Misc. Erotica The Hunt - (A Wife's Adultery Love Story)
Wonderful narration dude
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thanks bro,,,,
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(23-04-2022, 05:01 PM)Bigil Wrote: Simply Amazing... Cant believe shilpa fearing Mahesh. Looks llke she will turn a streetside whore soon.

On the topic of 'Shilpa fearing Mahesh' ,I foreshadowed it a long time ago that things might get ugly between Shilpa and Mahesh. Foreshadowing is kind of like a prophecy.

There is a scene in CHAPTER 10. In this scene, Shilpa and Ashish discussed the novel, 'The Postman always rings twice. Here she compared the novel with her own love triangle with Mahesh and his ex-wife Rekha as she thinks Mahesh killed Rekha to be with her. Shilpa sees it as Mahesh's ultimate gesture of love for her.

But it is all nice and dandy as long as such a man is in your camp; once he flips, things get scary.

The foreshadowing  (excerpt from CHAPTER 10)

Asish gets to the point," It's about A stranger coming to a small town and starting an affair with a restaurant  owner's wife."

Shilpa's face lit up " So it's a love story."

Asish answers with a stone face, " Not at all. Together they killed the husband."

Shilpa gets amused " I know a man who did something like that."

Ahish frowns " You do? Hope he is behind bars."

Shilpa parts her red lips to say, " No, he is very much a free man and happily living with his wife. I hope your silly little postman novel also has the same ending."

Asish gives her a sad smile " No, the couple in there didn't get the happy ever after ending. The dude killed the woman whom he lusted after once. "
Shilpa's face gets pale, and she puts the novel inside the rack" What a stupid novel!! Could you just show me your other rooms? "

Asish leads the way with a happy smile on his face" Seems like you were shipping that murdering couples pretty hard, eh?! Why sympathise with criminals? "

Shilpa shrugs her shoulder" Cause I am such a sucker for a happy ending. "

As he speaks, Asish's face appears hard in the reflection of the glass partition at the end of the gyming area in front of them.
" Triangle is the oldest motive for crime. "
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Cheat is the revenge for cheat. Mahesh deserves this.
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Having known his arrogance, shilpa called him as cuck husband is surprising..
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Mahesh is going to kill Shilpa like Rekha for cheating from behind. Hot narration.
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Interesting updates.

Shilpa can trap mahesh to security officer for kiling his first wife and put him behind bar for life. What is making her listing to his words.
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(24-04-2022, 02:58 PM)gunwinny Wrote: Mahesh is going to kill Shilpa like Rekha for cheating from behind. Hot narration.

(24-04-2022, 05:14 PM)vishuvanathan Wrote: Interesting updates.

Shilpa can trap mahesh to security officer for kiling his first wife and put him behind bar for life. What is making her listing to his words.

No. Mahesh did not kill Rekha. There is no murder in the story. Rekha died of a cooking gas explosion. It was an accident.

An entire chapter is solely dedicated to explaining the false rumour of Mahesh killing Rekha, CHAPTER 30.

Throughout the story, we only get to read Shilpa and Rahul's perspectives on Rekha's death, and they both think Mahesh killed Rekha for different reasons. Just because they think Mahesh is a murderer does not make it true.

In Chapter 2, it is mentioned that the security officer found no foul play in Rekha's untimely death, but the readers chose to ignore it as common thinking is security officer are always wrong.

I did warn the readers through another foreshadowing before revealing the twist in Chapter 30.

excerpt from CHAPTER 21:

Dr Parveen to Rahul" Past is like a cloud of smoke inside a box, constantly changing its shape according to the person's views who have lived it through, and for each person that smoke has taken a different shape, nobody remembers the past as same as the next person does, past events are perceived differently, varying from person to person."  
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This is getting more and more interesting. Cat and mouse game.
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Mahesh and Ashish calling each other bro at the time of Rekha death. Now Ashish is the biggest enemy.
Rahul born to Ashish and Rekha???
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(24-04-2022, 06:00 PM)Rangabaashyam Wrote: Mahesh and Ashish calling each other bro at the time of Rekha death. Now Ashish is the biggest enemy.
Rahul born to Ashish and Rekha???

No. Rahul is 20, and Ashish is 30 years old. It is not possible for Ashish to be Rahul's father. That is mentioned on the  first page of this thread in the character information section. Rahul is the son of Mahesh and Rekha.

Although throughout the story, it is mentioned that whenever Ashish sees Rahul, he thinks he has seen his face somewhere but he can't not pinpoint excatly where.

When Ashish saw Rahul first time in CHAPTER 18

.......Ashish sees a young man who must be in his early 20s; his face looks very familiar to him.

excerpt from CHAPTER 33

......Rahul bears facial similarities to his maternal uncle's appearance.
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(24-04-2022, 08:38 AM)Santhosh Stanley Wrote: Having known his arrogance, shilpa called him as cuck husband is surprising..

Yes, she was very naive to think that Mahesh would forgo his contempt towards Ashish and settle for peace as a cuck husband.
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10 years passed. Rahul was 12 then. It means, shilpa was 20 and Mahesh was 30. Way back Mahesh is calling Ashish as bro.

Ashish is close with Mahesh wife. Did Ashish not know Rekha death and that Mahesh remarried? Surely he must have introduced Shilpa or invited his office collegues. Definitely he must have known Rahul and his problem if he was close to Rekha.

Ashish is now 30 means ... Ashish was 20 at the time of death of Rekha? How can he be working the boss of Mahesh?
Ii am confused if something is missed here.
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(24-04-2022, 07:15 PM)Ananthukutty Wrote: 10 years passed. Rahul was 12 then. It means, shilpa was 20 and Mahesh was 30.  Way back Mahesh is calling Ashish as bro.

Ashish is close with Mahesh wife. Did Ashish not know Rekha death and that Mahesh remarried? Surely he must have introduced Shilpa or invited his office collegues. Definitely he must have known Rahul and his problem if he was close to Rekha.

Ashish is now 30 means ... Ashish was 20 at the time of death of Rekha? How can he be working the boss of Mahesh?
Ii am confused if something is missed here.

To understand why Ashish never met Shilpa and did not care about Rekha after her rejection, you have to go through his character's transformation, and it is scattered all over the story. It is described in three stages.

CHAPTER 3 - Mahesh told Shilpa Ashish was a half-witted minion of his and how he followed Mahesh and Rekha like a simp. 

CHAPTER 30 - Rekha said he was immature when Ashish proposed to her. She told him they couldn't be together because of their age difference. They were in college.

CHAPTER 30 : Here is a conversation between Mahesh and Ashish in office a few years later since Ashish proposed Rekha. Here Mahesh notices how Ashish drowning himself in work and slowly alienating himself. 

Although he is still obeying Mahesh, here we can get the first glimpse of him finally getting annoyed with Mahesh. Mahesh mentioned Rekha might leave him in that conversation, but Ashish showed no enthusiasm. Clearly, at this point, he has stopped caring about Rekha. This point onwards the distance between him and Mahesh grew.

Here is Ashish in his own words.


 Soon he heard Mahesh remarried some gorgeous beauty; he didn't attend the marriage ceremony. In fact, he does not attend any kind of grand ceremony, not even company functions. He is a very private person, and the crowd bores him extremely. 
He is a person who knows what he wants, very singular minded and industrious.

Looking at the picture makes Ashish sad not cause of Rekha is dead but cause it reminds him of how naive he was back then, how soft-hearted and a complete idealist. Rekha found that self of him so cute in her words; the picture pains him cause he murdered that former gullible self of his, and from that bloodbath, he rebuilt a persona which is completely opposite of what Rekha was fond of.
"May I come in, Sir?" Mahesh enquired.
But his new avtar paid off well; despite being much younger than Mahesh, Ashish is his current boss.


[b]Shilpa compares herself with Ashish while talking to Rahul.[/b]

Chapter 28 part2 -

I am an Alpha. If I have to stay at the top of the hierarchy, I need a pack of minions around me. Otherwise, I will not consider Alpha if I don't have dominion over my bitches.

Then she went on and talked about Ashish - he is reserved, aloof, asocial, brooding, an introverted Alpha. A sigma.


One thing to note here is that the Sigma meme is very popular after 1st April of 2021, and I wrote that chapter in 2019. So the definition I drew and the definition you will find now are very different. Back then, nobody talked about it . Now the MGTOW groups and Feminist groups twisted and politicized the definition based on just sex.
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(24-04-2022, 07:15 PM)Ananthukutty Wrote: 10 years passed. Rahul was 12 then. It means, shilpa was 20 and Mahesh was 30.  Way back Mahesh is calling Ashish as bro.

Ashish is close with Mahesh wife. Did Ashish not know Rekha death and that Mahesh remarried? Surely he must have introduced Shilpa or invited his office collegues. Definitely he must have known Rahul and his problem if he was close to Rekha.

Ashish is now 30 means ... Ashish was 20 at the time of death of Rekha? How can he be working the boss of Mahesh?
Ii am confused if something is missed here.

Ashish was not his boss initially. If you read Chapter 30 you can see Ashish is a newbie there. In Chapter 13 we get to know Ashish got an MBA and Mahesh is just a diploma. So credentials definitely played a role in their careers. 

Also in Chapter 27 the CEO Priyanka mentioned how Ashish took advantage of the 2009 global financial crisis after Lehman brothers fall and a made a career out of it.

We see no such exceptional move was made by Mahesh . In fact in Chapter 14 Shilpa elaborately explains to Mahesh why he is unsuccessful .

In Chapter 3 we get to see CEO Priyanka was surprised to know that they got an incompetent employee like Mahesh and Ashish confessed to her that Mahesh survived this long only due to Ashish's grace.
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Ashish has the power to throw mahesh anytime out of office stating his incompetency. Waiting to see how what elese is going to happen
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(25-04-2022, 07:01 AM)Ajay Kailash Wrote: Ashish has the power to throw mahesh anytime out of office stating his incompetency. Waiting to see how what elese is going to happen

Ashish did have the advantage of firing Mahesh anytime he wanted until the latest Chapter. Chapter no 38. 

Here we see CEO Priyanka and Mahesh are hatching a plan against Ashish for their own respective gains. So Mahesh has her blessings now, although that blessing would disappear if Mahesh fails to deliver what he has promised her. That is the condition.

If someone wonders why Priyanka was so quick to betray Ashish after all, she was his mentor when he was a newbie. We have to revisit CHAPTER 27 for that.

In Chapter 27, We get a glimpse of how ruthless and ambitious Priyanka is.

excerpt from CHAPTER 27

Ashish chuckles. "That is cold and cruel.No wonder you are where you are because of that nature."

Priyanka concurs, "Oh, don't be jealous now. You got your gifts; I have mine. Both are good for climbing, the lower floor is always so crowded, but the top one is so empty all the time."
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If Ashish knows Shilpa is wife of Mahesh, it is end of road for Shilpa, Rahul and Mahesh.
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