Thriller The Impact of Lust (Completed)
Marvellous update bro
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Interesting and hot story
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Waiting for update!!
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ANy update from u, its been long ?
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Potential MILF-Teen Couples Lovemakings are
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Have to say sorry to everyone. Have to confess that I had not written anything till I started yesterday evening. Have finished only a small portion of next episode. Was too engrossed watching the Euros, football championship in the evenings at the same timings that I am usually free to do my own thing and so could spend some time writing. Anyway I shall continue on today and hope to be able to post in another day or two.
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If you don't mind me saying this,
While the Lovemaking is going on between a couple, you are taking story to some other part of story, which spoil the Sex thrill from that lovemaking.
Story is showing under Thriller Genre, it has to change to Adultary
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(21-06-2021, 10:56 AM)BukkaaReddy Wrote: If you don't mind me saying this,
While the Lovemaking is going on between a couple, you are taking story to some other part of story, which spoil the Sex thrill from that lovemaking.
Story is showing under Thriller Genre, it has to change to Adultary

All my earlier stories had been under Adultery Genre so I decided to write a different type of story. In my earlier stories since it was mostly about a woman or women being seduced and committing adultery it was easier to keep that erotic aspect going on throughout. There are plenty of stories under the theme of adultery including cuckold and incest (the stories with the most response) in this site. If I go on that route this would just be another one on those themes. Maybe my next story can be on adultery but I want this story to be different, though in the story there are characters who have and/or are committing adultery but this has to come woven with the story. Hence there won't be continuous descriptions of the sex act in this story. I have started this as a thriller so let me finish this story as such. I'm aware that it would disappoint some of you and am sorry for that but I'll try to do maximum justice to this story in the genre I have chosen to write it in.
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Yep, Mr-Writer,
Can we expect Lovemaking of Mounika with others in next updates?
When canwe expect next update?
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Episode 13

Premavathi and Lekha were animatedly talking about the past events that had affected both of them. Actually, it was Premavathi who was doing most of the talking while Lekha was very subdued. They were in Lekha’s house as no one else was at home at that time. Premavathi wanted to know all that had happened in the interrogation by Dharana and Vajendra. There was concern on the part of Premavathi but only a small part of the concern was about Lekha and her problem. Premavathi’s major concern was what was the outcome of the interrogation as far as it would drag her into the investigation. If she got pulled in she knew that her husband Yogeshvar was not the forgiving type. All this was because of Lekha’s stupidity she fumed. She didn’t want to talk about this over the phone so she came directly to Lekha’s house.

“How could you be such a fool.” Premavathi was lambasting Lekha. She had listened to the Lekha as she recounted what had transpired in her interrogation by the two security officer officers. She was hugely relieved to know that she was not likely to be dragged into the matter.
“I don’t know Prema, I don’t know what made me start an affair with a man like Vinod,” Lekha answered with her head hung down in shame.
“You want to know why.. really know why. It was because your cunt was itching for another cock,” Prema replied bluntly. Lekha quickly looked up at Prema’s face and then hung down her head once more.
“If you wanted to fuck around behind your husband’s back why did you have to do it with a criminal? There are plenty of young men around who we can prey upon. Look Lekha we are still young enough and attractive enough to seduce young hunks to fuck us but we should also be smart about it. Choosing someone with a criminal background was never going to be wise.”
Lekha looked up at Prema, she was on the verge of tears. “I didn’t choose him, he chose me,” Lekha said in a low voice.
“So? Just like that you opened your legs for him. Didn’t you take a moment to think? Realise what you were getting in to?”
Lekha fell silent once more. “She’s the one to talk,” Lekha thought angrily to herself. “At least in my case this was my first real affair. The earlier incident was just a one-time fuck with a man, useless at sex, but this slut had been humping plenty of young men without any guilt for a number of years now.”
Prema looked at her friend sitting there forlornly. She felt pity for her. Maybe she had been too harsh with her. Poor thing she is already very frightened and confused let me also not upset her further. When she herself had an itchy cunt how could she fault her friend for having one too.
“Was this your first lover after your marriage?” Prema’s voice was much softer now.
Lekha looked at her friend in response to the tone of her friend’s voice. There was sympathy in the eyes of her friend. She felt a little more easier now. “Yes,” she responded though Vinod was actually the second man she had sex with after her marriage. The first one was for all purposes just a one-night stand. “Vinod was the first man I cheated my husband with,” she lied.
She’s not like me so it’s only natural she gave herself to the first man who succeeded in seducing her. If she was ripe for seduction it would mean either her husband was not able to sexually satisfy her or she felt bored and neglected. Whatever it may have been it just showed how vulnerable she was at that time and she responded to the first man who had aroused her interest, Prema thought to herself. It so happened and her bad luck that the man was also criminal. She was aware that some women’s interest was piqued by such dangerous men though that was not her nature. She was too worldly wise and level headed and knew better than risk a relationship with such men. But women like Lekha were fools, when a man is able to make their pussies ooze then all their judgement gets clouded. “Was your husband not taking care of your needs?” Prema asked with empathy.
“Was he not good in bed?”
“No, not exactly. During our early years of marriage our sex life was quite good but for some time now it has become routine and boring …….  and infrequent,” Lekha said morosely.
Well Lekha’s story is not an unusual one thought Prema.  This is the situation prevailing for a majority of couples. In the early stages of marriage when the relationship is new and exciting even fairly routine and average sex would be satisfying. Many men are at the misconception that women can only be satisfied if they experience an orgasm but many women feel happy even when the big O is not achieved. In reality many women have difficulty in consistently reaching an orgasm and some never at all but still are happy with their sex lives. It is neglect and lack of care that causes greater dissatisfaction. Most women also get used to the situation and redirect their energy towards their children and family. Also pressures of managing a household and children (and careers in case of working women) all becomes more important. This is also when they are most vulnerable and susceptible to seduction. Even then the situation should also be conducive for it to happen. There has to be opportunity, that is meeting frequently and spending time alone together. Also, if there happens to be a place where it would feel safe if something were to happen and most importantly get that feeling of no fear of discovery. Attractive women who are in their twenties and thirties would always be targets for would be Romeos if all of the above situation prevails. Suddenly they start getting attention again. They start liking the care shown to them, the attempt to make them laugh and keep them happy. They are not drawn to the men because they sought to have sex with them but the liking they have developed for the seducer makes them give what that person wants namely their body. They want the care, attention and the amusing time spent together to continue. Even then only a few women can overcome their guilt and succumb to the charms of their seducer. The thrill of the new relationship and more importantly the thrill of indulging in the forbidden has an addition appeal making the sex seem even more satisfying than an ordinary relationship. If by chance the seducer happens to be also very good in bed the woman discovers a whole ne world of immense joy. That’s when the women involve in acts of sex they never thought they are capable of doing in their lives.
My case of course is completely different thought Premavathi. She always had a high libido. She was never going to accept anything less than what she expected and desired. When her husband’s desires waned, she sought her pleasure elsewhere. She was passed mid-thirties. Her sexual appeal and attractiveness won’t be there forever. She wanted to be fucked by men who did so because they desired her. She always feared reaching a point where she would have to seek the services of call boys to appease her sexual hunger. No matter how much she had tried to keep in shape and look youthful there were already the beginnings of signs of ageing. That’s where she envied that Mounika from their society circle. She was nearing fifty but yet looked younger than me Premavathi thought wistfully. On top of that she had such a gorgeous and elegant look. Most of the men seemed to drool when they saw her she thought jealously. Even that son of Divya … what was his name? Premavathi tried to recall with frowned forehead … ah yes … Prakash couldn’t take his eyes of her. He seemed to be awestruck by Mounika but Mounika simply ignored him. What a hunk he was. If he had shown that interest in me I would have him naked between my legs in a jiffy, Prema thought wistfully. She would love to find out the size of his tool and how it would feel inside her pussy.
Premavathi shook her head as if to get her back to the present. “Was he good in bed,” Premavathi asked Lekha about Vinod.
Lekha felt a bit shy about discussing her lover .. hmm no… her now dead lover with her friend. With her eyes looking at the floor she just nodded her head to indicate yes. Premavathi was amused on seeing her friend’s shyness. She had lost the ability to feel shyness long ago. “Come on Lekha, we are both adult married women. We have both been fucking outside of our marriage what is there for us to have this shyness between us,” Premavathi said with a laugh.
To Prema’s further amusement her words only made Lekha’s face flush red in embarrassment. She felt her ears burn hot. Prema now moved to sit beside Lekha, she lifted Lekha’s head in her two hands and looked deeply into her eyes. Their faces were less than a foot apart. Lekha became alarmed that Prema would start kissing her on her lips. She was keenly aware that Prema wanted and enjoyed all types of experiences as far as sex was concerned, was lesbian sex one of it? Lekha’s heartbeat started to storm to a great speed. She really did not know how she would react if Prema indeed kissed her on her lips .. not the little peck between friends but a deep and passionate kiss.
“Put away this shyness and tell me truthfully when I ask you.”
Lekha said,” okay” very softly.
 “Good, tell me was he good in bed? Did he fuck well?”
“Yes  … and yes,” Lekha murmured.
Premavathi smiled lewdly. “Hmm how many times have you two fucked?” she asked crudely.
After a bit of hesitation Lekha asked in confusion,” you mean in your cottage?”
This horny slut has been humped by him elsewhere thought Premavathi. She was aware her questioning was getting her pussy wet. Was it the same for Lekha too she wondered? She let go of Lekha’s head but she placed her hand on thigh and gently caressed it in circles. Prema saw Lekha’s body shiver slightly. Was Lekha getting as excited as her. Lesbian sex was not completely new to Prema. She had that experience when in college but that was not something that she craved for. It was just something kinky to try out. She had already tried a threesome, that is she with two young hot males but never a threesome where she and a woman have sex with one man. For Prema sex has to be experienced in all ways. She didn’t believe in rebirth so she believed if we miss the chance in this life then one is going to miss it forever. Prema’s eyes scanned Lekha up and down. This is a juicy piece of cunt, she is also craving for hot sex mmm… maybe it would be good to try this fantasy out with her.
“Did you have sex with him in your house? In your bed that you share with your husband? Prema felt a thrill in her pussy when she asked this. In spite of having fornicated with numerous lovers she had never done this in her own bed. She felt her pussy lips open and close at this thought. How exciting it would be to see her husband sleep peacefully in ignorance on the very same bed she had just been thoroughly pumped by her lover a few hours before. Unfortunately, this had to remain as just a fantasy. There was too much risk involved as there were too many servants around in the house at all times.
To Premavathi’s disappointment Lekha answered,” No, never in this house.”
“Then where?”
“In his car a few times… after that you helped out by lending your place.”
That is something else I’ve never done Premavathi thought, I’ll have to try that out too.
“Was he so desperate that he fucked you in the car itself when he first took you out?”
“You’re terrible Prema, you are asking me all these details. I’m feeling very awkward.”
“Common Lekha what is there between friends, if you want I’ll tell you about my first adulterous fuck experience. We women who are brave enough to seek our own pleasure should not be embarrassed about it. We should be proud that we believe our body belongs only to us and we have the right to share it with whoever we want.”
Lekha had never thought about it in these terms. Prema is right. My body belongs to me only. Even the law now says without my agreement even my husband doesn’t have the right to have sex with me. If only I can make every decision about my body then why can’t I decide who I want to have sex with. Just because of the mangal sutra my husband wore on my neck does it give him sole right to decide how that body can be used. Lekha felt a little bit easier in her mind now. I will sacrifice all other things for my husband’s political career but I have the right to seek pleasure through whoever give that to me in abundance.
“Well no, the first time we didn’t have sex.” Lekha thought for a second then said,” By that I mean there was no copulation but there was heavy petting involved.”
“Hmm,” Prema smiled,” What did he do? Did he do this?” Prema suddenly gave a quick press on Lekha’s boob.”
“Hey Prema, what are you doing,” Lekha protested as she gently rubbed where Prema had pressed hard. Prema simply grinned at her. Lekha’s breast had been soft and nice to press.
“Come on tell me all the dirty juicy details,” Prema said smiling broadly. Lekha couldn’t help herself. She too smiled along with her friend. Her friend’s talk had made her forget about her problems for the moment.
“He took my bra off and sucked my tits in the car itself.” Lekha’s tone was soft and sexy. Prema started to get very horny. Her hand automatically went to her own breast and started massaging it. Seeing this Lekha had a wicked desire to tease her friend further.
Lekha started speaking huskily. Her tone was very suggestive of the forbidden pleasure that she had enjoyed with her now dead lover.
“You know his fingers were doing circles around and playing with my navel as he sucked hard on my nipples. He was so good at chewing softly on my tits that I started leaking quite a bit.”
Lekha saw the earlier confident look on Prema face change to that of a woman who was getting aroused. This was Prema’s weakness. She was an incurable slut who was addicted to sex and who just happened to be born into a wealthy family. Maybe this was inherited who knows. Her mother, grandmother or some ancestor may also have been like this. In those days lewd behaviour would not have been as easy to hide as it was for Premavathi now. A high-class woman then indulging in salacious behaviour would have been a huge scandal at that time causing a lot of giggling and murmuring between servants, in the know of their mistresses’ behaviour.
“He pulled my saree up to my hips and just plunged his thick fingers into my cunt. I almost screamed out when he did that. He was a ruffian you know so he handled me roughly, I’ve never been handled like that.”
A small moan escaped Prema’s lips. Lekha saw her wet her lips with her tongue. Prema’s throat must be getting dry Lekha thought happily. The mood prevailing there now had completely changed from a few minutes ago. The atmosphere was now sexually charged. Lekha saw that Prema had her own (Prema’s) hand trapped between her thighs which was pressed tightly together. Prema must be pressing her own hand against her own pussy.
“Did you like how he handled you Lekha,” Prema asked not being able to recognise her own voice by how she sounded.
“Yes, very much. He was finger fucking me hard but his fingers knew all the right places to trigger my lust.”
“Oh god, yes,” Prema sighed out loud.
“Are you getting very horny Prema,” Lekha asked hoarsely. Prema didn’t really have to reply. Lekha already knew the answer. The whites of Prema’s eyes had now reddened in lust. Lekha liked this feeling of having control over her friend who previously had always dominated her through the force of her personality.
“Open your buttons and take out your tits Prema, I know you want to.”
Prema hesitated, Lekha accurately knew the emotions she was in.
“Don’t be shy, nothing to be embarrassed about in sex,” Lekha repeated Prema’s own words back to her. “I’ll tell you all the obscene details, you’ll love it.” Even Lekha’s suggestive tone can be so erotic Prema realised but still Prema hesitated. She realised that Lekha who had always deferred to her was now getting the upperhand. The worse thing is she was feeling helpless to stop it. Lekha now did something Prema never expected.
“This is not going to help you sitting like that,” Lekha said as she quickly undid the buttons on Prema’s shirt, reached in and freed her breasts from her bra cups. Prema’s nipples were erect and swollen showing how excited she was. Holding her forefinger back by her thumb Lekha flicked out her finger to sting her friend’s nipple.”
“Ssss..aww..” Prema moaned out. “idiot… idiot,” she scolded Lekha who simply grinned at her.
“My nipples were even harder that day when Vinod was sucking it for the first time than yours are now. Only that day I realised how thrilling it is if a man other than your husband did such a simple thing as suckling on your breast. Was it the same for you Prema? She asked in conspiratorial tone. We are such adulterous sluts revelling in sharing the lewd details of our infidelity, Lekha thought to herself. In wanting to excite Prema now she herself was deeply aroused recalling the vulgar details of her crude behaviour with her lover. Her own hand reached inside her blouse to pinch on her nipple.
“This is not fair, take out your tits too,” Prema cried out to Lekha.
Seeing her friends point Lekha unhooked her blouse and took out her own tits. Lekha’s breasts were fuller than the older woman’s breast though both the pairs were equally attractive. While these two high class married sluts were sitting with their tits hanging out another important matter was developing elsewhere at that very moment.
Gowranga was talking to Arun. Arun had been away without telling him but Gowranga could not or rather didn’t want to question him about that. Not only he but some other members of their gang were strongly suspicious that Arun was somehow involved in taking out Vinod.  Gowranga knew that Arun was upset with him for not supporting him in getting his revenge for Arun’s brother’s death. Gowranga had other priorities. He had to regroup, strengthen and seek the right time to make his move. With Bogan’s death Balveer had become too powerful. If he had gone head on against him a big struggle for control would have taken place. Balveer would have become the likely winner and Gowranga’s own organisation may have been taken over by Balveer. So, he tolerated everything. Balveer’s muscling in on his territory, little by little, taking over some of his business. But all the time he was watching, probing for weaknesses he could exploit. He didn’t come to this position using brawn alone. For that there were plenty of men like the dead Bogan and the still alive Arun. They were dispensable pawns normally easily replaced except for some special fellows like the now dead Bogan of his gang and Vinod of Balveer’s gang. It looks like he had misjudged Arun. He could possibly be good enough to replace his brother to lead the others.
“Tonight, the money and shipment are going to be exchanged. This was always our deal which Balveer had hustled into. Tonight, we take it back.” Arun was talking emphatically.
“Are you ready for it? Are you confident we can succeed?” Gowranga asked.
“Yes, we can do it.”
“It would be disastrous if we mess this up. We can let this go but hit back later.”
“No boss, we have to do it now.” Arun had a feeling that Gowranga was losing his ruthlessness. Maybe he was getting soft with too much of easy living. Most of the men are now loyal to him especially when they suspected he was the one to kill Vinod. They felt their honour had been redeemed by that revenge. Maybe the right time will come when I get rid of Gowranga and take over the organisation.
“How many men would you need?”
“Most of our men. Balveer would not expect that we would strike back so quickly. The surprise element is going to be our weapon,” Arun replied.
“Okay go ahead. You pull this off without any problems and I will officially name you to replace your brother,” Gowranga promised.
Arun just smiled, a crooked smile. If he pulled this off and he is going to be big in the eyes of his men not Gowranga.
They were aware that not only they but Balveer’s gang was currently under greater surveillance by the security officer. Everything had to be planned out carefully.
Back in Lekha’s house, Prema’s skirt was pulled up to her waist. Her fingers had pushed aside her panties and was on her pussy lips. Likewise, Lekha’s saree was pulled up to her waist. Her panty was dangling around her left ankle. Her middle finger was inside her pussy. Her cunt was covered by week old growth of pussy hairs.
“Tell me Lekha what he did next,” Prema asked her voice dripping with lust.
[+] 4 users Like game40it's post
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Excellent update which involves both Narration-Romance,
Can we have a full pledged 1-on-1 of Lekha-Vinod in great detail like that of Mounika-Prakash, since in this update it was like LesboAct going while Lekha detailing of Vinod to premavati. One thing is for sure that Premavathi Has been Lusting after Prakash. Why Don't we have a great lovemaking intense romance between Premavathi-Prakash?
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Super hot update
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Nice update
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Wow, lesbian act is going to make her wild
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This is turning out to be great story. Excellent writing.
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Episode 14

“Tell me Lekha what he did next,” Prema asked her voice dripping with lust.

 While these two horny housewives were busy getting aroused speaking about Lekha’s sexual exploits another horny couple were looking at each other and smiling in exhaustion.
“Just one day has passed and yet I missed this already,” Mounika said as she fondled Prakash’s greasy and now half erect cock. It was greasy because it had been bathed by a mixture of their love juices.
Prakash leaned towards her and kissed her on her rosy lips. “I’ve been missing you from the moment we parted, I’m just crazy for you.” he said looking into her eyes with a mixture of love and lust.
Mounika kissed her young hunk once more, letting her tongue peek into his mouth, being very happy to hear how much he needed her. She couldn’t still completely believe how a virile, young and handsome man could crave her forty-eight years old body, albeit the body was still svelte and sexy. But there were literally thousands of much younger females whose body would also fit that description, so why me she wondered. Was the added attraction because I’m married and he was successful in seducing another man’s wife? That didn’t explain everything either. There are plenty of gorgeous and sexy married women in their twenties and thirties whom he could have targeted. Mounika was certain that there would have been quite a few of them who would have been ripe for seduction by a charming and handsome hunk like Prakash. This thought though made her feel jealous and she was so happy he chose her over others for whatever reason. The only person who would have regretted Prakash’s decision, if he had known about it of course, would have been Jayakar. If not for this decision by Prakash, his wife’s faithful married pussy would not have been violated by another man’s cock.
Mounika traced her fingers on his cheek with love and asked,” Why darling, I’m an old woman, why are you crazy about me. There are so many beautiful young women around, even married ones if that is your motivation, why me?”
Prakash nuzzled his face into her slender neck as he spoke. “Why do we fall for a particular person when so many others equally attractive are around? That’s because there is an instant connection. Every time you see that person your heart skips a beat, just inexplainable.” He kissed her neck letting his tongue lick her wet flesh. As he spoke his cock in her hand had sprung back up ready to go again.
“The appetite for sex of youth, how am I going to manage this,” Mounika thought to herself, her body shivering at the prospect of more pleasure from her ardent young love.
“If I could only send my mom away for a few hours now, we can have another leisurely round.”
Only now Mounika came to her senses. Good god Divya would be waiting for me she worriedly thought. Mounika was shaken up. Lust had made her forget the purpose of this visit. Here she was in Divya’s son’s embrace with the son’s thick semen slowly leaking out from her pussy and the mother was not more than thirty meters away. Not only that the semen flowing out reminded her of the other danger. What if Prakash’s virile little buggers succeeded in reaching her egg and knocked her up? I should have waited another day to be certain to be safe, why was I so itchy that I had to be laid today itself she cursed her own weakness. She had always been a restrained and fastidious woman and now Prakash is making her behave like a lovesick wanton woman. She didn’t realise how true her assessment of herself was because all this while her dainty fingers were absentmindedly stroking his rock-hard large cock. Prakash pulled her nipple into his mouth and started sucking it.
Mounika grabbed his head and pulled it off her breast. Her erect nipple was pulled out from his mouth with an audible plop. She almost laughed on seeing the disappointment in his face. “Listen, we’ve got to talk first, it’s important.”
Prakash was in a different mood. His fingers entered her cunt still spewing out his semen and started rubbing inside her honey pot. His thumb quickly located her swollen clit and rubbed in circles around it.
“Hnngg…Hnngg… listen baby, listen, sss…,” Mounika pleaded battling his taunting of her willpower to resist him and her own desires that were urging her to give in to him.
Prakash locked his lips with her to eat any words she attempted to mutter. Her eyelids closed as she lost herself in the passionate liplock. His tongue probed inside her sweet mouth and she was helpless but to welcome its invasion of her mouth. The pleasure that his fingers was causing to build up in her had also made her grip his large pole harder. Her stroking of his cock became faster as the pleasure rose within her. Somehow she forced herself to grip his wrist and prevent the hand that was busy in her pussy from moving.
She forcibly pulled his head off and pleaded,” darling please listen to meee…. Oohh….”
She may have stopped his hand from moving by holding his wrist tight but could not stop his fingers from wriggling inside her wet hole. “No honey, stop it… what are you doing… aww….”
“I’m getting you ready to fuck me,” Prakash grinned mischievously.
“No no your mother’s waiting, we have to talk.” Mounika’s voice was a deep groan.
Prakash looked at her luscious red lips as she spoke. “Okay but suck my cock first.”
“You buffalo don’t be stubborn, I will always be there for you my darling baby, I’ll do it as many times as you want but not now.”
“Please Mouni just for a little while my cock is aching for your mouth,” Prakash was like an adamant child. Also, this was the first time he had called her Mouni like his mother would. She liked it when he called her like that.
“Please listen Prakash, we need to talk first.”
“Please,” he said again with a puppy dog look.
That look not only pulled at her heart strings but also caused a pleasant stirring in her groin.
He won’t listen till he get’s his way she knew that very well. Without another word she went down to his lap. His wet cock was pointing straight to her lips. She knew that the wetness was both her secretion and his life fluid. Without hesitation she opened her mouth wide and wrapped those sexy red lips around his shaft. She bobbed her head up and down rapidly, surprising him with her vigour. He moaned loudly as pleasure shot through him. She pulled his foreskin completely back as she suckled on that massive stalk. She was getting horny too but after a minute she tried to pull his cock out from her mouth but he would nit let her. Finally after sucking him for almost three minutes she was able to prise her lips away from his hot manhood.
“Okay, can we talk now,” She looked at him with mock anger.
When he said okay to that she was both pleased he was finally listening to her and a little disappointed he didn’t insist on fucking her. But he had other ideas. He pulled her up to sit on his lap with her thighs over his and pushed his cock inside her pussy. This had the effect of squishing out some of his semen that was still in her cunt.
“Ahh.. aww… what are you doing you idiot,” she scolded him but her moist love tunnel eagerly gripped on to his pleasure pole. What a mess we are making Mounika thought to herself. What would the servants who cleaned up his bed tomorrow would think.
“You wanted to talk, now talk,” Prakash said as he held her by her hips and easily pulled her in and out.
“Anngg… anngg… Your mother … ohhh… Is proposing…. Ahh .. ahh.  Baby… something for hhuhhu uhhuhhu..  your marriage.”
Prakash had a devilish look on his face. He was greatly enjoying her struggle to speak.
“How am I going to tell him,” Mounika groaned to herself as she rode his rod.
 Over in Lekha’s house, both Lekha and Premavathi very equally aroused.
“Tell me Lekha what he did next,” Prema asked her voice dripping with lust.”
“He asked me to come with him to the back seat. I was certain he was going to fuck me there.”
“So, did you?” Prema asked eagerly.
“No, I refused.”
“But why? You went there to be fucked didn’t you,” Prema was bewildered.
“I didn’t want him to think of me as being cheap, giving in fully the first time itself.”
“Bullshit,” was the exasperated reply from the lustful housewife Prema. “What does it matter what fellows like that think. We are not going to fall in love with them, we are just going to use their cocks for our own pleasure.” As far as Premavathi was concerned that’s they were, just a piece of meat to be used and discarded. In reality she had very little respect for the men who pleasured her. She had become so annoyed with Lekha’s answer that she had stopped rubbing her clit.
“No, I wanted him to fuck me too, I just wanted to pretend as if I am reluctant. I expected that he would insist and force me but I was so surprised and disappointed when he didn’t”
Now Premavathi got interested again. “Did you have that much of the hots for him?”
“Oh yes, we’ve been chatting over a month. We had so many hot conversations. I lost count of the number of times I had fingered my pussy imagining Vinod shoving his large cock inside me. I was so looking forward to the day it would become a reality.”
“Had he shown you his cock before that?” Prema asked with excitement.
“Yes, he did,” Lekha said recalling the day she first set eyes on his magnificent tool.
“That rogue sent me a video clip of some bitch giving him a blowjog.”
“Oooo that’s so nasty and vulgar,” Premavathi said but the excited smile on her face indicated the thrill she felt on hearing this.
“Yeah but that bastard had made me leak copiously on seeing that smutty video. I was so jealous of that bitch it should have been my mouth gobbling his cock. I was desperate to see it for real.”
 Any ordinary people listening to these women would have been shocked that these women could speak so vulgarly. Their opinion of high society housewives would have changed forever. Their language was as coarse as that of roadside whores.
“So, did he show his pecker to you that day?”
“More than that he made me unbuckle, unzip and take his dick out. Ooo.. it was so hot and throbbed in my hand.”
Prema started putting two fingers into her cunt again and so did the other ‘chaste’ housewife Lekha. “How big was it? Prema asked swallowing her saliva.
“Big, very big.”
“I know you hot slut,” Premavathi said calling her friend a slut for the first time. To be fair to Premavathi that was an apt description of Lekha. For that matter that description would suit her even more than Lekha. “How big … that is how many inches was that piece of meat.”
“How would I know I didn’t take a measuring tape along with me.” Both the women laughed when Lekha said this.
“We don’t have to. Men will always boast about how large they are to their women. I sometimes think that the first thing they do when they become a young adult is to measure their length and girth.” Lekha was very amused by these words from Prema.
“Vinod did not. He didn’t have to boast. He was confident that the sight of his cock would be arousing for any women. It had to be over eight inches and quite thick.” These two women were so unaware of their own shallowness. Just like the men they too were just as curious as the men to know the size of their lovers’ tools.
“How did you know that then?”
“Well Rakesh is six inches, Rakesh actuallu told me that. I made a mental comparison between them based on that,” Lekha said telling Premavathi of her husband’s vital dimensions.
“Oh, Rakesh is six inches,” Prema said her voice belying her surprise,” my Yokeshwar barely touches five. These two floozies were unabashedly talking about their husband’s private part measurements.
Premavathi has had experience with men who were just that size, six inches that is. There were especially two men she remembered who had given her immensely pleasurable and satisfying sex. In fact, they were better than quite a few men who were bigger hung then them. Some men with bigger cocks had only caused pain and disappointment. Premavathi was very aware of women’s sexuality. A women’s sexual passage is only about three and a half inches or so. Even when they become extremely aroused it may expand to not more than double that. So, anyone who is equipped to be around seven inches would be already likely hitting on the women’s cervix. Anything more is surplus to requirements. Besides the woman’s pleasure spots are located much higher in the passage, within easy access, even to fingers. It was just that the sight of a very large pleasure pole was visually stimulating to many women. In some cases, it was frightening too.
“What else did you do after you took it out.”
“What else I started stroking his cock. My fingers were just about able to wrap completely around that hot flesh.”
Premavathi felt a shiver run through her, listening to her friend describe to her about her friend’s lover’s cock. What a pity he got murdered. Maybe she would have been tempted to give him a try too. Just like the men who got a thrill in stealing another man’s wife, tearing into with their cock into a pussy that belonged to another man, so too women too get a thrill when they cheated on their men. Not only because they were indulging in something forbidden and lewd but the thrill of putting one over their husbands. Sitting demurely and having a normal conversation with their husbands while feeling in their cunt the wetness of their lover’s hot seed that had spurted inside not long ago was a different kind of thrill. Some of the more nasty women among them like Premavathi would like to go further and seek to have sex with their husband’s that night itself. Describing how their unsuspecting husbands had eaten their pussy when the next time their lovers were humping them would result in a more terrific orgasm, both for them and their lovers. The poor husbands would be totally unaware that their ‘faithful’ wives’ lovers would be mocking them contemptuously as they ploughed their cocks into their wives eager and willing cunts. These lewd and bawdy thoughts running in her mind made Pemavathi’s fingers move faster in and out of her hot sheath.
“What did you do then? Premavathi’s questions now were accompanied by her soft moans and so were the replies from Lekha.
Vinod’s body still lay in the morgue as the investigations were still ongoing. He could never become aware that two high society bitches were getting off thinking about his cock that was now lying limp on his thigh.
“What else, I took it in my mouth. It was so good to suck. Sshhhhaaa…” Lekha’s fingers were working faster on her slit.
“You enjoyed sucking it Lekha, mmm… mmm… what a bitch you are sucking a stranger’s cock the first time he showed it to you.”
“Ahh..ahhh.. I’m getting close Prema,” she said as she saw her friend’s hand also moving rapidly inside her wet slit. “I loved the feel of his cock in my mouth.”
“We are both the same type of sluts Lekha, I like to make my lovers squirm by using my mouth too.”
“hhmm.. hhmm… Sucking a lover’s cock is so much more exciting then my husband’s.”
“I know the feeling,” Premavathi agreed with her.
“He swelled and throbbed in my mouth as he shot his load….AAahhhhh.” Lekha came at the same time as she said that closing her eyes as she let the waves of pleasure wash over her body. She heard a loud moan at the same time. She smiled to herself. Prema was also having her orgasm at the same time.
It was another twenty minutes later when Premavathi was back to her normal self and was about to leave Lekha’s home.
“Wait another two weeks Lekha, I’ve got a prime piece of meat, just twenty-five and eight and a half inches of delicious thickness. He’ll help you forget Vinod.”

“You are ready to share Prema?” Lekha asked with interest.
“Yes, sharing in a way, he’s going to do both of us together.” Premavathi had not touched Lekha today nor had Lekha touched her but she wanted to go through her fantasy of female, male, female threesome with Lekha as her choice. Today was just for them to get used to seeing each other naked and get excited in seeing women pleasuring themselves. Two weeks from now their fingers may not necessarily be restricted to their own cunts.
[+] 2 users Like game40it's post
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Wonderful update. Two situations and narration is just super.
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Prakash seems to be lucky bastard. He will get prema and lekha next and sandhya too.
Will he fuck mother and daughter in same bed.
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Liked your command over language. Beautiful narration.
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Excellent update MrWriter ji, once again wonderful Narration. You are one of best narrators in xossipy to me.
Can we expect a 1-on-1 with Prakash-Prema/Lekha a Lengthy one with more dialogues sexy talk while sex?
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