Adultery Young Bride Blossomed by the Bull Ravi: Secrete Journey of my wife

[+] 1 user Likes RJ668's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Next update has got to be the Key Signature One for the story.
So I am sure the writer is putting in extra efforts into it and hence the delay.
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Please update
         Thank you
అమృత శృంగార జీవితం
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Hi amitdivyas940,
I hope you're alright.
If possible, please let us know when we can expect the next update before or after the new year.

Thank You.
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what a bullshit story......completely rubbish
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thanks for closing the story?
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thanks for closing the story
Very good decision
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(24-12-2021, 10:04 PM)Rohan0064 Wrote: be intelligent now grow up

I'm sorry, but are actually trying to troll the readers here or are you just dumb enough to find Stories on an adult forum that YOU DON'T LIKE and are taking the time to COME BACK, GIVE IT THAT EXTRA VIEW AND REPLY in protest?!?!?

I wish I had the time and crayons to explain to you why this is just asinine.
[+] 1 user Likes Thegreengobin's post
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Crazy guys, fight and promote the story to stay on top while Author has gone missing.
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(24-12-2021, 10:26 PM)Thegreengobin Wrote: I'm sorry, but are actually trying to troll the readers here or are you just dumb enough to find Stories on an adult forum that YOU DON'T LIKE and are taking the time to COME BACK, GIVE IT THAT EXTRA VIEW AND REPLY in protest?!?!?

I wish I had the time and crayons to explain to you why this is just asinine.

Writer spreading hatred

we can't read religious story
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(25-12-2021, 01:07 AM)Rohan0064 Wrote: Writer spreading hatred

we can't read religious story

Go Find some crayons and I'll explain to you how stupid you sound rn.
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(25-12-2021, 01:34 AM)Thegreengobin Wrote: Go Find some crayons and I'll explain to you how stupid you sound rn.

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[Image: XVo6.gif]
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Bro hot updates dijiye. Abhi toh play shuru hua hai.
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Is this story alive?
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(09-01-2022, 10:32 AM)Karthik Ramarajan Wrote: Is this story alive?

Author did not visit the site since 16/12/21. So chances are less.
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Amit died due to corona and Archana Ravi and lived happily
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(12-01-2022, 09:59 PM)fuckandforget Wrote: Amit died due to corona and Archana married Ravi and lived happily

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young bride blossomed by the bull Amit:
Secret Journey of my wife
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