Adultery North Politics - The game behind politics
The sex scene is shorter than Janus dick. Pls make it longer.
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Dear writer

Politics is game as you said. In the political game some times one politician is winner and other is defeated. Later the defeated politician will be winner and winner will be defeated . This is a continuous process. In the present scenario our heroine, shallini ,is looser . As we know that defeat is stepping stone for success. Therefore, our heroine will take revenge by utilizing her braveness , beauty and intelligence and will get a seat .

In the mean while she will contact the Boss of the NCP party by organizing two day seminar on problems of women issues. In that program she will be in close contact the boss of NCP party through the fame by giving solutions to women problems. At the same time she will be attracted the beauty of our heroine and she will be wild sex with boss and some important persons in that party and get the seat.
This is my suggestion if you like it you can improve content and include in the forthcoming episodes.

best regards and keep it up with mesmerizing narration
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Expected a bit more explanation on the sex side. She is now a bit confused and this can be used by many. Hopefully you can provide a lenghty explanation to the sex scene next time.
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Awesome please continue to update asap
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Politics is an unpredictable game. We can't say when a friend becomes an enemy, an enemy becomes a friend. Janus is playing his cards very intelligently and observing every shalini step. Now, he has taken Shwetha, Shalini's most trusted person by his side. Possibly in the greed for the seat, Shalini made a mistake in making the decision. If she doesn't play smartly, then she'll definitely be used by Janus and others too.
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Dear writer

i red the story and am giving some suggestions which you will helpful to write future episodes.

So far our heroin is deceived by the minister . in order take revenge and get the seat as well as to reach highest position in politics, which are exploitations and exploitations are politics.

1. she will compromise with Jr groups by dealing as take and give policy . she will discuss about her seat with director of Jr groups and asked the director to help by getting the seat i will give clearance with your proposal project. At the same time she will give please to the director by indulging wild sex. as she needs wild sex. in such a way to take revenge the minster.
2. she will compromise with the minister ( inner felling are different) and movie friendly with the minister and indulge wild sex so many times and get the complete information regarding his illegal activates by knowing her improper wealth . At the same time she will be very close with boss of the NCP party without knowing it to the minister and finally she will get the seat .

These are my suggestions if your like it and modify them according to your way
Thanks with regards and keep it up with excellent writing Skiles
waiting your early update .
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(18-09-2021, 10:39 AM)ab123456123456 Wrote:   clps
Continue Episode - 13

Hi, Swetha, 
Hi sir,
I called you to tell you about Shalini madam.
Oh, what is that?
She took one week’s leave. I called her a few times but did not answer. She left the office with an upset. 
I am not sure that she was aware of your plan sir, Swetha told.
Can't be Swetha. I planned everything well. Even I used official things for everything. She received the letter under the party's letterhead. 
I could notice nothing from her expressions, Janus told. 
Better to check sir, she is not a normal person. If she got to know I also helped you to deceive her it would be an issue for me and you also sir.
Haha, do not worry Swetha. She came up with a plan to enter politics. I realized that this lady is going to be a treat for me too. Eventually, I am in the process of destroying her political ambition with NSP. It means she has not a political life anymore. She rejected MMP due to NCP. She destroyed NCP for the seat in NSP. Nazroof in NJP is with me. He is not going to give her a chance to. Ultimately I could get rid of her Chances with leading political parties in the state, haha, Janus grinned. 
Don’t worry Swetha. If you have any issues I will transfer you to another government office in Nagpur. 
Thank you sir. 

Swetha was supporting Janus because her husband was working in a company owned by Janus. Her husband received a promotion too due to Swetha’s support. .........

At the same time, he understood that Shalini was an angel who a man cannot get onto his bed easily. It was a daydream of all the men she was seen. He studied Shalini's character from her college days. Then he perceived that Shalini would not care about wealth. He planned his game carefully. Two birds at one stong. He could destroy Shalini's political ambition. The minister succeeded in fucking one of the state's sexiest married women twice. She was not a simple married woman. She was an IAS office and his hidden enemy. 

Time for your valuable comments....

Dear writer,
Please allow me to say thankyou for writing such a amazing story. This story is not a regular type of stories available on this forum. This type of story writing requires atleast five times effort and dediction than regular stories.

Now feedback and own imagination from the last few updates 

Shalini, Swetha,  Janus and Raj, all characters build up waa great! Conflict between Shalini lust, hidden desire and faithful wife's duties are written well. The way Shalini handles situation makes her very strong charcter of stories. Although she sometimes she trapped in her own games of seduction but except Janus' s games, she was lioness. Janus succeed to trap lioness and enjoyed the prey as per his wish.
Now come to last update
In spite of all her intelligent and shrewdness lioness trapped and bangd which later convert into willingness; lioness did not completely lost her ability and was able to capture statues details in farmhouse. The lioness was able to discover the trap and responsible persons, but she was not completely broken, she take a break for analyze and planning. Current situation is
1 The lioness woulded and knew the responsible persons
2. Janus overconfident after get success to make dance Shalini on his tunes.
3. Business man lured for Shalini body . He is ready to get approval at any cost with Shalini on his bead.
4. Old wounded seducer of Shalini is planning for revenge for destroy of political dream 
5.  Since, in politics no one is permanent enemy or friend, so situation can be turned dramatically. 

I believe that when you had started writing the story, you have clear sketch of charcters and what would be role of them. Still i will try to imagine next updates

Shalini bangd by Janus, so she is wounded ,  broken and felt guilty in her own exploitation. But, she will be not prey any more. In whole story , she is tough minded and shrewd person, so she will return as real lionesses to destroy her enemies. She is not a slut and has very good name among people. She is wounded and forced to surrender het body, so she will work on her weakness of sex desire, she will control her emotions and use her mind to play games. She may be or may be not envolve in sexual acts with different persons but she will be the planner and executer otherwise a person who genuially wish to welfare of people and stromg person became a mindless slut in hand of politican and businessmen. She will show that real politics play by mind and continuous checkmate game where no one is permanent foe or friend, and personal insult, friendship and rivalry can be sacrificed for great caise.

Thanks again for this amazing story and have courage to write unusal story!

Heart Heart Heart
clps clps clps
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Removed /edited duplicate reply
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Dear writer,
My imagination for next updates may be different than other readers because i tried to.imagine that what would I write if I would write story from here .
I would not show Shalini as a rug doll in hand of politicians and businessmen becuase I had took great pain to sketch Shalini strong charcter and would not throw all labour in vain due to loose a battle. War is ahead so can not be allow completely broke down. She can play role of seductress and can save her from become prey ( as we see in early episodes) by usong shrewdness. She stil may get pleasures from diffetent peple but she will have situation in her control. Her fuckers may have intentions to get benefit from her positions, but they know that getting Shalini in bed will not guarantee to get approval, she separte pleasure and business. She may enjoy fuck sessions with low status persons, reporters and security officer officers but she would be tge person who have complete control of situation.
I believe Shalini will return and destroy Janus and Swetha.
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so hot and descriptive story... loved it

please post updates
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(19-09-2021, 04:00 AM)nishanthtu Wrote: Expected a bit more explanation on the sex side. She is now a bit confused and this can be used by many. Hopefully you can provide a lenghty explanation to the sex scene next time.

Agree 100%

Right time to make more mistakes and dive deeper into trouble with un-needed thinking/suspicion/doubts/opinions etc

Waiting for next part. Hope she gets used more.
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(14-07-2021, 10:07 AM)ab123456123456 Wrote: I think this type of story is not popular on this site. comparing with other types, they get more and more views/ comments and ideas too.

 However, Thanks for the all who commented and shared ideas.

Dear writer,
It is true that there are less readers for such stories. Most of the readers like less story and much sex scenes. 
Writers also avoid write such stories which require much brain work. But as a writer  you will find much satisfaction when you work long hours to create checkmate games. In such stories you have to create scenes which seems to be real and checkmate game planning make the job tougher.
Best of luck!
Thanks to choose to write a story.
A fantasy story lover.
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Awesome storyline  clps clps
Read all the updates in 1 sitting.

Even if she was deceived, she enjoyed both times, she was cheated, Now is revenge time !

Show her romantic side, work on her exhibit character still keep her dignity intact, don’t make her loose 
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Dear writer

This is my third comment and suggestion regarding the awesome story.

Now a days in politics "Baba's" playing very crucial role and they are in a position to command the ruling as well as opposition parties. Particularly in the ruling party they dictate the terms and condition to them. Therefore, you can create one such character in this story. He establish a Big Ashram in Nagapur and wife of the Boss of NCP is most trusted devotee of Baba and at the same time she is also bed mate and indulging sex with baba . The Boss of the NCP party can do what ever his wife can asks he will do . Not only her keep but at the same time she will act as a pimp for Baba by sending rich people wife's , higher position in Govt servants wiles etc.,. Now our heroine will make friend ship with the wife of NCP leader . This is happen when the Boss will introduce her to his wife.
Because of her beauty she will introduce to the Baba . Baba is mesmerized her structure and her beauty he will think that once i will fuck in my life. The Boss wife is known her ambition to get the seat and that will be discussed with the Shallini. She is told to the shallini that Baba will help in the regard as boss will do what ever wanted to the baba and his wife. Even she is very intelligent and smart women she will indulge wild sex with Baba and will get seat . After winning the election she will take revenge .

This is my suggestion only if you are interested you can moulid in your way.
with regards and waiting for early fantastic update.
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A war is going on and Shalini lost the first battle. Waiting for next.
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Shalini is happy while being with janus. Make her submissive to him. No revenge needed. Her useless husband can never give her this happiness.
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Awesome updates
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Waiting for your updates bro
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When shalini rammed again. Waiting.
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