Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
Nandini and me are locked in room 60.50
so what to do now I asked her as my face dimmed , I cant touch this girl and vidya is out of reach . she also sat beside me , as I expected he to be tensed , no she was not . we are not strangers and she cant expect any danger from me , she was cool but not cheered , means she too was not happy .
She – this girl is too naughty , she some times behaves too strange m she was murmuring to herself .
Me – does not matter dear didi , I will sleep on ground , you can occupy bed .
She – no need , there is still time she may open the door . till then we can talk .
She sat beside me , we started chit chatting . after some time ..
She – by the way did you tell her about us ?
Me – tell what ?
She – nothing .. about that night we spent together .
Me – which night about bus incidence ? I had told every one .
She – no not that , about the night we spent together on first night of vidya .
Me – oh you are talking about our first night that we celebrate in the hotel . did you tell about how we fucked , I questioned in return .
She - what a way of speaking , you speak filthy always .
Me – sorry we did pooja path that day . is it appropriate term . that night we fucked a lot and we did nothing else . we should speak fact , what is there , we are grown up and we know actual terms . why should we hesitate to speak truth . ok ask me what you wanted to ask .
She – it is ……… how she came to know about the truth .
Me – come on speak openly , you are asking me how she came to know about we fucked between four walls and none else suspected it .
She – yes that only , you should not have revealed . it had to be secret forever , I never expected you to open your mouth about most secret happening in our life . you are man and moreover unmarried . what about me , if you go on bragging about having sex with elder sis . it is not good and if any one comes to know about it , what will be its effect and my position in society .
Me – why are you blaming me , it was you who let the cat out of basket .
She – what are you speaking , she never knew what happened that night . you wanted to tell about your victory over me and spoke to her . you know she troubled me a lot . she was asking me thousand and one questions .
She started sobbing , I placed my hand over her shoulder and tried to cool her . still she was crying for disclosing our secret mission . don’t worry dear nothing is going to happen , she is not child and she has lost her cherry to me and now she is married , she cant open her mouth to any one , she might have teased you . you know her she is very naughty girl . she must have spoke to you as you should keep her secret for your self otherwise she to has your secret . the one who lives in glass house cant through stone on other’s house . she is in more danger that you . your family may tolerate but not hers as she is newly wed . I wiped her tears . by now I received a message in my cell but I didn’t prompt to open .
 nandini and me are locked in room 60.50
Don’t worry every thing is alright , but you should have been careful with her , she is so naughty and good at assuming as she has got very good I q . she came to know about us due to your negligence otherwise it was impossible to find our secret even by god . I blamed her again .
She – what did I do , did I tell her ? . it was you who told entire story .
Me – but you are forgetting about prime thing , you let her give bath to you , then only she saw your nude back and found out the love marks . if you had avoided bathing with her it would have been away from her knowledge , what was hurry to take bath by her . are you lesbians , why do you bath together , I roared at her .
She – what are you speaking are you mad , me and lesbian ? . no neither of us are lesbians . as you know on the day of menses we don’t touch any thing , that is the reason we are forced to take bath by other woman , here we are the only convenient to each other and women taking bath by others is almost common . even at my native that is the tradition . that day I was not feeling right as you caressed my thigh in presence of vidya . that put me in trouble I was shocked to your kinky action . I was shocked and I could not face either of you . I was so much tensed that if you do any thing nonsense in her presence we would be caught . I was really scared that she might have noticed what you did though under the table , she is so clever she could easily sense what was going . so I got depressed and even after you went back I could not come out of depression . she inquired a lot about I being quite and what happened to you , she was suspecting that you did some thing to me for which I was so scared and avoid you . I went on denying every thing and all the time I was saying that I am tired and not feeling well . she only suggested me for hot shower , despite of my protests she forced me to take bath and she would give me oil massage so that I would feel light and all right . after so much of pressurizing I accepted , but sad point is I had forgotten about your bite marks as they didn’t pain nay more , I was not aware those be still prominent . otherwise I would have avoided that also by taking some pain killer instead of bath .
Me – that caused the disaster and we both were caught by her , I tried to smile .
She – yes , when she saw those marks she came to immediate decision that you are the cause of that . though I argued with her that they might have happened by her bro dinesh . it was you who left those marks and caused problem , she pointed me for that mishap .
Me – no darling it was you , it all happened because of you . if you had let me fuck your ass this would not have happened . you didn’t cooperate for fucking ass , so I had to arouse you to let me insert my dong into your virgin ass . if I had not made you hot by biting and sucking your smooth back , you would not have let me bang your bung hole .
 nandini and me are locked in room 60.51
She – that is true I told you that I have virgin ass , why were you after it though I had surrendered most precious chute to you . you could have fucked another round there itself , she said hitting my chest playfully .
I was happy as she is almost coming to normal as she not had stopped crying , but now she used vulgar words .
Me – that is the reason baby I wanted some virgin part of you to explore , rest was used one . I wanted to use new and unused orifice to fuck with my nice lund .
She – what is there so special in my ass hole , my pussy didn’t satisfy you . and that is also not that much fucked up .
Me – you are right you have very nice pussy and it is tight also . but I wanted to teach you what the ass fucking is , so that later you can give your ass to your hubby as present on his birthday . I said laughing at her .
She – why should I present it to him , that too after it losing its cherry by some one else . she too laughed at me .
No baby I purposefully fucked it to dilate and make it accustomed to invasion , so that he should not find much trouble to fuck you there . I had placed my hand over her shoulder and let my hand fall on her bosom . I pulled her to me , she was almost pasted her body with me . I kissed her cheek , she looked at me and wiped her cheek with back of her hand , but didn’t comment . taking chance I let my hand rest there only .
She – so you are helping dinesh by making lose so that he too can fuck me there . but mind it I will never ever allow to touch it neither to you nor to him . do you know how much it pained , while you inserting in it and later while you fucked that orifice brutally . if you had not aroused me I it was almost impossible to bear so much pain . I was so aroused it was sort of intoxicated . later it hurt a lot even to shit .
Me – I am sorry for the pain caused by me , but you didn’t tell me how much you enjoyed .
She – except for the pain night is just memorable . I enjoyed so much I would never forget that for rest of life .
Me – is it true ? or saying just to boost me up .
She – that is the truth , why do I need to boost .
Then you will have to give treat for making you happy . I pulled her and kissed her lips for few seconds . she pulled away and looked at me .
She – please shree don’t do like that or else I will go from here .
Me – is thanking a crime ?
She – how can thanking be crime , but what you did is not good . please don’t do like that .
Me – ok baba sorry I wont repeat it if you don’t like . but tell me what did she ask about we fucking , and what was your response .
 nandini and me are locked in room 60.52 &53
She – hmm she had found it through those marks and that time she didn’t speak much but was smiling at mischievously and was talking in double meaning so that I should open my mouth and confess . initially she was bit shocked and recovered fast and had a big grin as if she caught me stealing some thing . she tried to ask me indirectly but I didn’t yield . I don’t know how she gathered all the information from . I was sure and had confidence on you . when she could not gather all the information from me . I was sure she wont be able to collect it from you . but in turn you became weak or some thing happened to you , you revealed every thing .
I told her how she threatened me to disclose it to every one and under what pressure I had to open my mouth . I had tried to keep it secret but circumstances forced me to open my mouth and I was sure that there wont be harm from her side . in turn it may be useful for us , she wont feel bad even if we continue our relation .
This is the story from my side , you told she is troubling you a lot . now tell me your version . she started telling what happened with her , she was elaborating all her acts . how she opened the topic with me and she assured that she wont be angry with me or you and wont tell it to any one . I had tried to avoid subject to level best . even used weapon of tears , she was adamant she went on pursuing me to tell my version of our fuck .
She was telling about what they discussed and she had said almost my version as it was fact . now and then I was asking about any details she might have missed in such raw words . she went on opening herself she was speaking in total comfort and using words lund and chute etc .
I was slowly arousing her while she was telling what discussion had taken place between them . she came to today’s subject at bath room . she was telling about acts of vidya at bath room . how she was roaming nude in entire house and how she felt she is beautiful . later while bathing her she felt her boobs and even pressed them .
Me – is it ? did she press your boobs like this I pressed her boobs .
She – hey you keep your hands away from my boobs .
I placed my hand on her waist and pulled her to me . without any objection she slide towards me . she leaned over me resting her back on my chest . I was still holding her by waist . so what happened next I asked her .
Did you press her boobs , she said yes I did but on her persuasion . how her hers , your boobs are the best . I love your tits . yes mine seemed to be harder than hers . you have made them soft .
Me – why do you think so . how can I be responsible for her body formation .
She – it is not body formation which has caused , but it is due to your hands and mouth which has made them like that .
Me – do you say I press hard ? . no never I don’t hurt any one .
She – don’t say that to me , I know completely how much you hurt .
Me – hurt what .
She – you did hurt my ass , is it not a sufficient evidence .
Me – hahaha , you are talking about fucking virgin ass . virgin ass and pussy are bound to hurt on first session . don’t take tension , it wont hurt again . that is my responsibility , if I make you hurt you can cut my penis to punish me . I squeezed her to me , keeping my hand over her right boob , but didn’t press it . and laughed again at her .
She – what did you say ? it wont hurt if you fuck my ass again . don’t ever dream it , still I feel your cock in my as even after days . I will never give it to you and I wont allow my hubby to fuck my ass .
Me – ok leave it who knows the future , destiny has to decide it . but coming to the point I have not pressed her boobs hard , but may be on many times handling they might have become softer but still I doubt . if she gives birth to child then they will become loose , that much is for sure . I don’t how much your hubby has pressed your boobs but still yours are much better than vidya , that much I can tell . we used to fuck chori , chupke but you have had licence to fuck and with married life for so many years must have made yours too soft but it is not case , still you have good boobs . still my palm had covered her right boob and taking chance I pressed it now and then but not hard enough to be noticed or to be objected . after some time she noticed my hand had covered her boob . she without any comment slide my hand and took into her hand so that I should not press it again .
By then I received another message . this time I took my cell and opened first message . hey bro I wont come to you tonight , still my pussy and ass are aching , both holes are swollen due to yesterdays hard fucking . I want to give full rest to both holes and my mouth too .
I started laughing reading message and uttered poor girl had challenged and now she is running away . nandini asked me to show message for which I was laughing . I said no it is not for you . she asked again to show but I was holding it far away from her . that increased her curiosity and asked me again to show . when you are laughing so loud it means it is really some thing kinky , is it about me . I said I wont tell , but she started struggling to get my cell and I was pretending to keep it away from her . in struggling she was almost over me and trying to catch it . in this process I took another chance and hold her left breast . I was pressing it hard enough to be noticed but she was so curious she could not notice or neglected . at last I said I will give it but not for free . you will have to pay for it , this increased her curio city . she turned and fell on me fighting to catch , I am strong enough to keep her away from reaching . this time she pushed me on my back and sprawled over me in process to snatch cell from my hand . now she was over me my face near to her and her hand over mine , as I am much taller than her , still she was unable to snatch . taking use of the situation I smooched her holding her head with free hand , she was struggling to get free but I was much stronger than her and pretending I lost control and let her snatch it . by then I had give a good smooch . when she snatched it she got free from my kiss and said you naughty boy always make good for every opportunity you get . for my wonder she didn’t get angry for kissing her . she turned over and sat up to read message . when she read from it was ,it means she is still awake she comments , why the hell she is not opening door . she was sitting between my legs , I too sat behind her . nearness of this beautiful girl and hot talks had made me horny enough .
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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 nandini and me are locked in room 60.54
as I sat behind her , there was gap of couple of inches to my hard on and her ass cheek . I tried to take back cell , she bend forward to keep it away from me . I slide forward and sat still . in box was closed in struggle I she opened it again and sat upright to read the message . when she straightened her ass landed on my hot and erect lund . she didn’t bother about it still was searching for the message at last she found it . mmmmmm you made her both holes aching and swollen , you were telling that you wont hurt any one she questioned me . no I didn’t hurt but gave enjoyment to that extent . she wanted more and more sort of challenging . this is the result of her challenge . I started laughing , she too joined me laughing . you are too much yaar , how could you sustain so long till her ass and pussy are swollen .
She - How many times did you fuck her yesterday .
Me – night or day ?
She – oh yes you fucked her in day time also no . how many times in day and night .
Me – after noon I fucked her twice and at night you know it as you were all the time awake . you must have counted very well .
She blushed and said how do I know , was I in this room while you were fucking her . she asked laughing at me . I placed my arms around her and pulled her towards me , now my hard cock was all the way between her ass crack . her back was completely pasted on my chest , both of us had stretched our legs straight lodging my erect cock in her ass crack . my hand was caressing her face while other hand was on her stomach .
Me – oh dear don’t pretend , you were awake and at the break time you took juice , I thought you would join us for juice , but you didn’t show up , you asked vidya to deliver it at your room . I was so disappointed and depressed that time . you didn’t show up entire day except at lunch time and there to without any wish . you were behaving as if you hate my presence and me . there was tone of sadness in my voice it was true I was not pretending .
She – looking back , it is not like that . I was not in mood as you pressed my thigh under table I was frightened that she could see , I didn’t want to buy any trouble and I was feeling guilty for my misdoings and was feeling awkward to face you . I am really sorry for that , now she knows about our past relation and I have confessed to her so I thought of talking to you . at least I had to clarify my stand and my feelings . so I decided to talk to you to night . I am really sorry to hurt your feelings , today vidya explained my how you felt bad for me avoiding you . she leaned back and kissed my cheek .
 nandini and me are locked in room 60.55
ME - how long were you awake yesterday night , you were completely awake till we all had juice and later also I don’t think you slept before we fucked another round . in day time we had couple of rounds and late we did twice . but last one was just fantastic , she did sort of challenge and I had to fuck her until she begged me to finish as her entire body ached and was tired so she was repeatedly asking me to finish the game .
She – in single round you fucked her ass as well pussy ? . amazing , I heard chair hitting was for long time . what were you doing with chair . I thought either you will break chair or wall she laughed .
Now looking at her cheerful mood I pressed her tits and when there was no resistance from her I inserted my fingers in her blouse . now I could feel her node breast with my open palm . I described her how I fucked vidya in bending pose taking support of chair . that was the reason chair was hitting wall , did that sound have any effect on you .
She – why not , I am also an human being . I was horny listening so loud moans and banging sound . every jerk was sending jitters into me . all the time I was wondering whether you are going to stop the battle or going to continue forever . I had sensed that in the after noon also you had fucked twice and again you were fucking continuously for over an hour . how much stamina you have . your wife is going to be lucky . she will have full satisfaction . I wish my hubby was here .
Me – why should you remember roti , when you have pancha bhaksha here . I pressed her nude boob and pinched her nipple . I placed my chin over her shoulder and pressed her tight to me . she cried hey don’t do it please , at the same time a moan escaped from her mouth .
she tried to push my hand out of her blouse , nut o did hold her boob tight so that she could not push it away . please let me hold na . is it first time I am holding them ? . it is ok leave it and I brushed her hand away with my free hand . she moaned again , please bhayya don’t do like this haaaa .
I started talking dirty to her . that day you were fucking like bitch . you were moaning si high all the occupants of neighbor room were asking me whether you were fucking her or beating . she looked back smiling at me . how cold I have avoided moaning on such an hard fucking first night . that night I had tried my level best to stop from moaning and didn’t want to show that I was enjoying so that you would not ask me again . but it was impossible to control my emotions . once I had lost the battle I let my self free and was behaving with my emotions and not from my brain .
That day also you did like this , please leave me I don’t want to lose myself in your hand . she wanted to move away from me , I pulled her back in such a way that she positioned her chute on my erect lund . it twitched below her juicy cunt . she must have felt its girth and length on her pussy . she must be excited enough again she moaned . please let me sit beside you , I cant sit this way . she was cooing . when I was feeling my destination is approaching how the hell I could let her free .
I continued talking dirty and making her arousing her verbally as well with hands by manipulating her boobs and nipples by changing sides and with free hand I caressed her stomach etc . she was attempting to move away and I was pulling her back onto me . in this process her saree was hiking . then when she was trying to go away I let her move to some distance and again I pulled her in such a way , her saree was hiked completely and half her inner skirt also moved . thus exposing till her knee . I pushed her saree more so that she sat on my only on her inner skirt . she was feeling my hard cock on her wet chute , she came to know what I was up to , but she could not run away from me as door was locked from outside . she had to spend time with me despite of her willingness or not . then I placed my chin on her nude shoulder as palloo of her saree also had moved away . I kissed her bare neck and while I was talking dirty to her I was mauling her breasts . I placed my face in such a way , my hot breath was hitting her ear lobes , then she cried again with excitement . bhayya please let me go before I lose my self control . this was very nice symptom , she herself was hinting me without her knowledge that she is above to lose her self control . now I was so happy that with little more effort I could reach my destination . I knew her weakness or in general women weakness . I placed my mouth on her ear and exhaled my hot breath in her ear drum , followed by licking her ears . my hand reached her pussy lips and massaged there . now she felt breaking her barriers and placed her hand back on my neck and pulled my head forward .
Taking right chance I raised her skirt till her waist and poked my hand inside and caressed her thigh and inch by inch it moved to her pussy . when I made it to her pussy and inserted finger searching opening . the hell broke lose and she jumped on me turning towards me and started smooching my lips and chewing them hard enough to hurt .
 nandini challenges me 60.57
All of a sudden she had become like hungry tigress . she lost all her inhibitions and dam of her patience and self control had blasted and she was chewing my lips like hungry animal . all her frustrations and me arousing resulted in wild attack . she pushed me on my back and was kissing all over my body . she was tearing my clothes to make me nude . she pulled my burmuda violently and tore my west . I was full nude now . she pushed me on back and mount me keeping her both legs at each side . she came forward and showered kisses on my face and again attacked my lips . then she inserted her tongue into my waiting mouth . battle of tongues started , she was pushing her tongue all over my mouth and was licking and sucking like hungry dog . then all of a sudden she started crying loud , started hitting my chest with her fists . oh shree why did you do it to me . I was all the time trying to control my emotions , I had hundreds of time swear not to indulge any more with you . I was praying god to give me enough energy and bless me not to go to you , but at last you succed in arousing and seducing me . why do you such things to me , I wanted to be loyal to my hubby , but you broke my oath so soon . just before entering this room also I had sworn not to mix emotions with lust and was trying hard to curb all my desires and to remain aloof , but you came like tsunami . all my wishes were washed in fraction of minute . what should I do now , I am so much aroused I cant stop my self from fucking your long and lovely cock . while she cried loud , strange point to be noted is she was holding my hard cock and was rubbing it with her lovely hands and other side she was crying . these women are very strange you can assess them easily . see here she is caressing my cock and at the same time she is crying . what should I think , did I do right thing or wrong . I was in dilemma , whether I should take any active part or lay still to see her next move .
You are very bad man I ever met , you are an cheat . I don’t want to see your face . she hid her face with her free hand without losing contact of my erect penis . hearing her crying I was losing erection but soon she resumed pressing or rather squeezing my cock to bring it to still harder state . I was in confused state , she is abusing or accusing me for arousing her at the same time she is doing controversial acts like smooching hard and biting me wherever she likes .
I decide to let her do as she wishes instead of influencing her to go as per my desire or advise . she lowered her face on body and started sucking here and there , then she took my tiny nipple in her lips and sucked them one by one and came back to the first and this time my nipple was between her teeth , she nibbled it and later she applied pressure on that and next most shocking was she took lots of flesh around nipple and sucked it inside her mouth by creating vacuum and started chewing entire flesh . then she was literally bite as much flesh as she could manage , still pumping my shaft . I was trying to bear the pain as I wanted her acts be done as per her wish . when it became un bearable I wanted to push her hard as she was actually hurting me . I wanted to push her away and get up to free from her clutches . I tapped her head , she without looking into my eyes descended on my body and continued assault on me . I kept watching her in bewilderment .
 nandini challenges me 60.58
then she shed her clothes in one go and slide her panty at one side and mount me . she was holding my cock with one hand and guiding me inside her . she could not balance herself for unknown reasons , she was fumbling like intoxicated to insert my cock but I was not helping her to do any thing . she got disappointed and rolled on her back . she removed her panty and threw it aside . she pulled me over her and command . hey bro come and fuck me , I want you to fuck me real hard like a bitch . you should fuck me so much that I should not ask you again . this pussy of me should become chute of a whore and tear it apart . she spread her legs and pulled me inside her thighs . I positioned between her thighs . I was still in shock what must have happened to this girl , why is she behaving like ghost . I was not sure whether I am going to fuck her right now . I was seeing other side of her face .
I could never imagine her to be like this , always I admired her for her cool and shy nature but here she is behaving in strangest manner . as I was still thinking and was silent without any actions . hey bro where are you lost come and fuck me , she pulled me holding by cock . I too settled between her thighs and bend forward to position my self . by then she was corking her bottle with my cock , when it had fit her oozing pussy she urged me to push it . silently I gave a thrust and I could enter knob in smooth and leaking pussy . it is tight enough I could not enter full in a single stroke . I pulled back a little and gave another shot , though it had become full slippery due to her secretion , I could send only one third , she cried ui maaaaaaaa . she locked my butt with her legs and urged me to bang . with another couple of strokes I was fully lodged inside her burning chute . I waited for a little time to feel her hot pussy and feeling her muscles stretching around my cock and slippery chute was giving me full pleasure , I wanted to feel it more keeping it in same position for some more time . she said hmmmmm start , I pulled half of my cock and rammed it slowly and started fucking her in a slow rhythm . you scoundrel fuck me properly and , what happened to you , after fucking one girl in one night have lost your libido . why are you doing like namard .
My god what happened to this girl is she in grip of some devil , she is calling me namard . I was angry to be called so . so far no one had called me like this . in fact all women ask me to fuck slow as they could not bear my banging , that includes shanthala aunt who is the senior most of all my dames . even she was requesting me to go slow , where as this naïve girl is instigating me to fuck heard . I could not tolerate her words .
I pulled half of my cock and rammed it with grate speed , take bitch you want to be treated like a bitch , then this is the answer . take it my personal randi , you wont ever ask me to fuck hard , saying so I pulled entire cock and rammed it in one go , it hit back of her chute may be on her uterus . she cried with pain and pleasure . ha like that fuck me you idiot , you were saying one is not enough for you , now come and fuck me , satisfy me youuuuuuuuuuuu . still she was abusing me and I started pounding on her pussy . how much she can handle me . she has not seen a real fucking and she is challenging a master of special art . I was pounding her like any thing . I fold her legs , her knees were beside her ears and I had placed my both hands at each side and supporting my self on my toes and palms . I started fucking her real hard . my groin was hitting her groin and producing thumping sounds .
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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I was fucking her with such a speed and hard strokes some times I felt my groin is aching due to tight impacts . now she had lost all her confidence and was asking me to go slow , I didn’t care for her plea , now she requesting me to go slow and not to hurt her . I said you randi you wanted me to fuck like this , there is no go back , till I am finished I will fuck you like this only . she was not in a position to bear such assault , she was requesting me now , I will join my hands to you bhai , please have some mercy on your sis , do it slowly . I didn’t knew you would fuck like this . it was very much evident on her face that she is hurt and in pain . I continued fucking her for another couple of minutes with grate speed but had stopped hitting her groin , then she was nit better but still she was not enjoying . after another round of request I started fucking nicely and giving her maximum pleasure . I placed my both hands on her boobs , they had swollen with arousal and her nipples stood like tiny bullets . I was supporting my self on knees and pressing her boobs like dough and was fucking with adequate speed to give her full mazaa . now she was moaning loud with pleasure , she was saying han , han like this my love , you are an grate lover , yes , yes like this only . hui maaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa her moans increased indicating that she in near to her orgasm . I continued giving strokes , every insertion touched her uterus and while I with drew it was slow and fast at insertion . within few strokes she was thrashing her head at both sides and her eyes were wide open as if they are going to pop out . I increased speed and gave few more strokes to bring her to grate climax . when she explode I gave another few strokes to bring her more juice , she pulled me tightly hugged me and went limp . I lay on her for some more time . in between I saw door opening and closing after couple of minutes . when she had recovered she said it was very nice . sorry for abusing you and calling by bad words she apologized . it is ok but why did you behave like that , you are always soft spoken but what had happened to you . I was really confused and even shocked I replied . I too don’t know yaar , some thing went wrong with me . all of a sudden I was so much aroused and all the frustration of years cropped up and I felt so hungry for your nice cock , I wanted to be banged like hell . I am sorry if I hurt you physically or emotionally , I am really sorry for my misbehavior she was still apologizing . I said it is ok , every thing is fine in love and war . no need to be sorry , I am really happy that you enjoyed . I am glad to help you come out of all the frustration I continued .
Didi – to be frank , I was not at all aware that there is so much fun in sex , my friends had told me about how pleasurable sex is and they had shared their experiences in their love or married life . all the time I was thinking that they are boosting . it was you who showed me what is sex and what is love making .
till that night I had never felt nude cock , but you made my life easy and show me what world is . I am really grateful to you for bringing so much pleasure in my life . since the day we did it for the first time all the time I was thinking about it . but my other mind was cautioning me to keep away from you and sex with any other than my own hubby . I was feeling like loser , for losing my chastity to you and keeping away to lose you too . I was cursing why the hell I took promise not to touch and at the same time I was feeling guilty . I became aware of sexual pleasure and then only I realized what I have lost in my life . I don’t want to blame my hubby for he failing to give me the pleasure I derived after all he is my husband and I believe in pathi is parameshwar . he failed it is ok , if I had and deficiency in me and if I had failed to give pleasure to my hubby , would he go out in search of the fulfillment of his lost life , he would never have gone as he loves me so much . while I was in such a condition , you ignited my brain with so loud love making with my sil vidya . since then I was really frustrated again , once I thought to come to you , but I controlled myself with so much of effort and I even masturbated for the first time in my life with my own fingers . though I reached climax but it is in no compare to your lovely fuck . despite of this I tried my level best to keep away from you , but you scoundrel educed me successfully . I am sure you are not yet over , I don’t want to waste my precious time spending in talking all the bull shit . come fuck me again .
Me – I was happy as she surrendered to me and happy for disclosing her feelings . come on dear hence forth never hesitate to call me , I am there always at you cervix oh sorry at your service . I laughed , she to joined laughing with me .
This naughty ness only drew me towards you . I am happiest women on the earth to find such a good brother as lover . how are you going to fuck me , like this only or …
I cut her sentence , now I am going to fuck you in doggy . she said ok and turned on all fours and looked back at me . hey don’t fuck my ass , only chute ,make me satisfied for life time .
I slapped her beautiful butt and positioned her to desired state . she looked back and asked what for that slap . I said to service your hungry chute my lover sis . I saw her exposed pussy , it had become cold after a good fuck . it looked still inviting and fresh , her juice had dried on its wall , I wiped it with bed sheet and placed my mouth to lick it . it felt so sweet , I went on chewing her cunt lips to arouse her . within a minute she was hot and demanding a good fuck . I spat on my fingers and coated it on my cock and lined it up with her pussy . slowly inserted my long cock in her waiting pussy . it was moving slowly inside her soft pussy though just few minutes back I had fucked same pussy but still I felt it is tight like virgin . when I inserted completely I started moving slowly , and fucking her rhythmically . after couple of minutes she asked shall I give back strokes , I said yes but take enough care not to pull more to lose contact , even if happens also no problem , but will have to stop till inserted again . I stood still on my knees , she started moving slowly about an inch and pushed back . after some time she found rhythm and giving nice back strokes . I was free to feel her , I had nothing to do as she was doing the job like sincere school girl .
my hands reached automatically to her hanging boobs and I took both at a time and pressing them nicely while I encouraged her to do like that but to increase speed . she was giving back strokes and she learnt fast , now she could move forward and backward . of course couple of times my cock came out of her pussy , does not matter even seasoned girls also miss some times . I lowered my self a bit so that my cock was rubbing her g spot . when my cock started rubbing her g spot she was moaning like hell , even louder than that of vidya . she had closed her eyes and moving rhythmically while she moaned loud . I too was getting full pleasure of fucking comparatively tight snatch . we were in full mood and occasionally I too gave thrusts .
I heard faint sound in midst of her moans , I casually looked at door , for my amazement vidya had opened door was peeking inside . when our eyes met she raised her thumb for greeting me for successful seduction of her bhabhi . yesterday she had promised me that she will try to bring her bhabhi to me , I remembered her promise and smiled at vidya . didi was not aware of vidya’s presence as she had closed her eyes and lost in her own world . I too show my two fingers indicating victory . she smiled and sent a flying kiss at me . I gestured her to be silent and to enter without any noise . she nod her head in approval . she tiptoed and stood beside me , viewing me fucking her bhabhi .
I started moving my hip to meet her thrusts and hold her boob and pressing it . I placed one hand on her butt and continued fucking her pussy from back . vidya was watching my cock coming out of her bhabhi snatch and disappearing in her pussy . she too was getting hot by live show . she stood beside me , I left didi butt and placed one hand on vidya and started pressing her boob . I could read vidya face within no time she became so horny , she gestured me to pull my cock from her bhabhi and fuck herself . I said no let me finish her and later I will fuck her too .
I gestured how I was fucking her bhabhi , she said super . now I thought some kinky . gestured her to suck her bhabhi boobs , she said no , I have never done such things . but I said please do it for me . she was gesturing her bhabhi may not like the idea even for watching live show . I said it may be beneficial for both of us . after little hesitation she agreed for that as she too found it kinky . now didi took support of head board of the cot raising her torso . now lot of gap between bed and her body . vidya slowly went below her bhabhi and placed her face in such a way if didi lowers her body her boob should touch . it was difficult for vidya but still she bent such a way that didi boob touched her face , then she opened her mouth and started sucking her boob . I was banging her with full speed and didi was enjoying the blissful fuck . when vidya took part of her boob and started sucking she moaned loud with pleasure . then she must have thought something fishy , how the hell I could suck her boob while I was fucking her in standing pose . then she was startled to find it was vidya’s mouth . then all of a sudden she moved away from me disengaging our union . she was trying to go away and at the same time she was searching for her dress to cover herself . I pulled her back to me holding her waist , she screamed at both of us . vidya what is this , why did you come here , don’t you have shame .
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first you locked us and despite of you knowing what we are doing you entered into the room . this is not right , let me go , looking at me , why are you behaving like this . she has come to you now . let me go I don’t want to stay any more here . while she struggled to get free , here I was struggling to continue fuck her . vidya pushed didi back into position I lined up with her pussy . gave a hard push to enter completely . still she was struggling to get free and was abusing both of us for our shameless acts . neither me or vidya cared for her words and continued our act . vidya hold her firmly and I started fucking her rigorously . she had become cold of sudden intrusion of vidya . vidya came below her and started sucking her boob while I hold didi by waist so firmly that she could not move or get away from us . within few strokes she moaned again . now her protests became bit weak and she was requesting vidya to go away . this is not fair vidya , you should not have come now , did I interfere when both of you were fucking like maniacs yesterday . please leave us alone and go away from here or else let me go . vidya said no bhabhi , I haven’t come here to disturb you , but wanted to watch how good my fucker brother fucks my darling bhabhi . but when I saw your beautiful boobs dangling I could not resist to touch them and suck them . please bhabhi let me have feel of your feminine assets . I promise I wont trouble you , if you don’t like me touching your beautiful assets I shall stop , but please don’t send me away . so far I have never seen live match , let me watch . I promise if you want to watch me fucking your brother I don’t object you too can watch . didi’s protests were becoming weak as she was losing her conscience as I increased speed and banging her like hell . after little attempts to send vidya out of the room she gave away , as she was getting excited again . vidya was reason of that as she was manipulating her organs , still she was not allowing vidya to suck her boobs , but could not stop from caressing her body . at last she stopped struggling and concentrate on her own pleasure , now again she was moving her body rhythmically . I asked vidya to show her tits , she removed her top and came beside me . I used a free hand to feel her topless body and later I asked her to feed me . she kneeled beside me in such a way that it was easy for me to suck her boobs . now I had one ball of didi in my hand and one of vidya into my mouth . vidya had not kept idle she fondled her bhabi boob which was free . I was also getting full pleasure of two babes one topless and another full nude getting fucked .
now I increased speed , left her boob and hold her butt for support and was banging in full throttle . vidya moved her hand below her bhabhi body and reached for her snatch . then she caressed my moving cock and later to her clit . she could locate clit without looking at it and she started manipulating it . now didi was in no position to avoid her touches as she was completely excited and my banging and her sil’s touches has ignited fire in her . her moans increased along with my speed . now I left vidya’s boob and holding butt with both hands went on fucking for some more time . now didi was convulsing as she was on brink of climax . I went on fucking her till she screamed and collapsed after her big orgasm .
the moment she fell flat on bed , vidya positioned herself before me , I could understand what she intended .
I was feeling breathless due to nonstop fucking with high speed , but at the same time I could she how eager vidya was to take my cock into her hot pussy . she had been watching the live show and even participated to some extent , so she was aroused to the limit . I turned a bit and made my cock available to vidya , she had kneeled before me and guide my still erect tool into her dripping pussy . as I gave a push it slide easily as she was dripping already with excitement . she started moving her hip in rhythm , I was standing still as I needed some air . after couple of minutes fuck I too started moving my butt to meet her thrusts . now didi too had recovered from her big orgasm and sit beside her sil . she was thinking whether to leave place or keep sitting there . probably she decide to go out , she could keep watching shamelessly like vidya , when she got up I asked her where are you going , she said she wants to quit and left room . then I called her to bring water as I am feeling thirsty . she had to oblige she came with glass of water . I took glass with one hand and hold her by other hand . I had couple of sips as my throat had dried . then kept the glass still holding didi . I pulled her to me , she said leave me bhayya I want to go , she was protesting , but I smooched her while still fucking her sil . initially she didn’t respond but later she too started sucking my lower lip . this continued for two or three minutes . when we broke kiss , she looked at me as if taking permission to leave .
I held her still strongly , always it is fun for me to fuck one while playing with other girl . this I am habituated from jiju and didi . while I fuck jiju ass I prefer to play with didi , suck her boobs or smooch her . so that I don’t feel like fucking a man but an woman . there after it continued with swetha and sandhya threesome and even with mangal and akshatha pair . now unexpectedly I got two most beautiful girls with me , how can I let didi go away . I turned her to grab her boobs , inserted my hand in her night dress as she was wearing her dress while she went out to bring water for me . inserted my hand into through her neck and fondled her breasts . she was pleading me to leave her as she feels shy to be present while I was fucking some one else . it is but natural for any woman it is hard to digest if her lover or hubby fucking another girl or even having affair , how can she tolerate to watch me fucking another woman ,let be her friend or sil . she is tolerating the fact itself was big thing .
She wanted to go away but I wanted her presence for two things , I could make her free and mix with us so that she can lose her shy nature and mix with us easily . second is she should not feel boredom and get frustrated while both of us are enjoying under her nose . third is she can enjoy along with us and I can fuck both beauties simultaneously and if at all they wish they can enjoy lesbian acts . with my experience I have observed that they will enjoy lesbian acts at least to some extent and they will be more free with each other .
Hoping to bring didi into line , despite of her protests I was pressing her boobs by inserting my hand into her dress . she was in double mind whether to allow me to play or leave . looking at my firm actions she let me play as per my wish . balancing only on my knees I continued fucking vidya and caressed her clothed butt of didi . they felt nice in my hands I was squeezing her soft butt , slowly I raised her dress to make her butt nude , I pulled her so that I could lick her butt .
 threesome with nandini and vidya 60.64
she adjusted herself to give me her butt . while I licked and pressed her shapely ass , I raised her dress further and making her nude completely . this time she let her dress go away from her and was standing butt naked before me . vidya turned her face to look what was going between bro and sis , when she found her bhabhi she was happy to notice she is nude again and was enjoying with me . she placed her hand on butt of her bhabhi and caressed it . didi also looked at vidya and then her hand on own butt . this time she didn’t repulse but let her do it . looking at all the new developments vidya was aroused fully and she started moaning and sending her ass back on hard cock . within couple of minutes she was near to orgasm . I left didi and started banging harder holding her butt with both hands and sending my cock all the way inside her pussy . she didn’t last long and was pressing her butt on my cock screaming fuck harder now , I am cuming etc . I too was responding with hard thrusts . at last she screamed loud ahhhhhhhhhhh and collapsed on bed releasing herself . my climax was building but she got separated from me and fell on her face gasping for breath . I had to finish this long fuck , I tried to continue fucking her but she pushed me away saying , bhayya please leave me I need some rest before continue .
I turned at nandini didi , she was hot now and was ready for a fuck . without any formalities I pushed her on her back and spread her thighs . got between her legs , now vidya sat up and guide my tool into dripping cunt of her bhabhi . didi looked at me and then her sil guiding my cock into her love box and closed her eyes . I started fucking her rhythmically . now vidya had gained her breath and started pressing her bhabhi boobs . I asked her to suck them and asked didi to feel vidya’s boobs . with little hesitation she touched vidya boobs who was lying on her and sucking her magnificent boobs . looking at girls playing with themselves my mind triggered with more arousal and I started fucking fast . as didi also was fully aroused already by watching live fuck , she was also moaning loud and she was first to reach her climax , I fold didi legs keeping her knees beside her face , now vidya had to with draw her mouth from bhabhi boobs and sat beside us watching me fucking her bhabhi . I was pounding her even after she had reached orgasm . now room was filled with fucking sound of puch puch . to arouse didi more vidya started manipulating her clit by inserting her hand between us . this made didi reach one more successive earth shaking climax and I too was on verge of climax . sensing this vidya asked me to fuck her and fill her hungry chute , at the same time didi screamed , no you are not going to leave me , I want your spunk filling my hungry pussy . I am feeling thirsty of your come since days , she had asked to stop fucking and this is my chance to receive your hot semen and fill my pussy , she hold me tight , while both girls were arguing for filling , I had reached no pint of return and with loud grunt I started ejecting my hot lava into burning chute of nandini didi .
Looking at me finishing in didi pussy , vidya started beating me with her fists , shree bhayya you cheated me , you had to fill me but instead you went for your dearest didi . it is not fair on your part , vidya was accusing me . no I deserved his cum , the game had begun with me and you were just an intrusion or to be precise interruption for me . we were fucking happily , on your intrusion game was spoiled .
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threesome with nandini and vidya 60.65
I deserved it and I had it , you cant blame either of us . if you want make him ready for another round and this time you can have . if he thinks of giving it to you , I don’t have objection didi replies . it was fun to watch two nude beauties arguing and that too for cum . didi was behaving like so naïve and innocent and now she is fighting with her sil forgetting the matter for which they are quarrelling . both of them were fighting like kids fighting for some beautiful toy , I was enjoying it . it was nice that she had forgotten that she is nude and fighting for the subject of getting fucked by same person . that I am used to this as many times sandhya and swetha used to quarrel for the first number to get fucked and even while finishing also they used to quarrel . now the same case is her , keeping the argument at one side I was happy for both of them have lost all the inhibitions and have come to unwritten agreement to getting fucked by same person on the same bed in presence of other .
After little argument vidya said , ok dear I will make him ready for another round , luckily he has such a mechanism neither he will get tired of fucking nor his source of semen is never dried , he has got ample supply . but the only condition is you are not going to get share of fucking till he fills my pussy .
No it is not agreeable , as far as his hot lava is concerned I will agree if he wants to fill your chute . but I am going to participate in fucking , as you had interfered I will also going to take active role and I will have my own share of fun . that you cant stop me from having his cock into me , didi replied .
It means you are also going to fuck here into this round , it is too bad . I can accept it as I have committed mistake of interfering your fuck , I will also sacrifice his cock inbetween fuck but what you are saying if he wishes means , I think you are going to use influence to fill your randi chute again . if he pours his juice this time in your chute I am going to tear your cunt and will cut his fuck machine . what do you say my lover boy . both looked at me for verdict . I said it is up to me to decide . whoever gives maximum pleasure will get the gift . I am going to fuck both of you now , it is up to you to decide how you are going to give company , it was my condition .
If that is the case I will give a nice blow job and make it erect in no time , didi replied . I will not only give sucking experience I am ready to give my ass if you agree to pour your semen into me vidya replied . then I am also ready for ass fucking m you can fuck my ass and fill my pussy , didi replied . then she became aware of what she had committed , vidya laughed at her , oh bhabhi remember your promise . you have agreed for ass fuck , vidya again laughed wickedly at her bhabhi . see how I made you commit for ass fuck . didi covered her face with her hands , and pushed her sil with elbow . both of you are wicked and very bad guys she said smiling within cover . why are you pulling me into this , you were arguing as if you are auctioning me like some commodity , you wanted to win me by giving some bribery . it is ok I am pleased with both of your wishes and will to participate openly in this coming match . I will treat bot of you equal and I promise I wont prejudice between you .
 threesome with nandini and vidya 60.66
don’t worry didi , I will keep your promise to fuck ass as reserve and shall use it when I need it . and it is my promise I wont hurt your ass this time .
How about celebrating our new union with some sweet , vidya said enthusiastically . it is not bad idea either , we are going to celebrate our new bound , I declare that I am not unhappy for this union . I am really enjoying the company of both of you . I was fool to to keep myself away from this wonderful company . it is my promise we will be like this as long as possible . till all people come back we will remain like this and even in future whenever we get opportunity we will lead this kind of life didi declared . both of us welcomed her decision by clapping .
Come bhabhi we will bring kheer , till now I haven’t tasted it , vidya called didi . ok I shall come with you , I have to get fresh also . she got up and took her nightie to wear . vidya snatched it and threw it away , for whom you are going to cover , let us be free like this . didi smiled at her , still it is not good be total nude and roam through out home like this . she followed vidya swaying her hips . I felt she is deliberately swaying sensuously , at door she looked back at me and show her tongue and ran to kitchen .
I was wondering how fast this girl changed , she was so much reserve and well behaved . now she is acting like a naughty girl . she changed completely in past few hours . I was happy for all the changes whatever reasons could be .
Both of them returned with bowls in hand and pot of kheer . they handed me a bowl ,and they each took one . I said I had some just before beginning but vidya forced me to take some more as there is enough for all . we were casually talking while we tasted delicious basundi . both of them had taken place at each side , we must have spent some good time in chit chatting . I had placed my arm over vidya and was playing with her nude balls . she leaned to me while still holding bowl in hr hand . I gave pecks on her cheeks , she pulled my face and start smooch . then I felt some thing sticky on my cock , I was startled , I thought I had spilled basundi , when I looked at my cock , it was smeared with basundi , but it was not from my bowl , then I looked at didi , she was smiling mischievously . it was she who had poured some basundi on it . then keeping her bowl aside slowly leaned on me , positioning her mouth on my cock , then only I came to know her intention , vidya also looked at what was going on , she smiled at her bhabhi and gestured to continue and took my face back into her hand started smooching . while I was smooching one beauty other was licking my still sleeping cock making it arouse with her sensitive tongue . within no time I felt my cock has erected and was surveying sweet didi mouth , I kept smooching vidya . I had kept my bowl away and hold vidya boob in one hand and searching didi boob with other . I found her head and then face I slide my hand further . didi must have noticed what I was up to , she guide my hand to her breast . it felt nice in my palm , not too soft and not too hard but better than vidya’s . I hold one ball in each hand and smooching one girl and getting blow job form another most beautiful girl whom I had desired since long and was very uncertain to lay my hand over her was giving head to me , especially who was against blow job .
 threesome with nandini and vidya 60.67
I was really happy to feed my full shaft into her lovely mouth , should fill her mouth with my hot semen I thought , it may take some time but I am going to make her taste my cum .
We broke kiss as we needed some air , vidya was gasping for air . she moved a little so that she could watch her bhabhi sucking her brothers cock . I was sitting quite watching both girls and playing with their assets lazily . I didn’t have to bother any thing now . they are in competition they will make every thing on their own . I was seeing my half the cock disappearing in lovely lips of didi . I wanted to send all the way in , I placed my hand over head , she raised her eyes to look at me . I asked her to continue , you are doing fantastic job sis darling , give me mouth fuck , ha yes like that she was pumping my cock faster . with every jerk I gave little push on her head to send it further more . within a minute I was successfully filling her oral cavity with my masth lund . till then there was no objection from her side , at last when she was going down I pushed her head on cock and raised my ass to send my long cock all the way to enter her throat . it went pushing her tonsils all the way into her tight throat and held it for while . she was struggling to get free . when I freed her she came up with coughing and gasping for air . you scoundrel you had almost choke me to death , she said beating me with her little fists on my chest . vidya laughed loud , it is your fault bhabhi , you should learn taking it completely . how is it possible to take it full , it is easy to tell than perform didi replied .
You are new to it , you may need some practice , you will learn it soon , I assure you bro will like it . you try again and you may be able to do it , vidya encouraged her bhabhi . no it is impossible task , if tried will die of air passage blocking , didi said . not at all good practitioner will never lose the match was vidya’s opinion . if at all it is possible prove it didi challenged . I haven’t tried but shall try if you challenge vidya replied . ok I am challenging , you wont be even able to take two third of his erect cock , she pressed erect so thet she should not deceive her . what is the bet vidya asked . any thing you say didi replied . is it firm word , no going back once the challenge is taken up . yes from both sides didi said . what if you lose didi continued . it is your decision vidya replied . what do you say bro didi asked . see it is tough job , I think it is hard job , think twice before you accept challenge I told to vidya and I knew it is not an easy job . at the same time I was curious , how it would feel to send my long cock all the way into throat . I asked what is the bet , it is better to decide now itself , you should not quarrel later I pointed out . I don’t mind whatever it would be didi said confidently , I am sure she will not hurt and on my side I shall assure the same . it is for fun and we are aware of it , what do you say vidya ? she asked . yes that much is sure , it is going to be fun . I too assure I wont ask any thing that should hurt any one either mentally or physically . so it was agreed by both the parties and it has to executed now itself . hearing this lucky chance my shaft grew to the largest in size in history . I had tried to shove full length many times with many women , no one had dared to do it including shanthala aunt most senior of my girls . let me clear one more thing , whether it should be done in single attempt or will she get chance to try it again .
 threesome with nandini and vidya 60.68
It has to be done today itself that is the condition , she can have few attempts , but strictly today only , not even tomorrow as she can practice it and do it later to win the bet , didi said . both accepted the sweet challenge . vidya came forward she was also nervous now , while she was talking she looked confident now she had lost half courage looking at my moster in new length and breadth as it had swollen to fullest . I pat on her back , don’t worry and no tension , even if you lose no harm or loss but I am sure you are going to win may be with some difficulty . she smiled at me , then she too pour some sweet on my waiting cock . she pushed me on my back , she came forward and kneel beside me . I took couple of pillows so that I could watch the match . first she licked the sweet basundi from cock and hold base of my cock and took bulb into her lips and licked it . then she came to lick shaft to make it lubed , then she start on real course . she started swallowing my erect cock . she could take half without much problem and she had done it many times . she was pumping my cock with her mouth and trying to send as much as she could move every time . in some time she could take almost 2/3 rd of the cock . then it became unbearable and she withdrew coughing hard . she had hold breath to take so much and she had lost the battle . when she left the cock and raised her head , she coughed for some time and there was wild expression as if she had lost the bet , she was on verge of crying . I cooled her by patting her back , don’t lose heart dear m there is enough time , you can try again . I know you will succeed , I encouraged again . nandini too pat her back try again dear , what is there . you can do it leisurely .
I took vidya into my arms and caressed her back , be brave and try again . I am at your side I will help you I whispered . she was happy with my assurance . she then took her won time and tried again , she was slowly swallowing my cock inch by inch , she was doing really good but when she had taken good length till her throat she tried to push rest in one go . tip of the cock hit her tonsils and all of a sudden became out of breath and took off my cock all the way , she was coughing profusely , her mouth and nostrils were filled wit spit . she wiped it with her dress lying beside her .
Didi started clapping and laughing for failure of vidya . dear sil come sauthan you lost the bet , now it is time to announce bet , said in midst of laughing . vidya became dull not for the expected punishment to be announced but for the failure of taking my monster fully into her mouth , which she was confident of taking . she mad sad face , looking at her face I stopped laughing and teasing her .
I felt bad for vidya , if I teased her some more she would break into tears . I pat her back again and consoled her . don’t worry if you need my help you can ask me . she said what are you going to do . you have such long dick , I could not take it full . is there any way you can help me ? . I find only one solution cut it short , she started laughing . no screamed nandini didi , I wont allow it to cut into two halves . if you cant take it leave it and accept your defeat , but you cant cut my precious cock of my lover for the sake of your ease . she too started laughing . but she continued teasing vidya .
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threesome with nandini and vidya 60.69
Vidya realized , her bhabhi is about to declare penalty , before she could tell she seek my help . wait bhabhi , bro is going to help me , I was a foo to try without his help , I am sure he has got solution for every thing . he must be having one for this also .
I wont disappoint you this time , I have an solution for this you can try it , I am not really sure whether it would work , I hanged my words . I was assuring her without any self confidence in me . it is the first time I am facing such situation . then some thing flashed me , I had seen a negro b f where he was inserting his very long cock into his g/f throat . I asked vidya to lay on her back and go on doing as told . she readily accepted the offer , I am ready to do any thing but see that I win this bet . I have also dreamed to take full cock up my throat and give you deep throat . thanks for that dear , you never revealed your wishes to me , other wise we would have practiced and now would be ready for the task . I pulled her head out of the bed so that it hung in air ,she asked me what I am up to . don’t worry dear I am not going to hurt you , you have to do as I say . I know though it is bit difficult but you can do it . pulled nandini to me and asked her to suck my cock . she said bet is not finished , you have to put it into her mouth not mine . don’t worry give a suck so that it should enlarge to the limit I whispered . she became happy thinking I am at her side and took my monster didck into her mouth , started sucking it while she caressed rest of the part with her tender fingers . now my cock was dancing with all the glory as it is being sucked by most dearest sis . when it had attained full length , I took it out of her mouth . I had made it suck by her is to lube it and make it full stiff . then I asked vidya to open her mouth . she did so , I slowly inserted my cock into her mouth , she was sucking cock which is coated with saliva of her bhabhi . just lower your hear little more , so that I can shove it into your throat . if you are not comfortable just gesture me to stop , I will stop there itself or shall withdraw it . she nodded still having my cock stuffed into her lovely mouth . I asked her to take as much she can , she moved her head forward to take my hard cock . till certain limit it went in , now it was almost near to her throat I could judge it by length left behind . dear inhale as much air you can and hold it , don’t force but keep it within your lungs .i am going to push little , when you are having any difficulty you gesture with your hand . then I slowly pushed more of my cock into her , it was entering her tightness of her throat . I could feel it entering unexplored area . she had opened her eyes to look how much it was entering . I pushed some more slowly , she was trying to hold her breath and take me inside her mouth . I was almost pushing most of my long cock , I too was holding my breath , when I was near to full entry she gestured me to stop , then she got disengaged again coughing , her eyes were filled with tears , I asked what happened , she said nothing . it was very good but I could not hold my breath that is all . she drank little water after she had come to normal . bro you are too good , I was on only one step behind my success , but I hadn’t realized about taking deep breath and hold it . I had neglected that part , now I have realized its importance . this time I think I can do it . after awhile again she sprawled on bed in same pose like her head out of cot and in air . this time I asked nandini to lick my cock and coat with her saliva .
 threesome with nandini and vidya 60.70
This time vidya did what I had said earlier asked me to start . then I slowly placed my lund on her lips , she sucked it like lollypop and was enjoying sucking my tool unlike last time she was not under any stress , but she was doing it sportive . after bit sucking she started taking deeper and I was pushing my cock slowly into her hot cavern of mouth . then asked her to gulp air as I am going to push inside throat . she raised her thumb to go ahead . I hold her head and slowly pushed my cock into her throat , I was not hurrying this time . I said if you need to breath try to do it with open mouth and nostrils and if you feel difficulty you gesture me so that I will pull it out of your throat and make space to breath . she gestured me to continue still my long cock buried in her lovely mouth . now I could feel tightness of her throat , don’t contract your throat and leave it naturally , it is me pushing cock , but you have to take just what I am giving . now oh my god I am almost there . I gave another push and now I had buried my entire length into her mouth . my balls rested on her nose . I hold it in same pose and said congrats sister you did it , now nandini also clapped for the success and announced you have won the best and beautiful task . I pulled my cock back to let her breath as she was holding her breath since long . now she tried to breath still my cock in her mouth and was successful , after couple of breaths she moved her head to take my cock back into her throat , now she was giving deep throating without any difficulty . I was feeling as if I am fucking tight pussy . then she slowly with drew my cock and sprang out of bed to hug me . I said congrats dear you did it , she thanked me for the guidance and patience to do it along with cooperation , it was my dream to do it and apart from that I had to win bhabhi’s challenge . my dear you made me lose the bet , you can announce the stake but keep it in mind that I am your bhabhi , not hurting emotionally or physically didi continued .
Still my cock firmly embedded into her mouth , I was fucking her mouth slowly , her throat had accustomed to my cock , I did fuck her for a while , then she slowly pushed me aside , her jaws must be aching due to long sucking and experimenting deep throating .
Don’t worry bhabhi I love you and I worship you like god , I can never think of hurting you .
Whatever I will decide will be only for fun and not to hurt you . how can you think like that , we are doing everything for fun only , there is no question of hurting any one , I added . I was hard enough and my cock was longing for the good fuck . I had two nude beauties at my disposal whom both I loved and one was my most desired one , that is nandini didi . I simly laid her on her back , she too was hot enough after watching hot game . I didn’t need to arouse her . I spread her thighs and sat between her legs . vidya came and sat beside us , she took hold of my waiting cock and guide into her bhabhi’s dripping cunt . I gave couple of fast thrusts to send it all the way in her slippery cunt . vidya slide and rolled beside her bhabhi , placed her hand on didi’s tummy . didi shivered with feminine touch . I slowly started fucking her and vidya was caressing didi’s nude body . while I picked up rhythm vidya began sucking didi boobs . what are you doing vidya , please leave us alone .
 threesome with nandini and vidya 60.71
What is this bhabhi , let me enjoy your beauty , I want to feel you all the way , don’t treat me like you sil but like friend . we are almost bed mates now . we don’t have any inhibitions and we should be free like friends vidya teased her .
That is true if I didn’t treat you like friend how could we join fucking same person , we are not only friends but are like southan , we are getting fucked by same person and on same bed in each others person . but getting touches by other girl is some thing different . how can you touch other girl , is it not weird , touching man is natural she continued .
You haven’t tried it , you do now and realize it is equally fun to touch and press other girls boobs or any thing of her body . just let her do and you will come to know how pleasurable it is by getting play with other girl . first shed your inhibitions and take it sportive , I advised her .
I think he is right , that is why I wanted to experiment it through you . whom else I can try but for you vidya added . some how she made her bhabhi quite and to accept her advances . then without any resistence she started pressing her bhabhi boobs while I was fucking . definitely this added fuel to existing fire . within no time she started moaning . both of you suck each tit , let me see how it feels nandini encouraged us to experiment .
We didn’t need second invitation , both of us jumped on her tits taking each in mouth . I was licking her areola while she was sucking her boob like hungry baby . I knew how to please a girl , but vidya was raw in this , she only knew she got pleasure by me . but both things did same work here , she was getting excited by each passing moment . now her excitement had reached to the peak as her both breasts were being sucked and her hole is being serviced be experienced person . her moans had become so loud to alarm neighbors , looking at her condition I started pumping her harder . I went on fucking her , vidya was playing with assets of didi . vidya placed her fingers on didi’s body and was caressing all over her body , then her hands slowly creeped downwards caressing her belly and at last reached her pussy . didi looked at vidya in pleading look not touch her there , without caring for her plea she continued with her own job , reached to pussy and was caressing while I fucked hard . I fold didi legs and placed her knees beside her face and continued banging her in full speed . now vidya started manipulating didi clit . girls know better to play with vulva , they know erogenous points and how to manipulate . as vidya manipulated her clit , didi’s pleasure multiplied and was moaning so loudly and she was encouraging vidya to play more by placing her own hand on vidya’s . now she had reached non returnable stage and was pushing her butt in air to receive my hard thrusts . soon she started crying loud to have immense orgasm . she was leaking like hell , I kept pounding her without any mercy on her chute . vidya too was with her business pinching and tweaking clit . at last didi went lose and sprawled on her back , she could not take more of her pussy play . she took out vidya hand gesturing to stop . I too stopped fucking and lay on her nude supple body . vidya disengaged her self and lay beside her , her hand also was coated with feminine juice . she licked her one finger savoring taste , it felt too tasty my pre-cum mixed with feminine juice .
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 threesome with nandini and vidya 60.72
I asked how was it didi , she said just mind blowing . when she opened her mouth to reply vidya inserted her finger into didi mouth , innocently she sucked her finger without knowing what it contained . when she realized what it is she pushed her hand away saying what is this . it is your love juice bhabhi , see how tasty it is vidya licked her own finger and again put another finger in bhabi and held her mouth shut so that she could not take it out and had to taste it forcibly . after few seconds vidya felt didi’s tongue licking her own juice . when she was through she took out finger , not bad , I thought it would taste awesome and voluntarily took another finger and sucked that also .
Come on bro it is my turn , I know you haven’t finished yet , make me cum hard I am too hot now . she pushed me on my back and rode on me . without any delay she had picked momentum and was fucking hard . didi sat beside us , I asked her return favor to vidya . she asked me what does it mean , I said very simple , you know what vidya did to you , you do the same to her also to multiply her pleasure . after thinking for a moment m she started doing same . she stood on her knees and was pressing one boob while sucking the other . though it was bit hard as vidya kept jumping on my body , didi also had to synchronies movements , but learnt fast to suck moving balls . vidya took her bhabhi’s hand and placed it on her pussy , didi came to her intention and she started playing with her pussy . she too played with clit of vidya . when vidya was moaning loud , she inserted one finger into her already occupied pussy to make it still tighter . thus she was rubbing clit as well was moving her finger like finger fucking . this enhanced pleasure of vidya and she was pounding on my body like hell . it didn’t take long time before she to reach orgasm . when her movements became slow as she was getting tired , without breaking link I turned her on her back and started fucking her hard , now by watching all this didi also became too hot despite of mind blowing orgasm few minutes back , she started fingering her own pussy .
I pulled didi and made her sit on vidya face , she hesitated for a while , when vidya too pulled her , she straddled on vidya face and was rubbing her pussy on vidya face . now it was real threesome , I was fucking vidya and in turn vidya was mouth fucking her bhabhi .
It didn’t take much time to make vidya shudder with orgasm , she stifed her body and lay still . I urged her to suck her bhabhi to bring her to climax . with new found energy she started licking chute , here I had continued fucking . at last vidya discharged again and then didi into vidya mouth and at last I was filling vidya’ womb with my hot jism .
We all lay exhausted after long marathon fuck , all were trying to gain breath . I was in middle and each side they were lying . didi was first to recover , it was fantastic again , I had never though another girl’s mouth would be so much pleasurable and would bring climax , I really enjoyed it . thanks for every thing bro and vidya you too . it was real fun and I enjoyed every bit of it .
Was my mouth so pleasurable bhabhi , I never knew it . as bro pushed you on my mouth , instinctively I sucked you , I am not expert in cunt lapping as it is the first time I did . don’t worry vidya you will learn more in these coming days . you will experience it when she sucks your pussy , that time you also will enjoy , istated as I wanted to confirm it or compel didi to suck her nanad’s pussy . without giving any thought she nod . next time I will fuck vidya ass making her in doggy and you will have her pussy all for your self .
This was real new beginning of our new bound and rest of the night we were making love into their pussies and asses , till we all were completely spent and could not afford to do any thing , and slumped in heap sleeping like dead logs till next morning .
One day I had to go one of my real aunt’s place . I was driving my car on n h 4 . I was alone and getting bored as I had drive all the way that too alone . my driver had skipped that day and it was an emergency , so had to go at any cost .
After an hours drive or so I saw a car was parked on road and two babes waiving for a ride . when I moved nearer I felt they may be known to me , and it was true . I knew one of the girl in chudi . I went in full speed and crammed brakes almost near to them . both the girls screamed hearing break jamming and screeching sound . when my vehicle stopped it was almost at back of the girl I knew , she was so startled she had lost her reflux to jump away from the road . as my car stopped almost hitting the girl in chudi . other girl was first to recover , she came running to the car and started abusing , what kind of a driver you are and what not everything . she was followed by driver of their car . at last it was she who had escaped narrowly hitting recovered and she too came forward and started abusing like other two . I was cool as I had expected such scene and it is but for natural to behave like that . I had closed all the windows as a c was running , none of them could see me . I opened door stepped out abusing them why they were standing on road to obstruct traffic . on hearing my voice girl in chudi recognized my voice and came running , hugged me tight . you brute you scared me o death , she gave few punches on my chest with clenched fist .
We moved out of road , I was holding her by her arm . then other two joined us , other girl asked her who I am and why did I drive like that . let me introduce my best friend from my college . it is shree he is the only male friend of mine . and this is my didi rohini recently got married to an security officer officer . by the way you didn’t attend her marriage despite of invitation . I said have you forgotten , on the same day my cousin sis was getting married and I had invited you for that marriage and as you know I was sole responsible for all the arrangements . ha yes rani said , at the time of invitation only we had come to know coinciding dates . in fact both of us had felt bad for unable to attend each others marriage functions . rohini didi he is my best friend and many times we used to sit on the same desk . rohini interfered only best friend or boy friend , she smiled mischievously . rani blushed , no didi he is best friend and he means a lot to me .
By the way why are you standing here I inquired . she said her car hit a stone which was lying in the middle of road , our foolish driver had not noticed it and hit it resulting damaging chamber . he says it cant be repaired soon and all the oil has leaked , so we were trying to catch some vehicle to continue our journey . which way you are going I asked . they said davangere , oh what a coincidence I am also going same way . you can come with me , I offered them lift . no you proceed you may be having company rohini said . no didi I am all alone I replied .
Their driver shifted all the luggage from his car to ours . I was expecting rani to sit beside me , but rohini took front seat and rani rear one as there was no much space for both in rear seat as it was filled with their luggage .
I resumed driving I was happy that some how I got some company , otherwise it is too boring on long drive . so you are going to meet kavitha rani asked . no and yes I replied .
what do you mean no and yes together rani asked . no means I am going for some other personal work and on the way I am going to meet her . they have got transferred here recently and you know it na . she said yes that is why I asked , so how are they . she too didn’t attend marriage of my didi , she said they would be attending your cousins . some times it happens cant help I said . so today we all will meet her I said , ha it is good idea and I can introduce my didi to her and her family . by the way my jiju is an security officer officer , he is serving as a sub inspector , so it is good if we meet uncle also . I said ha yes it will be fine so that he will come to know his daughters jiju is his subordinate and may be useful some time .
Rohini – what do you mean by subordinate , my hubby is sub inspector of security officer .
Rani - yes didi that is what I am telling , kavitha dad is S P of security officer .
Rohini – oh you are speaking about that ghamandi girl kavitha , is her dad s p ? .
Rani – yes didi we are all classmates , I used to speak about her and there is one boy who tamed her , this is same shree . he is very close to her family . while taming her we had united as we were also fed up with her nakhara . she used to behave like aishwarya rai . it is true she is beautiful in addition her dad is in good post , so she used to misbehave lot . which no one tolerated her in college . when she started falling for shree , to make her jealous I started sitting beside shree some times in college and in canteen . when she looked at us sitting close she used to burn so much . we could feel the flame in her and you know some times I gave pecks on shree chicks to set fire in her . that scene was worth watching .
Rohini – you did it to make her angry or really you were after this boy , she laughed mischevoulsy .
Rani – no didi , just to provoke kavitha I used to do it , I am not so lucky to trap shree , he is very timid boy . she too laughed , I could see her through rear view mirror .
Rohini – when most beautiful girl like my kid sis could not succeed to trap a boy then that girl must be still beautiful . but what is less in my sis than her , she asked me looking at me .
Me – no didi it is not like that I tried to defend my self . it was a sort of challenge . she used to behave a lot , so I wanted to tame her , and your sis and her friends helped me a lot in taming that shrew . it was fun you know . I didn’t have any bad intention at any of the girls including kavitha . just for sake of fun we used to do . by the way your sister in not less beautiful and of course you too . you real charm I praised her . you both sisters are real beauty , your hubby is really lucky to have such an beauty for his wife , really I envy him I added looking at her .
Rani – hey you flirt , don’t try at my sis , she is pathaka be ware of her and one more thing she is already married and not available . don’t try to trap her she laughed loudly .
I became bit nervous by rani’s bold words . and I was wondering how open they are and so free to each other , she could speak such words about her didi in her presence .
Me – what do you mean , you are telling me that I am too late to meet her . yes you are right I should have met this beauty before her marriage , I too laughed mischievously .
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For that none of the sisters felt bad and they joined laughing , poor boy lost the chance . you came to platform after train left , rohini teased me . Me – it is ok didi at least we have met now . by the way how is your married life . let me wish belated wishes for your happy married life , sorry I could not attend your marriage . if dates were not coinciding I would be active participant in your marriage to help your dad in arrangements . we shook hands , her hand is so soft and tender . I looked at her again , she is so beautiful girl I tell you , she could make dead mans cock raise . she was wearing jeans and loose top . as she is sitting I could see her big bust , filled with juicy tits . I had seen her milk tankers when her mobile slipped and fell on floor , she had to bend completely to collect it , I could see both of them partially covered by bra . though I had seen them for split second , they felt hard and in well shape . Still I didn’t have any bad intention at her as she is my close friends sis . Rani – what married life , she married in wrong time . within a fortnight there was month ashada masa , on which husband wife are not supposed to live together and then came another month adhika masa . again they were separated for another month , you know ours and his family are very much orthodox . so they were forced to live apart . Me – so they lost happy moments in newly wed days , oh very sad I teased her . Rohini slapped on my thigh , you both shameless persons stop teasing me , don’t you know how to behave with elders , said smiling at me . so far only she was teasing me and now she got support of you to tease me more she continued . at least she didn’t mind our teasing , very rarely sis are so close , I was happy to find such sisters who are so close and open to each other . Rani – shree that is not end of her torture , her hubby was transferred in odd period , it is assumed that some one influenced his transfer and in shifting they had to be separated and then this festival of gouri and ganesh made them keep away . so my poor didi is starving . Rani went on teasing her did and I was not left out , I too took liberty of teasing her . we had mixed so fast we were speaking like old friends . Some times didi pretend to be angry and some time she hit me or some time she tried to beat her sis who was out of her reach . when it became beyond her control she got up on seat by placing her knee on seat to beat her sis . she was struggling to catch her sis but she was trying to keep away , in this struggle rani slid at opposite end , she moved her torso that side hitting my face with her left boob , probably rani must have moved a bit so rohini slide further more pressing her entire left boob on my left side of face . maybe she didn’t notice , but I felt them , if she was not didi of close friend I could enjoy by pressing more , despite of my will I acted like moving my face to other direction , but no use she stayed in same pose as rani hold her hands tight so that rohini could not beat her . after couple of minutes rani left her hands saying didi you are disturbing shree . rohini sat back but not before giving couple of punches to her sis . we laughed at this childish game . After some more funny talk , rani stopped responding to our talk , may be she had dozed off . I too became silent as rohini also had stopped speaking . she was toying with her cell phone and I had concentrated in driving .
after some time again her cell slipped from her hand and fell down . this I noticed when she bend to look for cell . I could not resist my self looking that side . I got better view this time as she kept bending for longer time a she could not locate her cell , giving me long exhibition of her shapely boobs . I was mesmerized by the scene , my hands started itching to feel them and suck them , what to do I was forced to keep quite . while at last she was straightening she looked at me , our eyes met . I was bit embarrassed for looking into her cleavage , to conceal it I asked why do you keep dropping that cell , If you don’t want that you can give it to me I said . she smiled no I cant give it to any one , this my hubby’s first present after we got engaged . then it is ok you keep it for itself , now she might have forgotten that I noticed her boobs . after that we continued speaking some usual stuff . by now rani also woke up , she asked are you going to meet kavitha , I said yes and I have informed them that we three are coming . may be we are going to have food at their place . Rohini – it wont be good to trouble other for food , you can meet them and proceed . Rani – you don’t know didi how close we are , there is no need of any formalities with them . Me – yes you are right , first we shall meet them and think later about rest . On reaching their house we all entered , door was opened by aunt , I touched her feet , she blessed me . I gave her sweets packet and flowers . luckily uncle was home , I touched his feet and he too blessed me and he hugged me tight , how are you young man . how are the things going on , I said as usual very fine with your blessings . aunt called kavitha , beta see who has come . kavitha came out of her room , she was pleased to see me and others . what a pleasant surprise bro , mom didn’t tell me about your arrival . she came running to me and hugged me tight . I too pressed her back to feel her tits after long gap . I am so happy today to meet you bro , she gave a peck on my cheek . she too pressed her tits on my chest mashing them , she must be in heat as me and her bro karan both were away these days . karan has gone to states and her dad is posted here , she winked at me no one could see it , before she left me she did bite my cheek , I was astonished by her sudden attack . she did it in presence of her parents and her friend . I cried of pain as she had bite enough hard . when I cried her dad asked me what happened , her mom replied she must have done something naughty . kavitha ran and hid behind her mom . uncle what is this kavitha you haven’t stopped teasing him , why are you keeping quite shree , you should never let girls win , you have to do tit for tat . this was more then expected I ran towards her . I pulled her from behind her mom and pushed her on sofa making her sit , I sat over her lap and holding her head I too bite her and taking chance kissed her lips . she too cried of pain followed by loud laughing . when I left her and went to uncle he said I appreciate this spirit . we miss you a lot beta , he pat my back . don’t worry uncle whenever you feel like seeing me , give a ring and I will be at your door within two hours , I was thinking of calling you many times , but I stopped my self as you are expected when karan returns aunt said . I am really happy you love her so much , you should have born in my family uncle sighed . by the way who are these uncle asked me . kavitha introduced her friend and her sis .
Now kavitha took seat beside rani and rohini . they were catching up the latest developments , rohini also mingled with them and I was speaking with uncle and aunt had moved to kitchen . we too had lots of things to share after uncle moved from my place . he was really happy to meet me after long break , usually he does not like to chit chat on phone much except necessary talks and hello hi . in between rohini was asking how come shree is so close with you all . kavitha said he is like my bro or you can say more than bro . we all love him so much ( she spoke cautiously so that wrong message should not go ) . he is like eldest son to my mom and dad . whatever he says is final in my house , and always his decisions are right . you know rani how he used to behave in college , this brute was also in his group till I accepted him as friend . your sis used to make so many drama to mend me , but I am happy for everything , if I had not made friendship I would be loser .
Aunt called us all for food , we all gathered at dining table aunt served us delicious food , kavitha helped her to serve food and later she too joined us at dining . we all had food while chit chatting .
After food I asked for the permission to leave as I had to proceed . aunt asked me to stay back and even kavitha also forced me to stay . I was sensing what she meant , I too wanted to catch up with her for all these missing days , but I had to move as my aunt wanted me at her place . uncle asked me why am I in hurry , I said uncle my aunt needs me at her place she said it is emergency , she didn’t tell what is the matter . I told where I have to go , then he only said is it for that you have come together as rohini hubby is working there . it was news for me , I was not aware of it . I said how I had met them on way , explained their situation , they said they are going to davangere and I too had to go by this way only so I volunteered to give a lift till here . rohini asked if you have to go same place , shall you give drop till there . no didi our contract was to drop here , I am dropping both of you here and I will proceed alone . she made a face , when I started laughing she became cool . is it necessary to ask , I am going there and I shall drop you at your house , don’t worry I am not doing any big favor . now we were seated in car and I started moving after bidding bye to every one . it will be my pleasure to have company of such an beauty for some more time . she blushed , rani pinched my cheek from behind , you flirt look at road not at my sexy sis . you all boys are same , if you find a girl to talk you show your attitude . is he a big flirt , I think he is seasoned womanizer rohini commented to tease me . no he is fool he is not good at it , he could not win heart of his aspirant or who had crush on him , what will he do to a married girl , rani joked at me . so you meant to say he is dumbo rohini commented . partially right sis , he is duffer rani again teased me . we continued journey we were talking on usual stuff , rani was telling how handsome her jiju is and he has made big money , he knows where to invest and everything . I said I accept he must be smart enough to know where to invest , looking at his choice I can swear he is wise and choosy looking at rohini bust I said in double meaning . rohini came to know what I meant , she pinched my thigh whispered you naughty .
I dropped them at their place , she invited me into their house for tea , I said you must be tired after long journey , I shall come back to you for complete dinner and not for tea , I said licking my lips to rohini .
rani had moved away inside after bidding bye to me . rohini pinched my cheek again , you are too naughty . I should be very careful with you , you are not a good boy . I have kept quite as you are best friend of my sis . I smiled at her and without any comment I left their place .
I reached my aunt place which is located in out skirts of the town .
When I entered house aunt came running to me , she was not in usual cheerful mood , she looked worried and scared of some thing . she came and hugged me tight , why did you take so much time . I am waiting here for your arrival . she all of a sudden broke into crying I became worried , always she will be in jolly mood and she loves me a lot but today for the first time I am seeing in stress and crying . I asked her what the matter is , why are you crying any thing wrong , did uncle do any thing to you , that much I could assume . her cries increased instead of stopping . I caressed her head , please aunt don’t cry where is uncle , by now her cries further increased . I usually liked her hug , but today I was scared for she crying and not answering any of my questions . don’t worry aunt , I am here and you be assured there wont be any problem , just tell me what is bothering you . she took her own time to stop crying and she was still sobbing as I raised her face by lifting her chin . I wiped her eyes , they had become red and swollen , she must be crying since long . it made me more worried , it is because of your uncle beta , security officer have arrested him . why on the earth can security officer arrest my uncle . he can never do any thing that need arresting . you tell me in detail what the matter is . if you tell me in detail I can do my best to help him and you I assured her . that is the reason I have called you beta . they have arrested him on false case , there was a murder here last night , it is some bad people who did it , they are very much influential . but they might have feed security officer instead of arresting them he arrest charging murder case on your uncle , in fact he is eye witness of the murder . I took aunt to sofa , wiped her eyes and brought water for her . I made her gulp some water , she became bit cool and told entire story . the culprits and my uncle are not in good terms and had a fight before also on some boundary dispute of lands . that time uncle had taken help of survey department and security officer protection to clear off the encroachment . since then they were not in good terms , in fact they were treating him like enemy . for bad luck he witnessed murder with his own eyes that in near quarter . it was political based murder . unluckily uncle was passing by that road , when there was fight going on he had stopped there instead of going away as he was shocked , he had never seen such things . he had seen entire scene of crime . after death of that person they noticed my uncle standing there . when he became aware , he started his bike and escaped from there .
Later some one had informed security officer about the incident and they were on the site . when your uncle returned home after some time , they must have kept watch on house some of their men came to house and called uncle to talk . they asked him whether he had seen entire show , initially he denied but on persuasion he told yes . they warned him if he opens his mouth to security officer they will murder him too . he didn’t care for their warning , in turn he said he is going to tell truth , whatever may be the outcome .
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one of them was trying to warn or convince your uncle but son of that murderer came forward and pulled uncle . he tried to protest , he was such a fool to fight alone with group , they started beating him like hell . they just dragged him out of the house and beating him . I was shocked to witness , I was so scared I could not respond any thing I was numb and dumb . at last I went and fell on your uncle requesting them to stop thrashing him , I shall convince him not open his mouth . but they had continued kicking and slamming him , on that process I too received couple of thrashes . she again broke into crying , don’t worry aunt , I am here no more sufferings . I assure you I will teach them lesson , jjust tell me name of the culprits and I will teach them such a lesson that they will never forget me and they wont look at uncle in future . that is my promise , I took her hand and placed my palm on hers . luckily sub inspector of this place is known to me , I will seek his help to solve this , if not then I will take help of superiors .
S I will not help as he is also seems to involved in this , though he must be knowing who has murdered , despite of that he has arrested your innocent uncle . you took so much time to reach here , I wanted you here so badly . I felt bad for unnecessary delay in giving lift to girls and having spent time at kavitha place . I should have come straight . but I didn’t know what the matter is and how urgent it is . I said same to aunt , you should have told me the problem , so that I could have come earlier itself . I heard that you are coming alon , without driver . I didn’t want to disturb your peace of mind , in hurry you should not have driven rash causing another problem . please do some thing , since the moment they have arrested him , I have neither seen him nor heard any thing about him . please hurry and do some thing fast . without wasting even a minute o got up to leave . aunt said she will accompany me , I said no need , I am here and every thing will be fine . you keep waiting for me , you have my number you can call me any time . I knew where security officer station is , so I drove fast . soon on reaching I enquired constable about my uncle he said he is sent to jail after f I r . he gave me hints after I bribed him where to find uncle . he gave me name of jailor and how to tackle him . I know your uncle but cant hemp you in this matter , there is some thing fishy is going on . take care of your uncle , he is badly injured and medical treatment is necessary , I don’t know whether he is admitted in hospital or not . he advised me how to reach there .
I had to hurry , I was really tensed , uncle is badly injured and as per statement of constable he has not received proper treatment . as soon as I reached jail , luckily I met jailor immediately . I convinced him enough to make arrangement to shift uncle to hospital . I wanted to see uncle but shifting him was most necessary . money spoke there and I could mange to shift him to government hospital . there also I managed doctor to advise for private hospital as necessary infrastructure is not there with them . when he was taken to private hospital there only I could meet uncle . he was in bad shape immediately doctor too attend him as he knew uncle personally . they removed dressings as jail doctor had not done properly . he was shifted to private room with all the care . after all the treatment I could see uncle again . I managed constable on duty to meet uncle , after some rest uncle detailed every thing to me .
Again I met doctor , he assured me that there is nothing to worry , jail doctor has treated him but it was not sufficient , now under my supervision there is nothing to worry . I will take care , no life risk only thing is he has incurred lot of thrashes so he needs enough medication and pain killers . I have put him under proper treatment . I asked for another favor . you suggest security officer that his relatives to be present with patient as any thing could happen to patient and his relatives are needed to be accompany . he did as per my request , he called constable and detailed how necessary it is to be presence of warden . you have wasted so much time , any thing could have happed to the patient if further delay . you talk to your superiors or arrange to have some of his relatives to be here , preferably in the same room . though we have 24 hours vigilance but his relatives must stay with him . he spoke to jailor and convinced to allow some one . he gave permission as I had already bribed him enough to accept any thing . I bribed this constable also as he too be needed to be present with prisoner .
After going back to room , I called aunt and conveyed every thing to her , even uncle spoke few words to aunt . he said shree beta is here , there is no need of any tension . he has managed every thing . he will stay with me here . so take care of your self and be at home . she was bent up to come here and see him . at last I said it is better if she visits him and later I can drop her back home .
I took her to hospital , she was relieved hearing what I had done to uncle . she met uncle and enquired about his pain and well being . though uncle was having problem to speak , but he convinced aunt that he is all right . till night we were sitting there on another cot . at night I asked aunt to go home , but she was reluctant to go back , she wanted to stay there only . despite of my convincing she had decided to stay back there only . she was in such a sorrow she could not leave her hubby and to scare security officer department doctor had installed cardiogram , despite of convincing aunt she was not ready to accept that he is fine . I brought food from near by restaurant , we all had food . it was time to sleep , I had to still get details from uncle but he needed rest badly so I gave up idea of questioning him . bed arrangement was not that good , attainder’s cot was small , it was for only one person . so I volunteered to sleep some where else for that also aunt didn’t agree , she said she would adjust and was not ready to sleep alone . she was forcing me to sleep along with her as she was scared , it is but natural as she had witnessed most traumatic scene , her loved one was being beaten badly , she had not slept entire night yesterday , kept crying all the night alone in the house . there was no one to console her , though some of her relatives and well wishers had visited her house after the incident but no one could bring her to normalcy . a couple had accompanied her but they too could not sleep and kept night watching entire night . she was in night mare , so I had to accept to share the bed with her . I too was so much tensed and was thinking how to solve this problem . we kept talking on bed , night was progressing and no one could sleep . after some time uncle slipped into sleep , but for short time he started shivering and crying of pain . I got up and reported duty doctor . he gave some analgesic and sedative , he assured us it is not big issue . patient is still under shock and has suffered lot of pain .
with these injections he will be fine by tomorrow . you stop worrying and have a nice sleep . if any thing is there , you just call me , I will be available entire night , don’t hesitate to awake me if needed , I wont mind . I thanked him for the assurance he gave . on seeing uncle , aunt was crying again , when I rolled beside she tightly hugged me and continued crying . I was trying to console her at my best , I caressed her back and was trying to cool her . after some time she reduced crying but still sobbing , her tears flow on her cheek . don’t worry aunt I will see that they pay for this and I am pretty sure , none of them will not even look at you in future . I am going to fuck their ass till they cry like you are crying now . leave every thing to me and just relax . have confidence in me , whoever it may be and however strong they may be , it is my challenge I will take perfect revenge on them . I trust you beta that is the reason I called you only . see what a bad time is , it happened when my bro in law is out of station , he is on tour , then there was no one with me for support . I have informed them they are on the way , but you are quicker than them , thanks beta at least you did manage to shift him to a good hospital and good treatment has begun , love you shree and she kissed my cheeks , still she was sobbing and her tears flowing , wiped her tears with my lips and pulled her close to me . after little more consoling she had stopped crying and had cuddled with me placing her face on my face . this is not first time we are sleeping like this . in my child hood she was the one with whom I used to sleep and all the times we slept in each others arms well cuddled . she was comfortable now and was coming to normal . I started chit chatting with her , speaking some other things than this incidence , I wanted to know more about this , but I didn’t want to upset her mood , so we kept talking for a while .
Her mood was getting better , here my mood was getting spoiled . I was out of girls contact since few days as I was away from my place and no fuck in near past . I was feeling mature boobs on my chest , whether she is aunt or not , after all she is an woman and for me she is an beautiful woman that time . before I get aroused I wanted to disengage my self from her . this is not proper situation for such thoughts , after all she is moms cousin and I am not here for any kind of enjoyment . my motto of visit is to help her in her worst condition . I tried to break the hug and move away , heck it is not possible as bed is too small . I turned other side , but she forcibly turned me to her side , again I was facing her . she said don’t move , remain like this only . I had to keep quite , she placed her soft palm over my face and hugged me still tight . there was no alternative left , I thought of moving away when she slept , so I remained in her hug . slowly she was yawning and feeling drowsy , I remain still without even stirring . I too pat her face to make her sleep . after some time she slept , but when I stirred she hold me tight in sleep itself . I could not sleep , so many things were running in my mind , about how to tackle this task . she had said the opposite party is very strong and influential , so I had to be cautious to tackle this problem . I was lost in thinking possible ways to handle this delicate situation . I had promised aunt that I will handle it properly as if I had all the grip over the situation and I knew how to tackle , but after all I am an outsider having least clues of this place . at the same time nearness with an woman and her ripe body was sending other signals . after all I am harami , I never spared any woman who came near to me .
and sex starved person ( though for few days , I was accustomed to fuck almost every day ) . I didn’t want to misbehave even in sleep so I had planned to move away once she was in deep sleep . I was waiting for right moment to skip , I could sleep on ground or could move to other room . now aunt was snoring , I thought proper moment has come to move away . but all of a sudden aunt started shivering and convulsing in sleep uttering some thing , I beg you please stop don’t beat him , I will touch your feet , I will convince him . please don’t do any thing to my husband he is innocent , she cried loud and sat up . she must have dreamt same thing , the trauma had deeply embedded in her mind . I too got up and tried to console her , she sat up and was searching for her hubby , she asked me where is your uncle . I cooled her don’t worr aunt he is fine and look at him he is sleeping peacefully . when she looked at her hubby , she got up and touched him lightly . I warned her not to disturb him , he is in good sleep and on sedation . she came back on cot , I made her lay . still she was crying loudly and was shivering . I tried to cool her , she was still behaving like that , then duty doctor came running , thinking that patient has incurred some trouble . he looked at patient , checked him then he looked at us inquiring , he is fine what the problem is . I explained him back ground of the problem . she is behaving like this for her mental strain , I shall give her sleeping tablet , as she has not taken rest yesterday she needs good rest . he gave a tablet to her . I made her lay on bed and pat her face to cool her , she pulled me to her and hugged tight again , beta please don’t move away , I am getting scared again . whatever had to happen is already happened to uncle , no more thing can happen to him . if any thing happens is to them but not uncle , he is fine now , nothing to worry . you had bad night yesterday so now cool down , I will take care of both of you .
After some time sleeping pill was showing its effect on her . still we were in tight embrace , once she was cool and drowsy , here I was getting disturbed . even in such condition also my mind was thinking of some thing else . I could feel her body heat and her feminine aroma . I kissed her forehead , she slept now . I wanted to move away , I was trying to divert my mind to some where else other than her body . but could not concentrate on anything . I let her hold me during even sleep . I could feel her boobs smashed on my broad chest . see how bad person I am , uncle has incurred injuries and aunt is behaving hysterically and me feeling her beautiful body despite of full knowledge . I was feeling very bad and guilty feeling was troubling me , so looking at favorable moment I got separated from her , before I could turn other side , she pulled me back to her subconsciously . I was left with no other choice than to keep her in my arms , she had rested her head on my right arm and had hugged me fully and threw a leg on my leg , now situation was worsted than before , my left leg was jammed between her thighs and her boobs over my chest and her right hand on me . now was immobile , I could not stop my man from getting up and poking her . I was trying to control my self but that had its own mind and kept poking at her . my hand went on her back on itself . I could feel her bare midriff , I wondered how she had maintained her self , even at this age she had kept her body tight enough . there was little fat on her midriff . my hand roamed over her back and when I fold my right hand where she had kept her head .
both of my hands were on her back . right hand remained on her back and left hand moved to her butt , I could not stop my self thinking how beautiful could be her butt if her midriff is so sexy my hand automatically traveled to her butt . my good it feels so good , she has shapely butt not too soft or not too hard like small girls . I let my hand roam on her butt , even I gripped her half globe . I was sure I was not expecting any danger as she is sleeping drugged . caressed both half globes for a while and then thought to touch her boobs , I had never touched her any parts in sexual way despite of spending many nights together . after my mind got corrupt this was the first time I am sleeping with her . either I never got chance or we didn’t meet much as she was married and had her own responsibilities . we used to sleep like this before her marriage .
I was so curious to feel her boobs , I don’t call it lust , it was more of curious side . I left her butt and moved my hand , then she stirred . I was scared , it was good I had left her butt after few squeezes or else she could have felt my hand pressing her butt . luckily she was not awake , she had stirred in her sleep and she did shift her face from chest to my face . now both of our faces were in contact , I could feel her hot breath on my face . I had dropped idea of feeling her body , but after some more time I could not resist my self . slowly moved my hand and after several minutes my hand reached her left boob . I placed my hand on her lovely boob , I didn’t do any thing , my palm was measuring her boob size . my one hand could not cover her entire single boob , meaning to say she has grown in that department after our last sleep . but natural for a married woman having a child , it is supposed to grow . for my amazement she was not wearing bra , they were in natural shape . I wanted to insert my hand inside her blouse , but decide against it as we are not in home and not alone too , her hubby is sleeping few feet away from us and moreover door is also not locked . we were supposed to keep it shut not locked as patient could have some problem so doctors may visit any time and in addition uncle is prisoner not an ordinary patient .
I don’t know when I too slept still cuddled with aunt and feeling her warm body . when o woke up it was morning . uncle was still asleep and even aunt . I raised hand to check time , it was already 6.30 am . I thought of getting up . when I looked at aunt , we were in same pose as we had slept previous night , neither of had changed position . with my light movement aunt too opened her eyes . she recollected where we are , she looked at me , said good morning to me , she kissed my cheek . hope I didn’t trouble you much , sorry I slept placing my self on you . don’t worry aunt you are not that heavy I replied . she said no baba I have put on some weight these days she replied . yes in few places I replied looking at her bosom , she sensed where my eyes were and uttered badmash and gave light slap and got up to see her hubby . he was still in full sleep . I asked aunt not to make sound , let him sleep for some more time . you can leave now , and return with break fast after you get freshened and eating break fast . she said no I will remain here till he wakes up . she went bath and returned after washing face and nature call in attached bath . by 7.30 duty doctor came for morning round , he awake uncle and checked every thing , he said is just fine , nothing to worry at all .
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only thing is you need to stay here for few days still your injuries are healed . but nothing to worry , hope you got good sleep . yes sleep after injection was good and pain is also substantially reduced . how about you madam he inquired aunt , what had happened to you darling , uncle was anxious , nothing big she was tensed about you health , that is all . now she seems to be cheerful doctor said without waiting for her comment . she said yes and thanks for your good medicine and my nephew nearness , both did miraculous job she thanked doctor and smiled at me pinching my cheek . doctor left and after that aunt spoke to uncle for few minutes and she was satisfied that he is recovering she too left for home . I asked uncle to rest , he lay back . within few minutes uncle’s bro came with his wife , he was shocked to see his brother admitted in hospital after incurring injuries . he was on verge of crying looking at status of his bro . and his wife literally cried loud . uncle awakened by loud cry , he sat up with my help on bed . I cooled both of them and said now nothing to worry , every thing is taken care of and by grace of god he is recovering well .
Uncles younger bro asked for the details of incidence . uncle gave all the details , he said he was coming back from his farm and on the way back he witnessed a fight which lead to cold blooded murder . as he was shocked such incidence for the first time in his life he could not move . at other end also one young man was watching this crime . when they noticed that I was watching it , they charged at me , but I sped from the spot back to farm . I don’t know how I reached farm , there I sat down on ground for hours to recover , when our labor noticed me sitting , he came to me and asked why I was sitting there . he sensed some thing was wrong , he took me to farm house and gave water , he asked for the details but I dint say any thing as I was so scared . then he dropped me back to house after I had recovered .
Do you know that boy personally I inquired as it was most important for me or for him . there is another eye witness . he said yes he knows and told that boys name and he said he was fidgeting his cell phone while he was watching , probably informing some one . that was grate news for me , if he had informed to some one means he has right alibi with perfect time of call . he will be good witness for my uncle escape from this case . if he gives witness my uncle will be acquitted without any problem . after getting all the details from uncle I was breathing of big relief . even his bro was relieved to some extent .
Then he gave all the details of they coming to him and the argument took place between them and when uncle didn’t agree for their offer to keep quite how they broke on him and beat threatening to kill him too . but later s I arrested me tos ave their neck and involved me in this case on murder charge . I think he too is involved in this case .
I wanted to have a fag so came out , he too followed me . we stood at tea stall , both had tea and I asked will he care if I smoke , I was so tensed I wanted to smoke . he said he wont mind if I offer him one . then we moved to some remote place . while we both smoked he gave all the details of the culprit . all the information was useful , he asked what is my plan of action . I said now I don’t fear when we are having another eye witness , we can take his help provided he decides to cooperate . he said he knows that boy and is in very good term with us and the culprit is luckily mutual enemy of us .
that is still good uncle I will encash this situation for good . only you have to make arrangement to meet him . it is not big task dear , I will arrange now itself . he collected number of the boy and arranged meeting in remote place . after meeting that boy , in fact he is young man about 20yrs . an valid eye witness . he assured us to help us , provided we give him shield . I said yes , we will give you full security and another thing is you don’t tell about you watching this crime . he said he hasn’t told any one as he himself was scared .
Then I dropped uncle at hospital and returned house . my mind had become fresh I was in jolly mood , with all the information I was sure I could tackle case to my benefit . it was ten in morning and I had not taken bath yet . I was just planning the way to handle , I was cock sure of turning the case as uncle was innocent and in addition I had support of s p uncle , I could convince him easily .
As I entered house aunt came to me asking why I am so late . I said your devar has come and we were discussing about this incidence . I am much relieved with all the progress we made today . aunt you wont have any tension , I am sure of solving this case . that is good news , have bath and come , I will prepare break fast aunt said with smiling face . with all the support I was giving she was slowly coming back to normalcy .
Why don’t you give me bath your slef , I said laughing at her . dhuth badmash are you a kid , go and have bath fast she replied . as long as I am with you , I never remember taking bath on my own , please don’t say no . come on sweety please give me bath , I asked her again pulling her by her saree . she kicked me on my ass playfully , now you have grown up , you should learn to take care of your self dumbo . she took me by shirt and pushed me inside bath room . come on hurry up , behave like a good boy , you take bath and I shall bring your clothes , she went laughing .
I took hot shower while I was lost completely about my next steps to handle the situation . I had to handle this case wisely to help uncle . by then aunt knocked door bringing me back to presence , as I had not brought clothes I was not complete nude as aunt had to come to give towel . I said wait aunt I will open door . on opening door she entered with towel , before she handed me towel , I screamed lizard . in turn she too screamed back where is it , please make it go away , she hugged me tightly . I knew she was always scared of lizard , I don’t understand why women are scared of insects and such small and harmless creatures . I too hold her tight in embrace , she was asking where is it . when she didn’t find any I started laughing , then she tried to push me away , you naughty boy , you haven’t improved even after growing big . though she tried to push me , I was holding her tight as I had expected . I didn’t leave her before biting her cheek . again shararath I will tell your uncle to kick you for this as she wiped her cheek . then I left her taking towel from her hand . it was my innocent act , I wanted to scare her for fun , but in return her body crushed in my arms and those few moments pressing of her boobs had me hard in no time . I cursed my self for thinking wrong about aunt . immediately my hard on subside . I came out wrapping towel and went into room to wear dress .
When I came out she was waiting for me on dining table , she said hurry up it will get cold . and I will have to take food to your uncle .
I had prepared my self for the next task . straight away I went to security officer station dressed in very much common man not even in shirt wearing chappals . I asked constable where si is , luckily it was same one whom I had met previous day . he said he is alone , you can go inside and be cautious , he is criminal minded and has very high stakes as bribe . handle him carefully he will certainly help you but cost will be too high . I thanked him and entered s i cabin with his permission , there was another constable discussing some thing . he asked me what the matter is , I introduced my self as nephew of so and so . so you have come here from a criminal and cold blooded murderer , he wanted to impress me as he is very strict officer and didn’t like to speak with criminals . I was standing my hands folded in front of him . he didn’t even offer seat to sit . sir please don’t call him like that , as far as my knowledge goes he is not of that type , I answered in low voice . he looking at constable see this man has come to argue like court to me , he does not know how I am strict and disciplined .
Sir I want to speak with you sir , still I was standing with folded hand . no need to talk to you , whatever you want to talk you speak in court only . nothing is going to help here . I have found him to culprit and I have arrested him , he is in jail and you wont even get bail as it is non cognoscible offence , he has killed a party leader and he will have to eat what he has sown , what do you say constable . he laughed at me treating me low . I was tolerating it though my blood was boiling inside . sir both me and you know how my uncle is , he seems to be innocent , please try to help him out . no I cant I am sure he is the culprit there is no way I can help him , you can go .
Sir I want to speak to you in private I said gesturing at constable . always these people become happy when you say you want to speak in private . he gestured constable to go out , he too went smiling thinking they got a good bakara . now you can speak S I told me . sir uncle is in mess , and he is beaten badly , in addition it seems he is charged with murder case . sir he is innocent please do something to bring him out of this case . I am ready to oblige whatever you say . sorry young man , he is senseless and cold blooded murderer , he should have thought of it before he fought with him and killed him . I am not in a position to help , my superiors will question me , he seemed melting . sir I will bear the expenses to cool them . it is up to you , if you mind you can do it .
He – I could have helped but for that lady , when I had gone to arrest him she was crying and said I will have to pay for that , what does she mean , that bitch has spoken like any thing , she said some one will come from her side and conquer this case .
what the heck she can do . looking at you and your uncle I get some mercy , but remembering that bitch words I cant help , or I should not help .
Me – sir don’t get upset , she is a fool to hurt a helping persons like you . what did she say .
He – I was doing my duty , I had to arrest him and did my duty . initially she requested me to leave him as he is innocent . when I said according to our information we are arresting him and there is court you can fight there and claim your innocence and get free from there . but she was not ready and spoke few wrong words to me , and I got wild , I too had to abuse her . she was trying to threaten me , she was telling her bil and some others will come and handle the case and will see to it that I will pay for charging murder case . by the way are you one about whom she was pointing at .
Me – no sir I don’t have idea about whom she was referring . but sir I am ready to come to understanding . forget her words and talk about important matter .
He – when you say so , I shall think about your offer . how much you are ready to pay .
Me – sir you tell .
He – see mr I have to satisfy my superiors , some how I can convince rest of them , but it is too hard to convince s p , he is new comer and he is pretending like very strict . I know all these behenchod , they will ask for bigger stake . I don’t promise you that I will certainly help but I shall try to do my level best . but tell me how much you are prepared to pay .
Me – sir always my stakes are double .
He – what do you mean by double .
Me – very simple , I will pay the double of what you got to fit my uncle in this case .
He – means you are ready to pay 20 , 20 lakhs .
Me – has he pain only ten lakhs , I shall pay 20 and if you do it fast one extra .
He – are you in sense , you are speaking about big money . when will you pay .
Me – ten now itself , I shall apy ten lakhs today and ……
He cut me off in middle , for the remaining are you going to send her to me , I should see her once he muttered for himself .
Me – what did you say asked as if I didn’t hear him .
He - ten lakhs now and what about remaining .
Me – remaining after work done . I am repeating . I shall pay ten lakhs today and after you complete work same moment you will get another ten lakhs . and if you complete this job in one day I shall arrange one lakh extra .
He – it is big amount how do I believe you .
Me – if you assure me , I will pay in 50% advance na .
He – then I shall do it .
Me – how about your s p , will he agree .
He – see mr if money speaks every one stops speaking . I know these I p s officers , I will shut his bloody mouth with this much of money . ( I instigated him to speak bad words for sp uncle )
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Me – to free my uncle you will have to fit some one else into this , whom will you charge now .
He – it is none of your business , I will find some one else for this , if I didn’t find any one I shall ask the people who did it will give me a person substitute for his own life . but you have to keep your promise , for that matter I am very much particular . for me money means every thing , I don’t care for the person mind it . if you fail I will have to fit you too in some case .
I took out my cell and stopped recording . I started dialing s p uncle , but unfortunately ii got his number switched off . I tried several times , could not succeed . then I called kavitha’s mom and asked about location of uncle , she said he is in office , but why do you ask . I said I need to contact him , it is emergency . then take his office number , leave the message , he might be busy in some meeting , he will call you later or else I shall ask him to call when he come home .
I took that number and asked permission to use land line . he asked why don’t you use your cell . whom are you going to call . I said battery is low as I could not charge cell in the morning . he said carry on I called through his official land line , at the other end some one answered call , I asked can I speak to sir please , he in tune asked who is it on the line , I said I am shree his nephew , I tried his cell but it is switched off . sir is in meeting and may end at any time now , what should I tell him . I said leave the message that I had called and wait for his call , don’t forget to say it is emergency .
S I – whom are you trying to contact .
Me – some one who can arrange money immediately , you are not very sure about me , I am planning to settle full and final now itself , so that there should not be conflict later . he smiled at me , you are very intelligent man . you don’t want to waste time . I appreciate your spirit .
Then my cell rang , it was s p uncle .
Me - hello uncle how are you . would you mind to call land line of this security officer station as my battery is low and I have kept it for charging .
He - sure beta I shall call , are you in any kind of trouble . see if you want help for any petty offences , just pay the penalty and push off . don’t drag me in that .
Me – don’t I know about you uncle , it is serious matter and I need your help .
Immediately land line started ringing , as usual some one received at reception , he informed s I that s p is on line . s I took the phone and after formalities he asked what the matter sir , you did call now . sir I have arrested a person of murder and I am inquiring sir . sir picture seems to be different sir as per my investigation he seems to be innocent . sir can call you back after the initial investigation is completed , he was speaking smiling at me and he show me thumb for managing the situation . then uncle asked me to give phone to shree , he seems to be there in your station , can you give phone to him .
Inspectors face bleached when uncle mentioned my name . are you the same shree sir is referring , I said yes I was the one who had called him just now .
 Me – uncle I am in deep trouble just because of your corrupt department . I am fed up with these kind of people you have in department . see this son of bitch s I was referring to a case , he has arrested my innocent uncle . s I face became red in fury , he tried to snatch phone from my hand . uncle this bastard is trying to snatch phone from my hand , I shall give it to him , now my cell is charged and you can call my number . or will you warn this fellow to wait till your call is over .
Uncle – what is this beta , you are using very bad words . have never seen you speaking like this .
S I was gesturing me to stop speaking , showing his stick to me .
Don’t show stick to me you behenchod sale , if you gesture me again I will shove it up into your ass . do you think only you can talk bad to others , every one can talk but you people use your strength , I barked at s I .
Me – sorry uncle I was speaking to s I , he was asking me to not to tell you , he was gesturing me as if he is going to insert lathi into my ass . this fellow is so corrupt and bad mannered , he does not have any value for the person .i will come to it later .
Uncle , this is well pre planned murder , this fellow is specifically transferred here for this mission . I detailed him every thing I had come to know in these two days . in fact my uncle is innocent and he is main eye witness of this case . this fellow had made him accused instead of witness . important part is none of these fellows know , there is another eye witness which murderers have not noted , or might have neglected . he has seen entire episode and most important thing is he has video footage . that is more than enough to screw your department . I have already taken copy and uploaded it to my yahoo and gmail accounts . so that even if these fellows influence him or threaten him also wont help any one . while saying this I looked at si , his face bleached and he had worried look . I have decided to make against your department involving even top most authorities . again he will file a suite for defamation also . you people need to be ready to face and suffer for this guys mistake or mischief .
Uncle – yes I can understand it , but no need to bother such things will come out during investigations . we don’t keep quite , we too investigate for murder cases s I is not a investigating officer , it will be inspector who investigates .
Me – that I am aware uncle but the problem is he too is mingled with this mother fucker . he must have feed him so he too will accept what this fellow says . he is such an criminal minded , he can manage any thing . and he is so corrupt , he is black spot on your department . is such a short service he has made so much money , in your entire service with such rank you will never be able to make . he has presented a diamond necklace to his wife within three months after marriage , it has cost him a lot . s I said , don’t bluff I have not purchased any diamond necklace , you are unnecessarily spoiling my name . don’t bluff you cheat I have seen your wife along with her sis buying necklace . it is from this particular shop and she has paid so much bill . as she didn’t have so much cash your sil has used her credit card for remaining amount . if you want I will prove it and I shall try to get purchase details and your department will find out your sil account number to prove it .
now don’t say it is her money and she has purchased for herself . but uncle this fellow is such a fool , he transferred money from this place to her account . that also you will come to know at the time of investigation . he didn’t even think how wrong he could be to transfer amount to her account . recently he has purchased a car on some one else’s name . and this fellow is eyeing on his beautiful sil , he has purchased gbang farm of 8 acres in his sil name before his marriage . what does it indicate . I repeat he did purchase gbang farm in his sis in law name immediately after he got engaged not in his fiancée name but on her sis name . I have studied about back ground of his in laws , they are in debt due to this marriage as he took lots of dowry from them , they can never prove that they purchased on their own . what else proof you want .
I have decided to involve as many from department in conspiracy as possible as this fellow got transferred for this very mission and you have signed his transfer .
Uncle – I think you are right but how come you gathered so much information about this fellow . I will take interest personally and will see to it that no innocent person is hurt . I am man for justice and I will stick to it . I wont promise you any thing , but I will assure that law has its own course and it will be in favor of justice not for a person . I will come soon and investigate it .
Me – will you talk to this mother fucker , what I want is he should be behind the bars for rest of his life . for corruption matter I have enough evidence , I had a deal with this fellow for release of my uncle . I have recorded every thing including what he spoke about you also . if you hear it , you will fuck his in security officer station itself .
Uncle – beta you have learnt lots of bad words , you are speaking like my department people . don’t use such vulgar words . I promise I will come may be today itself , don’t tell him . there is nothing left to speak , you did every thing . I will speak to him in person .
Me – ok bye . I shall come to your house may be tomorrow , inform aunt , ……….ok done uncle I will come for food . ok bye
Si – oh you know our sahib personally ? . you didn’t tell me when you came here . I could have suggested you some other easier way .
he was acting like he was normal and not bothered about our talk . but his profuse sweating was telling every thing .
me – why should I tell you , there is no need I had come as common man and it is true I am common man . it was you who was showing attitude . otherwise I have gone smooth . now tell me what you are going to do . when you want money , whether in advance or after the work is done . I laughed at him sarcastically .
he – first you tell me how did you gather so much information about me .
me – I know many more things about you . your wife name is rohini m her sis name rani . both of them are young and beautiful . I winked at him , your choice is good . I know through whom you got transferred and many more things ,which you cant even imagine .
you just keep thinking about how to save your neck , till then I will smoke and come .
he – door is closed , you can very well smoke here itself .
me – no I don’t want to commit crime by smoking here . I am giving you sufficient time to think .
though he was trying to show off he is not tensed but I don’t think he had never taken such abuses in his life . there are seasoned to abuse but not to get them for themselves . they are specially made to put people under pressure by scaring them . now the things were different for him . I went out for smoking and when I came back he was speaking to some one over the phone , when he saw he cut the call .
me – so what you have thought ?
he – I haven’t thought any thing yet .
me – so you are seeking advise from others . when will you grow .
he – what do you mean , am I kid .
me – you might have grown in few aspects , but not yet matured enough to take own decision . see I took decision the moment I heard it . then only I had decided to screw your ass . now you tell me how are you going to escape from this . don’t think I am speaking on strength o s p uncle . no you are wrong , that has made me go slow , I cant hurt him or over take him . otherwise things could be still different . you could have sensed my speed by now .
he – what the most you can do , you can get me suspended that is all . then he looked at my cell which I was holding .
I said don’t worry I am not recording any thing . you can keep it with you , I kept the cell on table , while I was taking my hand back , by mistake my hand brushed a wallet kept on table . it fell at my side , he got up to collect it . by then I had taken it and while handing it I saw a photo in centre of wallet . by reflux I opened wallet , I should not have done it as it is not right manner to peep inside into others life . in fact there were two pics at each side . one was he and his wife rohini , on other side it was three people . he is in middle and each side one woman . one beautiful girl at one side and on other side one widow lady must be his mom . I looked at pic again and handed it back to him . I suppose one is your sis and other mom , think she is widow .
He – yes m dad is no more .
Me – poor lady but she is still beautiful and looks young enough to take .
He – take what ?
Me – don’t act man , she looks young enough for play , I told looking deep into his eyes . should understand what I mean .
He got furious and raised stick , I was quick enough to catch it before it touched me . I too got angry , you mother fucker , be ware of me . if I mind I can poke this stick into your ass and tear it apart .
He – what did you say about her , you said it even after I told she is my mom . his eyes had become red with fury , he was shivering with anger . he had lost all the patience . learn to behave man , when I was speaking you said some thing about my aunt . she is also like mother to me , she is my mom sister . you were using words like bitch and all . then you were thinking your self high in the sky .
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now it is my turn boy , your mom looks like a bitch . you were murmuring about cash . when I said I would pay ten lakhs , what did you say that moment , for other half you would take my aunt till I pay remaining . there is one thing common between you and me . we both like milfs , both like matured women . I too like milf . when you are so much fond of milf , you must have fucked your mom . I wanted to pay back to his words , I was sure about case and he could do nothing about it . I wanted to make him so low before s p uncle comes , he should reach to earth and should not be in a position to face him . he wont be coming alone he will come with other subordinates . the moment they reach here he should be in such a position to beg for his service and life . did I behave like you when you were using all the bad words , you should have patience baby . you should learn to take abuses , just think your self in my place and me using all the bad about your aunt or mom . it is easy to comment and too hard to take . keep the voice low if any one comes to know me abusing you that too in your chamber what will be your image .
He – I am sorry for that , I should not have used those words to your aunt , I beg pardon . please don’t drag my family members into this .
Me – why did I enter into this is just because of you abusing my aunt that night also . when she told me I started working on it . ( I hardly knew any thing till I reach here , all the information was given by his wife rohini , she was trying to boast so she told many of these things . if rani had not slept she could have stopped her then only as she knew what I am . rohini and rani are not poor but not rich enough to wear diamond jewelery . it was mere coincidence I meeting them but it was his bad luck though I was saying yes to her boastings , but remembered every thing when this situation arise ) . it is your bad luck you had eye on her and abused her unnecessarily , if not I would not have entered into this . now you have committed you will have to face it .
He – I said sorry no , I wont ever look at her or interfere into your life . please close the matter . I am really sorry , I didn’t mean it but I wanted to put them under pressure to take advantage of the situation . please don’t fetch this matter and I will help you in all the respects .
Me – thanks for extending help , so you will arrange mating with your mom . hahahaha I laughed at him .
He was in such a situation neither he could express nor conceal . how the hell he can tolerate comments on his own mom . but I wanted to play the same prank which he played with uncle and aunt .
There is no way you helping me , I am capable of helping my self . as regards to legal matter , my advocate is working on it , I have not yet given video clip of murder but rest of the things he will take care . I wont mind paying him handful . but regarding other matter to fit you into such a situation I will think how best I can fuck you . you are in soup mister , most unnecessarily you brought problem . it is like disturbing most poisonous snake . I have enough evidence not only to make you lose job but behind bars for rest of life and tomorrow you wont be able to show your face to any one including your family members . your worst days have begun , you need to count days or hours .
He – don’t ever think that by mere knowledge about me you cant think as I winner . I too have my own contacts , may be I will have to leave your uncle but I am capable of saving my self . I have such god fathers with me .
I laughed loud at him , you have god fathers and they will save your neck , what a joke hahahaha . not even god can save you now . you know home minister is from my constituency and he is very close to our family . again to depress him . his brain should stop functioning was the simple motto .
I got up , good bye mister , we shall meet again at a right place may be wrong place for you . he sprang up from his chair and came before me . is there any way for compromise , I am ready to do any thing for you . you can negotiate I will accept any terms you lay on , please wait don’t go , he spoke .
Sorry mother fucker , I have to take many revenges on you , for what you did to uncle and aunt . it is not easy job to sustain all the injuries you have caused . you can ask your adviser about what to do next . I will be watching all your next moves . you can do whatever you can . my full plan is getting ready and I will think and act according to my wishes and not per your wishes . I had to keep him tensed and without waiting for his reply I left the place .
By evening sp uncle reached the place with his other subordinates and conducted investigations . it didn’t take more time to realize the plot . when he put pressure on s I he opened his mouth about the real culprit and he tried to convince that he was not aware of the fact , on preliminary inquiry uncle felt to be the accused so he had arrested and now he was planning to catch real person . on further pressurization he arrested the real ones and on the interrogation he opened his mouth and accepted that he had murdered along with his team and later beaten my uncle . he had come to know about latest developments , si must have convinced that condition is beyond his control and hence he cant escape , under s p uncle’s supervision all the documentation was changed and uncle was made as eye witness instead of accused .
Later we met at hospital as per his advise . he met uncle along with other officers . he begged sorry for mistake of his department and he feels shame to admit that there was some confusion and s I did mistake by misleading people or involvement , whatever the case may be he feels sorry . uncle pat my back for bringing the truth and saving an innocent person . other officers also were impressed for my good contact with their superiors , they inquired me how come I investigated so much in such a short time as if they were not knowing the fact . I too didn’t speak wrong not to embarrass them . but I smiled as if we all know the fact .
Aunt too was present there in hospital , she was really impressed and happy to know that her hubby is out of all the trouble . inspector assured her that it is their responsibility to lok into their safety and will see that they wont be bothered later also .
Aunt invited all to her house for food , but they denied , sp uncle promised that he would visit their house on later date not on that day as he is on duty and on investigating where her family members are involved , if he comes now it will give bad impression to public . after conveying their sorry to every one of us including brother of uncle and his wife . uncle felt relieved of the burden , but he was advised to stay for few more days at hospital . as officers didn’t agree for visiting our house , I arranged fruit juice and after having juice they left us assuring their best cooperation at all times .
Uncles brother took charge of his bro and asked us to go back home . since today I will be with bro , you don’t need to stay here , even food also will be brought by my wife . you just relax and don’t worry . I think most of the things have settled , only thing left is bro should be healthy and come back home .
Uncle asked what magic you did them , why were they here . I said they have realized their department mistake so they had come here to wish speedy recovery and express their sorrow for misunderstanding . now don’t ask me any thing more , I shall explain how I could manage it .
I along with aunt returned home with full satisfaction of days work . when we reached home aunt hurried to kitchen and me to wash room for cold water shower . by the time I took bath aunt was cooking . as there is no one else in house I proceed to kitchen . she was standing there preparing food for us facing other side . her back was at my side , she called me come on beta you sit here on kitchen slab or pull a chair .
I didn’t move from where I was standing . I could see her back , how beautiful she is I thought . she has maintained good shape . despite of she being very rich she preferred to work most of her chores by herself . for errands hey had workers but as she is very fond of gardening she took care of it , just for that they had taken land out of town and had built big twin mansion , one for each brothers . with large garden in front and back also . in front area she had planted varieties of flowers and back side little bit vegetables .
Nice lawn and couple of fountains in the middle . garden is worth watching , aunt spends lot of time in gardening she does every thing needed there including watering and weeding also . she is in one word hard worker . that is the reason she has maintained her shape and body .
About aunt now , she is my moms cousin means daughter of moms uncle . mom’s father has one brother and they have joint family . aunt name is sujatha , she is youngest of her father . in all they are five , three sisters and two brothers . mom have three brothers and two sisters . it is big family but living joint till today . as I am their family member I know who is who . no outsider knows who is son or daughter of whose . that much close knit family is , always sujatha is my favorite aunt , we liked each other and she is the one who used to take care of me all the time . if she is present in house I never went to my mom . even she studied her college at my place so she stayed with us at my place . she is almost ten years older than me , now she may around 30 + . we used to sleep together till she got married and left us .
In her young days she was very naughty , she used to tease me a lot and many times she used to put me in troubles . she used to cover her mistakes or mischief on my name and I had to take scolds from my parents , and she used to come in middle to relieve me from their clutches saying , he is very small boy , if he does what wrong is there . you should not punish or scold a kid like him . we know he is bit naughty for that you cant punish him , saying like this she used to carry me with her to her room . I used to be angry for unnecessary blames but in room she used to say sorry beta , for my mistakes you were scolded , but thanks to you for saving me and she used to kiss me . I used to melt with her soft words and few sorryes and few thanks and later hugs and kisses . then I used to feel pride for saving and helping her .
I was a small boy those days , always I slept in her warm hug . we always cuddled in each others warmness and slept in same pose till morning .
she used to shower me with kisses . when me or she grew older her kisses were extended on my lips too . when I reached high school her kisses were mostly like smooch , but then I didn’t have any clue of sex those days . may be I was too young or I was not exposed to sex , so I never had a thought of sex . what I wanted is warmness of her body , which I never got through mom as when she had further delivery though she used to sleep beside us she could not hug any of us kids as she used to be tired after heavy work . when aunt came to our house and she used to make me sleep with her as I was her favorite nephew . I used to beat her or get angry when she bite my cheeks leaving bite mark on them . I never came to know about her intentions as I was very innocent and was not at al exposed word sex even . I didn’t have company of elder boys who could introduce you to such erotic ideas or facts and of course those days there were no internet also . some times I used feel bad for her such advances but could do nothing about it as I loved her a lot like she did , so there was no question of complaining to mom about her acts . even few times mom had seen bite marks on my cheek she didn’t comment much and she would say wow now a days aunt is loving her nephew more than ever , she used to say smiling , aunt would reply in same manner . sure didi he is my favorite nephew . don’t love or make more attachment with him or else when you marry and leave our place it will be too difficult to leave all of us especially him . you are right sis but I love him much more than rest of the world , this used to make me and mom emotional .
I came to senses from flash back when she shook me , where are you lost beta . she pinched my cheek smiling at me . oh aunt I had gone in flash back , your presence always reminds me of those past when we were so happy with each other and shared same bed and shared all the thoughts . is it I thought you were lost in thought about your girl friends . where do I have such luck dear I said making face as if I was never lucky with any girl . how should I believe you being handsome and intelligent should must be having many she smiled at me and turned towards gas to continue cooking . my gaze again fixed on her protruding ass , it was attracting me , but I could not stare much as she turned her face to talk to me . I hugged her from behind now tell me about you darling I spoke kissing her neck . she looked back turning her face , darling , when did you invent this word shree . I realized my mistake by calling her darling , but could not go back on my words . yes you are the only one my darling aunt . love you aunt I kissed her cheek . why this maska giri now , do you want anything from me . nothing aunt I want you and only you , she looked back at me , I am there always with you dear . I thought you want me to search a bride for you or help in searching for a good and beautiful girl friend . oh no aunt you are my best girl friend , I wont need any others .
I know I am the best girl friend and that is the reason you visit me so frequently and daily you call me over the phone to talk endlessly . what kind of drama bazi , you don’t even remember me , many time I think you have forgotten this aunt of yours . you tell me how many times you have met me after my marriage . hardly we meet in family function and those times also you will be so busy in arrangements as if things will not move without your presence . why did you change so much after my marriage .
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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before that you never slept alone . always cuddled with me and you slept keeping your head on my chest . now you are saying I am your best friend , some one should learn acting from you , you liar .
I am sorry aunt , you know how busy I became after going hubli , I had to forget even college also , due to work load . so many responsibilities and so much work load . I did wrong thing by going didi place or else I would be free bird . but when you got some one else to sleep beside you , it is you who forgot me , I tease her .
Hey you , you have learnt speaking to and you forgot how to speak with elders . she laughingly took belan to hit me without turning . I hugged her tight holding both of her hands tight so that she should not hit me . I thought I did mistake by using such word but when I saw her laughing , I was cool . still she was struggling to use her hands but I kept her pinned to me . when she asked me to leave her hands and assured she will not hit , then only I left her hands . but kept pasted to her . she removed my hands from her hands and kept on her waist . I stood still behind holding her . still there was nothing in my mind and how could I think wrong about her she being my favorite aunt . while doing chapathi she had to move a lot while she rolled dough . so whenever her ass moved along with her body , her ass frequently hit my groin . her ass was in perfect shape and as my groin hit her wide cushiony ass my cock started stirring inside pant . I tried to keep distance so I moved my back bit away from her while doing so my hands raised and hit bottom of her boobs . my goodness they felt so soft , may be she was not wearing bra . just to confirm it out of curiosity I touched her boobs again with back of hands , felt same again . I was getting horny due to her touches , I didn’t want to show I was getting aroused . I left her and stood away from her . so far she was not minding my touches , when I moved away , she looked questioning at me , I didn’t express any thing but moved towards fridge to fetch water bottle . I came back after having some water and stood away facing her . she was busy talking while she did her job . she was now making pallav for that she was cutting vegetables , she had to bend forward for cutting . couple of times her saree palloo slipped , she didn’t bother to cover properly , I could see her boobs jiggled , now my condition was getting worst than before , I could neither move from there nor could avoid seeing jiggling . at one point cloth slipped full to give full view of her boobs till nipples . my gaze was fixed on her cleavage she was talking continuously when I didn’t respond she looked at me and I was caught red handed watching her cleavage , she looked at herself and this time she tied her lose end properly without any comments . I was embarrassed so I thought it is better to leave the place to avoid getting embarrassed , I said I will watch t v till you finish cooking , she made sad face she wanted my company . she said you sit here only so that we can talk and catch up missing things . by the way what did s p say , how come he visited our uncle and how do you know him . all the time he was calling you beta and you addressing him uncle .
He is not only known to me he is my dearest uncle . he is father of my friend . is it very nice , so you have reach to big persons , you have become big man now knowing big people . that is the reason you have forgotten me . by the way dad of friend or girl friend . I blushed as she was right , both I replied .
I mean his son and me are friends and his daughter happen to my class mate . that way both bro and sis are close to me . you know he is total non corrupt . he is gem of a person , I have never seen such an officer in my life .
You should have hooked that girl so that you could be son in law of a big person . though she spoke innocently but it pinched me some where , I pretend as if nothing . I said why I should be known as in law of a big person while I myself is big person , I said smiling at her . as she had dragged me into conversation I had to keep my self in the place . though I didn’t mean to watch her , but I could not avoid staring at her and her jiggling boobs though properly covered by her saree , clothe could not conceal movements . she might have sensed where my eyes were fixed , but neither me nor she worried about it . when the sight became non bearable I moved to hall , I didn’t want her to see tent in my shorts . she continued cooking and I watched t v news till she called me for food .
Plates were set on table I pulled a chair and sat . she was serving me food , I asked her to join for food , she said she will take later , I knew she will not take food properly how any woman can feel like having food while her husband admitted into hospital . so I forced her to give company at last she agreed and took a seat opposite to me . she served to her plate and mine too sitting there . we were speaking in general . after some time her saree lose end got displaced again exposing her milky soft walleye , I was in such a position my dirty part of the brain is always active it does nit listen to my commands . despite of my efforts my eyes were moving back to cleavage intermittently . o was looking at her face when she spoke to me then to my plate and when she is busy eating I watched her cleavage . I didn’t want to get caught red handed already it happened once , I didn’t want it to be repeated . so I was getting restless . but she was enjoying my company and having food slowly , continuing conversation . some how finished food and left place , tension was building I wanted to smoke but could not dare , aunt would kick me if she recognize smell . so I went back to watch t v . after aunt finished her works she came out and we sit together for watching t v . we were chit chatting on general topics . it was time to sleep I yawned as I did not had good sleep previous night . aunt please show me room , I am feeling drowsy , I would like to have good sleep today .
Wait I will come after few minutes , she finished her works and took me to her bedroom , we shall sleep here only . I said no aunt let me sleep in guest room . she said no way is it for the first time we are sleeping together . if you want to change dress you can , your bag is in here only . I didn’t have to change as I was already in shorts and tee . she went into wash room taking her clothes with her , she came back wearing cotton nightie and rolled beside me . she started speaking again but I was yawning again , I had to sleep but she wanted to speak as we were meeting after big gap . when I didn’t answer for her couple of talks , I was pretending like sleeping so that she will think that I have slept and she will let me sleep . but no she shook me to awake me , still then I didn’t respond . she might have sensed that I am pretending , she came over me and bite m cheek . now I could no more pretend , oh aunt you are not letting me sleep and pushed her away . she came back to me and hugged , shree you cant sleep so early . we have met after a long time and I am curious to hear what you did and how come s p came visiting .
Though I was sleepy I had to tell her what happened since morning and how I made officers visit . I explained every thing adding bit masala . how I had faced p s I . how had recorded our conversation . I took my cell and played audio clip about our bargain and he accepts bribe and terms of payment . she was cool listening to the clip and said how come you did such a big deal even without asking us . 20 lakhs rupees is very big , from where could you pay so much . I don’t say we don’t have that much money with us but it is so big deal you could have seek uncles permission or at least you could have informed his bro . it is not a proper deal if you have committed we have pay no . cool down aunt now the table is turned we are in a position to claim for the damages , I am not a fool to commit such a way . I told how I threatened him later with this audio clip and what I spoke to s p uncle and how I convinced him about the real fact . even I said I have proof of this bribe man and I said we have video clip of murder and we have another eye witness . we can prove my uncle is innocent and most unnecessarily he has been charged with murder and instead of giving security to him they have made him accused . with all the talks uncle was convinced but he wanted to visit and investigate before he accepted all the words I had spoken . he came here for inquiry that time as he is known to me , he courtesy sake visited uncle . he will come again and take statement from uncle .
Now the s I and culprit both are under mess , neither of them can save their neck . I have placed such a trap , they will have to pay for the deeds . I am sure they will come up with some compromise and may be ready pay some thing as a compensation . I am waiting for that by tomorrow I am sure to hear some news from them .
When I completed narration she was awe stuck , my god you have really grown up , even your uncle or his bro could turn the table this way . at the most they could have bribed money to him and looked for their escape , but you made it some thing else . they have to pay instead of taking ( lene ka dena ) . most interesting way of turning the scene . we wont accept cash from any one but that s I needs to be taught a lesson or two . she was so happy she started showering kisses on my face . she hugged me tight and still she was kissing my face till my face was filled with her saliva . how could you think so much and act alone . she was so happy she jumped on me and sat on my stomach m she was sobbing , I asked what happened dear aunt , she said crying with happiness . she lay on me flat rubbing her face on mine . I cant yet believe what you did , is it real your uncle will have no problem and will be released from the charge of murder . yes aunt that is my promise and even he will get security officer protection probably , if you or uncle desire .
Do you know why I thought such a aggressive plan . she asked me why . you said he had abused you with bad words , since when you told me my blood was boiling . I wont leave him I will see that he loses his future and put behind the bars and I know how to do it . thanks beta you love me so much , I too love you da . she kissed my cheeks again . she had sprawled on me resting her boobs on my chest . I could feel her boobs mashed on my chest . even in such moment my man was thinking of his joy and not bothered about the relation or condition . I was getting aroused , what happened to me , why I am behaving like this . she is no other than my moms younger sis and I am getting excited by her nearness .
it should not happen , I tried to divert my mind somewhere else . I tried to recollect her words of she being abused by that s I . so that my erection should subside and arousal should be converted into fury on that bastard . no it is not happening , I am losing the battle . I am not able to lose erection but instead it is growing . now she had placed her both legs apart and her cloth covered pussy was in contact with me . I could feel her few days old bush is rubbing on my stomach . my goodness she is not wearing panties also . only layer separates her bush and pussy is thin layer of her nightie . I tried to push her aside from me . I wanted to get free of her but she is not ready , still she is sleeping over me and giving full contact of her body on mine . her thunder thighs are touching my legs as she had widened her legs .
Why are you pushing me beta , have I become too heavy for you to bear . she raised her face to look into my eyes . you used to bear my weight when you were kid , now you have grown up , you should be able to bear . I could not respond how the hell I can tell that I can not only bear her weight but I can carry her for miles . I am strong enough to so any thing that grown up can do . how can I tell her that she is causing erection . luckily she had placed her butt on my stomach , if she slides a bit lower she will definitely feel my erection . what will she think of me , how cheap I will become in her eyes . oh god please help me , I was praying god to help me .
She is not at all ready to slide , it was very common in olden days she used to lay like thin over me even when I was kid . then too she took enough care not to place entire weight on me , now also she is doing same . though she had raised her face , our chest were still pressed sending warm feeling into me preferably into my loins . then she remembered what happened beta , you are keeping quite . don’t you love me , in olden days if I don’t lay over you , you used to ask me to come over you and kiss you , in return you used to kiss a lot . now you have become too kanjus , you are not at all kissing me back . have you stopped loving me beta ? . what can I tell her , I was in such a distress , she is completely innocent and she hardly knows how I have grown to a beast not like beta but an womanizer . I was feeling guilty and at the same time aroused too . when she persuade me to talk , I said it is not like that aunt . I love you so much and I can never express it with words . it is you who is not loving me .
What do you mean , I have showered you face with kisses and expressed my love to you , but you are blaming me . you are hurting me by saying like that . I thought of a quick plan to express I am an adult and not her lovely kid any more in softer words . so that she will move away from me . no aunt it is not the way you used to kiss me . it was the way you kissed when I was too young and a small kid but later you had changed the mode of kissing . what do you mean beta , I could not understand she replied .
You have not forgotten I hope , my lips used to be swollen from you r kisses . now you are not doing it means you don’t love me I blamed her .
Oh my dear for that you are getting angry , sona you have grown up now . you bear moustache now . I cant kiss you like that . you were small and innocent teen kid then . now it is not like that . she rolled away from me .
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While we entered into lodge I was teasing her on some topic , she said shut up and don’t say like that , that irritated me bit so I teased her more . all of a sudden she broke into tears , she was sobbing . I said I am sorry don’t cry now in public . she too was trying to control herself but it was too late . we were in lobby and we could not move back to car till she was cooled . I went desk clerk and inquired for two single rooms . he looked at me and then at her , he was an old man again looked at her and then me . by now she had composed herself and wiped tears and trying to be normal . beta come near he called me . don’t make beti cry . it is not good on your part he said with voice of concern . rohini suddenly took advantage of this , look uncle he always teases me to cry . don’t worry beti I will tell him not to hurt you , he was speaking as if he knew us since child hood . I neglected his words and repeated uncle two single rooms please . again same thing , beta it is not good to quarrel , it is common problem with newly wed couple . see her even her mehandi is not faded and you are fighting . please don’t hurt young bride it is very bad . he continued with lecture , I was getting irritated by his attitude , and here she was enjoying the scene . see uncle he makes me cry very often , have I come with him to cry she replied teasing me . now uncle started giving lecture not to tease your wife and you should keep her always happy and cheerful . I could not bear it , I interrupted him by saying you are confused uncle , I wanted to say we are not couple but she interfered and asked me to listen carefully to elders advise . it is not fair to overlook experienced men’s advise . she was enjoying this scene . I was in utter confusion , in fact she had to shy but here I was getting blushed and at last I broke his monologue and asked him to give keys , I am tired after long drive , I need some rest . he again started shower of advises , it is not fair to self drive when you are traveling with new bride . you should hire a driver and let him drive while you both sit in rear seat and enjoy while traveling .
At last I said thanks for your concern and advise , I have driver but she says other persons presence will hinder the pleasure and asks me to drive . so that we will be alone all the time , I teased her back . this fellow started she is also right , you need privacy and all the crap . I could not stand to his rigging and I asked him to give keys now , I shall come back when I take rest and be free . he said yes I can understand beta , you are in hurry to go to room now , I am happy you listened to my words , here take these keys I am giving you honey moon special room for you , it is deluxe room and I hope you will enjoy the stay with us . he pat my back . what is honey moon special room is it any thing special ? I asked him . he said it is specially designed for newly weds you see and confirm your self .
That is ok uncle , is it fitted with any special devises I asked as if you have fitted hidden cameras laughing at him to tease him . he was startled to know what I meant , no dear it is designed for comfort and nothing else . don’t worry this is famous and trust worthy lodge , it is like home away from home . best of luck and enjoy . he handed keys and bell boy collected our luggage , we left immediately to lift to avoid another boring lecture from him .
I had to accept a double room , I was in no mood for such things with her . I wanted to stay away from her and liked to spend time alone at this most unwanted and unexpected stay .
but could do nothing I was scolding myself for teasing her and making her cry . if not this situation could not have come and we could stay separately . room was really well decorated with nice paintings on the wall . had all the erotic stuff and cozy bed with verities of lamps . decorated to elevate mood especially paintings including monalisa nothing vulgar but erotic .
I first went to wash room to get freshened up . after I came out she was ready with a towel in her hand , I denied it and went for my own . she looked at me for a brief moment and without any comment she went inside bath room to freshen up . she came back she was looking really beautiful without make up like a fresh flower . she discarded towel which was hanging on her chest , my goodness she is wearing sheer nighty could see black bra covering her beautiful breasts and my eyes traveled south , I could see matching panties . she looked at me after she hanged wet towel . I changed my sight focusing on her face . her full white flesh was glistening under nighty . I had to shift my gaze to avoid erection and getting myself in awkward position . this I should have thought before accepting single room . she has trust in me then only she had accepted to accompany in single room and we had to spend a night together . I should not think wrong about her and later should not repent . I laid on my back , I was still wearing pant , had removed only shirt . she came sat on chair facing me . shree why don’t you get comfortable changing dress . I said does not matter . she said no formalities , you can live freely , change dress and take some rest . I thought good suggestion , when she is insisting then it is ok with me . when I opened my bag I could not find lungi , oh my god I forgot to bring lungi I said to my self . she head me ushering , asked me what the matter is . I said let me lay on pant itself . have you forgotten your night dress , she inquired . I said yes mi left lungi at my aunt place as I am not that much used to it . then what do you generally use she asked . I prefer shorts at home I replied . haven’t you brought that also she asked . yes I have brought only shorts . then why don’t you wear what is wrong with it she asked . nothing much but to be in shorts in your presence I feel bit odd . every one wear those things only , even many people roam in burmuda don’t feel shy and you can very well change into comfortable clothes . I changed in wash room and came back as I didn’t feel appropriate to change in her presence . I sat on bed and we were talking , she said why don’t you take some rest as you have been driving you maybe tired . no I am not that tired but can take some rest as we have nothing to do now . I switched on t v while we continued speaking . I rolled on bed she was still sitting on chair , I asked her to take some rest . she was bit hesitant she was still on chair . if you are so hesitant to sleep beside me what are you going to do at night , will you spend night sitting on chair ? . if that is the case why did you opt for one room . I knew you wont be comfortable to spend night in same room and on same bed . don’t worry I will lay on sofa and you can occupy bed , I got up to move to sofa . what she is thinking is right , she might have thought room will have two beds , but that fellow had given honey moon special how can that room have two separate beds . it had only one bed and amazingly for a deluxe room it has medium sized bed neither single nor double king sized . it was not proportionate to the size of room and its luxuriousness .
She stopped me from going , she said you are right we need to adjust for a day . now we shall adjust here itself and think at night . I lost mood again , if she is so hesitant she is fool to opt for one room and it is too hard to spend a night on same bed . without any reply I got up and lay on sofa and asked her to move to bed . she said sorry for the trouble I said it is ok still cursing her in mind . these girls act like fools some time , she should have keep her mouth shut , I could tell receptionist that we are not couple , he could have given two rooms . then this fool of a lady was making mischief gesture and enjoying uncles lecture to me about what to do and what not to . at night I will make her spend night on this greedy sofa and I will peacefully sleep on bed without any mercy . mmmm this sofa is also cozy , it is ok to spend some time here but this cant accommodate my long body . I folded my legs and lay there , she threw a pillow at me to use , I said thanks . despite of controlling my anger I could not stop barking at her . why didn’t you keep your mouth shut when I tried to convince him that we are not couple and she is my best friend didi . he could have given two rooms . she looked at me for a while , there was look of hurt in her eyes . I didn’t like to stay alone in separate room . if that is the case I could have taken a double room with two beds I snarled at her . she was hurt again , she said sorry , I didn’t know he would give such room . I thought he would give us room with tow beds , if you don’t like this , it is not too late we can ask for other room she replied .
No we cant do it at this stage , he will think that I have hurt you again and for that only we are changing . he will start rigging head for which I am not ready . if you wish you can go and get room changed . she looked at me deep into my eyes . you are right he will think wrong about us , let us some how adjust here itself . by the way are you angry of me for making you move to sofa ? . I said no not for that , but for your behavior at reception . oh for that my little man is angry , I was just enjoying the conversation and I like you to be teased that is all . I am sorry if I offended you she said and repeated her sorry couple of times . its ok didi , I am not mad at what you said , but the thing is it made us troublesome . whenever any one needs to change dress has to go bath room and have to share a bed , no privacy especially for you , may be it is first time you are sharing room with other man , I continued . ha that is right for the first time I am going to stay with any boy other than my hubby , not even with brother as I don’t have any . but you don’t worry much I will adjust with the circumstance . about changing , how many times we are going to do and it is matter of one day only , we can adjust that too . now cheer up and forget about the problems . and thanks for the concern , I think you have very good fore sight . that is what my sis rani used to tell me . she used to talk lot about in your college days . you know she is real admirer of you , that is how I knew much about you even before we met . that is the reason I could trust you and I am sure it is not misused . I don’t mind if you come and sleep here itself . I know pretty details about you and your nature . I was completely relieved as she was aware of nature and not bothered about sharing a room with a stranger .
We continued talking for some more time . then she asked are you not feeling hungry ? . it is time for food , I said ok then we will have food I didn’t know time as it passed during our talk .
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we were completely comfortable with each other now , we were free with each other . I went to wash room and got freshened . I came out and asked her to get fresh , you can take your clothes with you , so that you can come out ready .
Bu the time she came out I too had dressed and ready to go . she had changed dress and had some light make up . now she was wearing a red saree with matching blouse , she looked very beautiful in saree as it is the first time I am looking her in saree .
She had wrapped saree tight around her bust and it was contrast to her skin color . the way she wore saree she looked more sexier than western out fit . little make up had surely added to her beauty , she was looking most fuck worthy . I was now looking at her in sexy way but immediately I shook my head . what has happened to me why do I look every woman in that way . to wipe image from head I stood outside room and wait till she joined me . we went to the some good restaurant while waiting for food she saw a display of today’s entertainment board there were all the pictures running in city were displayed . she was reading board while I fiddled with menu . after food arrived we both got busy in consuming , food was really delicious . while eating she asked what is the next program , I said nothing shall go back to room and after some rest we can go out for a walk or if you wish to buy any thing we can go for shopping . can we go to movie if you don’t mind she asked . why not I don’t have any thing to do till they come back . in fact I don’t have fad of films much and I don’t know which movies are running . she indicated at board showing list of films running . have you chosen any film I asked she said yes . it was running in two theatres I called waiter and inquired which among two theatres is good . he said one name , and gave direction to reach there . while eating I often looked at her , she was looking so beautiful and her saree wrapped tight on her bust , it was clearly showing size of the bulge , couple of times she caught me staring at her , I pretend as if I was looking at her saree or some thing like that . she too didn’t comment over that . after food we came out and headed for theatre . there was no much rush , easily got tickets . I asked for corner seats he readily agreed and gave desired ones . while going in I brought couple of cold drinks , when we settled in seats I handed one to her . I was not talking much as I was bit embarrassed after getting caught staring at her especially her boobs . still there was some time before movies commenced , she started speaking to me , when I didn’t respond much to her talks she looked at me , is any thing wrong , are you all right . yes I am all right I replied . are you not feeling well she placed her hand on my forehead and then she inserted her fingers in my shirt , there is no fever , then what is the problem . her soft fingers felt nice on my chest , she let her fingers stay there on my chest while she spoke to me . are you not interested to watch movie or you don’t want to watch with me she asked smiling at me . her words were so soothing I thought she should not take her hands back from me . she was so caring and had full concern . I was relieved that she had not mind me staring at her , I was bit worried as she is my best friend didi . when there was no clue of bad feelings about me , I smiled back at her . nothing didi , I was thinking some thing else , nothing to worry . and thanks for the concern dear , I held her hand which was still on me . one more thing why did you ask , who will not love to watch movie with such a lovely girl . she laughed at me and said was just joking , I thought you are not interested in movie , if that is the case we can go back to room in case you need some rest .
here also I am going to rest and it is nothing like I don’t see movies , but not much . even film is not good then also I love to watch sitting beside a beautiful girl . see how others are looking at us as if envying me , I teased her . you are an stupid and she slapped playfully at me . it is nothing you are best friend of my sis and I am married also . don’t think too much of me she teased me back . oh that is my bad luck I teased her again . now both laughed together , film had commenced and we both were lost in movie . it was some love movie , romantic one nothing sexy or any thing like that . I didn’t dare to look at her any more as I was feeling guilty after getting caught staring at her . she was also engrossed in watching film , whether she looked at me or not I didn’t notice . all of a sudden my attention was diverted by some mewing sound followed by short whispers and later crying sound of girl , they were in such a quick succession , I was forced to look at source of sound . I could see some movements in front line , a couple were sitting in next line and girl was pushing boys hand but boy was trying to molest her . I could not believe how can he molest her in public , girl cried again . this time he closed her mouth with his palm . after some time he left her mouth and that girl squeezed herself beside him . again his hands started wandering over her body , he whispered some thing to her , the girl kept quite . now I could see his hands roaming on her body , even in darkness I could make out . later he placed his hand on her shoulder and gradually it moved further , I could not see where his hand was but could guess he must be cupping her tit . after some time he started moving his hand slowly , I think he was trying to insert his hand inside her dress . girl was looking at his face but not really resisting , probably she was telling him enough but he neglected her words and continued pressing her bare tit . I could hear faint cry , naughty boy might have tweaked her nipple . her cry was loud enough to hear . so far I had forgotten a dame sitting beside me and I was watching film . I sensed some movement from my side . I looked at rohini didi , she too looked at me . what are you doing , your attention has gone from film and what are you watching she said . no nothing I blushed as she caught me in voyeur action , in fact they were their private moments and I was not supposed to watch , but could not help as they were doing kinky things in open theatre and any one could see . I fumbled to answer , I was not doing any thing but watching movie . don’t lie , I have seen what you were watching , let them enjoy why should you interfere in their matter . I got bit bold and said , I was not in any way hindrance to them , they are playing in theatre and they are sitting in next row I had to see as they made lot of sounds I whispered back . but you were also doing same thing , you were also watching so I too did same I replied , now it was her turn to blush , yes those sounds attracted my attention and interrupted enjoying movie she replied . but you enjoyed this movie no I said smiling at her . she was too shy to reply she hid her face on my chest . this was the first intimate contact since we met . top button of my hairy chest was open I could feel her warm breath on my bare chest . I pat her head and let her keep her head that way , I caressed her head with my finger tips . then she raised her head , but didn’t go away from my body . she placed her hand behind the seat and rested her head on my shoulder . wow what a feeling I could feel her womanly fragrance .
she continued watching film after some time she raised her head to see what I was seeing . in fact I was watching her beautiful face in dim light . now I became aware her right bosom was pressed on my left hand and she had not bothered to move away to avoid contact . she found me watching her , what are you looking at , you have seen me , what is new in it look at the screen man , she pinched my thigh . sure I will watch film but you look so beautiful in this attire . I could not stop my self watching you . you are really beautiful girl , your skin is so smooth and fair . when there was no protest from her side I praised her more to make her blush with praises . I didn’t use word sexy or any equivalent terms to offend her . she looked into my eyes and said thanks for the compliment , now it is enough of praises you watch screen , you are neither looking at me or them only screen she said . I was enjoying her feel I was in no mood to enjoy film . I was bit hesitant what will people think looking at us . I was sitting with a married girl like couple . very next moment I laughed at myself , who knows either of us in unknown city . even if any one see us will think that we are couple and we are not doing any nasty things . I tried to concentrate on screen rather her boob pressed on my hand . she is after all sis of my friend I cant misbehave with her . it was so difficult to do then say , I was wit most beautiful and equally sexy girl watching a romantic movie and other couples are lost in their own world . in single term atmosphere itself was romantic and it is my bad luck to sit upright than doing nothing . so sweet dish is in front of me and I had to starve was my condition . just to check her reaction I raised my left hand to caress her face . on the way it brushed her left boob but without making any thing nonsense I caressed her face . what a fragrance you are having , which scent do you use I whispered . no at present I am not using any scent he replied . mmm then it must be your body fragrance , it is attracting me like pheromones trap . ( it is used in biological pest control in certain field crops where male insects are attracted by female artificial fragrance and fall into trap , thus male insects are controlled ) . she laughed looking at me , hey don’t say like that , I have not set any trap , smiled again . you are so funny , some times you speak some non sense . she didn’t get angry for that . I wanted to drag conversation on same line but unluckily intermission came . immediately she sat right and we both came out . we walked out of hall and went for loo , she went ladies side before we were separated clean your pheromone trap I whispered . she blushed and looked at all side if any one heard my comment . as there were none on hearing range she pinched me and ran away . I too went smiling and completed my business .
I thought of smoking but decided against as I remembered her sitting posture , she had placed her head on my shoulder so her face was very near to mine . some girls hate cigarette smell . I brought a big packet of fresh pop corns and couple of chokobars ice cream . by the time I was back she had already occupied seat and waiting for me . soon film commenced . I hanged carry bag of ice cream on arm rest and offered her pop corns . she looked at me and then pop corn packet . she silently took few grains , when she tasted wow masala corns , they are really tasty and put her hand in packet . thus we shared same packet . I placed my hand over back of her seat and was holding packet with right hand keeping it on my thigh . it was convenient for both of us .
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to have better access to packet she slide further more towards me . now again her right boob pressed on my left hand . making movement every time by bending that was creating friction of her boob on my hand and now my small one started responding to boob touch . it was firmly packed in bra and blouse and again saree was wrapped tight so I was feeling hard flesh of right boob . gradually my man had woken up after long sleep and was saluting in my pant . I could not stop my self from feeling her . slowly I shifted my free hand to her shoulder , she must have sensed but luckily no protest . I had placed my palm on her shoulder and gradually made it move towards her face . now my finger came into contact with her cheek . later I caressed her face with two fingers , now my boner was so hard it was trying to come out by tearing my pant . I had stopped eating corns as one of my hand was holding packet and other was shifted to her shoulder . she looked at me and then at my both hands . shy did you stop eating she asked , did not you like it ? . I said I had enough and you take remaining . she took few grains and ate and others she stuffed into my mouth saying have some more shree , give company . I was feeling lucky to be fed by her , her slender and long fingers some times touched my lips and couple of times I deliberately licked her fingers . both the time she smiled and third time she pulled my nose saying naughty boy . my left hand had advanced and it was dangling against her left breast . I had let my hand hang freely without cupping or pressing her boob . my palms were itching to press her both boobs and lick and suck those milky spheres . I was controlling my level best to keep alert for her reactions . then all of sudden a funny thing happened , a mosquito bite on my leg I was forced to scratch and automatically my right hand moved away in mean while her hand came down on searching for pop corns , accidentally it landed on my now full blown cock . she was startled to find cock in place of pop corn packet . immediately she took back her hand , then tried to pretend as if nothing happened . I said sorry these mosquitoes never leave us alone and provide packet to her . she didn’t take packet but took few corns and ate few and rest feed me . this continued for some more time . still sensation of soft hand over my hard man had remained in my mind . I was craving for it to happen again and again . I was not daring to do any thing but I was feeling her left boob with light strokes by left hand . I kept observing her hand movement and again deliberately I slid my hand , this time also her hand landed on my rigid tool . this time she came to know that it was deliberate move and snatched packet from me and emptied remaining corns in one go and ate them silently as only were left out , while she ditched my stomach with her elbow acknowledging my acts . her face had become stern , she tried to sit upright . I pulled her back to me and said sorry I was just joking . she stared into my eyes and sat properly . I had lost chance of feeling her , without any comment I took back my hand from her shoulder , I knew I had lost chance and would not repeat any thing to regret later .
After couple of minutes she leaned over me again and next moment she caressed my face with her right hand . her smooth fingers felt grate on my face , how would it be if she continued playing with her delicate fingers forever . she went on playing with my face and I was just enjoying it in passive mode . I felt like taking chance to press her boobs , but I kept quite .
I was so happy for she caressing my face with her thin and beautiful fingers , I felt I was in heaven . I was day dreaming of going further with her which could lead to sex . it was not too much of expectation as she is caressing my face on her own , is this indication of she liking me or is she indicating me for further play with her . I wanted to hug and kiss her and press her nice boobs , but very next moment I thought it is better to wait for her next moves . so that I should not spoil the game . she is pressing her right boob on my hand and keeping her face so near to me , I could feel the feminine fragrance . I wanted to smooch her but was trying my level best to control myself . I was imagining to fuck her, but had no guts to proceed . she had continued playing with me and my emotions . I was getting hard and hard with every passing moments with her feel of boob and finger . I wanted to involve actively but was in dilemma whether to go ahead or wait and see till what extent she would proceed , if she has some thing in her mind she would definitely proceed or indicate some thing to me . mere caressing face is not complete sign of involving sexually .
Her fingers travelled through out my face , once they touched near nostrils , then I felt some thing sort of irritating after she had moved her fingers away from nose . I could not perfectly assess what it is , then her fingers caressed my lips and even she poked her one finger into my mouth . I took the chance and sucked her finger , then only my tube light lit . my god she is not playing with my face but she was smearing salt and masala of pop corn onto my face . then only I touched my face with fingers to confirm , yes she had done it . when I looked at her she was laughing without making any sound . she had made me fool and did tit for tat . for what joke I had made to her was replied in this way . immediately I ran to toilet and washed my face thoroughly and returned to seat .
I sat down pretending as if nothing had happened . but how can she keep quite , she asked why did you run away , what had ahppened ? , was passing urine was so urgent . I kept quite , usually I was known to set trap for others but here she had set perfect trap and I was easily fooled by her . I tried to smile at her but miserably failed , I was feeling shame . see how we boys fall so easily for girls and if that girl is beautiful our falling rate increases . when she teased me again , hope you didn’t pass urine in pant as you were so hurry and laughed at me making me silly . I could not tolerate any more , but hold her face and bite her cheek in sheer frustration . I didn’t know I was biting hard , she screamed of pain . luckily I had covered her mouth with my palm , so scream didn’t come out . I left her when she pushed me away with all the strength . I could see bite mark on her right cheek even in dim light . what is this , is this way you treat , see how badly you have hurt me she snarled at me . I had to say sorry but I was still angry , in fact there was no reason to be angry , she had doe it for joke and it was my mistake I could not sense it . I hold her face again and bite kissed her left cheek and sucked her cheek coating with lot of saliva . sorry didi I should have kissed like this , but I am sorry for my rudeness I replied smiling at her . she took my hand and wiped her saliva coated cheeks and alter cleaned with hanky .
She looked straight into my eyes and made face as if she didn’t like .what I did .you seem to be too naughty and take disadvantage of lone girl. Not like that didi , I was just asking for your opinion . she was still looking at me indicating that she didn’t like it . I said sorry didi I was just joking and sorry if offend you . then she smiled at me , you are naught but too fearful . no didi I stammered we are not yet that acquainted no and in addition you are married , so I was bit scared . I was relieved as she is not angry for the joke I did . after little bit talking we settled watching movie . with bit hesitation I placed my hand behind her back and slowly I moved it on her shoulder , there was no negative response from her . that encouraged me to go further . now my hand had covered fully on her shoulder and it hung before her body . Intermittently we were looking at each other . I was getting impatient, I wanted to feel her boobs but was not daring. after some time my hand rested o her left boob , I didn’t apply any pressure but let it hang or rest over her boob . As there was no response from her side I turned my palm and placed it on her left boob, she sensed what I was above to do, she cleverly took my hand into hers and our hold my hand keeping my hand away from her boob, I was disappointed by her act , I could do nothing for that , I could not force her . but holding her smooth hand and our fingers entangled with each other’s was enough to make me go crazy . I concentrated on screen hoping no development. she was whispering something to me , I looked at her . I took my face near to hers. She show me other couple making fun at next row . I watched their action where girl had bent completely, maybe she was trying to take cock in her mouth. I smiled at didi , she placed her head on my shoulder and turned my face towards screen , let us watch movie , these silly college students are here for other fun than watching movie . have you ever done anything like that in theatre I asked her . she said never we don’t watch movies in theatres she replied . I am not asking after marriage I know he does not have much time to spare with you , he is after money and he concentrate their only . I was asking did you such kinky acts before marriage, she said no never . hardly I had any boyfriends I didn’t encourage any boys and our friendship was limited to only hello and high .
I really wonder how such a beautiful girl was spared, if I had met you before I would have never let you alone, and persuade to make friendship with me . even if I was your hubby then also I would never let you away from me . I would have pasted myself to you like fevicol , but your husband is fool he spends more time in bribery and money . if I was your husband I would keep you always with me , never leaving you alone take you wherever I go . What would you do for eating she teased me. Employ some cook , it is so easy I replied . not like that what would you do for earning she asked me . very simple , I am not a employee , I am businessman , I could take you to with me and you would be of great help in business , so that I would not miss you even for a second . do you say I am so beautiful she asked . Why you ask me , ask the mirror or my heart , they will tell how beautiful you are . You are unnecessarily praising me , leave it she said and placed her head on my shoulder . I could see her eyes getting moist , I had praised her beauty enough to touch her heart .
I again concentrated on screen, she was almost leaning on me . I placed my left hand over her shoulder and was caressing her left cheek and face while her hand rested on my thigh. Her fingers were moving on my thigh while my fingers roamed on her . at one point I felt her finger touched base of my cock which was painfully erected . Already my condition was so bad , I wanted a immediate release but was helpless . Could do nothing . she had touched my cock may be accidentally but she may be aware that I am erect . if I go out she will come to know the reason and I too didn’t want to miss the chance to be so intimate with her . Then again her finger touched my cock this time tip , it didn’t stay any longer but the touch had left its effect on it she had left it throbbing , craving for the touch and hold or even fuck . but it was not happening in rest of fifteen minutes time her fingers had come in contact with my cock for few more times , but never stayed longer . I wanted to see her reactions when she had touched my cock, but failed to see as her face was not in favorable position. I was so aroused by her actions at last I slid my hand on her left boob and let it hang there , I could brush my hand on her boob as if accidental , at last I turned my hand so that my palm could place on her tit , shit it was bad luck and film ended .
Soon I removed hand from her and she too straightened herself and her dress. I was cursing myself for such a slow approach. She looked at me as if nothing has happened and it was true that nothing sexual had happened. but one thing was satisfactory we had come nearer to each other . I had to adjust my erection for not looking obvious and cheap in her eyes .
While going out I placed my hand around her waist as if couple are moving, though he looked at me but no comments . soon we were out of theatre and before I lead to car I asked her will she have ice cream or some breweries . she said she will prefer coffee , I too needed something as my head was aching with some anxiety and for losing opportunity to progress our friendship to next level . we had snacks and coffee at a good restaurant .
I asked her if she needs anything , do you want to go for shopping , she said let us return as the climate is not good , it is getting cloudy due to cyclone . I too felt right and we returned to lodge. While we were entering lobby, I took her hand and started walking , she looked at me inquisitively , I indicated at reception . she understood my point and she placed her hand around my waist . before I asked for keys he sent it to me by bell boy . I wished receptionist , his eyes lit looking us moving so close and wished us back .
I changed into short and west, she was still in her saree . I was looking outside window , so that she could go and change or could change there itself if she didn’t mind . but she lay on bed . it started drizzling I was looking at the untimely rain . She asked me what I was looking at with so much interest even not bothering to answer me. Before I answered she came and sat beside me , not exactly touching me but with very small gap . again she asked me what I was watching , is there any dame you are looking at smiled at me . I said I am not such a fool to look at tree for two while one in hand. she smiled and said naughty . look at the climate so romantic no , it is drizzling and cool breeze , it is fun to stand outside . she said yes we can go into balcony , but there was sigh in her tone . she must be missing her hubby in such a romantic climate .
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We both went outside and stood in balcony , hand in hand talking something . it feels nice here after long suffocating climate at theatre , though it is A C , but artificial is artificial and natural has its own value . but why are you sad , do you miss your hubby ? . she looked into my eyes but didn’t say anything . so I am right , but don’t worry dear I am with you to give company , though I am not what you are expecting but at least of some company sake I think I am good enough . what are you saying , you are good enough company , no you are wrong you are the best and caring so much , I love you da , you can understand female feelings so well and your behavior is so good , you are an gentle man . this was the first time she said I love you , thanks dear for the compliment and I too love you . but be careful with me I am not that kind of gentleman , sometimes I change a lot . she smiled as if she knows me . be comfortable with me and don’t think anything especially about your fool of a hubby now at this romantic climate . She nod in approval. Then rain intensity increased, looking at rain I placed my hand over her waist and pulled her nearer to me. She came little nearer but not completely, we stood like that for some time enjoying the rain. I love to soak in rain, it is long time since I have soaked . Yes that is always fun, in my child hood I used but always mom used to scold me in I drenched in rain . I would like to be drenched now, how about you I asked her. She said that would be fun but how can we. Before she gave another thought I pulled her with me. She was asking me where are we going, I asked her to just come with me . Locked the room and came to lift, asked lift boy to top he pushed button. He was looking at me , sir your room is on this floor only no , I replied yes but we want to go to terrace . sir that door is locked and generally we don’t allow anyone to go terrace as few years back there was accident , a kid fell from terrace by negligence of their parents and we had tough time to face it . I need to ask permission, he called reception desk for permission, receptionist might have asked the name of the person. He told my room number. Then receptionist gave permission and asked me to talk. Sir why do you want to go to terrace, I said we want to enjoy this rain. He said very well sir, boy will unlock and only you two will be allowed there. I was happy so only we can enjoy without any third persons intrusion.
After the door was opened we went out to terrace and closed the door behind us . she stood in shelter and I went in open to get soaked . I was enjoying the rain like a child but still she was standing where she was before. She didn’t come with me, I noticed it only after couple of minutes . I looked at her and called her, she was hesitating to come . I went to her and pulled her by hand, you can enjoy with me dear and there is no one here to disturb us. No shree you enjoy alone, I don’t want to drench my dress , then discard it I said laughing at her . she too laughed at me , hey don’t dream of anything like that . you know I am married girl . Ok baba that I know and it makes any difference I am not calling you for anything but for some fun in rain . by the way do one thing if you don’t have objection , remove your saree and keep it in dry place , you will need it while going back . You can’t go in drenched clothes as someone may see you . right before she even replied I started pulling her red saree . without much fuss she started rotating to let her saree come into my hand . There was still confusion in her mind and she was protesting mildly .
I knew if I give her a chance to think she will back off and won’t come. I crumpled her saree and kept in dry place and pulled her hand. She was getting drenched now; I was not looking at her but was enjoying myself the rain. I was running here and there and we were away from each other. I let her enjoy on her own and I was rotating and dancing like a kid. She was now and then looking at me and giggling, you are behaving like child, haven’t you enjoyed in rain. I went back to her, yes dear it is two years, or else I used to enjoy first rain of the year. We all kids used to soak in rain and later get scolding from parents.
I looked at her for the first time she got drenched, her makeup was washed and she was looking in her natural beauty, I was looking at her face. Her lips looked natural, small thin lips in pink color; she does not need lipstick as her lips are naturally beautiful. Her straight nose studded with small diamond pin was shining in light. Water was cascading through her body, making her dress bit transparent. Her blouse had become more transparent could see matching colored red bra and nipple pokies which was erected due to the cold .
underskirt was pasted to her body looking like second skin . her legs were apart and light was passing between legs clearly showing skin color and shape of legs. She stood like idle of Belur shilabalike . too much to resist , my cock sprang back to erection . It had subsided after long time but now was making tent in my shorts. Her gaze was fixed on my face so she didn’t observe hardness. I wanted to hug her tight and feel her beautiful curves. My guts were giving away , why am I losing self confidence with this girl, what happened to me. As I was lost in my thoughts she shook me back to earth. Where are you lost man, I could not say anything, how could I tell her that I was watching your beauty and curvaceous body. Without bothering to answer I took her both hands and started moving around in rhythm. She too put her steps with me like dancing.
We were moving in rhythm but with a sizable distance , she was enjoying rain and I was enjoying rain as well her beauty . as she swayed her butt and moved and raised her hands , her cleavage was becoming clear and nipples looked prominent I was craving to touch them and eat them, I wished if I could lay my hands over them and crush them till satisfaction. But I could not dare to do we continued for some more time, as steps increased I could see her boobs jiggle. Underskirt tightly wrapped her sexy body and upper portion partially visible was making me mad. Shall we spin holding each other I asked , she said no hands are wet and slippery we may fall down. Don’t worry I won’t let you down ( at least alone ). I hold her both hands and we started spinning slowly initially and later I increased speed , now I could see her boobs bouncing hard within her blouse and were trying to come out of confinement. After several rounds she looked tired and gestured me to stop. As we stopped she could not balance herself after turning so many rounds, I thought she would fall down of dizziness, she leaned over me for balance. This was lucky chance for me and it did happen as I had expected , I hold her tight I too was feeling dizzy, so I embraced her tight. I could feel her blouse covered breasts crush on my chest . what a feeling it was her bare cleavage had come into contact with my bare top and her body heat was transferring into me . I let my hand slide to her butt and other was holding her by shoulder , I could feel her hard bums , she placed her face on my chest.
I managed to pull my west and threw it aside just feel her bare flesh as much possible. This trick also yield good fruits. She too was feeling my broad chest and was in strong arms . she caressed my biceps, you have strong hands shree, do you go to gym, she asked. No I don’t go to gym but do some exercises and jogging. Did you like them I asked, yes they feel strong ( I thought you have not seen anything of mine, I have everything tight and strong ). Touch anywhere you will feel me strong . I placed my hands beside her ab and lifted her in air , I thought she is very light but no bit heavier than I had thought, but no problem in lifting her. Hey you will drop me to ground she screamed. Don’t have you belief in me , how can I drop such fragile piece of art on ground and raised her still more . she had straightened her hand , her face was over mine and her legs away from me. Her hairs dropped on my face tickling my face. She was shouting loudly but there was no threat of someone hearing her sound in such a rain. At last I let her come down. While descending, her entire body slide over me very slowly. In the process my face rubbed her bare flat stomach then purposefully I made her boobs slide over my face. I took maximum time to rub her boobs on my face and managed to lick her cleavage which she could not notice as we are soaking in rain water but I had my share of fun. When she landed she was standing with some distance, still my hands over shoulder and hers on my side. She looked into my eyes. This is the first time anyone did such things to me, when I was kid my dad used to lift this way. But you should not have done like this, if I had fallen I would break my bones. How can let such things happen to a lovely girl, I love you dear. I too love you dear we were looking into each others eyes. She was coming near to me as if mesmerized and hug me tight. Still was looking into her eyes and she too was looking without blinking eyes. She raised her face and I lowered mine. Our lips met for a brief seconds and we were separated. She had closed her eyes for those moments later she opened and her sight pierced through my eyes as if magnet she brought her face up to meet mine. Still I had not come out of the trance of those few seconds now she is bringing her lips to meet mine.
This time I had decided to give a smooch of her life time, by the time our lips met again, there was banging sound on the door. Immediately we broke embrace and looked at door, though it didn’t open we could hear someone calling us, sit it is getting dark outside please come back to room, manager sir has asked me to tell you. Biggest klpd of life I was on verge of getting lottery, I was above to give a long smooch and I had lost opportunity, which I am not sure of getting again. If I was able to kiss her again I could seduce her. But now if I have to try any thing I will have to start again and it would not happen also. Cursing the boy and manager we entered door , we found couple of towels waiting for us, it was clear enough management had sent them for us. I thanked them in mind and said same to her too. She said management is really good here, we should not forget to say special thanks to them before leaving, I said yes .
I wiped my body and wrapped same towel, she had big bath towel she too wrapped around her wet body, lift was waiting for us with door open. We entered our room, I asked her to take hot shower and change into warm clothes. She said she is not interested and if you want to take shower you can, mean while I will change. I don’t know how far it is right to take hot shower after a cold bath but any way I took hot shower and came back. Shower felt good and I was so fresh while I came out,. She too had dried herself and changed into nighty. By then doorbell rang , I opened door to find bell boy with tea mug, sab ne bheja. I took it and thanked him for the tea and concern. He went smiling , she too was really happy to get mug full of steaming hot tea. We sipped hot tea while we spoke in general topic. tea soothed inner of the stomach and brought warmness , it was really tasty, she didn’t take much but I took two cups of hot tea.
All of a sudden she started sneezing and shivering with cold, I was scared to see her. Luckily I had bottle of vicks with me, I had brought it for aunt but forgot to give her, so it had remained with me. I gave her vicks to apply, but she was trembling with cold. I made her lay on bed and covered with blanket and asked her to apply, she was denying I forced her. She was not feeling comfortable so I volunteered to apply. I took some amount of it and applied on her forehead and nose and massaged her forehead with it.
And I asked her to apply some on chest so it will give some warmness , she took but still her hand trembled , I called reception for one more blanket, he said sorry sir dhobi has not come due to heavy rain, you will have to adjust with whatever you have and hung phone . I am sorry didi there are no extra blankets available , please bear it for some time , do you have any warm clothing’s so that you can keep yourself warm, she said no I haven’t brought anything o that sort. You only apply balm I can’t apply. Is it an invitation to touch her, my mind thought. Very next moment my good mind said don’t think bad with every incident, can’t you see she is suffering with cold and you are thinking on evil side. I shall apply didi if you don’t mind I replied taking bottle of balm. I took some amount of bal and asked her to guide my hand as you are completely covered with blanket. She nod in acceptance, I inserted my hand into blanket and she guide my hand first I applied on her throat and then I slowly massaged all the side later my hand slide inside with big amount of balm and slowly massaged on her chest above mound of boobs start. She had kept her eyes closed. Then again with some more balm entered into her dress this time my fingers touched her mounds, she opened her eyes looked at me and closed again, I though she consented to continue my work. I helped her applying balm on her boobs, but didn’t go till nipples. May be I was taking chance to feel those globes which were keeping me erect all the time by touches and now I could feel them on raw. I wanted to press them I was getting excited again by mere touch. For the first time I was touching her nude boobs in pretext of applying balm, she had not permitted to feel for sexual fun but it means same to me, whether in pretext of something or for sex, my devil mind is always alert. At last I mustered courage and took her one entire boob in my hand and pressed it, she immediately pushed my hand away, I was disappointed and cursed my foolish act, she said it is enough I am feeling better. I had to give away the act, I was so horny and my erection was very painful. Immediately I left for bath room and wanted to shag in her name, but I don’t like shagging so I came out after peeing which reduced tension a bit.
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I asked her how she is feeling, she said bit better but I am still feeling cold, can you do a favor she asked. Anything for my darling didi I replied. She blushed for calling her darling but she didn’t comment about it. Can you lay over me so that cold can be reduced she asked hesitantly. No I don’t want to sorry I said, why you were saying anything for darling didi you said a moment back, and now backing up she asked inquisitively. Didi if you ask anything else I can do but not that, I am sorry I replied. Hey man I am suffering from cold and you don’t want to help me , what is this, please do something I am dying with cold. I was hesitating or pretending, she was asking me to my favorite thing, I would love to hug her and fuck her till says to stop. I wanted to show I am an gentleman, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity as already I had klpd twice, but if at all am hugging her I should be able to reach destination. If not should not touch her, that was my theory. Still I wanted to be sharif in her eyes, after little na nukar I agreed to hug her, from over the blanket. She was in fact pleading me to hug her but I was thinking she is pleading to fuck her. I laid over her holding her tight, she was laying o her back I could feel her contours even over the blanket, but remained still. I asked her how she is feeling, she said bit better but no much difference. Didi shall I suggest one thing, if you don’t mind I asked as if am very much obedient boy. You can speak man, why should you hesitate so much, you can be open with me, and as long as you speak honestly she replied. Lying over you covered by blanket may increase weight on you or I can hold you protecting you from shivering, but it wont be of much use or any use. So what do you want to suggest she interrupted before I complete my sentence. If you allow me to come inside the blanket and holding you may help I suggested. It is nice idea my sweet boy, do as you said, for all these you should not hesitate so much or should not shy even, w both are like friends despite you call me didi or me call you munna, treat me like friends. She hurried e to go inside blanket, I still hesitated, that is true didi, I know you are very friendly with me, but still, I hanged my words. What now, what is bothering you she asked. If we booth were boys I could have done it easily even without informing too, as you are an beautiful girl and that too married one, I should be cautious as I am also young but man. What do you mean, are you gay, she giggled at me. What are you speaking didi, you are insulting me. She raised side of the blanket and entered into it.
Still I was hesitating to hug her, she only turned that side and slide back till she reached me. I didn’t directly hug her but see to it that my body touched her. I could feel her hot body in cold state. Will you mind if I hug you didi I asked her. Next time I will slap you if you ask such silly question, that is what you are inside blanket and here you are to help me bit not for sleeping inside same blanket. Come on move to me, hold me tight she snarled at me. I did as she told I slide forward her entire back was touching me, I hold her by arms and pulled her to me, I could feel her young and beautiful body, what an feeling it was an god sent fortune for me. She had bent her legs a bit forward and I too folded my legs in same fashion, my crotch hit her shapely back. She had folded her hands to her chest, I placed my hand on her hand and hold it tight. Mmmmmm I am feeling better now , your body heat is being transferred to me. Are you having fever I asked her keeping my hand on her forehead with matter of concern voice. She said I don’t think but if this condition remains for longer I may get fever she replied. Don’t worry didi, I will see to it that you don’t get fever, will you have a tablet, I have paracetamol tablet with me. Before she replied I came out of bed and took tablet from my travelling kit and checked if any tea was left in thermos, luckily there was some as she had not taken much. I sat beside her and asked her to open her mouth, I made her swallow tablet and some tea which was not that hot but still warm. I caressed her forehead and face. Thanks for your caring, you are very good and caring, come inside now, that may be more useful than medicine she tried to smile at me. I took the hint and without any formalities I entered into the same blanket and hugged her , this time she had turned to facing me. I stretched my hand she kept her head over my arm and hugged me tight. Without any hesitation she placed her hand behind me pulling me more closer to her. What a sensation it was, me too placed my hand on her back. Both of her boobs crushed on broad chest, I was caressing her back to make her body heated. Now my man inside shorts started waking up again, I had not planned for any erection but that bloody fellow has his own thinking.
When my man touched her thigh I was shocked to feel erection and was getting embarrassed. Slowly I moved my butt away from touching her to avoid misunderstanding and getting embarrassed. She didn’t notice me moving my cock away from her but definitely she felt the movement so she hugged me tighter. I could feel my body heat being transferred to her body and she had stopped shivering. I started asking about her college days and what she studied and what she wanted to become in her life blah , blah, just to divert her attention. She told always she wanted to become doctor, but financial conditions of her father never allowed to go for medical, even she got merit seat also they could not afford expenses, so had to change the line. Later at college she was meritorious student and she attracted attention of all the teachers even at college level too. God is generous in giving you beauty and wisdom but he made little kanjjosi while giving wealth I replied. Thanks for the compliment bro, I know I am good at studies but regarding beauty you are boosting me up, that is all. In fact rani is more beautiful than me. But she is not as smart as you in studies I replied, and to be frank you are more beautiful than her and your curves are much better or sexier than hers. What did you say, you meant o say I am sexy, is this the way you speak to elder sis, you call me didi and use such words, she had become serious. Did I spoil the game I thought, this is what I don’t like in girls, if you praise them then also dangerous and if you don’t still dangerous. Is it crime to speak truth, you have gone after your husband, he too does not digest truth and you have learnt his lessons. That is the reason I didn’t want to come inside blanket, if anything goes wrong on my side I will be the one to be blamed. Should I go out so that I don’t have to hear any blames from you. You are far more sexier than her along with beauty, I said same thing and you get angry instead of being happy, saying so I pulled her nose. She started laughing, you have your own way of arguing, you want to justify your words. If you had said more beautiful I could have accepted, first you said about curves I had kept quite, but when you used term sexy I could not accept it. You should not use word to elders , am I clear?.
Ok darling didi, I won’t say sexy I will say you look much hotter than her, is it ok for you, I said playfully smiling at her. Both of your praises are equally bad, but what is making you think like that.
Have you ever seen yourself in mirror, with keen eyes. Or have you seen both of you together in mirror? I asked. Yes many times she replied, but what is there. She is equally beautiful like me. You have not observed properly or you sisterly love has masked few observations I replied.
If it is true then tell me what the difference is and what is making you think like that. Your eyes are more attractive than her, they just make any one look second time. Then nose yours is longer and straight. I was explaining how she looked more attractive or sexier. Then she asked what next, I said many more things better not explain each and every thing. Now she had stopped trembling with cold and was in joyous mood, luckily both physical hugging and tablet had worked, but we had remained in same position. My cock had erected to the limit and it was trying to come out of shorts and enter the sweetest pussy. But I was trying to control myself.
Why did you kept quiet, tell more na I am not convinced with your details of beauty. Then I tried to convince her with few things avoiding her vitals, she was still not ready to agree how she looked better than her sis. You should be aware of your vitals, they are better in you than her. For instance she asked as if she didn’t understood me, then I playfully placed my hand on her boobs said these are better than hers, she felt where I had placed my hands, you scoundrel how dare you touch them, she asked in mock anger. Sorry didi as I explained about other things I could not say this directly, I tried to convince indirectly but you were not ready to understand unavoidably I had to say this. Instead of calling boobs or breasts which would look odd and I could not indicate them as we are fully covered by blanket, so had touch them to relay what I meant, sorry if offend you. It is all right but still you could have said verbally. As I had slide back she came forward to hug me and she felt blushed with my words. But you are very clever man you have answer ready for everything. When she pushed herself forward, now my cock entered between her thighs and landed on pussy. She was all right without any issue, maybe she was still thinking about where I had touched her. I tried to move away but she held me where I was.
When she is comfortable with it why should I take it serious was my thought. Your bums are also nice I added, she asked what you are telling now. I said this and placed my palm on her butt. She smiled at me and pushed my hand away. Like this I was praising her beauty and make her bit horny too. Didi are you all right, can I move away now if you are feeling well, I asked. It was the most risky moment, if she said yes what would I going to do, it would be another klpd third one in few hours. At the same time I was sure she would not say yes, even if she says yes I would have thought another excuse to be in her contact in her bed, but that was going to plan from abcd and result would be unknown. For my luck she said don’t move shree, I am beginning to feel comfortable and it may take few more minutes to back into normal. Any way we need to spend entire night in same bed as we don’t have any spare bed and I can’t let you sleep on sofa that too without any cover.
After some time she rolled other side, I kept distance whatever had caused while she rolled. When she didn’t move back, I was in desperate condition to feel her hard butt. Then I slowly moved forward and placed my hand on her waist. She seemed didn’t minding, I wanted to push my cock in her ass crack but could not dare to. I started conversation again she remained in same position even while we spoke. My mind was working on feeling of her butt, but it should be such a way either accidental or she should move back giving me chance to dick her ass. Then I said something in very low voice, she could not hear it, she asked me to repeat again in low volume. She turned her head to ask me what I was saying, in the process she had moved a little backwards and now my tool touched her ass. What happened to your ears, have you become deaf, I said bit loud bringing my face near hers, making proper push into her ass crack. She was concentrating into talk rather than her ass. She probably didn’t realize me dicking her ass. Her dress was loose so it gave away my cock entering into the crack of ass and lodged firmly there. I kept her busy in talk and utilized chance for pushing my entire cock in her crack. May be she too was loving it or still had not realized my cock between her ass cheeks, any way I was happy to feel grip of her ass crack on my cock. Then I was feeling drowsy as things never made any progress I was losing hope so decided to sleep, but still keeping my hard tool between her cheeks.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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I slowly moved back to test but she pushed her back onto me keeping the cock in same position. I dozed of enjoying the hot feel, after some time I felt some sensation on my tool, but I was in slumber. My mind didn’t react to it and again slipped in sleep. After some more time again felt some tingling sensation on my groin. She was calling my name, but I didn’t answer her and wanted to check what exactly was going on she was feeling my erection by keeping her hand back, she had moved a bit and making some space between me and her, was feeling my hard cock. She started caressing my rod covered by shorts from over the cloth. When her hand touched my full length it twitched with excitement, suddenly she took off her hand thinking I am awake. I was pretending like a dead log, she again called me by name, shree bro are you awake, why don’t you speak. I dint answer her, after a pause she decided that I am still asleep. Her hand reached my groin again without moving her body, only her hand was on work. Slowly her fingers moved on my crotch, her long and slender fingers moved all over the hot rod, how long can you hold erection shree, since at theatre I am feeling it to be erect and even now it is in full attention, she was murmuring to herself. So it was her deliberate move at theatre, she was trying to feel my cock as if accidental and now thinking that I am asleep she is touching without any fear. I still lay like that I wanted her to make next move, if I show that I am awake she may go back and I may lose this golden opportunity. I was in mode of wait and watch; I let her play with my hard tool. She was caressing my entire tool measuring its girth and length, she was not satisfied with its feel, she again called my name to check if I am awake, when there was no response from side she pinched my thigh to double check that I am asleep. Then she inserted her fingers through bottom of shorts, when her fingers landed on my nude directly, badmash chaddi nahi pehna ( badmash he is not wearing underwear). Ok it is fine with me, she shoved her hand inside my loose shorts and caressed full length, then her fingers stopped on cock head. You have a smooth penis shree, it is so long, though it is slim but long enough to satisfy any girl and you have very good capacity to retain erection for such a long time. She slide foreskin without looking at it, as it is concealed in shorts.
I could not hold back any more when her finger caressed cock slit, my cock throbbed. Then without her knowledge she pressed knob bit harder, taking this chance I opened my eyes. What are you doing didi, ha press it again it feels so nice to be held by your soft fingers. She got shocked and suddenly tried to take her hand out of shorts, I was fast enough to catch her hand inside shorts, my grip was so firm she could not take her hand out of shorts, her fingers had opened and my cock was not into her grip but it was still there on it. Why don’t you continue what you were doing didi, I persuade to continue. She was dying with shame for getting caught red handed. Please leave my hand shree, she was requesting after a long pause, she had covered her face with her free hand. I am sorry shree please leave my hand. I shall leave but tell me what you were doing, didi please tell na. I was not ready to leave her hand and with other hand I gripped her at her waist so that she should not get away. She was quite for a long time, her fingers in my short were open but still on my cock. After some more persuasion she said, I was curious about some think poking between my legs, though you dozed off it was still hard and pricking my …. There. I thought when it still so hard it might not be your ….. thing, you may be hiding something in your pocket, I wanted to check what it is, with curiosity I touched there to find your thing. I was wondering how can it be straight and rigid even after such a long time, I am sorry I should not have done it, for god sake leave my hand, I am so shameful for my acts.
Why don’t you tell clearly you are telling with lots of gaps, tell me what you wanted to check and what you found, I asked. She was quite again, after a pause she said I told na, I was curious about what was poking at my back, I thought you are hiding something in your shorts, she replied. It is ok but tell me what did you find there I was insisting. What else I found your thing she replied. Tell me clearly what did you find there, I was persuading. You know about what I am speaking she was hesitating to tell but I was not ready to close the talk, I wanted her to use proper term I wanted to her to say cock or lund and she was feeling shame to tell. Didi I will leave your hand only on you telling me what you found there. I pressed her hand more on my lund and I could feel her soft palm pressed on my tool, I was enjoying the feel, it was sending lots of sensation to my throbbing cock.
At last she gripped my cock and said I found this, she was in half smile and half shy. No you tell me verbally I insisted. Shree please leave it na I told you I am sorry and I won’t do it again I am feeling guilty of doing it, she was not ready to speak about it, in the mean while I closed her fingers on my cock as already she had gripped again to indicate what she had found. I started moving her hand slowly to give me slow shaking, she sensed it and tried to pull away her hand, but my grip was strong enough to hold her hand where it was. When she was sure she can’t take away her hand she said, I found your tool, I have said it now leave my hand. No not this way you tell what it is called. She was blushing her face had become red with shame and may be excitement. At last she made up her mind and told your penis, lund or cock. Ok leave me now she was desperate to get released, she was getting angry also. I was not ready to give the feelings what I was getting her hand on my throbbing dick. Ok didi tell me one more thing , you found what it was and even after confirmation why did you insert your hand inside shorts. She was lost into her thoughts, I said sorry I should not have done it but on feeling your erect cock for such a long time I was just carried away and I didn’t even know I was inserting my hand into your shorts. Now please leave me before I die with shame and guilt. Thanks for sharing truth didi , now please repeat it what you were doing. She was shocked she was expecting me to release her but my demands were increasing, she said no way, already I am feeling very odd keeping my hand in your shorts and you want me to do something against my wish. Please , please leave me before I get angry she said in stern voice. Where was I ready to lose this golden opportunity, I wanted it to continue as long as possible. If I played right I could get more from her, I was curious to continue this game and was getting hornier also. Please do it for some more time and you will be free I replied. It is cheating shree, you said you would release my hand if I spell it and now I have done it and no more interested to do anything. Don’t go back on your promise let me go she said in mock anger. It was on your interest you did all and for my sake you do it I pleaded. She said no way I agree it was my fault I should not have done it but I had done, now the chapter is closed, now you leave me before I get really angry with you she was trying to threaten me .
I was not there to lose heart, always think crooked and wanted to encash the golden opportunity. So you agree that you did something wrong I asked, she said that I have confessed already. So for your misdeeds you deserve punishment, as a punishment you are going to continue what you were doing I too said sternly to make her mentally weak. she had no other option but to do what she was said to do. She started pressing my tool not with love but in anger. This was riskiest part of the game and I had to take risk, please do it with love yaar, why are you squeezing it. Do you want me to lose it forever. In that case nobody can use it and I won’t be able to piss also, have some mercy on my junior and me dear. She instead of getting angry suddenly broke into loud laugh on my dramatic request. You are really an scoundrel who taught you talking like this, she continued laughing, I too joined in her laugh. One thing to be noted was there was not pure anger in her voice. Taking advantage of this I turned her around keeping her hand in shorts I kissed her forehead and later attacked directly on lips first small peck and within short time I hold her head tight with one hand and other was on her back gave a long smooch, initially she tried to get away and as the time passes her resistance had died but still there was neither protest nor approval but she was quite. But most important thing is though I had left her hand, her fingers kept holding my dick in shorts. It didn’t take long time for me to feel her soft fingers had remained inside, I increased intensity of smooch, I took her lower lip inside mouth and started chewing it like chocolate. Looking at favorable condition I ventured another thing, I slowly placed my hand over her right tit, just cupped it for few seconds and later pressed it while I continued smooch. Either she was not aware or she liked could not be analyzed. I became so crazy lost self control, those globes felt so nice in my palm, then I realized that she was not wearing bra, my goodness I felt as if I am pressing nude tits. Then I did a blunder mistake without self-consciousness I pressed very hard, she was beginning to moan, they were low and were absorbed into my mouth. On sudden press she pushed me away with full strength and her hand was also was withdrawn from shorts.
She started shouting at me, is it the way to treat a innocent girl. I gave you little liberty but you took me for granted and advanced so much, at last you show me your standard she was still shouting, I thought for a short time and grabbed her and pulled her to me for another smooch, her resistance was becoming weak in couple of minutes when her resistance died I took her boob in my hand started squeezing each at time while continued smooch. Don’t press hard she murmered , sure darling I will not hurt you this time and sorry for that I said . All of a sudden hell broke loose and she started kissing me aggressively . I continued playing with her balls and soon found her nipples erected like bullet under her clothes.
I slowly lifted her face, ran my fingers on her hairs. Smelled her sweet smelling hairs. With trembling lips, I kissed her on forehead. Drew lines with my finger on her rosy lips. I kissed her both eyes, which were closed in unbearable ecstasy. Like a rythmic melody her breath was falling on my face. Shalini brought her left hand on to mine and filled the gaps between my fingers with hers. As my lips traveled down on her nose, she slightly opened her lips. "Hmmm...shree...."rohini started moaning. I gave her a peck on her awaiting lips and moved back. rohini slowly raised her head to catch my lips again. She extended her hand and pulled my head back and my lips were again on her lips. Slow and passionate...That's how we kissed. Our eyes were closed, but we could see each other. rohini slowly entered her toungue into my mouth. Our saliva mixed and toungues entwined. We were like to volcanoes, hot and steamy inside- about to burst!Meanwhile rohini was feeling my chest, tickling my nipples over my west.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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