Adultery The Defeat of Poroma
(28-03-2022, 12:13 PM)fuckandforget Wrote: If poroma has done this in heat of moment, she should have realized it and said no after the first mating or scolded Rahul when he humiliated her husband. She did not do it. She realized what she had missed in her life or her husband not shown. So, she has to agree to Rahul by keeping silent without expressing her disappointment over her husband for pushing her to this situation. She must now be hating her husband inside after the fuck with Rahul.  Big Grin sex

Quite probable
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Now friends, let us go for the next update. Would like to get more likes and comments from you all and I will surely appreciate any new ideas from you!  It helps me take the story forward!

Chapter 12: A Slut Wife With Enemies Posing As Friends

"No you will not do that," Sutapa scolded me in her stern voice again, "just now and at this moment both Rahul and Poroma are connected to each other in a very very deep sexual unification and receiving so much of sexual pleasure from each other and which is just a purely very much deeply personal matter just between themselves! Presently you are nowhere between them and in the minds and thoughts of any of them! Poroma is your wife and not in any way your slave! Her own body is not your personal property, it completely belongs to her and she is fully entitled to offer her beautiful body to anyone as per and according to her own liking! This is 2012 running, probably in your drunken state you are mistaking it to be the seventeenth century. Of course if you don't like what she is doing now, you will always have the right to divorce her and move on but you just can't stop her from having sex with anyone of her own choice that she wants!"

"But you know very well that the game have not been fair and played honestly Sutapa," I countered her, "I have been continually following the game very closely and I have been noticing that how you have purposefully delayed the starting of the stopwatch till I nudged you with my elbow, though Rahul have been continually rubbing the erogenous zone behind Poroma's neck!"

"Yes I did," Sutapa agreed with me this time, "but that was a problem involving Poroma and Poroma never had any objection! Or do you think Poroma was so naive she couldn't even notice that Rahul rubbing the erogenous zone would not arouse her and put her on a disadvantageous position in the game right from the start? No Ranjeet, actually the fact is that your stubborn wife was too much confident of herself!" Sutapa said.

"Okay but again after the first five minutes alarm when you spoke about the remaining ten minutes left for the game, you actually stopped the running of the stopwatch though Rahul did not even break his seductive action for even a moment, then either you forgot to restart it or purposefully avoided starting the stopwatch for the next few minutes again before I nudged you with my elbow again for a second time! But you never made a declaration of your mistake either during or even at the end of the game, though Poroma lost the game only by a marginal difference of exactly forty seconds. I am hundred percent sure that you all have been doing all these things purposefully without even the slightest of doubts!"

"Now Ranjeet," Sutapa said again, "we are all together here for you, we are all requesting you to just take the game sportingly exactly like a game and then everything will become alright! They are only having a sexual intercourse and nothing else! Just two people who are joining their sexual organs together and trying to feel up each other's bodies and are thus pleasuring one another and there is nothing else in the matter! You can very well consider their intercourse and sexual union just as a sexual handshake! It is in no way even near the love making sessions that you and your wife Poroma perform together in your marital bed! When you two come together in your bed, your love making sessions are completely dominated by the deep love and emotional attachment you two feel for each other! But their sexual intercourse have no emotional attachment between themselves, there is nothing between them except for a deep rooted curiosity of having sexually something different! We are all sure that Poroma is never going to leave you or become a stranger to you only if she gets a good chance about having a few nice sexual intercourses with somebody else! Your love, your trust and your personal attachment and family life will remain completely intact, don't all these things happen to have any good meaning to you? And for your questions I of course admit that I have actually been making certain serious mistakes as the timekeeper but none of them were intended and certainly I didn't ever have any intention to harm you guys, beleive me!"

"Sorry but I can't believe any of you guys any more Sutapa," I said, "right now I am feeling a very severe pain deep into my heart because I just cannot still believe that Poroma could behave and act so shamelessly in front of me! She could be so eager to go to bed with Rahul completely ignoring my presence or even my existence!"

"Just believe me Ranjeet, Poroma had never ever wanted to cause you any type of humiliation," Sutapa commented, "all of us know actually how much she loves and respects you! During today's game too she had fought with all her might and strength to win, just to save your honour and dignity and her own modesty but towards the end her body was not at all listening or cooperating with her brain and mind! Actually it's a fact that Rahul is a real bastard and he is an expert in seducing any girl to the point of her madness!"

"Sutapa if you were aware of all these then why didn't you even try to stop her doing whatever she was doing?" I asked her.

"What can I say Ranjeet?" Sutapa said very thoughtfully, "the fact is that actually I too have sex regularly with Rahul and it is always with the complete consent and full knowledge of my husband Dilip! Rahul even have in his possession a number of nude pictures of me in very compromising positions!"

"Sutapa, does he even blackmail you?" I asked alerted.

"No no not really Ranjeet," Sutapa said, "but he always expected me to help him in his seduction of Poroma, and I really don't want to get him crossed with me, do you understand the situation now Ranjeet?"

But before I could answer her suddenly we all heard a thudding sound, the door of the bedroom opened and then we noticed the lovebirds Rahul and Poroma walking down the stairs together! Rahul was again in his jeans and T-shirt with Nike shoes but Poroma was in a mess, her hair dishevelled, lipstick smeared all over her face, wearing her completely soaked sleeveless low cut halter neck blouse with a number of hickeys clearly visible along not only her neck, shoulders and the open parts of her boobies but also along her bare midriff! Her chiffon saree was all messed up and tied about four inches below her deep navel and the saree was tightly wrapped around her buttocks! She was hanging her head down and her face and body both were bearing the just fucked look of a street prostitute! 

She was holding on to Rahul tightly against his left arm, tightly pressing her large fleshy right breast against his elbow she was actually not even able to walk and in reality Rahul was dragging her along down the stairs! All the people present were staring at her sexually charged scantily clad body and whispering between themselves! 

At the beginning I was so much surprised that I couldn't even react, but as they moved down the stairs and were already moving across the hall towards the door I came to my senses.

"Poroma, Poroma, Poroma, Poroma!" I was screaming at the top of my voice as I was fighting with them to free myself from their tight clutches, "leave me alone, let me go you scoundrels!"

No, I was not able to free myself. They were holding me even tighter as the other guys too joined them holding me down, as Rahul continued walking completely ignoring my presence. Poroma didn't even look towards me though I am sure she heard me, instead she was holding on more tightly to Rahul's arm as he was dragging her out of the hall towards the door!

As they moved out of the door and disappeared from our vision I once again screamed, "Poroma, Poroma, Poroma, Poroma, please don't go, please come back!"

Of course there was no response from her, but the next moment we all could hear the sound of Rahul's car starting and then moving out. So the next moment they were already gone!

Once the sound disappeared I screamed at the top of my voice once again, "now listen to me all of you, from this moment onwards I don't any more consider any of you as my friends! On the contrary I will be considering all you guys absolutely as my worst enemies! Please for God's sake never ever again try to even talk to me except for the work related matters because since most of you guys being my work colleagues I will not be able to avoid that. But then again please try to keep the work related talk with me to the briefest possible! Never try ever again to invite me at any of your office parties and as such neither to any of your personal and family parties! Never ever again try to talk to me if you even accidentally meet me on the road or just casually come across me. If you ever enter a restaurant and find that all the seats are occupied and only seats are available at my table, then please leave without a single word! This is the final words from me and any breach of these conditions may be causing physical harm to you and I include even the ladies here! Now I would request you to please release me and let me go back to my home! I will not be following them!"

"Please please please Ranjeet you are very much angry now," Reshmi was trying her best to soothe me by caressing my face and hairs with her soft hands, "if you just can't tolerate us now we will understand and won't be disturbing you any more but please believe me when I will be telling you sincerely that Rahul will never hurt her or will be causing any harm to her in any way! And please don't fight with Poroma when she will be returning back to you at your home because then it can break up your marriage altogether! Just please try to forget everything that have been happening here in front of you today and please never mention the things that have happened here today evening to her ever again! Believe me, she will be already full of guilt when she will be returning to you and please don't make it even more difficult for her! Give her at least some personal space here! And allow Poroma to herself make a decision on how she will be able to manage all the incidents that have been happening today evening. We all are very much aware that your wife Poroma loves you very much and she is actually a very intelligent girl! Believe me she will be able to manage everything and she will in no way even think about breaking up your marriage!"

As they started to release me from their grip Sutapa said in a very sympathetic voice, "whatever you think about us Ranjeet doesn't matter much to us, but please Ranjeet, can you just allow us to drop you at your home today? We promise not to ever disturb your life and family ever again! You are very much drunk and emotionally a mess right now, both me and Reshmi didn't have any hard drinks today, if you want either or both of us will drop you while the men can stay back, we will just drop you home and come back, and you can take back your car from the parking tomorrow morning whenever you feel okay!"

"Thanks but no thanks Sutapa," I said very firmly, "after what you guys have been doing to me and my wife Poroma and even my children tonight I would better prefer to never ever again meet any of you guys again!"

"Okay it will be as per your wish Ranjeet, but please drive carefully," Sutapa said, "all of us are very concerned about you whatever you think and I will request you to please not think too much! Always remember that sex and love are two completely different matters! Sex is always extremely addictive and attractive to humans but then always remember that love is eternal! And please Ranjeet, always try to remember that Poroma loves you very much!"

I didn't even bother to listen to their judgements, I was feeling a terrible repulsion towards them all! So as soon as they released me I walked out of their house and moved towards the parking lot. I was feeling very restless, I thought about going to Rahul's house but I didn't know the exact location, it was not possible to get anyone on the road to ask directions and I certainly didn't like the idea of asking the guys I just left behind. Then I thought, suppose I somehow managed to reach Rahul's apartment, what then? Since his apartment was in a housing society unlike our house, there will certainly be security guards! They surely won't allow me in my present drunken state to get in. Even if they do, they will surely call and ask the owner of the apartment first, it's impossible that knowing who I am Rahul will let me in, and now I have doubt about Poroma too! Certainly she won't like me to get in the apartment, on the contrary they may arrange the guards to beat me up and hand over to the security officer! I will be arrested and I had serious doubt whether Poroma will bail me out, even if she did I will lose my job once I am booked!
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Ranjeeth should divorce her. Due to her adultress behaviour any court will give kids to him and he can find a new women and in life.
To the author, please make each chapter more lengthy
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What he decides ???
Wonderful update you're doing well and that is good
Waiting for next update
yourock  congrats
[+] 1 user Likes Muralimm's post
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Excellent update. hope poroma will see her husband and children dead when she reach home next day morning.
Happily she will return to Rahul.
[+] 2 users Like AjitKumar's post
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hot story.. loved it
[+] 2 users Like tweeny_fory's post
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i read bangla version because i am Bangladeshi,, Bengali version also too hot,,, i hope will see Too hoottt Dhamaka yupdate with details
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It was super humiliation when poroma went with Rahul ignoring Ranjeet even though she heard him shouting her name.

Guilt is only when the other man cock goes in first time, after which only pleasure prevails.

There is a saying when you cannot avoid bang, better to enjoy it.

Now after getting a heavenly lifetime pleasure and becoming slut of Rahul, how can she say no to him.

She has to open her legs anytime he ask for. He may also ask her to sleep with his friends. She dont have any choice.

She is now part of slut group of Sutapa, Reshmi and co. They will soon enjoy group sex with their new joinee.
[+] 1 user Likes fuckandforget's post
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Awesome update.

Poroma will blame her husband fully for this.

1. You did not save me as a real man during that tough time and instead drunk and been a spectator.
2. You had not satisfied me thoroughly that I could have managed to win the test. I failed only because of your inefficiency.
3. You should have slapped me and taken home when you knew that I am not in her control. But, you want to see what will happen next. So you must be a bloody cuck.
4. Shame for giving birth to two children for such a weak bugger.
5. Hereafter be happy seeing your wife fucked by real men. You dont have any rights to even touch me.
6. I will not give divorce. You have to face this pain lifetime for making me a slut.
[+] 3 users Like Rangushki's post
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One request to author.

Please edit and put each of the conversations as one line and give a line space between two conversations. Dont write as a paragraph. it is difficult to read and understand. Also it is confusing who speaks what.
[+] 2 users Like Rangushki's post
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Excellent... Guess she will not come home for atleast a week. She will be enjoying day and night.... May be, Rahul will take her for a honeymoon. 
sex sex sex sex horseride horseride yourock yourock
[+] 1 user Likes Dinesh Raveendran's post
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After becoming slut of Rahul, Poroma will open her legs for him in her marital bed in front of her husband. Ranjeet will be like a maid just taking care of children and cooking for his fucking wife and her lover.
[+] 1 user Likes Vicky Viknesh's post
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Guess the original theme is correct. Probably the title would have misunderstood. She was defeated. That man brings out all her inner desires and feelings out and shows her what a real goood sex is. The sex with that person would have been beyond imagination and taken her out of the world. She has fallen in the trap of Rahul and he will brain wash her. Make her think that her husband is not a real man and not fit to be her husband and she really deserves a man like Rahul in her life for her beauty. Poroma can never be a female dominating. She is submissive woman.

It does not mean that husband should turn cuckold. For the sake of children, the husband is bearing all the humiliations. This will not go for life time. After few years, Rahul will find another woman and will lose interest in poroma and will start to ignore her. The children would have grown up by then under the maintenance of Aya. They think Aya is their mom. As Poroma will be with Rahul most of time. Till that time he wants to keep her under control and therefore make her humiliate her husband and by doing so he will make her think that she is giving happiness to her lover. She will do the humiliation more and more for getting high arousal and pleasures from her lover.

You cannot try to show Poroma as good woman and convince that she will do this for one night and become Ranjeet regular wife next day. The more stronger woman she tries to be, The more hungry slut she will be within.
[+] 1 user Likes Losliyafan's post
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Super bro !!! Rocking !!!!
[+] 1 user Likes zulfique's post
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Original by Stranger women... Translation by Real man  Big Grin yourock clps
So Real man loves to fuck stranger women.
In the original story, the husband becomes a cuckold. Dont do that here.
[+] 1 user Likes Gopal Ratnam's post
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How this marriage going to end. Cant wait to see.
[+] 1 user Likes xbiilove's post
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(03-03-2022, 05:08 PM)Realman12 Wrote: There have been a story posted in this forum in the Bengali section named as পরমার পরাজয় by stranger_women and two English versions called as Wife taken in front of hubby and in the Unfaithful Mothers and housewives section as Sex Games. But the English versions are somewhat different from the original Bengali story. The original Bengali story written by Stranger_women was too much into femdom and cuckolding, and actually instead of the story of a defeat of the hot wife Poroma in a sexual hot game at a party in the later part actually goes for more humiliation of the husband instead of the hot wife Poroma and don't do justice to the name. So I decided to start a thread where though I will stick to the original erotic story but will be changing it in the later part to make it more realistic and believable and do some justice to the original name. All credit for the original Bengali story goes to Stranger_women. Would like to get the valuable opinion of the members regarding a realistic version of the original story. First part will be posted shortly.

You have started one very difficult task.

It appears, you are more interested to establish the defeat of Parama. Originally, Ranjeet was forcefully converted into cuckold. Very clearly, you have taken some deviation. Even in drunken state of mind, he is able to identify the cheating as well as vested interest of his so called friends. He is able to logically argue in his favour not to break open Rahul's house considering consequences.

Ranjeet becoming cuckold implies win of Parama. Character of Ranjeet is already built against the theme of cuckoldary. Only hope, there won't be a sudden degradation in his character.

When Parama faces a character not to be mend as cuckold, she would face the reality. Because, Rahul is only interested in flesh. Responsibility and lust are two mutually opposite characteristics.

Eagerly waiting for defeat of Parama in true sense. It would be interesting to see how you mend the characters to achieve your goal.
[+] 2 users Like manasi's post
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Excellent narration
[+] 1 user Likes drillhot's post
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Interesting updates. Ranjeet has to go and live now with that AYA.. ha ha ha
[+] 1 user Likes Sarran Raj's post
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(29-03-2022, 10:14 PM)fuckandforget Wrote: It was super humiliation when poroma went with Rahul ignoring Ranjeet even though she heard him shouting her name.

Guilt is only when the other man cock goes in first time, after which only pleasure prevails.

There is a saying when you cannot avoid bang, better to enjoy it.

Now after getting a heavenly lifetime pleasure and becoming slut of Rahul, how can she say no to him.

She has to open her legs anytime he ask for. He may also ask her to sleep with his friends. She dont have any choice.

She is now part of slut group of Sutapa, Reshmi and co. They will soon enjoy group sex with their new joinee.

May be
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