Adultery The Defeat of Poroma
(14-04-2022, 05:18 PM)Realman12 Wrote: Though Ranjeet was drunk, even till the last moment he never lost his power of thinking logically and power of reasoning

May be, He did not lose his thinking in holi party. But he must have lost his power of thinking and wife in the valentine party itself.
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Excellent the way it goes.

If Ranjeet had truly loved his wife, he should understand that he is mainly responsible for her behaviour and gracefully move out of her life.
[+] 1 user Likes Gopal Ratnam's post
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Like in western countries, divorce has become common now a days. Let the court decide about the children.
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So here comes the next update

Chapter 16: Loving Wife Lost

At the gate we were forced to stop. There was a sudden heavy torrential rain going on. As Poroma had dropped in just during the evening time, she couldn't manage a parking space in front of our office as at the time she came all the parking spaces were acquired adjacent to our office. So she was forced to park our car at a distance from our office. The rains were going on so heavily that if we tried to run towards the car we would get completely drenched up before we could reach there.

As we were standing there thinking about a solution to our little problem all of a sudden Rahul walked out of the office, "oh it's raining so much heavily, where is your car?"

Poroma said in a sad voice, "it's parked there in the parking on the other side of the road."

Rahul asked, "so now how will you be going? Ranjeet I think you guys will have to wait for sometime. Once the rain sundides at least a bit you will be able to manage to get into your car! Don't try anything foolish now, you will be completely drenched!"

Poroma said with a sad face, "there have been so many problems today, I don't believe we will be finally able to get to the party at all!"

Rahul said sympathetically to me, "Ranjeet in case you don't mind, could I give Poroma a lift in my car? It's because I am also going straight to the party from here only, you can take the keys from your wife and once the rain slows down a little bit you can get your car and follow us there!"

Of course I didn't want to leave Poroma to go with the lecherous Rahul, but Poroma looked into my eyes with a sad pleading face, so I was forced to agree with him! Poroma of course didn't refuse the offer at all! They together walked up to the shedded office parking and Rahul opened the passenger door for Poroma standing there! After her Rahul walked around the car and sat in the driver's seat.

After starting the car Rahul looked towards me and winked before shutting down the windows, "please don't worry at all Ranjeet, I am going to take your beautiful wife Poroma to Mohit's house with utmost care and I will surely ensure her safety!"

Poroma waved towards me as they closed the windows and the car slowly moved away. But as soon as the car started moving out of the parking lot I too started to feel very worried!

First and foremost I have never wanted to leave Poroma alone with a loose character lecherous tease like Rahul, but at that moment the circumstances were such that it was not possible for me to refuse him! After a long waiting for the next fifteen minutes finally the force of the rain somewhat reduced a little bit, and at the first opportunity I ran towards the distant parking lot where Poroma had parked our car.
Due to the rain already some muddy water had accumulated around the place of the parking lot. Very carefully I had to walk not paying any attention to the continued drizzle which somewhat managed to wet my shirt and trousers to some extent. Finally I was able to reach the driver side door and able to open it and enter the car. After using a hand towel for drying my hair and shirt, I was able to start my car. Once I could start the car I slowly moved out of the parking lot and was able to catch the bypass. By the time all the raining was completely stopped, it seemed the purpose of the rain was only to enable Rahul to offer Poroma a lift and make me as late as possible! 

After getting out on the bypass and the rains stopped, I started speeding up. Because I was at the time very much concerned about Poroma and whatever Rahul was doing with her! After about ten minutes of uninterrupted driving on the bypass I suddenly spotted Rahul's car, but strangely it was well behind me! There were a number of cars behind me that seperated our cars. Now I was starting to wonder how this could have been possible! Rahul and Poroma had left the office parking a long time ago much before me, by that time they should have already reached the party and should be already enjoying themselves there! 

The line of cars in the traffic were now moving very slowly, of course it was not possible for me to be sure that it was Rahul's car itself. That is because though the model and the colour and features were similar to Rahul's car, but being separated by a number of cars between us I could neither see the number plate, nor the driver and passenger in my rear view mirror! Then all of a sudden the car took a left turn, and it moved into a small empty road on the left side of the bypass. Soon the car disappeared into the lane which further raised more of my doubts regarding whether it was Rahul's car.

But however the model, make and the colour looked so similar, and I was having such a strange feeling about the car! By then the highway was clear again and after a moment of doubt in deciding whether to take a U-turn and follow the car into the unmetalled road but clearly understanding that even if I did so I must very likely lose the car unless it is parked and waiting for me somewhere down the village road, I finally made up my mind, sped up again. But my mind have been feeling so much disturbed! But I also seriously doubted whether Rahul will be trying to seduce Poroma in the car?

But what were they doing and where are they going if it was Rahul's car? What are they up to?

Of course if it's not Rahul's car they must be well into the party mood by then.

After driving for about thirty minutes more I reached the party at Mohit and Reshmi's house, by then the rain had been completely stopped. The moonlit garden was shining brightly and was crowded with guests. Of course there was a real scarcity of parking space in the parking lot but after searching for sometime I was able to find a space and managed to park my car. But even after a thorough and detailed searching I could not find Rahul's car anywhere in the parking lot! Of course that could mean only one thing, and that was that they have not yet reached the party and were still somewhere on the way! But where could they be?

Have Rahul dropped Poroma at the party and went back away for some other jobs? Anyway I entered the house and started searching for Poroma there. There were lots of men and women at the hall but I could not find any trace of my lovely wife Poroma! 
I was feeling very restless, I was desperately searching for my wife Poroma! Almost everyone at the party I met were making small talk and for the sake of courtesy I had to exchange at least a few words with them! Twenty minutes passed in the search operation but still I didn't find Poroma anywhere! I was already starting to feel an anger building up inside, it was Rahul that offered the lift to Poroma and he did that in such a manner that I just couldn't even refuse him!

I just couldn't understand what I was supposed to do, then I suddenly had the idea of trying Poroma on her mobile. I started calling Poroma on her mobile. It continued to ring but there was no reply. After ringing for sometime the call got automatically cut off!
Then I started trying to call Rahul over the phone. The mobile of Rahul was unreachable. 

After that I met Nilima, a smart young girl from our office accounts department. 

I asked her trying to not make it obvious that I am too anxious, "hi Nilima, have you by any chance saw my wife Poroma anywhere?"

"Of course Sir," Nilima replied confidently, "I have seen her sometime ago towards the garden. She was walking there with Rahul Sir!"

So I felt somehow relieved, at least they have come to the party. But what I didn't like was the fact that she would be so busy speaking with Rahul that she could not even take my call!

I decided that I will be having a serious talk with her once I could find her out. I will be clearly telling her this time that I don't want her to talk to and meet up Rahul any more from now on unless extremely necessary and she should just maintain the normal courtesy when with him and nothing else!

Then I met another guy Rakesh coming from the garden area as I walked towards the lawn, he is the husband of another office girl Nisha. 

"Hi Rakesh," I said, "have you by any chance seen my wife Poroma talking with Rahul anywhere in the garden?"

"Yes of course I saw them together," Rakesh commented, "they are having a walk together in the swimming pool area!"

"Thank you Rakesh," I said.

So I started walking towards the swimming pool but then I met another colleague Das on the way.

I could not keep down my temptation of asking him again for a verification, "Hi Das, you are coming from the swimming pool area, did you by any chance see Rahul there?"

"Yes Ranjeet, I saw him," he said, "but about ten minutes back Rahul left the party and went out in his car!"

I immediately asked him, "was he alone or was he with someone else when you saw him leave the party go out?"

"No no Ranjeet he was not alone by any chance,"

 Rakesh had a mysterious naughty smile on his face, "how can you underestimate him so much? He is the Don Juan of our company, as usual he had a really beautiful saree clad lady with him when he went out!"

My heart started beating harder and faster immediately, so was it my own wife Poroma that got out of the party with Rahul? Quite possible since I already knew she was with him near the swimming pool!

I could not even dream that my loving wife Poroma could do such a thing to me, she had never done anything like this or anything to cause any suspicions in my mind about her ever before! The rain had stopped a very long time ago, she should be knowing that I will be coming to the party straight from the office at any moment! Even if she wanted to meet Rahul in private behind my back, how could she become so much daring as to completely ignore me and what I would be thinking about her?

I started to feel weakness in my knees, I had to sit down on a garden chair to balance myself. But about one thing I was sure that nothing have been happening on the way because already three persons have been testifying that they have already seen them sometime at the party!

I was beginning to feel very much exhausted, famished and hungry. Suddenly a waiter came on my way and he was carrying chicken pakoras in his tray. He bowed down in front of me in a gesture of offering me the snacks, it seemed even he was feeling very sorry and sympathetic towards me though my own wife was not! I took a few of the chicken pakoras on a plate but then I just couldn't eat them. I was feeling an intense nausea and so I put down the plate on the ground beside me.

"I'm so happy you finally could manage to come to the party Ranjeet," I heard someone speaking to me from behind, "but where is your wife Poroma? I saw her only once today evening in the party!"

I turned back towards the speaker and saw that he was Mohit, the host of the party. 

"I'm not at all aware where she is present now at all, I got a little bit late to be coming from the office and so she had come here alone. After reaching here at the party I have been continually searching for her but even after a lot of such searching I still couldn't find her anywhere!" I told him.

"But why haven't you called her on her mobile? That way you could have easily found her out!"

I surely didn't want to tell Mohit that Poroma is purposefully not taking my calls. 

So I had to make up a new story, "the problem is actually I was in a hurry to come down here, and I forgetfully left my mobile phone behind in my office!"

Mohit pulled out his own mobile phone from his pocket, unlocked it and handed it over to me, "go ahead and call her now!"

I was not sure if Poroma would be picking up the call, when she was not even taking my calls! Since Poroma's number was not even saved in his phone so it was actually an unknown number for Poroma!
 However I could not tell him that I have already been calling her a number of times and she was not taking my calls. Since I could not think of any excuses at the moment to avoid the calling I took his mobile and started dialling Poroma's number.
[+] 6 users Like Realman12's post
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thanks,,,,but need a big update bro
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অনেকদিন পর,,, একটু লম্বা আপডেট চাই
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So all friends of Ranjeet are diverting him and helping Rahul.
[+] 1 user Likes Naveena komaali's post
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(17-04-2022, 07:34 AM)Naveena komaali Wrote: So all friends of Ranjeet are diverting him and helping Rahul.

Yes, that is what it seems at present!
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(17-04-2022, 08:55 AM)Realman12 Wrote: Yes, that is what it seems at present!

Does all of them are cuckolds? or Rahul is blackmailing them with the nude videos of their wifes.  clps
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Hope Ranjit will he hearing the moaning and grunting sound or slurping sound of wife givign blow job.
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This is the beginning
yourock  congrats
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The BP of the husband is on the rise. Soon he will have heart attack and DIE.
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Hot and Interesting. Even the nature is in favor of Rahul and Poroma.
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(14-04-2022, 05:21 PM)Realman12 Wrote: May be but he needs not only to teach a lesson to Rahul but also his wife and friends who are equally deplorable

Agreed, Story arc only completes when it comes full circle. I hate stories which end with only humiliation of innocent husband while wife and her lover enjoy the fruits.
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(13-04-2022, 06:21 AM)Ajay Kailash Wrote: In the original the husband will be a cuck and be with the wife in spite of all humiliations. Here its different. This cannot be revenge story as hero is not husband. The husband cannot live with poroma like before. Whenever he sees her, only the cheating comes to his mind and make him angry. Infact, he will slowly start hating the children born to that bitch. He will think her daughter will also become like her in future. To come out of this, only way is to divorce and leave the children to her and marry another girl.  Angel

Where's fun in that..he should win his wife back and teach all a lesson and how he does it should be the story. If he leaves his wife at first sight of cheating then it will be like real life lol
[+] 3 users Like RCF's post
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Even if ranjeet marry another girl. Rahul will follow him and seduce and fuck her too. Ha ha
[+] 1 user Likes Vasanthan's post
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A wimp is a wimp.. he cannot become super hero
A bitch is a bitch ... she cannot become chasty woman.
Revenge will be pathetic..
Reality will be interesting..
[+] 1 user Likes Arul Pragasam's post
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plz maje a big update
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make a big update,,, লম্বা আপডেট চাই ব্রাদার
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So friends, another weekend comes with the time for the next update. Please be warned that the story won't be a mirror image of the original version. There will be changes.

Chapter 17: Valentine's Day Mystery and The Divorce Options

But I was due for even further surprises, Poroma picked up the call this time only on the third ring!

"Hello!" Poroma said.

"Where are you Poroma? I am Ranjeet speaking," I answered.

"I'm in the garden Ranjeet, I have reached the party a long time ago, but where are you?" She asked me anxiously.

"I'm also in the garden Poroma, I too have been searching for you for a very long time already now! But I could not find you anywhere!" I said.

Suddenly while still speaking over the phone my eyes moved towards a corner in the garden, there Poroma was standing with her mobile held near her ear and she was looking at me waving her hand! A huge load came out of my chest. 

I returned the phone to Mohit and said, "thank you Mohit!"

Then I started walking towards my wife Poroma. The place was under a shade of a tree, there was a bench there and Sutapa was sitting on the bench. The place was having slightly less light and that could be the only reason why the place was not visible from the other parts of the garden. Probably that was the only reason I missed the place and was not able to see her and I was not able to find Poroma!

"Oh dear dear Ranjeet my love, you must have been very worried about me Darling," Poroma said sympathetically and in a very loving tone.

"Yes Poroma, I have been really very, very much worried about you," I told her, "where were you and Rahul?"

"Actually there have been a problem with Rahul's car, the engine was repeatedly stopping on the way and not firing up the start easily!" Poroma said.

There were two more women with Sutapa and Poroma sitting on the bench. I was starting to feel very happy that at least Rahul was not anywhere to be seen there! 

"Why didn't you call me then? I could have very easily picked you up on my way when I was coming here," I said.

Poroma seemed to be caught up in a discomfort at my question, "don't tell me that, I have been trying to call you up so many times but my mobile was completely out of charge and just switched off! Every time I was trying to switch it on it was getting off again and again automatically! Even after we reached here I tried to switch it on again but again it got off automatically! It was then that I told about my problem to Mr. Mohit Sharma, after that he got it arranged such that it can be getting charged. After it got charged uninterrupted for the next fifteen minutes and only then the phone could be switched on! After that as I was planning to call you suddenly Sutapa caught hold of me and we got so deeply involved in mutual conversation that the plan about calling you went totally out of my mind! She pulled me out in the garden here and we all were lost deep into girl's talk and female gossip since then. Surely everything is my fault and I admit that and sincerely I'm saying to you that I am sorry and please forgive me for this time! I should have been calling you as soon as I could get my phone on!

Then I noticed there have been a number of missed calls from your side! But then before I could call you called from an unknown number which later I found was Mohit's! I picked up the call immediately anticipating that you might be calling from another number and then I heard your voice!"

"When I came here I searched a lot but couldn't find Rahul's car anywhere in the parking lot!" I told her, "and immediately I anticipated that you might have been in some problem. But you guys had gone out of the office long before me and should have reached here much more earlier!"

"Yeah but I have already told you that there was some problem with Rahul's car," my wife Poroma emphasized, "after dropping me off here Rahul immediately went out in search of a garage where he could find a mechanic! If he would have waited he would have been late and he wouldn't have been able to manage to find a mechanic. After the repairing work he was supposed to get back to his apartment directly!"

"Okay," I said after finally getting the full picture, "now let us go in and have our dinner. We are already running a lot late!"

"Yeah yeah Ranjeet," Sutapa supported me, "let us all go in. We are all already very very hungry!"

After coming to learn all the things about the evening I was feeling much relieved but in contrast to me Poroma seemed to be completely lost in some deep thought! 

When I asked her, "what happened Poroma? Where are you lost?"

She replied, "nothing Ranjeet, it's only because I am having a headache!"

But while we were having our dinner her mood became good once again, as she was listening and responding to all the jokes of the ladies! Later we returned home, Poroma again took charge of her baby from the Aya and started breast feeding him! We didn't have sex that night, both Poroma and me were completely exhausted by the time we went to sleep.
But something had come to my mind much later, who was the mysterious beautiful woman in a saree that had gone out with Rahul from the party? Otherwise all of Poroma's story nicely matched with the incidents of the Valentine's day but that part still remained a mystery.

Did Poroma go out of the party with Rahul and was she returned back again before I came back?"

"Did you ask her anything about it later by the way?" Fatima asked with curiosity.

"Oh yes," I commented to her question, "one day about a week later I asked her that after dropping her off at Mohit's place whether Rahul had chosen to stay back at the party for sometime before going out again!"

"What did she answer?"

She asked me back with irritation, "why are you asking the same question again and again repeatedly Ranjeet? I have already told you that Rahul had a problem with his car, so he dropped me off at the party and went back out in search of a garage with an auto mechanic!"

With some amount of hesitation about whether or not to tell her, I finally asked her, "how could it be that Rahul have been alone with you and still leaving you behind he went out of the party and didn't try to flirt with you? Actually I have been anticipating that I will be finding both of you together at some lonely dark corner whispering something into each other's ears when I came down!"

As soon as I said those words I could understand what a huge blunder I have made, without even confirming whether she was interested in such light discussion I may have already hurt her! And given the stubborn nature of my wife Poroma it could easily be expected that a thunderstorm would blow out towards me!

But that didn't happen at all, there was an extremely strange reaction from Poroma and she was not annoyed even to the least bit! 

Very calmly and in a quiet voice Poroma reacted, "Ranjeet, I have already told you why he had gone away!"

I was so much surprised by her response, a stubborn hot headed girl like my wife Poroma, how could she stay so much cool and quite when she is reacting to such a humiliating comment? Her reaction could be called really suspicious!

However when I looked at her, there were no signs of guilt in her eyes, there was only the sad look that I have been seeing rather frequently.

I tried to lighten up the environment between us by asking her in a funny joking voice, "are you really telling me the truth Poroma?"

Poroma smiled sweetly with her sad look, "Ranjeet, however much you try to hide your insecurity and frustration I can easily see how much you were afraid that Rahul was going to seduce me either in his car during our journey or at the party and that was from as soon as I climbed into his car! Why so much insecurity Ranjeet? I'm your wife, why can't I have your trust?"

Though Poroma have been trying to put up a confident and brave face before me, it was seeming like a desperate attempt to hide her sad look. It clearly looked like she was feeling some type of strange discomfort in her mind. I have been trying to watch her face very closely and trying to understand the expression on her face.

Then again Poroma said in a serious tone, "please dear Ranjeet, just openly tell me what exactly have been bothering you?"

So now it was my turn to get uncomfortable, "yes my dear Poroma, there is really an issue about that day but I am not exactly feeling comfortable discussing that with you! I'm really afraid that you might get too much irritated and mad with me!"

"Ranjeet I think I will have to know that," Poroma said firmly, "irrespective of whether I get annoyed and angry or not! I must know what is the matter that you can't even share with me? You will have to tell me that, I just won't let you alone until you clearly tell what is the matter that is bothering you so much, otherwise I will not just let you alone!"

"Okay Poroma," I said, "but first of all promise me that you will not be angry with whatever I am going to say to you!"

"I can't promise anything unless I come to know exactly what is the problem with you," she said in an impatient manner.

So finally I had to tell her, "Poroma, on the Valentine's day when I reached the party I have been desperately searching for you all over the place. But even after a thorough search I could not find you anywhere! I have been asking for you from a number of the guests, and all of them told me that they had seen you with Rahul at different places and at different times. Then one of the guests said that he have seen Rahul leaving the party and he was having a beautiful woman in a saree with him when he left! And then not finding you anywhere I was in a panic, I was feeling so much sick then!"

I was waiting for her angry outburst but she didn't even say a single word. The same sad look continued to stay in her eyes.

"You really beleived that I have run away with Rahul from the party, didn't you Ranjeet?" She asked in a chilly voice.

She seemed to be losing her cool and patience but still didn't seem to be angry at all, "I have been already telling you about this a number of times but now I am repeating it again for your understanding, Rahul is nothing to me! I don't even bother whatever happens to him, but I am really feeling so terrible that you could even be thinking so low about me and my love, that just riding once in his car when he had offered me a lift I could even be thinking about leaving behind my own husband and children and go away with him! I just cannot believe that, that you could lose all your trust on me even for a second! How could this happen to me?"

So I needed to accept defeat finally without any success in solving the mystery in order to effectively pacify my wife, "yes you are right Poroma, how could I ever have thought so low about you?"

"Have you even been talking to Rahul about all these?" Poroma asked in a concerned tone.

"No no, not at all! Since you have been always thinking that I am jealous of him and his successes, so I thought that if I tell him anything about all these and he in turn told them to you, you will be wrongly deducing that I am feeling insecurity about you! You will be starting to lose your respect for me! So I never told him anything but decided to talk it over with you! All I really want is for him to stay away from you dear!"

"So if that is the matter with you, why don't you just tell Rahul that he should stay away from me? Why are you mistrusting me instead of that?" She asked with drops of tear in her eyes.

"Poroma, I think you already know that if I tell him anything even similar to that.the whole of our office will be starting to tease me like anything!" I said.

"Yes I understand Ranjeet," Poroma said, "actually now is the time I come to realise that it was all my fault! Actually you have been correct here. I know you don't like him, you always get angry and irritated every time you see me talking with him! So in this case I should never have actually accepted his offer of a lift. Actually I just couldn't refuse him straight on his face because that would have been really rude of us! Since it was him that made the offer of helping us out I at the time thought it would be really highly inappropriate for us to refuse him but it's now that I understand that I should have been much more sensitive to you and your feelings! So I have finally decided that if ever again such an opportunity arises, or I notice him trying to hit on me or flirting with me I will be going to tell him straight away on his face to stay away from me because I am married to you and is your wife! I will also tell him that you as my husband do not like it! I think in that case your colleagues in office will not be teasing you much and if they still do you can just tell them that your wife is very conservative regarding these things!"

So Fatima, this is the whole story about the Valentine's day party," I finally said.

"Well," said Fatima, "I have a strong suspicion that something must have happened behind your back on that Valentine's day party, and that's what led to all these things yesterday evening! What do you think?"

Yes Fatima," I said, "I too think the same."

"But presently we don't have any proof," she said, "so now let me see what I can do for you Ranjeet, I mean am I allowed to call you by your first name?"

"Sure Fatima," I said, "no problem with that."

"So now Ranjeet," Fatima started, "if you are going for a divorce, now let me be very clear with you that I think none of your so called friends and colleagues at yesterday evening's Holi party or your immediate boss Rahul or your wife Poroma are going to testify to the blatant adultery Poroma committed in front of all of them! So her sexual infidelity will be very hard to prove at this moment! Because whatever have happened there last evening was under blatant intoxication and extreme degree of seduction in public, so I don't think Poroma would have acted like that under normal circumstances! So the first option you have is going for a mutual divorce with both the parties agreeing to it! But keeping in mind the circumstances of the episode I seriously doubt whether your wife will agree to it! Rather I think she is going to fight you to stop the divorce to her last bit of strength to the Court! In the fight most probably you are going to lose the custody of both the children, the Court may allow you only visitation rights that will be restricted to alternative weekends and holidays only. Above that you will be required to pay child support to your wife for both the children along with alimony to your wife for a specified period as decided by the Court since your wife Poroma is not a working lady. Though the ownership of your house is in your joint name, you will be needing to move out while she will be allowed to stay there as the Court while granting a divorce always tries to ensure that the life of the children is the least disturbed. So it will be Poroma who will be staying at the house as their guardian and custodian while you will be continuing to pay all the bills till both the children are grown into adulthood. Then you will be allowed to sell the house and share the money between yourselves!"

"And do you suggest any other option?" I asked.

"Well Ranjeet, I can't tell you the second option officially as it would be highly unethical," Fatima said, "but between ourselves the second option would be to convert to .,, that is my religion! Once you convert, your previous marriage automatically becomes null and void. You don't need to pay her any money unless she too converts but then you can very easily give her Talaq! The custody of the children of course will still be with her, but if she agrees to convert with you, you can have the option of keeping her but still having three more wives at the same time as per Indian laws."
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