Thriller The Impact of Lust (Completed)
Definitely different
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Excellent update bro..
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(28-05-2021, 06:30 AM)Ananthukutty Wrote: Very interesting twists and turns. How these points going to join How many new characters to come. Excellent narration of story.

(28-05-2021, 05:15 PM)Isaac Wrote: Superb.....

(29-05-2021, 05:08 AM)fuckandforget Wrote: Awesome, put mounika in a situation that she cannot be without prakash. It would make more interesting and she will be ready to kill anyone for having him with her.

(29-05-2021, 06:14 AM)vishuvanathan Wrote: Great narration and good turn arounds..

(29-05-2021, 07:00 AM)Nesamanikumar Wrote: Definitely different

(29-05-2021, 11:17 AM)srinivasulu Wrote: Excellent update bro..

Thanking all for your interest shown in the story. This story would have scenes of violence. Normally there won't be anything like that in my stories but here it is required as it essential for the story. 
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Episode 6.

How she got to know him was in itself another story. From the time she got to know him she straightaway suspected that he was probably involved with the underworld in someway but did not know much about that aspect of his life. The next feeling to follow the shock was a feeling of sadness. Though her acquaintance with him was not for a very long time it was nevertheless very consequential for her. This happened about a year ago. That was the time when he had actually saved her from being violated by two men. On the evening that it happened she was having a good time in a pub. Something had upset her at home that day and she was venting her frustrations by one of the only two ways she knew that is by getting sloshed, the other way being indulging in sex. She had gone there all alone and not with her friends as she usually did. This being one of their regular haunts she was certain that at least some of her friends would already be there and that she can hook up with them. Strangely enough that evening none of them were there. This frustrated her even more getting her more into a bad mood. She was already into her third round of gin when two young men who had been observing her started conversing with her and befriended her. Alarm bells should have gone off for her, befriending strangers when she was already in a vulnerable state of drunkenness was a recipe for danger but her anger and frustration dulled those senses of self-preservation. If she had not welcomed their attention when the men approached her or if they had tried to impose themselves on her against her wishes then the bouncers present who are always on the lookout for trouble would have taken care of them. But she too responded to them and became friendly with them and so bouncers ignored the three of them. The two young men continued to ply her with drinks. They wanted her completely drunk. There would have been no doubt to anyone watching them that the two men were up to no good. They were going to screw her whether she was a willing participant or not.

“Come baby let’s go somewhere else and party .. this place is getting boring,” man number one said.
“No … I want another drink.. not going anywhere,” Sandhya slurred.
“Sure baby, I’ve got all the drinks you want and more .. come with us .. we’ll have a good time,” man number two said.
They wanted her to be drunk enough to lose her inhibitions but not so drunk that she loses consciousness. There would be no fun in banging a lifeless body. She must be very high but conscious enough to participate and let them enjoy the sex with her.
“No.. I want a drink.. not going anywhere,” she said with a stubbornness that only the truly drunk could display.
Man number one was getting irritated at her stubbornness. He already ready to plunge his cock into her cunt. Man number two was the more patient between the two. He calmed his friend down and bought her another drink as she had demanded.
He whispered into her ear as she sipped her drink,” You want to get really high? I’ve got something that will make you feel really good but for that we need to get out of here.”
“Really?” she perked up but then immediately said,” no .. no, my friends may come here .. I’m staying put.”
Man number one completely lost his patience. “Let’s just drag this bitch out of here,” he said in an undertone, his voice choked with anger, to man number two.
Man number two just ignored him instead he whispered to Sandhya,” okay we needn’t go away. I have it in my car, we’ll just go to the parking lot and we can come back here soon.”
Even in her dulled state of consciousness she understood that her new found friend was talking about some designer drug to get high. She actually didn’t mind some of that now.
“Okay,” she said as she got up. Both the men let out a big sigh of relief but it was short lived. She sat down again and said,” bring it here.”
Man number one was about to about to roughly grab her by her arm but man number one stopped him. While this little drama was going on unbeknownst to them, four pairs of eyes were watching their every move.
“I can’t bring it here .. come we will only be away not more than five minutes,” man number two tried to persuade her.
Sandhya pondered for a minute, just drinking without her friends was getting boring, maybe why not see what these men have. On an impulse she made up her mind and decided to go with the men not realising the danger she was putting herself in. She got up to go with them. She was able to walk on her own though albeit unsteadily. The two men did not know that she had better ability to hold her drinks then most girls. They thought she would be easy to handle once they got her alone after plying her with enough drinks.  
Both the men held her by her arms each on one side as the led her out of the bar. They tried to hurry her along as they wanted to get her out of there before she changed her mind again. As they made their way to the door they did not notice the four men who got up from their seats leaving their half-finished drinks behind and followed them at a short distance away. They made their way out of the hotel to where their car was parked. They had parked it a little out of the way of other cars in a non-lit area. As they started to walk to a darkened area in spite of her drunkenness suddenly alarm bells began to go off for Sandhya. She shrugged her hands off their hands holding her and tried to pull away from them.
“Where are you taking me … leave me .. I want to go back,” she said loudly as she stopped walking and tried to turn back.
Man number one had had enough. “Shut up you slut, just walk.” He pulled her hard.
“No no leave me,” she shouted out loudly. The sound seemed louder in the quiet of the late evening.
Man number one put his palm over her mouth to stifle her voice. She bit his hand so hard that she drew blood. “Aw you bloody bitch,” he cursed her shaking his hand in pain.
Man number two, the supposedly calmer man now acted decisively. He slapped her hard on her cheek so much so she almost swooned. He grabbed her by her hair and started dragging her to their car which was not far away. He covered her mouth again in order to stop her from screaming. That’s when man number two felt a hard clip to his head and he went sprawling to the ground face forward. His hand lost its grip on her hair. Man number one turned in surprise and shock and got a fist on his face for his trouble. He felt the bone on his nose break by the force of the blow. Vinod and his three men began to beat up on man number one and man number two till they were a bloody mess on the ground. The beating was so quick and so brutal they couldn’t even cry out. Man number one had his arm broken at the elbow, man number two had his right knee dislocated. Their faces were completely disfigured by the blows showered on them.
As his men held the heads of the two men by their hair Vinod squatted in front of them and said,” next time you try to bang any woman I’ll cut your cocks off and shove it down your throats.” He spat on their faces as he got up and walked away with his men.
Sandhya’s two would be assailants still lay crumpled on the floor. Sandhya who had been watching all this unfold, stunned and horrified suddenly came to her senses and half ran and stumbled after towards Vinod and his men.
“Thank you .. thank you so much,” she blurted out, the scene she had witnessed making her more sober than she was a minute ago. “Thank you for saving me.”
“You’re a silly cunt you know that,” Vinod said,” carry on like this and you’ll get bangd one day for sure if not today. Save your thanks, we didn’t do it for you.” He said curtly as they got into their jeep and drove away.
Though drunk, Sandhya got into her car and somehow got back home. In her inebriated state and in the panic she was in it was a wonder that she reached home safely without getting involved in an accident. The shock had sobered her up a little. Only then did she realise how fortunate she had been not to have been bangd. It was not a matter of her losing her virginity, that had long gone but she couldn’t tolerate someone violating her body against her will. Her hands were still trembling. It took quite a few hours before she fell asleep out of sheer tiredness. It was by chance that she got to see Vinod accompanied by two of his fellow henchmen about two weeks later. He was standing outside a motorbike repair shop. It took her only a few seconds to recognise her saviour of two weeks ago. She quickly drove her car to the roadside curb and parked her car. She hurriedly got out and walked up to where Vinod was standing with his men. He looked up on hearing her approaching steps. He looked at her enquiringly as he saw her approach with a diffident smile on her face. It struck Sandhya that he did not recognise her immediately. It took a few seconds before she saw his face clear up on him recalling who she was.
“Thank you .. Thank you so much for what you did for me that night,” she said. She stumbled over her words as she spoke.
Vinod looked up and down over her. He was brazenly appraising her. She felt a little shiver run down her spine and that was not entirely because of fear. He had strong set jaws and a rough kind of attraction about him. There was something of a caged animal within him. He could either savagely ravage you and hurt you badly or ravage you in bed and take you to untold pleasures. That danger that emanated was in itself what drew women towards him. Most women would instantly perceive that innate sexuality he exuded. After a few seconds of his eyes looking over her his eyes met hers.
“That’s okay. You ought to be more careful next time,” he said as he dismissively turned his head away.
Sandhya felt disappointed and also insulted in a way that he had dismissed her in such a way. It was as if her youth and her sensuality was nothing for him. She was used to men hovering over her, waiting for her to at the very least condescendingly acknowledge them. But here was a man who looked at her as if she was a nobody. She was annoyed but did not know what to do. Should she just turn and walk away. She was confused but mostly hurt or rather her ego was hurt.
“Look, I want to do something in return. Let me know what I can do .. I can pay you if you want.” Since he was dismissive of her looks she turned to the only other thing she knew that allowed her to exert power over people, money.
His eyes once again turned towards her. He looked at her sardonically and said,” how much are you going to pay?”
Now Sandhya relaxed a bit. Like all men if it was not sex then money would bring them around she thought to herself.
“How much would you want? 10,000? 20,000? Or more?” she asked.
Vinod looked at her derisively and said,” Is that the price of your cunt?” The two men with him gave out a short laugh, more of a snort.
She had just been insulted by men who by the looks of them were way below her social status. She always thought of herself as a class above the common folks. Sandhya felt blood rush to her head as anger overtook her. But here her money or social status were of no use, these were not men like her boyfriends. She really did not know how to handle this.
“Look my father Jayakar can pay whatever you ask. If I tell him what you did for me that day, you can name your price.” Since she had no personal power she used the name of the only person she knew who could exert influence over other men, namely her father.
On hearing her father’s name Vinod seemed to straighten up. He seemed to recognise who her father was. When he next spoke, he sounded more respectful towards her.
“Sorry miss, I shouldn’t have said that. Those two men had bangd and hurt a young girl badly. Her father didn’t want that to be known publicly but he wanted those two men to suffer the consequence of their actions. He paid us to teach those bastards a lesson.” He explained the reason for their attack on her would be rapist.
Sandhya was a bit mollified now. “But I want to repay you in some way. Tell me what I can do?”
Vinod looked at her with a smile. “Okay then, you can buy us coffee. We can go to that hotel,” Vinod pointed out a hotel nearby.
She had spent about half an hour with them that day as they drank their coffee. She didn’t get to see him again after that till she saw his face slashed on the TV screen just now with the news of his death. She felt her eyes involuntarily tear up. The man had, even if unintentionally, saved her from the two men who had intended to ravage her. She may have been badly hurt if they had got her away to some secluded place.  
Two days later Mounika was getting ready to go out. She was dressed up tastefully with beautiful make up on. She preened around and looked at herself in the mirror. It had been a very long time since she had worn such low hips saree. She looked at the reflection of her body sideways. The somewhat V-shaped way her saree was tied revealed the soft, slightly rounded flesh of her belly and the cute belly button. The blouse stretched against her bosom revealed how well shaped they were. The shinning lip gloss applied artfully on her lips enhanced their juiciness. She was in a cheerful mood. She was going to meet her toy boy Prakash. He had promised to take her on a long drive out of the city. She knew they wouldn’t be able to make love today. The birth control tabs wouldn’t have taken effect yet but smooching with him in his car parked in a lonely spot would be a different type of thrill. This was like going on a date with your boyfriend she thought. How good it was to feel young again. They won’t be making love but she knew he would at least expect a blowjob from her. She would probably have to make him finish that way otherwise he may insist to take her in the car itself. She had never done that before, that is having full sex in the car. I have to try that with him at least once she decided to herself. Coming back to the present, should she swallow his load was the biggest debate she had with herself. She had never done that before even for her husband but now in her heart she wanted to do that for her young love. She wondered how it would taste. She involuntarily wet her lips with her tongue as she pondered this.
As she was about to open her front door and go out, it opened and her husband walked in. She was shocked and flustered on seeing him here. He was supposed to be overseas for at least another week. It was really surprising that he had come back so suddenly. She was agitated not only by his sudden appearance but that he would notice how attractively and sexily she had dressed up. She feared that it may raise his suspicion but he seemed to hardly notice her. He himself seemed to be preoccupied by something else. She felt compelled to engage him in a conversation.
“What a surprise you’re back already, is anything wrong? You said you would be away at least another week,” she asked him.
Only now he seemed to really notice her. “Yeah but something urgent had come up and I had to return.”
She had never interfered or asked him about his business dealings so she didn’t enquire any further now either.
He only now suddenly seemed to really note her. “Were you ready to go out,” he asked her.
“Yes, I was going to meet Divya, we were planning on doing some shopping.” Divya was Prakash’s mother. It was almost like a half truth. She was not meeting the mother but the son. He didn’t seem to think that there was anything wrong in the way she was attired. Or maybe it was he had stopped really noticing her these past few years.
“I can call her and cancel,” she offered, hiding her disappointment. She was so looking forward to meeting her lover today.
Luckily her husband didn’t disappoint her. “No, you go ahead. I’ll be going out soon too and will be quite busy so you don’t have to change your plans for me.” Her husband was giving her permission to go out and enjoy herself with her lover though of course he did not know that.
Try as she might she couldn’t hide the delight on her face when her husband said this. “Are you sure,” she asked her husband again.
“Yeah, yeah you go ahead, don’t worry about me, have fun,” he said once again as he walked away.
“That is what I intend to do, have fun, exciting and delicious fun,” she thought to herself.  
As her husband walked up the stairs to their room she almost skipped out of the house. Jayakar called his close associate and lawyer Divakar as soon as he entered the room.
“Has the meeting with the security officer Commissioner been confirmed,” he asked him.
“Yes, not to worry, I’m just waiting for you before we go and meet him,” his lawyer replied.
“Give me about 40 to 45 minutes, I just got back home will have a quick bath and be seeing you soon.”
As Jayakar was taking his bath his thoughts were on the unexpected complications that had arisen. He had quite recently used the services of Balveer to “persuade” some reluctant owners of property to sell so that his proposed huge new factory project could be implemented. The main man from Balveer who was involved in this was Vinod.  Now the news had come out that he was dead, that too murdered. He was informed of this when he was overseas. He had to change his plans and get back here. Though he was not directly involved in this matter he did not want the name of his organisation to be dragged out in the public. The bad publicity could affect their share prices very adversely. That would not sit well with their large investors. Again, nothing should hinder the implementation of their plan. Huge money was involved and any delay could lead to unwanted huge cost. Was Vinod murdered by an angry property holder who was forced to sell against his will. Even if this was unlikely to have happened surely security officer investigations could lead them to discovery of his organisation’s involvement in the factory project and resentments that could have arisen because of that. If this Vinod’s work for them. came to light the security officer would explore the possibility that the murder had something to do with that. That would mean their organisation would be dragged into the investigation. That’s why he needed to meet the security officer Commissioner. They have to get his agreement that nothing about their organisation comes out in the media. In this case no news is good news. About an hour later Jayakar and Divakar were sitting in front of the Commissioner. The meeting was not in the Commissioner’s office but in a private room of a top hotel in the city.  
The Commissioner looked at the two men in front of him. It was not often that he gets to meet a man like Jayakar. Here was a man who had access to Ministers, even the Chief Minister but yet he has chosen to meet with him, he wondered why. After some pleasantries they got to the matter at hand.  It was Divakar who spoke.
“Commissioner Sanjay, we are pleased that you have consented to meet us privately like this instead of in your office.”
Though the lawyer used the word consented when it involved someone like Jayakar it definitely was more than just a request. The Commissioner just nodded in acknowledgement. He waited in silence as he really did not know what this was all about. He was not going to say anything, let them reveal their purpose first. Divakar continued to speak but he seemed a bit uncomfortable as he spoke.
“You see sir, there is a matter on which we need your assistance.”
Now at last they are coming to the matter Commissioner Sanjay told himself but he just looked enquiringly at him without saying anything.
“I don’t know how to say this but it involves the matter of the new factory that Mr. Jayakar’s organisation is building off the boundaries of the city, I’m sure you would have read about it or you would have been appraised of it by the top government officials.”
Finally, the Commissioner spoke,” Yes, I have been briefed,” was all he would say. He was still not getting why they should meet him on this. If it was a matter of getting legal clearances the officials in the concerned ministry or even the Minister himself would have solved it for them.
“You must be aware sir how beneficial it is going to be financially for the state and for it’s development. Moreover, it would create great employment opportunities for the people here.”
The lawyer needn’t be selling me on the importance of the project, he was well aware of it, let him come to the point he thought a little irritated but he hid it well from the two men across the table.
Now Divakar really looked uneasy as he was about to continue. Looking at his discomfort he could see that finally he is coming to the real reason for this meeting.  
“You see Commissioner we had used the services of BV Constructions on the initial clearing and levelling of the land for the factory.”
This didn’t mean much to the Commissioner at first till it dawned upon him that BV Constructions company was just a front for the Balveer Crime organisation when they were involved in work for large corporations where their ‘special’ services were needed. Divakar’s next sentence confirmed his suspicion.
“The main man involved in the management of that project was one Mr. Vinod and we just got to know that he had been murdered.”
Commissioner Sanjay was well aware of the matter. He had only recently been briefed by DCP Paul on that.
“Yes, Mr. Divakar, investigations are currently ongoing. Rest assured we will do all that we can to apprehend the perpetrator or perpetrators of the crime. I can well understand your concern here when something like this had happened to a business contractor.”
The Commissioner purposely chose to misinterpret the purpose of this meeting to mean that they were concerned that the criminals who had murdered the employee of their contractor should not get away scot free. Every one present there was aware that this was not the reason at all for this meeting but all carried on with the pretence. Both Jayakar and Divakar knew the Commissioner was aware of the type of services BV Constructions provided.
“Yes, Commissioner we appreciate that but there is something more that we hoped you could do for us.”
Once again the Commissioner just looked at them enquiringly.
“You see we do not want our Organisations name to come out as having any involvement in this in the Media. You know how vital this project is for the continued development and prosperity of the state and adverse publicity could possibly derail the project in some way.”
The Commissioner sighed. Who do these people think they are? Are they going to dictate how they, the security officer, should carry out their investigations? It was time to put them in their places.
“I don’t know how we could do that. If our investigation leads to findings that the crime was somehow connected to your project it would be out of my hands to hide that matter. We won’t stop pursuing our investigation in that direction if that happened to be the case.”
“No, no, don’t misunderstand us,” Divakar said in alarm,” we would not interfere in any way. All we ask is that any connection to us is not made public as much as it is possible to do.”
The Commissioner was also aware that there was only so much he could push them. They were too powerful for that. “You must understand if the murder investigations lead us to believe that actions of BV constructions had anything to do with it, nothing is going to stop us from pursuing that aspect.  What I can say is that your organisation connection would not be made public as long as it is not absolutely necessary.”
Truth be told they were not aware of BV constructions and Vinod’s involvement in the mega factory deal till these two gentlemen had brought this to their notice. As they were unaware of it they had not been pursuing any investigations in this direction. Though it was likely that eventually this aspect would also have come to their attention as investigations progressed. Their current thinking however had been that this was some sort of inter crime war to gain control of profitable illegal avenues. This new information had come to them out of the blue. Commissioner Sanjay made a mental note to appraise DCP Paul of this new unexpected lead. Their meeting carried on for about another hour more. When Jayakar and Divakar were returning in their car to Mr. Jayakar’s corporate head-quarters they were in deep discussion. Jayakar had not wanted any politician’s involvement in this. If they, the politicians become aware of the issues, then they would try to extract a substantial price from them. If possible they wanted it be resolved at this level.
“If it need be and cannot be avoided, we will need the Minister’s help in this. The Minister should be able to put this bastard in his place,” Jajakar instructed to Divakar.
They were so engrossed in their conversation, Jayakar did not notice the car that had crossed their own a few minutes back. If he had notice that it would have merely surprised him. But if he had been able to look inside the car he would have been shocked. In that car his wife Mounika had her hand on his business associate’s son’s thigh. He would have seen her gently caressing the young man’s thigh muscles with her delicate fingers. He would have seen the bulge she was causing. Mostly he would have known that his wife had lied to him. She had told him that she was going out with her friend but she was actually with the friend’s son.
[+] 9 users Like game40it's post
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Super. Wife with young man (son) and daughter with his business partner (father) would make it good.
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Fantastic bro.
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Extraordinary. keep the momentum going.
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Amazing update Smile
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Episode 7

Unaware that her husband’s car had just crossed her young lover’s car Mounika was looking at Prakash’s face with a bit of amusement. Though she just drained his life fluid from him not so long ago her caressing of his thighs was causing a bulge to reappear on the front of his pant. Seeing him suffer not being able to do anything about it as he was driving was the cause for her amusement. But there was at least some small thing he could do to ease his lust.  Prakash took her hand and placed it on his bulge. Her fingers curled around the bulge as she squeezed his fat erection but it was so hard that her palm felt like pressing against a padded wall.

Mounika smiled,” You rascal, you are insatiable. You are ready again so quickly.”
“I will always be ready for you Mounika darling, all you need to do is touch me.”
Some two hours or so back they had been parked below a shaded tree off the path of a lonely road she did more than just touch him. Their car was hidden from view of the road behind some heavy bushes. The two illicit lovers were in a tight embrace as they kissed passionately. The lip gloss that Mounika had so artfully applied was all but gone in their kiss that had been going on for more than fifteen minutes. Their parted lips took turns to trap each-others lower lip in a sloppy wet kiss. He would pull her extended tongue into his mouth as she would when he returned the favour. As they had not seen each other for three days after that first bout of illegitimate love, their passion had already been building even as he drove as fast as he could. They needed privacy to share their lewd intimacy. She as the mature and experienced paramour wanted to show her enthusiastic and amorous young love that she was more skilled in the erotic arts. She leaned towards his ears and whispered suggestively as she stroked his inner thigh.
“Baby …I was so wet even after I got back home that day you know.”
“Oh really.”
“mm yes, my pussy was still itching,” after a pause she continued,” for your hot cock.”
Prakash couldn’t stand it, he reached with his one hand and kneaded her breast as he drove.
“Yes, darling hsss .. massage my tit…hmm.”
She undid the bottom two hooks on her blouse, pulled out her right breast from the bra and covered his hand and breast with front of her saree. Now he was able to play with her tit directly.
“Mounika, your nipple is puffed up and swollen dear.”
“My tits were swollen the whole day after you sucked so hard you monkey,” she admonished him playfully.
Prakash quickly turned and looked at her for a second and smiled before concentrating on the road ahead. “I couldn’t help it Mounika, your tits were so beautiful I could suckle on them the whole day.”
She impishly knocked him on the top of his head,” idiot what did you thing, milk was going to flow? No chance of that happening.”
 “I wish I could feel the milk flow from your nipple as I suck.”
“I know you devil, that’s why I had to buy birth control pills otherwise you’ll make your wish a reality.”
Mounika looked up the road, they were out of the city now and the road ahead was straight and empty. She pulled her saree aside and pulled his head towards her dangling breast. He automatically slowed down but continued to drive while his mouth hungrily sucked on her tit.
“Sssss … yeah baby huuufff…”
Within a few seconds she pushed his head away and covered her tits with the saree as she spied a car coming in the opposite direction about a few hundred metres away. They waited till their cars crossed.
“Ohh ended so quickly,” he lamented in disappointment.
“Don’t be impatient my darling boy, you can feed on them as much as you want soon.” Her seductive tone made his cock twitch.
“My cunt has never been stretched as much as your thick rod did that day.” As she coyly said this she was unzipping his pant.
“Did it hurt you sweetheart?”
“No dear, it was wonderful.” Her hand slid into the opening and grabbed his hardon. “Your cock was wonderful.”
Prakash felt proud that this classy woman was so smitten with him that she could speak with him so lewdly. Maybe only with him she could do all that she ever wanted to try out and experience in sex without any reserve that she may have when doing it with her husband. She slid her fingers under the stretchable leg cloth of his boxers and grabbed his erect flesh. She played with it causing him to squirm. He couldn’t stand it anymore he wanted to ravish this ravishing woman and luckily for him they were near where he had planned to go. As soon as he had parked the car he grabbed her and started kissing her passionately. Even as he was kissing her feverishly she managed to pull out his cock. Now as they kissed her fingers were pulling on his huge cock up and down. Finally, he pulled back his seat and sat back as he watched her fingers play on his member. The red nail polish on her long fingernails flashed in the little sunlight that penetrated through into the car as her hand pleasured him. There was no hard grip, or inexperienced painful stroking, only smooth long strokes with the right grip just around the head and with the right amount of pressure. An experienced woman is so much better at this he thought as she expertly stroked him.
“You’re so big and thick baby, it’s so fascinating to see,” she whispered huskily.
“Do you really like my cock darling,” he asked teasingly.
“I love it.”
“Then show me.”
She knew what he wanted. She used her thumb and index and middle finger to completely uncover his rosebud. It was glistening with his pre-cum. She bent over his lap and scooped up some of his love fluid with the tip of her tongue. A small string of colourless sticky fluid was between the opening of his penis and the tip of her tongue. Her tongue stretched out some more to completely pull that into her mouth. Prakash could see her tasting him. Her lips stretched out in a small smile. She seemed to like it.
She kissed his cockhead a few times. “My sweet baby .. you like mama’s tongue hmm,” she cooed to his cock as if it was a baby.
She licked the rosebud till it was clean of his pre-cum .. but not for long as more flowed out from the orifice as her hand pumped up and down over its length.  She took the cockhead in her mouth and started sucking it.
“Ahh.. yes baby .. that’s it,” Prakash moaned.
Mounika took his cock out of her mouth and stroked it as she looked at his face and smiled.
“Was it good for you,” she teased.
“Yes, it feels wonderful.”
Mounika once again took his cock in her mouth and sucked it slowly, lovingly. She once again took it out of her mouth and said to him,” Your cock is so big and thick it’s so difficult to take more in my mouth.”
“Is uncle not as big as this, you’re not used to this size?” he teased her.
“Hey, don’t mock my husband or I will bite this off,” she threatened him jokingly.
“No, it was a genuine question, how big is your husband?” Luckily he didn’t word it as ‘how small is your husband’ she thought to herself.
She struck out her pink tongue to him and said,” I’m not telling you, no way.”
“Please my sweet love, please. I’m just curious.”
She smiled wickedly at him and shook her head no. He pulled her head up kissed her lovingly on her lips, looked into her eyes and said,” please.”
She seemed to debate something to herself then having come to a decision held his cock at around three quarters of his stem and said,” about this.”
She could see a triumphant look in his eyes. Strangely she was pleased that he was pleased.
“Is he as thick as this.” He wanted to know every detail of his rival for her sexual favours she thought to herself. He was in his mind competing with a powerful man. A man who commanded high respect in society but someone who lost to him in this most intimate matter. For all the maturity he had shown, he was like a gleeful child in this matter. This too made her happy, this mirthful reaction.
“No, you’re much thicker honey, in fact you are unusually large in that aspect.”
“And do you like that?”
“Mmm yes, it rubs in me so tightly, it’s simply heavenly.”
He pushed her back on her seat and started fumblingly to unhook her blouse. He struggled even though there was only a balance of two more hooks to go, as the blouse was stretched very tightly across the soft mounds of flesh. What she really wanted to wear was one of those blouses that exposed the back completely with just a string holding the two ends together but she can use that when attending a party but there was no excuse to do that when her excuse to go out was shopping with a friend. So, she couldn’t dress more sexily for him as she wished she could do. As the blouse opened, her soft creamy flesh bulging from her beige coloured bra came to view. Prakash took a deep breath at that alluring sight. While looking at Prakash’s reaction she pressed a button in the front of her bra and the bra cups flapped open with her breasts tumbling out of the confines of the bra cups. She had worn this type of bra as she was certain she would have to feed her breasts to him and this was easier do so in the confines of a car. Her nipples were already erect waiting for him to feast on them. She held up her two breasts in the palms of her two hands as if offering those succulent fruits to him.
“Suck them my darling boy, these are for you my love. Take it.”
Prakash rubbed the tip of his nose on the erect nipples. He took in the smell of fragrant perfume along with the smell of woman in heat, deep in his nostrils. That potent combination went from his nostril straight to his groin. Mounika gasped as his lips latched on to her nipple. She closed her eyes as he suckled on her nipple. She couldn’t quite discern the feelings evoked in her. Was this just lust? Love? Or even maternal feelings? Divya would have suckled him just like this when he was a baby. But now this was so different. Prakash was a hot-blooded young man. A randy man at the peak of his sexual powers. When she was kissing him, love was the predominant feeling. When she cuddled him, it was maternal feeling that took over and when he had his large pole lodged deep in her and they writhing together in a passionate embrace, only pure lust burned within her.
“Ahh,” she pulled his mouth off her distended nipple,” don’t bite you oaf, suck,” she admonished him gently.
He smiled sheepishly at her,” sorry, got a little carried away.”
He once again latched on with his lips as Mounika fed him her other nipple. In the confined space of the car his suckling sound was clearly audible and so were her soft moans. Prakash nibbled on her nipple again but this time very gently.
“ssss… my darling baby boy … suck it … ooohh… suck baby,”
Mounika’s hand frantically searched for his virile manhood. She needed to hold it, caress it to express the feelings that were engulfing her at that moment. Her long, slender fingers found and grasped that dear thing firmly. Her thumb and fingers rubbed on the warm flesh as she squeezed and caressed it. For his part Prakash teased the tumescent rubbery inch long stem in his mouth with his tongue. This intimate petting by the both of them was increasing the intensity of their arousal. The car motor was running, the AC in the car was on but they could feel the body temperature increasing in spite of the coolness inside that small space.
While continuing to slurp on her nipple Prakash reached down to pull up her saree over her thighs. She lifted up her bottom so that her saree was now half way up her thighs but it could not go up any further. That was enough for him though. Those supple and shapely flesh that had not seen much of sunlight was of a shade whiter than the rest of her body. They were very smooth as they were waxed off and devoid of any hair. She shivered as his fingers traced gentle lines on her thighs. Her womanhood and already been oozing sometime and her pussy was soaking wet. Her pubic mound seemed to have swelled up more for him. She guessed that a thin wet line would have already formed on her lacy panties. His fingers were slowly inching towards her snatch. Soon it would discover the state of arousal she was in. Instead of feeling any embarrassment of him finding out about her state of readiness to take in his love pole she instead delighted in this display of lasciviousness. He had many times verbally expressed how much he desired her. In return she was indicating to him, without uttering a word, her carnal appetite for his young virile body was equally immense.  
“Aahh…,” Mounika groaned as the fingers of her young lover reached and caressed her panties.
Surely he would have felt her wetness even without moving her panties aside.
“Yes lover, I desire you so much, feel my wetness darling, see how much you have awoken the sluttiness in me,” these lewd thoughts raced through her mind.  
How was it that this young man, a man almost half her age, had been able to inflame the sexual desire of a mature married woman like her to this extent she wondered in amazement. That too a worldly woman like herself (or so she thought of herself). In his case her sensuousness, her voluptuousness had in turn evoked a raw desire for her in him. Their first intense and ecstatic sexual union had only strengthened their desire for each other. Their age difference paled into insignificance in front of all these emotions. All that seemed important was their need for each other.
His fingers caressed her cunt lips over the silky panties covering her feminine treasure. She moaned her appreciation as she held his suckling head to her bosom. Her soft beautiful fingers were now stroking the hot flesh of his immense erection, slow long strokes that sent ripples of pleasure emanating from his groin to his whole body. He pushed her panties aside as his fingers slipped inside, grazing over the soft silky hair to reach her moist opening. Two fingers entered in an inch. She took in a sharp breath. His fingers slid up easily over the wet and sticky opening till the tip of his fingers brushed against her sensitive love bud. She let out her breath in whimper as pleasure sparked in her. His fingers slid in and out of her pink petals brushing against the profusely sensory nerve covered pea.    
“anng… anng… anng… ,” her moans of pleasure was a constant chorus now.
She pulled his head up. Her red succulent lips eagerly sought his. She kissed him feverishly. The vehemence of her kisses showed how much she was in the grip of intense passion. In the forty-eight years of her life or the twenty-seven years of her marriage she had not been overcome like this with such intense emotions of sexual desire. Commensurate with these impassioned emotions his skill as a lover for one so young had been no less a delight. In their very first fervent coupling, she had been engulfed by immense rapture. After experiencing such unmeasurable ecstasy, she knew then itself that she would yearn for more of the same. Her only fear had been that once he had overcome her resistance and conquered her chastity his interest in her would wane. That she was a desired conquest but after achieving it he would not have the same desire as before. But so far it seems his desire for has only grown stronger. She was determined to please him in all the ways he would want and then some more. She would do for him things she had not even done for her husband. He must become a slave to every pleasure her voluptuous body can give him.
“Let’s get to the back seat, we’ll be more comfortable there,” he said.
Mounika looked around. There was no sign of anyone coming their way. Their car was also well hidden from anyone’s sight.
“Do you think it would be safe”,” she asked him a little nervously. She had never done anything as bold as this in her life. This was exciting, thrilling and highly arousing but also oh so dangerous.
“Don’t worry dear, no one would come this way, I’m sure.” He spoke with the fearlessness that comes with youth.
She was uneasy because of the risk involved. What a field day the media would have if they got caught.  She could just see the headline and flashing news. ‘Wife of Multi-Millionaire businessman caught romping with the son of his business associate.’ ‘Illicit mating inside a Mercedes’. Her reputation would be torn to tatters.
“Why don’t we go to your condominium Prakash. It would be much safer there.”
He held her hands reassuringly. “Don’t worry baby, I’m there .. I’ll take care of everything.”
She liked how he called her ‘baby’ like she was a woman closer to his age than to his mother’s. Yet she still hesitated.
“Have you ever fucked in a car .. or in the open like this before?” He asked her directly hoping to kindle her desire further.
Again, the vulgarity from him but it did not put her off but rather it only served to increase her lust. She had never experienced this type of ‘adventure’ or excitement before. These are things she missed in her youth but now experiencing in her late forties. Despite her reservations she decided in her mind to do what her young lover desired.
“No  .. but it feels strange to do this in the open like this.”
“You’ll love this, I assure you he said as he got out of the car, came around to her side of the car and held her by her hands to help her get out of the car.
They both stood just outside the back door of the car as they kissed once more. Prakash sought to remove her saree but she gripped it in her hands preventing him from doing so.
“No, Prakash. What if someone comes. We’ll be in trouble.”
Prakash didn’t want to push her any further. That she had conceded to this extent was in itself a surprise. He had surmised that the maximum such a mature and worldly wise woman like Mounika would allow him is kisses and caresses in the car. He did not realise to what extent he had awoken the ardour in her. He opened the back door of the car and laid her on her back on the seat. He pulled up her saree (she assisted him by lifting up her bum) till it was bunched around her waist. He looked at her smooth white legs with hunger in his eyes. He looked at her feet encased in a beautiful silver colour strapped, three-inch heeled footwear. He appreciatively admired her well-manicured toes held tightly together by the straps. He squatted in front of her and lifted her left leg by her ankle. He kissed her on her toes, snaking his tongue out to lick gently. Prakash could hear the heaving breathing of his mother’s good friend. That she was in the grip of amorous feelings was in no doubt. Prakash did not want to remove her footwear. The sight of the naked lower part of her body clad by only the footwear and satin translucent knickers was highly erotic. He could just make out over her panties, the darkness caused by the fine hair covering her pussy. She was of that generation who still believed that neatly maintained pubic hair would be more suggestive to men of the pleasures that awaited beyond them. The young women now preferred it clean shaven and maybe so did the men. Prakash himself had a preference for a cunt that was covered by fine silky hair than the cameltoe look. Especially with Mounika when he saw the contrast between her very fair skin and the dark hair he was highly aroused.
He slowly kissed his way up her legs. Every soft bite followed by gentle licking left a trail of reddish spots on her white skin. With his mouth still on her thighs he lifted his eyes to look at her. He could not see her face beyond her heaving beasts, primarily because she was kneading her own breasts with her two hands. He kissed her over her panties where her slit would be. She moaned as his lips brushed over the already wet line where her opening was hidden by the silky cloth. He traced the tip of his tongue from the bottom to the top of her slit. The wetness of his saliva joined and merged with the wetness already caused by her lust. Her moans became whimpers now as she pressed the back of his head down as hard as she could. He kissed and licked the top of her panties till it was so wet her pubic hairs became visible. He slowly pulled down her panties over her thighs. Her moist honeypot slowly came into view. Her pussy lips were slightly open so that he could see the pink wet flesh inside. He already had had a taste of the delectable pleasures that moist flesh held. Just a few days ago they had firmly held his hard rod and milked it as it had churned in them. He completely pulled her panties down till it was curled and dangling around her right ankle. He moved his head closer. The smell coming from the woman in heat was stimulating his own response. He took in a deep breath filling his lungs full of that intoxicating smell.  He felt his cock harden and jerk in response.  She could feel his hot breath on her pubis. Her mouth was dry as she eagerly awaited his lips to press on to her pink like petals. She didn’t realise that she had stopped breathing in anticipation. His tongue snaked out from his mouth to slither up her slit, directly this time without her panties preventing her from sensitivity of his probing tongue. It slowly moved up from the bottom to the top of the slit. As he pulled his tongue out in a scoop it had a bit of the viscous fluid sticking on to his tongue. This was the most potent drink a woman could give to a man.
“Oh baby… Ohhh…” groaned the mature housewife.
Prakash smiled to himself that he was able to make glamours woman like Mounika, a woman old enough to be his mother, lose herself like this to him. Mounika, who looked more than ten years younger than her age had that mystic alluring look that was not easily defined. Many women don’t age well but only a few are blessed that age increases their desirability.  Mounika one such woman. That was what that had bewitched Prakash the very first time his mother had dragged him and introduced him to her. The first look at his mother’s friend sent a chemical shock wave to his brain. There was an instant attraction that engulfed him that he could not explain. All he knew then was that he must have this incredibly sexy woman. Instinctively he had the feeling that within this very attractive woman there was a smouldering cauldron of desire. He knew then that the man who would be able to make those suppressed emotions erupt would be smothered by pleasures that he would have never dreamed off. He was proved right in this in the very first time they mated. The ravenous sexual hunger, the feverish coupling took them on a crescendo that ended in an all-consuming bliss that neither of them had experienced before. Having had a taste of that overwhelming ecstatic pleasure they knew that they would need it again and again till that desire is sated. Mounika hoped that it would be a long time before this happened. Mounika was well aware that this was a relationship that would not last. When Prakash had had his fill of her, he would move on. But till then she wanted her young lover. She wanted those intensely blissful moments with him now, when pleasures of the flesh still meant something and was important in her life. Now being unable to control herself anymore she pressed the head of her lover down till his lips and her pussy lips became one. His tongue started exploring her wet inner flesh. She groaned as pleasure started soaring in her body.
“Lick me my lover boy.. eat my pussy…mmmm….yes like that.”
At that very moment, in the private meeting room of a luxurious hotel, Jayakar was groaning in his mind too. This security officer Commissioner was proving more difficult than he had anticipated. He had wanted to resolve the problem that faced him at this level itself. He was getting very irritated but did not show it outwardly. If only he knew that, right at that moment, the son of his business associate had his face buried in his wife’s twat, this irritation would be nothing to what he would be feeling then. Meanwhile not very far from where Mounika and Prakash were engaging in their illicit tryst Inspector Vajendra was questioning two servants, a male and a female. They were inside a well-furnished cottage about four to five kilometres from where Vinod was murdered. His men on their investigations had found this cottage as the only place which was not occupied. All the other houses, though they were mostly far apart in this area, was occupied by families or as in one case three bachelors who were sharing and renting one of the houses there. His men having peeked inside the window found realised that this cottage was being used (noted by the way it was well furnished) and not some unoccupied house. So, they were in the midst of finding out to whom this property was registered. Meanwhile his men took turns to keep watch on the place thinking someone was sure to come in sometime soon. Sure enough, the two servants had come in today. Inspector Vajendra’s man immediately informed him. He told his man not to let them out of his sight and that he would soon be there. Now almost an hour later he was interrogating them.
“What is your name?” he asked the male servant sternly. Looking at the two of them he immediately concluded that these two people could not be the owners of the place. The place was too luxuriously furnished and these two, by the clothes they wore, indicated they were more likely to be servants.
Seeing them he came to the conclusion that they can be easily intimidated by persons in authority. He needed to do that so that he can get the information he wanted from them. He looked at them with steely eyes making them more nervous than they already were.
“Ra.. Raa.. Ramu,” the servant stammered out his name.
“And who is this,” Vajendra nodded indicating the woman who stood in fear beside him.
Ramu took a quick glance at his wife trembling nervously beside him. “My wife, Laxshmi,” he replied.
“Who does this place belong to? What are you two doing here?” Inspector Vajendra’s voice was louder than it needed to be. He didn’t want them to be thinking clearly or weigh their answers before they replied. Keeping them mentally on edge is more likely to elicit truthful answers.
“This place belongs to Madam .. we came to clean up the place.”
“And who is this Madam?” Vajendra asked, his look continuing to be austere.
Now both Ramu and Laxshmi looked at each other nervously. What are they to say? They were quite sure for what purpose Madam used this place for. The crumpled and many times stained bedsheet and even on one occasion finding an unused condom left no doubt as to what had gone on between madam and whoever was with her. They had always been strictly told when they are to come and clean up. It was always when Madam and whoever else was there had left. One thing they were sure of was that it cannot be ‘sir’ that was with madam in the cottage. Probably ‘sir’ was not aware of this arrangement his wife (madam) had. In fact, they did not even know who the ‘sir’ was though seeing the holy chain around madam’s neck there must be a ‘sir’ around.  They were employed by and were the servants to Madam. Anyway, these were all affairs pertaining to people in high places and it was best that they be as incurious as they possibly can they had decided from the very first. Even then, more often than not, both man and wife couldn’t help themselves from smiling at each other meaningfully when they see the mess that the bed was when they came in to clean up. They would make a guess as to when madam would have enjoyed more by seeing the condition of the bed. The more the mess the more the enjoyment was their deduction. Even Ramu at times had become so aroused that he had sex with his wife on the very bed dried stains and all before cleaning up. Lakshmi didn’t mind this because at those times Ramu’s performance would be extra enjoyable. As madam had set up this place so she could have sex on the side very discretely, they were in a quandary as to what to do now.
“What are you two doing just standing here blinking .. answer me .. or shall I take you to the security officer station and continue this?” Inspector Vajendra said threateningly.
Ramu had heard many stories on the type of ‘treatment’ ordinary persons like him would get in the confines of a security officer station. He felt a shiver of fear run through him. He was not prepared to face the problems just so he could protect the secrets of his employer. For the discretion shown by him and his wife madam paid them more than what they would usually get for the job they do. More so while getting that pay they usually had to only come in about twice a week to keep the place clean and tidy. They were able to do other work to earn more income in the meanwhile. But all that is not going to be worth it to get into trouble with the security officer. He and his wife can always find similar employment elsewhere. He decided to come clean.
“Madam’s name is Premavati,” he blabbered out.
“And what is your Madam’s address?”
“I .. I don’t know.”
“What?? Are you lying to me?” Inspector Vajendra took a threatening step towards him.
“No .. no sir … I swear, I don’t know.” Ramu’s wife Laxshmi started sobbing silently.
“How can you not know where your employer stays? Vajendra asked unbelievingly.
“I swear on god sir .. madam gives instructions through the phone. That’s all the contact we have with her. She meets us here very rarely.”
“Don’t you not go to her house to get your salary?”
“No sir, madam puts the money into our bank account.”
Vajendra looked at Ramu with piercing eyes. Ramu flinched but did not look away. Vajendra instinctively knew he was telling the truth.
“Can you describe your madam? How does she look, how old is she?”
Again, Ramu and his wife looked at each other. Laxshmi nodded slightly to her husband. Ramu turned back to look at Vajendra, took a deep breath and started speaking.
“Madam is about Laxshmi’s height,” he said indicating his wife. Vajendra estimated Laxshmi to be about five foot three inches.
“Madam is slimer and fairer than Laxshmi.” Ramu’s description of his employer all seemed to be in relation to his wife. Lakshmi seemed to be about ten kilos over weight in relation to her height. So if she was slimer than his wife Lakshmi then probably this Premavati looks after her body quite well.
“How old is your Madam?”
“I don’t know but I think she must be about thirty.” Actually, she was thirty-eight but she maintained herself well and looked younger than her age. People like his madam who have never done any manual job in their life and with plenty of free time in their hands can make themselves look younger if they made the effort. Ramu however was not to know that.
“How often does your madam come here?”
“I don’t know sir,” Ramu lied. “As I said we rarely meet her. We come in only twice a week to clean up the place.”  He actually knew more or less how many times she came here by the number of times he had to clean the bedsheets and make up the bed. It was usually once a week. Only on some occasions it would be two times in a week or there were times when it was just once in about two weeks. In those times, Ramu and Lakshmi had decided, madam probably was having her monthly periods.
“Do you know why she comes here?” Vajendra probed.
Again, Ramu lied. “I don’t know sir … and I can’t ask madam that.”  
Vajendra knew that Ramu was lying. Surely he would know the reason. Since like Ramu, he too could guess almost for certain the reason why this Premavati was maintaining a discreet place like this. He did not press Ramu any further as that was not important.  
“Did your Madam come here on the 14th of this month?”
Ramu frowned trying to recollect. Now suddenly the recollection came to him in a flash. He and his wife came in on the 15th morning to clean up. The bed had been thoroughly used the previous day. He remembered it well because of the five-hundred rupee note placed on the bedside table. Only once in a while during the last year he would find the money placed there. Someone was leaving an extra tip for him for doing the cleaning. He suspected that madam had allowed someone else to use the place. That whoever else it was, that person too was using it for the same purpose madam did was confirmed by the crumpled bedsheet. He always wondered if the person was a male or female. It was not likely that madam would allow a male such an access. It was probably one of her female friends he had concluded. He was thankful he had an ordinary but faithful wife like Lakshmi. These high-class sluts all seem to be fucking behind their husbands back. They may look pretty but were totally without morals.
“I’m not sure sir,” Ramu lied once more. “She may have come in on the 14th, I don’t know.”
He didn’t want to volunteer the information that probably on that day someone other than his ‘madam’ had used the place. If he did that he would have to explain about the condition of the bed on the days he had to clean up the place. He would also have to explain why he thought that someone other than his ‘madam’ had used the place and about the five hundred rupees tip left. Let the security officer find out about that. He was unlikely to be found out by the security officer to have hidden this information from them. Surely whoever it was who left the money, she was very unlikely to mention this to them even if questioned.    
“Won’t you be able to tell if someone had used the place,” Vajendra pressed him. As Vajendra strongly suspected, If this place was used by Premavati for her sexual romps then there would easily be signs that the bed had been used.
Ramu was no fool, he realised what the Inspector was implying by this line of questioning. He decided to play it safe. “Yes, sir there will be signs that the place had been used but it could have been that day you mentioned, the previous day or even the day before .. because we come in only twice a week to clean up and so it depends on when madam had come to her house, if at all.” 
This was as much as he needed from these two servants. Better to confront the lady of the house to get more information. “Okay, you said your Madam calls you doesn’t she, now give me her number.”
Ramu hesitated. “Sir, I must ask Madam first.”
“I’ve got no time for that. This involves a serious investigation. Give me her number now or I know how to get it from you.” The Inspector was being deadly serious. That was obvious to Ramu. He decided to save his own skin first. He gave the Inspector what he wanted.
At the time the Inspector was questioning the servants, the big car parked hidden from view was rocking. Even the suspension of the high-end car was being put to the test. If anyone were to see how the car was rocking from afar they would surely guess correctly what was going on inside.
“nghah… nghah… nghah…,” Mounika was groaning constantly at every thrust of Prakash’s hip. At every thrust his hard flesh was overcoming the resistance of the grip of her inner flesh to knock against her cervix.
The reason the car was shaking this much was because Prakash had his legs on the ground as leverage as he thrust his hips at ferocious pace. Mounika lay on her back on the back seat, her legs pulled up to her chest and held there by Prakash who was on top of her. Her hands were moving all over his back and buttocks as if somehow seeking relief from the blissful agony that was overwhelming her. Prakash’s mouth was fastened tightly on her swollen nipple as his thick manhood plundered the chastity of his mother’s friend once again. Just some ten minutes ago she had pleaded to her ardent young lover.
“Not today baby .. not safe yet, just another four days more then you can have me whenever possible without any fear.”
But he would not listen. His whole being was in the clutches of this forbidden lust. Truth be told she too was not in a position to resist much. Having finally succumbed after these long years of resistance to temptation, she too was in the grip of the emotions this new salacious affair had inundated her with.  
“No, Mounika I want your pussy now darling … I must have it now…” Prakash was adamant as only a headstrong young man in the grip of passion could be.
Saying this, he was rubbing the mushroom shaped head of his cock up and down on her wet slit. Whatever little resistance Mounika had was rapidly abandoning her.
“Okay darling boy … just don’t finish in me,” was her weak response to his insistence.
With that go ahead from her he had plunged deep into her making her cry out in a mixture of pain and delight. What followed after that was pure delicious pleasure for the both of them. Their frequent fervent slobbering kisses as they fucked like animals was the only time his growls and her passionate moans were silenced. Both their faces were flushed, small rivulets of sweat ran down their bodies.
“Fuck me .. my lover boy … fuck me hard.” Gone were her reservations. Her infidelity was now cause for rejoice for the intense pleasure that was coming as a deluge.
“Yes… Mounika….my cock is just for you baby .. for your sweet pussy.”
Pleasure was radiating all through Mounika’s body. This young man was showing her pleasures she didn’t know existed. She bit him on his neck … she scratched him on his back. Yet his firm toned muscles took all she could give. Her displays of uncontrollable lust only served to drive his own desires higher.
“Your pussy’s so tight darling… it’s wonderful…humph … humph…”
“awhh… awhh… it’s because you’re so big lover .. so much bigger than Jayakar.”
Her praising him over her husband of twenty-seven years made his cock jerk in her clasping pussy flesh. She could see the triumph in his lust filled eyes on hearing her words. He passionately kissed her as the piston like movements of his hips became faster. Mounika was racing towards her climax. From kissing her, he started sucking on her nipple as he fucked her. He was pushing her rapidly towards a stunning orgasm. She was beyond care now. She needed desperately the delightful relief. She didn’t care if he shot his potent load into her anymore. She wanted him to enjoy the same stupendous joy that she was going to get.
“Fuck me.. Fuck me like my husband has never done before … fuck meee….,” she wailed.
Fucked her he did with all his strength. He could feel her legs tighten around his thighs .. one hand tightened on his buttock and one on his back .. her nails dug into his flesh. Her body froze for a second she then let out a shriek that caused a couple birds on the branch of a tree, overhanging the parked car, to take flight.
“Oh god ..I’m coming.. I’m coming,” she sobbed as her body started spasming.
He held her body as she humped him from below extracting every ounce of pleasure his cock was giving her. She seemed to be in the throes of an orgasm that seemed to go on and on but in reality the after spasms of pleasure lasted for about a minute or so. She had never experienced an orgasm that lasted this long or was so intensely powerful. She kissed him lovingly and passionately in gratitude.
“You haven’t come yet sweety?” she asked him as she lovingly stroked his face.
“Not yet,” he smiled.
She stroked his body with her beautiful fingers moving her hips up from below prompting him to continue pumping in her.
“Fuck me darling.. I want that big cock of yours to drill me till it shoots.”
His mature lover was giving him the green signal to fill her cunt with his seed. He was close too. He knew he would not last more than a minute or more. He started moving again. After she had come her pussy did not have the same tightness of grip as before but this extra lubricated friction of their naughty flesh together seemed more pleasurable now. He pumped in rapidly, concentrating on his own release. She showered kisses on him encouraging him to unload.
“He’s going to come  … I hope he doesn’t make me pregnant,” she prayed silently, but yet did not want to deny him the pleasure her pussy gave him,” fill me my love, I’ll handle the consequences later,” she decided in her mind.  
He was going to come … yes, anytime now. She instinctively knew it, his cock twitched it expanded it was ready, ready anytime now. But just when she thought that he would shoot inside her he quickly pulled out, got up and stood just outside the open door and he urgently pulled her up to sit on the edge of the seat. He held her head with one hand and brought his throbbing cock to her mouth with the other. Her mouth automatically opened to receive the hard cock. She clamped down her lips on the stem and no sooner did she start sucking streams of sticky liquid shot inside filling her mouth. For the first time the life fluid of a man slid down her throat as she drank the warm load from her lover. She sucked till nothing more came out from his cock. Both of them had their eyes closed savouring this moment. He holding her head with both hands at his groin and she holding on to his sturdy trunk like thighs with his still hard cock still in her mouth. 
Inspector Vajendra had a lot going on in his mind. He had reported this latest lead on the murder investigation to ACP Dharana on the phone.
“Sir, I suspect that this is the place where the victim Vinod had been before he was murdered,” he had said.
“Why do you suspect that?” Dharana had asked.
“From what I can note, this place seems to be used by the owner for her meetings with her paramour.”
“What did you say the owner’s name was?”
“Premavati sir. We had deduced by the sperm stained underwear of the victim that he probably had had sex sometime before he was murdered. I suspect it could have been with this Premavati.”
“Could the victim have come from any of the other houses in that area?”
“Not likely sir. Most of the houses are occupied by families. One house has a group of bachelors sharing it. They are all people engaged in normal profession and house is completely locked up with owners staying in a foreign country.”
“Okay, have you made contact with the woman yet?”
“I got her number but she didn’t pick up the phone. I’ve got our people tracing her address through the phone registration. I’ll get that very soon.”
“Good. I don’t want her to be alerted till we interview her.”
“Yes sir. I have one of our men with her servants to make sure they don’t contact her till we meet her first.”
After that conversation just a short while ago he was now on his way to meet the Assistant Commissioner. As he passed the area where they had found the body of the victim his eyes had automatically surveyed the area once more. When he turned back to look ahead he noticed a car coming out of the dirt path onto the main road. Immediately his interest was piqued. Who was it that was coming out from this area? That too from where a crime had recently been committed. He asked his driver to speed up. As he got closer he noticed that the car was a new Mercedes Benz. He could make out that there were two people inside the car. A man who was the driver and the passenger beside him seemed to be a woman. He instructed his driver to overtake them and flag them to stop.
[+] 6 users Like game40it's post
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Fantastic twist.
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Good update
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Nice narration Smile
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This is the best narration I've ever read on any such forum
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(31-05-2021, 08:53 PM)Losliyafan Wrote: Fantastic twist.

(01-06-2021, 05:25 AM)Kamalesh Nathan Wrote: Good update

(01-06-2021, 08:21 PM)Joseph Rayman Wrote: Nice narrationSmile

thanks Namaskar
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(01-06-2021, 08:28 PM)Yondu Wrote: This is the best narration I've ever read on any such forum

Thank you, appreciate the compliment. But there seems to be poor response to the story. My earlier stories which was just about seduction and sex had a much better response though even in those stories I tried to have a credible storyline. Here I'm trying to include other elements along with the sexual narration but it doesn't seem to elicit much interest. Either it's a reflection of lack of skill on my part and a poor story or readers come on here purely to read sex stories and would look elsewhere if the wanted other type of fiction. Anyway since I started the story I will write to its conclusion. Only thing is I may shorten the story if the response continues to be poor. Thank you once again and to all the others who had taken the trouble to comment.
[+] 2 users Like game40it's post
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Wonderful updates bro, please dont disappoint shortening or stopping the story. Continue and finish as planned.
[+] 1 user Likes Ananthukutty's post
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Super. There are very limited users for thriller kind of stories. Change the category to Adultery.
[+] 1 user Likes Gopal Ratnam's post
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You are different type of writer. Never lost interest.
[+] 1 user Likes Ragasiyananban's post
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This attempt is really appreciated.
Please continue friend.
[+] 1 user Likes fuckandforget's post
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(02-06-2021, 01:21 PM)game40it Wrote: Thank you, appreciate the compliment. But there seems to be poor response to the story. My earlier stories which was just about seduction and sex had a much better response though even in those stories I tried to have a credible storyline. Here I'm trying to include other elements along with the sexual narration but it doesn't seem to elicit much interest. Either it's a reflection of lack of skill on my part and a poor story or readers come on here purely to read sex stories and would look elsewhere if the wanted other type of fiction. Anyway since I started the story I will write to its conclusion. Only thing is I may shorten the story if the response continues to be poor. Thank you once again and to all the others who had taken the trouble to comment.
Do not expect same crowd for a thriller story, as the crowd for sextale

Here on a thriller, you have a few readers but really active readers, not the mob of saggers, just for masturbation by reading sex encounters

Have patience ...

Keep it up
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