Adultery The Farmhouse by almight.param
wonderful seduction art.... wow...
4 wickets down after meeting Jaiswal family...
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The next days went so boring.Nothing exciting happened with Akriti. She had told me that she is on her periods. So I didn't take any kind of initiative. We did some normal workout. But still I had got chance to feel her boobs few times while I was helping her.

It was Thursday night. I got a call from Rohan . He called me to tell about a party that they are going to plan. It was his cousin Raman and Roshni's tenth wedding anniversary on Saturdays and also Raman's daughter* sunaina's birthday was on Sunday. So they want to celebrate both within the family member's. There will be Roshan and rashmi , Raman and Roshni and their two kids, then Sakshi and Ranjith and then Neha. Actually he called me to invite me too for the party and* they want to celebrate it in my farmhouse. I said there is no issue . We will celebrate it there. So then we planned to go there Friday evening and then we will reach there by 7:00 pm. Then we can cook there at night and then next two days we can celebrate and have fun there. I was so happy with that plan too, since I can see all the ladies. We planned to take my car and Rohan's and Ranjith's car.
Friday after the work I directly went to Rohan's house. I had informed Akriti that I will be out of town for few days. When I reach their house everyone was ready to leave already. They were waiting for me to come. Rashmi had taken half day leave . She had called me from the office to tell that she is leaving early. Cause she want to pack things and get ready. I had packed all my clothes previous night and also i have few clothes there in my farmhouse.
All the kids and Neha boarded in to my car. Neha sat beside me in front seat. Sunit and Sunaina sat there in the back seat. Cause Both of them want to get the side seat.
This was first time* I am meeting Neha after our love making session. There was a weird smile on her face. I smiled back.
"Do u want to drive" I asked with a wink smile
She pinched on my hand and with her eyes she warned me kids are behind . I laughed.
"What happened uncle" the boy asked
"Nothing bettaa...Neha dhidhi want to learn driving" I said
" Not now ..uncle.. u can teach her some other day.. we will go now please" kids were so excited to reach therev
" OK betta..I will teach her later" I said by smiling at Neha
She pinched on my hand again.
We reached at the farmhouse at 7:15.
Kids were fell asleep already. I invited them to the house. Sakshi and Ranjith* got impressed by my farmhouse. They were glancing everywhere. Then I gave bedrooms to all the couples* and then a separate room for Neha. They all get into their respective bedrooms to keep their luggage .
Then all the men went to the pool side with drinks and ladies went to kitchen to make the dinner and Neha was in her room, may be chatting with her boyfriend. There was wooden chairs and tables near by pool side. We sat there.They start to drink..just to give them a company even I joined with them. But I didn't drink much. But they all were taking a lot.. they were enjoying their freedom. After all they all are here for celebration, then why need to wait..they started today itself. They all were in a good form. They were just joking around and sharing some funny incidents . The drink has taken affect on their head. Then Out of nowhere Ranjith ran and jumped into the pool and behind him Rohan and Raman too. They all were laughing loudly and atmosphere was really noisy, fortunately there was no houses or anything nearby.
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They had taken their clothes off. They all on their underwear. Then me too took my shirt and pants off and changed to my shorts and then jumped to the pool. But they were having drinks between . One by one was going to the table and will take a sip and then again they will come to the pool. I was just watching them. Their body was not athletic like mine. They All having protruding tummy with no shape. I was like a Tarzan among them. They were really careless about this kind of things, like normal rich people. But for me health was really important. I always try to be healthy and fit.

After few minutes the ladies came to the pool side. They all changed to the night dresses. Sakshi was wearing a T-shirt and tight grey pants. Roshni was wearing a pink nighty and Rashmi was in a white churidar and pants.
Men were on their own world. all the ladies eyes was on me. Because I was the odd one among them and I was really enjoying that. I tried to not to look at their side and stayed there like I didnt even notice them.
Men were still making loud noise and were laughing loudly.
Then Sakshi asked loudly " don't want to eat anything"
" Ohhh their stomach will be full already..they have already emptied these bottles" Roshni said
Then ladies were on their own discussions.
But then the men become silent.. they were discussing something between them..
"OK then .. we will eat the dinner" Ranjith said and they all went out from the pool and walked to their wives. Then it was all of sudden they carried their wives on their arms and ran in to the pool and threw them to the pool. They were not expected that and me too. Then they all jumped into the pool. Sakshi was so mad. "Fuck you Ranjith" she said
He splashed water on her. I was the luckiest among them . All my dream girls are there with me in the pool with wet clothes. I was the only guy with full sense there. All other men were so drunken. Sakshi was wearing a dark brown T-shirt. So her cloth was fine compared to others. Roshni and Rashmi was in an awkward situation. Roshni's pink night was so transparent with water and* Rashmi's white kurta too. Rashmi was wearing a red bra. Since she was in water till her shoulder her red bra straps were visible to me. Roshni was wearing a black bra and I could see her black bra straps through her transparent wet nightie. Sakshi's push up bra shape could see through her dress but color was not sure since she was wearing a dark T-shirt. Their husbands were having fun with them in water. they were splashing water on each other. I was just enjoying the scene. The ladies were fully drenched in water. But pool was deep enough to cover their bosom. Then Sakshi came out of the water. I watched her from behind. Her tight pant was so drenched in water and I could see her panty visible through her grey pant. There was a* towel on chair, she took it and* She walked towards the dressing area, it was almost 10 meter away from the pool. All others were busy with something else. So I was watching Sakshi from the pool without others knowledge. Dressing area is not that fully covered. It was just a wooden thing. If somebody stand behind that, one can clearly see their leg till knees and shoulders too. It will just cover the part between shoulder and leg knees. She took off her T-shirt. I could see her naked shoulder. Then she was trying to dry the T-shirt that I could figure out with her shoulder movement. Then she put that T-shirt on top of that wooden covering then she took off her pants too.then she did the same with pants too. I could see her Naked shoulder and legs too. Then something unexpected happened. She took of her bra and put on that wooden covering and then she removed her panty too and put on the Same place. Now she was fully naked behind that wooden bar. I was imagining how she will be looking right now behind that wooden bar. I wish if I was there. She dried her body with the towel and then she wore her T-shirt and pants. She didn't wear her bra and panty inside, may be because it was wet and she might be feeling uncomfortable to wear inside. She then came towards table nearby the pool with the towel in her hand. I could see her nipple impression through her T-shirt since she was not wearing a bra. Then she sat on one of the chairs. She looked at me . She know that I am watching her and I smiled at her and she smiled* back. Then Ranjith also came out of the water and he took the towel and dried him self and sat beside her on his underwear.
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Rashmi and Roshni was still in the water playing with their husbands. Sakshi was watching them from the pool side and she was looking at me too between.Her husband Ranjith was almost unconscious.I* noticed that Sakshi had a glass in her hand. She was having some alcohol too. Since she was abroad before, this might be usual thing for her. She was enjoying her drinks and also watching us.

Then after few minutes even Rohan and Raman also got tired . Too much of alcohol was one reason.
Then Sakshi said " I will arrange the food before you guys come"
She then went to the dressing cabin and took her undies and then went inside the house.
Then Rohan and Raman also came out of the water and dried their hair with towel ..then hey were going to the house. so Roshni said "guys ...take Ranjith with u too"* they both carried Ranjith from both side and walked inside to the house.* Now there was me, Rashmi and Roshni in the the water.
Roshni said "ohhoo,.. u were hiding here right.. Rashmi' splash water on him too" she laughed by saying that
They both start to splash water on me.
I tried to protest but couldn't they were attacking me from both side
"OK..OK..I surrendered" I said by laughing
" have no shame to say that by maintaining huge six pack body" Roshni teased me
I took it as a privilege. She had noticed my body.
"I am not maintaining body for this " I said
"Then for what" she asked in a teasing way
" I am maintaining body for something else" I said by looking at Rashmi
Rashmi clearly got what I meant. Her face got redden . She came to that where this conversation is going. So she said " OK guys.. I am leaving" and she got up from the pool
" Hey where you going..let's spend some more time" Roshni said
"No...I am tired Roshni" she said
And she walked away. Her clothes were fully drenched and through her white kurta her red bra was visible . Her kurta was transparent like a glass and her wet pant was stuck to her bum. Her ass shape and panty line can clearly see through that. My dick got harden by that view. since Roshni was standing in front of me in the pool. She didn't notice what I saw. Unlike Sakshi Rashmi went to the small washroom* that's like few meters away from that wooden dressing area. That washroom had no doors. Because I would be the only one using that usually. But I still I could not see Rashmi changing cause that wooden dressing area was hindering my view. If I was in the other side of the wooden bar then I could clearly see what happening inside. The light was on inside the small washroom. That washroom was mainly to take shower after swimming. There was few* open shower too there near to the pool. This one was just for a privacy.
"This is an amazing place man.. u r so lucky to have a place like this" Roshni said
" I have seen these kind of places in movies only. " She said
" Thank you" I said
I could see a shadow movement near the washroom . It was Rashmi going inside the house. Now there was only me and Roshni
"It was my dream to live my whole life a place like this..and spend romantic private nights with my partner with no any kind of disturbance... I will do anything to have a place like this" she said
" Who stopped you" I asked with a smile
" My bad. I should have married to u.. then I could have spent my 10 th wedding anniversary here alone with u." she said as a joke and laughed
" Ahaaaa?? But what to do I am not really in to marriage life"* I said
" Ohhooo. ..then what is ur plan Mr. Romeo" she asked
" Why somebody need to marry someone to spend romantic night in a place like this.. " I asked looking at her eyes
" Ahhaa!?? Then what u like " she asked
" I like romantic one night stands without any strings attached.." I replied
" Ahhaa.. good wish" she replied as a joke and start to splash water on me
I splashed water on her too. This time more forcefully. Since there was only two our water fight continued and she was not stopping. I said " OK stop ..stop .." by walking towards her.. but she was not stopping. She was still splashing water on me with more force.
So all of sudden I swam to reach behind her and hold her hands from back. She was trying to escape. there was nobody there other than us and that gave more courage and I held her hand strongly and pulled her towards to my body by not letting her to escape. My dick was* already hard** before and it was pressing on her bum and it become more hard and stuck to her bum. she become numb with the situation and stopped protesting and submitted herself and said " OK...OK.. I surrendered" then I loosened my grip and she moved from me. She was feeling awkward by the situation and she walked out of the pool without giving me face. I also walked behind her. She got up from the pool and her wet nighty was sticking to her body . It was clear that she was wearing only a bra and panty inside. What a view was it. I was shocked with the view . Her black bra straps and hook was visible through drenched nighty and panty color was not sure but it was dark color. Nobody would say she is mother of two kids
"Roshni.". I called her from behind
"Yea..." she replied back without looking back
"U had asked me before that why I am maintaining my body like this right" I asked
"Yea.." she listened carefully what I am going to say without looking back
I said" it is for this" and all of sudden I carried her in my arm and threw her to the pool
She drank some water since it was a sudden attack. She said " Param...u rascal.. I won't leave u ..I will give u back* for this"
"Haha will see" I said and ran towards the washroom. When I looked back she was getting up from the pool and was walking towards the dressing area. She was all wet and was looking like a goddess by showing her inners in a transparent dress showing her full shape. I entered into the washroom and removed my shorts. I was fully naked inside with hard dick dancing like a pipe. I had turned to the other side cause there was a mirror in front of me. I could see through the mirror she was coming towards the dressing area from my behind.* she was shivering with cold.. she had clenched her hands on her front with cold. When she reached behind the wooden bar then she looked for me and then she looked at the washroom. I could see her face expression. She was shocked by seeing me naked. I was sure that she can see my fully hard dick and my naked back from there. I stood there like I didn't see her and dried my shorts . She was watching me standing there. She dnt know that I can see her through the mirror. Then i dried my hair and body with the towel and wore the towel around my hip ... she moved back from the washroom as if she didn't see anything. When I came out of the washroom she gave me a fake smile..
" Ohh what happened...u r shivering a lot" I asked
" Give me a second.. I will give u the towel. " I said ..her eyes was roaming on my naked chest and abs.
I went near to the pool and my clothes were there . I wore it from there and with the towel I walked towards her. She was still there behind the dressing bar. I gave her the towel.she took it from me and walked to the washroom.
" Do u want me to wait .?". I asked
"'s OK..I am fine"* she said
I lost the chance to see her naked.
Then I walked to the house. Entrance was to the dining room.When I entered in to the house Sakshi had Al most all arranged food on the* table. Neha, Raman and Rohan were watching TV in the next room
Sakshi came into the dining room from kitchen. She was still on that same T-shirt and pants . But it was almost dried by now. But I know that she is not wearing any thing under that. I could see her nipple impression through her T-shirt. But not clear as like before.
"Where is Roshni?" She asked
"She is coming" I said.
"So food is ready? Where is all others? " I asked
"Rashmi is changing in her room. Ranjith already slept. He is there sleeping in the upstair bedroom. He is not gonna eat dinner now. I* think he will wake up only tomorrow morning. He had too much today" she said and she walked to the kitchen
Roshni came behind me and made a grinding noise to tell me that she is behind me. I moved aside and " ohh sorry.. I didn't see u" she had dried her nighty and she had her undies in the other hand and was trying to hide it from me.
But I saw that. I could figure out the shape of her ass through the partially wet nighty. She walked to her room and I was watching from behind her ass swaying in her nighty .
She entered into her room.
Then Sakshi came with other dish and put it on table and asked everybody to come to eat. Men were so lazy to get up from the couch .
So she called them again. Finally they got up and came to eat. I also sat with them. Sakshi and Neha sat on other* side of table and Rashmi and Roshni also joined us later. We all had dinner together and then men went to their bedrooms, cause they all tired and also they had effect of alcohol on their head. Ladies went to kitchen to clean the dishes . I went upstair cause my bedroom was there. All others bedroom was downstairs except mine and Ranjith's
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The stairs to the upstair is leading to a common room and there was six doors from the common room. Three of them was to the balcony and other two was to the bedrooms and one was the entrance door from the ground floor where the steps ends .* In the common room, There was a couch arranged neatly . There was a TV in front of the couch and a small bar counter and refrigerator in the corner. Ranjith was sleeping in one of the bedroom. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV and start to watch a movie.

Almost after fifteen minutes. Sakshi came upstairs. She saw me watching TV.
"You didn't sleep yet?" She asked
" No.. I am not getting sleep" I said
It was perfect silent at ground floor. Seems like everyone went to sleep
She locked the door to the ground floor and went to her room. Ranjith was in deep sleep . Then after few minutes she came back and closed the door to her bedroom.because Ranjith was sleeping there she dnt want to wake him up with movie sound.* I had turned off the light in the common room. There was only a dim light. She then opened the door to one of the balcony. That was a small balcony it was opened to the front side of the house. She then closed that and opened the other door to next balcony. That was little more spacious than the first and it was opened to the pool area. She then closed that door too. Then she opened the third balcony door and it was the most spacious balcony . It was opened to the back side of the house where the lake is. When she saw the lake when she opened the door she got excited. "It is so cool man. I dnt know that there is a lake behind your house. " I had arranged few chairs and two tables in the balcony. The chairs was facing to the lake. So one can sit there and relax and enjoy the view. The balcony was closed with a glass and steel railings. "This is so beautiful" she said. I was in the common room and I walked to that balcony. She said " I never thought that your farmhouse will be this beautiful" and she sat on one of the chairs.* I turned on the light in the balcony and I sat beside her on other chair
" U are not going to sleep" I asked
" No.. I am going to sit here whole night looking at this lake" she said.
" Ahhaa alone??" I asked
" If u want u can also join" she said
"OK .. do u like to have drink" I asked
"From where" she asked
" Tell me u want it or not " I asked
" Bring it man " she said
I went inside and came back with a bottle and ice cubes and also two wine glasses too.
" Wow man. ..I never expected this house will be full of surprises" she said
" There is more coming" I said.
"Ahaaaa?" She said
I put ice cubes on glasses and opened the bottle and poured in to the glasses. I gave one glass to her " cheers " she said
We were enjoying that beautiful night and we were discussing some random topics.
Glasses filled several times in between. Especially her glasses. I dnt know she had this much capacity.
" U know we should come here every actually every week" she said
" Ohh sure... as u said" I replied
" And next time u should have a bed too in this balcony . Then it will be more comfortable..we can lay on bed and have drinks and enjoy this view" she said pointing out to the lake
" Why we need to wait for next time.. do u want a bed now?" I asked
"Really!? U can make it now...?" She said
" Y not " I said
" U r a life saver Param.. please bring the bed" she said
I went inside and there was small weightless bed in my bedroom. I dragged it and brought to the balcony.*
I moved the chairs and placed the bed on the floor. She jumped on to the bed and lay on her front looking at the lake. I took of my shirt and* laid beside her same way.
" Hey are u going to take advantage of me" she asked
" Y ?! I can't" I asked
" I will break ur bone " she said.
" Ahaaaa..? " I asked
" Yea..."she said
But I didn't do anything.
" U r not really going to do anything right?" She asked
" Seems like u want me to do something?" I asked
" No..I dnt want...why did u remove ur shirt then" she asked
" Just to get some fresh air" I said
" Ahhaa..I know you...this how u start" she said
I moved my face close to her and asked " why ...??..u are scared?" My breath was hitting on her face and hers on mine too
She didn't move her face"Param's not safe..u should control itself" she said looking at the other room.
" U can control urself ??" I asked by moving my face more close to her . Our lips were so close to each other
"Ranjith is sleeping in the other room ..u know that right" she asked
" Dnt worry I have locked the door from outside" I said
" When ?!" She asked with surprise
" When I went to take the bottle" I said
" U little rascal" she said
" Can I now !?!" I asked
" What?? " She asked
" Can I kiss u"I asked
"U wont do it..if I say no?" She asked
" I dnt think now I can" I said.
So she bring her face more close and asked " then y u are asking permission"
I didn't wait then . I* moved my face to her* our lips touched for few seconds. Then slowly I start to suck her lower lips. She had closed her eyes. I pushed her to the side, so that she was laying on her back now and then I laid on top of her and start to suck her lips one by one . She was enjoying the kiss. Alcohol had a good effect on her. She was feeling so horny. Her hands were moving on my back.. she was feeling my* body with her hands. I was kissing her romantically. My tongue entered in to her mouth . Our tongues entwined each other. I was sucking her lips and tongue . Then I kissed on her neck . I kissed and sucked all over her neck. Then I kissed on her boob over T-shirt. She pressed my head to her boobs . I tried to trace out her nipple over her top with my tongue. And I found her left nipple and I played with her nipple with my tongue. She was getting more excited with that. I played it like that few more time then I bite that nipple over her top she moaned. And then I moved my head to her right boob and found her right nipple too and then I played on that with my tongue . I was squeezing her left boob between. Once I played with her bosoms I lowered my head and kissed on her tummy over her top and I kissed on her navel and licked her navel on her T-shirt. She was wriggling her body with pleasure. I pressed and squeezed her hip then I tried to remove her top. Last time she hadnt let me to see her boobs on light..but today she was not bothering about anything cause of alcohol effect. When I raised her T-shirt she herself removed it. She was naked on top now . I kissed on her naked belly and put my tongue inside her navel . I sucked her soft belly. Then again moved my face up to see those boobs in light. Her boobs were firm and perfect round shape. her areola was a small circle with pink* and light brownish color her nipple was same was so hard and sticking like a finger tip. With my tongue tip I played on her right nipple was getting more and hard and I sucked and chewed her right nipple. I moved my teeth over her nipple and she pressed my head when I did that on her nipple with my teeth.* While I was playing with her nipple with my right hand I found the hip line of her pants and my hand went inside her pant. Her body got shivered with my hand movement. Since she was not wearing a panty my hand got an easy access. My hand reached over pussy. It was so wet and my middle finger moved over her pussy wall. She had shaved two days before I guess. Cause I could feel small sharp pubic hairs there. When I moved my finger over her pussy her pussy got more wet and my finger got more lubricants . I slowly entered my middle finger in to her pussy. I was still sucking her nipple, but it was her left nipple now. I moved my finger in and out of her pussy. She was breathing heavily. I moved my finger fast in her hole. She was saying"fuck...fuck" I moved my head down from her boob and when it reach her hip, I slowly pulled her pant down . She helped me by lifting her hip. I pulled down it till her leg ankle. She then herself pulled out of her body with her leg. Now* she was fully naked . I laid between her leg and spread her legs and kissed on her wet pussy. Then I sucked her wet pussy like a sweet. she clenched my head between her leg and I sucked d her pussy lips moved my tongue and lips over her pussy. She start to moan . So I closed the balcony door with my leg. Now even if she moan loudly, nobody can hear us. I put my tongue inside her pussy. And moved my tongue inside her she pressed my head hard and said "fuck me..."
I moved up and positioned my body between her legs and hold my tip of my dick over her pussy wall and pushed my body to her and my dick was fully inside her then I moved my dick inside her in a rhythm and she had clenched her legs over my hip. I was fucking her like almost ten minutes. I bend my head and kissed on her lip . My dick was still inside her . Then she pushed me to bed and she sat on me with my dick inside her and she was riding on me. She hold her hand on her hairs and rotated her hip with my dick inside her like cowgirl style . Then she was moving her hip up and down . I hold and support her bum with my both hands.Her bum was hitting on my thighs with a sound when she was moving up and down on me. She was close to orgasm, so she moved fast on me. I was about to burst out. then I could feel my dick is vibrating. That vibration was from her . She was having her orgasm and I burst out my cum inside her with that vibration. Once she done with orgasm . She fell over my chest. Our bodies were sweating badly. My limb dick was still inside her . I hugged her tight and kissed on her forehead. She laid on my body* and hugged me tightly.
I dnt know when we slept. I woke up when sun beam hit on my face. I opened my eyes and looked at my watch. It was 6:30 morning. Sakshi was laying top of me by fully naked. She was in a deep sleep. I slowly pushed her to the bed. It was erotic view of seeing her fully naked in morning sunlight. Her white boobs were shining in the sunlight.. her nipple were still hard. Her face was looking so cute. I kissed on her lips. And then shook her body to wake her up. She rubbed her eyes with hands and opened her eyes. She dnt know that where she is laying now. It took few seconds for her to be conscious about the situation. She got up and sat on bed and said "shit...shit" by holding her hands on her head. Last night's hangover was still on her face. She quickly wore her T-shirt and pant . Even I had wore my clothes. She slowly opened the balcony door, there was no sound from Ranjith's room. I asked her help to move the bed to my room and she helped me to take it to my room. Then she helped me to put the bottle and glasses back .Then she slowly turned the key of Ranjith's room without making noise and slowly pushed the door. I was standing beside her. She looked in and show me in action that Ranjith is still in deep sleep. I hold her face and gave a kiss on her lip . She kissed me back too and she pushed me and told me to go to my room. She entered into her room without making noise and closed the door behind. I went to my bed room to sleep few more time

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I woke up at 9:30 am. I got freshen up and came out of my room . Sakshi's room was closed.

'She is still sleeping or she woke up and went down?' I thought
Then I found the door to the ground floor is locked from inside. So she is still sleeping and Ranjith too. I went down. there was Rohan and kids watching TV.
"Good morning" I said to Rohan
"Good morning uncle" kids wished me back instead
Then I sat beside them in the couch. Rashmi and Roshni was there in the kitchen preparing breakfast
"Where is Raman" I asked
"He is sleeping.. yesterday's hang over.. " Rohan replied
While we were talking Sakshi came down through stairs by tying her hair at back. She was wearing same T-shirt and pants..but I was sure she was wearing* bra and panty now.
She looked at me with a wicked smile, I was sitting opposite to her. When Rohan saw her he said* Good morning to her and she wished back
"Ranjith is still sleeping?" He asked
" Yea" she said
Then she directly went to kitchen to help Rashmi and Roshni
After they made the breakfast Sakshi went to call Ranjith and then we all had breakfast together.
After having breakfast they all went out to see my farmhouse properly
They all went to the backside to see the lake. Sakshi acted like she is seeing that lake first time.
Roshni warned the kids not to go to the lake side
Ranjith praised my farmhouse a lot. He was saying that if I make this a resort or hotel then I can make lot of money. after all he is a business man. But I said I have no such intention. I like to keep it like this. All the ladies supported my decision.
Roshni said." All of them are same Param. Dnt listen to them Param. They dnt know how to enjoy beauty. They dnt know how beautiful and romantic this place"
I smiled at her as thanks for supporting me.
Then all were roaming around the farmhouse. Meanwhile me and Rohan went to nearby town to buy things for Today's celebration. We came back by afternoon. We had bought all the* things to decorate the farmhouse. Food and cake for dinner we ordered from a restaurant. But we didnt bring it now. The restaurant guys were ready to deliver at farmhouse but I thought I will pick it from there at evening, since I need to go there again for some other things. When the ladies were making lunch.. we guys and kids were decorating farm house. Neha was with us too. But she was disappearing between.. maybe she was chatting with* her boy friend.
Between lunch Rohan said to Ranjith and Sakshi about the waterfall here. They all* planned to go there after lunch. After lunch everybody went to their room. It was 1:30 . So they thought they will take rest for an hour and leave at 2:30 or so and then they can reach there by 3:30 and they can spend some hours there and reach back here at 7:00 or 7:30.* Since I had to get food and other things from town, I was not going with them.
I left to the town by 2:15 . I had a spare key of farmhouse and I gave the other key to Rohan to lock the house when they leave.
When I came back from town, it was almost 3:10 . I took almost all items from the car that I can take in my hand and came to front door. It was not locked. I was surprised, they forgot to lock the door? How irresponsible they are ? I thought
But then I heard some noise from the kitchen, first I thought it is an intruder and then I realized that it is Roshni. I entered in to the kitchen and asked " ohhh u didn't go with them?"
She said "no.. I was making a dessert"
I kept all the things in my hand in kitchen table* and went to Car to take the remaining things and then I came back again to the kitchen with those things and kept that too on kitchen table.
Then I helped to arrange her things on table. Between I asked " how u feel now when celebrating ur 10 th wedding anniversary?"
" Good..why u asked" she replied
" good ? Seriously...are u really happy with this 10 years of marriage life" I asked
" Yes ... I am ... why?" she replied
" No... I was just wondering how somebody can live with someone 10 years .. I can't even imagine that" I said
" That's marriage life and that's everybody does right" she said
" Dnt u get bored?" I asked
" What is boring in it?" She asked
" Same kind of life everyday , every week and every year" I said
" Come on.. Param... that is life" she said
" Why you dnt like marriage life" she asked
" Cause there is no freedom in marriage life.. we are living for someone else and we forget to live for ourselves" I said
" There is nothing like that .. that's the happiness of family life." She said
" What... leaving our desire and dreams for others? " I asked
" I haven't left* any of my dreams and desires for my marriage life" she argued
" U left ur work after marriage right?" I asked
" Come on man is not like that ..I left it cause I want to start a boutique " she argued again
" Then u could start it...? " I asked
" No.. I got busy with kids..but I will" she said
" This is what I said.. leaving dreams behind" I said
" U r trying to sound it like that...but it is not like that" she tried to argue
"It is like that only Roshni... in marriage life always somebody has to give up... it is a compromise.." I said
" Then what about Rashmi? " She said
" What is about her?" I asked
" She is working right even after marriage" she argued
" Yea..but soon after having kid even she will forced to stop that too" I said
" That's not forcing is our choice" she said
" Yea.. u dnt have any other choice... it is common in marriage life..have u ever thought about why guys are not leaving their career after marriage" I asked
"It is Indian culture" she said
" Yea..that's what I am trying to say in Indian marriage life women has no freedom..they always have to live same boring life everyday..but in western or European culture marriage life little better than us" I said
" It is wrong statement..we can't generalise it like that..there are many people are running happy married life and also doing what they want" she said
" Ok... how you can say that they are doing what they want, when they can't even go out with another person than their partner after marriage and also Once u married to somebody, then u can't even kiss some one else other than ur partner and also u can't even sleep with some one else than ur partner, even if you wish to do so. Once u committed to somebody u will loose ur freedom and ur dreams and fantasies " I said
" That's a personal choice, if somebody want to do something like that they will do it, marriage has nothing to do that" she argued
" It is easy to say that Roshni, do u do that? No right? For just argument u can say that it is personal choice. But once u married to somebody u have no other choice, u have to stick with same person. U wont have any personal freedom" I said
It hurt her ego . So she said "why not, if I want to do something like that, then I will do it just like that. My marriage won't be a hindrance for that"
I laughed* as if she said a joke
"What ? " She asked in anger
"Nothing. U r just saying something to win an argument.* But it will be hard for you to prove ur statement" I said with a weird smile to make her angry
" OK . So how u want me to prove it"* she asked
" I dnt know. . Because it was u said that it's personal choice to kiss somebody and sleep with somebody" I said
"OK .. so I am ready " she said
"Ready for what" I asked
" Ready to prove my statement" she said
" How" I asked
" I admit that I had a feeling to touch your body yesterday when I saw you without shirt" she said
" Ahhaa.. then y didn't u asked?" I asked
" That time I was not sure that how u will think about it" she said
" OK.. so now u want to do it? " I asked
"Yea.." she said
I was going to remove my T-shirt. So she said* " will do it through your shirt"
She came close to me. So that she can put her hand in my shirt. She was wearing a blue color kameez with designs on it and mejantha color salwaar. She was not wearing dupatta.
She put her right hand inside my shirt. Then she felt my abs with her hand..her hands were moving all over my abs then it went up to feel my chest. I looked at her eyes but she was looking at my chest and then she looked at me . And her hand was moving over my chest. She put her left hand too inside my shirt to feel my back .
Our face was close. When she was feeling my body through my shirt , I asked"dnt u want to kiss me?"
" No?" She said
" haha..dnt lie..U are scared to admit that"
I said
So she suddenly pressed her lips on mine for few seconds and take it back. I looked at her eyes then I moved my face close to her, so she again kissed me . This time I too involved. I sucked her upper lip so she sucked my lower lip then. Then we start to suck each other's lips. This continued for few minutes. Then we disengaged our lips and again looked to eyes each other. Then we kissed again .. this time we kiss with tongue. Our tongues were exploring each other's mouth ..she was panting heavily. I put my hand on her back just on bum and pressed. She disengaged the kiss and said "no"
"Why " I asked
"Cause I dnt want to take it more" she said
"* u acting as a typical Indian wife" I said
" No... I said no cause I dnt want to do it" she said
" Then y u are breathing heavily and y ur body is shivering" I asked
" That doesn't mean that I want to sleep with you"she said
" Come on Roshni..dnt lie.. I know u really want to do it.. it's just the wife in u stopping it and I can prove that"I said
"How" she asked
I turned her to the wall and pressed over her to the wall by standing behind her
"What u r doing? Leave me" she said
" Wait.. I will leave u...I will prove it now" then I touched her thighs over her pants
She wriggled her body.. "what u r doing Param...leave me please" she said
Then my hand came to over her front side over her pant and touched her crotch area. It was wet there.she tried to protest . I touched her wet crotch and asked in her ear "if you dnt want it then why it so wet here"
Then I left her body . She turned to me. She was not looking at my eyes. So I said
"It is easy to argue.. but see ur situation.. even if u want it, u can't do that"
She was still looking down. So I turn around to walk away. Suddenly she turned me and kissed me again on my lip as if she dnt want to loose her argument. I kissed her back too and this time she was so aggressive. She was taking advance. I put my hand on her bum again while kissing her. She didn't resist this time. So I squeezed her bum with my hands. She was kissing me hard, like a tigress. So I lifted her by holding her bum. She clenched her legs around my hip for support. I walked to the next room by holding her on her bum. She was on my body with her legs around my hip and she was still kissing me hard. I walked to the couch in front of the TV and sat on there. She was still on me and kissing me like no tomorrow. My dick was so hard inside my pant. I badly want to take off my pant, cause of the pressure inside my pant. With right hand I held her bum and with left hand I tried to remove my pant. She tried to remove my T-shirt while kissing me and she took it off. She was acting so wild, like she hadnt sex last few weeks. She threw my T-shirt and then she was kissing me all over my neck and then over my chest . I managed to remove my pants between and since she was sitting on me , my dick was directly touching her crotch area. And she was humping on my dick while she was kissing my chest , she kissed on my nipple and played on it with her tongue and softly bite on my nipple and then she licked my chest . I pulled down zip of her kurta from back* and then felt her soft naked back and her bra. I want to make her naked too, since I was already naked. So I tried to lift her kurta and she helped me to remove it. I kissed on her cleavage then on boob over bra.. her cleavage was so warm . When I kissed over there. She pressed it over my face. I sniffed it there like a dog, so she pressed it more. I unhooked her bra then,and she took it off herself. I kissed on her bare boobs and kissed on hard nipple of hers . She brought her left nipple to my mouth with both of her hand . I sucked it hard and pressed her other boob with my hand . I licked and sucked her left nipple. She pressed it hard over my face. I put my hands inside her pant from back and my hand went inside her panty and felt her bum.* She was moving her body over my dick. Her pant was really wet at front on her crotch area. I squeezed her bum globes hard while sucking her boob.. she was moaning loudly. I tried to remove her pant, so she got up from my body and removed her pant and inner wear. Then she again sat on me and kissed on my lip. She was rubbing her wet pussy lips all over my dick while kissing me. My dick got really wet with her juice. She was kissing me wildly and humping her pussy over my dick. I really want to screw her badly. So I with my right hand I hold my dick and pointed it to her hole , she was ready too. and she slowly sat on it and it went inside her inch by inch. She was moaning loudly when it is going in. Once it fully in, then she start to ride on it . I gave support by holding her bum globes. She was riding over me with a rhythm and then she become wild and was pressing my* head to her bosom. She start to ride on me fast and was moaning loudly. We were in the same position for few minutes then I put her* on* couch and lifted on leg of her and start to fuck her in that position..she was pressing my back first but then she pressed my back to screw her roughly. So I increased the pace and she was saying 'fuck...fuck' and was moaning badly. She was close to her orgasm , so I made it more fast and she exploded inside. So I stopped for few minutes and then I again continued and I was going to cum. My body was ready for it and shot my cum inside her. We both were panting heavily. We are so tired and was sweating badly. I was laying on her body for few minutes.But then we heard car sound outside. She got panic and took all her clothes in her hand and ran in to her room naked . I wore my clothes..but I was all wet . So it look doubtful if somebody see me like that . So I went to the kitchen and opened the back door of house and got out of house through back door. Then I acted like I was jogging around the house and came in front of house. It was them coming from waterfall. Kids were so happy after spending time there in the waterfall. Men were changed their clothes. But ladies were in the same clothes. But their pant was wet . Seems like they haven't got down fully to the water. Kids asked " uncle u were jogging?"
"Yes beta .." I said to sunit
" Where is Roshni" Rohan asked
" She was inside, doing some work" I said
They all entered in to the house.

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It was a narrow escape I thought. Roshni managed the situation somehow. She ran in to the washroom I guess. When Raman went to his bedroom, he couldn't find her. Then when he heard the noise from the washroom and* he realized that she is in the washroom and he came into the hall saying Roshni is taking shower. I sighed lightly.

Our celebration started by 8:00 pm. First we planned to cut the cake for Sunaina' s B'day. Because kids may sleep early, so we thought we will cut her cake first. After that we cut another flavor cake for Raman and Roshni's anniversary. Roshni was wearing a red transparent sari and Raman was wearing a nice suit. Roshni was acting like a perfect desi wife. She was giving cake in her husband's mouth and he gave one piece for her too. Then they explained how beautiful their marriage life was during these ten years. Everyone was listening to that . But I was thinking about my love making session with Roshni . That time she was acting so wild. so aggressive than rashmi and Sakshi in bed. How she can act so fake in front of her husband now, I thought. Rashmi at least* had some guilty feeling and Sakshi had tried to protested a lot before submitting to me. But Roshni was boldest among them.
After we cut the cake,* Roshni gave food for kids and after having food they went to sleep. Then we were played some music and all were in party mood, except Neha. She was busy with her boyfriend. She was chatting with him in her phone. Roshni danced with Raman for few songs and everybody was encouraging them. Ranjith and Rohan had drinks in their hand. Neha went in after sometime. She was busy in her own world.
We were at the back side of my farmhouse, where the lake is. I have installed good lights there for the party .so it was not dark there. Then we were just chit chatting and Ranjith was fully drunken. Then Rohan asked me by pointing to the lake 'what is that light there '
" Ohh is a small is like a private tourist place owned by a friend of mine" I said
"What is there?" Sakshi asked
" They have made some artificial huts there. People can stay there and they are charging a fee for that.. sometimes there will be many people coming there even families and bachelors and honeymoon couples especially in some season" I said
" Can we go there? " Sakshi asked
" But we have to book it before" I said
" I want to go there.. come we will go there"*Ranjith said and he walked towards the lake..he was fully drunken. Sakshi stopped him . But he was not listening. I had a small personal boat there .. he was walking towards that . Even I tried to stop him
I said "I usually don't use that boat during night time.. it is just a fishing boat.. I use it* sometimes during day time"
But Ranjith was not ready to listen. So Sakshi said " now he won't listen .. we should do something...he is totally out of control"
"Let me see" i said and I called the owner of that place
When I cut the call, Rohan asked " who was that"
I said " it was my friend, owner of that island. He said there is no visitors there today. So we can go there* and he has an old servant to serve the visitors. He will send that servant to here with their big boat.. then we can go there with him"
Everybody was happy and excited. Ladies went in to pack some clothes for night.
But then there was another problem, kids will be alone here. They discussed the plan with Neha, she had no interest to come. So that problem solved. But Neha was being weird nowadays.* She was trying to be alone nowadays. She had her phone with her all the time. Only I know the reason behind it. Everyone else thinking that she is talking to her friends, but I only know that she is chatting with her boyfriend. She was trying to give more time for her boyfriend
Then the ladies packed everything and men packed their drinks, that was important for them. By the time that servant came with the boat and then we all went to the island. There was nobody when we reach there.
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That servant name was Kumar . They had an office there. He took us to there. They had hut on tree and floor. Also they had a small park there. there was tables and chairs there and there was small pond too. But the hut on the tree has no washroom. So we got the hut on the floor.w e got four hut. I paid for them. Since he know me well, he didn't charge much. Then he taken the bags to our respective huts. We had packed the food from home, I asked Kumar to take care the food and Kumar taken it to the tables in the park and arranged it on the table. I gave him drinks bottles too to arrange it on table. Since there was no any other visitors today he arranged that too on table.

By the time all others came back by changing clothes. Roshni was changed to a sleeveless blue rose long night dress.
Sakshi was wearing light grey color top and blue spiral design pyjama.
Rashmi was wearing white sleeveless top with small flowers design on it and pink pyjama
We all sat around the table in the park. All men start to drink including me. Sakshi took three glasses and she mixed drinks to that and she gave one to Rashmi.but Rashmi said no. But Sakshi forced "come on Rashmi... just for one day right"
"I haven't tried before" she said
" This how you try" Sakshi said
Rashmi looked at Rohan and he gave permission and she gave one to Roshni too . Roshni already know that there is no point in saying No. So she took that glass
They said Cheers between ladies and start to have it. When it done, Sakshi mixed more too to the glasses
With in an hour all got so high. We planned to play some games.
. Kumar bhayya had set up music system and mic for us before going to sleep
"Let's have some fun..we will play spin bottle game. " Sakshi said
She explained the game. First all guys have to sit with a lady in a circle and then the girl will spin the bottle and if the bottle point to any guy then she has to dance or sing with that guy. Then the next lady has to sit with remaining two guys and then that lady will spin the bottle and find her pair . Then the last remaining lady and guy will make another pair. But all the guys had a pair except me. So she said " Param won't sit in this game with the guys..but after all the three ladies done with their first spin then Param will sit with all the three ladies and he has to spin the bottle. Then if it points to any lady . Then they have to pair up and do something"
Then first Roshni sit with the guys in circle and she spun the bottle and it pointed to her husband.
"What is the task you guys want to do?" Sakshi asked
I interfered and said " Sakshi change in rule... singing and dancing are normal rules. so the task should be more adult than that .. "
" Like what?" She asked
" Either a Lap dance or make out in front of all...they can choose one from it and it should be on a mutual agreement of the couple and if one is not comfortable with making out then they both have to agree on lap dance ... a song will play in the background they have to continue it till song ends"
Sakshi liked my idea... and asked others comment on it.. first no one said anything. Then Sakshi said "come on will be really fun" . Then all agreed
"So guys what you want to do." She asked Raman and Roshni
"Make out " Raman said and Roshni was ready, cause it's her husband
But they were little confused .. so Sakshi said " comfortable...u can either lay on the grass or u can do by standing..ur choice"
So I added one more rule in the game " partners can touch each other on clothes ...but not inside the clothes and they shld continue it till the song ends..and they can't do something on their partner that he or she doesn't like to do"
They choose to stand and kiss. Sakshi played the song . Raman start to kiss Roshni on lips . He sucked on her lower lip and upper lips . It was first time they were making out in front of others . So She was getting aggressive and she held his head from back and kissed him too. His hand was on her back and was hugging her tightly. They were kissing with their tongue now. Their tongue was twisting each other. All of us were watching them. Sakshi was jumping with excitement and she was encouraging them by making sound
My dick was already hard and I looked at Rohan and Ranjith. I was sure they were also in the same situation. The song was not that lengthy and it ends and they stopped kissing and they sat on the chair as winners.
Next was Rashmi, she has to spin the bottle with Rohan and Ranjith. Her hand was shivering. "come on Rashmi" Sakshi said .
Rashmi spun the bottle and it start to rotate and stopped pointing her. So Sakshi said one more time
Rashmi spun it again and this time it pointed to Ranjith. I could see the shock in Rohan's and Rashmi's eyes . They looked at each other. Even Sakshi was not expected that. She asked to Ranjith"what you guys are going to do"
"Make out" he said . Sakshi hadnt expect that her husband will say that. Rohan and Sakshi got shocked with situation.
But Rashmi said... she dnt want to do that.
Rohan's face felt like little relaxed, even Sakshi too. But inside her, she was not happy with Ranjith's decision to make out.
Now Rashmi has to go with other option.. lap dance on Ranjith.
Ranjith sat on the chair . Rashmi was feeling uneasy. Sakshi played the song. And Rashmi start swaying her ass in front of Ranjith. She was not feeling comfortable to sit on his lap. So Roshni said " should be proper lap dance" .
So Rashmi sit on Ranjith's lap but she didn't sit fully . She just moved her ass on his lap with a soft was enough for Ranjith's dick. From Rashmi's face expression it was clear that Ranjith's dick has got hard. Ranjith was already in effect of drinks . So he pulled Rashmi more close to him , so Rashmi's ass pressed more on his dick. But Rashmi taken his hands from her body and lifted her bum little up by not giving more pressure on his dick. I looked at Rohan, he was feeling jealous that his wife is dancing in his friend's lap and he is man handling her. But when I looked at his pant, his dick was hard . So the scene of his wife is molested by his friend was making his dick hard. Then Ranjith grabbed her boobs from behind and pressed her boobs. But Rashmi forcefully removed his hands from her boob. And she turned around and like a Lap dancer she moved her hands on Ranjith's chest. Because she was safe in that position. But when again Ranjith tried to kiss on her boob in front of him ..but Rashmi moved her chest before he could kiss on her boob. Finally the song ended and Rashmi went back to her chair. Everybody looked at Ranjith ...he was still sitting there with hard dick. i could see anger in Rohan's and Sakshi's face. And Next was their turn
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Now there was no need to spin the bottle, cause there was only Rohan and Sakshi left. Rohan want to try his luck so he said "make out" Sakshi was already furious on Ranjith. So she accepted make out. Ranjith was fully on effect of drinks, he was not even in a situation to understand what's going on there now. But Rashmi was very unhappy with the situation. Because she choose to go with lap dance cause she dnt want to do anything else in front of Rohan . But he didn't even think about it and going to make out with another woman. This time I played the song. When the song started Sakshi and Rohan start to kiss each other. They were sucking each others lips by hugging tightly each other. They were kissing so wildly. Sakshi was taking her revenge on Ranjith. Ranjith could only watch.. then Rohan start to kiss on her cheeks and neck . He held his left hand on her right bum while kissing her and start to squeeze her bum. He was kissing all over her neck between. She had clenched her left leg on his back of legs to get support. Then he came back to her face again and kissed on lips and start to suck her yummy lips . His dick was getting hard and it was sticking to her belly area. She could feel it's hardness. Then with her right she caught on the bulge of his pant . Then* She start to rub on it while they kiss each other. Then Rohan put his right hand on side of left boob and start to feel her boob.* Rashmi turned her face to other side with anger. She dnt want to see her husband is making out with other lady in front of her . But Ranjith was shocked with Sakshi's bold Acton. He realized that it's her revenge on him. All he can do is just watch the show. But for some reason his dick was so hard than before . May be because of the erotic scene in front of him. They continued their action two more minutes till the song ends. When the song ended she moved back from Rohan and came* back to her seat by giving a revenge look to Ranjith. Ranjith didn't say any single word and lowered his face. Rohan also came back to his seat, rashmi was not even looking at his face.

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Now it was my turn. I sat there with the ladies. Now all the guys are curiously watching us. especially Rohan was more curious. Because Rohan knows that Rashmi is not happy with his previous session with Sakshi. So she may take revenge on him. Raman and Ranjith were curious about that too. Ranjit also want to see the same. Because Rohan used his wife that much in front of him. So he want to see rohan also in the same situation. But I was feeling so free. Because who ever it is, it was a bonus for me. I spun the bottle with full speed.. it almost took more than half minute to get slow and finally it turned to Roshni. No one was expected that. Rohan was so happy. But Ranjith was not that much, cause he was expecting that to be rashmi. But the actual shock was for Raman . But he didn't show it. Roshni looked at him, but there was no way he can say something. So he didn't say anything. I said 'we dnt need to continue this game.. we can stop now"

I really didn't mean it

Ranjith said "rules are rules"
Nobody didn't say anything
Then Sakshi was cheering us . Everyone of them was curious about what we gonna choose. Roshni showed me indication to choose first. I closed my eyes for few seconds to think and decide . And I choose to go with LAP dance. Because I dnt want to be the bad one in front of Raman. I sat on the chair. That chair was kept there facing them. It was almost like three meter distance from where they were sitting. Roshni came near me. She stood in front of me facing them. She was covering me. So they couldn't see me. Sakshi was the one who played the song. For some reason she chose a lengthy song. Roshni start to move her hip in front of me in a seducing way. I was looking at her beautiful bum. My dick automatically got hard. Then she sat on my lap softly, and start to sway her ass. She was not* doing that property. So I said in low voice "time to prove your argument now. If marriage is not a hindrance for fun, then prove it now in front of your husband."** Since the speaker was kept facing them.* they couldn't here what we are saying. She got mad by hearing my words and also She was in effect of alcohol. so she start to rub her bum on my lap properly. Her soft bum was rubbing on my hard dick. Nobody could see my face how I was enjoying that, cause she was covering the view. My dick was sticking to her bum crack. She was rotating her hip on that and it was like I was screwing her from behind. I again told her "sit on me other way.."
She stood and turned around and sat on my lap like we were facing each other.
Now everybody could see her back still she was covering me. So I told her again. "Sit properly..more close to me" .
She moved more close to me and clenched her legs behind the chair for support. So now her boobs pressed over my face and she was still moving hip on my hard dick. And in every movement i sniffed her boobs* hardly. She was breathing heavily. I didn't even touched her body, cause I dnt want Raman feel bad about me. So my hands were free. My dick was rock hard and was pointing on to her soft bum and crotch, but her panty was a barrier for me . So I said "take off ur panty"
She said"no way"
I said"take it off"
She said "nooo... how can I infront of them?"
"Then admit that u were wrong" I said
" Fuck you " she said and got off from me and went behind my chair and put her hand inside her nighty and took her panty off. Everyone was shocked by her act. Even I was not expected that she will do it. Then she sat on my lap again facing me , cause song was till not ended. She start to rub her bum over my dick again. this time I could feel her soft bum more. But Raman was in full anger and he walked away.
But I haven't seen that since Roshni was covering me and even she didn't see that . Still she was rubbing her wet crotch on me and her boobs were pressing on my face. Every others were looking at us and song ended in a minute. She got off from me
Then everybody looked for Raman. They saw him walking away. Rohan ran behind him by calling his name.
Everybody were looking at them. Raman was arguing with Rohan. But we couldn't hear what they are saying. So Rashmi, Ranjith and Sakshi went towards them . Roshni also want to go there, so she tried to pick her panty , but I picked it from the floor before her. She asked me to give her. But I said no and put it in my pocket and walked towards others. She also followed me. There was a big argument going with Raman and Rohan
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well it is something new to all of them, their wives enjoying with others.
when they had others wife with them they tried to use the situation but when their own wife is doing with other male they are getting annoyed.
roshni did daring act by removing her panty that too in presence of her hubby.
let us see what will happen next
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When we walked to Rohan and Raman. Raman was fighting with Rohan.

"This is just a game..take it as a fun" Rohan said
"She is doing that in front me and you are saying it is a game? How dare she could do that" Raman said

Raman was not even looking at Roshni. But Roshni seems like not worrying about this fight. She was showing a careless attitude.

"Raman, we all are here to enjoy right.. then why can't you take it in that way" Rohan asked

"Enjoying not means she do whatever she wants and I just watch it" Raman replied

" Ohh god Raman.. why you are making it so was nothing.." Rohan said

" Ok .. then tell me .. if your wife was in this situation.. what would be ur situation...u can stay cool?" Raman asked

actually Rohan has no answer for that but just to make situation in control he said" of course... it's just a game why should I bother"

" It is easy to say... you should be in the same situation to know how it hurts" Raman said

" If Rashmi was in Roshni's situation I wouldnt be doing all these fight.. u are just making this situation worse" Rohan said

" Ok then we will continue the same game..this time your wife with param" Raman said
Rohan didn't answer first
So Raman said " what happened...u dnt have an answer?"

" It is a game all ladies should participate.. if the bottle points to my wife then I have no issue" Rohan said

"Guys.. we are taking it to somewhere...let's stop this here.. " I said to make the situation better. I also want to show that I am a gentleman between their husbands.

"No..param..this game should continue.. one more thing there will be three turns..and two songs for each turn.." Raman said.. because he want too see somehow others wife too in the same situation.

" Raman.. why my dear friend.. I dnt want somethings bad happen between our relation cause of this stupid game" I said

"Nothing will happen rohan said we all are here for fun.. let's have some real fun" Raman said

"Are you sure" I asked
" Yea..sure" he said

" So you guys have to promise that there won't be any issue between us after this" I said

Since there is no go back .. everyone agreed.

So I sat with the ladies and now all were excited to see whats going to happen next. I rotated the bottle and it was spinning fast and then slowed down and finally it pointed to Roshni. I could see frustration and depression on Raman's face. But since the game was started by him, only thing he can do is just watch.
I asked to everybody" even now we can stop this if you say"
But Rohan interfered and said"rules are go back"
No one didn't say any word
I gave permission to Roshni to choose what she want... she chose make out that was a shock to everyone...mainly to Raman. I realized there is something wrong or else she never say make out.
So I asked "are u sure"
"U doubt?" She asked back
I didn't say anything except ok
I was not sure how to start, since it was in front of her husband. She realized that . So she sat on the grass and I sat there close to her. Sakshi played the song, I was like how to start it, but Roshni hold my face and kissed on my lips. We started slowly and she was getting wild, she was not even caring about her husband. She was holding back of my head and other hand was on my back. Then she leaned over my body, I fall on the grass with her height. Her boobs were pressing on my chest ..she was still kissing me . Then the most shocking thing happened she took my hand put it on her ass, she want me to press her bum. I was like"Fuck" what's going on. I softly squeezed her bum, since she was not wearing a panty inside it was feeling so soft to touch her bum. We were smooching still and she was rubbing her crotch over my thighs, my dick was rock hard and it was poking to her belly. I pressed her ass cheek hard. I was sure everyone can see that how well I am squeezing her bum. I put my other hand too over her bum. I was pressing and spreading her ass cheeks with my hands. I could feel wetness of her crotch over my thighs. She was kissing my neck now and then she kissed over my chest, my shirt was half open . So she kissed on my nipple and then she played with her tongue on my nipple . She softly bite on my nipple. Then she again with her tip of tongue she played with my nipple . Her boob was crushing over my belly now. Since she was laying over me. My dick was feeling in full pressure. By the time the first song was ended and second song started. As per the new rule there was two songs. But she was not even noticing any thing . She was still teasing me with her tongue. Then she came up again to kiss me on lips and this time her crotch was right over my dick . She rubbed it over my dick while kissing me. I put my hand over her bum again and start to feel her bum again . She put her tongue inside me and we then we were kissing with our tongue, we were kissing like there is only us there. Then the second song also ended .
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exbii_expert -

Loved it.. U r one of the best..

Loved the way u didnt get into stupid thing like 10inch dick and illogical..

Each situation is justified practically nd loved the way u narrated and described each details..

Request.. Fucking all females doesn't feel realistic.. Keep girls limited nd exolore adultry. Cheating.. Emotions and sexual craving of women..
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She moved from my body. I got up and everybody was looking at us with surprise, except Raman..he was fully mad. He was more mad at Roshni. But she still had that don't care attitude, that surprised us. So Raman walked away from there. Sakshi said 'it is better to stop this game here..or else there will be big problem" Even Rashmi said the same. Rohan and Ranjith went behind Raman to convince him. I was standing there like what to do now. I could hear Sakshi and Rashmi asking Roshni"what happened to u..why u are behaving so strange today"

Roshni said"nothing"
Sakshi said "now how you are going to calm Raman? He is so mad now"
Roshni said " leave it to me..I will talk to him"
Then she* also left, Rashmi and Sakshi was giving me a weird look to me, so I asked" what??? It is not my mistake.. then what I supposed to do"
They didn't tell anything..because both of them dnt want to discuss about this with me now infront of other one.
So we walked together behind Roshni.
When we reached at the reception Rohan and Ranjith were there. They said Raman is so mad, he is not listening to anything. Roshni said " you guys go to sleep..I will talk to him"
They all dnt know what to do they decided to go to their hut
I said "I am going back to farmhouse. You guys go and sleep ... I will see you tomorrow"
I was not in a mood to stay here. I went to the lake side and there was few boat. I took one and went back to farmhouse.
When I reached farmhouse I was feeling something strange. I went to the front side.
There was a bike there... and it is not anyone's that I know. I was bit scared only Neha and kids were at home. I tried to open the front door. It was locked from inside. I rang the bell. Nobody opened. So I went to backside of the house and I heard door opening sound from the front. I ran back to the front, I heard bike starting sound. By the time I reached at the front, that person went away. I was so scared, I never expected somebody will intrude to my property like this, that's why I left Neha and kids alone here. I ran in to the house and went to check kids room. They were sleeping . So I went to check Neha's room. She was not there...her dress were on the floor..I searched for her all over there.. I couldnt find her then I heard some noise from top floor..I went up to check there... I entered in to the common room ..there was no body. Then I went to the room* Ranjith and Sakshi were using. There was no body there too. Then I entered in to my bedroom. There was nobody there too. But then I noticed that washroom door was locked . So I tap on the door. I called her name "Neha ..are u there"*
She asked me in low voice" yea.. I am..who else is with you?"
I said "nobody ..only me"
She slightly opened the door and put her head out and confirmed there is only me
"What the hell is going on Neha.. come on ..come out" I said
"No ..I can't.." she said
" Why " I asked
"I am naked..." she said by looking at floor
"What ...the...who was that guy?" I asked
"It was my boyfriend" she said
" Neha ...are you mad? You guys were having sex in my bed room" I asked
"No ...he just came few minutes before..we were just ....." she said
"You were just...?? What? " I asked
"We were just making out..and you came between" she said

"So I am the problem know Neha was foolish idea...if I was here with your brother or somebody know what would happen" I asked

"Why you came back? " She asked
"Nothing..I thought you will be alone here with I will stay here...but ...
At least you should have informed me..I got scared when I saw a guy running out of my house" I said
"I am was a quick plan.. when u guys all left. I was texting him about this farmhouse and all ...and he said he is coming now..I tried to stop him..but he didn't listen and forced me to send the location and he just came like that" she said
"Where is he ?" She asked
"Who ...ur boyfriend..he ran away...brave boy" I teased her
"Ok .. come out" I said
" I told u I am naked " she said
"Ohh sorry"...
I gave her a towel and went out side. I sat there on the couch in the common room. Turned on the TV and played a movie channel. I was watching a movie. Between Neha passed trough that room and went down to the ground floor to get her clothes. She was wearing the towel only. But I couldn't see her properly. I was fully focusing on movie.
After fifteen minutes, she comes up and sat there on the other side of the couch. She was changed to a T-shirt and a short nighty trousers. I was changing random channels and then played an Indian movie. It was a romantic movie and a good movie though. We both were fully in movie. Then there is a scene come up in which hero was riding scooter and heroine was sitting at the back and he was making sudden breaks and her boob was getting pressed on his body and heroine will get mad and she will ask him to stop the scooter and she will sit at the front and hero at the back and this time he was sitting very closed to her and heroines face expression was like was all sexual double meaning. Neha looked at me and I looked at her with a smile .
She asked"what"
I said "nothing"
"Then y u are smiling" she asked
"Whats going on with your driving lessons..u learned driving" I asked with a smile.
" I know where u are going to .." she said
I laughed and asked "you had told me over the phone that will continue driving class on Sunday"
"So!?? "She asked
"It's Almost Sunday today" I said
It was 12:20 am
"So...u want to teach me driving night" she asked
"Night is the best time to ride" I said with a wink and smile
"U pervert" she said ..she got the double meaning in my words
I extended my legs on the couch and my leg was almost touching her thighs slightly
She looked at me through the corner of right eye. So I slightly pressed my right leg toes on her thighs
So she asked"what is ur intention?"
" Nothing" I said
"No..u have something wrong intention in ur mind" she said
" Yea I want to do something" I said
"U want to do what" she asked
I didn't say anything..but just smiled at her
"What" she asked
" Do u like cuddling " I asked
"Why" she asked
"Tell me u like it or not" I asked
"If I??" She asked me back
" Can we cuddle?? " I asked
"What " she laughed
"Please can we cuddle" I asked
" Ok...just cuddling right?!" She asked
"Yea just cuddling" by saying that I moved to her side.
I laid on the couch and she laid over me by my left side I wrapped my left hand around her hip and we laid there clenching our legs and we were just enjoying the movie. She had kept her left hand on my body. My left hand over her hip was moving over her belly over her T-shirt. I was softy touching her belly over T-shirt while watching movie. With my finger I was playing over her navel area over her shirt. We were clenched our legs tightly. Meanwhile a kissing scene between hero and heroine shown in the movie. It was an intense kiss scene. I looked at her, I dnt know how she realized that I am looking at her, she also turned her face to me. We looked in to each other's eyes and slowly I gave her a kiss on her cheek. She hold me tightly by closing her eyes, so I again gave her another kiss on her cheek, she didn't say anything. So I slowly with my right hand I turned her face close to me and gave her a kiss on her soft* lips . Then I gave her one more kiss on her lip and then I start to suck her lower lip passionately. She turned her body more to me . Her left boob was pressing over my shoulder. Then we start to kiss and cuddle each other passionately. Then I laid on top of her and continued to make out.she was holding one hand on my neck and other hand was going through my hair. Meanwhile her phone start to ring. It was kept on the small glass table in front of the couch. First we thought it will stop , but it continued and it was disturbing us. So she asked me to take it for her. I took it from there and gave it to her . She looked at the screen and cut the call. And it rang again, so she send a text to that she can't pick the was her boyfriend. She dnt want to pick the call now. He texted* back "everything is fine!??" Since I was laying close to her I could see the message on screen. She texted back" yea.. everything is fine,it was param.* He won't tell anybody"
" Can I come there again then? " He asked again with a wink smiley. She replied" brothers and all may come back anytime" she lied to him and she said she will text later .he said ok and then she gave the phone back to me. I kept it on table again. Then I looked at her like what a lie was it. She said "dnt look at me like that"
" OK madam" I said and I kissed on her neck. We start to romance again. While kissing on her neck she start to make pleasure moan. She had clenched her legs around my hip. I pressed her boobs with my hand while kissing her. She had bigger boob than Akriti. It was hard too. I was squeezing it over her T-shirt. Then I put my hand inside her T-shirt and pulled her bra cup down . Her boobs came out of her bra inside her shirt and I start to play with her boobs inside her shirt . She was holding my hair tightly with both hands. Then I hugged her tight and sat on the couch and her legs were still wrapped around my hip. She was sitting on my lap and we continued to kiss like that, I took of her T-shirt meanwhile. And her boobs were already out of her bra from before. Those naked boobs were pressing on my chest and unhooked her bra too between. Now she was totally topless and held both her boobs with my Hands and start to suck her nipple one by one. She hold my hair tightly. She was wearing only her shorts and panty inside. She removed my shirt off and then she was feeling my body with her hand. Her hand was going over my chest and belly. My dick was fully erected in my pants. Finally her reached over my bulge. She start to rub over it. I was feeling full pressure in my pants. She realized that and she removed the button and pulled the zip. I was not wearing an underwear, so my dick came out and it was 90 degree straight. She gave me a nice hand job. Then she got off from my lap and took off all her remaining clothes and became fully naked in front of me. And she sat on her knees and start to shake my dick with her hands. Then she slowly licked the tip of my dick like a lollipop. I was getting heavy pleasure. I was in heaven then she slowly put in her mouth and gave me best blowjob of my life. I dnt want to cum so early. I want to enjoy this full night with her. So I made her to sit on the couch and spread her legs. Her pussy was clean shaven, I start to lick her pussy lips. She wrapped her leg around my neck with pleasure. I tasted her pussy juice while sucking there and I gave small bite on her gspot. I sucked it too and put my tongue inside her and gave her maximum pleasure by twisting my tongue inside her. She screamed to fuck her. So I came up and positioned my dick in to her hole and slowly pushed my body pressure down , it was not that easy, since her hole was so tight for my dick. So she was screaming, but luckily she had closed the door to the ground floor or else kids may hear her sound. My dick was fully inside her and I start to move it and out in a slow pace. She was hugging me tightly with her hands and legs. Now the pain was gone , now she was really enjoying my each push. She had closed her eyes. I slowly slowly increased the speed of my thrust and the couch was moving back with my each push. So to make it comfortable for both of us I sat on the couch with my dick inside her and then she start to ride on my dick by sitting in my lap.when she was moving up her boobs were jiggling along with that. It was nice view. Then I was about to come, so I told her that in her ear. She said " it's ok.. come inside me"
I exploded my huge load of cum inside her. after few minutes she got off from me with leaking pussy. I gave her some tissue to clean her self. Then she was to wear her clothes, I said" no .. not now.. we are not done yet, we have whole night"
She smiled at laid on the couch naked . I laid there too beside her.
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---------------------//----------------------End of author’s story-------------///-----------
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Update please
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Why are you writing author as third person?? Are you not the author is it??? I thought you are the author of the original story...Anyways so what's your plan now are you going to take this story forward or not??
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Update please
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I am not a writer my friend's 
Anybody want to continue this story continue it from here.
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