Fantasy Jaya - A Lonely Wife's Adventures
Please update this wonderful story..
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Hello All.....

This time I really did not want to delay the story......

Unfortunately My father had to be hospitalized as he got a heart attack.....

Hope you can understand my situation...... Back to back problems are happening in my life.....

cant avoid..... a couple of more days and he will get discharged.....
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I just wanna say it's okay for being delayed but plz don't stop this one.
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Hoping everything is alright with your father. Eagerly waiting for your comeback
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Hope everything is good at your end bro. Take your time but dont stop this thread.
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This story is really nice, hot ???. But why writer is not updating this story. Kind request to Writer please update this story as soon as possible.
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What happened my friend you promised an update
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Please stay patient guys. He is taking care of some important family responsibilities at the moment. He let us know on his other thread - . It’s our responsibility as his readers to support him right now. Hopefully everything will get better very soon and he’ll be back.
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xxxxxxxxxxxxx story
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(18-05-2022, 09:40 AM)badri.rao2006 Wrote: Hello All.....

This time I really did not want to delay the story......

Unfortunately My father had to be hospitalized as he got a heart attack.....

Hope you can understand my situation...... Back to back problems are happening in my life.....

cant avoid..... a couple of more days and he will get discharged.....
No problem..... Family comes first then all rest..... Take care of your dad. We will wait for the updates whenever you post or how long it takes. Realy an enjoying and erotic story you have started. 
All the best with your dads health again.
Val Namaskar
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Hello Readers……!

I am sorry for such a long delay….. I hope you all have understood my situation….. Thank You for all the wishes and prayers….. Dad is much better now……
Here’s a next Update……. Hope you will enjoy……..


Mani took out his dick after he emptied his balls in Jaya’s pussy and fell flat on the bed……

After a wild hot night of love making..... No.... actually wild night full of hardcore fucking…… both of them were tired like hell…..Time was about 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning when both fell asleep…… They instantly went in deep sleep……..
For the first time Jaya had experienced this kind a wild, hot, almost a never ending session of love making….. Of course Jaya herself did not want the night to end….. All these years Jaya was used to only some 2 or 5 mins of casual foreplay, one round of fucking and that’s it….. They were so tired.... both slept without bothering to wear anything......

Jaya was experiencing a lot of first times….. It was the first time Jaya experienced back to back fucking… First time Jaya slept fully naked…. Usually after making out with her husband, she used to wear her clothes back and got to sleep ….. Yesterday another first time happened….. It was the first time Jaya had slept all naked ……
Jaya’s sleep broke with the phone continuously ringing……
Jaya’s eyes were so blurry….. She tried widening her eyes….. Still could not even read the name flashing on the phone…… She just picked up the phone and answered…..
Jaya: Heeeello…… !
Jaya said and involuntarily yawned loudly….  She could not control her yawn……. Her body was awake but her mind still wanted to sleep some more….. Her whole body still felt sore……
The caller was none other than Rahul…..
Rahul: Wake up sleepy head… Don’t you remember, we need to leave tomorrow morning…. And today we were to go shopping…….
Jaya woke up with a jolt…. and sat on the bed….
Jaya: Sorry….. Sorry…… I am so sorry….. I slept so late last night…. I did not realize….. Good Morning….. Good Morning…..
Rahul: Very Good Morning Darling…. I am surprised…. He at least let you to sleep…. I mean I was thinking you guys started in the morning also…….
Jaya: Shut-up….. Shameless…. can you think of anything else…..
Rahul: Remember…. You also promised to become shameless….. Fully shameless and only think of fun and nothing else….. Remember

Jaya: Hmmmm …… I remember…. I remember everything…. And as promised I think I have become shameless enough already ….. You know like I promised you, I did not stop Mani from doing anything he wanted to do with me last night…..
Rahul: That’s so lovely….. Love you for that….. Anyways I was joking…. I knew you would wake up late …. But this, late…. That I did not expect … In fact I was worried because you were not picking up my calls…..
Jaya: No everything is fine…. Don’t worry…. It’s just that we slept so late….. That’s all….. And what’s there to worry….
Rahul: In fact I was worried if that boy even allowed my darling to sleep…. I thought maybe he started romancing my darling again in the morning…..
Jaya: No dear….. I was so tired and sleepy….. I could not pick the phone …… and don’t worry…. he allowed your darling to sleep ….. I slept so well….. I can't tell you......
Rahul: That’s so lovely…. But you know yesterday all night, I did not get sleep at all…… Till now I have masturbated at least 4 times…. and My dick is still hard......
Jaya: Owww….. So sorry darling you had to sleep without me….. But don’t worry from now on I will always be with you….. You will not need to do anything from now on......
Rahul: Actually you know what...... I masturbated trying to imagine what all and how he would have fucked you …. I am dying to know…..
Jaya: Shameless….. You want to know how he fucked me…..
Rahul: Yes…. I am shameless….. And you, soon to become my shameless darling…… tell me…. Did he lick my darling’s sweet & tasty pussy…… Did he fuck my Jaya’s sweet pussy well….. How many times he fucked you……. what time did you guys go to sleep? I want to know all….. I want to know all…. Please
Jaya: Hmmmm……
Rahul: What just hmmm…. I want to know in detail….
Jaya: I did everything whatever you said…. just like you wanted…… And he did everything he wanted….. I did not stop him at all…. How can I tell you the details……?
Rahul: Not like that…. I want details…. How many times did he fuck you….. Did he lick your pussy better than me…… does he fuck you better than me….. Tell me no Jaya…. Please tell me in detail……
Jaya: Same like you….. Everything same like you…. Teasing also same like you….. He did everything just like you do to me….. Happy….
Rahul: Not like that….. I will ask you, at least say yes or no…… ok
Jaya: Rahul please…. You know I can’t…..
Rahul: No please….. You are shameless right….. I want to know…. If you tell me now, I will not ask you when we meet, or else you will need to tell me when we meet….. You decide…..
Jaya: No…. No… That will be even more difficult…. Ask what you want….. I don’t think I can become that much shameless and answer when you there in front of me…… ask what you want….. I will answer
Rahul: Are you sitting or still sleeping….?
Jaya: No…. Not sleeping….. But on the bed but sitting….. Jaya looked herself bellow……….. Suddenly realized she was stark naked…. She could see her topless body.....
Jaya: Ohhhh….. Shit….Wait a min….. I have not worn anything…. I will wear something and will call you back, give me 5 mins…..
Jaya hurriedly tried to get up from the bed ….. Rahul interrupted…..
Rahul: No need to wear anything now….. Relax….. Relax…… Just lie down
Jaya: Rahul please….
Rahul: No Please…… You have grown one more level up today….. Wow….. All night you slept naked….. Why do you want to wear clothes now….. You know you got such an excellent chance to experience the feeling, the pleasure of being naked….. Don't worry.... In some time…. you will start feeling OK about your nakedness… and…..
Jaya: And?
Rahul: Video call please…..
Jaya: No way…. I knew you would ask that….. Please understand…. Mani may get up any min…. He still does know about us….. When Mani is comfortable I mean when he gets to know about us ….. Or during the trip I will not stop you…. Both of you…… I will do whatever you and Mani want…..
Rahul: OK…OK I understand…. But please Just for a few seconds…. I want to see you….. I have been alone all night….
Jaya: You are naked already……
Rahul: I am usually naked whenever I am alone…..

Jaya: Shameless.....

Rahul: One Video call please.... Just for a few seconds..... Just like I want to see my dalring Jaya..... I am sure you want to see me……

Hmmmm… I would love to ….. Ok…. But just for a few seconds… I dont know how much you want to see me…..?
Rahul made a video call…. Jaya picked the call instantly…..
Jaya kept the phone close to her face…. Only her face and part of her neck were visible….. Rahul obviously wanted to see her naked body but understood Jaya will tease him a bit……
Jaya could see….. Rahul’s whole naked body ….. Rahul’s Dick was already hard and erect….. And he was stroking it….
Rahul: Hi….! Good Beautiful…… Wow…..! You are looking so beautiful…. Ummmmah……
Jaya: Ummmmaaah….. Good Morning to you also my darling…… Jaya stared at Rahul’s naked body…..
Rahul: You are looking so beautiful…… But hey not fair…. You have seen my full body…. But I can’t get to see you fully….. Not fair…..
I knew you will ask…. Jaya said and lowered the phone and showed her naked boobs….. Jaya bottom was still covered in the blanket….
Rahul: Beautiful….. So beautiful…..

Jaya: Enough praising….. Happy…. Seen me…. Shall I disconnect….? Mani may get up…

Rahul: Wait… Wait….. Where is that boy? Show me……

Mani was happily sleeping facing Jaya…… Mani’s face had a happy smile…. May be he was fucking Jaya in his dreams…..

You want to see him also naked….? Jaya chuckled…. He also slept without wearing anything…..  Jaya said and slowly turned the phone towards Mani….
As Jaya said…. Mani was shamelessly sleeping with his top body exposed….. Rahul saw Mani’s bare top….. The blanket covered his body from below the waist…..
Rahul got a naughty idea…
Rahul: Looks like that boy is wearing something bellow…. How bad….. He kept my darling naked and he wore clothes….So bad of him……. Remove that blanket let me see…..
Jaya: Shameless…. You have seen me naked is that not enough….. You want to see his naked body….

Rahul: I don’t think he is naked…. See for yourself….
Jaya moved the blanket aside…..
Jaya froze for a second….. Her mouth opened wide….. Shock was clearly visible on her face….. Mani was happily sleeping all naked….. but the reason Jaya froze was Mani’s hard erect dick….. It was clearly visible…..
Jaya: Look at him….. Shameless fellow….. In sleep also he is so hard….. Looks like he is with your darling in his dreams also…..
Rahul: What a lover….. Wow….. But I don’t believe it to be hard…..May be its just big like mine…. Touch It… let’s see if it’s hard…..
Jaya: No… I am not touching it…. He may wake up…… I Know it’s hard….. Can’t you see…. Nice plan
Rahul: How do you know…?
Jaya shied a little bit…. I just Know…. she said….. 
Rahul: How do you know….. See mine…. A hard dick looks like this….
Rahul said and started stoking his dick….. Jaya was staring Rahul’s dick without blinking……
Jaya: I have seen it clearly last night….. That’s why I know it’s hard….
Rahul: Touch it and see……. I dont think it's hard.....
Jaya slowly got up and moved her hand to touch Mani’s dick….. Jaya’s touch on his dick it sprang to life …. ….. He turned around and slept flat with his full back on the bed….. His chest facing the ceiling….. Jaya instantly pulled her hand back…. She got scared if Mani got up….

Ummmm…… Mani moaned slightly…. He surely was fucking Jaya in his dreams…..
His dick stood up like a pole facing the ceiling…. It stood erect as if saluting the women who touched his dick… Mani’s dick pulsated, a bit…..
Rahul: Wow…. That’s a lovely looking hard dick….. You have become an expert…. You knew it was hard without even touching it…..
Jaya kept staring at his dick…. She remembered how this monster dick ravaged her pussy last night…. Jaya licked her lips and made them wet…..
Jaya: Mfmmmm….. See I told you I knew his dick is hard …… Ummmm….. So nice and hard….. Just like yours…. Saying that Jaya took her hand close, She wanted to hold his dick….. But pulled it back…..
Rahul: Ummmm……. I am even more jealous now….. So much fun you guys must have had last night……Wake him up….. I want to see him ravage my darling…… Live
Jaya was startled…. She looked back in the camera…..
Jaya: You want to see Mani fucking me live…..?
Rahul: Well that I will see very soon…. But before that…. I want to know… Did my darling enjoy his dick …..?
Jaya: Hmmm…..
Rahul: Then Why don’t you kiss it once Jaya….. Rahul said …..
Jaya eyes opened wide….. Rahul’s words added fuel to Jaya’s burning desire…… Jaya slowly bent down …. And gave kiss on Mani’s hard dick….. Jaya did not stop with just a kiss….. She took the head of dick and sucked it for a couple of seconds…..
Ummm…… Mani moaned even in his sleep….
Mani’s body moved slightly…. Jaya stopped sucking and lifted her head…. Jaya got worried that Mani may wake up…
Rahul: Oh… Jaya…. Don’t tease the poor guy…. See… He must be dreaming of you only….. Don't you feel pity on the poor boy?
Jaya: No ways…. I know what you are thinking….. I am not waking him….. Let me wear something before he gets up….…. Please darling….. I Promise I will do everything you and Mani wants during the trip….. I promise….. Please give me 5 mins…. If Mani sees me like this…. Then he will surely want to do again…..
Rahul: Look at his dick….. does that not excite you…. Tell me frankly….. Don’t you want it inside you….? Like inside you right now….
Jaya: I am… I want it….. Look at yours also….. Yours is also so tempting….. But, how…. We will need to meet for that…. You will need to do something and tell Mani about out relation….. then both of do what you want….So without wating any time let me get ready…
Jaya was staring both Mani and Rahul’s dicks….. She controlled her hands….. She wanted hold his dick and caress…. Jaya wanted to stroke his dick up and down… Take it in her mouth and suck it…..
Rahul: Oh…. Common Jaya…. No ifs and but’s….. Trust me you will enjoy so much when your sweet pussy will get his dick inside you…… Imagine his dick inside you right now…..
Jaya: Sssss….. ummmm… Enough now….. I can’t control anymore….. My….
Rahul: My….. My what?

Jaya: My pussy…… Chi…. How many times you hear that word from me…..
Rahul: Your pussy…. What about your pussy……
Jaya: I can’t control it….. Please darling…. Disconnect the video call please…. I will do a normal call…..
Rahul: Ok I will disconnect the video call…… but at least you can talk dirty over the phone..….
Jaya: Ok….. She said, and disconnected the video call and made a normal call…. Rahul picked up the call instantly…..
Rahul: Lie down again darling……. And don’t cover yourself with the blanket….
Jaya: Rahul please…. Mani may get up…. Let me atleast wear somthing…. Don’t you want to meet me soon…. You want to do everything over the phone only….
Rahul: Well…. Taking dirty over the phone is a different kind of fun……. It will improve you to become more and more shameless…… Just remember…. Let yourself lose ….…. You love the feeling like never before, which I am sure you are already liking and enjoying….. What say?
Jaya: I am happy and enjoying…. But still more lose…. How much more……
Rahul: Hmmmm….. How much ….. I will tell you how much … but you will listen to me without any questions?
Jaya: Yes darling…. I already promised…. I will listen to anything you and also do whatever you want me to do…..  Tell me what you want me to do….? Ask me whatever you want…..
Rahul: Love you darling….. OK then…… Lie down then and just relax…..
Jaya: Hmmmm. Done…..
Rahul: Don’t pull the blanket back……
Jaya: Hmmmm….. I won’t….. Ssss….. This is such….. Different feeling……
Rahul: Feeling different…. Great then, recollect everything that happened last night step by….. I mean right from the time you reached home…. Tell me….
Jaya: Ummm… After we came back from the airport, Mamta Aunty and Shekar uncle went back to their flat, Mani and I entered our flat…..
Rahul: Who closed the door….?
Jaya: Mani….. I was so tensed…… I ran inside my room…

Jaya's pussy started to get moist..... Rahul started his preparation so that Jaya could start taliking dirty….. There was lot more to come……
Rahul continued: Now imagine…. Why imagine…. It’s actually happening in real……  Look at that boy beside you….. A young naked boy sleeping beside you….. You are also are naked…. Not a stitch of cloth on both your bodies….. Wow…. What a feeling it is right…..
Ahahaha…… Ummmmm….. Jaya couldn’t stop herself from moaning…..
Rahul Continued: Your Pussy is wet…. You are so horny….. You’re desperate…… Fingering yourself…… waiting for your lover to get up…… Waiting to show him your beautiful naked body….. Waiting for him ravish your sexy body again…. A Hot, morning fuck…… What a way to start your day….
Ummmm……. Sss…….. Jaya started to rub her pussy…. Rahul’s words made her to imagine like the scene happening right in front of her eyes….She closed her eyes and started imagining…… 
Rahul continued: And then....... Your lover slowly wakes up….. Looks your beautiful naked body and jumps on you and starts kissing you……
Ahhhaaa….. Stop…. Plsssss…… ummmmmm……. I….. I can’t control…… ummmmmm…….. Else…..
Rahul: Else…..
Jaya: Else I will not be able to control anymore….. I will really have to wake him up and ask him to…..
Rahul: Ask him to…..? Common, Jaya answer fully…..
Jaya: Ask him to fuck me…. Aahhaaa…… Like right now….
Rahul: Then who is asking you to control…… This is what I am saying…. Stop controlling yourself….. Wake him up…… enjoy….. You will need to stop thinking like the women you were 2 weeks back….. That simply means you also should not be thinking anything else other than having fun anytime anywhere and anytime of the day…..
Jaya: If that starts happening…. I am sure.... I will lose my shame fully and May be…..
Rahul: May be…..
Jaya: Ahhaaa…… I am not giving any ideas…. You both already have enough wild ideas……
Rahul: Hmmmmm….. I think now my darling is ready…… So tell me how many times did he fuck my darling…..?
Jaya: 2 times…… She said and smiled…. Chi….. I can’t believe what all he did to me I could not stop him…… I was so tense last night…. And Now I am so scared….. I don’t know what you both will make me do in the coming days…..
Rahul: 2 times…. Wow…..! But why are you scared….. I told you this before also….. Think you are the only women in this world…. Only Boys and Men with big dicks all around……. No one to ask you anything or no one you need to answer……
Jaya: Ummmm….. Many Boys and men…… How many darlings you want me to have….
Rahul: Lots of Men….. Darling…. So many you cannot even imagine……. Just imagine you are surrounded by a lot of men…. All naked… with nice big, hard dicks all around you….. And you are sitting without a stich of cloth on your body….. Just be ready…. I will fill your life with so much fun and excitement…..
Jaya: Good joke….. As I said your imaginations are so wild….. All men are the same….
Rahul: Oh… That means that boy also should have said something then…..
Jaya: Rahul Please…..
Rahul: OK…. Leave that topic… That we will discuss when we meet….. Next tell me….. Did he lick my Darling’s sweet and tasty pussy……?
Jaya: Hmmmm….. Yesssss…….
Rahul: Did my darling suck his dick…..?
Jaya: Yesssssss……
Rahul: How was it…..?
Jaya: Ummmm…… Tasty…..
Rahul: where all he kissed my darling….?
Jaya: Ummmmm…… Everywhere….. He kissed me everywhere…..
Rahul: Ummmmm…… Wow…. He kissed my darling everywhere….. How exiting…. Where all he kissed my darling…..
Jaya: My lips….. My….. My….. Breasts…… My pusssssyeeee…… ahaahahaaa….. I can’t control Rahul darling…. I want you inside me…..
Rahul: I will come darling…… I will ram my dick into that sweet pussy……. day and night
Jaya: Come soon darling….. I can’t wait…..

Rahul: Did my darling stop him from fucking……?
Jaya: No…. I did not stop him from doing anything…..
Rahul: Both times in the bedroom…… or anywhere else…?
Jaya: Bedroom only….. Where else……
Rahul: Oh… Jaya, you could have taken the boy to the terrace…. Remember our first time….? How much you enjoyed……
Jaya: Ummmm….. I did not think of that…..
Ahhhaaa…. I am Cumming…. I…… I am Cumming…..
Rahul: Stop……. Stop right there…… Don’t cum…..
Jaya stopped with a shock: Why….. You don’t want me to cum….. I am so close….please let me cum darling…..
Rahul: Is my darling’s pussy so wet……
Just like Rahul wanted Jaya’s pussy was wet and leaking…… she would have not objected to fuck even a dozen men……
Jaya: Hmmmm….. Yess…… fully wet….. Please let me cum…..
Rahul: Not so soon darling….. Now you are fully ready…. Now time to wake him up and tell him to fuck you….. See how much you will enjoy……
Jaya: Ummm….. So bad you are…. Ok…. I will do whatever you want….. Can I disconnect the call…..
Rahul: Ok…. Darling…. But promise me you will not run away…..

Jaya: You think with this wet pussy…. I will run away anywhere…. I want a dick inside me….. I can’t control more…..
Jaya kept the phone on her lap…… Jaya was too horny…. she struggled to open her eyes…. She rubbed her eyes and looked towards Mani…. Mani was still happily sleeping with his big hard dick facing the celling….. Jaya bent down and grabbed it…..
Jaya: Get Up….. Get up….. Naughty boy……. You did not let me sleep last night and you are happily sleeping…… Get Up….. Rascal…..
Mani woke up with a jolt….. It was looked like he was thrown out of a fairy tale dream….
Rahul: Hey Jaya…… Don’t scold the poor guy…..

Hello.....! Dont scold the poor boy.......

Hello.....! Can you hear me.......
Rahul: Hey Jaya…… Don’t scold the poor guy…..

Rahul spoke a little louder than before…. So that Jaya could hear him…
Jaya looked at the phone startled…. She thought the phone had got disconnected…..  But the call was still connected…… She was shocked hearing Rahul’s voice…..
Mani struggled to open his eyes….
She picked up the phone again and said…..
Jaya: Hey…. I thought I disconnected the phone…..
Rahul: Good the call did not get disconnected…., Else don’t know what you will do with the poor boy …… don’t scold him darling….. Make love to him….
Jaya looked back and saw that Mani was struggling to wake up…… He could not open his eyes…. He again  went back to sleep….
Jaya: Poor guy…. He did not let me sleep last night…… and he….. He is still happily sleeping like a log….. Jaya picked up a pillow lying next her and hit him.....
Rahul: Oh…. Jaya…. He is your new young lover boy….. You should treat him like your lover or new boyfriend..…. remember like how you treated me…..
Jaya: Oh… New Young lover… nice name…. I could have  never thought of something like that….. I never had a boyfriend in college also…. I don’t know all this……

Rahul: No Problem dear… I will teach you….
Jaya: Sure….?
Rahul: Yes Dear…. I will definitely teach you….. I will make you so perfect that your new young lover will always be around you……
Jaya: Enough……. See him… he went back to sleep again…..
Get up My darling new young lover boy….. Your darling needs you…. Jaya said naughtly.....
Rahul: Relax….. It’s ok… Leave him…. Let him sleep some more time….. I am feeling so jealous ………. I wish I was there with you now….
Jaya: Why is my darling jealous…. My darling only wanted me to sleep with this new young lover…..
Rahul: Sleep……? Did I ask you to sleep with him… I had asked you to do something else……
Jaya: Oh…. Sorry…Sorry….. Get fucked by my new young lover…… Jaya said and chuckled…..
Rahul: That’s my girl……. Ummmm…. Jealous because he got to spend an entire night with you all alone and he is still with you….. I was lonely all night at home…… and alone even now…. and he will get to fuck you the moment he wakes up..
Jaya: You could not stay one night without me….?
Rahul: Oh Jaya, I cannot stay 1 Hr. without you….. Yesterday, if your neighbours weren’t there with you at the airport, then…..
Jaya: Then….?
Rahul: Then….. You don’t know….
Jaya: No… I don’t know… How would I know……
Rahul: Yesterday I would have fucked you once at the airport itself…… before allowing you to go home….
Jaya: Oh….. My darling….. Then why didn’t you? Who stopped you? I told you already….. I will do anything you tell me…..
Rahul: I know ….. My mistake….. Now watch…. I will never leave any chance from now on….
Jaya: Oooooo….. And where would we do Sorry…. Where we would fuck yesterday…..?
Rahul: Ummmm….. There were lots of places….. I would have…. Fucked you in the airport toilet….. Or may be inside the car…. Or in the parking…… so many options……
Jaya: Chi….. In the toilet…. But in the parking….. In the car……. what if anyone would have seen……? Always thinking in the open….. Nothing for you… I will be in problem if someone sees me….. Do you want me to get caught or what…..
Jaya immediately looked at Mani…. She suddenly feared getting caught by Mani….. He was still in deep sleep… Jaya let out a sigh of relief….. She could not let Mani catch her like this talking to Rahul…….
Rahul: I am not telling you anything now….. I have made all the plans……
Jaya: What…. Plans to get me caught……?
Rahul: Darling, do you have to always think negative ….. Your respect is my respect…. Your reputation is my reputation…… You are my lover….. I have told you that so many times…. Not some…….

Jaya interrupted…… I am sorry…. I am sorry…. I will never say anything like this…. I am sorry….. And yes I am your lover…. Your darling…. I will do anything you want… You can do whatever you want with me anywhere… anytime…. I love you….. I am sorry……
Rahul: I am also sorry…. I should not have screamed at you…… I am also sorry……
Jaya: Don’t worry…. I will not make you wait anymore…. I will quickly get ready and Come running to you…. Do whatever you want…….
Rahul: You are sure…. I can do whatever I want? I mean, you will wear clothes as per my choice, you will do whatever I will tell you……. No questions at all…..
Jaya: Yes darling….. Anything you want…… I will wear anything you want….. I will not wear anything if you don’t want….. I am 100% sure…. I can’t tell you…. How much I have started to enjoy this life ….. I had never enjoyed my life like this before….. I want this….. More of this……
Rahul: What if I say…. Don’t wear any clothes till evening…..
Jaya: Ammmm…… Rahul how can I…..
Rahul: See…. you are still scared….
Jaya: No… Not scared….. But what if someone comes home……
Rahul: Well…. I understand that will be a problem…. No problem…. I am happy that you did not say no…… I am happy for that…
Jaya: What no problem…. You don’t have to be so nice always…. You will need to start commanding me……
Rahul: Oh… Ya…. Ok then…. I command you…. You will not wear a single piece of cloth till I come in the evening…. You will wear a nice Punjabi dress only after I call before coming home…. What say….?
Jaya: Sure My darling….. I will manage…. I will not wear anything till evening….. I promise…..

Rahul: Love you darling…. I will always love you and make lots of love to you…… and make sure you are always happy like this……. And enjoy to the fullest….. Well don’t worry…. In case someone comes home, wear your clothes…. But….. I was thinking.....
Jaya: What….?
Before Rahul could answer Jaya said…. Oh…. No… No… I understood what you are thinking….. Mani is here only…. I have still not told him anything about us….. plsss…. Plsss…. don’t come now……
Rahul: On No…. I was actually not thinking of that… but something else……

Jaya: Something else? What is that?
Rahul: Tell me something…. Did he make my darling happy last night…… Did he fuck my darling nicely….?
Jaya: Chi….. I can’t believe my ears would ever hear these words……
Rahul: Start believing…… So tell me darling…… Did he make my darling happy last night…..?
Jaya: Yes…. He made me very happy….. My new young lover made me very happy last night…..
Rahul: Heeeeeyyyyy…. Don’t me more jealous….. I am sure he cannot make you happier than me….. Right….?
Jaya: That is true….. Without you I would not have known about this kind of a life….. I would not have enjoyed so much….. Without you I would not have tried anything like this on my own…..
Rahul: Then what if I wish you could bring that boy along to the trip….. I want you to enjoy twice as much….. What say?
Jaya: Your wish is already granted darling….. He only asked me if I could take him for the trip…...?
Rahul: Really……Wow…..! Did my darling agree.……?
Jaya: I agreed…… I told him I will take him with us….. Jaya said and shyly put her head down…..  But I don’t know how to tell him about us…..
Rahul: Wow... That's Lovely..... We 3 can have fun together….. Like I told you before…. 2 are better than 1, remember…..
Jaya: Wait before that I have to tell you something…
Rahul: Tell me darling…. What is it…..
Jaya: What and how will I tell him about us…. I can’t think of anything….. I also want to bring him along with us and enjoy fully….. But?
Rahul: You don’t worry about all of that….. I will manage…….You; just get prepared your-self to experience double the fun darling…..
Jaya: I am ready darling…. Fully ready…..
Jaya: Love you darling…..
Rahul: I will come to pick you up around 5 in the evening so…… before that… will my darling enjoy with him…..
Jaya: Sure darling…. I will do everything my darling tells me…..
Rahul: Love you darling….. Bye for now….. And don’t wake him by hitting him…. Actually do one thing…. Give him a juicy blowjob and wake him up…. He will love that…..
Jaya: Blow….. Blow what…..?
Rahul: Oh…. my sweet, innocent Jaya darling….. Blowjob means holding his dick and sucking it….
Jaya: Oh…. Never heard of this word…..
Jaya: In fact I don’t know what to say to Mani about us….. You know yesterday night I was going to beat him yesterday night for something he did……
Rahul: Whaaaat……? Beat him…. Why? What did he do….?
Jaya: You know he told me has seen those kinds of films….. Dirty fellow…… He wanted to try those fantasies with me…… and something else also…..
Rahul: Those kinds of films…. What does that mean?
Jaya: Ohooooo…. You don’t understand…… Those kindly of films…. Dirty films….
Rahul: Oh….. Porn films….. But why did want to beat him….. It’s so common….. All teenage boys do that….. It’s sad that you did not know anything like this before….. Else…..
Jaya: Else…..?
Rahul: Oh Jaya…. How to tell you ….. Don’t worry…. I will show you some clips, and then maybe you will understand…… In fact it will be so much fun… all 3 of us will watch together….. And we can also try those fantasies together…. It will be so much fun…… What say? By the way did he say anything else……
Jaya: No Need….. Mani is already showing and doing those fantasies with me in live ……
Rahul: Wooww…..! Creative guy….. But wait a min…. So does that mean my darling did not complete her yesterday’s task……
Jaya: No… I did not stop for doing anything… I ran to beat him….. Because he said something else….. That’s why….. In fact like I promised you…. I had to promise Mani also that I will not stop him from any of his fantasies……
Rahul: Oh… Wow… But I hope he did force you do anything right…… Just tell me…. I will take care of him….
Jaya: No…. No…. He is a sweet boy…. He loved me very much….. But like you he is also very naughty and a very bad boy …. He also teased me so much…. Did not let me cum for a long time…. Like you are doing to me….. I could not help….. He made me cum only after I promised him…. Naughty, bad & shameless boys both of you….. Playing with my weakness…..
Rahul: Then why did you run to beat him….?
Rahul: He said something I will tell you when we meet…..
Rahul: I can’t wait to know what he told my darling….. Don’t tell me he also wants to make you shameless or what….?
Jaya: Ummm… Very close…. Something, like that…..
Rahul: Wait till we both get even naughtier from now…… I will make sure…. No…. We both will make sure we make you completely shameless…… but did he tell you that directly…..
Jaya: Hmmm….. He did not tell that directly but indirectly….. I will tell you when we meet….. But I think you both have already made me shameless enough …… I am fully naked….. Talking to my first lover who is also naked over the phone and my second lover sleeping beside me all naked ….
Rahul: Wow…..! Darling…. I can’t believe you said this…… I love you so much more now ……. ….. I always wanted to hear words like this from you… I love you so much darling…. Love you so much….
Jaya: Shut-up…. Chi…. What am I saying…. I never in life thought I would speak like this…..You only said forget everything…. Just enjoy….. So like you always say…. Let myself loose….. So I left my loose…… And now you are complaining……
Rahul: But wait a minute….. I am surprised…. You allowed him to fuck you twice… With me you got tired after one round......
He was just too excited….. That’s why he could fuck me 2 times…… Never in my life till about yesterday had I ever been so excited that I will have sex…… And moreover he is a small boy…. Not a machine….
Rahul: My darling, you don’t know about yourself….. Just wait till you get fully shameless….. Then see…… and why just him, any man will surely become a machine….. Starting with me….. But tell me frankly…. Were you not exited…..?
Jaya: Ssss……. Enough…… Again any man….. Of course even I was exited….. But…… What if I get addicted to this fun….. I don’t think I would ever be able to come out of this enjoyment……

Rahul: Oh… Jaya…. You again started thinking all that…. Stop controlling yourself……
Jaya: Am already losing control….. I am so desperate to cum….. I don’t know what you mean by many me all the time…. How many men are you talking about…..? Wait don’t start now…. I am already losing my control…… Moreover you have tempted me so much already….. This is all getting a little scary for me…..
Rahul: Jaya darling…. Please don’t think all of that…..
Jaya: Soorry…. Sorry….. Let me get ready soon……. If I am with you I will not think all of this….
Rahul: Well before getting ready…… you will need to do something…..
Jaya: What…… Wait…. Let me guess….. You want me get fucked by Mani now….? I know….
Rahul: Wake him up and see…… You don’t have to do anything…… He will do everything….. Remember you promised him…. You will not stop from doing any of his fantasies….. And you know….. A man’s ultimate fantasy would be getting up and finding an all naked women beside…..
Jaya: Hmmmmm……. I will remember…. Now enough Question and answers….. You have teased me enough….. I don’t think I can stop him from doing anything to me…. I am just dying to cum…..
Rahul: You want any company……?
Jaya: No… not now… let the time come…. I am also dying to start enjoying with both of you at the same time…… let me finish quickly, get ready quickly…. and reach the school and meet you….
Rahul: School……? You know the time darling…….
Jaya hurriedly looked around her room to find the wall clock…… yikeeeeeeess….. !!!! She screamed……
Time was already around 12:30 PM…..
Jaya: Oh.. Shit… I am so sorry….. I did not realise….. I was thinking it’s still morning….. I am so sorry…… I did not even apply for a leave……
Rahul: Relax Darling…. I have applied a leave on your behalf for today……
Jaya: Thank You….. Thank you so very much darling…..
Rahul: Just thank you is not enough darling……
Jaya: You want me do another video call….?
Rahul: I would love that….. But……. No need now….. All I want you to do just don’t wear any clothes till evening…. Except if someone comes home…… ok?
Jaya: Shut up…. You will never change….. Mani will not leave me……. He will surely want to fuck me…. You want me to do it now….. Sorry do you want me get fucked ….. Now , daytime……
Rahul laughed loudly…… Again Morning…. It’s already afternoon darling…..
Jaya: Whatever…. It’s day time…..
Rahul: Day time… so? From tomorrow if both of us will fuck you day and night…. Then, will you say no?
Jaya: So sweet….. Don’t worry; from tomorrow I will be with you day and night from tomorrow just like you say everytime….. You can do whatever you want…..  Just like you want…. But why now… Please make me cum once quickly….
Rahul: No… no need… Just be as you are and He will surely make you cum….. Have fun…. After that take some more rest, take your time and get ready, Dont bother about cooking also..... I will send something...... and evening at 5:00 I will come and pick you……. But Promise me..... You will have fun....... Ok Darling…. 
Jaya: Promise.... Promise.... Promise I will have fun and quickly get ready...... You come soon…. Then you we both will have fun…..
Rahul: Hmmmmm… I Love you darling…. I can’t wait for our journey to start….
Jaya: Me too….. I Love you too…… Jaya said and disconnected….. Jaya said and this time properly disconnected the phone…… and kept the phone aside…..Jaya angrily looked at Mani…..
Jaya stared at Mani’s hard dick….. All her anger was out of the window....... Hard and Erect Mani's dick stood up facing the celling….. Jaya’s eyes looked hornier than before and angry at the same time…… Naughty man….. Got my pussy wet again and did not let me cum…. Jaya thought in her mind……
Jaya was surprised…… How easily he gets me wet….
Jaya prepared herself to do what Rahul asked her to do…. Give Mani a juicy blowjob….. Jaya slowly bent down and licked the tip of Mani’s dick…..
Mani stretched his body……. Good Mooooorning Miss…….  He said wiping his eyes…..
Jaya moved back slightly…… Good Morning…..? Dumb head…..It’s not good morning…. It’s already good afternoon…. See the clock…. Jaya said in a stern voice…
Mani also looked at the clock and surprised to see the time was 12:35 in the afternoon…..
Mani: Oh…. so sorry miss…… I did not expect we would get up so late…..
Jaya: I told you….. You just wouldn’t listen…. Jaya continued to scold him….
Mani’s rubbed his eyes and his vision started to clear ….. He could not believe……What he saw …..  Mani’s eyes grew big and wide….. His eyes sparkled as 100 watt bulb……
Jaya looked at Mani and shyly smiled…… She was exited seeing Mani’s shirtless body….. Jaya pussy tingled even more….. Jaya was getting out of control…..
He was witnessing something every guy in his teen age could only hope….. Or maybe wish to see something like this at least in their dreams…..
Jaya raised her hands to tie her open hair…… Her nude topless body was already a tease….. Her exposed armpits were like cherry on top …… the sight was so erotic and inviting…. Mani stared at her without blinking……
Jaya looked at Mani…. Mani sat there like a statue….. “Cat had caught his tongue”…..  His eyes were glowing ….
Rahul was a true women enticer…… Jaya would lose her shyness and shame every time she spoke with Rahul…… A woman who was completely shy till about 2 weeks back…… Rahul had gradually trained Jaya to shed her inhibitions and change herself into, a complete shameless woman…..
Jaya was all this while sitting next to Mani on the bed ….. She was fully naked….. Jaya looked at herself….. And acted as if shocked by her seeing herself naked….. She hurriedly grabbed the blanket and covered herself…..
Yoouuuuuu Shameless fellow….. Jaya screamed at Mani and threw the pillow at him….
Mani tried to escape the pillow…. It hit him on the shoulder….. Mani gave a devilish grin…..

Naughty boy… shameless fellow….. She said and grabbed the pillow again and tried to hit him…..
In the process she was topless again…. The blanket with which she had covered herself slipped….
Mani caught the blanket and snatched it from her….. Jaya tried to hold the blanket but it slipped out of her hands…….
Jaya’s full naked body was exposed…… till then it was at least partially covered… thanks to the blanket that had covered he bottom body…. But with the blanket removed completely she was back in her birthday suit……
Jaya tried to cover her assets with her hands….. Not had enough of me all night yesterday….. Jaya cutely scolded Mani…..

Mani: never miss… Never….. I can never have enough of you ever……

Shameless fellow….. Give me back that blanket ….. Jaya shouted….. With one hand she tried to cover her naked boobs….. Jaya extended her other hand….
Mani became bold after last night….. Mani had learnt the trick to get Jaya to dance to his tunes….
He removed the blanket fully…. And threw it aside exposing Jaya and himself fully…
Mani’s dick sprang out of the blanket and stood like a black mamba…….. Like a pole….. A missile in its full capacity ready to ravage Jaya’s pussy again……. This time Jaya’s eyes widened….. Jaya could not take her eyes off Mani’s hard dick….. No doubt Mani was fucking Jaya in his dreams just when Jaya woke him up suddenly….
Jaya froze at the sight of his dick….. She remembered how this black mamba monster ravaged her cute little innocent pussy last night and was now up again more than ready to ravage her pussy again…..
Jaya feared Mani would not leave her without fucking…… Not that she, did not want to get fucked….. Still she acted as if she did not want to and tried to get up and run……
Mani jumped from the other side and pounced on Jaya…… He caught Jaya’s hands and pulled her on the bed…. Jaya slipped and fell on the bed…. Mani jumped and sat on her belly; He held her hands, raised it and pinned it down on bed exposing her beautiful armpits…..
Mani’s hard pole rested on her belly….. Jaya struggled to escape…. Mani continued to stare Jaya’s naked body….. One could see the lust in Mani’s eyes…..
How much will you see me…. Jaya squirmed….. Turn that side….. She said and tried to move out of the bed…..
Mani simply nodded his head and continued staring at Jaya….. Jaya struggled to cover herself…..
No…. No Mani….. Jaya pleaded while she continued to try to escape from Mani’s grip…..
Miss please just once….. I will do it fast….. Please miss…. Don’t you want this…. Mani made a cute face and said……
See it’s already so late…. Rahul sir had called just now……. Need to get ready….. Don’t you want to come with me to the village……?
Mani lied on top of Jaya and whispered in her ears….. Miss please….. See my dick is so hard…. You like it no…… Please miss… I promise I will do it fast…..
He said and did not even wait for the answer….. I will do it fast miss….. He said and started kissing Jaya’s neck……
Jaya continued to struggle to escape from Mani’s clutches…. She tried hard to get at least one of hand realised……
But Mani was a magician when it came to seducing….. Jaya could not help moaning…..
Ummmmmm…… No… Mani…. Ahhaaa…… Maaaaani…… plsssss…… I know you will not do it fast…..
Mani continued to kiss Jaya’s neck and moved towards her exposed armpits…… Mani held both her hands with only one hand and moved his other hand to squeeze her boobs……
Please don’t tempt me….. Please Mani darling…. Let’s get ready and leave for the trip…. You can love me there as much as you want I will not stop you…..
Mani made a sad face….. Miss please just once…. Please feel pity on my dick…. Please miss……
Mani….. plssssss…… ahahahaaaaa…….. Jaya moaned and made a cute face….
Jaya’s pleasing did not stop Mani from kissing her…. He increased his kissing speed and started licking her armpits…..
Jaya started feeling ticklish….. She could not stop herself from moaning….. Ummmmm….. You are so bad….. ummmm…. Maaaaniiiiii……. Plssssssss…… ahaahahaaaa……. ummmmm……..
Your smell so good in the morning….. It’s…. it’s……. is sooooo ummmmmm wonderfullll….. He said and continued to slurp on her armpits……
Mani loosened the grip of her hand and slowly started to move down…. He started to suck one on her boobs and continued to squeeze her other boobs……
Jaya’s was almost leaking….. Half aroused by Rahul…. And with Mani’s, kissing and licking….. She was fully aroused now…….
Even after Mani let Jaya’s hands…. She did not attempt to bring them down or push Mani aside……. All she did was moan….
Ahhahaahhh…. Maaaaniiiiii…..plsssss….. …..plssss…….. Don’t tempt me….. plssss…….
Mani paid no attention to her please and continued to suck her boobs……
Jaya lost control over her body……her pussy leaked again….. She did not put any more efforts to control her urges….. Mani’s aggressive foreplay made things worse….. Mani took control of her body…… He next took his hand towards her pussy and started to rub it slowly……
Mani you are toooo bad….. toooo bad …. My…. My…. is still so sore…. Jaya tried hard but could not comfortable use the word pussy…..
Mani lifted his head and gave a puzzled look…. What is sore miss…. Mani asked innocently….
This… Jaya tried to guide Mani with her eyes….. Mani could not still understand…. What miss? He asked again….
Jaya pulled him towards her and made him lie on top of her……. And whispered in his ears….
My pussy….. Jaya whispered ….
Mani slowly got up and stared into Jaya’s eyes…. Jaya turned her face to cover her shame……
Mani got up from Jaya and sat beside Jaya…. Jaya lay there still …. She did not move….
She turned towards Mani and saw his face…. He sat there caressing his dick…..
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Jaya couldn’t control and laughed out loud…… Mani saw her with a surprised look…. He also started laughing….. Jaya got up from the bed and stood in front of Mani….. She truly looked like a goddess……
Jaya pushed Mani on the bed and climbed over him…… You made me wet and now making a cute face….. Look somebody is ready already…… she said and stared at his dick…….
Mani could not register what Jaya said…. He was not able to understand what Jaya intended to say….. Weather she wanted him to fuck her or leave her…..
Tooooo bad you are…. First you teased me…. And now you are sitting without doing anything……
Jaya picked up Mani’s hands and wrapped it around her waist…… Go on…. Do what you want….
A big smile appeared on Mani’s face…… Yes miss…. I am bad…. Toooo bad……
Jaya: Then do what you want…… Bad boy
As soon as Mani heard that…. He went out of control…… Mani got up from the bed and caught Jaya’s waist tightly and lifted Jaya in his arms…..
Jaya: Hey…. Maani…. What are you doing…… New style again?
Mani: You want to try?
Jaya: No Not now please…… lets first freshen up and then we have full afternoon to do whatever you want……
Mani: Ok…. Then let me quickly finish then…… He said and made Jaya lie on the bed…..
Jaya: Naughty boy….. Do what you want…..
Instantly he dived and started sucking her pussy……
Ohhhhh…… Maaaaniiiiiii….. I love you it when you do that…… lick it darling……
Mani was enjoying Jaya’s moans and continued to lick Jaya’s Pussy… He even inserted 1 finger deep inside her pussy…..
Mani increased his speed….. And like always….. just before she could have an orgasm…. Mani stopped licking……
He coolly raised his head and started Jaya….. Jaya had tightly closed her eyes enjoying the teasing….. She moved her hips as if asking Mani to continue …..
After a couple of seconds…. Jaya opened her eyes….. Again…… Jaya said and made a cute face…..
Jaya’s pussy was fully wet….. And ready to be ravaged……
Mani: he did not say anything….. He coolly got up and positioned his dick on Jaya’s Pussy…..
Jaya: are you not going to put it in…… You said you will not tease me….. You are my darling no…… don’t tease me…..
Mani whispered in her ears……Yesss….! My darling miss…..….. I will put it in…… I know you want it Miss……
Jaya: Oh my darling….. Ok Darling….. I want it….. Plessssss don’t make me wait…..
Mani continued to rub his dick on her pussy……
Ohhhhh….. Maaani….. Push it in darling…… ahaahaaa…… I love you so much Maaaaaaani…… ahahaaaa…….
Mani: Are you still angry with me ……
Jaya was startled with the question...... Jaya rolled her eyes down and said yes……. she was all naked….. Her pussy dripping…… Mani was on the edge of pushing his dick all the way inside Jaya’s pussy…..

Her topless body shined in sunlight which was partially entering the room….. Along with the lights in the room which none had bothered to switch off last night……
Mani: Please miss….. Please don’t be angry with me….. I will never say anything again……
Jaya turned her head aside and said….. Ok I will not be angry with you…..
Mani was overjoyed….. Thank you miss…. Thank you so much…. He said and lied on top Jaya…… and hugged her tightly….
Jaya also hugged him tightly and whispered something in Mani’s ears…….
Mani got up with a jerk and really Miss….. Really….. Mani could not believe….. What he just heard….
Hmmmm….. Really darling…… Jaya closed her eyes and said……
Mani: I can’t believe you just said that…… I love you miss…. I love you so much…..
Jaya: But…. But only after we come back….. Now stop teasing me and fuck me now….. Else forget about it…..
Mani pushed his entire dick in one go……. All the way deep inside Jaya’s pussy….. and started pumping…….
Ssssss…….. Ahhhhhh….. Maaaaani….. Slow darling…. I am not running away anywhere…… ahaahhaa……
Soosrrrry misss……. Sorrrrryyyy…… I will do slowly…..
Mani slowed down and started giving light strokes……
ahhmmmm..... Ahhhhhhhmmmm...... Uuuffffff..... ahhmmmm Maaaaaaaani youuuuuu arrrrrre soooooo gooodddd....
After pumping her pussy for a few mins….. Jaya was nearing her long due orgasm…..
Ahhhaha…… Maaani…. Don’t stop pleassssse….. ohhhhh maniiiii........ Hmmmmm..... Ahhhh.......... Mmmmm
Mani pulled out his dick slightly and pushed it again…… Jaya
Ummmmm….. Maaaaaani….. What was that……
Mani did it again….. Jaya moaned even harder this time….. And had a hard orgasm…..
Ahhhaaa…… Maaaniiiii…… Hahahaaaa…….
Mani also cummmed inside Jaya's pussy....... pulled out his dick from Jaya’s pussy….. Jaya slowly opened her eyes…. Mani stood there breathing heavily…… Sweat drops were trickling down his bare chest…..
Did you like it miss…… Mani asked…….. Of course he was sure…. Jaya liked every bit of whatever Mani did……
Jaya: Yes Mani…. I liked it…. What was that…. New style again…..?
Mani: Ummm….. Actually miss….. I tried something different….. I am happy that you liked it……
Jaya looked at Mani ….. What am I…. Experiment platform….. She said with an angry face?
Mani: No Miss….. Not like that….. He said and lied down beside her and tried to kiss her lips…..
Jaya moved his face with her hands…. Not now…. First let’s freshen up then you can kiss me…..
Mani: Oh…. so you are not angry with me miss…..
Jaya: I am….. But you are so sweet…. I can’t angry with you…… Come on…. Let’s get up and get ready….
I love you miss…… I love you my darling teacher….. Mani said and hugged Jaya
I also love you my new young lover….. Jaya said and hugged Mani tightly……
Mani: New Young lover…. Nice name….. I love that…..
Both laid still in the bed…… still hugging each other….. Both were Mani was caressing Jaya still erect nipples….. Miss…. Can I ask you something……
Jaya: Hmmmm……. What?
Mani: Did you really say what I heard?

Jaya: Yes darling…. I really said what you heard…… But after we come back…. Not now…. So don’t get any bright ideas…… Get up…. Let’s get ready…..
Mani got up and extended his hand…. Jaya gave her hand in Mani’s hand and Mani helped Jaya get up from the bed…..
Both stood next to each other….. Jaya was feeling very weird…… She was standing naked beside Mani….. She shyly smiled at herself…… She loved this new transformation……
Both walked inside the bathroom together……
Hope you liked this part of the story….. More in the Next Episode

How will Jaya handle Revelation of her affair with Rahul ……?
How will Jaya explain to Mani about her relation (In fact, Sexual Relation) with Rahul Sir……?

What did Jaya tell Mani in his ears…..?
All and more in the next Update……
Please share your comments.....
Till then, keep your dicks hard and girls; keep your pussies wet….. Enjoy…..
While you wait for the new updates, you could read and enjoy other stories I am writing......
College Girl Gets Transformed into a Willing Slut..... - - College Girl Gets Transformed Into A Willing Slut.... - Jaya - A Lonely Wife's Adventures.......
[+] 9 users Like badri.rao2006's post
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Superb comeback

Plz keep on posting

Phirse gayab na ho jana.....
[+] 1 user Likes abhirajfree's post
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What a comeback. Bravo
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Following your story from the beginning....
What a writing skills you owe bro...
Amazing, super and excellent.....
Keep coming.......
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Bang bang update bro awesome
Worth for waiting
yourock  congrats
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Woow…. Jaya Reloaded. Thanks BrO.
[Image: B1-C1-ECF9-4-BF7-4061-B684-B6911709-A9-C4.jpg]
[+] 2 users Like Herbiee's post
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My favourite story is back again thanks to giving update and give more updates soon please once again thanks
[+] 1 user Likes Manikanta's post
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How shameless she will be in the upcoming updates. How can he turn her into a complete slut. Waiting for those scenes. Please update soon.
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[Image: 8-A5-C0-AB1-FA60-4703-A598-79-C3-EC51935-D.jpg]
[+] 3 users Like Herbiee's post
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Pllz update soonnnn
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