Incest adventures in incest---- BY COTRRAJA
She coolly sat on my bike, this time she put her hands around my waist and held, she pressed her boobs on me, if it was anyother time reddy would have given standing ovation. not this time, my mind was fully occupied with divya and her love now. I was still not comfortable with her holding me in public. I couldn't muster the courage to tell her to remove also. I asked her where do you want to go? she simply said, take me far away from here where only two of us are there. I said stop dreaming and tell me where do you want to have dinner? she said start first, when i reason out i will let you know. She was humming some tune in which i was not interested at all. I took bike to petrol bunk and filled for 500 bucks. Once we came out of petrol bunk, i asked her again, divya where to now, if you are undecided shall i drop you back home. Why are you getting angry dear, i am enjoying my life just now and you want to drop me back home, when a beautiful girl is sitting behind you, you ask her shall i drop back home, are you gandhi or what? it irritated me, i turned towards her home, she held my waist tightly and said sorry, but take me any place you like.

So i asked her what do you want to eat, she said anything you want dear. I stopped the bike and asked her again sternly what do you want to eat, she got scared a little and still said anything. I got angry on her, but then remembered what her father said about scoldings, felt pity now on divya. I turned towards city main road and parked my bike in the parking slot. I was fully unprepared for these circumstances, i again asked her now softly, what do you want to do now divya? She said i dont know, it was you who wanted to take me out, you decide and i will just follow. Her words were still irritating me. Took her to a corner restuarant and found a place to sit. I didn't bother to ask her what she wanted and ordered masala dosa for both of us. She placed her hand on mine and said look keshav, i know you are tensed about us especially about me as you dont know much, but we have all our lives to get to know each other, give me a chance to prove to you that i love you. Just then principal of our college walks over to our table and said is this what you are doing, looking once at divya and once at me.

He again looks at me and says is this how you trap innocent girls, i know about you guys, see what i will do to you, he created a scene and the crowd gathered. Divya's eyes became moist and she started crying, everyone around us were looking at us and when i realised it, i shouted back at principal, sir this is not college or college timings, what we do is our personal thing and who are you to ask after college hours. He caught hold of Divya's hands and tried to pull her away from me, i held her hand and took my cell phone and called my dad, told dad that college principal is creating a scene when i am with your daughter in law. Every one in the crowd started laughing at principal. Dad immediately asked the phone to be given to principal, he conveyed the same message to princi, princi then told dad to come and meet him in college tomorrow and gave me the phone back, i said thanks dad and cut the call. Princi was still holding Divya's hand, so i shook his hand from divya's and released her hand, she shivered and stood behind my back. He looked at divya and asked her does your father know about it? i intervened in between and said wait sir and called her dad and told him the same thing that princi is creating the scene when i am with your daughter and handed the phone back to princi.

He said who is this and after divya's father introduced himself, he started speaking in local dialect and started using singular words. I was shocked as these words are spoken with someone you know closely or who is a relative, still kept quite. Princi then gave the phone back to me, uncle said if you have finished talking to divya, can you please drop her home back. I said uncle we are yet to order and once we finish, i will surely drop her back home. He just said yes and cut the call. Then princi looked at divya and asked do you want me to drop you home, she said no periyappa(father's elder brother). Oh my god princi is roopa's father and divya's father's elder brother. I had no more words to tell him now after divya called him periyappa. I just stood there and divya also didn't move an inch. Seeing this princi left the place fuming and saying come home i will see.

We didn't eat the dosa, i just paid the bill and we left. Divya had tears in her eyes, i asked her do you want to go home, she said no, so i drove straight to coffee day. I let her in first and then sat next to her, after seeing the almost violent behaviour of principal, i didn't know what to do, i just ordered cold coffee for both of us. Then put my hand on divya's hand and asked her why do you fear him so much, he is also human being. She drank a little coffee and then held my hand tightly and said that princi is the second elder brother of her dad and there is one more elder brother, my dad is the last son of his parents, I said so what, who cares for them, so she said it is a village custom in their family that whatever the eldest son decides, it is binding for the whole family and nobody utters anything against him. I said you must be joking in this new century, there are no such followers, so she said, my eldest periyappa is the head of the village and also our religion gothra, i said how does it matter divya, your parents agreed and my parents agreed, i called you out to actually tell you to re-consider your proposal and now i am getting involved in your family.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I came to tell you some truth, but it got distracted with princi. Sorry for the scene created, i really didn't know that he was your fathers brother. She had calmed down by now and said dont worry about them now, tell me what you wanted to tell me. I said is it alright under these circumstances, she just nodded her head meaning yes. These tamil girls always use their typical head rotation to mean yes or no i thought. Then i held her hand and told her what her dad and my dad told me just before coming here. She became a little cheerful listening to it. Then i said, more bitter truths, she asked do you really have a girl friend. I said no, but that doesn't mean i am a virgin. She then asked me did you go to some prostitute? i said no definately no. I have a just sex friend and we both enjoy whenever we feel we need it, no frills or barriers just enjoy. She hit me hard and said you are lying to break away from me. I looked directly into her moist eyes and told her, this is the truth why i was avoiding you.

If you still think it is ok, then i dont have any problem getting engaged and married to you. I told her to think it over and then decide, what ever she decides i am ok with it. I held her hand tightly and said this is the true reason i am avoiding you as i dont want to hurt pure love. You decide and take as much time as you want, there is no hurry and if you reject me also i am good. We can still be friends. She became quiet for sometime, i paid the bill and we started towards her home, i was about to enter her gate, then i realised the principal episode, so called dad on his cell and asked him to bring mom to divya's place and we all can drop her and go back home. He said give us 10 mins and we will be there. I turned the bike away from her place and started out, she held my hand and asked why? i said wait till my parents also come then you can go in otherwise if your dad's elder brothers are there at home, you will have to face them alone.

Once mom and dad arrived, i parked my bike near her place and introduced divya to mom. Mom kissed her forehead and blessed. Divya's eyes got moist again. Then finally mother held her hand and we rang divya's house door bell, her father opened the door, princi was sitting on sofa along with his wife and roopa. I glanced over to roopa, she scolded me in local language meaning ass hole. I wanted to bash her up then and there, i controlled my anger and decided there that what ever happens i am not going to leave divya, i will take care of divya and give her all that she desires and much more. I will be successful and rich, i will show them what all i can do in life to show them down. I held divya's hand in front of them there itself. They didn't offer a seat to my dad. Divya's mother asked courteously for water or coffee. My parents replied no nothing. Then princi looked at his brother and said is this what you are doing behind my back, her father bent his head down and didn't utter a word. I and my parents were surprised at his behaviour. The person who was lecturing me in the evening now was not uttering a single word to help his own daughter.

Princi scolded him badly in front of all of us, divya's mother then tried to intervene, princi's wife gave her a big stare and she kept quiet. My father now addressed princi as sir and said when both the kids were born me and your younger brother decided that we will get them married to each other. We have seen life's ups and down's together from last 35+ years, prici interrupted my dad and said it is not his choice to make and also scolded him saying what culture have you given your son and stuff. Mom could not take it anymore, she shouted back what culture are you talking, if you marry her off to anyone else and he doesn't care for her then you would spoil her future life, atleast here we are there and she also loves my son, that is enough for us, we don't need any money or status of yours, we have our own which is sufficient. Princi and his family were fuming, divya's mother was smiling now. I then bent my head towards divya and whispered to her have you decided and pressed her hand.

Divya turned towards me and said are you sure now. I nodded my head in agreement. She then pressed my hand tightly and looked straight towards princi and addressed him, periyappa i love him and want to get married to him, he also loves me and only after our parents gave consent that we went out, if you want ask him and she pointed her hand towards her dad. Roopa then said, you want to marry such porki(asshole), divya said yes, he may be porki to you, but he is my life and if anyone wanted to mess with him they have to go through me. Her father got angry on divya now and said is this what we taught you to insult elders. Divya replied, the only elders i respect is you and now them and pointed towards my parents. Divya went and stood next to my mom. Mom put her hand on divya's shoulders. Mom then directly addressed to both princi and divya's parents, decide now either you will marry her to my son or we get her married to my son, either way she will be my daughter in law.

Princi's face fumed in anger, he looked at divya's father and said see to what people you want to give your daughter. I now intervened and told to divya's father, uncle you yourself told me that we should do anything for love and find success through it, so now i ask you whether i should leave divya due to elders disapproval or should i carry forward. He stood silently for some time. My mom got angry and finally held divya's hand and started towards door. Divya's mom stopped my mom and gave kumkum to my mother and divya and bid us bye. We took divya along with us and came out of her house.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Mom and dad took divya in a rick home and i followed them on bike. Then mom made us wait outside for sometime, went inside and got kumkum water and small deepam's in a silver plate. She then called the neighbour aunts and they made us stand in front of door and did some pooja and they dropped the kumkum water in front of the door. Then all of them asked divya to keep her right foot in water first and then put the same foot first inside the house and walk in. Divya did as told. Mom prepared bengal gram flour and mixed sugar powder with it and everyone in the house including the neighbour aunties took a spoonful and fed me and divya. Mom and dad got busy calling all the relatives in town to come early in the morning.

After all was set, periyamma and akka served dinner to all of us. Once we had dinner, mom told vini, get some clothes for your manni(tamil meaning bhabi). Vini did as told, then mom told divya, you sleep with us in our room. Vini and akka gave a smile to me, i understood no first night yet. Divya then went to mom's room and changed and came back. Her face was glowing like a 1000 watts bulb. I had never seen her so happy. Periyamma and mom decided to get up early and we all moved to our room. Divya followed to my room and wanted to chat for sometime, but here it was occupied with akka and vini and periyamma. Once divya came inside the room periyamma left saying i need to prepare for morning dishes and she called mom and they started their chit chats in the hall.

When divya came to room, vini and akka moved to their bed. Then both vini and akka asked us to sit, i was feeling uncomfortable with 3 girls in the room. Vini face was gloomy, akka was ok. They asked us what happened, then vini told divya should i call you manni or just anni will do, divya said just anni will do(manni and anni mean the same thing as bhabi). Vini and akka were eager to know what happened, Divya explained the princi episode and the house episode to both of them, she also told them that roopa called me porki, vini reacted sharply saying what a bitch. Divya too said, yes bitch and all of them laughed now. Atmosphere became little cool in the room. Then akka asked are you going to sleep here only to divya? she bent her head and said mom asked me to sleep with her today. They both laughed at the shyness of divya. Akka then got up and pushed me on divya jokingly and told hold her. With the push, divya's elbow touched my ribs and i did drama and fell on bed and covered the ribs as if it hurt me.

Divya said sorry and asked where it hurt, i showed the ribs, she asked for moov and asked me to remove my tee. I just pulled it up till shoulders and lay like that. Divya started massaging my ribs and nipples. I saw both akka and vini, they were fuming as if my body belonged to them and someone robbed them of it. I was enjoying virgin's hands roaming my body. After sometime, divya stopped, i knew that she wanted it badly today, but there was no option for her. Just then periyamma came inside the room and looked at us in the same position. She told divya that my mom called her and so divya left after waving her hand. Periyamma then hit me lovingly and said, before marriage only you wanted to have first night, so i said, you were the one who convinced me of her and now you are stopping. She again hit me lovingly and said i said get married, not do all bad things before it. She started moving her hands on my jeans, akka and vini instantly recognised reddy's movement. Periyamma didn't know about vini and i really didn't know whether to start my routine or wait. Reddy was stirring badly thinking of divya now, how hot will her virgin cunt be?
 horseride  Cheeta    
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periyamma asked me to join the cots which i did, then she asked all of us to sleep as we have lots of work tomorrow morning. We all lay down on bed. Vini at one corner, akka next to her and then periyamma and me next to her. Slowly periyamma pushed her hands on reddy and started stroking him. Akka could recognise it. Akka and vini had their hands on each other's pussies now. None of the others knew what the other was doing, i removed my jeans and jockey completely now and pushed it down. Akka and vini understood that i was nude from bottom. Periyamma had covered me with a razoi, so even if they stood up, it would hide the view. With periyamma's massage reddy was standing completely now and i wanted a hole for him. Started pushing up periyamma's saree, she held my hand tightly and did not let it go. I tried pushing her saree up again, but her grip on my hand was strong. I turned her towards me and whispered what happened? She whispered back, it is still paining from morning round. Akka heard her mom's whisper and started laughing loudly. She then turned towards her mom and said, my turn now. Mom signalled vini, so akka said, she is also a part of it and broke the news.

Periyamma then got up and said, i will sleep at last where vini is sleeping and you two can enjoy now, everyone here knows the secret so its ok for me. Vini was initially reluctant. Then akka removed their razoi and both akka and vini were nude from bottom, i removed my tee and they both removed their tops and bra, there was no invitation required by anyone. Then akka held vini's boobs and started kissing them and pressing them. Vini pushed her away and said, last night i missed my chance and don't know what will happen from tomorrow as divya is here now, so it is my chance tonight and jumped on me. I also realised that this might be the last time i may get chance with vini as divya has already come home. I pushed vini on cot and pushed my mouth to her pussy, it was already hot with akka's fingering, i started licking vini's pussy, akka who was standing came and sat next to vini and pushed her mouth to vini's mouth. Periyamma was watching us from the corner of her eyes. Akka then moved her hands on vini's boobs and started kneading them smoothly. I was slurping vini's pussy. I pushed my tongue and explored her pussy as much as my tongue supported, then i inserted a finger in her pussy and started sucking her pussy mound with more force, vini shuddered and raised her hips, held my head tightly to her pussy and she released her love potions, i drank them as if there is no tomorrow, and cleaned the whole pussy with my tongue and lips.

Then i went on top of vini and kissed her lips with my lips, akka pulled me up a little and wiped my lips dry with her tongue. Periyamma now said chi chi, what is happening, you are tasting vini, it is not good, so akka turned towards her mom and said, turn that side and sleep if you cannot see what you are seeing. Her mom then said, i have taken his thing full in my ass and you are still girls, you cannot make him cum for first time, i am more experienced and i say it is not good, girls on girls is not good. I laughed at periyamma and told her all of us have used all our holes. She then asked me, is your ass hole also open? i laughed and said no, then she got up and came behind me, my reddy was now on top of vini's pussy, i gave a gentle push, it went half and i adjusted my hips a little and gave a full push, reddy went fully inside and was covered fully. Periyamma then lowered her face and started licking my bum hole. It was tickling me and i shook my hips, vini laughed at me and said, first time bro first time.

I started slowly moving reddy in and out of her, placed my hand on her boobs and started pushing it up from down, vini moaned and bit her lips, akka then brought her pussy near my face, i tried to suck her pussy while banging vini's pussy, it was difficult to control body movements, so i held one hand as grip and pushed one finger into akka's pussy. Started moving my finger in her hole in tandem with reddy's movement. Vini pulled my hand away from akka's pussy and pushed it on her boobs, i started kneading them with great force, she said it is paining, periyamma from behind stopped licking my ass hole and said, experience girls experience, then she told vini, get used to it, there is no pleasure without pain. We all laughed at her again, she went back to licking my bum hole, i started banging vini with full force and periyamma moved back to her bed. Me and vini humped each other for about 30 mins or so and vini's orgasm was near, i sensed it as her hips movement became faster and she tried to bury her nails in my back. I moved reddy out to the tip of her pussy and pushed him in one shot, started doing it continuously, moving near the tip of her pussy and pushing him in completely, after about 10-12 thrusts like that, vini held my bums tightly and she released her juices.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Akka this time moved her head near her pussy and drank vini's juices while still reddy was inside her pussy. Vini was exhausted now. She closed her eyes and then pulled me closer and kissed deeply. Her eyes were watery now. I wiped it and asked her what happened, did i hurt you? she nodded her head as no and said, i love you too much da keshu, i can't bear divya snatching away you from me, i dont know how i will be able to control myself after getting used to you so much. Yesterday when i slept alone, i couldn't sleep till 3, i was missing you badly, and if you get married tomorrow then how will i survive? more tears started flowing from her eyes. Akka who was standing and periyamma now both joined me and told vini, this had to happen today or tomorrow, we all taught you will get married first and find a sweet home, but fate brought me here. So vini said, go leave her to her place tomorrow morning and come. I held vini's hand and told her, i also was in confused state, but seeing her family's attitude and situation i got her here.

I thought one or the other day i will have to get married and now atleast i can save a girl from bastards and also she loves me, so i will not have to worry that who will come into my life and how will she be in future. All these made me decide. Vini asked then atleast postpone the marriage for some time. Periyamma then spoke saying, if we postpone the marriage divya's name will get spoilt in all the neighbourhood and all the relatives will look down on your parents as culprits who destroyed a girl's life, tomorrow it will be difficult to get grooms for you as well as for kiddo and girl for krish. It is good that your bro is getting married at young age. He will become more responsible towards family now, he will make sure you get someone as good as him for you like how he got someone who loves akka for her. This is an unforeseen circumstance and i fully support what your parents are doing. Even if i had a son under such circumstances, i probably would have left the girl at her parents place and then decide. Your mom is a very strong woman, she has taken the right decision. Vini became alright now and all of them wanted to sleep. Reddy was no where near release and he was still upright.

Akka saw him and said, such emotional drama happened and he still is erect like a flag pole. I said, you guys have made him so pervert, previously he used to listen to me now he does not listen and always searches holes, what to do? Akka lovingly hit me and said, dont worry he will not one permanant hole to stay inside and all of us laughed, the atmosphere became light now. I looked at periyamma now, she said, she still has pain and cannot today. Vini then jokingly said how hard did he do and laughed at periyamma. Periyamma became angry and said try to make him cum in one hole continuously, i challenge that you will become unconscious before he finishes. Then she asked vini, you lost all holes? vini said no, there it is still virgin and showed her bum to her. She said, since he has so many holes now, it is still virgin, otherwise it would have become highway. All of them laughed. Akka then asked me to mount her, her pussy was already dripping juices, it was easier for reddy to slide inside her, Started movements of reddy slowly and moved my lips on her boobs, i wanted to bite her, so lited her right boob a little and gave a big bite on it, Akka screamed loudly, i pushed my hand on her lips and closed it.

It was our first love bite together. My teeth marks were clearly visible at the bottom of her boobs. Akka then moved my hands from her lips and said it pained, i said sorry and continued moving reddy inside her pussy. Akka became alright now and started responding to reddy's thrusts. I kissed and sucked both her nipples. Akka then asked me ready, i said yes. I pulled reddy till only his tip was touching akka's pussy lips and sent him inside with a big push, akka also thrust her hips from below, we contined in the same speed for about 10 minutes more and both of us released our juices together. This time vini brought her head towards akka's pussy and started licking her juices mixed with my cum. She started making hmmmm ... hmmm... sounds, i moved next to akka and lay down. Then akka dipped her finger into her pussy and licked it clean. She then turned towards me and said your cum mixed with mine tastes awesome, I told her yesterday only you told me that. All of us laughed now. I pulled my tracks on reddy and took a smoke and moved out to balcony. I lit it and was smoking and applying thought as to how my life changed in the first 10 days of joining graduation.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Then suddenly our english madam's balcony door creaked, i turned towards her balcony, she appeared in her night gown, it was hanging from her shoulders till just above her knee. In the moonlight her legs were shining like silver. She turned towards me and asked have a spare. I asked spare? she said smoke you idiot, we both laughed, i pulled out one from the pack and bent to give her, she also bent a little, her clevage was clearly visible now, her boobs were hanging and she had not worn bra. I instantly recognised something was different about her boobs, but didn't mind asking her. Her one boob was smaller compared to the other. It was the first time i had seen something like that. Even in the magzines i had seen, almost all boobs were similar to eachother, from periyamma to vini all had both left and right boobs of same size and shape, however here one boob was visibly smaller than the other. She lit the smoke and started making rings out of smoke.

I liked the way she smoked and stood like a tree watching her. She then turned towards me and asked, what function tomorrow, some neighbours told me in the evening that some guy in you house has got his girlfriend home. I said not someone, it is me only. She was surprised to hear it, i looked typical bookworm. She asked love from when, so i told her from today evening only. She laughed at me and said dont lie, so i put my hand on my heart and said i swear, only today evening i liked her. She still didn't trust, i said dont bother, and threw my smoke in ashtray and opened the door to my room, she said congrats, i turned and said thank you. When i came inside room, periyamma and akka had slept on one side of the cot and vini on the other end leaving me space between her and akka. I just pushed myself on the cot and lay down holding vini's boobs. Akka then turned towards me and pushed her pussy to my hips, we all fell asleep.

Morning, periyamma woke us up at 5, she asked us to clean ourselves as people will start arriving now. She had already bathed and was ready. Vini pushed her hand on reddy and pulled him closer to her bum hole and said, kiss it and pushed it on her hole. Everyone laughed. She said, if he has first night today, he should remember all his life that his dick kissed my ass first. All of us now laughed heartily. I went to bathroom and took bath. vini and akka cleaned the room and arragned our beds. When i came out, both of them went inside the batroom together. I shouted periyamma loudly, they both shouted again noooooo, we are just going to bath now. I was laughing as periyamma now held divya and brought her to the room. Divya was holding coffee now. Periyamma then said, if you only hold it coffee will become cold, so divya held her hand forward, i took the glass and drank coffee. periyamma asked how was the coffee, i answered good, she to irritate me said i made the coffee.

Divya immediately nodded her head and said i made this coffee not periyamma. Me and periyamma laughed a little and told divya, she was just trying to irritate you thats all. So divya said alright and said sorry. Every one of our relatives who were invited started pouring into the house now. I took my yogamat and went to balcony and started morning yoga. Just then the balcony door of english madam's balcony opened. I lifted my head a little to see, it was not her, it was someone else, she looked a lot younger than english madam, this time i observed her, she had rings on her leg finger and also mangalsutra. I was wondering who is this beauty who gave her darshan in the morning. Just then english madam walked from behind her, i bent my face down a little not to get caught. She waved hi to me, i waved back. I wanted to ask her who is the goddess standing next to you. Didn't get courage, she only introduced, this is my younger sister, shamili, she stays in madras, i said hi shamili, she looked at me, her eyes were saying she was in pain, couldn't bother her more, said bye to both of them and came back to room.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I came to my room and changed to jeans and tee and went to hall. Every one of my relatives who were invited had arrived with their families now. My house was fully occupied now. About 100 people were inside my place. All the ladies were giggling and all the uncles were smiling looking at me. I felt too much akwardness with so much stare. There was nothing i could do. Went towards my dad and mom's room, all the ladies stopped me there and said not yet dear and started giggling again. I felt too embrassed and came back to hall and sat in a corner. Periyappa had taken the lead now and was adressing everyone as to the next steps. Finally they all joined and decided that marriage will happen in sriraman koil(ram temple) which was about 10 kms from my place. Periyappa and other elders advised my dad to call vini's dad and talk to him, inform him the marriage venue and timings.

With all vedic scholars at home, there was no necessity to consult an astrologer for timings or anything. One chitappa( my grand fathers younger brother) took the lead, asked for divya's birth timings and matched our horoscopes, he fixed the marriage time for 11:05 am the same day. Dad called divya's dad on his cell and informed him the venue and time. Divya's father said ok ok and cut the call. Periyapa then said if her father doesn't turn up, then my maternal uncle can do the kanya daan. Everyone got ready for breakfast, it was ordered from nearby hotel. When the breakfast session was finished, sekhar and his family arrived to our place. Sekhar came and sat next to me and whispered, what speed bro? you overtook me by a big time. I just smiled at him. There was cab's to be arranged to the temple and lunch also was to be arranged. Periyappa called one of his friends and arranged for lunch with sweets, Dad arranged for covers, food plates and tables from the nearby shop. Cabs were arranged by sekhar, everything was set now.

Divya's mom arrived with a bag. Everyone were surprised, but none uttered any word. She asked where is divya and then went to parents room, mom followed her. Divya's mother had got her gold ornaments to give it to divya, mom objected to it saying, we brought her with us, we will not accept anything from your place. Periyamma and everyone joined in mom's support. Then divya's mom said, we had got all this made for divya only. It is our family problem and it should not affect her. There was a good crying round now. Finally mom relented and her mom gave all the jewellery to my mom's hand only. Mom passed it to divya and asked her to wear them all. Sekhar had got all the required dress materials. Divya had now worn a white saree with dark red border as is the custom of our family. Mom sent periyamma and her naathana(younger bro's wife) and sent them to fetch mangalsutra and its contents. They both took one cab and left. Then everyone asked me to change my dress to dhoti, i took a new one sekhar had got and went to room.

Vini's cell was lying on the table and was vibrating. It had just madam on it. I picked up the call to check, it was indeed english madam, i said yes madam, she asked who is this? i said keshave madam, she then in a state of worry said, my sister is not answering the phone, i reached college and tried to call her, she is not answering, please can you send someone to check. i said sure, i will check and call you back. I put my dhoti and came out of room, signalled vini to come, she came and playfully said, already missing me? i said no, madam had called, plese can you check if her sister is at home. Vini left and after couple of minutes she came back and said door is locked. I went to room and called english madam and informed her the same, so she said, she is at home only, its ok i will come, her voice had a lot of worry. I didn't know what to do, i went to my balcony and then jumped to her balcony and tried to move her balcony door, luckily it was open and i went inside. Shamili lay unconscious on floor near kitchen. My body froze, i thought she was dead, went near, i could hear her breathing, i didn't know what to do, i found tap, collected it in a vessel placed near and poured it fully on shamili.

She awoke suddenly and was shocked to see me. What are you doing here, i said, madam asked me to check you as you were not answering the phone. Called vini on her cell and asked her to get couple of idlies to madam's place. She asked where are you, i said madam's place. I opened the door and vini got akka also with her, they both informed that everyone was searching me, i went to leave near the door, they said no, so i left from balcony and joined everyone in the hall. After sometime vini and akka had got shamili also with them to our home.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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We all started towards temple, mom, dad, vini, kiddo, krish and me in one cab and rest all shared whatever was left. Once we reached, periyappa had already arranged for the ceremony, every one pushed me towards the fire place and made me sit in front of it. The ceremony started without any fanfare. Just then divya's father also arrived. He had come in factory dress. Divya's parents only did the kanyadaan and everything went smoothly. The temple priest blessed us, we all started towards home, reached home and again before entering the house there was rice kept in a measuring cup which divya had to kick in before entering. She kicked and it went and hit the wall in the hall. Then all the elder women stopped me and her and asked us to say each other's names, i loudly said divya, she was feeling shy in front of all and they started teasing her, she then slowly in a feeble voice said keshav.

Everyone clapped and let us inside our house. Everyone had lunch and blessed us and left. Divya's father got his cheque book out and paid for pandal, food and cab. There was nil expenses for us except morning breakfast and mangalsutra. He then wrote 5lacs cheque in divya's name and gave it to her, then guided her to give it my father. My father clearly denied it and said we have got all we wanted and politely refused to accept it, even after lot of deliberations he did not take it. I felt good as my father didn't take a penny from him, he was a self made man. He had earned while studying and also got married with his money only. Everyone had lunch and blessed both of us. Me and divya had back pain before most of them left, we had to bend down to take their blessings and fall at everyone's feet. Everyone paid us in cash no gifts in kind at all. I collected the covers and put it in my room.

When everyone left, periyamma and akka made coffee for all of us. They made me sit next to divya always, Vini had a little dull face, i signalled her to come near and whispered couple of days, i will find a way for us, just wait. I lied to console her. Then pointed my finger at akka, akka blushed a little, both of them understood what i meant. The atmosphere was cool now. Then i went to room to change, divya followed. Parents and the little elder women who were left stopped her from coming to my room and took her to their room and she changed her dress to another saree. I went to room and changed to tracks and lay down hazily. I had nothing more to do. I took a smoke and went to balcony, found english madam there, she was waiting for me. I offered her smoke, she refused and said, only in night or inside my place. I said jokingly not today, she didn't bother about the joke. She said thank you, i asked her for what? She then said for taking care of my sister.

I said no probs, why did she fall down? madam said she had not eaten from 3 days, she was feeling down, i cooked and tried to feed, she promised she will eat later, but then she had become unconscious, you came and made sure she eats and also took her along with you guys along with your family. She is felling a little better now. she also assured me that if i need anything just to let her know. I said friends then, she said friend. I told her, madam i dont know your name yet. She laughed loudly and said shylaja. I said beautiful name, suits you. One thing i learnt is that if you praise any girl, she will show shyness, but inside her she will love it. She then asked how was your marriage, i said simple. She asked for treat, i said sometime later along with college friends. She simply nodded her head and then teasingly said good luck. I asked luck for what? she looked at my eyes directly and said first night idiot. I bent my head and said thank you. We bid bye to each other and i came back to my room. Still had nothing to do, my eyes went towards the cash i received from relatives, opened each cover and checked who paid, every family which had come had paid, i totalled it, it was over 50k.

I was happy, zero expenses and 50k profit, no wonder people get married i thought. I put the money back to cover and went to hall. Called divya, she came and was smiling, i said this is the gifts we have received from my relatives, what do you want to do? All the elders sitting around us started saying, married now and already holding wife's pallu. So i looked at them and said so what? Everyone laughed heartily. Then divya took all the covers and gave it to my dad. Dad didn't open a single one and then he called me also near and said, keep this, this is yours and do anything you both like. I took it from him and went and placed it in my cupboard. Divya's father then asked permission from my parents saying that their whole family is in principal's house and he had escaped saying factory and come. He had to join back his elder brothers, he took my mother in law along with him. They both blessed us as they left.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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When everything was over, i called sekhar and thanked him for his help. he said anytime bro, we are soon going to be related also and it is because of you only. We became good friends from then. He also left now. Dad then called me and asked shall i book a room for you. I asked for what, he said you know. I said shall i check with divya and come. He just nodded his head and smiled. I called divya to the corner and asked her, first night where? she was full of shyness now and bent her head completely and just nodded, i told her if you dont want it its ok with me, but dad asked if we are ok in the house or he will book us a room. She said anywhere is ok with me as long as you are next to me always. I again had to ask her where do you want it, in the house or in hotel. She said house is only ok. I went to my dad and said house. The elders made me sit in the hall while they decorated my room. They made divya also sit next to me, infact they pushed her on me. Periyamma along with mom's naathana cooked dinner for all. Me and divya were made to sit opposite to each other and had to feed each other. It was sort of fun when you feed some for the first time.

After the dinner program, i was back on sofa, before divya came, i whispered in vini's ears, food was just ok ya. She blushed remembering how she fed me. She then turned and whispered back, how is he now, i said, ever ready. She pinched me near hips and left. Akka who observed us was smiling now. Divya came and sat next to me. Elder women then pulled her from there and took her to parents room. They all gave me a dhoti to wear and a brand new white shirt, typical tamil star dress. I was not let into my room. I went and changed in the corner. The house was filled with the giggles of all elderly ladies. Then around 9"30, the elder ladies made me sit on floor and did a small ceremony to bless a newly married guy and sang all traditional songs, made me get up and pushed me into my room. The room was decorated with simplicity, jasmine flowers all around, kanakambaram flowers from the fan till the edge of the cot. Both the cots were joined, then fragance candles all around the corners and on table and also near the legs of the cot. Then again i heard all the ladies singing songs near the door, i just sat on the cot after moving the kanakambaram flowers a little.

They pushed divya into the room and locked the door from outside. She had her head bent with shyness and had a silver glass filled with milk. I sat on the cot admiring her shyness and she stood like a statue for sometime. I called her name divya, she lifted her head a little, her eyes were gleaming like diamonds, her cheeks shown like glittering gold, her side hips were looking like fully bloomed lotus flower. her hands were trembling in anticipation. I now went near her and whispered congrats. She just nodded her head. I put my hand on her hand with glass, her whole body shivered now, i then suddenly pinched her hips which were looking very inviting, she , shook as though a 1000 volts electricity hit her. I was laughing now, asked her what happened da, she said, she is feeling very shy now. I just went and sat on the cot and waited for her to make a move. She came near the cot and pushed her hand with milk glass towards me, i took it and took a sip out of it, it was not regular milk, but mixed with lots of almonds and other dry fruits. I drank a little and gave her the glass back. Divya then put her lips on the silver glass, her pinkish lips were reflecting in the glass like rubies.

then she pushed her hand towards me, i held her hand and pulled her closer to me, she came very close now, i just parted the saree a little and kissed her navel once and looked at her, her eyes were closed now. Anyone who would have seen the sweat on her forehead would definately not look at anyone else in their lives, eve sex goddesses will look like an old nut in front of her. This was the first time i accepted her fully as mine (for most of the guys, more than money or anything the beauty is the most important factor for marriage, then the rest will follow). I held her hips and inserted my tongue into her navel while she was still in her saree and holding the silver glass with milk. I enjoyed the sucking of her navel to my hearts content. I then made her sit on the cot, then took the glass from her hand and finished 3/4th of the milk, held the glass near the lips and made her finish it.

Then took the glass and poured the last of the drops onto my tongue. I then whispered whether i should switch off light, she nodded yes. I got up now and went near the door to lock it, i could hear giggles of oldies, i didn't bother thinking as if they never did it. I then turned towards divya and called out her name, she slowly lifted her head and looked towards me, i said, let the light be on for sometime and went and sat next to her. I put my hands on her hands and asked her, are you happy with how the day went, she still bending her head nodded meaning yes. I put my fingers under her chin and then slowly lifted her head up, her eyes were still looking down. I turned her towards me and asked her do you want me to stay away, she hugged me tightly and said, i have always dreamed about only you, this is the happiest day of my life, i love you da keshu. With her hug, there was no other invitaton required, i loosened her grip a little and then got up and switched off the lights.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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We both got ready the next morning, Divya Wore the pavadai davani i had got her, she looked more beautiful now. We both opened the door lock now, i held her by her waist and said i love you Divya and will always love you. She kissed on my cheeks and said love you too dear. We opened the door and came out. The oldies made a voooooo sound loudly. Both of us bent our head in shyness now. I went and sat on the sofa, she went straight to kitchen, mom had made coffee and divya got coffee for me and her. Vini was looking alright now, so i looked at her eyes and asked how are you? akka then put her hand on vini's shoulder and nodded yes. I thanked god for sending such understanding sisters. The oldies were still teasing us. After coffee, divya took the glass from my hand and wanted to go to kitchen, vini stopped her and collected glasses and said you look very tired and teased divya, she just bent her head. All of us had breakfast. I looked at vini and divya and asked are you guys coming to college. Mom stepped in and said, no college this week for you both showing me and divya, i asked why mom? she said for 3 days after marriage you guys should not go out of this house, it is a custom for good luck for your future and for kids too. All the oldies laughed out loudly now, i thought i was stuck with these oldies now. I then remembered i had to deposit the money in bank, so asked mom, is it ok to go to bank atleast in the corner of our road.

 She said, give it to dad or vini, they will deposit. I looked at vini and asked her are you going to college, she said from tomorrow. I then gave her the money and asked her to deposit it into my account and also gave passbook to her, then winked at her saying come to room. She understood and came to room and asked what, no one bothered now, she gave a peck on my lips and asked what da? i said please can you get me cigrattes, i have just one left. She said chi chi, i will not go to shop and ask for cigrattes. I said ok in a dull tone. She then asked how was it? i asked what? she said your first night, i said you were also there no when i had first night? she hit my ribs lovingly and said first night with anni, i said it was fantastic, she then made me promise to tell er each and everything that happened. I promised her. Then asked her how was it for you, she said, she missed reddy but now she has to get used to whatever is available, but she and akka did twice in the night to each other. I was satisfied now that sisters are taking care of themselves for now. We came out of room and she took akka and left for bank. Only me and divya were left for breakfast as everyone had already had. Mom then served breakfast, i took my plate and started towards room, divya quietly followed bending her head. One of the ladies made a note saying, she will follow where ever he goes, he is very lucky to get such a girl for himself and laughed.

Once inside the room, i put my plate on my table, divya also put her plate on my table and wanted to pull another chair to sit. I held her hips and pulled her closer and made her sit on my lap, then whispered, i will teach you how to eat and then put some food in my mouth and pulled her closer and pushed my mouth on hers and pushed the food inside her mouth. She loved the way i fed her, she was a very quick learner, she also fed me the same way, then i lifted her and said wait a minute, and went and locked the door, lifted her davani till her bums, pulled her panty down and pushed my tracks and jockey down and then placed reddy

on her still virgin bum hole and made her sit. Then again feeding each other continued. Reddy had become like a steel rod again, she asked does he not need rest at all even after so many times. I held her waist and inserted my finger in her navel and said, with such a beauty near, how will he ever think of rest and tickled near her hips, she shivered, reddy was now not going to listen to anything, so i pushed her over to bed and we had another deep session. It was already lunch time by the time we opened the door back. Everyone in the hall started teasing us with sounds, ooooo, voooo and stuff. Divya then went to kitchen and helped serve food to all the elder ladies. When everyone else finished, only mom, divya, periyamma, akka and vini were left for lunch. Akka teasingly poked divya's hips and asked lunch also in room? Divya withered with the poke and then nodded her head as a no. Mom then told akka, dont irritate them. Akka just moved her head in action telling divya that she knows how we have food in room naughtily. Divya said sheee, keep quiet. Vini then asked divya, you look too tired, no sleep last night? mom scolded her and said, leave

her alone and then held divya's hand and took her away from us. All the other elders now started leaving one by one. When the whole house got empty, divya went to mom's room again leaving me with vini, akka and periyamma. Akka asked how was it? i said supperrrr. She insisted tell us also, we missed you too much da yesterday. Her mom gave a small tap on akka's legs and said shhhh, he is married now. So akka and vini now said, we need to make a new secret room as the old one is no longer for us. They made me promise to explain in detail about my first night with divya. Which i did. Got bored sitting in the hall and also was tired, so went in the room and lay down.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Then when my eyes fell on computer, i started looking at the softwares and the learnings from the weekend classes. I got a hold of some of them and had to learn many things. I decided to spend sometime everyday on it as i was completely home now. Just then divya walked in and asked what are you doing dear. I said nothing and turned towards her. She didn't bother me much. We both had another round of coffee. She said, i like your mom also now man. I asked what happened suddenly, so divya said, mom gave her access to all her jewels also, she said, all these belong to you from now on, your father in law made all of these from his earnings only, so keep them safe. I said, just if someone gives you jewellery you will love them? She said, since we both are still studying, i will have to wait for you to buy me anything from your earnings, see your mom thats why she has preserved each and everything as she knows the love of waiting to get something and the happiness when you get it. These things cannot replace love. I said finished all the gyan chapters dear and held her boobs and pressed, she said, i am all yours from yesterday only, wait for dinner to get over da and she left the room after giving a sexy smile.

I took out the last smoke left with me and walked towards balcony and lit it. Probably english madam was waiting for me, because as soon as i lit the smoke, she came out and waved at me. I waved back, she asked in a very peculiar accent, how did it go. i jokingly asked what? she said your first night idiot, her was of saying idiot to me was attracting me towards her. I told her i need your help, she said my help? why did not everything go alright last night? i said, all those things went very well, you should also try sometime i said naughtily. She was all ok with these words, then she asked what help? i said my smoke has got over, this was the last one i had left, i cannot ask anyone in family to get me and i am not supposed to go out of house for another 2 days, please can you get me. She laughingly said, from teacher you are making me peon now? i said nothing like that, just asking for your help. She said come after sometime, me and shamili are going outside, will get it from supermarket. I said thanks, and then asked why is she so dull and down. Madam said, her family problem, her husband has become drunkard and her in laws are blaming her for progeny, how much can anyone bear it, so she has come here. I asked is she leaving her

husband, so madam said, it is not possible as she was married to a relative only and she is not so educated as she was married off at a very young age, when she feels too much stress that she cannot take, she comes here and stays with me. I asked her how about your parents as you stay alone, she said, they both passed away long time ago. I then asked her, shall i ask you something personal? she nodded her head with an yes, i asked her, why are you not married? She had tears in her eyes and then said, i have some form of physical deformity from a very young age, so no one wanted to marry me, thats why i studied all i could, and

now there is nothing more to study. I asked boyfriends, she nodded no, as soon as someone got to know about it, they ditched me. So i asked her what deformity, you look absolutely gorgeous and sexy. She said, sexy, me, what if your wife listens idiot, i said, nothing like that, i just told you the truth. She blushed with the word sexy, i could make it out from her eyes. I again repeated what deformity to her, she said, there is something i cannot share with anyone now. I have buried it in my heart long time ago, please dont ask me anything more. I just said sorry to her. She then said catch you up later as i need to get smoke for you now. I said ok and then opened the balcony door and went back to system.

Divya walked in now and said dinner is ready, come we will have it, i said get it here only, she said mom called otherwise i would have got it for you. We both had dinner in the hall itself. After dinner, Divya took over helping mom in kitchen from akka and vini. Vini wanted to do it as she was used to doing them. Divya said, you are still a kid, let me do it, you study well and sent her, Vini did not like it at all. She made dull face and left kitchen.

I came back to system and started studying whatever was taught in the classes and also started understanding the softwares. I dedided to open an account to trade. I made note of all the queries i had to be asked in the class. Just as i closed the system, Divya made her way to the room, she had again got the milk in the silver glass. She was not shy anymore, she came and directly sat on my lap and then took a sip from it and then moved her lips over mine and fed me milk. I said to her, i need a different milk and pointed towards ber milk cans. She blushed and said mom said take precaution till you finish your education. Then you can plan for all of it.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I said what do you want, she said, she loves kids and always thought of having one of our own, but education is also important so she agrees with whatever parents told her. I just nodded my head in agreement. She told me to get condoms. I told her i hate wearing condoms, so she said, then get me tabs, i will only take it. I said thank you dear. She said your dad wants to speak to you, he told me to tell you. I was all ready for another session and suddenly had to control the urge and leave. Called dad from his room, he said do you have smoke, i said no, but wait i will check and came to room and then to balcony. As soon i opened the door madam handed the pack to me, i said thanks and handed over 100rs note to her, she said, its alright keep it. I said bye to

her and started rushing in to balcony, just then divya asked who is it? i said our english madam, madam heard it and asked is it your wife? i said yes, she then said you didn't intro also keshav. I called divya to the balcony and said this is my wife. Madam instantly recognised her and said you are also my student right, divya nodded her head. I told both of them that dad is waiting so i will catch up later and left. Madam and divya continued their chit chats. I took smoke pack and called dad again, he said this is a new pack did you go out to buy it, i said no dad, someone got it for me. He didn't bother me much, we both left for terrace. Dad had become my friend type now.

After starting the smoke he said, i am thinking about making a seperate place for you, this house is too small for all of us together. I said no dad, it is cool for us, we have our seperate room, so dont bother. He said, it is not like that, you are growing up and you have a new family, you will need your spare time together, i will speak to the owner of the house next to madam's house and see if he will agree to it, then you can move to the next door itself. I told dad let me think about it, but it is not a good idea according to me. I dont want to leave you guys and go to seperate place. He insisted and said, it is my decision that you should get time with each other, and i am not saying you to move out permanantly, just till kiddo gets married, then the 3 bhk we have will be sufficient for us, you and krish also. I felt like crying, but dad said, it will be good for you to view things from married point of view, if we keep you here you will not learn aspects of life. So move out. I became depressed. couldn't say anything more to dad.

I went to room and informed divya about the same. She started crying and then went near parents room and knocked and went inside, i just followed. She told my parents, i didn't marry to break the house, i want to stay with you guys, i dont want to stay without you or make another house and stuff, there was a whole session of crying. After she had finished, mom sent me and dad outside, and after about half an hour divya came out, her crying had subsidised but she was still dull. I asked her what happened, so she said, mom told me that this house is and will always be your house, but it has little space for so many people, and also we are not sending you to some far away place, we are just asking you to move next door so that you get some privacy in the initial years of marriage. Also this is a temporary arrangement till girl kids get married and then the whole house is yours. Also you need not cook or nything there, you will have breakfast to dinner here only. It was settled now that dad will look for a new house for me and divya.

With the crying and emotional drama that just took place, i needed another smoke. Informed divya that i am going to balcony to smoke, came out, locked the door from outside. Pulled out a smoke and lit it. Just then madam walked out with shamili, shamili was ok now, better than morning, she was still in saree but madam had changed her dress to evening gown. I had a good look at madam's boobs, now it was covered by brapads, it was clear as one nipple was visible and the other did not have. She noticed me looking at her boobs and didn't bother. When i didn't move my eyes from there, shamili joked and said, already bored after first night, i said shhhh, she is inside. They both laughed. I understood that they had seen reddy over the tracks, I had removed jockey already and got ready for another session with divya, but someother things occured. Tracks had precum marks on it and both madam and shamili had seen it. Madam then pointed towards room and said enough go now. I asked directly enough of what, she said dont bother, i repeated enough of what again? she said sight seeing. I joked saying nothing is visible even though 2 birds are there. now it was their turn to laugh. Madam said enjoy the night and waved bye. I said to shamili, see when men ask, this is how women turn our mood off, she waved like hitting me and said go go now. I just opened the door and came inside the room and locked the balcony door.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Plz add some thrills and relationships to the story. Bring shekar and your periyappa into the scene... Like Shekar with your periyamma....or vini and akka with your periyappa or madam and shamili with you will be excellent and much appreciated....

Thrills will come only after 3 months of marriage, and sorry bro for sekhar and periyappa, i dont share my women, never tried in the last 12 years.
Madam and shamili will come shortly, madam and vini also will get together. Lots more coming in future. Keep visiting bro.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I came back to room and sat on the cot, just then heard a knock at the door. I was surprised who it would be at this time. Opened the door, saw vini and asked her what? she said, can you please move my cupboard to the other room, as i am no longer living here. She then saw the pre cum mark on reddy and smiled. Divya also came near room and asked what and vini repeated the same, so divya said, take the necesary clothes now, we can move the cupboard tomorrow. Vini asked is it ok if i come in, she asked with a sarcastic smile, divya firmly nodded her head and said yes. She had to get used to such intrusions in future also as we lived in a joint family till now. Divya came and collected her clothes and her panty fell down, i knew she was trying to provoke me, but what to do, when wife is near, it is better to bend your head even for aishwarya rai. I had become one such husband who now cared what his wife felt about him. When she left, divya signalled me to close the door. I closed it within fraction of a second. Last night only i knew the stamina of divya, and when there was no invitation required, i just jumped at her and put my hands on her navel,i started caress her navel, it was a big turn on for me, she had the lovliest navel hole i had ever seen, just one thought of it and reddy started stirring behind her bums.

Divya then said, let me remove this dress, i have been wearing this since morning, she left towards bathroom and i followed. I pulled her closer and pushed my lips on her lips, it tasted like the favourite sweet, i started biting and chewing her lips with love, she closed her eyes, so i asked her if you want to close your eyes i will not continue, i like the way she looks at reddy with hungry eyes. She hit me and said, i am enjoying and you suddenly interrupt. I said sorry and continued tongue fighting with her, then slolwy opened the hooks of her pavadai and the knot of davani and pushed it down, i also removed her pavadai now, she was only in her bra and panties. I went back a little, she asked what happened? so i said, let me enjoy the beauty god has given me. She felt litle shy when i started oogling her, after a couple of minutes, i moved my hand on her bra and let her right boobs out of it, with the bra hooks still holding, her right boob started getting red, then i moved the bra to top of her boobs, both her boobs were visible now. her areola was normal compared to periyamma's or akka's areola, they had bigger ones. But divya had sharper nipples, i could not control anymore, i held my tee and tracks and removed them in a flash. I held divya and removed her bra hooks, i told her get front hook bra for yourself, so she said, whatever you want me to wear, you only have to get me as i am no longer in parents place, when you held my hand and took me out of my parents place, i became all yours, and when you tied this indicating mangalsutra, you own me completely. So i asked her will you wear shorts and sleevless tops at home then, she nodded yes and said as i said, whatever you want me to wear, how ever i look good to your eyes, i will dress like that. I jokingly said, i like you now better without dress, she hit me lovingly and said, this look is only for you in privacy, it will be only for you for as long as we are there.

I pushed my mouth on her nipple and hand on the other boob. I pressed her boob gently and started sucking the nipple with lots of smoothness, she was enjoying it, she pushed my head on her nipple harder, i started pushing her nipple up and down with my tongue, it became very hard now, i sucked it for almost 15 minutes and then moved my mouth towards her other nipple. I directly started sucking it harder, a moan left divya's mouth, aaaaaaa.... keshoo love you da. I then pushed my hand inside her pussy and started massaging all over her pussy, she then held reddy tightly and said remove the panty also dear, i obliged and pushed it down, she moved her legs and it was out of her body completely. I pushed her to wall now and went closer and started kissing her neck and chest just above her boobs. She was still holding reddy with her hands. she pulled him closer to her pussy. Reddy touched the tip of her pussy, it still gave a kind of thrill for me as i had one permanent hole now for him. She then parted her legs a little and made room for reddy and held him again near her hole, i gave a small push and his head went inside her, divya let out a small shrilling sound, then she said, it will a couple of more days for my pussy to get adjusted for initial thrusts.

I smiled and said, well need to lube it before pushing him in, she said, first let me get what i want, then you can do as you wish as we have all night and if you want all day tomorrow and all our lifetime, but please send him inside more, i am dying for him from evening and we both had one work or another. I told her see your love changed from me to him in just a single day, she said it is only yours i ever dreamed of even when i fingered, so what is your problem, push it inside now, i laughed and said you are commanding now. She said yes, this is my property now and i can do what i want with it. I gave another thrust and reddy went half inside, divya now moved her butt a little forward and i gave final push and reddy was buried inside her hot pussy. She held me tightly and said, dont move, i want to feel him like that for sometime. I didn't move reddy, but slowly moved near her nipples and started moving my mouth and hands softly on them. after sometime i started pressing her boobs with more force and it became red like apples, and her nipples also darkned, she said its paining da, do it more slowly,

i said these now belong to me and i can do what ever i wish, she said with such force, it will loosen fast and will start hanging and you will not like them anymore, so then i said, we will get silicon implanted for you. Just then i realised, silicon can be implanted to engish madam's boobs too. Divya then started moving her hips, i understood and started moving reddy in and out of her pussy slowly, when her pre cum juices started flowing, it became smooth for reddy and he was enjoying the movements inside his personal hole, we had all the time in the world, she then said in my ears, i am about to... i understood and started banging her hole with a little force. She held my back tightly and released her juices. I stood still for sometime and then wanted to move back, she held me tightly and said, till he pours his leak inside, he should not come out. so i asked her, i want to suck your pussy, she said later when i am done. i didn't argue with her anymore. In marriage wife is always first, and husband always last, i made a note in my mind.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I asked her to wrap her legs around my waist so that i can carry her like that to bed. When she wrapped, i could feel reddy touching her womb, his tip was now being touched by her womb and his excitement reached mount everest. i could not control anymore, rushed towards bed and put her down and moved between her legs and told her you asked for it and started humping her already leaked pussy, the sound of reddy pounding her pussy was echoing in the room, plup plup plup just like a clock, I again started kissing divya on her lips and moved my hands on her boobs, i moved my hands in such a way that i missed her nipples everytime i went near them. She held my hands tightly on them. I started applying pressure and kneaded them to my heart's content. She said i am ready again, i liked the way she boldly spoke when we were on bed. I said me too, i pumped her pussy with all my might and she responded with thrusts from bottom, we both released our juices after about 20 mins of continuous hard bangs. I lay still on her for sometime, then removed reddy when all his juices were flowing out of her love hole mixed with her juices. Divya hugged me and kept her face near mine and then gave a peck. I asked her are you not tired? She was the only girl who could take so much pressure on her pussy. Experienced periyamma, nubile vini and almost married akka all could not take so much pressure.

Divya said, yes i am tired, but i also dreamt of these things for such a long time. Also i have to let my body get used to yours otherwise how will we both enjoy life. I asked her what if i had smaller penis, she then said, god creates couples accordingly and we should not bother much. I asked her then ready for another round, she kept her hand on reddy to check, he was laying still after the marathon session of movements, she said, he is not ready yet, so i said, kiss him. She said, all other things later, if he wants then it is always ready for him pointing towards her pussy. I laughed at her and said it is called pussy. She said i know, and she said yours is called dick, prick, lund right? i said everyone else's is called dick, prick, lund whatever, but mine is called reddy. She looked quizzingly and asked reddy? i said yes, then she asked who named it. I said it is an old story. She said we have all the time come on, why are you hiding it from me now that he belongs to me completely. I said, not completely to you. She now got angry and asked you still want to continue with udaya or whoever was your sex partner, i laughed and said, no it will belong to me only as i need to piss from it. She cooled down a little.

Then Divya asked me, from now on no going outside, i forgave you once since it happened before i professed my love to you. If i come to know again that such a thing happened, i will kill myself along with you. She made me promise keeping my hand on her head. When she came back to senses again, she asked so continue the story. I asked what story? she said naming ceremony of reddy. It was my turn to laugh, she was the first woman to address reddy with his name. I loved the way she sounded reddy. I told her when i was in inter one guy was always boasting that dicks also have caste. we all used to tease him to use bad words. One day he challenged that we all will masturbate together and who ever comes last will be the winner. Everyone agreed and i also had to agree along with them. He always said reddy's have the most stamina and are also the longest. The place was fixed at college bathroom after the classes. That day my dad wanted to come to college to pick me up and i wanted to finish it fast and get out. Everyone of us then met in the college toilet after all the classes and one by one everyone pulled out their dicks.

Divya was so interested in the story now, i really didn't know whether it was the story or the number of dicks, but couldn't ask her. Then i continued. With everyone's dick in their hand the sight was like puking for me. Still it was guys challenge so had to continue. One by one all of us started massaging their dicks, couple of them released soon, this guy then called them sudra as they came so early and said, they belong to lower cast as they just finish their work and get lost. After sometime most of the guys came and were labelled  because they know they have to last till pooja gets over and once done they will not be in temple anylonger. Finally the competition gathered heat and three of us left, all the guys started cheering us. Then the guy who always boasted having stamina and the other guy came, i was the only one left, they all watched me with their eyes wide open and i took some more time to cum and when finally i released, i felt tired completely but was very proud of being the winner. I then turned towards the guy who challenged and said who's is reddy now. He bent his head like doing pranaam towards my dick and said he is the strongest of all, he is the reddy of our class. Then all of us had softdrink and then we came home.

Divya's curiosity got over her now and she asked how did you last longer, i said before the challange, i always masturbated seeing some porn magzine, it used to be quick, but with pressure to release soon and also dad waiting to pick me up and the worst part of seeing everyone's dick, i didn't get the mood, so it took really long that day. She said so that's the day you learnt control. I said no not that day, but a couple of days later when i shagged, i realised that i lasted over one hour when there was competition and now released in less than 2 minutes, so the next time i would do it, i will remember the competition, i then learnt how to control when i am about to release, twice and thrice it was diffcult, when it became a habit, i no longer needed to think of anything else. Now he is got so used to long hours. With the story, divya had already become hot. I moved my finger on her pussy, i asked her hearing about so many dicks you became hot again?
 horseride  Cheeta    
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She said no, but hearing how long he can last my temptation took over, she now pulled me over her. I slid down a little and started sucking her nipples one by one, then moved a little lower to her navel and inserted my tongue in the most loving part of divya's body, i rolled it for sometime there, she held my hairs tightly now, i knew now or never an dived directly to her pussy, i without wasting any minute put my tongue inside her pussy, she tried to pull me up, but i didn't move, she let my hairs now, i started sucking her left over pussy juice from first session, it was mixed with my cum but there was not time like now, so didn't bother cleaning her and kept rolling my tongue inside her pussy, divya had got used to longer bangs of reddy now, even when i sucked her pussy mounds harder she didn't come. after spending about half an hour on her pussy, i lifted myself and moved closer to her and asked, what happened you didn't like it?

she said, she loved it, i asked then how come you didn't release, she said, i want him banging my walls, you have sent him so deep inside me that i cannot release anymore without him inside, i said, let us check and then went back to licking her pussy again, this time i inserted a finger inside her love hole and started moving it in and out, kept my tongue on her pussy love mound and started chewing and biting it, after about 15 minutes of hard sucking and fingering she released, i drank divya's love nector. It had the most wonderful taste, not as good as vini's but better than akka's and periyamma's. She also smelt good(or probably i had got used to pussy juices i dont know). Then when i cleaned her pussy with my tongue, i moved on top of her and as reddy was already ready now, i tried inserting him, since her pussy entrance was dry now, i could feel the heat of friction when he went in by about an inch.

I looked at divya and asked her, is he hurting? She smiled and said, yesterday he hurt, from then on he is only loving and loving, i asked, your pussy is so hot, should i continue. She hit on my head and said, it is always yours, you can do what you want with it. I laughed a little now and said, what about the other holes, she asked what other holes, so i pointed first towards her mouth, she blushed and said whenever you want after this round. I then asked her what about other hole, now she got irrated with my question and asked what other hole, so i pointed towards her bum hole. She said sheeeee, it is not the hole to put reddy inside, i smiled and said, i shall show you how good it will feel when he goes inside? She then asked me did you do to udaya there also? i nodded yes. She said then i got a second hand husband, i want to meet her tomorrow and kill her. I said, udaya is an imaginary name, but that girl also didn't give me her back hole so i ditched her.

Divya became very angry with the word ditching, she said, my husband will never ever hurt someone's feelings and never leave anyone halfway, promise, i said promise, but told her i should also get something in return. Divya then said, when you get your first salary, you can have everything of me from that day, but until that my ass hole will be virgin, i really want you to go to good and better position than any of my relatives, i interrupted her and asked her what if i do business? She then lovingly hit me and said then you will have to buy us a new house and car for getting the back hole. I asked what nonsense, she said not nonsense, even i want to give something for your success, What ever i have now is all given by you, i interrupted saying no not everything, she looked quizzingly, i said bra and panty set you wore is not given by me. She hit me lovingly and said, i am washing it everynight after you sleep so that it is dry by morning, since we can't go out, i am managing with it. Come this saturday, i need dresses and innerwear, you will have to take me out and buy me those things. I said ok, but since we dont need any clothes till then shall we continue and licked her cheeks till her ears.

She nodded yes, where was i to see it, i pushed my lips on her ears and inserted tongue inside her ear holes, she tried to push me away saying it is tickling, i pushed reddy a little more now, she then held reddy and said go in da i am waiting, so i pushed reddy to the hilt in one go, she choked for a minute and then said do it again, so i removed reddy till the tip of her pussy and looked at her, she nodded yes, i pushed reddy with a severe push that he went completely inside and bounced on divya's womb. His tip had touched her womb, it was soft and the touches always drove reddy crazy. Divya again choked and when she came back to normal said, i want you to continue like this. I said are you crazy or what, what if you get hurt, She said, the friction and his fast pumping was driving her to extacy and she loved it when he moved in with force. She said she liked my hard pumping and i should always do like this only to her. I thought, yesterday she has spilled so much blood that under normal circumstances i only would have fainted and now she is asking for so much pressure. I now started pulling out reddy till her pussy tip and sent him inside with a single push.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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After 10-12 strokes only divya's body jerked and she released her juices. I pushed my head on her pussy and drank to my heart's content. Then inserted a finger into her pussy and took her pussy juices from the deep wells and applied on reddy. When i had lubed reddy properly, without any further invitation, i kept him on divy'a pussy and pushed him to the end, he again bounced off her womb. I tried to do it again, divya held my back and said, it pains now da, do it as you normally do, i tried as i always dremt of your dick banging from tip till end, but now realise it will be impossible to try in future. I cannot take such pressure continuously. I said sorry di, i didn't want to hurt you, she said, why sorry, you just did what i requested right? i nodded, then she said, her body is aching now after such powerful thrusts. I said shall i remove then, she said no, i dont want even a single drop of his leak to go anywhere else other than this hole and pointed towards her pussy. She said, i got late maturity, i became grown up only in my first year of inter and that too after i saw you. Somehow my harmones got stirred due to you only, you are the culprit, but thank you too dear hubby. I asked thank you for what? she said getting her out of puberty. I still didn't understand, so she said, all the girls used to laugh at me saying i am not growing up, even my parents were worried if something is wrong with my body, they consulted some doctors too but nothing materialised, then we visited the shakti koil and the priest there checked my horoscope and said, until she finds her soulmate she will not grow up. I then asked him, will i get him, so he had told he will get you then. Will you take me to that koil again, as i promised that if i get you in my life, i will do pooja there. I nodded my head and said, if you are now back from being devotional, reddy is still to be taken care of.

She then pushed her hips a little, i held it with my hands and pushed reddy slowly till he was fully inside his property. Then asked her shall i continue, she nodded yes, i started slowly moving reddy in and out of her pussy. She asked me to take grip and not move my chest down, i asked her why? she pushed her lips on my nipples and started biting it with her lips and teeth, it hurt a little, i said oouch, she laughed and said, if you bite me also it hurts but it is a very sweet hurt and i want you to chew my nipples like how i did now. I said yes boss, and started chewing her nipples with my mouth and teeth. I bit her slowly and she was enjoying it. Divya then held both my bums with her hands and said, let me feel his tip and pushed her hips up a little, her womb was now pressing reddy's tip, the sensation was too much to control anymore for me so i pushed her hands away from my waist and then started banging divya with all the might, more powerful than i had banged periyamma's ass. Divya held my back tightly now, but she didn't stop me from banging her hard, her breathing had become profusely high and she bent her head in such a way that her nose was pointing to wards ceiling.

I kept pounding her like that for about 15 minutes, then she whispered to my ears, i cannot hold anylonger, you also please come with me. Here reddy was fully loaded and wanted a release badly, as soon as i heard divya, i increased the pressure to the maximum i could and kept pounding her pussy, she also raised her hips with full force now, after 5-6 minutes she released her juices and her hip thrusts went numb, here reddy was almost near, but divya had already released, so i looked at her, she said continue and come soon. I needed no further instructions, i kept pounding her already leaked pussy and i released a load full of my cum, it completely soaked her cunt and also started pouring out. I wanted to remove reddy now, she held my back and said, i want all his juices inside only, he will not pour even a drop outside. I nodded my head and lay still on her for sometime. After i felt reddy doesn't have any juice left, i rolled over to her side and said divya you are the best thing that ever happened in my life. She blushed and gave a peck on my lips and said for me too. We both slept in the same position as none of had the strength to get up and clean.

Woke up in the morning, reddy was as usual awake before me. Looked at divya, the curtain window of balcony had come a little aside and the sun was now falling on her hairs. She looked like an innocent angel who had descended upon earth with the morning light, her bare back was glittering like the rays of sun reflecting on the flowing river. Her crossed thighs were looking like ripened fruits and her boobs like washington apples, and her nipples looked like cherries kept on top of red apples, her face was shining like early morning sun rays, her white feet were looking like the freshly fallen snow. I kept watching her like that for a very long time. When she moved, it was like movement of velvet flowers, and when she smiled it was like the beautiful yellow tulips blooming. I couldn't even blink after my sight fell on divya. She looked at me again and smiled. I realised that even though i uttered i love you to vini, akka and divya, i never felt what being in love was. I understood that my heart will now long for divya. Yes it was love, i was in love.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Wow.. Superb another great writer like sexyshree49 in the making and another superb thread like his, of course with its own authenticity and story line.
I hope you also keep giving daily updates like this and your thread runs into 1000s of pages
Great job dude..keep it up! Salute!

Thanks seandroid, sexyshree49 is a legend and an inspiration for people like me, i am just a beginner in writing yet.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Divya got up and i hugged her tightly and from the bottom of my heart i told her i love you di. She gave a peck on my cheeks and said me too dear. I finished my morning chores and then grabbed yoga mat and went to balcony. I saw two chairs in madam's balcony, but they were not visible. I finished my yoga and came back to room, divya had worn mom's saree and said, tomorrow i surely need new dresses, i nodded my head as yes, she had got coffee, she sat on my lap and fed it to me, we had forgotten to lock the door and suddenly mom walked in and saw that divya was sitting on my lap and smiled and went back a little, i called mom, its ok come in, divya went and sat on the cot now. Mom came back and informed that we need to go to temple today as it is the third day of marriage and also from tomorrow me and divya will have to visit a lot of relatives. We both nodded our head. Mom then kissed divya on her forehead and said, i got a nice daughter in law thank god.

Divya in the past 3 days at my place never told anything back at parents and it had worked. Mom then called us for breakfast in the kitchen as it was already late. I had breakfast in a very dull manner(meaning i only had to eat from my plate), i kind of missed mouth to mouth feeding. When all of us finished breakfast, Divya stayed in kitchen to help mom. I came back to room, as nothing was there to do just went towards balcony and saw shamili there. I asked her how are you, she giggled a lot, i asked her why, i just said how are you? just then madam also joined her in giggling. I really couldn't understand why they were doing it so i asked them should i leave, they didn't bother to answer so i turned around, then madam said wait wait, sorry, we just couldn't control. I turned back and asked them why were you guys teasing me so much, then madam said, we both were feeling bored at inside house, so we came back and sat in balcony, then we stayed until your session finished, did you guys have such long session, she asked in curiosity? i said yes and gave a sarcastic smile, then she said i dont believe, i told her you didn't believe when i said i loved Divya from evening and got lher home in the night itself, now why will you believe me.

I stopped talking for sometime and madam also didn't poke anymore. Then madam said oh god, i burnt the milk again and rushed inside. Only me and shamili were in the balcony now. A slow breeze hit us, her hairs flew back a little and her earrings reflected the sun on my face, i turned towards her, i observed that she had a beautiful earrings, it was probably diamond or something similar, it was big enough to reflect the sunlight. I stood like that for sometime and was watching her, she turned slowly and looked in my eyes, her eyes had again become dull, i asked her what happened you were alright a few moments ago. She looked directly and said i am going back home today, so i said everything will be alright chill da. She said you are calling me da and felt offended(girls can call guys da, but if you say it back, most of them will feel offended unless they are your close friends).

I said sorry, thought you were my friend now. She said its alright. I then asked her number, she looked with questioning eyes? i said now you are my friend right, so what the problem with giving number. Just then madam came back. I told madam that i asked your sister her number and she is not giving. Madam then asked for my phone, i passed it from our balcony and she bent to take it, her clevage was now visible again, but she had worn bra and the white caps over one boob was now clearly visible. She looked where my eyes were and pushed her hand over her chest. I looked up now and passed the phone. Then she gave a missed call to one of the number, i didn't know whether it was madam's phone or shamili's phone. She deleted the number she had dialled and gave it back to me, this time she had covered her chest with hand before bending. I laughed and said thanks. She asked thanks for what? i said nothing and left inside.

Once inside, sat in front of tv as there was nothing more to do and none of the pussies were available now. Felt too bored and came back to room and lay down. After about 2 hours divya called for lunch, i said bring it here only, she hit me and said you always think of it only, come out, everyone is waiting, so i asked who all, she said your dad has also come home early as we need to go to temple today. I started towards the room, just then my cell rang. I looked at it and it was a new number. I told divya that some college guy is trying to play pranks and will join in a few seconds, she left the room. I picked up the call and said hello. It was shamili and she immediately said, i am leaving now so called to say bye to you. I asked her is this your number, she said yes, so i stored the number, went to balcony and waved bye to her. She then said, you make a lot of noise in the night, get soundproofing done and waved bye and left. Now i understood why they were sitting in balcony last night, they had heard our love sounds from there, and i also realised why dad and mom wanted us to get a different place. I hit my head from back and told myself, what an idiot i was.

As soon as my mind said idiot, i remembered the boobs coverd by brapads of madam. I left the thoughts behind and joined everyone for lunch. After lunch, blinked one eye to divya and she nodded her head no no, i asked her what happened, she said she has work with mom inside the kitchen and also we need to go to temple in the evening. It was a dry time till night i thought and came to room and slept. Divya also joined a little later but no permission for anything else except couple of kisses on lips and cheeks. I was frustrated now, when divya slept, i took my smoke and went to balcony. Madam was there, i waved hi to her, she was in a dull mood, i asked her why, she said atleast for 3 days i had shamili now i am all alone, i told her dont worry you have a friend next door now. She just nodded her head. I told her if you need anything call me, she nodded her head and then said i took your number and then gave it to shamili, so if i need anything i will call. She asked for a smoke, i gave her, she left taking it with her.

Fast forwarding the story by sometime with a request from spyram69, will come back to it after i finish the english madam part. Thank you guys for your support.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Me and english madam took the flight from our place to madras, we had become quite comfortable with each other now. Just before take off, i called shamili and said we are coming to madras and expect to meet you. Mine and shamili's friendship had grown with our phone conversations and we were very open to each other about our lives. She always shared her joys and sorrows with me and i too did the same. Our conversations had reached a point where we would discuss with each other all the happenings around and also advise each other when required. Shamili had become a very good friend now. Madam had asked me to call her by her name shylaja, and i had shortened it to shylu. We reached madras about 30 mins late due to delay from flight operations. Shamili was waiting at airport to receive us, she instantly came and hugged me first, her boobs pressed my chest, i returned the favour and hugged her tight. She said you are hurthing my boobs da. Madam was astonished with such a gesture and words, she hit shamili slowly and said, i am your sister and you forgot me completely, shamili then hugged her sister, both their boobs pressed each other's, i loved the scene and stood still watching it till they released.

Shamili then said, you watched our boobs, shylu said what dirty language are you talking to him, so shamili said, he is my best friend now and we know almost everything about each other. He was the one who guided me to get appointment for you with the doctor, i just had to visit them and get a card that's all. Shamili then had got the cab for us, we all sat in it and left for the hotel i had already booked. Then suddenly shamili asked you were supposed to start in the evening right, i said, i booked the early flight so that i can get some time to spend with you da. She hit me lovingly, i then whispered to her, your boobs are not as soft as you described. she hit and said how did you know, so i told her with the press. She just nodded and said you are more pervert actually than you sound on the phone. Shylu then said, what are you guys discussing leaving me out. I told her will tell in the room. Shamili then put her head on my shoulders and lay for sometime. Shylu was shocked at it. We all reached the hotel, i paid the cab guy and also gave him a good tip, he smiled and left. Once i reached the hotel, took the keys from reception and the hotel staff took our luggage and guided to our room. It had two seperate cots. Shylu said good, atleast today i can sleep peacefully without your disturbing noises. I laughed at her and said why do you listen, when you can sleep peacefully inside your room. Shamili also joined me and said, yes akka why do you listen to them, if you had asked then he would have already shown you pleasure.

Shylu then hit her sister on her back and asked what is wrong with you. She said she just joked. Shylu then asked what were you discussing in the cab, i said nothing, then shylu said no there must be something and persisted. I then pointed towards shamili's boobs and said we discussed about it, now alright, she couldn't understand, shylu nodded her head and said no, tell me clearly, so i went near shamili and pointed towards her milk cans and said these. Shamili didn't bother when i pointed towards her breasts. Her sister got wild and hit me and said you bastard, i really got angry on her and said it is her choice not yours, and pulled shamili near and gave her a deep kiss, she responded immediately and we had a big tongue fight going on now and suddenly shylu pulled her sister away from me and gave a tight slap to her. Shamili's eyes was now in tears, she looked at her akka and said sorry but i have waited for this moment from long, please dont and came near me and kissed again. She said i have been longing for sex from long time, you know my husband and in laws, and i feel we both are connected physically even though it is only the second time i am seeing him.

The noises that came out of his room, if you remember the night me and you heard sitting in the balcony drove me crazy for sex with him were the starting point, i have tried a lot of positions with my husband but he finishes in no time and leaves me high and dry. Saying this, she again jumped towards me and started kissing me like there was no tomorrow, we had a big mouth sucking session and after about 15 minutes shylu said, i will leave the room and comeback later. Shamili stopped her and said, my inlaws stay close and i informed them that only you have come, if they find you alone without me, then it will be a big problem for me, so please stay. Shylu then asked what should i do, so shamili then said stay in the room itself, if you want we will move to bathroom. Shylu said, i thought atleast i will sleep peacefully today and from when i have shifted next door to him, i always hear his sounds and get disturbed. Shamili then hit my head lovingly and said i told you na, she is also in love with you, but didn't know to express. I then looked at shylu and went near her and put my hands on her shoulders and asked her do you also love me? she said chi chi, i know you are married and how can i love you? so i said, marriage to divya was a blessing in disguise for me, she trusts me so much that i dont even have to lie to her when i am with some other girl, she thinks i am shri ram and wont look at other girls.

That is the reason i am able to get free with anyone including you. Now why do you hear me everynight and then tried pushing her saree pallu down, it was held by a pin and it stood on her shoulders, i moved my hand on it and removed the safety pin and it fell down, shylu then covered her blouse with her hands, she said i cant, so i said i saw your boobs long time back, when you first asked for a smoke, and during discussions with shamili, i know that you didn't get grooms due to your boobs only, and removed her hands from her blouse, she pushed her hands back. So i asked her it is your choice, i dont mind you having natural boobs and anyway we are here for your silicon implants only, so it is your choice. She sat quietly in the same position and did not leave her hands when i moved my hands on her thighs also. Then shamili who was seeing it pulled me towards herself and said me first dear, i am the one who is waiting for reddy. Shylu asked reddy? shamili nodded and then held reddy over the jeans and said his dick is called reddy.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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