Misc. Erotica My stories, rather experiences or experiments --- SujaKerala
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Now Chitra aunty and Rekha left.
It's only Santhy aunty, myself, Merin, Shilpa, Preethi and Arjun left alone in Santhy aunty's house.
We all felt more comfortable after Chitra aunty and Rekha left.

Arjun was standing there helpless, ashamed and humiliated.
He was fully oiled except for his private areas.
And the most humiliating thing for him was his penis was standing full erect infront of all of us.
He had no modesty and pride left.
His all secrets were open infront of us, his classmate girls.
He had nothing to hide from us again. We are seeing his fully naked body.

Santhy aunty said "Arjun, come on walk to the bathroom."
Arjun slowly walked towards the bathroom.
We all were looking at his backside.
Shilpa commented "see Preethi, Arjun's backside is so cute as a girl."
Hearing this everyone of us laugh.

Santhy aunty said to us "actually I wanted to allow you girls to bath him.. But you all will be wet and oily."
Merin said "no problem aunty, we will watch Arjun bath. Anyway you told after bathing, we can see and touch him."
Santhy aunty laughed and said "sure Merin mole, he's all yours. You can do anything."
We all looked at Arjun and giggled.
Poor Arjun was standing inside the bathroomin shame.

Suddenly I said "aunty, I have an idea."
Santhy aunty said "what's that? Tell molu."
I said "aunty, we will take Arjun downstairs and make him bath in the backyard. So we all can see more clearly Arjun bathing."

Santhy aunty smiled and said "wow, that's a good idea Suja. He can bath in the backyard. So, my bathroom will not be oily."

I giggled hearing this.
But Merin, Shilpa and Preethi were standing shocked with excitement. They couldn't believe what they heard. Santhy aunty is going to make Arjun bath naked in the backyard.
He's a teenager high-school boy and it's day time. And she is going to make him bath naked in the backyard, with 4 girls from his class watching..
What else could excite them more.

Arjun said "why mummy? I can bath in the bathroom. I don't want to bath in the backyard. Someone may see it mummy, please. I will bath here in the bathroom."
Santhy aunty looked at us and asked "what do you girls think? Where shall we make him bath? In the bathroom or in the backyard as Suja mol said?"

Suddenly everyone Merin, Shilpa and Preethi said in a single voice "aunty, in the backyard. See his body is full of oil. If he bath in the bathroom, your bathroom floor will be oily and slippery."

Santhy aunty said "Arjun, walk downstairs to the backyard. You are going to take a bath there today."
We all giggled on hearing this.
Arjun said "please mummy, I can't bath there in the backyard. Please mummy, someone may see me."

Santhy aunty said "do you remember, I used to give you oil baths almost all weekends in the backyard. And why now you are so shy? Come out, walk downstairs."
Arjun pleaded "mummy, it was when I was a little boy. Now I am not that age mummy, I am grown up, please understand, I feel shame, someone may see."

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Santhy aunty laughed and replied "hmm, yes you have grown up from that age. But only you have grown taller. You are still a little boy compared to your classmate girls. See even now you are standing fully naked in front of your classmates."
We all giggled hearing this.

Shilpa said "shame shame Arjun, see how you are standing in front of us."
We all laughed on hearing this. Poor Arjun was dyeing in shame.
Suddenly Merin said "it's true, normally no boys of our age stand naked in front of their friends like this. But you are standing naked in front of your friends, that too girls. Shame shame Arjun, really shame."
Hearing Shilpa said "see Preethi, she's standing silent. I think she doesn't want her boyfriend to take bath in the backyard."
We all laughed on the comment.
Preethi blushed and pinched Shilpa.

Santhy aunty asked "what Preethi, why are you silent? What do you think?"
Preethi was blushed. She said "um aunty, I think.. Arjun is same as our age. But we don't consider him like that. See, he has no hairs on his body as other boys of his age, also.. his..Pee-pee also is not having any hairs, like a little boy...so i think also, he can bath in the backyard, no problem."

Arjun was feeling the most humiliating situation in his life.
He is also a teenager like us. He is also having all the shame and modesty of a boy of his age. He also have some hairs on his body and legs and on his private areas.
But, everything is waxed and removed, making him completely hairless. It was not his choice.

He is stripped down fully naked in front of his classmate girls by his own mummy.
And his mummy and his girl friends are teasing him, humiliating him to the maximum a boy of his age.
Sure he's in his age of growing modesty and pride and privacy.
But he has lost everything.
His most private areas, that he never expected others to see are made open in front of 4 girls from his class, that too by his own mummy.
His every inch of naked body is seen by us.
He has no more secrets to hide from us.
We all are seeing him in his birthday suit, just wearing a silver chain around his waist. And we are making comments on his hairless body and teasing him.

Santhy aunty said "see, Arjun even Preethi is saying no need of considering you as a boy of their age. Let's go downstairs and bath."
Arjun slowly came out of the bathroom and we all walked downstairs.

Arjun was walking in the front, then we girls, and behind us Santhy aunty.
While oil massaging his front, Rekha has pulled the hanging pendant on Arjun's waist chain to his backside.
So when he started walking, the pendant went in between his butt cheeks.
It was super exciting scene to see.
As Arjun was walking in front of us, we could see his backside. His fully oiled back, he was nice fair color. The silver chain was around his waist and the hanging end with the pendant is in between his ass cheeks.

Shilpa asked to Santhy aunty "aunty, why still Arjun is wearing the silver chain around his waist, that too with a hanging pendant like young boys."
Santhy aunty said laughing"Shilpa mole, suppose the chain was not there, Arjun would have been completely naked in front of you, his classmate girls. Now at least he has something on his body na."

We all laughed. Shilpa said "aunty, anyway it looks cute on his waist. His skin color and silver are matching nice, see how cuteiike a little boy's ass with the chain in between."

Arjun was walking really shocked and he didn't realize that the end of his waist chain was gone in between his butt cheeks.
He understood it only when Shilpa mentioned.
He was ashamed and he immediately pulled it out from between the ass and pulled the hanging end towards his front.

Seeing this Santhy aunty said "Arjun, why did you remove that from there? See Shilpa was telling it looked cute, when the chain was in between your ass cheeks. Don't you hear that Arjun?"
Arjun slowly nodded Yes, he was looking at the floor and standing.
By now we all reached the kitchen and near the door to the backyard.

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Santhy aunty now went inside the bedroom and return with her camera.
She said "Then Arjun, put the chain back in between your ass."
Poor Arjun he slowly pulled the chain end from his front and put it backwards and again it's end was hanging down between his butt cheeks.
We all giggled and said "Arjun, it looks cute again."

Santhy aunty opened the door of backyard and we all walked out except Arjun.
Arjun was still standing at the door.
Santhy aunty said "come out Arjun, what are you waiting for?"
Arjun again tried his last chance "mummy please no, someone will see me mummy, please don't do this mummy, I will bath in the bathroom please."

Santhy aunty said looking at us"ok, I think he's so shy to come out."
After a smile, Santhy aunty asked "so Merin, Shilpa, Preethi and Suja, Arjun is so shy to come out. Who among you is going to pull him out here?"
There was a silence for a second..
Suddenly Merin said "aunty I will pull him out to here."
Santhy aunty said "ok Merin, do one thing, don't pull his hand it is oily. Pull the end of his chain, take him towards the tap.

Merin was smiling and walking to Arjun.
Santhy aunty said" Arjun, take the chain from your butt and let Merin pull you out."
Arjun said "mummy, I will go alone please."
Santhy aunty said "I told you to go alone, you were shameful. Now let you feel the real shame. Merin will take you."
Arjun slowly took the end of the chain and looked at Merin's face.

Now Arjun and Merin are standing quite close by.
We all are standing a bit away.
I looked at both of them.
I couldn't explain the excitement and feeling I had. It would be same for Shilpa and Preethi I guess, because we are all girls of same age..

It was a wonderful scene to see.. There was a boy and girl of our class standing, just a bit away from us.
And the boy.. He was completely naked, with no single hair on his body, showing his most secret private parts openly and his penis sticking straight out. His face was red in shame and humiliation.
It was the worst humiliating situation for a boy of his age. We all could see it on his face.
We were all enjoying his helpless shameful humiliated situation to the maximum. We were all excited to have a boy of our class like this in front of us, with his mummy supporting us.

Santhy aunty said "what happened Merin? Why don't you pull it?"
Merin said "aunty, let Arjun walk alone. I don't want to pull the chain.. It was inside his ass.. And will be dirty."
Saying this Merin made a bad face.

Santhy aunty said laughing "Merin mole, ok let him walk alone. But don't think it's dirty there. He will be clean even in his ass. I always care for his personal hygiene."
Merin nodded yes.
Santhy aunty continued "Merin mole, he pees through his pee-pee. So you think it is dirty?"

Merin said "no aunty, it is not dirty... But his ass, isn't it dirty? He poops through that hole."
Santhy aunty laughed and replied "He poops through, but it will be washed clean always."

Saying this Santhy aunty looked at Arjun and said "Arjun, Merin think you don't keep there clean.. Come on spread your ass cheeks and show your asshole to her.. Let her see how clean you are.. "

There was a big silence. Merin, Shilpa and Preethi couldn't believe it. Santhy aunty is asking Arjun to spread his ass cheeks and show his asshole to Merin.
Arjun almost crying said "no mummy please."

Santhy aunty said "Arjun, anyway, after the bath, they all are going to examine your body fully. I am planning to explain them everything to them.
So they will be seeing, touching your ass hole also. May be i will teach them to take rectal temperature, also to toy a boy's ass. So don't be shy, bend down, open your ass cheeks spread wide, let Merin have a look at it now."
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Now we are all standing in Santhy aunty's kitchen.
Arjun was fully naked.
He's white skinned, more fair than me and this always made me jealous of his skin color.
Now with the sunlight in the kitchen, his skin is more bright and shining.

It was such a wonderful scene for me.
Arjun, my cousin and classmate is standing completely naked in his home kitchen, in daylight.
His foreskin covered penis was standing full erect and he was helplessly standing without able to cover his nakedness in front of me.

He's a boy, and in an age where most boys think of having a crush on girls, the age where they leave the childishness and start to need privacy and secrets.
But he is now helpless and is standing in front of his female cousin with all his secrets parts open, that too his penis was cheating him, it was erect.
It still had the foreskin on it, showing only a little part of the inner.
The only thing on his body was the silver chain around his waist, it was glittering in the sunlight.
A end of it hanging on his front thigh, reach just below his balls.
He was looking down to the floor, but still I could see his face red in shame.
That made me understand the humiliation and shame he is having.
I really enjoyed it.

How it cannot be a wonderful exciting scene for a teenage girl like me?
But I wanted more.
I wanted to humiliate him more and more. I wanted him to feel the shame to the maximum. I wanted him to loose all his modesty. He should never feel superior in front of me and friends.
Whenever he face me, he should remember that I have seen him naked and he has no secrets in front of me.

A devil started to work inside my brain.
I said to aunty "aunty, see Arjun's pee-pee is now big again. Shall I play with it again aunty?"
Saying this, I walked towards Arjun.
Arjun on hearing my words and seeing me walk towards him, automatically lifted his hands and covered his penis.

I almost yelled "aunty, see Arjun covering his pee-pee and not allowing me to touch."
Hearing this Arjun let his hands off his penis.
Poor Arjun understand now that Santhy aunty will support me only, and he has to allow me to tease his penis.

Now Santhy aunty also reached near us.
She said to Arjun "Arjun, how many times I have to tell you? Don't cover your pee-pee. Nothing is going to happen if Suja mol see it or play sometime with it."
Poor Arjun, he just nodded yes.

Aunty continued "Arjun, now Suja mol has seen everything of you and so you don't act so modest. You have to obey her. Whenever Suja mol want to see you naked, you must become naked in front of her. If she wants to play with your pee-pee, she can do it. Do you understand Arjun?"

Arjun was shocked and almost like crying.
He understood that the things are going to be more worse and humiliating for him.
This humiliation of him is not going to end today.
His mummy is ordering him to be naked whenever I want to see.

Suddenly Santhy aunty said "Do you understand Arjun? Answer me."
Arjun slowly lifted his face to look at aunty and said "Yes mummy."
Santhy aunty now said "Then Arjun, tell sorry to Suja for covering your pee-pee. Also tell her what you agreed now."

I giggled on hearing this.
Arjun slowly looked at my face. His face was red with shame and humiliation.
I smiled at him to add more shame to him.
He slowly said "sorry Suja for covering my... Pee-pee. And I.. Will.. Obey you."
Arjun stopped.

Santhy aunty asked again "Arjun, obey what? Tell her clearly."
Arjun continued "Suja, whenever you want to see me naked, I will become naked in front of you.. And.. And.. You can play with my pee-pee."
Arjun was almost crying out of humiliation when he said these words.

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I was in seventh heaven. I was hearing from Arjun, that he is helplessly surrendered before me and I could control him.
I thought in my mind, that I will humiliate him to the maximum and he feels like the real shame. Not only me, but in front of Merin, Shilpa and Preethi also.
I decided he should be ashamed to face us for a long time, and we will enjoy his helpless shameful situation for some time til aunty allows.

I giggled and said "thank you Arjun."
I now looked towards aunty and asked "aunty. Only we can play with his pee-pee? Can we make his pee-pee cum also?"
Hearing this aunty laughed and said "of course molu, you can. But i dont think you need to do something extra to make his pee-pee cum. I am sure, you play with it for sometime and it will cum. He is in his nice age and he cannot resist his pee-pee cum when you touch and play for sometime."
Saying this aunty laughed again.
I also joined her and laughed.

I got hold of Arjun's penis again and started to pump it front and back.
I now felt so confident and feel that he's like a slave for me. I looked at his face and smiled.
His penis was full erect and straight now with my touch.

Suddenly Santhy aunty went into the bedroom and return with the camera.
She said "ok, let me take some nice photos. It will be good with more light here in the kitchen."
Saying this she started to take photos.

I was smiling always. Arjun was looking down.
Aunty asked him to look at the camera.
Aunty took many photos.
With me me and Arjun standing side by side, with me holding his penis, holding his balls etc.

Santhy aunty now said "come on Suja mole, come outside to the backyard with your baby Arjun. Let's take some outdoor snaps."
Saying this aunty walked towards the backyard door.

I said "Yes aunty."
I too walked towards the backyard, pulling Arjun by his penis.
It was really wonderful. I was pulling my cousin Arjun to the backyard by his penis.
First he walked slowly, but I pulled his penis strong that he had to walk same speed of me.

Now we have reached the backyard.
Seeing me pulling Arjun by his penis and walking, santhy aunty laughed loud and said "that's very nice Suja mole, you have got a handle to pull him. Let me take some photos."
Telling this aunty took some pictures of me pulling Arjun by his penis.

Now we were completely out in the backyard, in daylight.
Arjun was fully naked and shocked.
Even I was shocked on this because I wonder what if someone sees us.

Suddenly aunty said "Suja mole, hold Arjun's water pipe and water the plants. Let me take some photos."
I was really excited on hearing this.
She is asking me to hold his penis and make him pee on the plants, outdoor.

I suddenly stood on Arjun's side, hold his penis as if I was holding a water hose.
I said "come on Arjun baby, water the plants."
Arjun was shocked hearing this. He said "mummy please no. Please mummy somebody may see me."

Santhy aunty said "Yes, someone may see you. So make it fast, pee. And you can go inside."
I said "come on Arjun, let me water the plants, make pee fast."
Saying this I giggled and shake his penis.

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Arjun said "please mummy, I cannot pee when Suja doing like this. I will do mummy, please ask her to take her hand."
Hearing this aunty said "ok Suja mole. Take your hand off. Let him start, then you can hold it again."
I said "ok aunty."
I took my hands off.

I looked at Arjun's penis.
After some seconds a few drops of pee came out, and then it became a strong stream of pee pouring out.
I immediately hold his penis and giggled.
Santhy aunty was laughing and taking photos.

It was so exciting.
I was holding my cousin Arjun's penis when he was peeing.
He's my cousin and classmate.
He was standing naked in his home backyard and his mummy was taking photos of me holding his penis while he peeing.

I slowly shook his penis and the pee flow also was in a funny way.
I giggled and said "ayyee ayye shame shame Arjun. See you are standing naked outdoor and I am watering plants with your pee-pee."
I said this to add more shame to him.

He finished peeing and I shook out the last drops from his penis as like milking a cow.
While doing so, some 2-3 drops were on my hand.
I wiped it on his body, and giggled.

Santhy aunty now said "come on both of you, come in and be ready to go out. We have some outing and shopping today."
I said "ok aunty"
We all 3 walked into the kitchen and then to bedroom.

On reaching the bedroom, Santhy aunty said "Arjun you can wear your jeans and the new shirt."
He replied "Yes mummy".

Santhy aunty then said "Arjun, wear your pink panty."
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Now we all are standing in the hall of Santhy aunt's house.
Santhy aunty, myself, Merin, Shilpa and Preethi. Also Meenu and Neenu, the two daughters of servant Viji chechi, all are standing around Arjun.
Arjun was standing in the middle of us. He was standing absolutely naked, with only a silver chain around his waist. His penis was standing erected pointing away from his body.
Woow, it was such an exciting scene for us girls.

Suddenly Viji chechi came to the hall to collect the dress for washing. She was walking from the backyard towards the bedroom
On seeing us, she just stopped and came towards us.
Immediately she walked near to Arjun. She then told to santhy aunty "Santhy madam, Arjun has grown up. I have not seen him naked like this since 2 years."
Santhy aunty replied "yes Viji, it's the growing age for boys na, he's growing up to a big boy."
Viji replied "however he grows up, he's our little Arjun boy."
She then looked at Arjun and said "isn't it Arjun baby, you are still that cute little baby boy."

Poor Arjun, this was far more humiliation for him that he can stand.
He was a teenager and of same our age.
The servant lady of his house is commenting looking his naked body, that too infront if his mummy and her own two daughters who also are almost his age.

After a pause, Viji told "umm, he's little boy only, but this little boy is grown a little bit more and is naughty."
She then took his penis in her hand.
Arjun was standing helplessly, ashamed. His house servant is holding his penis, while he's standing naked in front of us.
She then slowly pumped his penis 3-4 times. Arjun made a moan.
We all laughed hearing that.

Santhy aunt said "Viji, you told you have to go to your husband's home. Are Meenu and Neenu coming with you?"
Viji replied "no madam, I am going alone. I called my girls so that they can help me finish my works faster."
Santhy aunty said "then Viji, why not you leave them here and go now itself. Let them finish their work slowly. Anyway Suja and her friends are here till evening today. So Meenu and Neenu can stay here and play with them till you reach back in the evening."

Viji said "OK that will be good, madam."
She then said "madam, let them wash the clothes first, then they can clean the house."
Santhy aunty said "OK, as your convenience Viji, Meenu and Neenu."
We could see a glittering in both Meenu's and Neenu's eyes. They are going to stay longer in the house, and they know Arjun will be naked always and they could have the lucky day of their life.

Viji chechi said to Menu "Meenu, you go and start the washing in the bathroom."
She said "OK mummy" and went to the bathroom.
Viji then looked at Neenu and said "Neenu, get the broom from backyard and start cleaning the house."
Neenu also walked towards the backyard.

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Now we four girls, santhy aynty and Viji were in the hall. Also Arjun was standing naked.
Viji again came near Arjun, took his penis and balls in her hand. She slowly caressed it.
Arjun again start to moan slowly, he started to get goosebumps.
Viji chechi said "um Arjun, your little gun is fully ready to shoot."
Saying this she laughed loud. We also joined the laugh.
Santhy aynty said "just sometime ago, his gun did shoot the girls."
Saying this Santhy aynty winked and laughed.
Viji said "naughty boy, so the girls have seen you shoot.. um, who did shootwith your gun?"
Viji then looked at me and asked "is that you, who shoot with his gun, Suja mole."
Hearing this I said "chee, no no Vijichechi, he did it himself."
Viji said "um, so arjun you are enjoying I think."
Poor Arjun said almost crying "no Viji chechi, I am ashamed. Really."
Hearing this Viji chuckled and said "Arjun, but I think your friends are enjoying seeing you naked."
She looked at us and said "isn't it girls?"
We all giggled.
Viji pumped his penis another 5-6 times, making it fully strong and standing erected.

Viji then said "OK madam, I will go now. Please take care of Meenu and Neenu till I come back."
Santhy aunty said "OK Viji, don't worry. Go and come back. Meenu and Neenu will be happy here."
She winked saying this. Viji smiled back to Santhy aunty.

Then Viji started to walk towards the door.
Suddenly we heard a loud cry "eeeeeyyy" from Meenu from the bathroom.
We all, except Arjun went running to the bathroom where Meenu went to washing.
The bathroom was between the kitchen and maid's room. It was mostly used for washing clothes.

We all reached the bathroom from where we heard Meenu screaming.
We all, except Arjun was now near the bathroom door.
Now we see Meenu, inside the bathroom, was completely wet with water, just like she had fell into a swimming pool.

Santhy aunty laughed and asked "What happened Meenu? How are you all wet like this?"
Viji chechi also asked "Meenu, what is this. Don't you know to wash clothes?"

Meenu the girl was standing in a shock. She told "Mummy, I opened the tap for collecting water in the bucket, but the water came through the shower and I am wet."
Hearing this Santhy aunty laughing said "Oh Meenu, this is two way tap. You have to turn the knob towards the tap before opening."

By now, Viji chechi had told Neenu the younger daughter to start brooming the house. She went to the kitchen to start.

Meenu told in a feeble voice "I don't know about that Santhy madam. I have not seen tap like this."
Santhy aunty told her "OK, no problem, don't worry Meenu."
She then took a towel from the holder outside of the bathroom and handed over to Meenu and told "Dry your head, or else you will get a fever."
Meenu took the towel and dried her hair.

She was slightly shivering because she was fully wet.
Seeing this Santhy aunty said to Viji chechi "See Viji, she's all wet and shivering. She must change her dress or she will get cold or fever."

Viji chechi replied "yes madam, but she doesn't have any spare dress brought. What we will do? Can she have any dress from Suja mol, so Meenu can change?"

I on hearing that immediately replied "no Viji chechi, I don't have any spare dress also. I put everything in the washing bucket and is wet now."

Viji now told "Santhy madam, I think an idea."
Santhy aunty said "what is that Viji?"
I almost understand that this would be a naughty idea from Santhy aunty and Viji.

Viji chechi told "Neenu can give her churidar to Meenu. Neenu can be in her petticoat which she is wearing inside."
After a pause Viji asked again "Santhy madam, do you mind if Neenu works wearing her petticoat only?"
Santhy aunty replied "No problem at all Viji, Meenu and Neenu are just kids like Suja and these girls. No matter if they be here in her petticoat."
After a pause with a laugh, Santhy aunty continued "We won't mind even if both of them stay naked here. isn't it girls?"

We myself, Meriin, Shilpa and Preethi laugh and giggle hearing the comments. Merin told "no, we don't mind aunty."
We all giggle again.

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Meenu was still standing there shivering, without understanding any of the conversation from us.
Suddenly Viji chechi said "Meenu, remove your churidar and wipe your body dry."
Meenu was still holding the towel, was shocked to hear that.
Her mummy was asking her to remove her churidar.
She immediately closed the door of the bathroom.

After sometimes, Meenu opened the door of the bathroom. She was seen again wearing the same churidar.
But she had squeezed it to Remo the water. Still it was wet.
Seeing this Viji chechi in a bit angry voice said "Meenu, what are you doing. You will get a fever wearing the wet churidar again. I asked you to remove that and put to dry. Come on do it."

Meenu told to resist again "Mummy, I have squeezed it to dry, no problem, I can wear this now."
Hearing this, Viji chechi told "You don't answer back. Do what I said. Remove your dresses and put to dry. I will ask Neenu to give her churidar to you."

Hearing this Meenu went into the bathroom and closed the door. after sometime she came out
She was wearing the towel only.
Wow.. The towel was not that thick or wide.
We all could see the impression of her body under the towel.
It just covered her boobs and reached down around her mid thigh.
She was carrying the churidar and petticoat in her hands.

Santhy aunty said to Meenu, pointing towards the backyard. "Meenu. You can put your dresses on the stand in the backyard to dry."
Meenu slowly walked towards the backyard.
She looked around to make sure nobody is around. She then stepped down to the backyard and put her churidar and her petticoat on the stand to dry.
She came in again.

We can see the backyard as it was just outside.
Seeing Meenu put her churidar and petticoat to dry, Santhy aunty told her "Meenu, I think you should also remove your panty and put to dry. Wearing a wet panty may cause some fungal infections there."

We all giggle hearing that.
Poor Meenu was shocked on Santhy auntys comment.
She was already red in shame to stand infront of us wearing just a towel, which is so thin.

Meenu replied "Santhy madam,.. That.. I.."
Santhy aunty said again "Meenu, I am telling for your better hygiene. Remove your panty and put to dry."
Meenu was almost dieing in shame. She had her head hanging down in shame. She said "madam, I.. am..not..wearing..panty."

We all laugh hearing that. Meenu was almost crying out of shame.
She was also a teenager like us. Elder by one year and in 10th standard student.
She is standing just wearing only a tiny thin towel to cover her nakedness infront of us. And now we all know she is not wearing a panty and she's absolutely naked under the towel.

Hearing Meenu's words, santhy aunty told to Viji chechi "what is this Viji. She's already in 10th standard and is a teenager, why don't you buy her enough panties to wear always."
Viji chechi said "sorry madam, I bought her already 2 panties and she wears whenever she goes out. I don't know why she didn't wear it today."

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Santhy aunty said "see Viji, may be not washed or dried or something. At least a girl of her age should have 6-7 panties always."
Santhy aunty then turned at Meenu and asked "why dear, why are you not wearing a panty. Really shame for a girl of your age."
Meenu still reddened with shame replied "the elastic of one got damaged and it's loose. Other one is not dried after washing."

Hearing this Santhy aunty told "see Viji, she had only one good panty."
Viji chechi replied " sorry madam, I will buy some for both Meenu and Neenu next month after I get monthly wages from you. "

Hearing this Santhy aunty acted angry and said "what Viji, you have to wait another 2 weeks. Really bad.. I will take them out today and buy them some inner wears and dresses."
After a pause Santhy aunty continued "it's time for them to start wearing bra also. I can see Meenu doesn't wear one. Hope it's same with Neenu."

Viji chechi replied "no madam, they have not stated wearing."
Santhy aunty replied "OK Viji, I will buy some pantys bras and some dresses today."
Viji hearing this said "that's so great of you madam. You are really so lovely and great."

I understood the plan of Santhy aunty. I was smiling looking at aunty.
Aunty saw me smiling.
She gave me back a wicked smile and told "Suja mole, we all go to Coimbatore, to Rani's textile shop."
I was really excited to hear this. I just giggled and said yes.

Santhy aunty then told to Viji "Viji, then we will do one thing. You can go to your husbands house. I will take Meenu and Neenu for a shopping, then a lunch outside and come back by late afternoon."

Viji chechi looked happy as her daughters will get some dress and she doesn't need to pay.
She immediately said yes.

Then Santhy aunty said to herself "what Meenu will wear if going out, her churidar is wet."
After sometime Santhy aunty said "Suja mole, go to Arjun's room and there in the bottom part of his cupboard, there will be a night pant and t-shirt of Arjun, I think it will fit for Meenu. Go and bring that."

I ran upstairs and came back taking the dress aunty told.
It was a pink color t-shirt and night pant in grey color. If Meenu wears that nobody can find out really it's a boys dress or a girl's. The dress was a bit girlish.

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By the time I reach back, Viji chechi did call Neenu.
She said "Neenu, santhy madam is taking you out today to buy you some dresses. Say thanks to her."
Neenu said "thank you madam."

Suddenly only she recognized her elder sister Meenu standing there just in a towel.
Neenu was more naughty and she giggled on seeing Meenu in such a state of undress.
She has never see her elder sister in such a undressed state before I felt.

I handed over the dress to Meenu. Santhy aunty told her "Meenu, change fast, we have to go early."
She nodded her head.
She started to walk to the bathroom with the dress.

Suddenly Viji chechi stopped her. She told "Meenu, don't go to the bathroom. Change it here."
Meenu was shocked. Her mummy is asking her to change the dress infront of all of us.
Santhy aunty, myself, Merin, Shilpa, preethi were watching. Also her own younger sister Neenu and her mummy Viji is also standing.
Meenu was really shy and we are enjoying that.

Meenu pleaded "Mummy I will change inside the bathroom. Please."
Viji chechi told "No Meenu, change from here. See you have already wet your churidar. The floor of bathroom is already wet. I fear you will drop this dress on floor and wet this also, and you don't have anything to wear while going out. So, change from here."

Poor Meenu, she was really in shame.
She tried the last chance.
She told to Viji chechi "please mummy, I will change inside. I am shy to change from here infront of everybody."
We all giggled hearing this.

Santhy aunty said "No need to be shy Meenu, all are girls here and no matter if you change here."
Meenu replied "I am shy madam."

Suddenly the most unexpected thing happened.
Viji chechi told Meenu "You don't need to be shy anymore."
Saying this, she pulled the hem of the towel Meenu was wearing
Before Meenu could understand what happened, the towel was in her mother's hand and she was standing stark naked infront of all of us.

We all laughed loud. But Meenu immediately covered her nakedness with the dress she had in her hands.
She was really shocked and her face became pale. Sure she will be shocked. She couldn't believe what happened just now to her.
She is a teenage high-school girl. He own mummy just stripped her naked. That too in front of 4 girls of almost her own age, her own younger sister and Santhy aunty.
We understand she was never so embarrassed or humiliated. Her naked body was in display for the first time in front of others.
She was red all over her body in real shame.

Viji chechi told her in laughing "Meenu, now all have seen you. So you don't be shy anymore to change here. You can change."
Meenu was almost in tears of shame. She couldn't believe what was happening for her.
Her own mummy stripped her in front of her own younger sister and other 4 girls.
Now her mummy is telling her that everyone of us have seen her completely.
Her own mummy has exposed her nakedness to everyone. Her own mummy did expose all her secrets in front of all of us.

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Meenu covered her boobs and pussy with the dress she had in her hands.
We just got only a small glimpse of her nakedness when Viji chechi pulled the towel off her body.
Meenu was now starting to wear the pants, very carefully covering her nakedness and not showing us her private parts.

Her act was so much fun to see because she wants to wear the dress and also not want to expose her body to us.

Suddenly Santhy aunty said "Meenu, come here."
Meenu was stuck. She didn't expect that.
Her one leg was inside her pant already.
She just looked at Santhy aunty with a pale face.

Seeing that Viji told to Meenu "Meenu, didn't you hear madam called you. Then why are you standing as if you are dumb. Go to her."
Poor Meenu walked towards Santhy aunty.
Santhy aunty took the t-shirt away from her hands and gave that to Neenu.

Oh my god. Meenu was now naked, except for the pant she had put on one leg.
Meenu is covering her boobs with one hand and her pussy with other hand.
This made the pant also fell down to her ankles.

Seeing this Viji chechi told to Neenu "Neenu, take the pants off from your sister's leg, or else it would be dirty.
Neenu with a giggle, immediately knelt in front of Meenu, lifted her leg and pulled the pant away, leaving her older sister completely naked in front of all of us.

Now the girl Meenu was standing absolutely naked in front of us.
She had no stitch of clothing on her body. But she has her hands held tightly covering her small boobs and pussy.
Santhy aunty told her" come on Meenu, take your hands off, let me see you."
Meenu didn't move, she just stand there with her head hung down in shame.
After a few seconds of silence, Viji told "Meenu, come on don't you hear madam asking. Take your hands off and stand straight."

Poor Meenu, she slowly took off her hands covering her boobs and pussy and stood straight.
She was still looking down, but all her body was openly displayed for our eyes.

From her face it was clear of her shame and humiliation. Her naked body was not seen by anyone we felt.
She was so ashamed and her eyes were almost full. Her body was getting goosebumps

Now Meenu, the teenager girl was standing fully naked in front of her own mummy and younger sister, and we 4 girls of her own age.
We all could see clearly all her most private parts, her pussy and boobs were all open.

Suddenly Santhy aunty asked "Neenu, have you seen your elder sister like this before?"
Neenu giggled and replied "no madam"
From Neenu's expression, it was clear that she was also enjoying her sister's nakedness and humiliation.

Everyone of us was looking at Meenu.
She was completely naked. Not a single stitch of clothing on her body.
She was not fair. She was slim and a bit dark.
Her boobs were small, but round and her small black nipples were standing erected of her goosebumps.
She had some hairs on her pussy, making her pussy not visible. She had thin legs and some hairs on her legs also.
Santhy aunty lifted Meenu's one hand and we saw she had hair in her armpits also.

Santhy aunty looked at Viji chechi and told "see Viji, she has already boobs grown to the size of a small orange. She should wear a bra."
Viji nodded
Santhy aunty then said "see she has hairs under her arms and also down there on her pussy. You should always remove them, because girls of this age will sweat a lot there and that causes some smell and fungal infection."

Viji checgi replied "Santhy madam, you all are rich people and can afford beauty parlours. We are just poor people and cannot afford such things. We don't normally shave there."
After a pause Viji continued "I also never removed hairs there Santhy madam, until my husband complaints of bad smell.. Now he shaves me there."

Santhy aunty said "see, you said now your husband complain of bad small of sweat. If Meenu gets married also, the husband will complain. So better teach her to shave and keep the area clean for her husband."
Saying this Santhy aunty laugh.

She then said, OK viji, I will then take both Meenu and Neenu to a beauty parlor also. Don't worry about money, they are girls. Girls of this age needs some care for their body to keep them beautiful.

Hearing this Viji said "that's so much greatness of you Santhy madam. Thank you very much."
Viji told "Neenu and Meenu, say thanks to santhy madam. She going to take you to beauty parlor and then is going to buy you new dresses."
Meenu and Neenu thanked Santhy aunty.

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I was laughing inside my mind. I know what is going to happen for the girls in the beauty parlor and the textile shop. I just wait to see.

Meenu was still standing naked, head hung down.
Suddenly Santhy aunty said her to get dressed.
She got dressed.

Santhy aunty called a call taxi and we started for Coimbatore.
Arjun was left in house. He was happy that he escaped from humiliation for sometime.
Viji chechi went to her husband's home.
Santhy aunty, myself, Merin, Shilpa, Preethi together with Meenu and Neenu in the taxi towards coimbatore.

We were reaching the beauty parlor. Santhy aunty took her phone and call someone.
From her conversation I understand that it was Chitra aunty of the parlor.

After talking, she told us "oh that's unfortunate, Chitra is on leave today. So I think it's not good to go to the parlour without her."
After a pause she looked at Meenu and told "don't worry Meenu, I will take you both to the parlour later one day."

And santhy aunty told the taxi driver to go to the textile shop.
On the way,santhy aunty got a phone call. From her talking I understand it was Chitra aunty calling back.
I could clearly hear their conversation as the taxi windows was closed ant it was silent in the taxi.

Chitra aunty: santhy, actually why did you ask me earlier that I was available in the parlor? Are you coming with Arjun?

Santhy aunty: No Chitra. I am coming with Meenu and Neenu. Viji, my maids daughters. Just needed to have some beautification.

Chitra: sorry santhy, I came out with Rekha for a massage service for a high society rich lady customer in a place. Just finished, though of going home.

Santhy: OK Chitra, let us make it later. Now I am going to Rani's textile shop for shopping some dresses for them.

Chitra: oh you are going to Rani's shop. I am nearby that. If you want, I will bring Rekha to the shop answer can have some small beauty treatments for them at Rani's shop. Anyway I have with me Rekha and also the cosmetic kit.

Santhy: that is also good idea Chitra. Rani can have the shop closed for some time.

Chitra: OK santhy, then I will go to Rani's shop with Rekha, see you there.

Santhy: thanks dear bye. See you.

Santhy aunty after disconnecting the phone told "you are lucky Meenu and Neenu, Chitra my friend in the parlor will come to the textile shop for you."
After a pause she continued "Both of you will be treated as special customers as you are coming with me, see now the beautician is coming to you."

I understand that they are not at all lucky.
Sure there was something waiting for them in the shop.
They are servants of Santhy aunty and they are send with Santhy aunty with their mother Viji chechi.

But inside my mind, I was also nervous as I was known as a servant girl by the shop owner Rani and the service girls Selvi, Priya and the boy Ganesh.
Also they had seen me naked and fingered and humiliated publicly in the shop.

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We reached the shop.
We got down from the taxi and walked into the shop.
There was Rani aunty the shop owner standing with Chitra aunty. They gave a big loud welcome to Santhy aunty.
After that Santhy aunty told to us "hey girls, this is Rani, the owner of this textile shop, and this is Chitra, the manager of the beauty parlor."

Then Santhy aunty pointed us and told "Rani and Chitra, this is Suja my neice. This is Merin, Shilpa and Preethi, all Suja mol's and Arjun's classmates.. And this is Meenu elder daughter of Viji my maid servant, this is Neenu her youngest."

The parlor girl Rekha was standing in a corner together with the textile shop sales girls Selvi and Private.

Then Chithra aunty told "OK, so these are the two customers for me."
After a pause she continued "so Meenu and Neenu, do you have enough money to pay me? You know that the beauty parlor are very expensive and not for free."
Poor Meenu and Neenu didn't know what to say. They just looked at Santhy aunty with a pale face.

Santhy aunty laughed and told "don't worry girls, Chitra is joking. You don't need to worry about money. Just be ready to be more beautiful and some enjoyment."
They both just nodded their heads.
Now we all could see really nervous face of both.

Chitra aunty then asked "Santhy, what all you need to give them, I mean the services."
Santhy aunty winked and told "anyway Rekha is here na, let her give them a nice full body massage. Then then make them clean by shaving unwanted hairs."
After a pause Santhy aunty continued "Meenu has some hairs in her underarm and pussy."

Both Meenu and Neenu were shocked on hearing that.
Santhy aunty was mentioning about Meenus pussy hairs to be shaved. That too infront of all, public.
Meenu and Neenu stared at each other's face.

Seeing this Santhy aunty smiling asked "Neenu, do you have also hairs down there?"
Neenu was really shocked. Santhy aunty was asking her directly whether she had pussy hairs.
We could see her face redden with shame.
She just hung her head down and nodded NO.
We all laughed on seeing that.

Then Rani aunty told "Oh, so it's a great work. So I think we can't do it here in the shop. Let's go to the room where Selvi and Priya lives."

Santhy aunty told "oh. OK, then we can go there. Where is Selvi and Priya living? Is it nearby?"
Rani aunty told "oh Santhy, they stay in a room just behind the stock room."

Santhy aunty told "OK then we go there. Come on Meenu and Neenu"
Rani aunty told "Selvi, close the shutter of the shop and put the 'shop closed' board. Priya, take them to your room."
Selvi walked to the main shutter of the textile shop to close.
We all walked, Priya leading towards the door to the stock room.

Priya was walking in the front.
Meenu and Neenu following them. Then Chita aunty, Rani aunty and Santhy aunty.
Rekha was following them with a box, the cosmetic and tools.
Myself, Merin, Shilpa and Preethi walked last.

We just reached the stock room and there were 4 boys.
Santhy aunty asked "Rani, are these new sales boys of your shop?"
Rani replied "No Santhy, they are school boys from the neighborhood. I called them for cleaning the racks and rearrange the stocks of dress. They are happy as they get some money and today is school holiday as it's Saturday also."

The boys looked like low class tamil boys. All of them wearing sleeveless vests which are dirty and 3 of them wearing pants and one was wearing shorts.
The 3 boys looked almost our age and the one wearing shorts looked like a year or two young.

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Keep going.....
Great work.....
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On seeing us, the boys stopped working and stated to stare at us in wonder.
Rani aunty told laughing "complete your works by evening, or else I will reduce your payment."
Hearing this Santhy aunty and Chitra aunty laugh.
The boys started to work again.

Priya opened a door on the corner of the stock room and it was Selvi's and Priya's room.
We entered the room.
It was a big room, but not the part of the real textile building. It was annexed later.
There was walls, but the roof was of asbestos sheet. There was an attached bathroom also.
There were no windows, but a lot of gap for ventilation between the wall top and the asbestos ceiling.

The room had two steel cots with thin beds on that.
It had some wires tied across were many dresses of Selvi and Priya was hanging.
There were 2 tables and chairs.
The room had one ceiling fan.

We all entered the room.
Santhy aunty, Chitra aunty and Rani aunty sat on a coat.
Myself and Merin sat on a table, Shilpa and Preethi sat on other table.
Rekha kept the box on a chair.
Rekha, Priya, Meenu and Neenu were standing.
Now Selvi also came inside the room. She closed the door and turned on the ceiling fan.

Chitra aunty asked "Meenu and Neenu, who wants to be the first?"
Meenu and Neenu was really dumb. They don't know what to do.
After some time of silence, Chitra aunty told "OK, if both are in confusion, we can do together. So that will avoid confusion."
Saying that she laughed.

Chitra aunty then told to Rekha "OK Rekha, come on you can start. As both of them are confused, you start with both together."
Rekha said "yes madam"

Chitra aunty continued "Rekha, remove the hairs fully from underarms and pussy, give them a nice massage."
Rekha told "OK madam"
Suddenly with a chuckle, Santhy aunty told "Rekha, They should really enjoy the massage"
Rekha smiled and nodded Yes.

Chitra aunty now said "Meenu and Neenu, remove your dresses. Let Rekha start."
We all giggled hearing that.
Meenu and Neenu was shocked.
They didn't expect that.
Chitra aunty openly asked them to remove their dresses and become naked.

They both looked at Santhy aunty. Because it's Santhy aunty the only known person for them. Their mummy send them with her.
And now they are asked to become naked in front of all of us.
Santhy aunty with a smile, told "Meenu and Neenu, remove your dresses."

Suddenly Meenu told "No madam, we don't want to remove the hairs or have beauty treatments. Please take us back home."
Hearing this Chitra aunty told "what is this Santhy, you told they need hair removal and now the girl is saying No."

Santhy aunty told "what is this Meenu, Chitra has come here only for you two. Also your mummy Viji was happy for giving you some beauty services. Now why you are saying you don't want?"

Meenu and Neenu just stood silent.
Santhy aunty continued "OK, let's do one thing. I will call Viji and you talk with her."
Saying that she took her phone and dialed Viji chechi.
Meenu and Neenu felt very happy and relaxed on this.
They understand that they can speak to their mummy and sure she will support them.

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Viji chechi attended the call. Santhy aunty put the call in speaker phone.
Santhy aunty: Viji, we are now in a textile shop and my friend Chitra is here with a beautician to help Meenu and Neenu. Now Meenu is telling they don't want it.

Viji: oh is it madam. Thank you for calling me. Can you give the phone to them?

Aunty: Viji you can speak, the call is on loud speaker.

Viji: Meenu and Neenu are you hearing? What is your problem? Why you say no to them? Don't you know santhy madam is giving you such a great favor?

Meenu: But mummy...they want us..

Viji: They want what? Are they going to kill you?

Meenu: No mummy..they want us to remove our dresses.. And there are a lot of people here..and we are shy

Viji: Meenu, don't act like a child. Don't you know that you have to be naked to remove the hairs on your pussy?

Meenu and Neenu was shocked on hearing this from their mummy.

Meenu: But mummy, there are many people here and we feel really ashamed.

Viji: Meenu and Neenu, they are all Santhy madam's friends and Suja mol and friends I think. Nothing will happen if you are naked in front of them.

After a pause Viji continued: You both know your father is a useless man who drinks and spoils the money. And it's only with the money I get from working at Santhy madam's house, I run the family. Do you understand Meenu?

Meenu: yes mummy.

Viji: and Santhy madam is so nice that she offered you both new dresses and also some beautician to serve you, which you can't even dream of. Then don't show disobedience to her.

Meenu: OK mummy.

Viji: so if they want you both to remove your dresses, do it.

Viji: Santhy madam, I think Meenu and Neenu understand now. Sorry that they disobeyed you. They both are at your service madam. If you say, they should walk naked on the road also madam. We live with your money madam.

Aunty: that's good Viji. Bye.

After disconnecting the call, Santhy aunty looked at Meenu and Neenu.
Both were so shocked.
They thought that Viji, their mom will support them.
But to their winder, their mom told to obey Santhy aunty. Also that they should obey everything she says.

Santhy aunty told them "so Meenu and Neenu, heard what Viji told? Come on remove your dress. Let Rekha start working."

We all giggled hearing that.
Poor girls, both slowly start to remove their dresses. It took so long for them to remove their dresses.

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