Adultery The Turbaned Negro (Completed)
oh our kavitahad seen the lund..
lovely to know she get to know what isgonna attack her
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
NICE bro
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Thanks for all the love and affection towards the story
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Ch 10. Blurring Lines

After the awful meeting at Chawla's office, Kavita had just rushed out of the office and reached her car, when suddenly she realised a handful of officers nearby her car. Clearly she had parked at the wrong place and already in an angered mode, she banged her heel on the road, before heading towards her car. 

"Madam, is this your car?"

One of the officers spoke sternly, while Kavita managed to meekly nodd and negotiate....

"Urgh... sorry's just that...I umm it just happened, you see..."

Kavita tried her best to negotiate, but things turned sour and she had to give up her car keys to the officers, while very reluctantly taking a walk down the valley, all the way to her home. The voluptuous mother and wife was pretty much aware of her very ample curves and ofcoarse her even curvier and round buttocks and could easily feel certain eyes on her body, as she walked. As always the decent salwar kameez failed to hide her treasury assets. 

"The whole area seems to be as awful as Chawla himself!"

Kavita cooed in her mind as she walked her way along and realised she was being followed by some trampish men, which she gathered in her mind, to be like two or maybe three. A couple of more moments later the distance between her and them seemed to have getting lesser and lesser and so was Kavita's heartbeat increasing slowly slowly. 

In a moment or three, the distance between her and them got more closer and just then something unexpected happened, Kavita rushed forward in a speedy pace untill she banged against something hard and smooth at the same time. She opened her eyes in shock to realise it was Jason standing before her and it was his hard chest she had banged her head onto.


Kavita moaned instead of talking as Jason touched her shoulders and then gave a glare to the tramp men, who clearly felt intimidated by this imposing man and immediately rushed out of the way one by one. With a heaving heart, Kavita looked at Jason for a brief moment and murmered a low thanks and was just about to leave when she was stopped by him, merely through words..

"Care fo a company Misuss Patail?"

Kavita stopped walking for a moment to say "no, it's okay" and then continued to take a walk ahead and Jason once again glared at her big ass away out of his way slowly slowly, while Kavita was pretty well aware that Jason had been staring at her round big butt shamelessly and while the kinks in her felt proud of the manly glare, the traditional woman in her did not.

"Swine! Must be staring at my backside! Urgh typical men! Oh Sunil, when was the last time you looked at my...."

Kavita felt a ticklish sensation inside her bulky body as she thought of such things and decided to somehow walk faster and reach home, while still thinking...

"Why do I always have to bang up against him?? Urgh!"

These words in her mind had merely got over when suddenly the clouds made a dark gurgling sound yet once again, just like the other day and soon drop after drop began to fall down, making Kavita mad, as she had to walk all the way home. 

However, the very next moment the rain seemed to smell different as it got mixed with some kind of a more intense stench and Kavita looked to her side only to find Jason holding up an umbrella for him as well as her. The sheer surprise of him, once again coming upto her rescue, sent unknown shivers inside her. Words began to deform from her lips in this tense moment from the closure between them...

"Uh...don't need it....mean, I the umbrella..uh...I mean, the umbrella.."

Jason whispered back..."uhm what?"

Kavita murmered once again...."uh.. nothing?"

The rain became noisy and Kavita hated to get wet like the other day and give the negro a free show. More than Jason, his umbrella seemed to be more important and very reluctantly she walked with him, while the side of her breasts at certain moments brushed against him, sending currents inside her body.

At times during their walk, even Kavita's thighs would brush against Jason's equally bigger ones and that too sent a series of currents through her body, but still she didn't look upto him.

The distance from Chawla's office and Kavita's home was quite a lot and therefore she hated the fact that she had to walk along while talking in the whiff of the rain and the manly mixed smell and on the other hand, her hips, thighs and breast side getting brushed dangerously with Jason's body. At certain moments she even felt embarassed to see people look at her walk along with Jason, since some of the public had curious eyes on her.

"Man! Fukin rain! I don laik it!"

Jason said in his typically African accent, making Kavita feel irritated. She never had a thing for negroes and here she was walking down the lane under one umbrella as if she and him were some kind of...

"Uhhe! AAA chooooo!!"

Kavita sneezed before she could complete her thoughts and Jason did something that shocked her. The very next moment, he grabbed hold of her fleshy kameez clad arm and they both rushed under a seemingly isolated shelter. Kavita realised that was too much of an audacity and she couldn't hold her anger..

" didn't have to do that! I am perfectly fine..."

Jason decided to cross limits once more. Crossing his elbows, he made a serious face at her....

"You aint okay Misus Patail! I know dat! Why ya lyin?"

Kavita widened her eyes at the negro who said such a straight forward thing at her and she felt very very vulnerable at the moment. At this moment, Jason headed very slowly towards her, while she moved backward and her heart began to beat very rapidly. She could have screamed, shouted or ran away, but something in her was so captivated by Jason's presence, that she barely moved.

"Suga mamma! Ya know dere are people who desire ya! Admire ya!"

"Huh...what do you mean??" Kavita murmered. The tension under the wooden shade was getting hotter. 

"Yo hubby iz one lucky ass! I swea!"

"Indeed he is an ass! Barely compliments me!"

Kavita said in her mind and blushed at the fact that she was actually supporting Jason's sentence. Anyways, Jason had now reached much close to her and the smell coming from him was getting more pungent in Kavita's nose, which strangely created tiny tremors near her crotch.

"Mr Jason...this is wrong... I am a married woman!" 

"I dun care... Yo are a sugar momma!"

Jason being the regular pervert he was, inched his face closer and brought his lips to her ear...

'I know, ya been starin at me, the other day!"

Kavita realised she was caught and her heart paced up faster and faster as a ticklish sensation hit her ear. Jason whispered some more...

"Ya like whad ya saw?"

Jason cooed once more and Kavita felt the wind outside shift her dupatta to the other side, exposing her cleavage to Jason once more and he shamelessly drank into the sight, right infront of her. Kavita felt she should defend herself and she pointed towards her mangalsutra...

"Yo... you see this? This locket is the sign of faithfulness!"

Then she pointed towards her maang...

"Aaa...aand this red thing up here is the promise of loyalty towards my husband! Please, don't cross your limits!"

Jason looked at her and giggled out a random casual laugh. Kavita felt angry although she knew that being a foreigner, these things won't make any sense to him, but still the traditional ego inside her was hurt. She wished she could slap him hard, but he still intimidated her with his presence.

The conversation however very soon evolved into a coincidental flirt!

Jason stood still again, however still standing very close to her and kept looking up and down from her dark heels to her thick legs and even thicker thighs, although the upper portion was clad with the kameez and then up to her big ample breasts which were very easily noticed in terms of their shape, due to the shifted dupatta.

A strangely tamed Kavita didn't bother to assemble her dupatta back and instead just breathed deep. Mentally she scolded her hands...

"Why aren't you rising up to slap him?? Urgh! I can't stand his stares! Disgusting creep!"

The next moment an even bigger shiver passed her body when Jason suddenly held her palm and seemed to massage her fingers with his, sending a wicked sensation in her now semi aroused body.

"Lovly hands ya got Misus Patail!"

"Sunil never ever said even this to me!"

The denied woman inside Kavita moaned and very shamlessly she allowed Jason to feel her palm for as long he wanted. With a single she peeked to see the contrast of his coal black fingers on her fair ones and the nipples erected Immediately.

"Urgh! So dark! Gosh.."

The racist inside her, cooed!

"I ain't a bad man Missus Patail!"

Jason cooed this time, while his fingers still playing with Kavita's softer ones and very strangely she was allowing him and also taking in the deep musky smell being emitted from him. At this precise moment, Jason took over her other palm and stated to caress the fingers over there as well with his. Kavita just strangely stood transfixed, while Jason again got her lips closer and whispered...

"Did ya hate da fact dat I dirtied the dupatta, huh?"

Kavita couldn't deny the musky dried semen stench had drove her nuts, but she pretended to sound noble and decent, using a stern voice....

"That was mean of you..."

Jason didn't stop...

"But ya liked it, didn't chya?"

Kavita turned her face the other side...

"That was barbaric and disgusting!"

Jason made a confident face...

"Bet ya wanna feel da real thing, dontchya?"

Kavita shivered at the thought of seeing his penis all exposed, but the curiousity was evident right from the day she saw her dupatta on his naked lap. Once again she fell submissive and let herself go loose for a moment and this made Jason being one of her palms to his jeans clad groin area. Once the fingers touched an already hard lump, Kavita shivered. 

"Sunil is far away from this length and shape, he never was, even before marriage!"

Kavita shivered and felt excited to cope further feels of the lump that only seemed to grow inside the jeans and Jason gladly removed his own hand, realising that Kavita was now feeling it all by herself. Something inside her was making her simply run her fingers all over.

"Big enough Misus Patail?"

Jason cooed, however Kavita now felt embarassed and shifted her hands away immediately and raising her voice this time...

"PLEASE! STAY AWAY! DONT FORCE ME TO Call the po...l..I ..ce.."

Kavita huffed and puffed despite not being tired. This twist in her tone happened when she realised Jason unzipping his jeans and getting it down to his knees. He has the same red briefs like the other day!

The big fat bulge inside the red briefs looked dangerously delicious to Kavita and also frightfully arousing due to the dark thighs contrasting with the red briefs. Moreover, Jason still had his wicked smile maintained on his face.

"Suga momma wanna cope more feels eh?"

Jason smirked while tracing along his own lump, making Kavita get weaker and more drawn. Something about that big fat lump was promising her and she was ashamed to admit that it had something to do with her sexual frustrations for a pretty long time.

"Cmmon momma! Grab a feel, I won't mind!"

Jason who was used to sexual gratifications before also, didn't hesitate to behave mischievously with his conservative Indian neighbour, who now ofcoarse was getting more and more submissive, but this whole thing was also angering the rationalist inside her and therefore, considering the awful audacity of the negro, she gathered all her spirit and slapped Jason hard on his cheek!


The slap echoed around the rainy area, however Jason had still a mischievous smile, although he was very sure he heard a very dinn voiced..."Bastard!" from Kavita, who arranged her dupatta and swayed her big ass out of the shade and off to her destination, since the rain had minimised by now. 

"Ya gonna cum bak soon momma!"

Jason smirked as he saw Kavita rush inside a taxi and head home straight away, not bothering to even look back at him, let alone offering him a seat.


Moments later : 

Kavita's taxi had coincidentally reached home at that same precise moment when Rahul's car arrived from the other side of the road. Getting out from her taxi, Kavita felt pleased to see Rahul dropping off Asha, who gave a light peck on his lips, before he sat back inside and left. Although this scene was very normal, but Kavita felt her heart ache from the sight. 

The sight of Asha giving a peck to Rahul, made Kavita touch her own lips for a brief amount of time and feel miserable for not even having that tiny peck from Sunil for atleast a 100 years. A part of her brain felt happy for Asha to find someone like Rahul, however the dark part of her brain envied her daughter and made her feel her own lips were deprived of attention.

Kavita was lost in thoughts when the very next moment Asha spotted her mother and felt a slight goosebump travel through her body, as she thought...

"Gosh, did maa see Rahul peck my lips?"

With a slight reddened cheeks, Asha tip toed towards her mother, pouting.. "um hi maa!". 

Kavita sheepishly smiled, while Asha noticed her mother's salwar kameez a bit wet. Kavita decided to brief up her words by explaining everything from her car being parked at a wrong spot to the sudden rainfall, basically all the details excluding Jason.

Getting fresh, Kavita donned a fresh set of her regular Kameez with leggings and decided to make a quick cup of hot coffee and while she sat on the dining chair, her mind was still wandering on those small yet effective moments with Jason. The bulge on his red briefs to his confident flirtacious behavior was now giving her some stirrings, since she was all by herself now and to assure her privacy, she got up and saw Arushi play with a friend outside on the lawn and on the other hand, she was very sure that Asha was busy in her room with her own stuff.

Series of cold sweat beads form on her forehead as she sat back on her chair with wide eyes, fingers resting below her chin and her lips murmering in a dim voice...

"The bulge was so so big, oh my..... it cannot be human, can't"

Sitting calmly on her dining chair, her hand now reahed upto her dupatta and wiped the patch of sweat from her neckline and strangely her hand didnt return back to rest on the table, rather it scratched the top portion of the breasts, the tiny exposed part that was just there at the start of the cleavage. Very gradually the hand went down and settled on one orb through the kameez and the fingers just kept brushing up and down the round surface. 

Kavita blushed realising the sheer weight and size of each breast and recollected the brushing of Jason's elbows against the side of her breast while they took a walk under his umbrella. The sheer size of the entire negro had captivated her right from the first glimpse she had put on him, but how could she admit that easily!

Anyways, assured of her privacy, Kavita kept soothing and brushing her own orb while her pouty lips moaned out some inaudble words which were not years or moans for Jason, but rather curse words in her own local language, because she hated Jason even more now..

for making her realise again and again that how vulnerable she was!

"Maa? Uhmmm busy?"

The sudden voice of Asha shook back Kavita to reality and she immediately removed her hand away from her orb and rested it on the table, while her face clearly showing redness of embarassment and shame. Yet she managed to behave normal...

"Oh Ashu, you wanted anything?"

Asha bit her lip and stood still, while she was clearly being seen murmering something to herself in some sort of a hesitation. Kavita looked at her and plainly asked...

"What happened Ashu, go on, tell me!"

Asha walked some more distance closer to her mother and pouted...

"Maa umm...can I borrow something from you?"

Seing her daughter's coy like expression, Kavita asked..."sure, but what is it?". A series of curious thoughts going inside her head and the very next moment, Asha looked sweetly upto her mother and cooed...

"Maa, umm actually I wanted your Strawberry red Lip gloss!"

Kavita stood still while her heart ached badly with sorrow and envy once again. The sight of Rahul pecking Asha's lips came to her mind and she clearly knew now why Asha wanted that lip gloss. 

"Hmmm so is this to impress Rahul? Hmm?

Kavita was back to her homely sweet mother mode and Asha blushed, a strange stirring went through her body when she assumed her mother seing her kiss Rahul. Somehow she decided to get a bit 'bindaas' with her mother.

"Uhmm... actually yeah... He might just like it!....well, umm I mean...if you are okay giving it to me!"

Kavita whose own much pouty lips were denied pecks and kisses for ages, felt awful in seing abundance on her daughter's side and draught on her own. Yet, she clenched her hidden fist and managed to say..

"That's okay, you can have it.."

Asha was very joyful and she ran towards her mother, hugging her and for a brief moment Kavita hugged her hard untill her own big ample melons were getting mashed against Asha's decently bigger ones and this made Asha feel strange. The hug from Kavita seemed more out of desperation than maternal instinct and when her mother's nails seemed to dig deep on her neck, Asha rushed out of the hug, pouting...

"Uhm maa, thanks for lending me your gloss..."

Saying so Asha left and Kavita was ashamed of the kind of hug she gave her daughter. Wish red flushed cheeks she wondered..

"Oh gosh, what Ashu must be thinking of it?"

The fact at this moment was that the hug did nothing for her and she wondered...

Did her body require some more stronger hug?

Did her breasts require a stronger chest to mash against?

Did her entire body require something more Big, Hard and Thicker??"

"Darn! I am getting nuts! Chawla! I will kill you some day for allowing that awful man to shift in my neighborhood!"

Kavita clenched both her fists and desperately waited for night to arrive so she and Sunil could have a very private talk on things that will ensure her sanity in the future. 


Late Night :

Sunil was busy working on his laptop, while suddenly he paused and noticed something strange!

Kavita was taking much longer time in having her night shower, which usually used to be very brief. While he wondered, the very next moment the door opened up and out came Kavita with her hair open and had her nightie buttons opened untill a good amount of cleavage was seen. 

A decently light gloss remained on her lips while she very seductively walked towards her husband, who looked up at her with wide eyes, but then focused back on his laptop. Kavita was fairly confident of her busty appearance and so she sat on the bed, while pulling up the nightie upto her knees, exposing her fat fair legs, smooth and waxed.

"Sunil, you remember our early days, hm?"

Kavita cooed while curling up one leg against her other one very soothingly. However Sunil seemed like he was one of those typical middle aged grumpy workaholics. 

"Uh.. Kavi, it's been ages now...'"

The grumpy husband murmered, while still focussed on his work, as opposed to his super voluptuous eagerly horny wife. 

"You were so loving!"

Kavita cooed while she desperately wanted her husband to just look at her once, let alone touch her!

"Uh...Kavi, what's your point?"

The busy workaholic enquired.

Kavita shifted more close, untill her hips slightly brushed against her husband's and touched his palm with her manicured fingers, pouting...

"Sunil... can't we those days?? Oh... please..can't we..??'"

Sunil now felt ackward and laughed out...

"Are Kavi, did you see some film or something? Are you okay? We have become parents long ago, how can old days be back? That's nonsense. Go to sleep and let me sleep as well, in a couple of months you will become a saans!"

Sunil dozed off, shutting off his lamp, while Kavita was sure that her body was a volcano at this moment and she would errupt anytime. She got off her fat ass from her bed and rushed to the washroom and the very first thing she did was to throw aside every single item near the basin in a super angry mode.

"Uurgghhhh!!!!! I hate my life!!!!! Uurhh!"

Kavita felt smashing and throwing away the items were not enough, therefore now she banged hard on the front mirror and very genuinely weeped!


Kavita weeped untill she realised that she was now getting sleepy and very reluctantly slept besides her snoring husband, although she had turned to the other side, hateful of facing him even.
[+] 6 users Like Mintu08's post
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Stay tuned.
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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Very nice update superb
[+] 1 user Likes Saikarthik's post
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Awesome update
[+] 1 user Likes Sarran Raj's post
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Awesome update and great improvement on Jason and Kavitha (and also the Mom-Daughter relationship) Angel
Keep up the good work, bro Heart
[+] 1 user Likes Desmond Miles's post
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Wow....u rock mintu bro....ek bar  fir mindblowing update diya hai....mai to aapka story ka kaayal ho gaya hu.....uffff ab to kavita jealous ho rahi hai khud ki beti se ...or.saayad ab wo khud jason ko impress karne ke liye strawberry lip gloss lagayegi ....waiting for another sensational update ...pls jyada late mat karna intezar nahi ho raha....
[+] 1 user Likes Ajanmol's post
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Now kavitha should punish sunil by taking jason cock inside her and give birth to BLACK baby
[+] 1 user Likes zulfique's post
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Thank you everyone for all your appreciations. I wish I could make three a week, but two updates a week is something I can confidently deliver.

So be assured of the flow and stay tuned Smile
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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Well ... What a slow erotic thriller. When I first read it I felt like it was an ordinary level erotic story like others. But it’s amazing maann.!!! Please continue with this way of erotic feel.

[Image: 41-A84521-D623-47-E2-A75-A-36-C3-C95871-D6.jpg]

[Image: 12-AE76-B5-8365-464-B-B143-A8-E715-EED6-F2.jpg]
[+] 1 user Likes Herbiee's post
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What a story !!!!
Lots of love.....
[+] 1 user Likes abcturbine's post
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oh man kavita will take brave step now for sure.
[+] 1 user Likes milfomaniak's post
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Kavita should be bangd hard
[+] 1 user Likes milfravisher's post
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Excellent story. Great work, Please Keep updating.
[+] 1 user Likes vaddadi2007's post
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Appreciate all the love!

An update coming up very soon!
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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wow.. that was a good move by kavita.. but it tourned more sore for her at the end.. so she gonna move more closer to him
[+] 1 user Likes tweeny_fory's post
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Ch 11. Crossing The Border 

Next morning :

Asha got ready for her college in her typical attire of jeans and tshirt, which however had always complimented her curvy figure, specially her round juicy ass and shapely mango like breasts, although a bit bigger than the regular mangoes.

But what was special today was the fact that Asha's lips had the Strawberry red lip gloss which made her lips even juicier. Smacking her lips and pouting them infront of the mirror, the young girl blushed thinking of Rahul's compliments towards her today. 

"He will surely go mad, but I won't make him kiss me so easily today!"

Asha felt goosebumps when even imagining getting kissed on her now more glossy lips and would Rahul get more ideas? 

Will he be more naughty?

Will he try to do more than a kiss?

Asha felt her body heating up a bit when suddenly...

"Didiiiiii we are getting laaaate, are you done yet???'

Arushi's sweet voice got back Asha back to reality and she put the gloss inside her jean pocket before taking her bag and leaving the room. Reaching the car Asha sat inside, however felt a bit ackward getting a grimace expression from her mother, who started the car and headed off.

Arushi looked at her didi and whispered softly...

"Didi, you are looking gorgeous!"

Asha blushed again, pouting a low voiced "thanks", while feeling butterflies inside her stomach to quickly reach college and meet Rahul and hear his sweet compliments on her. However, Kavita was driving the car very sheepishly, disdainful of gazing at her daughter's lips, because her own lips would feel envy, which were much more pouty and juicy.

At one point while Kavita drove, her eyes went to rear view to see Asha making a pouty expression and taking a selfie and this made her feel so agitated from inside that she felt her fist clench the steering wheel even more harder as if she would rip off the round thing anytime. But the fact was, her heart ached for many things such as Love, Attention, Validation and sadly Lots of Sex!

After dropping her two daughters, Kavita sat quietly inside her car and heaved many breaths while considering the attention of Jason towards her once more, in a different perspective.

The way Jason would confidently flirt with her and worse! Moan out her name while doing that vile act with her dupatta and the continuous brushing of their sides during the umbrella walk down the road. All these memories popped up inside her mind and what was worse, was the fact that Jason evoked a deep forbidden fantasy inside her, and that was...

A latent forbidden desire towards the ancient Zulu Warriors!

Being a teacher of History, Kavita was very familiar with African Ancestory and also stuff like the older tribal warriors and how the men would satisfy more than one woman sexually and create babies after babies, be it their wives or concubines. Although she had never touched herself, but long before Jason had entered her life, she had many a times browsed on the pictures of the warrior clan.

Jason seemed as if he belonged to that same virile ancestory, as his features were completely negroid and 
although Kavita found those features ugly, a latent curiousity inside her always found the contrast of fair women and those awfully dark men very strangely sexual and although she had kept this in her mind, locked deep inside, the arrival of Jason somehow triggered these thoughts out again.

Kavita was now scared. Much more scared than witnessing any Conjuring or a Vikram Bhatt flick, because the horror she was encountering now was much real than any scary movie. Because this horror was 



Deliciously Dangerous!

At this moment Kavita hated nobody more than Jason in the entire world. She hated him even more because she was being drawn towards his masculine presence due to lack of sexual gratification from Sunil and not only that alone, but also the negro from head to toe was such a contrast to her average husband. 

Getting angry on her aroused erect nipples and quivering cunny, Kavita banged hard on the horn and groaned out some curse words in an inaudible volume. 


One the other hand, during class hours, Sheetal noticed Rahul stealing glances after glances on Asha, who was continually chewing her pen by pouting her lips around and looking elsewhere, feeling super shy all of a sudden.

Sheetal who was a teasy herself, pulled legs of her bestie at this precise moment...

"Ashu, your lips are soo glossy already, you need not chew the pen to give ideas to Rahul! Gooosh!"

Asha felt a jolt inside her heart when she heared those words and realised what metaphor they had. and quickly took out the pen from her mouth, slapping Sheetal's shoulder for saying something so crude. 

"Gosh shutup okay? That was nasty!"

Asha blushed while hissing out her words in a low tone. But it didn't stop Sheetal to pull some more legs, she brought her lips very near to Asha's lips and cooed in a deliberately sexy tone....

"Ashu, trust me babe, Rahul wants to do more than kiss these amazingly juicy lips! Hmmmmm maybe a blo.."

Asha pinched on her bestie's waist, implying her to shutup, while she bit her lower lip and cooed silently...

"Stop it okay?? Rahul isn't like that! We have true love amongst us!"

Sheetal made a face and said...

"Accha baba! Okay! I know you guys have a Srk-Kajol romance between yourselves and you will not do any hanky panky before tying knotts, but hey! Atleast get a bit more frisky before your suhagraat!!"

Asha was so angry that she took her notebook and hit hard on Sheetal's shoulder, while immediately getting her eyes back to her notes, although still experiencing a rapid heart beat of the words she just heared.

To sound more confident, Asha pouted back to Sheetal...

"By the way, I am doing no such thing and neither will Rahul! You are just so sick!"

Seing Asha's coy like expression, Sheetal also defended herself by pouting...

"Yeah yeah whatever! Anyways, gora lallus like Rahul are best suited for angels like you! Atleast I was happy with my ex Vivek!"

Asha made a face..."oh please! Let's study okay?"

However the very next moment, Asha felt her a adrenaline rush when Sheetal mentioned Vivek, who was the precise opposite of Rahul! Dark, gym freak and had a very masculine presence. Something about dark men had always loathed her, but internally made her ask herself out of curiousity..

"Is it that dark men are different?"

Then Asha just sided off her thoughts, thinking Sheetal was probably jealous of her, since Rahul was the perfect fair prince and yeah, being fair herself, she did make the perfect pair with him. Suddenly the thought of the negro next door popped up in her mind and even a guy like Vivek looked attractive near that Intimidating man. 

"Urgh! Why did I become obsessed with dark men suddenly? Creepy!"

Asha pouted to herself and managed to focus on her book, however, Sheetal's words were stinging her somewhere, she was not very sure of.


Evening :

When Kavita reached home, she suddenly realised a crowd near Jason's house and out of curiosity, she tapped her heels and reached the other side of the road to find something unexpected!

Jason was wounded badly and Kavita enquired the incident to be a brief accident he faced while crossing the road. Something stirred inside her and she hesitated to go further, when suddenly another slightly distant neighbour very plainly said...

"Are Kavita-ji, glad you are here, we can now take a leave"

Kavita easily saw some ladies disdainfully take a quick leave while soon the entire crowd just vanished gradually, leaving her alone with Jason. Seing Jason still in a subconscious mode, lying on the ground, the voluptuous woman felt sorry for her neighbour, but also felt a strange thrill of being all alone with him.

"If I leave him like this, it will be an insult to my hospitality towards a neighbour! Gaawd!"

Kavita decided to just escort Jason safely inside his house and take an immediate leave. To get things quickly done, she helped Jason get up and luckily he did co-operate. Clasping her hand around his waist, made Kavita feel shivers when her fingers touched his hard abs. 

"Urgh! Is that flesh or some kind of metal??"

Kavita made a grimace. She was fed up of considering this man as some kind of an ultra masculine freak, which ofcourse made her weak inside and she hated it!

Somehow Kavita helped Jason reach inside his house and immediately she helped him settle on the sofa nearby. At this moment the negro was clad in a shiny white tshirt which had tiny blood spurts around it and out of humanity, Kavita tugged up the shirt to take a note of the injury and that was when things took a shift.

Jason's coal black waist was exposed to her and Kavita made a diagust, although biting her lower lip, she placed a palm on his waist and her nipples erected on witnessing the amazing contrast. For few moments Kavita kept running her fingers around his waist and seing Jason still with his eyes closed, she gulped a mega spit back down in her neck and 
eyed the apparent big bulge on Jason's pants.

"Disgustingly big! He doesn't seem aroused and yet it is such a prominent bulge!"

In the silence of the room and in her sheer privacy, Kavita was easily awakening the devils inside her and the horny curious woman arose once again. A creepy thought passed through her mind as she now very carefully touched the upper portion of the bulge with merely a finger and as she traced the entire girth and length along, her eyes widened and heart jumped up and down.


Kavita was now not her normal self, but had evoked her horny self. She kept tracing along the bulge, top to bottom, around, at the base and all, while she thought...

"When was the last time I ever eyed a bulge on Sunil? Must be ages!"

Suddenly Jason made a grunt sound, shaking Kavita and making her pull her hands away, but then, the very next moment, he again laid down still, eyes closed and apparently semi conscious. Kavita decided to take a quick leave from the house and she had just got up to rush away when suddenly, she felt her dupatta being held and a gasp escaped her lips. 

The silence became more tense and Kavita felt nervous to look back, but anyhow she dared and was shocked to see Jason's hand placed firmly on the dupatta like some kind of a firm paper stand. Kavita felt irritated with this interruption and tried her best to release the dupatta off the clasp of Jason's hand, but everytime she attempted, the result was a failure.

Feeling weak and submissive Kavita turned back and bent down to her knees, furiously attempting to release the cloth off, but Jason's grip seemed to be very firm and she hated to touch the dark palm herself. But just then Jason made some murmering...

"Uh...he...lp.. me"

The traditional helping neighbour inside Kavita arose immediately and she forgot about her dupatta and got rid of it from her body instead. The next moment she managed to find a first aid box in the house and apply anointment on the wound herself, while her eyes kept gazing down at the bulge which seemed to be breathing on its own.

An erotic sitar played inside Kavita's mind as she now was getting tempted to move a bit more further, just so that she could end her curiosity and therefore she once again eyed Jason like some kind of a sneaky their and was relieved to hind him still and silent with eyes closed.

"Uh...I might go to hell for this...but uh..could it be that his privates were wounded and therefore it looks so swollen? Uh..uh.. okay, let me find out myself"

The air filled with more tension as Kavita now took her next bold step, by slowly unzipping the jeans and as the zip went down, her forehead produced more and more sweat and her body goosebumped along.

After Kavita had done unzipping, a musky stench hit her nose and once again the smell travelled through her nose all the way down to her crotch, making it quiver once more just like the other day. 

"Sunil is a man too, but oh! Never was his smell this manly!"

Kavita shamelessly got her nose more closer and took several whiffs while now she also got the jeans a bit down and widened her eyes to see that very red brief! The big fat bulge looked amazingly erotic on the red brief that contrasted amazingly with Jason's dark skin. 

Kavita again made a face and yet kept looking at the bulge within the red brief. Being more curious, Kavita now traced one of her big nails around the bulge and getting shameless once again, she got that nail upto her nose and the moment she took a whiff, her lips moaned out and she grabbed her own mound through the salwar, squeezing it's fatty area and this time she didn't regret.

Kavita didn't bother to get up and leave this time, rather in this privacy and silence, she felt the urge to proceed further and see the real thing, because visions of Jason wanking hard with her dupatta again popped up inside her mind and she groaned in desperation, while her hands very shakily moved further to clasp the waistband of the red brief and her hands stood still for a moment, while a genuine question appeared in her mind...

"Is it uh...dif...different than Sunil's?"

"Ugh... I have no wishes to check out that awful thing! Just making sure he is not bruised there!"

Kavita made a sweet excuse to hide her arousal inside her mind and gulped some spit down her neck, finally gathering the courage to slowly pull the waistband down and voila!

A dark black python like organ flung upwards and slapped Kavita's face hard on one of her cheeks. The quick attack made her close her eyes immediately and gasp in disgust, while opening her eyes slowly. 

And once her eyes opened, it widened to its heightened form!

"Oh cannot be real! Uh oh"

Kavita shook her face away in disgust when she finally saw the dark python in its full naked glory and this was the second penis she had seen after Sunil's, whose medicore one was nothing compared to Jason's schlong!

The head was crown shaped and currently leaked cupious droplets of slimy liquid in a series, which startled Kavita as she kept breathing deep, gazing at Jason's penis which was some more shades darker than his quite dark skin. The angry python seemed to snarl at Kavita at this moment. 

The slimey liquid from Jason's cock made the whole thing look much obscene and even though the sight disgusted Kavita, it triggered more hornyness out of her and remembering the raita incident, she bit her lower lip and brought one fingertip ahead and very barely touched the slit area of the crownhead. Lodging her fingertip on the slit, a strange temptation bit her...

To explore the BLACK cock further!

"God forgive me....uh...this is so wrong....but uh...this head....the much different than Sunil! Uh...uhmmm..did he even have something like this? Uh...I don't think so!"

Kavita's pouty lips kept murmering these words while ber fingertip kept exploring just the crownhead and the area around it. 

This action made the head spew out more tangy liquid out and it smeared Kavita's fingertip completely, not totally disgusting her, but instead made her more curious (and more horny) to suddenly get a bit more involved into this activity.

In the lonesome room the conservative mother was doing something very vile and loathsome and yet her round big eyes had a focussed look and her juicy lips was quivering and shaking, although no words came out. 

Running her manicured fingertip over the crown head had tamed Kavita so much that she didn't even realise that Jason, although having his eyes closed, had a wide smile on his face at this moment.


On the other hand, completely oblivious and clueless of what her mother is doing at the moment, Asha was busy smooching Rahul while his car stood precisely nearby her house and she was constantly getting a tickling sensation throughout her body as today Rahul was smooching her strawberry glossy lips much longer than usual.

Feeling her kinks getting high, Asha stopped kissing and pushed away Rahul slightly, to which he again held her shoulders and forwarded his face, but Asha lodged a finger on his lips, sweetly pouting...

"Okay Mr Romeo! Give it a break. Don't you think you are getting nuts on my lips! Gosh..spare them!

Rahul who was so much turned on by the flavoured lip gloss, clearly looked very horny at this moment and raised his voice..

"Uh Ashu! Can't help it baby. Your lips look so ravishing!"

Asha pouted back, checking her lips in the rearview, while pouting once more...

"Idiot! You ruined my gloss totally and you still wish to kiss me more! Spare me for today, or I will ditch you!"

Rahul at this moment felt an adrenaline rush from the last line of Asha and Asha giggled seing a sudden insecure expression from her fiance and cutely planted a peck on his lips, saying..

"Hey relax, was just joking!"

"Urgh! You girls are just.... anyways!"

Asha giggled once more and hugged Rahul before getting out and once again Rahul eyed her swaying bottom which moved gracefully clad in the denim jeans.

"Damn! Love her so much!" 

Rahul once again thanked his stars for being with Asha and then drove back.


In the meantime, Kavita's eyes were glued to the slit area and chewing on her lower lip, she now involved more fingers, making a fist grip on the dark python and a series of gasps escaped her lips as she now ran the palm grip from up to down and down to up again. The erotic calm sitar played inside her mind as she was now literally giving a handjob to Jason, who was very much aware and yet cleverly kept his eyes shut.

Kavita who was unware of the upcoming volcanic possibility, was so smitten and thrilled by the sheer size and presence of Jason's cock, that she now was totally focussed on the handjob she was giving and the horny woman inside her echoed....

"Go on Kavita, don't remain curious! Go on, go on...''

The rubbing of her palms against Jason's now clammy dark rod was making a wicked sloppy sound and it added more spice to the silent room. As the sloppy sound continued coming, so did the musky odour increased at the same time and added to this..

The whole cock began to vibrate and pulse up wickedly!


Kavita now got tensed and realised a spontaneous vibration throughout the penis and this made her immediately take her hand away in panic, however before she could react anymore, the very next moment Jason gave out a moan and his slit errupted out two to three heavy spurts and splattered all over Kavita's face, that sent a series of electric rushes throughout her body.

"Oh urghhh...uhhhhhhh!'

Kavita turned red with embarrassment, anger and shame, mixed up and she quickly got up and feeling very ackward, she wiped her face with her kameez end, and in fear of getting caught by Jason, she quickly rushed out of the house.

Kavita's fast pace made her salwar clad ass shake like a pendulam and this whole act was witnessed by Jason, who was ofcoarse feeling a relief from his amazing orgasm, but even more happy to proudly give his Indian neighbour a good decent facial and was very sure of the fact that..

The white cream may wash out from her face, but certainly not her mind!

"Woops! Here we go again!"

Jason smiled when he realised Kavita had once again left her dupatta nearby him.
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