Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
The explanation, while it sounded logical at surface, felt strange to Vinod, still the sound of milk squirting into the tea cup was strangely stimulating, not to mention the thought of drinking sexy Bimala’s breastmilk. While he was unbalanced, the tea cup was filled, with a smile Bimala gave it to Vinod, who took it with trembling hands. He looked at Basant who urged him “Go on, drink it”

Kamna was sitting placidly not showing any clue of what she was thinking, with a mix of excitement and weirdness, he took a hesitant sip tasting the sweet flavourful tea. If he hadn’t known about the milk’s origins he would have enjoyed the tea with greater enthusiasm, but now he was in no position to appreciate the strange, yet delicious taste. Basant smirked “It is good, isn’t it?”

Vinod could only nod, as a guest he had to observe basic courtesy even if the tea wasn’t good. Bimala asked with anticipation “Bhaiya, does my breastmilk taste good? Is the tea light enough?”

He nodded and croaked “It’s good”

She beamed making him entranced with her angelic beauty, she was so pretty and slim with perky tits, just the way he liked. Though he loved Kamna dearly, he couldn’t help but imagine Bimala as his wife. While he was preoccupied with the slim beauty, Basant leered “Let me taste dear Kamna’s milk”

Kamna shrugged “Give the cup to me Bimala”

But Basant said “No need dear, let me help myself”

As Vinod was dreaming, Basant took the cup from his daughter-in-law and squatted next to Kamna, before placing the cup right in front of her other breast and squeezed the soft flesh. He said “Ah, your tits feel so soft, yet bouncy”

Hearing another spurt of milk jetting into the teacup made Vinod stop dreaming, he looked at the old man in shock. He couldn’t believe that the man openly groped Kamna, releasing thick milk into the teacup, not to mention the crude comments “Just the aroma makes me heady dear. How is your skin so soft and smooth, looks like city life suits you well. Maybe I should send Bimala to the city and make her become glamorous like you”

Ironically Vinod’s mind pricked at the fact that the man was obsessed with his daughter-in-law’s beauty. If he hadn’t known better, Vinod would have assumed that it was Bimala who was the uncle’s wife and not his daughter-in-law. Kamna giggled “I am as usual, uncle. You just think I’ve changed because of my absence, I don’t even use cosmetics”

Seeing his wife’s tits getting squeezed made him uncomfortable, even if it was her own uncle, somehow it felt wrong. Just as he was about to complain, Bimala asked in her sweet voice “Bhaiya, I think the tea is slightly strong, let me add some more milk”

She took his trembling hand and brought it to her breast, a slight touch of her naked flesh made him nearly jump out of the chair. Slowly with exaggerated movements, she squeezed her breast once again, adding more milk to the tea. Finished, she let him take another sip before asking “Is it good now? Do you prefer more sugar?”

Vinod shook his head in a daze “No, it’s delicious”

Her smile made the room light up and her eyes fluttered coquettishly making him feel hot. She asked “Bhaiya, I’ve never gone to a city before, tell me how it is. Is it very crowded? I’ve that there are many shops with many luxurious goods”

Captivated by her beauty and her gentle disposition, Vinod forgot the presence of his wife and the groping uncle to answer her naïve questions, even ignoring Kamna’s cry ‘Uncle, please be gentle’. Bimala was curious and was full of questions about city and the everyday life in it, Vinod answered her as best as he could, ignoring Kamna’s moans and gasps as the uncle started sucking the milk directly, competing with his own grandson. A lull in the conversation made Vinod realise what was happening, he didn’t like seeing the old man sucking Kamna, no matter how close they were related in the past. He said “Uh, Kamna? Can we go?”

Kamna, who had been watching him chat with Bimala, nodded “OK, uncle, it’s getting late, we need to visit others too”

Basant nearly whined “But Kamna, your milk tastes so delicious and I am still not satisfied, let me have another suck”

Kamna giggled and pushed the perverted man away letting the milk spray all over, Basant said “Fine”

Kamna put the child on the chair and stood, wiping the milk with her ghunghat, before Basant pulled her in for a tight hug kissing her lips. Vinod felt anger at the way the old man behaved but felt that it wasn’t his place as a guest to scold him. To his surprise, Bimala copied her Father-in-Law by embracing him, kissing him with her sweet lips. The feel of the sexy woman in his arms felt heavenly coupled with her delicious mouth, she broke the kiss for a moment to murmur “Bhaiya, next time you should suck my milk directly from my breasts. My father-in-law always crows about how my milk is the best in the entire village, so you should definitely taste it and give me your opinion”

In a daze, Vinod took Kamna and walked quickly out of the strange house and its inhabitants. Angrily, he said “I can't believe that old man misbehaved with you right in front of my eyes. How can you give him such liberty?”

While Kamna felt happy at her husband acting possessive, the lingering jealousy from earlier made her snap “Liberty? Didn’t you suck my mother just a few hours back? What did uncle do differently? It was just fun, he has seen me right from my childhood, in fact the entire village is closely related to me. Did you refuse when Bimala offered to let you suck her tits?”

Her unexpected reply shut him up, making him realise his hypocritical words, seeing him stunned made her heart ache “I’m sorry Vinod, I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just that my village is different from the city, there are traditions and morals that would be disconcerting in another region. I grew up in it so I don’t find it strange, but you must be uncomfortable with it. Let me talk with mother and my relatives, they accept you as their own and are honest and open with their actions, but they don’t know how troubled you actually are. Even mother and Aditi should give you some space, let me do the oil bath tomorrow instead of mother”

Vinod calmed down due to her apologetic words which contained much sense, he realised that he was looking through the eyes of an outsider, finding faults without understanding the circumstances. The thought of stopping the titillating oil bath made him depressed, he also wanted to hug and enjoy the presence of Aditi as much as possible. Though he understood at a higher level that Kamna was really beautiful and sexy, he was starting to love the flirting with the other women. When everyone else was perfectly alright with it, why should he worry? He had complete faith and trust in his wife, though she was naïve and innocent in the ways of the world, he believed that she can take care of herself.

He said “No, it is my fault. There is no need to concern your mother and your relative for this, I will try to be more understanding in the future”

Kamna nodded, looking at him with a strange complex look “Are you sure? I don’t want any misunderstanding; my mother trusts people easily and always believes the best of them. It may lead to unnecessary troubles in the future”

Vinod said confidently “Don’t worry, I am not a child, I just wasn’t expecting certain things, so I was just surprised. Let’s forget the matter, whose house are we going to, next?”

Kamna said “My cousin’s house”

Entering the cousin’s house, Vinod immediately faced a trial concerning his earlier promise, the cousin greeted Vinod with a wide smile and a pat to the shoulder before turning to beaming Kamna. The man hugged Kamna tightly, mashing her lush body on himself and locked his hands under her ass to lift her high. Kamna giggled “Put me down”

But the man laughed “You’ve become really sexy, but let me check if you’ve really put on weight. Hmm, while it’s true that you’ve gotten fatter, I really like the extra padding, it feels so delicious to grasp”

Kamna squealed in laughter as her cousin grabbed her luscious ass cheeks and squeezed them hard. He pulled her ass wider, letting her skirt form a large crease in the centre and pinch the cloth between the cheeks. With a hard slap that went ringing inside the house, he let a laughing Kamna down before capturing her open lips for a deep kiss. Vinod was bemused at the man handling Kamna like she was a doll, since Kamna enjoyed it he let it pass. They spent nearly an hour at the cousin’s house, much of it was spent watching Kamna and the man nearly wrestle on the floor half naked, accompanied by giggles and outright laughter. Several times the man pulled Kamna’s skirt up and grabbed her bare ass, her full breasts too suffered the same ignominy, with him pushing the blouse down to reveal the tender breasts several times followed by squeezing them.

Finally, Kamna struggled out of the man’s grasp, hiccupping with a wide smile “Hic, Vinod, let’s leave. My cousin is always like this, we used to fight so much when we were young and he still thinks as if we are in our teens. I don’t have that much stamina anymore”

Leaving the weird encounter with the cousin behind, they went to another house, where a dark man in his fifties sat in the hall, absolutely naked while three women massaged him with oil. As ugly as he was, the three women were completely opposite, they all looked sexy and beautiful wearing the customary skirt and blouse, but without the ghunghat. Kamna respectfully said “Uncle, this is my husband”

Under her subtle prodding, they both knelt down to get the man’s blessings, but the uncle made no move to even acknowledge them. Vinod stood after a few moments, but Kamna stayed in her position for a much longer time. The man looked at her impassively, not even noticing Kamna’s large tits, which nearly spilled out of the low-cut blouse. After the visit to the cousin’s house, her nipples were hard and poked the thin blouse, not softening for some time. As Vinod watched the man with confusion, the uncle finally opened his mouth “I’ve heard you came yesterday, did it take you so long to find my house?”

Kamna said “Sorry uncle, it was late yesterday, so I didn’t want to disturb you in the evening”

The uncle snorted “Whatever”

He turned to a puzzled Vinod “Welcome to my house, sit”

Vinod sat automatically in a nearby chair while Kamna remained standing, the three women had gone inside the house as soon as they saw the couple, but they came back wearing a thin ghunghat. Vinod looked at the three buxom women, the eldest was in her thirties while the youngest was a teenager. They looked very fleshy and voluptuous, making any man hard with just a look at their sumptuous body. What confused Vinod was the reason they wore the ghunghat, it wasn’t like it covered anything, after all it was a flimsy fabric that was like gauze. Also, while they covered their lovely faces, their luscious bodies were well exposed in the customary costume of the village. With no effort, Vinod could see the swelling breasts half exposed, the deep navels layered with a bit of fat and the short skirt that showcased their smooth legs.

What was the point in covering the face when everything below was more or less exposed. They were made to wait while the uncle went to take bath with two of the younger women. The eldest came with a cup of tea and some savouries in a plate and offered it to Vinod silently. As soon as he took the plate, the woman went inside, leaving the couple alone. Vinod asked his wife “Kamna, who is this uncle? He seems weird, also who are these women?”

Kamna smiled wanly “This is Gunjan uncle, the son of the elder, those women are his wives”

Vinod nearly spat out the tea “Wives? But there are three of them, the last one is younger than you”

Kamna nodded “In our village, it is normal to marry many women as long as the man is wealthy”

Vinod asked “But what about the law?”

Though Pratima had explained it earlier, Vinod still couldn’t come to terms with it. Kamna shrugged “What about it? The elder is the panchayat leader, so who is going to refuse his orders. security officer never comes to our village in respect to our elder and everyone’s forbidden to approach outside authorities for any matter”

Vinod stuttered “But, but…”

Kamna sighed “Gunjan uncle isn’t the only man in our village with more than one wife, many do the same”

Vinod said in a near whisper “But he is so ugly, even his teeth looked dirty, how can these women even consider marrying him?”

Kamna smiled “You forget that our region is dirt poor, there are countless families willing to marry their daughters to a rich man. In our village the men always goes out in search for wives, they won't settle for an average looking woman, for it would mean a loss in status. The more beautiful a wife is, the more prestige a man will have, it only compounds if he has many wives”

Vinod asked “So what about me? How do I rate?”

Kamna had a mischievous glint in her lustrous eyes “You rate highly, otherwise uncle wouldn’t even look at you”

Vinod preened, making her say “You don’t know how many men in my village tried to marry me, both Gunjan and Basant uncles proposed an offer to my mother when I turned sixteen. If not for my mother, it would be me massaging oil on Gunjan uncle. She wanted me to marry outside the village and send me out into the modern world. She suffered a lot to protect me from the many proposals”

He was shocked, he couldn’t imagine Kamna being submissive and rub oil onto that ugly man, one beauty in the midst of many. He was lucky to have married Kamna, otherwise she would have been the third wife of Gunjan or the original replacement of Bimala. As he sat shell shocked, Kamna sighed to herself, her husband was too naïve and trusting. What he didn’t know was that Gunjan uncle was the real father of Aditi, her mother had used Gunjan uncle’s status to protect herself and her daughter during those dark days. Gunjan came back freshly bathed, still ugly even after the massage and spoke little with them before they left.

Once outside, Vinod breathed in the fresh air with relief “That felt stifling. Who else do we need to visit?”

Kamna said “Almost all the important people are finished, the last is also the most important, it is our elder”

Vinod nodded and followed Kamna to the largest house in the village, it looked like a mansion of a zamindar with white washed smooth walls. He was surprised to see many women in the house and none of them were wearing a ghunghat, letting their plush breasts jiggle as they walked. Kamna greeted everyone and introduced Vinod to them, he didn’t mind the frequent stops as all the women greeted him with a tight and intimate hug, mashing their bodies on him. It felt really good as all the women, though of many ages, were sexy and sultry. He had never seen so many beautiful women in one place before, except for the trendy malls in the city.

He even saw Bimala who greeted him with a wide smile and a very tight hug that lingered on intimately. She gushed “Bhaiya, I didn’t expect we will meet again so soon. It must be destiny, are you here to meet the elder?”

Vinod nodded, unable to take his eyes off her delicious perky body, it didn’t help that she arched her back to make her cleavage appear right in front of his face “Yes Bimala”

She beamed “Good, you must come later. Uncle will go to the fields everyday after breakfast, I will be lonely, so please come”

Vinod was startled by her words, somehow it felt wrong, but the way she said it made him doubt his own judgement. Assuming that he was over thinking her friendly request, he said “Sure, I will try to visit you”

She giggled, moving closer pushing her firm breast on his arm “Please do bhaiya, you must definitely taste my milk and tell me how it is”

Kamna, who had gone inside, came out “Vinod, shall we go? The elder is ready to see us”

Vinod followed his wife into the large mansion, recollecting the old, yet sprightly man who had presided over their marriage. They went to a large bedroom, with a huge bed on which a decrepit old man was lying, nearby were several beautiful women standing. Kamna said “Vinod, get the elder’s respects”

Together they bowed and touched the emaciated man’s wrinkly legs, as the man looked at them through glassy eyes. Even Vinod was struck by the fact that the elder had degenerated quickly in a short span of years after their marriage. The elder croaked “Come, it is nice to see you”
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The elder waved his trembling hand, inviting Vinod to come closer, while Kamna went to the other side. Vinod leaned closer as the man spoke “I heard you have a daughter, who does she resemble? You or Kamna?”

Vinod didn’t expect the question, so he paused for a moment before replying “She is a beautiful girl, just like Kamna”

While Vinod said it proudly, the elder seemed disappointed “A man must be strong, women don’t like weak men, you should take care of Kamna well, she is like my own daughter”

Vinod nodded, pleased that the elder considered Kamna as family “Of course elder, I will take care of her well”

The man looked at Vinod mysteriously before sighing “Let me speak with Kamna”

Kamna sat next to the elder’s head and leaned very close and spoke softly, making the others unable to hear her words “Father, how are you?”

Vinod moved away to give them privacy, taking seat a dozen feet away, the elder said “Not good my dear, it seems my luck’s running out”

Kamna teared “Please father, be strong. You will get well just like you did when I was a child”

The elder smiled wanly “I am nearing hundred years child, I’ve lived a full life, filled with money, power and women. The only regret I have is the lack of a suitable heir, all my sons are weaklings, foolish and petty, never knowing the proper way to treat a woman. Enough about my sob tale, are you happy?”

Kamna nodded “Yes father, I really am, my husband loves me a lot and takes care of me without fail”

The elder snorted “He looks weak, a pushover, does he fuck you good?”

Kamna didn’t blush at the words her own father uttered “Yes”

The man sighed “Don’t lie to me”

Kamna looked sad “We used to, father, but after Arushi was born, he seemed to have lost interest in me”

The elder nodded “It happens with many men, it is as if we have achieved everything there is with a woman, so we turn to another for something interesting. He doesn’t look like the type who strays and I know about you too well. You are a sexy and passionate woman, my child, don’t feel guilty about taking the pleasure, you rightly deserve, from other people”

Kamna teared “I can't help but feel guilty and depressed father, my body goes out of control sometimes but my mind is full of regrets afterwards”

The man chuckled “You are overthinking, a good fuck is good for the body and soul. If I was well, I would have fucked you hard to show you the fallacy of your useless guilt. Unfortunately, I can't even get hard anymore, I miss the regular blowjobs without it my balls are withering into nothing”

Kamna tried to console him “I pray that you will get well soon and fuck me harder than ever, after all you were the one who took my virginity and showed me the way of pleasure”

The elder became happy and bright “I still remember that day, you were so young and delicious, you still are, your pussy was so tight and tasty. I was so proud to have fathered such a sexy darling like you, you are still one of my all-time favourites. It’s a pity you are my own daughter, otherwise I would have married you”

Kamna smiled as she reminisced the day she lost her virginity, though she had fooled around with other men and boys of her age, she had always preserved her virginity to gift it to her father. In fact, she wasn’t the only daughter who had lost her virginity to him, what outsiders like Vinod didn’t know was that most of the men and women in the village were the elder’s own children. The elder, when he was young, was a famous playboy in the region, his deeds were notorious. He had immense wealth as well as powerful charm, his long, thick cock was icing on the cake. It was during one of his conquests, that the elder was forced to hide from an irate husband and create the village in seclusion. Kamna had heard many stories about her father, who when he ran away took with nearly a hundred beautiful women with him. The village was formed by her father and the hundred women, since he couldn’t manage the place on his own, he devised a plan where he would marry the women to many men and bring them to the village.

Of course, the husbands weren’t allowed to have sex with their wives, instead they were cuckolded by the elder. Being a proud pervert, the elder had ordered all women to wear the now customary sexy costumes. He loved fucking the women right in front of their husbands and show his absolute power over them. In a few years, the village was filled with little children and the family got bigger with many new additions, both men and women. The elder got more women married to weak men, who were willing to remain subordinate to him. But a crisis soon came when the elder, at the age of sixty became sick for a long time. With him bedridden, the first signs of rebellion happened amongst the men, without a strong, dominant leader like the elder, no man was powerful enough to rule over the others. So, the men splintered into factions, using combined power to fight against everyone. The women weren’t spared, many were forced to join a faction for their own safety, very few remained independent.

After being submissive cuckolds for a long time, the men wanted to be dominant, they started forcing women in their faction for sex and with it started many sex-filled nights. Drunk with their power over the women, the men started to act outrageously. But a miracle stopped everything, against all odds, the elder recovered completely and immediately put an end to the excesses, by punishing many and exiling the worst. The women cheered as the elder once again showed his prowess in bed by fucking nearly every woman in the village. Even at the age of sixty, the man was full of energy and vigour, filling many mouths, pussies and assholes with fresh semen. He birthed more children and even fucked those of age. But things again changed for the worse when he got ill once again after many years, with no sign of him recovering.

It was the reason why Pratima desperately wanted to find a groom out of the village, she had suffered enough and didn’t want her precious younger daughter to suffer the same. Many left the village leaving behind wives and sisters to search for a better life, though those left behind could only hope that their brothers and husbands would come back one day to take them to safety. Bimala was one such case, even though she was married to Basant’s son, she spent all of the time servicing her father-in-law instead. Even her little child was the offspring of her Father-in-Law, as she had little contact with her husband. Many daughters-in-law suffered the same fate, servicing the powerful older men and the uncles, some were lucky enough to sleep with their husbands periodically.

While Vinod watched his lovely wife speaking emotionally with the elder, one woman said “Kamna, it is time for the elder to eat, move aside and let us feed him”

Kamna nodded and let the woman sit right next to the elder’s face, her beautiful face was tinged with sadness as she watched the withered old man fighting with the debilitating illness wracking his body. Vinod watched a young sexy woman in her early twenties, shyly sit in the place Kamna vacated and was shocked when the woman unhooked her tight blouse. Seeing the expression on his face an older woman explained “Don’t be shocked beta, since the elder is weak, he can't digest many food varieties, he doesn’t like the taste of porridge, so only fresh breast milk is nutritious enough to sustain him. If not for the women of the village breast feeding him regularly, he would become much weaker. We also consider it our honour to suckle our beloved elder directly from our milk laden breasts”

Kamna perked up and glanced at Vinod before asking “Aunty, can I feed our elder this time?”

The women looked at one another trying to form a response when the elder croaked “Let her, I’ve always wanted to taste my dear Kamna’s milk”

With the elder’s approval, the women couldn’t deny Kamna so they agreed making her beam radiantly. She shuffled across the bed to once again sit by the elder’s head and eagerly opened her blouse which was already straining. Vinod watched as his wife bared her succulent tits making the full flesh jiggle enticingly, she squeezed her breasts once to spurt some milk out of her hard nipples before bringing them right onto the elder’s open mouth. The toothless old man latched onto the rock-hard nubs, making Kamna moan erotically, Vinod could even hear the sound of sweet milk spurting forcefully inside the man’s mouth, making him uncomfortable.

What was strange was when the old man turned his head with some effort and looked at Vinod while sucking Kamna’s breast. Though Vinod felt it impossible for a man of such stature to act that way, he somehow felt that the man really was laughing at him. Puch, puch, puch, puch, the toothless mouth made lewd sounds making Vinod uncomfortable, but he managed to calm himself by reminding himself of the man’s age. It felt silly to become jealous of an old man in his nineties, especially a father figure for many villagers. Still he felt something strange, not even when Kamna’s cousin molested her openly did he feel such weirdness, but he felt submissive in front of the old man at death’s door. He had immense trust in his wife and didn’t mind her light flirting and liberal attitude because of her loving nature, but at that moment he felt like he would lose his wife.

Thankfully the old man had small appetite, so he finished the suckling, but once again he shocked Vinod by squeezing Kamna’s milk-laden breasts and rolled the diamond hard nipples. The moans that came out of Kamna’s open mouth perfectly resembled those that he heard on his bridal night, when he fucked his darling wife for the first time. Feeling restless and anxious, he stood to stop the sexual molesting of his wife, but before he could gather the courage to say his words, the mature woman said “Beta, are you hungry? Let me bring you some snacks”

He turned to the woman, diverting his attention from his wife and said “No need, I just ate at another relatives house”

Before he could really say what he wanted, the old man released Kamna’s red tits with a loud smack of his lips “Tasty, if I can have such nectar everyday, I would recover in no time”

Kamna smiled gently, though her smile was full of love, her dark lustrous eyes glistened with passion “I will come here everyday to let you drink from me”

Vinod seethed, how can his dutiful wife promise without consulting him, her husband? But the old man’s next words made him relax “No need child, I have achieved what I wanted, you should get on with your life. Don’t worry about me, I have lived with no regrets”

Vinod was surprised that the man refused Kamna’s open offer, was the blatant taunting he had seen in the elder’s eyes his imagination? Confused, he was distracted as they took leave of the elder and the women at his side and walked back to Pratima’s house. Kamna was in two minds, her lovely face had a radiant smile mixed with bittersweet emotions. It was when they were quite close to their house when she notices Vinod’s gloomy face “What happened, why are you silent?”

Vinod wanted to remain silent, but he couldn’t “Why did you let the elder suckle you?”

Kamna stopped, the smile on her face vanished, she asked “What are you saying?”

Vinod sighed, knowing he had made his wife angry, he cautiously replied “I don’t like the elder, why do so many women live in his house, are they his family?”

Kamna’s eyes flashed with anger “Don’t talk about things you don’t understand, our elder is a great man, you don’t know him like we do. It’s better if you don’t talk about him”

She had been really sad that her father was dying, it made her happy to have seen him and even fed him her milk. The last thing she wanted was to hear her husband badmouthing her father, a man who was irreplaceable in her life, a man with whom she had shared everything. Vinod was aghast, never in the five years of his married life had he heard her speak like this, in fact it was rare to see her angry, especially at him. Kamna didn’t wait for him and walked forward, wanting to reminisce about her beloved father. A sullen Vinod followed her, reaching the house where Pratima and Aditi were playing with little Arushi. Seeing her Jijaji, Aditi got shy and ran to the kitchen to hide, but Pratima greeted him with a wide smile.

Vinod felt better when he faced his mother-in-law’s happy smile, she asked “Did you have a good visit? You must be hungry after all the walking”

She took his arm and pushed her huge breasts onto him, smothering him with the luxuriant flesh, since she never wore the ghunghat inside the house, he had the best view of her abundant cleavage spilling over the tiny blouse.

He said “I had tea at Basant uncle’s house”

Pratima purred “Oh, then you must have tasted Bimala’s milk, her father-in-law loves to boast about the flavour of his daughter-in-law’s milk. Do you want some more tea? I can make it just like Bimala does or do you prefer to drink some milk directly instead?”

Vinod blushed as Pratima caught his glance at her deep cleavage, no matter how much she said it still felt immoral to openly look at his mother-in-law’s tits. He looked instead at his wife, who was still angry, seeing her like that made him pissed off. If she can bare her tits publicly and let another man drink from her, why couldn’t he? After all he was the man of the house, he could do whatever he wanted. Still he didn’t know how to direct state that he wanted to suck Pratima’s tits, so he said “Drinking tea so late will make me lose my appetite for dinner…”

Pratima’s eyes gleamed, she giggled saucily “Oh I understand, let me remove my blouse, so you can drink the milk directly. But next time, you don’t need to be so shy, you can undress me whenever you want and drink milk directly”

Her words were too provocative, it made him hard in no time, Kamna too looked at them with an angry expression. But Vinod felt rebellious, he ignored his wife and watched Pratima unhook her tight blouse with some difficulty. Each release made her cleavage widen by a huge amount, her fingers struggling with the hook made the flesh jiggle erotically, until the blouse billowed open revealing the creamy mounds completely. Pratima made him sit on the chair and stood very close, pushing her naked breast right into his face. Vinod felt his body heat, his face turned red as he smelled the womanly aroma and her body heat.

His mouth watered automatically when he saw the long dark nipples hardened and oozing with milk. Pratima took the long nipple and tweaked it hard making a drop of milk fall onto the floor, without further ado, she pushed the nipple into his gaping mouth, moaning just like Kamna did a short while earlier, when Vinod closed his lips around the pulsing bud. His hard cock oozed precum, staining his trousers wet, it seemed like every mouthful of sweet milk transformed into precum, forming a large spot in his clothes. So involved in the pleasure, Vinod had no idea when Kamna left the room, taking Arushi with her. When he regained consciousness of his surrounding, he saw that he was alone with the purring Pratima. The rest of the day was awkward as Kamna ignored him, when they wrapped up at the night, Kamna slept some distance away from her husband, cuddling with her sister. But Vinod wasn’t alone, he realised the soft, hot body of his mother-in-law pressing him from the back.

When Vinod woke up the next day, he was shocked to find himself spooning Pratima’s lush body, feeling naked flesh all over. His hands were wrapped around her, squeezing both tits hard, while his rampant erection disappeared between Pratima’s ass cheeks. His trouser was unbuttoned and bunched around his ankles, Pratima’s blouse was nowhere to be seen while her skirt was around her knees. Him releasing the huge globes made Pratima giggle “You are so naughty, beta, I didn’t realise you are so dominating. If I didn’t resist at the right time, you would have fucked me all night”

Vinod blurted “Sorry aunty, it’s my fault, but I don’t remember anything”

Pratima rose and took her blouse from somewhere before hooking it once again, she said “It’s not your fault, you were sleeping, but your body was awake, doing naughty things to me. It’s not that I am angry, but I didn’t let you some things because Aditi was sleeping in the same room. She is still a virgin, so some things are still forbidden in front of her”

She stood gingerly and gasped in pain, he asked “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?”

She smiled “No, don’t panic for everything, it’s just that your cock was trying to penetrate my asshole all night. Otherwise I am perfectly alright, in fact I am so happy that I made my handsome son-in-law so horny last night inspite of my old age”

Vinod didn’t want to continue the embarrassing conversation, so he asked “Where is Kamna and the others?”

Pratima stretched her back, making her blouse nearly burst into tiny pieces as it struggled to contain her massive chest, thankfully nothing untoward happened “They have gone to bathe in the pond, let me get you something to eat”

Vinod asked “Is the pond too far away?”

He was full of guilt, he knew he shouldn’t have doubted his wife nor pried into her relationship with the elder. He had also nearly fucked her mother right in front of her, how can he face her again? He resolved to find her immediately and beg for her forgiveness, he loved his wife too much to fight her for petty things. Pratima tied the skirt around her wide hips “Just take the path next to the bathroom and you will reach the pond in no time”

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Thanks for another wonderful update! Now some real emotions between husband and wife!

I like the fact that Vinod is speaking up finally and that Kamna is angry at him. Let Vinod enjoy all that Kamna has been doing. Let him enjoy as he is the illustrious husband. Let him proclaim his position with authority. None of this "seeking forgiveness". It is the way of the village, that Kamna has always enjoyed. The shoe is on the other foot now. Let Kamna get jealous and retaliate. Let Vinod speak up about Kamna's hanky panky. Let him too show his anger. Hope their jealousy brings them back together.

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Without bothering to say anymore, he walked out of the house and followed the small dirt path leading through the bushes. After walking for some time, he heard sounds of people laughing and water splashing, he went through a large patch of vegetation and saw the large pond. Immediately he froze as he saw a bunch of women bathing inside the water, seemingly naked. He looked down and saw bundles of skirts, blouses, underwear and toiletry scattered about. The women giggled loudly making one ask “Jijaji, did you come to bathe with us?”

Laughter ringed as the women laughed, Vinod didn’t look up as he spoke “Sorry, I wanted to find Kamna”

The woman teased him “Oh, I thought you wanted to join us and see how village women are, but Kamna is not here, this is the women’s area, she is on the other side of that bush”

Laughter rose once again, making him heat up in embarrassment, mumbling thanks he ignored the golden bodies naked under the water and walked quickly down the path. He paused as he heard laughter of men, he remembered what the women said and realised that it was strange of Kamna to not use the women’s bathing area. He also remembered that the women were naked while bathing, was Kamna the same, but she was with the men. Would she really bathe naked with the men? Anxious his heart beat faster than ever as he walked around a corner and saw Kamna in the midst of two men, splashing them with water. Two more young men were nearby, but Vinod breathed in relief, Kamna wasn’t naked as he had feared, she had tied a skirt on her breasts preserving her chastity.

Vinod’s heart clenched as he realised what he had done, he, who nearly fucked another woman last night had no moral basis to question his wife’s integrity. He was a hypocrite, doubting his dutiful wife while he roamed around with abandon, he was so ashamed that he couldn’t face his wife anymore. But before he could slip away silently, one of the men said “Vinod bhaiya, were you searching for your wife?”

Vinod sheepishly looked at the young men and nodded “Ah yes”

The men glanced at each other with mirth before pointing “Bhabhi is there, having fun without you”

Vinod ignored the men and looked at Kamna playing with two older men, one of whom was Basant uncle, who was behind her pressing on her back. All three were laughing and splashing water, with Kamna enjoying the hardest, the water made her skirt rise up forming a halo around her. Thankfully she had tied it tightly around her chest, though it was a bit low for his tastes, he was grateful that she wasn’t naked. It was disconcerting that the skirt was floating on the water, meaning that her body underneath was naked, but he knew that she always wore panties so she should be covered enough. It wasn’t like his dutiful wife would forego wearing panties, especially while around men.

He walked further wanting to talk with her and resolve the misunderstanding and apologise for his rude behaviour the previous night. Seeing him the three stopped their fun, Kamna stayed silent not welcoming, evidently, she was still angry at him. Basant called “Vinod, are you here for bathing too, come join us”

Vinod glanced at Kamna before saying “No, actually I want to talk to Kamna”

Basant laughed “Come on in, we can talk while bathing, the water is clean and cool, it is refreshing”

Vinod hesitated “I didn’t bring a towel”

Basant didn’t let go “Who cares? It’s our village, we always bathe naked, if necessary we can walk back home naked too. Jump in”

The other man too joined in, forcing Vinod to remove his clothes, but he kept his briefs on, not comfortable enough to go fully naked in front of the others. He stepped into the cool water, feeling goosebumps as the morning sun warmed him nicely, the ground was slick and muddy with smooth pebbles and some sharp rocks, so he waded in slowly. The other man helped him get near, but the water was too deep making Vinod nearly lose his balance. He wasn’t used to bathing in the water bodies, so he moved back to a shallower area a few feet from the men. Kamna was silent with Basant behind her, the other man moved to her front, blocking Vinod’s view of his lovely wife.

Basant asked “I have been to the city only a few times and didn’t stay long, so how is life in the city?”

Vinod replied, explaining about the rush, the constant chaos on the roads, the shops and lifestyle in general. As he talked passionately trying to paint a rosy picture of city life, Basant was more involved in playing with Kamna making her gasp several times as she patted the older man’s hands away while giggling. After some time Basant asked “How are the girls in the city? I’ve always heard that they are very open and slutty, exposing their bodies at all times and having many boyfriends, is that true?”

Vinod said “While it’s true that they wear modern clothes and many teenagers have boyfriends, they aren’t too different from the villages”

They spoke some more with Vinod defending the people of the city while Basant and the other man made crude remarks about city girls in general. Kamna said “I am getting cold, let me leave”

Basant said “Why so soon? Vinod’s here anyway, so stay for a while, if you are cold then I have a good way to heat up the body, just lean on me while I bounce you, it will make your body heat up”

Kamna hesitated, but Vinod who wanted to speak with her and apologise, said “Wait for some time, Kamna”

She didn’t look at him, but stayed, leaning back on Basant, who wrapped his hands around her chest making her gasp. Vinod asked in concern “What happened?”

Basant laughed “Nothing, it must be a sharp rock, relax Kamna dear, let me bounce you a bit to make the cold go away”

Vinod watched as Basant moved his hands just under her armpits and pushed her up making her moan, the older uncle said “It must be starting to cramp a bit, don’t worry it will go away quickly”

Vinod watched as Basant bounced Kamna up and down making her bit her lips and scrunch her face while gasping and moaning. He was concerned about his wife “Maybe you should get out of the water”

The other man scoffed “Its normal, what my brother is doing will make the cramps go away, don’t worry Vinod we know the ways of water”

Vinod looked at his wife with worry as she made splashes in the water while bobbing up and down with Basant uncle’s help. Her creamy golden skin turned rosy and her lips became redder, little moans slipped out of her mouth as she held on to the other man’s shoulders for balance. To anyone the scene would be suspicious with Basant pumping from Kamna’s behind while she bounced on the water holding on to another man. But Vinod wasn’t worried about such things, he trusted his wife a lot, especially after the previous night’s fiasco which filled his with guilt. He was in no position mentally to suspect his wife, also he believed that the men wouldn’t be so daring to molest his wife when he was right in front of them. Kamna had grown around the men, treating them as close family, so physical contact was normal between them, as an outsider Vinod assumed that he shouldn’t pry too much into their relationship.

The pond was silent except for Kamna’s sensuous moans and the gentle lapping of water until Basant spoke “My brother here actually wanted to find a girl to marry, do you anyone suitable?”

Vinod looked at the other man closely for the first time, he was younger than Basant, but should still be in his late forties. The man was darker, nearly pitch black with thick lips and a yellow mouth decayed with regular use of paan. His hair was greying and lay matted, in Vinod’s honest opinion the man frankly looked like a cleaner version of a beggar. He was confident that no girl in the city would marry the man voluntarily, but he couldn’t say such things directly “Uh, I don’t know anyone in my circle, are you looking a girl for your son?”

Basant and the man laughed “No, not for his son, it’s for my brother, his wife has gotten old and fat, my brother wants a tender virgin to warm his bed at night. He is actually jealous of me, but not everyone can have a girl like Bimala. So, I am looking for someone outside the village”

Vinod couldn’t believe his ears, did Basant really mean that he regularly fucks his own daughter-in-law? He couldn’t even imagine seeing the perky young beauty spread on a bed while nasty old Basant pumps his cock inside her. Was there any justice left in the world? Now the man wants a similar girl for his brother too, suddenly he froze as Kamna let out a long moan “Ahhhh”

He was alarmed “What happened Kamna?”

Basant explained coolly “Nothing, it’s just the cramps going away, sometimes it would feel really good when it does. Now tell me about my future sister-in-law”

Vinod ignored the man and looked at Kamna, whose face was full of ecstasy as she bit her lips while holding on desperately to the disgusting man in the front while Basant kept bouncing her tightly from the back. She opened her seductive eyes and looked at Vinod mysteriously, he couldn’t identify the meaning and could only look back blankly. Since she didn’t say anything, he calmed down, she was a strong woman, so he had nothing to worry. Basant sighed in pleasure as he paused the bouncing “Brother, I am done, my arms are tired, why don’t you take over?”

Before Vinod could form a response, the two men switched over with Basant standing in front of Kamna while the other man embraced her from behind. Vinod felt the man doing something underwater making Kamna gasp and in no time, she bounced faster and harder continuously moaning while the man grunted. Vinod got uncomfortable and was ready to intervene, but Basant said “Don’t worry Vinod, my brother is very good at this, your wife is in best hands. Now let me tell you about my brother’s requirements, as he is busy right now”

Vinod saw that the brother’s face was closed in satisfaction while the man’s hands moved to Kamna’s front clutching her breasts tightly. Basant continued “My brother wants a fair, beautiful girl not older than eighteen, she must be from a decent family, it is not necessary for her to be rich and don’t worry about a dowry. In fact, my brother will pay money to the girl’s family and take care of the marriage expenses. But the girl must be sexy, just like my Bimala or curvy like Kamna, he likes women with large tits and ass”

Vinod’s attention was diverted from his moaning wife when Basant started to describe the girl crudely “My brother likes girls with long nipples, they are the best to suck upon and pinch, it would be lovely if her pussy is sparsely haired…”

He couldn’t believe it, what kind of man would look for such things in a wife, wasn’t marriage based on love and affection? But inspite of his discomfort, Vinod couldn’t help but get hard at the crude, ye lusty descriptions, Kamna’s moans and the man’s grunts didn’t seem as disconcerting and out of place anymore. Immersed in the verbal fantasy, Vinod nearly missed Kamna’s long satisfied cry quickly followed by the man’s long grunt, the couple panted tiredly as the man squeezed her tits hard making streams of milk spurt and mix with the water. The water was slightly muddy from their exertions but anyone could see the milkiness as Kamna’s tits leaked fresh milk with every bounce. The two slumped on one another tiredly getting their breath back, the man said “I am done, thanks Kamna darling, you are still tight after pregnancy”

Vinod didn’t hear the man’s words clearly as the two young men some distance away laughed loudly “Basant uncle, can we have a go too?”

Basant smiled “You rascals, go away and ask me again when you have some worth to me”

Vinod felt that there was something happening, but he didn’t understand exactly what, so he said “Kamna, I need to speak with you, can we leave?”

She looked tired, but the anger in her face had gone making him happy, she nodded and used Basant’s shoulder as support to go to the shore. Seeing her unbalanced, Vinod moved closer and offered his arm “Here hold on to me”

He had nothing to fear as Kamna grabbed onto his arm tightly, revealing that she wasn’t angry at him anymore. She struggled a bit to get her balance, but walked up to the shore with his help. He moved closer to let her lean on him, as the water level dropped down, he was shocked to see that her skirt was bunched up below her breasts, but she didn’t notice as she walked further, revealing her naked body to the men. Vinod saw the rosy skin fully bare from below her chest, her clean-shaven pussy was fully visible, he said ‘Wait let me adjust your skirt”

But Basant was faster ‘Let me help”

Vinod nodded in thanks as Basant quickly pulled the skirt down to cover her naked pussy and full ass. Unfortunately, Basant’s fast actions concealed Kamna’s red pussy lips, which was gaping and sore as it continuously leaked white drops of semen, dribbling down from her thighs floating on the water. Basant and his brother looked at the mass of semen floating and smirked proudly at each other, while Vinod concentrated on getting his wife back home. With their clothes in one hand and supporting her with the other, Vinod paid no attention to any of it. As they walked down the dirt path, he apologised to her “I am sorry Kamna, I know it is none of my business, I didn’t know what came over me, making me blurt those nonsensical things. I really love you Kamna, you are the light of my life, also I am deeply sorry about last night”

Kamna stopped his blathering with a long finger and kissed him softly “No need to say anything, we are both at fault, but let’s forget everything, I too love you and can't even imagine a life without you and our daughter”

The happy couple went back home, where Pratima welcomed them with hot breakfast, sometime after eating, Pratima said “Son, you missed them massage today, shall we start now?”

Vinod was full of love for his wife and shook his head “No need aunty”

But Kamna stopped him “Wait, you should go, Vinod, it is good for your health”

Vinod looked at her in confusion “But I, last night…”

Kamna smiled gently “I was never angry about last night, so you don’t ever have to worry about it. I know how good the massage feels, so I want you to experience it again. You don’t have to be guarded around me all the time, I know about you and my mother, I trust you both and you are both family”

Vinod could only acquiesce to his wife’s request, everything was perfect once again in his life and he was ready to feel bliss and ecstasy at the hands of his buxom mother-in-law once more. Pratima stripped him quickly inside the bathroom and removed her clothes “You’ve already seen me naked, so there is no need for formalities. Remember, you should control yourself and not cum no matter what happens or else I will punish you”

Vinod groaned for a long time as Pratima skilfully brought him to the edge in no time, his cock pulsed desperately but there was no relief for a long time. The only respite was when Pratima ordered him to suckle her heavy tits from time to time to let him regain his strength. After more than an hour, Vinod’s body felt wrung out as he limped back with his balls feeling like they would burst. Ironically, he felt full of energy with many sexual fantasies running around in his mind, most of them concerning his abundantly blessed mother-in-law and his perky teenaged sister-in-law. After the second massage session, Vinod found Pratima much sexier and was always hard around her, not to mention her blatant sexual advances and rampant flirting. His days were spent in bittersweet ecstasy, but he found that he really loved the feeling of constant edging and denial.
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Amazingly written story.

The naivety of the husband is beyond anything, how can someone be that stupid? I am loving how slutty Kamna is, but I still want the husband to give her his blessing on her adventures and know that his wife is slutty, and for fuck sake, I really want Kamna to feel some remorse.

You are an amazing writer, keeping us hooked to this story.
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Originally Posted by dhaka1989 View Post
Amazingly written story.

The naivety of the husband is beyond anything, how can someone be that stupid? I am loving how slutty Kamna is, but I still want the husband to give her his blessing on her adventures and know that his wife is slutty, and for fuck sake, I really want Kamna to feel some remorse.

You are an amazing writer, keeping us hooked to this story.


As discussed before (WTF99), there wouldn't be much of a story if Vinod was a normal husband. If he found out, it is unlikely that he would want his wife to continue...he is not of a cuckold mentality...just incredibly stupid! As for remorse for Kamna, she loves her husband beyond belief, if only he would look at her and see the sexual dynamo that she has become. So unless Vinod becomes normal, she will continue. After all, look at what goes on in the village she grew up. How can she feel remorse, she is a born and well trained slut (pity).
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breville1 -

The shoe is on the other foot now. Let Kamna get jealous and retaliate. Let Vinod speak up about Kamna's hanky panky. Let him too show his anger. Hope their jealousy brings them back together.

So much for my previous comment!!! Ha ha!!
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The next day was spent visiting some more relatives, Kamna was dearly loved by everyone and was a favourite of many. Vinod could understand, how can anyone hate or dislike gentle Kamna and her angelic beauty? What was puzzling being that the relatives were all older men with younger women living with them, most sons and brothers were sent out of the village to find jobs or wives, leaving those at home to take care of the fathers and uncles. Also, he was yet to find an ugly or even average looking woman, except for the really old ones. The uncles also had the habit of having intimate physical contact with Kamna who obliged them happily. After the third old man kissing Kamna, sucking her sweet tongue and mashing her tits, Vinod started to ignore them. If it was one man then he could get angry, but all the men did the same, still Kamna was really happy seeing her relatives after a long time, so Vinod had nothing to complain about.

He wasn’t left alone either, the fact that he lived in a city intrigued most women, who swarmed around him and asked him many questions about city life. His arms continued to feel the soft press of half-naked breasts a long time after he went back home. The uncles never minded their women talking or pressing on him, inviting him to take liberties on the soft bodies. In fact, they seemed proud of the beauty of their women and paraded them like trophies. Vinod was in heaven, seeing such beauty continuously, his mind wavered under the constant temptation. The sexy women wore little blouses that exposed most of their tits, some even let hints of areolae visible. Not to mention the vast expanse of belly flesh with deep belly buttons that looked juicy. The skirts were short revealing round knees and clean shaven buttery legs with cute feet.

The younger women in their late teens and early twenties were especially enamoured with him, some openly asking him if they could visit him in the city. Though young they were expert in flirting and seduction, making him horny with their sweet voices that came out throaty and sensuous. While the uncles were busy palming Kamna, who sat on their laps, the women became bolder. In one house, the uncle invited Kamna to show her the new painted vase he bought from a merchant. Kamna, who was sitting on the man’s lap with her arms around him, nodded enthusiastically. The uncle looked to him “Vinod, let me show Kamna my vase collection in the bedroom. Jayanti, entertain him in the meantime”

Jayanti, the uncle’s young wife, nodded with a happy smile, she was just nineteen and had been married for a year. She had a slim body that looked boyish, except for gentle flaring hips and coconut sized pair of breasts. Her blouse was loose on her tiny body, revealing almost everything when she leaned over. She had been sitting by his side, pushing the firm breast on his arm which she hugged. Vinod watched the uncle pull Kamna to the bedroom, with his hand around her naked waist and close the door before locking it. Before he could do anything, Jayanti pulled his face towards her with a sultry expression. She purred “Bhaiya, I’ve always wanted to visit the city, wear jeans and t-shirts like the heroines and have lots of fun. Will you take me with you?”

He was alarmed “But what about your husband?”

Jayanti pouted “He is too old for me, how can a young beauty like me spend all my life with such a man”

She giggled “You know, his dick is small and he can't get it hard most of the time”

He was aghast, he couldn’t believe the words coming out from the mouth of the sweet teenager, but the illicit gossip interested him “Really? Then why did he marry you?”

She sighed “Here in the village, having a young beautiful wife means higher status, so the wealthy men always find new girls to marry. Many are from poor families who sell the girls when they see the money offered. But life isn’t too bad, it just boring”

Her words made him relax, Kamna should be safe inside the bedroom with the tiny dicked impotent man. He needn’t have worried unnecessarily, he assumed that all the uncles who behaved outrageously with Kamna were similar, men who wanted to be seen dominant and virile even in their old age. Jayanti asked “So bhaiya, will you take me with you?”

Vinod hesitated “I need to ask my wife and your husband”

She surprised him by climbing onto his lap, facing him and wrapping her slim legs around his waist, grinding her moist core on his increasingly hardening cock. He nearly trembled when she brought her sexy impish face closer and closer, their lips almost touching as she purred “Please bhaiya, I will be a good girl and obey everything you say, you can do anything and I really mean anything to me”

She moaned as her hips bucked gently, rubbing her pussy on his full length making him dazed with lust “I need a young, handsome man to take care of me, I don’t like the wrinkly old ones bereft of passion. Do you think I am beautiful?”

He nodded, he jerked as her lips caressed him teasing him with the juicy moist petals, smearing sweet saliva. She beamed “I am the same, you are really handsome bhaiya. Do you think I have a sexy body? Am I too skinny?”

He shook his head, every time she spoke her lips danced around his mouth, even her little tongue snaked out “No, you are really sexy”

She arched her back pushing her tender breasts on his chest, sticking to him like they were glued together, she licked his lips, teasing them lustily “Thank you bhaiya, do you like my tits? Are they too small?”

She shook her chest from side to side, rubbing the erect tips on him, the loose blouse made her tits nearly slip out. He gulped opening his lips for a second and automatically tasted her sweet, wet tongue, he was about to reply when she captured his mouth fully, kissing him hard while thrusting her teenaged tongue searching for treasures inside him. He was swept by the storm of desire; the daily oil massage had primed him into having balls full of cum and a hair trigger cock ready to get hard any moment. A huge drop of precum oozed out of his cock forming a wet spot, she moaned and ground her dripping pussy making more precum to ooze.

He tasted her sweet, mouth before mumbling “Your tits are just the right size and perky”

She moaned “Ahhh, this feels so good, please bhaiya touch my tits and see how firm they are”

She took his hands and placed them on the tender titties and made him squeeze them “Press them hard like you are squeezing lemons, bring the juice out, bhaiya”

He couldn’t help but do as she said, mashing the little, firm titties hard making her moan louder. She begged “Taste them, I don’t have milk yet, but I love to have my tits sucked”

She pushed her blouse down easily, revealing the two delicious tits completely and the dark nipple that glinted like diamonds. She pushed his head down, pushing her breasts into his mouth, letting him taste the hard nipples and creamy flesh. Vinod suddenly heard Kamna squeal from the bedroom followed by laughter “Wait, what is happening inside?”

Jayanti slipped her hand between them and gripped his erect cock sending a wave of unadulterated pleasure through his body “Nothing bhaiya, my husband must have said a stupid joke, why are you worried? It’s not like he can do anything even if he wanted”

Vinod asked “Are you really telling me the truth?”

She nodded, stroking his cock over his trousers “Believe me bhaiya, let me tell you a story. During my bridal night, I was dressed sexily wearing full makeup with perfumes and everything, when I entered the bedroom, my husband was already tired. Still I had great dreams for my first night, so I tried to use everything I was taught by my seniors and seduced him by removing my saree and danced in just my blouse and petticoat. My husband looked interested when I removed my blouse and petticoat, I was so shy as I was just wearing a small bra and panties”

Her detailed explanation made him rock hard, her hand stroking him made things worse, she continued “Like my mother had taught me, I sat on his lap, just like we are and removed his pants. I was so shocked when I struggled to find his cock, bhaiya, you are so big and thick, just feeling you makes my cunt wet. When I finally found his cock, I was shocked because it was too small and soft. Thankfully I wasn’t discouraged, my mother had shown me how to bring a cock back to life, so I worked on my husband’s cock for a long time. But I couldn’t succeed, even after many tries, it was still soft and unresponsive, that’s when I realised that my husband didn’t marry me for sex, it was just to maintain his status and prestige”

“So don’t worry bhaiya, there is no way anything untoward is happening inside, my husband simply can't do anything to Kamna didi. But we can do something, can I show the skills my mother taught me?”

Vinod was seriously tempted, the slim teenage beauty oozed sex appeal with every gesture, his repeatedly denied cock desperately wanted to experience total pleasure. But before he could come to a decision he heard Kamna scream in pleasure followed by continuous moans and sounds of bodies banging against each other. Alarmed, he pushed the saucy teen to the side and ran to the locked bedroom before knocking on it “Kamna, Kamna, what happened? Open the door”

The sounds quieted, something knocked over and there was noisy rustling inside, as it took time, Vinod knocked again “Kamna, say something”

Kamna replied loudly “Wait, I am coming”

More noised followed, several minutes later the door opened partially and Kamna peeked out. Her hair was disordered, her lovely face was sweaty, yet glowing, her body was drenched in sweat, the blouse was wet with the hooks done in wrong order. Her chest heaved as she gulped air through parted lips that were a bit swolled, she asked “Why were you knocking?”

Vinod stood blankly unsure of what was happening inside “You screamed, I thought you were hurt”

She nodded “Yes, I nearly fell down trying to take a vase from the shelf, my back is sore. Thankfully uncle knows a massage technique, its rough but very effective”

Vinod asked “But I thought... I maybe…”

He didn’t want to voice out his suspicions openly, the incident from a few days earlier was fresh in his mind, the complete faith he had on her too played a big part. Kamna got angry “You thought? Did you think something illicit was happening between me, your dutiful wife and my beloved uncle, who treats me like his own daughter?”

He blushed in shame, her words made his suspicions seem false and accusative as if he didn’t trust his own wife with her relatives. He stammered “I didn’t mean it that way, Kamna, I was just worried whether you were hurt”

Her anger didn’t seem to go down, but the uncle, who looked shirtless peeked from behind her, pressing his equally sweaty body on her back, putting his arms around her waist and pinched her deep navel. With a teasing smile, the uncle said “Don’t worry Vinod, Kamna is in good hands. I checked her body thoroughly, it is just a slight tension that has been there for some time. I have the best treatment in my hands, I will make her happy and satisfied in no time”

Vinod mumbled “Ah yes, thank you uncle, please take good care of my wife”

The uncle nibbled on Kamna’s naked back and shouted “Jayanti, what are you doing? Didn’t I order you to entertain our guest?”

Jayanti was afraid, she obediently said “Sorry sir, I tried, but bhaiya was worried and didn’t listen to me when I explained everything was alright”

Kamna asked “Give me a minute, I will ask uncle to stop his treatment and will come out”

Vinod raised his hands in front of him in defence “No no need, since you explained that everything is alright I am not worried anymore. I will just wait outside”

The uncle beamed and pulled Kamna back inside making her giggle and shut the door hard on Vinod’s face, leaving him standing there twiddling his thumbs. The moans started immediately once again and the rhythmic slapping continued as if it was never interrupted. Jayanti hugged him tight from behind and slid her tender hands to his cock, teasing it to hardness in a flash. He pushed her halfheartedly not having the mood to engage in fun, but the teen was adamant “Bhaiya I know you are still worried, but I have a solution that will solve all your worries”

He turned in a jiffy “Tell me”

She giggled “You are so anxious, fine I won't tease you any longer. Do you know that I have been married for an year?”

He nodded “What about it?”

She smiled “Come here and sit, you can check me personally and confirm that what I was telling is the truth”

He looked in shock as she sat right next to him and pulled her skirt high, revealing her coltish legs teasingly until he saw her fleshy thighs. He blurted “What are you doing?”

She said “Patience bhaiya, as I said, my husband is impotent and very small, he isn’t interested in fucking my pussy”

She took his trembling hand in hers and used her other hand to keep raising her skirt until he saw the sparsely haired slit that looked very wet and juicy. She moaned “Please, examine me yourself, you can feel my hymen intact”

He shook his head “I believe you, this is not necessary”

She was adamant “No it is always better if you check it for yourself, if you aren’t convinced my husband will take out his anger on me”

She placed his hand on her smooth plump pussy, which to his inexperienced eyes looked perfectly unused. She pulled the wet lips apart using her fingers and revealed the red hole that looked as if it was marinated in sweet honey. Vinod’s heart raced as blood pounded in his head, Jayanti was everything he desired in a woman. Slim, teenaged, with coconut sized perky tits that can fill a hand fully, long nipples that looked the best to suck upon for eternity, virgin pussy that looked tender and sweet, flat belly with a small navel and to top it all a cute pixie-like face. He pulled more air through his mouth as he panted in lust, though his wife was locked inside with a disgusting old man and engaged in something that sounded eerily like hot passionate sex, the raging desire pushed everything to a corner. The devil whispered in his ears, tempting him with the seductive beauty baring everything right in front of him.

She pleaded in sweet agony “Please bhaiya, just a small touch and you can know it for sure, my husband is useless in bed and your wife is completely safe in his hands”

She pulled his finger into the juicy slit, moaning louder in passion “Ah bhaiya, it’s been too long since I felt a man’s touch in my cunt, slip it in”

His body obeyed her reflexively pushing his finger into her little hole which was easily the tightest pussy he had ever felt. Even Kamna wasn’t so tight on their wedding night, the slick hole was flooding in thick juices, which made it slightly easier to go further. Her body shuddered as she squealed loudly “Bhaiya, yes, further, deeper”

His finger suddenly stopped as he felt a small obstruction, immediately he knew it was her hymen. The young teen was truthful, no man in his right mind would leave such a delicious young girl a virgin after a year of marriage. Jayanti whimpered in passion “Are you satisfied now, bhaiya?”

He nodded, once again feeling shame, he resolved to apologise to his wife as soon as possible. Jayanti smiled “No offence but I am younger and a virgin, if my husband isn’t interested in me, I don’t see any reason why he would be interested in your wife”

Vinod agreed completely, to his eyes Jayanti and her tight virgin pussy was irresistible, she also was his type. Jayanti purred “So you are satisfied, but can you satisfy me too? I need a cock in my pussy taking away this pesky virginity forever, you have such a lovely cock, please fuck me bhaiya. If you can take me with you I will always be with you, you can fuck me any way you like”

He was dearly tempted, his rock-hard cock spit more precum in anger, thinking whether his mind was defective in hesitating before such temptation. But something stopped him, his marriage vows, his love and affection for his wife and the darling daughter born out of such love wouldn’t allow him to cheat on his wife willingly. Jayanti nearly tipped the balance by removing her skirt and sitting on his lap, pulling his cock out of his trousers and slid it along her slit. She begged “Please bhaiya, just a little push and I will be yours forever”

His body trembled as two forces warred against each other, each powerful and deadly. Jayanti moaned and bucked her slim hips, masturbating herself on his hard cock, she caught his lips and kissed him deeply sucking all the saliva, leaving him dry, yet maddeningly horny. His hands held her little hips and caressed her smooth back, the little buns begged for a hard squeeze and her cunt hosed his cock with thick juices. Suddenly he heard the door open and looked back to see a completely sweaty Kamna who was fully naked except for the uncle’s dhoti wrapped below her chest. The sweat made the thin fabric stick to her like second skin, showcasing her curvy voluptuous body, nothing was concealed. Her pale golden skin shone like satin, her eyes looked more lustrous and her wet hair lay matted on her shoulders. She looked like an apsaras descended from heaven to seduce righteous men into eternal bliss.

He asked “Kamna, are you done?”

Kamna stopped with a blank expression and looked at him, who was naked from waist below, nearly fucking a naked and wanton teenager who was equally naked. Vinod blushed “Ah, sorry, it’s not what you think, it’s a misunderstanding”

Kamna shook her head and went to the kitchen and came back with a jug of water, before going into the bedroom and closing the door hard. As Vinod was wallowing in guilt warring with lust, he heard sounds of Kamna and the uncle speaking inside and a long pause before the moaning started once again. This time, the noises were louder and lewd, Kamna screamed continuously in passion, though Vinod tried to convince himself that everything wasn’t what it seemed like. After getting caught red handed by his wife, Vinod controlled himself better though he still didn’t push the teen away, who didn’t look like she would leave him alone. Finally, after more than an hour, a fully tired and sweaty Kamna limped out of the bedroom, she looked used and fully abused, but she had a radiant smile and a satisfied expression which froze when Vinod came to her.

She refused his offer to help support her, her clothes were still drenched in sweat and smelled slightly. The blouse stuck to her full breasts clearly revealing her hard nipples, with a curt nod to Jayanti, Kamna walked out, quickly followed by Vinod, who tried to apologise repeatedly. When they reached their home a previously silent Kamna said “I know you don’t trust me like you used to, even though I have full faith in you, no matter how naked and entwined you are with other women”

Vinod looked down in shame, but Kamna said “I don’t know how to prove myself, uncle never touched my pussy”

She sat on the chair and pulled her skirt high, revealing her clean-shaven pussy and spread the slit wide, just like Jayanti did. Kamna said “Come here and check it out yourself, does my pussy look like it was fucked?”

Vinod couldn’t help but look at her pussy, though he still believed that nothing untoward happened, some suspicion still remained. Her pussy looked soft and satiny as usual, there was no trace of any fucking. Even if she had washed it well, there should be signs of fucking. Once again he hung his head in embarrassment, he knew he was too suspicious and untrustworthy. He had always prided himself to be a modern, liberal man who gave his wife full freedom and supported her in her choices. But again and again, he had shamed himself and smeared his wife unnecessarily, he couldn’t face his wife anymore, so he went out to look at the setting sun wanting to better himself.

Kamna sighed as she saw her husband go out, she limped to the kitchen where her mother was working and said “Ma, do you have some ointment?”

Pratima wiped the sweat off her forehead and asked “Why, what happened? Are you hurt?”

Kamna said “No, I went to little sparrow uncle”

Pratima froze before giggling “Oh you naughty girl, did little sparrow ream your ass into oblivion?”

Kamna nodded with a fully satisfied smile “Yes mother, it was easily one of the best”

Pratima chuckled “Oh your poor husband, who asked him to ignore his passionate wife. Did your uncle really fuck you with Vinod right there?”

Kamna nodded and explained everything, Pratima shook her head “You are too daring, but you are lucky your husband is a total idiot. Still it must be really kinky to get ass fucked when your husband is right next door. How is your uncle? Is he still small?”

Kamna said “Uncle might be small, but he isn’t called little sparrow for nothing, how can a man fuck so fast? He is like a machine, if only he was a bit bigger and interested in fucking a pussy, he would be unstoppable”

Pratima laughed “That’s why everyone calls him little sparrow, small and fast like the bird”

Kamna complained “Please mother, put some ointment in my asshole, it is sore and abused, and no solid food for some time”
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While Vinod was sorting his thoughts out, Kamna sat with her legs spread, letting her mother insert a finger inside her sore, gaping asshole. A thick blob of semen fell onto the floor making a wet splat, Pratima took her finger coated with semen and sucked on it “Mmm, delicious, I love fresh cum”

Kamna complained “Mother, that was inside my asshole, how can you eat that?”

Pratima said sagely “You shouldn’t let such petty things come between yourself and pleasure. The dirtier the act it, the kinkier it feels, oh how I would love to get fucked with my husband right next to me. Unfortunately, I am not so lucky, so I can only live vicariously through you. Go forth my daughter and bring home all the cum you can find”

Kamna rolled her eyes at her mother’s disgusting yet comical performance, she moaned as she felt her mother licking her sore asshole and drinking the loads of cum still inside. Little sparrow had cum many times, filling her ass full of semen, Pratima’s wet tongue soothed the soreness making Kamna sigh in relief.

As the mother ate the cum out of the daughter’s ass, Kamna sighed “I am such a slut, I totally don’t deserve my darling husband. If only my body was a little more cooperative, I can resist the temptation. This is the last, from now on I will not cheat on my husband and remain dutiful towards him”

Pratima slurped the semen hungrily, not minding her daughter’s asshole “Naïve child, tomorrow is the flower festival, did you forget what happens during the festival?”

Kamna’s solemn mood shattered “Oh, I forgot, maybe I can start it once I leave the village, it’s very difficult to control myself in here. Everywhere I see there is temptation, I wanted to fuck the uncles just for old times’ sake and I couldn’t stop after one. Mother, will my ass heal quickly? I don’t want it sore during the festival”

Pratima finished eating the last dregs of semen and applied the soothing ointment “Don’t worry my child, your mother’s medicine is very effective. You will be fully healed and good to go for the festival tomorrow”

Later, once the soreness subsided, Kamna went to soothe her wallowing husband, she sat next to him and ignores his body freezing in response. She said “I am sorry husband, its my fault, I didn’t realise how it must have look to you from outside. I should have been more thoughtful and explained everything to you in advance”

Vinod said “No, no, I am the one at fault, time and again I fail to show trust in you, always jumping to the worst conclusions”

Kamna smiled and laid her head gently on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her “I don’t deserve such a good husband, I feel like I am letting you down. When we go back home I will be dutiful and show you my best side”

Vinod kissed the side of her head, making her cuddle closer “You were always dutiful and faithful, it is I who have been lacklustre in showing my faith and trust. I am sorry about Jayanti, it was a misunderstanding, there was nothing going on”

Kamna nodded “I know about you, so I wasn’t worried”

Vinod looked at her in wonder “How can you be so casual? It must have looked worse, we weren’t wearing any clothes below and were tight”

Kamna smiled “Because I trust you, even if your cock was inside her, I will still choose to believe that you are innocent”

Vinod shook his head in disbelief “I don’t know what to say, I am just grateful that the God has given me such a jewel as my wife. From now on, I will be more considerate and understanding, I won't jump into conclusions and will trust you fully. Though the male inside me is unwilling, I can't help but reciprocate your words. Even if you were fully naked with a man’s cock inside you, I will still trust you”

Guilt overflowed making her throat clench in emotion, her eyes watered as she promised “I promise I will behave in such a manner that you won't have any cause for suspicion, don’t worry husband. I love you so much”

Vinod smiled “I really mean it darling, I will pay back in full the trust and faith you have on me, those weren’t empty words”

They stayed silent for a while, enjoying each other’s presence and feeling the love and affection they had for the other. Vinod asked “I feel like I have been ignoring you and taking you for granted for some time”

Butterflies fluttered inside her heart, making her delirious with happiness, Kamna felt like the sun had appeared, washing away the darkness from her life. She consoled him by saying “No, you are perfect, I am very happy with you”

Vinod shook his head “No, I have been thinking for a while, we haven’t had sex in a long time, I think from after Arushi was born. I haven’t fulfilled my marital duties”

Seeing him so sad and self-accusatory, Kamna tried to downplay “I am satisfied just by being with you husband, I don’t need anything more than this”

Vinod looked at her in surprise “Don’t you get horny at times? We used to have sex so often earlier, don’t you miss it?”

Not knowing how to explain her burgeoning passion to her husband, who was already depressed, she chose to lie “Ah, after Arushi’s birth I am so busy that I don’t have time for such things. I don’t even feel the need anymore”

Vinod nodded “I remember, the doctor said that your body will experience changes due to the hormones, I think it has lessened your needs. But really, don’t you get horny anymore?”

Kamna panicked and cursed herself, with a single lie, she had dug herself into a huge pit without knowing how to get out. Still she couldn’t take back the lie, what if Vinod remembers the things she had done for the past few months and got suspicious once again? The only safe path was to reinforce the lie “Yes, I don’t feel like having sex anymore”

Vinod exclaimed “Wow, you used to be so horny and passionate before Arushi, cheering the heroes removing their shirts and then pouncing on me for sex. Don’t you feel anything during those scenes now?”

She nodded, he asked “What about the romantic scenes? Those made you really horny, especially the kissing and bed scenes”

She bit her lips and nodded “I don’t”

Vinod didn’t stop, pushing many hot knives into her weeping heart, he looked around before asking softly “What about the sex movies we used to see?”

Kamna hardened herself and lied “I saw one in the TV a month back, but I lost interest”

Vinod was surprised, he still remembered the passionate insatiable nights after seeing blue films, Kamna was very demanding after seeing raw sex. His voice became softer “Are you saying that you will not feel anything even if a dozen well-muscled, male models staying inside a room with you fully naked?”

Kamna was exasperated, she said in agony “Even if I see my favourite heroes fully naked and begging to fuck me only once I won't be horny, satisfied?”

Of course, Vinod smiled “So I was really worried about nothing, I had been fretting about ignoring you for so long, I am satisfied now. Though it is sad that you aren’t horny, at least I haven’t been failing my duties”

Kamna could only go in a corner and cry, in a flash she lost the opportunity regain her husband and worsened her situation. They went back into the house, where Vinod, finally resolved of his worries, enjoyed the dinner with his sexy mother-in-law and shy Aditi’s company. Kamna slept at a normal distance from him during the night, which said that she wasn’t angry at him. The next day Vinod once again woke up clutching Pratima’s naked tits, while his hard sticky cock had slid inside her ass cheeks. He didn’t know what he did again, thankfully Kamna was sleeping behind him and hadn’t noticed his indiscretion. Pratima whispered “Are you awake, dear?”

Vinod released her tits and nodded, fearing he would disturb his wife’s sleep, Pratima said “It seems you like my old body too much to leave it alone during the night. I am so happy a young handsome man like you still finds me desirable”

Vinod blushed and whispered ‘Sorry aunty”

Pratima turned pushing her heavy tits on him and giggled “It’s nothing, I like waking up like this very much, can you do me a favour dear?”

He nodded “Sure aunty, please tell me”

She said “My tits are full of milk, can you feed on them to relieve pressure?”

He agreed and sucked the milk laden teats, she pushed into his mouth, she sighed in pleasure and said “Today is the day of the flower festival, you must wear white clothes this afternoon”

He stopped sucking the hard nipple and asked “What festival is this?”

Pratima bade him to continue sucking and explained “It is an old festival used to thank the gods for keeping the earth fertile and well-watered. There will be lots of singing, dancing and great fun”

Kamna piped from behind “I am excited too, can you suck my tits a little too? My breasts are full”

Vinod’s heart calmed down once he realised his wife wasn’t angry, giving his mother-in-law’s breasts a final suck, he turned to his wife. Kamna was more excited than Vinod, she sensuously removed her blouse, letting her firm yet, full round breasts bounce and jiggle, she tweaked her high nipples to make them stand proud. It was a long time since he had sucked her tits, he almost forgot how they looked, he realised Kamna’s tits were slimmer and shapelier than right after pregnancy. He realised that his wife wasn’t as fat as he had imagined, feeling a tendril of desire, he took the beautiful nipple into his mouth and tasted the sweet flavour, making her moan.

At that moment he felt as if he was home, right where he belonged, when the thick syrupy milk spurted he drank them greedily, though he was nearly full after draining Pratima’s tits. Kamna’s milk was really full of flavour, his cock rose like a flag hearing her moan passionately. He realised he had missed many things in the past year, things used to be simple and comfortable. Suddenly he stopped sucking, the milk was too sweet for his tastes and he lost his appetite. He looked up at his wife, who struggled to conceal her disappointment “Is this enough?”

Kamna nodded and turned away, taking her blouse and went out to bathe, Pratima sighed at seeing her daughter unhappy and not satisfied. She tried to help her “Beta, why did you stop so soon?”

He shrugged “Her milk is too sweet, I was already full from drinking yours”

After a splendid oil massage, where he begged Pratima for release and nearly fucked her wet pussy by force, Vinod was left hanging and dry, but he had grown to love the feeling of denial. During the afternoon, the village was unusually busy and full of activity, men and women went about decorating and constructing makeshift sheds and brewed some drink. Kamna, Pratima and Aditi were locked inside, doing makeup, choosing dresses and many more things he wasn’t allowed to witness. The atmosphere turned festive making even an outsider like him expectant and excited.

By four o clock in the evening everything reached a fevered pitch, wooden sticks were heaped on various locations as the temperature dropped after sunset. Many earthen pots and big jugs were brought one by one in unending series, the small sheds were thatched and converted into cosy little rooms, bright fragrant flowers were tied from one house to another and rangolis were drawn on the freshly watered ground. It was nearly five when the door opened and the three women came out giving him a heart attack. Vinod felt like he was watching a movie in the theatre seeing a sexy item dance. All three women wore a tiny for their body, blouses that had no buttons or hooks, instead they were knotted in the front. Deep cleavages were visible all around, even teenaged Aditi with her little perky breasts showed too much flesh that was red with shyness.

Lines of gaudy necklaces and chains tried valiantly to preserve some modestly, but the very fact that even a small step made the boobs bounce outrageously defeated that purpose. The blouses were short, ending barely below the breasts, leaving a long expanse of shiny, moist skin from the chest bone to the hips perfectly visible. All three women had stuck some jewels in their navels, reinforcing the slutty item dancer effect. The skirt was predictable, a short-pleated affair that floated in the air, threatening to reveal everything with the slightest breeze. Anklets, small chains added beauty to the long silken legs, the hair was let down, ending in tiny ringlets, a big bindi and large earrings completed the dick raising picture.

He stammered “What is happening?”

Pratima said “We are performing a dance, so we need to wear the right costume, do you like it?”

He looked at a very delicious Aditi, who blushed at his rapacious gaze and nodded “Yes”

Kamna gave him a plain white kurta and asked him to put it on before joining them outside. Wearing the thin, slightly transparent costume, he washed his face and neatly combed his hair before joining the others. His hesitation at letting the women wear such slutty clothes evaporated when he saw the scene outside. All women, from teenagers to mature aunties wore similar costumes, many were downright obscene, making him flush with embarrassment. All the men wore the same white kurtas and assembled before a huge table full of pots filled with a milky liquid.

Basant and the other uncles greeted him warmly “Come Vinod, we were waiting for you. Here drink this first, it is traditional”

Vinod took the small pot and sipped the white liquid and immediately coughed, his tongue became numb for a second as a warm current filled his body. He exclaimed “What’s this?”

One man proudly said “This is special bhang, prepared from special ingredients from the mountain. You should drink it fast, only sissies sip it”

The others nodded making Basant say “Finish it off in one gulp, Vinod, our honour is at stake”

Forced to defend his honour Vinod gulped the tasty and spicy bhang in on go, struggling not to cough. The men clapped when he put the empty pot down, feeling a rush of energy and exhilaration pulsing inside him. His vision shifted and his body felt light, everything seemed loud and happy, beautiful smells assaulted his nose and his face sprouted a wide smile. Basant grinned “Do you like it?”

Vinod smiled dumbly “Yes”

One of the men gave him another pot while he gulped another “Drink more”
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Originally Posted by y2klak View Post
"Even if you were fully naked with a man’s cock inside you, I will still trust you”

lead the next update with this line

Plz update quickly !!!!!!!!!


The moment I read that part, I knew he would regret it big time... But she said it first to him, so he, too may enjoy!! The festival beckons and she is going to go berserk! She's looking forward to it. Farcical but wildly erotic.

She isn't used to the idea of her husband with other women, he is such a simpleton. So if the other women (not her mother because it is OK for her mother to look after her husband) go for him (the lure of being a city man), how will she react? Lets see some sustained jealousy, she's had a lot of fun, much more than him and going to have even more. The problem is that men can get it up only so many times in a day, while women.....she's going to be taken by many!!

At some point the story will come to an end. I wonder whether Vinod will figure out things and "get smarter".
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posted up to 45th page
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I think the story ends with the flower festival
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(09-05-2019, 01:07 AM)Curiousbull Wrote: I think the story ends with the flower festival

No this is only half of the story , another interesting sexy rocking half is there , seema's episode with an auto driver will be a fun sex ride
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Not wanting to be called a coward again, Vinod drank the second pot faster as well, feeling really good as the ganja worked on him. The already bright colours became brighter and the sounds clearer, he felt like flying as his body became light. When he moved his eyes quickly his vision became colourful with the objects turning into streaks of light.

Two teenagers finished setting up the stage and the speakers, and checked the mic, one uncle shouted “Ranu, Pintu, put some mast songs”

Ranu shouted back “Of course uncle, I already have them ready, you are gonna like it a lot”

Vinod looked at the teens working at a distance, he remembered them but their faces were a bit indistinct due to the bhang. Dozens of older women sat at a smaller tent behind the uncles’, they too wore bright clothes with heavy jewellery, but they were too old to catch the interest of the men. Finally, a smart, handsome teenager leaped gracefully onto the stage and took the mic from Pintu “Greetings to honoured elders, uncles and brothers, I am so happy to be here at the flower festival, looking closely at the various flowers in full bloom and many who are just starting as buds. We have the best performers of the village eagerly waiting to entertain you to the fullest. But you are all in for a treat, as there is a special guest performance later that is going to rock you completely. First, let’s welcome the lovely, tender sisters Tanu and Bhanu, please welcome them”

The uncles clapped sporadically as two young teens shyly stepped onto the stage, they wore short frilly skirts full of golden embroidery that showed off their coltish legs up to their thighs. Since they had small breasts, the blouse was much small but enough to cover the lemon sized breasts, leaving behind almost all of their lithe body for the uncles’ viewing pleasure. One man hooted “They are nubile virgins, I am going to marry them and fuck them hard”

Vinod was shocked to hear the man’s crude words, but none of the uncles showed displeasure, in fact another said “Bhai, in your dreams. I am already in talk with their family and have agreed on the dowry. You can only fuck their virgin pussies in dream, I am going to spear their hymens pretty soon”

It quickly turned into a heated argument, but one man intervened diplomatically and gave each a big pot of bhang to cool them down. Basant uncle laughed “Don’t mind them, Vinod, they are just drunk”

Vinod nodded “Yes uncle”

Basant said “It is difficult for either of them to buy both girls together, probably they will have to pick only one”

Vinod was startled as he looked at the ugly men with dark, paan infested teeth, he shuddered to even think of their naked fat bodies grinding on the lovely teens. He perked up when a familiar tune started, he remembered the popular item song but was surprised when the lyrics were different. While the original song wasn’t conservative, it had many double meanings, but the one that was playing had crude vulgar lyrics. Clearly an amateur singer and songwriter had done it, the lyrics were about a budding rosebud pining for a bee to pollinate. It talked about teenage heat wracking the nubile body, her rose petals being moist and tender, making anyone hungry to taste it. References of honey, nectar and many sweets were liberally used. Though the song was crude, Vinod couldn’t help but enjoy the frankness of the meaning. Also, the lewd dance steps helped, he watched as the barely legal teenagers thrust their hips to the leering uncles and bend over to show their lemon sized tits.

Basant murmured “Not bad, it’s been a long time since I’ve tasted a virgin pussy, having two at the same time will only make everything sweeter. Perhaps I should make a deal with their father, after all Bimala is getting old”

The teens made horny expressions and hugged each other while rubbing their little chests and grinding their hips. Vinod heard multiple ‘spproinnnggg’ sounds as the uncles became hard, the girls kissed each other, tasting the sweet virgin lips and moaned as if they were orgasming. As the song was coming to a close, they turned their back to the drooling uncles and bend their backs, shaking the tight ass making their short skirts rise up and flash the hard, creamy cheeks to the men. The song finally ended, and the girls ran away while the men cheered loudly, the handsome man took the stage “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Elders, please give our lovely Tanu and Bhanu a big round of applause”

Everyone clapped with Vinod joining, the man continued “Now let’s move on to the next performance, which is done by our lovely new bahu, who had just been married a week ago. She is eager to show us all her extensive talents, I am sure we are waiting to see. Her talents which were only seen by her husband is now revealed to us all. So let’s give her a warm welcome and enjoy her hot performance”

Vinod sipped his fourth pot feeling the world moving under his feet, the other uncles were vociferous even though they had consumed more. He was new to drinking bhang and his body was ill-equipped to deal with the potent stimulant. He watched a young woman shyly step onto the stage, he was surprised to see her wear the traditional red bridal saree and all the accompanied jewellery. Her face was covered fully by the ghunghat, which unlike those the villagers wore, was not as sheer. A slow romantic song streamed out of the speakers, it spoke about the intense love between a young couple. Vinod leaned back and enjoyed the soothing melody, he assumed that not all performances were going to be hot and erotic. After all the performers were all women from the village, closely related to the men, apart from a few, most wouldn’t act like sluts.

A woman brought a huge tray full of fried savouries, since the bhang was potent on an empty stomach, the uncles took big handfuls and messily munched on the crisp snacks. Since he was hungry, Vinod took some and munched the spicy and salty snacks. He got thirsty after eating a small handful so drank more bhang to relieve the thirst. He took another handful of snacks before he realised what was happening on stage. The romantic song had changed to a sexy one full of slow thumping beats, the shy woman’s saree had fallen off her shoulder, revealing the low-cut blouse that nearly squeezed her perky firm tits into paste. Her face was revealed, the dark eyes and red lipstick made her expression sexier as she hugged a pole tightly and ground on it.

The song spoke about the raging fire of desire inside the girl and openly invited a man to quench it again and again. She arched her back slightly and rubbed the pole between her breasts, her leg wound around it making her saree rise higher and higher until everyone saw her golden thigh. She pouted sexily and bucked her hips on the pole, while moaning with pleasure. One of the uncles asked “Who is that girl?”

Another answered “She married a young man who had come back after working in a city, his father had died some years back. He must have assumed that he could live a life of status in this village, but he has no backing. I think he is now trying to curry favour with one of us and has employed his newly married wife to make us interested”

One uncle spat “Weakling, though she looks sexy, maybe I can try her out before making her my mistress”

Basant softly murmured “Her husband is a moron, he should have never come back, especially with such a lovely wife”

The uncle stood and raised his hand full of crisp currency notes, the dancing girl looked at the bundle of notes and smiled widely. She stepped down the stage, somehow making her saree fall down, revealing her short frilly skirt that barely covered her tight ass. The uncle leered at her sumptuous body “Come to papa dear, I have more of this”

The song was still playing and but the woman danced only for the ugly uncle, teasing him with her nubile, nearly unused body. While the men cheered, the uncle took a crisp note and pushed it inside her tight blouse, taking a good feel of her perky tits. She moaned and rubbed her chest on him and shook her tits right near his face, the uncle had a wide smile as he took another note and rubbed it on her slightly sweaty body, before pushing it down her skirt. Her smile got wider and she placed her foot between his legs, making him freeze, all the men near him got a good look of her panties. But she didn’t seem to mind as she moved her foot further making the uncle get a stupid happy grin. She caressed his ugly, pitted face with an inviting smile making him take another note. She plucked it from him and turned around in a flash before sitting on his lap, grinding her tight, virgin ass on his hard cock.

The uncle said “That’s it, that’s the way I like it. Rub your pretty ass and take one more note”

He pulled her sweet parted lips for a kiss, she pecked him for a moment before leaning back with a playful giggle. Just then the song ended, the girl leaned over the uncle, pressing her young body tight against his flabby one and whispered something in his ear. The uncle beamed before nodding, Basant said “Perhaps her husband isn’t an idiot, she has accomplished what he wanted”

Vinod didn’t understand, but the others nodded, the girl gave the uncle a flirty kiss and ran back making the drunken uncle follow her with a big wad of cash. Some more performances followed, everyone was beautiful and dressed sexily, the songs were erotic while the dance was lewd. Two women danced together, kissing and sliding over the other in very little clothes. Even though he was drunk, Vinod could easily see every detail of their wanton bodies. Some more uncles got interested and threw money on them, making them leave the stage and dance privately for them. Vinod got to see the ugly uncles, who called themselves elders, act worse than thugs, groping and kissing the willing women and showering them with money.

His poor cock had been rock hard for a long time, stimulated beyond reason by the sexy women and their erotic performances. Almost all uncles had their cocks out and were openly stroking their cocks while groping the women. Ironically Vinod sighed happily at that sight, he felt as if the scales of justice were balanced once again. Ever since he had stepped into the village, his heart had been burning in envy at the number of beautiful women, both young and mature. The sight of them throwing themselves at the ugly men had giving him many stomach ulcers. What was God thinking, when such women, who could be models and actresses, had passionate sex with the loathsome wankers.

He felt intimidated and depressed when all of them had young and sexy wives and mistresses. But when he saw their naked cocks, he became happy, all of them had small or thin dicks that he looked gigantic in front of them. What dear Vinod missed was that, the elder had originally chosen these ugly men for that very reason. Being the dominant alpha male, the elder was careful in picking these men to marry off the women and promptly cuckolded them. It was only when the elder was on deathbed did the men gather enough courage to silently rebel against him. Being insecure, weak men, the elders had ganged up and driven away the beta males and those who had bigger cocks than them. So those left behind were too young to pose any threat or were weak, submissive men.

Still it grated when the sexy women treated those cocks as if they were majestic and willingly wrapped their dainty hands around it. While he wasn’t completely ignored, none of the women paid significant attention to him. After all he wasn’t wealthy, nor did he have status in the village, apart from a few scorching glances and light teasing caresses, all of the women’s attention was showered on the ugly uncles. He was so horny seeing a particularly beautiful woman grinding her ass on Basant’s hard naked cock. She was within arm distance and he could feel the heat from her body, the sight of her writhing on the old uncle made him jealous, but he was too much of a ‘gentleman’ to put any initiative.

It had been many pots of bhang since he first started, his vision was hazy and his mind slow, but his cock was rock hard aching for relief. He had gotten used to it thanks to Pratima’s edging and denial sessions, he had even started to enjoy the feeling, the sensation of being near the summit without taking the next step. The festival had turned into a near orgy, he had forgotten the names of the women who had performed nor their count. All of them were sexy, their only task was to find a rich uncle using their body as bait. Some uncles had taken the women they liked and left, wanting to enjoy the beauties in privacy, but many stayed back, loving the festive atmosphere and the feeling of no inhibition after drinking gallons of bhang. He had wondered about the purpose of the small sheds earlier, but he got an idea of its use when a few uncles took their women into it and filled it with moans and groans.

Vinod looked up, his eyes refused to cooperate for several seconds before he got a blurred view of the stage. The announcer spoke with great enthusiasm “The next performer is our special guest, a woman of unparalleled beauty and sensuousness, she had made waves ever since her arrival to our village, leaving behind men panting in lust. She has now come to give us all a raunchy performance, solely for your pleasure. So, let’s invite our lovely guest and lean back to enjoy”
An applause went around the men as they looked excitedly at the stage, the lights dimmed for a moment before turning brighter revealing a woman wearing a red bridal costume. Instead of the traditional saree, she was wearing a beautifully embroidered blouse and a grand skirt. Unlike the others her ghunghat was normal, covering most of her face, except for the crimson lips curved in a seductive smile. Her gently flaring hips were cocked to one side in a coy pose revealing the golden midriff with the deep navel for everyone to see. The blouse was cut low, revealing most of the plush, creamy breasts right until the top of her belly, the skirt was frilly with a thick border of golden thread to keep it down, though her long fleshy legs, smooth and glistening like satin was a sight to dwell on.

A slow drum music started from the speakers with her moving her hips in sync, the song started normally with lewd, double meaning lyrics like every other item song. With a teasing smile, she danced gracefully, opposite to the loud vulgar song, slowly her movements gathered momentum, her hips thrust faster making her skirt rise higher, revealing more of her creamy thighs. The tharki uncles, who looked like low-class labourers, if not for the money they had, hooted loudly when her steps got raunchy. Even Vinod shouted as he sipped more bhang, he wasn’t blind, through blurry eyes, he could surmise that the dancer was a very beautiful man, no wonder the uncles got excited. She turned around and shook her ass from side to side, making the men cheer as the skirt nearly rose up to her ass.
Halfway through the song, the thrusts and shakes got wilder, she stepped down the stage and danced in front of a leering uncle. He drooled and jerked his stubby cock as she came closer and closer with a little smile on her lovely face. The man smiled widely, eagerly anticipating her move, she didn’t disappoint him, she stood between his wide legs, enough to touch his aching cock several times and she danced to the beat. The man couldn’t control himself as he put his hand on the lush shaking ass and squeezed it hard. She bit her juicy lips sensually and pushed his hand away, but didn’t move away, instead she lifted one leg high making the skirt rise higher revealing creamy inner thighs and placed her bare foot on his chair, right below the man’s naked cock.
Everyone cheered “Yes, tease that bastard” “Don’t let him defile you with his filthy hands” “You fucker, she is mine”
Still with a teasing smile that revealed her white teeth, she rotated her leg with the dance beat, making the skirt nearly reveal what was underneath. Though Vinod was sitting some distance away with blurry eyesight, he knew that the dancer’s foot had touched the man’s cock just by seeing his expression. The uncles shouted “Don’t pleasure him, stamp his little worm under your foot”
But the man wasn’t offended by any of it, he was entranced by her beauty and her foot teasing his erect cock. Suddenly she shrieked before laughing as he pulled her to his lap, using his dark filthy hands to stroke her flawless gleaming waist. The dark hand looked like a smear on her pure creamy skin, but they looked in bliss as her ass ground on his naked cock making him moan while his hands intruded all over her beautiful body. He slobbered on her back, which was naked, except for a string holding her blouse, his licked the sweet skin making her giggle even as she tried to dance to the beats. Finally, she mustered enough force to slip out of his grabby hands and blew him a kiss to make him smile again.
The song changed to a crude one, blaring loudly from the speakers, she moved to the next man, shaking her tits and ass right in his face as the man groped her freely. She tried to push the invading hands away, but she didn’t use any force while the dirty hands roamed all over her body. Vinod was really horny seeing the classy beauty molested by the scoundrels, she was too good for those low lives, but seeing her protest fakely made everything erotic.
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The second song was faster, making her shake and bounce quicker to keep up with the rhythm, the men were horny as well, pulling her to their laps and kissing her face making her laugh. Vinod was an innocent man, he had no idea about stage dances in the rural area and how raunchy and downright vulgar they could be. His cock strained his trousers as he watched the sexy dancer sit on a man’s naked cock, while the man pulled her skirt high to expose her ass. She smiled naughtily while he moaned in bliss as his naked cock rubbed her crotch, as she gave him a lap dance. Her hips humped him forcefully, moving up and down in a blur while another uncle reached out to grab her bouncing tits. She stopped her grinding and pushed the hands away, seemingly angry, she walked to the other man and before the man could react, she pulled her skirt high to her waist and pushed the man’s ugly head into her crotch and covered him with the skirt back again.

Basant laughed uproariously “Ha haha, what a woman. She is the best we’ve ever had”

The other uncles agreed “She is too beautiful, we have done good in recruiting her”

One man said “Yes, the price we paid seems worth it”

Vinod looked at them blankly, he assumed that the dancer must be a famous one in the region and the uncles must have spent a lot to make her come to this village and dance. After a few seconds, the dancer pushed the man out, from the smile that nearly tore his face apart, everyone could see what a good time he had had under her skirt. Though horny Vinod was puzzled, he could understand the dancer teasing and flirting with the audience, but he had assumed that the dancer would maintain a certain limit with the men, especially a famous, in-demand dancer. To his surprise, she seemed to inflame the men into doing further with her, though she acted cross with them for squeezing her tits, pushing their hands in side her blouse, trying to touch her pussy or to kiss her juicy sweet mouth, she gradually allowed them to do more and more as the song progressed.

By the time the second song ended, the dancing had stopped, it was taken over by open groping and lap dances. Still the dancer tried to do her job, but she was too close to the men and got pulled over every time. When the third song, which was a surprisingly slow, started she ran out of the men’s grasp and writhed in ecstasy, running her hands all over her body, caressing her bountiful assets. The men leaned forward eagerly with their open mouths creating little pools with their drools, they were primed for more. She smirked naughtily and shook her lovely ass before yanking her skirt forcefully, a lusty groan filled the area when the skirt fell down in a heap leaving her nearly naked to their greedy eyes.

Vinod expect she would wear some underwear, but what the dancer wore was a small cloth wrapped around her waist, a cloth smaller than a handkerchief, which left half of her ass naked. When she turned around coyly, Vinod was shocked to see hints of pink pussy lips, glistened wetly under the stage lights. The uncles cheered wildly, for they had known all along that she was naked underneath, for they had felt her pussy grinding on their cocks and mouths. He was amazed when she removed her blouse too, shaking her naked breasts in front of them, the long nipples were rock hard and stood proudly on her large round tits. Vinod got horny and rubbed his cock, wanting to squeeze and taste the luscious mammaries, she was too beautiful and sexy for any man to resist.

She gingerly came forward to the ravenous men, shrieking with laughter when one of them caught her and sucked on her firm tits. Another squeezed her plush ass and slid his hand to her pussy, she kept laughing and moaning when molested by the group of men, not having any fear. Even when she was completely naked in front to the dirty old men, she hadn’t removed her ghunghat, which still hid the upper half of her face. She was passed from one man to another, groped and sucked until she reached Vinod. For some reason, the men watched them silently expecting something, but Vinod didn’t notice any of it. When the dancer sat on his lap, her wet, dripping pussy grounding his rock-hard cock, he only felt intense pleasure and mind numbing lust. The dancer surprised him by smiling shyly, which somehow looked familiar before kissing his mouth deeply.

So stimulated he was that he nearly came from just the kiss, her sweet tongue dug deep into his mouth, swallowing all the saliva without any trace of disgust on her lovely face. But before he could do anything, Basant pulled her off Vinod’s lap and squeezed her tits hard making her moan “Come slut, suck my cock right here”

She hesitated for a moment, glancing quickly at Vinod before kneeling in front of the old man and took his hard-wrinkly cock in her sweet mouth. Vinod was amazed to see the dancer performing sex acts, was she really a prostitute, he tried to think more, but his brain was uncooperative and muddy from all the bhang. His cock ached when he saw the beauty’s luscious mouth slurp the old cock, his heart ached at the injustice, but his loins became hotter when he saw the arousing sight. One man knelt behind the dancer and licked her wet pussy, tasting the sweetest juices directly from the slit. The boys must have turned the volume down as the dancer’s wet slurping filled the area, another man came and pushed his cock into her face, forcing her to suck two old dicks at the same time.

One man rubbed his oozing cock on her cheeks, smearing the precum all over her face under the ghunghat. Quickly others followed with their cocks swinging, they groped and rubbed their dripping dicks on whatever part of her body they could get hold of. Though shocked, the sight of the classy woman used by the dirty old men made him extremely horny. Shyly, he too joined the others and unzipped his trousers to let his aching cock out, he had been too embarrassed to expose himself in public, but the bhang and the situation made him lose some of his inhibitions. As he was stroking himself to the blowbang of the beautiful woman, the uncles got impatient, they saw the beauty for the taking and couldn’t control themselves.

One man lifted her with a groan and took her to a large shed with the others following, Vinod too joined them. The man laid the giggling woman on a large bed inside the shed and spread her lush thighs wide, exposing the red, juicy slit to everyone. While the others slipped in, the man leaned over for a lick of the pussy before positioning himself between her legs. As Vinod entered the shed, he was greeted by the combined moans of the couple as the man started to fuck her furiously “Wow, what a tight bitch? How can sluts have a pussy that’s so tight?”

Another complained “Who gave you permission to fuck her first? Get off and let others try her too before you loosen her up”

One man said “Nirmal should be the last, I don’t want to fuck after him”

Everyone agreed ‘Yes, Nirmal should be the last”

Vinod looked around to see an old man stroking his cock proudly, when compared to the others Nirmal’s cock was definitely large and thick. Impatient, the men pushed their cocks into her mouth, hands, tits, feet and any part they could get hold of. Soon, the smell of raw sex filled the air as the first man came inside her pussy before moving out with a tired grin “That was the best”

The uncles complained ‘You fucking bastard, why did you cum inside her?”

But another man pushed his cock inside her pussy, not minding the dripping cum before exclaiming “What the fuck, she is still tight”

The first man pushed the others aside and put his cum dripping cock into her eager mouth, letting her suck the rest of the semen into her sweet mouth. Vinod was harder than ever in his life, it was easily the most erotic situation he had ever been, the first taste of a gangbang was awesome. Basant egged him “Come on beta, don’t be shy, put your cock inside her mouth”

Vinod hesitated for a second, even with all the stimulation, both sexual and alcoholic, he didn’t want to cheat on his wife. But the others joined in “Don’t be a wuss, make her choke on your dick like the slut she is”

Unable to stand against peer pressure and consumed with unending desire, he pushed his cock inside her open mouth which seemed too eager to suck him. Immediately a feeling of pure bliss assaulted him, her mouth was like a velvety pit of molten honey, her nimble tongue seemed to know all the right spots to bring him to an orgasm before he could control himself. Another wave of raw sex filled the air as the second man released his cum inside her before tiredly walking off. The third man said “I am not going to fuck a used pussy, let me try her asshole instead”

Vinod watched with blurred fascination as the man pulled her to the edge of the bed before pushing his cock inside her tight asshole. He panted “Holy fuck, is this her first anal? She is tighter than my fourth wife, who is definitely a virgin, how can whores be so tight?”

Vinod’s balls spasmed at the erotic sight, when the half of her face scrunched with a mixture of pain and pleasure that was too sexy to see. One more joined in ‘If you are not going to fuck her pussy, then let me use it”

In front of his shocked eyes, the man fucked her pussy while the first fucked her asshole, Vinod didn’t even know that such things were possible. He had never heard of a double penetration before, the only sex he had knowledge of was the instinctual missionary position and from Kamna’s efforts, a blowjob. He didn’t know sex can be experienced in so many ways, the sight of her penetrated from both holes was too erotic and with a groan he lost his control and spurted thick cum into her expert mouth. Basant said “Suck him bitch, drink all the of my son-in-law’s cum and show him what a filthy slut you are”

Fascinated, Vinod watched as the dancer drank the semen even as he came, in a flash her mouth was as empty as before eager for another load. Vinod was gently pushed to the side as another took his place, he wanted to watch further, but the explosive orgasm and the glasses of potent bhang he drank made him lose consciousness and slump into a corner. The sounds of sex continued long after he lost consciousness, but when he awoke he found that he was still inside the shed. A sweet, familiar voice rang “Give me my ghunghat, he is awakening”

Vinod didn’t know who spoke, in fact the voice reminded him of his devoted wife, but he shook that thought away. There was no way his wife would be a slut, she was too faithful and loving for that, it was a nonsensical thought, so he ignored it right away. Miraculously, he opened his eyes blearily and saw that the uncles were still fucking the dancer, who was covered all over in creamy cum. Suddenly one uncle pushed a pot of bhang into his hands “Drink this, it will help the headache”

As soon as the man spoke, Vinod realised the pounding headache in pulverising his head, automatically he took the white liquid and drank it thirstily hoping it would make the pain go away. The man wasn’t wrong, within minutes, he felt the pain lessen, but the blurriness came back making him unsteady. He continued to sip even as he heard the sounds of fucking and moaning coming from the woman. Though it must be hours since they entered the shed, she was still full of energy to push her hips back into the thrusting cock. More uncles came in and put his cock into her mouth, pussy and ass. Through bleary eyes, he watched the men continued to fuck all her holes filling her body with more and more cum, she eagerly drank all the cum, even scooping handfuls from her pussy and asshole hungrily.

He looked around to see a few girls joining the uncles, sucking and fucking the men, the gangbang had evolved into a full-fledged orgy. It was a fantastical sight permanently etched into his mind in all its blurry glory. Vinod lost count of the time, he drank more bhangs and passed out many times only to wake up to see the sight of fucking. Basant uncle fucked all her holes before ramming his cock into her throat and came right into her stomach. At one point, the woman gingerly stood up, unable to close her legs together and knelt in front of him to suck his cock. Vinod assumed that the woman must be so addicted to semen that she wanted more of it. But she was so good at cock sucking that he once again came into her sticky mouth before passing out. At times he could hazily see the men continue to fuck her, filling all her holes with fresh cum, once he saw her kneeling in front of half a dozen men and suck their cocks as they came all over her beautiful face, while she slurped the semen hungrily. He wanted to see her face fully, he was sure she was a beautiful woman, but the ghunghat always obscured her enough. The one time the ghunghat wasn’t there was during the bukkake, but there was so much cum on her face to see clearly.

When he woke again, the shed was empty, only dried semen and discarded bits of clothing served as evidence for the orgy that happened earlier. He saw the red embroidered blouse and the small towel like inner skirt the dancer was wearing, lying on the ground. Though he was dead tired, his cock lurched once again remembering the extremely erotic orgy, with shaking hands he took the blouse and skirt. Immediately he dropped them down, they were soaked with still wet cum, no part of it was unstained. The strong odour of dried semen assaulted him, regret filled him immediately, he shouldn’t have been hesitant the previous day. If he was a little more proactive, he too could have fucked the sexy dancer, when would he ever get a chance to participate in an orgy in the future. He was so horny from just remembering the hazy images, sounds and raw smell, if there was a woman who could entice him to cheat on his wife, it would have been the dancer.

Unable to control the surging flood of lust inside him, he took the blouse once again, trying to ignore seeping semen soiling his hands. His trousers were already down to his feet, so he rubbed his hard cock on the rare areas where the semen wasn’t smeared on the blouse. He reimagined the sexy dancer and her succulent breasts, the blouse, which caressed and held her tits must be suffused with her scent. He couldn’t help but bring the blouse close to his nose and tried to smell her aroma, but the semen of dozens of men was too overpowering. Holding the blouse in one hand, he took the skirt which was even more drenched in cum and tried to find a dry spot without the tell-tale signs of semen. His heart leaped in excitement when he found a spot, big enough to rub his cock in, surrounded by thick globs of semen.

He licked the tiny spot visualising licking the dancer’s naked, sweaty skin, it was too erotic, a big drop of precum splattered onto the ground. He put his cock on the spot and groaned in ecstasy, rubbing the skirt and imagining himself fucking the sexy dancer. Waves of lust and desire, far more powerful than the bhang, filled him completely, he ignored the globs of semen, the other men left, smearing his cock. Gone crazy with desire, his cock roamed all over the skirt, not minding the semen stained spots as he rubbed it furiously. It was so powerful that within seconds his balls clenched, and his cock spurt more semen to fully stain the already soggy skirt. He held the fabric in his fist and fucked the hole his fist formed, spurting more sperm into the skirt, turning it into a mess. His cock lurched several times, even after it had spewed all the semen, before gently drooping down. Vinod looked at the red skirt, turned dirty white, with satisfaction, a guilty pleasure filled him as he used it to wipe the rest of the semen dripping from his cock.

Looking around, he could find no one in the area, he took the blouse and skirt and neatly folded it, before putting it in his pocket. He zipped himself and walked out to see the setting sun, there was no traces of the stage, slowly he walked back to Pratima’s house, noting the empty street. It was Aditi who first saw him, she ran inside shyly and brought Pratima out, who helped him walk inside the house and sat him on the chair. She wiped his face with her saree and chided him “Who asked you to drink all the bhang with an empty stomach? Wait let me bring you something to eat”

He was too tired and wrung out from the walk and ate the rotis she hand-fed him, mechanically before slumping on the bed for a deep sleep. The food helped him rejuvenate and neutralise most of the ill effects of the bhang. He slept for the entire evening and night, waking up in the late hours of morning. His body felt stiff, but he was energetic once more, he looked up to see Pratima cleaning the house “Aunty, where is Kamna and Arushi?”

Pratima hesitated for a moment before saying “Arushi is with Aditi, while Kamna is sleeping inside”

Vinod asked “Sleeping? So late?”

Pratima bit her plump lips before saying “She was a bit sick for the past two days, so she is sleeping”

Alarmed, Vinod stood up “Sick? Where is she? Let me see her”

Pratima stopped him “Wait, she is recovering, but she might still be infectious, you can see her tomorrow”

Vinod was hesitant “But, I want to see her”

Pratima smiled wanly “Just wait for some time, maybe you can see her in the evening”

Vinod agreed to his mother-in-law’s words and waited anxiously till the evening, only taking breaks to play with his daughter. When evening came, Pratima led him to a small room where Kamna was lying on a bed, a sheet covered her till her chin and her face looked tired and red. He rushed in “Kamna, are you alright? I was so scared”

She tried to smile, but couldn’t “Don’t worry, I am alright, I was just a bit tired. It must be the water, maybe I got used to the city water after living there for a long time”

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[+] 2 users Like Ramesh_Rocky's post
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Pity you made Kamna such a complete slut.....such an extensive session, all holes, bukake. Perhaps you could have stopped with one or two uncles like with the other girls. We know she is a slut but so many men ...can't imagine her as a wife and mother any more.

I know the erotic power of the wife being fucked in front of the husband but I feel it is diminished by having so many men and him not knowing it was his wife. Also, Vinod could have enjoyed more with the other girls. Perhaps he should have taken Kamna in all holes, both he and Kamna enjoying for once, even though Vinod was inebriated.

Still, your ability to write such creative and never ending updates is incredible. Certainly maintains my interest no end! Thanks.
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Very hot update,
I am having bad feeling and sort of think Kamna as a character is losing it, i mean I know Vinod is an idiot, but can someone be that much of an idiot.
And I get the aspects of lust, but bukkake, merciless gangbangs?
What happened to Kamna loving her husband?

Anyways thanks for keeping us entertained and hooked
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It's nice to see so many responses, even though many didn't like the way the story progressed. Here's a short update, which should put most questions to rest. Kamna did those things not for her own pleasure, but to safeguard her mother and sister. I didn't elaborate those parts as much as I could, which might have presented a wrong image to the readers. As for Vinod, he is indeed an idiot, he didn't suspect his wife to be the dancer because he certainly didn't expect her to be such a slutty person and also because he has complete faith in her love.
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Once Vinod left, Kamna complained “Ma, my poor pussy is still sore. I am never doing this again”

Pratima pulled the sheet off and examined her beloved daughter’s sexy body, which was fully naked. Used to be flawless and vibrant, Kamna’s skin was bruised in many placed, love marks, hickeys were all over her body. The succulent nipples looked sore with many hickeys bunched around it, the abused breasts, navel and the ravaged pussy and asshole looked pitiful. Pratima applied a soothing balm, gently massaging the cream into her daughter’s beautiful skin “Sorry dear, I know you did this for me and Aditi, they won't bother us anymore. Is it too painful?”

Kamna smiled “I wouldn’t say painful, I am just tired and sore all over, my stomach is filled to its brim with semen, I feel like I can't eat anything for many days. I don’t mind the gangbang, it was much better than I ever imagined, I just don’t want to fuck so many men at the same time, perhaps I should limit myself to a dozen at a time”

Pratima tweaked Kamna’s nipple, making the younger woman shriek in pain “You nasty slut, here I was worried about you, but you are teasing me with your exploits”

Kamna said ‘Seriously ma, I don’t regret the gangbang, I’ve always wondered about I, the feeling of cocks fucking all my holes and seeing naked men everywhere is too good for words to describe. But I don’t want to cheat on my husband anymore, from now on I won't fuck any other man and will remain dutiful only to my husband. I was so guilty dancing naked right in front of him and being a cheating slut before his eyes. It’s the only blemish in the experience, though it was really kinky to have sex right under his nose, it would have been so much better with his permission”

Pratima was gobsmacked “You are too greedy, my daughter. But it also good to be faithful to your husband, after all the things you’ve done for us, I can't ask for more. This should be a good point to stop, though I heard the women speak about you in awe. Did you really swallow all the cum? It must be loads”

The mother and daughter talked for a long time about the gangbang experience making Pratima sigh in jealousy at the end of it. The next day Kamna was healed enough, it was also the day they would leave the quaint village. Many women visited the house to see them off, Vinod was in heaven as Bimala greeted him with an erotic embrace and a deep kiss “Bhaiya, you didn’t come to my house like you promised”

Vinod cleared his throat, still tasting her saliva in his mouth “Sorry sister, but I was too busy, I will definitely visit you next time. Why don’t you come to my home? It would be nice to host you in the city”

Bimala was happy that he invited her “Thanks bhaiya, but I don’t know if my father-in-law would allow me”

Even Jayanti visited them, giving him a scorching kiss and even rubbed his cock naughtily, of course Kamna had it worse, every man had to embrace her for some time squeezing and kissing her body to their satisfaction. After the second man, Vinod didn’t find it strange anymore, it was a seriously strange village with stranger inhabitants. The highlight was the shy Aditi hugging him with her nubile body, under her mother’s urging she even kissed him softly on the lips making him smile widely ‘Thank you Jijaji for letting me go to college”

He nodded, holding her slim bare waist in his hands “No problem Aditi, you are always welcome in my house”

With a shy smile, she blushed and went away to play with Arushi one last time, though she kept glancing at him from time to time. Pratima sobbed for a long time, slobbering both Vinod and Kamna with kisses “I will send Aditi soon, please come back when you have time, don’t forget me”

With half the village assembling to send them off, the young family got into the small van and rode back to the town with Ranu and Pintu. Vinod was surprised to see Kamna wearing a normal blouse and saree, using the pallu to completely cover her body. She looked very conservative and dutiful with a large bindi and red kumkum on her forehead, he was curious about the change but didn’t ask her. Kamna was filled with melancholy and didn’t respond to the teenaged boys’ flirting as she blankly looked at the disappearing country side. The boys were disappointed that their Didi didn’t ‘play’ with them as usual, but they were raised to be obedient to their elders. After sending the boys off at the station, the young family boarded the train with none of the drama of the previous journey. Kamna was silent most of the time, completely ignoring the looks other men sent her way, due to her beauty and lush body. She focussed fully on taking care of her husband and child, making Vinod happy.

Things got back to normal for the next several weeks, Vinod was in marital bliss, once again back in the familiar rut of going to office and coming back to his loving family. Kamna was true to her words, dressing conservatively and keeping away from even light flirting, it seemed as if she was a new woman.

Everything was placid except for one pressing issue, no matter how much she tried, she couldn’t ignore the hormones in her body. With no sexual relief, Kamna had to masturbate several times during the day, many carrots and cucumbers were worn out to sate her lust. Her body burned night and day, yet she controlled herself to not to succumb to her desires. To not test her self-control, she avoided going to all the places she used to, like the tailor shop, market, public transport and other places where there might be body contact. It was difficult but somehow, she managed even though her body burned with passion and her mind blurred with desire. Even feeding Arushi was an ordeal, her nipples were too sensitive sending waves of teasing pleasure with any stimulation.

For days she would roam around with rock hard nipples, her experiment of wearing tight conservative blouses and bras only made things tougher, they only made the fabric rub her aching nipples harder putting her through mind numbing lust. Vinod on the other hand was in bliss, the normal routine helped restore a peaceful state of mind, no longer did he have to experience sweet torture of having near sex with other women and enjoy guilt and pleasure at the same time. Though he did stop for a short while before a famous college on his route back home, under the guise of having tea at a crowded shop. The tea was barely palatable, but the shop was always busy due to the view it provided, especially at a certain time in the evening when the budding beauties from the ladies’ college exited the premises to go home.

The harmless stimulation made him satisfied, he loved seeing the young bodies clad in tight tops, jeans, skirts, churidars and at times even sarees. It became a tradition to stop on the way home at the shop and have a tea, slowly sipping the flavoured hot water while enjoying the view with men of similar tastes. While Vinod was happy with life in general, unfortunately things were back to normal with him once again ignoring his beautiful wife at home. After a month of very strict forced abstinence, Kamna started to slip, the fully covering blouses gradually gave way to more revealing, thin blouses she used to wear earlier. Sarees got lower and lower on her midriff, showing off her deep navel like a waxing new moon, until they barely hung on her flaring hip. The pallu which perfectly covered her large breasts, moved further to the side, revealing the blouse covered orbs in all its glory.

When the neighbourhood vegetable shop was closed on a certain day, she broke one of her self-imposed rules by going to the crowded market. Kamna’s creamy white skin became pinker when the collective gazes of the low-class men fell upon her, her juicy lips parted to bring in more air as her body heated up when a man’s body slowly rubbed against her side when he walked past. The vendor’s gaze on her deep cleavage set the embers alight when she leaned over more than necessary to pick some tomatoes. With practised ease a subtle flick of her shoulder made her pallu slip, exposing her heaving breasts to the wide-eyed man, she consoled herself by saying to herself that the reason she didn’t cover herself back was to let the air cool her hot body. Covering herself only made her sweat more and let the saree stick to her lush body like second skin, if she was going to be exposed anyway, why not use the best method to achieve faster cooling.

At another shop, she didn’t move away even when there was more space in front of her, resulting in a few men press their hard cocks on her luscious ass. Realising that she was slipping back to her previous behaviour, she cut short the shopping and came back home in a rush. Suddenly she felt dirty, not because of the dirt and clammy air, but because of the way she let the strangers enjoy her beauty. Stripping her sweaty clothes, she stood under the shower hoping that the hot water would wash away the warring thoughts splitting her mind apart. She took the bar of soap and gently let the suds wash the dirt off, but even the lightest touch would once again inflame the sparks of desire, turning it into a raging fire. Not knowing how to deal with her slippery life, she put on a thick nightie and went about her chores, hoping that the mundane tasks would make her calm down.

Vinod was rushing on his way back home, sweat beaded his forehead as he quickly glanced at his watch. Steeling his rapidly beating heart, he weaved through two buses, using the minuscule space in between them to get ahead of the traffic. It was a dangerous manoeuvre, he knew he was needlessly risking his life, but he also didn’t want to be late. He released a sigh of relief when he reached his destination, thankfully he was only a few minutes late. He ordered a cup of crappy tea and took a good spot, not acknowledging the regulars he saw every day. The large gate of the ladies college was right in front of him, the first batch of girls walked to the bus stop, some taking the autos and some walking on further. He sipped the shitty beverage and watched the second batch, which usually contained the best beauties, blouses and tops filled his vision, skin-tight jeans showing off slim bodies made his heart throb.

Skin glowing with youthful vitality shone under the evening sun, larger tits jiggled subtly in loose shirts and tops making his cock lurch in sync. Butts swayed and hips swung, setting the men’s bodies alight with lust, suddenly the world seemed to pause when one girl, who was the universal favourite of the perverted men came out. She was wearing a loose peach coloured top that stuck to her delicious body, she walked quickly making the fabric stick and reveal the outline of her bra with it the shape and size of her perky tits. The skirt made everything hotter, it was shorter than normal, ending a few inches above her perfect knees, hinting at her slim, creamy thighs with every step. A wide smile bloomed on her beautiful face making the men let out a hungry sigh, but the smile wasn’t directed at them. A groan of injustice was the answer, when she hugged a handsome teenaged man intimately and got behind him on the expensive sports bike.

The sad groan immediately changed joyful when she threw her leg over the seat making her skirt rise dangerously high revealing almost all of her mouth-watering thigh with a hint of pink panties underneath. In Unison, cocks lurched in salute to the wonderful sight even as she disappeared in a cloud of acrid smoke, as the teenager showed off in style, letting the tyres burn the road as he sped off into the horizon. Vinod was so horny, his mind immediately flashed various fantasies involving the girl, how blissful it would be if he could be that young man on the bike. He knew that the man wasn’t an idiot and would take her to a place where he could enjoy the beauty further. Throwing the soggy tea cup to the ground, Vinod jumped onto his bike and rode fast as his mind engaged in lurid fantasies. His cock was painfully hard, straining his briefs, he reached his home in record time and ran inside.

Kamna was dumbfounded when she saw her husband vanish right before her eyes and lock himself inside the bathroom. What she didn’t know was that Vinod was furiously jerking off to the sexy scene earlier, with the image of Aditi mixing with the college girl as he painted the bathroom wall with white cum.
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Well meaning Kamna....but its back to 'normal". Same for Vinod. What a pair!!
And they are both in such a horny state too.

Will it be the same old stuff, Kamna "suffering from her hormones" and slipping into her slutty self with the usual guys in the market or some guy she meets?Vinod ignoring her for the unattainable slim young things....probably until Aditi arrives!! Kamna needs to find that magic potion to make her slimmer!
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