Adultery The Turbaned Negro (Completed)
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Ch 27. Extacy Never Ends

Evening :

Rahul's car stopped at the exact destination like usual and somehow, there seemed to be a strange silence between him and Asha. Perhaps for the very first time in their entire relationship so far.

Noticing Asha's silent face, Rahul decided to ease her up a bit and therefore, caught hold of her palm with his and used a typically soft sensitive boyfriend tone....

"Uhm...hey Ashu, sorry if what I said had upset you! But, hey... take your own time and look after these tiny matters yourself! I mean...."

Asha couldn't help but react very straightforwardly to this matter by pouting....

"Rahul hold on....this isn't a minor stuff! You just tuned into body shaming! I mean....hmmph! Didn't expect this from you!"

Rahul did feel a bit irritated at that, but his love for Asha, made him gather some patience and decided to charm her in another way. He soothed her shoulders very calmly and pretended to be noble....

"Uhm.. hey! It's not like that Ashu! I am definately not into body shaming, but...uhmmm take it in this are going to be the bride of Rahul Sharma! Surely you would want to look your best version for the Media and all! Right?"

Asha didn't feel like stretching this topic anymore, rather she ended the session wisely by inching her face forward for a kiss and Rahul inturn happily kissed her back. Asha's weight apart, her rosebud lips always ignited his soul, whenever he kissed them.

Bidding a bye to Rahul, Asha swayed her curvy body all the way to her home and suddenly stopped in the midway. The thought of having to see Jason under the very same roof, irritated her and she felt sort of a disdain to get inside her house, but then ofcoarse she did begin to walk again and ultimately rang the bell, expecting her mother to attend the door, but when the door opened, she saw a smiling Jason instead.

The eye contact from the negro disturbed her and ignoring him, she simply walked inside. However, a sudden line from Jason stopped her...

"How waz ya day Ash?"

Asha turned to face him and although she hated to see his African negroid face, yet she managed to use a stern tone...

"By the way, it's Asha, not Ash and yes, it was a nice day, anything else?"

Jason let out a loose whistle and pouted...."no ma'am! Jus askin..."

Asha gave out a sigh and walked upstairs, once again allowing Jason to eye her swaying fat asscheeks within the denim jeans and Jason took hold of his lump to rub it a bit, imagining spanking that ass bare someday. 

"Aw Maan! Dis chick is a fukin bomb! Gotta make her mine soon!"

Jason smirked to himself and rushed to the fridge to open it and gaze at the big fat piece of Chipped Chicken he himself had arranged for. Gazing at the meat, he smiled in the normally playful evil manner.

In the meantime, Asha was just sitting on her bed and all her mind was invested in just thinking of Rahul. No, not in the romantic context, but in the psychology context rather. Mentally, Asha had always considered herself to be fairly curvy and slightly on the plump side, but Rahul's words had made her kind of insecure of her slight tummy and hip fat. 

Half her mind told her that perhaps she needed to go with what Rahul had requested and maybe reconsider her diet. But the other part of her mind was convinced of the fact that Rahul didnt just have racial issues, but also body shaming issues as well and that very part of her mind also wondered if something else about Rahul might just pop out in the future. Something which she doesn't even know now!

But then ofcoarse, the Bollywood romantic damsel inside her took over the cynical and enquiring side of her mind and she looked down to grab some of her waist fat and coe to herself...

"Hmmmmmmm! Oh well! I guess Rahul is kind of right, I better get more in shape and maybe hmm look prettier, afterall I am going to be Mrs Asha Sharma! Hmmmmmm!"

A ray of positive light once again filled in the recent dark tunnel of Asha's mind and ignoring the other side of her mind, she rather embraced the side that supported Rahul and took out her phone to browse some of the typical models with a slim waist and curvy ass. 

Asha blushed and for sometime ignored the fact that she had always adored Plus size models more.


Few moments later :

"Hmmmmmmmm smells that oh my god!" 

Kavita slammed her car door and walked towards her home with wide surprised eyes and yet her saliva glands vibrated and stirred. The forbidden smell of meat shook her with shock as she realised the aroma was coming out of her kitchen window. Getting amazed, she was just about to ring the bell when precisely at that very moment, Jason opens the door. Seing his masculine dark body wrapped in just an apron and shorts, made Kavita feel her body weaken and oh! how much she wished she mashed her thick body against his, right at this moment at the threshold!

But then, Kavita realised the smell of the meat and suddenly sounded very conservative at the moment....

"J..Jason, is it you cooking the meat?? but....thi..."

Jason hat to cut her by bowing down in a chef like style and pouted...

"Allow me madamme Patail ta show ya sum of da delicacies I made mahself!"

Such was her attraction to Jason, that Kavita just purred like a sweet kitten at that moment... "Oh okay...but ummm.."

Jason took this very precise opportunity to grab hold of Kavita's soft hands and lead her inside and when they atlast reached the kitchen, Kavita was genuinely uncomfortable with the presence of Chicken on the frying utensil but definately not its lovely aroma. Luckily Arushi was in her room doing her homework and Asha was currently taking a shower, therefore from the dining space to the end of the main hall, there was no other being present except for the two of them and being seductive in such an atmosphere wasn't a big deal for Jason.

"Jason you should have atleast aske...."

Kavita was stopped by Jason immediately when he grabbed hold of her salwar clad fleshy hips and soon began to massage them gently, sending shivers inside her and feeling the need, this primal need to submit herself to him again. Very very slowly, he then interlinked his own fingers with the fingers of Kavita and slowly brought it to the stirring spoon and made her hold it. Kavita was surprised but yet she was very keenly seduced in holding the spoon and at the same time, she felt some currents flowing inside her body when a big fat lump was apparently knocking in the middle of her asscheeks. 

Such was the ample ass of Kavita that Jason felt this normal urge to mash his hardon against her cloth clad ass and still get pleasures out of it. But the motive of the seduction was completely something else and Kavita very subconsioulsy submitted to it. Making her hold the spoon finally, Jason licked her earlobe along with her round earing, whispering....

"Stirr this meal yoself! I know how much ya enjoyin the smell and the masala of it! cmmon Kovi! do it for me!"

Jason pushed his lump against the fleshy buttocks, making Kavita purr out "hmmm okay!" and stirr the spoon on the hot meat pieces herself for the very first time! Gone were her Saativik morals and ideologies. Now at this moment, she was rather enjoying submitting all those meek morals to the devil himself...

The Big Black Devil!

"Yes Kovii....Stirr the spoon... cmmon yeah...dats it baybah! oh yeaah...uh huh... goin good!"

Jason kept pouting the words in a seductive manner into the ear of Kavita and she felt so driven and seduced by the entire setup that she felt herself very normally wanting to stirr the spoon around a meal which was forbidden i n the house untill this moment according to her. But then this was again the sheer magic of Jason that she felt so easily seduced and adding to this entire seduction was also the naturally mouthwatering aroma of the Chicken dish. 

Still, Kavita played naive and puppy like, making Jason even more hard and urging him to rub his groin more against her cushions.

"Uhm.... actually......I am just...uhm...kinda liking this smell, urgmmmmmm!" 

The scenario in the kitchen was quite mesmerising where a negro was driving a plump fair woman crazy by just helping her to stirr the spoon inside the food vessel, but Jason wasn't just playing with her externally, he was also rewiring her neurons with the simplest of seductions. But then if there was any effort left from Jason's side, the lovely meaty aroma had fulfilled and filled in the void. Kavita had finally happily accepted that indeed she was being a prude to not welcome such an aroma before. 

But then, Jason wasn't done yet! He stirred the spoon along with Kavita and at the same time, blew sweet seductive words into her ear...

"I know ya like it Kovi! you luv the idea of these meaty delicacies meat you up even more!"

Kavita again fell into that latent spell and murmered sexily...."Mhhhmmmmmmm"

Jason continued....

"Wanna see ya body parts slap and flap even more when we both rockin on da bed! ya will like it, wontchya?"

Kavita gasped at the visual for a fraction of second and cooed..."uhhmmmmm won't it be too fattning for a fatty like me Jason? uhhhm.."

Kavita felt skeptical of welcoming such a dish, but the smell drove her crazy and Jason added more to her already kinky feelings...

"But hey! you wanna grow more right Kovi? awwh maan! I wanna see ya get wider and softer Kovi! wanna make you a cushion cow!"

'Cushion Cow' the term shook the insides of Kavita, but this strange stirring also took place inside and she felt herself get wet at the mere idea of just adding more to her already voluptuous figure and Jason in the meantime also enjoyed rubbing his aroused groin against the fat bum of Kavita, but however, getting an idea of someone coming down the stairs, he shifted away and to his surprise, he saw Kavita fully focussed on the cooking now.

The smell also caught Asha's nose and she was aghast! 

Whistling in his typical style Jason walked to the sofa and sat, pretending to do something on the phone and took all the delight in peeking at the swaying buttocks of her pajama clad ass and Asha on the other hand, felt very irritated with Jason's presence under the same roof! But what was now bothering her more was the aroma of meat!

" maa cooking Chicken?? Uh...b..but.."

Asha couldn't help but gasp seing Kavita cook meat for the very first time in her entire life and before she could say anything, Kavita gave the last touches and tuning off the gas stove, she looked turned back with a slight adrenaline rush to face Asha, standing before her with curious questioning eyes. 

The maternal instinct again took over Kavita and she coughed out a silly laugh, pouting sweetly....

"Oh Ashu, it's umm okay! Jason has done it all for us! That's so sweet of him! Maybe we can bend a few values for making our dear guest feel home! Can't we beta?"

Asha was speechless for quite an amount of time. She wondered if she had actually recognised her mother or not and if she did, why did it feel like she was meeting a whole new person all of a sudden! However, not completely erasing out her surprised look from her face, she used a soft tone....

" maa...what if pappa comes to...umm know!"

Kavita had such confidence lately that the thought of her husband getting angry and upset over the Non-saatvik meal, didn't quite bother her and anyways she knew how to handle the matter incase Sunil protested more to the matter.

A tiny thought crept inside Kavita's mind and she wagged her nose to hide a smile and walking towards Asha, she stood besides her and ran her danity palm over the quite shiny silky hair of her daughter and cooed sweetly to her...

"Honey, remember what I always taught you, one must open the windows of the mind and welcome new things, specially such a lovely meal! Gosh...I guess we must get on with the lovely dinner! Common now get Aru down!"

Asha was amazed and the very next moment, she turned and looked at Jason, who smiled back at her.

Within some more minutes, Dinner was set and one could easily see Arushi being the happiest! her secret craving for Chicken was finally being fulfilled. On the other hand Kavita did feel hesitant at first, but then her eyes interlocked with Jason and she put the very first meaty morsel inside her mouth. Followed by this move of her's Jason put a morsel into her mouth as well and very soon this became sort of a game between the two and both behaved like frivolous lovers right there infrot of Arushi and Asha. 

Kavita felt very naughty playing such a game, but Jason however was quite normal with his moves and Asha in perticular was amazed at this kind of an unusual interaction between her mother and the negro and added to that, was also even more amazement to see her mother so very normally munching up the meat goodies as if being Saatvik was just a joke for her now. But who was she to blame her mother! She had to admit that Jason had a good had on cooking when she whiffed the delicious smell coming out of the dish and on the other hand, seing Arushi munching happily, made her stomach grumble with genuine hunger. 

But, Asha was playing a strange game in her mind. The game of being determined and not submitting to the negro!

"Maa! Uhm... I am not really hungry!"

This sudden nudge from Asha broke the sensual silence between Kavita and Jason and behaving maternal once more, Kavita conveyed her concern...."oh, but why beta? The Chicken is lovely!". Jason smiled and looked at Asha, realising the girl had a determination of the size of a peanut and was convined that she would soon submit to him. However Asha somehow managed to excuse herself from the dining table and leave in an instant, but Arushi continued to munch on it and out of nowhere, her sweet innocent heart fluffed out some compliments to Jason...

"Yummmmy!! Uncle Jason, I loved it!!"

Jason took this sweet oppurtunity to smile back at the sweet girl and forwarded a hand, saying..."Aw thanks mah princess! cmmon give me a five then!". Looking at the black paw, Arushi felt a bit intimidated, however since the context was a very normal one, she managed to smile and forward her own soft small hand and give Jason a quick high five, which in turn made him feel the creamy softness of Arushi's palm and made him feel like feeling it for a bit more longer, but the high five ended and he took back his hand and on the other hand, Kavita found this gesture of Jason very paternal and sweet. 

"This man is impressive in so many ways.....oh gosh....hmmmmm something about him indeed!"


Late night :

Sunil stepped inside the house and as always he took a quick hand wash and rushed to the dining table to have his share of dinner, but the aroma that hit his nose was so unusual that he quickly opened the lid and discovered the dish inside in the casserole, in an absolute shock!

 "Wait..wait....uh! uhmm is that....HOLY CRAP, CHICKEN???"

The typically Saatvik man became enraged and wondered how on earth did Kavita cook this inside the house!

Discovering nothing else on the table, except for some daal and chapatis, Sunil pushed aside the casserole in anger and rushed to his room, but only to find Kavita in a deep sleep. The traditional husband figure inside her wanted to scold her right at this moment, but then ofcoarse he was already sleepy and so sleepy that he ignored his hungry stomach and decided to don his night suit to get into a deep slumber. 

Within some minutes, Sunil lied down on the bed and looked at his asleep wife once more with some disdain and then turned the other side, grabbing a pillow firmly. Atlast, when the first batch of snores popped out of him, Kavita opened an eye and smiled wickedly, getting the thrill and excitement once more to be free atlast to enter the Beast's Den once more!

"Sleep tight Darling! while I enjoy some company from our Athithi!"

Kavita got up from her bed and just like the other night, walked straightway towards the guestroom and greeting a very eager Jason once more, she rushed for an immediate hug and as always he hugged her back with equal grace, kneading her butt through her nighty.

"Oh Jason....aaahh! Love the way you knead my flesh! Specially on my ass!"

Being with Jason for quite sometime now, Kavita didn't hesitate to use explicit words anymore and Jason too loved to hear it from his Indian momma. 

"Hmmmm so mah Kovi baybah loves ta get dis ass spanked eh??" 

Jason cooed sexily and began to take a different approach this time. He pulled up the Nighty up and up untill the material reached her waist, exposing her hefty ass clad in a panty and wasting no time, he inserted his palm inside the panty and began to knead the bare flesh, mauling it and giving it light spanks. This made Kavita moan and also moan out a bit more to experience spanks and kneading at the same time. Her cunny vibrated and her clitoris seemed to inched up a little, well atleast that's what Kavita felt at this moment. 

Kavita had recently realised that a spicy conversation adds to an already sizzling sex session. Therefore, she kept talking at that same time when Jason was pulling the nightie up and up, clearly in the verge of stripping it off from her.

Kavita : You are a brute you know that! (rubbing her melons against chest)

Jason : oh yeh? what makes ya think so? (getting the material up untill the shoulders atlast)

Kavita : you made a vegan like me turn into a meat lover, you swine! (punched his hard chest playfully)

Jason : But ya luved munching on it, didntchya?? (mauling the back flesh)

Kavita : hmmmmmmmmmm, now talk less and help me get rid of everything!

Jason finally rolled out the nighty completely from Kavita's body and once again seing her clad in a bra, made him wild! Rather than getting her melons exposed directly, he loved to get sensual with the bra straps, which was one of his favourite acts during sex. 

Taking the straps within his fingers he slapped it against her shoulder blades and the flap flap sound added to the already steaming atmosphere. Continuing to flap the straps, he got his lips next to Kavita's ears and whispered...

"Ya know wat Kovi? Ya meaty body drives me crazy and these arms aw Maan!"

Jason now descended his hands and caught hold of the slight flabby arms of Kavita, massaging it very very slowly, sending wicked sensations inside her. He soon bent down kissing each pore of flesh from the arms to the shoulders and continued doing so even in reverse, whispering...

"Taday I wanna explore these pores of flesh in ya! I wanna make a promise ta dem"

Kavita wondered about the word 'promise', but then felt even wider wicked sensations when she realised that Jason was now kissing around her neck, shoulders and then her back and ultimately bending down to kiss her slight belly folds and even the slight flab at the end of the tummy. This was a whole new sensation for Kavita when she realised that even her basic curves were being worshipped by this very manly negro. 

A very foggy memory of a line from an article popped up in her mind where in ancient times, the tribal Africans preferred very meaty women . Women who were not just plain plump, but very wide and Amazonian in appearance!

This thought shivered Kavita and then she felt some even more circuits enter her body when she looked down to see Jason kissing the excess meat around her thighs and then he again got his face up towards her navel, only to whisper some inaudble words into the hole space. Kavita wondered what he was actually whispering and even in her deep state of extacy, she cooed....

"Uh hey..what are you doing?"

Jason looked up and ssshhhed Kavita, yanking her panties down to her knees the next moment and once again had his tongue right away into her wet fat cunny. Jason also loved a slight soury aroma arise from her bushy pubic hair even!

"Uhhhh oh Jason! I hate it when you attack me down there all of a sudden nnn uhhhh!"

But Jason was very sincere with what he usually did and right now, he was very busy exploring the bushy coven with his tongue. Already introduced to oral pleasures before, Kavita now absolutely loved the kinky sensations that arose from having her cunny licked like that and pulled his head further into whatever he was doing down there with his naughty tongue. 

After licking Kavita down there for quite some time, Jason rose up and unhooked her bra straightaway, releasing a set of very ample melons that seemed a bit bigger for sure, compared to the very first time he had seen them. 

The large coin shaped nipples even made the breasts seemed very attractive and Jason circled those nipples ar first, making Kavita yearn for much more than that, but Jason kept doing so and that too for quite some time, ultimately making Kavita burst her desperate flames out.....

"Urghh cmmon now Jason! Grab them and maul them like again!! Jusstt do itt!"

Sensing Kavita's desperate housewife tone, Jason smiled and played with the edges of those melons rather and whimpered...

"So momma wants her melons ta be played with eh?" 

Kavita moaned..."mhmmhmm"

"Hmm okay! An what else?"

Kavita moaned in a raised eyebrow..."uhm huhh?"

"I mean my darlin Kovi wants dem bigggah eh?"

Kavita in her state of extacy couldn't help but agree and in a way, Jason did speak the truth!

"Uhh yessss! I do! I do! Now...plleaaase maaaaul them for god's sake"

Jason still didn't even bother to get hold of the globes and massage them. Rather, he inched his hands down untill they reached the curvy fleshy waist and tapping the excess flesh out there, he again used his low seductive tone....

"And mah Kovi doesn't mind her waist gettin wida eh?"

Kavita moaned and felt very wicked butterflies roam in her stomach and the thought of her even wider hips made her moan and close her eyes, pouting..."uh...I don't mind! Uhh buhht..why ddoo you aaask?"

"Coz I wanna make sure mah Kovi eats more and more and makes haself even more sexy fo me!"

Kavita wanted to moan so loud that the entire neighborhood should gasp and wonder what was the sound about! Her insides danced wildly and her heart cried out of seeking a sense of joy that perhaps she had never ever experienced before!

"Jason oh Jason! Are you uh even human??"

Jason smiled, pouting out "nope! I am the Devil!" and straightaway caught hold of the globes, giving them at first, minor squeezes and then begining to slowly maul them in the most seductive manner possible. This made Kavita moan and groan louder and moan out all her feelings and being even more desperate, she joined hands on the hands of her devil to maul her melons even more or atleast beckon him to continue it.

Getting to the next level of desperation, Jason stopped to maul and rather kissed on every inch of the melons and that including the nipples, making Kavita a machine from where continuous moans were being brought out!

"Uhh! Take me now! Oh Jaaason please! Fuck me even more today!"

Not wasting any further time, Jason caught hold of Kavita's waist and very sensually made her lie down on the bed, while like a shining knight, he climbed up right away on top of her, mashing his chest against her breasts and ofcoarse, his plum head against her cunny gates, slowly entering inside and making Kavita feel the gateway to heaven once more.

"Ufff Jason! Do it! Dooo ittt!"

"With all mah pleasure Kovi!"

Jason pushed further inside and ultimately when the sex turned intense, Kavita wrapped her collosal legs around his waist like she typically did and submitted willingly to this wonderful heavenly session. Sunil and his daughters slept normally, not even remotely aware what the usually Sanskari woman of the house was upto and Kavita cared the least!

Infact, shading away her shame and principles and values, Kavita had welcomed a fresh change in her very mundane life and she was glad she did so! No more cursing Mr Chawla in her mind, she rather thanked him mentally for having the beast of a man to enter her neighborhood and give her a rebirth!

"Yesssssssss Jaaaassooooon! Thaaaassts ittt! Uuuhhhhhh ufffff!"

"Yesssssssss eehh yessss Kovi I wanna cum on ya! Can ya feel it!" Wanna cum on dis amazin belly of ya!"

Kavita too gave in to her final few moans and nodded with her eyes closed, beckoning Jason to go ahead with his intention and atlast, he gave his last grunts, plopping out his head out of her cunny and straightaway aiming it on her belly, marking the bare skin with his thick creamy disposal!

Feeling the warm semen on her belly Kavita cooed and hugged Jason, pulling him down firm into her arms and once again mashing her lips against his. 


Same time - Rahul's house :

Vijay was as usual, busy with a conference meeting and a late night meeting was nothing unsual for him. But on the other hand, his wife of 22 years was not at all happy with her nights. A deep urge took over her curvacious body every single night and despite being the wife of a Billionaire, she felt extremely empty inside. Lying down on her bed and seing her the hopeless view of Vijay chatting on skype on his laptop, Manisha murmered to herself...

"Oh Vijay, do we not have enough already? what's with all your deals and meetings only?? hmmmph!"

But then Manisha had convinced herself that now at the age of 44, she was done with her prime time and all she could ask for was Asha's presence in the house when she gets married to her son. But these cultural thoughts didn't fade away the natural craving inside her. Setting her glance over her talkative husband for one last time, she then diverted her eyes down to the drawyer of her side table and pulled out a fat red album out of it. The orange lit large lamp provided a wonderful sheen of light on the curvy woman clad in her blue nighty, browsing through the red album which was none other than her own Marriage Album!

Manisha saw the very first picture which consisted of her and Vijay in their bridal outfits and she specifically looked at herself and realised how slim she used to be and looked like a fresh ravishing bride in the red Benarsi saree. Also the smile on her face was so fresh, so genuine compared to what it was now. The super rich Manisha pretended to be the Happy housewife Mrs Sharma, however that was just external! Internally she craved for attention and embarrisingly she realised that it was all about sexual attention! But Vijay cared the least. 

Yes, certainly Manisha was aware of the fact that gradually as Rahul grew up, she kept putting on weight and today she was this very decently voluptous mature beauty with quite the ample curves jutting out of her precise spots, but she still firmly believed in her curves being the natural progression of herself entering the mature stage of her life. But then, the sad reality was that as Vijay grew more and more powerful financially, he never bothered for even the slightest of romantic moments to take place between them, let alone sex!

Browsing on and on throughout the marriage albums, she suddenly realised that Vijay was done with his calls and had finally settled on the bed, only to see Manisha browsing their marriage album with deep intense eyes. 

"Hey Mani, what's wrong? not sleepy yet?"

Manisha sighed in the typical boredom manner and murmered.... "Not really, was just lost in the older days!"

Vijay pulled up his sheets and very casually said "Well, live in the present Mani, dont forget we have a wedding coming up soon and you an I are not young anymore!" before closing off the large lamp on his side and finally dozing off to a deep sleep. 

The snoring sound from Vijay as always irritated Manisha and as most of the nights, she would actually never sleep straightaway, she would rather roam around her lavish balcony and count the stars or recollect some of the old days with Vijay and thats exactly what she did even tonight. Grabbing hold of her silky night robe, she wore it and headed towards her balcony right away. Being a lady with golden spoon, Manisha had this very elite habit of keeping her nails manicured by default and apply a light gloss on her lips, even before bed and therefore anyone peeking at her balcony at this moment, would have easily noticed a very attractive mature beauty clad in an equally attractive silky robe, talking brief walks with the moonlight very precisely focussing on her facial features, specially her big round eyes and glossed lips.

But it was a saddening thing to see such a desirable woman go wasted, as one would easily see if they ever saw Manisha right now in this late night, far far away from sleep and rather lost in thoughts that only she could tell herself. Putting her elbows on the balcony grill, she wondered...

"Rahul and Asha definately love each other and Rahul is likley to take over the business alongside Vijay, I just hope he keeps Asha very happy and.." 

But this thought was ceased when she noticed the light open inside their storehouse, which was easily seen from the balcony where Manisha was right now. Very normally all she thought was...

"I thought I told the darwans to shut every uneccesary lights, hmmmph! seems like I have to check it out myself"

Tightening her silky robe around her curvaceous waist, Manisha decided to take a look at the matter herself and straightaway left the bunglow to head towards the store house to find out why the lights were on.
[+] 6 users Like Mintu08's post
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Stay tuned.
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Awesome story bro....amazing writing..........
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[+] 1 user Likes prasad_rao16's post
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Keep 'em cumming, ma brother! banana
[+] 1 user Likes Desmond Miles's post
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Superb update bro
[+] 1 user Likes Ananthukutty's post
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Amazing update as always ! Loved it ! Thanks
[+] 1 user Likes Amit2021msm's post
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[+] 1 user Likes Kamalesh Nathan's post
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Eroticism at its peak....
[+] 1 user Likes abcturbine's post
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Splendid update
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[+] 1 user Likes fuckandforget's post
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Super super
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Phle arushi ko krwao
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Thanks for all the appreciation once more! Gives me great pleasure to see my readers enjoying the journey!

Be tuned.
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Loving the journey....
[+] 1 user Likes drlund's post
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Awesome update bro ! Waiting for next update ! 

If possible please add pics and gif !

[+] 1 user Likes Amit2021msm's post
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(21-08-2022, 09:18 PM)Amit2021msm Wrote: Awesome update bro ! Waiting for next update ! 

If possible please add pics and gif !


I respect your views. However it is my personal preference to just stick to text so that my readers are more free to imagine the scenarios. 

Hope you don't mind my opinion.
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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This Story Is Quite Awesome Bro I Have Just Started Reading Will Give My Reviews After Reading The Whole Story. By The Way Good Luck

Please click on the link given to read the latest updates of my story 

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Chapter 28 : Exciting Discoveries 

Manisha reached the threshold of the Store house and noticed someone clearly on the other side of the door. Being curious, she touched the door and the next moment it got open in a wham! The person inside surprised Manisha. It was none other than their housemaid Shalu!

"Shalu?? what are you doing here in this late night?"

Shalu was kind of silent but Manisha realised that her maid was in a sort of shabby state, for instance her blouse buttons were open, presenting a decently ravishing cleavage and even more bite barks around her neck area and around her cleavage top. The view of those bite marks again sent a stirring of insecurity and rage inside Manisha, but she ignored and behaved like a typical Maalkin at this moment, using the typically stern voice...

"Shalu! I asked you something!!"

Shalu adjusted her pallu and seemed to wipe something from around her lips in a quick pace, settling up and then behaving normal, she cooed....

"Uhm actually Memsahab, I was looking for an old worn out cloth and umm, I found it! hehe..."

Shalu's silly behavior made an experienced mature lady like Manisha very cynical, but then, she realised it was quite late and decided to end the discsussion right here.....

"Okay, make sure that you shut the lights and lock the door!"

Manisha adjusted her slight grey locks of her hair from her ear due to the breezes and turned back, moving towards her bunglow. In the meantime, Shalu heaved a long breath and felt as if she had just got saved by an inch. Murmering to herself, she cooed.... "This moti doesn't even sleep, thank god she didn't see my husband leave some minutes ago!"

But Manisha wasn't a novice or a nymph. She had very well taken a whiff of dried semen from Shalu's face and body and her eyes became awfully teary. Her heart thumped with jealousy and grief and yet she managed to reach her room with a clenched fist that softened by the time she reached her lavish Queen sized bed. Almost everything around her seemed lavish, except for her own life and to be precise, her sexual life that seemed to be lost a long time ago. 

Seing the snoring Vijay next to her, Manisha barely had any hope of him being the atleast semi romantic guy he used to be during their college days and thus, letting out a long sigh, she laid down, closing her eyes, on an undoubtedly sheer comforting silky sheets and buttery matress, but that never erased the incompleteness inside her.


The Patels house :

In the meantime, the night had become quite dense, but the moonlight shone so beautifully through the window, that it precisely fell on the fair plump naked Kavita who was rubbing her collosal legs against Jason's dark strong ones. At this precise moment, the negro was busy playing with the long silky traces of Kavita's Goddess like hair and she was loving it so much that everytime the dark long fingers intervened through the tresses, her heart and cunny, both throbbed together.

"Hmmmmmmmm oh Jason! I love it when you do that!"

Jason rubbed his sole over here, whimpering in a soft wind like mode..."Do what Kovi?"

Kavita hated it and also loved it at the same time when Jason would prolong a basic conversation, teasing her with mere words! But when the fire was equally set in both the bodies and souls, why would Kavita consider being left out in playing the game. She too traced her long nails against the coal black chest, pouting sexily...

"I never ever imagined my long hair to be a medium of attraction Jason! Sunil was such a prude and still is! You filled me up after a long time Jason! I have never been so crazy about anyone as much as you!"

Jason winked, pouting..."oh you mean a nigga like me?"

Kavita even today found the affair to be very spicy, since Jason was a negro and her cunny throbbed with ants inside when she saw the beautiful contrast between their tones, which looked even sexy in the sparkling bluish light coming from the moon. Kavita cooed once more when Jason released her hair and got his hand down, to cup an ample melon, feeling the warmth and width of it with sheer pleasure. The pleasure was even more when he realised the width to be a bit more than before.

"Aw Maan! Kovi! Deez juggs lookin so full! And yeah bigga fo sure!"

Kavita blushed and cooed back...

"A beast is responsible for all this!"

Jason squeezed some more, using his sexy tone..."what beast?"

Kavita thrust her breasts more towards her lover and rubbed her thigh even more firmly against his, purring out....

"The Big Black Beast next door! Hmmph! I think he has plans to make me change my bra size! Uff! They are already uncomfortable!"

Jason now realised that he and Kavita were now reaching the best part of the kinky gossip session and he wasted no further time in using the other free hand to get straightway to one wide protruding hip flesh and maul it, making Kavita moan again!

"Den Kovi! You betta go shoppin soon! Coz I am gonna make ya wida!"

Kavita raised her eyes and gasped. She blushed deep red at the anticpation of what Jason meant and yet behaving normally, she punched his chest, pouting....

"Hey!! Don't make such crazy plans okay?? I am already pretty plump!"

But Jason reacted to her by giving a Sherlockian expression, moving his eyes from her gleaming face to down to her melons and the further down to her robust thighs and suddenly, nodded in a negative gesture...

"Nah not yet! I prefa mah women ta be like those Rappy Afro Galz with big strong bodiez!"

Surely Kavita knew about those big Amazonian girls who normally came and rapped in sleazy funky music videos and she gasped when she realised Jason was actually wanting her to become as big and broad bodied as them! Her cunny quivered when she even remotely thought of her own self getting even..



And maybe...

more Ravishing with bigger juicer breasts and a wider broader backside?" 

Jason decided to move to the next portion of his mind games and therefore, he left the breast alone and descended the hand down to grab Kavita's decently oval belly! This sudden shift from his hand made her gasp and look upto him with her intense round eyes. Still firmly holding on to her oval tummy, he whispered into her ear...

"Ya didn't seem ta have enuf tonite fo ya dinna! Ya look hungry ta me still Kovi!"

Kavita looked strangely at Jason. She believed she had quite the meat servings inside the her and it was quite satisfying, but such was her submissiveness towards Jason, that she still doubted her own mind and pouted to him...

"Uhm.. hey, why do you say that?"

Jason cooed again..."coz I feel mah mommah not so satisfied!"

Kavita did suddenly feel some rumbling in her stomach and she bit her lip, realising that indeed perhaps she could have ate more. But still getting nervous, she pouted..."uh but Jason, there is no need...I...."

But Jason got up and made her get up too. This was a thrilling moment and Kavita was even shocked when Jason unlocked the door and smiled wickedly at her. At this point of time, both were equally naked and Kavita only had wore her Mangalsutra. When Jason opened the door wider, Kavita was thrilled. She raised her eyes wider and looked at Jason, pouting softly..."uh.. surely you don't expect me to..."

Jason took over with his words from the middle, pouting back....

"Yes Kovi! We gonna go now our there in the dinning area now!"

Kavita gasped..."huh...but naked???"

Jason grinned evilly..."Yup Missus Patail! All naked!"

Jason didn't let Kavita think anything more and right away caught a firm hold of her hand, getting out of the guestroom in such a fast pace that it took a whole moment for Kavita to realise that she was actually out of the room and that too buck naked! A shiver of thrill ran through her entire body and she looked with an amazed face at Jason...

"Oh Jason! I feel weird! I can't...just go down...naked.."

Kavita's lips were rubbing into each other when she used a very nervous tone to utter those words, but Jason loved how the lips now looked even more juicy and he once again mashed his lips against her nervous ones and that is when a fresh Breeze actually entered her body!

Jason's intense french kiss often gave Kavita a boost inside her body and after Jason departed his lips, he saw a gleaming confidence in her eyes. 

The eyes that now implied Sexual confidence and Shamelessness!

"Kovi...are you ready now?  Wanna come with meh?"

In response to Jason's words, Kavita took a deep breath and released it in a manner that shook her melons a bit.  Feeling super kinky being naked out in the open, outside a room, she cooed....

"If the devil can do it, I can too!"

Jason smiled and wrapped a hand around Kavita's curvy waist, climbing down the stairs together along with her, that too in slow steps. Two naked adults walked all the way down as if it was very normal and Kavita felt her thighs make a squishy sound as they rubbed against each other while walking down. Clearly she was already dripping her nector from down there, due to the sheer excitement of coming down to the dining room fully naked, and that too with an equally naked man!

Once Jason and Kavita reached the dining space, Kavita felt her nipples hardening and shivers running through her entire body from down to up. Jason without wasting any further time, wrapped his hands around the curvy waist of Kavita, giving her such an immediate adrenaline rush that she she moaned loud and soon glued her lips in silence, with her hand covering up her mouth. 

"Oh gosh...was I loud enough? Uh... I can't imagine I am here all naked! Uh...Oh Jason!"

Kavita cooed and Jason increased his grip around her waist, making his naked fat cock rub against the asscheeks that seemed like quite the cushion to him. The bare big fat ass almost made Jason crave for some steamy anal sex with the milf, but then he knew he had plenty of opportunities in future and right now, he had some even more wicked plans in mind. 

Luckily, Jason didn't have to find much of a source to start his game. The source was right there! 

The extra Chicken goodies that was actually meant for Sunil, but since he didn't have them, Jason smiled and straightway took the plate on his hand and made sure his other hand still held the creamy waist of Kavita, who strangely felt some potential hunger from the whiffs alone.

It was deep late in the night and Kavita was amazed that her stomach rumbled, despite the fact that she had enough of those forbidden goodies! Anyway, she gasped in a mild tone when Jason's hand suddenly brought the plate right under her nose and her eyes first glanced on the plate and then she had to turn her face to see a wide grin on Jason's face. 

Clearly an interesting game had just showed up, atleast that is what Kavita had realised!

"Cmmon Kovi have dem all! You look famished!"

Jason's deep intense voice made Kavita almost tamed in a way and also on the other hand, the logical side of her brain convinced her that the amazing sex with Jason was now starting to make her more hungry than she usually was. Therefore, not being able to handle her animal instincts anymore, she grabbed not one, not two, but three goodies directly and plopped them into her mouth in such a hasty way, that the corners of her mouth were slightly messy with the masala crusts!

Thanks to the Indian food vlogs, Jason was now an expert in Indian Masalas!

Anyways, a deep grunting mixed with munching sounds filled the silent air around the dining space and Jason's cock inched up more, poking all over the cheeks of the hefty ass, that eventually made Kavita feel horny and grab two more straight into her mouth!

This was a sight which would unimaginable a few weeks ago, but now it was all real! A naked big masculine negro was rubbing himself behind an equally naked busty Indian woman who was munching food like a hungry animal and too in the extreme late night!

Jason then made Kavita turn to his side, facing him, eye to eye and then he picked up a big fat piece himself and brought it near her already messy lips. Kavita with extreme lust in her eyes opened her mouth straightaway and ate that piece too. For some moments she kept munching and munching and this continued, untill a loud sound emitted out of her, making her stop and broaden her eyes!

The sound was non other than a very decent Fart!

The soothing slightly stinky air left her  asshole and got the air on fire already, making Kabita cringe in disgust and look at Jason embarrassingly, pouting...."uh oh god...sorry! Didn't expect..that.."

Jason was loving this very submissive side of Kavita and to make her even more submissive, he grabbed hold of her jaw in a slight aggresive manner, making her gasp and wonder what was the man suddenly upto, untill he used a very dominant tone...

"Oh oh oh! Missusss Patail the supa Conservative lady jus farted eh??"

Kavita felt as if she would melt in guilt, but strangely she was still turned on. Everything so far, from coming down to the dining hall naked and eating at an odd time and then letting out a pretty stinky fart, made her cunny vibrate and when Jason asked that question, she felt a dewdrop pass her lips.

"Cmmon Kovi I asked ya sumthin!"

Jason pressed his fingers firmly around her jaw, making her shiver and feel very very vulnerable at this moment. Feeling quite turned on, she pouted like a guilty convict...

"Uh yes....I did fart and uh..I feel terrible!"

Jason smirked..."but hey dat was sexy Kovi!"

Loosening his grip from her jaw, he watched Kavita open her mouth in sheer amazement, looking at him with rounded eyes and Jason realised the plate had still some more pieces in them. Raising the plate towards her, he got one hand to pick up one and brought it to her lips, but Kavita hesitated, she already felt full!

"Uh Jason.. umm..there is no need of this...uhmmmm I can manage.."

But Jason didn't bother moving the piece away from her mouth, rather waited untill Kavita opened her mouth herself and took not one, not two, but fully three fat pieces into her mouth and ate it up as noisily as possible. Even the munching and swallowing sound from Kavita made Jason hard once more and yet once again another..


"Oh gosh...!" Kavita gasped and yet squirmed down there, rubbing her thighs against each other in an aroused state. Jason decided to end this session for now and realised that Kavita too was in a dizzy state herself!

Bending a bit, Jason grabbed Kavita's hips and got her up right away into his arms and once again she gasped realising the amount of weight Jason actually lifted up right now. Soon he whispered "come let me take you to your destination!" and climbed up slowly, while Kavita kept gazing into her knight's eyes, as he carried her up.

With each step, Jason kisses her cheeks, lips, nose and even forehead turn by turn and the wet patches from his lips on those features, made Kavita cling to him even more and eventually Jason right away reached inside her bedroom atlast! 

Seing Sunil sleeping on the bed made Kavita feel wicked when she was still lifted up to the arms by a strong negro and feeling kinky that she was in such a state in her own bedroom and that too next to her sleeping husband, made her look at Jason and purrr...

"Oh my knight! My hero!"

Jason smiled and very carefully placed her on the bed in the lying position and kissed her forehead once again before turning back to leave the room. Watching the naked dark ass walk out of her room, Kavita rubbed her thighs and legs once more and no! She still had one more task before she would doze off. And the task was actually about pleasuring herself due to the crazy things she did in just a day!

With fingers deep inside her cunny, she sighed and slept, lost in blissful thoughts.


Next Morning :

It was Sunday atlast and this was the most special day when the Patels would be visiting the Sharmas and the person who would be the most important was the pandit, who will finally set a date for Asha and Rahul's wedding! 

The Sharmas :

Vijay was to be dressed in a highly expensive Sherwani and an equally expensive silky dhoti as per their tradition. However, being the elite guy he was, he always preferred a warm massage, followed by a lavish shower bath that would make him special on this Aashirwad day of his only son Rahul.

The Sharma Bunglow was a lavish palace and out of all the rooms there was this one obscure room where neither Rahul nor Manisha was allowed to enter. Vijay called it his personal Service Room and typically three very strong masseurs were hired for his massage and all three were men, our of which one was an Asian, one Indian and one Latin. One thing common in these men were that they were all chocolate or mocha skinned, in contrast to Vijay's light wheatish tone. 

Like every other occasion, Vijay lay on the long matted table with just his briefs clad on and as the three men focussed on his arms, his chest and his legs simultaneously, he would always moan out of not just relaxation, but surprisingly out of some some latent extacy too!

Now this was a side of Vijay, neither Manisha nor Rahul was even remotely familiar with. But the fact was Vijay enjoyed some wicked sensations inside his body whenever the hired men would touch and grope his certain areas for a firm massage. The darker men looked so strong and like Action film heroes compared to his average fair build, that he would feel his groin ache whenever one of them would focus on his thighs or even his slightly pudgy belly.

Vijay enjoyed his massage sessions but still hated to admit that he was undoubtedly a closet homosexual, or atlast that's what his honest mind told him!

But then these feelings were always kept latent and even though all three men were aware that their super rich employer always had a noticeable lump during these massages, they still kept quiet as they recieved very satisfying paychecks. Anyways, after the relaxing massage, he rushed for his lavish bath and eventually got ready for his Royal sherwani and dhoti.

On the other hand, every other lady servant including Shalu were always in awe whenever Manisha bejwelled herself in such occasions and that too wearing a very lavish Silk saree that complimented her ample figure. Like any other mother, she was very joyful of this day when she would bless her son and would be daughter in law with all her heart and even be assured of the auspicious date that will be the best day of her son's life.

Manisha in her bright orange saree and an equally light orange elbow length blouse was looking both gracious and ravishing at the same time and specially her slightly oval belly that made the saree grip her belly precisely above her navel, presenting her exposed stomach area appear very sexy through the transparent portion of the pallu.

Overall, the entire Sharma villa was adorned with flowers everywhere and Manisha kept looking at her crystal shiny watch, anticipating the arrival of the Patels any moment. But then, her eyes wondered out here and there for her only son and atlast when Rahul showed up, her heart melted.

Clad in a gorgeous sherwani, Rahul was also bejwelled like a true prince at this moment and looked absolutely charming. Manisha walked upto her son and ran her hand on his forehead in the typical maternal way, pouting....

"My son is probably the most gorgeous son in the whole World! Oh! I wish today was the wedding day itself!"

Rahul giggled out...."hey maa relax! You will soon get her forever in our house!"

This assurance from Rahul's side melted Manisha even more and she pressed his cheek very lightly and in the next moment, he excused himself in order to give Asha a quick call, but then ofcoarse he remembered his would be bride would probably be sleeping because of a Sunday morning!

"Typically Ashu! Anyways, I will meet her soon enough!" 

Rahul smiled and just continued with his other stuff.


The Patels :

Sunil got out of his shower to see Kavita still very asleep and wondered what made her so very sleepy. Anyways, he decided to prepare something quick before he would leave with his family to attend the very awaited occasion. Coming down the stairs, he straightaway rushed to the dining space, only to cease his steps in a sudden at an unusual sight. 

Whistling in a funky way, Jason was chopping the vegetables himself and infact began cooking himself. The guy was in such an ease that Sunil felt as if this was Jason's own house and this angered him from inside. But then, oblivious to almost everything about the negro, Sunil just sat on his chair and sensing his presence, Jason turned and smiled....

"Oh Mornin Mista Patail! Pleasure ta see ya"

Sunil very reluctantly greeted him.."hmm hello!"

Within some moments it was Kavita who showed up and somehow blushed to face Jason eye to eye and rather sat beside Sunil. Jason prepared the meals and Sunil noticed he gave a bigger bowl to Kavita and he wondered why so. But Kavita being reasonably smart, was already familiar with the fact that Jason had already invoked a food fetish inside her and she kinda loved it too, but the farts of last night, still made her blush.

Sensing that Sunil would utter something soon, Jason suddenly spoke....

"So hey...I thought the lady of da house deserve more coz she is a hard workin lady of da house!"

Kavita munched, smiling at Sunil and then passed on an even wicked smile very carefully at Jason. Sunil broke this silence by using a very stern tone suddenly...

"Oh well okay, thank you for that consideration for my wife (then facing Kavita) um Kavi, we better leave soon, Vijay and Manisha are awaiting our arrival! Hey are the girls ready yet?"

Kavita munched for some more time and finally replied to her husband....

"Sunil! I know it's an important day for my daughter, but gosh, can't you see that I am so involved in my breakfast? The panditji will probably not reach before noon!"

Kavita then again focussed on her munching and Sunil was amazed at the tone she used. Such was his surprise that he even forgot to discuss the fact that for the first time he had seen meat being cooked in his house, but then ofcoarse these were very petty issues for him today, because the most important part of the day was to see Asha and Rahul getting their Aashirwad!

Within the next moments, Asha and Arushi joined the table and once again Asha felt disdain to face the negro sitting exactly opposite to her. But Arushi behaved normally. Kavita saw her whole family with the inclusion of Jason and smiled naughtily, thinking that her lover negro was actually a part of her family now.

Just then Sunil announced something, breaking the odd silence in the dining room...

"Okay then, let's get ready, we have to leave immediately!"

Asha blushed and Arushi pouted out to her sister in a low tone..."Sharmili Dulhaniya!" to which Asha pouted, raising a hand..."shutup okay!"


Few moments later :

Jason was sitting on his sofa, talking to someone when suddenly his eyes were awestruck when he greeted Kavita. This was one of those very rare occasions when the matronly beauty wore a saree and that too a lovely chiffon. The purple colored chiffon with an equally silky red blouse made her look ravishing and Jason just mouthed a salivating..."Wow!"

"Hey Mista Jason, how do I look?" 

Kavita mimiced his accent and have a sensual pose with hand on her hips and Jason being the animal he was, rushed up and straightaway grabbed her waist and mashed his lips against her just freshly glossed lips! This sudden act of Jason sent goosebumps inside her and her heart thumped when Jason grabbed on to her waist like that. 

But the negro's kiss was unavoidable!

However, Kavita herself pushed him aside or atleast managed to, pouting...

"Urgh! Jason...not now for god's sake! You spoilt my entire gloss! Eeesh!"

The Sanskari part of her quickly adjusted the gloss on her lips and in the meantime, Jason cooed...

"Sorry Kovi, ya lookin sexy in dis costume!"

Kabita giggled. These were one of those moments when the negro looked cute!

"By the way this is a saree! Something we Indian women often wear!"

"Oh hmmm okay!" Jason walked sensously towards Kavita, making her heart heave and for a moment or two, she totally forgot that the other members were right there inside the house, and she rather closed her eyes, heaving her blouse clad melons, maybe awaiting another kiss from her lover.

Jason realised this and when he again inched upto her, he first groped the exposed part of Kavita's stomach from the saree and squeezed the flesh there, making her moan mildly and feeling even more wicked, he continued to maul that portion even more and used his other hand to slowly shift the pallu off her shoulders, which ofcourse didn't even bother Kavita one bit! Such was his sexual influence on her.

Kavita was now giving a series of moaning in response to the shifting of her pallu and mailing of her exposed stomach, but just then the sound of anklets made her self aware and she quickly shoved Jason away from her and quickly adjust herself.

To her surprise Asha and Arushi showed up, with their feet clad in beautiful anklets and Kavita heaved in peace that she was not caught red handed, although she hated it from inside, to force stop the intimate moment between her and Jason, but then she also wanted to play safe!

"Umm maa! How do I look?"

Where Arushi had a simple gown and looked bubbly, It was Asha who looked like a princess today. Her well embroided gown looked absolutely gorgeous and that too with a set of equally matched bangles on both her hands and anklets on her feet. Jason's cock throbbed when he noticed how ravishing all the patel females looked at this moment.

"Oh my Ashu! You look just like a princess! Come, give me a hug!"

Asha proceeded to give her mother a sweet daughterly hug, although she made a face all of a sudden, sniffing an unusual stench coming from her mother's body, but then breaking the hug, she just gave a smile and by the next moment, Sunil also showed up, wearing a wonderful kurta with a silky pajama.

"Okay then, lets go!" Sunil was just about to leave with his two daughters when suddenly Kavita just thumped her body on the sofa and rather ran her hand around her forehead, making a grimace on her face. Asha, Arushi and Sunil wondered what happened and just then Kavita cooed...

"Uh... sorry, Um..just a minor headache in I guess! Sunil, you take a leave...I will join up soon!"

Sunil showed her husbandly concern...."You sure Kavi?"

"Uh yes, I will join a bit later, but don't delay anymore, Manisha behn must be awaiting us!"

"Well, hey if ya don mind Mista Patail, I'll start with her and make shu she takes all da medicationz!"

Sunil made a strange face and looked at Jason and then at Kavita, who nodded in a positive responce and somehow feeling assured, was about to leave when suddenly Asha pouted...

"But maa, it's okay...we surely can wait for you to be okay! Right pappa?"

But Sunil was someone who respected the word called 'Convinience' and faced her daughter, using a principal like tone...

"No Ashu, it's alright. We better leave now. Rahul's parents must be eagerly awaiting us! Now cmmon, cmmon Ashu!"

The next moment Asha and Arushi left the house with their father, leaving the entire house to both the Clandestine lovers! 

Jason closed the door in a thud that added to the wicked silence in the room and then faced Kavita, who was sitting on her sofa, but gone was her headache and the grimace from her face. Rather, she was now having a wicked smile on her face and continuing to smile like that, she stood up and walked like a horny damsel, slowly towards Jason, who smiled and pouted...

"Aw Maan! Dat was a jolly good act!"

Kavita walked and atlast reached absolutely close to Jason and putting her bangled hands around his neck, she cooed....

"You swine! How dare you catch my waist and kiss me like a hungry beast  and that too when I am dressed up all bejwelled for an Auspicious occasion! Now finish the incomplete job!"

Kavita's saree and jwellery clad body had already made Jason hard, but her current words made him super horny and without wasting any futher time, he caught hold her waist and this time even more freely, without any hesitation and mashed his lips against her once more freshly glossed lips.


In the meantime, Sunil was busy driving his car and on the other hand Asha saw Rahul's message pop up on WhatsApp. She also noticed that he had updated his dp where he was in his currently worn royal Sherwani and amazed to see him dressed so handsomely, she then saw his mesage...

Hey, why didn't you update your Dp? Can't wait to see you!

Asha made a sweet face and typed...

Hmmmmm to see something special, janab has to wait!

From the other side, Rahul smiled and typed back...

Okay then, make it fast! Panditji will be here soon!

Asha responded back with the same sweet smile....

Oh ho! Hey...someone is being a bit too impatient! It's not our wedding day yet

Rahul at this moment had quite a mischievous smile and he typed back...

Yeah yeah I know! 

The brief chat ended here and while Asha was just plain happy, Rahul on the other hand seemed more excited and clearly he had some plans which was there only in his own mind.


While Sunil drove all the way to the Sharma villa, the atmosphere in the Patel house was absolutely steaming where Kavita laid on the bed, still clad in her light makeup, a ravishing saree and blouse and ofcoarse bangles hands. It was Jason who was buck naked and his cock throbbed hard and fat like an angry python at this very moment!

Kavita still laid down, although her head rested on the pillow, making her face look at the angry cobra and pout out...
"I hate this dark monster and it's master both! You both made me horny even in such an important day in my daughter's life"

Kavita herself had shifted off her pallu and was taking deep breaths as if she was craving for some raw messy sex and she felt wicked in behaving so, because was all dressed up and bejewelled and the fact that she chose to have sex rather than attending a Shubh Afsar, made her even more horny and she chewed on her lower lip, pouting...

"Don't just stand there you beast! Make me messy! Uh..but hey, please don't strip me!"

Jason smiled and walked in a way that his long schlong dangled to and fro and the sight of him naked with a big dangling cock, made Kavita rub her legs, by slightly lifting up her saree up to her knees and then dropping it back again. This was the first time, Jason would seduce her in her very traditional attire and this anticpation itself sent currents through her body.

Therefore, not wasting any further time, Jason climbed on top of her and planted kisses all over her freshly made up face and then ultimately her glossed lips and from there, he switched down to her neck and kissed her skin, along with the gold jewellery around it. Feeling a new kinkiness from getting loved all clothed, Kavita raised her bangled hands and scratched her long manicured nails lightly on Jason's coal dark shoulders and oh! The sheer contrast of her fair bangled hands against the dark tone, drove her crazy!

While Jason made sweet spicy love to a saree clad Kavita, she was suddenly interrupted by her phone ring! 

"Uh ohh...uhhh stop Jason, uhhh let me check!"

But Jason was a natural bull, he wouldn't stop one bit and even while Kavita inched her hand ahead to grab hold of her ringing phone, Jason kept planting wet kisses all over her cleavage and neck like a maniac!

Seing the name on the phone sent shivers inside Kavita! It was none other than Sunil. Kavita's heart throbbed and yet she decided to pick up the call somehow, but yet Jason didn't stop making sweet love to the Indian milf.

On the other hand, Sunil finally reached the Sharma villa and waited for his wife to pick up the call, untill finally...

Kavita : aah ohh yes Sunil?

Sunil : Kavi, is your headache okay now? We just reached the Sharma villa and hey, when can you get here?

Kavita : uhm aaah uh huh? Oh...just some more time, I am better now..

Sunil : what's with your voice? Is it still paining?

At this moment, Jason busy tongue fucking Kavita's juicy navel by loosening the grip of the saree, bringing the material below her round decently fleshy belly!

Kavita : uh aah yess...just a bit minor aches that's it...uh, okay well, I will join you all soon...bye!"

Sunil felt a bit odd sensing the fact that Kavita had abruptly disconnected , but then decided to move with his daughters, although Asha felt fishy on the headache matter of her mother, but then finally reaching the villa, she was only keen about meeting Rahul and also taking all the blessings from his parents once more. 

On the other hand, Kavita now moaned even louder with her saree tenting up as if she had a canon ball inside it. But the tent belonged to Jason's head, which was under her saree and between her legs, munching and slurping on her wet cunny!

"Aaaaaa uffffff ohhhhhh Jason! Goooosshhh! Suck me some more!!!!!! Aaaaaahhhh!"

For some more moments, Jason kept slurping he fat cunny lips and within the next few moments Kavita reached a decent orgasm, sighing in relief. Watching the satisfied face, Jason smiled and inched upwards, embracing Kavita in a firm hug and also loving the silky material of her saree against his bare skin at the same time. 

After a few more moments of cuddling and gropes and kisses, Kavita looked at her watch and cooed...

"Hmmmmm! Gosh...I will be late for the occasion! Uh feeling tired to drive, care to drop me at the place?"

Jason gave a grin, pouting..."Aufcoz Kovi!"
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