Fantasy Jaya - A Lonely Wife's Adventures
Hey Guys…..! Here’s the next update…. I am speeding up the story a little bit as mentioned in my previous update….. Rest assured, the main plot and the story will not change.

I have added some pics.... Hope you like them.....

I have also added the Index on the first page..... Will post links to further updates.


So here goes……

The auto Jaya had hired, reached the decided mall beating traffic…… Jaya paid the auto guy and moved inside the mall…..
Jaya took the Escalator to the first floor….. She waited for her stranger friend at the entrance of a big clothes store in the mall…… She was observing everyone coming towards the shop entrance trying to identify who the Stranger could be…..

[Image: kajal-aggarwal-maangalya-shopping-malli-...1%2529.jpg]

Jaya was exited as well as scared….. this was something she had never done….. in the last couple of days, Jaya had tried various new things which she had never even thought about before….. Obviously, she was scared…. Her heart was racing….

She looked at the all the young girls, who were walking hand in hand in the mall, cuddling, behaving naughty with their respective boyfriend’s, or husband’s…. She missed her husband….
The last time she visited a mall was after her marriage, with her husband….. but she had not walked hand in hand with him… she was shy, and look at her today, she was waiting for someone to walk hand in hand who is not her husband, the man she was waiting for was neither her relation or even a friend…. He was stranger, a total stranger…… Fear and excitement were at peak levels…..
While she was watching, people come in a go out…. She spotted a man in a nice brown suit…., clean shaven, He was walking as if approaching her….. Her heart beating started to increase….. she kept staring at him as if trying to remember if she already knew him…..

He came near her….. The man extended his hand towards her…..

Stranger: Hello Mrs Jaya, hope I did not keep you waiting for long…..
Jaya was startled…. The stranger she was talking over the phone…. was finally in front of her….
All she could do was extend her hand and shook hands with him…..
Jaya: Hee….llo…..
She said meekly….. She felt a loss of words….
Stranger: Looks like you are thirsty…., Shall we go have some coffee, tea or some juice…..

[Image: Zmt0q1iZGuxxMqAVRaJQeSn4LPtExKI5CxnYXAkr...bJN987x6Iw]

Like a robot under the influence of instructions, Jaya caught his hand and walked towards the cafeteria on the top floor of the mall……

Jaya struggled to remember if she knew him…… It was impossible for anyone to find out in-depth details about her….
The stranger spotted a corner seat, and since it was mid-afternoon, there were less people in the cafeteria…..
The Stranger asked Jaya to sit and wait while he fetched some juice…… He came back with 2 glasses of juice and sat beside Jaya…..
Jaya expected him to sit opposite to her, she did not expect him to sit beside her…… she did not object as well……
Stranger: Am I looking so handsome, you can’t take your eyes off me?

Jaya was pulled out the trans she was in, She lowered her eyes and started looking sideways…..
Stranger: Look Mrs. Jaya, I don’t understand why are you still scared….. I am no animal to eat you alive…..
Jaya: I can’t believe, I am sitting with an unknown man, I don’t even know your name…..
Stranger: As I told you over the phone, names are really not that important, feelings are important….. your feeling scared, tensed…. they need to cooled down first….
Jaya: It may be simple for you say all that, but its not that simple for me……
Stranger: If it was simple, why would you be here with me? I know its not simple, which is why I am here……
Jaya: I am married and you should not provoke me like this…., I am unable to think straight… I don’t know what got into me and I agreed to meet you….
Stranger: He said I know you are married but that does mean she cannot pleasure herself, nor stop loving herself….
Ultimately, Jaya asked him
Jaya: What you want from me.
Stranger: Someone with who I can have fun and receive some fun back. He said we can have a nice time if you agree.
Jaya: I don’t think I can give you what you want…….
Stranger: I can understand its too early….. anyways, finish your juice, we need to go shopping….. We have all day to decide what’s next….

Jaya felt a relief, she was worried he may drag her into conversation and do what he intends to…. But the stranger was well behaved….. She liked that…..

The stranger also knew for a fact that no women will break out of her shell so easily….. and he had to take things slowly….. but by this time, he was successful in keeping the conversation on….. That itself was a big Breakthru…. She was not objecting to talk to him…… He was sure, that in another day or 2 she not would object any of his moves…….
Both of them moved into the shop…., The stranger selected some Punjabi Suits, most of them were deep neck, sleeveless….
She rejected them immediately……

Jaya: You just said, it was too early for all this then how cum you choose such dresses?

Stranger: I also told you, you should not waste more time,
The stranger managed to convince her, to choose at least the sleeveless ones…. She took them to the trial room….
Inside the trial room, she stripped off her saree & blouse, and wore the top….., She looked herself in the mirror, she looked different……
She came out to show the stranger the outfit, the stranger signaled her that it was not so good, and asked her to try another one…..

She did that and again walked out and showed herself to the stranger….. she tried about 4 suits and she liked 3 out of the 4….

[Image: tLMt0Y-Ck5yjLCPUMARIDzl72eJkfbmt4t8yenIm...tABnaLJIm9]

The stranger could see that Jaya was feeling shy when ever she showed herself to the him…… Jaya had worn a Punjabi suit after many years….,

The stranger paid the bills, though Jaya objected him, he still paid the bills and called an auto to take Jaya home….. Jaya sat in the auto and went home…..
While she was in the auto, she received a message…… It was from the stranger….
Stranger: You looked stunning…. I hope you liked it too….
Jaya: Yes… they are lovely….. I will wear them from tomorrow, I know you will see me…..
Stranger: I am not interested in seeing you in these clothes…. You know….
Jaya: Don’t you think of anything else……
Stranger: I hope to see you start thinking about it every time… just like me… Ha Ha Ha
Jaya: Very ambitious…. I must say, anyways I have just reached home, I need to prepare lunch, I will talk to you later…..
Stranger: Ok Darling, will wait for your call.
Jaya got down from the auto, paid for it and entered the apartment compound……

She saw that the watchman was standing there…..

Watchman: Good Afternoon madam, looks like someone has been shopping……
Jaya: Ya, bought some dresses for myself.
She said and went to her apartment….. Jaya was now fully convinced that the watchman had not seen her….. he had really forgotten to give the keys back…. Jaya entered the house and saw that her FIL had not retuned home…. He had gone to the Visa office….. She got busy in lunch preparations….
Around same time yesterday, she had started chatting with the stranger…. And had fingered herself….. she felt odd between her legs….. She picked her phone and saw the pics sent by the stranger again…..

[Image: f3f970587800b5cd462df7553390afb3.jpg]

She slid her hands between her thighs…. She was lost in her thoughts, it was interrupted when the calling bell rang…..

She opened the door, it was her FIL along with a young boy….. and a middle aged aunty walked.
FIL: Jaya this is Mani and this is his mother Kamala…..
Mani: Good afternoon miss…..
Jaya: Good afternoon Mani
Kamala: Namaste Madam,
Jaya: Namaste Kamala…
Mani was a young boy aged 21 years and his mom would be around 40 years…. He was tall and slightly black and she so was she, she was a little plump and was short in height.…..
FIL: Mani do you know her?
Mani: Yes uncle, she is my teacher, I am her class……
Jaya: Yes dad, he is my student…..
FIL: That’s great then, I did not want you to stay alone….. this boy will stay with you and help you in your household works……
Jaya: Dad, how can I ask him to work? He is still a young boy…..
Kamala: Madam, I have a lot of financial troubles….. My Husband drinks all the time, I am working in most apartments in this building, the house we are living right now is very small, I was looking for an accommodation for Mani so that he can work and take care of his studies…… so when uncle told me, I agreed…..
FIL: I know, what you are thinking, but you know, she is working in Shekar uncle’s house…. I thought, it will benefit mutually… so I called him home. He will help you and you can help him study well…..
Jaya: Ok Dad,
Jaya: So Mani, will stay with me and study well, I will help you in studies…..
Mani: Sure miss, Thank You.
Jaya: ok then, go and get your clothes and books. You need to become a big man…. If you study well, you will surely become a big man and support your family…..
Mani: Sure miss, I will study well and also help you, you can tell me any work you want…..
Jaya: Great then……
Mani bid good bye to both and ran home to get his clothes and books.
Jaya: But dad, I can’t make him work for me…. How can I expect him to work as servant in our house…?
FIL: I can understand…. You don’t need to tell him any big kind of works…. He may just help you, just think of him as your roommate, just so that you don’t feel alone, and you can help him study well……
Jaya: I think you are right dad, by the way he is not bad in studies…. I think at home, I will be able to teach him in a better way…..
So, it was agreed that Mani will start staying with Jaya till MIL and FIL return from the US.
Jaya brought the dishes to the dining table and both had lunch. Jaya thought all the while, if Mani starts staying with her, she would not be able to talk to the stranger….. but somewhere she could not reject the idea to stop talking to him…..
After lunch, Jaya called the stranger,
Jaya: Hello…..

[Image: 4db13e9415181cc433bd64f05d4d066e.jpg]

Stranger: Hello darling…..

Jaya: Stop calling me darling, I am not your darling…
Stranger: You are my darling….. you know I like you,
Jaya: What is there to like in me?
Stranger: You have such a beautiful body……, I told you before, your Boobs are the special effect on your body…..
Jaya: Chi….. Shameless you are….
Stranger: Yes, I am shameless, and another few days, I will make you also shameless……
Jaya: Never, I will never…
Stranger: Leave that to me darling…… anyways what are you doing now?
Jaya: In my room, just finished lunch…..
Stranger: so you are still wearing a saree or something else…..
Jaya: You started again…..
Stranger: Why you don’t want to start…. Tell me frankly, why you called me now?
Jaya: I casually called you……
Stranger: stop this casual business….. you and I both know what we want…. Why are you wasting time?
Jaya: Anyways leave that….. the good news is that the security guard did not come… he had really forgotten to give me the keys….. I can’t tell you how relieved I am…..
Stranger: Oh…. How is this good news….
Jaya: Shut up, you don’t know what I was going through…. And moreover, you scared me so much, if it were true, then I don’t know what I would do?
Stranger: Look darling, every women needs a man’s touch, that’s why she get’s married, but in your case, you are married but missing a man’s touch….. You know, any husband or wife when they start finding their missing partner, the love for their spouses increases….
Jaya: Non-sense, there is no such theory…..
Stranger: Its true darling….. and you the spouses start loving each other more….. their relation get more stronger…..
Jaya who was already confused to the limit was now confused even more, she somehow felt, whatever the stranger said was all true…..
Jaya: So, what you mean is that even I should cheat on my husband, my husband will cheat with someone else and both he and I will start loving each other more?
Stranger: This is not called cheating….. Cheating is when you look for another man’s touch even when you have a husband to touch you, but I already told you…. Your case is different….. You husband is not here…. So, you have the right to fill that part of the gap……
Jaya: But you don’t understand, I am scared…. And from tomorrow another boy will be staying with me and my FIL is also going to the US.
Stranger: Ohhhh, so your FIL has arranged a man for you while he is not there….. now you can enjoy easily….. Hope I was that boy….
Jaya: Disgusting…. You know he is my student….. You can only think of such cheap things…
Stranger: Oh… I am cheap…., I am cheap, ok tell me something then, what you are already doing, what will you call this….? talking to another man who is not your husband…… If you feel doing that is cheating, then on the same terms, this is also cheating….. will you stop talking to me?
Jaya did not want this new found option to go away……
Jaya: No, No, I did not mean that….. Ok what is that you want me to do now…..?
Stranger: Well, we can proceed to the next step?
Jaya: What is that?
Stranger: There are 2 options, 1 is that what we did yesterday, but it will be a waste of time…..
Jaya: And what is the option No. 2?
Stranger: Simple, we need to start meeting…..
Jaya: We met today already……
Stranger: Not that meeting dumb head…..
Jaya: Then?
Stranger: Meeting means, like a man and women meet……
Jaya: You are too direct…. I need some time to think…..
Stranger: Oh. so, you want someone to manipulate you, confuse you and then do what he wants?
Jaya: No, I did not mean like that….. Just that….
Stranger: Then what did you mean…..
Jaya: You are too fast…. Slow down a little…..
Stranger: OK…. Do one thing then….. call me when you are ready…. Bye…..
Jaya: ok….ok…. sorry, I am sorry…. don’t say that…..
Stranger felt going this slow, he will lose his interest in her sooner or later, she was not opening up…..
Stranger: Look Jaya, you have been alone for over 15 – 20 days now…. you allowed a stranger to get you to have a lovely orgasm….. you know what you have been missing, why do you want to still go slow? My suggestion, follow my instructions and you will experience what real pleasure is……
Jaya: OK… I understand… Give me some time, I will call you after my FIL leaves the day after tomorrow.
Stranger: That’s lovely, but you will go to school tomorrow, right?
Jaya: Yes, tomorrow I will but the day after tomorrow I will be on leave……
Stranger: Great then, we can meet after that…..
Jaya: Ok…. I will meet you.
Stranger: Then what about today, tomorrow and the day after, don’t you want to start…..
Jaya: I can’t meet you till the day after tomorrow…..
Stranger: No problem, we can over the phone…..
Jaya: How cum over the phone?
Stranger: Have you heard about something called as phone sex….
Jaya: Yes, I have…..
Stranger: Oh…. So you know about it….. You are not so dumb as much as I thought….
Jaya: A teacher colleague told me….. I did not know about it till then……
Stranger: Great then…. At least I don’t need to explain about that to you…..
Jaya: I only know about the term, don’t know anything else…..
Stranger: No Problem, just let yourself loose and I will do the rest….. Ready?
Jaya: I guess…..
Stranger: Turn on your video……

Jaya: Oh No….. no video please….

[Image: f53611028e6eb7fa87fd197ea45a0be5.jpg]

Stranger: Don’t forget darling, I have already seen you once,

Jaya switched to video call, she saw him, she was shyly smiling…. He was sitting without a shirt…., She was wearing a nightie…. the last time she saw him, he was in a nice brown suit…

[Image: anjdeakkcmkes22s-415x250.jpg]

He had a slightly hairy chest, broad shoulders…… Jaya’s eyes widened….. she had not seen any man like this before…. It was sure going to be an exciting adventure…..

 Stranger: hmm….. Looking beautiful…… but I like women wearing something else…..

Jaya: What Punjabi suits?
Stranger: Nothing darling…. Nothing at all…. see me…. I like women like this….. naked, nude…. wearing nothing…..
The stranger was not just shirtless, he was nude….. he showed cock to her….…
She hid her face, her face went red…..

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkVwWcY3ME4F0q-GddZuW...Q&usqp=CAU]

Jaya: Chi…. Please wear something… you are too disgusting…. Wear something or I will disconnect the video….

Stranger: Don’t be shy darling…. Did you not see your husband’s cock….. I am just returning the favour…. Yesterday I saw you naked, and today you saw me….. Did I hide my face like you are doing now?

Jaya: You are a man, you will definitely want to see all women without clothes….. but women are not like that…..
Stranger: Oh yes…. You are right, Women should never wear clothes…. who knows who and why did anyone design clothes for women…? Women should always remain naked…. Always…… try it once…. At least at home… try staying naked…..
Jaya: OK.. OK… stop it now… I will try, but did you wear something or not….
Jaya was enjoying the flow of the conversation….. She started feeling different as the conversation progressed…..
Stranger: Don’t worry, I will not show you my tool till you ask for it….. but you did not answer, have you not seen your husband’s cock when he fucked you….? Mine is also like that only, may be little bigger than you husband…… you can see the pic I sent you…..
Jaya shivered when she heard those words….. She had never heard it even from her husband…..
Jaya: Chi…. I can’t believe you just said that……
Stranger: Said what darling…..
Jaya: I can’t say that……
Stranger: Well darling, the word is fuck, do you call it something else?
No…. I have not seen, we always did it in the night……
Stranger: Did what in the night…….
Jaya: Chi… Don’t say that word…. Hmmmm, you can call it romance…..
Stranger: Awww. So cute…., Romance is before marriage, after marriage it is called fucking…… but anyways, even if you did “THAT” in the night, how cum you have not seen his cock
Jaya: Did what in the Night…….?
Jaya also tried her luck playing with him…. Thinking she could win with words over him, She was now getting on well into the conversation….. This was the first time, Jaya Had shown a positive sign…..
Stranger: I don’t know what you guys did in the night…. You tell me…
Jaya: We made love…… That’s a nice word to use, is it not…..? We did it in the dark……
Stranger: No…. the fuck word is much better….. so, he fucked you only in the night and that too in the dark….., so that means, you have not seen him naked and he has not seen you naked….. WOW…. That means I am the first man to see you naked in the day…… I can’t believe it..…..
Jaya stammered to answer back….. for the first time, she realised, this fact, neither she or her husband had seen each other naked…..
Jaya: plsssss…… don’t say like that…..
[Image: WepPl2Zw77jW2iGvLNi_rzoKa3gIhvs44uXyMWx5...GwuZrQnJgA]

Stranger: And don’t tell me, he never fucked you in the day time…..

Jaya: No…. Never in the day, only in the night…. Day time he will be in how can he…… ummmm
Stranger: How can he what….? Oh… I get it, he is in the office so he cannot fuck you in the day time….?
Jaya: Don’t say like that….. Chi…. You are really dirty…
Stranger: Yes darling, I am dirty, cheap, OK, but what about Sunday then?
Jaya: No, on Sunday, we used to go for picnic with full family, or go to some relations house….
Stranger: What about Honeymoon? He will have fucked you all day all day…. no one can control seeing you…… Your Boobs are so beautiful…..
Jaya: sss….. plssss don’t say like that…. Please I……
Stranger: I am saying the fact….. your boobs are so beautiful…. So firm, so round….. ssss….. I can’t wait to lick them, suck them….. and I am sure, even you can’t…….
Jaya: Stop it pleasssse….. please……
Jaya could not say anything more…. she had already started to rub her pussy vigorously…. The stranger managed to trick her once again…… again Jaya was not able to control herself with his words…..
The stranger continued……
Stranger: aahhaaaa…. Rub yourself darling, rub harder…. imagine how you will feel, when I suck your boobs…. Ahhhhaaaaa…..

[Image: Kajal-Agarwal-Nude-Fingering-her-Pussy-S...66x300.jpg]

Jaya: aahhaaaa I can’t control….. aaaaahaaaaaa, stop it please……

Stranger: aaahhhaaaa…… I can’t control also…… I am also masturbating…… I can’t wait to fuck you….. lick you….. aahaaaa….. suck your boobs…aaahhaaa I can’t wait to cum inside you…… You will allow me no to fuck you….. aaahaaa
Jaya: Yesssssss… I need you…., I will allow you, I can’t wait….. anymore….. I need you badly….. ahaaaaa errrrr………
Both could not control and both had an orgasm at the same time…… both were breathing very heavily….
Their phones had slipped from their hands long time back…. It was only their voices each one heard…….
The stranger recovered from his orgasm quickly….. picked up his phone……
Stranger: Jaya darling….. Jaya darling, are you ok…..
Jaya also picked up the fallen phone…… Jaya had pulled up her nightie till her thighs…… while she picked up the phone, she accidently gave him a glimpse of her thighs…
Jaya: haaaaaaa….. I am ok….. haaaaaa, you are really dirty….., you again, did what you wanted……haaahaaa……
She was still breathing heavily….
Stranger: Fuck…. That’s was awesome….. and your legs….. they are awesome as well…… How are you feeling my darling…?
Jaya: haaaaa….. Shut up…… I haaaahhaaa unable to breath and you are talking about my legs….. shameless…..
Stranger: ha ha ha…. I am shameless…. And I told you, I will make you shameless as well…… I am loving this….. yesterday your boobs, today your legs, only one thing left, you can show me that tonight…. Ha ha ha
The stranger was laughing loudly….. hearing this Jaya also started laughing…..
Jaya: No doubt, you will make me shameless……
Stranger: Get ready to become shameless…. Enjoy your life darling….. No Honeymoon, no day time romance…., I mean fuck… that’s sad… but nothing to worry, you can enjoy all those now…..
Jaya: We did not plan for any honeymoon….. Rakesh was expecting this job offer anytime, so we had thought, we will leave India together…. But unfortunately, the job was on site so family was not allowed, so I had to stay back. After 2 years, he will take me, FIL and MIL.
Stranger: No problem darling….. You have 2 years…. I will make sure you will get bored with all the adventures I have in mind and you will be completely ready to go back to your husband and live with him all your life…. Just relax and set yourself free….. Think you are not married at all, except when you talk to your husband or your in-laws…. Rest of the time, you have for yourself….
Jaya: You promise, I will be able to go back to my husband after all this…..
Stranger: I do darling…. You focus on enjoying yourself….. for now take rest… I will call you at night…..
Jaya: No, No… you don’t call, I will call after everyone has slept……
Strange: Bye darling……
Jaya: Bye…..
Stranger: you also can call me darling…. I will love to hear that….
Jaya: ha ha ha , bye daaarling….
Jaya was too tired to even get up…. She immediately slept….

The stranger was still a mystery, who is that stranger….?

What adventures did the stranger have in mind…..?
Will Jaya be able to enjoy all of this and more after the entry of Mani….?
All and more In the Next Part.
I will post the next update soon.....Till then Enjoy this update.

Guys.... If you could excuse me, collecting pics is most time taking, I can finish more writing in the same time....

Let me know.
[+] 11 users Like badri.rao2006's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Really great plot.. and well written too..  banana
But please don't mention Mani's age again in the story.. we know that he's gonna be just a young student in Jaya's class.. and mentioning his age in detail kinda ruins the feel of that.. hope u don't feel bad for pointing this out  Shy
Carry on with awesome updates, bro..  yourock
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Excellent superb
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Super update ......
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Superrrb.!! The Second Time.
Plz update soon next update. Waiting. . .
[Image: 103-D9-D02-6-BFB-4-DAF-848-E-F9-E94-BE96-B8-E.jpg]
[+] 1 user Likes Herbiee's post
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Great update bhai.....u r too good.....ab dekhna hai aage qa hota hai.....thankyou bro for this thread....
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fantastic update.. it ran at a full pace.. but the crux was maintained
wondering what up next
maybe the stranger will tell jaya to open up in front of mani
and then show off in front of the watchman...
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Superb narration....excellent update.....
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Next Update Bro
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Please let us know when will you give next update please tell us the time please
[+] 2 users Like Dalesteyn's post
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Hello Guys.....!

Next Update Tonight.... Sorry for the Delay as I was unable to write an important line that will be the beginning and that line will change the lifestyle and habits of Jaya....

I have completed 99% of the update. Just minor final touches.....

Tonight I will post the update.

[+] 3 users Like badri.rao2006's post
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(17-07-2021, 06:44 PM)badri.rao2006 Wrote: Hello Guys.....!

Next Update Tonight.... Sorry for the Delay as I was unable to write an important line that will be the beginning and that line will change the lifestyle and habits of Jaya....

I have completed 99% of the update. Just minor final touches.....

Tonight I will post the update.


Excellent... Its really appreciated.. not only for updates.. but also keeping us updated.. that concern is really cool.... keep it up bro... clps clps Iex Iex yourock
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Hey Guys…..! Here’s the next update…. As mentioned in the previous update......I have increased the speed of the story slightly...... Rest assured, the main plot and the story will not change.
So here goes……

Jaya disconnected the call, got up and went to bathroom, She removed her panties it was wet….. So wet, that her cum drops were slowly,….. slowly dripping as she held the panties…..

She threw the panties in the pile of washable clothes, cleaned herself and came out….., She looked at herself in the mirror…. And she smiled at herself…., it the smile of satisfaction….. the satisfaction her love hole just had, her second experience was better then her first, she felt sad as she did not involve herself the first time, and second time, she involved herself partially…..

While Checking herself in the mirror, a wild idea crossed her mind…..

Jaya: (In Her Mind) What if he wants to see her without clothes in the video call tonight? Should she agree and strip herself… or wait some more time….. Things were going too fast for her to get hold of the situation…..

What will happen after Mani starts staying with me? How will manage…… Jaya knew one thing for sure, as much as she wanted to continue this, even the stranger would want to continue with this…… It was giving both of the pleasure they were deprived off…….

Jaya thought to herself, lets go with the flow, no point thinking much about it….. she was tired like hell…. She crashed on the bed and went into deep sleep……

In the Evening as usual, Jaya’s FIL, knocked the door to wake her up…… Jay got up, opened the door.

Again her FIL touched her forehead and side part of her neck as if trying to understand if Jaya was unwell…… since this had never happened….. Jaya had never overslept in so many months since the time she got married and came here…., and this was the second time……

FIL: Jaya are sure, you are well……

Jaya: Yes dad, I am fine…. Just a little over tired due to school work, just another couple of days and everything will be fine… I will prepare tea…..

FIL: No need for that, and he pointed his finger to show Mani,

He was carrying a tray with 2 cups of tea…… He served them both and sat beside…..

Jaya: Thank you Mani….

Mani: Miss please don’t say thanks to me, its my duty to do this…… I am your servant….

Jaya: Mani, I don’t want to hear this from next time…. Please don’t say its your duty… you are helping me…. That’s all….

Mani: Ok Miss….. I will not say this again.

Jaya: Good boy…. So, you have brought all your things?

Mani: Yes miss……

FIL: Jaya why is he calling you miss, are you not Mrs. already……

All three started laughing……

After they had tea, Jaya Mani and FIL got busy in packing….. his flight was scheduled to leave tomorrow night….. Jaya made sure; FIL did not forget anything….

Shekar uncle and his wife came home, Mani served them water and tea….. Shekar uncle got to know that, Mani would be staying with
Jaya for a few months now….. Both husband and wife were happy.

Time was around 8:00 PM, Jaya went inside the kitchen and started preparing dinner…… after preparation, Mani helped Jaya in keeping the dishes on the dining table, all three had dinner and watched TV for some time…….

Jaya was desperate to call the stranger….. she was not interested in watching TV or anything else….. she wanted something else now…… She was only waiting for Mani and FIL to sleep…..

Mani was feeling sleepy, Jaya arranged his bed in her In-Laws room, he went to sleep, she also told her FIL to sleep early as tomorrow they had lot of work and quickly sent him to sleep…..

She rushed to her bedroom and called the stranger…..  She made a normal call, not a video call…..

Stranger: Hello my darling…..

Jaya: Hello…..

Stranger: I thought you will video call me…..

Jaya: I will, but not if you are….. ummm

Stranger: If I am? What if I am….. Ohhhh I understand, you will video call me if I am sitting nude….., no problem, give me a sec, I will remove my clothes…..

Jaya: Noooo…. I did not mean that, I mean I will video call if you are wearing something….. else forget it….

Stranger: What darling, what fun you will get seeing me in clothes….,

Jaya: I don’t want to see you without clothes, You look nice in clothes….. I loved that brown suit of yours…..

Stranger: Awwww…… That’s sad…. I thought you like my dick….. and I prepared it for your tonight…., You know being without clothes is the best feeling…..

Jaya: Ohhh…. Another of your weird theories….. Next you will ask me also be without clothes, right?

Stranger: Well….. that’s what I thought about…… tonight I thought I will get to see your round, perfect sized boobs and your sweet little pussy again….. this time clearly… not like that yesterday….. just for a second…..

Jaya: ssss…… I can’t believe you started again….. please can’t you talk without using those words…..

Stranger: ha ha ha …. What do you want me to say over the phone…..? sing devotional songs……

Jaya: Chi….. not that…… but….

Stranger: But what Jaya?

Jaya: Its difficult to talk to you…… I can’t your questions….. I feel shame…..

Stranger: Jaya darling….. you are feeling shame in talking, then how will you enjoy?

Jaya: Buuuttt….. you are too fast…..

Stranger: Tell me something, in the night, when your husband comes in the room, you never removed your clothes or he removes?

Jaya: I said I can’t answer your questions……

Stranger: It’s a simple question…. You do sex with clothes or without?

Jaya: Are you mad…. You do it without clothes only…. With clothes how can you?

Stranger: Do what without clothes……

Jaya: Shut up…. Dirty fellow….. You want to know husband wife private moments……

Stranger: Yes darling, but I don’t want to know what you did in those private moments……. I want to have those private moments with you and I feel you also need the same…..

Jaya started to feel the twitch between her legs….. The stranger never wasted time…. He was fast and direct….. Jaya was handling trouble handling his words……

Jaya: I….. I…….., nothing…..

Stranger: Jaya, don’t video call me, do one thing….. take off all your clothes, don’t show me, show me whenever you want….., but at least see yourself…..

It’s very difficult to break this women’s shell…… (He thought in his mind….)… The stranger again began his reverse play…..

Jaya: Promise me, you will not switch on the video…..

Stranger: Jaya darling, I don’t force women to sleep with me…. I sleep with them only when they also want to sleep with me….. Don’t worry, take your time…. I will sleep with you only when you want…..

Jaya: Why are you always so direct….. please stop saying those words….

Stranger: So, you want me to stop……

Jaya: Nooooo…. I did not mean that….., Ok Give me a min…..

Stranger: One min for what?

Jaya: To take off my clothes….. happy…..

Stranger: Shameless…..,

Jaya: Me or you……

Stranger: ha ha ha ….. me, me, I am shameless… can I do one more shameless thing?

Jaya: No….. No video call please, I will not take off my clothes otherwise……

Stranger: I want to ask, Can I also take off my clothes…., I mean, we are not on video call….. so

Jaya: Shameless….. do whatever you want…..

Stranger: No You tell me….. like I told you….

Jaya: you……you…… chi… I can’t say…..

Stranger: Please darling….. tell me….

Jaya: Remove yours…..

Stranger: Remove my what? Tell me darling….. please….

Jaya: ssssss….. errrrr…. Ok, remove your clothes…. Happy……

Stranger: Happy darling…. Very happy……

Jaya: Chi dirty fellow….

Jaya also took off all her clothes…. She knew she was in a for another pleasure ride…..

Stranger: Hi darling, I am back….. are you naked…..?

Jaya: hmmmmm

Stranger: what hmmmmm….. tell me are you naked?

Jaya: yes……yes….

Stranger: What yes….. tell me you are naked or not…. Tell me na darling…..

Jaya: yessss……. I am naked…..

Stranger: How can I believe you…. I don’t think you are,

Jaya: I am naked….. you don’t believe me…..

Stranger: Do you believe me I am naked…..

Jaya: Yes….. who knows you may be naked from the start of this call only….?

Stranger: I can prove it…… can you?

Jaya: I don’t want your proof, and I will also not give you any proof, enough smartness…. You don’t want to believe, don’t believe….

Stranger: ok ok… chill, I believe you are naked…. Ahaaaaa I can’t wait to see you….. all naked….. day and night…… what a sight it will be…..

Jaya: you will get bored if you see me naked day and night……

Stranger: No problem, one day even you will get bored seeing me naked, getting fucked by me, day and night…… and

Jaya: And What…? Why do you always have to say day and night after every line…… That should done only in the night….. Day time is for work….

Stranger: Dumb women….. it is not called “that” …. It is called sex and sex can be done any time, you have not done it, so you don’t know….. Just Imagine…. You are in a lonely place with nobody around….. Only you and me, both naked….. Your pussy is wet, my dick is long and hard…. Will you see day and night or will you just get fucked….?

Jaya: May be in a lonely place, I may…..

Stranger: You are in your room or where?

Jaya: In my room only……where else will I be?

Stranger: Then its lonely place only no….. you can do whatever you want….. you can be naked, you can finger yourself, and if you have mood, you can call me also…. I will do the needful…..

Jaya: Very smart….. You are so desperate from now only….. I don’t know what you will do when we meet…… You will eat me only….

Stranger: oooo….aaahhhhh, I can’t wait to meet you….. I will fuck you so hard…. You will want more from me…… I will surely eat you….

Jaya: Where and how you will, morning to afternoon I am school, from afternoon I am at home….. How you will…..

Jaya could not complete the sentence…..she was still stammering….

Stranger: How I will fuck you; I can fuck you after school? That you leave it to me….. How I do it is my problem….., if you give me a chance, I will fuck you in your school only someday, in your house in your own room, on your apartment terrace….. there are a lots of places…..

Jaya: You will in my school….. you can’t….

Stranger: Challenge?

Jaya: But how you will and that too in school……? Impossible…..

Stranger: That you leave it to me….

Jaya: Never, if any one sees me…. I will be finished, my respect, everything will be finished….. no need for any challenge…. Please do anything but not in the school or my home…

Stranger: OK…. Let’s do one thing…., if someone catches us, you can put a bang case on me….. if we don’t get caught, then what you will give me?

Jaya: Challenge….. I will do whatever you want….. but are you sure, if we get caught…?

Stranger: I told you, I case we get caught, then you can put a bang case on me….. that way, your respect, and everything will be normal….. OK….

Jaya: Never, I can never put you in trouble, you are doing so much for me, I can never put you in trouble…..

Stranger: That is my problem, you leave it to me….., I am also not interested in going to jail…. So I will protect myself, but I promise, nothing will happen to you….. Trust me…., You trust me?

Jaya: ooook…… I trust you….. but why you want to do in school, we can go somewhere else no…..

Stranger: I don’t think you still trust me…..

Jaya: No.. No., why do you say that, I trust you….., really….

Stranger: If you trust me, you will believe me…. But you are still not talking to me freely…..

Jaya: What I can do to tell you, I Trust you, I am talking to you…. I removed my clothes because you told me…. What else should I do? Tell me……

Stranger: Do a video call……

Jaya: No…. no… pls…, tomorrow you will see me no….. pls….

Stranger: See, I told you don’t trust me, tomorrow you will say something else and go home…. Are you scared; I will do something to you?

Jaya: No….. but actually yes…., I am still little scared…. But I trust you….

Stranger: Ok, do one thing….. you have handkerchief?

Jaya: Yes, I have…. Why?

Stranger: Cover your face and do video call, you can show your face when you start trusting me…

Jaya scolded herself, he was such a gentleman…. He was thinking so much about her safety and privacy…..

Jaya: No, I trust you…. I will do a video call now…. no kerchief needed….. but promise me, you will not hurt my feelings….., please I request you…..

Stranger: I will never even think of doing anything like that….. you are scared because you don’t know me, but very soon you will come to know who I am and then you will feel more relaxed….. I promise, you please don’t worry…..

Jaya: ok….. I will go to bathroom and do a video call….. one min….

Stranger: Don’t make me wait long…. My dick is hard for you darling….. come soon, please….

Jaya: Dirty fellow…. Wait I am coming.

Jaya disconnected the call, She, actually did not go to the washroom, she opened the door of her room, to see if Mani and FIL were sleeping…. Just to make sure, she was safe….

She removed her nightie, took off her bra and panties….. she was shivering, she was desperate to do whatever the stranger instructed to do…..

She picked up the phone and with shivering hands pressed the video call button….. He immediately picked up the call……

Stranger: Hello darling…… hey…. where are you…?

Jaya made a video call….. but was so shy, she did not show herself on camera…. She focused the camera to her face…..

Jaya: plsss….. see me tomorrow….plsss….. I am shy…..

Stranger: Please darling…… This is not fair….. Please darling……

Jaya: Pleeeease……. Try to understand….. tomorrow you can see me…. Tomorrow I will not stop you……

Stranger: Tomorrow it will be more difficult for you darling….. you have to get comfortable with your nakedness…. Till then you will keep feeling shame…. Think about it……

Jaya: OK….. errrrr….. you are very stubborn…..

Jaya slowly started taking the phone away from her…… The stranger waited with baited breath to get a clear view of Jaya….. for the first time, a clear naked view of Jaya……in a fully lit room….

The camera captured Jaya’s bare neck….. her Mangalsutra (an auspicious thread tied as a symbol to unite two souls during marriage) Gradually her bare shoulders  The top part of her nude boobs started getting visible…… next her cleavage….

The stranger did not even blink…… it was like as if he would jump into the phone and eat her right away…..

She took her hands slightly more away from herself….. her dark black areola was visible…..

Stranger: Faster darling…. Show me your boobs….. darling…. Don’t make me wait….. please show fast…

Jaya had her eyes closed….. she was dying of shame…. She was about the expose her naked body for the first time in life….. A body which even her husband had not seen…..

Jaya extended her hand fully and exposed her full frontal nudity to this stranger who was 2 days old in her life…..

The Stanger was having a time of his lifetime….. A women for whom he was a nobody, she was exposing her naked body to him….. He kept looking at her…..

Jaya had her eyes still closed so tightly…. She was just not able to open her eyes…. Her heart beating was so high….. she could hear the sounds of her own heartbeat…..

Stranger: Look at yourself darling….., look how beautiful you are….,

Jaya slowly opened her eyes….. her eyes were full of tears……. She was exited, she was happy….. someone for the first time had said something nice about her body….. someone was telling her to like herself, love herself…..

Stranger: Darling…. How are you feeling?

Jaya: I don’t know….. I am feeling something is happening…… something nice is happening to me….

Stranger: Everything nice will happen to you darling…… everything will be nice……

Jaya looked at his erect long and hard dick….. she had turned her face away last time….. but this time, she kept looking at it…… Her mouth started watering….. The stranger saw this…..

Stranger: How is it Jaya…… do you like it…..

Jaya did not answer….. she had not seen her husband’s dick till date, and here she was seeing a stranger’s dick…. Long, hard and erect….. ready to rip her pussy……

He asked again……

Stranger: How is it Jaya…… do you like it…..

Jaya: It’s nice…..

Stranger: Bigger than your husband’s…..

Jaya: I don’t know…. I never seen his….

Stranger: I know that…. But at least you can guess the size….. is my dick bigger then?

Jaya: Its bigger…..

Stranger: You want it Jaya? You want my dick….

Jaya: hmmmm……

Stranger: what hmmmm….. say it darling….. say it please…..

Jaya: yesss…. I want it……

Stranger: What you want darling…. Say it….. say it please…. I want to hear it from your mouth…..

Jaya: Please don’t tease me….. plss……… I want it…… I want yours….. I can’t bear it any more…..

Stranger: I will give what ever your want….. I will give you everything you want…. Every pleasure…. Every joy… every enjoyment… but I want to hear it from you…… say it darling…. Say it please……

Jaya: errrr……. I waaant your dddddickkk…..

Stranger It’s all yours darling….. I am all yours, my dick is all yours…… anytime, anywhere….. Get ready for my dick in you pussy……
Are you ready darling……?

Jaya: Jaya: yessss……. I am ready….. do what you want….. aaahhhaaaa…..

Stranger: I will fuck you, I can’t wait anymore….. Don’t go to school tomorrow …… you just agree… I will take you for a long picnic and fuck you day and night….. I will not allow you to wear clothes... never…….

Jaya: sssss…….. and what you will do…… sssss…..

Stranger: I will make you shameless….. complete shameless…. I keep you nude….. you will stop wearing clothes in some days…… tell me you become shameless for me darling…..

Jaya: aaahhhaaaa….. That you already made me…. Evvveeeennn my husssbandd ahhhhh haass not seeenn me nakeed aaaahhhh youaaahhhhaa areee theee first man…….

Stranger: What I made you darling…..

Jaya: aaahhhaaaa….. you already made me shameless…… I am naked in front of a man first time…..

Stranger: I am so lucky darling…. I am the first man who has seen you naked…. I am so lucky……

Jaya: Stop it…..plssss…….. stop it….. I cant control…..

Stranger: I will make you addicted to dick….. Don’t control….. you will always want a dick in you pussy….. I will make you stop wearing clothes….. in school also, in your building also…… anywhere you will be always naked….. I will make you complete shameless….. you will stop wearing clothes….. you are ready to become shameless…….

Jaya: I…..I…. aaahhhaaaa….. I will become….. aaahhhaaaa….. aaahhhaaaa….. aaahhhaaaa….. I am hhhhhaaaaaa…. I am…..

Stranger: Cum darling…. Cum for me….. cum for yourself….. cum darling, cum hard…..

Jaya: ahaaaaa errrrr……… ahaaaaa errrrr……… aaaaaaa….. I ammmmmm I ammmmmm….. cummmmmmingggggggggg…… ahaaaaa errrrr……… ahaaaaa errrrr

Jaya had another wonderful orgasm….. and one of the most powerful….. more powerful than the previous two…..

She was breathing heavily…. Her boobs went up and down…..

The stranger also had an orgasm so heavy…. Even he was breathing heavily…..

Jaya opened her eyes and stared at the stranger…… she was now no longer shy….. she smiled at him…. She was so happy; she could not speak……

Stranger: Darling….. how was it?

Jaya did not attempt to cover herself…. She coolly looked into the camera….. her eyes were still filled with lust…..

Jaya: It waaaaaaaas ahhhaaaaa wonderful…… I don’t know what all you will do to me after I meet you….. you are as it is so deeeeeemanding….. so commanding……

Stranger: Don’t worry darling….. I know how much you have enjoyed these 2 days….. I will make sure, you will be so happy….. that you have never been in life…..

Jaya: Thank you so much…. Daaaarliiing….

Jaya stammered in saying darling…. She for the first time said it herself…. The stranger had not asked her to call him darling…..

Stranger: You….. You…. Called me darling…… I am so happy….. Thank You darling….. Thank you…..

Jaya kept on looking at him, he was extremely happy…. He had so much glow in his eyes…. She had never seen that in any man till date….

Stranger: I can’t wait anymore….. I need to fuck you….. tomorrow itself…. I can’t wait anymore…… I am happy that you started trusting me….. You are ready no darling….. ready to get fucked…. Ready for a real experience of sex…..

Jaya: But tomorrow how, when…. I will be in school….. And after school, I need to come back home…. FIL’s flight is the day after tomorrow….. still lot of packing is there…..

Stranger: I don’t know all that….. Tomorrow after your first period is over by 9:00AM, I will call you, come out of school and I will take you out…..

Jaya: I am surprised, how do know so much about me…. Are you some detective or what….?

Stranger: I will tell you darling….. why so much hurry….. I will tell my darling everything….. Have a little patience….

Jaya: See, I am trusting you…. Please don’t break my trust….. else my respect, my career, my family everything will get spoiled….. please promise me you will not break my trust…..

Stranger: Nothing will happen to you or your respect….. Trust me darling….. Your respect is my respect…..

Jaya: I trust you….., I will wait for your call…..

Stranger: so, its final, tomorrow I will call you…. Bye, Good Night darling…..

Jaya: Good Night darling….. (Jaya said it confidently this time…..)

Both disconnected their phones…. Jaya kept her phone to charge and went to sleep…. She slept peacefully…..

Her dreams, her loneliness all were about the end after tomorrows meeting….. She hoped to start a new life..... she prepared herself to explore and expreience everything new.....
Who was this stranger?

How did he get so much information about Jaya and form whom?

Who was the Peeping TOM…? Who was sneaking a look at Jaya’s dirty acts….?

How will she handle her life going forward from being with the stranger and Mani at home....

All This and more in the next Update……

Please do share your views and comments.......
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Wowwww what update words to say about this ...good narration...pls give next update ASAP
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Hot conversations and update. Cant wait for next
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Woww...wonderful update....keep going please
[+] 1 user Likes mihikagupta1991's post
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Fantastic update. . . She became bolder than before.
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Writers are nothing but creators. Always respect them. 
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Excellent update
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