Adultery The Turbaned Negro (Completed)
Fantastic bro
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Amazing narration
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Ch 24. Tempting Sensations

Even though it was late at night, Asha wasn't really asleep. Couple of thoughts kept lingering inside her mind like a Roller Coster and they were a combination of Good and Positive and also Thrilling and Dark at the same time. At first she ofcoarse gave priority to the positive ones...

Thought 1 : The wonderful moments spent with Rahul and ofcoarse primarily the surprise of the Grand Hotel!

Thought 2 : The sweet Marriage proposal from Rahul and ofcoarse how specially he treated her right infront of the Hotel staff!

Now coming to the dark thoughts...

Thought 3 : Rahul's ultra racist behavior and the strange insecurity inside him around darker people.

Thought 4 : This was sort of the darker part and perticularly started with the very sensual moans coming from the mouth of the African lady who was getting a back rub from the Big African man. If the rubs were so sensual, why didn't Asha feel in such a way?

These thoughts lingered inside Asha's mind and she quickly got up drinking an entire bottle of water. Yet, she felt her throat be dry and realising the need, she got up from her bed and took the empty bottle with her. Passing by her mother's room, something peculiar triggered her mind and she decided to check on her. 

Opening the door slightly, Asha was relieved to find Kavita asleep and such an intense sleep it was, that she has the blanket up all the way to her face and one could only see her lustrous hair from the other side. 

"Seems like maa is having an intense sleep! Hmmm...why not! She sure is having large sessions at School!"

Pouting to herself, Asha bolted the door again and left for the dining space to fill up her bottle. As she filled up her bottle and has just closed the lid back, her eyes drifted to two flowers vases kept on the dining table, which ofcourse has always been there forever, but something did strike Asha at this moment as she saw the vases.

One vase was crystal white and the other was actually purple in color, but the dense night made it appear almost black!

Asha correlated the vases with Rahul and the African man who also had to then remind of Jason too. Also, call it a coincidence or fate, but the darker vase was a bit broader compared to the white one and this irritated Asha. Why did both of them had to be separate shapes?? She wondered.

The whole Vase comparison was making her compare Rahul's fair average build with African men like the guy at the hotel beach and Jason ofcoarse. A rush passed from her heart to her stomach and Asha didn't exactly know why even such thoughts distracting her! 

Anyways, dismissing these ideas from her mind, Asha let out a long moan and decided to hop back to her bed for a soothing long sleep.

Sunil on the other hand had opened his eyes for a moment to turn to the other side and just then he noticed his wife sleep in a way she barely slept in! The blanket covered up her entire body and that too all the way up to her forehead. Taking a big yawn, the sleepy Sunil wondered..

"That's quite a sleep! Hmmmm Kavi must be very serious with her sleep! Let her be... sigh!"

Sunil turned the other side and in doing so, he slightly pushed the blanket more to his corner, making Kavita's portion of the blanket shift away and then a strange sight appeared!

There was no Kavita actually! There was just a false wig placed with pillows all the way down. Now the simple question was...

Where was Kavita actually?

The answer ofcoarse could be found inside Jason's house, all the way inside his bedroom where a series of moans and groans were taking place!

"Aaahhhh ohhhhh aaahhh fuck me! Aaaaah fuck me just like thaaatttt!!! Aaaaahhhhh!"

Kavita was moaning like a freak as Jason kept fucking her like a machine. Both the naked bodies were now equally sweaty and Kavita had her fleshy thighs wrapped up against the ass of the negro at this moment, while her long nails scratched his back and sometimes even dug them into the skin too!

Kavita's toes also scratched the crevice of Jason's dark ass and this sensation triggered something even more wicked in the mind of the currently animalistic Jason and he stopped fucking after a few moments more. When the crownhead plopped out of her cunny, Kavita did feel relief, however she wished she should have been fucked more. Clinging her sweaty curvaceous body next to the coal black man, she asked panting....

"Uh whah...why did you stop??? Fuck me some more! I need it badly!"

Jason smiled and turned facing Kavita in a way that his chest eyed her melons. Kavita also noticed that Jason was looking at her in a strange way and the very next moment, she cooed...

"Uh are scaring me those eyes!..uhmm...what is it?"

Jason ran his hands all over the facial features of his Indian neighbour and specially around the pouty lips. His already hard cock was now getting harder at what he was going to say next. Without wasting any time, he now began to toy with the Mangalsutra and cooe...

"Fucking you is an amazing thing! Oh maan you Indian ladies! With those long hair and curvy bodies...aww maahn! Hey Missus Patail, can I ask a favor?"

Kavita hated this formal addressing of herself from Jason, specially now it did look funny! Rubbing a fat thigh against his broad one, she cooed...

"Hey first thing first, don't adress me so formally! Call me Kavi!"

Kavita dropped a tiny droplet from allowing Jason to call her by her nickname, instead of 'Kavita'. Jason raised an eyebrow and wondered, before saying...

"Kovi? Dats a sexy name! I lik it! Hmm!"

Kavita blushed and somehow her name in the African accent sounded hotter! Nuzzling her face in his broad arms, she ran her nails on his abs, pouting...

"Uhmm what were you gonna ask?"

Jason's cock stirred when he asked...

"Tell me something about your family!" 

Now Jason knew that Kavita was still in an intoxicated state of hornyness and in that very steamy condition, she still played with her abs and cooed back...

"Hey! You know the answer to that! I live with my husband and two daughters!"

Jason played with the Mangalsutra in the same way she played with his abs. However, now he toyed his finger around her meaty cleavage and running the finger up and down the hollow crevice, he used a naughty tone...

"Nah! You are wrong!...two SEXY daughters and a USELESS husband!"

Kavita kept the daughters part aside and primarily agreed on the husband part. Yes! To her Sunil was only useful in bringing money to the family by doing his regular duties, but on bed? He was almost non-existent!

Then the next thought that appeared in her mind was that why did Jason use the term 'Sexy' for her daughters? At this moment, Kavita was certainly not her normal self and Jason took this golden opportunity to bring her daughters into the picture. He pushed his face forward, kissing the nape of her neck, adding more mischief to his already naughty tone...

"Am I sayin anythin wrong Kovi? Your daughters are as sexy as you! And perticularly your elder daughter! Damn she is a younga version of ya! Such a sexy booty!"

Jason hardened more in discussing Asha with her own mother who was buck naked, cuddled to him in a way that her breasts brushed against his chest and thighs mashed with his thighs. Indeed Jason felt he was in heaven!

Kavita didn't know how to answer that, she felt ackward hearing Jason talk so crudely about her elder daughter. Feeling a bit discomforted, she held on to his waist and pouted...

"Uhm Jason, can we uh...change the topic? I feel weird hearing all this!"

If Kavita were to be a normal earlier version of herself, she would have killed Jason at this very moment! However having hot intense sex with Jason not only refreshed her mind in a new way, but also made her blur lines between Good and Evil!

Jason being the swine he always was, was confident of setting his next trap and rather than hurrying, he grabbed one big asscheek of Kavita and mauled it softly, sending shivers inside her and she moaned mildly. Continuing to knead the meaty ass, Jason asked...

"Cmmon Kovi! Tell me sumthin! Um what's ya elder daughter's name?"

Kavita inbetween her moans cooed..."uh her name is uhmm uh..Asha!"

Jason continued to knead the doughy ass and cooed..."hmm Asha? Sexy name! Hey umm one more thing I wanna know! Has she been always uhmm curvy?"

Kavita in her sexual state ran her nails around the cockhead and suddenly felt proud of the fact that Asha had been gifted with the same curves she had. Ofcoarse curves ran in the women of her family as she herself had a curvy mother too! Anyways, very normally she answered Jason, still playing with his cockhead...

"Uh hey ofcoarse she is! She has gone on me! Curves run in our family!"

Kavita finished her sentence and watched in fascination as a thick drop of precum came out of Jason's slithead and straightaway smeared her fingers. The whole idea of Asha discussing her own daughter sexually with him, turned him on wickedly!

Jason watched Kavita smear her fingers willingly with his precum and he in turn, circles her big nipples and drew an imaginary circle around them, pouting...

"Oh hmmmm! Dat means she is as gifted as ya!"

Kavita blushed deep red and mentally drawing Asha's curvy figure in her mind, she did agree...

"Uh yes why not! Afterall she is my daughter"

Jason now squeezed an orb with a firm palm, using an even more naughty tone...

"Yeah I agree Kovi! Specially her lips! Aw Maan! I wonder how it iz to kiss them"

Kavita however luckily or unluckily didn't quite hear the last sentence from Jason due to a long yawn and Jason realised she was feeling dizzy from ofcoarse yet another hot sex that he gave her some moments ago. Mentally he decided to end up having his orgasm in an another way and in the meantime she got up, getting into her clothes and Jason pecked her lips once before she finally left his house.

Luckily for the spare keys Kavita could afford to do such a naughty act and while she slowly and carefully entered her house, she stood for sometime and wondered in shame and surprisingly some strange thrill....

"Oh my! Did I just discuss Asha with him?? I turning into some kind of a monster?"

But Kavita yawned once more and dismissed the thoughts. Entering her room, she shoved aside the false wig and the extra pillows and straightway dozed off to sleep, not realising that she had wet her panty just a few moments ago once again! 

On the other hand, Jason lay on his bed, making preparations for concluding the night with his pending orgasm. The open talk about Asha with her very own mother made him even more hotter inside and he began to beat his super aroused meat, imagining some extended talk with Kavita, regarding Asha!

The Imaginary Talk :

Out of the fog came out a naked Kavita and this time she used a very naughty and ultra sensual tone...

"You want to know something more Jason? Asha has gone on me completely! Her tits and her ass is on the verge of becoming as big and fleshy as mine. Anyhow, she is pretty curvy for her age! What do you think? Hmmm? Don't you just love seeing my daughter's big juicy ass clad in denim jeans? Hmm? And her mango shaped breasts? Hmmmm I know how much you want to hold them and maul them, just like you do with mine! 

Oh Jason darling! Promise ke something! Someday you will fuck Asha just like you fuck me! Promise me!!

Promise me you will make my daughter suck your dick someday!

Promise me you will fuck her with equal grace! 

Promise me you will show her heaven!

Promise me!

Promise me Jason!


Kavita's voice was echoing even when this thought bubble puffed away from Jason's mind and he kept pumping his fist on his cock which already had leaked out even more precum than before and he knew he was on the verge of ejaculating anytime soon!

Soon another thought popped up inside his mind and this time out of the fog came out Asha, although dressed in her regular denim jeans and tshirt. Holding her hands on either side of her protruding hips, she bit her ran a tongue all over her already juicy lips and very softly purred...

"Come to me Jason! Show me the same pleasures you showed my mother!" 

But soon this thought bubble also faded out and by this time Jason was pumping his cock with all his grace and remembering the sexy pouty lips of Asha and her sensous pose with hands on denim clad hips, he finally let his venom out with a groan...


Jason's cock vibrated wickedly, pouring out gallons of potent white semen all over his abs and thighs and some even splattered all over his balls and pubic hair too. He was so glad he atleast initiated this talk with Kavita and was confident of the fact that someday the milf herself will spread her daughter's legs for him!

Assuring himself of that very possibility in the future, Jason squeezed his plum head for some last dribbles of his semen and slept off the very next moment..

with a wide smile ofcourse!


Next Morning :

At the breakfast table, Kavita munched on her toast and somehow felt a bit embarrassed to face Asha, who was clearly engaged in some deep thought at the moment. Anyways out of motherly instict, Kavita asked...

"Ashu, what's the matter??"

Arushi, however oblivious to all concerns of her sister and mother, simply munched on her toast and had her Bournvita along. On the other hand, Asha took a deep breath and remembering the stalking from Jason last evening, she tapped her spoon on the table lightly and looked at her mother, using a soft yet stern tone, making sure that Arushi stays away from the conversation..

"Maa!'s about.....Jason!"

The very next moment Kavita widened her eyes a bit, but then continued to munch as if the question was a normal one. With the bread bits inside her mouth, she asked...

"Oh..what about him?"

Asha hated the way her mother reacted to her and yet she softly spoke...

"Maa! Jason was stalking me yesterday! Such a creep he is!"

But just at the very next moment, Kavita sipped her coffee and let a mild burp out before very casually asking...

"Oh what did he do?"

It was indeed surprising for a mother to be so casual at this moment, but then ofcoarse Kavita was a psychologically changed person now. Asha still enraged of her mother's casual way of portraying her concern. But somehow at this moment, like any other daughter in the world, the very first person she wanted to empty her heart to was her mother, therefore she continued....

"Maa!! He stalked me and commented on me even!'s high time you speak to Mr Chawla regarding this matter!"

Kavita stopped eating and felt butterflies in her stomach when she remembered how she had discussed Asha with Jason last night and that too at a time when they had sex together. 

"Urgh damn you both!"

Kavita scolded her nipples for erecting up and even her cunny throbbed. This was crazy! She thought. She should be standing besides her daughter at this moment, not thinking of Post sex gup shup with a manly negro! 

"Eeesshhh!" Kavita blushed and pouted softly, but just then, a poke on the shoulder brought her back to Earth. She noticed that Asha was looking intensely at her....

"Maa?? I am serious about this! Why aren't you saying anything??"

Kavita pretended to be motherly and said "Beta just ignore him!" and then looked at her watch, saying..."okay you two cmmon! Quick...we will get late! Cmmon Aru!"

Asha was annoyed to be honest. Ignore him??? This wasn't the answer she expected from her mother, clenching her fist, she got up and all three headed for the car. As always Jason took a lift from her and Kavita warmly welcomed him as if this guy was totally clean slated! 

Jason noticed Kavita's nails were a glossy red today and showing more audacity he held her hand directly, amazing both her and Asha, who wondered why did Jason suddenly did such a thing. Just then Jason eyed the fair hand with red nails and complimented Kavita directly....

"Hmmmmmmmm! Lovely nails Missus Patail! Red suits your hand!"

Asha was aghast and on the other hand Arushi was sort of oblivious to all this, but from her angle, all she saw was her mother blushing like a rose! 

Kavita's clit erected when Jason complimented her right infront of her daughters as she realised that Asha was also paying attention. 

"I should be scolding Jason for stalking my lovely beautiful daughter! Uh...wait...did he just praise my Ruby red nails? Ohh!"

Jason did this deliberately to grab Asha's attention, who was now his next move. He glanced at her once and then back to Kavita, who cooed...

"Uh..thank you Mr Jason! So sweet of you!"

A pang of thunder passed Asha's heart when she witnessed her mother politely behave the very same person who stalked her daughter a day ago!

Jason being the shameless brute he was still kept brushing Kavita's palm as he held it and Kavita almost had a mini orgasm right there when she once again saw the contrast of both their palms. Her clit danced down there and this whole moment felt even more kinky due to the fact that Asha and Arushi were right there behind.

"Uh..can I start?" Kavita cooed and Jason realised that she was yet to start the car. Asha was flabbergasted that her normally punctual mother just wasted 10 minutes in blushing from Jason's compliment on her nails.

"Maa is definitely not the same person anymore!"

That was all Asha could think as the car started.

On the other hand, Kavita was busy watching her glossy red nails again and blushed when she remembered how Jason complimented them so directly infront of her daughters. 

A breeze of kinks were flowing inside her heart when suddenly Asha's stern voice broke the silence...

"Maa! aren't you being a bit too polite with the jerk?? I already told yo...."

But just then Asha stopped her daughter in middle and rather behaved stern instead of being maternal...

"Ashu! I think you have perhaps mistaken him with someone else! Mr Jason is a polite man. Now let it be, just forget everything!"

Kavita herself felt a shake in her body as she said those lines. However Asha was surprised and infact kind of shocked to listen to her mother talk like that. This whole scenario seemed surreal to her and on the other hand Kavita took a deep breath, again getting normal and very carefully scratched her slightly itchy cunny portion through her Salwar. 

Almost any sensual gesture from Jason easily sent butterflies inside her stomach and she suddenly realised that he had began to get bold infront of her daughters too.
Truth be spoken, this entire praise on her nails from him easily made her slightly wet and she looked at them and gave a cute mischiveous smile once more. Moments later after dropping Asha, she leaned out of her window to send a brief motherly message in her maternal tone...

"Ashu, dont bother with all this. Just focus on your studies!"

Asha didnt react, rather she let out a fast breath and left. On the other hand, Kavita for the first time saw the sway of her own daughter's fat bum inside the jeans and shamelessly felt proud of what she said to Jason last night after that amazing sex.

After dropping Arushi, she reached her own destination, pouting that same very line to herself...

"Indeed, Asha has gone on me!"

Kavita then headed towards her staff room so casually that it seemed as if Asha's complaints didn't make any difference to her and on the other hand, Jason's increasing naughtyness only added more spice in her life.

In the meantime, Asha was still very bothered from inside and she really needed to talk to someone, and indeed who better than the love of her life...


During recess, Rahul and Asha decided to try another spot for their privacy and therefore they choose some isolated spot on the college garden. Under a tree, Rahul was brushing his fingers all over Asha's palm, expecting her to make the very first typical move of starring an intimate kiss. But, today Rahul noticed a gloomy face rather than the everyday bubbly expression. 

Getting his fingers to brush upwards towards the soft fair forearm of Asha, Rahul asked her....

"Hey! what's wrong with you today?"

Asha sighed and she already had opened her mouth partly to say something, but then she stopped again! Rahul looked at her intensely this time and asked again...

"Cmmon Ashu! You are not being normal! We normally don't waste the Recess time like this!"

Asha heaved a breath and cuddled even more to Rahul. Even while leaning on the tree, one couldn't help but notice her meaty thighs clad in the denim Jeans. Rahul noticed she was clearly in some deep botheration and he had just opened his mouth to speak up his next words, when suddenly that very moment, Asha herself pouted.....

"Rahul! Things look crazy around me! Uh...I don't even know how to tell you!"

Rahul looked equally concerned. He rubbed the shoulders urging her to spit everything out and Asha without any further hesitation told him everything from how Jason stalked her and even passed comments and gulping for a moment, she also shared the fact of how her mother was strangely being polite with that very scroundrel of a man, instead of taking action against him. 

"Gosh Rahul! Urgh! Maa is kind of a changed person recently!"

Rahul on the other hand had already felt intimidated at the mention of Jason's name, but certainly his stalking and commenting did anger him right now and he couldn't help but speak up...

"Just ignore him Ashu! I know these bloody niggers!" 

Asha somehow didn't like that abusive word and cooed..

"Hey, don't use that word! Sounds awful! Urgh! That Jason guy is slowly getting on my nerves now! I swear!"

Rahul knew that incase things went a bit up and down, he will never be able to physically tackle someone as intimidating as Jason and therefore all he could tell Asha was...

"Ashu! Listen to me....don't involve Kavita aunty in this! Rather ignore that Nig...that bastard!"

Asha felt a lot lighter after emptying her heart to Rahul and realising something she had denied him, she held the face of him and cooed "hey sorry for the delay" before mashing her pouty rosey lips on his!

After a decent intimate kiss, both lovebirds rushed to their class and Asha had mentally made up her mind to ignore Jason as much as she could. Truth be told, after witnessing the minor argument between Rahul and Jason the other day, she wasn't just concerned about herself, but also Rahul, the first and last love of her life!
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Stay tuned.
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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Super update
[+] 1 user Likes jiljilrani's post
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Good one
[+] 1 user Likes Yesudoss's post
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Nice update
[+] 1 user Likes Ananthukutty's post
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Simply super
[+] 1 user Likes Nesamanikumar's post
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Super sexy misus patellllll
[+] 1 user Likes Pushpa Purusan's post
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lovely update
[+] 1 user Likes Hotyyhard's post
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Nice Update........ happy happy happy happy happy happy
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[+] 1 user Likes prasad_rao16's post
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What a story you are presenting... Awesome.
[Image: 9-C7-AB36-B-0-D03-4-B38-9-F80-C7445-E9440-E1.jpg]

[Image: FFAA290-A-6578-43-EC-82-DA-2-B9-EFC72-DD8-E.gif]
[+] 2 users Like Herbiee's post
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Ashu.!!! Hot in swimsuit. Loved it.
[Image: FBA540-B5-A8-A8-43-D3-8744-AC5-EBC45548-C.jpg]
[+] 2 users Like Herbiee's post
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Thank you everyone once again for the lovely words! It gives great pleasure to the writer when the readers enjoy the journey along.

Keep tuning!
[+] 2 users Like Mintu08's post
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(10-08-2022, 01:35 PM)Herbiee Wrote: Ashu.!!! Hot in swimsuit. Loved it.
[Image: FBA540-B5-A8-A8-43-D3-8744-AC5-EBC45548-C.jpg]

Loved the pic! Good find.
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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Ch 25. Getting Even Closer!

In the evening when Kavita returned home, she was surprised to see Mr Chawla having an apparently argument over something. This itself provoked her to get to the other side and enquire the matter. Reaching near to Chawla, Kavita again whiffed the manly aroma of her lover, but then behaving normally she asked Chawla directly....

"What's wrong Chawla-ji?"

Chawla heaved a deep breath out of frustration and looked at Kavita in a way as if he was demanding a lot of empathy at the moment...

"Are Kavita-ji, I am doomed! Please make your neighbour understand that if he complains to the Council of Boards, I will loose my chair!!"

Kavita raised an eyebrow in curiousity and then looked at Jason, who spat out his words sternly at Chawla....

"Hey ya listen carefully! If I ain't gettin my water issues solved and my electricity sorted, I ain't stayin in dis house! I am leavin this place foreva! And yeah..I want all the money back by tomorrow!"

Chawla looked as if he deserved all the sympathy in the world and on the othe hand, Kavita who had even mentally submitted herself to Jason, instantly thought of something, but the idea made her feel immense amount of butterflies in her stomach and her cheeks turned red!

"Uhm.. Chawla-ji, let me sort this matter with Mr Jason myself! If you can excuse us"

Chawla stepped aside and lit a cigarette immediately for self relief and in the meantime, Kavita walked to Jason and suddenly had the naughty grin of an Angel disguised Lilith from hell on her face. She once again made him notice her glossy red nails by touching his dark palms and then, blinking her round big eyes sensually 
at him, she cooed softly....

"If you don't mind Missster Jaaaon! You can stay in my Guest room untill this issue is sorted out! I will be happy to welcome you inside my house!"

Kavita's nipples hardened as she said those words and Jason too played along...

"Ouh.. okay! Umm Missus Patail! I hope your husband and daughters won't mind a nigga as their guest!"

Kavita felt her nipples now turn into sharp end bullets and she couldn't help but pout out sweetly...

"Hey don't forget....we Indians treat our guests as Gods!"

Jason passed an equally mischievous smile and then saw Kavita talk to Chawla straightway....

"It's okay Chawla-ji, we have mutually sorted the issue. Mr Jason can stay in my house as a guest, untill the issues are solved!"

Chawla sighed out a breath of relief and almost joined his hands towards Kavita in a pleasing voice...

"Uff! Thank you Kavita-ji! You saved my chair! Okay then, allow me to take a leave!!"

Chawla wiped the remains of his dry sweat from his forehead and walked his way out. However, due to some reason, he felt like looking back and when he did so, he noticed Kavita and Jason engaged in a chat and even noticed her giggling freely with him.

"Since when did Kavita-ji become so friendly with that kallu? Hmmmm!"

An amazed Chawla wondered and sat inside his car to take a leave.

In the meantime Jason played with one end of Kavita's dupatta and cooed lustily...

"Careful Missus Patail! You have invited trouble inside ya house now!"

The devilish grin from Jason at the end of his sentence made Kavita blush and her heart thumped like a steam engine in the anticipation of her Negro lover being under the same shade as she was in. At such a situation, her rational sensible mind had gone for a toss!

Looking down and circling a hand on the abs of Jason through his tshirt, she cooed...

"If you want, you can shift right now!"

Jason smiled yet another devilish grin at that.


Few moments later :


Asha couldn't help but raise her voice!

The news of Jason shifting inside their house in the guest room, shocked both her and Arushi. At this moment, Asha roamed around her mother who was busy cooking in the usual casual manner and this casual behaviour of her mother irritated Asha!

Asha : Maa?? You didn't even bother to consult the matter with me before taking such an ackward decision?? Forget me! What about pappa? 

Kavita : oh don't worry about that! I will speak to him regarding this matter!

Asha : (Showing disdain) aw maa! I just hate that guy! Trust me maa! He is a creep! 

Arushi : (hopping her fat bum up on the sofa, to face her mother) Maa! That kallu will be living with us now?? (making a face)

Kavita : ASHU! Language! This is not the way to behave with guests!!

Asha : (let's out a sigh) maa! Can't he just leave the area! I mean, Chawla can recommend him some other place!

Kavita : Ashu! If we don't stand besides our neighbour, then who else will?

Asha : (Agitated) oh cmmon ma! Mr Chawla could have made some arrangement! Darn maa! 

Kavita : beta, remember the lines...'Atiti Devo Bhava.."! Now go and prepare the guestroom for Mr Jason and yes, do tell Aru to behave herself around him!

Asha realised her mother adding much more Mirch masala into the meal than she usually did and cooed...

"Maa! We aren't even used to so much spice!"

In response, Kavita turned back, facing her daughter and using an apparently motherly tone, she said something which Asha didn't quite buy....

"Ashu! Beta, learn to embrace changes!"

Letting out a sigh Asha rushed to the guestroom to sort it out, quite reluctantly though! While Kavita felt evil butterflies inside her stomach at the thought of being with Jason under the same shade. Stirring the spices in the pan, she cooed naughtily to herself...

"Oh Ashu! How can I explain to you that it's Jason who has added much more spice in my life! Ohh my groin aches at the mere uttering of his name! Uff! If only you knew Ashu!" 

Kavita's nipples not only erected of Jason entering her house anytime soon with his luggage, but also they erected due to the sheer dominance she had on her daughters. This was a newly found wicked feeling that had sort of began to arouse Kavita and she did latently enjoy the feeling. 

If only Kavita knew that she had invited the Devil himself, into her house!

In the meantime, Arushi helped her didi with dusting the guestroom and with a puppy like face, she raised her round big cute eyes, pouting...

"Didi...that kallu kind of scares me! Will he be really staying with us?"

Asha thought she would melt anytime whenever she looked at the cute round face of Arushi and not wanting to share the creepy incident with her younger sister, she rather just cooed..

"Aru! Let it be...hmmph! Hey...paas me the pillows here!"

From outside the door Kavita peeked at both her daughters preparing the guestroom for her Knight in Shining Armour and her sadistic mind made her feel as if both her daughters were indirectly serving Jason, as if he was this very important God!

"Jason is my lover and they are my daughters! I can command them anytime!"

Kavita heaved her breasts up, wagging a nose in a feminist like aura and then walked back to finish the kitchen work.


Some more moments later :


"Aru, beta open the door! I am a bit busy! Ashu quick! Get the dishes on the table!"

Arushi innocently walked up to the door and opened it, only to feel a tiny shiver up her sweet plump body, when she looked up to the person standing on the other side and he was none other than Jason himself! 

"Heyy Lil princess!"

Jason bent and smiled at Arushi, who naturally inched a bit back, seing the dark big face so close and without reacting, she let him in. 

The sight of Jason entering the house with his luggage was absolutely crazy and insane to believe for Kavita and yet her body became firey inside and she felt as if every pore of her skin blushed at the moment. A blush perticularly from the fact that she will finally not realise the ignorance of Sunil anymore and rather be close to the man who gave her much more bodily satisfaction than she imagined ever.

The next person to eye the brute was none other than Asha, who tried her best to behave polite with him and even though Jason smiled at him normally, his stare did make her uncomfortable. 

However the same couldn't be said about Arushi, who was just a young budding petal, not aware of the devilish intentions of the negro, who felt he had reached the right heaven atlast. His dick throbbed at the presence of Asha who was in her pajama and tshirt, underneath which two shapely mangoes took their decent bounces whenever she moved.

"Missus Patail, beautiful house ya have!" Jason stretched his arms and Kavita smiled, behaving decent..."oh thank you Mr Jason! umm Ashu, show him the guestroom!"

Asha nodded and once again felt that irritation of getting stalked when Jason followed him all the way up to guest room and once again Jason's dick hardened at the sight of Asha's swaying fat buttocks.

"Damn, like motha like daughta! dis is da heaven I wanted!"

Jason smirked to himself and atlast reached his room. Before he could just take another look, he saw Asha leave the room and anyway, his dick hardened very naturally when he realised he atleast had the milf under him. His sexy busty Kavita, who was equally excited to be so very close to her lover now. Such was the excitement that she had no concern for what Sunil would think about this shifting of Jason inside his house!

Within some moment dinner was served and playing dumb, Jason decided to sit next to Arushi, rather than sitting near Kavita. The sitting position on the dining table was such that Asha with her mother sat one end of the round table and Arushi and Jason on the other end. 

Arushi desperately wanted the daal but then she wondered how to ask Jason to pass it. The broad muscled negro looked so very intimidating to her. Yet, she managed to say....

"Uhm..uncle Jason, can you pass..the erm...daal out there?"

This sweet angelic voice of Arushi made the always horny negro look at her and asked once more deliberately.... 

"Aw hey sorry, didnt hear ya.... whatcha sayin lil fella?"

" of daal?"

During this entire moment, Jason loved how the girl's lips moved. Arushi's round cute face had the perfect pulp like lips that easily made Jason hard and when he smiled and passed the vessel, once again he looked at how nymphish the little girl looked next to him with her Barbie tshirt and pink Princess hairband. But anyhow, his eyes then automatically drifted upto Asha, who was silent and very focussed on having her dinner. Clearly she wanted to end up fast and rush out of the dining room. But Jason didn't hesitate to stare at the ample goodies within her Justin Beiber white tshirt and clearly he could say that the girl went on her mother!

Jason then eyed Kavita and asked normally..."Hey Missus Patail, can ya pass the rotis?" to which Kavita pouted "Sure" in a soft semi kinky voice and once she passed the plate forward, Jason quickly rubbed his fingers on her's for a brief amount of time and then took over the plate with a naughty smile. 

Even this brief fingers on fingers brushing made Kavita rub her thighs together and her heart thumped with wild desire, seing Jason lick some masala from his fingers with an evil like glare on his face.

Seing the surrounding around with a milf and her equally curvy daughters, Jason's dick vibrated with joy and glory and he said to himself..

"Found mah heaven atlast!"


Typically around late night, Sunil arrived home and usually entered the house with his spare key. After finishing off the dinner, he had almost entered his room, but he felt like stopping his steps immediately, when he realised the door to the Guest room open!

"The Guestroom is open? hmmm" 

Sunil wondered and decided to check out the matter himself and as he entered inside, the very sight of Jason lying on the bed listening to his headphones shocked him! Sunil was genuinely shaken and confused by the sight he saw. Observing the man, he realised that he was none other than his neighbour, but...

"What is he doing in my house??" 

Sunil wondered and decided to configure the matter at morning, since he was quite tired. Getting into his room, as usual or atleast recently usual, he saw Kavita in a deep slumber and wasting no further time, even he dozed off next to his wife. 

But Sunil wasn't aware how shrewd and naughty his once conservative wife had become and once assured that her husband is asleep, Kavita breathed out a sigh of relief and her heart and cunny, both throbbed at the persuit of meeting Jason, who just happened to be a room away!

Wasting no further time, the voluptuous damsel shoved off her bedsheet and swayed her ample body out of the room and while doing this, she blushed deep and chewed on her lower lip seductively.

Jason on the other hand was as awake as her and himself hopped out of the bed to open the door and greet the Indian milf clad in her regular nightie, which ofcoarse never failed to make her appear sexy. 

The sight of Jason, even clothed, made Kavita heave and bounce her big melons and the next thing they did was a tight firm hug with chest mashing against melons and ofcoarse salivating groins colliding into one another.

"ohhhhhhhh Jasooon! I can't believe we are so close to each other! uhmmmmm uh thisss this is a dream come true! uh! take me now!"

Jason hugged back with equal grace and whispered into her ear...

"Ya husband won mind eh?"

Kavita who was already horny, scratched her nails against his back, whimpering sexily...."uhh He wont! now shut up and strip me off!"

And then ofcoarse the game of Heating up began and Jason first almost tore down the nightie off from Kavita's body and then stripped himself, to the point that in the chilly breezes from the window, they both were precisely in their undergarments.

The sight of Kavita's white bra and panty clad fleshy body was once again driving Jason crazy and in return,a very prominent fat lump inside his red brief driving her nuts too! The very same red brief clad fat lump that had sowed the seeds of her submission to him...

"I love these melonz in da white bra Kovi!"

Jason said in a matter of factly way as he grabbed those bra clad goodies and mauled them softly, sending wicked currents inside Kavita's body and inturn making her moan out with an open heart and this mauling continued for some more moments because Jason himself didn't let go off the globes so easily. 

The next moment, Jason stopped and crept his fingers on her back like ants walking and atlast unclasped the bra, releasing the melons free and watching them bounce a bit, Kavita blushed, getting reminded that Jason's mauling over the last few weeks had made them a bit more bigger!
Now once Jason's bare hands made contact with the bare breasts, Kavita closed her eyes and thurst her goodies even more further to beckon him in doing so. A sight of Jason mauling the extended flesh of her melons with sheer happiness gave her a very very kinky thought and she moaned out....

"Ah! you love these breasts of mine, dont you? aaaaah!"

Jason mauled and also felt the round big nipples with his thumb, pouting out....

"More than anythin in the word! aw maaan! dey look biggah!"

This compliment added to the alrady ingrained spice and doses of lust inside Kavita's mind and she whimpered in one of her most sexy tones....

"Oh uhhh...auhh Jj...aasssoonnn.... maul them and uhh....make them...uhhhh evven biigger!"

Kavita who had her eyes closed at this moment, drew a wicked vision in her mind. The vision was that of her having even more humongous breasts that was not only more rounder but so broad that it slapped against her abdomen even with the slightest move.

This thought alone made Kavita moan more densely and grab Jason's hands on her melons, urging him to maul some more! 

"Uh press them Jason! knead them!! Uhhh keep kneading themmmmm uhhhhhh!"

Jason mauled them and whimpered at the same time.....

"So momma luvs dem rubs eh?" 

Kavita just moaned out..."mmmmhmm!"

Asha, Arushi and even Sunil slept intensely, not even remotely aware that in the same house, the devoted mother and wife was having fun with their negro neighbour and this added more thrill in both Jason's and Kavita's heart! 

Very soon, Jason and Kavita stripped off their rest of the minor clothing and atlast both were buck naked! Not wasting any futher time, Jason and Kavita lied down together on the bed and poking the head towards the cunny gates, he again made her feel the desperation to beg him, which she eventually did...

"Uh shove it in Jason! Uhhh do ittttt! Uhh please!"

To which Jason replied..."with pleasure Kovi" and then a quick jerk inside the entrance and Kavita let out her yet another moan. The moan of feeling the hard fat thing inside the furnace of her body!

"Uuuuhhhh yesssss just like thaaat!"

"Like it Kovi?? Hugh? Like it baybah??"

Lines and moans and groans, everything were exchanged and the two horny lovers soon engaged in an intense sex. The feeling of Jason's chest mashed against her melons and the big black lips of his face planting kisses over her neck and face, added more spice to the already steamy sex and as always, Kavita wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him to keep shoving in and out and then....


Jason grunted and let his semeny river flow inside Kavita, making her sigh out in relief and even without bothering to pull up the sheets, Kavita laid one leg over one of Jason's and cuddled upto him like she needed nothing in the world, except the naked negro.

Now that the sex was done, Jason focussed on other subtle things like waving his hand around the lustorus long dark hair of Kavita and then also kissing her forehead and in the meantime, Kavita also took pleasures in feeling the abs and even the bulging chest that pumped up sexily as her nails traced the skin. 

Being cuddled to each other, both Kavita and Jason once again engaged in a light conversation...

"Oh Jason! I can't believe I allowed you to shift inside my house! Hmmmm!"

Jason ran his hands underneath her locks and sometimes over them, replying...

"Well! It ain't a coincidence Kovi! I knew ya wud allow meh!"

Kavita raised an eyebrow, although still tracing her fingers around his abs and sometimes down to smear the semen droplets from his slit. Suddenly becoming curious, she cooed...

"Uh..ummm what do you mean not a coincidence? Wasn't your house...."

Jason brought his hand down and grabbed one ass cheek, mauling it and pouting...

"An what if I tell ya that all dis was mah plan!"

Kavita gasped twice! First from getting her asscheek mauled and the second time when she saw Jason wink and then she realised that the electricity failure and water issues were all done by Jason himself!

"Jason you brute!" 

Kavita cooed and smacked Jason's chest, while he smiled and locked lips with her the very next moment. At this moment Kavita didn't want the night to end at all, but deep inside she knew that she had to play both the role of a horny damsel and a conservative housewife, together with conviction!

But as for now, Kavita locked lips with her negro lover, rubbing her own fat thighs against Jason's muscled ones.
[+] 8 users Like Mintu08's post
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Stay tuned.
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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Awesome update
[+] 1 user Likes anjali's post
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Awesome update and turn of events.. Keep going, bro! yourock
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