Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
excursion with girls 50.23
I was bit disappointed , I wanted to spend some time with vaishali , I could try my luck with
her too on single journey . I knew she would not mind me sitting close to her and innocent
touches here and there . but prema was adamant to sit beside me . so we continued journey ,
rest of the journey went smoothly , without any further adventures . at last we reached
destination .
it is dense forest , cool breeze and has good trekking place . I knew this area as I had visited
few times earlier too , but not with any girls , we boys had come here couple of times . there
was no need of guides . I had informed a villager about my coming there for picnic , he had
arranged everything for us . as soon as we arrived he came to us with couple of boys and
greet us , when he saw couple of girls with me , he looked inquisitively at me , I introduced
him both as my cousins , he was cool and greet them too . he said have you brought food for
you or should I arrange . I said I have brought snacks and cold drinks , which we shall carry
and as we had talked , he should arrange for food . he readily accepted as I had instructed
him in advance . he had asked looking at our back pack . he said he would keep everything
by stream side and asked for timings . I said you know better than me , we shall start
trekking from usual place and how long it will take to reach there . he said at least two
hours is needed , and as you have company of girls it should take half an hour extra . so by
two and half hours time every thing will be ready . so I shall send boys there with all stuff .
he was above to leave , I called him back and asked him carry carpet and other luggage to
be carried , when we only boys had come he had arranged one carpet from his side , which
was used by those peasants and was not clean . some how we had adjusted that ,but today I
had brought some extra my self . so he collected whatever we had brought . we all left from
there after locking vehicle .
 excursion with girls 50.24
to some distance they accompanied us and later they had to change their path , as they need
to go his farm house and get food and utensils for us . we were supposed to go by a round
path . he would reach there by short cut , which we could not climb . so they bid bye and left
us . se continued walking our trekking . it was fun to walk in hills . now the passage
narrowed , only one could walk on it , so I was the first followed by prema and then vaishali .
we were all speaking , singing and enjoying scene simultaneously . there was no threat of
any big animals but there were enough of small and harmless animals like dears etc . all
were moving comfortably till we reached steep path ahead . we had to climb hills , lots of up
and downs , weather was very good , in spite of walking few kilometers there was no fatigue
or still we didn’t feel it . vaishali was enjoying the scenery and commenting almost on
everything she saw . it was first of its kind she was enjoying in forest . but me and prema had
some of such experiences , if you remember me with prema on her cherry losing ceremony at
water falls . I was asking them to be careful while they walked , in some places path was
slippery due to rain couple of days back , and had to place foot on cobbles . initially neither
of them bothered for my words , behaving like seasoned trekkers , but when their feet slipped
or cobbles under their feet turned to imbalance , they were bit imbalanced and frightened ,
they agreed to be careful after me abusing them .
when again climbing on steep hill came , vaishali was bit frightened to climb alone , she
wanted help . so I asked prema to hold her hand and climb together . both agreed and
started climbing .
 excursion with girls 50.25
It was fine till some time , they were coming together and I was couple of steps ahead . at one
point vaishali stumbled with a stone and lost balance . she tried to hold prema tightly and in
process she too lost balance , both of the girls cried loudly , I turned back to see what was
happening , immediately I flung at them and hold the nearest that was vaishali . I hold her
by her waste and prema by her hand , could save them from falling . they would not have
fallen in ditch , but the amount of shout was some thing lie they were falling in deep valley .
vaishli stick to me as if she was protected from dying . both girls started accusing one
another for making them fall the other . I let them fight for couple of minutes and cooled
them . again I took first step to go first . vaishali wanted to hold prema’s hand again , but
prema denied to take her hand , she said no I wont let you hold me , if I allow you will not
fall yourself but will take me along with you . I don’t want to fall , take care and walk alone ,
saying this she took couple of steps and was ahead of her . then vaishali said its not fair ,
you invited me for picnick and you want to leave me in middle , very bad manners . I invited
you is true , but I didn’t invite for making my self fall because of your carelessness . you
concentrate on your steps and walk , you are jumping like monkey looking at monkeys in
tree , prema retorted . I thought they will start real fight , so I asked them to shut their mouth
and follow . some how we started walking in a row , when we faced steep stepd again ,
vaishali asked me to stop and wait for her , but prema protested , let her behave like grown
up , if you hold her hand this time , next time she will ask you to carry her . I didn’t want this
argument to carried on , so asked prema to move ahead and we shall follow . prema was not
happy to leave me behind but had no option , she continued and I followed her , vaishali was
behind me . she was getting difficulty to climb , she was trying her best but once she had
frightened so she was taking all the precautions .
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excursion with girls 50.26
we did move to some distance later it was
too difficult for her to climb , then she requested me to hold her . without grumbling I
stretched my hand behind me . she took my hand into hers and with my support of hand she
started climbing , prema too was having bit difficulty , but was trying pose herself like a
brave soldier .
next path was bit wide even two or three people could walk together , this time vaishali came
beside me , still holding my right hand with her left hand . it was plain path , no undulation
still she was holding my hand while we walked through jungle . now and then I was looking
at her face while we walked . seeing plain road ahead she withdrew her hand from mine .
her soft fingers in my hand were making its magic , so I took her hand again in my hand and
hold them . she didn’t respond any thing , but let me hold hers . we were chatting , I saw it to
that prema was also involved in conversation , to keep her busy in talking . I was feeling bit
thirsty after walking so much , I asked prema who has water bottle as all were carrying
small back packs . prema without turning said , its with vaishali . then vaishali too said its in
her back pack , she turned a other side and asked me to collect it from her bag . I opened
bag and took out bottle . I took few gulps and wanted to keep it back , she asked for bottle , I
handed to her . she had some water , I offered prema , after she drank she handed me the
bottle back . vaishali again turned and asked me to place bottle inside her bag . I put it in
her bag and closed flap , then I placed my hand on her shoulder . she just looked into my
eyes and smiled . so it was green signal for me to carry on , or she had no problem in resting
my hand over her . we were getting more closer as my arm was over her shoulder and she
had to walk almost touching my body . we were chatting and making jokes all the time , now
and then I pulled her at me in pretence of replying to her joke .
 excursion with girls 50.27
time was passing nicely ,
though prema was couple of steps ahead , she too was actively participating in our talk , it
was necessary as to keep her engaged so that she should not turn and see me placing my
hand over her , she should not get jealous . we continued walking enjoying the beautiful
scene . some animals could be seen and there were lots of birds flying . I was enjoying my
trekking with these additional two birds also . I was watching swaying of prema’s tight ass .
vaishali was almost in my arms , it was disturbing neither of us as path was plain . I let my
hand loose on her shoulder , but kept away from her tits , I didn’t want to scare her . after
some time she too placed her hand on my waist , from below the back pack . so she was
comfortable with me , we were walking like lovers , I thought so . I don’t know what she felt ,
it could be brotherly too . now and then we were joking and talking on various subjects .
time was passing , we were really enjoying our walk in forest . it was first experience in
forest for vaishali , she was enquiring so many things , what tree it is or what bird that is , I
was giving all details I knew .
after some time vaishali wanted to pee , she asked prema to accompany her , prema wanted
to go , but I gestured her not to go . she raised her eye brow to inquire , I gestured to keep
quite . so prema asked her to go alone . vaishali thought for a moment for prema
disagreeing but she had to go , so she placed her back pack on grass and rushed behind
shrubs . I pulled prema and hugged her . she was protesting , but I assured her , don’t worry
darling she needs some time , till then you be with me . prema kept mum , I pulled her closer
to me , she was in my arms . I placed my arm over her shoulder and pulled her face near to
mine .
I wanted to smooch but prema was not ready , I was horny enough by touches of vaishali I
wanted to kiss her , but our friendship had not gone to that level or I was in fear , so I didn’t
attempt . now my old mate was in my hands , I pulled her face and smooched her , initially
she didn’t respond , but she also is an human being , and that too tasted blood . she was
aroused and started responding to my kisses .
 excursion with girls 50.28
my hand slowly traveled to her tits , I started pressing each tit a time , continued kiss and tit
press for few minutes . I got separated when I heard coughing sound and foot steps on dry
grass . so vaishali was moving in our direction , prema again moved few steps away from me
and stood facing other side wiping her lips . vaishali joined us , I collected her back pack
from ground , put on her shoulder . we resumed walking , vaishali was walking beside me
,but with some distance . she was quite for some time . I had drag both of them into
conversation , both indulged into talk like previous as if nothing had happened . we were
walking as before , after some time I moved closer to vaishali , our bodies almost touched to
each other . she had no problem with it , but she looked at me and smiled . it was good sign ,
she has no complaint about it . when again steep path came , I knew vaishali need support
from me , instead of holding her hand ,I took her by waist , she reciprocated with smile . it
was better support for her , she could climb with least difficulty . we were nearing to our
place for lunch . we had almost half a kilometer left , now were near to a stream . we had to
walk along the stream . this was nice place so cool with breeze , entire area was covered
with tall trees . then prema saw a wild bear , she ran back to me , she was shivering like hell
. I had not noticed it , I was aware only when she show me . this vaishali also was frightened
, and she too hugged me . I thanked that bear a lot for giving me opportunity of hugging two
beauties at a time . I was also shocked , but pretending like a brave man . of course it was
far from us , but it stopped moving and looked at our direction . now I was also losing my
confidence , I asked them to be stand like statue . it was second time I had seen bear in
jungle at short distance .
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excursion with girls 50.29
I was sure it will not make any trouble unless we trouble them .
alaas another few joined it , we were in trouble , only one was looking at us but others were
moving in direction of stream .i started gathering some dry leaves from ground with my feet
. both girls asked me what I was doing and what is going to happen . I said them to be cool ,
nothing is going to happen , they wont harm any one , I have inquired with local people here
. they just go on their way unless we trouble them . they felt bit relaxed with my words but
were not completely convinced . but some how I made them to be quite , again prema asked
me why I was gathering dry leaves , I said suppose if we are in threat of their attack we
should light fire , so that they will run away . hearing this both looked bit more relaxed , I
asked both of girls to gather some more grass or if they leave grip on me I shall gather
enough . on bit perusing prema sat down quietly and started gathering dried leaves and
grass , vaishali also was trying with her feet , but her upper body was pasted to me , she was
shivering like hell . I preferred to take propped advantage of the situation , I turned a bit so
our bodies glued from front . we both moved feet in opposite direction , so that we could
gather more . both of us were using right legs , she felt that she was losing grip on me , so
she used both her hands to hold me tight by waist . it was better now , I could feel both her
hard tits on my chest , I too hold her tight to assure her that I am there to take care of her .
she raised her face to look at me , I too looked at her , our eyes met , I did assure her by
gesture . she was on verge of crying , I said don’t worry everything will be all right , just
close your eyes and leave rest to me . she tried to smile at me , I took my face near hers and
gave a peck on her cheek . she smiled and closed her eyes . I was holding her tight , group of
bears was moving ahead . I didn’t tell her that we are getting safer now but held her close to
me . I wanted to feel her tits , so I made movement as if I am still gathering leaves so that
her tits constantly were brushing on my chest .
 excursion with girls 50.30
prema was facing away from those animals
and lost in making heap of leaves and grass . so she too was not aware of we being safe and
animals have almost gone out of sight . I gripped vaishali more and was kissing her cheeks
frequently . her hard tits pressed on my chest , my movements were making her nipples erect
. I was fully utilizing the situation , I wanted to grip her hardening tits , but could not dare it
. as we were completely out of danger which neither of the girls ware aware . I summed
courage and placed my fingers below her right tit by placing my hand around her back . I
was getting excited , her embrace was making wonder into me . her soft body was in full
contact with mine , her head was near my face , I could feel her body aroma , her hairs smelt
grate of recent shampoo wash . now she was also steady and let me kiss her cheeks , I didn’t
dare to kiss her lips . now my fingers slid upwards , now they were at base of her tit . I
wanted to move them up and cup them . I moved my fingers slowly like snake and I had
almost gripped her tit , but startled by loud voice . it was prema she shout at us , are you
going to stand like statue all day , or you are going to move from here , animals have gone
long back and you are standing hugging like lovers for entire day . this gave me a shock , I
could not notice when prema turned and looked in direction of animals and confirmed there
was nothing to worry . before I pulled my self out of her embrace I saw to it that my lips
touched hers , with slight kiss on her lips .
we got separated and looked at prema , there was mischievous smile on her face , I was
relieved of tension . when did animals moved , I didn’t notice , when I observed they were all
moving here only . here this silly girl was frightened like hell . I accused her to hide my
advances with her . prema laughed at me and said , I can understand what she meant .
probably vaishali could not catch it up , she too tried to smile , but failed .
 excursion with girls 50.31
we started moving after gathering our belongings as me and prema had dropped our back
packs . vaishali was praising for my braveness , prema too joined her . my bro is always like
that , he has solutions for every thing . only I knew how much tensed I was tensed as I was
not alone , if any thing happened to either of girls what face could I show to their parents ,
any way god was with us and nothing happened , other wise I had to use fire to rescue and I
was confident of that .
we sat at some place and had snacks and water as we were tired and drained after that
episode . we took little rest , but these girls were insisting to move from there and reach safe
place .
we moved to our designated spot , it was far from that place . once we reached we were
welcomed by two boys , who had brought our luggage and food for us . they asked us to get
freshened up in stream , before food gats cooled , they asked us why were so late . I
explained them what happened on the way , they laughed at us and said usually they don’t
harm unless we disturb them or we try to run . but what you thought of setting fire is good
idea , but it needs lot of care as if you don’t protect fire from spreading , entire jungle will
catch fire . I knew this , but I thanked them for reminding it .
any way we all washed face and legs in cool water , water was so clean it was so transparent
and clean , you could see sand beneath water clearly . I felt like swimming but we were tired
and hungry .we all sat down for food , I invited those boys too for food , but they said
already they have taken , but on my insistence they took little with us . those boys
volunteered to serve us , it was not necessary as we only three were there . but they said ,
why should they sit idle , one of the older boy was talkative , he was explaining about jungle
and wild life , about risks and problems they face to live their . he was giving all details
about trees , shrubs and flowers and fruits .
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excursion with girls 50.32
he was explaining which fruits are eatable and
tasty , he told what kind of fruits are dangerous and should not eat .
I asked him how can we know by mere explanation about those poisonous fruits . he said he
will show us , if we accompany them . otherwise he will collect some tasty fruits for us after
we finish food . I said no need , but he insisted to get some for us . though he is hardly eleven
or twelve years old but he had ample knowledge about wild life . in fact they are taught by
their parents as they have to live their only . I told them not to bother about fruits and all , as
they must be tired to bring our food and luggage .
They said its not much work , always we roam in jungle and we need to graze our cows and
buffaloes . it is our routine and some times , visitors like you come and we need to serve
them . elder one called his bro to get some fruits for us . despite of my protests they were
determined to go . he said my father has said you ane an important person and I need to take
most care of you people , he said after you came to know him you started referring his name
to your friends , more visitors started pouring in . so that he has made it part time job to
entertain people and taking them around . many times I am assigned as guide , in that
condition father or my sister arranges to bring food and usually people wont bring carpets
or other luggage . we know that after trekking for so long one needs rest , so we bring from
our house , all are happy to find spreads to relax after food . some prefers swim after food .
They walked into forest leaving us , we continued eating village food , I had tasted such food
many times , as I stay in small town and we take such food as farmers provide when we stay
at farms , of course there is lot of difference between our village food and this . initially both
girls hesitated to eat food prepared by peasants but once they tasted they were having till
satisfaction .
 excursion with girls 50.33
We all finished food and it was bit heavy , food was good , it really tasted well may be due to
we were hungry again or food was really tasty . after sumptuous food I felt like stretching
legs . we all moved utensils from there and cleaned and I laid down , prema came near me ,
she too wanted to lay down , there was no pillow , so she thought for a moment and
stretched my hand and placed her head on my hand .i let her lay near me , after couple of
minutes I bend my arm , so that she was still nearer to me , she had no problem for that , she
almost cuddled in my arms .
vaishali was still sitting , she was hesitating to lay on carpet we had brought .prema aksed
her to take some rest . so she too lay , with big gap . she was looking at prema how
comfortably she was sleeping over my arm and cuddling . vaishali hesitated a bit at last she
came near me , but didn’t place her head on my shoulder like prema , but was near enough
to touch . we lay like that for fifteen minutes or so , we were talking on variant subjects . all
of a sudden prema proposed to swim in stream . I said its an good idea , we will be able to
digest whatever we have eaten . vaishali was quite , but prema was eager to swim . she
asked vaishali to join her , now I was day dreaming to see both beauties in minimal dress . I
knew neither of them had brought dresses , so they could not swim in their dress . prema was
not to mind getting almost nude as we have seen nude enough times as weare lovers since
almost a year . but about vaishali I had never seen her even in provocative dresses ,
probably her parents are very much conservative and I really wonder how she obtained
permission to go out with us , may be she has told that prema’s entire family is going , then
only they might have given permission may be with lots of conditions .
prema urged me to get ready for a swim , I said you girls go and swim , by then I shall
wander in forest for some time . prema asked why , I said in presence of a male it may not
be comfortable for you girls .
 excursion with girls 50.34
so enjoy your self and have a good swim , that boy has told lot
of people swim here and there is no danger . so carry on and enjoy your self , so that I
willtake survey of jungle . don’t take too much of time , say I will come back by half an hour
, by then you complete and pretende like leaving them . prema said why you want to leave
bro , you are not an outsider male , you are my sweet bro . we don’t have any problem ,
what do you say vaishali . now vaishali had to open her mouth . she said no need of going
bhayya , but only problem is I don’t have swim suit . prema said me too haven’t any . this is
not public place we can swim as we like . why don’t you understand prema , see how
vaishali is blushing , she cant make it in my presence .
don’t worry sisters I shall leave this place for your selves , even while coming back I shall
intimate you people by shouting , so that you can get dressed before I come or I shall come
back only after you ask me to , ok . vaishali said don’t go any where bhayya , I will be
scared in your absence , I don’t know what would have happened to me when we saw
animals here . if it was you took care of us and assured us , I would have died of heart attack
. I don’t want you to leave us alone . I either want to swim or being alone her , that too with
this stupid prema . she does not care for any thing . but I need your presence here . both of
them argued for some time , at last to conclude I said , in that case let me be here itself , I
shall sit some where here , you go and swim . I wont come near to stream and disturb your
privacy , but I will be so near that if you call me , I will be there .
Now no more argument and go and have a nice time . still vaishali was complaining of dress
and how would they swim without extra clothes .prema was trying to convince her to swim
with panties and bra , so that they wont need extra clothes to wear while going back . if I
was aware that this place has got such a nice stream I would have brought swim suits or
extra clothes.
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excursion with girls 50.33
this idiot bro of mine didn’t tell me that this place is so good .i don’t want to
miss this opportunity to swim in such a beautiful environment . she started to move from
there , reluctantly vaishali also started walking behind her , but I sat there itself . once
vaishali looked back and waved at me . I assured her that not to worry and I would be in
close range , a single call will make me come wherever I am .
they reached stream and must be disrobing them selves . I had nothing to do , took out
cigarette and lit it , I had not smoked since morning . I could hear their voice but could not
see them . there were some bushes between the place I sat and stream . I was a fool not to
join them , even vaishali asked me to join them , but there was no strength in her words . so I
didn’t make a move and decided to sit tight and wait for their return . I wanted to see them ,
though I could not join them . I was getting tempted to see them , I was missing a golden
opportunity , but could do nothing about it now , it was too late . I went on dragging on cig
cursing my self to loose chance , I was a real fool . I could not curb my curiosity , I stood
where I was sitting , I wanted to watch them at any cost , decided to watch them hiding
behind some bush . I did survey of the place and spotted a perfect spot , where I could sit
behind that bush and could have complete view , and in return I could never be spotted by
any one . I threw cig after deciding , moved couple of steps , though again . I would be
cheating them , I could not do it . I had promised them to sit tight and wait till they arrive . I
could not cheat them , I was sad again . I could not break my own words , it was me who
made promise , it was neither forced by them or conditioned by them .i came back to where I
was sitting .
bhayya ……… I heard some one squealing . first time I didn’t hear it properly or I was not
attentive . on repeat calling , I shout back at them , what is the matter any problem ? . I was
bit tensed , whether are they in danger , are their any crocodiles .
 excursion with girls 50.35
but call was cool , there
was no panic , so I didn’t care much but called again now what is the matter , they must be
fighting for some silly reasons , which I have been observing . always they argue for some
silly matters I knew . but they would never fight seriously , though the argument used to be
hot . I had seen malathi aunt used to interfere in their arguments to cool them , thinking that
they are really fighting . but they used to listen to aunts words but decided on their own .
but once it was finalized again they are best friends , they were long time buddies and it was
longest friendship they had un interrupted friendship .
now I heard them calling me , it was vaishali this time , I was avoiding to listen to them , as
they would call me and stop argument , I had to come back and wait for them , waste of time
and energy . I knew no one would change their mind and they will settle to some conclusion
on themselves . then I thought how about going there , I can listen to their foolish problem
and suggest some thing with no meaning and go back to sit where you were . I didn’t want it
. I f I get chance to sit and watch them would have some meaning , they wont ask me to sit
there , I was sure . they will not say even for courtesy sake . so there is no point on going
there . but I had to go on repeat calls .
I went there , I was right they were arguing on some subject . when they saw me
approaching , both started shouting at once and they again started fighting among them
selves . I had to shout at them to cool down and shut their mouth , I cant understand a even a
bit of what you are saying . after another round of argument about who has to tell first ,
vaishali was given first chance to speak , bhayya I want to go that side of water , but this
idiot is abstaining me from going there . bhayya this scary girl wants to cross stream , few
minutes back she had said she would have died of heart attack on seeing animals there .
what may happen if she goes alone there .
 excursion with girls 50.36
so I stopped her from going , just for this reason
she is fighting with me since then . no bhayya I don’t fear now , I have become brave after
seeing you I am no more darpoke . I want to go there , vaishali was screaming .
they again started to argue , prema went near her as if she wanted to push or slap her . I kept
quite as I knew it wont be serious fight and let me watch them fight at the same time I can
drink their beauty .as prema moved in waist height water , it was not easy to walk in water
as you walk on ground . she was struggling to walk , so her tits jiggled in her lace bra . here
this vaishali was also moving and jumping in water as if a boxer get ready to face boxing .
now I looked at her tits too . she was wearing simple white cotton bra . but her tits looked
conical and standing straight . her bra had become semi transparent due to wetness . even
honey colored areola was visible through bra . her body was shining in sun shine coated
with thin layer of water . I didn’t knew she would look so beautiful in seminude . her hairs
were wet and she had tied them in bun . her supple body , white color and always smiling
face increased her beauty . she was really naughty doing one or other things with her
friends . today she was bit silent as because of my presence . as she was not completely open
to me , though I was speaking fluently and making jokes and all , but still I felt she is bit
reserved .
prema spoke to cut my concentration on her body , I blushed for looking vaishali’s seminude
body continuously . but I recovered my self fast and asked , why do you want to go that side
vaishali . I saw lots of peacocks moving that way , when we came here to swim there were
some near water , but as we entered into water , all of them moved that side . I want to see
them , they are so fascinating to me . I have seen few in zoo only , I have never seen them in
wild , so let me cross stream bhayya . despite of my several requests your sis is not
permitting me to go , vaishali replied .
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excursion with girls 50.37,38
vaishali replied . prema interfered , bhayya we don’t know how deep
water is and we don’t know how the stream and current of water .is it not risky going
without knowing well about it . looking at risks I stopped her , there is no other intentions
but this fool is making hill out mole .
in fact I too wanted to cross , just to see them . but we don’t know if any wild animals could
be there . so you tell me whether I am right or not . I said in a way you are right . as regards
to wild animals , your guess is wrong , if there was any danger with wild animals , those
peacocks would not stay there . they would have flew away . their sense is much higher than
ours in such conditions , as they live in such environment facing all sorts of danger . then
about current of water you are right . unless we go deep into water we cant assess . but
looking at the width of stream and depth of water , we can assess . it wont be that fast , even
look also suggests same . could have tried , but any way both of you go further and check , if
it is fast come back , but don’t forget to hold each other for support . that way you can judge
and if you feel that it is not proper to go that far , just come back , over . you are just
arguing for this silly matter , you could have judged for your selves .
so both of you move hand in hand , I shall wait here , if there is any problem I shall guide
you sitting here itself . both of the girls were eager but prema was hesitant to go , where as
vaishali was prepared to try . they did argue again on this matter for some time . vaishali
ventured to go alone leaving prema behind . but prema seriously stopped her , see friend I
brought you here with my own risk , otherwise you know your parents would never permit
you to go out like this . I convinced them that my entire family will be with us , if any thing
goes wrong I will be blamed . so listen to my words and don’t take any risk . that way prema
was also right , there is no point in taking unnecessary risk .
 excursion with girls 50.39,40
but at present condition , there
was hardly any risk involved , but only thing is prema was frightened of the previous episode
with bears . there was another argument amongst them selves and finally prema said , she
wot let her go alone and she is not going to accompany her.
Now vaishali looked helpless but to ask me . I said I will sit at the bank and watch , if there is
any problem I shall reach you . now vaishali had only one choice but to ask me to
accompany . she did same , requested me to come along . but I had to play my card , when
prema had asked me to join for swim , this girl kept mum . prema had repeatedly asked me
to come with them , but this girl was making drama of not having spare clothes and no swim
suit . when I suggested that I will not be coming but sitting hiding from them and they would
ask me for any help , then only she had agreed to swim . means she dint want me to see her
swimming or in swimming attire . now she wants to see those peacocks and now she is
buttering me . if she too had asked me to join and I had denied to ,I would have accepted her
request , now ball was in my court and it was time for my nakhara . I plainly refused to swim
or take her to other bank .
I made her plead and request me enough , and all the time I was refusing her request , with
simple answer no , without assigning any reason for that . even prema also suggested or
requested me to join so that she also will come along and enjoy sight .but I denied again .
this went on for some more time . at last vaishali got wild and started shouting this time at
me . what kind of brother you are , cant you fulfill simple desire of your sisters . we have not
asked a big favor , but just to take us at the other bank of stream which is not a tough job for
you . if this was case why did you bring us here . we had never asked you to take us any
where and it was your idea to go . at least tell us the reason for denying .
I had to open my mouth , se if I have to accompany with you girls . I have to see you both in
semi nude swimming attire , which I don’t want .
 excursion with girls 50.40
that is the simple reason and I wont come
with you , turned to leave from there . prema stopped me , asked me who said so , its your
own complex you are blaming us for no reason . in fact I had asked you to come for swim ,
but you only denied and said you would sit there and wait for us to return after swim . what
thought you had I don’t know but all the times you asked us to go for swim . you never said
any thing other than pushing us .
Look at your friend and say what you did . prema turned towards her friend and inquired
what did you say to bro . did you say any thing to him or hurt him . look let me be very clear
, he is very sensitive in some aspects . if you have committed any thing , you need to accept it
. vaishali said no , I haven’t committed any thing wrong . did I say any thing bro , if yes tell
me . I said nothing if at all you want me to acompny , I am ready lets move . vaishali stopped
me , no need till you clarify , if at all I have said any thing or hurt you , I will ask to excuse ,
but we are not moving from here . both of the girls had come out of water and standing in
front of me . I could see both beauties at a time as they were standing together . I was trying
to drink their beauties , their bra had dried by now and vaishali’s bra was almost opaque ,
but could not hide contours , but her skimpy panties still wet . I could see her camel’s toe
too . but this was not appropriate movement to look in a sexy way , as serious discussion
was going on .
I had move my eyes to their face rather than their pussies . I had to tell what I had thought or
where I was hurt , I said to vaishali you wanted to avoid swimming just for my presence and
nothing else . no I never meant it , did I say like that , she asked prema . she nodded in
negative . I am not aware of it prema replied . it is very simple guessing prema , initially she
denied to swim , later when I gave idea of me being so near that I could hear you and sit
tight here itself , then she agreed on that condition .
 excursion with girls 50.41
what does mean , I should be present
here itself , means on emergiencies I should of use and should not come here to swim . what
does it mean , I should not come here for swim , indirectly indicating that I should not see
both of you in this swim dress , what else I am not a small kid either for not to understand
what you people thought or stated .
You are taking it wrong bhayya , I didn’t mean it , what I said is I was not interested to swim
as I didn’t have swim suite , if I swim I would not be left with any thing to wear but wet
clothes . so till you convinced us , I was hesitating and for no other reason . any way I am
sorry if I hurt your feelings . if I was thinking that way , I would not have come along with
you . you don’t know me , always I am straight forward . I thought you knew me , you read
and understood me , she came to me and hugged . she hid her face in my chest and started
crying . this prema could not buy , both of us tried to console her at the same time prema
started firing me , bhayya you made my friend cry for no reason . there is some thing wrong
in your own , but nothing in her . both of you say sorry to each other and end the matter here
itself . but … I stammered . prema cut me off , now it is enough no more argument and
wasting time . you have seen both of us in this state , evenif you think that way then also it is
quits and forget what you misunderstood about either of us . now hurry up let us move ,
before those birds migrate from there . she started unbuttoning my pant , and vaishali too
took active role of removing my shirt . when I was undie , and seeing me ready for a swim
both girls were happy and I was ashamed of my misunderstanding her . prema kissed my
cheek , vaishali could not stop herself from kissing my other cheek . now both girls were at
each side , I placed each hand on their waist and started towards water .
cureent was not at all high as expected . but depth was bit more in centre , they were moving
with me , we could walk most of the distance except center , where we had to swim for some distance .
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excursion with girls 50. 41 , 42
all three swam to little extent and later walked rest of the distance hand in hand . we
reached other bank uneventfully . there a nice scene wait for us lots of peacock had gathered
in one place and all in search of food , some were hunting for insects while few sat lazily on
ground and some were running here and there , I too had not seen so many in one place , in
fact at my native there is seasonal small stream at the end of my agriculture lands there are
few , many times when we irrigate or plough our land they all gather . but that time they are
more concentrating on their food rather play . here it was different some were still searching
for days food while some were taking rest and others were running here and there , teasing
other birds .and number was also very high . there is one thing at our farm they are not
scared of other domestic animals or even human as they are used to it .
I asked both girls to be behind bush so that those are not scared and should not run away .
both stood in silence . because not much people come there . now one male took out his
………. While it ran to other bird . looking at this that female bird ran away and this was
chasing her . by this some other birds too were initiated and some more male birds started
behaving like that . now this was a beautiful sight to watch . if we had delayed some more
time , we would have lost this rare opportunity . now both girls were lost in watching birds
and I changed my view to birds standing beside me . I slipped bit away from them and stood
side way . prema was at other end , vaishali was near me . vaishali has bit chubby side than
prema’s slim body . I felt her tits are conical where as prema had round tits . even prema
had smaller ass than vaishali but prema is more at whiter side . both beauties are beautiful
in their own way and both are so inviting and fuckable , instantly my man stood in attention .
I was embarrassed because of it , I had no way of concealing my erection . I was in only
undies and nothing else . what would they think if they notice my erection , so I moved a bit
so that my hardness could not be seen by them and covered it behind some small weed plant.
There I was looking at both beauties , they were looking like twins except for built . vaishali
was bit chubby and prema was slim . both are beautiful in their own ways . both of them
were jumping with excitement looking at those peacocks and here I was jumping with joy
looking at their pigeon . they stood watching birds moving around .
Now beautiful scene began one peacock raised its feather and started moving around , what
an beautiful scene it was . it started running here and there , then it changed its steps . it
looked like it was dancing , oh another one got inspired by this and that too raised its tail ,
now it spreads feathers , that too started dancing . that was also moving while dancing ,
initially I could not understand why they are moving . they were moving around some birds
who stood looking at them . on keen observation I noticed that they were moving around
female birds . I think they were trying to impress them . they were moving other side of forest
it was far from where we were standing .
So we had to move further to have clear view . all of went searching for better spots , still we
wanted to watch them from better hiding place . otherwise they may get scared and move
away and we cant follow them in this wild jungle , or if they get wild they will not hesitate to
attack on humans also . I had seen such one attack in our farm . one boy had pelted a stone
once they missed stone and ran , but that boy followed and threw another stone , which hit
one bird , it got furious , it started perching and fly to that boy . it attacked him , within no
time many birds appeared , so our labor had to use air gun to rescue boy . so knowing such
behavior , I cautioned girls to keep distance . vaishali chose a good spot and called both of
us . but prema chose another place , I went to vaishali which was much nearer to those birds
 excursion with girls 50. 43 , 44
I joined her , place was surrounded by herbs and it felt much safe , but only problem was
we had to move between shrubs . vaishali stood comfortable and she called me there itself . I
had to stand behind her . we had perfect view of peacocks . as birds constantly moved , we
too had to keep turning for desired view . I had to move a bit closer to vaishali , now our
bodies touched to each other . standing so close to each other in such a romantic climate ,
with cool breeze . she looked back and asked me to come still closer , she wanted to show
something and I wanted to see some thing else . I moved still ahead , I was almost hugging
her , which she didn’t notice or mind . I kept my hand on her shoulder took my beside her .
she did indicate at tiny birds moving here , few other birds were chirping above our head ,
making the weather still romantic . I placed another hand around her abdomen , now our
seminude bodies glued to each other . wow what a feel it is , there peacocks were dancing
raising their feathers , but here my pee cock started dancing raising its head . I thought of
poking my cock between her soft butt and enter into her ass . both of us were enjoying in
our own way , she was lost into nature and I was into gift of nature .
Now and then she show me some or other things , those things were worth praising . on one
of such occasion I kissed her cheek , she looked into my eyes and asked what for . for
showing a worth scene and thanks for that . she kissed me on my cheek , it was my turn to
ask what for . she said for bringing us to such a wonderful place , otherwise my parents
would never care to visit such beautiful places , they are so conservative . they never visit
any site seeing , always they are always contended with visiting holy places and temples .
they spend enough on pooja and path , but not for any other things . she was depressed to
say it . I had to console her and boost up , do you think it is wrong , one need to visit holy
places and devote to god . what they are doing is perfectly right . do you visit temples too ,
vaishali asked me . I said sure I do visit a lot , but I like to visit such places too . ( I prefer
place of hole rather than holy , I thought in mind ) .
bhayya henceforth please include me wherever it is possible . I shall ask prema to take
permission from my parents . if you are so interested , then I shall make it point to organize
program especially for you . thanks bhayya , you are so sweet saying this she kissed my
cheek again . I said any thing for you darling and hugged her tight . I wanted to take full
advantage of this emotional situation . I slid my arm covering her stomach upwards . she
was aware of my hand I think , when it was at base of her right tit as I was covering her by
left hand , she hold my hand and said thank for taking so much care and this another kiss for
listening to my words and taking my across the bank . other wise that fool would never allow
me come here and enjoy nature , she gave another kiss with loud
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmaaa . I too returned it with few kisses , I wanted to kiss those
lovely thin lips , by then we heard where are yo hididng idiots , leaving me alone . vaishali
disengaged from me and called prema . I cursed prema for entering at very wrong moment .
if she hadn’t come then I would have kissed those honey lips and at the same time cupped
her shapely tits . we made some place for prema also , but now the scene came to end due to
intrusion of herd of wild buffalos . those peacocks emptied place and moved away in forest .
there was no point in following and we had enough of it and enjoyed a lot . prema said in
fact this is very good place , you selected nice place and while talking she elbowed me . did
she saw us was my question , but who was to answer . I dropped my raising question and
asked them to move back . let us cross stream and get dressed . they agreed for this and we
moved back , once we entered water vaishali started throwing water on prema and in return
she started same .
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excursion with girls 50. 45
after that both of them attacked me , how could I keep quite when two
beauties are playing naughty . I too started with both of them . they were two and four
hands , felt overpowering me , as they were attacking from opposite end . so I thought if I let
them , they will make fun out of me . I too tried to control them but they were laughing to my
mild attempts . then I took hold of vaishali and dunked her in water .prema pushed me off
and took out my hand to free vaishali . till now they were figting like enemies and now they
are after saving other . I tried again , this time too prema plunged at me and was able to free
her friend . this time I changed strategy I hold vaishali by arm and kept her at one side and
hold prema head by her hairs and dunked her into water . this worked , vaishali was
struggling to get free to help her friend , but no chance my hold on her body was firm . I
made necessary changes so that her back was to me and was holding her by waist , and
pushing prema with right hand . I was dipping her in water and took out after half a minute
or so , she would be struggling for breath than to fight with me . here vaishali was kept
trying to get free , in process my hand slid a bit and came on her tit . which I wanted to do
since almost morning . now my grip became like vise , I was holding her by left hand , was
an perfect grip , but hold on her tit was mild enough , I didn’t want to hurt her maiden tits .
this way I took control of both the beauties , they didn’t know that both of them had already
defeated my by their beauty and nature , un necessarily fighting physically even if another
had joined also could not defeat me physically . I went on dipping prema and taking out
after some time , when she gulped air I would sink her again . after few of such episodes ,
she went mild had lost her battle . but this girl in my left hand was still struggling to get free
. when I was sure that prema would not fight , I let her go , as expected she stood on her feet
and was trying herself to cool off and breathe properly , her face had become red due to
struggle and short of breath . now I was sure that she would not fight back .
 excursion with girls 50. 46
I had to tame
vaishali I took her both hands placed one palm on each tit and started playing with her ,
more she struggled more grip I used on her tits , in fact I was pressing her tits in pretext of
play . but may be she was not aware , and continued to giggle and fight . I kept her glued to
my body , her back was to me and I thought of pressing my shaft on her maiden ass , I was
desperate to do it since long , now I had chance . so I pulled her tight to me and adjusted
my hard cock which was aching for release , on her ass crack .
wow it felt so good to dry hump this naïve girl , she was giggling and may not be aware of my
new advances . she was struggling hard to get rid of me at least , which was mission
impossible against my male strength .
Prema wanted to interfere but I stopped her and said , if you try to come inbetween you will
have to face it . I will leave her and take you . she became silent left place . now shore was
clear I could do any thing I wanted . I didn’t want to rush things . so I kept her back glued to
me and dipped her in water and hold in water for some time , she started struggling , I let
her surface but didn’t leave hold on her , kept her ass glued to my hard dick . asked her how
was under water , did it feel good . she said bhayya if you leave me , I will show how it is ,
means she wanted ditch me . so you haven’t yet realized I asked her . you being a man
holding a naïve girl , abala pe hamle kar rahe ho , you should be ashamed of attacking an
innocent girl she retorted . umm now you became naïve girl and still you want to show me
your strength . than take it I pulled her more towards me tightly and pushed my tool between
her ass cheeks . due to wetness it lodged between her ass and hold her both tits in each hand
and started pressing . as she was neck height in water , prema could not see what I was
doing with her friend , even if she knows what she is going to do . I was bold enough to
continue groping her tits in pretext of masti .
 excursion with girls 50. 47,48
vaishali had no objections for playing silly games with her . we continued for some more
time . I was contended for whatever I got chance to play with her and her body . I had felt
enough of her tits and ass . I had covered most of her nude parts and tits . I didn’t think it
was appropriate to push my hand inside her covers , that is bra or panties . advancing more
at a stretch is not good on my part . I didn’t know whether she was aware of all the pawing I
made to her . she might have very well thought that they are innocent and accidental touches
. if I was sure that she too liked as much as me , I would go further . on repeated calls from
prema we swim back to the bank . prema took her behind tree to change , I gave them my
towel which I had brought with me . by the time they came back I too removed my undies
and wear pant and shirt .
I was tired with all the masthi with girls , so I rolled over carpet . as soon they came I
handed one can of cold drinks to each , we h ad drinks which was no more cold , it was
warm drink , but no alternative . collected all three back packs and placed below my head as
pillow and lay down , we didn’t have any thing to do . we had to wait for those boys , they
had given time . still there was time left before they arrive . prema came and tried to snatch
one back pack from me , but I hold it firm . asked her to adjust , I gave little space , so she
laid beside me without any hesitation and adjusted herself . vaishali was sitting , prema
asked her to lay down . she too rolled with some distance . she neither asked for back pack
nor came to me .
I asked her to come near me and adjust herself , she looked for any space to place her head ,
there was hardly any space for her . so I stretched my arm and asked her to place her head
on my arm like prema did before . she was hesitant and said its ok with me and I shall sleep
like this .
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excursion with girls 50. 49
but on my insistence she came near me . she placed her head on my arm , but still
keeping some distance in between our bodies . I was disappointed , but could not do any
thing . I could not force her , we were looking at each other , her face was expression less . I
failed to read what was in her mind . but we kept looking , then I broke ice and started
conversing with her like interests in sports , films and usual stuff . she was bit free and was
speaking normal . i wanted her in my arm , but could not ask her again and again . I was
getting desperate , who knows when we will be near again in future . I was satisfied with
whatever I did to her in water , but thinking of those moments were making me horny . but I
was thinking of any plots which could suite this naïve girl , may be real innocent . she must
be thinking that I am bil of prema who called me bhayya and she too call me bhayya . she
must be having brotherly feelings towards me . if I did any thing wron I could loose her and
respect from her . I didn’t want to hasten things . I wanted her to come to me with her own
interest but not by force . if I get chances often I was sure I could be able to seduce her one
day . but now I was horny looking at her innocent face . prema was beside me , but was
silent may be slipped into a nap . then I thought of a plan , I raised my head as if inspecting
some thing , she asked what happened . I asked her did you hear any foot steps of animals on
dried leaves . this was enough for her to trigger and she came into my arms , much faster
than I had expected . she hid her face on my chest , sending my torso hit ground . I let her be
like that for some time . she asked me did you see anything alarming . I said I was watching
but you didn’t let me . wait I shall check again and raised my torso , I looked in all
directions . she asked again is there any thing , I lay back and said , nothing alarming , there
was an monkey .but it has moved away . oh my god I was scared to hell she replied . my one
hand was below her body , I raised it and pat on her back , don’t be scared as long as I am
with you , I said .
 excursion with girls 50.50
I have that confidence in you bro , I know how capable you are . do you
know I almost know everything about you . it was a shock for me , did prema reveal about
our relation ?. was a million dollar question .
I didn’t respond as I was bit scared to ask for details . prema praises you al ot about your
capability and your sense of decisions . she detailed me everything about how you saved her
life from a cheat . she is grate admirer of you . whenever we are alone she talks most about
you . I was bit relaxed , prema might not have revealed about us . she didn’t bother to be in
my arms and went on talking , my hand was caressing her back , once she felt my hand
looked back . on finding my hand on her back , she came to senses and tried to with draw ,
but I held her tight . its ok for me dear , you are as light as a feather , you are not at all
heavy for me . there was clear indication of confuse , again she tried to pull out . again I
held her and said look dear , there is no another pillow , remain like this only , so that it will
be comfortable for you , you need not hesitate ask for any help . you are my darling sis , you
are prema’s child hood friend and still you are so close to each other . for me I don’t feel
both of you are separate . I think both of you are same for me . I love you the way I love
prema . are you ok with it ? . ( how can she know , in what way I love prema , and I want to
love her same way , means I want to fuck her too .) . she was happy to hear my statement ,
that is the reason , I am so open to you bhayya . do you know no boy has touched me , even
my hands
. I have confidence in you , so I am moving so close to you . thanks dear I said and kissed her
nose which was near to my lips . she didn’t say any thing kept cool , but the point to be noted
is she didn’t kiss me back , which I was expecting from her . but I didn’t loose heart and
didn’t want to rush also . we kept talking I was making light jokes , she used to smile or
laugh some times .
 excursion with girls 50.51
with some nasty jokes she laughed loud , then her tits brushed my chest .
wow what a feel it was . then I had learnt what kind of jokes she likes and continued with
such jokes . she too shared some practical jokes happened in her college or some other soft
jokes . I used to laugh , whether I liked them or not . it had two reasons for that , one is to
encourage her to speak and give her pose that she speaks well and other thing is nasty one .
yes you guessed it right , while laughing pressing her tits with my chest . it should serve
purpose and she should not feel , I am doing it purposefully . our talks went on for some time
, mean while I managed to touch her back , cheeks and wherever possible , but nothing in
sexy way . I wanted to feel her tits , cup them and press them leisurely , but could not muster
courage . my right hand was below her , now and then I was touching her face with my left
hand . at last managed to keep my hand on her waist , she looked at me but kept quite . even
managed to give couple of complimentary kisses on her cheeks , without responses . I
thought I was doing just fine , but still confusion continued , in what sense she was taking me
. I slowly slipped my hand on her body , I was almost near to her hard tit . when I reached to
base of her tit , we heard prem’s voice . oy both of you , you have forgotten that I am also
here . only both of you are in gup shup forgetting me . I cursed her in my mind for disturbing
my chance for third time in a day , in fact fourth time if you count car incidence where she
didn’t allow her to sit beside me . every time I was on some deciding moment , to ascertain
whether she allows me to fondle her tits or not , whether she likes me the was I was thinking
in a sexy way , but every time prema disturbed me . then I took of my left hand from vaishali
and took prema in that hand . now she was almost half lying on me . her tits pressed on my
chest . both girls exchanged smiles and vaishali asked her , were you awake all the time ?.
prema said no , I took a small nap ,but I am awake since long , I was just listening to your
conversation .
 excursion with girls 50.52
i laughed for your couple of jokes but you didn’t notice my presence . any way
it is getting late , we need to leave this place , and reach our vehicle before sunset . come on
get up and lets move from here , prema commanded . yes she was right , I should have
hurried , as I was lost in some new adventure with this new girl , so I had ignored time . but
we were held as those boys had to reach yet , I was just wondering where did they go . by
now they should have come back . we got up and straightened our clothes , by then both
boys appeared . they asked us to get freshened up by then they will collect all the luggage .it
was time to depart , we started walking back to our vehicle , those boys had taken luggage ,
so we were free to walk . this path was much better then we came here around hills . boys
were leading and we all three were behind them . I asked those boys why they were so late .
they said they had to walk deep into forest to collect some rare fruits , so they were late . in
fact we had come some time back only ,as you were resting so we didn’t thought it is proper
to disturb you , the older boy turned back and said smiling at me mischievously at me hiding
from those girls . so he knows about birds and bees and may be he wanted to watch any
action or just didn’t want to disturb us . but there was some meaning in his smile and eyes , I
just ignored and to ld him he should have informed us so that we could go back bit early , as
we need to travel a lot to reach back home . he kept quite and continued walking . on the
way those boys were trying to explain about some trees and medicinal herbs . they had
acquired good knowledge about forest and plant kingdom . he knew most about the fruits or
leaves which are not eatable or poisonous . girls were wondering about there vast knowledge
and they were not aware such a beautiful flowers also could be poisonous and dangerous
even to touch them .
I was just reviewing what we did today and how enjoyed the days trip .
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excursion with girls 50.53
it was really
satisfactory and I was contended with what advances I made towards with this beautiful and
innocent girl vaishali . though there was no clear indication about sexual inclination , but
whatever I was able to do was very good , may be more than satisfactory . I was craving to
cup her tits since the day we were at theatre , today I had made it possible at last in stream
in pretext of masthi . may be she was not aware of it , but it had not only felt but managed to
press to my hearts content . I could have poked my fingers into her bra , I was worried about
her reactions .
we reached place where we had parked our vehicle .by then that peasant was waiting for us ,
his hut was nearby . he introduced his wife to us , she was also very cheerful to us , she
knew how I had helped him directly and indirectly . she inquired about our well being and
asked did you face any difficulties . I said nothing and thanked her profusely for the tasty
food and timely service , I praised those boys for their knowledge about forest and how
helpful they were to carry our luggage and food and trouble taken for collecting fruits for us
. he asked his son to show fruits boy had brought . he checked for any wrong selection about
quality and he wanted to confirm that all are eatable or not .
at last he said most of them are good and packed them in one bag , after taking out few and
he cut them to serve us . we tasted few new variety fruits of which we had not even heard
their names . we enjoyed those lovely wild fruits and later his wife prepared tea , which we
badly needed . I paid him money which he was not ready to accept , but on forcing he took
money from me . he kept all luggage in order and detailed me about fruits , about ripeneing
and all of which he had given to us . at last remembering some thing he went inside his hut
to bring some fruits . he show me those fruits and said these are special and only for you to
enjoy . not even for madams here , while he said he pressed my hands , so to say he meant
what he said . I was curious to know what exactly they were . he said he would explain me
over phone and bid bye .
 excursion with girls 50.54
we started our journey back home with tired soles and fresh memories , and new friendship
which has just beginning to new bond , were coming closer than ever , in fact our friendship
was limited to hekko and hi except little chat when we had some time otherwise it was non
existent . though she used to be the first to greet me , but I had never taken any interest in
her , that too after me and prema were bond , I almost never cared for this girl . but now I
was interested in her , this trip had made us more near but I wanted to make love to her . she
is such a good girl , beautiful and always cheerful . I wanted her to sit in middle but prema
was reluctant to sit in the middle . I was getting irritated by this , but was helpless , didn’t
have any reason to swap places .
prema was horny again by mere touches of our legs . stealing vaishali’s glances she started
teasing me , arousing me . even she went to the extent of touching my awaking cock above
pant . this girl is turning to slut . she was not like this before , it was me who initiated such
kinky acts , but today she is taking lead since morning . it was ok with me , I too took part
into her acts . though I was not in mood to play with prema , all of my concentration was on
vaishali . now and then she looked at me , though her face was expression less , still I felt
she was disappointed for not able to sit in middle , as she was saying prema that if she slept
she would trouble me driving . but prema was adamant to sit in middle , I could sense regret
in vaishali’s face .
any way prema was into it again and she was caressing my legs , I too replied with playing
with her thighs and arousing her more and more . now she was dripping , I could feel
through her clothes , as she was not wearing any panties , her juice started wetting her
salwar .
 excursion with girls 50.55
while we had lying in forest , vaishalis tits too felt in same way as it was covered by
thin layer of her kameez and nothing else . remembering this I tried to feel tight tits of prema
, I hold stearing with left hand and moved my right hand to feel her right tit . prema sensed
what I wanted so she moved little closer to me . though it was not as easy as that , but
managed to play with her tits . now she was getting more and more aroused . I went on
pressing her tits , she wanted to moan but in presence of her friend she could not . I didn’t
leave her tits till she complained of pain and moved away from me . I left ther tits and
attacked her pussy , which was almost uncovered means , covered by single layer of her
salwar . within no time she reached her climax , wetting her salwar and my fingers . the
well known aroma filled in car , as A C was on and all windows were closed . it was most
identifiable to women and of course me too .
vaishali looked around to check from where this aroma was coming before she realized what
it was . when she was sure she looked at prema , who had filled her vail into her mouth to
stop herself from moaning . it must not be hard to find two plus two . she looked at prema
then at me , both of us were pretending as if nothing had happened . I just ignored and was
concentrating on road . after some more travel prema asked tomorrow is children’s day no ,
vaishali said yes . tomorrow in nov 14 , why do you ask . prema said it means tomorrow is
also holiday for college . vaishali replied yes . then how if we extend our trip for another
day .what do you mean vaishali asked . any way there is holiday for our college , we can
stay at our farm today and proceed tomorrow . so that we can enjoy tomorrow at our farm ,
as you have never visited . it is wonderful place , I am sure you will not regret . what do you
say bhayya , she asked me . I said in fact it is good thought . already we are late now , and
by the time we reach back it will be very late , so if you girls have no problem it is better
plan , but for that you need to take permission from vaishali’s parents .
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excursion with girls 50.56
I was fast to
complete my statement without much chance to vaishali to say what’s ever . prema took out
her cell and called vaishali’s home . vaishali was trying to stop but prema gestured to wait ,
without even looking at her . vaishali was dying to stop her but by then it was connected to
her home . she dropped idea of refrain her from talking . it was vaishali’s mom , some how
prema managed to convince her that , all are safe and as it is late to reach back , instead of
taking risk of traveling in night , it is better to stay at farm house and vaishali has not seen
that beautiful place . we will stay back and shall come after showing her entire farm . may
be her mom was protesting , some how prema convinced her and obtained permission . once
she cut the call vaishali started protesting . how dare you call my mom and ask her
permission , without me consenting . bhayya I don’t want to stay back , I have not brought
any clothes also , and I have not taken permission to stay back . please some how manage to
drive back home . I didn’t comment , but elbowed prema , assigned her job of convincing .
as usual they had big fight and long argument , vaishali was threatening if you behave like
this I will never accompany you in future . prema was telling never to come with her again ,
you are telling as if I take you out every time . no I wont call you in future don’t worry . not
even for my honey moon . this made all of us laugh , and her protests became feeble . the
atmosphere became light after we stopped laughing . still vaishali said , why don’t you try to
understand prema , we don’t have anu spare dress , how can we manage . prema said , why
do you need to wear, after a pause she continued , I mean there are enough of my dresses ,
so stop worrying and cheer up now . vaishali almost agreed and said with one condition if
you assure me to take me on your honey moon trip . we all laughed again and both of us
were happy for she agreeing to stay back .
 excursion with girls 50.57
there was ray of some hope now . but I was not
sure if I could do something , but was happy to spend a night and another day in the
company of two beauties .
I called staff at farm about our arrival , asked them to clean farm house and asked them to
cook food also for three . our farmer asked who all are coming there , I said prema and her
friend are also coming there . he again asked me what kind of food we wish to have , any
thing will do . he said then we shall prepare your favorite food . I said ok and cut call .our
farm was on the way . we reached within half an hour , there was watch man waiting for us
at gate , as usual with two dogs chained .
We were moving in far , though it was dark vaishili was looking with astonishment . you have
such a vast farm , I thought it is some small with some shabby farm house . wow this seems
to be very big , drive way itself is so big . once we reached farm hose , labors came and
wished us and exchanged pleasantries , they inquired for luggage , we had nothing so asked
them not to bother . before we entered house he stopped me and said , excuse me malik there
is some small problem , I asked him what . this year there is bumper crop but as you know
prices of grain and turmeric has dropped , so we were forced to store some here after all our
ware houses are packed . so you all need to adjust only in one room . oh only this much , it
is no issue , I pat his back . he said just now electricity has come , so I need to go for
irrigation , if you need any thing women folk will be there and food is being prepared , he
went off after taking permission .
We all three got freshened up , by then food was ready . we all took food and settled on bed .
I could do nothing even with prema as we had only one bed room of course there were two
double cots . both girls took one and me another . we were chatting then maid came and
knocked bed room . I asked who is it , she told her name and asked to open door .
 excursion with girls 50.58
she said excuse me malik for disturbing you people . I need some help , cow is above to
deliver and none of the male workers are here , and unfortunately only one fellow who has
cell has left it here itself . I said don’t worry I shall come , I got up and before I proceed
asked both girls if they want to see cow delivery . vaishali said no I don’t want to see , I am
scared with blood and all . but prema said she is interested and will come along . we both
followed labor to barn . there this cow was standing and was suffering lot of pain . there
were two female labors , I asked whether they are experienced in this kind of situations .
older lady said , I have seen but never done it , the other said I don’t dare to touch , both of
us are helpless . I urged them to place few gunny bags and make cow sleep . both of them
made cow sleep . I went behind cow , it was uneasy and was trying to get up due to pain . I
inquired whether it is primy m they said no sir it is third delivery . then it should not be that
troublesome . I asked them to keep the cow pinned to ground , so that it should not stand .
both of them hold cow firmly . I placed gunny bags behind its ass and wait . within some
time two fore legs appeared , I hold both toes firmly and tried to pull them . in fact I had
seen such incidents before but never handled . I knew techniques but to handle it was first
time for me . it was tougher than I had thought . legs were slippery due to amniotic fluid and
blood . I tried again and again , I could not drag it properly , so I asked for some small rope
. one of them handed me thin rope . I tied legs with rope and slowly pulled legs . now it did
work . calf eased . I was praying god to help me I was doing for first time in my life . now
head appeared , now I had to apply little extra force as this part was most important . legs
were narrow when whole body had to emerge . now with more effort it started emerging ,
then there was no need of any pressure , rest of the body came on its own . then I turned
towards prema , who was looking bewildered .
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 excursion with girls 50.59
I asked labors to drag it in front cow . they moved it cows face , cow was so
happy to its calf and started licking its body clean . one of the labor went to their house and
brought soap and water , I washed my hands clean as it was all coated with fluid and blood .
both of the albors and prema were so happy to see my expertise in this too .
prema hugged me and said well done bhayya , where did you learn this art . I thought you
are expert in making babies but here you have mastered in this too , she whispered . I asked
her do you feel sleepy . she said no , how about standing in moon light for some time , I
asked . she said yes , where do you want to sit , I said lets move to terrace . I instructed
labors about post natal care and reminded about placenta ,if it does not fall on its own , you
need to inform doctor . they said yes and they know rest of things and will be managed
properly . by now calf stood and was walking . I asked them to make calf drink milk .
from there we moved to terrace , cool breeze was coming ,
prema too accompanied with me . we were on terrace , weather was very cool and there was
full moon light making the atmosphere romantic . I sat on pabangt , prema sat beside me . I
placed my arm over her shoulder , she came still nearer , her body was touching mine . we
talked for some time , she said it is very cold here , lets move to room . I said if you are
feeling so cold , let me warm you and hugged her tight , by side . I started caressing her
body , despite of two orgasms she had gained today she was getting aroused again . I was
desperate for sex . I had played with prema and she had made me hot enough in car , she
had played with my horny cock , but it had not released juice .
she sat for some time and even kissed my cheeks , then my hand automatically traveled to her
tits , I cupped her one tit over cloth , other hand was holding her . I located nipple , which
was easy as she was not wearing bra and it was erect due to cold .
 excursion with girls 50.60
I started pinching it , then
I tried to insert my hand from neck . it was not loose so it was not easy without her
cooperation , I pulled her dress from front , it came a little . now my hand could enter her
dress , I took another tit and started massaging and went to kiss her lips , she responded for
my smooch . when we broke she asked me to leave her and lets go back to room . I said no ,
we shall spend some more time here itself . she said no bhayya my friend must be waiting for
us to go back . I said don’t worry she is not a kid she will sleep by the time we go back . she
was struggling to go back and I was struggling to arouse her . at last I won , I knew how to
arouse a girl and this girl is well known and I knew her weakness . soon I made her aroused
, she was protesting me , what you are going to do now . you make me hot and leave in
middle .what can be done now , we don’t have safe place to fuck . the only room is occupied
by my friend and we don’t have any other place .
what is problem in this place , we shall do here itself . she said no baba , there are servants
just near to this place . if they look at us it will be shame on our part , I don’t want to take
any chance . I said don’t worry darling no one can watch us , let us move a bit from this
place , we wont be visible there I pointed a place . she said no I don’t want now , it is too
cold here . don’t worry dear I will make you enough hot , I will see that you perspire . after
some debate she said she will select proper place , if satisfied shall agree . the place I had
chosen was best and at last she agreed . I removed my west and lungi and asked her to get
nude . due to cold she didn’t agree and asked me to lower her salwar and fuck doggy style . I
had to agree as I was horny and wanted to cum badly since morning . she knew my problem
and she had agreed for that only . she came into my arms and we started a new sensual
smooch and on breaking this she bend and supported her self on pabangt . I lowered her
salwar and inside she was nude .
 excursion with girls 50.61
I positioned behind her and pushed my hard cock into her
leaking pussy . without any struggle it inched smoothly into tight pussy . I started moving ,
she holding pabangt for strong support . I hold her shoulder and started giving nice strokes .
after some time she could not hold pabangt by fingers , I asked her to place her elbow on
pabangt , she followed but soon she cried of pain . she said rough surface of pabangt wall is
hurting her . then you remove your salwar and place your hands on them . but she asked for
my lungi ( I keep enough dresses in farm house) , I gave it to her , it was better but within some time she complained of same . I
pulled her salwar of her legs , fold it and gave it to her . now it was better for both of us ,
rough surface was not hurting her and I was getting soft surface of her legs and butts for me
. it was an best experience to fuck under sky in moon light .
I hold her tits from above clothes and started humping her . she was so excited she started
singing in low volume but as strokes increased she was moaning bit high . I was worried if
any one hears , then what . but she had forgotten where she was and concentrating on her
own enjoyment . I increased speed , now she was pushing her butts back to meet my thrusts I
kept pumping her hairless chute . now she was near to orgasm and she was feeling her top
tight , she asked me to wait and stood , still my cock embedded in her pussy . she removed
her top by herself , she threw it on floor . now both of us were full nude and enjoying in
moon light . I pushed her again on pabangt , she took her position and I continued ramming
her . it was going to be an wonderful night , I was fucking tight pussy under open sky ,
climate was cool and it was helping me as air conditioner , reducing sweating and
exhaustion . I went on fucking her , she reached climax and hold my thighs from back side
and asked me to stop for a while . I obliged her , she was caressing my thighs with her
tender fingers , I was caressing her tits and pulling her nipples . soon she was ready to
continue .
 excursion with girls 50.END
I started again with mild strokes and later increased speed to such an extent both
of us were sweating in cool breeze . she was moaning loud enough , I tried to mute her
sound but she was not listening to me . this went on for quite a some time . I must have
fucked her not less than 30 minutes in single pose , she must have reached peak couple of
times . on her next climax I made my own time to release . at last we both climaxed at a time
and I filled her pussy with my hot lava . I held her in same pose for some more time till my
cock stopped leaking and got separated . she turned around and hugged me tight , it was one
of the most memorable fuck bhayya , thanks for giving it to me . I was fool to deny , in that
case I was the loser . I really enjoyed it and thanks again , she showered kisses on my face
and said , I haven’t learnt lessons completely , always your decisions are best and most
reliable . I smiled in reply , didn’t bother to comment on that .
I got dressed and asked her to wear clothes , she was shivering with cold now , heat
emanated by hot fuck had vanished and she was feeling cold as she was still full nude . she
took her pant , while she was wearing she noticed our mixed juice was flowing along her
thighs . both of us laughed looking at the mess we had made . I looked for any thing to wipe
it , but found nothing clean could be found , she made face what now , I snatched her salwar
and wiped clean with it and asked her to wear it . she started beating me with her fists . why
are you beating me , you can wash it tomorrow . she said that is ok but what now , should I
wear this stinking dress all the night . what you are going to do does not matter , what it will
do is more important . what can does this stinking ad sticky thing can do me she asked . even
in your sleep also it will make you cum in your sleep . before sliding into sleep , you just
remember how much you enjoyed with me in this cold and moon light , that will do its job
and you can confide me in the morning . she stopped in middle of stairs and hugged and
kissed me . you have wonderful imagination too , let me try this and surely I will share with
you in the morning .
she was tired and her was walk was not steady , she was shaking a lot . she was completely
exhausted , I supported by placing my hand at her waist . we reached room .
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seduction of vaishali 51.1
Once we were in room , noticed vaishali was waiting for us . as soon
as we entered into room , she started shouting at us . what kind of
people you are , you don’t even remember that I am sitting here alone
in unknown place and atmosphere . you left me all alone and went
for hours , you don’t have simple sense of looking after your guests .
Prema said sorry delivery took lot of time , it was bit complicated , if
bhayya was not there , it was risk to cow and calf , but luckily he
managed with all his expertise , otherwise we would have lost best of
our cow . why do you think you are an guest , you are our family
member I said looking into her eyes . you should not feel like
outsider , I smiled at vaishali . she too tried to smile but asked where
did you vanish after delivery . in fact we had to come back but this
fool of my bro took me for a walk in moon light , you should have
come with us . you could have reaaly enjoyed the moon light and
scenery there , she stealthily winked at me .
But her question had startled me , she asked where did we vanish
 seduction of vaishali 51.2
after delivery means she came to know that after that we had gone
somewhere else . did she suspect us and came spying behind us or
was just worried and tried to locate us . any way whatever had
happened is happened and was not recoverable . so I just rolled on
my mattress and prema slumped on bed beside her friend and within
a minutes time she started snoring . it was but natural after such a
marathon one should get sleep . but I kept thinking what this girl felt
about us , that should not spoil our just building relation and I
should not loose her forever .
After say ten minutes I looked at them , vaishali was this side and
prema was at other side . vaishali was rolling on bed , may be she
was no asleep yet . I kept looking at her , she was laying on her back
now . she had closed her eyes and was just acting like she has slept
as she must have sensed that I am also awake and looking at her .
always these females have that sixth sense , they come to know if any
one is staring at them . I kept looking at her , her soft body was lying
and her tits looked prominent in dim light also , they were facing
ceiling . once my eyes concentrated on those hard tits , I felt like
grabbing them , I though how it would be like sleeping beside her
and press them and suck those making her nude .
 seduction of vaishali 51.3
they were just
fascinating me , I was drawn to them like magnet . she was in same
dress since morning and now only difference was she was bra and
panty less . her cotton kameez had failed to hide contours . her thin
cotton salwar was little semi transparent and I tried to peek in them
and see her nude lags behind them . this was making me horny ,
though I had an wonderful fuck just few minutes back , but my man
was stirring in lungi . many times I thought of jumping over her , but
my conscience was stopping me not to rush . I tried to avoid scene
and sleep after so much of journey and exhaustion while and after
journey .
I tried to sleep for some more time , but failed . some thing was troubling
me and I could not face it . I sat up and took jug from table had some
water . while going back to bed , I noticed her eyes blinked and later
they were shut tight , in a way forced shut . I could not stop my self but
went near her . she was acting like sleeping , I called her name in
whisper , she neither opened her eyes nor replied .
 seduction of vaishali 51.4
I called her again ,
no reaction . then I looked at other side prema was sleeping blissfully . I
wanted to speak to her and pass time , but she was not responding ,
sadly I went back to my bed . when I was above lay down , I sensed her
eyes blinked again , may be she wanted to check whether I was still
there . this made my hope alive , wanted to make another attempt .
I called her name bit louder this time and said I know you are awake ,
just tell me why are you avoiding me . she was forced to open her mouth
this time . she turned to this side and opened her eyes , who said it she
whispered back . I can understand by simple gesture , I have been
calling you since some time , but you are pretending like you are asleep
. nothing like that , I was just trying to sleep , if I spoke I would be
disturbing both of you and my self also wont be able to sleep .
Don’t mind it , come here I will make you sleep .she said no need , I am
not a kid so that you can pat me to sleep , she replied .
Me – for me you are still kid , just come here and we can talk for some
time , till we get sleep .
She – no , I am fine here .
Me – as you said we will be disturbing prema .
 seduction og prema 51.5
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She – then lets sleep , why should we need to speak at this hour , we
have been talking since morning .
Me – that is true , but this will make know each other well , if you don’t
come here I will start speaking ludly so that she gets disturbed and start
beating you like hell , I raised my voice a bit .
She got up and came to my bed . I asked her lay down , but she said she
would better sit . I pulled her hand , she fell on bed . without any further
argument she stretched beside me , but didn’t forget to keep some
distance . I asked her to come closer , she denied in after noon there
was no place to keep my head , now there is enough pillow and enough
space to stretch . I am ok here and you ask me what you want to ask . I
kept quite for some time , I was not getting any topic for conversation ,
so I was silent , but kept looking at her . she was not looking at me her
eyes were at ceiling . she wait for some time and said , now I will leave ,
she pretend like raising . I placed my hand on her hand , now she
looked at me .
She - why are keeping quite , say some thing .
 seduction 51.5
Me – I forgot to ask whatever I wanted to ask .
She – why
Me – on seeing you at so near I forgot .
She – then I will move away she teased me smilingly .
Me – oh baby , you are naughty . ok let it be tell me about you and your
likings .
She said few words about herself and about her likings like songs books
and actors and actresses . we spent some time like this , but
unfortunately she didn’t move in , but kept same distance . I asked her
to come closer but she denied , I moved forward , simultaneously she
moved back ward , maintaining the same distance . this irritated me ,
then I placed my hand on her arm , she pushed it , again I placed my
hand she pushed again . this time I didn’t repeat but wait for some time
and I was making some jokes and was doing some mimicries too . she
was laughing for those , I took this opportunity and place my hand
again on her , but this time she let me , at the same time she had no
space to move back . already she was on edge and if she moved she
would fall , which she had confirmed looking back .
 seduction 52.1
We were chatting for some time , but she didn’t come near me , only thing I could
manage was to keep my hand on her . then all of a sudden she said she need to go
wash room , I was not happy to listen as after attending natures call , she would
change her mood and go for sleep on other bed , but I could do nothing . I got up
and lead her to toilet . but some thing flashed to me and opened couple of
windows . she came out and o too got relieved , I was excited by mere touch of
her and nearness to her . I wanted to jack off but decided against , after relieving
my self I came out . she was still near door and we head back to bed ,as expected
she said she will sleep and said good night . do you feel sleepy I asked her . she
said not exactly but it is getting late no . I said no it is not that late and I am not
feeling sleepy , let us continue chatting , taking her hand lead her to my bed .
without any issues she came and we lay down together . but this time too she
didn’t forget to maintain some distance . we were laying face to face , we did chat
for some time , then again I placed my hand on her , this time also she pushed my
hand away in pretext of straighten her dress , but after couple of repeating she let
my hand remain on her . I did move only couple of inches towards her , but still
there was some gap between her . after some time she complained of cold , I said
come nearer so that our bodies will make warm .
 seduction 52.2
without second invitation she
came near me , but didn’t embrace which I was hoping for . but I was happy I
could make her come near me . our bodies were touching to each other , by mere
this my tool started stirring in my lungi .
Now she was more comfortable with me , we continued chatting again she said it
is too cold no than before . I said yes my trick was working , I had purposefully
taken a chance to open windows and she should feel cold and I could take chance
of hugging her . on hearing her complaint , I said yes it is getting more cold as
night is progressing . and I moved more towards her and almost hugged , you will
feel difference now and cold will not bother much. She was silent and now it was
not very new for her as since morning we were getting closer and we had hugged
few times since morning . she cuddled like kitten in my arms .
Now our chests touched each other , I could feel her erect tits due to cold on my
chest . I was feeling better , but took enough caution of not letting my boner to
touch her . she was fine with me , I was feeling like disrobing her and fuck her
brain out , but I had to seduce her and make her want me . I believe in slow and
sure seduction , I don’t like to force any one , except I had bangd sheela aunt . she
is the only exception . my hand was caressing her back , initially she had not
observed it , when she was aware she took my hand in hers and hold it , as if
protesting in moderate way .
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seduction 52.3
we continued joking and speaking in whispers . time
was passing but I was not moving any where , no progress at all . I though I will
have to contende with only this .
but I was not to let her go easily . again and again placed my hand on her back
and caressed here and there . she would protest in mild way , she never spoke
about it but every time she took my fingers in hers , in one or other pretext . now I
left caressing her back but pinched her nose or cheeks . she could not say any
thing for that as I withdrew my hand and placed it back on her waist , which was
ok for her . then it was again , another cold breeze and she shivered again . this
time I hold her more tight and she should be more comfortable with it . there
enough bed covers and blankets in cup board , which I never bothered to suggest
. this cold climate was really helping me a lot on bringing this girl near to me to
the optimum . I should thank to the weather and my brain had clicked at right
time for right plot . she snuggled more into my chest and her face was almost
touching mine , I could feel her hot breath on my chest . probably she was
thinking to ask for any thing warm coverings but she must have thought , as this is
farm house and they may not be available or if they were there , I would have  provided her .
 seduction 52.4
I took liberty of kissing her forehead for no reason , she too kissed
my chin and placed her face on my chest . this time I started caressing her back ,
there was no protest . I don’t know she liked it or tired of protesting . I took most
advantage of this , my hands were moving freely on her back . I was successful to
this extent after so much of efforts . this girl is hard nut to crack , I thought .
I pulled her upwards till our faces were in level , she asked why . I said this way it
is easy to converse , she consented . I had raised her just because my hands could
not reach her bums , who was tell her . this made me easy to caress her most of
the back and even her ass . she was telling how boys will be after their group and
how beautiful girls are their in her group . I said I don’t think you have any other
beauties in your group and paused . she looked into my eyes and wanted to say
some thing , I was waiting for her response , certainly there was look of
disappointment in her eyes . then I continued other than both of you , you and
prema , I completed . now there was smile in her face , she said you are always
naughty in everything . girls call naughty but you are maestro in this art . she
kissed me on my cheeks , I said thanks for the compliment , is it compliment or
you are teasing me I asked . she said no it is true and you are more naughtier
than I had thought , pream used to tell me a lot about you , and your silly games
in home , how you make others laugh most of the time and even how you make
others fool .
 seduction 52.5
this time it was my turn to acknowledge her compliment with kiss . I
was above to kiss her on cheek but she moved her face , in fraction of second
decided to take advantage of her face turning . my lips landed on edge of mouth ,
partially on her lips . she looked at me and asked what is this new thing . I asked
what . she said kissing lips in mock voice . why didn’t you like it ? , she replied no
. I said it is your mistake , you turned your face on wrong moment . no
deliberately you did it she protested and started raising . before she could go , I
hold her tight . no darling it was accidental I was trying to convince her , but she
was not ready to buy it . there was look of hurt on her face . oh my god it is an
bad end of my seduction , I was fool to hurry , unnecessarily I hurried and spoiled
whatever chance I had , if I let her go off this time I was cock sure she would
never be in my arms in future .i did not let her move even an inch , she was saying
no I was not expecting this from you . I was convincing her but she was not
convinced .
Then I lost all my hopes of seduction , forget seduction even my friendship was
also on verge of explosion . my brain was thinking fast and at last I came to
conclusion .
 seduction 52.6
if at all I have to lose her , I should make an last attempt , if win
every thing will be before me but if I lose I can ask to pardon me and sure she
would not .
I asked her are you serious about what you are saying , she said then what . all
men are alike and you are no exception . I opened my mouth to say some thing but
she was struggling to get free from me . I was thinking she is making this as a big
issue , if I had done any thing serious what could she say . see vaish , let me be
very clear to you , it was unintentional and if at I wanted to do , I would have
done this way . I sealed her lips with mine and went on smooching her , she was
shocked and became inactive for a minute or so . she was really stunned to see
what I was doing to her . I hold her head tight and went on eating her lips . she
was awake from trance and started pushing me off and was struggling to get up .
but I threw my legs over her and hold her pinned . her body was squirming in my
arms , she was trying desperately to free her self and once she is free she will start
shouting at me , I was very sure of this consequence , I was preparing my self
mentally to conquer her in forthcoming argument or battle whatever it is .
I wanted to press her tits squeeze them till she shouts or surrender and play with
her nubile body and poke my fingers into her virgin pussy till she loses self
control . but in last moment I did not think this idea would be utter flop , but I
didn’t leave her .
 seduction 52.7
I continued kissing her and sucking her lower lip in my mouth , I didn’t leave her
till her struggles reduced . I think she had not yielded but she had reduced
struggles as she was helpless against my giant figure and strength . at last I left
her mouth , but before she raised her voce I closed her mouth with my palm . see
dear if at all I wanted to kiss I would have kissed this way but I had kissed this
way which landed accidentally on your lips that too at corner of mouth . do you know the
difference now , first one was accidental like this and planted a kiss on side of her mouth
and when I did deliberately it was like this and bend forward as if to kiss full on her lips ,
she stopped me it is enough of explanation , you are naughty shaithan bhai . does any bro
kisses his sis in this way and started laughing and she started hitting my chest with fists
playfully . I had won war and she was happy with whatever I did and had no objections .
I dropped the subject and sat up resting my back on head board and gathered her in my
arms and made her sit on my lap . what is this new thing she asked , I said getting bored
laying for so long I replied . that is ok why are you taking me on your lap she asked . no ,
nothing special we are getting closer now , do you have any objections I asked . she didn’t
reply but stepped from my lap and sat beside me . but she was almost leaning on me , we
continued chatting and again I lifted her , how light you are .
 seduction 52.8
. I feel as if a kid is sitting on
my lap and made her sit on my lap . she wanted to go back to previous sitting but I held
her bit tight . she sat back comfortably and we continued chatting . now I was taking more
liberty to caress her back and face . she was sitting on her left her legs were dangling
from cot . her left tit pressed on my chest . I wanted to make her horny but I had to be
careful . as simple kiss on her side of lips she had behaved in most unexpected manner .
Placed my right hand on her shoulder and pulled at me bit tight , she placed her head on
shoulder . she was comfortable , I wanted to make her sit right on my boner , but had no
courage , what would she think if she feels my erect cock beneath her nicely shaped and
hard bust . I pulled her nose with left hand she too did me same and I pinched her cheek ,
she too pinched me back . so this play went for some time , she didn’t spare to reply me in
the way I did to her . then I kissed her cheeks , she too kissed me back on cheeks .
laughingly I gave a peck on her lips , in return she came forward to kiss on my lips but in
last second she backed off . I asked her what happened to my scary sister . she asked
where did I scare . then why did you back off . you have been replying me to all my acts in
same manner but why did not you dare to kiss my lips . she said nothing like that but I
thought it is not proper so I didn’t do it .
So you think I am not worth a person to kiss on his lips , it is ok now I know where I stand
in your heart . I am not at all match to you and I am not worthy enough to receive love
from you .
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seduction 52.9
thanks for realizing my status in your eyes , ok go back to your place and I
pushed her off her body and turned , making face as if I am realy hurt and she only hurt
me badly . her face dropped and she asked why do you get so angry on such a silly matter
. nothing like that , she tried to sled back on my lap but I pushed her butt and I slide at
other side , ok good night dear sister if you still feel like bro , go to your bed and I tried to
lay on my back . she looked at me , her eyes were filled with tears , she tried to plea but I
was not caring any more . I turned my face at other side and lay on bed . I thought she
will go back , but instead she sat beside me and caressed my cheek .she played with my
hairs , bhayya please look at me I didn’t mean to hurt you .she was pleading but I was
pretending as if I am angry with her . I was emotionally blackmailing her . I was brute to
take disadvantage of innocent girls , this had become common to me I had been doing this
to other girls too .
Sorry bhayya ,I didn’t mean to hurt you . did I do any big mistake why are getting so
angry with me , I truly love you bhayya . would I allow any one else to come near me if I
didn’t love . she leaned over
my sleeping body , her face was over mine . I closed my eyes to pull it for some more time
, then I felt wetting my face , I opened my eyes to find flow of tears from her eyes . I think I
over acted , I felt sorry for making her cry .
 seduction 52.10
this was too much I thought for my self .
immediately I sat up and I took her in my lap and hugged her , she hid her face on my
shoulder , though she was trying to stop crying but sobbed again . I lifted her face from
my shoulder and tried to look into her eyes , both of us said sorry simultaneously . it was
mere coincidence , we tried to smile at each other . she said why do you get angry so early
, I think you need to control your temper . I said thanks for the advice and hence forth I
will try to control myself , ( she didn’t know I was just acting , I have self control in all the
respects ) . again repeated sorry and I should not have got angry and I am really pissed
off for my acts . she said its all right , I didn’t know some times you get too emotional for
few things , any way it made me understand one more lesson of your feelings . I hugged
her and said thanks dear you are so understanding , I thank god for providing me such an
wonderful girl as sister for me . she was happy to hear praises from me , she smiled at me
, now her eyes were clear and were shining with happiness . we were talking all of a
sudden she got up from my lap and headed towards corner , I was looking in amazement ,
what she is up to at this hour . she took bag containing fruits given by those peasants .
I asked what are doing , she said I have never tasted such wild fruits and I am curious , she
poured those fruits on bed and asked for knife , I told where to find one . I protested why
do you need knife now , its late come on and let us sleep .she said we shall sleep but not
before tasting few of fruits .
 seduction 52.11
I kept mum she found knife and cut few fruits one from each
variety . we took some were really tasty and few sour but all of them were good in one or
other way . then she took out the poly bag of those forbidden fruits . in fact I too had not
seen them , I remembered his caution of all were only for me and not for girls .i stopped
vaishali but she was reluctant she cut one fruit and gave me . but I took other piece also
from her hand and asked her to occupy seat . those fruits had covered big part of bed , so
she came and sat in my lap even without invitation . I was happy as she had come much
closer and forgotten of being angry few minutes before .
I avoid that particular fruit and shared some other . I placed a piece in her mouth and hold
it to let her eat . she didn’t touch it with her hands so I took other end in my mouth , we
ate it simultaneously . once the fruit was over my lips touched hers , she raised her eye
brows and looked into my eyes , I didn’t bother to answer but my lips closed her lips , she
was in dilemma whether to stop me or not . then I backed out there was sign of relief in
her eyes. Me too was satisfied as there was no protest from her . this time she took that
forbidden fruit , placed in my mouth and took other end in her teeth . I wanted to stop her
but she was reluctant . I didn’t want to scare her but could not stop her too . I thought
what would happen if she ate little part from one piece .
 seduction 52.12
but she took another part and ate
it for herself . then we repeated game of sharing and every time I made it for sure to kiss
her lips little longer than before . thus we spent some more time in eating fruits slowly but in a romantic way .
She said enough fruits for now , she wanted to fill them in bag but I stopped her and said
let us fill them later . I was feeling a kind of drowsy and some unexpected heat inside me .
I pulled her face and kissed for a short time on lips and left . this time there was no protest
at all from her . she looked at me and asked happy now . for what I asked . for letting you
kiss me she replied . thanks darling , by the way which one was better , whether first one
or this . she hesitated for some time , I repeated my question . she said first one was better
though it was forced one but was longer and tastier she admitted . so let me repeat it and I
pulled her face to me . she placed her palm between her faces and said , I didn’t ask for it
but only commented about it . I said that is fine but let me try which way you like more .
before she stopped me I wiped her hand out and sealed her lips with mine . it was an long
lasting smooch , she didn’t know how to respond but after a while she too tried to reply in
her own way , she too tried to lick my upper lip as her lower lip was in my mouth . must
have kissed for few minutes . once we broke I asked her how was this one , she blushed
and droppedt her head down . I lifted her chin and repeated , she blushed again and hid
her face on my shoulder , whispered it was best one . after some time I ventured again for
another mind-blowing smooch .
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seduction 52.13
this time she didn’t protest for kiss but when my palm
wandered on her chest and cupped her tit , she sensed where my hand was , she didn’t
break kiss but pushed my hand away from her hardening tit .
This smooch was much better than previous ones as she had respond whole heartedly .
this was one step promotion for me , few minutes back she had made a big issue and now
she cooperating or rather participating in smooch , which I could not believe myself . I
think she yields in slow seduction , but time was running out , it was getting late to sleep ,
but wonder was she didn’t complain of time , which was advantage for me . I made her sit
on my lap properly , still I was avoiding touch of my erect cock , though it was becoming
non bearable . I had to have patience to win heart of this girl . she was leaning on me .
her left hand was over my shoulder , her face was near my face . she was talking freely
she had lost initial inhibitions but still sexually reserved . I was satisfied with these
developments , I was sure even if I fail to achieve today , I can en-cash it even later also ,
but this was most appropriate and god gifted moment for me . I didn’t want to lose this
opportunity . I placed my hand around her back and let it brush her right tit . I didn’t cup
it but brushed often .
I appreciated her learning skill , she asked learning what . I said any thing you are good
learner , you pick the tricks fast for instance your third kiss was marvelous , if you repeat
few more times , you will become master .
 seduction 52.14
I think in our next session you may be able to
teach new things to me . do you mean I will go on practicing this with any one I meet she
replied in mock voice . no nothing of that sort dear , you wont need any more practice
with any one than me . in our next session you will be mentally prepared , and may adopt
new things too . I continued boosting her , some times she blushed and some time she was
happy to hear appreciating her . then I asked for one more try , she willingly came
forward as I had prepared mentally for that . this time I made it sure to arouse her more .
I took her tongue in my mouth and sucked it and sucked her lips too . then I asked her to
suck my tongue , she took this as lesson than lust . but for me it was pure lust , I cupped
her right tit and hold it for some time and then pressed it lightly . she didn’t respond
initially but later she must have felt that was pressing her tit . she brushed my hand with
her elbow , but it went on reappearing in a while . she opened her eyes and looked deep
into my eyes .she gestured not to touch her tit , but who was I to listen . she had to break
kiss and said math karo bhayya , please keep your hand away and resumed kiss . so I had
to wait for some time , I kept quite for a minute or two before my hand reached on her
chest . this time I just kept cupped , didn’t dare to press , so that she should not lose the
good mood .
 seduction 52.15
When she broke kiss , she said you are naughty , I said thanks for compliment , but can I
know for what you are appreciating me . she laughed heartily and said you know better . I
acted innocent so that let her disclose what she meant . I asked her again what the matter
is , she was not going to reveal and I was not going to stop asking . she blushed every time
I asked . she was in a state where she could not express , how can a innocent girl can say
you pressed my tits , that too we are not yet sexually involved ( practically ) . she kept
quite but on my persistence she said you were touching me here and there and she wanted
me to stop questioning , she tried to divert subject but I kept coming back to same subject .
at last she bowed her head down and said , you were touching me here , she pointed her
index finger towards her tit , she hid her face on my shoulder .
why don’t you say it boldly instead of showing with finger . I think we are friends now ,
do you accept it , she nod her head in affirmative . then why should you shy so much , you
could say verbally . she blushed again and hid her face . I cupped her left tit which was
pressed on my chest , I am just curious to know what is rigging bore in my chest , what
you have kept so hard thing that is making a hole on my chest and pressed it . bhayya
please don’t do it , she wiped my hand from her tit , but I placed my palm again on her tit .
I am curious to know what you have placed here on your tit , it is so hard and pressed it
softly . she could not stop herself from light and in audible moan . what happened darling
did I hurt you here and again pressed her tit .
 seduction 52.16
oh you are shameless bhayya , does any brother touches their sister their . please don’t do
it , if you repeat I will go back to my bed . I held her , I could not understand what you are
trying to say I asked in innocent tone . don’t act so innocent , you know what you are
doing , why you ask me even knowing what I mean was her reply . are you talking about
your tit I asked , she nodded . you could say this to me directly , we are friends no . we can
be free to say what we feel , then only we can be more close and more friendly . I am
doing nothing but I wanted to see what kind of bra you are using , it is so hard and it is
poking my chest , I think if we sit like this for some more time , you will leave me with a
big hole on my chest .she laughed and pinched my nose , you are getting more and more
naughty , leave me let me sleep now , but there was no serious move to go . I held her
again and asked for one more smooch , she said no already my lips are burning , I think
they are swollen , she was right , her lips had swollen due to frequent and long kisses .
there was no doubt she was enjoying my company but was not ready to express . she let
me smooch again and this time too I pressed her tit , she pushed my hand away from her tit
and kept herself cupped that . her left hand was on my shoulder and she cupped her tit
with right hand . so , I pulled her more towards me tight and leaving her right tit , took
her left in my palm , this time she had to leave her right to protect her left one . she tried
to break smooch , but I held her head tight , she continued kiss but trying to push my hand
 seduction 52.17
then I played with other uncovered tit , this game continued for few minutes . after
getting air she said you are very bad bhayya , despite of my protests you are reaching most
prohibited area . I asked where she again indicated with her fingers . please don’t do it , it
tickles me there and basically I don’t like it . if you don’t like I am sorry for that , but what
can I do , I am in total confusion . she asked what is that , I said let it be . if I tell you will
go mad and threaten me of leaving me . she said no , I wont get angry but you ask me
what you want to . I said no I don’t want to lose you for my simple curiosity , but at the
same time I am so much confused . I made her curious to ask me and made her promise
that she wont be angry even if I ask her most disgusting thing . she was insisting me to
speak , acting total innocent I said if you insist I will ask but you will have to keep it in
mind that you have promised of not getting angry . I don’t want to lose friendship of this
lovely sis , I wont afford to create any sort of misunderstanding between us .
this made her more curious , at last on her persistent requests , I said you are wearing
some thing inside your top . she said nothing . no I cant go wrong you are wearing some
thing hard to protect your tits , initially I thought you are wearing padded bra . but when
it is cutting hole on my chest , I think you are wearing something , may be of some fibre
made thing . it hurts so much you know , she was bewildered by my talk . she must be
thinking how the hell rubbing of tits can hurt .
 seduction 52.18
I had to provide proof for my next advances
. she said impossible I am not wearing any thing under top and you are kidding . I said no ,
I am serious and if you want proof I will show how badly I am hurt . saying this I
discarded my shirt , and west . see here can you see bruises on my chest , she was shocked
to see my chest , I pulled her nearer as she had moved away from me in anger of teasing
her . her fingers automatically went to see the bruise . she said you are right , there are
some bruise but it cant be because of me . some thing must have happened to you earlier ,
or you must have fallen some where . I said since morning I am with you only , you have
seen me almost nude in river , was it there ?.she said if I remember right it was not there ,
though I had not seen examining, but as far as I think it was not there , I do agree . how
can it appear all of a sudden she was thinking . I said now you believed it no , that is why
elders have said seeing is believing . she said I am sorry to see this bhayya , please believe
me I cant be responsible for this , does it hurt so much she asked while she took her
fingers on it . she caressed lightly and inquired does it hurt on my caress too . I said not
much but I can feel it . tears started accumulating in her eyes , I am sorry bhayya , if it is
due to me but I cant imagine how can it happen by mere brushing of tits , she
unconsciously said tits and bite her tongue on understanding what she said . I am sure this
is not her fault , any one who spends some time with me start speaking Sanskrit words .
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seduction 52.19
they will start with tits and end up in lund , bur fuckoff . sangethis sangh dosh . I smiled at
her and said , so you are sure now and I haven’t mislead you or I was kidding . she nod
her head , but bhayya trust me I should not be cause of this problem . what else could be
the reason , if material of your dress had any hard thins embedded on them could be cause
, why are you pretending , when you are cock sure of reason . what an kind of language
you use bhayya , I did never knew forget using these terms I was under impression that
you don’t even know these words as you are moving in high society . I laughed at her that
may be true but basically I am boy and in boys group these words are common , but don’t
try to be too smart . I know you are trying to change topic , please tell me what you are
wearing . she sank in shame and tried to convince me , but I was not there to hear her
words and believe them . in fact these bruises were due to prema had pushed me hard
when I wiped leaking mixture of cum , she had intended to hurt me but I lost balance and
fell on pabangt bruising my self . this I wanted take use ( misuse ) for my own benefit
.when I said I am with her since morning but in tension she must have forgotten that me
and prema were missing for some time .
whatever it is , you cant fool me. If you don’t want to tell me it is ok . but don’t tell that you
are not wearing any thing underneath . she was shy to comment anything , how the hell
she can prove , even after feeling her tits I adhered to my own words .
she was in hell of a
confusion , she could neither prove nor disprove . at last she said in crying voice bhayya
please trust me , I am not wearing any thing underneath , at the same time I believe in
your words . I am seeing with my own eyes that there is bruise and you are not at all
kidding . I am in utter dilemma about how to make you believe me . there is only one way
to prove my self , that is I have to show you the way you show me , which I cant do .
if you don’t want to disprove it is up to you , you can leave your brother hurt emotionally
as well physically . ok kid I did not expect it from you , you can go to your bed and lay
down . no need to say anything , she stopped in midst of words . I was expecting same
words from you . I knew you get upset fast , I can understand it . now I know you
completely you are not only tough for situations but very mild at heart . I promise you , I
wont leave you unsatisfied , I will prove that I have not committed any mistake . without a
second word she lifted her kameez to show me her cone shaped beautiful tits . I did see
with corner of my eyes . she shut it back , I looked at her face and asked her , did you say
something . she was shocked to hear . bhayya I did show myself that I am not wearing any
thing underneath . did you show , sorry I was lost in my thoughts , ok let it be I said . she
was in utter shy , once she had made her mind to show her boobs but she had thought that
I had seen her topless but I pretended that I was not at all aware of that . she looked at me
as if asking for some mercy .
 seduction 52.21
but my face was expression less , she thought for a while
again and asked me do you want to see again to confirm . I said I didn’t ask for it , if at all
you want to show yourself it is ok , but later don’t blame me that I asked to show , and if
you are showing , it has to be thorough . there were no much options for her either to
show or leave me .my previous acts like getting angry against her was working , that kind
of fear psychosis some times works . without a second word she raised her top to show me
her bare top . she had raised it to her neck , still her face was outside , she looked at me , I
wanted to drink her beauty , but I acted like bewildered for finding nothing . I wanted to
keep her in same state but could not ask her to show more . I didn’t see directly her boobs
or her partial nude body . are you satisfied now she asked . I nodded my head in positive
but said you are clever girl , more than I had expected you to be . now what she asked ,
she was pulling her top back to place . I said you didn’t show , what you are hiding
beneath your top .do you mean that I raised my bra too along with top , she asked . you
know what I mean and I am sure , you are smart enough to conceal it from me , ok let it be
, I am not interested to know , I teased her . she got real angry now , she just pulled her
kameez from her body and threw it at me . both of us were topless now , but I didn’t bother
to look at her partial nude body but acted as if I was investigating her dress . I wanted to
stare at her conical shaped hard tits , but could not dare or bother .
 seduction 52.22
this was also another
trick I wanted to use on her . after examining her dress , I threw it away and said I am really
sorry dear .please excuse me , I was under wrong impression , I am a fool to hurt your
feelings . I am very bad and useless man . not worthy of making friends with such a lovely
sis , I am really sorry in fact I am not even eligible to ask pardon but . please punish me , I
acted like really emotional , I pulled her near me , I took her left hand into mine and
started slapping my self with her hand . it was her turn to be shocked .
she was bewildered by my acts , she didn’t know how to respond as she was stunned . she
had left her hand free , so I was using her hand to slap my self , after some slaps she came
to senses and tried to pull her hand free . but my grip was firm , I tried to continue
slapping but it was not possible for me without her cooperation , who the hell wanted to
continue with slaps , but unfortunately trying to emotional I had hit my self bit hard . she
broke into crying and plead me to stop my acts , she had taken it for real and was asking
me to stop , whatever happened is happened , it was simple confusion and you didn’t make
it with purpose . please forgive me too , I should have shown my garment on first instance
itself but I acted like a fool , I am also equally guilty , so please pardon me too bhayya .
she stretched both of my hands with each of her hand and jumped on my lap to hug me
tight . still I was saying sorry and to excuse me . she placed her head on my shoulder , it
was wetting with her tears .
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seduction 52.23
I wanted to enjoy skin to skin touch, but at the same time I
was feeling guilty for misusing her innocence . I should not do any thing to her , I was
fighting with my own consciousness . they were tough moments for my , I was lost in
dilemma , what should be my next step . I thought of covering her back with her dress and
console her , if possible to confess , but at the same time I was bit horny on our touch , her
bare tits pressing on my bare chest . I have taken so much pain and planned to seduce her
, I am so near to my success how can leave her , at any cost I should fuck her and steal her
cherry . but my mind was telling it is sin , I am misusing her innocence and trust on me . I
too started crying , subconsciously , tears were rolling on my cheeks . she was stunned to
find me crying , I was in utter dilemma . she looked into my eyes , bhayya please don’t cry
, she repeated many times and wiped my tears with her lips , she was actually drinking my
tears . I was emotionally disturbed , this had not happened previously with any of the girls
, not even while seduced kavitha using her innocence . but that was different case I wanted
to take revenge or fuck her at any cost for her miss behaving with me . but here I was
using naïve girl for my selfishness .
I hugged her tightly , ok dear if you are comfortable with it , still I think I should not have
asked . she closed my lips with her palm and later replaced with her lips . we had another
smooch , it was some thing like she was trying to soothe a kid which was crying for some
reason .
 seduction 52.24
I didn’t feel it was erotic but soothing , it was all right with me . I was happy she
didn’t mind this incidence much . we sat guled to each other for some time even after
breaking kiss , she had stayed on my lap , she did not even think of dismounting from me .
she had forgotten that both of us were topless and her tits were pressed on my broad chest
. she had lost in her own world must be thinking what happened to us , why she had to
disrobe and at last how she had to cool me and must be feeling proud to do so . surely
credit should go to her , otherwise she could have made big hue and cry . there was no
issue now , she was sitting so cool as if she belonged there itself . once we both were
settled I started feeling her breasts on my bare chest , shaitan in me started awake . I
forgot all the hassles took just few minutes back and my dirty mind was thinking of the
beauty sitting on my lap and her semi nudeness , it was planning to cup her bare tit and
feel it , press them and even take them into mouth and suck till she produces milk . how
mindset changes so fast , how lust overpowers all the thinking and crossing boundary of
self prestige or consciousness , best example was me only . both of us were silent , she was
looking deep into my eyes , our souls were speaking through our eyes . I don’t know when
my hand traveled to her right tit and cupped it , she too was un aware about it . she looked
at her tit and my hand when I pressed it bit harder . she looked at them and into my eyes ,
didn’t comment for few seconds , believe me she didn’t object but looked straight into my
eyes .
 seduction 52.25
after some time she might have found right words to comment . so what is going
now , are you not satisfied that there was nothing which could have hurt you , or checking
for any metallic implantation in them , her voice was stern , her eyes looked serious of
what she was saying . I was ashamed of my acts , I should not have forgotten misbehavior
with her so early , but my dirty mind put me on shame again . I was speechless , I was
fumbling for words or rather excuse , my hand had moved away from her body as if I had
touched live wire . at last made up my mind to beg pardon . I opened my mouth to ask
excuse , probably she knew what I was going to say , she stopped me from saying . I was
sinking in shame , but for my wonder she didn’t say instead she laughed at my scare
d face . I thought you are very brave , you scared darpok kahi ka . laughed again , I got my
breath back . but please don’t do it , it tickles me she continued .
what did you say was I checking for any implanted material , it is an grate idea which I
had never thought , thanks for giving idea . I embraced her and took her left tit into my
hand and caressed it . both of us laughed at each other . she was losing inhibitions slowly
. I didn’t leave her tits , continued holding it , later started pressing one by one . she
slightly protested bhayya don’t do it , it was a weak protest . after couple of minutes she
pushed my hand away .
 seduction 52.26
this time I didn’t mind it , we talked for some more time again now
and then my hand traveled to her tits as if magnet attracts . some times she let me feel her
tits but some times she pushed my hand politely . this continued for some more time , once
I raised her body some more on lap and raised my thighs too , now her face was at higher
than mine , her shoulder was at my face level . I kissed her cheeks and then her neck ,
slowly my face traveled her upper chest and my lips landed on her hard tits . she had
closed her eyes and threw back her head , once she felt my moist lips on her nipple then
only she realized what I was doing , she pushed my head and got her tit free of my mouth .
she started shouting , who gave you permission to do such nasty thing , I let you touch my
tits just not to disturb your mood , it does not mean that you can do any thing . let me go
give my top I want to wear and call it a night . she looked serious again , this bitch is not
easy to understand I thought . but I didn’t leave her , held her in same position . . I said I
am not doing any thing but loving my doll sister . how can any boy keep quite looking at
so delicious girl , whether bro or any one ,it is almost impossible task even for saints or
may be god . there was some argument and hot discussion to convince her . I said I am not
harming you , but wanted to see how these fruits taste after tasting other fruits , just I
wanted to try . some how made her convinced and she continued to sit on my lap , but with
a request of not doing any thing . I asked her permission to touch at least . with some
difficulty she agreed for that but no sucking business she warned me .
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seduction 52.28
on my caressing and pinching of nipples were arousing her , then I made my mind to ask
for permission to taste those virgin tits . at last I asked her dear I cant abstain myself from
sucking your virgin tits , they are so beautiful , please grant me permission to taste them .
I am sorry if I offend you , I don’t want to force you are do it without your kind permission
, please , please . after little convincing and praising her beauty and her nature how
understang she is and how lucky I am to her as friend cum sister . she permitted taste once
, and with caution not to bite them . she was pleading not to do such things to her , she is
not only virgin but so far no male has even seen me nude or half nude forget touching me
any where . I don’t even sit along with other boys not even with brothers . so far you have
made me do so many things today . shree bhayya please don’t ask for it was her plea . I
don’t know whether she meant what she said or she was in threat that if permitted to suck
what would be consequence . what an blind asks for , only two eyes , so I got what I
wanted . mere by fingers I had made her bit aroused however she was trying to control
herself . what can I do with my tongue was question . I wanted to go slow , I don’t know
whether she will permit me again or not . I should make best use of this permission . I
folded my legs knees raised , I made her sit on my knees so that I can suck without any
strain . she took support of my shoulder , she was looking into my eyes , I assured her with
eyes only that I am not going to harm you .
 seduction 52.29
she made effort to smile but utterly failed . she was pleading still not to doit , so far you
have made me listen to all your words , please bhayya this time you listen to me . I was not
ready to come to your bed also but just honor your words I came here , and now I am
topless and allowed you to touch me even you pressed my tits too . this is the limit bhayya
, please stop it and let me go to my bed . I assured her , I wont harm you , or bite there . if
you want to withdraw any time you have to say so , I will leave you that second itself .
after another round of convincing she allowed to suck her tits . I extended my tongue and
touched bottom of her tit . she thought I would stop on that moment itself , or she was
waiting me to suck her puffy nipples and she would stop me . I had anticipated this , so I
just avoid that sensitive area and concentrated on periphery of her tits . I went on licking
around her tits avoiding nipples , I started at outer edge of her boobs and came inside
towards nipple but stopped before my tongue touched areola .
whenever I came near to her nipples she was getting tensed , but when I left it I felt she
was getting disappointed . after all she had let me to do so many things , you just imagines
she has never shared seat or sat beside any male , had permitted to suck her tits , it is but
natural to get some pleasure in return . it was sure she was getting enjoyment wherever I
licked she was getting goose pumps but she was expecting me to lick her nipples may be
she would stop me once I licked them . I was trying my level best to arouse her to the
optimum . I looked at her face and into eyes ,
 seduction 52.30
I felt she is getting aroused and even was
waiting impatiently for her tits to be sucked thoroughly . after waiting a lot she said ,
bhayya if you want you can suck nipples too , but make it short some thing is happening to
me . so it was best invitation of life , I was dying to hear this from her mouth . I smiled my
self , I was getting confidence of winning this girl . I looked at her again she repeated same
and indicated that she is getting sleepy and so finish it off and leave her so that she can
take some rest after tiresome day , it was an polite invitation , she could not fool me by
mere those words . I was happy to learn that she has begun to like it , so thought of
making it more sensuous . I lift her in my arm carefully like lifting fragile item and laid
her on bed . straightened her legs , she looked at me in confusion , may be she was
thinking that I will remaining clothes and start fucking her . I asked her to keep relaxed ,
nothing is going to happen which you don’t like . she was bit relieved and looked at me for
further steps I am going to take .
I lay her on her back and I rolled beside her , raised my torso on my elbow and pushed
myself near her . most of my body was touching hers . I bend on her body to start licking
game , I started from beginning , she was looking at me with full interest . I again started
licking from base of her breast to centre and making her want me to suck and lick her
beautiful boobs , even while she lay her breasts stood straight , what an magnificent boobs
she has , no sag despite of her good size , they were standing like brave soldier .
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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