Adultery The Defeat of Poroma
(30-03-2022, 06:38 AM)Rangushki Wrote: Awesome update.

Poroma will blame her husband fully for this.

1. You did not save me as a real man during that tough time and instead drunk and been a spectator.
2. You had not satisfied me  thoroughly that I could have managed to win the test. I failed only because of your inefficiency.
3. You should have slapped me and taken home when you knew that I am not in her control. But, you want to see what will happen next. So you must be a bloody cuck.
4. Shame for giving birth to two children for such a weak bugger.
5. Hereafter be happy seeing your wife fucked by real men. You dont have any rights to even touch me.
6. I will not give divorce. You have to face this pain lifetime for making me a slut.

Good analysis Rangushki
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(30-03-2022, 06:40 AM)Rangushki Wrote: One request to author.

Please edit and put each of the conversations as one line and give a line space between two conversations. Dont write as a paragraph. it is difficult to read and understand. Also it is confusing who speaks what.

Sure Rangushki, I will try to put it like that
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(30-03-2022, 06:52 AM)Dinesh Raveendran Wrote: Excellent... Guess she will not come home for atleast a week. She will be enjoying day and night.... May be, Rahul will take her for a honeymoon. 
sex sex sex sex horseride horseride yourock yourock

May be, let us see how it works!
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(30-03-2022, 07:31 AM)Losliyafan Wrote: Guess the original theme is correct. Probably the title would have misunderstood. She was defeated.  That man brings out all her inner desires and feelings out and shows her what a real goood sex is. The sex with that person would have been beyond imagination and taken her out of the world. She has fallen in the trap of Rahul and he will brain wash her. Make her think that her husband is not a real man and not fit to be her husband and she really deserves a man like Rahul in her life for her beauty. Poroma can never be a female dominating. She is submissive woman.

It does not mean that husband should turn cuckold. For the sake of children, the husband is bearing all the humiliations. This will not go for life time. After few years, Rahul will find another woman and will lose interest in poroma and will start to ignore her. The children would have grown up by then under the maintenance of Aya. They think Aya is their mom. As Poroma will be with Rahul most of time. Till that time he wants to keep her under control and therefore make her humiliate her husband and by doing so he will make her think that she is giving happiness to her lover. She will do the humiliation more and more for getting high arousal and pleasures from her lover.

You cannot try to show Poroma as good woman and convince that she will do this for one night and become Ranjeet regular wife next day.  The more stronger woman she tries to be, The more hungry slut she will be within.
Losilyafun thanks for your support and good suggestion, I am thinking of developing the story in this line only
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(30-03-2022, 08:59 PM)manasi Wrote: You have started one very difficult task.

It appears, you are more interested to establish the defeat of Parama. Originally, Ranjeet was forcefully converted into cuckold. Very clearly, you have taken some deviation. Even in drunken state of mind, he is able to identify the cheating as well as vested interest of his so called friends. He is able to logically argue in his favour not to break open Rahul's house considering consequences.

Ranjeet becoming cuckold implies win of Parama. Character of Ranjeet is already built against the theme of cuckoldary. Only hope, there won't be a sudden degradation in his character.

When Parama faces a character not to be mend as cuckold, she would face the reality. Because, Rahul is only interested in flesh. Responsibility and lust are two mutually opposite characteristics.

Eagerly waiting for defeat of Parama in true sense. It would be interesting to see how you mend the characters to achieve your goal.
Very very much thank you Manasi, would like to have you as a buddy in this group. Very nice that finally my thread could get your attention! I have been a fan of your writing in this forum! Surely I appreciate your ideas and opinions, and would try to appreciate your valuable opinion and suggestions. Also would request you to please kindly finish your sequel to The Unwanted houseguest, a tribute. We are all very eager to know finally with whom Manu have settled. Whether Kavita returns with a new identity since the wife of Manu speaks about her in a third person, whether she is Jaya seperated from her husband due to some new development, or whether she is Gowri? Or some one else? If she is not Kavita then finally what happened to her?
[+] 1 user Likes Realman12's post
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Great Great Great
[+] 1 user Likes Vasanthan's post
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Friends, here comes the next update. Rangushki, I will be trying to follow your advice from this update as much as will be possible! Thank you for your support!

Chapter 13: Hot Wife Elopement With a Flashback

As I started the car I had another idea, should I go to the security officer station and make a complaint about the abduction of my wife? No, I discarded the idea. In my drunken state the security officer would probably put me behind bars and wait for the morning when I will be sober to listen to what I say. So I will be placed in a lock up while my slut wife will be enjoying her sex with Rahul! Certainly going to the security officer would not be an option.

And then another idea stuck me, if the security officer even act immediately and get Poroma back from Rahul, it doesn't seem like Poroma will appreciate that. If she testifies that she had gone on her own free will the security officer would put a charge of making a false complaint against me, I will lose my job for sure even if I am not prosecuted! Then the same procedure will be following, and the ultimate result will be the same with me ending up as a loser!

So I finally decided against either, or at least wait till the morning before taking any action. I started driving back towards home and only I know how I was finally able to drive back home on that day!

After reaching home I was continuously trying to call my wife Poroma repeatedly again and again on her mobile, but I am sorry to say that all my calls went unanswered.

When I lost hope and stopped calling, after a brief pause there suddenly came an SMS alert in my mobile. I looked at the screen and found that it was a message from Poroma!

"I'm presently in Rahul's apartment Darling, and tomorrow morning I will be going together for a two day trip to Mandarmoni (a seaside resort near Kolkata). Of course Rahul will be going with me too! It will be a two day trip and I will explain everything to you when I will be returning from the trip on Sunday evening!"

What the fuck? I immediately started calling her again, and again there was no response. I repeatedly called her a number of times but there was no reply. Finally I decided to quit calling, then I sent an SMS to her.

"Poroma, if you will not be speaking to me immediately, I will be considering that this SMS have been sent by someone else who have somehow managed to get an access to your mobile, and that you have been abducted and kidnapped! In that case I will report it and make a security officer complaint against Rahul early morning tomorrow!"

As I had expected immediately there was a response from the other side, Poroma immediately was calling me!

I picked up her call, "hello!"

Poroma was sounding tipsy as her words were piercing into my ear, "Ranjeet, we are at Rahul's flat right now, we will be spending the night here!; Early morning tomorrow me and Rahul will be leaving for a trip to Mandarmoni for two days. I know you are mad with me right now, but please dear, manage everything for just these two days! I will explain everything to you when I will be returning. And another thing I want to tell you, you will not be getting me over mobile for these two days from now on, because my mobile is just getting out of charge. So please don't call me, stay well and fine, and please take rest! Please remember that I love only you and really care about you! Please take all these things easy, and good night to you!"

Saying these words she cut off the call, I stayed awake the night thinking what exactly went wrong in our life after this wicked Rahul came in eight months back.

The first time Poroma met Rahul was only two months back, on a Saturday in the month of January, it was afternoon time and we were there at an A. C. Mall. That was the first time we had got a day night residential Aya to look after the baby and so me with Poroma and our five year old elder daughter Nupur got a chance to go out together after a very long time. Usually Poroma preferred to do our monthly shopping at the malls because that way when you purchase there you can get a lot of discounts.

While Poroma was choosing the items for purchase I was standing at a corner carrying Nupur in my arms. Suddenly I saw the familiar figure and the next moment the above six feet tall male fashion model just bumped into us.

"What are you doing here Ranjeet? I think you are supposed to be at the office right now, today is not the second Saturday after all!"

"Actually Rahul I had gone to the office but got out a little early because I and my wife have come here to do our monthly shopping here," I said.

"Is she your daughter?" Rahul asked.

"Yes, she is our elder one!" I replied proudly.

"She is very sweet and cute, how old is she?" He touched her on the cheek.

"She is five, and she is studying in a KG school," I told him.

"That's very nice, so you also have another kid?" Rahul asked.

"Yes, he is one and a half years old. Presently he is at our house with our Aya," I answered.

At that moment Poroma walked up to us holding two large shopping bags.

Rahul looked at her, "is she your wife?"

"Yes," I said.

Actually I didn't want them to get acquainted, Rahul was already known as a Casanova chasing the women in our office circle by then. 

But when he smartly extended his hand towards Poroma and she with a warm welcome smile placed her hand in his I had no other option than to introduce them, "Poroma, he is my colleague Rahul and Rahul, meet my wife Poroma!"

Poroma very smartly shook hands with Rahul, she is convent educated and a very smart girl, "hi Mr. Rahul, glad to meet you Sir!"

After politely shaking hands with Poroma Rahul said to her, "it's the same here, very nice to meet you Poroma! I think we are meeting today for the first time! Please don't be formal like that with me, I will appreciate much more if you can call me Rahul instead of addressing me as Sir! I hope Ranjeet haven't already told too many bad things about me already!"

She giggled heartily and the ice was broken between them.

Poroma took Nupur from my arms and put the shopping bags in my hands. Suddenly I noticed Rahul glancing straight downwards, I followed his eyes and discovered that Nupur had got out of one of her shoes and Poroma have just been sitting down on the carpet and tying her lace! Her pallu had fallen open, and she being in a very deep low cut black blouse was showing a lot of cleavage and her boobs, and from the position of Rahul she would be surely exhibiting a lot more than what was being visible from my position!

Was Rahul really watching her beauties? But I could not be very sure, there were lots of people in the Mall and Rahul could have been glancing at any of them. And even if he was glancing at Poroma's cleavage it was surely not a crime! After the birth of our son Rajiv her boobs have grown a lot bigger since and it would be really difficult for any man to move his eyes away and more so from the position Rahul was standing!

During our return journey Poroma suddenly commented, "your colleague Rahul, he seemed to be too much friendly, don't you think?"

I just nodded.

"Don't you think we should have invited him to our house for dinner some day?" Poroma asked.

"No, he is my professional colleague Poroma," I said, "and I prefer to keep our relationship at a strictly professional level. Inviting him to our house alone without the other colleagues may be making him feel uncomfortable!"

"Why? Don't people invite their colleagues to their homes?" Poroma innocently asked.

"I think it's better that we don't invite him," I said.

"But why?" Poroma asked again.

"You see dear," I said firmly, "him coming to our home for dinner may not have been very lightly taken by the other sales executives, don't you remember that we have never been inviting them except for some occasions during the last eight years? We will need to be very careful and cautious about matters on our treatment toward how we treat my colleagues."

"Why should we need to think about what other people think about us Ranjeet? I think we should invite him and then allow him to decide whether he will come for the dinner or refuse, that can easily be his own choice!"

"He may still feel uncomfortable to refuse if we invite him," I said.

"Well I don't think so," Poroma said, "he is too smart for that and I I think he would have definitely managed it somehow! How smartly he was talking, didn't you even notice?"

"Poroma," I said in a serious tone this time, "I think we should keep a limit to how much we become friendly with my colleagues and I should have a say in it! After all they are my colleagues."

"Okay baba," Poroma closed the conversation finally, "let us go to a restaurant and eat something now, I am hungry!"

When we returned home and freshened up Poroma again brought up the topic of Rahul. She seemed to be too much interested in learning everything about him and was enquiring every details of the guy. We were both sitting on the sofas in our living room facing each other. Poroma was sitting on the double sofa breastfeeding our son while I was sitting on the single sofa!

I began, "Rahul joined our office six months back, he joined as a sales executive like me and became my greatest competitor in the field. He is very tall at 6'3", fairly handsome and always flirting with the women in the office! Soon he was very popular with the office girls and they were all over him! Plus he carried on him the recommendation of a senior VP of our office. He was transferred from our New Delhi office but nobody knows why. He is ten years younger than me and his performance is much better! 

The first time I got to interact with him was when one day he called me one day."

He said, "Ranjeet, I just heard something from two of your clients, they have some complaints about your service!"

"What the fuck Rahul?" I couldn't control my annoyance, "if any of my clients have any complaints about my service, they are supposed to talk to me! Why did they speak to you?"

"Can't say that Ranjeet," Rahul commented, "I can only tell you that the complaints are very serious in nature, they said that the services you promised to provide them during your marketing, none of them are mentioned in the contract papers that you sent them for their signature!"

"It's impossible, I have never made such gross mistakes in my service Rahul," I said, "just give me the names of the clients and I will talk to them, it must be some misunderstanding on their parts!"

"Not required any more Ranjeet," Rahul said, "I have managed the whole matter, the only problem is that the boss isn't very pleased with you now! He told me to just tell you that from now on before sending your contracts to the clients you should send them to me for approval!"


"I don't want to interfere with your job Ranjeet," he said, "but I won't tolerate anything if the company's reputation is at stake for your mistakes!"

"Still it's not clear Rahul," I said, "I didn't get my answer, why did they not call me but you?"

"They didn't call me," he said, "they called the reception to give the message because you were out and your mobile number was unreachable! I was by chance present at the reception at that time and so I came to know!"
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need a big update bro,, but thank you
[+] 1 user Likes masud93's post
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Excellent. So Ranjeet is professionally is also not good.
[+] 1 user Likes gunwinny's post
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Very nice. If Rahul wants poroma completely, he should make Ranjit as villain. Rahul should project Ranjit as useless person and not dependable. Management does not trust him. By talking to VP, he should throw ranjit out of job and recruit Poroma in his place. This will help bring poroma more close and telling as business meet they can travel to various places for months.
[+] 1 user Likes Santhosh Stanley's post
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She is still lactating and she never bothered to ask about children in the call.

Never want to know about them.

All she need now is SEX. Rahul is going to drink all the milk that Rajiv needs. ha ha
[+] 1 user Likes Chennai Veeran's post
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Would like to see poroma getting impregnated with her consent. She wants to humiliate her husband by taking another man child in her womb.

Interesting the way it goes.
[+] 1 user Likes Dumeelkumar's post
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Interesting...karma is a bitch. Poroma is going to enjoy the karma very soon. She didn't even bothered to ask about kids as the younger one is just 1.5 years. How a house wife like poroma got changed like this? Surely she is a sult and and she belongs to Street.

Please provide lengthy updates
[+] 1 user Likes Vikadakavi's post
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(03-03-2022, 05:08 PM)Realman12 Wrote: There have been a story posted in this forum in the Bengali section named as পরমার পরাজয় by stranger_women and two English versions called as Wife taken in front of hubby and in the Unfaithful Mothers and housewives section as Sex Games. But the English versions are somewhat different from the original Bengali story. The original Bengali story written by Stranger_women was too much into femdom and cuckolding, and actually instead of the story of a defeat of the hot wife Poroma in a sexual hot game at a party in the later part actually goes for more humiliation of the husband instead of the hot wife Poroma and don't do justice to the name. So I decided to start a thread where though I will stick to the original erotic story but will be changing it in the later part to make it more realistic and believable and do some justice to the original name. All credit for the original Bengali story goes to Stranger_women. Would like to get the valuable opinion of the members regarding a realistic version of the original story. First part will be posted shortly.

Commendable effort Dada.
Really appreciate ....

clps clps
[+] 1 user Likes ddey333's post
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So you are mixing two stories, the bangla story পরমার পরাজয় (defeat of poroma), and the english story my wife nisha lost bet and banged at a party. Are you planning to only mix these two or are you going to add some narration of your own to further the stories?
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I have read the original bengali story ... And please don't mix two story together, each and every story has its own uniqueness , so please don't mix 'poromar porajoy ' with 'heror dairy' ... It's a request.
[+] 2 users Like JACKY_451's post
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Now Ranjeet can send SMS that he will prepare the divorce papers and be prepared to sign after coming. Interesting..
[+] 1 user Likes Arul Pragasam's post
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Super friends for Ranjit. They planned, supported and made his wife as bitch of rahul.
[+] 1 user Likes NityaSakti's post
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Cant wait to see Rahul fucking Poroma in her own house when husband and children are in next room.
Nupur ask her dad what mom is doing with that uncle dad. Why she is crying dad. Ranjit gets angry and slap his daughter and she goes and knock the door calling her mom and poroma comes out nude and slap Nupur and Ranjit for disturbing.
[+] 1 user Likes xavierrxx's post
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If Poroma can go with Rahul withing few minutes of his touches and infoms that she is going for a short honeymoon.
This shows how much she would have been sex starved.
Ranjeet can call his inlaws and parents and inform that his wife went to sleep with another man.
So he is going to divorce her.
Poroma family will then start hating her and she cannot go anywhere except to road or another man for sex for shelter.
[+] 1 user Likes Kamalesh Nathan's post
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