Misc. Erotica The Hunt - (A Wife's Adultery Love Story)
Awesome writing
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Sexy and hot
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(29-04-2022, 08:58 PM)chellaporukki Wrote: Ashish will make her send the videos to Mahesh to show he is a expert in all and no one can beat him.

Ashish is not aware that Mahesh is Shilpa's husband. To him Rahul is Shilpa's husband.

excerpt from chapter 25 part 1

Ashish was working on his abs when Rahul came out to inform him with a vulgar smile on his face, " She is ready," licking some pussy juices from his fingers.

It sounded to Ashish like - I have heated the bitch for you, go fuck her wet pussy.That does not make Ashish happy, he thought it would, but it didn't. He hunts alone; he does not like Someone presenting his kill on a silver platter to him.

Ashish has met cucks, but at that moment, Rahul looked nothing like a cuckold husband to him. It seemed like Rahul almost hated his own wife, his offering to Ashish was some kind of act of revenge; the contempt was so clear on Rahul's face, it was evil.

Ashish grits his teeth as he almost commands Rahul, " You can leave now."


There is this dilemma for Ashish now. In one hand he just told Shilpa that he is gonna have sex with her in front of her husband in the latest Chapter and on the other hand he felt the hateful desire of Rahul to ruin Shilpa. If he cares for her then he can't feed that sick desire of Rahul by sending videos etc. to him.

Let's see how the story handle that.
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(29-04-2022, 08:58 PM)chellaporukki Wrote: Anyways, she cannot get back home and live as Mahesh wife hereafter. She is prepared for everything.

There was this security guard named Harsh who worked out on his own by watching security footages that Shilpa is not a maid . He concluded she is a call girl and also he found out Rahul isn't her Husband . He blackmailed her and had sex with her. 

But Shilpa trapped him with the help of Ashish and ruined his life. Here is what Ashish told her when Shilpa asked what would happen to Harsh.

excerpt from Chapter 29 part 4 . Shilpa accusing Ashish.

She is crying; her beautiful eyes are flooding her flushed cheeks.

She roars back, crying, removing her overcoat. "Why? Why did you make me wear this slutty swimsuit?Why?When you can not protect me?"

Ashish is in shock, moreover the pain eating his heart looking at her sad face; he can not stay quiet while that beautiful face is sad. Reference

Shilpa demands, hiccupping, "Why foster such wishes when you can't ensure my safety? You threw me to the wolf. The wolf came and tore me apart."

She tore the one piece in heart-clenching agony, "Look at me...look at me...look what he has done to me...."

Ashish closes his eyes, looking at the bite marks on Shilpa's amorous boobs.

He clenches his jaw, "Who did this to you?" .At that time, telling her that he did not gift her that particular skimpy dress, but Naina did, felt like a futile excuse. Reference

Shilpa sobs in humiliation, remembering the degrading occurrence "That brute.That sadistic motherfucker, Harsh.That security guard."

Ashish reaches for her face to the touch.

Shilpa slaps his hand away, "Don't touch me. You don't deserve to touch me with even all that dick swagger you got. You failed,".She utters those words in grave contempt.


Ashish tells her without really revealing the gory details :-

Ashish's full-frame comes down to her eye level and calmly speaks, "I will take his home away from him. His wife.His family.His friends. Everything he has, I will take all away from him."

Shilpa gulps, "Is he going to...die?"

Ashish smirks, "No, death is an easy way out. I will make him suffer as long as he lives. I wish him a very long life."

Harsh was never seen again by anybody. Even it is not very clear what Mr.Gilani's goons did to Harsh. This incident is what preventing Shilpa to come clean as she has witnessed the brutality Ashish is capable of.

So no Shilpa is not prepared for anything. 
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What kind of behavior will be from Mahesh after seeing the SMS from Shilpa from the restaurent. He has some doubt that she has slept with Ashish?
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Dear author,
I love that ur continuing . And I'm love with the breadcrumbs that u nicely stitch with the further plot .
I would love to see shilpa sometimes in control, and sometimes being helpless and dominated by Rahul. I feel Rahul still needs to get a fair revenge for his mother's death. I feel Rahul needs to be part of the main plot again. He needs to control and own Shilpa before Shilpa's love for Ashish grows.
[+] 1 user Likes ca.sri007's post
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Hot story. Shilpa is enjoying sex for hours. Her husband will finish everything in few minutes
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Hey,new reader here.Just found this jem of story.None of the pictures inside the story are showing.Can you please update the picture links,please?
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(01-05-2022, 04:48 PM)midir Wrote: Hey,new reader here.Just found this jem of story.None of the pictures inside the story are showing.Can you please update the picture links,please?

Sadly I don't have the pics and gifs. I have started to write after 2 years . Every data I had regarding this story is lost.
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(01-05-2022, 09:34 AM)ca.sri007 Wrote: Dear author,  
I love that ur continuing . And I'm love with the breadcrumbs that u nicely stitch with the further plot .
I would love to see shilpa sometimes in control,  and sometimes being helpless and dominated by Rahul. I feel Rahul still needs to get a fair revenge for his mother's death.  I feel Rahul needs to be part of the main plot again. He needs to control and own Shilpa before Shilpa's love for Ashish grows.

Thanks for the support. We saw Shilpa as dominatrix in CHAPTER 29,PART 3 and CAHPTER 29 PART 4. That is a brutal chapter and it clearly depicts how ruthless she is the way she mercilessly dominated Harsh.

Rahul is a very cautious character and survival instinct is very strong in him. 


They are criminals. Murder, blackmail schemes, secret sex have created a dysfunctional family now. Anything could happen. This mission is pushing all of their limits, drawing out the worst of them gradually. Last night he himself saw how badly Mahesh treated his loving, beautiful Shilpa. He does not know whose side would Mahesh take when the time comes -His son's or his wife's.

Shilpa licks her lips, looking at Rahul's bludgeon, " We need to do something about that too. It's angry as well."

Rahul can see hope now ****Yes, let's fuck like a rabbit behind Mahesh's back****. But he is hesitant to reveal his true nature.

Shilpa touches her fingers lightly on his thigh so close to his crotch looking into his eyes "I guess last night the booze dug out some old trauma and made you a mad man. Cause you don't resemble that person in broad daylight."

Rahul can feel the precum leaking from his tip as Shilpa's massive prompt boobs stay close to his reach, looking so alluring.

He murmurs, "I did not know what happened to me. I think something took over me. I am a mental patient, after all."

Shilpa gives him a slutty smile "Yes, that must be the case. Now that I can see you how radiantly you are blushing. Blood running wildly through your veins everywhere. " She pauses and speaks in a sultry voice, "Everywhere, even though your fair-sized cock."

That encourages Rahul, so does Shilpa's moving fingers on his thighs, but he is still hesitant. "Thank you. You were enjoying yourself very much last night, but I don't want to do it again. I got carried away, and you were so amazing."

Shilpa ignores that "Do you know the origin of the word blush?!!!"

Rahul replies, "No," ***** But I know how to make you cum like a bitch. Go on suck my dick.****

Shilpa's other hand touches his trembling wrist, and her nails trail along his blue veins. "It's related to blood. In Hebrew word for blood and man is the same. ' DAM.' A man is ADAM. ADAM and EVE, I think you have heard of it."

Shilpa's breasts touch his chest lightly, her big nipples brush against him as she breathes to speak, making Rahul's cock scream in pain. 

But Rahul is afraid that this could be another trap, something is terribly wrong.

He keeps his zeal at minimal "Yes, we were naked like ADAM and EVE last night. But Shilpa, we should not be doing this. It was not right . last night was a mistake." Rahul shakes by betraying every word he uttered.

Shilpa does not show any signs to get away from him; instead, her hand touches his cheek. "You see now how Blush is related to a MAN. People often forget that Shame is mostly a public emotion, depending upon the evaluation of others. They try to stamp it on women only. But man feels an equal amount of Shame as women do for different reasons."

Rahul's heart wracks against his chest; his cock is at its full form rubbing against Shilpa's lower abdomen.
Rahul places his hand on Shilpa's shoulder but still feigning, "we sinned last night. We must not do it again."

Shilpa giggles as Rahul's cock poke against her".Yes, Lust is a sin, so they say. But Blush is related to the original sin. I have no time to explain what the original sin is."
Her expression completely changes, her smile evaporates, her facial muscles go rigid, eyes call upon a stormy whirlwind, and she spits venom between her teeth "But know this. Touch me again without my permission, and I will rub your dick. I will rub it in public. Right outside our house. Then blush all you want, feel the Shame all you want. If I go down, I am dragging you down along with me. I know now that you desire me, but don't let it rule your head, keep it inside your balls."

Shilpa leaves his body, a visible disgust, and anger was written all over her face. Rahul barely passed the test she was supervising.

Rahul was expecting a trap, but that threat just blew his mind ****Crazy bitch...You crazy bitch...Unbelievable.****

Shilpa has blown half of Rahul's cover. She knows that Rahul is holding a grudge against Mahesh and Shilpa's cause of Rekha. She knows Rahul lusts upon her. Only lie Rahul sold Shilpa is that he has no interest in having sex with her again and he was very drunk last night.

That frustrates Rahul deeply, and he talks back, "Don't act so high and mighty. I did nothing. You used me. You used my vulnerability. You had sex with me against my will when I was drunk. It was all you. You corrupted me."

Shilpa silently listens to Rahul's rants while wearing the overcoat to hide her semi-naked body taking her time.

Once she is finished, She walks upto Rahul, and slowly, her eyes come down to Rahul's dying hardon 

Then She replies, maintaining a stoic face "Anybody who could be corrupted is a corrupt person already. A vessel waiting to be filled ." and she walks pass by him, saying, "We need to get going."


Shilpa has called his bluff after the night he had sex with her. She knows about his motives now . That is the dynamic of Shilpa-Rahul duo right now. They are in a deadlock. Let's see where the story lead us from there. 
[+] 2 users Like Devilmaycry's post
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This is bloody super interesting
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Great narration bro
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Amazed by the control and references of te story.
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Amazing.....Next update please...
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Super hot updates dude !!!
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CHAPTER 40- What do you call a tavern of blackbirds?


(The autowala has trapped Mahesh out of the blue. He threatened Mahesh that he would expose his secret to Ashish if  Mahesh do not let him sleep with Shilpa. Now he is following Ashish with Mahesh sitting in the back seat of his Auto.)

I observe Mahesh in the rearview mirror while sitting inside the Auto. He is devastated by how he got trapped, and now he is following her lover. The irony of it. He is a man caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea.

 He is indecisive, but I am not. I am certain that I am gonna win. I am gonna fuck Shilpa at the end. Nothing can stop me, not her lover nor even her husband. I will destroy Mahesh and that handsome lover of Shilpa as well. My victory is inevitable and fated. I am her destiny. 

Mahesh and I tailed Ashish riding our Auto until he reached the restaurant. Mahesh was visibly angry and worried as he saw his wife walking alongside his rival, holding hands. 
I don't blame him. He has reasons to be worried. Together Ashish and Shilpa looked like a solved puzzle- something that puts one's mind at ease. I am not one of them. I am indifferent to how good they look together.

 The aggravated husband began to communicate with me. He told me how much he loathes this clandestine courtship of his wife, how much he detests Ashish, and I encouraged him. 

I cannot fulfil my agenda without the disgruntled husband. I have agendas ..... grave agendas. I will fulfil those through his pain and resentment.

 I want Mahesh to be as angry as possible to make a deal with my colleague and me. Yes, I am thinking about double penetration, perhaps a gang bang. My colleague is in the transporting profession as well.

Now we are hiding in a long, stilt parking lot where Ashish has parked his car. The stilt parking lot is on the ground floor of the building and is covered by at least an 8 ft tall ceiling. It is open on two sides, and the other two sides act as walls. There are multiple rows full of  Numerous cars. It took Mahesh a considerable amount of time to locate Ashish's car.

 We picked a good hiding spot behind some unused dust-covered vehicles and waited for the adulterous couple. During our stake-out Mahesh recieved some lascivious confessions from Shilpa via texts. His face was bloodless, and I am not exaggerating. I have driven enough bloodless faces to their destination. Everyday life is a draining routine. 
He started whining, moaning like a bitch, boring me out of my mind by complaining about the sorry state of his marriage and the horrendous things he would do to solve his problems.
 I told him that I could help him. All he needs to do is just say 'yes' to my proposal. I told him that we didn't need to fight. I smiled at him purposely, and he looked terrified hearing that.

A familiar mellifluous voice hits Mahesh's ear. His wife's voice. It ususally brings joy to his ears, sometimes annoyance, but right now, it is only offering deep, aching heartaches. It has been like this for a couple of days.

"Vibe with me." Ashish encourages Shilpa with a smile on his face, twirling her body like that of a ballerina by using her hand.

Shilpa is giggling. Staying low, Mahesh sees in disbelief his ravishing wife gleefully pirouette in the parking lot.

*Her acting is good. She is fooling Ashish. Dancing is a nice touch* Mahesh consoles himself.
Cavorting in the deserted parking lot, Shilpa sails away from Ashish and lightly collides against a large round pillar.

They have reached Ashish's car. Pivoting against his drive with his leg, Ashish beguilingly stares at a joyous Shilpa who is now resting against the column.

"Come here." His voice sounds playful. Catching her lower lips, Shilpa nods her head from side to side, defying her lover's call.

Ashish gently repeats, "Come here." Shilpa's upper lip curls up, and she stays rooted in her place, her eyebrows knitted.

Staring at her soft puckish lips, Ashish again summons her maintaining his calm cadence, "Come  .", this time with his fingers.

His voice is like silk rolling over coarse sand. Her heart flaps, looking at his extended elbow and warm, loving profile above.

 It took every ounce of willpower from her not to run into the embrace of her charming lover. She remained at her place and noticed the gradual change in his expressions. 

His eyes are impenetrable now, his magnificent sculpture rigid. The covered parking lot has no light of its own but plenty of ambient sunlight pouring in from outside. He starts walking towards her, kissed by shadow and light. 

Shilpa's breasts swell, gawking at his leoline stride, controlled and full of authority. Her sex aches between her legs in anticipation, unable to determine anything from his inscrutable countenance.

*What is he upto?* Shilpa fantasizes about various erotic graphic possibilities.

Mahesh gulps, watching his wife's body forming an 'S' against the pillar, her proud breasts tossing in rhythm and protruding ass resting on the concrete wearing that peachy pink A-line dress, hands encircling the plastered column behind. 

*Is she not wearing any bra? That can't be true* A horrific thought lurks in Mahesh's mind.

I give him a dirty smile. Mahesh shivered.

His bully is marching toward his trembling wife like a stealthy animal. Mahesh swears he can hear Shilpa's excited deep breathing. Ashish stops a heartbeat away from Shilpa. 

Shilpa expects him to pounce on her, but no such move comes from him. He is towering over her and looking down into her buttered chocolate coloured eyes.

She lifts her hand timidly. He does not flinch. Her fingers land tenderly on his basalt jaw. 

Still, he does not move. Encouraged, her fingers explore upto his curved cheekbones. He stays still. Emboldened, Shilpa glides her fingers along with the prominence of his nose, his thick scythed eyebrows, and gradually the softness of his coiffed back brushed hair. 

Her nipples stiffened. She closes the gap between them. Those mere inches are unacceptable for her now. The familiar musk of his body is maddening her. Her hands are wildly feeling, massaging his Spartan shoulders and sometimes grabbing his mane above his neck.

*He is mineeeeeee*The buttered chocolate in her eyes melts as she roars inside and lunges to conquer his lips with her pouty yearnings.

Mahesh watched the whole episode with wide eyes. His wife is kissing his bully boss, rival, and archenemy with utter ferocity. She claims his lips with hers like it is the most desired thing in the world. It was a deep and lingering kiss.

Mahesh's heart clenches, listening to the wet smooching sound floating inside the silence of the parking lot. They are loud and shameless. He can clearly see their tongue dwelling, saliva flowing.

"Mmmphhh", A muffled moan came out of Shilpa's mouth. Mahesh feels a tightening in his chest. The moaning tarried, accompanied by her huffs and puffs.

For him, it felt the wet kiss was going on for eons and for them, it was too short once she broke it, panting hard. Their foreheads are resting against each other.

 Each's breathing on the other's face makes both of their blood dance. So much passion between them, so much unspoken words. They want to talk and sort things out, but the only way they know how to communicate is like this, talking will open pandora's box.

Ashish holds her flushed face from both sides, lifting it; she is shaking. 

"So beautiful" His voice is filled with wonder as he runs his thumbs on her chiselled cheekbones; she closes her eyes in bliss, melting away.

"So fucking beautiful." He curses, and his teeth grind against each other, drinking from the fountain of her magnificence.

Her crescent eyebrows arch up in contentment, and her face gets bedazzled with a serene smile listening to the polarising thoughts she is inspiring in him.

She twinkles open her late October eyes, and her fingers brush his newborn stubble; he hasn't got to shave today. He was busy making love to her.
"You should keep a trimmed beard." Her voice is husky.

"Fuck the beard.....*sighing*  What am I going to do with you?" His voice trembles, afraid of her yielding stare. Those are screaming - do anything, I don't care.
She is his muse, and what a terrifyingly brave muse she is.

"You asking for my opinion?" She murmurs, "hmmmm ....Democracy is of the beard, by the beard, for the beard." her puffy lips carelessly move, and her fingers rub on his flinty jaw.
He bursts out in laughter, and she joins him with a carefree giggle.

A thousand spears attack Mahesh's ears at once. He wishes he could unsee these things. It is painful to see his wife sharing light moments with his worst enemy.

I squeeze his shoulder. I can see he is beginning to reconsider my indecent proposal. I am waiting for a counter-proposal from him. I can sense he will come up with a plan which would mutually benefit us both.

Meanwhile, We both keep on witnessing his wife's live infidelity.

Ashish turns her towards the direction where Mahesh and his companion are hiding. 

Mahesh sees Ashish is busy with something on her upper back. The suspense was over quickly once it became evident he was unzipping Shilpa's dress. The upper portion of Shilpa's A-line dress is loosely hugging her body,  kept together by a hook mechanism on her back and the elastic around her waist, but the chain inbetween that single hook and the elastic band is completely unzipped.

Mahesh averts his eyes once he sees his bully's large mitts crawling over Shilpa's big tits under her dress. Evidently, now he is certain that his bully was parading his wife without a bra in the restaurant.

"Ummpphh..mpphh" A moan of ecstasy draws Mahesh's attention towards them again.

Mahesh gulps, noticing how beefy his bully's hands are, and those are pawing his wife's breasts right now.

Shilpa whines in frustration. Ashish chuckles, looking down at her from behind. His fingers are gingerly circling Shilpa's areolas keeping her wanton but not providing what she craves. She pouts at him, and he becomes merciful, cruelly merciful, and callously begins to caress her underboob.

Things do not improve much for Shilpa. The tantalizingly slow and light brushing is driving her crazy.

"What?" Ashish grins at her.

Mahesh can't hear what they are talking about right now. These abhorrent duos are whispering to his utter distress.

Then he clearly gets to hear -"Show me" from Ashish.

It shook Mahesh to the core when Shilpa's hands came up to assist his bully's hands. Something died in him looking at the sight of his wife teaching his worst enemy how to fondle her tits for her maximum pleasure.

"This is how you like it?" Ashish teases her.

Mahesh could not hear again. They have resumed that annoying husky whispering.

He only sees Shilpa blushing violently, and her lips move to give his bully an answer.

Then he sees something weird, his archenemy's lips come down, kissing his wife's forehead gently. They are not talking but sharing a lukewarm gaze. Mahesh can't make out why; he does not have time to think about it; he is more concerned about how his nemesis is working on his wife's bountiful tits.

It is a frightening sight. Their hands move in sync over her opulent tits as she guides him, moaning faintly. Once her pleasure becomes unbearable, her hands fall from the supple slopes of her boobs to her sides. Her blushing deepens, and moans become lewder.

Mahesh observes Ashish saying something in his wife's ear. His chest feels a sharp pang watching Ashish nibbling on her ear, and then his pointy tongue slithers inside her auditory canal, making her whimper.

He hears that shameful whimper.


It was full of lust. The squeezing on his wife's sumptuous tits has escalated, and his bully's hand motions are more rapid and innovative than she taught him.
Mahesh watched him asking her something again, but Shilpa did not give him an answer.

Shilpa bites her lips and stays mum, her face visibly encapturing the rapture she is feeling over her mammary glands right now.

Mahesh looks at his own hands and could not help but compare them to Ashish. He flusters, looking back at the massive hirsute hands of his bully under his wife's ruffled dress. 
Those are busy cupping Shilpa's lovely tits. His wife is a well-endowed woman, yet his tyrannical boss can cover all of her milky glory under his enormous palm.

" you are so strong..." Shilpa could not help but praise him, writhing in pleasure as if she was forced to.

Mahesh's balls shrink in humiliation at Shilpa's loud compliment.

"I know. Now answer my question." Ashish matches her volume.

"Ahhhh...goddd...yessss." A raspy moan fills the deserted parking lot. Ashish has clearly done something different, which Mahesh can't see or guess under her dress on her boobs. Ashish's face beams with delight, and Shilpa reddens.

Mahesh gulps *He is making her confess something? What is she confessing to?*

His(Ashish) smug lips come to his wife's ear again, and judging by the closely held eyebrows, Mahesh deduces it to be another question.
Shilpa's cheek flushes in embarrassing pink at the question.

A car enters the parking lot. Shilpa darts her eyes, but Ashish does not stop. Hidden behind the pillar, he changes the pattern of his kneading on her breasts. Shilpa puts a hand on her lips. Her lover's strong hands are relentless, and he knows better than her how to extract pleasure for her from her own spongy tits.

She realizes he is not going to stop despite the sounds of the cars, and she stops caring, leaving her security upto him and drowning herself in pleasure.

Mahesh is horrified by the thought of other people finding his wife in this state. She looks so vulnerable, her eyes glazed. He is already feeling the humiliation of the autowala sitting beside him and ogling everything that his marriage is going through. 

Now he has opened the camera and zoomed onto them to get a closer look at what's happening under Shilpa's dress.

Thankfully those people did not come to where this racy occurrence taking place and left soon.

By this time, his wife's condition has worsened. She is mewling and saying something to Ashish. 

Mahesh cringes in shame *Is she begging? No way she is too proud to beg*

He notices Ashish's face. It is the look Ashish gives him (Mahesh) when he( Ashish) humiliates him in the office. He forces him( Mahesh) to submit to his despicable will that look. Now his wife is becoming a victim of that look, and she submits with filthy moans sharing an uncanny bond with her husband unknowingly. 

This unsettles Mahesh.

Ashish sternly nods his head and asks her something again. Shilpa glances away, biting her lips and refraining from answering.

On the zoomed camera, Mahesh watches Ashish's fingers pulling Shilpa's nipples, and she moans in ecstasy, followed by another affirmative confession,"yesss..uffffffff....".
*Not her nipples* Mahesh begs inside, but Ashish does not stop even after she concedes and continues the subjugation of Shilpa's engorged nipples.

She nods her head up and down while shame dances on her vivacious face. Clearly, whatever he made her confess is embarrassing for her.

Ashish keeps working on her nipples, and she is throwing her head on his wide shoulder. Her lips are parted, eyes closed, and she is seemingly in a delirious state. Her legs trout away, unable to handle the erotic torture.

"Where you going?" Ashish pulls her onto him, grabbing all of her round tits, making tickles of excitement build inside her sweltering vulva.

Mahesh had never seen her this much out of control. Never has he witnessed those particular shades of red on her cheeks nor listened to those various lewd moans from her. Moreover, he had never seen her this aroused.

*She is not that aroused. Yes, she is aroused but not that much. This must be her part of the act. Is it, though?* Mahesh doubts his judgements.

Sitting beside him, I can see Mahesh is cooking up a plan in his mind. He has to. He is close to asking for my help. He can't stand those obscene sounds coming out of Shilpa's mouth, those wicked hands of his wife's lover on her tits constantly pawing, mauling, fondling, pinching, pulling, groping.

 He is the king of those two snowy mountains now, and both of his subjects are happy.

On the screen, Mahesh notices a sudden change in Shilpa's demeanour. Her body is wavering, her eyes filled with new degrees of lust, her face glowing, and her purrs are stronger.
He curiously looked up at them, and his jaw dropped. Ashish is moving his hips, slowly grinding against her plump ass.

Shilpa immediately gives her confession, "Yes.. yes... yes.."

Ashish turns her towards him and lifts her up. Her legs instinctively wrap around his waist, hiking up her dress and exposing her wide bubble butt to Mahesh. The hotwife-slut hip chain dazzling on the fats of her rear, shaming their marriage. 

Mahesh pales, knowing she isn't wearing any panty, and maybe she wasn't joking about wearing the panty as a mask on her face.

That thought emasculates Mahesh knowing someone made her wife do that, and he could not stop him.

 Ashish holds her by her voluminous hanging butt and carries her towards his car while Shilpa munches on his thick lips above. 

In mid-way, Ashish stops as if he is posing for Mahesh's hidden camera while kissing his wife earnestly. He even spreads his wife's thick ass cheeks further as if just to give Mahesh a better view .
 Mahesh groans inwardly and notices he is fucking his wife's asshole with that damnable butt plug, and her glistening womanhood is gasping below, trickling down wetness on his shirt. Ashish smiles as Shilpa kisses him all over his face, showering him with feverish affection as he rotates the butt plug inside her anal cavity.

I notice that my colleague has stealthily joined us from the corner of my eyes. He grins at me, and I wink at him. I called him when Mahesh was busy earlier. My colleague is hiding behind another car. I don't alert Mahesh about my gang bang plan. He might get spooked by it. 

Ashish carefully places Shilpa's legs on the ground and lands a firm smack on her luscious rump, eliciting a horny from her throat.

"Turn around", He commands, and Shilpa does. A  portion of his car's bonnet was directly getting heat from the scorching sun. He pushes her body in that direction and bends her upper torso until her nipples stay just millimetres away from that heated metal.

"Stay like this, please and try not to burn yourself when I fuck you." He teases her. Shilpa flinches, looking at the overheated bonnet.

 Her body squirms in fear as her undulating boobs get steamed by the evaporating air from below. She does not want to imagine what would happen if he pressed her boobs against this blistering hot metal, but she trusts him. *He will not do any harm to my body*

Spreading her legs, she waits to be mounted by him facing danger right below her erect nipples.

We all watch silently as Ashish unzips his pants. 

Mahesh digs his claws on his skin, looking at his behemoth cock.Mahesh shakes in horror, thinking if that thing goes inside his wife's pussy, he can never please her again. His cock was jutting outwards, proudly, immense and thick.

 It was long and incredibly girthy across the length of it. Mahesh feels light-headed looking at his pouch is big, carrying two enormous testicles inside. It all hung there, uncompromising, intimidating and ballsy.

A few feet away, his wife just spread her legs even further, bending over the bonnet, her pussy lips swollen, heavy with the weight of her lust.

 Ashish comes forward and slaps his meaty cock on her soaked womanhood. Shilpa moans shamelessly in pure carnal itch and rolls her plump ass outwardly. The hotwife-slut engraved hip chain rolling over her ass globes. Mahesh helplessly watches her pussy, clenching out strings of pearly juices in anticipation, and her fingers come down to pat her overcharged mound.

He can not watch anymore; he looks away after seeing Ashish rubbing his giant cockhead along her pulsating nether lips.

"Please fuck me, Ashish, please, don't tease anymore." Shilpa pleads in a rhapsodic voice.

That's when he accepts my indecent proposal finally. I knew he would come up with a plan. He had been thinking about it all along.

"Make him stop, Please. She is yours tonight if you make him stop. Please make him stop. I will do anything you want. Anything." Mahesh pleads in a hushed voice (in Hindi). Pain drips from his voice; his request is sincere.

 He can not let Ashish fuck his wife. He just can't. He hates him from the depth of his soul.

Shilpa is still begging in a sultry voice as Ashish continues to beat his large thick shaft on her spasming opening while verbally teasing her.

The autowala gets up and shouts at Ashish and Shilpa (in hindi), "Hey, what's this non-sense, huh?!!! This is not something you do in public. Don't you have any shame?"

I watch the autowala keeping my distance. No, I am not the autowala.

 I am a nightmare for some. For others, a saviour I come. My hand's cold and bleak. It's the warm hearts they seek.

Shilpa springs on her feet immediately, but Ashish does not move an inch. He slams his car in a fury like a starved predator and roars, "Fuck..Damn you." His hunt just got interrupted. He had his prey just right there, writhing in front of him, begging to be slaughtered. He stalked her for hours today, preparing her for this moment, and now it is ruined.

Even the autowala got scared. Ashish looks intimidating right now, but the autowala got genuine lust for Shilpa, and he needs Mahesh's cooperation to roll things smoothly.

 Moreover, he needs Shilpa horny tonight. He can't let this hung hunk please her pussy right now. Although he can't go into an all-out fight with Ashish either. Cause Ashish is his bargaining chip. If he loses the fistfight, Mahesh will get exposed.No Mahesh means no sophisticated pussy. Also, If Mahesh somehow refuses to pimp out his wife to him, he needs Ashish for his payback.

Shilpa can not afford a fight. If a fight breaks out, her identity will get exposed to Ashish.

Shilpa places her hand on Ashish's aching enraged thudding heart, urging him to let go and just with the touch, she calms him down. He looks at her softly, amazed by how much power she has over him. She is with the day-slave collar around her neck, yet he is her big bad wolf on a tight leash. 

She murmurs, "Let's go." They go inside the car. Ashish puts his depraved dick inside his pants and gives Shilpa his suit from the back seat so that she can cover herself. Her dress is a mess. Then they get out of the parking lot.

The autowala keeps shouting at them from behind, showing his manliness to make a good impression on Shilpa cause he is bedding her tonight.

Mahesh was waiting for this moment, planning it in his head . The autowala laughs, looking at the departing car, and yells(In Hindi), "That bitch is mine tonight."

Then he feels it. Sharp, blunt blinding pain at the back of his head and something wet running down his face. He feels it again and then again. He drops to the floor without even having a chance to scream. 
Before blacking out, he sees Mahesh standing over him with a blood-dripping crowbar in his hand.

What do you call a tavern of blackbirds? A crowbar

 He can feel someone dragging his body, but he can't move; he can't feel his limbs, he tries to speak, but nothing comes out. He is phasing in and out of his senses.

A distant voice hits his ears," You want me to call you from his phone?"

He loses his senses again.

He wakes up listening to, "Oh my god ....Indra  he is alive... oh god, what's gonna happen now?"

The autowala sees a man towering over his body, his vision is blurred, but he can recognize that it's a security officer uniform.

"Help me.....He hit me." He screams, but nothing comes out, only wheezing sounds. 

I get up so does my colleague. We both approach the autowala.

In his delirious state, the autowala recognize my colleague.

He inquires, "What was my sin?"

The Devil grins, "The list is long, but for starters...*chuckling*..  for being a voyeur."

My cold hands touch his faintly beating warm heart. I took him in my cold embrace and gave his body eternal rest with a chilling kiss on his cheek. 

I will return tonight for two more warm hearts teeming with joy. Stay tuned.

[Image: 281305666_screenshot_20220503-021230__01-1.jpg]

[+] 1 user Likes Devilmaycry's post
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Super hot update
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Hot as hell.....
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Sexy update
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(05-05-2022, 06:19 PM)Ozymandias123 Wrote: This chapter is so confusing .......What actually happened?

The narrator of this Chapter is 'Death". Death is a manifestation of Mahehs's intentions and imaginations. At the beginning of the Chapter, "Death" is riding with Mahesh, meaning Mahesh has murder in his heart.

 Throughout the Chapter, Death courts Mahesh, encouraging him to embrace his murderous thoughts. Death flirts, seduces, and then beds him. 

In other words, Mahesh juggles the idea of murder, then justify it with logic by witnessing Shilpa's infidelity, and finally commits it by killing the autowala with a little help from Inspector Indra later.


Here is a foreshadowing of Mahesh's probable descent on a darker path.

Excerpt Chapter from Chapter 31,part 1

Ashish answers her, never leaving her face, "You love something. Then you try to protect it." his fingers smoothen her porcelain soft skin feeling the little tremors.

 Shilpa's voice trembles, "And?

 He explains, "And others get jealous about the thing you love. They might hate the thing you love or disregard its significance.....they may even try to harm it. Fear enters the scene and brings a plethora of other emotions along with it. Then you forget it all started with love." 


The foreshadowing of the possible team-up of Inspector Indra and Mahesh

Excerpt from Chapter 33

A reluctant Indra is out of excuses to stay now, but before he steps away, he says, "One last thing Mahesh. The saying blood runs thicker than water is not true. It originally goes like this: The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."

Mahesh is not listening; he fearfully gazing at the stairs. Shilpa's moan could strike their ears at any moment.

He absent-mindedly says, "Oh yeah?!!"

Indra explains, "Yes, which is exactly the opposite of what 'blood runs thicker than water' says. The bond people make while working together surpasses the bond that genetics weaves between family members. Bye for now."

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