Adultery The Turbaned Negro (Completed)
(31-08-2022, 05:59 PM)abcturbine Wrote: Superb writing.....
Happy ganesh chaturthi to you as well...
May lord give more sharpness to your writing skills!!
Kudos dear!!!!!

Thank you for such sweet and kind words! This has to be the most tender and sweetest comment ever made on any writter! Smile

Since story writting is a passion for me, I will grow along with one story after the other and definately plan to be a firm member of this site.
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Next update will show up soon, thank you everyone for being with the story so far.
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Ch. 31 Embarrassing Discoveries

"Whaa? Are you kidding me Ashu!"

This was the first recess that made Rahul amazed and shocked, instead of being romantic and cheesy and kinky with Asha, because she said something that he just couldn't believe!

Asha bit her lower lip and crossed her elbows, a puppy like eyes showed up on her face and Rahul broke the silence, raising his voice mildly once more....

"Ashu...uh! Wait a second! Did you just say that you want me to warn that  nigger to not be frisky with you?? Uh... cmmon, can't you just ignore him??"

"Exactly what you heared!" Asha seemed as if she was very determined in getting something done!

On the other hand, the mere thought of confronting Jason physically made Rahul stirr a bit from inside. The fact couldn't be denied that the man did look very intimidating to him. But then he saw this extreme faith in Asha's eyes and ofcoarse, being his future life partner forever, he didn't want to fail her faith!

Asha went upto him and held his hands, pouting.... "You will personally talk to him and warn him to stay away from me!"

Rahul was certainly nervous, but then he rubbed Asha's hands himself, pouting softly, but with convinction....

"I tell you what Ashu! ignore the creep! I am kinda sure he won't bother you much!"

Asha made a face and sighed, wondering to herself...

"Its hard to tell you Rahul that the creep is now under the same roof! darn! he is now this unwanted guest!"

Anyways, the thoughts were fading out, now that Rahul had held Asha's hands on his and mashed his lips against her's. It was a typically pleasent one, but unfortunately half the recess was already done in discussing Jason, and therefore they had to end the kiss and leave for their class.


On the other hand, Kavita got a surprise call from none other than, Rahul's mother Manisha! With a surprised face, she picked up the call and on the other hand, Manisha who was busy combing her hair, after her noon bath. At this moment, the mature beauty was looking ravishing in her bathrobe, as she sat infront of her dressing mirror. 

Kavita : Hey Manisha, what a pleasent surprise!

Manisha : Uhm Hi Kavita... sorry to suddenly ring you up

Kavita : Hey, not at all, what is it? did the pandit delay the wedding?

Manisha : No....its not about the kids, its something umm...personal!

Kavita : okay, go on...

Manisha : Um.... actually, you know I look forward to help foreighners who are into research about Indian culture and tradition, right?

Kavita : uh huh....oh yes, well, how can I help you in this context?

Manisha felt her heart thump and slow pacing her comb on her lustrous hair, she murmered inaudible words.

Kavita : Hey, can't hear you...

Manisha : Uhm....well, its about the man, who is your um....neighbour....that mann... you know...

Kavita : (with raised eyes) wait a minute.....are you by any chance refering to Jason?

Manisha felt a pang of currents flow through her body. She felt annoyed. Why was it that Jason's name alone made her body undergo certain stirrings, the ones that usually would go through a body of a super horny and desperate woman! but why these feelings for someone who wasn't even a handsome man in her opinion! Rather a negro with the typically Afro features, that Manisha normally cringed at, since she belonged to a fairly upper caste remotely racist background.

Manisha : uh yess...actually its about Mr Jason, umm Kavita, have a talk with him and do inform me, if he is interested in working out on his theisis under... assistance.

Kavita raised her eyebrows and rounded her eyes high enough. She couldn't believe that Manisha actually fell for the lies told by Jason. Now, as we all know the fact that by this time Manisha was this very frisky frivolous horny damsel from inside, despite looking demure and normal externally. She tongued her lower lip in a mischievous mode and while she kept wondering something, she heared from the other side....

Manisha : hey Kavita, are you there?

Kavita : (now twists to a latently naughtier tone) hmmmmm, oh okay, but uh... should I talk to him now? uhmmm (frisky tone) perhaps he is pulling those awfully heavy weights!

Manisha : Oh okay, ofcoarse...I am sure tiny shivers through her roubust body) 

Kavita : hmmmmmmmmmmmmm indeed Manisha! uh....thanks for reminding me of something very silly, but important!

Manisha : oh...what is it?

Kavita : uh...I feel weird discussing this with you but (itches her groin area a bit) 

Manisha strangely felt the yearn to converse further. She wasn't sure where exactly the entire conversation was actually leading to, but still she seemed curious.

Manisha : cmmon Kavita, we are relatives now! You can feel free to tell me!

Kavita : (uses a normal tone, but on a wicked face) uhmmm maybe I need to get the spray, ummm uh yeah, the Lavender fragnance one! 

Manisha : (combing her already straightened hair) oh, why so?

Kavita : the smell! Uh...hate to say this, but the stench of these ultra masculine men are so awful!

Manisha felt her lower portions vibrate a bit! She wondered why, but then ofcoarse, she automatically sounded curious..."uh is the smell that awful?"

Kavita was in no more need to reassure herself! She was very sure that Manisha was deep down a lonely horny woman herself! Therefore, she decided to play with the latent horny woman a bit more!

Kavita : so ummm, okay then, Jason will surely show up in your room someday! I am sure! I will inform him!

Manisha : (shakes a bit) uh what did you say Kavita? Room?

Kavita : oh woops, I am sorry Manisha, I meant, Jason will surely show up at your house someday, I will be happy to inform him about your participation!

"Uh okay, well, thanks..I better drop the phone now, bye!" Manisha cut the phone and gazing at the dressing mirror, she noticed beads of sweat form on her forehead, precisely below her vermillion filled maang!

"Uh, why am I suddenly so curious about that awfully masculine man? Uh I mean, yes ofcoarse he has something in him for sure!"

Manisha was done with her hair atlast and after she kept the comb on the table, she noticed her hands shake and stirr a bit. The fingers ached to perhaps itch a bit, a little bit down there all of a sudden. But why? Wondered Manisha, who somehow resisted this awful feeling and decided to dress up in a saree and blouse, as always. 

With Rahul and Vijay away, the noons were as usual very empty and lonely for the 44 year old buxom lady! However, she loved taking frequent baths at noon and as always, while getting dressed in her saree once again, she would always peak at her plump juicy figure in the mirror. 

And today was no different!

Getting rid of her lavish silky bathrobe, the open silky haired mature beauty looked down to her naked voluptuous body and was very sure why Vijay barely looked at her anymore!

Descending down from a soft thick neck, were a pair of amazingly round, ample and very slightly sagging breasts with equally attractive big nipples. Moving her eyes further down, Manisha noticed her slightly pudgy belly with the right amount of delicious fat on them, however, it were the thighs that amazed the lady!

Manisha's thighs were a robust pillar like, that lead to equally thicker collosal legs and gazing back, she also noticed her large bountiful slight celluloid oriented buttocks!

Overall, Manisha was certainly more voluptuous compared to Kavita and was a true example of 'Hastini Swaroop'.

But then ofcoarse, this elephantine robust body couldn't keep Manisha happy from the heart and rather, she cursed herself for getting plumper with age, which resulted in Vijay not being sexually attracted to her like before. 

But then, this context apart, Manisha was still not able to understand why did the mentioning of a negro man like Jason, rekindled certain itches inside her, at this age? At an age where she should have been more spiritually focussed on things, but then ofcoarse..

Nature is nature!

Anyways, Manisha heaved a sigh and accepting her fate, she donned her saree and blouse and as per her daily habit, grabbed a random book and began to read. Afterall, the lonely woman had to pass time somehow! However, she was not quite focussed on her book. She was rather very strangely curious about welcoming the African into her house and helping him with this theisis. 

"Gosh Vijay, why did you even get me into this?"

Getting back to her book, Manisha cursed Vijay in her mind for creating possibilities for her to get involved with Jason, even though it was something academic. The straight fact was actually the thrill of being close to someone like him!


Evening :

Kavita was busy driving her car all the way to her house, but today she was driving in a slower pace. The conversation with Manisha had made her reconsider her mental plans regarding igniting her sex life even more with Jason! 

Kavita was certainly not very dillutioned about things. Yes she was smitten by Jason's sexual performances and was certainly addicted to his company and presence, but she thought of herself as the flower and Jason as that bumble bee, who was not destined to stick to just one perticular flower!

But then ofcoarse Kavita was nuts over the negro when it came to steamy sex and while she wanted to keep Asha limited to just words, it was Manisha, for whom she had this feminine empathy and something inside her did tell her...

Perhaps Manisha is equally horny!

Anyways, Kavita drove further all the way to her house, with deep anticipations of how exciting the next sex session between her and Jason would be! 


In the meantime, Asha had just reached her home and when Arushi opened the door, she almost quick rushed inside, as if she had overlooked her younger sister, who saw her elder sis rush upstairs in a rather gloomy manner. 

"What's up with didi?" Arushi kept wondering, and on the other hand, Asha thumped her books on the bed, heading for the washroom, when suddenly she noticed something weird!

The washroom door was unbolted and surprisingly even the shower was on inside! A surprised Asha could only wonder...

"Did maa accidently get in my washroom? strange....." 

Anyhow, a lethargic Asha had to take a face wash atleast and once she reached iinside the washroom, near her basin. The blurred glass door expanded her eyebrows to the point of shock! The person under the shower was clearly not Kavita, but rather it was undoubtedly Jason, as Asha could easily gather, looking at the dark tall presence from the other side. 

"WHAT THEE...??? HOW dare he......???" 

However, before Asha could react any further, an unexpected sight caught hold of her sight and as if it got freezed right there!

A sight of a blurred long sausage from underneath Jason's legs!

A thumping took place inside the heart of the curvy young girl and she awed at the sight of the thing, as if she had seen a python inbetween the legs of the creep, who was taking a shower freely inside her own washroom. The heart began to beat as fast as it could and her lips shivered. The puplis perhaps were barely ever seen so big before and the rose petal like lips trembled. 

Asha was convinced that was Jason's penis, but she just couldn't believe what she was seing!

"! that can't be.... uhhh disgusting!"

An already annoyed Asha now cringed at the sight of the blurred dark penis on the other side, but then there was the other side of the brain which consisted of sexual curiosity and that was the part which didn't make her move an inch, rather she kept wondering about how exactly was the penis in real. Luckily or unluckily, this thought wasn't sustained for long, because Jason was already done with the shower and sensing the door handle about to be opened, Asha rushed out immediately out of the washroom and pretended as if she had just reached the room. Beads of dry sweat still on her forehead and her fingers still interlocked with each other, trying to handle her whole self. 

"Heeyyyy whoops! sorry Ash!" 

Jason got out in just a white towel wrapped around his waist and while his words made Asha look upto him, she felt another shiver pass through her body at the sight of his upper bare body. This was the first time she had seen something bare about Jason! 

The contrast of Jason's upper dark body with water beads in contrast with the white towel made Asha cringe and look away, while in the meantime Jason didn't seem to be apolgetic about using her shower and washroom, rather he whistled some random tune and swagged out of the room, as if what he did was just nomal. Shifting aside all the ugly images out of her mind, Asha was once again enraged and aghast at the audacity of the negro.

Despite some inner knocking inside her curvy body, all Asha could wish for her whole life was to simply get rid of the man out of her house, at any cost. The oblivious girl had no clue to which extent the man had become important in her mother's life!


Some moments later : 

Once again Jason was sitting with Arushi on the dining table and once again he got the kodak oppurtunity to glance down at the plump thighs of Arushi through her shorts. Kavita at the next moment noticed Jason's plate was empty and nudged Asha to pass the bowl to him. In response, Asha made a face, lipsing her denial, but Kavita lipsed back...'Behave!' in response. Also, her mother's stern eyes made her finally get up and as she passed the bowl, her v shaped tshirt emphasized her cleavage which Jason easily saw and gave that latent animalistic glare that Kavita was aware of, yet she only saw sexual profit from it, rather than warning Jason. 

What Kavita was not realising that, very slowly she was diverting towards an evil version of herself, but willingly!

Taking whole liberty from Kavita, Jason made lewd gestures right there on the dining table, by licking masala from his fingers and typically giving a predator like glare, which ofcoarse was arrowed at Asha, who felt this sheer discomfort and making a grimace, she rather focussed on finishing off her meal as rapid as possible.

In the meantime, Jason took a break from glancing at Asha and focussed on the younger bubbly girl sitting next to him.  He doecided to masscare his creepiness with a normal conversation with Arushi...

"Hey angel, howz ya school goin?"

While Jason said that, he took due advanta of his liberty by rubbing the shoulder of Arushi, feeling its softness, this did make the budding girl uncomfortable, yet she cooed sweetly...uhm..going good uncle Jason!"

No matter how much ever sexually selfish Kavita was, in the case of her younger daughter, she was still careful. She would allow Jason to even touch the sweet girl, but she also promised herself that she will not allow him any further in Arushi's context, rather she was okay with the man snaring at Asha in a lewd way. Deep in her horny mind, she patted Asha's back for allowing more spice to follow up in her future sex sessions with Jason!

Noticing that Jason still had his fingers planted on the soft sweet shoulder of a discomforted Arushi, Kavita diverted his attention...

"So umm did you like the daal Jason?"

Jason being the smart Alec, got the main crux of the distraction and sat straight, keeping his hand to himself and instead of a reply, he just nodded in an yes. Unknown to Kavita, Asha noticed the strange glances Jason shared with her mother and this wasn't the first time, she was noticing it. 

"What's with maa's over friendliness with this creep??"

Oblivious to the clandestine affair of the two, Asha could only wonder!
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Stay tuned!
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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always waiting for your update
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thanks bro.. made my night if put some ACTION
[+] 1 user Likes masud93's post
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(01-09-2022, 10:49 PM)masud93 Wrote: thanks bro.. made my night if put some ACTION

Certainly Smile more on the way.
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Dear readers, my humble apologies for delaying the next update, due to certain work commitments. Will get back an update in a few days for sure.

Keep tuning!
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(03-09-2022, 06:03 PM)Mintu08 Wrote: Dear readers, my humble apologies for delaying the next update, due to certain work commitments. Will get back an update in a few days for sure.

Keep tuning!

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অপেক্ষায় রইলাম
[+] 1 user Likes masud93's post
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[+] 1 user Likes Gopal Ratnam's post
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Excellent writing....
Difficult to hold.....
[+] 1 user Likes abcturbine's post
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A amazing script bro ! Story going in good way possible ! 
Waiting for next encounter ! Exciting!
Waiting for next update !
Thank you bro !
[+] 1 user Likes Amit2021msm's post
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Please update Dude. You are now becoming the best writer on this forum. You have a very evil sexy mind with no toxicity.
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Firstly my humble apologies for this delay and secondly, thank you everyone for your appreciation and kind words!

An update will show up soon.
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(08-09-2022, 05:12 PM)Mintu08 Wrote: Firstly my humble apologies for this delay and secondly, thank you everyone for your appreciation and kind words!

An update will show up soon.

welcome back bro
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Kuch Masaladaar update dena
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kab denge update
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Big Grin 
Ch 32.  Dark Corners of a Sexual Mind

Deep in the night, locked in their usual embrace, Kavita and Jason had yet another kinky conversation and that too by feeling each other specifically. On one hand it was Jason who was mauling her big ample breasts and one the other hand, Kavita was circling his abs as usual. 

Kavita : You shouldn't have stared at Asha like that, what she must be thinking! (still circling his abs)

Jason : You should have stopped me Kovi! what kinda motha are ya! (tracing fingers along the hardened nipples)

Kavita : Oh gossshhh, I am a horrible mother indeed! I should have murdered you for staring at my sweet beautiful daughter! 

Jason : (Nibbling a nipple with two fingers) nope, actually...'Daughters'!

Kavita : (feeling a wicked shiver realising that even Arushi was included) uhh...stop it Jason, you will make me a devil worshipper! (still rubbing her soles with his)

Jason : (licks a cheek like a dog) but thats exactly what I want Kovi!

Kavita shivered but still kept getting kinked up feelings inside her and Jason licked her earlobe this time!

Jason : And I know ya luv it! 

Kavita : (purred from that sudden earlick) uh love what?? uhm?

Jason : (hugs Kavita firmer, mashing his chest with her's) love being EVIL!

Kavita : gosh...I wonder why am I aaaah! (felt a firm grope on one of her globes) why am I uhh....still loving you!

Jason : Coz you lov me! an ya gonna do anythin I tell ya to do! (Moves hand down to grope a wide hip)

Kavita : Oh Jason! you make every fatty part in me so important and sexy! oooh! (feels super kinky in seing her hip getting mauled)

Jason : Coz dey are special! 

Kavita : Oh Jason! can a woman be so fortunate to find a lover like you? (rubbing his ankles with her's)

Jason : Yes! I know one more, who can be equally lucky!

Kavita : what do you mean? (still feeling warmth of his chest on her melons)

Jason : (licks a earlobe) I am talking bout ya elda daughta! 

Kavita shivered and widened her eyes..."uhm what Jason?"

Jason brushed her hair once more and kissed a cheek, whimpering..."exactly what you heared!"

Kavita shivered at the recollection of all those glances Jason gave her daughter and then looked at him in the naughty wicked way rather than maternal shock....

"That's a sexy topic for roleplay, but I feel wicked!"

Kavita's words made Jason giggle and he mauled her breast once more...

"hmmmmmmm! Not quite a roleplay, but I wanna see if she iz as sexy as ya!"

Kavita's eyes widened and maintaining her slightest maternal feelings, she pouted...."uh Jason, that's enough....surely you don't mean to..."


Jason now seemed like this very angry devil who wanted things in his own way or no way. The eyes glared like a very fierce predator that seemed very angry at this moment and this made Kavita very nervous....

"Uh...J..Jason, she is engaged to someone, she j..just started her life, please.... don't treat her like me!"

Jason giggled and heaved a sigh....

"Engaged to a wimp eh?"

Kavita shivered at the words told by Jason and looked at him wondering, why did he say that!

Kavita shivered at that raunchy tone of Jason and looking at her expression, the horny negro spanked her ass straight away, making Kavita emit a 'aaaaaaaaah!'. The very next moment, he again used a dominant tone.."What ya lookin at biyatch? dat boy is a wimp! understood??"

The word 'bitch' straight away hit Kavita's soul and heart, but since her whole hefty body was full of hornyness, she cooed...."Uhm....that was meaan.. meanie!" the low tone was followed by some wicked droplets flowing from her fat cunny gates down to her thighs, wetting a bit of Jason's thighs as well. 
It was hard to say if Jason was being playful or serious, but he continued to maul the fat asscheeks and cooe into her ear using a stern yet soft tone...

"If ya don offer ya daughta to me, I am gonna kill that wimpy feminine kid! ya got it???"

Kavita should have protested, but again emitted out a 'aaah' due to another hard slap on her fat ass! she was feeling wicked and guilty, yet aroused that she was getting mini orgasms from her future 'damaad's' humiliation, from the mouth of her lover. She wondered what realm she was entering into, but it felt 'good'!

Kavita brushed her erect nipples against the hard dark chest and pouted..."Uh, no Jason...don't do that, uhmm...uh..I guess my daughter....

"Deserves a black hard dick! GOT IT??" 

Kavita shivered. A dark thought crept in her mind...

'Is there a chance that Asha could feel the same as me? ohh gooddd! But uh! is it...possibble??'

Jason tuned into his demure aura and kissed her forehead, nose tip and slightly licked the earlobe, murmering...

"Don be selfish Kovi, ya elda daughta shud get some luvin too!"

Kavita cooed, feeling the wet lip patches over her facial parts from Jason...

"Uhm...oh Jason, but she is engaged to this very rich fair boy! uh.. I like him too!"

"Fuck that wimp boy! ya heared me??? 

Jason was constatly using humiliation of Rahul to strangely arouse the inner demon of Kavita, who felt her clit stirr and grow an inch very naturally. Biting her lower lip, she looked down to her ample goodies, feeling embarassed to face the negro's intense eyes. 

" some..kk..kind of some sarcastic roleplay Jason??"

Kavita shivered with her words and Jason blinked and nodded and without wasting anytime, dragged the hefty plump woman under him and knocked her vaginal door once more with his knobb. Without any further politeness, Jason began to slow fuck her, getting into the costume of his wicked roleplay. 

"Uhhhh Aaassshhhh! Ya are as sexy as ya momma! Uhhh!"

Ab already hole filled Kavita raises her eyes to the size of big balls and realised that Jason had already involved Asha into the roleplay!

The mentioning of 'Asha' sent shivers inside Kavita's body, but she was far from reacting normally, because of the thrusts taking place inside her spontaneously form the monster cock. The naughty tongue of the man licked across the neck and facial features lewdly once more, and in midst of these attacks, Jason cooed out only "Aaaahhhhhhhh yesssssss Aaaaaaaassshhhh!" 

Instead of protesting to this wicked foreplay, Kavita rather found herself wrapping her legs around her lover once more and moan out several inaudible words like usual. However, the next sentence form the negro sent even more shivers inside her body!

"Awwwhhh maaahnnnnnn! those glossy pink lips!!!! daamnnnnn le le le meeee kiiisssss demmmmm yeaaahhhhh ya momma won't mind!!!!!!!!"

Kavita didn't want to disturb this amazing fucking from Jason and rather listened to it and indulged his nasty thoughts about her own daughter, but hesitated to say or participate at all. Afterall, she was Asha's own mother!

But, deep in her mind, the horny demoness inside her felt this surge of pride on realising that her own flesh and flood was being praised as much as she! Which was true, afterall Asha was blessed with a curvy and pleasently plump body and resembled Kavita very much, when she was as young as her. 

"In exchange of a wonderful sex, why not indulge his naughty thoughts a bit more! uhhhh...ohhhh!"

The horny mature lady couldn't even think normally, such was Jason's immense invading on her body and just then his next request surprised her even more! 

"Turn around Ash and show me dat ass! uhhhh wanna bang ya assss now! damn ya denim jeaaaannsss!! uhhhh..... wanna bang dat fuckin ass NOW!"

A pang of a mighty tornado passed through Kavita's body and before she could react, her body was very crudely tossed untill her decently pudgy belly slapped on the matress and inturn her hefty big fat ass was facing up the ceiling! The fat cheeks looked amazingly inviting and almonst as if they were heaving up and down, beckoning a pair of manly hands to maul them and Jason was luckily ready to do so!

Deep in his mind, Jason very well knew he was roleplaying and his plan was to not just ignite bodily fire into the voluptuous milf, but also ignite fire into her mentally as well. Anyhow, at this moment, Jason's firey cock poking her anal area, sent goosebumps inside her body and Kavita recollected that itch when she felt Jason rubbing his groin against her salwar clad fat ass in the kitchen. But this feeling was very wicked, her fat naked bum was welcoming a thick knobb inbetween the cheeks and for a minute, she forgot about her daughter's roleplay, she just wanted to focuss on the invading of her ass, for the first time, but was also nervous at the same time. 

"Uh Jaassoonn...ittss naastyy! uhhh AAAAAHH!!!"

Kavita couldn't help but moan out loud when the knobb finally entered her asshole and giving one more grunt, Jason pushed in further, grunting out his words too....

"Urhh! take it!! taaakkeee this!!!! Gonnna fuck ya and ya motha's ass togetha! gonna make ya ass evan fatta! urghhhh and urrggghhhhh!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAASSSSHHHH!!!!"

The heat of Jason's words drove Kavita nuts and she even degraded down to a horny bitchy woman herself, moaning....

"Uhhhhhh!!! Yessss fuck my assss!!!! Uhhh oh! I uhhhhh am sure my mother won't minded uhhhh! Yessssss!!!!" 

In a way Kavita replicated Asha's tone and this drove Jason even more horny. Deep in his mind, he was actually fucking Asha in her ass and the fun part was that Kavita inturn took pleasure from her own daughter's roleplay! 

The sight was an absolute wonder to see how Jason's hips smacked against the cheeks of Kavita, giving the flesh a delicious wiggle and the slappy sound alone drove her even more wild.  

"Uhhhh! Yesssss gonna cum on ya asss!! Gonna dirty your fair skinned fat asss Assshh! Uhhhrghhhh! Ya momma can't stop meeee!!!!!!" 

In her whole horny state, Kavita creamed our more potent juices from her cunny when she heared the crude tone of Jason and just then within few minutes, Jason creamed out his hot discharge all over her bare ass, sending kinky shivers inside her body.

This was the very first time Kavita had initiated anal sex and she loved every bit of it. Jason heaved some breaths and laid down on the side, while Kavita still felt a heavyness on her ass, which was clearly the result of a lot of spanking and the amazing penetration of the black cock ofcourse!

After the steamy anal sex, Kavita careesed Jason's bicep bulge with her soft fingers, laying her face on his chest and at the very same time, she also kept pouting out...

"Uh...I can't believe I actually got Asha into this roleplay! was so...nasty!"

But every pore and nerve in Kavita's hefty body had to admit that it felt very kinky and naughty to have sex with including someone as close as her own daughter into the thought process. Jason smiled and kissed her forehead, using his softer tone...

"But ya liked it right? Dese roleplays make da sex amazin! Hey, hope ya didn't mind, didntchya?"

Before Kavita could reply her true opinion of actually feeling ackward, she let out another moan when she realised the pangs of current throughout her body when Jason cupped a breast and mauled it a bit firmer!

"Uh! I hate it when you do that Jason! But neither can I ignore it, nor can I kill you!"

Kavita used a stern tone, but that tone  itself had so much kink and lust in it, that Jason mauled the other one too with an even more playful glare on his face and once again the horny soul inside Kavita made her mash her lips against his once more and eventually, she left him to rush to her room. 

By the time she reached her bed, she realised that the heavy ass fucking had actually made her hips ache a bit, which resulted in a stammer like walk. Blushing at the way she walked to her bed, Kavita eventually fell asleep.

Thanks to the yet another amazing sex by Jason!


Next morning :

While Asha got dressed, she was surprised to see her mother once again in the room and surprisingly Kavita was stamerring a bit while she walked upto her daughter, but indeed a wave of freshness on her face, sent several questian marks inside Asha's mind. Helding her daughter's strappy shoulders, Kavita looked up to down to see her daughter's sort of revealing top and then further down to her denim jeans. A mischiveuous smile crept inside her mind when she realised Asha's ass was certainly in her league!

This staring from her own mother made Asha feel strange and she asked, gazing at the reflection of her mother on the mirror...

" what is it?"

Kavita smiled and rubbed her palms on the exposed portion of her daughter's shoulder and cooed..."Just like me!"

A confused Asha raised an eyebrow.."huh?"

Kavita gave a playful smirk at the reflection of her daughter and rubbed her chin on her shoulder this time, pouting cutely....

"Hey Ashu! did you think your mother is a typical traditional prude? c,mmon, being a woman myself, I realise how much you have blossomed!"

Kavita's words and her continuous rubbing on the shoulders, made Asha feel a bit weird and yet she felt this conversation to be very normal. Perhaps it was more of a female-female moment, than a mother-daughter one. 

The last words from Kavita was followed by another moment of silence and Asha realised her mother had her eyes fixed on her pony tail. Without any further hesitation, she herself snapped away the hairclip from Asha's hair, making her hair flow down in all its glory. This sudden act of Kavita made Asha turn back and look at her mother, with wide eyes...."wha....maa?"

"Don't you think you are being a bit modest Ashu? Let it flow down in all its glory and beauty! let the world see how gorgeous my daughter is!"

When Kavita replaced the 'world' with 'Jason', a strange wicked sensation flew throughout her body and she felt awful due to that, but then ofcoarse....

Inside Kavita's mind...





Back to Present :


Kavita was nudged on her shoulder a bit and she dropped herself back to the present once more. Getting embarrassed, she handed a gloss to her daughter and pouted..."Hey don't forget this!" before again stammering a bit out of her room. Surely Asha was confused about two certain things.. 

Firstly Kavita's sudden eagerness to make her daughter look very attractive and secondly her stammering! 

"Whats with maa today?...uhmm"

Asha realised Kavita had handed over another fresh piece of gloss, a gleaming red! Not being able to handle the temptation of one of her favourite color choices, Asha glossed her lips quick, smacking them in a sweet-sexy way, before leaving her room.

In the dining space, Jason continued with his lewd gestures once more, by dipping his finger inside the butter box and then getting them out, licking it straight away with his lips, while making the opposite seated Asha feel disgusted!

Kavita on the other hand was again in a semi horny state, gazing at the way Jason licked the butter from his long black fingers and a part of her horny mind almost wished that she would lick his fingers right there and then, infront of Asha and Arushi! But, however, she had to make sure she looked maternal, rather than her clit erecto-horny!

The daily sex was also making Kavita very very hungry in the morning and both the girls were surprised to see an increment in her regular food intake during the breakfast, which inturn was very slowly making Kavita even more bustier and ofcoarse expanding her precise curved areas even more. 

In this moment, something bizzare happened!

Kavita bit her lip and expanded her one fat thigh to give space to a very silent fluffy smooth breeze of moderately stinky FART!

Poor Arushi who was the nearest to her mother, felt ackward and disgusted, cringing her nose, while pouting out a very mild toned "cheeeee!"

Kavita too made a face and realised indeed the fart was awful. She also saw Asha make a grimace of a face, but Jason didn't seem to mind surprisingly. It didn't take much mental effort for Kavita to realise in amazement that the frisky negro also had a fart fetish! Well, atleast sort of.

Feeling sadistic, Kavita shifted the blame to her younger daughter, by raising her eyes towards her in a strict maternal way and used a strict tone too...

"Aru! You should be ashamed!"

Poor sweet innocent Arushi felt a bit hurt! She cooed softly...

"Uh...but maa! I didn't do it! Pakka!!"

"Shutup and finish your meal quick!"

Kavita admonished while feeling her clit erect some more from this very mean unfair behavior with her sweet budding daughter. Taking a last whiff of her slight nasty butt air, she wiped her mouth and burped so loud that Asha gasped at her softly, but didn't react further.

Anyhow, in the next few moments, all four were inside the car and Jason decided to take his teasing on Asha to a next level! 

Making note of the fact with utmost joy that Asha once again had access to Jason's presence on his front seat, he fastened the seat belt in such a way that, he could give room to his lump and maul it a bit through the trouser, making Asha cringe at the sight. 

The worst part was when Asha realised that the swine was mauling his lump while keeping his eyes fixated at her face through the rear view and this made Asha feel a bit uncomfortable, specially when she realised that she had an open hair and even more tempting lips, because of the new gloss her mother gave her. Anyhow, she decided to rather look outside the window, than giving any further look to Jason's wolf like eyes.

"Take ya eyes off it now birch! But ya be suckin on dis cock soon!"

Jason smirked inside his mind and looked back to Kavita and couldn't help but look down to her ample breasts that certainly seemed a bit bigger than her previous size. Sensing Asha's attention back towards the front, he decided to try something naughty!

"Hey Missus Patail, ya kamaiz looks kinda messy! Wait...le me show ya!"

Jason playfully pointed out his fingers and Kavita knew his naughty intentions very well. Pressing a mischievous smile herself, she pretended well...

"Oh yes uh...umm would you mind dusting it off Mr Jason? I can't afford to let go off the steering!"

This request from her mother, made Asha raise her eyes and luckily Arushi didn't seem to be too bothered, she wasn't just in the  skeptical zone of age yet and rather focussed on her school book!

Jason forwarded a hand and Asha frowned upon this act, but what she luckily couldn't see that Kavita had a even more wicked smile and bit her lip as Jason mauled her breasts, giving her yet another hars time focussing on the road! 

"Maa is allowing him to get access to her kameez?? gross!" 

Asha looked to the other side, but felt angry on herself to be curious about something, that she felt was ackward!

'Did Jason dust out the kameez with his hands or maybe something else?'

Anyway, Kavita's tone again made Asha listen to their conversation once more..

"Oh how kind of you Mr Jason! Thanks for dusting it off!"

"No problem Missus Patail!"

Jason had such a evidently playful smile that Asha didn't feel that to be normal and wondered why her mother had such a normal chemistry with him!

Anyways, Jason got out on his stop and Kavita resumed her drive to her destination. Noticing Arushi on the side, Asha gave up the idea of questioning her mother on how the heck she allowed Jason to dust off his hands on her kameez and the whole idea have Asha so many negative thoughts that she was shocked at her own imagination herself!

No way! Maa is a noble soul! Uh...why am I thinking these ackward thoughts?

Anyways, Asha soon reached her college and Arushi, her school, leaving Kavita to herself and by the time she reached college, she blushed as she twisted her keys, wondering with reddened cheeks about what the entire school will think about her slight stammering. 

A wicked smile crossed Kavita's lips as she got out of her car.
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