Adultery The adventures of an idiotic husband by ajaniv
Kamna couldn’t match the man’s face with a murderer’s, but his chilling words made her accept the truth. She was scared “I don’t know what to do now”

The woman was stocky and ugly with a broad face, but she had a soothing smile “Don’t worry darling, listen to my words and leave the town immediately. But first change your saree, what if the goons suddenly decide to come back and search for you. This is my room, so you can be safe here”

Scared out of her wits, Kamna agreed and pulled out a fresh saree out of her bag, the woman stopped her “Wait, this is the same colour, use a different one, let me help”

Kamna’s bag was spread wide as the woman took out several sarees, since Kamna had chosen all of Prakash’s gifts, the sarees were all sexy and transparent. The woman nodded pleased “You have good taste, it is a sin covering your lush body with thick fabrics. Here this one looks great”

The woman’s selection was a light pink one not thicker than an onion’s dry skin, it was definitely inappropriate to wear in public, especially in a crowded place like the railway station. Kamna was too anxious to think about propriety when faced with the threat of prostitution and slavery. She quickly cast aside her crumpled saree, showing her voluptuous body to the woman, who licked her thick lips in anticipation. Before Kamna could react, the woman pushed her hands aside and volunteered to remove the blouse and petticoat herself. Amidst the nervousness, Kamna could feel the woman stroking her waist as she undid the petticoat.

The woman marvelled “What a beauty you are, with such soft luxurious skin, it is a crime to hide it”

Already primed by the public navel fuck, Kamna’s lust was reignited by the rough woman’s surprisingly gentle caresses. The woman deftly pulled out the petticoat’s knot and pushed the tight garment down, exposing the black lacy panties, which were yet another of Prakash’s gifts. The woman could easily see the large wet patch on the panties, grinning she said “Looks like you did enjoy the groping, your pussy had leaked like a firehose, but first let’s free your delicious mangoes out of its tight prison”

Kamna felt shy as the woman unhooked the blouse with practised ease, the toilet supervisor sucked in her breath when she saw the large round breasts, more than filling the matching bra. Unbidden her rough hands reached over and squeezed the tasty melons hard, with none of the earlier gentleness. Kamna gasped in pain “Hey, what are you doing?”

The woman apologised “Sorry, but you are so beautiful, I couldn’t control myself”

Jostled from the numbing lust, Kamna’s mind cleared “Whatever, let me put on the clothes”

She felt that the woman was creepy, so Kamna turned to the side and quickly put on the fresh blouse, petticoat and saree. Avidly watching Kamna dressing, the woman asked “I know a person, who is a bigshot in this area, if you come with me, I can introduce you to him. He is very kind and magnanimous and will definitely agree to help you”

Kamna looked at the woman with derision “Really?”

The woman nodded “Yes, he is also very rich and showers gifts on people he likes. With your beauty, you will definitely be one of his favourites, living your life in luxury, like royalty”

Kamna ignored the woman and went out to the wash area and looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit that she looked very beautiful and sexy, her cheeks were rosy and lips, a juicy red, her eyes were lustrous and a bewitching rosiness spread all over her flawless creamy skin. As expected the saree was transparent, baring everything underneath, while hugging her curves tightly. A little cleavage and the full round boobs in the tight blouse made everything sexier, she pulled the saree below the waist to fully expose her navel, leaving it barely hanging on her hips.

The woman gulped with desire when she saw the delicious beauty, she made her pitch one last time “Madam, please consider my words, my boss will treat you better than his own wife. Thousands, why even lakhs worth gifts will be yours, if you just agree to be with him”

Ignoring the babbling, Kamna took her bag and went out, as expected her husband waited dutifully a short distance away. When he saw her, Vinod asked “What took you so long? Our train will arrive any moment, come fast”

They left the local train area and went to the main station and quickly found the platform. Since the train was biweekly, it was fully crowded, even the platforms were packed to the brim. They went to their coach through the crowd and looked for their seat, which was already occupied by five people. Kamna asked “Vinod, are you sure this is our seat?”

Vinod nodded “Yes, this is a confirmed berth, look at the ticket”

Kamna watched as Vinod unsuccessfully tried to reason with the people, since it was not a frequent train, the demand was high. So even if the ticket was booked in one’s name, there might be other’s sitting in it. Vinod and Kamna weren’t the only ones suffering, the situation was the same throughout the train. With no success, Vinod said “How can they sit in our seats? Let’s find the ticket collector, these people will learn only when the officials chuck them out”

With their bags in tag, they went to find the TC who was wearing the white shirt and pants while surrounded by many passengers. Vinod pushed in and asked “Sir, my ticket is confirmed but there are other people sitting in my seat”

The TC who looked harried, said “Sir, this happens all the time, this train is known for such things, so please be cooperative”

Vinod got angry “Why should I?”

Kamna watched as her husband entered into a heated argument with the TC, who refused to help them out. Vinod was raging, he felt that the TC failed to do his job and was giving useless excuses, but no matter how much he tried, the man refused to intervene. So he was at a loss, if it was just himself then Vinod wouldn’t have had any problems, but his wife and daughter too were suffering. Just when he was about to go to the security officer, he saw Kamna slip to his side and ask the TC “Please sir, I am traveling with my child, help us”

The irritated TC looked towards Kamna and froze, his eyes widened as he gazed at the sexy woman. His eyes moved from the lovely face to the tasty tits, which Kamna helpfully pushed towards him. The TC noted her steady gaze even when his eyes roamed all over her lush body, his cock twitched in anticipation. Losing the anger, his voice softened “I am not heartless, I can't bear to see a young tender mother braving the journey in this unruly crowd. I have a solution, are you willing to hear it?”

Vinod didn’t like the way the TC eyes his wife, but his mind was more on the journey so he nodded. The TC looked at Kamna “As you can see, the train is overbooked, many are willing to travel standing for days. Fortunately, there are two seats in different coaches, I know you will be separated, but at least you can travel relaxed, away from the crowd. Since it is an AC coach, no one will take your seat or will bother you, but the cost is five hundred for yours, as for her I won't charge extra”

Kamna looked at her husband who didn’t have to think much, he said “Fine, I agree, here is the money. What are the seat numbers?”

The TC smirked “Due to the crowd, the authorities have added more coaches, your seat is B6 at the end of the train, while hers is B1 near the front”

Vinod looked at the long train with more coaches than he could see, snaking a long way out, he was unhappy at being separated, but he was gratified that he could travel in an AC coach. He looked at his wife “OK Kamna, we just have five minutes to spare, your coach is nearer so go to your seat immediately. I will go to mine now, I will call you once I get settled in”

He left his wife, confident that she can cope by herself and lugged the bags to the end of the train, which seemed too far away. The train was too long and after a dozen long coaches he finally reached his designated seat. Even inside the AC compartment, the stench of sweat filled the air, thankfully the AC sleeper coaches had none of the overcrowding and jostling the normal coaches faced. On the way, he noted a bunch of young college girls playing cards and engaging in gossip. He paused for a few seconds under the guise of searching for his seat to look at them. Without his wife, nearby he had no fear, he eagerly looked at their slim bodies, which were clothed in tight, form fitting leggings or jeans. The thin t-shirts softened their appearance a lot more and never failed to taunt the viewers with the perky young tits underneath. Finally, he reached his seat and took a deep gulp from the water bottle, wondering how his wife fared.

Kamna placed her daughter on the sea before sitting with her, the AC compartment was delightfully cold and the interiors clean. In the same coupe were a family consisting of an old couple with a teenaged daughter, on the sides were two young men who were making eyes at the girl. The father glared at the young men for eying his young daughter, but the mother ignored everyone to smile at Kamna while making funny expressions to amuse Arushi. After the hectic travelling and the stress accompanied with it, Kamna leaned back and let the cold air dry the sweat on her body. She arched her back making her breasts nearly pop out of the tight blouse, catching the attention of all three men nearby.

Kamna smiled to herself, being the centrepiece in the public setting made her feel happy and satisfied. She loved the fact that both young and old men found her lustworthy, it assuaged some of the lingering depression caused by her husband’s behaviour. The mother started enquiring about Kamna and introduced herself, as they talked the train started, snaking out of the station and leaving behind the noise and the crowd who caused it. As she talked, Kamna could feel the three men glancing at her from time to time, in a fit of naughtiness, she leaned forward, letting the thin saree slip down her abundant curves, revealing the large breast encased in the tight blouse.

The two men stopped talking and watched Kamna intently, hoping for a far better view, the teenager, who had been preening under the gaze of the young men was miffed. Even if she was cute and tasty, she was no match for the mature beauty of Kamna and the experience that came with age. Even in the cold air, everyone could feel the area heat up just from lust, not satisfied with the light teasing, Kamna decided to take things up a notch.

She said “Aunty, Arushi must be hungry now, let me feed her as we talk”

The woman nodded “Yes dear, it must be harrowing for the child to travel, please go ahead”

Kamna’s eyes flickered to the three men in quick succession as she slid her hands under the transparent saree to unhook her blouse. A pin drop silence ensued as everyone watched Kamna remove the first hook, making the flesh spill out like water bursting through a dam. Throats bobbed as the second hook was undone, quickly followed by the third and final one. Kamna took her sweet time to move aside the right flap exposing her nursing bra, with a teasing smile, she took Arushi from the side and placed her on the lap. The movement made the blouse gape open, exposing all of her tits apart from those covered by the bra. As if she suddenly realised her predicament, she quickly pulled the glass like saree down to cover her delicious chest.

But the saree failed to cover anything, as everyone saw her fingers removing the flap over the nipple on her nursing bra, revealing a puckered brown areola capped by a long, thick nipple. The men nearly moaned when Kamna pulled on her taut nipple like she was milking a cow, making a thick white drop of sweet milk ooze out of the bud. She then placed the hard, aching nipple into Arushi’s mouth, who quickly suckled on it, unaware of the sexual tension in the coupe. Kamna moaned erotically, throwing her head back as if she had experienced an orgasm, her eyes became heavy lidded and a rosy sheen spread all over her face.

Amidst the suckling sounds, the mother who had watched everything with displeasure said “Animals, looking at a mother feeding her child like that, can't a mother even expect some basic courtesy anymore?”

She looked at Kamna “Dear, are you in pain?”

Kamna nodded “Yes aunty, I haven’t fed her from morning, so my breasts are full of milk, it was starting to ache”

The woman sympathised “Poor girl, I know how it feels, but you must pump it out regularly or it will coagulate and cause severe problems”

Kamna said “My breasts always fill up quickly, aunty, even after Arushi empties both tits, I feel like I can feel an entire town”

The woman nodded “I know, I have a relative who is like you, she is constantly in pain, so she now uses a pump”

Kamna said “My husband doesn’t like me to use it, so I am thinking of emptying my tits by feeding it to a boy”

The woman was shocked “Boy?”

Kamna nodded “Yes aunty, a friend of mine has a boy, she has little milk in her tits, so maybe I thought of volunteering my milk to feed him”

The woman gave a relieved smile “You are such a kind girl, dear”

Kamna smiled “No aunty, actually I want to feel a boy sucking my tits, is it different than a girl?”

The woman said “I don’t know personally dear, as I too have only a daughter, but I’ve heard that boys are grabby and bite while suckling”

Kamna giggled “They are the same, no matter the age”

The woman laughed “True, true, but you must ask your husband to help”

Kamna sighed “He doesn’t like it, aunty, I’ve asked him several times in vain. Thankfully some of my neighbours help me out from time to time, otherwise I will go crazy”

The woman naturally assumed that the ‘neighbours’ Kamna meant were helpful women, but little did she know about the young mother’s sexual adventures. While they were talking, the men watched the creamy breast and brown nipple intently, the youngsters even rubbed their erect cocks over their pants. Once Arushi emptied one side, Kamna turned the child around, pulling the other nipple and pushing it into her daughter’s mouth. The men held back a hungry moan as Kamna didn’t cover the side, leaving both breasts visible under the clear saree.

The woman who had been engrossed in the talk suddenly realised that both of Kamna’s tits were exposed, she looked at the perverted looks the three men, including her husband, were giving and snapped “Dear, pull the curtains shut. Today’s men are like bitches in heat, not knowing to give respect to women”

She turned to her gawking husband and snapped “Go sit with the youngsters for a while”

She then muttered “Old enough to have grandchildren, yet still being a pervert, useless donkey”

Kamna blushed as if she had just then realised her naked state, she pulled the curtain over her seat and continued feeding Arushi. The train had already left the outskirts and was reaching the first station of the journey. Arushi was nearing satiety and slowed down her suckling, already sleepy. When Kamna thought about putting her daughter to sleep, the ticket collector came to their coupe. The men and the old man showed their tickets, so the TC pushed aside the curtain and stood next to Kamna who was nearly topless. The middle-aged man stood speechless as he saw the juicy mangoes in all of its glory, his cock rose from 0 to 180 in record time, tenting his white uniform pants.

Kamna saw the man’s reaction and his eyes fixed on her hanging tits, without making any movement to cover herself, she said “Sir, the ticket is with my husband, do you remember, we talked to you in the platform”

The man grinned with glee, it wasn’t the first time a female passenger became cooperative for extra perks. He faced it all the time, as a TC he knew who travelled alone, so he always targeted the women. Especially the college girls or working women, they always booked at the last time, so their tickets were almost always in the waiting list. For the ugly or average looking women, he just charged them extra to get their tickets confirmed. But if the woman was cute or even beautiful and when they pleaded for a discount, he gave them options. They can get their ticket confirmed with just a blowjob, some got angry and had even slapped him, threatening to file a complaint. But a surprisingly large number of good looking women easily agree to give a blowjob, some were so horny that they let him fuck them several times during the journey.

Without taking his eyes from her tits, he said “Oh, there are many like you, so I don’t remember. Take me to your husband, if what you are saying is true then there is no problem, otherwise I will have to take action”

Kamna looked scared “Please sir, believe me I am telling you the truth, we can go now to find my husband, he has the ticket you signed”

He nodded “Please don’t be afraid madam, I am just doing my duty, if all is well then you have nothing to worry”

Kamna turned to the woman, who looked ready to intervene “Aunty, can you please take care of Arushi? I will come back soon”

The woman nodded “Don’t worry dear, I will take care of your daughter, focus on resolving the issue quickly. I will safeguard your things”

Kamna thanked the woman and hooked her blouse, right in front of the TC, once done she gave her sleeping daughter to the helpful old woman and followed the ticket collector.
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I thank everyone for your continued support, here is another update for you to enjoy. As I've said earlier, this story is slow moving with lots of teasing and innuendo, not all encounters end with sex or crazy gangbangs. While it is definitely fiction, I always try to impart an underlying logic to the behaviour of the characters, many times I fail, but it is not for the lack of trying. The story will also have breast play and breast milk fetish, it is why I chose a young mother as the main character.
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The story is going great -- My suggestion would be keep this to few central characters than introduce a lot.
It is more erotic to see a wife succumbs to her desires. However it loses steam, once the women becomes "easy"
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Hi dear writer,
your writing is like water flowing easily in a deep river. With a hint of warm eroticness, sometime naughtiness.
Please write on, we are with you.
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Originally Posted by kittepo View Post
The story is going great -- My suggestion would be keep this to few central characters than introduce a lot.
It is more erotic to see a wife succumbs to her desires. However it loses steam, once the women becomes "easy"


Agreed. But you are creating different erotic settings and that is what keeps the heat up. And good that each setting does not always lead to sex.....more realistic and leaving us wanting more!!!
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posted up to 10th page
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Bro story is going awesome. No complaints but try and make her a tease but not a total slut. She would fuck people but not because she wants it all the time, sometimes it's the other way around. But she definitely is a tease and that's what lands her in trouble sometimes and sometimes its forceful horny men. Keep writing bro, this story is on fire.
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When they reached the end of the compartment, he turned to her and leered “You know why I gave you an upgraded seat?”

Kamna shook her head “No sir”

He grinned “Because of you. I like your beauty, your tits, ass and everything about your body, I particularly love to see your red lips around my cock”

Kamna blanched “Sir, please, what are you saying? I am a married woman and have always been faithful to my husband, no man other than my husband has ever laid a finger on me. Please don’t do this sir”

He turned serious “Look, do you know the difference between a sleeper and a second-class AC ticket? It’s more than double the cost and for two of you the extra amount is nearly four thousand rupees. Either agree to my demands or pay the money right now”

Kamna teared as she pleaded “Please sir, I don’t have so much money, if we go to my husband he will take care of it surely”

THe TC shook his head “I don’t have time, the next station is about to arrive, if you don’t have an answer by then, I have no other option than to hand you over to the authorities. If this goes to the court then you can be put in jail”

Kamna wrung her hands, acting like an innocent housewife, “Please sir, have mercy”

The TC softened “See, I don’t want a tender woman like you in jail, it is a hellish place. But I need look after my own job, I need to submit the money to my superiors or I will be suspended”

Seeing her unable to come up with a response, he said “I can see that you don’t have the money, but you always have the other option. I am sure you have sucked your husband’s cock many times, just imagine me as your husband for a short time. Once I cum, I will give you a ticket so that you can enjoy the journey safely. It’s just a blowjob, who knows I may cum just by touching your lips with my cock once”

Kamna stopped her pleading and hesitated, making the man grin widely, after thinking for a while she nodded “Ok sir, but it’s only a b…blow…job. I won't do anything else and you must give me the ticket”

He nodded “Of course, you can trust me, all I need is a blowjob. But let’s not do it here, the first-class bathrooms are much better and cleaner and it is only a short distance from here. Come with me”

They passed several pantry workers and Railway securities who looked at the TC and Kamna puzzlingly, but no one stopped them as the duo reached the first-class coach. Kamna watched the clean and cosy coupes with envy, even as they entered the expansive bathroom, which surprisingly was divided into a separate shower room and toilet. The TC pulled her inside the shower room with an excited grin “Ah finally, ever since I saw you, I wanted to fuck you. Now don’t waste time and kneel down, wait, let me first taste that sweet lips of yours, which will soon be soiled by me”

Kamna gasped in pain as the he roughly pulled her into his arms, his hands roamed all over her lush body, caressing and squeezing the soft flesh. She pleaded “Please sir, I am a dutiful wife, how can you do this to me? Please have pity and let me go”

He leered “A deal is a deal, don’t worry, I will leave you after the blowjob. But I don’t like it if you fool me, you must properly suck me like you suck your husband”

He grabbed her jaw and kissed her forcefully, tasting the red juicy lips, his rough tongue pried the soft flesh open and slurped the sweet nectar. He bit the soft petal like lips and slathered his saliva all over her face, his breath stunk, making her gag, the stench of cheap cigarette was overwhelming, but a kiss was a kiss and inspite of everything Kamna couldn’t help but get wet.

He sighed “Beauties like you must be savoured over a long time, it’s a pity I can only have a quickie for now. Remove your blouse, let me taste the sweet milk, I am hungry after working all day”

Kamna sniffled but opened her blouse giving a treat to his hungry eyes, half way through he couldn’t control himself and pawed at her exposed flesh, nearly tearing the hooks off. Once the last hook was undone, he pushed her against the ledge on the wash basin and opened the flaps of her nursing bra. Seeing the long tender nipples made him go crazy with lust, he pinched one nipple while rolling another. A sharp pain assaulted her at first, but soon it transformed to pure pleasure, he taunted at her reaction “I knew you are a slut underneath, see how quickly you are panting for a man’s touch. Women like you aren’t destined to be with a single man, you quickly grow tired of a single cock”

She gasped “Please don’t say such disgusting words, I am always faithful to my husband. It is only because of you that I am forced to be like this, it’s not too late, please let me go”

He chuckled darkly “I don’t care about your story, the only thing I want is your sexy body. Since you talk too much, it is time for you to get on your knees and suck me like a bitch”

Sniffling, she obeyed, kneeling down on the clean floor she undid his zip, pulling the tab down. At first glance, his uniform looked neat and tidy, but on closer inspection it was easy to see the dirt and stench of the chronically unwashed clothing. Her stomach roiled at the sight of the hairy cock which looked disgustingly dirty, a spoilt stench assaulted her fine nose making her nearly vomit.

He looked ecstatic at her response “Hahaha, I usually wash before sex, somehow seeing you look pure and angelic I decided not to. Don’t wait, let me see you lick and gulp my dirty cock, I haven’t bathed for the past three days, doing continuous shifts”

Kamna regretted not paying the man, she did have the money from her savings, four thousand was a major chunk of it, but it would have saved her from him. It was too late for second thoughts, steeling herself she pulled his cock which became harder due to him debasing her. Closing her eyes tightly she licked the sweat and urine encrusted tip nearly throwing up from the putrid taste. He was beyond the moon, her little red tongue beautifully snaked out to lick him, sending a wave of pleasure inside him. His lust grew as she continued licking him even with a disgusting expression on her beautiful face, he was surprised when slowly she got used to the stench and started sucking him enthusiastically.

He crowed “what a slut! Look at you, sucking my dirty cock like a whore, how does it feel to cheat on your husband?”

She ignored him and made love to the throbbing cock, after a certain point, the dirtiness didn’t matter, only the erect pole and the pleasure it brought her became important. He moaned when his cock disappeared inside her hot, wet mouth, she had cleaned him already, slurping and sucking him enthusiastically. He was hornier than ever before, although he loved corrupting and forcing the prim ladies, they always were uncooperative in the first session. Of course, there were pure sluts who were ready to suck or fuck anything, but they weren’t beautiful like Kamna. It was a double dose of kinky pleasure which made his balls boil with excitement. Her hard sucking and licking overpowered the train’s running sounds, echoing loudly inside the cramped room.

Horny and excited beyond measure, he couldn’t control the burning hot semen about to erupt from his cock, grunting “On, I am gonna cum. Let me look at your sexy face and debase it with my cum”

He pulled his throbbing cock out of her hot mouth and impatiently came all over her stunning face. The first thick spurt splashed on her cheek, smashing under her lustrous eyes, the second landed on her nose, while the third and fourth lost steam and ended on her lips and chin. His balls felt wrung out as he emptied every drop onto her face, covering the flawless features with his thick semen. His cock felt too sensitive after the massive orgasm, even though he came quickly the pleasure was intense. He thrust his dropping cock on her cheek, spreading the viscous cum all over her face and especially on her lips.

Finally, he sighed “That was greater than I expected, you are a good cocksucker. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to enjoy you more, but I will come by later for another round. I can't get enough of you”

Kamna, who was till kneeling complained “But you said you will leave me after this time, I believed in you”

He smirked “I was speaking the truth earlier, but who knew you were such a good slut, it’s your own fault for doing well”

Kamna shook her head and stood, she turned around to wash her face, he saw her lush ass protruding out of the tight saree and couldn’t help but squeeze her ass. She shrieked “Leave me alone”

He laughed “Guess I am not tired anymore, come on let’s have another round right now. I assure you, you will feel good after I fuck you, don’t you want to try out another cock than your husband’s?”

Kamna hurriedly wiped her face and let out a distressed cry “Please, you promised, now let me out”

His laughter grew louder and he pulled her luscious body onto his chest, feeling the divine softness coupled with her heat. Suddenly someone knocked the door “Who is it? Open the door right now”

The TC froze “I am using this bathroom, go to the other end, there should be another one”

The person said “Will you open it or should I call the security officer?”

Kamna shouted “Sir, please help me”

The person knocked harder “Open it right now, this is your last chance”

The TC hurriedly pushed his dripping cock back inside and zipped his pants, hurriedly he opened the door ad peered out “Who is it, do you know who…. Sir!!!”

Through the gap Kamna saw a tall man in his forties wearing a spotless silk kurta and several gold chains and bracelets, all of his fingers had a large ring in it. His face was clear, shaven and had the aura of a very rich man, his sharp eyes pierced the shivering TC like dagger. Taking the chance, she pushed aside the frozen ticket collector and pounced on the man who reflexively caught her in his arms. Kamna clutched him tightly, pressing her sumptuous breasts on his chest while her slender arms encircled his waist, she wailed “Oh sir, thank you, thank you so much for saving me. He tried to force me into evil things and was about to bang me, please protect me sir”

The man nodded gently at her putting his hand around her naked waist and pushed her behind him like an action hero. He glared at the TC “You, I knew you were involved in shady things, but this is too much. I am going to report this to your superiors right now, I won't rest until they take the most severe action on you”

The TC fell on the man’s feet without any hesitation “Ramesh sir, please it is a mistake, it was she who seduced me and brought me here, I am an innocent victim. I was just doing my duty”

Kamna gasped “Sir, he is lying, he was the one who brought me here to check my ticket, he asked for money while threatening me”

The man, Ramesh, stopped the TC from replying “Shut up, in all my years I know who lies and who is innocent. Don’t think I haven’t noticed your activities”

The TC pleaded “Please sir, forgive me, I will never do anything like this ever again”

Ramesh sternly said “Let’s see about that later, but now get lost. I don’t want to see your face”

The TC, who had just been laughing evilly turned into a frightened rabbit who ran away from them as fast as he could. Ramesh turned to a whimpering Kamna, who clutched him so tight “Dear, are you alright? Did the man hurt you?”

She shook her head, her lustrous eyes brimmed with unshed tears, he smiled gently “Come with me, there is no need to stand beside the toilet”

He tried to loosen her grasp, but she held onto him tightly, giving up he led her to the first-class compartment, through the wide corridor dotted with closed doors. He stopped in the middle opening the door to an empty coupe with two beds, on one were a stack of files arranged neatly, the other had crumpled bedsheets and pillow. Ramesh smiled “You are safe here, there is no need to be afraid”

Kamna showed no sign of loosening her grip, she looked at the files, every one of them had a logo that seemed familiar. She then saw an open letter pad with the name Ramesh printed in gold on top and company name that made her gasp. Trident was a famous clothing company whose products were sold all over the country, they had presence in all segments, be it men, women or even children. Interest piqued, she looked closely and was shocked to see the words under Ramesh’s name. It said, ‘CEO and Founder, Trident Group’

Her heart thumped erratically, was the man who intervened a powerful business magnate? He certainly looked the part with a cool demeanour and an intimidating presence, the reaction of the TC too was telling. Ramesh said “Are you sure you are not hurt anywhere, dear? Why don’t you sit down and relax for a while?”

She shook her head “Please sir, don’t leave me, I am scared”

He smiled “I’m not going anywhere, I will just be sitting here doing my paperwork. But if you need to see a doctor, just tell me”

She said “I’m not hurt, sir. Can I sit next to you?”

He nodded “Of course dear”

Ramesh asked “Your clothes are crumpled, why don’t you bring your clothes here and change into something fresh?”

She pleaded “Please sir, I am scared of going outside, can I wear something of yours?”

He laughed “Mine? I just have kurtas”

She said “Then can I have one? Please sir, I don’t want to wear this any longer, it makes me remember the horrid experience”

Ramesh paused for a second before nodding “Fine, whatever you wish”

He opened a very expensive leather suitcase and took out a neatly pressed silk kurta “I don’t think the pants will fit you, wear this while I wait outside”

Kamna grabbed his arm “No sir, please don’t leave me alone. You are my saviour, you don’t have to go out”

He paused “But…”

She bit her juicy lips and said shyly “It’s enough if you can just turn around”

Sighing, he did as she said, while Kamna removed her saree, though both of her hands were occupied, she kept touching him continuously from behind. He assumed it was because of the trauma which made her clutch to him, he looked at the locked door as he heard the rustling of her saree before noticing it fall on the floor. Soon the tight strained blouse fell over the saree, he froze as he felt her bare shoulder press on his back, he felt the smooth warm skin and the soft flesh intimately. What followed was the petticoat, the rustling of the clothes coupled with her frequent touches made him extremely horny. When the nursing bra fell, he felt hot all over, but even that was insignificant when compared to the feeling he had when he saw her black panties fall right in front of him.

Instinctively he stepped away from her hot body which radiated immense heat, scorching his back, she pleaded even as she embraced him from behind, pressing her completely naked body “Please sir, don’t go, I am nervous”

Ramesh felt his cock groan from the massive sensations, the divinely soft breasts gently pressed on his back and the thin kurta fortunately didn’t dampen the feelings. He had been an austere man focussing all his energies towards developing his company, which had transformed from a weak fledgling to a massive conglomerate through his own efforts. He barely had time for family and other personal needs, while he was no saint, he had very little interest in pursuing woman for the sake of pleasure. They threw themselves at him readily, countless female executives, employees, models and actresses tried to get closer during parties, conventions and meetings. While he had had his share of them, he had never been distracted by them.

But Kamna was different, the innocent vulnerability she projected coupled with the wholesome family image was somehow very attractive to him. He patted her hand clutching his waist “Don’t worry dear, I am not going anywhere”

Kamna pressed her face on his back, heating him further with her warm breath “Thank you sir”

She loosened him temporarily to slip on the silk kurta, which readily rustled with the slightest movement. After a while, Ramesh asked “Are you done, dear?”

She didn’t reply, but he could feel her nod, taking a deep breath, he turned around only to gape in shock. Kamna stood coyly with her legs pressed tightly together, her beautiful face was rosy with shyness and she looked at the floor, unable to meet his gaze. Ramesh’s cock throbbed like never before when he saw the buxom woman wearing his thin silk kurta, one that was at least a couple of sizes small. Her large breasts were crushed underneath making the front bulge lewdly, her rock-hard nipples and puffy areolae protruded erotically, easily visible under the creamish fabric. Since she wasn’t wearing any pants, all her fleshy legs were exposed, he gawked like a teenager when he saw the flawless, smooth legs, thighs and even her hips through the high slit on the sides.
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udhayar2 -

ohhhhh nice dude great update more not fuck her quick just play and don't forget her husband and children in this update6¤7 u didn't involve them ( this all before her innocence husband pls update with husband with her )
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I started reading this thread yesterday and read all the updates at one go....It's fantastic man...There's everything in it seduction, lust..... You've got amazing writing skills....
I've one suggestion for you, please don't make it a cuckold story....whatever Kamna does should happen behind Vinod's back or under his nose but not be aware of it...don't rule out completely Vinod and his daughter...their involvement would make look like a real life incident....
And introduce one or two teenage male characters (18 or 19 years old).....
All the best
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She pouted in a playful tone “Please, don’t look at me like that, I feel shy. I have never worn something like this ever, even before my husband”

Ramesh shook his head to escape from the web of seduction “Sorry dear, I was just surprised”

She came closer, still not meeting his eyes and boldly took his arm in hers, pressing it between her lush breasts “You are like an action hero, bravely saving a damsel, so I don’t mind wearing this for you. It’s just that I’m not used to men looking at me like that, like I am desirable”

Ramesh was once again firmly stuck in the web, he retorted gently “You are indeed very desirable dear, only a blind person can deny this”

She blushed “Uh, can I call you uncle, though we met only a short while back, I already feel very close to you. I won't if you mind”

He patted her shoulder “Relax dear, you can definitely call me uncle, it’s my pleasure”

She surprised him by embracing him tightly pressing her luscious body onto his front, while purring “Uncle, thank you so much. No matter what I do, I can never repay your kindness”

His hands rested on her waist naturally, feeling the naked body underneath “I was just doing my duty dear, it’s nothing”

She protested cutely “It’s not nothing for me, uncle, you couldn’t understand how scared and helpless I was, trapped in the room with that monster”

He jerked “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

She shook her head, burrowing further into his arms “No uncle, you saved me in time. He forcibly hugged me and groped me threatening me all the time. Just stood with his dirty cock, fully hard and was about to bang me, when you intervened like a hero”

Though her experience was harrowing, the way she said made it erotic, with her in his arms his cock couldn’t help but lurch in reaction, making her push her fleshy thigh right against it. Alarmed, he tried to get away “Sorry dear, it…”

She grabbed him tighter, asking innocently “What happened uncle?”

Suddenly she released him and turned to the window, her shoulders shivered with her sobs “I understand now, you don’t want to touch me, because you think I am used goods. Please uncle, believe me, nothing happened inside because of you. Oh, my life is wrecked”

Ramesh was shocked by her reaction, her heartfelt crying made his chest full of pain, he placed his hand on her shoulder “Please dear, it wasn’t like that. I believe you fully, you are not used goods, don’t belittle yourself like that. It was my mistake and I apologise for that”

She turned in a flash, her beautiful face was streaked with tears, ruining her kajal, she clutched him once again “Please don’t apologise, uncle, I am not worthy. I was just confused and wayward after the ordeal”

Ramesh wasn’t alarmed when her thigh once again brushed on his cock, not wanting to make her cry again, he didn’t move even as she pressed firmly on his fully erect cock. Wanting to distract themselves, he asked “You must be hungry, let me order something from the pantry”

He gently pushed her to the side and pressed a small switch right next to the bed, she hung onto him once again. She asked “Uncle, will another passenger come to use this coupe?”

Ramesh smiled “No dear, I’ve booked both seats, so no one is going to come”

She nodded “Oh, but isn’t that costly?”

He laughed “Yes, but there will also be no one to disturb my work. I can always take the trip by flight, but I am used to spending a day in private working on the files and gathering my thoughts in train. I guess I am used to it for so long that it has become a habit”

She asked, “Do you travel by train regularly?”

He said “No, but I try to go on a trip every six month”

As they were talking someone knocked the door, Ramesh ordered “Come in”

A young man wearing a white pantry uniform respectfully bowed “Sir”

Ramesh said firmly “Bring a light meal for two”

The man nodded before looking to Ramesh side by reflex, he suddenly froze as he saw the lovely vision nearly naked right in front of his eyes. The sexy pouting face, the long creamy neck, the large tits nearly tearing the kurta and the hard nipples, the slim waist and flaring hips followed by smooth long legs, it was a dreamy sight. Ramesh noticed the straying gaze and sternly said “What are you waiting for?”

The pantry worker bowed again in fright and quickly went out closing the door behind him. Ramesh looked at a nonchalant Kamna standing by his side “That man, didn’t you notice his gaze?”

He became suspicious because of her standing boldly exposing most of her body, a normal housewife wouldn’t have done that in front of a stranger. Kamna asked “Uh, what man? I was just looking at you, did a man come in? Oh, did he see me like this?”

Her rosy face blushed further making her looked adorable, the doubt in Ramesh’s mind was erased as she tried to hide behind him. He laughed “Don’t worry, he is gone. You didn’t even see him? What was written on my face that you forgot the world?”

She shyly mumbled “Sorry uncle, I was just looking at your fine features, you look so handsome and manly like a hero”

He was pleased, not minding her once again pressing her lush body on his back, he was starting to enjoy her presence a lot more. He said “I need to do some work, will you be alright by yourself? The food will take some time to come”

She nodded “I won't disturb you”

He sat on the bed with the files and went through them seriously, taking notes on his laptop. Kamna sat on the opposite bed and leaned onto the side coyly, she bent her legs, tucking them like to the side like a mermaid. But the position made the kurta fall on either side of her fleshy thighs exposing all of the creamy legs and nearly her wet pussy. Ramesh’s attention was immediately grabbed as he glanced at the sexy woman exposing everything just for him. Kamna blushed “Uncle, please don’t look at me like that, I feel very shy”

Ramesh cleared his throat before looking away, his face burning with embarrassment, Kamna purred “But I like it when you look at me, it washes away the fear and shame I experienced a short while back. You are my saviour uncle, so anything you want it is my honour to obey”

Ramesh looked at her with a mysterious look, but she didn’t fidget, her lustrous dark eyes looked clear and innocent. He nodded “You are a precious treasure, it is my fortune to have met you”

Kamna smiled prettily, suddenly looking several years younger and virginal making his cock lurch with desire. She stood flashing her long legs once again, nearly giving him a view of her dripping pussy “Uncle, it is boring to just sit here while you work hard, is there anything I can do to help?”

He nodded “Sure, take this notebook and pen and write down what I say. Can you do that?”

She primly said “I’d gone to typewriting and shorthand classes before marriage”

She sat very close to him, brushing her voluptuous body on his side and sit as before giving him a closer and much better look of her flawless fleshy thighs. He could easily see the two dark nipples, fully hard and erect under the thin silk, making a thick drop of precum ooze out of his hard cock. Shaking his head, he turned his attention onto the file in front of him, ignoring the buxom beauty with some difficulty. Kamna had a lovely handwriting and she was competent in writing down his words, soon the duo immersed themselves in a warm, comfortable silence.

They both were startled when someone knocked the door, Ramesh called out by reflex “Come in”

It was the pantry worker, who had brought a trolley full of fragrant dishes, once again the man’s attention was completely on Kamna, who was exposing a lot more than earlier. With an eye on the lush creamy flesh, the man laid out the hot food on two tables taking his time to extend the process as much as possible. Ramesh closely observed Kamna, who blatantly let the server enjoy her nudity, but she always looked at Ramesh, completely ignoring the other man in the room. They started eating, with Kamna trying out everything playfully, making Ramesh give her a smile. She crossed her legs, nearly exposing her naked ass as she bent over the delicious food, prepared specially for the wealthy businessman.

Finishing the food, they washed their hands with the finger bowl, helpfully presented by the server and sent the man away. Just as soon as the door was closed, Kamna pounced on an unexpecting Ramesh, sitting on his lap, straddling him with her legs clasped on his waist, she kissed his cheek, very close to his lips “Thank you so much uncle. This is easily the best journey of my life, and it’s all because of you, I will never forget this my entire life”

Ramesh had his hands full of soft, silken flesh, struggling hard not to squeeze them, he was in heaven as Kamna started to kiss all over his face, leaving hot wet spots and trailing saliva. Finally she stopped with a hard smooch on his lips, surprising him greatly “I don’t want this journey to end uncle”

He smiled gently, hiding the rampant lust with difficulty “You are flattering me dear. But what about your husband, did you call him?”

She gasped “Oh, I am having such a good time that I completely forgot about my husband, let me call him now”
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Not moving an inch off his lap, she took her cheap phone and dialled her husband’s number. Vinod spoke with clear panic “Kamna, Kamna, where are you? I tried to call you several times, but your phone was switched off, I even went to your seat, but you weren’t there. I took Arushi with me and was about to call the security officer in fear”

Kamna teared “I am so sorry Vinod, but there was an incident, thankfully I am completely alright now. A very kind man saved me from a horrible man and protected me like his own family…”

She closed the mic with her hand and asked Ramesh “Uncle, can I bring him here?”

Ramesh nodded “Of course dear, your husband would have had a heart attack at not finding you”

Kamna said “Vinod, I am in the first-class coach, can you come here?”

Vinod replied anxiously “Yes, I will be there immediately”

Ramesh watched as the young wife smiled happily at the thought of reunion with her husband, he assumed that she would finally wear her clothes back and ignore him. But even as the time went on, she seemed to have no intention of changing back, she was still wearing the extremely sexy and lewd silk kurta with nothing underneath. Though she helped jot down his words sincerely, his mind was no longer on work, he strangely grew nervous at the thought of the husband arriving any time.

And lo, there was a timid knock on the door, clearing his throat Ramesh called out imperiously, his voice filled with the power of unimaginable wealth, status and position “Come in”

Vinod peeked inside timidly, on one side perched on his hip was a cute little child, still asleep and on the other side was a large bag hanging on. His eyes widened with happiness when he saw his wife smiling back at him “Kamna, how are you? You can't imagine how worried I was”

Kamna’s face bubbled with warmth “Give me Arushi”

Hugging her precious daughter to her bosom, she sat next to Ramesh “Vinod, this is my saviour Ramesh, if not for him I have no idea what would have happened. The seemingly helpful TC was in fact a banging rogue who threatened me with imprisonment or worse. Thankfully uncle intervened at the right time and scared that horrible man off”

Vinod was indignant ‘How dare he? I am going to complain to the security officer”

Ramesh gently said “I think it is better if you leave it at that, I am sure the man is well connected and can cause you quite a few problems. With a wife and child in hand, it is advisable for you to not indulge in such things. As for the man, I will deal with him myself, he can't do anything to me and I will speak with his superiors”

Kamna nodded “Yes, please listen to uncle. He is a powerful man, he is the founder of Trident group”

Vinod gawked “Trident? Oh, sorry sir, I didn’t realise who you are”

Vinod immediately stood up to show respect, but Ramesh motioned for him to sit “Don’t worry about such details, you are Kamna’s husband so please relax”

Vinod sat back but he couldn’t relax like Kamna, who was leaning onto Ramesh with a light smile on her lovely face. The young husband suddenly noticed his wife’s dress, or the lack of it, sitting opposite to her, he could easily see all of her legs, thighs and the curvaceous body with the breasts protruding lewdly. He gently murmured “Kamna, your dress…”

Kamna said casually “Ah yes, when the TC took me alone, I left the bags back at the seat, after what happened in the toilet with him, I couldn’t bear to wear the same clothes. Thankfully, uncle had some spare clothes or I wouldn’t have known what to do”

She then took her bag to take out some clothes, Ramesh tactfully said “Vinod, let’s wait outside while she changes”

Though he was her husband, he could only nod at the intimidating man’s words, Ramesh closed the coupe’s door behind him, waiting for the sexy woman to change her clothes. Meanwhile he talked to the nervous young man “Vinod, let me tell you something as an older man”

Vinod nodded respectfully “Please go ahead, sir”

Ramesh said “I can't help but be disappointed in you”

Vinod was shocked to have already disappointed the powerful man “Uh, how sir? What did I do?”

Ramesh said “How could you have left your wife and child alone? What if something had happened to her and I wasn’t there to save her? How would you feel if your wife was really bangd by the man? You should have had a lot more responsibility and tried to find another solution, than leave your wife at the man’s mercy”

Vinod could only hang his head in guilt and shame and the older man gently lambasted him, Ramesh sighed after a while “Well, what’s happened has happened, there is no point in going into the details. But you must understand one thing, bang or nearly getting bangd is a very horrendous thing for a woman. Females, by nature, are very gentle and emotional beings, they are easily destabilised by such things. I think the reason why Kamna didn’t wear her old clothes was that she was constantly being reminded of the attempt. During such cases, it is normal for her to be standoffish or irritable to others, she will also lose any passion for physical relations. So you must be considerate and not pressure her for anything, do you understand?”

Vinod nodded at the man’s sage advice “Yes sir, I will be a good husband”

Ramesh smiled “Good, you have a lovely family, you should take care of them a lot more. But for the time being, let Kamna do what she likes, so that she could forget the ordeal sooner and come back to her original self”

They then spoke about normal things, with Ramesh enquiring about Vinod’s job, family and other things. Finally, Kaman opened the door with a shy smile “Sorry I took long”

Ramesh said, “No problem dear”

They went back to the coupe and looked at Kamna’s new attire, she looked very desirable in a simple chiffon saree and blouse, though it was quite clear that she wasn’t wearing a bra and the saree was too transparent. But both men said nothing about it, with their minds still full of the talk just a short while back. Vinod stayed for some more time, but grew uncomfortable as he didn’t know how to act in front of the powerful man. Kamna was very loving and casual, not leaving Ramesh’s side for a moment and nearly ignoring her own husband. Finally, Vinod said “Kamna, its late, shall we go back?”

Kamna surprised him by saying “Oh, I didn’t realise the time, but Vinod, I don’t think I can go back to the same seat. What if that man comes again?”

Vinod was in a dilemma, on one hand he realised the position his wife was in, he also couldn’t ignore the warmth and physical closeness Kamna had with the intimidating older man. Still he was in no position to demand anything, after all staying in the first-class coupe with Ramesh was infinitely more comfortable and safer than anything else. The only solution acceptable to Vinod was staying with both of them in the same coupe, after all there were four berths inside and only Ramesh was using it. Kamna said “Also I am helping uncle with his work, it is nothing, but I try to help him even a little to pay back the immense debt”

Ramesh nodded “She is a great help, very intelligent and cooperative”

Kamna asked “Since there’s so many important files here, I can't have Arushi here. So can you take care of her in the mean time?”

Vinod couldn’t understand what was happening “What about feeding her?”

Kamna had an answer for that too “I will fill a few bottles, she won't be hungry with that”

Not waiting for his agreement, she took two bottles from the bag and quickly opened her blouse, revealing that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. Both men watched her thick nipple pop out, as she squeezed her breast firmly and erotically, spurting a thick stream of sweet milk into the bottle. They could only watch as the bottle filled up gradually, one man was fully hard and aching to cum while the other watched it anxiously. Soon she switched to the other bottle filling it up, screwing the caps tight, she gave them to her unwilling husband.

Ramesh said “Let me go outside for a moment, I need to make a call”

Vinod took the opportunity to say urgently “Kamna, I don’t like you staying here”

She snorted in disbelief “What are you saying? He saved me from getting bangd, is this how you repay your benefactor? I can't believe you think something inappropriate will happen, he is a millionaire, he can have all the women in this world. What am I, a simple housewife, to him? Also, I just experienced a harrowing incident involving my body, do you think I am in the mood for sex? He too is not so insensitive to ask me for something like that, I call him uncle and he said I am like his daughter”

Vinod hung his head in guilt, hearing his wife explain the situation made him feel like dirt, he had blurted out due to insecurity and didn’t think his words through. Seeing his wife half naked and loving towards a powerful man had made him think of inappropriate things and doubt his dutiful wife. As she sighed in disgust, Vinod couldn’t wait for the earth to swallow him up in whole “Sorry Kamna, I am confused and angry”

She spat out “If you want to be angry then neither I nor Ramesh are not the right targets”

Her stinging rebuke gave him no face to look at her accusing eyes, meekly he took the bag and his daughter to slip out like a coward. Kamna looked at the back of her husband in retreat sadly, she went to the door to see him leaving the compartment while Ramesh was standing to the other side talking on the phone. When Ramesh came back inside, he was shocked to see Kamna once again wearing the kurta “What, why are you wearing this?”

Kamna smiled “This is a lot more comfortable than the saree, uncle, I just wore that for my husband. You don’t want to see me in this?”

Ramesh shook his head “No, I mean, you can wear whatever you want”

Kamna squealed in delight and pounced on him for a tight hug, kissing all over his face, lingering on his lips for a longer time. She said “Come on uncle, I don’t want to distract you, let’s get back to work”

She was so adorable and loving, that Ramesh could only nod as they sat side by side letting their bodies press on tightly. He found it difficult to concentrate on work, but enjoyed her companionship immensely, especially when she leaned on him, mashing her full breast on his arm. The pantry worker came later to enquire about dinner, spending too much time watching Kamna’s voluptuous body. The dinner was a happy affair with Kamna feeding Ramesh with her own hands, she was playful sucking on Ramesh’s fingers while he fed her. He felt a jolt of pure pleasure when she sucked his finger, feeling himself losing inside the melting honeypot. Her dark eyes looked at him with naked desire and lust, completely incongruent to her wholesome image.

After dinner, Kamna stretched her back and yawned, pushing her heavy tits into the kurta, nearly tearing the already fraying fabrics. Ramesh’s eyes nearly popped out as he watched the lush tits straining his kurta and the hard nipples boring holes. She said “Uncle, I’m tired, I want to sleep”

Ramesh had long lost any hope of doing work with her beside him, sleeping with her in the empty coupe had occupied his thoughts most of the day. He nodded “I too am tired, maybe it is best to work in the morning”

She giggled happily “Shall I switch off the lights?”

He nodded and laid down on his bed, avidly watching her alluring body, she switched off the lights and rummaged around for a few seconds in the darkness. He gasped when he felt a soft body slithering right next to him “Kamna, what are you doing?”

She sighed “I can't sleep alone uncle, not after what happened today. In your arms, I feel happy and safe, are you angry?”

He said “No, but…”

She said “Thank you uncle, no matter what I do I can never repay you”

Ramesh felt her arms embrace him from the front, pressing her body on his chest, especially the two round breasts. Holding the beauty in his arms felt like heaven and his cock which was already undergoing cycles of hard and semi-hardness, was once again at full mast. She kissed him softly on the lips, holding the contact for several seconds. Suddenly she sighed “I am so unlucky”

He asked “Why so, dear”

She purred “If only I wasn’t married, I could happily give you everything I have, even those that monster forcibly wanted to take. But though I dearly love to, I can't give you that, for it will be a betrayal of my husband and my responsibilities. Just looking at you makes my body tingle crazily, why must you be so kind and generous?”

He smiled “I am glad to hear your feelings dear, I too love spending time with you. Always immersed in work, it is such a pleasure to be with a young and vivacious woman like you, it makes me feel younger”

She kissed his nose, sucking on it gently while leaving a wet spot “You aren’t old uncle, I find you very fit and handsome”

The kisses gradually grew longer and deeper, especially the little pecks on the lips became smooches, suddenly Kamna gasped making Ramesh alarmed “What happened dear? Are you hurting?”

She moaned in pain “No, uh, it’s my tits. They are already full of milk and starting to pain”

Ramesh asked anxiously “What should we do?”

She lifted herself on her forearms “It will only get worse unless it is pumped out”

Ramesh nodded “Good, do you have a breast pump with you?”

She shook her head “No, I don’t like using them. We can only do this the old-fashioned way”

He asked “Old fashioned way?”

She nodded “Yes uncle, someone needs to drink it. If I just squeeze it out, it won't come out uniformly causing me more pain. So, if someone drinks it, then my tits will be emptied naturally”

Ramesh asked “Should I bring Arushi here?”

She shook her head “No, Arushi would have already eaten and my husband doesn’t like drinking my milk. So please uncle, you are the only one I trust with this, I am so sorry to ask for your help but please help me”

Ramesh was stunned, just a short while back, she had lamented about her sacred vows and chastity making him think greatly of her. Compared to the materialistic and slutty women he met every day, he felt that it was rare for a woman like Kamna to be in the modern world. But her request to suck her tits completely stumped him, she pleaded “Please uncle, it is a medical emergency”

Paralysed with uncertainty, he could only nod reflexively, she sighed in relief and pulled the kurta off her delightful body with difficulty. It really was too tight on her voluptuous body, in the dark room lit only by the blue night lamp, Ramesh gaped as he saw creamy white flesh brightly glistening in the darkness. Even in the dimness, he could clearly deduce her sumptuous curves, especially the dark puckered nipples.
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Masterpiece of seduction!! Totally slutty wife!! So many times I thought the Trident would strike but.....

Oh, the agony!!! Brilliant!!

Question: in the following paragraph, why did she look at her husband sadly?? Was it because she really wanted his attention again rather than others, even though she was willingly going with them? Was it because in this scenario he hadn't showed courage in front of the rich man by insisting she go with him or he stay with them in the first class cabin as she was his wife and mother of his child, because it was obviously inappropriate for her to stay alone with this man? Anyway, a touch of poignancy. Perhaps there is hope in regaining and reigniting the love and physical intimacy between husband and wife?? Later??

"Her stinging rebuke gave him no face to look at her accusing eyes, meekly he took the bag and his daughter to slip out like a coward. Kamna looked at the back of her husband in retreat sadly, she went to the door to see him leaving the compartment while Ramesh was standing to the other side talking on the phone. When Ramesh came back inside, he was shocked to see Kamna once again wearing the kurta “What, why are you wearing this?”
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Am addicted to your story, you are a master writer.

Your story has given me many many leaks this rain season. Some of the chapters are simply to HOT.

Thanks for your efforts and contribution, Please keep up the great work.
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Thanks for the replies guys!!! Hope to have your continued support in the future

Originally Posted by breville1 View Post

Question: in the following paragraph, why did she look at her husband sadly?? Was it because she really wanted his attention again rather than others, even though she was willingly going with them? Was it because in this scenario he hadn't showed courage in front of the rich man by insisting she go with him or he stay with them in the first class cabin as she was his wife and mother of his child, because it was obviously inappropriate for her to stay alone with this man?

I don't want to elaborate on plot points as it will spoil the suspense, but for once I will try to explain it briefly. Kamna's sadness was complex with many feelings, but at that particular time, it was mostly disappointment in her husband. Their relationship is on a slippery slope, so unless Vinod redeems himself soon, what happens next would be irrevocable
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Originally Posted by ajaniv View Post
Thanks for the replies guys!!! Hope to have your continued support in the future

I don't want to elaborate on plot points as it will spoil the suspense, but for once I will try to explain it briefly. Kamna's sadness was complex with many feelings, but at that particular time, it was mostly disappointment in her husband. Their relationship is on a slippery slope, so unless Vinod redeems himself soon, what happens next would be irrevocable


Thanks for the clarification. Some rhetorical points....

Ok, understand that Vinod doesn't find his wife sexy. Unless I missed this point earlier, why doesn't Kamna seduce Vinod the way she's doing with the Trident man?? Vinod's an OK looking guy but I guess he doesn't offer the thrill that goes with being slutty to all and sundry, especially someone wealthy and powerful.

Personally, I hope the story doesn't get to an irrevocable state, even though I am hugely enjoying the various seduction scenes.

Thank you for your frequent and long updates....not many like you.
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Originally Posted by breville1 View Post
Thanks for the clarification. Some rhetorical points....

Ok, understand that Vinod doesn't find his wife sexy. Unless I missed this point earlier, why doesn't Kamna seduce Vinod the way she's doing with the Trident man?? Vinod's an OK looking guy but I guess he doesn't offer the thrill that goes with being slutty to all and sundry, especially someone wealthy and powerful.

Personally, I hope the story doesn't get to an irrevocable state, even though I am hugely enjoying the various seduction scenes.

Thank you for your frequent and long updates....not many like you.


Perhaps you missed it, because I explained it in single line, but it is there in the first post. Basically she tried her level best to regain the physical intimacy after pregnancy, but he refused to find her to be sexy after the failed intercourse. It is his mental block, though she had become slim and sexy due to constant care over the past year, his mental image of her is still the same fat woman with a loose vagina. Sometimes people fail to see the truth even when it is staring right in front of them, it is the same with Vinod. Maybe his tastes changed in the meantime, he had after all fucked his wife countless times, so he had grown tired of her and now wants something new and exciting, like those young, nubile teenagers.
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Originally Posted by ajaniv View Post
Another update!!!, hope everyone continues to like the story. I'll have to say, I love to read stories that has a lot of tease and seduction and I prefer to write it the same way. There also wont be any banging, but there certainly will be manipulation and mind games. If anyone has a nice scenario in mind that you would like me to write, please don't hesitate to PM me. I already have a few in mind that I am writing presently, but I will try to include yours in the future. Thanks for the support, guys and please do post your comments, however short it maybe. I love to see your thoughts and it motivates me to write even more.


Like you mentioned in your above post a few days earlier, We too love stories with a lot of tease and seduction and where the female Protagonist (heroine) takes lead willingly. Mind games are always welcome.

I too don't like banging / forceful sex.

Your writing ability and the story line is very addictive.

I am sure situations do happen in many people's life and many times it may so happen that husbands knowingly act idiotic while wife is taking the lead.

Thanks for your awesome efforts.
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Originally Posted by bicky1996 View Post
Hey man show some love between Kamna and Vinod. Keeping the family intact will add an unique flair. Vinod looks an innocent guy since he loves his wife and care for her.
Keep Kamna guessing whether she's doing the right thing or not

breville1 -

As the author mentioned in reply to my question earlier, Kamna has tried a lot to recapture Vinod's interest in her but he has a mental block. He cannot see that she has changed to a voluptuous woman since childbirth. So her frustration has led her to go with other guys. Vinod has to redeem himself soon otherwise she will dump him.

However, I see the child as a great equalizer. Clearly Vinod loves his child and does his part. Kamna has no problem leaving the child with Vinod when she goes off to her adventures because she knows he will look after the child. Kamna, as the mother, will always have that special bond with her child. She can tell whether Vinod cares for the child or not. So if she leaves him, what happens to the child? Sure, she can take the child with her but no man other than the caring loving father can offer the same feelings and care to the child. Vinod stands to lose both his child and his wife. Difficult times ahead for Vinod.
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