Fantasy | Updated - Part 49 | - Breaking Purvi - **Ragging, Forced, Humiliation, Rough Sex**
Very nice update...
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**Part 13.**

The sound of laughter echoed inside the small flat. All three of the boys were rolling over laughing, thinking about Prof. Bakshi. Purvi stood topless in the middle of the two couches, her nipples erect and sore from Ganesh’s rough groping.  

“That was great, yaar!”, Ganesh spoke in between trying to hold in his laughter, “Can you imagine his face when he saw our photo?” 

“The bastard knows he is fucked.”, Ravi smiled, "I won’t be surprised if he packed his bags and left.” 

“Doubt it. But we own him now.”, Viraj replied, looking at Purvi’s breasts, he knew she was trying to hold back from crying.   

Purvi looked up at him, there were tear stains on her cheeks. Her right hand was still covering her thin white panties, “How could you?!”, she cried out, her hands trembling from rage.” How can you do this? Do you not feel any shame?” She was already starting to feel broken inside. Humiliated and defeated.  

Viraj smiled widely as he leaned back on the 3-seater couch, throwing her phone to his side, “Why would I feel any shame, little cow?”, his eyes shifting between her legs, taking in her smooth creamy thighs, “It’s a picture of your tits that he has on his phone.". The other two laughed again. “I’m thirsty, get me a drink, Gunda.”  

Ganesh got up from his chair and strolled into the little kitchen, opening the fridge. “It’s fucking empty, yaar.”, he shouted out, slamming the fridge door shut. “These poor bitches can’t even afford proper food?”, he commented, sighing heavily as he looked at Nila.  

Viraj looked up at Purvi, a creepy smile carved into his face, “Go and get me a drink, little cow.”, he smiled sweetly at her.  

“What! No. Like this?!”, Purvi was shocked.  

‘’Yes.”, Viraj continued, "There is a little shop downstairs isn’t there. I know it closes late. Go on.”. Everyone in the room was staring at Purvi, waiting for a response.  

“Noo!! Please. I can’t. Not like this.”, Purvi took two steps back, about to break down into tears again.  

Viraj took in her agony, it sounded like music to his ears. He loved watching those he deemed lower than him beg. Even more so, the beautiful young ones. He could not take his eyes off her big tits, those large dark nipples. Viraj was going to slowly enjoy her body after he broke her.  

“Why not?”, he smiled cheekily, waiting for her obvious response.  

“Please, Viraj... master... At least let me wear a shirt.”, Purvi sniffled as she bowed her head, putting both her hands together. She could not bear the thought of having to leave the flat the way she was. “Please...”. 

“Alright then.”, he smiled widely, looking at her face. “This will be the second part of your ragging.”. Both Ganesh and Ravi cheered happily, as Viraj leaned forward and grabber her hand, pulling Purvi closer to him.  

“I will be kind enough to give you two options, little cow.”, Viraj took his wallet out, slowly removing a few hundred-rupee notes and rolled it. Option 1, you go as you are, show the world your magnificent udders, and buy us our drinks.” 

Purvi closed her eyes, afraid of what might come next.  

“Option 2, you will wear a top, of Ravi’s choice...” 

Ravi smiled at her, nodding his head slightly. Viraj pushed Purvi’s hand away from her panties, taking a good long look at the outline of her pussy lips. He grabbed the garters from the top, pulling it down slowly to expose her shaved pubic mound, stopping just before her pussy could be seen. 

“Noooo!!!!”,Purvi screamed loudly, taken by surprise that Viraj dared touch her most intimate area. She tried desperately to push his hands away.   

“ will wear a top..”, he slowly slid the money into her panties, releasing his hand as she felt the rolled paper slide in between her pussy lips, gently pressing against her clit. “...but the cashier will have to take his money from here.”, he looked up and smiled at her.  


Halim was tired. He has had a long day, from doing his stock check to rearranging the various snacks and drinks that were delivered to his little mart on the ground floor of this old student flat. This was his retirement plan; he wasn’t given a choice. A desperate last attempt to provide for himself.  

He was 72 years old now, still fit as a fiddle. His body was skinny muscular with a little pouch of a tummy from the late-night drinks he likes to have with his friends, the ones that are still alive anyway. He is a strict disciplinarian, having served with the armed forces in the Indian Army for close to 40 years before being dishonorably discharged. He and his platoon were found guilty of r*pe and torture against women and children in the last war. 

During that time, he had still managed to father 7 children with his now deceased wife. His children do not want to be a part of his life anymore, after they found the skeletons in his closet. The little mart was his life now, day in day out, watching these young boys and girls buy their basic necessities, and sometimes, their vices. He did not care, he still sold cigarettes and liquor to the young, whatever that would put some money in his pocket.  

It was already 12.10 AM as Halim sat on his little wooden chair facing his note book, going through the sales of the day. His shutters were half closed, indicating no more customers were allowed in. Only one light was on, facing the table.   

He thought of the young college girls that lived above, they reminded him of his victims of war. Throwing their bodies at him pleading to release their husbands, fathers, brothers and children. He and his boys would torture and fuck them of course, in front of their loved ones before putting a bullet into each of their heads.  

What great memories he had; times were simpler back then. No social media. Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, he could not understand any of it, but he was glad none of his actions were blasted out to the public when he was found guilty. No one here knew of course; he left his village when the news broke of his crimes through word of mouth. This was the furthest he could go where no one would recognize him. An old comrade had left the shop in his care, allowing him to take over the business rent free.  

Halim took out a pack of cigarettes from his drawer, slowly lighting one up and took a deep drag, reminiscing his glory days.  


“Please... please have mercy on me, Viraj...”, Purvi fell to the floor, trying to touch his legs to beg him. 

PHAPPP!!!, Viraj slapped her left cheek hard as she fell back, her heavy breasts jiggling as she quickly placed her hand to try and numb the pain. “What did I say, fucking village whore!”, he shouted at her, his face twisted in anger. "You do not deserve to call me by name! Make a choice, fucking cow” 

Purvi started to sob loudly, cursing her fate. The rolled-up notes inside her panties were very uncomfortable. The edges of the paper scratching against her tender pussy lips.  

“FUCK YOU!.”, Purvi shouted at him from the floor, much to the amazement of Ganesh and Ravi. “Why should I listen to you anymore?!”  

Viraj was surprised, there was still some fight in her. He leaned back, enjoying the moment thoroughly. Time to give this bitch a little reality check.  

“Doggie, come here.”, Viraj whistled at Nila. Purvi’s eyes shot towards her face. In her angry state, she had forgotten about Nila. She watched as Nila got off the floor, slowly making her way towards him. “Let me show you what happens to little village whores who don’t listen to us.”  

He grabbed Nila’s right wrist, holding her steady as she stood beside him. “Did you receive my little gift?". Viraj smiled sweetly at her, like a man proposing to his love.

Nila nodded, very slowly.  

“Are you wearing it, Doggie?”, Ganesh spoke out, chuckling slightly enjoying the scene playing in front of him. Ravi was smiling, his back arched forward, not wanting to miss a beat as well.

Nila nodded again; her face covered slightly by her hair. Purvi was looking at her from top to bottom. What gift was this bastard talking about? She wasn’t wearing any chains, rings or bracelets. Not even a pair of earrings. 

 “Shall we show this little cow your beautiful jewelry?”, Viraj smiled slyly.  

“!”, This was the first time Nila had spoken to them since all three entered their home. Before she could react, her face turned to shock as Viraj grabbed her shorts, pulling it down to the floor.  

“What do you think? Beautiful, isn't it?” 

Purvi’s face went dark as she stared at the sight before her. Nila was not wearing any panties, showing off her dark brown clean-shaven pussy lips to everyone in the hall. They were thick and puffy, with her little blackish pink labia flaps sticking out from between her slit. But that was not what caught Purvi’s eyes.  

On Nila’s left pussy lip, there was a silver ring, which looked like one of the earring’s that Ravi was wearing. It was pierced into the meat. The brushed silver metal sticking out like a sore thumb against her dark pussy skin. Attached to it was a little dangling silver pendant in the shape of a dog bone.  

Viraj placed his left hand between her thighs, holding the little pendant out for Purvi to get a closer look. He tugged at it a little bit, pulling Nila’s pierced pussy lip outwards. Her face grimaced in discomfort.  

“I had it custom made, just for this bitch.”, he smiled widely, giving Purvi a closer look. Purvi moved forward, she tried to cover her open mouth as she barely made out the little italic engraving on the dog bone pendant. 


**End of Part 13.**
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**Author's Note** - Yes. I am aware Tik-Tok has been banned in India since 2020. 
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Super update
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**Part 14.**

“Why?... why did you do this...?”, Purvi was looking at the little pendant in between Nila’s legs. She was stunned, unable to take her eyes off Nila’s pierced pussy lip.  

“Doggie here thought she would be a hero, didn’t you?”, Viraj smiled, his left forefinger gently grazing along Nila’s slit. Occasionally, he will pull on the pendant, making her left pussy lip stretch. “But that would be a story for later. Now, have you made a decision, little cow?” 

Purvi looked up at Nila, her eyes wide, “Did they do this to you?..” she asked, her voice soft. “They hurt you.Go to the security officer, Nila.”. Nila kept her eyes on the ground, watching Viraj’s hand playing with the little pendant.  

Ganesh and Ravi burst out laughing. “The security officer? Do you know what they...”. Ganesh stopped talking as Viraj put his right hand up, stopping him midsentence again.  

“Option 1 or 2?”, Purvi felt Viraj’s sharp eyes gaze into her soul. There wasn’t much to think about. There was no way she would be leaving the flat topless. She could only pray dadaji’s mart was closed by now, but they would probably ask her to walk down the road to the next open shop. What would Ravi choose for her to wear? She did not own any scandalous clothes. So many thoughts were running through her head.  

“2 … option 2 …", Purvi stammered. Viraj took his hand off Nila, clapping them cheerfully.  

“Ravi, you heard her.”, he giggled excitedly. ” Pick a top... from Doggie’s clothes...”  

Shit. Nila’s bust was significantly smaller than hers. Anything from her closet was going to be extremely tight on her. But it was still better than going out half nude, Purvi thought to herself. Viraj knew that as well, deliberately not taking any of Purvi’s clothes for her to wear. Purvi stayed on the floor, arching her knees upwards to cover her breasts. She would occasionally look at Nila’s pussy, wondering what had happened for her to be so accepting of anything these three asked her.  

Ravi got up and walked towards Nila’s room, leaving the door wide open behind him. Purvi turned her head, watching him rummage through her clothes, leaving piles on the floor for her to clean up later.  

“Hurry up, yaar.”, Ganesh chuckled loudly from the dining area,” It’s not like they have a lot of clothes to choose from.” 

“Got it!”, Ravi exclaimed, holding a white top as he walked back to the hall, throwing it at Purvi.  

“Alright. Cover your udders and fetch me my drink, little cow.”, Viraj smiled as Purvi unfolded the top. It was a very thin skimpy white sleeveless top that Nila would occasionally wear to sleep. Purvi glanced under the 3-seater couch at her bra, considering grabbing it.  

“I know what you’re thinking. No bra.”, Viraj was watching her every move with great interest.  

Purvi slowly slipped the top over her head, struggling to pull it down over her breasts. On her, it became extremely body fit due to the size of her chest. She slowly pushed herself upwards, standing up in front of Viraj and Nila, adjusting her top. Purvi looked down at her body, the material was struggling to contain the abundance of tit meat on her chest. The outlines of her dark areolas could be seen very clearly, not to mention her two thick nipples sticking out at attention. The top was barely long enough to cover her panties, exposing her thighs and ass when she walked. 

“Very nice.”, Viraj clapped slowly, “Why don’t you follow her down, Ravi. Keep an eye on her in case she gets any smart ideas.” 

Ravi gave him a thumbs up, his eyes not leaving Purvi’s suffocating breasts. “Shall we?” 


Halim could feel his cock slowly beginning to grow as he sat in front of his accounts. He was not in the mood to think about money right now. He flicked the butt of the cigarette into the ashtray beside him as he laid back, adjusting his lungi slightly to give his old cock some space to breathe between his legs.  

It’s been many years since he has had sex, let alone laid his hands on a woman. Who would want an old man like him? He loved to watch the young college girls from the flat come in. Most were decently dressed, some, the wilder ones, would come by to buy a pack of cigarettes in their skimpy dresses before they went for their night out in the town. He would steal a glance at their cleavage, or their tight asses as they moved around, nothing more.  

Halim maintained his appearance as an innocent old man, always smiling sweetly at his customers. Nobody here knew about his checkered past, nobody questioned him. Everyone within the vicinity lovingly called him ‘dadaji’ out of respect for his age.  

He picked up the crumpled pack of cigarettes, slowly lighting one up as his mind wandered to a memory from 40 years ago.  

Halim was young then, at peak physical health. His thick hungry cock sniffing out the next target he would like to fuck. Nobody cared about what his platoon did here. They were placed in the middle of nowhere surrounded by random little villages filled with natives that did not support their cause, expected to handle any enemy combatants that came their way with no backup or support.  

Both Anil and him, another member of his corps, were placed on duty patrolling the jungles along the border, when they came across a young woman bathing by the river. She was beautiful, her body slightly fleshy, big heavy breasts hung off her chest and a thick little bush between her legs. Little droplets of water glistened under the sunlight off her light brown skin as she washed herself. They stood their ground, watching from behind a tree. 

“Fuck. Look at that.”, Anil whispered as softly as he could, poking Halim in the arm.  

 “Shall we introduce ourselves?”, Halim whispered back, his cock starting to itch as it grew in his uniform. It has been quite some time since he had gotten some action. He could not take his eyes off her beautiful young body. 

“Let’s wait. She might not be alone” 

“Or she could lead us to an enemy base camp.”, Halim shot back, eager to get closer to this mysterious woman.  

“We could wait. Then follow her. She could be just a random native”, Anil shrugged. Anil was much younger than Halim, unfortunately placed in his team, expected to die for a cause nobody here knew about. He quickly grew accustomed to the ways of his new platoon.  

“Let’s go, she’s done.”, Halim picked up his gun, moving slowly as to not make any noise.  

They both watched her slowly put on her clothes, making her way upwards, disappearing into the dense forest. They followed her as silently as they could, praying hard that she would not notice them. They kept walking until they finally reached the edge of the jungle, staring into a wide-open space surrounded by farms and little huts. The woman entered a little brown hut right at the edge of the opening.   

Anil peeked in through a little gap, “There are three of them inside, that girl and her parents, I think.” 

“Perfect.”, Halim sneered back at him. 

Both the young men stormed into the little hut in the guise of suspecting the family of harboring enemy combatants, shooting the old man in the stomach. Anil grabbed the old lady, throwing her onto the floor and tying her hands together, leaving the young woman to fend for herself. Distraught by the death of the old man, Halim took the opportunity to grab the young woman, tearing off her clothes as he forced himself onto her.  

There are no words for the horrors that the young woman experienced that night. When both the soldiers had their fill, she welcomed the bullet. Halim made sure there were no witnesses, shooting the old woman in the head as they walked out of the little hut.  

Many years had passed and there were many similar stories to this throughout Halim’s career in the army. Eventually, they had started to get sloppy. Thinking they were untouchable, in one raid, a victim had survived. Requesting help from an NGO, the case had caused quite a stir within the upper ranks. Halim and his platoon were reprimanded and court martialed. But due to his years of service and contribution to the country, the cases were hushed. He was thrown out of the army, unable to reap the benefits of having a pension to retire peacefully.  

Unfortunately for him, a young man from his little village was in the army as well, and had heard the rumors. The news spread like wildfire, making Halim a social outcast. Villagers and elders he knew as a child spat at him as he walked by. It’s been many years since; and Halim has adapted to his new life here.  

He removed his glasses and placed them on the table, stretching his body.  

“I’ll continue tomorrow...”, he whispered to himself as he took another long puff.


**End of Part 14.**
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**Part 15.**

Ravi held on tightly to Purvi’s wrists as they both slowly walked down the multiple flights of stairs. Fortunately for her, it was already past midnight and the flat lights had been turned off. Little streams of light from the moon reflected onto Purvi’s white top.  

“Ravi.... “, Purvi tried her luck as they reached the bottom staircase, slowly walking in the darkness towards Halim’s mart. Purvi kept looking around, afraid somebody would see her. Thankfully, most of the students had left home for semester break. “Please... don’t do this...”, she pleaded as she looked down at her skimpy top, her hard nipples very obvious against the thin white cloth, her panties and thighs were basically out on display.  

“You heard Viraj, little cow.”, Ravi sneered as he guided her closer and closer to the mart. Purvi felt relieved as she saw the shutters half closed.  

“They are closed … please... let’s go back... “, Purvi pleaded, pulling her hand away from Ravi.  

He gripped her wrists tighter, “I can see a bit of light...”, he tugged her hand, making her breasts jiggle as she slumped forward, “Go on. You know what to do.” 

Purvi looked at the half open shop. Was dadaji in? What was he going to think seeing her like this? She was always dressed modestly whenever she entered his little mart. The old man always took kindly to her, allowing her to take a little bit extra than what she should, but never overcharging.  

“Someone is there. Good. I’ll wait here.”, Ravi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, quickly lighting one up as he sat down on a ledge in front of the mart. “I can see everything that goes on inside. So, you can’t lie to me.” 

Purvi kept her head down, nodding slowly.  

“Make sure he takes the money from inside your panties, not you...”, he chuckled, looking at the little bulge between her legs. “If he wants to touch you a little bit more, let him.”, he tried to contain himself him laughing loudly.  

The thought of that sweet old man touching her body made her shiver. She would never be able to look him in the face again. Purvi slowly walked to the entrance, each step felt like she was walking on glass.  

“Dadaji?....”, She called out softly from the front of the mart. “Dadaji?....”, raising her voice a little bit. 

“Yes? I am closed. Please come tomorrow.”, she heard his voice call out from inside.  

“It’s me, Purvi. I just want to get a few things.”, she could see his shadow move from the other end of the mart. The whole place was barely illuminated as he had only kept one light on, but she was familiar with the layout.  

“Ah. Ma, it’s you. Come in. “, his voice changed, a little bit more cheerful. 


Halim remained in his chair, slowly looking up over the table as he saw a dark shadow come into his mart. He could make out from the shadow a figure of a young female moving about. He knew Purvi, the girl had a big pair of breasts attached to her slim petite body. She always gained his attention whenever she walked in. He was old enough to be her grandfather, but the thoughts of him ravaging her young body always came into his mind.  

“What do you need, ma?”, Halim adjusted his glasses, trying to make her out from the shadow as she went into the bottled drink section.  

“Uh... just some juice, dadaji. “, her soft voice called out.  

“Ok. Do you need help finding for it?” 

“No dadaji, I know where it is...” 

“Ok ma.”, Halim adjusted his lungi again, his cock was semi hard, thinking about the young busty body in his mart. Purvi was always covered up, most of the time, the clothes would cling to her body, making her breasts and ass stand out. He always enjoyed the view. But this was the first time she had come in so late, maybe now he could see a little bit more skin.  

He looked back at his accounts book, using a long wooden ruler to strike out some petty cash he did not want to register into his daily profit margin.  He needed some money to buy drinks with his friends later in the night. 

He could hear Purvi slowly make her way to the counter. Halim looked up at her, giving her a smile. The soft light slowly illuminated her body as she walked towards him carrying a few bottled drinks, holding it to cover her big chest. He first looked at her pretty face, then down at her exposed arms. She was wearing a tight white sleeveless top.  

However, there was something off about her face, she was not the usual cheerful bubbly Purvi he had gotten to know. She looked scared and sad; he knew she was forcing a slight smile as she slowly placed the bottles on the counter top. She looked away, avoiding his eyes.  

“Emm... just … just these ... dadaji... “, she mumbled softly.  

Halim could only see her upper body from where he was seated. As the warm glow of the light slowly shined onto her, his jaw dropped. Her top was so thin and tight, even with his bad eyesight, he could make out every single detail of her breasts. The meat was squished against each other, pushing to burst out. The areolas were big and dark, with thick hard nipples poking through the thin cloth.  

“Ahh ...”, Halim was lost for words as his hands froze on the table. He could not remove his eyes from her chest. Purvi tried her best to cover as much of her face using her hair, embarrassed and ashamed, and the worst was yet to come.  

Ravi peeked into the mart entrance, he could make out Purvi standing with her back facing him at the counter table, “This should be interesting...”, he sneered as he took one last drag off his cigarette and threw it to the ground.  

Halim’s mind was racing, he was an old man, not accustomed to the ways of the young. Perhaps this was what she wore to sleep? He knew she lived with another female house mate, but to wear this top out in public? 

“Let me … calculate for you, ma...”, Halim slowly grabbed his pen to record down the sale, his eyes constantly glancing upwards towards Purvi. She noticed this, trying very hard to cover her chest with her hair, but her big nipples were too obvious.  

“Ok, dadaji.. “, she mumbled back, avoiding his eyes.  

Purvi had started to sweat due to the heat from the hot night, to make matters worse, there was no ventilation in the little mart as Halim had already switched the fans off to close up for the night. Beads of sweat were dripping down from her head onto her top, leaving wet patches across her heavy chest.  

Halim was trying his hardest to prolong the moment, wanting to enjoy the view a little while longer. There was a small wet patch just on her right nipple, making the dark wrinkly areola cling onto the thin material.  

“That’s all, ma?”, Halim looked up at her, his gaze transfixed at her chest.  

“Yes, dadaji. “, her sweat was making the already thin top stick to her body, which was beginning to annoy her. On top of the heat, she was already starting to feel nervous about asking dadaji to take the money from her panties. 

“Are you buying these drinks for yourself, ma?”, Halim wanted to keep her there longer. 

“No... It's for... urmm … friends …", she stuttered.  

“Do you wear clothes like that in front of your friends?”, Halim raised his eyebrows, curious. His glasses reflecting the single light coming from the ceiling as he stared at her young body 

Purvi lowered her face, shame plastered on her face, “No... I don’t … it’s a... er... It's a hot night …", she mumbled to the floor.  

“I see... “, Halim couldn’t understand these kids, maybe he is the one who has lost touch. The younger generation must be more open about their bodies, he guessed, but he was not expecting this from Purvi. I guess you never really know a person, he thought to himself. Just another village girl who had adapted to modern society. If he had known she was a slut, he would have tried his luck with her already.  

He turned the small plastic calculator towards Purvi, “Your total, ma.” 

“Dadaji... “, her voice was soft, barely a whisper. Her face frowned hard. “Dadaji … you need to... um...take the money...”   


“You need to … take the money from me...”, she mumbled softly again.  

Ravi smiled as he watched her every move from outside, his phone was out, recording anything the little bit of light could show him.


**End of Part 15.**
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pls update more.. awesome going
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Very nice
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Plz continue
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update pls
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I will continue next week guys. Sorry for the slow updates. Busy with work.
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**Part 16.**

Purvi’s eyes were starting to water. She was starting to feel uncomfortable being in the mart alone with dadaji. Initially, he was struggling to keep his eyes off her chest, but now he was full on staring right at her nipples.  

Dadaji sat on his chair, watching her curiously. His old wrinkled face smiled slightly, enjoying the view in front of him. She took a deep long breath, and  

“Dadaji … “, Purvi slowly moved to the side of the table to stand in front of him, for the first time, the old man could see her panties. She was pulling down on her top, trying to cover as much of her bottoms as she could, making the top stretch out against her breasts. Purvi watched dadaji’s eyes go wide, taken aback by the view in front of him.  

“What’s this, ma...”, he whispered softly, taking in the view of her thighs as she slowly stepped towards him, holding down the top to cover her panties. Purvi peeked at the entrance of the Mart, barely making out Ravi standing in a corner, watching her every move.  

“Dadaji... please... the money... “, she mumbled softly, looking down, avoiding his eyes “... is inside... “ 

“Inside?... “, he watched intensely as Purvi slowly pulled up her top to her stomach, revealing her thin white panty to him.  

He could make out the outline of her juicy pussy lips, with a little thin long hard bulge in between her slit poking out through the cloth.  


What was that? Halim thought to himself. Was she carrying her money inside her panties? Halim was confused as to what Purvi was doing. Was she teasing him? Was she trying to make him look like a fool? Was she secretly recording? He was not going to accept being a part of whatever game this young slut was playing. He was going to teach her a lesson if she was planning on making him a laughing stock to her friends.  

He grabbed the long wooden ruler off his table, pointing it at her, “What is the meaning of this?”, Halim raised his voice a little bit, trying to intimidate her. “What game are you playing with your friends?”, he asked her, waiting for a reaction.  

“Is somebody recording?”, he peeked out towards the dark entrance seeing nobody there. "Is this some sort of joke? Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of your friends...?”  

Purvi’s face changed, she looked fearfully at the long ruler Halim was swinging at her. “No … no... dadaji.. “, she let go of her top, raising her hands up slightly to defend herself.  

“Then?”, Halim raised his eyebrows at her, his eyes caught her hard nipple poking through the top. “I can play games with you as well.”, he placed the end of the ruler on her chest, the edge poking into her right breast just above her nipple. 

“I’m not playing dadaji … “, Purvi’s looked down at his hand, watching his old wrinkled muscular arm slowly move the edge wooden ruler down towards her nipple, poking the hard nub.  

TAPPP! Halim smacked the wooden ruler against her right nipple. Purvi felt the burn on her breast as the hard wood met her skin.  

“Ahh... Dadaji!!”, her pressed her hand against her right breast, squeezing it to numb the pain. “Please … don’t. “ 

TAPPP! Another hard smack on her left breast. Halim smiled slightly as he watched her heavy breasts jiggle under her sweaty thin top every time he slapped it. Purvi placed both her hands on her breasts, trying to cover them from getting hit by the ruler again. Her eyes were starting to water.  

“Dadaji. It hurts... “, she pleaded, her voice soft, trying to hold back from letting a tear roll down her face.  

“Are you trying to make me look like a fool?”, Halim had toned down over the years, adapting to his new slow-paced lifestyle. But looking at this young busty teen in front of him in barely any clothes was sending sexual urges he had not experienced in years to his brain and his cock. “I’ll teach you a lesson.”  

TAPPP!TAPPP!TAPP!!, Halim started to smack her body with the ruler, focusing on her breasts and hips. He watched as Purvi jumped around, trying to avoid the swinging thin piece of wood. Her breasts dancing as she twisted and turned her body. She was starting to cry.  

“What was it again, bitch?”, Halim sneered at her. “Where is the money you said?”  

“Do..down dadaji...”, he listened as she sniffled, her nose and eyes watery.  

“Down where?!”, he raised the wooden ruler again, watching her body arch backwards, trying to avoid his hand.  

“ panties..” 


Ravi could hear everything that was going on inside the little mart. He hid beside the metal shutter when he heard Halim ask about her ‘friend’, knowing he would look around.  

He slowly poked his head out to peek inside the entrance, watching Halim smack Purvi’s body with his ruler. “This is getting good.”, he smiled as he held his phone up, getting a clear shot of both of them at the cashier counter. 


Purvi was hurting. She could feel every hard smack from dadaji’s long wooden ruler on her body. Some hits had landed on her nipples, right on the tip. The pain was unbearable. He had started to smack her hips and thighs as well, making her jump.  

“Come closer! Pull it up, you little bitch.”, Dadaji waved the ruler in front of her face, slightly tapping her cheek. He was still seated in his chair, his eyes were red. The kind old man she knew of was gone. He was watching her every move like a hawk.  

“Da.. dadaji.. ?”, Purvi’s eyes went wide again. She was just expecting him to reach into her panties and remove the folded cash notes, not strip.  

“I said pull it up!”, TAPPP, he smacked her left thigh hard, leaving a long bruise on her smooth delicate skin.  

Purvi could feel the tears running down her cheeks as she slowly lifted her top up to her navel. She watched as dadaji smiled slightly, his eyes now focused between her legs. He adjusted his glasses, holding the wooden ruler with his left hand, he reached down between her legs with the right.  

She felt a finger gently graze against her panties, his middle and fore finger lightly touching each covered pussy lip. His fingers stopped when he felt the hard rolled paper in between.  

“Well, this is a first for me. “, Dadaji smiled, his finger slowly pressing down on the money. ” Spread wider!”, he raised his voice, making her jump a little.  

 Dadaji replaced the ruler onto his right hand, placing the hard wood between her legs. She could feel the edge of the sharp ruler poking into her thighs. She held it in, embracing the uncomfortable light pain. He placed his left hand on her stomach, feeling the smooth skin.  

“Beautiful. It’s been a while since I had felt skin this smooth.”, he left his hand graze along her body, slowly moving upwards towards her breasts, pushing her top up, exposing her chest. His eyes gleaming as the two big soft mounds of delicious tit meat met him, her big dark areolas gleaming under the warm light.  

He cupped her right tit from below, pushing it upwards slightly, feeling the weight of the meat. “So big...”, he whispered, his eyes not moving from her top. The ruler was still between her legs, the hard edge scratching against her skin, trying to push her panty aside.  

Dadaji squeezed Purvi’s breast hard, holding her right nipple between his thumb and forefinger, “Come closer ...”. Purvi felt the tip of the ruler poking into her pussy lips as dadaji placed his mouth on her left nipple, his teeth biting down on it.  

“Ahhh...”, she gasped from the pain as dadaji bit down hard, pulling her nipple with his teeth. His left hand was still pinching her other nipple, twisting and pulling the hard nub. She could make out red marks on the skin of her chest from where dadaji has smacked her with the wooden ruler a few minutes ago.  

Purvi gritted her teeth as she felt his tongue play with around with her left nipple in his wet mouth, lapping the wrinkly areola, sucking on her sweat. He took his mouth off her breast, looking at her like a hungry dog.  

TAPPP! She felt the ruler hit her pussy hard, the edges hitting the soft tender skin. Dadaji was tapping the tip of the thin wood against her panties in the middle of her legs. “What was I supposed to do again? Take the money from here?”, he remarked sarcastically, taking his left hand off her breast and placed it in between her legs, squeezing her pussy lips tightly together. Purvi could feel the paper digging into her slit.  

“Oww... dadaji.. Please... that hurts...”, Purvi squirmed as she stood there with her legs slightly open, dadaji. TAPPP!TAPPP!!!. He smacked her inner thighs with the ruler while gripping her pussy with his left hand, making her legs open wider.  

“You came here wanting to make me look like a fool, look at you now...”, he whispered at her, a hint of threat in his voice.


**End of Part 16.**
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**Part 17.**

Halim could not believe his luck. He was looking up at Purvi’s crying face while her body trembled in fear. He could feel her thighs shaking as his hand fiddled with her thin panty. The look of fear on her face was adamant, something he hadn’t enjoyed for many years.  

“Da... Dadaji... please, just take... Take the money and I will go... “, she pleaded.  

Halim was very curious as to what, or who, had sent her down this path. There was no way she was here of her own accord. Things in the city worked differently than in the jungles, there are repercussions for every action. However, this big titted bitch had walked into his domain on her own, exposing herself to him, what did she expect. Halim was going to have his fun. 

He looked at the red lashes on her breasts, thighs and legs. He did not smack her that hard with the ruler, did he? Perhaps he underestimated his own strength, he smiled to himself. Her body was a perfect new toy for him to play with.  

“This money?”, he whispered as he slowly rubbed the folded paper in her pussy, looking her straight in the eyes.  

“Ye... yes... dadaji.. “, she mumbled softly as he slowly slid his fore finger into her panties, the tip touching her smooth puffy pussy. 

“So smooth …”, he sneered up at her. He pinched the left pussy lip, pulling it out from under her panties. “Do all girls nowadays keep their pretty little pussies shaved?”, Halim asked her sarcastically. He didn’t care about her answer, he was too occupied by the delicious tender looking exposed pussy lip in front of him.  

“I... I don’t know da. Dadaji...”, Purvi was looking at him, fearful of what he might do to her privates. Halim placed the flat surface of the ruler between her legs, slowly rubbing it against her pussy. The puffy meat squished under the wood as he started to rub harder. Her body was shaking harder, shivering out of fear. Her eyes wide open, watching his every move, ready to defend herself. She looked like a sweet little doe trapped in his headlights.  

“Take it off and show me.”, Halim smiled as he removed the ruler from between her legs, staring at her.  

“Dadaji... I'm begging you... please … “, Purvi was shaking, sobbing at him. He loved it. “Please... Let me keep my dignity. Just take the money ... and let me go. Please. ” 

“Dignity? What dignity?”, he laughed out loud. “Take it off.”, he sneered at her.  

“No … please..”, she continued to plead.  

TAPPP!TAPPP! He smacked her ass with the wooden ruler, hard.  

“Ahhh!Oww!”, she shouted in surprise. “Dadaji. Please... Stop!”, her hands swaying as she tried to block the hits, her breasts jiggling as she turned around, rubbing the burning skin. 

“Take it off bitch.” 

Purvi grabbed the sides of her panties, crying hard as she slowly pushed it down to her feet. 


Her skin on her left butt cheek was burning. Purvi was struggling to prevent herself screaming out in pain. Even if she did, would Ravi come and save her? She doubted it. She looked down at dadaji’s old muscular arms, he could overpower her anytime.  

She slowly slid her panties down to her feet, the rolls of money falling down to the floor. Dadaji watched it fall, ignoring it. He was more interested in what she had between her legs. She slowly slid the panties off her feet, standing up straight, her right hand covering her pubic area. 

“Part your legs.”, dadaji raised the ruler at her, threatening to hit her again. She followed without hesitation, slowly moving her legs wider. She was shaking with fear. Dadaji had a mad look on his old face, she could sense both excitement and danger from him.  

She felt the edge of the ruler touch her knuckle, “Move it.”, TAPP!, he smacked her hand. “I said move it!”, he raised his voice at her, making her jump. She slowly moved her hand to the side, exposing her pussy to him.  

“Wahhh. “, his eyes went wide, staring at the two dark puffy pussy lips sticking against each other. He slowly raised the ruler, placing the sharp wooden tip between the fleshy lips, parting it. Purvi started to sob loudly, her tears falling down onto her breasts and floor.  

“Why are you crying?”, he sneered at her. “Wasn’t this what you wanted?”, the look of hunger returning to his eyes.  

“No... No dadaji.. Please... the money .... The money is there ... ,”, she pointed, her eyes glossy as she cried even harder, “Let me go...”  

“Not so soon... “, Dadaji placed the ruler on the table, bringing his face closer to her pubic area. “It’s my turn to have some fun now.”, he smiled as he placed both his hands between her legs, grabbing her pussy lips and pulling them apart, pinching the tender soft flesh. 


Ravi could not believe his eyes. He had stopped recording for a little while, watching everything play out in front of him intensely. 

His cock was so hard, pushing up against his jeans. He slowly unzipped himself as he stood beside the entrance, releasing it from its enclosure. He had no idea the old man would take it this far, he thought to himself as he grabbed his cock with his left hand, stroking it. This was going even better than expected. Viraj would be happy.  

He placed the phone back to its original position, pressing record with his free hand and watched.  


Halim was over the edge; he could not believe how soft and tender Purvi’s pussy felt in his fingers. He stared at the juicy pink goodness that laid between the dark lips, he could barely make out her little clit and the warm pink hole. It looked so welcoming.  

“How many boys have fucked you already?”, he teased her, letting go of her right pussy lip, allowing one hand’s fingers to roam free and explore. The tip of his right forefinger found her tight little hole as he slowly pushed the finger inside her.  

He could feel the heavy vibrations off Purvi’s body as she shook in fear of him. “How many boys?”, Halim asked again. His entire right forefinger deep inside her hole up to his knuckle. He slowly started to dig, exploring inside her.  

“One … one da ...dadaji...”, Purvi whimpered in between sobs. Her body jerking upwards every time she felt his finger poke her insides.  

“What? Only one?... don’t lie to me...”, Halim laughed as he prepared his middle finger to push into her hole as well. She was dry, but he didn’t care if he hurt her. His middle finger was already halfway through,  

“Da... Dadaji.. please...”, she whimpered again... “Take it out...” she was looking down between her legs at his fingers as her toes curled.  

Halim could feel as intense pressure build up inside Purvi’s pussy as the little hole tightened around his two fingers. Her body started to shake as clear piss started to flow out from her, down his arms, onto the floor.  

“NoOoo...”, Purvi covered her face in humiliation as the pressure of her piss started to intensify.  

Halim was slightly taken aback by the sudden wetness coming from her pussy only to realize the little bitch was pissing on the floor of his little mart. He smiled widely, pushing his fingers in and out of her hole roughly as her piss sprayed onto his arms and legs, fingering her.  

“Ahh... dadaji... don’t...”, Purvi begged him, crying as she tried hard to stop the pee from exiting her little hole. The sound of her piss hitting the floor was echoing inside the mart as she watched the notes Viraj had given her get wet.  

Halim continued to finger her, digging both his middle and forefinger deep inside, laughing as he enjoyed the water display Purvi was putting on for him, her legs shaking from the intensity of the fingering and peeing simultaneously.  

He could finally feel the pressure from her pussy slowly start to decrease as he slowed down, pulling his fingers out of her drenched little hole. Halim watched as the last few droplets of piss exit Purvi’s pussy onto the floor, right on the money.  

Halim looked up at her sobbing face, tears were flowing freely down her cheeks. Her eyes were closed in utter humiliation as she stood in a puddle of her own doing. He smiled widely, showing off his yellow teeth.  

“Lick the floor clean...” 


**End of Part 17.**
[+] 6 users Like B1ryani's post
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Superb update.
[+] 1 user Likes fuckandforget's post
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wow.. woow. ans wowwe
fantastic updates
thought viraj is the main guy, but our halim seems more humiliator than the 3 together.
fantastic going...
will she lose her pussy to halim so easily?
eagerly waiting for the next update
[+] 1 user Likes tweeny_fory's post
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Very nice....
[+] 1 user Likes Johnnn63's post
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**Part 18.**

Purvi looked down at the puddle on the floor, her legs still shaking from the intensity of dadaji’s fingering. There was piss on running down her thighs and feet. She had never felt this ashamed and humiliated in her life. The money that Viraj had given her lay soaked on the cement she was standing on.  

Dadaji was staring at her, smiling widely, “Well...?”, Purvi could make out a tent sticking out of his lungi, “Get on the floor, bitch.”, he picked up the long wooden ruler again, swinging it towards her breasts. Her body was still jerking from every sob that escaped her.  

“Dadaji... please... let me go... “, she pleaded again, looking at him with teary eyes, “You have the money... “ 

“The money you decided to piss on?”, dadaji sneered back at her, “It’s worthless now, isn’t it?”  

Purvi looked down to the wet floor.  

“Clean up your mess.” 

“No.”, Purvi stood her ground, looking at him defiantly. She thought of running out of the mart, but the only thing she was wearing was the thin top that was rolled up to her shoulder, her breasts and pussy exposed to anybody who could walk in at any time. Her panties lay wet soaked in her puddle of piss.  

“What did you say?”, dadaji’s face changed, his smile disappeared. He reached out with his left hand grabbing her wrist, pulling her closer to him. Purvi resisted, but his grip was firm and strong as she struggled to get away,  

“Let... mmee... go!... “, Purvi shouted at him as she fell onto his lap, her breasts hitting him slightly in the face. Dadaji wrapped his left arm around her, holding her in place as she tried to wiggle her way out. She could feel his hard cock poking into her thighs. “Let!ME!GO!” 

PAPPP!!!PAPPP!!!! Dadaji slapped her face twice, so hard she felt light headed from the impact. The pain screamed through her body. 

PAPPP!!! Another tight slap on her right cheek just as she felt she was about to pass out. Dadaji’s left hand had managed to find her nipple, gripping the entire areola with his thumb and forefinger as pulled hard. His right hand was still holding the ruler as he slid it between her legs. 

“AAAhhhhh.Stop it! Stop it!..”, Purvi screamed from the pain coming off her cheeks and nipple as she tried to jump away from his lap. She could feel the hard wood starting to touch her pussy lips, sliding into her slit.  

“You little bitch.”, dadaji held her down as best he could on his thighs, his arm around her waist with the hand pulling on her nipple, his left arm trying hard to push her legs wide apart. Purvi could feel the edges of the ruler poking into her inner thigh as he struggled to hold her in place. 

TAPPP!! Purvi eyes shot wide open as she felt a stinging pain from on her right inner thigh. Dadaji had smacked her with the ruler again, causing her to react by trying to close her legs. 

TAPPP!!! “Pleaseeeee.... stoppp dadaji... “, she screamed as the second smack landed right on her pussy lips. 

TAPPP!! TAPPPP!!! Two more hard smacks hitting her right on the clit, the edge of the ruler scratched against her pubic area. Purvi’s pussy was on fire as she could start seeing spots in front of her eyes. She could feel herself about to pass out.  


Halim was struggling to hold her down, wrapping his arm around her body as best as he could. He knew he was not young anymore. The energy he had as a young man had gone with his age. He was surprised he had managed to hold on up to this point.  

He kept her nipple in his grip, pulling it as hard as he could, twisting and pinching the hard nub with his fingers. Her shouting that echoed inside the mart brought back a lot of fond memories.  

Halim looked at Purvis’s face, her eyes slightly rolled back as her body was starting to lay limp on him. Her tear-stained cheeks were bright red, as he could make out the imprint of his palm on her face. She looked like she was about to faint from the last two smacks he had given her pussy with the wooden ruler.  

He let the ruler fall down to the floor, letting his left hand slowly glide down between her thighs, looking for her pussy. In his mind, he was already thinking of locking her away to use her body as and when he wishes. He smiled as he thought of all the fun he could have with this young body.  

Halim’s finger found her clit. He heard a soft moan escape her as he gently pushed his thumb against it. The little pink nub was enlarged slightly, bruised and sore from his beating.  

“You are my bitch now...”, he whispered into her ear as his finger slid lower, following her slit all the way down until he could feel the little puckered hole between her squished butt cheeks.  

“Mmmm...”, a soft uncomfortable moan escaped her lips as Purvi was starting to come back to her senses. Her eyes suddenly opened as she felt Halim’s middle finger pushing up against her dry anus.  

“NOOO!!!”, Purvi shouted as the tip of Halim’s finger entered her.  


Ravi was slowly stroking his cock as he recorded everything that was taking place inside the mart. What a sick old man, he smiled as he thought to himself watching Halim smack Purvi around like a rag doll. He was close to cumming when she was getting fingered while peeing.  

Viraj had given him a single instruction just before he walked out of the flat.  

“Whoever is in the shop can do whatever they want, except stick their cock in her. All her holes belong to me. “, he had made it very clear Purvi was his from the beginning. He was going to break her, then fuck her. Like every other girl before Nila and Purvi, Viraj always went first. Once he is done, his leftovers are for everybody else to enjoy.  

Things seemed to be heating up inside the mart. Perhaps he should already stand by to intervene, Ravi thought to himself 


Purvi was trying her hardest to push herself away from dadaji He had his left arm around her in a lock, her right nipple was being pulled by him, causing her waves of pain to shoot up from her breast to her brain. Half of dadaji’s finger was already inside her tight little butt hole.  

“Stop it, dadaji! Please.... let me go!”, Purvi shouted as she felt his finger dig deeper into her, the anal walls wrapping itself around his skinny middle finger.  

This was the first time anything had entered her anus, Purvi was used to masturbating using her fingers or any penis shaped object she could find. She had to lie to dadaji as it was obvious her hymen was already torn, technically, she was still a virgin. She had never even seen a cock before.  

Dadaji pushed his finger deeper, she could feel his knuckle grinding against the outer rim of her anus. The pain was intense due to how dry her asshole was.  

“I’m going to fuck this little hole.”, he whispered into her ear as she felt his finger dig around deep inside her. Dadaji was pushing his index finger into her as well, trying to expand the entrance.  

“It’s dry... Stop it... please...”, her whimpering was loud, tears were streaming down her cheeks, the sweat on her back was making her body stick to his old worn-out shirt. “AHhHh!”, Purvi screamed as his second finger entered her. She could feel her asshole tearing, trying to accommodate the extra girth.  

Dadaji violently pushed the finger in, making her body jerk up in pain. “Fuckkkk. Please stop... it hurts dadaji..”, she shouted at him, trying hard to push her body upwards.  

He slowly started to move his hand, fingering her dry anus, “it’s so tight.”, he laughed softly, “I’m going to slowly enjoy you...”. Purvi could feel the warmth of his breath on her face, the smell of cigarettes hitting her nostrils hard.  

“Stop moving. Just enjoy it...”, dadaji whispered again as he started to push his fore finger into her. There was no way Purvi’s asshole to take it in a third finger. She could feel the finger nail poking the tender flesh around the entrance of her anus as he tried to force it in.  

“STOP IT!”, Purvi screamed, pushing herself upwards with all her might, taking him by surprise. Dadaji’s fingers slid out of her asshole as her body moved upwards, pushing his left arm away. Purvi lost her balance, falling face first on the floor, sobbing loudly.  

Dadaji slowly stood up, letting his lungi fall to the floor. His cock was rock hard. He wasn’t so big, roughly 6 inches long and circumcised, the dark pink mushroom head gleaming under the light with his precum. He slowly moved towards her.  

Purvi looked back, her eyes wide in horror as she watched him get closer, his cock leading the way. “Help me...!”, she shouted as she tried to crawl away, her breasts dragging against the wet piss puddle on the floor. Her anus still burning from taking in two bony fingers.  

“You’re mine now, bitch.”, dadaji smiled as he slowly got closer, trying to grab her legs.  

**End of Part 18.**
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**Part 19.**

Ravi could hear Purvi shouting from inside as he quickly zipped up his jeans and switched off his phone. Things were getting heated inside the mart.  It’s probably time to put an end to this, Viraj and Ganesh were probably wondering where they were anyway.  

He casually strolled in to see the old man standing over Purvi, both his hands holding onto her ankles as he tried to pull her closer to him. His cock was erect and ready for some action.  


The old man was stunned, immediately letting go of Purvi’s legs as he took two steps backward, “Who the fuck are you?!”, his eyes wide in fear as he shouted at Ravi.  

Purvi continued to crawl towards Ravi’s legs as he slowly bent down and pulled her up, looking at her from top to bottom. Her breasts and stomach were wet, the stench of urine filling up the little pathway in front of the counter. There were red lashes all over her body from the smacking the old man had given her with the ruler.  

“You have been paid.”, Ravi pointed to the drenched notes on the floor. “Close up and go home, old man.” 

“How dare you, you little shit”, the old man stood up, raising his hand to slap Ravi’s face when he suddenly stopped. His face changed from anger to fear, “I know you... “  

Ravi smiled slightly, not taking his eyes off the old man.  

“She’s with you?”, the old man backed off, looking at Purvi.  


The old man quickly picked up his lungi from the floor to cover himself, staring at his feet, “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know...”  

Ravi gripped Purvi’s wrist tightly, holding her up. He grabbed the plastic bag of bottles from the counter top, looking at the owner of the mart. “Take the money. Forget this has happened, you have had your fun. Clean up this mess and go home, old man.”  

“Si...sir...”, the old man bowed his head, his eyes still looking at Purvi as he watched Ravi walk out of the mart, pulling her behind him.  


Purvi was shaking hard, her loud sobs followed her as she was dragged across the dark walkway back to the stairs that they had come from. She was naked from the bottom onwards, having managed to pull down the tight thin top she was wearing to cover her breasts.  

“You stink, little cow.”, Ravi laughed at her as he started up the first flight of stairs.  

Purvi kept her head hung low, trying her best to muffle her sobs. She was traumatized by what had taken place inside the mart. She did not expect dadaji to act the way he did, but she had seen the fear in his eyes when he got a good look at Ravi’s face. People here knew about these bastards, and they feared them.  

Ravi pulled the grill open and walked into the flat, dragging Purvi in behind him as he flung the plastic bag onto the couch in front of Viraj.  

“What the fuck took so long?”, Viraj was clearly annoyed, looking up from his phone. His expression changed to surprise as he saw Purvi stumble in. The red marks on her body were obvious under the bright fluorescent light of the flat, the dry tear stains on her cheeks and her obvious lack of panties made him raise his eyebrow at Ravi. 

“And what is that smell, yaar?”, Ganesh stopped what he was doing as he looked up at Purvi, covering his nose.  

Purvi was stunned at what was happening inside the flat, taking a moment for her eyes to adjust to the light as she watched Nila’s head bob up and down from between Ganesh’s legs at the dining table. She was on all fours like a dog, a thick butt plug with brown tail was stuffed into her ass, the furry tail dangling down between her thighs. Purvi could see that the little dog-bone pendant gleaming from Nila’s pussy lip. Her clothes lay in a pile beside her.  

Nila was naked, her right hand holding onto Ganesh’s thick cock, pulling his foreskin down as she worked her mouth around the fat mushroom head.  

“What happened?”, Viraj threw his phone down onto the cushion beside him, staring at the both of them. “What happened to her?”  

Ravi laughed, pulling out his phone and took a seat beside him.  

“Hmmm... fuck... that’s a good dog...”, Ganesh moaned, gently stroking her hair as Nila took her mouth off his cock, gripping the base with her right hand, “Lick the tip... good doggie” 

Purvi’s mouth hung open, forgetting everything that had transpired just moments ago to her as she stared at Ganesh’s cock, it’s girth as thick as her wrists. Her eyes then shifted back to the furry tailed butt plug attached to Nila’s ass. What is happening?!!! Purvi’s mind voice was screaming at her.  

She stood there, drenched in her own piss, her right hand covering her pussy as she looked from the dining to the hall. Ravi had recorded everything. Purvi’s face went pale as she stared at the couch in horror.  

Viraj was laughing hard, holding Ravi’s phone.  

/ *”NOoo...”* / *”Ahh … dadaji … don’t …”* /  

Purvi could hear her voice coming from the phone speakers.  

“Did she piss herself?”, Viraj laughed hard, looking at Purvi’s face.  

“It was great bro. This is gold. See how the old fuck had two fingers in her while she peed.”, Ravi pointed at the phone screen, holding back his laughter. “Fucking sick.” 

“This is the best one in the collection. Any more videos?”, Viraj asked.  

“I recorded everything.”, Ravi replied him, grabbing a small drink bottle out of the plastic bag and taking a sip. "It fucking stinks in here, little cow. Why don’t you go clean yourself. There’s more to do later.”  

“Gunda, are you done getting your cock sucked?”, Viraj looked over at Ganesh and Nila.   

“No yaar.. Ahh. Fuck... don’t use your teeth doggie!“, PAPP!!. Ganesh slapped Nila’s left cheek hard. “Stupid village bitch. Haven’t we already taught you.”. 

Nila fell to her side, holding her cheek as Ganesh sat there, his fat cock pointing upwards. His jeans were rolled down to his ankles. Purvi had a good view of his big dangling ball sack resting on his thigh. His cock was dripping wet covered with Nila’s saliva.  

“Do you want a taste?”, Ganesh sneered at Purvi.  

Nila pushed herself up, still holding her cheek as she placed her tongue on top of his fat cock head, lapping the pee hole.  

Purvi quickly made her way into her bathroom, locking the door behind her. Everything felt like a nightmare. She wished she had just gone home. She understood now why Nila had asked her if she was leaving tonight. She quickly removed her top and threw it to the ground, standing under the warm shower.  

She slid down, crying silently, trying desperately to scrub her skin. She could still feel dadaji’s hands on her body. Her asshole was sore from the fingering. Purvi looked at her thigh, the red marks were slowly fading, but still obvious under the light. Purvi’s right nipple was slightly enlarged and over sensitive from the rough pulling and twisting from dadaji.  

What have they done to Nila? What did they have on her? Purvi’s mind wandered. Was she going to end up the same way, a mindless sex drone.  

“What am I going to do now.”, she sighed, her eyes starting to tear again.

**End of Part 19.**
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**Author’s note** - Chapter 2 : Breaking Nila will start next week.  

This arc will revolve around Nila’s backstory, before Purvi has moved into the little flat. The story will take place after Nila’s ragging has been conducted.  

Just a reminder, this story is a dark fantasy and does not relate to anybody dead or alive. As the story progresses, I will incorporate heavy fondling and groping, abuse, exhibition, humiliation, old/young, group sex, insertion, water sports, piercing, anal and double penetration.   

If you feel that this story eventually gets too dark for you, I would suggest you stop reading from the point you feel uncomfortable. I am writing this strictly from my imagination and not inspired by any real-life cases/experiences.   


Main Characters :   

Nila - Before becoming Purvi’s housemate, Nilashini was a young girl from a little village with big dreams. Her charming and bubbly personality made her a favorite among her peers in college.  

Viraj – The main antagonist. A spoilt brat, his father being the local political party leader makes him untouchable in college and the local town. He is the leader of the gang that tortures and abuses other students, in the name of ragging, for their own pleasure.   

Ravi – Viraj's best friend and confidant. Ravi’s father is another high-ranking officer in the local political party. Having grown up with Viraj, the two are the best of friends. Ravi follows every instruction given by Viraj, no questions asked.  

Ganesh (Gunda) - The third member of the gang. Given the nickname “Gunda” for being overweight, Ganesh is the son of a local gangster. Of all three, he is the most abusive, taking pleasure in the pain and torture of his student victims.   

Secondary Characters :  

Dean Thomas – The dean of the college. Thomas Murugesan is a loyal puppet of the three boys, occasionally taking part in their torture for his own pleasure. He has big political dreams and wants to be a part of Viraj’s father’s party.  

Agilan (Constable 1) - A security officer officer in the local department. Corrupt and familiar with who all three boys’ parents are. They willingly submit as long as they are paid the right amount. 

Kalai (Constable 2) - A security officer officer in the local department. Corrupt and familiar with who all three boys’ parents are. They willingly submit as long as they are paid the right amount.  

**Stay tuned for Chapter 2.**
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To many powerful characters in one side - The arrow of TRUTH will always point to their side only no matter what the crime is
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