…!” Vishal exclaimed.  “I can feel you already, Shwetha, don’t get dressed please,” Vishal said in a desperate tone.
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 “Don’t worry, Vishal, I will keep her naked, come and have my wife now,” as I said and looked at my wife she started blushing.  “Open the door, Sir, I am at your doorstep,” Vishal said and started knocking on the door.  “Oh my God..!” my wife exclaimed and tried to pick up her towel to cover herself, but I grabbed her from behind and carried her along with me to the doorstep.  “Gopi, nooo,” my wife exclaimed and pushed me and ran towards the wardrobe and started wearing her white t-shirt, and by the time I wrapped a towel around me and opened the door for Vishal, my wife picked up her white panties and started wearing it.  “Hello Sir, where is your wife?” and looked directly at Shwetha who was wearing her panties, “Vishal, just give me a second, I will wear something,” as my wife tried to say.  Vishal started walking towards my wife, “Shwetha, I missed you,” Vishal said and readily hugged my wife who was only in her white t-shirt and her white panteis.  “I missed you too, Vishal, just gimme a moment, I will wear something,” my wife was feeling uncomfortable as she was revealing her panteis.  “You are wearing fine, here, wear this,” he said and picked up a long yellow skirt from the wardrobe and gave it to my wife.  My wife, who was in a hurry to cover her panties and legs, grabbed the long yellow skirt and started wearing it.  “Sir, let's go,” Vishal said.  “Where?!” my wife and I exclaimed at the same time.  “To my place,” he said.  “I know you are leaving for Canada tomorrow and I don’t want to waste this night.  I have arranged for dinner as well, let's go now so that you can come back here early” he said.  My wife must have lied to him that we are leaving for Canada tomorrow so that Vishal comes back to meet her.  My wife looked at me, asking what shall we do, “just give me a second, Vishal, shall wear my clothes and come,” I said and started wearing my clothes.  “Just give me a second as well Vishal, shall wear my clothes and come,” as my wife said, “you are just fine, Shwetha,” he said and held my wife’s hand.  “There are certain things I need to wear, Vishal,” my wife whispered.  Clearly my wife was horny and excited. “Like what, Shwetha?” Vishal asked.  “My brassiere,” my wife whispered.  “You don’t have to,” Vishal whispered looking at my wife’s boobs over her t-shirt.  “I have to, Vishal, I can’t walk around dangling,” my wife whispered.  “If you wear your bra now, I am not going to talk to you from now on,” Vishal said in a strict tone.  “Vishal..!” my wife exclaimed.  “What is happening?” I asked, getting ready to leave for Vishal’s place.
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“Nothing, shall we go now?” Vishal asked.  “Yup,” I said and my wife, adjusting her t-shirt, started to leave along with us.  As the lift opened and we entered inside, and we were getting down, I looked at my wife’s t-shirt, since it was tight, her boobs and nipples were poking through the t-shirt, which she did not notice.  We reached the ground floor, and I went to the receptionist and asked for Driver Balu, and she informed him and asked me to wait.  As my wife, Vishal and I waited for the driver, Vishal was sitting next to my wife and I was sitting opposite to her, and they both were giggling and enjoying their conversation, and my wife was laughing, picking him and patting him.  It has been years since the last time I saw her this happy.  As she was laughing and looking at me I started smiling at her, “what are you both laughing so hard about?” I said and went near them and sat next to my wife.  She was now in between me and Vishal, “Vishal is making me laugh with all the Adult jokes, Gopi,” my wife said.  “Can I hear one, Vishal?” I whispered.  “No you can’t, it's all about your wife, Sir,” Vishal said.  “It's okay, please feel free to flood me with all the adult jokes about my wife,” I whispered.  “No Vishal, no,” my wife was whispering and squeezing Vishal’s hand.  “Just one joke, Shwetha, Sir will not mind, he is a liberal person, he can take a joke,” Vishal said.  “Yeah, Shwetha, I am liberal person, I am okay with adult jokes about you, please go ahead Vishal,” I said.  “Sir, your wife is having a shower and thinking about me, and after shower she comes out and towels herself, and I appear out of nowhere and see her naked and turn her around and if I bend her over, what do I see?” Vishal asked.  “Vishal, don’t tell him the answer,” my wife said.  “Wait, Shwetha, let him answer first,” Vishal said.  “Please tell me the joke once again, Vishal,” I said.  “Sir, your wife is having a shower and thinking about me, and after shower she comes out and towels herself, and I appear out of nowhere and see her naked and turn her around and if I bend her over, what do I see?” Vishal asked.  “You will see my wife’s beautiful pussy, Vishal, and it tastes good,” I whispered.  “Gopi mmmm…” my wife exclaimed.  The receptionist looked at me and indicated that Driver Balu had come.  “Just a moment guys,” I said, as I was tying my shoelaces to get up and leave.  “Wait a minute, is it true?” Vishal asked my wife.  “What?” my wife was blushing.  “That, your pussy tastes good?” Vishal asked.  “Vishal … What is this?” my wife exclaimed with a smile.  “Your husband said that, not me,” Vishal said.  “He is lying,” my wife said and was laughing and laughing.
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“Well, there is one way to find out if he is lying,” Vishal said, biting his lips and laughing.  “Hey, don’t get any ideas mister,” my wife said laughing.  As I finished tying my shoelaces and was about to get up, I leaned towards Vishal, “you will love the taste of my wife’s pussy, Vishal,” I whispered and stood up to leave.  “Gopi ..mmmmmm What is this,” my wife exclaimed and playfully slapped my back and I laughed and went towards Driver Balu who was waiting outside.  “The cab is ready, sir,” he said.  “Okay Balu, I will bring my wife and our guest,” I said and went towards sat next to my wife and Vishal.  “Gopi, Vishal wants to say something,” my wife said.  “What is it, Vishal?” I asked.  “Sir, that driver is not a good person, I saw him removing Shwetha’s leggings and panties and fingering her, he is a pervert,” Vishal said.  “We are leaving tomorrow, Vishal, I don’t want to confront him now and create any trouble now.  I want to leave for Canada tomorrow peacefully,” I said.  “He is right Vishal,” as my wife agreed to what I said, “okay, let's go now,” Vishal said and we got up and went into Driver Balu’s car.  Vishal sat next to the Driver and was showing him his place’s route and me and my wife were sitting in the back seat.  “Shwetha, did Balu really finger your pussy?” I whispered into my wife’s ear.  “Gopi, he is an old man, let's not make it an issue,” my wife whispered into my ear.  “Exactly Shwetha, he must have got horny after hugging you and started removing your leggings and panteis and started fingering your pussy,” I whispered into my wife’s ear.  “Yeah, Gopi,” my wife whispered into my ear.
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“Even on the day 1, Balu, in the name of helping me carry you, was romancing you like anything, Shwetha,” I whispered into my wife’s ear.  “I know, Gopi, but I was too drunk to react to it.  He even kissed my lips when he placed me in bed, Gopi, that I remember clearly,” my wife whispered into my ear.  “Men here are going crazy about you Shwetha, instead of getting angry at them, I am enjoying all the attention you are getting, Shwetha,” I whispered into my wife’s ear.  “You are crazy, Gopi,” my wife whispered and started laughing softly.  Clearly she was happy that I am not getting angry about all the attention she is getting from all the men here.  “Balu has been romancing me like crazy, Gopi.  He kissed my lips many times and he was this close to making love to me.  I did not say anything to you thinking that you will fight with him and create trouble, and next time you won’t bring me to India,” my wife whispered into my ear.  “I am gonna bring you to India every time I come here and enjoy watching these men go crazy about you,” I whispered into my wife’s ear.  “You are crazy,” my wife said, laughing.  “Guess what? I enjoyed watching Balu romance you in the name of helping me carry you,” I whispered into my wife’s ear.  “Gopi, India has changed you,” my wife said smiling.  “Indians have changed me,” I said and laughed.  “Stop here,” Vishal said and signaled the security guard of the Apartment to open the gate, and the security guard opened the gate and Vishal asked Driver Balu to take the car towards the parking lot.  As Balu parked the car in the basement, we got down from the car, “Sir, how long will it take?” Balu asked.  “I will update you, Balu,” I said and me and my wife followed Vishal towards the lift.  As the lift opened, “it's on the 10th floor,” Vishal said and pressed the 10th floor button and looked at my wife and smiled at her, and my wife smiled back at him.  “The lift is pretty slow here, it will take a while to reach the 10th floor, I want to apologize for that,” he said.  “It's okay, Vishal,” as I said.  He smiled at me and looked at my wife, “sorry, Shwetha, I did not let you wear your bra,” Vishal said looking at my wife’s nipples poking through her tight white t-shirt, “it's okay,” my wife blushed and tried to turn the other side.
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“Wow, so beautiful, she is sir,” Vishal exclaimed looking at my wife sideways.  “She is, Vishal, I am so proud of her,” I said.  “Have you thought about letting Shwetha act in Tamil or Telugu movies?” he asked, and my wife looked at me.  “No, Vishal, I never really thought about it,” as I was saying, “do you speak Telugu, Shwetha?” Vishal asked.  “No, Vishal, I only know English, French, and Tamil,” my wife answered.  “My friend is making a Telugu film and he is looking for a Heroine, a beautiful South Indian woman, if you are okay, I can introduce him to you, the pay is good,” Vishal said looking at my wife.  “I don’t know Telugu, Vishal,” my wife said.  “Don’t worry, Shwetha, there are not many dialogues.  The Hero is here in Chennai looking for a heroine, I am pretty sure if he sees you he would love to cast you in the movie.  Again, it's a romantic subject, there is not much dialogue, and you just have to let him romance you on screen, what do you say?” Vishal said.  Before even we could respond, “He will have no audition whatsoever if he sees you, 

I know the Hero’s taste, he will readily cast you in the movie and pay you whatever you ask for.  If you act in this movie, you will have instant fame.  You are the kind of heroine he is looking for, and I am pretty sure he is going to enjoy romancing you on screen,” Vishal said.  “Vishal, we already have enough money,” I said.  “I can see,” Vishal said and smiled at me and the lift door opened and he held my wife’s hand and took her out of the lift.  “I understand, that you are just into off screen romance,” he said and looked at my wife and my wife blushed.  “We have three sons, Vishal, and they won’t be comfortable watching the heroes romancing Shwetha on screen,” I said.  “Yeah Vishal,” my wife said in a disappointed tone.  “I understand, Shwetha.  If you were single you would have readily come with me to the Telugu film industry and let them romance you for good, wouldn’t you, Shwetha?” he said, ticking my wife and my wife started laughing.  “Wouldn’t you?” he asked, holding my wife’s face. 
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“What?” my wife asked with her subsiding laugh.  “The Hero is here in Chennai looking for a heroine, if you were single and had I asked you to come with me to meet the hero, you would have come with me to meet the hero and agreed to let him romance you on screen nicely, wouldn’t you, Shwetha?” he asked my wife.  “You are so desperate to make my wife act in Telugu movies, aren’t you, Vishal?” I asked.  “It's my job, sir,” Vishal said, taking his hands off my wife’s cheeks.  “I own a Casting Management Agency, Sir.  I can easily identify girls who are heroine material.  Shwetha, to me, is a perfect Heroine material, just perfect for the Telugu Industry heroes to romance,” he said and smiled at my wife and my wife was taking whatever he was saying as a compliment and smiling at him.  We then reached his house and he opened the door and welcomed us in.  His apartment was pretty small, tiny in fact, and his bedroom was even more small and could occupy only a single bed.  “Please have a seat sir,” he said, pointing to a 3-seater sofa which occupied half the living room.  As my wife tried to sit next to me, “wait Shwetha,” he said and held my wife’s hand and gently pulled her close to him.  “When a guest comes to our house for the first time, we have to kiss them on their lips, it's our family tradition,” Vishal said and started kissing my wife’s lips.  At first she was taken aback and was not kissing his lips properly, but as Vishal continued licking, sucking, tasting, kissing my wife’s lips, she started kissing his lips back passionately.  Clearly he was getting my wife into the groove, and my wife who had come just for that was getting sucked up into him, and I was getting a boner already.  Placing his hands over my wife’s ass over her long skirt, he broke the kiss and smiled at me, “how is the tradition?” he whispered.  She smiled back at him, “mmmmm good tradition,” my wife whispered and started kissing his lips and he started lifting my wife’s long skirt and started grabbing my wife’s ass over her panties.  “How do we look together, Sir?” Vishal asked, breaking the kiss and bringing his cheek against my wife’s cheek, but still lifting my wife’s long skirt and grabbing her ass over her white panties.  “You guys look so romantic,” I said.  “Aren’t we Shwetha?” he whispered and started hugging my wife, crushing her boobs which were covered with her white t-shirt and crushing them against his chest and kissing all over my wife’s neck and moans started escaping from my wife’s mouth already. 
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“Sir, could you give me a moment, Shwetha and I have got something to discuss,” he said and winked at my wife and my wife started blushing.  “Sure, you want me to wait inside your bedroom?” as I asked, he was about to kiss my lips and my wife was about to kiss his lips back.  “Mmm.. No, why don’t you go down and come back later?” he asked, placing his right hand over my wife’s neck and bringing down and resting them over my wife’s boobs over her t-shirt.  My wife meanwhile was biting her lips and closing her eyes and had already surrendered herself to Vishal.  “Vishal, can I wait and admire you guys?” I asked politely.  “Shwetha, tell him to give us some privacy,” Vishal said.  My wife opened her eyes, “Gopi … could you give us a moment please,” my wife said in almost like a pleading tone.  I went near them, “Shwetha, I want to watch this, please,” I whispered in a begging tone.  “You are distracting me, Sir,” Vishal whispered, hugging my wife tight, grabbing her ass.  “Please,” I whispered looking at my wife, “next time okay?” my wife whispered, holding my chin with her left hand.  “Sir please leave, I will video record the whole thing for you on my phone and you can watch it later,” Vishal whispered, kissing my wife’s neck.  “What do you say, Shwetha?” he whispered.  “Sure,” my wife said, closing her eyes.  As I hesitantly started to leave, I stood at the door and turned around and watched them, Vishal started removing my wife’s white t-shirt and threw it on the floor and started placing her hands over my wife’s boobs and whispered something to my wife and my wife was blushing and he started kissing my wife’s lips.  As Vishal was squeezing my wife’s boobs and kissing my wife’s lips, my wife was holding his cheeks and kissing his lips passionately.  “Mmmmmmm…” as he moaned and took his hands off my wife’s boobs and hugged her, crushing her naked boobs against his chest, “Vishal mmmmmmmmm,” my wife moaned and hugged him back.  As Vishal was enjoying feeling my wife’s semi naked body against him, he saw me watching them standing at the door.  He broke the hug and whispered something to my wife and came towards the door, “Vishal please, let me just watch from here,” I begged.  “Your wife is very horny and ready to get fucked by me, I will record the whole thing and give it to you later, now go wait downstairs,” Vishal whispered and started closing the door.  As Vishal was closing the door he turned around and looked at my wife, she smiled at him and was blushing in a horny way, and Vishal closed the door shut.

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Obviously I was disappointed that I couldn’t watch Vishal enjoying Shwetha, at the same time I understood that my presence there would distract their concentration.  Maybe next time I can’t watch them, I said to myself and reached the basement and went near the car, and knocked on the car, Driver Balu let me inside the car and I sat next to him.  “Where is Madam, Sir?” Balu asked.  “She is with Vishal,” I said.  “You must be careful with this guy, Sir, there were a bunch of guys chasing him and trying to attack him at the pub.  As I was saving madam from the chaos at the pub and carrying her down, he tried to push me down, probably he is the one who removed madam’s leggings and panties,” Balu said.  “Oh I see,” I uttered knowing that he was lying and he was the one who removed my wife’s leggings and panteis.  “Sir, you got to be careful with this guy, did you see how he was flirting and ogling with madam,” he said.  “Yeah Balu,” I said.  He was sitting quietly for a while, “sir, can you call madam and see how long it will take?” he said.  “My phone is out of battery, Balu, I left it in the Hotel as well,” I said.  “Sir, use my phone then.” he said and gave me his phone to call my wife.  As I called my wife, she was not answering the call, “she is not answering my call, Balu,” I said.  “It's okay sir, we will wait,” he said and tried to relax.  For a good 1 hour, he pulled his car seat behind and started sleeping.  After an hour he woke up and looked at me, “sir, there is something I wanted to tell you about madam,” he said.  “What is it, Balu?” I asked.  “Sir, I am going to be very honest with you, please bear with me,” he said.  “Sure, go ahead,” I said.
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“Sir, madam is a wonderful person.  While saving her at the pub, someone removed her leggings and panties, I was grabbing madam’s naked ass cheeks and carrying her, and slowly to hold on to her properly, I was grabbing madam’s left ass cheek with my right hand and was hugging madam with my left hand .  I am also a human being, I got horny and started kissing madam’s cheeks in the dark, not a word madam complained or yelled at me.  If anyone was in her place, they would have humiliated me, but not madam, she understood that I was horny and was letting me kiss her cheeks and neck.  I got more horny and grabbed madam’s both ass cheeks and started kissing her neck.  If anyone else was in her place, they would have humiliated me, but not madam, she let me feel up her ass cheeks, and let me kiss her neck and cheeks as well.  She did not just stop here, she just hugged me tight and took me into her embrace,” Driver Balu said and looked at me, “Sir, you are not mad at me, are you?” he asked.  “No, Balu, I am not,” as I said, “there is one more thing I wanted to add to it, sir,” he said.  “Go ahead,” I said.  “While I was grabbing her ass cheeks and carrying her and she was hugging me, without her permission I touched madam’s pussy, it was wet and her juices had already started to flow all over her pussy, and she let me finger her pussy and I fingered madam’s pussy and made her cum,” he said and looked at me.  “I am sorry Sir, I had to confess this,” he said.  “It's okay Balu, don’t do it next time,” I casually said, back in my mind I was thinking about what Vishal and my wife were doing in his room.

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As I borrowed Balu’s phone and started calling my wife, she answered this time, “Shwetha, it's me,” I said.  “Mmmmmmm mmmm Gopi mmmmmm,” my wife was moaning and the driver who was sitting next to me could hear it.  “Sir, it's me Vishal, here,” Vishal said, “Sir, your wife is great, mmmmm mmmm mmm,” he was moaning and I got out of the car.  “Vishal,” I exclaimed.  My wife and Vishal moaning started making me horny, “I am loving your wife’s pussy, sir, can I cum inside her pussy mmmm?” he asked, moaning.  “Vishal, she is all yours, feel free to cum inside her,” I said breathing heavily as I was horny.  “I am gonna leave the phone on speaker, so that your wife can hear as well, Sir,” he said and left the phone on speaker.  “Mmmmm.. Mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm,” my wife was moaning.  “Sir, I am on top of your wife and enjoying her pussy, can I cum inside her pussy mmmmm mmm?” he moaned.  “Vishal, my wife is all yours buddy, please feel free to cum inside her,” I said.  “Gopi mmmmmmm mmmmm,” my wife moaned.  “Shwetha, my love, hope you are enjoying it,” I said.  “Mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmm mmmmm mmmmmm Gopi mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm,” my wife started moaning.  “Shwetha mmmmmm I am gonna cum inside your pussy … I am gonna cum…  I am gonna cum mmm mmmm mmmm mmmm,” Vishal was moaning, sounding like he was so close to cumming.  “Vishal mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm.” my wife was moaning.  “Aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa I am gonna cum inside your pussy, Shwetha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  mmmmmmmm,,,,,,,,mmmmmmmm” Vishal moaned and started cumming inside my wife’s pussy and next moment I could hear the sound of Vishal and my wife kissing each other.  “Mmmmm… seems like you like me a lot, Shwetha,” Vishal was saying in a horny tone.  The way he was talking after enjoying my wife nicely was making me horny.  “Shwetha….” he called.  “Yes Vishal..” my wife answered softly.  “You like me don’t you?” he was asking again.  “Mmmmm… Vishal… let me wear my panties, my husband is waiting for me,” my wife said in an affectionate way.  “My God, look at that pussy, mmmm mmm mmmm,” I could hear him admire my wife pussy and all of a sudden I could hear my wife, “mmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm,” she was moaning now.  “Uffffffffff uffffff uffff ufffff…. Mmmmmmm… hey Vishal what are you doing oh my god…” my wife started moaning.  “Just one more lick and I am gonna let your asshole free,” he was saying, and it looked like he was tasting my wife’s asshole as well.  “Mmmmmm…. No Vishal…. Mmmmmmm,” my wife moaned.  “Why Shwetha, I shouldn’t taste your asshole? You started hating me now?” he asked.  “No Vishu, not like that mmmmm,” my wife was moaning.  The way she was calling him Vishu, affectionately instead of calling Vishal was suggestive that she had fallen in love with him.  “If you don’t hate me, you should let me taste your asshole,” he said.  They had actually forgotten me totally, “Hello… I am still on the line … what is happening there, hope you guys are not fighting?” I said.  “Gopi, this boy is crazy, he wants to lick my butthole,” my wife said.  “Let him taste it, Shwetha,” as I was saying.  “See, your husband is also okay with me tasting your asshole,” I could hear him whisper.  “Gopi, this naughty guy has been tasting every part of my body, except my butthole and now he doesn’t want to spare my butthole ….. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm,” my wife started moaning, it seemed like he had started licking my wife’s asshole. “Mmmmmmm Vishal… this not mmmmm …. It's not…mmmmmmm no mmmmmm mmm …” as my wife was moaning, “Sir, we are getting late,” Driver Balu said standing right behind me.
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To Be Continued..!! 
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Clearly the driver knew that Vishal was enjoying my wife and was getting jealous at the same time angry at me.  Placing the call on mute,  “let's wait for some more time Balu, and we shall leave,” I said.  “No, Sir, I can’t, I have many guests to drop them at the Airport,” he said in a bold tone.  I could clearly understand that he was jealous of Vishal and it was all because of me Vishal was enjoying my wife.  “Give me my phone, Sir,” he said.  “Balu, will you help me carry my wife?,” as I said, his facial expression totally changed, “Sure sir,” he said.  “She is getting drunk, I will go there now.  Once I call you, come there and carry my wife.  The lift is pretty slow so you have to hug my wife and hold her, like you were holding her at the Hotel’s lift,” I said.  “Sir, can I carry her like I carried her at the Pub, with her legs wrapped around my waist, that will be more comfortable to me,” he asked.  “But she is wearing a long skirt, Balu?” I said.  “It's okay sir, I will lift your wife’s skirt up and wrap her legs around my wife and carry her.  Since she will be drunk, she won’t notice it,” the driver said.  “Alright then,” I said and tried to unmute the phone call, it looked like it looked like the call had ended already.  “Take your phone, Balu,” I will go there and call you,” I said and gave him the phone back.  “Take your own time, Sir, let madam get fully drunk,” he said.  I took the lift and because of the slow life, I reached the 10th floor late and knocked on Vishal’s room door.  As Vishal opened the door, he was only in his underwear and holding a whiskey bottle in hand.  The moment I saw him I got horny, “how was my wife?” I whispered, smiling.  “She was great, Sir.  She is inside, changing,” he said.  As I opened the bedroom door and went inside, my wife was naked and was wearing her white panties, “Shwetha?” I said.  “Gopi,” my wife said with a huge smile on her face, and I went and hugged my wife who was only in her white panties, and Vishal entered inside.  “How was she Vishal?” I asked, hugging my wife, and she was looking at Vishal for his reaction.  “She was amazing, Sir, no words, one of the best,” he said holding a whiskey bottle and three glasses.  “Now it's your turn, Shwetha.  How was Vishal?” I asked, and my wife started blushing.  “Hey, say it, mmmm,” I said and held my wife’s face.
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She was still blushing and putting her head down, and it was making me horny.  “He was good?” I whispered.  “Yeah,” my wife whispered.  “Shwetha, come,” Vishal called with open arms holding the whiskey bottle on one hand and glasses on the other, and my wife instantly ran towards him only in her white panties and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.  I could see her naked boobs crushing against his bare chest.  “Tell him,” he whispered.  “Tell him what?” my wife asked, hugging him tight.  “He asked how I was in bed,” Vishal said.  “I will tell him later,” my wife said and blushed and broke the hug and went to the living room and started wearing her t-shirt.  “She is shy, sir,” Vishal said.  “I know,” I said and smiled.  “Whiskey?” he asked.  “No, Vishu, our flight is in the morning, and I have some packing to do,” my wife said and came back to the bedroom and started combing her hair in front of the mirror.  As Vishal went to the living room, I followed him, “your wife has a great pussy, thoroughly enjoyed her,” he whispered.  “Are you sure you don’t want your wife to act in movies?” he asked.  “No,” I said.  “She loves to get romanced, Sir, you shouldn’t stop her,” he said and picked up a DSLR Camera.  “Sir, like you requested, I have video recorded the whole thing, right from the moment you left, and I started making love to her, how she was enjoying it, and how I was enjoying her pussy, and till how I tasted her asshole.  There are even bonus clips where she talks about how my cock was, how she wants to get laid, how much she likes me, etc,” Vishal said, holding his DSLR Camera.  “I will copy it into DVD and give it to you,” he said.  “Thank you so much, Vishal,” as I said, “No, thank you, thank you for bringing your wife for me all the way from Canada and letting me have your wife’s pussy here in my house,” as he was saying, something started hitting me from the inside and making me feel guilty. 

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I started feeling guilty for letting his asshole enjoy my wife.  As my wife came out of the bedroom wearing her skirt, Vishal readily went and hugged my wife and started kissing her lips, as my wife started kissing his lips back, “Shwetha,” I called.  She broke the kiss and looked at me, “let's go, we are getting late,” I said.  “Call me, okay?” Vishal said, holding my wife’s hand.  “Sure,” as my wife was responding to him, “Shwetha, the driver is waiting,” I said in a bold tone and my wife got scared and started following me.  As we were about to come out of his house, I came out first and my wife was following me, and Vishal grabbed my wife’s boobs from behind, “hey,” as she exclaimed, he kissed her cheeks from behind and gave one tight slap on my wife’s ass and smiled at her.  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh,” my wife started screaming in pain and rubbing her ass cheeks, the slap on my wife’s ass could be heard all over the empty corridor, and as she turned around and looked at Vishal in pain, he blew a kiss at her.  As I got angry and was about to slap him, he smiled at me and closed the door.  “Gopi, let's go,” my wife said, rubbing her ass and we entered the lift and started leaving.

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As we reached the ground floor, the driver was disappointed to see my wife was not drunk, and as we got inside the car, he started being rude to us and until we reached our Hotel, he started accusing us of wasting his time.  I was not in the mood to argue with him and gave me some extra money and went to our hotel room.  That night my wife was tired and sleeping peacefully, but I could not sleep and was cursing myself for letting my wife sleep with that asshole Vishal.  In the middle of the night, my wife woke up and saw me still awake and rested her head on my chest, “Gopi, I am missing Vishal very badly,” my wife whispered.  “Gopi, look what have you done to your wife,” I was telling myself.  “After you left me with him in his room, Vishal was showing me heaven on his bed, Gopi, he made me go crazy all the time in bed,” my wife was moaning and whispered at the same time and brought he left hand down and inserting it inside my pants, she started playing with my cock.  “The moment he lifted my long skirt and started removing my panties, my knees went weak and I surrendered myself to him Gopi, mmm” as my wife let out a soft moan and at the same time started stroking my cock, all this while I was angry at Vishal and myself for all this, all of a sudden started to get turned on and started having a boner.  “I lied to Vishal that we were leaving for Canada tomorrow, can you take me to Vishal tomorrow, Gopi? I have to tell him the truth that we are going to be in India for 10 days,” my wife said.  “Gopi, take me to Vishal tomorrow, and I will do anything for you, promise,” my wife said.  “You will do anything for me?” I asked.  “Anything,” she said.  “Tomorrow I have a meeting in the morning, after that I shall take you to ‘YOUR’ Vishal, okay?” I said.  “Your Vishal?” my wife asked, hornily playing with my cock inside my pants.
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“Yes, Vishal is all yours, he is your toy to play, Shwetha.  Consider it as my gift to you and play with that toy all you want, Shwetha.  You have given birth to my three wonderful sons, and it's my duty to make sure you get all the pleasures in life possible,” I said, affectionately holding my wife’s face.  “You deserve Vishal to enjoy you, Shwetha.  Your pussy deserves Vishal’s cock, Shwetha,” I said and as I lifted her nightie and placed my hand on her panteis, and to my surprise it was soaked completely with her juices.  “Mmmmmm… Gopi, you want to have it?” my wife whispered, asking if I wanted to have her pussy now.  “No, I want your Vishal to have it all, Shwetha,” I said in a horny way and my wife was hornily giggling and continued stroking my cock and I could feel that I was going to cum.  “Vishal is a good kisser, Gopi.  The first kiss we had at the pub was enough to take me in his control,” as my wife was saying and stroking my cock, “mmmmmm mmmmm mmmm,” I started to moan as I was about to cum.  “Shwetha, did you get wet while you were kissing Vishal?” I asked.  As my wife was saying, “yeah, Gopi.  In fact he was asking me in the middle of kissing if I was wearing my bra and panteis inside, and I was answering him, he started asking if my pussy was wet,” and she continued stroking my cock inside my pants and saying how turned on she got when a stranger was kissing her lips, and asking about her bra and panteis she was wearing inside and asking for her permission to take her to the washroom and remove her leggings and panties and see her wet pussy, and possibly taste my wife’s pussy, I could not hold it any more and came all over my wife’s hand.
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To Be Continued…!
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