Adultery Journey of innocent wife madhu
oh... is it dead... so sad...
your girl is not your property!.. why do you stop your girl from sitting on my lap facing me and getting lost looking deep in to my eyes... FREE HER..Right Now..
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Is it dead
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very sad ,, many good stories are half written..!
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Where is the update bro
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W A I T I N G. . .
[Image: 3-B9-B324-B-D499-4815-8-F9-E-1-B5-C71686343.jpg]
[+] 2 users Like Herbiee's post
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oh... i want to enjoy madhu very badly.. please bring her story back brother..
your girl is not your property!.. why do you stop your girl from sitting on my lap facing me and getting lost looking deep in to my eyes... FREE HER..Right Now..
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Plz update soon... fantastic story going
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Chapter kabali's real wife

   After the touch from kabali madhu lost in the world of lust. Madhu started breathing heavily and her boobs went up and down. When kabali touched her mangalsutra she came back to her sense and started cry. 

Madhu started to blaming herself what she done is wrong and started weeping , kabali knows still some walls od barrier he has to break to make madhu for himself.

Kabali started his drama and he started to cry and he started his rant if anyone likes me they will also suffer im the most unluckiest person in the world. Im like a curse who becomes close to me also suffer.

On hearing kabali's words madhu genuinely started to feel for him and without knowing the consequences she promised him i wont leave you i will be there for you forever.

All i need is the basic needs if i got this house it will be stepping stone for my life.

Madhu tied the petticoat and looked kabali and said its my duty to get this house for my husband and winked 

On hearing that kabali hugged madhu and said you are my angel , luck , god's gift and started crying to console him she also hugged kabali.

Using that moment kabali placed his hand on madhu's ass and started  caressing. Madhu shocked and asked what are you wife ass is irresistible to touch and winked.
MAdhu taught this also part of the act and she said mockingly you need to act infront of owner and removed his hand.

Kabali dont want to waste the development so he said its rehearsal , if i press ur ass suddenly you will jump in shock in front of owner so i taught of giving u a headsup.

Madhu said im a born actor i dont need rehersal so keep ur hand with you and dont worry about my performance tomorrow you are going to see madhu's performance.

Kabali suddenly pressed her boobs over the petticoat  madhu stunned and didnt reacted for a second.
See this kind of touching needs some rehersal and started teasing madhu this how a born actor will do and started to laughing at madhu.

Madhu's ego got touched and she replied even a real wife will do the same when her boobs got pressed. 
Kabali ok chill i just teased my wife.

And both of them went to sleep . Kabali knows that he already breached several layers dont want yo push his luck further.

Next morning madhu wokeup early and went to kitchen to check what are all the things available to make breakfast.

She found there is not enough items to make breakfast for three and she called kabali and informed to him and asked to buy few items that can last long for 2 to 4 days.

Before getting that items buy a tea pocket and milk so i can make tea for the owner and dont forget the sugar. Kabali nodded his head and started
Owner was watching this for sometime and said kabli ur blessed to have a wife like madhu see how she running the house and her words and actions is similar to my late wife.
Madhu moved by his words and didnt say anything. Kabali said to owner dont worry sir ur a life saver to many guys like me giving house for low rent and i heard ur doing many charity work for poor people your gem among the people sir .

On hearing those words from kabali madhu started to see him with huge respect.

Kabali picked a big shopper and while about to leave he pressed madhu's ass and said bye i will be back in some time.
Madhu also hit him mockingly and said stop being naughty this happend before the owner 

Kabali came back after 5 mins with milk and tea pocket and leaves again to buy groceries . He informed grocery store is too crowded because of lockdown everyone is doing panic shopping it will take around 1 hour.

Once kabali went she gave tea to the owner , he got the tea after having a sip he started crying this tea tastes Similar to the tea which her late wife make.

Uncle sorry for ur loss it seems ur wife is very loving.
Owner replied yeah madhu her face cut also similar to you and showed a picture of his wife.

Madhu shocked to see that owners wife is almost look like madhu. She was wearing big bindi in the pic which is a cutom followed in previous generation.

She said yeah uncle ur correct , owner said we used to be close couple like you guys. And he started saying all the old stories to madhu.

 After hearing those stories madhu started to having some sort of connection to the owner like her relation.

Madhu asked what is the name of his wife, he replied as selvi. She said noce name uncle and went inside her bedroom after 5 mins she came out wearing the big bindi like selvi.
Owner shocked and aurprised to see madhu like this and started crying by holding madhu's hand.
Thanks madhu it means lot to me , madhu replied call me selvi so u can feel like she is with you.

He started crying selvi without you im like living corpse i want to come to you.madhu replied think me as selvi not madhu im not dead.

On hearing those word owner hugged madhu and said selvi i missed you dont go away from me, he really taught of madhu as selvi and started to blabber i missed ur smell ur body and our intimate times.

And he kneeldown infront of madhu and said selvi show ur navel i need to kiss like our old times.

Madhu dont know what to do she asked him to think like selvi if she backed now that guy will devasted and she taught for a second and the things she learned from her drama teacher cames to her mind . If we act in a role we need to go into the skin of the character and have to started to think like them. After a moment of pause she said a. Why u are asking to ur wife so it by urself.

Owner removed her pallu in front and started to kiss her navel . Madhu got aroused by his actions .
He was playing with the navel using his tongue.
Then he stated to pressing her ass.unkowingly madhu placed his hand on owner's head and pulled towards her.

Suddenly they heared calling bell sound on hearing that she went inside bedroom to make her bindi to its orginal size and owner went to open the door.

Kabali was standing there with groceries.madhu came in and got all those item from kabali and went into kitchen.

On seeing madhu's forehead the size of the bindi is small so owner calls her a madhu what are going yo make for breakfast.

Madhu replied as dosa and sambar uncle, they both talk like nothing happened between them.

Kabali helps madhu on making the breakfast and three of them are done with the breakfast. Because of lockdown they can't go outside. As the tv connection is also not done yet. They feel very bored .

So owner started to asking about the marriage and thier relations and what they did before.what they studied and where they are working 
Kabali said he did only collegeing due to family situation madhu replied she completed degree  after hearing that owner said in my garment shop we are looking for a person to do accounting of you are willing i can give that job to you.

Kabali and madhu knows if she rejects this offer owner might suspect them because he knows kabali is earning very less.

So kabali replied thats good offer what you think of it madhu, madhu taught for a second anyways she is going to be alone in home after she go back to her apartment. She readily agreed.

Then its done owner called someone and informed about he recruited a girl for accouting department where she can start next week . Then owner says ur salary will be 25 k per month.

She was happy anyway she has a way to pass the time now.

That day went like that . In the night kabali went out to meet his friends as lockdown was lifted for election.

Once kabali gone owner went to madhu and said im missing selvi. She taught pity for him and asked wait fot 5 mins selvi will come.

After 5 mins madhu cameoit with the big bindi on her forehead and asked to owner what are you waiting selvi is here talk to her .

Owner started crying and started speaking to madhu 
Selvi i missed ur armpit smell raise ur hand. As madhu raised her hand he started to sniffing her armpits.

After that he asked are you missing our sex sessions. Madhu replied yes my darling this selvi missed those. She bite her tongue and remember she goong too deep.

Owner said selvi kiss me the way you did back in days.madhu taught for a second and said uncle its madhu i can only talk like selvi i cant do what selvi used to do .

Owner comes back to sense and said sorry and started to going out before he is about to leave he gave the visiting card to madhu and asked her to come to this address on monday.
After an hour kabali came back and he is dull because of this lockdown has been lifted up and owner also gone and belived they are husband and wife.

To her sadness madhu informed her husband is coming in an hour to pick her.

Next chapter:
Madhu's new job 

Thanks to all the readers who pinged me personally that motivated me to continue ths story .
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Waiting for more.
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Keep cuummingggggg....
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(25-02-2022, 01:59 PM)Mgrandsivaji Wrote:  . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Thanks to all the readers who pinged me personally that motivated me to continue ths story .

Most of our readers are quite convincing.  Big Grin

Thanks for comeback. Namaskar
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hot story
thanks for coming back
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Waiting for more hot updates
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Waiting to read more from you soon, bro.. Please update regularly when you can.. Namaskar Shy Heart
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You have a great narration don't quite it
We all happy you come back
Short and sweet update keep going like this
yourock  congrats
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Really nice update thank u..
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Grt going....waiting for next
[+] 1 user Likes mihikagupta1991's post
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Long time update ...nice narration pls continue
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Please continue the story author.. don’t fade away
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dont stop
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