Adultery The Defeat of Poroma
nice update
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When we see the update
yourock  congrats
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Husband is cuck or not? Why should he accept the wife deal after meeting lawyer? Why should Rahul blackmail when she is willing to open her legs?
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I thought husband is not a cuck and that is the reason he was angry and getting ready for divorce. Everything is upside down now. Where is this heading to. I think you will give one update every two months and waiting for comments. your story your wish.
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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooootttttttttttttt one
[+] 1 user Likes raj500265's post
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So friends, hope that you are all at the best of health and spirit. Also I think it's time for the next update already.

So come on, let us enjoy the next update.

Chapter 28: Adjusting To The New Arrangements 

After drying up both our bodies with a single towel Poroma asked, "Ranjeet I am starving already, what about you? I can bet you too are!"

"Yes Poroma," I responded, "you are correct in that!"

"Then let us go ahead and have our dinner Darling," Poroma said.

We moved towards the dining room, both of us wrapped only in a single towel! There Poroma served our dinner at the dining table, Poroma took care to cook my favourite dish for dinner, Hilsa fish with curd and rice. We were sitting down side by side to each other on the chairs, Poroma taking good care to feed me some of the delicious items she made with her own hands giggling while doing that. Sometimes I was biting her fingers during the act. 

Poroma was faking anger with a smile on her face saying, "you naughty boy, behave yourself!"

I used my hands soiled with the food to catch hold of both her boobs and squeezed them! 

"Ooh," Poroma moaned, "I know I have large breasts Ranjeet, and you can no more get me embarassed with touching them, in fact I am enjoying your squeezing and it's making me feel desirable to you!"

"You have always been desirable to me," I said, "I often tried to compliment you on them but you usually ignored the compliments!"

"I'm so sorry," Poroma regretted, "accepting compliments for something I'm ashamed of is not easy, and after having two children I started really feeling insecure about my figure! It was there that Rahul took his entry into our lives! It was a challenge I had to confront on my own, but now I have been finally able to vanquish the demon!"

Holding my hands and pressing them against her boobies she said lustfully, "now I want you to treat them roughly, do whatever you wish with them! Just shower compliments and this time they will surely be appreciated!"

I pinched her nipples with my thumbs and index fingers as she moaned, "ooh, uff, aah, ooi maa!"

By the time we finished our dinner Poroma 's body was already soiled with the dinner items, her bare breasts were full of chewed rice sticking to them and wet with drops of the soup. She kept the utensils in the kitchen and coming out pulled me by my hand.

"Come on my love," she giggled, "you need to wash my body all over again!"

This time she didn't use soap, she washed off her body with the shower while I was rubbing the water all over her! Then drying ourselves with a towel she pulled me to our bed, nude as the day she was born!

Snuggling into my chest she was whispering, "Ranjeet please understand that what I'm doing with Rahul just now is nothing except recreational sex, it doesn't mean anything to me! And I love you with all my heart and never intend to hurt you in anyway!" 

"I know and I get it Poroma," I said, "but it's going to take a very long time before I will be able to embrace your concept, I still have a hell lot of social conditioning to overcome before I can accept your concept but surely I have to agree to the fact that you have complete right over your own body and can decide to give it to anyone you like without approval of anyone else!"

"Yes Ranjeet," Poroma responded, "I am fully aware that I am a complete slut and I love being a slut but please never doubt my love for you! I like to be your slut, and I am not ashamed of it, rather now I'm proud to be your slut wife! I love showing my big titties and I need to have sex for a few months with Rahul whether you approve or not but finally once the craving of my body is satisfied I will make everything up to you and show you my love!"

"I think that will be a good idea for you," I said.

"Of course," Poroma insisted, "please remember that with Rahul it's all just recreational sex, and with you it's always making love!"

"But I really doubt whether Rahul will be leaving you so easily," I said staring at her cleavage, "he seems to be quite taken up with you!"

"That's correct," Poroma smiled, "he does seem to be fascinated with my breasts, but then most men around seem to share the fascination!"

"Aren't you bothered about that? He may not be ready to leave you when you finally decide to move on!" I commented.

"Actually no," Poroma smiled, "in fact I will have to admit that I find it exciting, me moving on while he trying hard to make his moves and hit me while you protect me from him!"

"But finally I am worried that you will be falling in love with him," I doubted her resolution.

"Ranjeet you must remember that I am not a teenager," Poroma said with determination, "I may allow him to fuck me for the next few months and play with my titties but that will be all, I will just not allow him to take me away from you whether you protect me or not and that is because I love only you and nobody else dummy!"

"But then even when you will be coming back I will always feel the insecurity that will be associated with your so called extra marital affair," I countered her, "and you may later regret coming back because you already said he is bigger than me and makes you cum harder! You are surely going to miss that, and later you will be suffering from frustration and finally will start hating me all your life for that!"

"Ranjeet you are completely wrong in your assessment," Poroma said in a strong voice, "firstly when I said that he was much bigger than you I was only playing a game, of course he is bigger but not as much as I said, may be about half to an inch but then your working out have made you slimmer and strong and your cock is at least looking bigger now! And female orgasm don't depend on the size but how you use it, I am learning the tricks from Rahul presently and will be teaching you all those! And there is a secret I will bring you in, we women never orgasm every time we have sex, it's the feeling of intimacy that matters the most for us! The feeling of making love with you throws me above the brim, and with Rahul it is the excitement of doing something that is socially unacceptable that causes the orgasm! It's always the psychological things that matter and no, I will never regret coming back to you! Just allow me a little time okay?"

"I'm already starting to like this new woman in you Poroma," I grinned.

Poroma looked into my eyes thoughtfully, "are you even coming up to accept the Poroma who is having regular sex with Rahul while you are on tours Ranjeet?"

Understanding the seriousness of her question I carefully considered my answer, "right now when you are with Rahul I am out of station and hundreds or thousands of kilometres away from the situation, I'm not sure how I will be reacting if you do anything like that while I will be around!"

"That is not going to happen Ranjeet," Poroma replied in an assuring tone, "your wife will never let that happen any time, but suppose it happened while you are here, how would you feel?"

"It will be much harder than now if these things will be happening in front of me," I said, "for example take the instance of the party, watching you together with Rahul there nearly destroyed me!"

"I know and I am extremely sorry for that," Poroma regretted, "but I think the way it is now, only getting together while you are away on tours in your absence will be much helpful, you must know that I desperately love you and will never do anything to hurt you, don't you?"

Poroma took me in her arms and hugged me tightly and sighed, "I will be regretting for the rest of my life what I did for the rest of my life and I promise to you that it will never be happening again!"

I nodded, but I wasn't mollified.

"Remember Rahul is just a convenient fuck to me and nothing else," Poroma said again, "that night I have really been foolish, it's now that I realise finally how stupid I have been and can only hope that I have not ruined every bit of romanticism between us!"

"No you haven't," I said holding her tightly, "but certainly it was hurtful for me, that is the reason we need to talk a lot!"

"Thank you my loving husband Ranjeet," Poroma said.

I winked looking into her eyes, Poroma giggled.

"So you cum a lot now with Rahul?" I asked.

"Yes but that is because of the excitement of something forbidden by society and also because I lost my own inhibitions and can relax to enjoy the sex," Poroma said with concern, "but does that upset you?"

I shook my head, "since I love you hearing about something that gives you pleasure should make me happy for you, but the problem is that I'm not sure I am enjoying your liasion with Rahul, but talking about this with you is helping me get over, learning about your affair is also helping me! Poroma, it's obvious that you are having a lot of fun, and being with you is fun for me! I will still have to admit that I like the new Poroma!"

Poroma leaned over to my ear and whispered, "would you like to hear a secret?"

"Yes very much Poroma," I said.

"If you are playing with my boobies while I am sucking your cock," she whispered, "I always cum!"

"Is it that exciting?" I asked.

"It is Ranjeet," Poroma whispered, "I really love sucking cocks so much, and also my titties are so sensitive to fondling, it's incredibly erotic and I cum almost instantly!"

"That's a real change in you," I said, "can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, sure!"

"How many times have you slept with Rahul?" I asked.

"I have never slept with him after returning from Mandarmoni Ranjeet," she said in a determined voice, "on the night at the party we didn't sleep at all, the next two days in Mandarmoni he was constantly fucking and sucking me, and neither of us slept much! And during the last two weeks during your tours I visited him both days in each, we have had sex but I never slept with him in his arms! That privilege till now is for you only! But that's not what you want to ask me, is it Ranjeet? You want to know how many times we have been having sex!"

I nodded.

"At least nine to ten times on the night of the party," Poroma counted, "followed by fifteen to sixteen times on the next two days. Then during the last two weeks five times, that will come to thirty approximately!"

"So are you enjoying yourself?" I asked.

"Really I am," Poroma said but then added with a concerned tone, "but is that okay with you?"

"If you are really enjoying yourself," I said, "then I will be trying really hard to be happy for you!"

Okay Ranjeet," Poroma said relieved, "now I will be giving you a top class blow job!"

"So what are your plans?" I asked again.

"First and foremost I want you to fuck my pussy hard after I put a condom on you," Poroma replied, "after you cum deep inside the condom I will be going to suck your cock until you are getting hard again and then I want you to fuck my ass! Then tomorrow evening after your work when you return you are going to drive me to a really secluded place, while I will be giving you a perfect blowjob in the car while you will be sitting in the driver seat with the car!"

"But what is the idea behind that?" I asked intrigued, "what is the problem with our house?"

"Actually I want you to experience the things in public one by one," Poroma said, "after what Rahul did to me in front of all the people in the party!"

"Okay no problem with that," I answered, "I think it will be real fun! Now let us begin the fun for today!"

Poroma licked her lips but then looked awful!

I asked her, "what happened Poroma? Is anything wrong?"

"Ranjeet do you think I am getting crazy?" Poroma looked up with her beautiful but sad eyes, "do you feel that I have lost my mind?"

"At first I too thought so," I contemplated the seriousness of her question, "especially when you left the party with Rahul to go with him to the bedroom upstairs and even more so when you just left the party with him ignoring me completely, and later messaged me about going to Mandarmoni with him! I really doubted whether you love me or the children, and whether even you will return or we can stay married at all!"

Poroma smiled sadly, "I know I have been awful all the way এ made some really grave mistakes then, I myself am not sure I will ever be able to forgive myself for them so how can I beg you to forgive me at all? But you need to understand the emotional situation I was facing, there have never been any intention to ignore you, rather I was really frightened to face you with all the guilt loaded in my mind! Errors of judgement are so easy to happen in such moments!"

"I think you had a manic episode at that time," I smiled and added, "but your explanation of why you did what you did at that time is too well thought, have you been thinking about all this since then?"

"Thank you Ranjeet," she said more confidently staring at me, "but then the really important question to me is what do you think about my present lifestyle which I have already promised to get over as soon as possible? Would you be judging me? Do you think I am wrong? Can you forgive my few months affair with Rahul?"

"Well I will have to say that your present temporary lifestyle is completely against the basic moral conventions of our culture," I said to her, "it's very clear that you have gone through all the moral codes and rejected them outright, but still I have to admit that your arguments make some sense! But ultimately it will be me that would have to evaluate what you have been doing using my own fundamental moral code! The questions are, are you hurting anybody? I don't believe you can do that, so it will be difficult for me to say whether what you are doing is wrong!"

"But I have already hurt you," Poroma said sadly.

"I'm not so sure you about that," I commented, "you have most certainly upset me and also it's possible that you have already damaged our relationship but that will only be the case if I finally decide that I cannot live with a woman who have your standard of moral codes! And most certainly that is my problem, not yours! As long as you are not hurting anyone you have the right to live the life that makes you happy!"

"But I have already been hurting you," Poroma wept.

"I don't think so," I said with a determination, "just tell me before crying out, did you ever during this period really hurt me? I don't think so, did you ever stop loving me?"

"No, of course not you silly," Poroma protested.

"Yes I know that, you have been always trying to make it clear to me since you returned home from Mandarmoni that for you sex with Rahul was and is a purely recreational activity and all your love is reserved only for me!"

"Yes and that's completely the truth," Poroma said with a huge grin.

"So if you want to go for dinner with your friends," I explained, "should I be upset if you go out with them even if they are men? As long as you can continue to go out for dinner with me to the same reastaurants without any embarrassment on a regular basis, I don't think I should be!"

Poroma giggled. "I'll always want go out for dinner with you!"

"And I seriously believe you," I said, "so in my mind there are two real issues that concern us, can I handle being married to a woman with your moral conduct? And secondly, is there still a place for me in your life?"

Poroma immediately held my hand, "I'll always love you and be in love with you!"

I squeezed her hand, "and I too will always love you, even if I decide that I just cannot continue living with you! Now for you if finally after having your few months old affair with Rahul you eventually decide that there is no a place for me as a husband in your new life, will you still love me?"

"Yes of course I will," Poroma said confidently, "but the thing is I will never make such a decision ever in my life, whatever happens!"

"Well I'm not as confident as you about that," I said, "I need time to figure it out!"

"You just do what you have to do Ranjeet," Poroma said with determination, "but I will be continuously trying to save our marriage, I will really and seriously do that!"

"I too want that Poroma," I said.

"Yes I know you," Poroma said, "and this time I'm even willing to compromise a lot!"

"What type of compromise?" I asked her surprised.

"Well from now I will keep certain privileges reserved for you my husband," she said naughtily, "no Rahul will ever be getting that, and no other man for me after this is over! And even though it will break my heart, but I realize how double standard it is to object if you are into another woman, so if anything like that happens with you, I will be ready to compromise and if you want I'm ready to allow you a hall pass!"

"Well don't worry about that," I said, "I don't think it will be necessary until we decide it, I am a one woman man at least till now!"

"Okay," Poroma smiled naughtily, "so my love, are you ready for some hot sex?"

"Damn yes," I responded.

Poroma immediately threw her arms around my shoulders and started madly kissing me, "Ranjeet I can never stop loving you!"

Kissing her back I said, "I will never stop loving you too Poroma!"

Breaking the kiss Poroma pulled me to the bed, then turning towards me she held up her large breasts, "don't you like my large boobs Ranjeet?"

"Of course I love them," I laughed.

"I want you to suck my nipples," Poroma said lustfully, "would you please do that for me Ranjeet?"

"Of course I will do it Poroma," I latched onto her left nipple while squeezing her right breast hard!

While I was doing that Poroma moaning held my erection in her soft hand, "your soldier seems to like my titties Ranjeet, would you let me rub my boobies around it Ranjeet, please?"

Who am I to complain? I simply got up and nodded with a smile.

Poroma didn't spend much time rubbing her breasts on my erection, after a few strokes she took me straight in her mouth and started sucking bobbing her head up and down! Poroma licked the entire length of my cock, then she slipped it into her mouth and started sucking while her head was bobbing up and down! While she was sucking I felt her fingers massaging my balls, the sensations she was creating on me were unbelievable! My excitement grew quickly and I began to fear I might not be able to control myself, but Poroma anticipated it and took my cock out of her mouth! She gently held it with one hand at the base and I felt her slip farther down between my legs and suck one of my balls into her mouth! I could feel all my anger and jealousy melt as I remembered her heartfelt apologies and sincere attempts to explain her mistakes, she never meant to hurt me but was only trying to cope with a difficult situation and made mistakes! While accepting her actions were difficult for me I just relaxed closing my eyes and enjoyed the sensations she was creating as she was kissing and licking my balls! Then suddenly Poroma let my cock go and got up on her knees! 

She straddled my hips and grinned at me, "I'll suck you again later, right now it's time to fuck. Do you mind me being on the top?"

Grinning back at her I said, "no, not at all!"

Poroma lowered herself on my erection, "in this position you can always play with my breasts while you will be fucking me!"

For several minutes I fucked Poroma, she on top of me riding my cock! It was amazing and wonderful!

I was wildly excited,  closed my eyes and tried to focus my attention. I had to do it, if I didn't I would have cum prematurely and I didn't want that to happen! Poroma now had her lover Rahul and she would surely compare me with him! So I kept fucking her but now I was anxious and frightened but was terrified I would fail, I was frightenrd Poroma would think I am sexually not as good as Rahul! With the thought I felt my erection softening, I panicked and then my penis wilted and slipped out of Poroma!

Poroma stared down at me with surprise, "what happened Ranjeet?"

I closed my eyes.

Sliding off me Poroma whispered in a soft and soothing voice, "Darling it's okay!" 

That made it even worse, I didn't want her sympathy, it made me feel like a little boy who couldn't compete with the big kids. Humiliated I turned away from Poroma.

For a moment there was silence and then Poroma asked, "Ranjeet please tell me what was wrong!"

I didn't respond to her as I was too embarrassed to speak.

Lying down next to me Poroma pressed her soft body against my back wrapping her arms around me and whispered, "I love you Ranjeet, I really do!"

I just knew she was telling me the truth but I was still feeling humiliated, for several minutes I lay silent while Poroma held me. Her hugging touch was comforting me as I gradually regained my composure.  

I took a moment to compose myself then rolled over, "Poroma you have Rahul now, I'm sure he is  better than me and he can last longer than me! He can make you cum more than I can!"
[+] 6 users Like Realman12's post
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At last this wimp realised what he is capable of. He should now play a pimp and send poroma to Rahul daily and also ask her fuck with him in his marital bed. workouts has failed miserably and everything is in the mind. he is now programmed as inferior or beta and accept Rahul as alpha.
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Looks like with this psychological attack poroma has won over her husband to accept as cuck and useless.
Hope the end is near.
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So very soon ranjeet will allow his wife to enjoy or he understand her feeling on him

Awesome store telling the conversation make them better
yourock  congrats
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No husband will say the wife to use her body as per her wish and she has the right to open the thighs for anyone she likes. This itself proves Ranjeet cannot control or satisfy his wife. He is acting smart as if giving her more freedom and happiness.
No wife will like to live with a person like this. She confessed him that she is getting better sex with Rahul repeatedly and now it has an effect on her husband.
Now this shameless bugger will have BP, Diabetes, premature ejaculation and finally impotency.
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Based on the initial comments, i thought the story is going to be different, but it is the same cuckold tale. What is the need to rewrite this?
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Make him use viagra to stay long and have heart attack and die. Thereby he can give his wife permanent happiness.
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Update is good

The story seems to be in the same place where it was when she came back from two days honeymoon.
Poroma says i will not hurt you, i love you Ranjeet saying the same and their so called love making is not at all interestng.
Also, the drama of blackmail is also not leading to any change.

Rahul is alpha, but he behave more like Ranjeet as submissive man accepting everyting poroma says. She behave likes a dominating woman for both is something killing the thrill.
Except Rahul, Ranjeet and Poroma, other characters are gone missing all of a sudden.
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Poroma is playing both sides. She made her a submissive cuck by humiliating him and also will not be dominated by Rahul.
[+] 1 user Likes johhhhhnySINS's post
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Very bore. No thrill or interesting after start.
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waitng for nxt part
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Nice update
[+] 1 user Likes NityaSakti's post
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nice update ??????

next update or story finished
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