Thriller The Impact of Lust (Completed)
(02-06-2021, 01:21 PM)game40it Wrote: Thank you, appreciate the compliment. But there seems to be poor response to the story. My earlier stories which was just about seduction and sex had a much better response though even in those stories I tried to have a credible storyline. Here I'm trying to include other elements along with the sexual narration but it doesn't seem to elicit much interest. Either it's a reflection of lack of skill on my part and a poor story or readers come on here purely to read sex stories and would look elsewhere if the wanted other type of fiction. Anyway since I started the story I will write to its conclusion. Only thing is I may shorten the story if the response continues to be poor. Thank you once again and to all the others who had taken the trouble to comment.

Dear Author thank you very much for the story. 
Here in this forum there are very few people who have excellent writing skills and good naration capabilities. Keep up the good work and continue with normal pace. It will always take time for good fanbase to evolve for stories. 
continue as before....... becoz very few people start story and complete it as planned
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
(02-06-2021, 01:21 PM)game40it Wrote:  
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[quote pid='3357891' dateline='1622620283']
We are always waiting for your stories, and your writing skills are truly superb. Please don’t get disheartened and do continue.....This story is as good as your earlier ones.
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My thanks to everyone. It was gratifying to read so many positive comments from all of you. That was very much appreciated and gives me the encouragement to continue with the story. In any case I was never going to abandon the story midway. I always complete my stories but this gives me the inspiration to make greater effort to think through and write a good story. 
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Episode 8

Prakash had noticed the security officer jeep speeding up behind them. He immediately took his hand off Mounika’s thigh which he had been caressing. Mounika was puzzled by Prakash’s action till she saw him looking through rea-view mirror. She turned to see what was behind and was a bit alarmed to see the security officer jeep approaching behind them. Prakash’s instinct was to drive faster and get away from the jeep. His car was much more powerful and could easily outpace the security officer jeep but his number would have been noted and he would have been traced. Or they would have radioed ahead and set up a block. Maybe they were only in a hurry and merely wanted to overtake and be gone. By speeding unnecessarily, he would be inviting suspicion when possibly there was none. Besides why should he panic or try to get away. He had not done anything wrong, hmm …  well strictly speaking having sex with another man’s wife was wrong, morally, but that was not a crime. Anyway, that was the new ruling in law so seducing someone else’s wife won’t lead to trouble with the law only with the husband if caught. He slowed down to let them pass but he was shocked and surprised when the security officer officer sitting on the passenger’s side indicated him to pull over and stop as the jeep overtook them. First time he felt a little panic but his panic was more for the sake of Mounika than himself. She may become distressed by the presence of the security officer especially now so soon after she had just had illicit sex with him. For persons like him who was at that high level in society they held no fear of the security officer. More often than not the security officer treated them with great deference. He just hoped Mounika did not become very uncomfortable. He pulled to a stop brought down the window and waited for the security officer to approach him.

Inspector Vajendra got down from his jeep and walked up to the car. His experienced eyes expertly surveyed the two people inside the car. From the car they were driving, the clothes worn by them and by their general look he could easily see that they were very wealthy people. The man was around the mid-twenties or so and the woman seemed to be in the mid to late thirties but again she could be older as women of her class generally looked after themselves quite well. But what he immediately noticed was that they were both attractive people. He was a handsome young man and she was a beautiful woman. Maybe they were mother and son he thought to themselves, her beauty being passed on to the son.
“Anything the matter Inspector. Why did you stop us?” Prakash’s voice was matter of fact. It was obvious that he was not perturbed at being stopped. Not the reaction of someone who had done something wrong.
Seeing them and the young man’s reaction Vajendra too concluded that these two obviously very wealthy persons probably had nothing to do with crime and had probably some other reason for being in that place. But the woman seemed to be more disturbed. Women, even women of that social class, generally get nervous in the presence of security officer was his experience. Nevertheless, he had been taught not to take anything for granted.
“I noticed your vehicle coming out from there,” Vajendra nodded his head to the side indicating from where he had seen their vehicle emerging on to the road. “Any reason for your presence here?”
Prakash was relieved to hear that. The Inspector had only seen them only as they had driven on to the road. He had not seen them drive out from behind the heavy brushes. Worst thing would have been if he had snuck up to their car when he and Mounika were fucking. Now that would have been a major scandal.
“Why Inspector? Why do you ask? Anything wrong in that?” Prakash asked coolly. This man is rather too cool Vajendra thought looking at him up and down but the man seemed unperturbed by the scrutiny.
“That was the scene of a crime recently, just answer me.” Vajendra’s tone was even. These people were not like the servants where he could intimidate them. He really did not know what level of influence they could possibly have. It was better to be courteous as long as he did not suspect them of any wrong doing yet.
“Oh, sorry Inspector, I didn’t know that,” Vajendra believed Prakash seemed to be genuinely surprised. All the more reason for him to believe that these two were not involved in anyway, on what had happened.
“Yes, that’s why we needed to question anyone having to do something in this area,” Vajendra replied.
“I am thinking of developing this area for building houses, this was just a very initial survey,” Prakash lied smoothly. Or rather it was not a complete lie as his family was also involved in the construction business and developing and building flats and houses were in their plans.
“Oh… may I know your name and the name of your company?”
Prakash gave Vajendra the information he wanted. Vajendra looked meaningfully at Mounika as if to ask who was that.  
“Oh, this is my aunt Mounika,” Prakash said. This too was not a complete lie. He did call Mounika aunty in front of his parents and her husband.
There was really nothing more he could ask them at this moment, so Vajendra just nodded to them and said,” Sorry for the inconvenience. Have a safe drive back.” If it need be he could always verify as to the truth of his statements. Afterall he had made note of the car registration number.
Vajendra walked back to his jeep with a slight frown on his brow. He had noticed that the woman’s face was devoid of any make up but there were indications that there had been make up on quite recently that seemed to have been rubbed or cleaned away. Her saree also seemed to be slightly crumpled. He had also noticed a small red smudge mark on the man’s collar. Probably a lipstick smear? Ordinarily people would not have noticed this but to a person like him, he would not fail to notice small details like this. As he got into the jeep he thought maybe the man Prakash was not entirely truthful. He only had noticed as their car had emerged on to the road. Where could they have been earlier? Their car could have been parked anywhere in that lonely place. There were many places there where even a car as big as theirs could be hidden from view. Was this young man having an affair with that older woman? He had also noticed the Mangalsutra chain around her neck. Well engaging in an adulterous relationship was no longer a criminal offence. So even if they were engaging in illicit sex it was not of his concern. However if they were caught engaging in obscene or any type of sexual activity in public then that would be an offence. But he was not interested in such petty matters now. There were more pressing concerns for him at the moment. He had wasted enough time questioning those two. ACP Dharana was waiting for him, he needed to move as fast as possible.
As the Inspector walked away Prakash lay his hand reassuringly on Mounika’s hand. It was cold and he could feel the fingers trembling. She had really become frightened he though to himself. He waited for the security officer jeep to drive away before he started the car.
“There’s nothing to worry about Mounika dear, he was just doing some routine questioning,” he spoke calmly and reassuringly.
He could still see her breathe with difficult from the stress of the brief encounter with the security officer. He squeezed her hand gently as if to say everything would be alright. He held her by her chin and turned her face towards his. He again gave her a soft smile. Her tremulous lips were an indication that she still had not recovered from the agitation. Ordinarily she wouldn’t have been overly concerned with any encounter with the security officer but these were different circumstances. She had just been engaged in an adulterous sexual activity that too lewd activity in public for the first time in her life. This was the first time she had been disloyal to her husband and only the second sexual encounter outside of her marriage. This was the reason for to become so upset. He leaned forward and gently kissed her lips.
“Don’t worry darling, the Inspector has probably forgotten about us by now. He only stopped us because apparently there was a crime committed here recently, otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered about us. It was just an unfortunate coincidence.”
She spoke for the first time now saying out what had been in her mind that had troubled her so much. “What if he had come upon us when we were making love in the car. Oh my god think of the shame and scandal .. I would have simply died,” her voice was timorous.
The enormity of her actions finally dawned on her. Not the sexual affair as it was wonderful but this dangerous adventure of having sex in the open. What she and Prakash did in the confines of a room was not going to be an issue but this type of risk she took was too dangerous. If she continued the affair without taking any unwanted risk like this then there was only a very, very, minimal risk of discovery. If they confined their love making to only his condominium or on any carefully planned holiday trips then it’s unlikely that their affair will ever be exposed. That was because Prakash’s place was very private with tight security and no one can come in without him being informed first. As far as her husband was concerned he was away often than not giving her ample opportunity to indulge herself in this morally wrong but utterly fulfilling affair. Moreover, her husband had never been restrictive of her movements and she was allowed a lot of freedom. The only aspect she had to be careful about was as far as her children were concerned. Neither her son or her daughter should ever suspect that she had a lover, that too one not of her age but closer to theirs. So, no more of this type of ‘adventure’ she decided firmly. They drove on for sometime while she was immersed in these thoughts. Luckily it was only a minor inconvenience with the security officer and she slowly regained her composure so much so that when their car was unexpectedly crossing the car her husband and his lawyer were in her hand had been rubbing her young lover’s renewed erection over his pants. She was so engrossed in what she was doing and her husband, in his discussion with his lawyer that they both failed to notice each other. Probably the reason why this affair had started in the first place, their failure to take notice of each other. When they had reached the underground parking in Prakash’s condominium complex he parked his car beside where Mounika had parked her car.
“Okay dear, I’ll call you again when my husband has left the city. Be patient till then.”
“How long will that be?”
“I don’t know, maybe a few days sometimes a week or two. That’s what usually happens whenever he gets back on his trips.”
“I can’t be without you for that long,” Prakash said with hunger in his eyes.
The raw desire and longing in her young lover’s eyes pleased her immensely. That he craved for her so much felt very good. She lovingly stroked his face. “I feel the same my dear but let’s not be reckless. We have all the time ahead for us.”
She looked at his forlorn expression in amusement. It had been so long since someone wanted her, desired her so much. It was only in the first few years of her marriage that her husband had that feeling for her.
“Don’t worry my dear, even when my husband is here he is mostly very busy during the day and even on the evenings many times. We’ll get the opportunity to be together.”
They kissed again for a long minute. “Okay dear, I have to go. My husband had come back suddenly and I shouldn’t be away too long.”
“Why don’t you come to my room for a while before you go freshen up,” he added as an afterthought.
“To freshen up is it? Don’t give that story, I know what you would want,” she laughed. “You will only exhaust me more I’m not taking the risk.”
“You’re so mean Mounika, see the condition you are leaving me in.” Saying this Prakash unzipped his pant and took out his manhood with some difficulty unwinding the fully erect tool. The massive tool was at full attention staring longingly at her face.”
Mounika looked at the magnificent specimen of male virility, her tongue unconsciously wet her lips. He’s so smitten with me that he his desires reawaken so quickly she thought proudly. She couldn’t leave her sweet boy suffering like this. She quickly looked around. There were very few cars parked at this time of the day and the place was nearly empty.
“Is it fair to leave me like this,” he pleaded echoing what she already had decided in her mind.
She reached forward and took his hard, warm flesh in her long slender fingers. She could feel the blood engorged tube throb in her fingers. It was so beautifully shaped and big that it provoked a natural erotic intensity in her.
“It’s so beautiful,” she said as she stroked him. Her inner thoughts came tumbling out from her mouth unconsciously.
She still couldn’t believe it that the man who had chosen to seduce her and to whom she had given herself to happened to be so well equipped to fulfil all her wants. What if it happened that she had succumbed to the seduction of a man who turned out to be a disappointing lover. She would have given up her precious chastity, one she had safeguarded all these years, for nothing. But her sweet Prakash had not disappointed her. In fact the experience with him had been the most glorious feeling she had ever got in her life. She pulled up his T-shirt and kissed him on his chest. Her mouth sought his nipple and licked and sucked it as she stroked him. Prakash realised that this mature wife was not going to come to his room as he had hoped but was still going to give him a fantastic handjob. He looked at those elegant, beautifully manicured fingers holding his erect manhood. She started with long slow strokes as she continued to tongue and tease his nipple. As her hand gained speed the nail polish because just a blur as she fist-pumped him. His breathing too became erratic as she pleasured him with her hand. He pulled up her head and kissed her as his emotions overtook him. About five or six minutes of her expert stroking had brought him to the edge.
“Baby …sss.. I’m going to come.”
“Do you want to shoot in my mouth,” she whispered erotically in his ear as she increased the speed of her hand pumping.
“No darling, I want to come by your hand,” he groaned as he quickly reached out and pulled out a few tissues and held it close to the tip of his penis.
She started sucking his nipple once again increasing his pleasure. “AAaa… yes now … now..” he groaned as they both watched as his sperm shot out like a fountain on to the tissues. She continued to stroke him till there was only a dribble coming out from his tip. Without him asking or expecting she took his cock in her mouth and sucked him clean. The orgasm he had was immensely satisfying. He could not believe that even her fingers held so much joy. This orgasm had been better than what he had experienced while having sex with many of the girls earlier in his life.
Ten minutes later she left the place in her car. She had reapplied a fresh coat of lipstick, combed her hair, dabbed on some perfume to mask the smell of having perspired a lot when she had fucked with her lover. She went back home to wait for her husband’s return from his office like a sweet and faithful wife.
As Vajendra reached the ACP’s office he got a message from his department that they had traced Premavati’s address through her phone number. He looked at the address indicated. That was an address where the very wealthy resided. It was very rare that anyone in his department had gone on investigations in that part of the city. As he entered ACP’s office Dharana who was waiting for him indicated to him to sit down. Vajendra saluted the ACP and pulled up a chair and sat before him.
“Good job Inspector, you were able to pinpoint the likely place the victim was possibly in quite fast.”
Vajendra was pleased by the praise he got from his superior officer. Contrary to his initial feelings about the young officer he had to report, he had grown to slowly respect him. ACP Dharana was intelligent, straightforward and most important of all he treated those who reported to him with fairness and courtesy.
“That seemed the only likely place sir,” he replied all other houses up to about ten kilometres after the scene of the crime is occupied by families, with either the husband or in some cases both the husband and wife working.”
“Did you interview those women who actually remain at home? Maybe the victim had been with one of them. Or it could be one of the working women had taken leave on that day and was with the victim?”
“We did check sir. In all instances there were elder family members at home with them. Either the parents in law or parents. On our investigations we found out that at the suspected days of the murder there had been at least one elderly family member at home at that time so we ruled it out as unlikely the victim had been in any one of those houses.”
At that time Inspector Vajendra’s phone rang. “Excuse me sir,” he said as he attended the phone.
Okay, good, good I’ll check the message,” he said into the phone. He turned around to Dharana after looking at the message and said,” Sir, we’ve got the details on the lead Premavati.”
“Yes, I’m waiting,” Dharana replied.
“Well this Premavati is actually Mrs. Premavati Yogeshvar. Mr. Yogeshvar is a big time Industrialist. However, the property we investigated is registered only under Premavati’s name. I suspect that Mr Yogeshvar is not aware that his wife has such a cottage in her name.”
“You can’t be sure about that can you?” Dharana asked him.
“True sir, I could be wrong but I strongly believe the cottage was her private love nest. She probably used it for her own personal affairs. That’s what I deduced from her servant’s evasive answers.”
“So Vajendra you think that Vinod and Premavati were having an affair and he had had sex with her before he was ambushed and killed?”
Vajendra just nodded.
Dharana got up from his chair. “Come Vajendra let’s go give a visit to her.”
“I tried calling her earlier but she did not pick up the phone. Shall I call again and tell her to be at home as we would want to talk to her?”
“No, Vajendra let’s surprise her,” Dharana smiled.
Vajendra hesitated for a moment. Dharana looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Sir, these are very wealthy people. They would probably have influence in high places. Should we alert DCP on this before we interview her?”
Vajendra had long years of experience. He had experiences of knowing the difficulty in dealing with people who are influential. Dharana was new and on his first posting. He felt it was his duty to forewarn him. Dharana too realised what Vajendra’s intentions were. He was actually trying to protect him from getting into any difficulties with his superiors. He appreciated Vajendra’s concern. Slowly a bond was developing between the two men.
“It’s okay Vajendra. We’ll brief him later. We are still in charge of the investigation. Let’s do what is necessary.”
Both Vajendra and Dharana left their office to interview Premavati who was at that very moment just arrived back home from the mall. She did not realise that her peaceful life is going to come under great strain soon.
Meanwhile in another home, much more modest than Premavati’s, a woman who was in her late thirties picked her ringing phone.
“Has there been any one coming around questioning about the murder,” the voice at the other end asked.
“Nothing so far, you don’t have to worry. I don’t think anyone would be able to connect us to the murder, you be careful that’s all that is important,” Sheela said to her brother in law Arun.
“I’m safe, you don’t worry. How is Suba,” Arun asked.
Suseela looked at her daughter who was intently listening to their conversation. “She’s fine. She is very happy and grateful for what you have done,” and after a little pause Suseela added,” so am I.”
“That’s my duty. I have to protect the both of you for the rest of your lives.”
“How is the wound? Are you okay now?” Suseela asked with concern.
“I’m okay, the wound has healed well. It was only a flesh wound. Even when injured the son of a bitch was able to get off a shot.”
“Luckily nothing serious happened. When will you come back here?” Suseela asked.
“I think it’s better I stay away another week. I’ll come back if nothing bad comes up. You and Suba be careful,” Arun said once more before he cut off the call.
“That was your uncle,” Suseela told her daughter though it was not necessary as her daughter had already guessed that from her mother’s conversation.
“I know ma, when will uncle come back? I miss him.” Suba said. The droop of her shoulders, the lifeless eyes spoke of a heart wrenching melancholy.
Suseela was at a loss to console her daughter. The events of that wretched day were still strongly etched in her daughter’s mind. Even with the death of the bastard her sorrow still haunted her. This house was a constant reminder of what had happened that terrible day. She had to move to another house, she decided, at least for the sake of her daughter. She’ll have to wait till Arun comes back before she could do that.
“I’m going to lie down for ma,” Suba told her mother as she went to lie down on her bed.
Suseela did not stop her daughter as her daughter very rarely went out with friends now after that incident. Very often her daughter would spend her time like this, withdrawn from others. Suseela could not blame her daughter, the events of about two years ago was still very crystal clear in her mind. Her daughter was only eighteen at that time. In the prime of her life, a happy and vivacious girl. Her husband Bogan, that is Suba’s father was the feared main henchman of the Gowranga crime syndicate. There was always fierce rivalry between Gowranga and Balveer crime syndicates for dominance. The more powerful and dominant between the two would be able to control the more lucrative criminal activities especially the illegal drug supplies. With Vinod and Bogan being the main strengths of the two gangs there was little to separate them. The rivalled each other in ruthlessness and bravery. They were both valued and taken care of by their respective bosses. There was constant probing from both sides to see if there were any weaknesses that could be exploited. One day such a thing happened that led to the death of her husband.  
[+] 3 users Like game40it's post
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Too good
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Interesting more as it unfolds
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You never dispoint us with are always gem in story telling...i am big fan of u...
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Dude can you gives us a character name list
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(04-06-2021, 10:13 AM)Redbull_69 Wrote: Dude can you gives us a character name list

security officer Personnel.

1.)   Asst. Commissioner of security officer (ACP)– Dharana (Chief in investigating murder of main crime henchman)
2.)   Inspector Vajendra – Assisting the ACP
3.)   Deputy Commissioner of security officer (DCP) – Paul Ebenezer
4.)   Commissioner of security officer – Sanjay
(DCP and Commissioner have only limited role in the story)
Crime Members
1.)   Vinod – Ruthless henchmen to Balveer and murder victim.
2.)   Balveer – Crime Lord
3.)   Gowranga – Rival Crime Lord
4.)   Bogan – Gowranga’s main henchman (killed by Vinod)
5.)   Arun – Bogan’s brother and Gowranga’s crime syndicate member – took revenge on Vinod for death of Bogan (his brother).
6.)   Suseela – Bogan’s wife
7.)   Suba – Bogan’s daughter – bangd violently by Vinod.
Other Members of story
1.)   Jayakar – Big time Business Magnate (Age 53)
2.)   Mounika – Jayakar glamorous and beautiful wife (age 48). Started an adulterous affair with the young son of her friend Divya. Both, enjoys the sex with her lover and has developed feelings for him.
3.)   Sandhya -Daughter to Jayakar and Mounika. Spoilt brat who is sexually active (age 23)
4.)   Poorvith – Son to Jayakar and Mounika, brother to Sandhya (age 26). (Not introduced into story yet)
5.)   Neela – Poorvith’s girlfriend (age 24) (Not introduced in story yet.)
6.)   Rajesh – Sandhya’s current boyfriend who hopes to charm her and marry her.
7.)   Lekhashree (Lekha for short) Up and coming politician’s wife (age 31). Was having a sexual affair with Vinod purely for sexual gratification.
8.)   Rakesh – Politician and husband to Lekha (age 38)
9.)   Prakash – Successfully seduced the till then faithful Mounika and had embarked on a passionate illicit affair.
10.)Premavati – Rich female with low morals and person who lent her place to her friend Lekha for her to use to have sex with Vinod. (Age 38)
11.)Yogeshvar – Big time industrialist and husband to Premavati (Age 41)
12.)Divakar – Lawyer to Jayakar
13.)Shilpa – ‘Aide’ to Jayakar, primary duty to take care of sexual needs of Jayakar (age 23).
Other characters may come in as the story evolves. Though there are many character, some will only have very minor role to play in the story.  
[+] 5 users Like game40it's post
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Excellent bro. The list is huge. Surely it will rock.
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Great going bro, cant wait for the next update.
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Who killed vinod. Interesting narrative.
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waiting for next update
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(05-06-2021, 09:17 AM)LustyLeo Wrote: Who killed vinod. Interesting narrative.

Killed by Arun and gang but who was the one who ordered it is the question. 

Many thanks to all those who commented. 
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Episode 9

Vinod had managed to bribe one of Bogan’s trusted man who then had secretly drugged Bogan’s drink. The drug had a delayed reaction and its effect would only be felt a few hours later. Vinod had been working on Bogan’s trusted man for a long time to make him turn on his leader but to no avail. Vinod offered him huge amounts of money, drinks, women and even a big position in his own gang but the man still hesitated. Vinod had learnt that the man had ambition to take Bogan’s place. In the gang hierarchy he was next and he would take Bogan’s place if something happened to Bogan. Yet in spite of the desire, fear was still the overriding feeling. There would be no mercy for traitors. A painful death awaited him if he was caught. Vinod spent months in convincing the man to turn on his leader. He assured him that no suspicion would come on him, he would see to that. Not only would he be able to replace Bogan, he would be rewarded very well monetarily too. Finally, the man had succumbed to his greed for power and leadership and had agreed to Vinod’s plan.

On that fateful day Bogan had his usual drinks with his men and had come back home late that evening. The houses surrounding Bogan’s house was occupied mainly by his men and at all times two of his men took turns to be some sort of sentry. Hence it would be impossible to launch a sudden unexpected assault to harm Bogan or his men. The approach to their houses was quite exposed and nobody could stealthily advance on them. Moreover, the night sentries remain well hidden and would be attackers would not know that they are being observed.  But not only had the traitor drugged Bogan but he had done that to his men too. So, on that day even the sentries were all in a stupor when the attack began. It had been easy pickings for Vinod and his men. On that day only about half of Bogan’s men were there. Arun, Bogan’s brother was away with the rest on another matter that Gowranga wanted done.
Suseela remembered well the events of that day. It was as if it had happened yesterday. The terrible events pf that day had been burnt into her mind. Vinod had kicked open the door as he entered in. Startled from her sleep she immediately shouted out to her husband calling for help but he seemed to be unable to wake up. There was a disdainful look on Vinod’s face.
“Don’t bother shouting, no one is going to come to your aid,” he said with an evil laugh. 
Suseela felt a chill take over her body. She realised that they were in imminent danger. Where are her husband’s men she had thought at that time in dismay? No one should have been able to breech the security around their house. Following Vinod inside the house was three more of his men. Suseela desperately thought of a way to escape, she could make a break for the back door but how could she abandon her husband and leave him to the mercy of this murderous bunch. Oh god, another realisation came to her. Her teenage daughter was in the other room. Just as this horrible thought came to her the room door opened and her daughter came out rubbing her eyes having been awakened by the commotion. She was in her nightdress. A girl who had just blossomed into a young woman. Suba gave out a shriek on seeing the strange men in her home. One of the men quickly ran up to her gave her a savage slap. The force of the blow sent her collapsing to the ground in a heap.
“Shut up you bitch,” the man who had slapped her shouted at her crumpled body.
Seeing this violent assault on her daughter, Suseela flew into a rage. “You son of a whore aaargh .. bastard,” she cursed him as she attacked him clawing at his face.  
Another man pulled the raging woman away from behind by her stomach and easily overpowered the struggling woman. Meanwhile Vinod and the remaining man went straight to Bogan who still seemed to be in a slumber. Suseela was shocked her husband still didn’t wake up not realising that he had been drugged. While his man held Bogan half upright in a sitting position, Vinod slapped his face a few times trying to bring him to some level of consciousness.
“Wake up you son of a bitch .. wake up. You caused me enough trouble always trying to muscle in to our deals. Today I’ll put an end to it.” The anger within Vinod was visible in his face. He was so incensed at Bogan for all the difficulties he had caused to him that Vinod wanted him to be aware that his life was going to be ended. He didn’t want to finish Bogan off while he was still unconscious.
Bogan slowly opened his eyes still very groggy. The effect of the drug was such that it was all he could do, he felt like his arms and legs had no strength. He took a few seconds to become aware of what was happening in his home. Seeing that he and his wife and daughter were in danger he tried to struggle up but to no avail. He was just too weak.
“Please my wife and daughter have nothing to do with this .. don’t harm them,” he pleaded for mercy for his family.
Two of his men were holding the struggling Suseela. It took two of them, much bigger and stronger than her, to subdue her as she found the inner strength that comes only when faced with great danger and in wanting to protect her family.  Somehow she wanted to go to the aid of her daughter and her husband. Her daughter was still lying on the floor in a heap, not moving. Vinod’s intention was only to kill Bogan and get away from there but Bogan had been the only one to thwart many of his plans and actions. No one else had ever been able to do so. The need for vengeance was seething within him. Now a very heinous thought entered into his mind. He must make his rival endure agony for the difficulties and failures he had caused him. He got up and walked to where Suba was lying in a heap. He turned her body till she was lying prone facing upwards. He turned to see if Bogan was still looking at him. He smiled, a smile of pure evil.
“No.. no .. don’t,” was all Bogan could shout out weakly.
“Arrgh…. Aarghhh… leave my daughter alone,” screamed out the struggling Suseela.
One of the men holding her stuffed a large piece of cloth into her mouth stifling her cries. Vinod tore the upper clothes on Suba’s body with one violent tug. The cloth came tearing out into his hands. Suba lay there her young upturned breasts hidden by the bra she wore. Vinod roughly pulled the bra up over her body releasing the breasts from the cups of the bra. The pain from this rough handling caused Suba to regain her consciousness. She tried to struggle up but Vinod easily held her pressed against the floor with just one hand. He pulled her skirt off her body with one hand till except for the pulled-up bra, she was completely naked. Having retired to sleep she had not even worn any panties. Her pubic mound with a week’s growth of pubic hair was exposed to all to see. Instinctively her hands went to cover her modesty.
“No.. please.. please…,” “mmpphh… mmpphh…,” Vinod could hear the faint pleadings of the father and the muffled pleadings of the mother who had the cloth stuffed into her mouth.
Vinod released his pant belt and pulled off his pant and underwear. He stroked his huge cock till it had become fully erect. He lay on top of Suba with his weight rendering her unable to move from his clutches.
“I want this recorded,” he told the man holding on to the helpless Bogan,” I want to see how I bangd the great Bogan’s daughter again and again.”
His man let Bogan’s body fall back to the floor as he started recording his chief on his phone. Vinod pulled her legs apart and with one forceful thrust he shoved his entire cock into her vagina. She screamed out in agony. His big phallus went tearing into the dry vagina of the virgin girl breaking her hymen and causing her to bleed. Tears streamed down the cheeks of the father, mother and daughter each in agony caused by their different suffering. For Vinod this was nothing about sex, it was a display of violence, dominance and power. This was not for sexual gratification it was to cause pain and humiliation. He started fucking her violently. From struggling at first after a while Suba just lay limp as she endured the assault on her body and her mind. Her first sexual intercourse which should have been a sweet and memorable experience had turned out to be a horror for her.
Vinod was not fucking to please a lover he was fucking for vengeance. There were no niceties in the copulation. A small mercy for Suba was because of that he had finished in about five minutes or so and had shot his load in her. He got up from her body leaving Suba lying there unmoving and sobbing silently. He walked back to where Bogan was lying on the floor, still half naked. Bogan could see the blood from his daughter’s broken hymen still dripping on Vinod’s cock. His mind was filled with rage but his body could do nothing of it. He wanted revenge, to beat Vinod with his bare hands but he was helpless. His spirit was broken. Thankfully for him his life too was extinguished too soon after as Vinod slit his throat.
Vinod looked at Suseela and said,” You better keep your mouth shut or your daughter’s humiliation would be shown to the world.” He was reminding the mother that her daughter being violated had been recorded.
When Vinod left the place only two people were dead, Bogan and Bogan’s man who had betrayed him by drugging him and his fellow gang members. Vinod didn’t like traitors and this was also a sort of warning to his own men that this would be the only reward for treachery. He also did not kill all the other drugged helpless gang members. The sensationalism surrounding the death of two criminals would fade away in a few days as other news starts dominating in the media. However, the murder of six or seven people would have caused tremendous ruckus in the media. The security officer would be under huge pressure to solve this case. All this would bring unnecessary heat on their own organisation. Moreover, their purpose had been achieved. Bogan was the key. Without his cunning, bravery and penchant for violence leading the men, Gowranga’s organisation would not be so threatening to their own anymore. Sure enough, in the next two years Balveer group started muscling in on to areas which had been under Gowranga and soon they became the strongest crime organisation in the city.
Suseela and Suba refused to give any information to the security officer the next day. They both even hid the fact that Suba had been bangd. Bogan’s brother Arun who returned the next day with the remaining gang members protected his sister in law and niece being subjected to pressure by the security officer under the guise of questioning. They were all aware that in their life things like this could happen at any time. Cooperation with the security officer was not acceptable in their code. They have always been told never to trust the security officer. Besides they had always taken care of their own problems. Arun had plotted waiting for the time to take revenge. He could accept the fact his brother was killed, if his brother had had the opportunity he would do the same to his rivals. They accepted it as part of the hazard of their profession but Vinod crossed the line when he lay his hands on a family member who had nothing to do in their business. For that he needed to die but Vinod now had grown too powerful and seemingly untouchable. Arun’s boss Gowranga was not willing to spend or give the resources to Arun to take revenge for the death of Bogan. Another reality became crystal clear to Arun, your boss will only take care of you as long as it benefits him. A dead Bogan was of no use to Gowranga. Besides the Balveer group had grown too powerful and he was not willing to take any risk against them.
Frustrations was growing in Arun that he could not avenge his brother. Only three others of the men in the group were loyal enough to Bogan to be willing to stand by Arun’s side but that was not enough to take on Vinod. Arun used to cringe in guilt every time he saw his sister in law and his niece. The suffering they had undergone both physical and mental. The sorrow in their eyes. He should never have left them alone that day. Till now his helplessness made him wrought with guilt. As if an answer to his prayers he was contacted by a mysterious man over the phone. Arun did not know who it was because the only contact with him was when he was contacted on the phone. That man wanted Vinod dead and was willing to spend the money no matter how much as long as it was done. He did not want his involvement in this to be known and therefore he said his identity will always remain hidden. The money Arun required and asked for was always banked into his account. With that Arun set his plan to get Vinod into motion. He could now afford to hire outside people, people from other states to carry out surveillance of Vinod’s activities without raising Vinod’s suspicions. Even then it took seven long months and heavy expenditure before they could get Vinod. The unidentified hirer was both willing to be patient and did not care about the expenditure.
This anger and this thirst for revenge was why he took great pleasure in seeing Vinod clobbered to death that day. It was payback for what he had done to his brother and his niece. His sister in law broke down in tears as well as joy as emotions overwhelmed her on hearing that Vinod had been killed. But what frightened her was that her daughter showed very little reaction to what had happened. There was a momentary spark in her eyes when she heard that Vinod had been killed but that news did not pull her out from her misery. Arun had reassured his sister in law that it may take time but Suba would one day slowly but surely overcome her sorrows and be back to her old self. That was what had kept Suseela going on as she looked at her sleeping daughter. 
After some hectic meetings and settling on their organisation’s contingencies and course of action Jayakar was finally able to take a break. In his luxurious office he had a separate adjoining room with attached Jacuzzi and shower. He really needed to get relief from the stress he was in. Stress was not new to him it was part of his life and he had long accepted that fact. Dealing with situations where his decisions if not correct could lead to losses in the crores was always going to have this effect. But this is the life he chose so he has to bear the consequences. He sat in his jacuzzi with his head back resting on the edge, eyes closed while warms streams of water was gently massaging his body. With the flight back, the meetings and having finished a glass of fine wine he was almost asleep when he felt a new sensation. He just let himself enjoy that for a couple of minutes without opening his eyes.
“Mmmm .. mmmm …,” he murmured in appreciation.
He slowly opened his eyes to see the beautiful face of his twenty-three years old aide Shilpa. There were a three of so-called aides in his employ who were officially assigned to do some minor work for the organisation but whose main task was to take care of the boss, namely him. They were his stress relievers. One of the three frequently was part of his entourage when he was on his business trips. These special aides were not permanent but on contract. From time to time they would be replaced by newer ones but they were all always handsomely paid at the end of their contracts. Of the current lot, Shilpa was Jayakar’s favourite. She was especially skilled in the arts of pleasing a man.
“How does this feel sir,” Shilpa asked with a smile as her fingers pulled and kneaded the muscles on his thighs.
“That feels good Shilpa but go higher,” he said dreamily.
Shilpa nodded but she didn’t hurriedly do what her boss told her to do. She knew from experience what would make him enjoy more. She rubbed a long line on his inner thighs with her thumbs applying a bit more pressure now. Jayakar felt the pleasant pain that comes when pressure is applied to tired muscles. She worked on his muscles for a few minutes progressively going higher and higher up his legs, going towards his groin. As she had to reach further up she had to get up on her haunches. When she did that Jayakar had an eyeful of her 34 B sized breasts dangling temptingly in front of him. He had played with those ripe but firm fruits many, many times. She leaned a little more forward as the palm of her right end went under his balls to cup them. The tips of her fingers gently scratched the sensitive extension that started right after the scrotum. With her other hand she squeezed and rubbed the foreskin of his now erect penis with her thumb. Jayakar let out a big sigh of contentment.
“Aaahhhh ….. you do that so well Shilpa, nobody can do that better than you?” Jayakar genuinely meant what he said.
What he didn’t know was that his close business associate’s son Prakash would strongly disagree with him. For Prakash the one worthy of that praise would be Jayakar’s own wife Mounika. She had done the very same thing with Prakash’s cock just a few hours ago that Shipla now did with Jayakars. Jayakar slid down further in the water and raised his hips slightly. Just the head of his penis poked out from under the water. Now Shilpa did another thing that Mounika had done for her lover. She bent her head down and swallowed the head of Jayakars cock.
“Suck baby, suck,” Jayakar said not knowing that someone else had just a few hours ago uttered the same thing to his wife of twenty-eight years.
Shilpa sucked using all the skill she had acquired in her young life. She did that so well that there wasn’t any difference in the fabulous pleasure given between someone like her doing it for duty and someone like Mounika doing it because of lust. Shilpa’s face would go in and out of the water as she took more of her boss’s cock into her mouth. Jayakar just squeezed and rubbed her tits as she blew him. After a few minutes Jayakar wanted a different kind of pleasure.
“Come Shilpa I want your pussy now.”
Obediently Shilpa sat with her thighs over Jayakar’s and moving her groin close to his. She held her boss’s cock and rubbed it on her slit. She had become a little aroused and a little wet by her foreplay with her boss but she had already applied a little lubricant to her vagina to help smoothen the penetration. She moved her hip a little forward and her cunt swallowed the head of his cock. Jayakar just leaned back and relaxed as Shilpa did all the work.  Shilpa slowly started moving her hip back and forth fucking her boss.
“Sssss … nng.. nng…,” she moaned more for her boss’s pleasure than her own.
Meanwhile after a long relaxing bath Mounika was lying in her bed smiling as she read the messages from her lover. Though they only had fucked once that day he had still exhausted her. Should I get additional energy supplements to cope with the vigorous love making of my young lover she mused half in jest.
“Why didn’t you,” she typed back to his message saying, “I should have shot my load into your pussy.”
There was a pause before he answered. “I wanted to but we must enjoy first before I make your stomach swell.”
She laughed out loud reading this message. She imagined how it would be if she were to be walking around with a big stomach now at this age. Her friends would rib her mercilessly. Maybe Jayakar can go around feeling a bit proud that he was capable of this at this age. But only she would know who was responsible for her condition. At forty-eight years she had reached the age when menopause can start at any time but it had not happened yet and she was still fertile. Maybe her husband’s weaker discharge at his age may not get her pregnant immediately but her youthful lovers copious release and the potency of his discharge would certainly do that. Though she would love to have her young lover’s child as a gift of love for his passion for her, it would be dangerous. It would raise many people suspicions possibly her husbands too. If ever a DNA test was done on the child she would be in an awful lot of trouble. If any suspicion is aroused her husband would most probably do such a test. He wouldn’t want someone else’s progeny become part heir to his wealth.
“No way darling .. I’m on the pill.”
He sent an emoji with a sad face. She smiled on seeing this. She wondered what if things had been different and she had embarked on an affair about fourteen or fifteen years ago, would she have fulfilled her lovers wish then? She would never know. She had never thought of straying at that time though there were opportunities and temptations. There were many approaches made to her, some from quite handsome men too but she rejected all the approaches. But why now, at this age did she give in to a seducer, that too to someone so young. Maybe she felt life is passing her by and there would always be regret within her that she had missed living life fully. Or maybe there had finally been a man who she was naturally so attracted to that he could breech through all her defences. With a smile she continued to chat with the new love of her life.
ACP Dharana and Inspector Vajendra were looking at the nervous guard standing in front of the huge gate.
“Is Mrs Premavati in? Tell her we want to talk to her,” Vajendra said gruffly.
The guard used the phone at the gate to call the main house and informed about the situation there. After a short while a lady came out on the upper balcony of the house and peered out at them. After a few moments she went back inside. The guard received instructions to let the both of them inside.
“That must have been Premavati sir,” Vajendra stated the obvious to his boss.
They were led into a big, expensively furbished living room. To call it a living room would be wrong it was almost like a hall.
“Please sit sir,” a servant said indicating the sofa,” madam will be coming shortly.”
“Wow, what a place sir,” Vajendra whispered to Dharana in awe.
Dharana looked at the impressive place and smiled as he replied,” Your salary and my salary put together for the next thirty years won’t enable us to buy a place like this.”
“Exactly sir, when your husband can provide you luxury like this then why would a woman like Premavati want to fuck around.”
Then realising what he had said Vajendra apologised,” Sorry for the language sir.”
“It’s okay Vajendra, I understand. You know the proverb, ‘an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Well their husbands have no time and their wives like in this case have too much time.”
They both stopped their conversation as Premavati came down the stairs. She was an attractive woman who looked around the early to mid-thirties. They were to learn later that she was actually thirty-eight. She had a t-shirt and jeans on. Even in the confines of her own home she had full make up on as if she was out in public.
“Yes Inspector, what can I do for you?” she said as she walked up to them. She had the confidant arrogance that the truly rich and powerful had. She was not at all intimidated by the presence of two security officer officers in her home.
They had both got up to greet her. Vajendra bridled internally both at her tone and the way she addressed them.
“I am Inspector Vajendra but this is Assistant Commissioner of security officer Dharana,” he said emphasising Assistant Commissioner as though that should impress her.
“Oh, I see,” she said nonchalantly, she was in no way impressed,” sit down,” she said as she sat opposite to them and crossed her legs.
Dharana noted that she used the dismissive term ‘sit down’ instead of the more polite ‘please have a seat’. As far as Dharana was concerned he was not bothered in the least about this nor was he going to be intimidated by this show of power. Premavati who was noting the both of them realised that Dharana was the type that had to be dealt with cautiously.
“Tell me then, what is this all about,” she asked again. She was not flustered by their presence because in her mind she had not done anything wrong so why should she fear these low-level security officer officers. For her even an ACP was a low-level officer.  She had even seen Deputy Commissioners get up for her husband.
“Madam, do you own this place,” Vajendra asked giving the details of her cottage.
“Why do you ask?” Premavati said not answering their question but asking one of her own.
“Just answer madam, is that so?” Dharana asked though from the registration of the property they already knew the answer.
Premavati thought for a while. If they had traced her here it was likely they already knew the answer. “I think you already know then why ask that?” she said continuing to be stubborn.
Dharana sighed. Dealing with this type of people with a highly inflated opinion of themselves was always a pain in the ass. “I know madam but we have to be on record as having confirmed this through our investigations,” he indicated Vajendra who sitting with note book and pen to record what had been answered.
“Am I being under investigation? What for??” She said in indignation.
“No madam this is in relation to an investigation and we believe you can provide some information on it,” he replied politely.
“Me?” the puzzlement on her face was evident for both of them to see. “What investigation is that?”
Dharana and Vajendra had a quick look at each other. Each knew what was on the others mind. Vinod’s murder had been in the news for a few days now. If Vinod was her secret lover and had she been with Vinod on that day in the cottage then she would know why they were here and she would have displayed some nervousness at least. But she was completely at ease and seemed genuinely puzzled as to their presence here. Again, when they asked her about the cottage she did not seem to be flustered. If Vinod had been with her in that cottage then she would definitely be nervous when they question her about the cottage. Were they on the right track? This doubt came to both of them.
Dharana decided to be direct. “This is regarding the murder of notorious criminal suspect Vinod.” After saying this both of them watched her face keenly to see her reaction. There was only puzzlement on her face.
“Vinod? … Vinod?? … hmmm I seem to have heard that somewhere ….,” she mused. Her face suddenly cleared up. “Oh yes, that was in the news recently wasn’t it? What has that got to do with me?”
Either they got it completely wrong and she had nothing to do with Vinod or she was a fantastic actress. Dharana decided on the next tack. “We believe he was in your cottage the day he was killed.”
This time there was genuine shock on her face not because she had been found out but because this was something she was totally unaware of. “Whaat??? This is unbelievable, what the hell are you saying?” Premavati who had been sitting relaxed, leaning back on her chair suddenly sat up.
Dharana and Vajendra realised then itself that Premavati had no connection with the murdered Vinod. “Madam, isn’t the cottage yours?” asked Vajendra.
Now in the mental turmoil state Premavati answered the question instead of being evasive like earlier. “Yes .. but I don’t know who this Vinod person is.”
“Madam, you have this huge house but why do you have that cottage there? We know you frequent that place once or twice a week.” Seeing her face turn to outrage he quickly continued. “Your servants have already confirmed this?”
She had been about to give vent to her outrage but his words stifled her indignation. She was nonplussed as to what to say. She did not know how much or what her servants had revealed. Ramu had not contacted her and briefed her on what had happened. He is going to feel the brunt of my fury when I get to him she said to herself. She was still defiant though.
“I don’t see how it could be any of your business,” she said bitingly looking at him angrily trying to cower down him.
This was where Dharana showed he was made of sterner stuff. He was not going to be browbeaten by her wealth, influence or whatever. “When it involves a murder investigation everything is our business,” he said quietly but firmly.
She hesitated not sure how to respond then after a few moments of thought answered. “I go there for my own needs, my relaxation. There is no law against that is there?”
What she said was the truth. She went there for her needs and to relax. What she failed to elaborate was those needs were her sexual needs and the relaxation she got was her needs being fulfilled through enjoyable sex.
Dharana could figure out that she didn’t know Vinod therefore it was impossible that she was with him. Yet it seemed likely that Vinod had been there just before he met his death. Another thought struck him, this maybe it he said to himself.
“Besides yourself, does anyone else go there? Do you allow anyone else to use the place?”
The sudden hesitation the startled look on her face told him he had got it right. Premavati was cursing her friend Lekha in her mind. She had let her use the place. It had thrilled her that Lekha too was sleeping around like her. It had felt like they were co conspirators who had gone one up on their husbands. Whenever she met and spoke to Lekha’s husband she would smile sweetly and engage him in chatter but he did not know the reason for her smile as she spoke to him was her derision that he was a fool.
“You dope, while you’re busy another man is shoving his cock into your wife. How she would be belittling you as her lover fucked her,” she would think in delight while speaking to him.
She thought this as this was exactly how she poured scorn on her husband as she fornicated with her lovers. She realised that not only it made her more horny when she did this, it also inspired her lovers to fuck her with more gusto. She had a few lovers on a string. She like the athletic type. Especially one with more brawn than brains, after all she wanted them to quench her lust not engage in intellectual conversations with her. Her ‘type’ were the senior college guys or junior executives. She also liked it if they were also well equipped but that was not an essential requirement. In her promiscuous lifestyle since she had become sexually active she had known of many men well equipped but poor lovers. Either they though that their big pricks were sufficient for a woman and did not care to see to their lovers needs or only caused more hurt than joy. Also, there was no rule that a big cock does not suffer from premature ejaculations.  There were also many averaged sized men who were very skilled lovers and who provided immense pleasure to their partners. She was attractive enough to have a few young and handsome lovers to call upon. She had no need for call boys. Along the way some of her lovers lose interest, get married or move away but ready replacements were not so difficult to find.  But this stupid cow Lekha had chosen to start an affair with a criminal. No matter how good the sex could be it was not worth the while to be associated with goons like that.  
Dharana could see that Premavati’s mind was contemplating something. He had to move that along and make her relent and tell them what they wanted to know. “We, have many ways of finding out. Through tracing phonecalls, messages and other means.”
They could actually do that but it would eat up more time that they did not want to lose. They could see who Vinod had been in contact with through his phone records and then see who was in that list who also was in contact with Premavati.
“We do not think whoever was in contact with him that day had anything to do with his murder. We just need to find out if the victim had inadvertently revealed anything about himself to his lover. We need to ask some questions, that’s all,” Dharana continued reassuringly.
Premavati still hesitated. Dharana decided he had to push her some more. “If need be we can expand our circle of questioning … including your husband.”
I helped out the bitch when she needed a place to fuck with her lover without any problems but now she has got me into problems Premavati thought to herself angrily. Has she no brains as to what type of safe love to choose? Okay I have no choice now if I don’t what to get into trouble with my husband. I have been putting horns on him without his knowledge. If he gets to know that I don’t know what he will do, I hate to think of that,” she decided.
“Yes, my friend also uses the place sometimes,” Premavati was indirectly admitting that she and her friend had been sluts, making out with their lovers secretly in the cottage. It made her feel embarrassed and ashamed to be admitting this to strangers. She cursed her friend some more in her mind.
“Who is that?” Both Dharana and Vajendra looked at her expectantly.
“My friend Lekha … Lekhashree.”
“Who is she?”
“She is the wife of Rakesh. Youth wing president of … “ Premavati hesitated some more before mentioning the name of the political party.
Dharana and Vajendra looked at each other. This was getting complicated.
[+] 4 users Like game40it's post
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Wow she cleverly put her friend in trap.
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Super sago. Meticulously planned.
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Nice update bro
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