A Banana Muffin Saga

"Who's Tanvi?" Upendra asked with a firm eye on Tanvi.
"Oh sorry, meet Tanvi, she moved new to our apartment complex to the house below ours!" Khurram explained.
"Aah...It's nice to meet you Tanvi!" Upendra moved forward.
Tanvi got a lifetime’s tremor as the bulk of the man came forward and engaged into a hug instead of taking her outstretched hand. For the next few moments, she felt her breasts getting squashed hard against the immense body and her tiny frame getting obscenely arched over his belly. 
"But of course why not, college girls should work out to keep their stamina! And you require more Tanvi...look at you…too think I think!" 
"Aah...mmm...I am not in college Upendraji, I moved in with my husband and two kids from Baroda few months before!" Tanvi forcefully pulled out from his iron grip.
"Whaaaatttt! You are married! With two kids!!! Noo...I cannot believe this!" Upendra exclaimed with surprised look that fell right over her protruding breasts. He could not take his lusty eyes away from the round shaped breasts despite his wife Maahi stood near them. His mind was in fact, racing over all the nasty stuff that he could perform on her meat chunks if he got his chance to explore!
"Ji...yes, I am!" Tanvi looked down with shy eyes as she noticed where his eyes lingered and the 'gift' inside her cunt got crushed as her vagina clasped over it with sinful pressure. It felt as if she sensed the lecherous intentions of the human bulk that burned her body!

"Oh I see...Now I understand…Of course Khurram, she would definitely require your training! Look at her; she just looks like she came out of her college yesterday!!!” Upendra paused and took yet another deep look all over Tanvi’s tiny frame. “Anyway, let's go now, driver was not available, so I came to pick you guys!" Tanvi noticed embarassinly that since Upendra arrived; his lewd eyes had never left her…not even for a second.

"Upendra, this was not necessary!" Khurram protested.
"Why? It's my pleasure to take you and your daughter! Anytime…For that question!!!"
"Okay then!" Khurram walked out and nodded at Tanvi. She followed both older men after she conveyed her thankfulness to Maahi and she saw a knowing smile from Sylvie who was assiduously observing her. As she reached Upendra’s white SUV, she went straight to the backseat door. Instead she was surprised again when Upendra came next to her and opened the front door for her.
"Tanvi, get to front seat. Khurram is today’s bodyguard for both of us!!" Though he smiled, Tanvi felt a sharp thread of fear from her toes through her spine till her brain at a single shot. Tanvi had no option other than climbing to the front passenger seat as Khurram sat behind her immediately. Once she sat comfortably, she felt the 'gift' that Sylvie planted inside her vagina sliding inside with every movement that she did. She tried her best to place her groin firm over the seat to avoid direct placement of her cunt against the seat. However, it was not easily achieved as the SUV started and her ass got plastered hard against the leather. She thanked heavens for choosing a dark jean and prayed hard to her body for not responding with her cunt to the digit inside; however, she squirmed at the lost battle. Right at that specific point; her wetness was seeping all over her groin making her extremely awkward.
While she took a sideways glance at the bulk of Upendra, she saw his kurta being stretched up till the lower part of his heavily hairy belly was protruding outside. But it was not his belly or bulk that caught her eye. It was the way he sat that made his large belly decline backwards which in turn, made his groin to propel forward towards the steering wheel.
"Gooosh!!! Did all of Khurramji's friends have such large sized manhood?" Her cunt seeped a rope of hot liquid immediately making her judder!
"So Tanvi, tell me how you do keep your body so thin? I am still unable to guess!” Upendra paused and turned his head towards Tanvi and she felt his eyes bolstering over her breasts. She averted his look and watched at front view.
"It's quite surprising to me that being a mother of two kids you still look so like an adolescent yourself, not more than twenty two or twenty three max!!!" He was not letting the topic go.
"Well, she is an athlete! Not like you Bulky Boy!" Before Tanvi could respond, the answer from Khurram resced her. 
"Ooouh no wonder! I get this now…You are not thin, you are in fact, athletic!" Upendra exclaimed and continued. " So, you lack in stamina, is it why you decided to join with this old man?" His smile was devious and she caught the double sided question immediately.
"No Upendraji, I have enough stamina, but I need to improve on some specific things!" She replied finally.
"Like what things? You are already a beautiful woman!" She felt his hard stare straight on her nipples that were now super hard, and only because of the sports bra she worn, her nipples were not protruding outwards to obscenely; but they still projected their hardness clearly. Her cunt jolted multiple times and secreted more liquid making the ‘gift’ inside her cunt to wobble more fluidly.
"More like she have to tone her healthy body!" Khurram chided.
"Also Safijaji is going to join us!" Tanvi couldn't stop the comment.
"Ah! Then the team is complete! I think I will also join to see if my stamina is still intact!" Along with that comment, Upendra pushed his groin a bit more forward. 
Tanvi couldn't resist from taking another sideway glance. Her eyes expanded with disbelief immediately. His groin was thrusted and enlarged to a peculiar size, it looked more like an outsized softball cushioned between his thighs. His kurta pant was white and his underwear was also white. The outline of the thing looked just like his palm, which was stout and heavy. She clearly saw the outline of his oversized thick cock squeezed inside. Her cunt couldn't resist from its trembling state and the 'gift' inside glided numerous times and she felt her jeans getting wetter. She kept her face straight to the road but eyes were downcasted with sideways peep on the equipment that looked menacingly thick. She squeezed her thighs firm to control her embarrassed excitement.
"Oh…The bloody tollbooth!" Upendra cursed as they came to a halt in the queue of vehicles.
"Tanvi, could you please hand over the coins from that side box?" Upendra asked by nodding towards the glove box in front of her. She opened it and handed over few coins to him. 
"Ssshiiittt!!!" Tanvi heard a loud rambling from Upendra’s side. As the tollbooth’s cabin approached, Upendra stumbled and couple of coins fell from his hand down onto his lap and few fell between his thighs and legs to the car floor. His upper body was half out of the window and turned towards the tollbooth assistant who was impatient to clear this SUV quickly.
"Tanvi, please get these coins!!" Upendra shouted. With no options left, Tanvi had to move sideways and bend forward to reach the floor between his hefty legs. She got a strong scent of his groin which was hardly few inches from her face and her hand pressed agaisnt his knees as she dipped down to grab the coins from floor. 
"Oh shitttt...It's gone to backside!" She yelled back.
"Let me check from here!" Khurram also stooped sideways and extended his long hand down of Upendra's seat. Tanvi relaxed a bit; as she realized that Khurram was not seeing her inflamed chin, which, was almost resting on Upendra's right thigh. She tried furiously and grabbed the coins from the floor and lifted herself up and handed over the coins to Upendra's free hand.
"Not enough change!!" The shout from tollbooth assistant indicated that the given coins were not sufficient. Khurram was still struggling at the backside.
"Tanvi, check here too!" Upendra guided and indicated between his large thighs as he pushed himself up specifying that she had to search between his groin and underneath.
"Oh shiiit!!! If I do it, I will be in direct contact with his thing and his buttocks...Oh God!!!" There was no option other than doing it. Tanvi slided sideways and without one more thought, her right hand went straight between his groin and she felt the heat of his large bottom. Her first real touch on another man's cock! She shuddered from the hotness and the rigidity of his balls. It seemed heavy and abnormally large. Her palm glided further deep searching for coins. The upperside of her palm brushed softly against the tightly cladded thighs and buttocks of the heavy man. Tanvi’s brain was screaming at her for her sleazy actions and her main worry was that, though she could have avoided the situation, she still went ahead with it!
"Fucckk....Fuckkkkkk...What am I doing! I am touching all over a stranger’s buttocks all by myself! Shiittt…This thing is totally different than Sanjoth!!...Oh God!!!" She finally got hold of last two coins and pulled back her hand immediately. Before she could do it, Upendra clasped her hand between his thighs! It happened right when her palm was upturned over his substantial groin! Her palm was now firmly nestled over his testicles as it looked like she was cupping his cock!!!"
"Here it is Upendraji! Khurram also came out and at the same time Upendra relaxed his thighs giving room to Tanvi to pull her hand. She sat back with a worryingly reddened face once she gave the last coins to Upendra. As she looked at him, she saw his face beaming with a wicked smile! Her eyes lowered immediately with shame and disgrace from the realization of what just happened and at the same time she thanked God for Khurram not witnessing her debauched act! At the same time, she felt the hardness of Sylvie's 'gift' vibrating inside her wet cunt. She squirmed hard into the plush leather of the car’s seat.
"So Khurram, I was thinking that I should be joining your team of health conscious people. Maybe I can decrease this overweight a bit...as my wife is always complaining now a days!" Upendra continued the topic that Tanvi was desperate to avoid.
"Hmm...But isn't that why you moved to your new house? Or should I say...Your mansion???" Khurram asked.
"Mansion!!! Common...Poor people also should live!!!" Upendra laughed.
"Aah poor people! Like you and Maahiji?? Listen Tanvi beti, this guy bought a mansion with a king sized gym and a matching sized pool...All for his good wife! And now he wants to join us in our small little gym!!!" 
"Common...I don't have such beautiful lady there! If she is joins my gym, it will be the real motivation for both me and my wife to tune our bodies more healthier!!" Upendra retorted.
"Hahaha...Sorry Upendra, Tanvi is our special guest and we do not intend to let go of her at any cost!" Khurram chuckled.
"Oh is that so??? Okay then...Tell me Tanvi, what would it take to leave this old man and to join me?" Upendra's question was awfully double minded and she felt a jolt inside her heated tunnel for that fleeing moment.
"Upendraji...I am no special or anything. Khurramji and Safiyaji are just like my parents. Also I am not looking forward to build muscle like a pro to compete anywhere! I have my family here and my timing is also aligned to Khurramji's schedule!" She stopped in a tone where no more pushing from Upendra would change her mind.
"Ouh yes yes, I understand...But still Tanvi, I cannot believe that you are married with children!! This is just a compliment...But take it from me, you don't look anything above a college girl!!" Upendra smiled and she caught him swallowing yet another gulp of her breasts. Tanvi fidgeted against the seat and the pressure inside her cunt increased to make her cunt more gooeer.
"Upendra, do one thing...If you are sooo keen to improve your physique, pack your bags and join us for the training. We will make sure you get the real workout! Don't we Tanvi beta??" Khurram put yet another predicament in front of her.
"Ji...ji...of course!" There was nothing other than agreeing as her choice.
"Hahaha...okay then...Tanvi, if you are going to instruct me, then I am sure I am going to enjoy theese workouts!!" Again his words held double meaning which made Tanvi's cunt to produce more electric shocks.
"Aah, we are here!" Tanvi heard Khurram's voice and let out a long gasp.
"Alright then Khurram, and beautiful Tanvi, let's catch up soon!" Upendra's voice boomed inside the SUV. Tanvi took her bags and swiftly climbed out of the car and walked alongside Khurram to enter the security gate and towards their house.
Upendra's eyes were fixated over the thin frame of the female who walked with the giant old man. It was at that point he noticed the dark patch around her ass cheeks and as he glanced at her seat, he found a large wet area over the leather fabric. He swiped his fingers through the seat and brought to his nose. The pungent smell of her pussy fluid covered all across his brain and blood rushed into his squeezed cock immediately. He took one more look at the mesmerising petite body walking away and his other hand kneaded his engorged cock to a more relaxed position "Soon...Soon you will know what a real workout means!!!" Upendra leered through his scar filled face.
"Sorry dear Tanvi, please don't mind Upendra, he can be a little playful sometimes! We have known each other since college!" Khurram made an apology to Tanvi for his friend's unusual behavior.
"Oh nevermind Khurramji, after all I was with you!" Tanvi replied and then thought about the words she used.
"Ah...I mean, we were together...'Shit!'...I mean, I didn't minded his comments as I knew he was your good friend!" She stammered.
"He is always like that...even with Safiyaji his playfulness never ends!" Khurram added.
"Ah also, you are coming today right?" He asked.
"Ji yes...I am excited as Safiyaji will also be there!" Tanvi replied.
"Oh but, I think Safiyaji will join next session. She will return tomorrow only!" He seemed surprised.
"Oouh! That's sad...I was looking forward to see her in action!"
"Hmm...Me too...as she has not joined me for some time and it shows in her physique! As she knew you had joined, she was the one more excited to restart the sessions!!" He seemed genuinely disappointed.
"Ah anyways, you can coach me more then! Maybe after Sanjoth returns, he could also join!" She murmered as if thinking loudly.
"Oh yes, why not...The more dedicated team we have, more better!" Khurram encouraged.
"Okay beti...Please note from today, wear the ones in Box-A as those are the real work out gear!" Khurram reminded as he started to climb stairs to his home.
"But Khurramji, I was given two packages...What's inside Box-B?" She couldn't contain her curiosity.
"Aah that box! That's actually for me...Good that you reminded!" He replied as he took the second package from her.
"But...what could it be inside that package? His gear or something else? It seems light weight...maybe his workout gear...or could it be something else???" She mused in her thoughts as she ran inside and closed the door. Once inside her bedroom she removed all her clothes and took the remote of the gadget that was swimming inside her cunt. Her exhilaration knew no bounds as she found her panty and jeans wet with her own juices. The tiny remote had two buttons...As she pressed '+' button, her cunt spluttered her juice and she jumped from the vibration caused inside her hot tunnel. She pressed the button again and the tremors increased making her oblivious of the surroundings. Her pussy bellowed as it went through tremendous movements inside its soft walls. Her body shook like a leaf with the sudden and new experience...Though Sylvie had given her a trial, this was absolutely out of the normal logic of the poor woman. Her finger pressed once again and her buttocks crashed against the soft mattress several times and her free hand caught hold of her uncontrollably hovering breasts and squeezed them hard to add to her newfound pleasure. The 'gift' vibrated mechanically and extended its power to be transpired to Tanvi’s entire vagina burrow. Tanvi thrashed severely and a moment came where she unintentionally threw the remote and the free hand flew past to grip her vagina firm and tried to shut the spluttering hole.
As her children were outside in the play area with her maid, Tanvi replayed her day's events one by one...Her brain hovered over the feeling of her palm cupping a stranger’s groin more than her nastiest display of her womanhood to the Milkman. The momentary feeling of the stout man's buttocks and his oversized thick cock pushed her mind to fall further down into her own sleazy world.
"What could happen if I go to Upendraji’s house for workout? Would he bang me or would he force me fuck him?? How would it feel to be under that heavy body?? Or would he position me to straddle on top?? Would he use his bearded face onto my cunt?? How would it feel to get trapped inside his muscled hands??? Could he even cuddle me properly???" She remembered the way her body was bent forward to match the heavily projected belly. 
Too many things were happening at once with her small life. On one side, she was a simple woman with a normal lifestyle of a mother and housewife. Now, with her recent opening of her own self, she was gradually experiencing the worldly pleasure of carnal desires and without her own recongnition, Tanvi was falling to her body's secluded inhibitions.
"Ooooooooh...Its here!!!" Her cunt murmered! Her body shook as a massive orgasm knocked the depths of her cunt. She felt her vagina contracting over the digit inside as if trying to break it! "Would he annihilate my vagina? Or would he also use my ass as Dattu did?? Or Abuse???" Her mind swayed back over Upendra's lecherous stares and her right hand cupped her contracting vagina just like she cupped his groin and his hardened balls! "Oooh...maaaaaaaaah!" Tanvi cried out loud as she came and flowed out. She couldn't take the vibrations inside anymore! Her hand pulled the string that was outside her cunt and with a loud plop, it came out! Along with it, she felt her cunt draining itself empty!!
"Oh...Gaaaawd! I am a slut!!!" She crooned to herself and went to a foetal position to obtain some pacifying relaxation to her heated and spent body. 
Tanvi jumped as she heard the rustle and yells outside her door. It was from her kids who returned from playing. She took and threw the remote and vibrator into the cupboard and pulled her jeans and top back. Therew was no time left to wear anything inside and she ran to open the door. Outside she saw the kids in hyper action with her maid, who looked anxious.
"Madamji, what happened? I heard your voice loud and thought you were hurt!" Sharda exclaimed.
"Ooh that!"...Tanvi took a pause to think of some excuse. "I hurt my toe when I was running to open the door!" She heaved heavily.
"Are you okay? I can give you a steam massage if you like!" Her maid offered.
"Oh no no, it's okay...I am alright now!" She was scared that if she allow her maid to touch anywhere on her body, she would succumb to her body's cravings.
"Okay then Madamji, I will leave now. Already Dattu called me three times, if I don't reach back, he will take that excuse to run to some of his whores!" With that, her maid left the house.
Once she was alone with kids; Tanvi went into a mechanical mode to prepare food and got the kids ready for studies. Once everything was set, she went to her bedroom and opened the big package. She had ensured to lock the door so to avoid her children catching her while she opened the box of apparels.
"Oh my good God!" She exclaimed at the smaller packets inside the big pack. 
As she took the first pack and opened, she found the same sports bra and shorts that Sylvie made her to wear and as she already tried it, she kept it aside and opened the second packet and found the apparels inside were also white color, but the bra had two long slits below the cups and she couldn't wait but try it. Once she got the bra into position and looked into the mirror, she felt as if she was wearing lingerie. Her upper breast and nipples were fully covered, but right below where her nipples ended, the horizontal slit opened and thrusted the rest of her marvellous breasts meat outside. It was like her breasts were openly displayed with a naughty touch! As she pulled the shorts, she felt relief as it looked like a yoga pant. But as she pulled the pant over her legs, she felt more vulnerable...It also had horizontal transparent slits starting right below her ass cheeks. It revealed her legs rather than consealing. 
As she fumbled with the third packet and opened it, her eyes bulged with shock filled excitement. She removed both her garments immediately and pulled the light yellow colored bra over her breasts and she felt the rich textured of the material comforting her large mummeries. As she looked in the mirror, she found herself in a bikini type top with a string strap bra, which actually covered her massive breasts, but it was very trasnsparent. And it had two round cotton buttons inside it at the exact points wehre her nipples stood. If the patches were not there, her nipples would have been completely displayed through the material. And the back was totally open with just one string flowing horizontally down her shoulder blades. Again with excitement, she wore the shorts...It was not a panty, it was a short that reached high above her waistline but with a lining inside that just looked like a baywatch bikini that covered just her vagina and as she turned back to check her backside; she saw the shorts wedged deep into her ass crevice to project her buttocks exposing her ass cheeks as if they were displayed without anything to cover them. Her cunt summersaulted multiple times with the thought what Khurram would do when he see her in this. 
With the same momentum she pulled open the next packet and found a pair of full black colored undergarment. As she wore the top, her pussy jolted multiple times. It was the sleaziest thing she ever wore. The bra had two large square-shaped patches that covered half of her mammaries. At the back, it had string elastic and the top had a bandage tied at her neck that could be adjusted. As she looked at the mirror, she found stark contrast of her milky white skin protruding from all sides and as she turned sideways, her entire side and back was naked...Stark naked! As she tied the neckband tighter, she felt the fabric stretching itself to get her pointed nipples to protrude and to a point where the square cover was dangerously close to expose her nipple, just to make her entire breasts to pop outside! Then she took the short and wore it. Her cunt creamed right then!! It was also a rectangular patch that just covered just her pussy and half of her ass!! The rest everything was projected outside. She realized she could never wear it with her pussy hair...As most of her cunt hair was outside. She felt so bad about it and decided she had to remove it, if she ever was to wear it! She felt so naughty that if she curved her back, the patch would stretch to a point where her asshole would be visible! 
As her cunt kept on vomiting the gooey liquid, she removed the apparel and took the last package and opened. To widen her surprise, she found just one piece...It was also white color. She filled the material with her legs first.ans pulled upwards. As it moved higher and higher, she felt her skin and muscles getting stretched inside and once she got it at her hips and moved her hands into it she realized what this actually was...It was more like a bodysuit! It has a long, a very long zipper that started from her crotch till her neck. Once fully zipped up, she checked herself in mirror. Her vagina puked blobs of cum and created a large transparent patch at her groin...In less than few seconds, she saw her own cunt, her hair filled pussy becoming completely exposed through the wetness. It was then she realized the purpose of white colored fabrics...The very moment her body oozes sweat or other fluids, she will look as if not wearing anything...Absolutely see-through as if nude!
"That Sylvie!!!" Tanvi failed to recognize the reality...It was in fact upon Khurram's instructions that all these apparel were given to her. All of it was his prior selection!
"Which one should I wear today? Of course not this body suit! And of course not that square patched one!! Maybe the one that I tried first at the shop…But wasn’t it really short?? Maybe I could wear a sweatpant on top of it!" She finally made up her mind and wore the white sports bra and shorts and pulled a loose tee shirt that reached below her buttocks and a loose sweat pants over her legs. "Now this feels and looks better!" She was happy to cover her modesty in a very decent way and she went ahead to wear her socks and shoes for running routine. As she was about to start her run, her cell phone rang. It was her husband.
"Hello!" Tanvi picked the call and started running with earphones conected.
"Heeey my sweetheart! What happened? You are panting!!" He was concerned.
"Oh nothing, I just started jogging...you don’t remember!" 
"Common...for a moment I thought you were doing something else!" 
"What...like what? What should I be doing?" She asked.
"Well...I heard the same tone in your voice few nights before when you were alone...! So I just thought...also I am not there to manhandle you!!" 
"Hahhahahah...Manhandle! Khurramji will take care of it! You forgot again!!" She laughed.
"Oouh! Really!! So...is Khurramji already doing it??? I was just wondering how could any man with a dick between his legs could control when such a sexy single woman in heat was around!!!" He replied with a bit of jealous tone.
"Eeeeeessssshh!!! Can you please stop it!! He is a great man and just like a parent! You should stop such talks!!"
"Who started? You only told me just now that it was Khurramji who is manhandling you!!!"
"I never said anything such!!! Plus, I have started gym classes with Khurramji and you should see how he teaches...He is affectionate and caring! Which of course my husband doesn't do these days!!!" 
"Darling...sorry...I apologise for all this time away from you. I know how much of trouble you are going through to manage alone...trust me, I will make it up to you!"
"When are you coming back???" Tanvi almost screamed at him.
"Soon soon...and by the way, is Khurramji giving you coaching alone?" 
"Why do you want to know? You don't care!!"
"Tell me na Tanvi! Are you both doing it alone???" He stressed the word 'doing'!
"Oh no...Safiyaji is joining as well!"
"Ah okay ok!" He sounded relieved "So Khurramji is well entertained!!!" He added.
"Eeeuw...you have to stop this kind of talks! Please...they both are our elders...We have to respect them!" 
"Yeah of course...I am sure I will be respecting Safiyaji's watermelons if I were there!!!" 
"Oouhgaaawd...You are soooo bad!!!" 
"Of course...If I see her working out with that set of melons, I am sure I will give her ‘SOME’ workout!!"
"Heheheh...I am sure Khurramji is taking care of it!"
"Well...for sure...Have you checked the size of those things? I am so sure that she had something implanted!!" 
"Whaaaatttt the!!! Stttooopppp!!!" Tanvi shouted between her panting.
"Why are you getting so agitated? I am just giving an opinion!!"
"Why shouldn't I be? You are talking nonsense!!"
"Hmmm...Okay ok...then leave it...Tell me...What are you wearing now?"
"Whaaaatttt...No noooway I am telling you anything! I know what happened last time you asked this question!!!" Her tone was full of anger and frustration. She was reaching the compound of Mehta's and she was keen to close this conversation.
"Hahaha…Okay baba...Okay, then you continue your running. Will call you later, bye! Love you baby" Her husband kept the phone.
"Bye!" She felt bad for disconnecting the call; it felt like being dishonest with him. But at the same time her mind was meandering somewhere else. She wanted to check if the Father-Son duo was watching her. And they were!!! They both were sitting outside on their lawn and relaxing on the small courtyard while watching her intently that she found through her sideway glance. She went ahead for another round and her brain left all remote thoughts of her husband's phone call. Her mind was filled with formulating something to give her an edge. Her body felt vibrant wearing the amazing sports undergarments and as she greeted few familiar people of the complex, her excitement increased with each passing second. 
"What should I do with these Mehta's?" Her brain was filled with only one particular thought. As she passed by the sitting duo once again; her brain got encompassed with their lecherous looks that both men placed all over her sweaty body. Her pace increased as she decided on something. Upon her last round, her cunt was already overflowing and she felt the warm wetness in her groin. She took the turn that lead directly towards Mehta's house and the same route that eventually reached the secluded tree area. As she reached the corner of the glass filled house she slowed down and started to show symptoms of exhaustion. She noticed both father and son were watching her intently. Once she reached the corner of their compound, Tanvi started heaving heavily with loud sighs to demonstrate that she needed some help. She saw both of them exchanging a sly smile between them and standing up to walk towards her. The very next moment, Tanvi used her right hand and took hold of the small pillar outside their compound and stood still with her upper body bent forward showing extreme case of tiredness. And at the same time she noticed both of them walking briskly towards her with anxiety and carnal hunger written all over their faces.
"What happened?" Mr. Mehta's voice was filled with lecherous tone instead of sympathy.
"Tanvi Didi, do you need help?" Abhijeet was hastier than his father as he opened their gate and reached at Tanvi's side immediately. 
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Nice bro
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Very good update. Waiting for more
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(14-04-2019, 06:31 AM)Renjith Wrote: Nice bro

Thank you so much!
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(15-04-2019, 09:17 AM)hottttestt Wrote: Very good update. Waiting for more

Great to know you have enjoyed so far...Shortly forthcoming.
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Waiting bro
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Good going bro! You are going to be the top most writer like pinkbaby, krish999.
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(16-04-2019, 06:02 AM)Renjith Wrote: Waiting bro

Posting shortly...
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(16-04-2019, 01:14 PM)rajat777gup Wrote: Good going bro! You are going to be the top most writer like pinkbaby, krish999.

Please...They are most talented authors!
This is like .........
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"What should I do with these Mehta's?" Her brain was filled with only one particular thought. As she passed by the sitting duo once again; her brain got encompassed with their lecherous looks that both men placed all over her sweaty body. Her pace increased as she decided on something. Upon her last round, her cunt was already overflowing and she felt the warm wetness in her groin. She took the turn that lead directly towards Mehta's house and the same route that eventually reached the secluded tree area. As she reached the corner of the glass filled house she slowed down and started to show symptoms of exhaustion. She noticed both father and son were watching her intently. Once she reached the corner of their compound, Tanvi started heaving heavily with loud sighs to demonstrate that she needed some help. She saw both of them exchanging a sly smile between them and standing up to walk towards her. The very next moment, Tanvi used her right hand and took hold of the small pillar outside their compound and stood still with her upper body bent forward showing extreme case of tiredness. And at the same time she noticed both of them walking briskly towards her with anxiety and carnal hunger written all over their faces.

"What happened?" Mr. Mehta's voice was filled with lecherous tone instead of sympathy.
"Tanvi Didi, do you need help?" Abhijeet was hastier than his father as he opened their gate and reached at Tanvi's side immediately. 
"Sso...sorry...I think I did more than my normal rounds today! Ssorry...Can I get some water please?" She tried to tilt and look at him and then placed her head down and panted heavily displaying that she was completely wearied and exhausted.
"Didi...let me help you, you need to sit down!" Before she could object, Abhijeet took her left elbow and helped her to walk slowly towards his house.
"Beti...easy...walk slowly...Abhi...get her to living room, let me get some water for you!" Mr. Mehta took another look at her breasts and little cleavage that was visible as they walked inside.
"No..no...It’s okay, I shall stand here...Please give me some water, I shall walk to home and take some rest!" She pretended a bit of protest in her words, even though she let Abhi to pull her inside their compound already. She felt tingles of illicit thrill gathering in and around her vagina as she found Mr. Mehta stealing a good look at her breasts.
"Oh nothing doing... Look at you!...You are already down! Beti, you need to sit for some time! Abhi Beta, get her inside!" Mr. Mehta couldn't let go of such a golden chance presented out of nowhere. Both Father and Son had been eying the exquisite piece this female since she moved in to their complex. Though they met Tanvi and Sanjoth numerous times and had been acquinted as good neighbours, they never had the pleasure of having Tanvi in their house till this moment. Mr. Mehta was not going to let this go for anything in the world.
"Didi, please walk slowly!" While he said, Abhi's hand on her elbow brushed against her waist through the tee shirt. Tanvi limped and let him carry her weight and each step she took, the hard surface of his hand brushing against her soft navel tissues made her brain to relish the feeling directly to her cunt. As they reached around middle part of the courtyard, she saw a coffee table and few chairs and a poolside chair alongside. Despite her initial excitement, her heart was worrying much about the fact that she was cheating her husband. With that overwhelming thought, she tried to sit on the nearest chair, she wanted to avoid getting inside Mehta’s house alone,
"Bring her inside and let her sit on the couch!" Mr. Mehta's voice soared from inside and Abhi pulled her further into the glass covered living room. 
"No no, this is okay, I just wanted to sit for sometime!" Tanvi got panicky by the turn of events. She did not expected to be alone with the two men and that too privately inside their house. It was not what she wanted to attain; all she wanted was to pacify her cunt’s carnal call for few moments. As she went through the process by herself, her heart took upperbeat.
"No problem Didi...Please, let me handle please, here...Now Walk slowly!" Abhi was in sheer delight as the woman in his dreams was right at his disposal. He was hell bound to keep her at his house, at least for sometime. Tanvi had no option other than letting him pull her to the living room and she continued her limping till both of them passed through the courtyard and entered the threshold of the glass door of the living room. Once they were there, she saw the inside of house for the first time. There were few couches of different size, an oversized dining table in the centre and a huge bar area with many bar stools at the end of the room that also had a door opening to the parking lot. "A real bachelor pad!" She thought.
"Didi, please sit here!" Abhi indicated to a single sized couch, which was also a diwan type sofa if one wanted to lie down. To continue the charade, Tanvi had no option left other than sitting where he pointed.
"Here Beti...Drink this first!" Mr. Mehta handed over a full glass of water.
"I have added glucose in this to get you rejuvenated immediately!" He smiled at her. As she thanked him, she noticed his eyes flying all over her and Abhi was also intently watching her. She felt frightened being alone with two strangers and at their house whom she had never know previously on a personal level. Only thing she knew about the Mehta’s were that, both were womanizers and party people. Their house resembled just what she thought how it would be…"A place created for pleasure!" She thought uneasily.
"How do you feel now?" Mr. Mehta asked with concern on his face but hunger in his eyes.
"Much better...Thank you so much Mehtaji...Thank you Abhi!..I think I can go back home now!" She tried to get up and lost balance immediately and had to sit down on couch back again. Though she did not realized, her body was actually becoming weak. However, in reality, Mr. Mehta had added half a capsule of an aphrodisiac, which in fact made her feel dizzy. He gave her only half because if she had one whole capsule; it would raise her sugar level and her sexual trajectile glands would intensify to immediate orgasmic release and continuous stimulation for few hours. Mr. Mehta did not wanted to let this happen at the first time itself; as both son and father were engaged in constantly monitoring to get even a tiny opening to have their clutches on this dazzling bomb of a woman. Every day they would wait for her daily running time to watch and take pictures of her activities without her knowledge. Tanvi’s heat was sinking by each passing second as she already heard about this notorious Father-Son duo through her maid and few others as part of complex gossip. Truth was, both the Mehta’s had been successful to have many of the complex women succumb to their guilty pleasures. Since they had thier eyes on this petite woman who carried a magnanimous pair of breasts, they were hell bound to make a move. And this day was the one they got the opportunity to exploit!
"What happened Tanvi? If you don’t feel well, why don’t you recline on the couch?" Mr. Mehta's voice was too sweet to ignore.
"No no Mehtaji, I am fine" Tanvi hiccuped and replied and tried her best to stand up.
"Absolutely not!!!" Mr. Mehta almost shouted. "You are in no shape to move! And we don't want our beautiful guest to have any sort of discomfort!!" Mr. Mehta was adamant and Tanvi felt uncomfortable immediately.
"No worries Mehtaji...I think I can walk now!" Desperately she tried standing up one more time and sat down immediately by clutching her ankle.
"Oouw! That ankle hurts!" For a moment she could not comprehend what happened. She felt her right leg’s ankle being paralized. In fact, it was one of side effects of the aphrodisiac that Mr. Mehta had given her. It was supposed to numb her muscles initially and to relax it while gradually increasing the agitation of the reproductive glands to create a furnace sort of itch. As Tanvi being a very healthy person, and the pill being only half the quantity, the effect went directly to her legs and one of her ankle muscle got relaxed and she was unable to stand properly.
Tanvi felt panicked and tried her best not to show it on her face and expressions. She was now firmly seated in the diwan and her hosts pushing her to lie down to get relaxed. "Am I going to get molested? Oh God!! The stories are turning true...These guys are really perverted and ready to take any chances to have me!! Shittttt…My head should be kicked for the decision to enter this freaking house! Also why the heck is my pussy flowing this bad? It feels like there is an incinerator inside my vagina! Haven't I already had my best orgasm with that Sylvie girl??? What am I turning into??? Ooohhhgaaaawd…Help me to escape!!!" Her brain whispered tremendous volume of thoughts at a single shot.
"Don't worry Didi, let me get you some more water...You relax please, after all we are your good neighbors...If we cannot help, then who will??" Abhi walked back to kitchen.
"Ooh no no, I am okay, I think I will be okay in few minutes!" Her eyes felt heavy and she wanted to avoid any more eye contacts with any of the two men. She wanted to close her eyes and slip into the world where her cunt and nipples breathed its fire. Before even she could think more, her eyelids closed by and her subconscious felt her back against the slanting shape of the diwan. 
"Maybe it could help if you remove your shoes, the fresh air flow could comfort as as you have been running a lot today!" Mr. Mehta was already down on his haunches at her side.
"Mmmmm...no...noo Mehtaji...it's oou...okaaay!" Tanvi's mouth left out few words but her brain did not realize any of it as the mini slumber was not allowing to decipher anything happening around her. Though she could feel things around oddly, her eyelids felt very heavy to open. Steadily she drifted into a state of numbness with her cunt generating globs of liquid out. She felt her feet being handled by strong hands and slowly cold air caressed the naked skin of her feet. As reflex, she tried to move her head sideways to see what was happening at her feet, her eyes opened momentarily and caught Mr. Mehta removing her socks and lifting her naked feet keeping both on top of the diwan and Abhi standing next to his father with lewd eyes watching right at her.
"Mehtaji...itss..oouuk...kaay!" She murmered in her induced sleep.
"Beti don't worry, you relax!" The husky voice of Mr. Mehta coaxed and along with it, her leg muscles got slowly caressed by his two hands making her relax and dive further into her induced sleep.
"What a beautiful feet you have Tanvi!" Mr. Mehta was loud enough for her to hear. And as if responding to him, she moaned slightly.
"Dad...Is she okay?" Abhi asked his father in whisper.
"Oouhyess...look at her...I would fuck her right now! Just look at her sexy feet...How would it be when there will be no clothes on this beautiful piece???" Mr. Mehta was already gone senseless from the realization of what really happened and from the fact that he was carrying the feet of the one woman who he lusted like none other!
[+] 1 user Likes YLTS's post
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Super bro
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Short update but good one waiting for next...
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Continue bro
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Continue bro
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8th page and the story is not moving at all. Provides only one kind of titillation.
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Waiting bro
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Do not move the story into forced sex.
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Please continue, I created an account just to post this. The story is great, one of the best that hasn't been taken off of Xossip.
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(22-04-2019, 02:02 PM)Renjith Wrote: Waiting bro

Sorry and apologies for the delay, got tied up...
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(17-04-2019, 10:42 PM)furihard Wrote: Short update but good one waiting for next...

Update posting shortly...
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