Adultery Life After We by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Despite everything Mike, I think you did the right thing," she said. "I don't care about the money." After a moment she asked "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah," he said. "Better, but different I think."

"What do you mean?"

They stopped talking as they ordered another round from the waitress. Then Jen asked "How different?"

Mike hesitated, not sure how to articulate what he was feeling, not really understanding his feelings himself. He finally said, "What used to be important to me isn't important anymore. I used to be so serious about my career. I wanted to make partner, make a lot of money." He shrugged. "Those things aren't so important anymore."

"I thought you were going to be Apple's Code Master," Jen said.

"No, I'm not," Mike said. "I'm not working for Apple anymore, I quit." He prepared himself for incredulity from Jen. That was what he'd gotten from Jasmine for months, pressure to throw himself into the rat race and then looks of disbelief and disappointment when he not only turned down the promotion but resigned altogether.

"It doesn't surprise me," Jen said with a shrug. "I never understood why you wanted to work on Wall Street. In college I thought you wanted to be a teacher."

It was Mike's turn to be surprised. "I thought you wanted to live in New York City."

Jen shrugged again. "I did, but I would've been happy living anywhere. I grew up in a small town, went to college in a small town. I like small towns. I like New York, but I like small towns too."

"Oh," Mike said. How could they have been married, been together for years, yet not know these things about each other? Jen seemed to be thinking the same thing. They were silent for long moments.

So far their conversation had been like between strangers, cold and impersonal. But in a moment of gentleness, reminiscence of the intimate relationship they used to have, Jen said in a soft, encouraging voice, "I think you should be a teacher. You're really good at it."

Mike smiled gratefully at her. It was nice to hear that, especially after all the pressure he'd been getting from Jasmine for months. Jen smiled back. For a moment it was like they were still together.

Then Jen's iPhone rang again, breaking the moment. It was the babysitter again. Jen got up to answer it.

When Jen returned she was distracted. Anna had a cough. She worried her baby might be coming down with a cold.

"I've got to get home," she said, her thoughts now on Anna. "Did you want to talk about anything else?"

"What's wrong?" Mike asked.

"I lost my nanny," Jen said. "I have Anna in daycare, life's hectic."

"Oh sorry," Mike said. "I've seen pictures of your baby. She's beautiful. I'd like to meet her sometime."

Jen stared at Mike. After all this time without even a single phone call or text, now he wants to meet Anna? She felt a rush of emotions, mostly hurt and anger. "Maybe another time," she curtly said.

Mike could tell she was angry. What could he do? If he hadn't been suffering from PTSD maybe things would have played out differently. But he wasn't going to apologize for not being at her side at Anna's birth. That had been asking a lot, considering everything. The question was, could they put all this behind them and have some kind of relationship?

"I've got to go," Jen said getting up.

Mike quickly said "Maybe we can get together sometime, go to brunch maybe."

"Why?" she asked.

Mike decided to come clean. He said "Because we were best friends. I miss that. I'd like to get to know your daughter."

Jen's emotions were all over the place. He was saying the words she wanted to hear. But they were coming so late. "It's been over a year Mike," Jen said her voice trembling from anger and hurt. "You never returned any of my calls. You never emailed or sent a card. Now you want to be friends?"

They were silent for long moments, at an impasse. Finally Jen said "I'll think about it."

Just then Leo approached with his buddies. "Hey Jen, we're going to a party, want to come along?"

Jen looked at Leo and then back at Mike. She saw that familiar flush of excitement on his face. Seriously? With all this drama going on, his dick was still in the freaking Game? Something snapped inside Jen.

"Excuse me Mike," Jen said. Giving him a dazzling smile, she took Leo's arm and pulled him aside. Jen flirted with him again, laughing delightedly, touching his arm and chest. Leo's buddies grinned, looking enviously as it looked like their friend might have a chance to score with the beautiful, leggy blonde.

Mike's pulse quickened and his cock got hard as he watched Jen shamelessly flirt with Leo. But he was bothered too. Jen had gone from completely serious single mom/career woman to giddy flirty schoolgirl. The mixed persona didn't fit the Jen he remembered.

Jen came back a few minutes later, still holding Leo's arm. Grinning to his friends, Leo announced "I'll see you guys later, I'm walking Jen home."

Jen looked at Mike. "I'll call you," she said. Mike nodded but didn't say anything. Jen stole a glance at Mike's lap just as she left. He was trying to hide it, but she could tell he was hard.

Jen let go of Leo's arm outside the club. They walked a couple of blocks and then Jen saw a taxi. She said "Let's taxi the rest of the way."

"Sounds good," Leo said smiling. He figured he had a chance to score with his sexy boss after the way she'd flirted with him all night. He knew her reputation, he knew she fucked around. Maybe she was horny and wanted some dick after seeing her ex-husband. All he had to do was get into her apartment. Then he'd be between those incredible long legs.

The taxi arrived and Leo walked her to the door. "Thanks for taking me home," Jen said.

"Anytime," Leo said. He had his hand on her back, close to her ass. "Can I come up?"

Jen knew he'd ask. "I'm your boss," she said.

"I promise not to sue for sex discrimination," he joked.

Jen smiled. "Not tonight, I've got a sick baby," she said.

Leo was disappointed, but he knew the secret to getting pussy was patience. "Let's go out sometime," he said.

"Maybe," Jen said back. Then she wondered if Mike was watching them. It would be just like him to follow her home, to watch.

Jen felt something stir in her, something come alive.

Or maybe it was something turning back on.

She put her hand on Leo's chest, playing with the buttons of his shirt. "Exactly what have you heard about me?" she teased smiling into his eyes.

"I've heard you like having fun," Leo said grinning at her.

"That's a nice way of putting it," Jen said with a flirty laugh.

"I've heard about wild parties," Leo said. "Did you really take it all off at the Caesar's pool?"

"Um, I think I still had my high heels on," Jen said with another laugh. She patted his chest. "Those were my wild days."

"You're not wild anymore?" Leo asked grinning at her.

"I don't know, maybe," Jen said.

Her thoughts flashed again to Mike. She would not be at all surprised if he was watching her at that very moment. The possibility sent a shiver through her. Her pussy tingled.

Reaching on her tiptoes in her high heels, she wrapped her arms around Leo's neck and kissed him. Leo was surprised but he quickly recovered. He pulled Jen close and kissed her back. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and she let him. As they made out Jen thought to herself "Is Mike's watching?"

Leo snaked a hand between their bodies. He cupped her breast. As he fondled her, Jen excitedly wondered "Can Mike see him rubbing my nipple?"

Leo's hands moved to Jen's ass. As he groped her cheeks he pulled her skirt up. Jen thought "Can Mike see my stockings? Can he see my garter belt?"

Jen couldn't remember the last time she'd been so turned on. She gave Leo tongue, wrapping her leg around his. Emboldened by her passion, he moved under her skirt, his fingers finding her panties. She was soaking wet!

"Ugh god Mike!" she thought to herself as she moaned into Leo's mouth. "Can you see him? He's fingering me where anyone can see! Are you watching? Can you see him, fingering my pussy?"

Jen snaked a hand between their bodies, moving to his crotch. She cupped his erection and moaned "You're so big and hard."

"You like big," Leo said, having talked to both Scott and Tom.

"God yeah," Jen said rolling head back as Leo pulled her panties inside and stuck a finger into her.

"Oh god Mike!" Jen thought to herself. "He's finger fucking me, can you see?! Is this turning you on?!"

Jen sensed movement. She pulled her lips away from Leo's and looked over his shoulder. There were people on the sidewalk, a husband, wife and their young child! Jen came to her senses. Mortified, she pushed away from Leo, pulled down her skirt and ran into her apartment building.

Inside the loft apartment Jen quickly paid the babysitter and then checked Anna. She was sleeping peacefully. Anna seemed okay, she wasn't warm and she wasn't sneezing or coughing.

With Anna okay, Jen turned to her own needs. She felt flushed, heady. She hadn't felt this way in a long time. She splashed vodka into a glass and drank it in one gulp. Then she had another one.

She walked into her bedroom, feeling unsteady, her high heels scratching across the hardwood floors.

She fell onto the bed, still fully dressed. She ran her hands over her tits. Then she pulled up her skirt, she parted her legs.

She felt her panties. She was soaking wet. She pushed a hand down into her panties. With her other hand she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled down her bra.

She closed her eyes and masturbated. She imagined Leo fucking her. Pulling up her skirt and fucking her against the brick wall. And she imagined Mike just a few feet away, watching. Jerking off while Leo fucked her hard.

She imagined grabbing Mike, kissing him as Leo pounded her. She imagined looking into Mike's eyes as Leo made her cum all over his big cock. In Mike eyes she saw lust and excitement.

Jen's body jerked as she came, a massive orgasm shooting pleasure throughout her body. Afterwards she lay gasping. She was half drunk from the vodka. Her clothes in disarray but still fully dressed, still even in her high heels, she curled into a ball and fell asleep.

Mike watched as Jen walked out with Leo. Tonight hadn't gone well. He'd hoped to reach some kind of peace with Jen, some understanding. But everything was still up in the air. She hadn't even let him meet Anna.

He thought about another scotch, but he knew getting drunk wouldn't help. He paid the check and left the club.

He walked through the chilly New York air. His erection had subsided but not his lust.

He couldn't believe it. He hadn't seen Jen in over a year. Tonight he'd been with her less than an hour, talking about serious stuff, certainly nothing sexual. But he was already drawn into it again. He was drawn into HER. What hold did she have over him?
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True, she was gorgeous, a knockout. She looked better than ever. But Jasmine was just as beautiful, and Tara was sexy too. At that moment though, he was hotter than he'd ever been with Jasmine or Tara, there wasn't any comparison.

He shook his head to clear his head. He needed to get beyond his lust and dark fantasies. He and Jen had serious things to work out. He needed some kind of closure with her. He couldn't do that if he always go hard whenever he was around her.

He wandered downtown. A Barnes & Noble was open. He went inside, aimlessly browsing. On a whim, he went into the parenting section. He picked up two baby books, What to Expect the First Year and What to Expect the Second Year. He bought both and went home to Steve's house.

Inside his bedroom, he began reading the books but he couldn't concentrate. His thoughts were on Jen. He enjoyed watching her flirt with Leo. She looked so bubbly and alive, he loved when she was like that.

He wondered if she was with Leo right now, in bed. He closed his eyes, thinking about Leo between Jen's legs, her dress pushed up around her waist, Leo running his fingers over Jen's garter belt and lacy stocking tops as he fucked her.

Jen had a boyfriend, Clint. Mike had googled him, the dude looked like Clint Eastwood! How serious were they? Serious enough for Jen to wear his ring on her left hand. So Jen was cheating on Clint with Leo. Mike couldn't resist anymore, he took out his cock and stroked himself.

Jen had cheated on Mike too. Like with Ricky, on the day they graduated. That had been the first time Jen had ever worn thigh high stockings. She wore them for Ricky, not Mike. It was kind of like giving away her virginity. She gave it to Ricky, not him. That had always bothered Mike, but it turned him on too.

She fucked Colin, after they started going out.

And she fucked Drums, after he told her Drums was off limits, when he was in jail.

Mike's feelings were mixed about Jen's cheating. First, were they really cheating? With Ricky, definitely. But she eventually told him about it. With Colin, no, that wasn't cheating. They hadn't been exclusive at the time, and he at least partially forced himself on her.

With Drums? It was complicated.

Mike knew Jen's reputation before they started going out. She was a popular, fun loving girl who enjoyed sex. Her sleeping around and wildness got him hot, it was another reason he was so enchanted by her. He encouraged her sensuality, starting way back in college when he hooked her up with Ricky. He did more than that, pushing her to develop feelings for her lovers. He went farthest with Drums, pushing her to pretend like they were an exclusive couple.

Jen's straying turned him on. Getting cheated on turned him on. A wife/girlfriend cheating on her husband/boyfriend turned him on. Like Nancy cheating on her husband. Jen cheating with Ricky, wearing stocking for him. It hurt, but it got his dick so incredibly hard.

That was just how he was wired. There were a lot of other emotions there too. Bad emotions. Jealousy, betrayal, insecurity, feeling inadequate. That was why he and Jen weren't good for each other. They enabled each other in bad, dangerous ways. It was thrilling, but hurtful too.

But at the moment ...

Mike closed his eyes and stroked himself. He thought of Jen fucking Leo, cheating on her boyfriend Clint. Did Clint know how insatiable Jen was? Did Clint know he was getting cucked by Leo? Mike didn't last long, cumming all over his hand.

The next morning Jen rushed to feed Anna and get her ready for daycare. She was distracted by the memories of last night. She'd been a bitch to Mike. He offered her an olive branch – offered to be friends -- and she all but threw it back in his face.

She looked at her cell. She was tempted to call him up. But then she looked at the ring on her left hand. Clint's ring. No, it wouldn't be right to call Mike. Anyway, did she really want to?

She sighed, everything was confused. She moved the ring from her left hand to her right. She wore it on her left hand last night to dick with Mike. But she preferred wearing it on her right hand.

Jen practically jumped out of the chair when her cell rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was Mike!

"Um ... hello?" she said hesitantly into the phone.

"Hi, it's Mike," Mike said.

"Oh, uh, hi," Jen said.

"I've got an idea," Mike said, having rehearsed his lines. "I've got a job lined up, but it doesn't started until next semester. I can watch Anna until you get a new nanny."

"What?" Jen said, catching up to what he was saying. "You don't know how to take care of a baby."

"I studied a couple books last night," Mike said. "I think I've got the theory down, I just need some practical experience."

Jen couldn't help a laugh. Mike always made everything sound like a math equation. But Anna wasn't a math equation. "You haven't even met her," she said.

"I'm outside, I can met her now."

"You're outside?" she said surprised. The presumptuous shit had a lot of nerve. But then she blurted out, "Okay, whatever, come on up."

"This is Anna," Jen said a few minutes later after letting Mike into the loft apartment. She was holding her daughter.

Mike couldn't help smiling at the baby. Anna was a beautiful baby, and she looked just like Jen! Her face was so alive and she had a beautiful disarming smile, Mike instantly knew she was bubbly and full of life just like her mother.

Unlike around fellow adults, to his surprise, Mike didn't feel nervous at all around Anna. He asked Jen "Can I hold her?"

"She's going through stranger anxiety right now," Jen warned with a grimace. It was 100 times worse around men, the last time Clint tried to hold her Anna had screamed bloody murder. Jen sighed inside, this wasn't going to work.

"Let me try," Mike said still smiling at the little baby.

"Oookay," Jen thought skeptically. She hesitantly handed her baby to Mike.

"Hi Anna-banana," Mike said in a baby-talk voice, smiling into the baby's eyes. "Hi Anna-havana." Mike tickled Anna's tummy. "Hi Anna-cabana."

To Jen's surprise, Anna giggled and wiggled her toes. Startled, Jen said "Um, Anna, this is Mike."

"My My," Anna said in a sweet baby voice, giggling and grabbing Mike's chin with her little hand. Mike hadn't shaved that morning. Anna seemed fascinated by the stubble and rubbed her little fingers over his chin and cheeks.

"See, I've got this," Mike said grinning at Jen. Remembering the mental notes he'd made while studying the baby books, he said "Write down her schedule, tell me where her formula is, and her car seat."

"Her car seat?" Jen said dumbly.

"If something comes up I can always take her to your office," Mike pointed out. "I'll need her car seat."

"Oh ... yeah," Jen said. She still was unsure. "I don't know Mike."

"I really want to get to know Anna," Mike said, his sincere eyes looking imploringly at her. "And I want to help you out."

Jen stared at him. He hadn't apologized for disappearing for a year. Maybe he never would. Maybe it was unreasonable (and unfair) for her to want an apology. But he was offering an olive branch again.

From a practical point of view, she could really use his help. Navigating day care in New York City was a painful chore. And honestly, she'd rather Anna be with someone she knew rather than day care people who were little more than strangers.

Jen finally agreed. She quickly jotted out Anna's schedule, showed Mike where she kept things, and then left. She waited outside the apartment door for 15 minutes, to see if Anna was going to start screaming. When she silently poked her head in, Mike was on the floor playing games with Anna. The baby was giggling and rolling around the floor, calling Mike "My My."

Jen shrugged. Okay, she'd give this a try. Quietly closing the door, she hurried off to work.

In her office, she tried to figure out why Anna had taken to Mike but not other men, like Clint. Well, Mike was different from the other men she knew. Mike was kind, unassuming, shy. All the other men in her life, including Clint, were alpha men. They were confident, aggressive, hulking. Maybe Anna didn't feel threatened around Mike.

At that moment Allie rushed into her office. "What happen last night?" Allie asked as she closed the door.

"Mike's taking care of Anna," Jen said with a shrug. "He's like, her nanny until his new job starts."

"Seriously?" Allie said dumbstruck. "What about everything else?"

"We didn't talk about much," Jen said with a shrug. "I don't know ... it's hard. He was gone over a year."

"Yeah ...," Allie said. Then in a lowered voice she said "So what happened with you and Leo?"

Jen had to think, and then she remembered. Leo! She'd forgotten with all the drama that morning. "Oh fuck what's he saying?" Jen said alarmed.

"You guys made out?" Allie said. "He had his hand up your skirt?"

"Fuck!" Jen cried. She bolted up and hurried to his office.

"Leo, can I talk to you?" she said entering his office and closing the door. "About last night --."

Leo came up to Jen. He put his arms around her and kissed her. They kissed for a few seconds and then Jen pushed him away.

"Leo you can't do that," she said in hushed tones.

"I had fun last night," he said smiling at her.

"Leo, listen I was drunk," she said. It was a lie, she hadn't been drunk, but she needed to tell him something. "Don't talk about last night okay? I was drunk. I've got a boyfriend."

"Seriously?" Leo said sounding disappointed.

"Yeah, I do," Jen said holding up her right hand to show him Clint's (Keri's) ring. "So don't talk about last night okay?"

Back in her office, Jen dropped into her chair. "God," she sighed to herself. She seriously made out with Leo, he practically fingered her.

Had Mike watched? He didn't say anything that morning of course. But he was definitely turned on last night after she flirted with Leo.

Jen squeezed her legs together. She rubbed her thighs back and forth, hearing the swish-swish of her nylons rubbing together. Her pussy tingled. When Leo kissed her a moment ago, his erection pressed against her. He was big. She knew that from last night, from groping him. He was thicker than longer, but she liked thick.

"Stop!" she told herself. Why was she thinking about Leo? She'd known him for years, he was a junior marketing exec. He was nice looking but she'd never been interested in him. Why was she lusting after him now?

She imagined him coming into her office. He'd throw open her legs and ram his fat cock into her. She wondered what his cock would feel like, inside her? She wondered if he fucked hard. Yeah, he was an aggressive ass, he'd fuck her hard, he'd fuck her slutty pussy really hard.

"STOP!" she yelled at herself. What was going on? Her body was on fire, she knew her pussy was soaking wet. She hadn't felt this turned on in a long time.

Fuck it, she thought to herself. She'd be useless the rest of the day if she didn't get an orgasm. She locked her door and then spread out on her sofa. She pulled up her skirt. She reached one hand inside her panties, and the other inside her blouse. Then she masturbated, fantasizing about Leo fucking her outside the loft apartment while Mike jerked off as he watched.

"So how was it?" Jen asked later that night, taking Anna into her arms. She of course showed no sign of her fantasies from last night or earlier that day.

"Really good, we had fun," Mike said smiling brightly. He ticked Anna's stomach. "Right Anna-Banana? We had fun."

Anna giggled and said "My My, My My," looking adoringly at him.

"I've got a meeting at the school," Mike said grabbing his coat. "So I'll be back tomorrow morning right?"

"Um yeah, okay," Jen said. "You're going to teach?"

Mike nodded. "I got a job at Beekman High School," he said. "Hey, I was wondering if tomorrow night, after you get home from work, we can talk some." He shrugged and said "To catch up."

"Oh ah, I can't, I've got a date tomorrow with Clint," Jen said.

"Oh," Mike said. Without thinking he blurted out "Would you like me to babysit?"

"Babysit? You don't have to do that."

"I don't mind, I want to," Mike said warming to the idea.
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"Don't you ... um ... have to see Jasmine?" Jen hesitantly asked.

"She's in London," Mike said with a shrug. Jasmine was always traveling on assignments. "I want to Jen, it's good getting to know Anna."

"Well ... okay," Jen finally agreed.

Beekman High School was having an open house that evening for potential new students and their parents. Nancy (the principal) thought it would be a good opportunity for Mike to meet everyone. Mike spent a couple hours talking with faculty and parents.

Unlike Jasmine's get-togethers, Mike had a pleasant time. He could relate to teachers, they were academics like himself. The parents weren't as much fun to talk to, but for the most part he was with other teachers the entire time and they ran interference for him.

As he chatted, Mike had one eye on Nancy. She wasn't wearing a slinky dress like in San Francisco. But she definitely looked good in her blouse and knee length skirt. She definitely looked good in high heels.

With his trained eye, Mike judged Nancy to be about 34-26-36. She was maybe 5'7", although the high heels made her taller. She was slim, probably only around 125 pounds. She had a pretty, youthful face for her years (Mike knew she was 51 from the school's bio of her), and her short auburn hair and green eyes gave her a mischievous look.

Nancy exuded sexuality. Mike saw other men (teachers and dads) checking Nancy out, so he wasn't the only one to think so. In a way, Nancy was an older version of Jen.

Mike wondered if she had fucked that younger guy in San Francisco. Was she cheating on her husband? Or did she have her husband's blessings to fool around?

Nancy was wearing a simple string of pearls. It was a classy look and matched her green eyes. But Mike couldn't help imagining that young guy in San Francisco fucking Nancy's married pussy and then cumming on her tits, giving her a string of sperm pearls. Or was Nancy the kind of girl who liked men to cum inside her?

Mike shook his head, trying to reign in his imagination. She was his principal for god's sake! Her meeting with that younger man was probably innocent, he was probably just a colleague she was catching up with. But that guy had been practically fondling her ass. They hadn't looked like platonic friends, they looked like lovers in heat.

"So how is it going?" Nancy asked him a little later.

"Good," Mike said, trying to hide his awkwardness with talking to Nancy after having his earlier carnal thoughts. "I thought I'd get more criticism over Liberty-gate. I think half the country still thinks I'm a traitor."

"And half the country thinks you're a hero, including me and the faculty," Nancy said giving him an encouraging smile. She laughed and joked, "We're all bleeding heart liberals here." Getting more serious she said "The parents are open-minded, they send their kids to Beekman to get a global education. Even if they don't agree with you, they're excited to have you here." She laughed and said "Now they have something new to talk about at their dinner parties."

Mike smiled. He liked Nancy.

Just then a man walked up. Mike remembered him from when he interviewed. He was Nancy's husband, although they'd never been formally introduced. He definitely was not that man from San Francisco.

Nancy seemed to read Mike's thoughts. She looked anxious and nervously said "Oh ah, honey, this is Mike Andrews, our new math teacher. Mike, this is my husband Mac."

Mike smiled and shook Mac's hand. They exchanged some friendly small talk. Mac was diplomatic enough not to discuss Liberty-gate. Mike was discreet enough not to mention San Francisco.

Mac was an older man, around Nancy's age (which made sense since they were married). He didn't have the looks or physique of the young guy in San Francisco. That guy looked like a GQ model. Mac looked like an average middle aged man.

"I'll see you at home honey," Mac said to Nancy. He gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek and then left the big auditorium.

"Thanks for not saying anything," Nancy whispered to Mike. She looked relieved.

Nancy's thank you confirmed Mike's suspicions. She HAD cheated on Mac with that younger man! He whispered "No worries, it's none of my business." Thinking his words too gruff, he added "I'm not judging you. You know, glass houses."

Nancy tilted her head, intrigued. She knew Mike had split from his wife. "Is that why you divorced?" she asked.

"Jen didn't cheat on me," Mike said. Deep inside, that was what Mike thought. Jen hadn't cheated with Drums, it was part of the game. It had just been too much.

"Then what do you mean by glass houses?" Nancy asked.

"It's a long story," Mike said with a sheepish smile.

Nancy hesitated and then said "I love my husband, I couldn't live without him. It's just ...."

"I get it," Mike said.

"Maybe you can tell me your story sometime," Nancy said.

Mike nodded. He said "I'd like to hear your story too."

They smiled at each other, like new friends sharing a secret.

When Jen got home from work the next day, Mike was feeding Anna. "I made you that," Mike said motioning to a plate of sliced vegetables and cheese. "I thought you might be hungry, before your date."

"Oh ... thanks," Jen said awkwardly. "This is weird," she thought. She nibbled on a piece of cheese. Mike had opened a chilled bottle of white wine too. She poured herself a glass. "Want one?" she asked.

"No thanks, I got this for later," he said. There was a bottle of Highland Park scotch on the table. "I'll only drink one, in case Anna wakes up," he assured her.

"It's okay Mike, I trust you," she said. "Um ... I guess I should get ready." She took the wine and another piece of cheese and went into her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Jen showered, then did her hair and makeup. She thought about what to wear. Clint was taking her to dinner at a posh club, to meet some of his clients and friends. She should wear something slinky and dressy, like a little black dress. But ...

She pulled on one of her new low rise skinny jeans, and then a black top. Stepping into black stiletto heels, she knew she was a little underdressed, but in New York it was acceptable to be stylishly chic.

The top had long sleeves. It was almost off-the-shoulder and had a daring scoop front. As a result, it showed a lot of cleavage. It was also pretty clear she was braless. She knew Clint would love it.

She went out to the living room and played with Anna. She could feel Mike's eyes on her but pretended not to notice.

As Anna's attention turned to her toys, Jen got up and looked through the mail. She took her time, reading every letter (even junk mail).

As Jen studied her mail, Mike took the opportunity to look at her chest. Her thin, tight blouse left little to the imagination. She was clearly braless, her blouse hugging her perky, upturned breasts. Her tits were clearly bigger than he remembered, a lingering benefit of her pregnancy. He felt himself growing hard.

Finished reading, Jen tossed the mail onto the counter. She got on her knees and bent at the waist to play a game with Anna. She felt her thong ride up her ass but again she pretended not to notice.

Mike was behind Jen, his eyes on her curvy ass in those tight jeans. She was showing a lot of skin between her jeans and blouse. He saw the T of her lacy black thong peeking above her jeans.

And above the thong, just above the swell of her ass, there was a tattoo.

Mike put on his jacket. He wasn't cold, but it helped to hide his erection. His throat dry, he asked "You got a tattoo?"

"In Vegas," Jen said nonchalantly, continuing to play with Anna.
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"The place we went, with Scott?"

"Yeah, maybe," she said pretending not to remember.

"Did Scott go with you?"

Jen didn't answer, pretending to be distracted by something Anna did. Then she looked over her shoulder at him and nonchalantly said "What do you think of it?"

Mike was tongue tied, his cock rock hard from looking at her. Somehow he managed to sound calm and said "I thought you were getting a bigger one."

Jen gawked at him but quickly recovered. "Yeah, well, whatever," she said dismissively. She stood and grabbed a short black leather jacket and said "I've got to go." She kissed Anna and gave her a big hug. With a fleeting glance at Mike, she said "See you later" and was gone.

Jen fumed in the back seat of the cab. "I thought you were getting a bigger one." What the fucked did that mean? That he hated it, so he was glad it was small? Or he wished it was bigger? She was so tired of his "enigma wrapped in a mystery" bullshit. Why couldn't Mike just say what he was thinking?

She glanced at Clint's ring on her right hand. She felt guilty. Clint was her boyfriend, she should be thinking about him, not another man, certainly not that shit head Mike. That was the problem with Mike, he was all drama. She had things all figured out before he turned up, her life turning around. Then Mike appeared and now everything was fucked up.

In the loft apartment, Mike played with Anna then read her a book. She fell asleep in his arms and he put her down in her crib.

His thoughts returned to Jen and he quickly got hard again. God she looked so good! She was just as petite as before, but now she had bigger breasts and curvier hips and ass. Her tits weren't as big as Jasmine's, but they looked ENORMOUS on her petite frame. With all her new curves, she looked like a sexpot Barbie doll instead of a young innocent ballerina! Especially with her blonde hair that she was wearing longer now, way pass her "bra strap line."

Mike put the chain on the door in case Jen got home early. He went into her bedroom, into her clothes hamper. On top was a bra and thong, the lingerie she'd worn to work. Mike looked at the bra. It was an entire cup larger than what she used to wear! He put the bra back and took the thong.

Where were her stockings? On a hunch, he looked in the trash can in the bathroom. There they were! As he'd suspected, there were runs in them and she'd thrown them away.

Mike laid down on Jen's bed (the bed that used to be their marital bed). He took out his cock, it was rock hard. He licked his hand and began stroking himself. He looked at Jen's thong. It was pink and lacy, barely a wisp of material. He put it to his nose and took a deep breath. He remembered her scent, a mixture of sweet muskiness and perfume. His head spun with lust!

He wrapped Jen's laddered, silky stockings around his shaft. He pumped himself up and down, keeping her panties over his face, loving the feel of the delicate lace and smelling the scent of Jen's sex.

As he masturbated he pictured Jen from this evening. He imaged touching and fondling those big tits. He imagined fucking her from behind and caressing her new tat as he banged her.

But then his fantasy shifted to Clint, her boyfriend who looked like Clint Eastwood. He imagined it was Clint groping her tits and fucking her like a horny dog.

Once again his fantasy shifted, to Leo. Now Leo was fucking her. "She's cheating on you Clint," Mike said in a low voice, continuing to stroke himself. "Leo is taking your girl, his cock's in her pussy, he's cucking you."

Then Mike's fantasy shifted to Drums. Drums was on top of Jen, stroking her silky hair. Jen ran her fingertips over his tattoos. "I got one for you," she told him, smiling into his eyes. "Mike hates it."

"But you got it anyway, right?" Drums said smiling triumphantly. "For me."

"Yeah, because he gave me to you."

"What an idiot," Drums said grinning at her. He cupped her bigger tits and gushed "Fuck I love these." Then he moved his hand to her pussy. "I love this too," he said pushing a finger into her. "When was the last time Mike fucked you?"

Jen thought about it. "I don't remember," she said with a giggle.

"So he gave me your pussy too?" Drums said with that triumphant smile again.

"Yeah," Jen said looking into his eyes.

Drums opened Jen's legs, positioning his cock at her pussy lips. "You need to wear a condom," she said.

"Come on, I'll pull out," Drums promised, kissing her. Jen didn't object as he pushed into her. "Fuck you pussy feels good!"

"God yeah," Jen said already panting. He was so thick!

"It feels better this way, bare," he said stroking in and out of her.

"Yeah," Jen agreed her cum face on. "But pull out okay?"

"I thought you're on the pill," Drums said.

"I am but I've missed some days," Jen said.

Jen was about to cum when Drums flipped her over. "I want to look at your new tat as I fuck you," he said. He grinned and then slapped her ass.

"Ouch!" Jen said, but she looked back at him and smiled.

Drums grabbed her curvier hips and began pounding her. It didn't take too long before she had her first orgasm. He fucked her through it, ramming her even harder. It was like he was going to fuck her right through the mattress! "Oh god I love this!" Jen moaned into the pillow, her pretty face smashed into the feathery softness.

Jen felt another orgasm approaching. She bit into the pillow as she eagerly anticipated the impeding pleasure of another climax.

Drums was close too, about to go over the edge. Jen's pussy felt so good, he didn't want to pull out. "You're on the pill right?" he yelled, his climax almost there. "We're gonna do this!" he yelled as his orgasm hit. He rammed his long thick cock as deep as possible into Jen, sperming her unprotected womb with his fertile seed.

Mike lurched and came, his jizz coating his hand and shooting up to his chest. He panted as he recovered from the orgasm. That was probably the most intense orgasm he'd had in a long time. He used Jen's ruined stockings and panties to wipe up his sperm. Luckily he hadn't cum on her bed.

Mike put his cock away. He held Jen's soiled stockings and panties. It wasn't like he could put them back where he got them, not soaking with his cum. He put them into his coat pocket. Jen wouldn't notice them gone, she didn't pay attention to details like that. This way he could use them later to masturbate again.

He carefully fixed Jen's bed so she wouldn't know he'd been there. Then he heard Anna crying. He rushed into the nursery. He picked her up and comforted her. His jacket was in the way so he took it off and put it on the floor. He rocked her and gave her a little more formula, and she fell back asleep.

Mike silently closed the nursery door (cracking it open a little so he could hear if Anna stirred again), then poured himself a glass of Highland Park scotch. He sipped it slowly as he only intended to have one. He didn't want to get drunk or even tipsy, not since he was babysitting Anna.

He turned on ESPN with the volume low, but he didn't watch the game. His mind was on other things. Had Scott gone with Jen to get the tattoo? Was she fucking Scott? Was she seeing Leo regularly? What about Drums, was she still seeing him? Did Clint know? Or was Jen cheating on him?

Mike thought about Drums. He told Jen not to see him. "I know you need sex. You can see other men, just not Drums." That was what he told her.

But she saw Drums anyway. Almost as soon as the government arrested him. She lived with him. She got pregnant with his baby.

But Sam said Jen had been fucked up. Worried about him, not able to do anything. Worried about Joe too, and stressing over work. Didn't it make sense she would go to Drums? After all, they'd been living together right before everything blew up. He pushed them together. He encouraged Jen to get close to him, be his "real" girlfriend. Wasn't he at least partially responsible for everything that happened next?

Mike sipped the scotch, thinking about these things. Then he realized it didn't matter anymore. What happened, happened. They both had moved on. He was with Jasmine, she was with Clint. It was like Nancy at Beekman High. What Jen did with other men wasn't any of his business.

Jen forced Mike from her head as she dined with Clint and his friends. Clint went out for a smoke and she went with him. She wasn't smoking anymore, even socially, she didn't want Anna around second hand smoke. But she wanted to keep Clint company.

Clint opened up her jacket and gazed admiringly at her chest. "You look amazing," he gushed. Normally with him, Jen wore heavier-weight or opaque tops where you couldn't easily tell she was braless. With this top there was no doubt she was braless. "Do me a favor?" he asked, stroking her back where her bra strap was noticeably absent. "Take off the jacket back inside."

Jen was practically falling out of the top. If she took off the jacket she'd be out there for the world to see. "You want to show me off to your friends?" she asked with a smile.

"I want them to see what I've got and they don't," Clint said with a grin.

Jen didn't get that. He wanted an open relationship. If she wanted, any of the men at the table could have her.

Reading her mind, Clint said "I'd rather you didn't hook up with my friends. You wouldn't want me with Allie, right?"

"Yeah, that makes sense," she said. "I didn't know there were rules."

"No rules," Clint said. "Just common sense stuff." He stroked down her neck and over her bare shoulder. "Have you been with anyone?"

"I thought you didn't want to know," Jen said with a laugh.

"I don't want details," he said with a smile. "You're my girlfriend, I want to make sure everything's okay. I care about you."

Jen smiled at him. "I haven't been with anyone, no," she told him. "I would like to talk to you about it though, the whole open relationship thing."

"Let's save it for later, we have to get back."

"Okay," Jen said.

Clint leaned in and kissed her. They kissed for only a few moments, but in that time he managed to squeeze and fondle her tits. As they returned to the table, Jen amusingly wondered if he'd done that to make sure her nipples would be hard when she took off the jacket. Another "look what I've got" message to his friends.

Jen knew it was also control over her, if she took off her jacket in front of his friends (at his request). But she understood how the male mind worked, especially for alpha guys like Clint. And she kinda liked being controlled, she had a submissive streak. As she sat back down, she took off the jacket, pretending not to notice the hungry looks on his friends' faces.

After dinner as they taxied to the loft apartment, Jen said hesitantly "I need to tell you something. It's really weird." She paused, having dreaded this moment all night. But she needed to tell him. "Mike showed up the other day. This is gonna sound really weird, but he's babysitting Anna."

"What, right now?" Clint said shocked.

"Yeah, freaky right?" she said with a carefree laugh, trying to make the situation sound like a meaningless, funny thing. But inside she was scared. What if Clint freaked? What if he insisted she cut ties with Mike? She knew that wouldn't be an unreasonable request, he was her boyfriend after all. She continued, "I guess – I don't know – he wanted to babysit Anna. I think he needs it for closure."

Clint was silent for long moments, thinking. Jen waited anxiously for his reaction. He finally said "I think you need it too, for closure. So I guess this is a good thing."

"Really, you think so?" Jen said breaking out into an incredulous smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "You mister are one incredible man," she gushed. Then she kissed him again.
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"So you're Mike Andrews, we finally meet," Clint said later in the loft apartment, pumping Mike's hand. "I'm Clint."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Mike said giving him a smile. He noticed how Clint had his other arm possessively around Jen. His message was clear: "I'm a fair man, I'll be polite to you, but make no mistake, this girl belongs to me."

Mike pulled his hand away from Clint's and turned to Jen. "Anna's fine, she's asleep," he assured her.

"I'll just go check," Jen said. She kissed Clint and said "I'll be right back."

Jen went into the nursery and saw the baby was sleeping peacefully. She saw Mike's jacket on the floor. She picked it up to bring to him when she noticed something pink in the pocket. Pink and lacy. She reached in. Her eyes grew wide when she saw it was her panties and stockings from earlier that day. And they were sticky and smelled like sperm.

She instantly understood. Mike had rifled through her laundry and trash to find her worn lingerie, and he'd jerked off cumming all over them. The perv! What had he fantasized about? Her new tat? The shit! He couldn't bring himself to compliment her, yet he jerked off to seeing it.

What else had he fantasized about? Clint fucking her? Leo fucking her? Maybe the shit even fantasized about Frankie fucking her!

Jen suddenly realized her heart was pounding. She looked in the mirror. Her nipples were hard. She felt wet between her legs. God she wanted Clint inside her! She wanted Leo inside her! She wanted fucked!

Without even thinking, she took off her jacket. Her tits stood proudly on her chest, barely covered by the filmy material of her blouse. She put her soiled panties and stockings back in Mike's jacket. She left the nursery, leaving his jacket and hers on the floor.

"Hey baby," she said to Clint, melting into him. She saw both Clint and Mike held glasses of scotch. "Is there any wine left?"

"Sure," Clint said, pouring her a glass.

"Thanks baby," Jen said giving him a kiss. The kiss was brief, but she managed to give him some tongue for a second.

They sat down, Clint and Jen on the sofa, Mike on the chair across from them. Clint had his arm around Jen, holding her tight. Jen leaned into him, pressing her braless tits against his chest. She also casually stroked his thigh.

Clint and Mike seemed to be talking about Liberty-gate but Jen wasn't listening. She thought to herself "Do you see me with my new boyfriend Mike? See how handsome and strong he is? His cock is so beautiful. So long and thick. So much bigger than yours."

"Clint doesn't cum in my panties Mike," Jen thought to herself. "Clint cums inside me. He fucks me and then he cums inside my pussy."

Jen noticed Mike stealing glances at her, at her tits, at her feet (she was still wearing high heels), at her hand casually stroking Clint's thigh.

Clint caressed Jen's long blonde hair. She laid her head on his chest, as if tired. Inside she was thinking "Do you see Clint's arm around me Mike? Like I belong to him? Tonight he'll be inside me. He's going to fuck me so good. He's going to make me cum so hard."

God she was so wet, her pussy was throbbing!

"I guess it's late," Clint said, his arm around Jen, stroking her hair.

"Yeah," Jen murmured into his chest. She desperately wanted Clint to fuck her. But she wanted Mike to watch! Her mind raced trying to think of a way, but she couldn't think of anything.

"I guess I'll get going," Mike said. He was embarrassed as he stood up, as he knew his hard-on was apparent. He noticed Jen glance at him. Embarrassed, he hurriedly grabbed his coat from the nursery. He kissed Anna softly goodbye, and left.

Clint pulled Jen into his arms after Mike left, kissing her deeply. They made out for long minutes, tonguing each other. When he pulled away they both were gasping. "You gave Mike a show," Clint said cupping her breasts. She was practically spilling out of the daring scoop top.

"I thought you like showing me off," Jen joked.

"So you DID give Mike a show?" he asked.

She shrugged. "I guess I wanted to show him what he doesn't have anymore," she said. She quickly added "What belongs to you now."

He nodded, as if weighing her words. Then he abruptly pulled her to the floor, onto her knees. "This is what I want," he said pulling out his cock.

"Okay," Jen said, giving a laugh at Clint's aggressiveness.

"Now," he demanded. He put his hands behind Jen's head and pulled her face to his lap. Jen barely had time to open her lips before he was inside her mouth.

Clint thrust up, shoving his cock into Jen's mouth almost to her throat. Jen gagged and pulled away. "Not so rough honey," she said.

But Clint didn't listen. He grabbed fistfuls of Jen's blonde hair and roughly moved her face up and down on his shaft. She was gagging and saliva was running down her chin and neck, but still Clint wouldn't stop roughly fucking her face.

Jen understood what Clint was doing. She threw him for a loop, telling him Mike was back and was babysitting Anna. He didn't like the fact she teased Mike. More like, Clint didn't like the fact Mike was still important enough to her that she took the effort to tease him.

So now Clint was taking her back. He'd been a good guy about letting her get closure with Mike, but now he was exerting his will over her. He was showing her who she belonged to, who her boyfriend was.

Jen let him. She understood this was important to Clint. She didn't fight back as he practically gagged her on his big cock.

Clint pulled her off his cock and threw her onto the sofa. Like an animal he tore off her clothes. He jerked open her legs. He saw she was soaking wet. He positioned his cock at her pussy. Then he moved lowered, to her little puckered asshole. He considered fucking her ass. That would really prove she was his.

Jen didn't like taking it in the behind. She'd done it only a few times in her life, and had never enjoyed it (except the last time with Scott, but even then she'd only half way enjoyed it). But she felt guilty about thinking so much about Mike. She was with Clint now, he was her boyfriend.

Feeling Clint's cockhead at her asshole, she looked into his eyes and said "You can do anything you want to me."

Her words of submission seemed to ease the emotional tension in the room. Clint smiled and affectionately stroked her pretty face. He moved his cock from her asshole to her pussy. "This is what I want," he said pushing into her. Jen wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed as he made love to her.

Their love making was furious and intense. Jen was extremely passionate, moving her hips in sync with his thrusts, fucking him back. She fondled and caressed his body as much as he did hers, and desperately kissed and tongued him. She had an intense orgasm on Clint's cock, arching her back and digging her toes into the mattress. Clint came moments later, crying out as pleasure ripped through his body, his cock shooting sperm deep into Jen's body.

Afterwards Jen lay in Clint's arm, both of them panting. "That was incredible!" Clint gushed with an amazed laugh.

"It really was!" Jen said with a laugh back. It was easily the best sex they'd ever had together.

They kissed and hugged. As they held each other, Clint said "You were really into it tonight."

"I'm always into it with you Clint," she said rubbing his arm. "I love sex with you."

"You were more passionate tonight," Clint observed.

"Was I?" Jen said. She shrugged. "I don't know. I told you how I ended it with Frankie."

"You haven't told me details," he pointed out.

"I'd rather not, I don't like thinking about it," Jen said with a grimace. "It was ugly. I guess maybe I'm getting my mojo back."

Clint slowly nodded. He was skeptical but decided not to press it.

"That's kinda what I wanted to talk about," Jen said. "The whole open relationship thing. How does it work? Have you been with anyone?"

Clint nodded. "I have a few friends," he said.

"Fuck buddies?" Jen said with a laugh.

"I guess," he said smiling. Like a lawyer he said "They're friends, we share a common attraction."
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"Okay ..."

"It's just sex though," Clint assured her. "I'm fond of them, but it's not romantic. I can tell you, whenever I'm with one of my friends, I always think about how I'd rather be with you. That's what I like about an open relationship. It reaffirms our feelings and passion for each other."

"Okay ..." Jen said.

"I have to ask you," Clint said. "Why are you bringing this up now? Is it Mike? Do you want to sleep with him?"

"God no," Jen said immediately. She rubbed Clint's arm. "It's over with him." Feeling she owed him an explanation, she said "There are a couple of men I'm interested in."

"Can I ask who?"

"Well, I guess there's three ... my trainer, Danny. Joey, a guy I met at Starbucks. And Leo, I work with him." Jen laughed nervously. "God I sound like such a slut!"

"You're not a slut Jen," Clint assured her, gently stroking her cheek. "I'm attracted to your sexuality. I'm glad you're attracted to other men, it's healthy."

"God this is the strangest conversation!" she said with a nervous laugh.

"You had strange conversations with Mike right?" Clint said grinning.

"You have no idea!" Jen said laughing.

Clint softly stroked her cheek again. "So this isn't about Mike?"

"No," Jen assured him. She hugged him. "I told you, I'm just getting my mojo back."

The hug turned into a passionate make out session. "I could fuck you all night long," Clint said stroking her body.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" Jen asked smiling into his eyes. Clint pulled her close and they made love again.

Afterwards Jen snuggled in his arms. "Are you asleep?" she asked.

"No, do you want to talk?"

"It's just ... I was wondering if you could tell me about Sarah," she said gently, asking about Clint's first wife. "You know about Mike. I'd just like to know more about her." When he didn't answer Jen said "If you don't want to --."

"I met her right after law school," Clint said. He gave a sad smile. "It was love at first sight. We were inseparable, until ... she died of cancer. It came out of nowhere. One moment she was fine. Three months later, she was gone."

"God Clint I'm so sorry," Jen said feeling terrible for him.

"She was the love of my life, my soul mate," he said with a tight grin, a tear welling up in his eye. "Sorry. She died 5 years ago, I still get emotional about it. I guess I'm still getting over her."

"You don't have to apologize baby," Jen said hugging him. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to know more about her."

"This doesn't affect my feelings for you," Clint said looking into her eyes. "I really like you Jen. I feel a real connection to you."

"I do too honey," Jen said, hugging him tight.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, I really like you Clint," Jen said telling him the truth.

"Then could you do something for me?" he asked. He reached into his briefcase and pulled out a small box. He opened it. There was a ring inside. "This ring was designed by Jacob Klein. Do you know him?"

"I don't think so," Jen said looking at the ring, awestruck. It was beautiful.

"Turns out Jacob and Sophia were lovers," Clint said. He chuckled. "At least that's what the jeweler told me. They were contemporaries, competitors, then they fell in love."

"Oh," Jen said surprised. She loved the rings and other jewelry by Sophia Dakati, but she'd never researched the designer.

"Will you wear this ring, instead of Keri's ring?" he asked. "It would mean a lot to me."

"I don't know Clint ..." she said hesitantly. She already agreed to be exclusive with him. She felt if she accepted and wore his ring – this beautiful ring that could easily pass for an engagement ring -- it would ratchet their relationship to a new level.

Clint read her mind. "I'm not asking for a long term commitment," he assured her. "I'm asking for the possibility of a long term commitment, that's all."

"Just the possibility?" Jen asked. After a few moments she said "Okay then."

She began taking off Keri's ring but Clint stopped her. "Let me," he said. He took off Keri's ring – it was on her right hand at the moment – and put his ring (the Jacob ring) on her left hand. "I'd like it if you always wore it here," Clint said tapping the Jacob ring on her wedding ring finger. He was essentially asking her to wear it like an engagement ring.

"We'll see about that, okay?" Jen said with a nervous laugh. He was being major aggressive with her, but she'd thrown a lot at him tonight about Mike coming back and the babysitting thing. She was his girlfriend, he was reasserting his position in her life, she got that. It was actually kind of flattering. She left the Jacob ring – Clint's ring – on her wedding ring finger for now.

Jen looked at the ring. "It's beautiful," she admired.

"You're beautiful," Clint said looking deep into her face. He took her into his arms and kissed her.

Mike decided to walk back to Steve's house. As he walked he fingered Jen's lingerie in his pocket. He was rock hard, picturing how good Jen looked tonight, remembering how she'd leaned into Clint and caressed his thigh. He wondered if Clint was fucking her right now. How stupid. Of course he was. Mike had felt the sexual tension in the room, they'd been super hot for each other.

God he was so horny. Beating off wasn't enough. He wanted to feel his cock inside a tight, soft pussy. For a moment he considered going to New York's red light district and finding a prostitute. That's how horny he was.

His cell phone rang. It was Jasmine. "Hi honey, just wanted to let you know I'm home," she said.

"How was London?" Mike asked.

"Good, but long," she said clearly tired.

"Can I come over?" Mike asked.

"Of course honey," Jasmine said sleepily. "I might be asleep when you get here though."

Jasmine was asleep when Mike arrived. She barely stirred as he pulled the covers off her. She was wearing a filmy negligee. For a girl who wasn't really into sex, she always dressed enticingly.

Mike kissed and fondled her. "Hi honey," Jasmine said sleepily.

"Hi Jas," Mike breathed, kissing her neck and fondling her breasts. Jasmine's tits were much bigger than Jen's, even Jen's larger ones. But as he thumbed Jasmine's nipples he thought of Jen's tits, how they practically spilled out of her top tonight.

"I'm really tired Mike," Jasmine said trying to roll over.

"I know you are honey," Mike said kissing her neck and breasts. He pulled her panties down and got between her legs. "I'll be quick okay?"

"Condom, okay?" Jasmine said, relenting but always thinking practically.

"Yeah," Mike said disappointed. He'd never been inside Jasmine bare. He thought of how Jen let men inside her bareback, how she let them cum inside her. He knew Jasmine's condom rule was the better approach, but Jen's sluttiness still turned him on.

He got a condom and rolled it on his hard shaft.

Jasmine was dry. Mike used his spit to lubricate her. Then he entered her.

Despite his horniness, he lasted a long time. Maybe it was because he'd jerked off earlier that night. Jasmine even responded to Mike's fucking. She came on his cock, her body shuddering as the pleasure ripped through her body.

Having gotten Jasmine off, Mike allowed himself to think of Jen. He thought of Clint fucking her. Then he thought of Drums fucking her bareback, of sperming her unprotected womb. "Did you cum on his cock when he spermed you Jen?" Mike thought to himself. "Were you wearing my wedding ring when you let him cum inside you?"

Mike lurched into Jasmine and came into the condom.

"So let me get this straight, you're babysitting Jen's baby?" Jasmine asked incredulously the next morning.

"The baby's name is Anna," Mike said. "Jen needs the help and my job doesn't start for a couple months."

"Your job as a high school math teacher," Jasmine said disbelievingly. They'd argued about this repeatedly. "You turned down Code Master for Apple to be a teacher." She shook her head, she would never understand. "And now you're babysitting your ex-wife's baby."

"Her name's Anna," Mike said again.

"I know what her name is Mike!" Jasmine cried. She clenched her eyes shut, forcing herself to calm down. In a lower but still tense voice, she said "You think I don't know what's going on?"

"Nothing's going on Jas, I'm just helping out with Anna," Mike insisted.

"I'm not stupid Mike!" Jasmine said. "Just tell me the truth okay? You owe me that. What are you doing with Jen?"

Mike searched inside himself for the answer. Finally he said "I ... I don't know."

Jasmine looked disappointed, sad and hurt. She said "You should leave."

Mike nodded. He got dressed and moved towards the door. He felt like scum. This girl had done so much for him, and he was treating her like shit.

Just before leaving he said "I'm sorry Jasmine."

Jasmine didn't look at him. After Mike left she curled into a ball and cried.
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Life After We Pt. 05

Jen hurriedly finished dressing. She paid a lot of attention to her hair and makeup, and picking out just the right outfit.

She was just straightening her stockings and stepping into high heels when the door buzzed. Composing herself, she moved to the door. She checked herself one more time in the mirror next to the door. As she reached for the door knob she saw Clint's ring on her left hand, her wedding ring finger. She moved the ring to her right hand. Then she opened the door.

Mike was standing there. "Hey," she said giving him a friendly smile, the kind she'd give to her neighbor or another casual acquaintance.

"Hi," Mike said smiling back. He wanted to hug her hello but she made no move to hug him, so he didn't either.

"My My, My My, hi My My," Anna squealed on the floor, crawling to him excitedly.

Mike picked her up. "Hi Anna-Banana," he said giving her a big smile. He gave her a kiss and she giggled like he'd tickled her.

"Would you mind feeding Anna? I'm running late," Jen said moving back into her bedroom.

Mike looked at her ass as she walked away. Her dress clung to her body. It was super short, showing a lot of leg. She wore seamed stockings, a thin black seam running down the back of each slim, shapely leg. God, how was it possible for her to look so perfect at 730 in the morning?

She came out giving her hair one last brush, and then she did her lipstick in the mirror. Mike tried not to stare, but he couldn't resist. Jen brushed on pinkish lipstick, leaving her lips glossy and wet.

Then she turned to her baby in Mike's arms. "I'll see you tonight Anna," she said hugging her. "I love you." Anna didn't respond to her mother, she was more interested in playing with the buttons on Mike's shirt.

"I'll see you around 6," Jen told Mike.

"You don't have to rush home," Mike said. "Work out if you want."

"Really?" Jen said. "You don't need to see Jasmine?"

"She's traveling," Mike said. "You know, always after the next story." In truth, Mike didn't know what Jasmine was doing, but he didn't want to get into it with Jen. Mike's eyes gazed at Jen's chest. Her dress was tight across her breasts. It was like she was still wearing the same size dresses, even though her breasts were bigger.

He abruptly realized he was staring and jerked his eyes back up to look at Jen's face.

"Maybe I will," Jen said, a barely amused smile on her lips. She went into her bedroom and packed a workout outfit. "Thanks Mike," she said coming out. She gave him a brief hug. She felt him rub her back briefly. It was a friendly gesture, but she knew he did it to find out if she was wearing a bra (she was). He was still the same Mike. She decided not to bust him for it.

"You said the other day, you want to talk and catch up?" she asked, keeping her voice casual and nonchalant (like she didn't care either way). "I'll bring home a bottle of wine."

Mike's eyes were drawn to the ring on Jen's right hand. He hadn't seen it before.

"How does that sound?" Jen asked.

"Yeah, definitely," Mike said looking back up at her.

For the next 4 hours Mike devoted himself to Anna. He feed her breakfast, then took her for a long walk in the stroller. Back in the loft apartment, he played toys with her and read her books. He fed her lunch. Then he put her down for a nap.

Closing the nursery door, Mike sat down on the sofa. He'd avoided thinking about Jen while taking care of Anna, but now he couldn't resist. God she looked so good. How was it possible, that she was more beautiful and sexier than ever?

He locked the door and put the chain up. He didn't want to get caught if Jen returned home unexpectantly. He went into her bedroom. He looked at the bed, at the sheets. Had she washed them since fucking Clint that weekend? Were they soiled with his cum? He sat down and ran his hand over the sheets. He didn't feel any dried cum or other love juices. "God I'm obsessed," he silently derided himself.

He went to Jen's hamper and opened it. There were more clothes there than when he last looked, Jen hadn't done laundry that weekend. That was so like Jen, she did laundry only when she absolutely had to. In fact, when they were together he often did the laundry.

Mike dug into the pile of clothes. He found the off-the-shoulder blouse she'd worn on her date with Clint. He brought it to his nose and took a deep breath. The blouse smelled like her. Strawberry and vanilla of her shampoo, a little baby powder, her perfume.

He smelled something else too. A man's cologne. Clint. He was her boyfriend, he fucked her all the time, he spermed her all the time.

He put the blouse back into the hamper, arranging it back the way he found it. He went into the bathroom and took out his cock, pointing it at the water in the bowl. He was rock hard. He closed his eyes and stroked himself. He thought of Jen, her legs open wide inviting Clint into her. He thought of the black seams running up the back of her legs. He thought of Jen letting Drums fuck her bare and cum inside her. He thought of Jen flirting with Leo and then fucking him, cheating on Clint. Within moments Mike came, shooting his jizz into the toilet.

Mike gasped as he caught his breath. He put his cock away and flushed the toilet. He knew this wasn't healthy, his obsession with his ex-wife. He resolved to reach closure with Jen – whatever that meant – and then get out of her life. Get her out of his head. Maybe their talk tonight would start the process.

"Why are you so dressed up?" Allie asked when Jen got to work.

"I'm not dressed up," Jen said playing innocent.

"You are," Allie said. She was a girl, she knew how much effort it took to look fabulous. She studied Jen. The softly curled hair, the perfect makeup, the extra short skirt, the seamed stockings, the designer high heels. "The way you're dressed, like before ..."

"Before what?" Jen said, an edge in her voice.

"Forget it," Allie said.

"Before what?" Jen snapped.

"Nothing Jen, forget I said anything," Allie said.

Jen scowled at Allie. "I didn't dress for Mike, if that's what you're thinking."

"I'm not thinking that," Allie said with a laugh. Although that was exactly what she was thinking. Jen was dressed to impress the way she used to before Mike got arrested. "How is bubble boy? Did you see him this weekend?"

"Don't call him that, okay?" Jen scoffed. "No, I spent the weekend with Clint. Remember, my boyfriend?"

"Okay Jen, I'm sorry," Allie said putting her hands out in surrender. She hugged her friend. "I think you look great, okay?"

After work Jen went to the gym. She did an advanced yoga class. Then she worked on her core with table tops and planks. Afterwards she worked on her behind with lunges.

"Hey Jen, great workout," Danny said, eyeing Jen up and down. "You ever gonna use those training sessions I comped you?"

"I want to," Jen said. She shrugged. "Life's busy." She felt awkward taking to Danny, after all he was on her "open relationship" list she'd told to Clint.

"I get it, no worries," Danny said amicably. "Hey, how about a drink?"

"Um, well --."

"I get you have a kid," Danny said. "We can go to your place."

Jen smiled at his forwardness. Danny had a heavy Brooklyn accent. Normally she didn't like that, but he was really cute and had the best ass. "Maybe some other time, I'm meeting a friend tonight," she said.

Jen went into the locker room. Her sports top and leggings were sweaty from her workout. Normally she just went home in her workout clothes. But should she shower and put back on her clothes from earlier? No, that's silly, she finally decided. She did, however, brush her hair and fix her makeup.

As Jen taxied home, she thought about her upcoming talk with Mike. He'd said he wanted to "catch up." What did that mean? Did he want to talk about what happened to him in jail? Or what she did with Frankie during that time? Or did he want to talk about Anna's birth, or her first year? Did he want to talk about Joe's last days? Was it possible he knew about her and Joe and wanted to talk about that? She frowned. Mike was so mysterious.

Jen hugged and kissed Anna when she got home. As Mike watched, she played with her baby, then feed her and put her down.

"Oh shit I forgot the wine," Jen said. She'd been so distracted in the taxi she completely forgot.

"That's okay, I thought we could go out," Mike said. "Mrs. Price said she could look after Anna."

"Oh," Jen said. Of course Mike knew her neighbor Mrs. Price, she'd been his neighbor too. "Okay, I'll just jump in the shower."

Jen came out 20 minutes later wearing a tailored blouse and skinny jeans. Her wet hair was in a high pony tail. She put on a little makeup and lipstick that made her lips look glossy and wet. Flats would have been more appropriate with the outfit, but she decided to wear high heels. She also decided to wear pantyhose under the jeans.

By unspoken agreement, they went to a bar they'd never been to before. They didn't want to deal with running into people they knew and then have to explain why they were together.

Jen got an appletini and Mike a scotch. "You wanted to catch up?" Jen asked hesitantly.

"Yeah," he said. "Mostly I wanted to hang out." He offered his glass and she clinked it. "It's good seeing you Jen. I really missed you."

Jen shyly looked down. "I've missed you too."

"Is that a new ring?" Mike said smiling and motioning to the new Jacob ring on her right hand. He did his best to ask the question casually.

Jen nodded. "Clint gave it to me."

Mike kept the smile plastered on his face. "He seems like a nice guy."

"He's a very nice man," Jen said.

Mike nodded, the fake smile still on his face. He noticed how she referred to Clint as a "man." "So you guys are serious?" he asked.

"He's my boyfriend," Jen said by way of answer. "What about you? Do people really call you two JasMike?"

"No," Mike said with a laugh. "That's more a media thing."

"Oh, a media thing," Jen said repeating his words, giving him a playful "aren't you special" grin. "I guess the press is around you a lot, you're like a celebrity now." She looked around, ducking low and pretending to be concerned. "We better watch out for paparazzi. Jasmine would be pissed if there was a picture of you with your ex-wife in the New York Times." Jen said it as a joke but there was an edge in her voice.
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Her sarcasm stung, especially remembering the picture the New York Times had published of him and Jasmine. "I'm not a celebrity Jen," he said.

Jen was about to reply when a guy walked up. "Hi, can I buy you a drink?" the man said.

"I've got one thanks," Jen said holding up her still half full appletini. She smiled at him though and said "I like your ring." The man was wearing a Penn State ring.

"Did you go to Penn State?" the man asked smiling at Jen.

"Yep," Jen said. She eyed the man. He was really good looking, and built like a linebacker. "Did you play football?"

The man nodded, smiling proudly. "3 year starter at safety."

"Wow, how cool!" Jen gushed. "Did you play with Colin?"

"Mr. All-American quarterback?" the man said with a laugh. "I wish! With him we might have gone to the national championship. No, he was after my time. I've met him a few times. You know, alumni events."

"Oh okay," Jen said. "I used to go with him."

"Seriously?" the man said surprised. He gave Jen a long look. "Wait, I know you. Jenny Johnson right? I think we met before. I'm Josh."

"Oh yeah, I think I remember you now," she said smiling at him. She got off the stool and gave Josh a hello hug. Mike noticed how Josh held Jen for a few seconds too long.

"Wow, small world," Josh said grinning at Jen. "Are you still with Colin?"

"No that ended a long time ago," Jen said.

"Oh okay," Josh said. He noticed Jen wasn't wearing a wedding ring. He motioned to the pool tables behind him. "Want to play a game of pool?"

"Um thanks but ..." Jen looked at Mike. Up to that point Mike had been completely out of the conversation. In fact, Josh had wedged in between, mostly blocking her view of Mike.

"This is Mike," Jen said. "He went to Penn State too."

"Oh, hey bro, cool," Josh said, shaking Mike's hand. He realized Jen was with Mike, which surprised him. A super hottie like Jen Johnson with this ordinary looking guy. "I'll see you around Jen. I'm here most Saturdays watching the games if you want to hang out."

"Great, maybe we'll play pool sometime," Jen said giving him a friendly smile.

"Yeah, definitely," Josh said eagerly smiling back. They hugged again, and then Josh returned to his friends back at the pool tables.

Jen watched Josh walk away. He had really broad shoulders. Clearly he kept in shape. And a nice ass too, he really fit his jeans.

Then Jen looked back at Mike, as if remembering he was there. An awkward silence passed as they both sipped their drinks.

"Have you seen Drums?" Mike asked finally breaking the silence.

Jen shook her head. "That ended," she said simply.

Mike processed her reply. If it ended, then that meant there had been something to end. "So, what was going on between you two?"

"Does it really matter now?"

"Probably not," Mike said. "I'd just like to know. Kinda like, closure, you know?"

"It was a mistake, okay?" Jen said tersely. She didn't like talking about Frankie. "A huge fuck up."

"It wasn't a complete mistake," Mike said with a sincere smile. "It gave you Anna. She's worth anything, right?"

"Yeah," Jen said softly, smiling back at Mike.

More moments of silence passed, then Mike said "For what it's worth, I don't blame you, for getting together with Drums. I get it. You were going through a lot of shit. You'd been with him. It all makes sense to me, I get why you got together with him." He gave Jen a moment to process all this. Then he took her hands. Looking into her eyes he said "I know how you tried to help me. Sam told me he wouldn't let you. I understand how hard that must've been. I know you would've helped me if you could."

Jen was silent for long moments. It looked like she was trying to keep from crying. "Thank you for saying that," she said in a soft voice, looking down at her feet.

"I'm sorry, what part?" Mike asked. "About getting back with Drums, or helping me?"

"Both," she said. She got up and gave Mike a hug. She pressed her face into his shoulder. "I'm sorry, about everything."

They hugged for long moments. Then they parted, Jen sitting back on the stool and wiping away tears. "I think I'm ready for another drink," she said with a laugh.

"Me too," Mike said laughing back. They ordered another round and clinked glasses. "It's really good to see you Jen," Mike said smiling at her.

"It's good seeing you too Mike," she said smiling back at him. She hugged him again.

It was like they're gotten passed a hurdle. There were a lot of things still unresolved, things that needed to be said, questions that needed to be answered. But at least now they could be friends.

"Can I ask you something?" Mike said. "It's none of my business."

"Go ahead," Jen said with a laugh.

"The other night with Leo," Mike said. Having started, he couldn't figure out how to finish the question. He stammered "I mean, you're going with Clint right?"

"Are you asking if I cheated on Clint?" Jen said with another laugh. She explained "We have an open relationship."

"Oh," Mike said surprised.

"I know, right?" Jen said smiling. "First you, now Clint. I pick all the pervs." She squeezed Mike's hand to show she was joking.

"I think we should drink to that," Mike joked back.

"Okay," Jen said with a laugh. They clinked glasses and they both finished their drinks.

"One more round?" Mike asked.

"Okay, but that's it, I have to work tomorrow,' Jen said. She was already slurring her words. She hadn't drunk this much in a long time, she was definitely feeling it.

The bartender served their drinks. "So what should we toast to?" Jen asked, the alcohol making her silly.

Mike glanced down at the nylon encasing her feet. "How about, pretty girls who wear pantyhose under jeans?"

"Oh god, you're still the same pervert," Jen laughed, playfully punching him in the arm. They clinked glasses and both drained half their new drinks. Half-drunk now, she eyed Mike mischievously and asked "So does Jasmine play your kinky games?"

"No Jasmine's pretty conventional," Mike said with a laugh.

"Okay, describe your sex life with Jasmine in one word," Jen said slurring her words. She was definitely getting drunk.

"Probably ... boobs," Mike said smiling.

"You shit, I always knew you lusted after her big tits," Jen said giving him another playful hit in the arm. But there was an edge in her voice. She'd always been insecure about her small breasts.

"So your turn, one word to describe your sex with Clint," Mike said grinning.

Jen was still smarting from the boobs comment, and her insecurities were magnified by the alcohol. With a sudden impulse to dick with Mike, she leaned close to him. She pressed her tits against his chest and whispered huskily into his ear "Is one word enough Mike? I bet you'd love to hear all about how Clint fucks me."

Mike's smile disappeared. Jen regretted her taunt and was about to apologize when Josh walked up. "Hey Jenny, some buddies just got here, they played with Colin. Wanna come say hi?"

Jen was about to tell him no. She and Mike still had things to talk about, and she really had no interest in hanging with old Penn State football players. But then she looked at Mike's face. She recognized the look on his face, she'd seen it many times. He was turned on!

"Go ahead, don't worry about me," Mike told her. Jen didn't hear any hurt or anger in his voice. Instead, she heard eagerness, excitement.

"Give me a sec Josh," Jen said.

"Sure, no worries," Josh told her, clearly happy she was coming over to hang out. "See you around bro," he said giving Mike a fist bump. It was clear Mike hadn't been included in the invitation, despite also having gone to Penn State.

"I'll just be a minute," Jen said to Mike.

"Take your time," Mike said. He smiled and added "I know how you get when you start talking football."

"That's true," Jen said with a laugh. She pulled out the hair tie and shook out her hair. Then she brushed her long blond with a brush from her purse. She put the brush back in her purse and took out a compact and lipstick. "Can you hold this?" she asked handing him her purse.

Mike held her purse in his lap. He watched as she used the little mirror in the compact to put on a little makeup and apply lipstick. He didn't even try to hide his interest as she prettied herself up to talk (and probably flirt) with the Penn State football players.

"Okay, so I guess I'm going," she said as she tossed the compact and lipstick back into her purse. She got up off the stool. "What are you going to do?"

"I guess I'll watch the game for a while," Mike said motioning to the big TV behind the bar. The World Series was on.

"Who are you rooting for?" Jen asked looking at the TV.

"I guess I should say the Giants since I was just there," Mike said. "But I want the Royals to win."

"That's cool, you're a New York sports fan anyway right?" she said giving him a smile and a playful bump of her hip. "Can you do me a favor? Can you hold this until I get back?" She handed him her purse again. This way she didn't have to carry it around in the crowded bar. Also, more importantly, this way Mike would have to stay until she got back.

Jen made her way through the crowded bar. Men checked her out as she passed, looking her up and down. A few tried to strike up conversations with her. She politely smiled and kept walking towards the pool area.

Mike watched as Jen talked to Josh and his buddies. There was a lot of laughing and joking around. It looked like Jen knew some of the guys, at least casually. The scene reminded Mike of that first time he went with Jen to a Penn State football game. She'd been a social butterfly, laughing and talking with a lot of guys, even though she was his date. That was how she was today, bopping around and flirting with the guys as they played pool.
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Mostly though Jen hung out with Josh. He was older than Jen (and Mike) by a few years, but they seemed to be hitting it off.

Mike watched as Jen and Josh played pool. Jen was horrible at it, practically launching the ball from one table to the next. Jen could dance like an elegant ballerina, she was athletic and loved biking and swimming, she was Supergirl in the gym, but in any game involving a ball she was a total klutz. But she was always adorably cute about it, laughing at herself and paying undivided attention as people (usually guys of course) tried to help her play better.

It was like the night before with Leo, watching Jen with Josh. It was like he was the center of her world. She laughed at all his jokes, hung on his every word, touched his arm as he talked. Mike had seen it many times before, how Jen reacted with she was into a guy.

Josh helped Jen line up a shot, behind her as she leaned over the pool table. His hands were on her waist, then he leaned over with her, showing her how to hold the cue. As he did that his crotch pressed against her ass. Was he hard? Did Jen feel his erection pressing up against her ass?

Despite Josh's help Jen still messed up the shot, not coming close to getting the ball in the pocket. They both laughed, and when Jen turned around she was in his arms, facing him. Their laughs turned into excited smiles, and their smiles turned into looks of anticipation.

Mike had a clear view of Jen's pretty face. She had her cum face on. She wanted Josh.

Mike expected them to kiss, standing so close together. But instead Josh whispered into Jen's ear. She smiled and nodded, and whispered back. A few minutes later Jen broke away from Josh and walked towards Mike.

"Hey, who's winning?" Jen asked Mike. Her cheeks were still flushed, she definitely had her cum face on.

"The Royals are up by 1," Mike said.

"Oh good, I bet you're happy," Jen said. "Beer?" she asked seeing the icy bottle in front of Mike.

"I don't want to drink too much," Mike said explaining why he didn't go for another scotch.

"Good advice," Jen said with a laugh. Mike had seen her drinking another appletini, although the pool playing (and flirting) had sobered her some. Jen took Mike's beer and sipped it.

"Can you do me another favor?" Jen asked. With one hand she held the beer. With the other she played with the buttons of Mike's shirt, the way Anna had done earlier. "I might be here a while and don't want to keep Mrs. Price too late. Can you go and stay with Anna?"

"Sure," Mike said.

"I might be late," Jen said giving Mike an apologetic smile. "If you want you can sleep in the den. I made that into a bedroom."

Mike nodded. He'd noticed. "I might hit the sack after checking on Anna," he said.

"Absolutely, do that," Jen said. "Just bring Anna's baby monitor with you okay?"

"Of course I'll do that Jen," Mike said.

"Sorry, anal mom," she said giving him a weak smile. She seemed in a rush to get back to Josh and his friends. "Good night then, if I don't see you." She took another sip of the beer and handed it back to him. It was half gone. "This is good, what is it?"

"Anchor Steam, they make it in San Francisco."

"Cool," Jen said, clearly in a hurry to get back to Josh. She gave Mike a hug. She held him tighter and longer than he expected. "Thanks a lot Mike. I liked talking to you tonight."

"Me too," Mike said. As he hugged Jen, he tried not to press his crotch against her. He didn't want her to know he was hard from watching her flirt with Josh.

Jen walked back to Josh and bumped her hip against his. "Hey cowboy," she said smiling into his eyes.

"Hey babe," Josh said smiling back. He was playing pool with a couple friends. "I've gotten 50 bucks riding on this game, give me a minute okay?"

"Okay," Jen said with a laugh. She sat on a stool and watched the game. But she wasn't paying attention, her thoughts were elsewhere.

Mike had watched her flirt with Josh! He watched the whole time, Jen had noticed. It'd gotten him hot, she'd felt his erection when she hugged him!

And now Mike was sleeping over at the loft apartment.

Jen was so horny! She knew her panties were soaking! Josh was cute, definitely hunky. And, through all their subtle touching while playing pool, she knew he was big.

She definitely wanted him! She hadn't felt this slutty since ... well, since the other day with Leo. And she had the green light from Clint.

Would Mike watch if she took Josh home? Would he watch Josh fuck her?

Of course he would. This was Mike. She shivered at the thought.

"Hey babe, we're doing double or nothing, want another one?" Josh yelled over to Jen.

"Um, yeah," Jen said. "Can I have an Anchor Steam?"

Thirty minutes later Jen walked into the loft apartment with Josh. "Quiet okay?" Jen whispered. "I don't want to wake up my baby."

"You have a baby?" Josh said surprised. With that tight body?

"Yeah," she said. She rubbed his chest. "I'll just go check on her."

Jen went into the nursery. Anna was sleeping soundly. She kissed the baby and went back to Josh. She noticed the door to the den was cracked open. It was cracked open!

"Hi," Jen said melting into Josh.

"Hi," Josh said putting his strong arms around her. They kissed. Soon they were seriously making out.

They fell onto the sofa. Josh's hand went to Jen's breast, cupping and fondling her. Jen moaned as Josh kissed up her neck.

In the den, Mike watched from the slightly opened door. He had a perfect view as Josh kissed Jen and unbuttoned her blouse.

Jen slid to the floor, getting on her knees between Josh's open legs. She ran her hands up and down his erection, smiling excitedly at him. Jen unbuckled his pants and pulled down his zipper. She gave him an impressed smile as she pulled out his cock. She lowered her head and took him into her mouth.

Mike couldn't resist anymore, he took out his dick and began stroking himself. He paced his strokes to match the bobbing of Jen's head on Josh's cock.

Jen climbed on top of Josh, straddling his legs. He cupped her bra covered tits. Jen reached behind her and unsnapped her bra. Josh reached inside the bra, cupping her naked tits. Jen moaned and rolled her head back as he rubbed her hard nipples.

He pulled her to him and they kissed, tonguing each other. "Let's go to your bed," Josh said.

"No, fuck me here," Jen said between kisses.

Josh rolled Jen onto her back on the sofa. He pulled off her jeans and pantyhose, leaving on only her lacy thong. He opened her legs. "Condom?" he asked.

"I'm on the pill," Jen moaned, pulling at his arms. She desperately wanted him inside her!

Josh grinned and moved her thong to the side. Then he rubbed his cock up and down her slit. "Fuck you're wet," he said.

"Come on!" Jen whined. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him towards her.

"Fuck you're a horny bitch," Josh said with a laugh. He used his hand to guide his cock to her hole. He dug his feet into the sofa and then pushed in.

The back of the sofa blocked Mike's view. With Jen on her back and Josh on top of her, he could only see Josh's head and upper chest, and Jen's shapely calves and feet. He knew when Josh entered her though when he heard her moan.

Josh began moving back and forth, slowly at first but then faster. Jen moaned with each thrust. Josh leaned down to kiss her, so now all Mike could see where Jen's legs. He watched as her legs jerked forward with each pump of his cock. He knew when Jen came, both from hearing her soulful moan, and also from watching the curl of her pretty toes.

Josh fucked her hard and fast. Mike could tell he was getting close. Jen was getting close to another orgasm too. "Fuck I'm cumming!" Josh growled. "Where do you want it?"

"Cum inside me!" Jen cried, her calves tensed and her toes curling again. Josh made a series of powerful thrusts, each time the sofa sliding a few inches across the hardwood floors. Then he pushed deep inside her one last time and stayed there. His body spasmed as he came and ejaculated into Jen. Jen clawed at his powerful shoulders as the feel of his money shot pushed her over the edge into another orgasm.

Mike was breathing hard. He realized he'd cum over his hand, shooting his spunk against the door and carpet. He silently closed the door shut. Then he got a towel and did his best to wipe it up.

Josh snuggled Jen on the sofa, kissing her. "Can I stay over?" he asked kissing her.

"You better not," Jen said kissing him back. "I don't like my baby seeing men sleeping over."

"I get it," Josh said, but made no move to get up.

"You better get going, it's late and I've got to work tomorrow," Jen said. She kissed him again to soften the dismissal. Josh looked disappointed, but he got dressed.

"Can I call you?" he asked.

"Definitely," Jen said smiling at him. She took his cell and called herself. He smiled and kissed her again – she kissed him back – and then he left.

Jen went into her bedroom. She stretched out on her bed, grinning up into the darkness. That had been SO – FUCKING – GOOD! She let a guy pick her up – practically a stranger. She took him back to her apartment, and then fucked him.

God she felt so slutty! But she felt so alive, so happy! She definitely had her mojo back!

Grinning wickedly, she wondered if Mike had watched her get fucked. Of course he watched! The thought made her body tingle. God she was still horny, she should have let Josh stay to fuck again! She couldn't remember when she'd been so insatiable! She loved that feeling, she'd really missed it!

The next morning Jen slowly woke up. The sun was shining brightly, it was a beautiful day. Jen stretched out like a cat, still basking in the memory of last night. She felt good! She felt like herself again! Okay, she'd been a slut. So what?! She and Josh were adults, it was all consensual. She had Clint's permission, it wasn't cheating. Josh had been good, the sex had been great! It'd been fun. On top of that, she felt completed rested after a full night's sleep.

Wait ... a full night's sleep?

Jen's head jerked to the clock. Fuck, it was 11am!


Jen bolted out of the bedroom towards the nursery. She abruptly stopped after only taking a step. Mike was sitting on the floor, playing with Anna. "Hi mama," Anna said, then returned to her toys happily playing with Mike.
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Jen realized she was nude. She wore only the thong from last night. Mike was staring at her. "Be right back," Jen said ducking back into her bedroom.

Jen leaned back against the door, feeling relieved. She felt something else too. Mike had looked at her almost naked body with lust and desire on his face. Jen felt her pussy tingle.

"Get control of yourself," she silently chastised herself. She put on a long fluffy cotton robe. She was about to go back out when she decided to brush her hair. She looked at the markup on her dressing table. "Fuck it," she thought. She picked up a lipstick and brushed on lip gloss.

"Hey," Jen said to Mike a moment later. "I'm sorry I overslept."

"No worries, you work, I don't," Mike said. "Anna's all fed. We're having fun playing ABC blocks, right Anna-banana?"

Anna giggled. She looked at Mike adoringly and said "My My."

Mike smiled at the 1 ½ year old. "I think she's learning her ABCs."

"She's kind of young for that," Jen said with a laugh.

"No, look, she's putting them in order," Mike said pointing to the blocks on the floor.

Jen looked at the blocks. They were sorta in order. A-B-C then E-F. But that could've been random. She couldn't help smiling though. Mike seemed so into teaching Anna her ABCs.

"Sorry for bailing on you last night," she said.

"You don't have to apologize, that's what friends are for right?" Mike said smiling at her.

"Yeah," Jen said smiling back. She affectionately bumped her shoulder against his.

"Did you have fun last night with Josh?" he asked.

"Um, yeah it was fun," Jen said hesitantly.

"It's okay Jen, we used to be married, you don't have to tippy-toe around it," Mike said with a laugh.

"Okay, then, I had a freaking amazing time," Jen said with a laugh back. She joined in playing with Anna for a while. Then she got up. "I better get ready for work."

Inside her bedroom, Jen let the robe drop to the floor. She peeled off the thong. She slept with it up between her ass cheeks, it was caked with Josh's dried cum. Jen tossed it on the floor and looked at herself in the full length mirror, turning this way and that to see her whole body.

She appraised her body, knowing Mike had gotten a good look at her just a moment ago. He'd seen her larger (yet still perky) breasts, her firm tummy, her curvier ass and hips, her long toned legs. She wondered if he got hard looking at her.

She looked at her pussy. The lips were still a little swollen from the hard fucking Josh had given her last night. She kept herself completely bare. For most of her relationship with Mike, she kept a thin trimmed landing strip there. Their inside joke was, this way Mike knew she was a natural blonde. Scott had shaved it off that time in Vegas (when he'd videoed fucking her and Allie), and since then she'd mostly kept herself bare. She felt herself. There was a little stubble. She'd need to shave if she wanted to keep herself completely bare.

She got into the shower. As the hot water rained down on her, she thought of last night. She imagined Mike watching as Josh kissed and fondled her, as he got between her legs and penetrated her with his big cock. She closed her eyes and began playing with herself.

In her fantasy, Mike was next to her as Josh fucked her. "Touch me Mike," she said as Josh slid in and out of her pussy.

Mike cupped and fondled her breasts. "Feels good," she said as he rubbed her nipples. "Do you like them?"

"Your breasts are more beautiful than Jasmine's," he said.


"Yeah, way better," he said in a husky voice. Mike looked at Josh, then back at Jen. He asked her "Is he fucking you good?"

"Soooo good," Jen said, her heavy bedroom eyes looking at Mike. "He's fucking me so good. He's already made me cum." She reached into Mike's pants and pulled his cock out. She stroked him as Josh continued to pound her. "He's so much bigger than you baby."

Josh looked at Mike's cock. He smiled at the comparison, he was twice the man Mike was. He fucked Jen harder, knowing he was close to cumming again on his cock. "Who does your pussy belong to Jenny?"

Jen looked at Josh and said "Right now my pussy belongs to you."

"God you're such a slut," Mike groaned, close to cumming as Jen stroked him.

"Do you like that?" Jen taunted him.

"Oh god yeah!" Mike groaned as he came over Jen's hand.

Back in the shower, Jen came. Her orgasm was so powerful she collapsed onto the shower floor. She hugged her legs to her chest as the water rained down on her. "I'm going freaking crazy," she thought to herself.

She got out of the shower and dressed. Just before leaving she saw her soiled panties on the floor. She thought about starting a load of wash, her hamper was almost full. But no. Maybe tomorrow. Opening the hamper, she put the cum stained panties on the top.

Mike fed Anna lunch and put her down for a nap. Anna's schedule was regular now, she'd sleep for about 2 hours.

Mike put the chain up on the front door (in case Jen came home early). Then he went into her bedroom. Her jeans and blouse from last night were on the floor. Her bra and pantyhose were there too.

Mike opened the hamper and saw what he was looking for. Her panties. He picked them up. They were red and lacy, barely a wisp of material. And they were stained with cum!

Mike brought the panties to his nose. There was no doubt the stains were sperm.

He studied the panties. The thin strip of material connecting the front to the back was still moist. There were dried cum stains on the lacy front material. Clearly, Jen had slept in the panties. The cum stains on the front had dried. But Josh's cum had leaked from her pussy all night, keeping the connecting strip of material moist.

Mike took the soiled panties back to the den. He got on the bed and took out his cock. He closed his eyes as he began stroking himself, replaying the scene from last night of Josh fucking Jen. He didn't last long, cumming into the lacy panties. He put his cock away and then went back into Jen's bedroom. He put the soiled panties back in the hamper. By the time Jen got home all the cum (both Josh's and his) would be dried and caked on the lacy material, they'd be no evidence of what he did.

Mike thought of how Jen let her lovers cum inside her. She was so different from Jasmine and Tara (and probably most girls) who insisted their lovers wear condoms even despite being on the pill. Jen liked skin-to-skin, she liked how it felt for a man to cum inside her.

A lot of people might think that made Jen a slut. Mike had mixed feelings about it. On the one hand he liked it. Jen's sluttiness turned him on. On the other though, he'd rather she used condoms with lovers. It was a safety issue, a pregnancy issue, an intimacy issue. But he didn't have a say now. He guessed it was Clint's problem now.

Impulsively Mike looked in Jen's lingerie draw. He knew she kept her birth control pills there. Mike frowned at the thin round container. According to the numbers on the container, Jen forgot to take the pill that morning. She had to be more careful -- hadn't she learned that after Anna? Mike put the container on top of the dresser (rather than inside the drawer), where she couldn't miss it.

He was about to leave Jen's room when, again impulsively, he looked in the side cabinet where she kept condoms. There was a half full box there with 5 condoms (all Magnum XL size of course). He wondered if Jen carried condoms in her purse.

"Everyone's going out for happy hour tonight, how about it?" Scott told Jen later that week on Friday. He didn't expect Jen would go, he couldn't remember the last time she went to happy hour. But who knew, she'd been in a better mood lately.

"Tonight huh?" Jen said, thinking. It would be fun to go out and hang with everyone. She'd been a hermit for the longest time, but she felt like she was coming out of her shell, becoming herself again. She thought of how she used to go to happy hour with Mike. "Okay, let me see if I can get a babysitter."

"Cool," Scott said with a surprised smile. He spread the word that Jen was going to happy hour. A lot of people were already going, but when it got around about Jen almost everyone decided to go. Some people (like Scott and Leo) hoped to get into her pants. Most people though just wanted to hang with Jen in a social setting, who they affectionately called the "boss lady."

"Hey Mags," Jen said to Maggie later that day. "Are you going to happy hour?"

Maggie grimaced. "Scott picked a bar where they card at the door," the 19 year old said disappointed. "My fake ID got confiscated last week at a bar."

"Oh, sorry," Jen said. "Don't worry, age solves that problem," she added with a giggle. "Can you do me a favor? Can you babysit Anna tonight?"

"Seriously? You want me to?" Maggie said hopefully.

"Yeah Maggie," Jen said. "Anna really likes you, you do a good job. It's just ..."

"I know," Maggie said shamefaced, still embarrassed over what happened with Frankie. She hugged Jen. "I really appreciate what you've done for me Jen. You're like, my hero."

Jen smiled at Maggie and hugged her back. Back in her office, Jen called Mike. "Hey you, feel like happy hour tonight?" she asked him.

"Oh ah, I don't know," Mike said. "What about Anna?"

"I got a babysitter," Jen said. "You should go, a lot of people want to say hi."

"Okay," Mike agreed. He joked "No karaoke right?"

"Right," Jen said with a laugh.

Mike arrived about 30 minutes late to the happy hour. He chatted to a lot of people, in fact many sought him out to say hi. People knew him either as Jen's ex-husband or the architect of the Ring.
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Mike kept one eye on Jen. She was bopping around, laughing and talking with everyone. She hadn't changed at all, she was still the bubbly social butterfly he'd always known. She looked happy, and he was glad for that.

As was his nature as a loner, Mike wandered off from the group. He thought about leaving but he wasn't ready for that yet. Sometimes he wanted to be AROUND people, even though he didn't want to be WITH people, if that made sense.

The bar was big. He found an area with TVs playing the World Series. He ordered a scotch and settled in to watch a while.

Sometime later he heard a voice behind him. "I thought I'd find you here," the voice said. He turned and saw Jen's pretty, smiling face. She sat down next to him. "Is that your Highland Park scotch?"


She took his glass and took a sip. It was strong, but smooth. She liked it.

"You drink scotch now?" Mike asked surprised.

"Sometimes," she said. She took another sip and handed it back to him. She asked "Are you seeing Jasmine this weekend?"

Mike shrugged. "Honestly I'm not sure where I am with Jasmine."

"Oh why?"

"She wants me to be someone I'm not."

"Sorry," Jen said. They were silent as they watched the game.

"Happy hour's over?" Mike asked breaking the silence.

"Not quite," Jen said. "People are figuring out where to go for dinner." After a moment Jen asked "How do you feel about Jasmine?"

"I'm not sure," Mike said with an uncertain laugh. "Are you seeing Clint this weekend?"

"In a little while actually," Jen said. "He just flew in. He's meeting us for dinner."

Mike nodded. He noticed Jen hadn't invited him to dinner, but then why should she? She was with Clint now. She wanted to be with Clint when she was out to dinner with her work friends.

"So I want to thank you for all your help with Anna," Jen said. "It's nice having you around. Things ended so ... I mean ... there were a lot unresolved things. I feel like --."

"Closure," Mike said giving Jen a melancholy smile.

"Yeah," Jen said, her smile melancholy too. "It's a good thing, right?"

"Yeah, definitely," Mike said giving her a more cheerful smile.

They heard a lot of enthusiastic hellos and excitement from the happy hour crowd. "That must be Clint," Jen said with a laugh. "He really plays up the Clint Eastwood thing."

"It's amazing how much he looks like Clint Eastwood," Mike said.

"I know right?" Jen said with another laugh. "You want to say hi?"

"I think I'll make a graceful exit," Mike said forcing a grin.

"Okay," Jen said with an understanding smile. "I'll see you Monday morning?"

"Absolutely," Mike said. They hugged briefly then parted.

Jen had fun at dinner. A lot of fun! It felt great to be out with her work friends again. Clint was outgoing, upbeat and fun. He was great company, he even laughed at himself when people told stupid lawyer jokes. Everyone always had fun around him, including Jen.

Clint and Jen's sex later that night was extremely intense and passionate, like the last time. Their sex life was really improving, and Jen was enjoying sex (and Clint!) more and more. She purposely avoided thinking about Mike fantasies while they made love. Yet, she still came twice with Clint! She felt so happy about that, she definitely was feeling like herself again!

"God that was incredible, you're gonna kill me!" Clint gushed as they lay next to each other in bed, panting from their incredible sex and orgasms.

"I'm not done with you yet mister," Jen teased, running her hand over his well-defined chest and arms.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" Clint said with a smile, repeating her joke.

Jen smiled and kissed him.

"You seem more relaxed," Clint said. "Happier."

"I think I am," Jen said nodding. "Mike and I have so much baggage. It's good having him around, talking through things. I'm not proud of things I did. Talking with Mike, I can live with it better, y'know?"

"Yeah, I understand," Clint said. "Will you tell me the things you're not proud of?"

"I'd rather not," Jen said with an embarrassed laugh. "I'd like to make a new start, concentrate on getting better."

"A new start with me?" Clint asked hopefully.

"You're the one in my bed Mr. Spaghetti cowboy," Jen teased. They kissed again.

"Thanks for being so understanding about Mike," Jen said a little later. She looked into his eyes and said "You're an amazing man."

"I just want you to be happy," Clint said pulling her into his arms.

"I am happy Clint, happier than I've been in a long time," she told him. They kissed and snuggled.

After leaving the happy hour, Mike called Jasmine. "How are you?" he asked.

"I'm okay," Jasmine said sounding sad. Then she admitted "I miss you."

"Can I come over?" Mike asked.

Jasmine paused, then said "Yeah, okay." Thirty minutes later he was in Jasmine's bed, fucking her.

Afterwards Jasmine said "You were barely there."

"What?" Mike asked not understanding.

"You were fucking me, but thinking about Jen, right?" Jasmine said accusingly. "Right?"

"I'm just helping with Anna," Mike insisted.

"Don't bullshit me!" Jasmine cried. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Mike felt terrible. He was acting like an ass, a player like Colin, Scott and Drums. "There's something about Jen," he admitted. "She gets inside my head."

"Then why do you keep seeing her?!" Jasmine cried.

"I don't know," Mike said. "We ended badly. I need to work things out with her, to get on with my life."

"God," Jasmine said, putting her hands in her head. After a moment she looked up "Have you slept with her?"

"No Jasmine," he said. At least that was the truth. "My new job starts soon. I think this'll all work itself out."

"Your new teaching job?" Jasmine said, not able to resist a dig. Realizing it was a bitchy thing to say, she quickly said "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. If teaching makes you happy, that's what you should do."

She sighed. "I guess I'll have to wait for you to get this out of your system. But don't sleep with her Mike. I can't handle it if you cheat on me."

"I'm not going to do that Jasmine," Mike said, running his hand up her very long, very shapely leg.

"You don't really think you're getting more tonight do you?" she said with a laugh.

"I guess not," Mike said with a laugh back.

Jasmine smiled, her tone softening. "I've got a thing tomorrow, at the Met. You'll go with me right?"

"Of course I will Jas, I want to," he assured her. He snuggled her and she fell asleep. He dreaded going to the Metropolitan Opera, he hated Jasmine's networking functions. But sometimes you had to do things you didn't want to.

Jen was with Clint, they seemed serious. He didn't know if he was meant to be with Jasmine. But he liked her, their sex was good. Jasmine was incredibly sexy and beautiful, he was the envy of every guy he knew. There were worse places to be.
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Life After We Pt. 06

"I saw you and Jasmine on TV this weekend," Jen said to Mike when he arrived Monday morning. "Are you two better?"

"I think the jury's still out," Mike joked with an uneasy laugh. "Those functions aren't much fun."

"The worldwide opening of a new production of La Bohème, that's not fun?" Jen said with an incredulous laugh. "You'd rather watch baseball?"

"Maybe you should date Jasmine," Mike joked laughing back. Then he explained "It's the pre-party, intermission and post-parties that aren't fun. It's all networking."

"The happy hour Friday was networking too," Jen pointed out. "Bonding, team building."

"Jasmine's functions aren't about bonding," Mike said. "More like, sharks circling each other." Wanting to change the subject, he asked "How's Clint?"

"He's good, we had a good time," Jen said smiling.

"He's still in New York?"

Jen shook her head. "He's traveling for two weeks. I'm going to miss him."

Mike hesitated. Then he said "Sounds like you two are getting serious."

Jen hesitated, then said "I'm happy right now."

Mike nodded. He said, "That's good Jen."

As she usually did, Jen took the subway to work. It was faster and cheaper than a taxi. As she rode, she noticed men looking at her. She pretended not to notice, but inside she smiled. It was a petty ego thing, but she liked men noticing her.

Lately she'd worn sexier clothes to work. Lower tops, tighter and shorter skirts, higher heels, dresses that hugged her curves. She was spending more time on her hair and makeup. It was the way she used to dress, before Anna. She was rediscovering that part of her, the fun-loving, flirty, sensual part of who she was.

She knew part of it was Mike. His being around turned something back on inside her. But it wasn't all Mike. Sex with Clint that weekend had been great. He got her to cum twice, and she didn't have to think about the Mike fantasies to climax. So her happiness and sex life weren't tied to Mike, which was obviously a good thing.

Later that week Jen went to the Starbucks for a caffeine break. "Hey no whip Jen," Joey said with a grin.

"Hi Joey," Jen said with a smile. She gave him a quick up and down look. So cute!

"You don't come around a lot," Joey said grinning. He teased "Are you getting your whip from another guy?"

"Yeah Joey I'm cheating on you," Jen said with a laugh. Joey served up her skinny caramel latte and Jen took the coffee to a chair in the back.

Joey sat down next to her a few minutes later. He said "We've got another mixer tonight, you should come."

"I've got a boyfriend," Jen said, flattered by the invitation and again amused at how forward he was.

"You're not married to the guy right?" Joey said looking at her ringless left hand. Jen was wearing the Jacob ring on her right hand.

"That's true," Jen said with a laugh. This boy was persistent!

"So come to the party, we'll hang out, just friends," Joey said giving her a charming boyish grin.

"Just friends huh?" Jen said with a skeptical smile. She gave him another quick up and down look. He was definitely hunky! Why not? "Okay, tell me when and where," she said with another laugh.

Jen called Mike when she got back to her office. "Can you babysit tonight?" she asked.

"Oh sure," Mike said. He asked "Working late?"

"Actually, I've got a date with Joey," she said with a laugh. "You remember, barista boy?"

"Oh yeah."

"You really don't mind?" Jen asked.

"No, I'm good," Mike assured her. "It's more comfortable here than at Steve's place. They've got a lot going on with their kids. After I put Anna down I'll watch the game."

"Okay... baseball?" Jen asked.

"No, Thursday Night Football," Mike said.

"Is it a good game?"

"All Thursday night games suck," Mike said with a laugh.

Jen laughed back, mostly to be polite. She was more interested in college football so didn't keep up with the pros. "I got some Anchor Steam, it's in the frig."

"Oh, thanks," Mike said flattered she remembered.

"I don't know when I'll be home," Jen said. "Maybe you should plan to spend the night again."

Mike paused. If Jen brought Joey home, he'd have a chance to watch them. "... sounds good," he said.

Without thinking, Jen blurted out "If you want you can stay in the loft apartment. Until you get your own place. I mean, if it's more comfortable than Steve's place."

Mike didn't answer immediately, processing what she'd said. Finally he said "Clint won't mind?"

Jen shrugged. "The apartment's half yours anyway."

As if thinking to himself, he said under his breath, "Not sure Jasmine will like that."

Jen frowned into the phone. She said tersely "Do whatever you want Mike, I'm not forcing you."

After hanging up, Jen looked out her office window at the New York skyline. She regretted snapping at Mike. They were with other people know, she had no right to be jealous. But did Mike know how he pushed her buttons? She admitted to herself though that she probably pushed his buttons too.

It was hard, trying to be friends with an ex-spouse. She told herself it was worth it though, for Anna. She'd done a lot of stupid things, but this decision she knew was right.

Mike fed Anna. He played with her and read books, and she fell asleep in his arms. He gently put her into her crib, knowing she'd likely sleep through the night.

Mike looked in the frig for the Anchor Steam. There were a few bottles. He opened one and turned on the football game (New Orleans at Carolina). But while his eyes were on the TV his mind was elsewhere. Jen was going out with Joey, the barista/college student. Jen was 29, Joey 19 or 20. He thought about their age difference. Jen was a MILF, a cougar!

Mike was rock hard. He couldn't concentrate on the game.

"Will she let Joey fuck her bare?" Mike asked himself. He went into her bedroom. The birth control pills were no longer on her dresser. He opened her lingerie drawer. The round container was there. Mike saw she was current with taking the pills, so she should be protected.

He went to the side of the bed and opened the drawer of the bedside cabinet. The five condoms were still there. Yes, Jen would definitely let Joey fuck her bareback, let him sperm her. Mike felt dizzy with lust.

"Oh, there you are," a voice said from the door.

Mike spun around. It was Jen! Fuck, he'd forgotten to chain the door!

"I thought you had a date?" Mike sputtered out.

"I do, I need to get dressed," Jen said. She looked at the open drawer. "What are you looking for?"

Jen's question gave him an excuse. He said "I'm trying to find my Kindle." He closed the drawer, trying to look casual and unconcerned.

"I put all your things in a box, in the den closet," Jen said. "I don't think your Kindle's there."

"That's because my Kindle's at Steve's place," Mike thought to himself. He said "I'll go look in the box." He hurriedly left her bedroom.

Jen closed her bedroom door after Mike left. Curious, she opened the draw of the nightstand. The only thing inside was a half empty box of condoms. The other day she'd found her birth control pills on top of her dresser. She didn't remember putting them there, she normally kept them in her lingerie drawer. It made Jen wonder...

45 minutes later Jen came out of the bedroom. "Find your Kindle?" she asked playing dumb.

Mike stared at Jen. She wore her hair down, combed straight back with a black hair band. She wore low rise skinny jeans and a black, long sleeve crop top that ended an inch above her belly button. On her feet she wore black flats. "I'm sorry?" he said realizing she asked something.

"Did you find your Kindle?" she repeated.

"Oh ah, no," he sputtered out. "Maybe I left it in San Francisco."

"Oh that's too bad," she said, rubbing his arm briefly. She went into the nursery to check on Anna. Mike stared at her ass as she walked in. God she looked so good! Some of her new tattoo was visible above her low rise jeans. Mike had to admit the jet black tribal tramp stamp gave her an even sexier, bad girl look, so different from her sweet innocent face.

Jen abruptly turned around, catching him looking. She left the nursery, closing the door behind her. "Did you say something?" she asked innocently, pretending she hadn't noticed him checking out her ass.

"Oh ah, I just wanted to say your new tattoo looks good," Mike said.

Jen broke out into a smile. "You jerk, I thought you didn't like it," she said giving him a playful punch in the arm. She held her arms out. "So do I look like a college girl?"

"What?" Mike said not understanding.

"I'm going to Joey's frat party," Jen explained. She scrunched up her pretty face. "He's only 20. I feel so old."

"I think he's really lucky you're his date," Mike gushed.

Jen moved a step closer, getting inside Mike's personal space. "You really think so?"

"Yeah," Mike said. "Every guy there will be envious."

"The girls there will call me a cougar," Jen said. "You think it's bad, going out with a 20 year old?"

Mike's heart pounded in his chest. With a hoarse voice he said "Honestly? I think it's really hot."
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Jen laughed, but the delighted sparkle in her eyes told Mike she liked what he said.

She got on her tiptoes and gave Mike a quick goodbye kiss on his cheek. As she did her breasts rubbed against his chest. She whispered into his ear "Thanks for being here." A moment later she was gone.

Mike stood there for long moments after Jen left, not able to move. His cock was so hard it hurt. He finally picked up the Anchor Steam and sat on the sofa. He finished the beer and got another. The game was on but his thoughts were elsewhere.

The frat house was packed. Jen squeezed in and asked a group of guys about Joey. They gave her a long up and down look. One of the guys gave her a red Solo cup filled with cheap beer.

Joey appeared suddenly, as if he'd been watching out for her. "Hey no-whip," he said grinning.

"Hi Joey," Jen said, laughing at his nickname of her.

"Want a beer?"

"I think I've got one," Jen said holding up the Solo cup and smiling at the guy who gave her the beer.

Joey glared at his frat brother. "This is Jen guys, she's with me," he announced. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her away from the circle of guys.

"Bye guys," Jen said laughing.

"You've got to watch out for the guys here, they're all mass murderers," Joey joked.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, and they steal towels from hotels, really low life," Joey said smiling.

"Uh oh, then I better stick close to you," Jen said grinning at him.

"That's right, you better," Joey said putting his arm around her. "You know what I want to do?"

"Um... squirt whip cream on my finger?"

"No... this." Joey lowered his face to Jen's and kissed her. His kiss was soft yet urgent. After a moment he pushed his tongue into Jen's mouth. She let him.

Their kiss went on and on. Finally Jen pulled away, panting. She had her cum face on. "Whatever happened to friends?" she said gasping.

"I make out with all my friends," he joked.

"Jerk," Jen said giving him a playful hit on the chest.

"Want to go up to my room?"

"Why don't you show me around first," Jen said with an incredulous laugh. This boy moved really fast!

Joey gave Jen a tour of the frat house. It was messy and stunk of beer, just like all the frat houses in Penn State. They got another beer and danced to a cheap cover band. The music slowed and they slow danced. "I like this shirt," Joey said caressing the bare skin between her crop top and low rise skinny jeans.

"I can tell," Jen said, laughing at the way he was so boldly touching her.

"So you serious with your boyfriend?" he asked.

"Are you really asking me that now?" Jen said with another laugh, feeling Joey's hands move to her ass and cup her cheeks. She pulled his hands back up to her waist.

"I wanted to see if you're just using me for my body," Joey deadpanned, moving his hands to her ass again.

"God you're so full of shit," Jen laughed, moving his hands back up to her waist again. Then as they swayed to the music she said "My love life's complicated."

"Yeah? How so?"

Jen tried to explain her feelings, but she couldn't. She tried to focus her thoughts on Clint, but the image of Mike kept popping up into her head. She ended up shrugging and said "It's so complicated I don't get it."

Later they went to the basement to play pool. "I suck at this," she said thinking of her most recent attempt at playing pool with Josh.

"I'll teach you," Joey said.

Jen rolled her eyes knowing what that involved but went with it.

Jen attracted a lot of attention in her tight crop top and skinny jeans. Joey kept close to her all the time, as if telling the other guys "she's mine, stay the fuck away!"

As Jen leaned over the pool table for a shot he caressed her tramp stamp. "This is so hot," he gushed.

"Thanks," she said over her shoulder, still holding the cue stick. Joey's hand went from her back to her ass. He caressed up and down between her ass cheeks.

Jen closed her eyes. Joey had been touching her all night. She'd been doing some touching too, and she knew he sported an impressive package. And, he was so gorgeous! And so young! She was hot, she definitely had her cum face on!

Joey looked around as he fondled Jen's tight ass. He smiled smugly at his frat brothers, silently bragging "Don't you wish this hot girl was yours?" The girls in the room looked enviously at Jen. Envious of her pretty face and sexy body, and envious she had snagged the hottest guy in the fraternity.

Jen looked at Joey over her shoulder. With heavy lidded bedroom eyes - and Joey still caressing her ass - she whispered "Let's get out of here."

Joey grinned. He pulled her up and kissed her passionately for long moments. Then he wrapped his arm around her and led her out of the room.

Jen expected Joey to take her up to his bedroom. Instead, he took her downstairs, to a sub-basement. The room was dark except for a red "Exit" sign above a door.

"This is our playroom," Joey said grinning.

Jen looked around, her eyes getting used to the darkness. There were couches and mattresses on the floor. Couples were scattered about, in various stages of dress (or undress), kissing, fondling, some were openly fucking. In more than one case, there were 2 guys on a girl.

"More like an orgy room," Jen said looking around.

"Yeah, you could say that," Joey said. He took her into his arms and pulled her onto a sofa, kissing and fondling her.

"God," she groaned as Joey kissed up her neck and rubbed her nipples. This 20 year old shit was driving her wild! She was so wet she might leak through her jeans!

Joey caressed down her front to below her crop top. He ran light circles around her belly button, feeling her firm stomach. "You've got a great body," he whispered huskily as he kissed around her ear.

"Yeah?" Jen said. Then she moaned as Joey nibbled on her ear lobe and lightly flicked his tongue inside Jen's ear. How could this college boy be so good?!

"Come on babe," Joey said, pulling Jen's hand to his crotch. Somehow while kissing and fondling her he'd taken out his cock. He was rock hard and big. Not that thick but way longer than average.

Jen wrapped her hand around his shaft and stroked him. "Come on no-whip, you can do better than that," he said with a laugh. He put his hand on the back of Jen's head and pushed her down.

Seriously? He wanted her to blow him here, in a stinky frat house basement surrounded by 19 and 20 year old college kids. Jen was a decade older, she was an elite marketing exec, she was a sophisticated woman who wore expensive designer dresses, she was the mother of a 1 year old.

"Come on," Joey said, applying more pressure to the back of Jen's head.

What the fuck, Jen thought. She let Joey push her onto her knees between his open legs, and she went down on him.

She bobbed up and down on his cock. He was long but not thick, she could take a lot (but not all) of him into her mouth and down her throat. Joey apparently wasn't satisfied with that. He put his hands on the back of Jen's head, grabbing her blonde hair, and controlled as she moved up and down on his shaft, controlled how fast she went, how deep, how hard.

She felt dizzy with lust. She was 29 and he was just barely 20, he couldn't even buy alcohol, yet here she was submissively on her knees as he fucked her face, under his complete control as he used her mouth like a pussy. At that moment, if someone touched her clit she would cum.

Jen felt someone grab her tits. "Fuck off," Joey growled. The intruder left. He said to Jen "Sorry."

Jen looked up at him. His cockhead was halfway in her mouth, touching her wet lips. Her eyes were lust filled and heavy lidded. She breathed "Do you share girls?"

"Yeah, sometimes," Joey admitted. "Do you think that's bad?"

"Yeah, that's bad," Jen breathed. Bad but so hot! She felt dizzy with lust. She took him back into her mouth, pumping his shaft with one hand as she bobbed on him. With her other hand she undid her jeans and snaked inside her panties. She fingered herself as she blew him. She was so close, it would only take a moment.

Joey was close too. He began humping Jen's face, thrusting his hips up, fucking her face. Jen let him abuse her mouth and face as she rapidly fingered her clit.

They both came at the same time. In the throes of orgasm, her body shuddering from climax even as Joey ejaculated into her mouth, Jen heard clicking. One of Joey's frat brothers was taking pictures!

As Jen's back arched from the orgasmic pleasure, she head clicks.

As Joey came in her mouth and some of his sperm leaked down her chin, she head clicks.

As Jen panted and collapsed onto Joey's lap - more clicks.

As Jen wiped her chin with the back of her hand - more clicks.

As Jen straightened and re-did her jeans - more clicks.

As Joey kissed her and pulled up her crop top to grope her bra covered tits - more clicks.

As Jen pulled down her crop top and glared at the photographer - more clicks.

"Give me that!" Jen hissed at the photographer, holding out her hand.

"It's okay babe, it's my phone," Joey assured Jen, taking the iPhone from his friend.

"Delete the pictures Joey," Jen told him sternly.

"I will, I promise," Joey said rubbing her back reassuringly. "I just want to look at them okay?"

Joey put away his cock and led Jen out of the playroom. "God Joey if those pictures get out," Jen lamented.

"I promise to delete them," he said hugging her. "Come on, let's go up to my room. We'll look at them and then delete them, I promise."

"You swear?" Jen said frowning.

"I swear to god," Joey assured her. "Come on, let's go to my room."

With her anxiety about the pictures taken care of, her lust returned. She got herself off, but she needed fucked really bad. She thought of Mike at the loft apartment. She thought of catching Mike looking at the box of condoms.

"I need to get home," Jen said. She took Joey's arm. "Come to my apartment."

When Jen got home Mike immediately saw she had her cum face on. Her face was flushed and her eyes heavy lidded. Also, her nipples were hard, they dented her crop top. (Jen and Joey had kissed and petted in the cab over, so they both stayed super hot).

Joey looked wary and disappointed when he saw Mike. Was this Jen's boyfriend?

It was an awkward moment for Mike too. Jen eased the tension by saying "Joey, this is Mike my roommate."

"Oh okay, hey bro," Joey said offering Mike his hand.

"Hi," Mike said, sizing Joey up. He was tall and had shaggy hair, tanned (even though it was the winter), a casual ruggedness to him. He was young, he looked like he was a surf boarder who just stepped out of a cover of Sports Illustrated.

"Want a drink?" Jen asked Joey.

"Sure, a beer if you got it," Joey said.
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"Yeah, a beer sounds good," Mike said.

"We've got Anchor Steam and Bud Light," Jen said looking in the frig.

"Anchor Steam definitely," Joey said enthusiastically.

Jen brought over two bottles. She gave Joey a Bud Light. "Sorry we only had one Anchor Steam," she told Joey. She gave the last Anchor Steam to Mike, smiling at him.

"Whatever, it's only beer," Joey said with a scowl. "You're not drinking?"

"I've had enough," Jen said with a laugh. She'd had 3 big solo cups of beer at the frat and still felt tipsy.

Joey sat down on the sofa and Jen sat next to him, nuzzling up to him. He put his arm around her. He whispered into her ear "Let's go to your bedroom."

"Don't be rude, we should hang with Mike for a minute," she whispered back.

Mike sat on the chair, all of them watching the game on the TV. He saw Joey put his arm around his ex-wife, and the two of them whispering to each other. He was so hard it hurt.

Joey didn't want to watch TV. He leaned down and kissed Jen. Jen kissed him back, giving him tongue.

Mike watched as they kissed. He watched as Joey's hand went to Jen's breast and cupped her.

"Why is he still here?" Joey derided, scowling at Mike.

"Pretend he's not here," Jen said, pulling him back to kiss her. She pulled his hand to the bottom of her crop top, pushing his hand underneath.

Joey snaked his hand under her top, finding her bra covered tits. He fondled her, and then said "Take this off."

Looking at Mike in the eyes, she crossed her arms and pulled off the crop top. Shaking out her hair, she reached behind her and unsnapped her bra. Scowling at Mike, Joey pulled off the bra and tossed it at his feet. "Here you go dude," he said derisively.

"If you want to stay you'll be nice," Jen chastised him.

"Why is he here?" Joey asked.

"I told you, he's my roommate," Jen said.

"But why's he here?" Joey repeated.

"Why's it matter?" Jen said, pulling his hands to her now bare tits and kissing him again.

They kissed and petted, Joey fondling her tits and rubbing her nipples as Jen rubbed his crotch over his jeans. As in the frat house playroom, Jen got on her knees between Joey's legs. He unbuckled and unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He was rock hard. She licked up and down his shaft, making sure Mike had a good view so he saw how much bigger Joey was compared to his little dick.

Joey moaned and rolled his head back, enjoying the feel of Jen's hot mouth around his cock. But he came in her mouth earlier, he wanted her pussy now. He pulled her up and threw her onto her back on the sofa. He undid her jeans and pulled them off her long legs. As he did he pulled off her panties. Now Jen was completely naked.

Joey quickly stripped too. "Are we fucking here?" the 20 year old asked.

Jen looked at Mike. He was beyond turned on, his eyes lustfully looking her naked body up and down. But he no longer owned her body. She said "Come on." She took Joey's hand and - both of them completely naked - led him into her bedroom. Jen closed the bedroom door.

Mike was panting, his head spinning. He hadn't expected any of this. He turned off the TV. Now the loft apartment was completely quiet. He waited, listening closely. It didn't take long. Within moments he heard whispers and moans. He knew they were fucking.

Mike couldn't resist. He turned off all the lights in the apartment, like he was going bed. He silently crept to Jen's bedroom. The door was partway open. It was just a sliver, but from his vantage point Mike had a clear view of the bed.

Joey was on top of Jen, between her open legs. He was slowly pumping her. His cock wasn't thick but it was really long - it had to be at least 9 or 10 inches. Joey was slowly pushing all the way inside her, and then all the way out until just the tip was still inside. He did that over and over, really slow, his cock sliding into her pussy, and then sliding out of her pussy.

Jen was looking into Joey's eyes. Mike saw desperation in her face. He understood. Jen liked it hard and rough. Joey was teasing her.

"Please..." Jen said.

"Please what no-whip?" Joey said grinning. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"Fuck me harder."

"Like this?" Joey said, giving her one hard thrust.

"God!" Jen grunted, but then Joey went back to the slow (but deep) stroking. "Fuck Joey!" she cried frustrated.

Joey laughed. Figuring he'd tortured her enough, he began fucking her harder. "Is this how you like it?" he said in a taunting voice, ramming her hard and fast.

"Oh god yes!" Jen cried. This was exactly how she liked it! Moments later she came. She screamed as the pleasure shot through her body!

Anna started crying. Jen's scream must have woken the baby up. "Oh no!" Jen said worriedly.

She hurried put on her big fluffy cotton robe and ran to the nursery. When she opened the door Mike was already there. He was rocking the baby in his arms. "She's okay," Mike said softly. "Just a bad dream."

Jen came over to look at her baby. In doing so they stood close, their hips touching. Anna was already asleep again. Jen gently kissed the baby.

"I've got her," Mike assured her. He was essentially telling Jen it was okay to go back and finish with Joey, because he had things under control with Anna.

"Thanks Mike," she said softly. She kissed him on the cheek. Her body was still hot from fucking Joey. She moved a little and her lips touched his. She kissed him, and even gave him some tongue.

It only lasted a few seconds. She pulled away and said "Sorry. Jasmine probably wouldn't like that."

"Probably not," Mike managed to say, stunned.

Jen moved her hand to Mike's crotch. He was hard inside his jeans. She caressed him for a brief moment, then abruptly turned and went back to her bedroom.

Mike stood motionless, panting, his head spinning. He gently put the sleeping Anna back in her crib. He closed the nursery door and went back to Jen's bedroom. The door was still cracked open. He looked in.

Jen was on top of Joey now. She had her cum face on, riding his big cock, her hands on his muscular chest for balance. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open, her head rolled back. Mike could tell she was close to another orgasm.

"I'm fucking cumming!" Joey growled.

"Yeah, yeah..." Jen panted. She ground on his cock, in and out, in and out, giving him deep stimulation while also rubbing his shaft against her clit. As she came she threw her head forward, her long lush blonde hair tumbling over his chest and face.

Joey's hips jerked as he thrust his ass upwards, getting deep inside Jen. He held his cock inside her, his hands clamped on her hips so she couldn't move, as he ejaculated his seed deep inside her womb.

Outside the door, Mike came as he watched Joey cum and sperm Jen. This time he came into a wad of tissues.

Mike watched as Jen pulled off Joey. Milky sperm covered his half hard shaft. Mike thought, "He must have shot a lot into Jen for that much to be on his cock."

Mike froze as Jen glanced towards the door. He told himself there was no way she could see him in the darkness. After a few moments Jen looked away. Mike took that opportunity to silently walk back to the den bedroom.

"That was really awesome Joey but you better go," Jen said rubbing Joey's chest. "It's late and I don't like Anna seeing men here."

Joey frowned. He wanted to sleep over, have another go with Jen's incredible body. He said "Anna sees Mike, right?"

"Yeah, but she's close to Mike," Jen explained. That was the first time she'd voiced the obvious - the first time she'd admitted it to herself - that Anna was getting close to Mike.

"Can I call you?" Joey said as he got dressed.

"When's your next mixer?" Jen giggled.

"Not worried about your boyfriend?" Joey asked.

Jen shrugged. With their open relationship she could do anything she wanted, but she didn't feel like getting into it with Joey. Then she remembered. "Wait, let me see those pictures."

"Oh yeah," Joey said. He'd forgotten about them too. He pulled out his iPhone and they flipped through the pictures. Jen realized they weren't too bad. They were definitely x-rated, but her face wasn't in most of the pictures. Her face was in about a dozen of the pictures, but the room was dark and it could be any blonde girl.

Even though she wasn't worried about it, Jen made Joey delete the pictures that showed her face. She let him keep the others.

"Just wanna let you know, my iPhone backs up to the cloud," Joey said.

"Shit, that means the pictures are saved somewhere," Jen thought to herself. But why did it matter? It was so dark you couldn't tell it was her. Also it wasn't like she was Jennifer Lawrence, no one was going to hack into iCloud to get sex pictures of her.

"Just don't download them back to your phone, okay?" Jen told Joey. They kissed and Joey promised to call her soon. Then he left.

In the den bedroom, Mike was already horny again. Jen hadn't changed at all! She was just as insatiable as before! And she looked even better than before!

He threw off the blanket and pulled down his boxers. He stroked himself, remembering how Jen had ridden Joey's long cock. He remembered how Joey's ass had clenched as he came and flooded Jen's pussy with his seed. Feeling incredibly horny and kinky, Mike reached into his jacket. Jen's soiled pink panties were still there. He wrapped the lacy material around his shaft and continued stroking himself. "Yeah Joey, cream that slutty pussy," he chanted in a low husky voice as he stroked himself. "Are you protected Jen? Did you forget to take the pill? Did that 20 year old college kid just get you pregnant?"

After Joey left, Jen retrieved her clothes from the living room. Back in her bedroom, she felt Joey's cream leaking out of her. She used her panties - a lacy black thong - to wipe her pussy lips and her inner thighs.

She still felt horny, even after fucking Joey and cumming twice. It was like before. She was becoming insatiable again, like a nympho, the more she fucked the more she wanted.

Impulsively she pulled the panties up her long legs. She pulled them high up her hips, between her pussy lips and into her crack. They were quickly soaked in Joey's cum.

She looked in the mirror. She looked freshly fucked, her hair tussled, her cheeks flushed, her swollen pussy lips camel toed in the wet panties. She paced around her bedroom, feeling hyper, like on a caffeine high.

She stepped into high heels then continued pacing. She looked into the mirror again. Now she looked like a freshly fucked slut wearing the black stiletto high heels. The word "slut" echoed in her head. "Yeah, I'm a slut," Jen said to herself. Voicing the thought (even to herself) made her shiver.
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She paced around the room more. It was like she was struggling with herself, trying to block something from her thoughts, trying to resist.

Finally she couldn't resist anymore. "What's Mike doing?" she thought to herself.

She put on a negligee. It was one Mike had given her for Valentine's day when they'd been engaged. It was filmy and pink and practically see though. It was held up by just 2 thin straps and ended just an inch or two below her pussy. The negligee had a matching lacy pink g-string, but she left the black thong on.

It was a special negligee, Mike's favorite. She usually wore it to bed on their anniversary or other special days, like Mike's birthday. Because it was special to Mike, she'd never worn it for any of her lovers.

Jen left her bedroom. She silently stepped to the den bedroom, walking on her tip toes to avoid the high heels scbanging on the hardwood floor. She lightly pressed her ear to the door. She heard Mike inside. It sounded like chanting, but she couldn't make out the words.

She knew it was an invasion of his privacy, but she couldn't help herself. She suddenly opened the door.

Mike's eyes went wide in shock. He paused for a split second, but then he threw the blanket over him.

But that split second had been enough. She'd seen it. Her pink panties around his cock, as he played with himself.

Mike knew she saw it. He waited for her to ridicule him, call him a pervert, call him a panty-boy sissy or something like that.

But Jen didn't say any of that. Instead she said "Thanks for taking care of Anna tonight."

"Sure, of course," Mike sputtered out.

"I think she likes you," Jen said.

"I like her a lot, she's a great baby," Mike said. Feeling confident, he gave Jen a long up and down look. She was wearing the negligee. His negligee, the special one. He smiled and said "You look really good."

Jen gave him a smile.

"Is Joey still here?"

"He left."

"Why are you wearing that?"

Jen didn't answer. She didn't know why.

She walked towards Mike, her high heels clinking along the floor. She stopped when her knees touched the bed. Feeling out of control, she said in a soft voice, "Do you mind?" She pulled the blanket from Mike.

Her eyes focused on his penis. The red panties laid crumpled around his balls. She pulled them away so she could look at his penis.

She was mesmerized looking at him. He was rock hard. His cock was small. Only about 4 inches hard, a little thinner than average. She'd had her share of lovers, many while she was with Mike (with his blessing and encouragement). But she'd held his cock in her hands more than any other. He'd been inside her mouth and pussy more than any other. He'd cum inside her more than any other man. If she added it all up, he'd made her cum - his cock had made her cum - more than any other man.

Mike couldn't move as Jen studied his penis. Part of him - a big part of him - wanted her to touch him. Touch him with her hands, her mouth, her pussy, anything, just touch him and make him cum.

But Mike thought of Jasmine. He was with Jasmine now. He'd done a lot of shit with Jen lately, stuff some might consider cheating. But if Jen touched his cock and got him off, that would definitely be cheating.

Jasmine had been too good to him. He liked her a lot, he owed her too much. He wouldn't cheat on her.

He pulled the blanket back over himself.

Jen seemed to snap out of a trace when he did that. Mike thought she looked relieved. Maybe she was struggling over cheating on Clint. They had an open relationship, but her ex had to be out of bounds, right?

Jen stepped away from the bed, looking flustered and confused. Impulsively, she pulled the soiled black thong off. She threw the panties onto the bed and rushed out of the room.

Mike looked at the lacy black thong panties for long moments, probably minutes, unable to move. He finally picked them up. They were wet. Mike didn't need to smell them to know the wetness came from Joey's cum. Unable to control himself, he wrapped the black panties around his cock (he was still rock hard) and stroked himself. He came in seconds.

The next morning, Mike softly knocked on Jen's door. When she didn't answer, he opened the door a crack and looked in. Jen was still asleep. She'd tossed and turned most of the night.

She'd kicked most of the blanket off. She still wore just the negligee, but the straps were down and he could see her breasts. He could also see her firm ass and toned thighs. God she was so hot. Her breasts had always been so perfect. Now they were larger and still perfect!

Her hips and ass. She was still petite and slim, but now with her more womanly hips and ass she looked so delicious!

Mike felt himself stiffening. He willed his hard-on to go away. He gently pulled the sheet back up to cover her. Then he gently shook her shoulder. "Jen, you have to get up," he said softly.

"What?" Jen asked waking up. She opened her eyes and saw Mike.

"Don't you have to work today?" he asked.

Her eyes opened wide. "Shit!" she said looking at the clock. It was 8am. It wasn't a disaster. She had a meeting at 930. She could easily make it if she hurried.

The sheet had fallen away when she turned to look at the clock. When she turned back to Mike he was staring at her completely exposed breasts.

She pulled the sheet back to cover her. "I better get back to Anna," Mike stammered, hurriedly going back out to the kitchen. As he left Jen glance at his crotch. He was hard.

Jen hurriedly showered and dressed. She tried not to think about last night. Mike didn't mention last night either when she came out. By unspoken agreement they were avoiding the topic, at least for now.

That day Jen thought a lot about Mike. There was something definitely going on between them. Ok, that was Captain Obvious! She'd spent the evening with Joey, fucked him and came on his cock twice, but it seemed like the 20-year old college student was just a cameo bit player in this drama that was playing out between them.

Then she thought of Clint. She felt guilty and confused. He was away for another week, for business. She had mixed feelings about that. But this gave her time to talk to Mike, work through things.

When Jen got home later that night Mike was feeding Anna. She hugged and kissed Anna, and then played blocks and games with her baby while Mike looked on.

Later, after putting Anna down for the night, Jen said hopefully "Want to get brunch tomorrow? We can take Anna to the zoo. It'll be fun to hang out."

"Oh, I would," Mike said awkwardly. "But I'm spending the weekend with Jasmine. I've actually got to run, we have a late dinner reservation. If you need help this weekend with babysitting -."

"No, I'm good," Jen said immediately, a fake smile plastered on her face. She felt like a complete idiot. A desperate ex-wife looking for... what?

After Mike left, Jen sat on the sofa looking out the window at the night sky. She needed to face reality. Mike had moved on. Whether with Jasmine or Tara or another girl, he'd moved on. Jen knew he'd have his choice of pretty girls, he was a good catch. No, not a good catch, a great catch. Good husband and father material. Just look at how he'd bonded so quickly with Anna.

Jen got it. Mike felt bad about disappearing for a year, so now he was helping out with Anna. He also wanted some kind of ongoing relationship with both her and Anna. That was his way of getting closure.

Sure, she could dick with him, tease him to distraction. She knew all his buttons. He was still Mike, a kinky voyeur. Apparently he wasn't getting that from Jasmine, so she was his outlet. But he didn't feel anything for her, except friendship.

She felt sad. She knew no other man would love her, adore her, worship her even, as much as Mike. And deep down, she knew her love for him had been special. Their connection had been special. Mike made her feel good about herself. She might fall in love with another man, but it wouldn't be the same.

She'd lost so much. She knew it was her own fault, but that didn't make it any easier.

She tried to look to the bright side. In a way Mike was still looking after her. He was helping her become herself again. Maybe they needed each other to get to the next stage of their lives.

She thought about Clint. He was handsome, hunky. He was steady and trustworthy, wealthy and kind. He was low maintenance (unlike Mike who was a lot of drama). He allowed her to explore her sexuality. What was wrong with this picture? Nothing! Why wasn't she going all in with Clint?

Why wasn't she?

She thought about it. Clint was traveling all over the place, but this weekend he was in Atlanta. Atlanta was just a short hop from LaGuardia.

She called him. Smiling into the phone, she said "Hey cowboy, want to spend the weekend with your favorite 2 girls?"

Jasmine had the weekend all planned out. A networking dinner on Friday, a black tie on Saturday, a country club brunch on Sunday. Mike went with it. He didn't enjoy it, but he put on a brave face and did his best to mingle.
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In quiet moments, Jasmine told him her dream was to get into politics as a socially liberal democrat who was financially conservative and an ardent supporter of the military. A reasonable, open-minded person who could work on both sides of the aisle.

Mike had no doubt she would someday be governor or a senator, maybe more than that. He'd definitely vote for her. He figured, with a leader like Jasmine Kelly, the future of our country was in good shape.

They had sex 3 times, once each night. Jasmine wasn't passionate or adventurous like Jen, but she was so beautiful and sexy it was impossible not to enjoy sex with her.

Mike did his best not to think about Jen as he made love to Jasmine. Also, he tried to feel affection for her when they were together. He was fond of Jasmine. But more than once during the weekend, he thought to himself "What does it mean I have to try so hard to feel affectionate to Jasmine?"

He found himself wondering what Jen was doing. Not what she was doing sexually. Just what she was doing. He wouldn't allow himself to miss her. That would be a betrayal to Jasmine. But he allowed himself to miss Anna. That was okay.

On Sunday, Mike got an unexpected call from Mr. Winters, the senior partner at Jen's advertising firm. "This is for you," Mr. Winter's said smiling warmly at Mike. He handed Mike an envelope.

Mike opened it. Inside was a check for $250,000! "What?" he said not understanding.

"Your back pay, and a substantial bonus for your help on Memphis," Mr. Winters said smiling gratefully. He assured Mike, "I've checked with the lawyers, you can accept this money."

Mike nodded eagerly. He would check with Sam, but he was pretty sure Mr. Winters was right. Mike's prohibition dealt with finance not advertising. Mike's old firm had tried to give him money for Sapphire. Darren had too (over a million dollars!). Mike couldn't take that money. This he could!

"Thank you Mr. Winters," Mike said with a big grin.

"Good weekend?" Jen asked Monday morning when Mike arrived.

"Yeah, you?"

"Anna and I spent the weekend with Clint," Jen said. She opened the New York Times to the society pages. "More pictures of JasMike on the town," she said with a good-natured laugh.

Mike grimaced as he looked at the pictures. "I hate that name," he lamented.

"I bet your mom is saving the pictures in a scrapbook," Jen said smiling.

"I'm not sure about that," Mike said with a shrug.

"Why?" Jen said with a tilted head. "Doesn't she like Jasmine?"

"... I think she does," Mike said after a moment, although he didn't sound convincing. Changing the subject, he said "Speaking of mom, she and dad are gonna be here this weekend, about Joe's ashes. They asked if you could go. But if you're busy with Clint..."

"Of course I'll be there Mike," Jen said. She gave a curious look at the suitcase Mike had with him.

"You said I could stay here?" he said seeing her look.

"Oh yeah, sure," Jen said.

Mike showed Jen the check. "Did you do this?" he asked.

Jen smiled seeing it. She pushed the partnership hard to give Mike a big bonus. "You deserve more, we wouldn't have Memphis without you," she said. "The partners are stingy." Jen didn't tell Mike it had actually been touch-and-go, because many of the partners didn't support what Mike had done in Liberty-gate.

"That's okay, this is enough," Mike said gratefully. This money, with his remaining savings from Apple, would give him a good runway. Also, he had an idea how to make more money.

Later that week (on Wednesday) Mike and Jen were watching TV after putting Anna down. Jasmine Kelly appeared on the TV, reporting from London. "She's in London a lot," Jen observed.

"She got a promotion, I guess like their European anchor," Mike said.

"Oh," Jen said impressed. Anchor, and only in her mid-20s.

"So where's Clint?"

"He's in Houston until Thursday, then he goes back to Atlanta," Jen said. She scrunched her face. "It looks like his trip is going until next week."

"Sorry," Mike said.

Jen shrugged.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Mike asked. "About last Thursday."

"Okay," she said with a nervous laugh. She turned off the TV. "Go ahead."

"It's personal..." he said his voice trailing off. He suddenly wished he hadn't started this.

"Come on you started this, you can't stop now," Jen said playfully kicking his thigh with her stockinged toe.

"I'm saying this as a friend," Mike said feeling awkward.

"Will you just say it!" Jen said with another laugh. Now she was really curious.

Mike hesitated, and then blurted out "You oughta use condoms with guys like Joey. It's a safety issue."

Jen opened her mouth in shock. That was probably the last thing she thought he'd say. She gave him a frown. "I'm on the pill," she said.

"It's a safety issue, and the pill isn't 100%," Mike said. "I get you have an open relationship, but I bet Clint would want you to use condoms. Have you asked him?"

Jen shrugged. She and Clint hadn't talked about this. She teased "So what are you now, Clint's wingman?" When Mike flushed red, she shook her head and said "You've got a lot of nerve." She was smiling though.

"I'm just saying..." Mike managed to say, turning the TV back on and staring at it.

Jen continued to look at Mike, an amused smile on her face. "God," Jen said with an incredulous laugh, giving Mike a playful punch in the arm. Still smiling, she turned to watch the TV too.
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Life After We Pt. 07

Author's note: There will be 10 chapters in this story.


On Friday night they met at an Italian restaurant Mike's mom and dad liked. Jen arrived from work and Mike brought Anna from the loft apartment.

There were hugs and kisses, especially over Anna. Mom couldn't get enough of the bubbly, beautiful baby. To his chagrin, Anna went ballistic when Dad tried to hold her. The baby was still going through stranger anxiety and Mike was the only man she let hold her.

It was awkward, the five of them having dinner together, since Mike and Jen were no longer together. In some ways having Anna there made it less awkward. In other ways the baby's presence made it more awkward, because by that time Mom and Dad had looked at the calendar and counted months.

After dinner they took a walk in the crisp New York city air, Jen and Mom walking in front and Mike and Dad walking about 10 feet behind. Mom held Anna as they walked, enjoying being the doting grandmother.

"You and Mike are living in the loft apartment?" Mom asked Jen.

"Yes, until we sell it," Jen said nervously. She dreaded talking to Mom by herself. Her relationship with Mike's mom didn't start well. They met with Mike in the hospital after he defended her at the Crypts against Colin and others. But over the years they grew close. Still, she was Mike's mom and Jen was now Mike's ex-wife. There was no doubt whose side mom was on.

After a pause, Mom said "Do you think that's a good idea?"

"It saves us money," Jen said, knowing how inadequate her answer was. Wanting to change the subject, she asked "What do you think of Jasmine?"

But Mom wasn't going to be distracted. She said somewhat incredulously "It saves you money?"

Jen shrugged. She admitted "I guess we're trying to get closure."

Mom was silent, thinking about Jen's answer. She finally said "I've never understood what that means, closure."

Jen didn't know either. Struggling to find an explanation, she said "Peace I guess. We're trying to find peace."

Mom nodded. She still didn't fully understand, but she sensed Jen didn't understand either. She decided to let it go. Returning to Jen's question, she said "Jasmine's a very ambitious girl."

Jen laughed. She often laughed when she was nervous, like now. She said "Is that bad? I guess I'm ambitious too."

"No, you're not at all like Jasmine," Mom said. She didn't sound fond of Jasmine. As if sensing that, she quickly added "She's a sweet girl." But Mom said it unconvincingly.

They walked in silence for long moments. Mom hugged and kissed Anna as they walked. She looked bothered, like she was struggling with herself. Finally she asked the question she desperately needed to know. "Jen, is Mike Anna's father?"

Jen was ready for the question. She knew people suspected, anyone could look at a calendar and count months. The answer was really important to Mom and Dad, Jen understood that. They'd lost one son. Their other son seemed wounded. They needed to know whether Anna was their grandchild.

"Of course he is," Jen said immediately.

They met the next morning in Central Park. Joe had loved visiting New York City and often took long walks through Central Park. In his will he asked that some of his ashes be spread along the foot path he often walked.

It was a somber, private ceremony. Joe had died over a year ago, but with everything that had happened to Mike, and then his abrupt move to California, it was only now that it felt right to carry out Joe's last wishes.

After the ceremony, Mike spent the rest of the day with his mom and dad. Mom didn't want to let Anna go, so Jen agreed to let them keep her for the day. Mike promised to be back with Anna at the loft apartment before dinner time.

Jen had a lot of time to think and reflect. She hadn't been able to think a lot about Joe since he died. There had just been so much. Mike's release, their terrible breakup, giving birth and being a single mom. She hadn't been able to do anything other than survive.

But now, spreading his ashes, thinking about Joe ... Tears fell down her cheeks and soon she was sobbing. She missed him. He died so young, it was such a waste.

All the doubt and guilt hit her, the feelings she'd suppressed. Had she been wrong to comfort Joe? At the time, she'd rationalized it as part of the game. Mike encouraged her to see other men while he was in London. And he told her to take care of Joe. Would he be upset if he knew the truth? After all, he got turned on when she was with Jamie and his brother Larry in Cancun. Wouldn't Mike react the same way if she told him about Joe?

But did it matter anymore? They weren't together. Why risk their relationship (whatever was left of it) by telling Mike something that was no longer important?

Part of Jen felt though, if they were going to have a relationship moving forward, she needed to tell Mike. She needed to be honest with him. Also, didn't Mike have a right to know that there was some chance his brother was Anna's biological father? That Joe might have left behind some legacy of his life?

As he promised, Mike returned with Anna before her dinner time. Jen fed Anna and then the baby fell asleep, tired from the long day.

Mike was already sipping a scotch, looking weary. "Tough day, huh?" Jen said pouring herself a glass of wine.

"Yeah," Mike said. His eyes looked red, like he'd been crying. Maybe he (like Jen) hadn't had a chance to mourn Joe until today either. He gave Jen a sad smile and said "Here's to Joe."

Jen smiled back, her smile sad too. "To Joe," she said. They softly clinked glasses.

"We got coffee with Willow, Joe's therapist," Mike said. "She said you did a great job with Joe, a big comfort to him. Thanks for doing that."

"Oh, ah, of course," Jen said awkwardly.

"Willow said you helped with Joe's massage therapy?" Mike asked.

"Um ... yeah," Jen said. She laughed to make it sound like a joke. "You know I took that class at Penn State, and worked at the St. Regis spa."

"Yeah, I remember," Mike said nodding. He gave Jen a long look, as if thinking. Then he said "Well, thanks again for taking care of him."

"Of course Mike," Jen said. Wanting to change the subject, she asked "Are you hanging with your parents tomorrow?"

"No, they're going home tomorrow morning," Mike said. He shrugged and said "They didn't want to risk having to see Jasmine. It didn't matter, Jas is in London until next week."

"They don't like Jasmine?" Jen asked.

"They like her," Mike said. "Jas can be intense sometimes."

"Oh," Jen said. After a moment she hesitantly said "So since Jasmine and Clint aren't here, you feel like brunch tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure," Mike said, a smile coming to his face.

"Where do you feel like going?" Mike asked the next day.

Jen hesitated, then said impulsively, "How about the bistro?" It was their favorite restaurant close by the loft apartment, they'd eaten there dozens of times. Neither had been there since their split.

It was too cold to eat outside. Inside the hostess sat them next to the warm, cozy fireplace.

They ordered breakfast and took their time eating. They read the paper, talked and laughed, taking turns holding and feeding Anna. Often they were silent, comfortable in the other's company. Other times they were playing with Anna or laughing and joking around. It was almost like they were back together again. If a stranger saw them, he'd think they were a young, happy family.

"Oh my god it's late," Jen said looking at her watch. It was almost 4. They'd been there for hours.

"Maybe we should stay for dinner," Mike joked.

"Breakfast for dinner," Jen joked back.

"Or maybe just stay until breakfast tomorrow," Mike said lightheartedly.

They laughed, and Anna laughed too, waving her arms and legs delightedly. Mike and Jen smiled at Anna, and then smiled at each other.

"I'm glad we did this," Mike said smiling into Jen's eyes.

"Me too," Jen said smiling back. She suggested "We could get a bottle of wine and go back to the apartment -."

At that moment Jen's iPhone rang. "It's Clint," she said looking at the screen. She got up and moved away from the table to talk to her boyfriend.

"He just flew in from Atlanta," Jen said when she returned.

"That's a nice surprise," Mike said forcing a smile on his face.

"Yeah," Jen said, her face showing no emotion.

"I can babysit," Mike offered. "I'll move her crib into the den with me, so if she wakes up ..."

"That's nice, thanks," Jen said. "I better get back, to get ready."

At the loft apartment, Mike played with Anna while Jen changed. When Jen emerged from her bedroom she'd changed out of the causal blouse and skinny jeans from earlier. Now she wore a little black dress, stockings and high heels. Her hair and makeup were perfect.

"Thanks for babysitting tonight," she said.

"Sure," Mike said looking Jen up and down. He smiled at her. "You look incredible, as usual."

Jen smiled back at him. She turned and held up her long blonde hair. "Can you zip me up?"

With the zipper open, Mike could see a lot of Jen's sexy back. He could also tell she wasn't wearing a bra. He fingered where her bra strap would normally be. He asked "You don't wear bras anymore?"

"Not with Clint, he asked me not to," Jen said.

"You always go braless with him?" Mike asked.

"He likes it that way," she said.

Mike continued to stroke and caress her back.

"Mike?" Jen said.


"Can you zip me up?"

Mike swallowed. Then he zipped up Jen's dress and fastened the clasp at the top.

She turned around to face him. "Thanks," she said.

Mike's eyes were on her chest. The black dress was opaque but her hard nipples dented the silky fabric. "Hey you," Jen said softly. She smiled at him. "I'm up here."

"Sorry," Mike said his cheeks red from embarrassment.

"That's okay," Jen said. They looked into each other's eyes, not moving. There was a knock at the door. "That's Clint," she said.

"Yeah," Mike said. Still neither moved.

Finally Jen turned to the door. But she paused before opening it, as if remembering something. She moved Clint's ring from her right hand to her left hand. "He likes me to wear it this way," Jen whispered.

"I don't blame him," Mike said, looking at Clint's ring on her wedding ring finger. They shared another moment looking into the other's eyes. Then Jen turned and opened the door.

Later at dinner Clint said incredulously "Mike's living with you?"

"No, he's not living with me," Jen said reassuringly. "Sometimes he babysits late so he sleeps over in the den bedroom. That's all. It's only fair."

"Jen, what's going on?" Clint said skeptically. "I agreed to the babysitting so you can get closure, but living together wasn't part of the plan."

"What can I do Clint?" Jen said playing innocent. "He owns half the apartment."

"This is so fucked up," Clint scoffed shaking his head. "Have you put the apartment up for sale?"

When Jen didn't answer, Clint said "Jen, have you even filed for divorce?" His question was full of both exasperation and accusation.
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Jen squeezed Clint's hand soothingly. She said gently "Honey, you know how messed up Mike was, he practically had a nervous breakdown. It didn't seem right then."

"But he's fine now," Clint said, his anger rising. He asked impatiently "Do you have a divorce lawyer? A realtor?"

"Sam's helping," Jen said weakly.

"Sam is Mike's lawyer, he can't represent both of you," Clint said exasperated. "Look, I'll get Arnie to represent you. He's the best divorce lawyer in LA." The way Clint said it, he wasn't taking "no" for an answer.

"... okay," Jen said after a moment. "I don't want anything ugly."

"It won't be," Clint assured her, in full lawyer mode now. "Simple no-fault divorce, split the apartment down the middle. Do you think Mike will go for alimony?"

"Alimony?" Jen said not understanding.

"You make a lot more than Mike, he might go for alimony," Clint pointed out.

"Mike would never do that," Jen said immediately.

"Okay, I'll just make sure Arnie is prepared in case Mike brings it up," Clint said with a shrug.

"Just ... do what you need to do," Jen said reluctantly.

Clint heard her reluctance. He said soothingly "Jen honey, you've got to do this. You've got to get on with your life."

"... I know," Jen said hesitantly. She gave Clint a tight smile and hugged him. "Thanks for looking after me."

Clint stroked her back, feeling no bra strap. Jen looked up at him. He lowered his face to her and they kissed. As they kissed Jen moved her hand to his thigh. "Let's get out of here," he said, his cock getting uncomfortably hard in his pants.

In the loft apartment Clint practically carried Jen into her bedroom. Jen noticed the door to the den bedroom was fully closed.

Clint and Jen made out in her bedroom, their hands all over each other. "Wait, I've got to check on Anna," Jen gasped pulling away from his kisses. But when Jen went into the nursery Anna wasn't there. The crib wasn't there either. She got momentarily scared. But then she remembered Mike saying he would bring Anna into the den bedroom with him.

She went over to the den and knocked. "Mike, is Anna with you?" she said softly.

"Yeah," Mike whispered back. He opened the door. Jen stepped in and looked at Anna. The baby was sleeping peacefully in her crib. Jen leaned over and kissed her, careful not to wake her up.

"Is Clint in your bedroom?" Mike whispered.

Jen nodded. "He's waiting for me."

Mike looked her up and down and smiled at her. "You look amazing," he gushed. "Clint's a lucky guy."

Jen gave him an appreciative smile. "You've got Jasmine Kelly," she pointed out. "She's hot. I'd fuck her." She giggled and Mike smiled back.

"Good night," Jen said softly.

"Night," Mike said.

Jen stepped closer. She kissed Mike on the cheek. Then she moved until her lips touched his. She kissed him, giving him tongue for a few seconds.

She pulled away. "Good night," she whispered again.

Mike nodded, gasping. Jen left and returned to Clint.

The next morning when Mike woke up Anna wasn't in her crib. He hurriedly dressed and went into the kitchen. Jen was there feeding the baby. "My My, My My," Anna said excitedly, waving and kicking her little arms and legs.

"Hey Anna-banana," Mike said smiling at the baby. He kissed Anna on the head. Then he said to Jen "I think I'll head out, to give you and Clint space."

"Oh, okay," Jen said. She felt relieved, otherwise it would have been an awkward morning. But she didn't want Mike to be surprised. "Um, Clint asked one of his partners to help, um, finalize things. You know, between you and me."

"Oh," Mike said. He didn't know what to say.

"His name's Arnie. The divorce lawyer. I guess he'll contact Sam."

"Okay," Mike said. He forced a weak smile. "I'll let Sam know."

Jen did her best to smile back. They were silent for long moments.

"I guess I better get going," Mike finally said.

Without thinking Jen grabbed his hand and blurted out "Can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, what?" Mike said looking curious.

"The other night, when I was with Joey," Jen said. "He took pictures. He deleted them, but they got uploaded to iCloud."

Mike grinned. "You want me to hack in and delete them?"

"Can you do it without getting into trouble?"

"I think so," Mike assured her. "Just give me Joey's cell phone number."

Mike didn't want to go to Steve's place. He took the subway and found an inexpensive hotel close by La Guardia airport. He picked the hotel because it was cheap and had free WIFI.

In his room, he hacked into iCloud and used Joey's cell phone number to locate his backup of pictures. It wasn't hard, and he used his cloaking device software to hide his actions. He sorted by date to find the pictures of Jen. He copied the pictures to his computer, and then deleted them from iCloud.

Mike looked through the pictures. The pictures were dark, but knowing it was Jen it was easy to recognize her. There was a picture of Jen on her knees between Joey's open legs. A picture of Jen stroking Joey's shaft with her hands while looking into his eyes. A few pictures of Jen with Joey's cock in her mouth. Pictures of Joey with his hands behind Jen's head fucking her face. Pictures of Jen blowing Joey with her hand down her pants.

A picture of Jen with her back arched. Joey's cock was in her mouth and pleasure was painted on her face. She was clearly in the throes of an orgasm.

A picture of Jen with her cheeks ballooned out. Clearly Joey was cumming and filling her mouth with his sperm.

The next picture showed Jen still with her cheeks ballooned out, and some of Joey's sperm leaking from the corner of her mouth and dripping down her chin.

A picture of Jen smiling and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

Another picture of Jen. In this one she was zipping up her jeans.

There were a series of pictures of Joey kissing Jen, pulling up her top and fondling her tits over her bra.

Then there were pictures of Jen's bare breasts as Joey pulled down her bra.

Finally there were pictures of Jen fixing her bra and pulling down her top, looking furious at the photographer.

Mike was rock hard. He created a slide show so the pictures showed like a movie. He took his cock out and stroked himself, playing the movie over and over like a vine. When he came his orgasm was so forceful his spunk shot out and hit his computer screen.

Even after cumming he was still horny.

Mike sat down and looked out the window. He thought about yesterday, about his time with Jen since moving back to New York. Yes, Jen was giving him attention, showing him affection. But things were reversed now. Back when they were together, Jen played with other men like Ricky and Scott. She had feelings for those guys, was affectionate to them, but it was always just temporary, her affections always returned entirely to him.

Now, Clint was Jen's man, and Mike was playing the role of Tom or Drums. Sure she was showing him attention and affection. That was how it always worked with her. But it was all a game, all temporary. Soon she'd tire of him and go back exclusively with Clint.

Mike watched the sun go down over the horizon. He admitted it to himself. He still loved Jen. Yes he was in lust with her too, but it was first and foremost love. He loved her, he would always love her. She would always be his soul mate.

But she'd moved on. Maybe before he harbored the hope they'd get back together eventually. Maybe that was why he returned to New York, not to get closure but to reconcile. But Jen was moving for a divorce, she probably hired a realtor to sell the loft apartment. Clearly she'd moved on.

Despite these sad thoughts, Mike couldn't resist. He masturbated to the picture slideshow again. Then he fell into a restless sleep.

He awoke with a start. Looking at the clock he saw it was 10pm. He was starving! He showered and dressed, then went down to the hotel bar.

To his surprise the bar was packed. Thinking about it though, it made sense to him. This was an airport hotel, it was Sunday, the hotel was packed with business people flying out from La Guardia tomorrow morning.

He found a seat at the bar. He ordered a beer and a burger, then settled in to watch Sunday Night football.

But his attention wandered to the action happening around him. This was a busy airport hotel, full of traveling strangers, by its nature a meat market. Were there hookups being planned at that very moment? Was there a married woman planning to cheat on her husband tonight?

Then he saw her, across the room. It was Nancy, the principal of Beekman High. She was talking and laughing with a handsome young man (definitely not her husband Mac). She wore a wraparound dress, and with her legs crossed, she was showing a lot of leg. The young man had his hand on her knee as they talked.
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Nancy laughed at something the man said, and as she did she glanced in Mike's direction. She saw Mike, and for a moment their eyes locked.

Nancy looked flustered. She whispered something to the man. He whispered something back and gave her something. Nancy put it in her purse. Then they got up. They kissed briefly, then Nancy walked over to Mike while the young man left the bar.

Nancy sat next to Mike at the bar. She crossed her leg and Mike caught a flash of lacy stocking top before she fixed her dress. "Well Mike Andrews, I keep running into you," she said. She caught the bartender's attention and ordered a glass of white wine. Mike ordered a scotch, sensing he needed something stronger than beer.

"Who's your friend?" Mike asked.

"I think you know," Nancy said taking a sip of her wine. "What are you doing here?"

Mike decided to be honest. "Trying to get over my ex-wife," he said talking a gulp of the scotch.

Nancy gave a humorless laugh. "Maybe we should have that talk," she said.

"Isn't your friend waiting for you?"

"He'll still be there, believe me," Nancy said confidently. She had a key card of the man's room in her purse.

"Okay, so tell me your story," Mike said taking another gulp of scotch.

"Ladies first huh?" Nancy said with a grin. "Alright. My story's simple. I'm 50 years old and I've been married 25 years. I love Mac but I need more than he can give me. I've been seeing other men for almost 10 years. Mac travels a lot for work, he's away this week."

"Does he know?" Mike asked.

"Mac? God no," Nancy said with an incredulous laugh. "He thinks I'm the devoted wife. I AM devoted to him. I love him. I just need more. About 10 years ago he started having problems getting an erection. Viagra doesn't work, the doctor says it's in his head. That's when my affairs started. We still have sex. But Mac can't get hard anymore. It's funny, even though he can't get hard he can still cum." Nancy laughed, but it was a sad laugh. "He likes cumming on my toes."

"So who's your friend?"

"His name's Bob, I met him online," Nancy explain. She motioned around the bar. "This is a good hotel to meet. Travelers from other states, no one knows me. Except the bartenders but I tip well, they won't say anything." She gave another humorless laugh. "That's my story, tell me yours."

"Jen and I split up," Mike said with a shrug. "I guess she needed more too."

"But you said she didn't cheat on you," Nancy reminded him.

"We played games," Mike said with another shrug. "That's what we called it, our game. She hooked up with other men. I liked ..." Mike hesitated, it was hard to say. But they were both sharing personal secrets. "I liked watching her with other men."

Nancy nodded, taking this all in. "You shared her with other men?" she asked.

"More than that," Mike admitted. "Jen had relationships with other men."

"Romantic relationships?" Nancy asked, looking incredulously at him.

"Yeah," Mike said.

"So that's why you broke up?" Nancy asked gently. "Jen fell in love with another man?"

"No, I don't think she ever fell in love," Mike said. Struggling to explain, he said "Jen used to say she felt love for her boyfriends, but didn't love them. Does that make sense?"

Nancy nodded. It made perfect sense to her. Often in the throes of fucking she felt in love with her lover, but afterwards she knew her heart belonged to only Mac. "I understand," she said softly.

"Jen loved the romance as much as the sex," Mike continued, encouraged by Nancy's empathy. "She loved all the new relationship energy. I got jealous, mad, hurt when she got infatuated. But it got me hot too. I mean, seeing Jen hold her boyfriend's hand got me hotter than watching them fuck. Honestly, I was the one doing the pushing into this lifestyle. She went along with it but if I hadn't pushed -."

"If you hadn't pushed maybe she would've ended up like me, cheating on my husband," Nancy said.

"Maybe," Mike said, thinking of the times Jen had "arguably" cheated on him. He looked sheepishly at Nancy. "You must think I'm such a pervert."

"Well, definitely interesting, and surprising," Nancy said with a laugh. "But a pervert?" She thought about it. "I don't know. Maybe your way is better. At least you're both involved." After a moment she gently asked "So why did you break up?"

"I wish I could take things back," Mike lamented. "I mean, once you're in this lifestyle, it's hard to set rules. And is it really a rule, or just more cuckold fantasy?" Mike went red realizing he'd said the C word.

"It's okay Mike, labels don't mean anything," Nancy said soothingly, squeezing his hand. She asked "Jen broke one of your rules?"

"We only really had one rule," Mike said. "She wasn't allowed to fall in love with her boyfriend."

"But ... you said she didn't fall in love," Nancy said confused.

The bartender appeared and they ordered another round. After he refilled their glasses Nancy said "Jen didn't fall in love?"

"You know I was in jail, no contact with anyone," Mike said. "I got fucked up. She got fucked up."

"That's why you broke up?" Nancy said incredulously. "Over ... what? Because you couldn't talk?"

Mike didn't answer. Nancy studied him. It was written all over his face. Voicing the obvious, she said "You still love her don't you?" When Mike still didn't answer, she said "Mike why don't you tell her?"

"She wants a divorce. And she's with someone else. His name's Clint." After a moment he continued. "When we played the game, sometimes her lovers tried to get her to leave me."

Nancy got it immediately. "So if you tell Jen how you feel, it'd be like you trying to take her away from her boyfriend."

"It's more than that," Mike said. "It's like, we're addicted to each other, in a bad way. The game, it's not healthy. We end up doing things, hurting each other, hurting other people."

"It sounds hot to me," Nancy said with a laugh. "I wish Mac was like you. I -."

"Anna's not my baby," Mike interjected. "Jen's lover got her pregnant."

"Oh," Nancy said softly. She asked gently "Was that part of your game?"

"No. Maybe. I don't know," Mike said. "It's like I said. Boundaries get blurred once you start this lifestyle."

"Yeah, okay," Nancy said, not really understanding.

"You see what I mean?" Mike said. "If we get back together, we play the game again. Maybe there's another Anna. Is that fair to a baby?"

"I don't know Mike," Nancy said. "I'm a school teacher, I've seen a lot of unconventional families. Believe me. At the end of the day, all that matters is whether the child is loved."

"Yeah, I guess," Mike said unsure. Their glasses were empty. "Don't you have to get up to Bob?"

"Yeah," Nancy said, although talking to Mike she'd forgotten all about her lover. She put on new lipstick and then got up, straightening her dress.

"Hey Nancy?" Mike said.

"Yes?" Nancy said stopping and turning back to Mike.

"I get you have needs," Mike said softly, careful to keep any judgment from his voice. "But don't risk losing Mac. It's not worth it."

Nancy nodded warily, suddenly feeling completely sober. She turned and walked out of the bar.

"Sleep well?" Jen asked when Mike arrived the next morning. She was smiling at Mike.

Mike was still thoughtful from his conversation with Nancy. He saw she was still wearing Clint's ring on her left hand. He blurted out "So are you two engaged?"

Jen frowned at his abrupt question. "No," she said.

"Then why do you wear his ring on your wedding ring finger?" Mike snapped.

Jen didn't like his accusing tone. Also, after the shit Clint had given her, she was feeling guilty about her decision to let Mike sleep over. She said "He's my boyfriend?" She said it with a "hello?!" tone of voice.

Mike gave Jen a "whatever" shrug and walked over to Anna. The baby was like a neutral corner and their bickering ceased.

Anna reached for Mike excitedly. Mike sat down with her and played blocks.

Jen couldn't help smiling as she watched Mike work on Anna's ABCs and numbers. Anna WAS sorta putting the letters and numbers in order. Maybe she WAS learning.

As they played on the floor Jen looked at Mike. He was still thinner than he used to be.

She had a few minutes before she had to go to work so she checked her email. She smiled at one of them and took a long time scrutinizing the email.

"What's up?" Mike asked.

"Remember Belinda, my maid of honor?" Jen said.

"Yeah," Mike said thinking back. "I never understood why Allie wasn't your maid of honor."

"Back in college, Belinda and Allie were my best friends," Jen explained. "The maid of honor has obligations and Belinda's way more responsible. Believe me, Allie didn't mind." As Jen said this she was still studying the pages of Belinda's email.

"So what's so interesting?"

"Belinda's a jewelry designer and she's about to launch a new line through Tiffany's. Want to see?"

Mike got up and looked at Jen's computer. He saw lots of rings, bracelets and necklaces. Mostly rings though, engagement and wedding rings. "They're beautiful," he said politely, but in truth he wasn't really interested.

Jen could tell he was faking it and laughed. "I guess it's a girl thing," she said smiling.

"I guess so," Mike said sheepishly.

Jen gave him an appraising look and affectionately squeezed his arm. "Are you eating right? You're still thin."

"I don't know, I guess I'm eating okay," Mike said with a shrug. He used to be into cooking, especially grilling meats and vegetables, and used to have a big appetite. Not so much anymore, not since being released from jail.

"You should exercise," Jen suggested. "It'll put on some muscle and get your metabolism and appetite going. Why don't you meet me at my gym tonight? I'll get Maggie to babysit."

"Okay," Mike agreed, not knowing what he was getting himself into.

Later that evening in the locker room, Jen changed from her work clothes to her dancewear. She put on one of her normal outfits, a Danskin bra top that crisscrossed in the back, and leggings.

What she did next wasn't normal. She brushed her long blonde hair to a luster, leaving it down (usually she worked out in a ponytail). She put in a pretty pink headband. Then she put on makeup, finishing by brushing on lip gloss that made her lips look shiny and wet.

When she left the locker room Mike was already there at the check-in desk. "Sorry, wait long?" she asked.
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"Just a few minutes," Mike said, staring at Jen. He couldn't take his eyes off her. This is how she worked out? She looked gorgeous!

Jen handed the guy at the check-in desk some money. "Danny, this is Mike, he's my guest," she said.

"You should've let me pay," Mike said. "I've got money."

"I know you do," she assured him. She laughed saying "It's my treat, okay? Come on, the class is starting." Jen pulled him into one of the dance rooms. "This is a yoga class," she whispered to him as the class was already underway. "It looks like dance, but you'll be surprised by the workout." She touched his chest. "It really works on your core."

Mike wasn't the most coordinated and he had a hard time keeping up with the instructor and the other students. But Jen patiently help him through the moves and pretty soon he was getting it.

By the end of the class his face and shirt were drenched with sweat. "God you're right that's a tough workout," Mike gasped.

"You know we're just getting started, right?" Jen said with a laugh. She took him over to the weights. She spotted him while he worked on his chest and shoulders, helping him pick out the right weights and giving him tips on form.

They switched, with Mike spotting Jen. Unlike Mike, Jen did less weight and more reps as she wanted to stay toned and petite, not build muscle.

Jen showed Mike how to sit on a big ball to do sit ups, and how to do table tops and planks. They worked on their abs side-by-side, and by the end both of them were sweating and gasping.

Jen noticed Mike limping. "Have you been doing your stretching?" she asked.

"I guess not regularly," Mike admitted with a shrug.

"Oh god, come on," Jen said exasperated. She put down a mat and told him to lay down. Sitting on her haunches next to him, she rubbed her fingers up and down his bad leg. First she worked on his calf, then the muscles around his knee, then his thigh. "You have to do your stretches," Jen chastised him. "Otherwise your leg will lock up."

Mike swallowed hard as Jen ran her fingers up and down his leg. He concentrated, willing himself not to get hard. That would be too embarrassing in this crowded gym. But it was a losing battle. As he felt his erection begin to grow he pulled away and sat up. "Thanks, I'm good," he blurted out.

Afterwards Mike said "How about a drink? I'll buy since you paid my admission."

"Okay," Jen said with a laugh.

They went to a bar close to the gym. They were both still in their workout clothes (having worn coats on top), although Jen brushed her hair and touched up her makeup. She also put on a thin stretchy pullover so she didn't show so much skin.

They sat at the bar and ordered drinks. They both ordered Anchor Steams.

"You give a wicked massage," Mike said swinging his bad leg as if testing it.

"It feels better?"

"No it hurts more," Mike said with a laugh.

Jen laughed too. "Your muscles were tight, I got the blood moving, it'll feel better tomorrow," she promised.

"Thanks," Mike said smiling at her. "Is that the kind of massage you gave to Joe?"

"Um, not really," she said uncomfortably, willing herself not to blush. "His treatment was mixed, some Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic from India, some Buddhist healing techniques, stuff like that." She hoped by keeping it vague and technical Mike would lose interest.

"Oh okay," Mike said, giving her another long look. Jen had her legs crossed and he squeezed her knee. "Anyway, thanks again for taking care of him. I know you were a real comfort to him."

"Of course Mike," she said.

"I mean it, I really appreciate it," he said. He got up and hugged Jen, rubbing her back. When he sat back down he squeezed her knee again. This time he left his hand there. They were siting close together and it was like he was just resting his hand there. She let him keep his hand there.

Mike tapped her knee with his index finger. "I have to say, you look really good in this," he said. He laughed to make his compliment sound more platonic than sexual.

"You always liked me in dancewear," Jen said with a smile back. "The first time you saw me, coming out of my dance class in leotard and tights." She giggled.

"No, I first saw you in the record store," Mike corrected her.

"I know," Jen said with a laugh. "By the time you saw me at my dance class you were stalking me."

Mike grinned, not able to deny it.

"I stalked you too, you know," Jen admitted.

"You did? When?" Mike asked surprised. She'd never told him this.

"After the sorority party," Jen said. She gave him a crooked grin. "You don't think I checked you out? All the professors knew you, after you won the Barnes award."

"Not like being an All-American like Colin," Mike said with a shrug.

"No Mike it's better," she said rolling her eyes. "There're tons of All-Americans every year. There's only one freaking Barnes winner. You shouldn't be so modest all the time."

Mike shrugged. "That's what Jasmine says."

"Well, maybe you should listen to her," Jen said curtly. She turned in her chair, the movement causing Mike's hand to fall off her knee.

"Sorry," he said.

"About what?" she said uncaringly.

"Nothing, forget it," Mike said.

Jen gave Mike a "whatever" shrug and sipped her beer.

They both finished their beers, but neither made a move to go. "Another one?" Mike asked.

"Sure," Jen said. Mike ordered another round from the bartender.

"So tell me this," Mike said in a lighthearted tone. He was smiling good-naturedly at Jen. He tapped her wedding ring finger, where she was wearing Clint's ring. "Why do girls wear a ring here if they're not married or engaged?"

"God you're obsessed with this!" Jen said with a laugh. Answering his question she said "I wear it on this finger because it makes Clint happy."

"Do you always do things to make Clint happy?" Mike said challengingly.

"Oh my god, you're asking me that?" Jen said with an incredulously laugh. "Do you know all the things I did to make YOU happy? A lot. A lot."

"You liked it," Mike said with a laugh.

Anger flared inside Jen. "Not exactly what I dreamed about growing up," she said with a glare at Mike.

Mike nodded, knowing she was right. Their game certainly wasn't conventional. Especially the way it ended, with Jen pregnant with another man's baby. That was the reality, no matter whose fault it was. "Sorry," he said.

They were silent for a long time, drinking their beers. The bartender came around when their bottles were empty. Mike expected Jen to ask for the check in order to leave, but instead she said "Can I have a Cosmo?"

Surprised, Mike ordered a Highland Park scotch. When the drinks arrived Jen said with a laugh, "I need something stronger if we're gonna talk about these things."

Mike nodded and laughed back. They clinked glasses. He subtly put his hand back on her knee, and she let him.

"So what else do you want to talk about?" Jen said with another laugh. She was tipsy and slurred her words somewhat.

There were a lot of things Mike wanted to talk about, wanted to know. But a lot of it was sensitive and at that moment he didn't want more tension.

So he grinned and said "I deleted the pictures."

Jen grinned back. "Did you peek?" she asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She knew he had so even before he answered she asked "What'd you think?"

"Joey's definitely your type," Mike said teasingly. Not only had he seen the pictures, he'd watched them fuck from the hallway outside Jen's bedroom.

Jen knew he was talking about Joey's impressive manhood. "God I'm not that much of a size queen," she said giggling. After a moment, she admitted "Okay I am."

Mike grinned at her. He moved his hand a little up her leg and began caressing her.

Jen noticed of course but pretended not to. She took a long swig of her Cosmo. She was definitely tipsy now. She held up the martini glass like a holy goblet. "This is truth serum," she said slurring her words. "Ask me what you want, I have to tell the truth."

"Okay," Mike said with a laugh. "So, does Clint play around a lot?" he asked, referring to their open relationship.

"Does he fuck around?" Jen clarified. "I don't know. Yes." She shrugged. "We don't talk about it."

"Do you fuck around?" Mike asked.

"Not as much as Clint," Jen said with a laugh. "Don't look at me like that, I'm not as big a slut as I used to be."

"Does it bother you?"

Jen shrugged. "It works for us," she said simply.

The waiter came around again. Mike ordered 2 ice waters. "You should drink this, you don't want a hangover tomorrow," he said pushing the water glass to her. They both took a big drink of water.

"Next question," Jen said, now holding up the water glass as the truth serum.

Mike grinned. "Anyone on your horizon?" he asked again referring to her open relationship with Clint.

"Oh, you'd love to know that, wouldn't you?" she said with a flirty laugh. She uncrossed her legs and they were parted slightly. Mike moved his hand up her inner thigh a couple inches passed her knee and caressed her there.

"Come on, tell me," Mike said moving his fingers even higher up her thigh.

"You know, you're really bad," Jen said, her breathing getting heavier. She looked at him, tilting her head inquisitively. "Did you put my birth control pills on my dresser?"

Jen's smile and playful tone of voice told Mike she wasn't going to bust him for looking through her lingerie drawer. Still he was embarrassed at being caught. "You need to be more careful," he told her, willing his cheeks not to redden.
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