Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
First bow them and after repeat order they raised legs to shake hand, though the girls were frightened, on my assurance that once you shake hand they will become friendly they shook hands. Now I ordered to go back, they took couple of circles around us and went back to watchman. By now, both the girls were sticking to me.
I took them to mango trees and to other fruit’s trees I gave some fruit’s and asked them to have a round on themselves as I had attend the work, they were afraid of the dogs so I asked one of the female labors to accompany and to show the entire farm and left. By the time I finished my job I went to search girls and found them playing under rain gun (it’s very big sprinkler used for irrigating vast area run by 10 hp motor, it showers like rain). I found them totally drenched. Their dresses were pasted on them like second skin. What a sight it was, I called them but instead they pulled me under water now I was also partly soaked in water, I emptied my pockets and mobile kept them under a tree, now we were playing in water. After some time we went to farmhouse totally drenched in water. At farmhouse, I had couple of towels and no any other clothes. I started abusing them to put themselves in trouble and even me, now we were getting cold so I asked them to get rid of wet clothes, and dry themselves with the towel. So, that we can put clothes for drying, I removed all my clothes except underwear, by now Sandhya also was almost nude like me, but Shweta was hesitating to remove her clothes. Sandhya asked me what we should do now till our clothes are dried, we will have to parade nude. I said let’s leave clothes for drying tell then we can have swim at the open well, for which Sandhya agreed but Shweta said she has no swimming costume how can she swim. I said remove your dresses and wring them put for drying till then she can wear my banyan which is long one and it can cover most of her body, or else you will have to keep nude till the clothes are dried, Shweta thought for a moment and agreed for swimming as she had not done in long past. So, she wore my banyan it came up to near her knees, as she was much shorter than I was rest both of us were in panties. Well was adjoining to the farm house and no one is expected to come nearby at least for couple of hours so I took them to well, both the girls were happy to see nice and clear water as they usually swam in swimming pool that too in crowd. There was no other soul except three of us. I jumped in water from top of well and both the girls descended steps and joined me in water. Now I noticed Sandhya she was looking stunningly beautiful in nude looking like small angel long black hairs floating on water, she had small lemon sized titties with tiny nipples honey colored areola around them of half-rupee size. I had never noticed that she too had small but beautiful breasts even when she sat on my lap many times. As she was total, innocent her nakedness never bothered her. Shweta was looking like bombshell. Her very long black hairs were floating on water like black clouds. She had very and sharp nose. Wet banyan had become total transparent, I could see most magnificent boobs placed on her chest like biggest apples were tied on her white chest. Much fair color as they were never exposed to the sunlight, nipples of quarter inch were erect due to cold water. Most of the time, she managed to swim showing her slim and shapely back to me to avoid showing her entire assets to me. Sandhya came near me and started throwing water on my face and soon we started playing with each other both of us were laughing loudly. Sandhya started throwing water on her sister too, to reply for this Shweta also turned to our side and slowly involved with us shouting and laughing, was slowly forgetting her nudeness. After some time, we went to steps to breath and to take some rest. I climbed couple of steps and sat there Shweta sat on lowest step immersed in water, not to expose her nude body under water. Though everything was visible in clear water. Sandhya came to me and was coming to sit beside me. I took her in my arms, she got the clue and placed her almost naked bum on my nude thighs. She felt nothing different but it surely made difference to me. She straddled by putting both legs apart and almost placed herself on my crotch. Her small breast pasted on my broad chest and as I hugged her, they were crushed on my chest. I was ignoring it, as she is a small child but my monster was not agreeing to it, so he was stirring underneath. Shweta looked at her sister and murmured shameless girl for herself, but it was slightly audible.
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After some rest, I stood up to swim. Sandhya also rose, asked me to jump from the top, so I climbed and cautioned them to be at side till I jump. Raised my hands and hold it in poster of namaskar and jumped almost from 25-30 feet above, I sank below may be up to 10 feet by the time I surfaced they were waiting for me with interest. I asked them to jump Sandhya was ready but didn’t know how to so I explained how to jump and how to join legs after jumping to avoid possible impact on body, so try to jump from lower steps, when you are comfortable you can go for higher steps. She followed accordingly and jumped, she enjoyed jumping as she is very good learner she went a step ahead every time by ten jumps she had gone ahead to almost 10feet. Looking at her sister Shweta too inspired she too jumped keeping her hands spread, she felt impact as she was on lower step the pain was not much, so I advised to hold her hands tightly at her side OR to hold up, even Sandhya demonstrated her again, I shown how to hold beside thighs. This time she learnt by her mistake, climbed 10-12 feet, and joined her younger sister Sandhya jumped first, as Sandhya surfaced and swam to side clearing ground for her sis. Shweta raised her hand and jumped into the water sinking upto five feet at least leaving my banyan on the water it was most unexpected, it was hung loosely on her slim body. Before she surfaced, I winked at Sandhya to collect it and through. Intelligent girl understood and soon threw it to the far corner, it fell on debris of algae and leaves, which had shred from the side tree. Shweta came to know after she surfaced and swam to the side of the well to climb steps. She was stunned to see herself almost nude. She covered her hands to the bosom and tried to run away to farmhouse. I shouted at her to stop. If any of the labor has come from the work what will be the fate, so jump again in the water and don’t go till I say, so you can conceal under water. She was in water without waiting any more she was dying with shame. She kept swimming thinking that we can’t see her assets. I didn’t stare directly but I enjoyed the rare sight. We just ignored her and Sandhya and me continued to play for ourselves. I climbed a few steps and dived, Sandhya was fascinated by this, and she was after me to learn diving.
I taught her diving Sandhya started practicing after initial failure she became perfect even with level high. Again, Shweta was tempted to try, but she was hesitant due to nudeness, I encouraged her, what is there, there is no body outsider only three family members cut the inhibition and give a try. I don’t know when you will get chance to learn all the things, her younger sister also cheered up. Why you should have shy in front of brother, and he has already seen you, in my opinion it’s better come and learn. I think she too felt it, what more can anyone sees after seeing so much.
She also climbed the steps and waited for my assistance, I too went and behind her detailed diving. She tried with the lowest step but instead fell on her stomach, and got frightened. I consoled her and again guided her bending and jumping by physically bending her. Touch on her nude body was something different as It was first touch of a nubile. She was also shivering, but somehow steadied herself and tried. This time it was much better and on further tries she was almost ok and without my help she it again and again. After that, we played throwing water on each other and pulling and pushing. All the three were after one or the other to dunk each other.
In the process all of touched each other even on forbidden places I even managed to squeeze Shweta s balls, for which she smiled. By now, it was too late and all of us were tired and hungry by swimming continuously for hours. I suggested to stop swimming. I got out of the well and proceeded to farm house and brought towels, both the girls covered themselves and proceeded to farm house. We dried ourselves and found our clothes still wet. Girls removed their underwear, put them for drying, and put them in the sun light while covered with towels. Headed for dining table all sorts of available fresh fruit’s were neatly laid, and the Tiffin career which was filled with tasty food.
Had sumptuous food as all were hungry, the meal went uneventfully except little chatting. Clothes were not yet dried except panties, due to heavy cloud due to cyclone. So, it was decided to hit bed, the only problem was there was no any other furniture than a double cot. As sofas were moved out for renovation.
I was in middle and girls on each side. Still I was nude except underwear. Sandhya removed her Turkish towel, as she didn’t feel comfortable. There was only one bed sheet it was big enough to cover all. Undercover Sandhya held me tight and gave peck on both cheeks, I too kissed her back on her forehead, ayes, cheeks, and light peck on her tiny lips. There was warm smile on her face. Though there was no difference in her behavior but with me, there it was. Now I was seeing her as female, felt her cone shaped breasts on my bare chest. I was trying to control my emotions as she is still very young, but my idiot penis never understood, he was stirring inside his confinement. Sandhya was still playing with my nose pulling hairs from chest or head, it was all childish I felt, she even nibbled my nipples but I replied by pinching her nipples for which she made face. Immediately I said sorry, she said ok if you don’t repeat it. I don’t know why she said whether she felt bad or due to pain, now within no time she threw her hand across me and started snoring. May be after half an hour my sleep was broken as I was sandwiched between two sisters. Shweta had turned to my side her knot of towel was removed and she was as naked as I was. I put hand on her beautiful body it felt as smooth as silk I caressed her back, she slightly moved away, there was layer of towel between us, and I pushed it down and put arm across her for which she shivered a bit. Again, she nudged on my chest and pushed her hard balls on my chest. The feeling was so wonderful, again my monster was growing inside. I felt like fucking her there it’s elf, but I wanted her to crave for sex and she only should force me to fuck. I wanted to her to peek of excitement. Still I leaned over her and kissed all over her face, even lightly on her lips moved my hand to cup her balls and waited for them to get up. But instead, I only drifted off to sleep. May be an hour later Sandhya was awaking us I still I was holding Shweta as before sleeping even a tit in my palm. Shweta opened her eyes as my face was towards her she smiled at me and said I waited for you to turn this side for eternity, till I slept thinking you never love me, all the love is reserved for my sis.
Me – no dear I love both of you equally as she is younger she deserves more. But I swear I love you saying I took her in my arms rolled her over. Now she was lying on my and her naked boobs were crushed between us.
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 I didn’t neglect Sandhya also I clutched her in my hands went on kissing Shweta like mad. At last, she uttered oh brother this enough proof now let me go, sprang from the cot, and asked me to get clothes. We got dressed up I called servant and asked to get some tea for all with fresh leaves. In farm we don’t use the regular tea powder where as we prefer the special species of tealeaves. Had tea and roamed in the farm some more and I took the account of grains harvested. I instructed both the girls not reveal regarding nude swimming. If at all, you say about swimming you tell that you swam fully dressed and dried clothes while wearing sister’s nighties, which are present at farm. This was very important otherwise, her parents will never permit them to go with me in future.
On the way back we were chatting and laughing, I was caressing thighs of Shweta, I don’t know how she took it brotherly or what, she was smiling. Now we were much closer than ever.
After our excursion visit of Shweta increased to my business place, she used to pull a chair and sit beside me. She spoke girly talks or we talked regarding business how we do purchasing and the account maintenance, whenever there was important customer was present during her visit I used to show the sales are made and even negotiation she was learning fast and with keen interest. Other staff used to tease Suresh her father that she is going to replace him, so be ready to search for a new job, then Shweta used to smile with pride. One day while she was sitting near me companion of some customer was smoking cigarette, he was lazily smoking waiting for his friend to complete his shopping and was making rings of smoke,. I was busy in my work. Shweta was looking constantly at him, when she saw me her looking him smoke she commented, see how nicely he is making smoke rings. I didn’t comment for this, but she continued do you smoke ?
I said no.
She – not at all or smoke occasionally.
Me – why do you ask ?
She – I am fascinated by such smokers and I like aroma of cigarette. (it was very strange, generally women hate the name it’s elf where as she likes even smell of it)
Me – I do smoke occasionally, and I can make better rings than he can.
She – then show me
Me – it’s not possible any where here, if I have to smoke we will have to go to some secluded place where no one recognizes me.
She- ok we will go somewhere tomorrow. I wondered seeing her enthusiasm. It was fixed next day afternoon she was to give a missed call and I had to pick up from her college. I too was waiting eagerly for some reason where as she for some other reason. As scheduled, I picked up and proceeded to outskirts of the city, she enquired where are you taking me?
Me – if you have faith keep quiet, she didn’t reply. I took her to the guesthouse where jiju and me used to go. While going I brought a pack of cigarettes, matches and mouth freshener. The moment we entered room I took off my shirt, she was afraid as why I was disrobing myself. Assured her, don’t worry my girl I am removing shirt because after smoking our clothes will have stinking smell. So, it’s better if you remove yours also. If your mom finds the odor she will not only kick you, me also. After some hesitation, she removed her kameez. She was wearing slip inside and no bra. The slip was thin enough to reveal whatever it had to conceal. I settled on sofa she too took seat beside me. I lit a cigarette and started smoking, I made a big ring of smoke and sent it to ceiling and few rings one after another. I was expert in this art as I started smoking only to try this. Whenever my friends had offered me smoke, I used to refuse and never objected them to smoke. I was not interested in smoking as it’s hazardous to health and I didn’t like the odor. One new friend entered in our group, he was master in smoking and had art of lighting something like Rajnikant cine actor. He used to make so many different types of rings and he used to light cig with single hand and even against high wind without wasting a single matchstick. He could rotate the cig like cowboy cine actors.
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I was fascinated by his styles and many of my friends tried to copy him, success was very low. I took it as challenge, started smoking to copy him, and mastered very fast. But I didn’t continue smoking but occasionally I used to smoke in parties etc. Here it was of some use to impress Shweta, as she liked it. She was very much pleased by this art every time she used to clap. After completing a cig, I asked satisfied. and shall we go. She said let’s sit for some more time, I wanted same thing.
I rolled on the bed and I pulled beside me, without making any fuss she laid beside me. She was very much confidant about me as I had not done anything bad while she had slept almost nude. I stretched my right arm and she placed her head on it, our bodies were almost touching, when I started conversation she turned towards me. Now her entire body was in contact. Her left boob was touching my chest. As the conversation continued, I pushed her with my right hand, which was below her. Now her left boob was totally crushed on my chest, she was immersed in talking so she didn’t show any reaction. Our discussion was very simple like studies friends her scores in previous exams etc. After some time she asked me to light one more. I accepted and lit another. We were sitting now, and my right hand was rested on her shoulder. As and when I made rings she used to make noise like small kids after seeing some amusement. I made it a point to pull her every time and maintained constant touch with her body. After completing cig rolled again on cot, pulling her. She laid beside me and her one leg and one hand was on me, so both the balls were touching me, I had real hard on I was day dreaming to fuck her. I wanted to proceed but inner sense was stopping me. I was not sure how she took it, whether she took me as boy friend or brotherly, whether she is interested in sex or not. I wanted her to beg me for fucking. We were laying in the same pose for some more time while my hand was roaming on her body, now and then I kissed all over her face, she too reciprocated by giving pecks.
Again she demanded to smoke we sat up in early position and lit the cig by single hand she was amazed to see it. She kissed my right cheek and said genies. Now my right hand slipped on to her boob, and just was hanging over her boob. I let it be like that only and didn’t cup it. After few puffs I offered her cig and asked want to try. She was bit hesitant and said I don’t want to smoke but like the aroma and watching smoke. Ok then I will through it, she said don’t through, you have smoked not even half. I had few puffs again and holding her head by right hand placed cig on her lips by left hand. Have a puff if you don’t like stop. She dragged at as the smoke hit her throat she started coughing, suddenly her eyes were filled with tears, and I patted on her head and said you should not drag so much. And I laughed at her. She was angry at my laughing, see brother I am suffering here and you are laughing. I said let it be. It’s not for kids, it’s only for matured. She got wild at my comment and said furiously I am no more kid I am college going modern girl, I shall prove myself, by now I had thrown the stub. She was asking me to light one more but I stopped her not now. We can light another after some time, and pulled her strongly towards me. She placed her head on my shoulder and started talking something nonsense. Time was running so I suggested to leave, but she asked me to light last one. I took a cig and threw it in the air. It went on rotating and fell rightly in my lips with filter down.
She was amused to see it, jumped on my lap, and started kissing me like mad. This time she took the matchbox and lit the cig. After couple of puffs, now I will put it between your lips, what you have to do is drag smoke very lightly and don’t allow it to travel to your lungs, but exhale from mouth it’s elf, best of luck. She inhaled slowly and very little amount and exhaled immediately. I congratulated for her great success, she was proud of her smoking for the first time, she took cig from me and tried two three times more, and handed it back to me. Rest of the cig was completed by alternate mouths.
Once it was completed, I fell on the cot taking her on me as she was still on my lap. She was smiling, she said her long dream is fulfilled and the credit goes to my sweet bhayya and placed her on my face. If it were so, you should have told on the first instance only and I would have obliged.
She – I was not thinking that my new brother is ready to anything for my sake. Now I am happy that I got you.
Yes, my sister I am here to satisfy you by any means. I love you sister, she too said I love you bro.
What will I get in return of fulfilling your wish. I said kiss.
She showered with kisses, is it enough ?
Not like this. She without uttering a single word lip locked me and started chewing my lips, raised her eyebrows to confirm, I too inserted my tongue inside her mouth and kissed her to my heart’s content.
When we broke kiss she was shy to face me, but commented satisfied bhayya.
I said no,
She – then what else, this is the kiss I have seen in pictures
Me – I want different
She – name it
Promise me you won’t be mad at me.
She – how can you think so.
Till now, you were kissing but I wanted to kiss you, it was your expectation to kiss me.
She – go ahead and opened her mouth
I said I want to kiss here pointing to her tits. She was startled to hear. Opened her mouth to say something. I interrupted by ok no problem if you don’t trust your brother, and don’t love him. I started getting up by dislodging her. She made a face and urged me not get angry, don’t leave my bhayya, I am here to do anything to please my loving bro. You being elder to me you have to decide what is right or wrong. I trust you, you are the one whom I am loving by depth of my heart.
These words put me in dilemma, when she thinks me as only dearest brother and nothing else. Whether I should be playing with her emotions and spoiling her life. But revenge part was burning inside me and I wanted to have her, but not against her wish. I wanted literally seduce her not banging her.
I wanted her to beg me for fuck. See I have seen you almost nude, you have slept for hours in same state even our younger sister also. If I had anything evil, I had all the chances to do so with your knowledge, or when you are sound sleeping. I could have kissed or sucked to my satisfaction, but I did nothing. Imagine if it was any one else he would have spoiled you but it was me who is loving and most caring brother, I accept that I was holding them at fun fare unintentionally, but you got annoyed and you were angry at me, which I really felt bad. That moment only, I imagined how the tit would be to taste, otherwise I never ever had observed you bosoms. But you are so loving and so beautiful, no one will resist to touch them. (I was emotionally blackmailing her).
Ok let’s close the chapter and leave instantly, acted like getting up. I knew the outcome of it. As I had expected she not only asked me to kiss, instead she pulled out the slip and became topless.
When you love me so much and think so nice about me, I will be sinner if I don’t offer them to you. You can kiss squeeze or play with them even you can eat. Saying thus, she showed her left it in my mouth. But I protested I could take it if you are offering whole-heartedly and if you will not feel bad about me and repent about it later.
See baba I myself am dying to be eaten by you and I will never regret about it.
I started kissing the boob, circled around the nipple, I licked everywhere sparing her nipple, as I went on licking and cupped the right one and signaled her how she was feeling about it. She said she is loving it, now I switched the boobs and still sparing nipples, now she urged bhayya lick my nipples I want to know how do I feel, then I took small nipple in mouth licked it very tenderly, when she started uttering yes, yes I put more force her body was twitching over me. I sucked both the boobs alternating them, her body went rigid, she might have had orgasm her panty had become drenched in her fluids, she passed out for few minutes, when she opened her eyes she smiled at me and said something happened to her. She had become totally cold and satisfied with first orgasm of her life I hoped so.
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We got up silently had a wash with mouthwash sprayed cologne on our bodies. I looked at her who was staring me, when our eyes met, she smiled wryly at me, came, and hugged me this time she straight away went to my lips and kissed me.
I was happy, as I was worried of the outcome. Before opening the door she said, suppose if she had not allowed me I would be the loser, but one thing is bothering me that I think for some moments I was out of sense and something happened to me, still I feel weakness in my legs, I don’t know whether I will be able to walk or not.
Me – don’t worry sister your brother is there to take care of you. He can carry you to the house. Or wherever you say.
But tell me whether you enjoyed this afternoon or not. What do you feel about me.
I am thrilled really about every moment I was with you especially today. I have learnt lot today new experience new things, which have bound us in different way, but tell me what happened to me in those few brief moments. I will explain that in our next meeting here.
She – are we going to come here again? then when, I will be waiting for the next adventure, on the way to her house, we had snacks, and tea and I dropped her at her desired place, before leaving her, I cautioned her not to open her mouth to any soul and departed.
One day, I called her when I was free. She was in college. I asked are you free now she said any time for you bro. I took her from college and proceeded to the same spot. Once we reached there, she kissed me. And asked me, are you free now. As she took off her denim shirt, inside she was wearing nothing.
No, I took time for you only, otherwise I was to go somewhere. Last time you were eager, so I thought let us enjoy some more. Do you want to smoke she nodded in yes. I put a cig in her lovely lips and lit. She slowly inhaled smoke and let it go slowly, no cough and nothing she took smoke in the lungs and held it a while exhaled, she put in my lips with her hand I puffed it made smoke circles, in this process we finished together, while chitchatting, in the mean while my hand had reached its destination. Yes, I had cupped her tit. As usual, I rolled on the bed taking her above me, mechanically she placed her tit in my opened mouth. Once I started licking she started jumping above me. I started doubting whether she had come here to smoke or being licked.
Me – why were you not wearing either bra or slip
She – in fact, I wore slip and shirt then I removed the shirt to see, how it felt without slip. The raw touch of the rough cloth felt as if your fingers are brushing my nipples and caressing my tits.
Me – oh my god you were remembering me even while you were dressing up.
She – almost you were there in mind constantly except in the class or while studying. If you had not called me I, it would have been too difficult even to study. Whenever I remembered you balls started itching. They were craving to be suck, lick, or eaten.
Me – will they pain if I put some force
She – ok try it
I went on increasing the pressure on one tit while I was chewing another, she started moaning slowly, and it was directly proportional to the pressure I applied. Literally I was kneading her tit while biting the other one, now she was literally jumping on my topless body breathing increased, as she ushered ssssssssshhhhhhhh and said ohhh some thing is happening to me ohohoh … Collapsed on me. In this process, her skirt raised and she wet my pant by her pussy juice. She was out of sense for few moments. When she regained her breath, she started crying. I could not make out the reason, whether she felt bad or her boobs were paining by my kneading. Still she was lying over me and sobbing. I somehow consoled her, she said nothing but jumped from me and saw the wet spot on my pant and increased weeping. I was scared that I had hurt her physically or emotionally, and if she says this to anybody what will be my fate and rapport. I asked the reason and pleaded to stop her weeping, she said sorry and repeated it many times, I was in real confusion. I sat up and lit a cig after few puffs, transferred it to her lips, she dragged it between her sobs and at last she asked me are you angry with me.
Me – for what
She – for what I did to you.
Me – you did what.
She – pointing to my wet pant, still I could not catch what she was saying. I put cig in her lips, she smoked, and after exhalation, she had recovered a bit. At last, she said sorry bhayya for wetting your pant.
It’s ok sister. It is no big problem.
She – I should have controlled but I could not hold and pissed on you.
Me – you pissed on me. You fool you have cummed on me, how did you feel while doing so.
She – I was on cloud nine.
It is not piss my dear sister, you have climaxed and shred your pussy juice.
Climax is only on intercourse no? We have not done it, so how can I discharge.
We completed smoking, still her doubt was not cleared. Have you ever masturbated?
She – what is that?
Me – have you played with it indicating to her vagina.
She – I have never touched it except while bathing or washing after pissing. How do you know about fucking? It’s natural to for girl of my age. I know about bees and beasts.
Me – why don’t know about masturbation that is about playing with vagina by yourself.
She - I am not aware of it do other girls do it? Even none of my friends have ever mentioned about it.
Me – do you discuss about sex.
She – not very often but surely, we discuss about it and even some of friends have had experience of intercourse.
Me – so some of you friends are fucking.
She uttered oh bhayya what a dirty language you speak. I said meaning of both terms are same, it’s not biology class to use such terms, in practical life it’s called fucking only. With whom your friends fuck.
She – with boy friends or neighbors, but I don’t know details.
Me – anybody is doing with relatives or in their houses.
She – it’s not proper with relatives except kids of mothers brother or kids of fathers sisters as it is accepted in our society to marry in such relation, but I have never heard with any other relatives.
Me – now a days, in blood relation like brother - sister or mom - son also has become common. Does not mean that everybody is doing but it exists.
She – are you serious or just joking, I can’t believe it. First time I am hearing of such relation.
Me – some of your friends may be doing with their own brothers.
She – I don’t know, but no one will tell, even if they are doing.
By now, she was getting hot due to the sexy talks. I asked her to show her panty so that I can tell her whether she had pissed or not. She kept silent, maunam sammathi lakshanam. Therefore, I lifted her skirt and felt her panty. I tried to put my head at her crotch, she was shocked to see it. Oh bhayya what are you doing. I can say what it is by smelling saying I inhaled, it was sweet scent of fresh cunt juice, and this was something different from my sister. I nudged my nose between her crotch. She was getting frustrated bhayya you have felt it no, now leave it. Instead of leaving her I pulled her panty, she was trying to push me but I pulled her panty out. Oh brother what you are doing I am ashamed, you are making me nude and closed her choot with her hands, I saw her panty as if I am examining her panty. Have you never seen girl’s panty.
 Me – see Shweta feel the smell and tell me, it’s not piss smell, but it’s different. In addition, brought panty to her nose, she pushed it aside, but I was reluctant to show it, just see the fragrance you will come to know and held it against her face, any way she inhaled musky aroma of her panty, which had mixed smell of piss and cumm. Yes, bro it is different she agreed.
You were saying that without fucking girl would not discharge but I will prove that how wrong you are. I started massaging her bare thighs and slowly my hands traveled all over her legs to her thighs and finally reached her virgin vagina. Out of shame fear and excitement, she closed eyes while hugging and giving smooch.
Her hand still had covered vagina I slid her hand, which she was resisting feebly, I caressed her crotch, which had small hairs like silk, and by size, I could make out, she had never shaved there. Her skirt was covering her waist like a band, searched for hooks of skirt and unhooked them, I slid it slowly, when it had struck at her bums she slightly lifted her buttock subconsciously, and I threw it aside.
Stopped smooch and started kissing her entire body leaving wet trail on her. Spent highest time on boobs and slid towards her tiny belly button then reaching to her groin. Pulled her small golden colored hairs by teeth, she hushed oh bhayya do not do it oh oh oh. I continued downwards journey to her cunt very pink in color had scarce hairs. It was a beautiful sight, which I had never seen in my life, not even blue films. Found small aperture on separating lips.
My mouth was automatically drag to her vagina like magnet, when she felt hot tongue and breathing on her fuck hole, she saw me what I was doing. She was shocked on finding my mouth on her love hole she pushed my head with full force and said oh shit it’s dirty place, I don’t even touch it where as you are putting your mouth and licking that place. Bhayya please leave it and do something else. I asked her to Waite and see how you are going to feel. It is not dirty but its heaven, she did still not believe my words and continued to protest. I pushed her hand, which was covering her mound and started licking it like hungry dog, she was shivering like hell and soon started shouting, and her hatred has replaced by pure lust. For her the feeling was something extraordinary as she was being licked the place, which she scarcely touched even.
Juice started oozing, which tasted like honey, her moans were increasing every second, she was twitching on the bed like wounded tigress. Within short time, her moans were change into shouting. I was piercing my tongue into her tiny hole while playing with her clit and twisting it with thumb and forefinger. After an window shattering shout started coming, but I didn’t stop went on slurping her juice and she was discharging spurt after spurt and at last fell like a log. I shifted myself beside her and went on kissing her madly. I was sure I had brought her to ecstasy.
When she gained some strength after breath taking series of orgasms she opened her eyes, smiled at me, and blushed at the same time covered her face with both of her hands. How did she feel I enquired? She kept mum, but on repeating, she asked me not talk about it she is feeling shy.
Whether it was good, ok, or bad, at last she opened her mouth and accepted it was marvelous, I had never ever dreamt that it would be soooo good. She came into my arms to conceal her face from my eyes.
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After some rest she raised her head to see what I was doing, I was lying idly but caressing her naked body and was waiting for her to recover from tiresome episode. She had almost forgotten that she is lying very naked in her brother’s arms. Still she was floating in heaven.
I lifted her face by holding her chin, she opened her eyes, and closed instantaneously, and enquired are you satisfied? There was no response, but she smiled which carried the entire message.
Oh, Shweta you are sleeping after most satisfied condition, leaving me high and dry.
She – what does it mean, I can’t follow.
Me – you had said girl would never discharge without fucking, I think you know that you discharged without even touch by penis. Mutual satisfaction is only on fucking. As I have taken you to tour of heaven.
She – sorry I was not aware that you too need something. But I don’t know what I am supposed to do.
Me – very simple, what you have to do is copy of what I did to you.
She – you want me to put my mouth on yours, never I can’t do it. I can’t lick the place of pissing. Say something else.
Me – ok then if you don’t want then don’t do. I will never force you in my life to do the things, which you don’t like, or what is not good for you.
When I was licking you, I was also as horny as you were, I would have fucked you then only, and I was sure you would not have stopped me. You were also equally crazy and you wanted to relieved, but I didn’t make even slightest effort to do. Now I want to relive you find your own way.
She – what do you do when you are horny?
Me – I shag means I do it with my hand.
She – then do it now also.
Me – I can do it myself, but I expect it from you. At least do it with your hands.
She was relieved of tension, and was willing to do more than that. And asked me to teach her as for the first time she is going to look male organ. I asked her to remove my pant and guided her how. She took my instruction and followed to bare me. When she saw my monster, she shouted what a beautiful thing it is. But I can’t imagine that such a big pole can enter into any ones pussy. Whether it’s always like this. No only when excited it will be like this otherwise how anyone can carry tenting pole inside his trouser. She touched it with initial hesitancy and started caressing. I asked her to move the skin back and forth, she did as if it was fragile and it will break if mishandled but I went on demonstrating and she went on doing it. It was wonderful sensation to be handling by tender hands.
When she was settled with its feeling, I asked her have its smell she made a face but still inhaled and commented it’s something different which I have never come across and I can’t compare it to anything else, and continued to give mild strokes.
I asked her to taste the tip after she said no. See I too don’t know how it actually tastes, I am curious to know. Just try it and tell me, after bit hesitation she kissed the bulb and pulled back her head, again she took the head into her mouth and licked it for a brief moment and took out. I asked her opinion, it tastes little salty but smell is different neither I liked it nor it is repulsing still I don’t want go ahead, but definitely I will do with my hands. I am enjoying the silky feel of it and I want to continue playing with it.
Me – see I licked your pussy till you climaxed and now you are not returning the favor.
She – I had tried stop eating me but you were bent upon doing despite of my warning. It was your choice or rather liking, I had never demanded. And now don’t compel me to eat yours. If you want, you can fuck me but I don’t want your rod in my mouth.
Me – no I don’t want to fuck you, I want to spare it for your future husband that’s my jiju. Let him have the privilege of taking your cherry.
Shweta – who knows the future, but I wish you to inaugurate.
Me – let us see, but I am against it but I can fuck you even after your marriage if you wish to. I think it is better to reserve IT for him. Oh baby you are doing just fine do it take the skin back and move it, to and fro, yes like that oh, oh increase the speed. Oh sister I am lucky to have such a wonderful and understanding sister. Yah nice go ahead and pump like that only, but at any cost don’t stop, if you are tired just change hands and keep fist fucking.
I started kneading her tit’s, she was totally involved in fucking me with her hands and she was eager to know how the men cumm.
When I was near to orgasm, I took hold of her hands and started pumping in such a speed to overtake bullet train. I exploded un announced the first spurt jumped over her head and landed somewhere second spurt landed on her head and third one coincidentally entered her mouth, which she had opened to moan loudly. Unknowingly she closed her mouth, when she tasted it and came to me,
Me – no baba it’s not like that, what I mean is till you get married and go I will not take interest in other girls. She kissed me saying sweet bhayya and hugged. I kissed her back. I took her mobile and said what a lousy handset you have. I was under impression that you own a good high-end set.
Shweta – we are not as rich as you are, I have to contend with what we have.
Me – you have got good fortune in the bank and you are pretending to be poor. (I wanted to extract some good information from her.)
Shweta – No, we don’t have any deposits.
Me – I have seen you coming out of Karnataka bank some time back with your dad holding a carry bag containing few receipts, don’t try lie I know everything. [Shooting in darkness]
Shweta was stunned to hear it, and immediately accepted and said. That way we have little.
Me - little means how many lakhs. She said couple of lakhs, I was speaking while I was playing with her breasts, and so was more concentrating in erotic act than our talk. Where else have you deposited. She thought for a while before opening her mouth and said. Why do you ask these questions.
Me – simply, I was thinking with so much of wealth why do you carry all cheap things with you, further I had to learn the proportion of spending to the wealth. I have to learn art of living and budgeting as in my house my father do budgeting, and in my jiju house, he has lot of money there is no need of it. I can spend money as much as I wish. My family is also middle class I need to learn how to spend and on what. If you don’t trust me, no need to tell. I know your parents must have cautioned not to reveal regarding the property matter. As I consider myself in the family, I asked. Ok leave the matter I am no more interested in this regard, it’s you and your family matter.
She was little annoyed with my answer and she said the banks names where they have deposit’s. I did not ask for the details but asked about investment in shares. She said they have invested in shares and she is not aware of the details.
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We changed topics and talked some more time and before leaving, we smooched again dressed and left the place.
For a week’s time we didn’t meet, I was bit worried as why she has neither came to shop or called me, whether she felt bad for asking the financial matter. I was wrong same day she called me and asked to take her.
She was standing near market with school bag and a carry bag, and headed to the room. Once inside room she jumped on holding my neck and placed her both legs on my waste, started smooching me like a kid who had found her lovely toy after missing it from long time. I carried her to bed while smooching, her nubile body was pasted me. Once we broke the kiss, I took out a cig and light it and shared it on rotation. She had become expert in smoking and was learning to make smoke rings. Once the cig was over, I started pressing her mounds. She was half lying on me.
Suddenly she asked me to get up from bed and she too stood. Opened her carry bag and took out flowers, started decorating the cot, I was amazed to see what she was doing. I asked what she is upto. She said can’t you see what I am doing. That’s why I am asking I replied. Better, you understand the occasion when a cot is decorated. Once she finished decorating, she turned towards me and I started un buttoning my shirt. She stopped me and said today let me have privilege, today I am going to take active part, and you are going to passive one. Today only my orders to be followed. She came to me and kissed me passionately and started unbuttoning my shirt then unzipped my pant and one by one removed everything me to make me nude.
Now started strip teasing herself, she was swaying as if in cinema. I was getting more excited than previous episodes by her sensuous movements. I tried to pull her but she escaped.
I was waiting anxiously sitting nude on the cot. At last, she came in my arms and started kissing me, she took her hanky and clean wiped my cock, and for my astonishment, she kissed the red bulb of my cock and slowly it entered into her mouth.
She took it inside as far as she could take. Slowly started mouth fucking, it was the most sensation I ever got. It was better than my sister’s performance though Shweta was performing for the first time. I took her into my arms and lay beside me and went into 69 positions. She stopped me and said let me complete first. I want to enjoy eating and getting eaten at different times, so that I can enjoy both independently. I lay on my back and she kneeled on the cot she continued giving head while I caressed her body. It was most thrilling, I encouraged her to take more and more. She took it till she gagged. She coughed and there was small flow of tears. After taking breath she went ahead to take it again with a smile. I was amazed by her acts today, is it the girl quarreled the other day for the same reason. She did not stop, I could see her jaw muscles were straining and fatigue on her face. She went on mouth fucking me, this time I didn’t last long by getting repeated shocks from her. At last, I exploded in her moth she half drank and half spilled.
She sprawled over me and kissed my lips, as I opened mouth to welcome her she spit small amount of my cum in my mouth and sealed with her lips. Thus for the first time I had to taste myself.
It was my turn to satisfy. I started kissing from her forehead to toes and back to cunt. I licked her clit and cunt inserted tongue in her tight canal. She writhed and groaned, I went on lapping her vagina till she had series of orgasms.
Once she gained, strength she sat up had some water and lit a cigarette after couple of puffs she transferred to me thus silently completed the fag.
We went on talking on non-specific matter. I asked why you either didn’t call me or met me. She said she was bit busy and after a pause, she said she had period so she didn’t invite me. After spending some time, she started caressing my rod it responded very fast. Within no time it was as hard as steel. She took her purse and took out a sachet, I was watching eagerly, she cut the sachet and squeezed some liquid on my ramrod and spread it on entire rod, which I found out to be coconut oil she smeared it on her hole and lubricated her opening. I asked what you are up to, she said samjnewalonko ek ishara kafi. Can’t you understand you are going to fuck me now and inaugurate my canal from tight passage to a highway.
Me – dear sister it’s not possible, I don’t want to popup your cherry. I want to keep it intact till you get married. Don’t hurry we can enjoy orally maintaining virginity. It’s my humble request don’t take hasty decision while my hands were playing with her assets and bringing heat into her. Though my words discouraged her, my hands were making her want. Inserted a finger in her oiled and lubricated cunt taking her to ecstasy she started moaning and requesting to enter her, she was pulling my dong and asking to mount her for which I was waiting for ages. I wanted her to believe that whatever we did was all due to her and she should be never in a position to blame, but I want my lust to be fulfilled.
Shweta – bhayya please fuck me, I am dreaming about our first night rather first day should be memorable one. I have been planning since a week to get fucked by you. You are my sweet bhayya. My lovely bro please fuck me. I can’t control myself any more. That day only I wanted to get it but you denied telling some false moralities, today I don’t want to hear anything other yes to fuck. In fact from the moment we entered room I trying to arouse you so that you only will force me enter in me. But I don’t know what you are thinking about me. I know you too love me but I can’t understand why you are refusing, do you think I am unfit for your love or I am not upto your expectation or am I ugly. I know you are handsome many girls may be behind you they me be more beautiful than I am.
Bhayya please fuck me at least once, if you don’t want in future I will never disturb you. My hands and kisses were taking her to the tour of heaven. She was like love in heat, if I don’t fuck her she may go to any extent.
At last, I agreed her request as if I am doing a big favor. Dear sister what you are saying is half-wrong. Whether you are beautiful or not, most important is you are my lovely sister that is more than enough what I am worried is you should not suffer in future your husband should not suspect you after marriage.
Shweta – you only marry me then. No, we can’t as we are related to each other. Actually, your father is related Malathi aunty. That was reason why jiju and his father were helping you
People financially. Malathi aunty told me that through that in relation, we are brother and sister, some marrying you is impossible. I was avoiding fucking because of concern about you and nothing else.
Tears appeared on her eyes on hearing my statement. Brother, I am the luckiest sister on the earth to have such a wonderful brother.
Let us not waste time any more come to the business and she spread herself on cot and opened thighs like book and asked me to mount her. She was in real hurry. I slept beside her and started caressing her body while giving a smooch. I cupped her tender boobs and twisting nipples she was already in heat and now she was floating on cloud nine. She poked her tongue in my open mouth, our tongues started battle inside mouth, and my tongue was exploring every nook and corner of her mouth. Our lips are being crushed with each other’s lips, it was breath-taking kiss, and she was sucking my tongue vigorously. After the longest kiss we broke for breathing she smiled at me, her lips had swollen, she pushed my head indicating to take her boobs in mouth. I followed her and started sucking her nice tit’s alternatively, initially tenderly and every moment-increased pressure I was sucking them hard. She was moaning. The volume of moaning increased with every second passing by.
Shweta said bhayya please fuck me now I can’t bear it any more. Already she had ejaculated by mere foreplay. I kissed every millimeter of her body and came kneeling between her thighs. I said are you sure, should I go ahead and fuck while placing my red bulbous head at opening of her slit. She said if you ask me, again, I will kill you, I have been requesting to fuck, and you are wasting time asking repeatedly. Are you going to insert or shall I bang you. If you don’t, now I will bring several girl friends of me and we shall mass bang you.
I was happy that she had come to this level mentally. Shweta you know that it hurts first time, you be prepared for it. Placed the head firmly on opening and slightly exerted pressure on it. Her well-lubricated cunt was welcoming my ramrod. As the head was sinking I could see pain in her eyes, on enquiry she asked me to go ahead, I was entering the tightest passage where not even a finger had entered.
Hardly head had disappeared and I was giving mild stroke to move the cock furthermore, her cunt muscles must be aching she was stopping her tears like a brave warrior. I was one third inside her, stopped for couple of moments till she adjusted herself the new intrusion, after some moments when the pain relieved cautioned her and pulled back the rod and gave a massive stroke which went tearing her hymen. She pushed me very hard shouting you bloody fool you have killed me. Stop it I don’t want it any more, I had expected it so I hold her firm, so that she can’t slip off my hand. She started crying I was fool to overlook your advice it’s my fault that I was after you to get me nailed, I don’t want to be fucked, please leave me bhayya. She was crying loudly but instead of leaving her I laid on her without putting any weight, keeping myself on knees and elbows started kissing her mouth still I could feel her cries in my mouth.
I went on consoling her, one or other day you have to pass through this phase. Either someone or me had to open you, you are lucky as your loving brother is there. I will promise you that that stage is over, the rest only joy. My cock was still embedded in her tight orifice. I didn’t make slightest move so that she should not feel any pain. I am regular player of the game. Since the day I fucked my sister in front of jiju, I am regularly fucking both of them. I have taught my sister the art of stimulating jiju s anus. Though I am not there, then also sister can provoke jiju and get fucked. Till today, I haven’t fucked didi s ass, as I am not ass freak, but I had to fuck jiju.
After some ten minutes rest Shweta became relaxed. I started withdrawing my erect cock from her tight cunt and slid in slowly. This was my first virgin so I wanted to enjoy maximum. I don’t know with today’s pain whether she will come again or not. I was not ready to miss the chance. She asked me to Waite for some more time, so I started playing with her every organs. Squeezed her balls which were like small gbang fruit, went on licking teats while squeezing her buttocks my acts were making her relax and she was getting hot. I placed my hand on her love mound started caressing. As my finger reached her clit, she jumped with excitement. So, this was her triggering part so went on stimulating her clit, which had enlarged in my fingers. Now she was breathing heavily still my cock was locked in her juicy cunt and I was not making any move. She managed to say that I am fine now indicating to start fucking her but I ignored her invitation and was playing with her body. After waiting for my moves, she only started pushing her pelvis and giving small jerks. So, I decided this is the time and waited for her stroke and I matching it gave hard push, my lund went on tearing her unexplored are. Huge cry was released from her mouth, she said is it the way to give a push. I was almost dead, bhayya please have mercy on your little sister.
I said test how much of my lund has entered into tight tunnel and see how much is remaining. She didn’t make any move, I took her hand and placed between the junction. She was astonished to find that all of my cock was swallowed by her new cunt. My god I am able to swallow you fully. I could not take it completely in my mouth but down there I am successful and said hurray forgetting her pain. I gave her some time to adjust her cunt muscles to newfound toy for which she was dying to take since a week’s time. Once she settled I took hold of both the breasts and started moving in slow rhythm, which she too was enjoying.
Within few moments, she discharged. Her juice was making me still wet, I continued to give strokes. With every pump, she was pumping more juice. How much stock she had underneath was question. Nowadays I was regularly fucking so my stamina had increased to higher extent. I went on fucking her holding hip with one hand and gripping either of the balls with another. Every two or three minutes she was reaching her climax. After drilling for continuous fifteen or twenty minutes, I too was nearing climax. I started humping her with all the strength I had, as if there is no tomorrow.
With every stroke her small boobs were jiggling, it was an wonderful sight. I held by her shoulder and went on banging. She was moaning in such a high pitch, if there were any neighbors, all of them would be knocking the door to see what’s going on. At last I was above to come, I said Shweta darling I am going to fill your cunt with my warm juice. Be ready to receive first filling and gave a final stroke, semen exploded like volcano it went spurt after spurt filling her tiny cunt. It was an amazing experience for me. For the first time I had fucked the virgin girl. I fell on her she was still cumming her pussy juice was flowing like waterfall. I felt totally spent my limbs had become like rubber I rolled at her side after both stopped oozing and after the breaths became normal. She smiled at me and hugged there was clear indication of satisfaction on her face. She is an little angel her slim hands were on my chest, she kissed on my cheeks and said thanks bhayya. For what I asked. She –For everything, you made to me. I was under impression that the moment you were entering me I was having hell of pain, which would continue throughout till end of fuck. I hit you on chest and scratched your back, sorry for hurting you bhayya.
Me – oh it’s nothing my dear sis. But I hurt you a lot, in fact I had be very gentle with you on your first intercourse. I thought I would never be able to enter your virgin choot without a great force. If I were giving small pushes, it would not enter or as long as I go on entering, slowly every time it would hurt you. Thinking this I showed it in three or four pushes so that, once I enter completely there would be only fun and no pain.
Shweta – you are so understanding brother. It was you who inaugurated me with all the concern. If any else was there I don’t know what would have happened to me. I love you brother. She threw her right leg over me and hugged. She drifted into sleep after long marathon.
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Was it first time for you too she asked. Yes, it was my first I lied. Opening of two virgins then she said and smiled. Congratulations baby you have been transformed into woman from girl. You have been promoted I said.
She – congratulations to you too she said. As far as my transformation all the credit goes to my sweet bhayya, she said handing me cig. Still she had not seen the blood so I covered it with bread spread. As she raised to sit, she was feeling pain.
Oh, brother what fate you have made I can’t even sit, she said smiling. If we go for another round pain will be gone, I said. Oh my god not now, we will be repeating it frequently but not today. I asked her lie down for some more time mean while I will bring some refreshment. She asked me not to leave her alone, but I consoled her and left room after getting dressed. Within few minutes, I was back with some eatables and cold drinks. By the time, she had gained some strength. She tried to wear clothes but I said let it be like that only. She was shy to sit like that. She was blushing like newly married and said bhayya I feel shy to sit nude. What happened to you? This is not first time I am seeing nude.
She – I don’t know but feeling shy now, though I had spent hour’s nude with you. Any way I made her sit beside me had food and cold drinks while fondling with her breasts. She asked brother are you not satisfied, see them you have made red by kneading while fucking and even now you are not leaving them.
Me – I can never be satisfied with your breasts. If they were detachable, I would have taken kept them with me.
She – If parts were like that, I would have definitely given them gladly and at the same time, I would have taken yours with me indicating my rod. Somehow, finished food and cold drinks and had another cigarette before dressing up. I gave her a painkiller and after exchanging several kisses, we left the room. Till she was, finding pain in her groin and body.
After fucking Shweta, I was really happy to have such a beauty. I thought I would never ever get another virgin nubile for me. My thought turned towards her younger sister Sandhya, but she is too young to have her. In case of Shweta, I didn’t take more strain to seduce her. As she herself digged grave for her and I went on taking advantage of the situations. I was thinking plot to seduce younger one, or keep her in touch so that I could use in future. In the meanwhile, the renovation of the shop was over. I got two boys stealing materials through cc cameras I had installed which nobody was aware including my jiju.
One had packed something in his friend’s bag, and another had pocketed something. I watched it through cc TV immediately I got up from cabin and took all three of them into godown and coolly asked them have they taken without informing management they said no I called other three staff and started interrogation all the time their answer was negative.
I asked other staff to check their pocket and found the thing, on checking bag also found what they had stolen. I ordered other staff to thrash them and enquired history since when they are doing and what amount they have taken till then. I too beat them and all the staff started beating them later, I handed all of them to security officer. They too thrashed in our premise and later took them to station. We got all the information as one of my friends father is DDPI so we put a charge sheet against all of them.
On hearing this, all the family members were astonished to how I found them sitting in cabin. Then I explained everything, why I gone for renovation of shop and how I planned to install hidden cameras, the way they recorded. It is small trailer yet cinema is to come. Aunty asked are there more than these are two. I said yes I would not reveal anybody’s name now. I have caught small fishes today and crocodiles are yet be caught.
Aunty was more happier than others were. Jiju s was bleached as he was expecting fire from aunty and his wife, but nothing happened. Aunty cautioned him since ages you are in business and if you don’t protect yourself, the coming days are going to be difficult. Saying this she came and sat beside me on sofa, kissed my forehead and hugged me. This was second time she had hugged once in the beginning with sorrow this time she was happy for the way I was handling business as my purchase prices are also becoming competitive. Jiju had told everybody regarding my purchase skills. Aunty appreciated me again before she let me go. Prema also congratulated me, and sister warned me because I had thrashed those boys and handed them to security officer to cautious.
Now a day’s aunty was becoming gloomy as her husband’s death anniversary was nearing. So, again, she preferred room and she even stopped cooking also, thus didi was becoming more busy to handle all the things alone. She was not unhappy about it, but I was not able to get her alone, even in the nights, also she used to be tired and not interested in sex or sometimes vomiting due to morning sickness had increased. Many times, I had to be satisfied with jiju only and sometimes I had drench my thirst with preplays only. Still then, it was ok for me, as I had found Shweta to play with.
Now didi again reminded me about her mils sorrow and entrusted me to look after her.
Again, I started sparing more time with aunt. Again, I started taking her out for temples and to even park on some occasions. Thus, we were becoming nearer. One day she had to visit orthopedic doctor for her muscular pain. I had taken the appointment and took her. Doctor after examining her thoroughly came to conclusion that she had all the problems due to non exercising, the only treatment needed is jogging and light exercises, milk as calcium supplement that’s all and sent.
I was after her for jogging and exercise. She was just postponing. One day I got ordered from sister and jiju to start with immediate effect. It was decided that I had to take her early in the morning to outskirt of the city for fresh air where there is no traffic. Next day we went on bike and started walking. I had to walk with her speed. First few days she practiced in slow pace, then we increased speed.
The entire process took at least one hour in this one we used to chat on various topics. After few days suggested her for jogging, she tried but could not run in saree, she said running in saree is difficult so we continue walking. I suggested her why don’t you wear tracksuit, it will be comfortable for running. Are you mad how I can wear such clothes at this age. If any one sees me what will they say. I asked her to see with open eyes, there are lot of other women coming in such dresses, either in tracksuit or in chudidars, when others can wear why you can’t. After all what is your age, you don’t look that old you like elder sister. It’s your fault that you are thinking yourself too old. If you wear nice dresses, someone may propose you. She laughed and said you are making me a fool and pinched my cheeks. She was hesitant to wear such dressed. I said we can keep those in our guesthouse and we can change both the ways there only. So, that while leaving and reaching home you will be clad in saree, she accepted this idea.
Well I brought few night suite and chudidar placed in the rooms. We used to change our clothes in room. I had to Waite outside the room till she changed clothes, initially she used to shy for her new type of wears, as she never even wore chudidars. She asked me not to reveal about dress. I said ok there is no problem. At least we have to be open between us. She said sure, let’s be like friends. I said done and shook hands friends – friends. Few weeks It went well on next visit to hospital doctor advised to reduce weight and abdomen, which had started bulging, advised few light exercise like skipping and yoga. From then onwards, sometimes whenever we are alone sometimes I used to call her friend, for that she never objected but used to smile.
We used to do skipping and yoga in room. We did skipping standing side by side, but when instruction needed I used to in front of her. On one such occasion, I saw her boobs jiggling, I neglected, but when I saw, it was an beautiful scene. I managed to enjoy without her knowledge. I was very good at yoga, as I have stated earlier I had undergone three levels of yoga training, but I had never thought that one day I have to instruct other.
I had to teach specifically abdomen exercises. For the reason many times I was forced to touch her physically, that time she used to blush, but I used to shiver. Sometimes I had to place my hand on her abdomen while she was sitting or lying. Couple of times my while teaching pranayam particularly kapalbhathi I was showing her how to drag the stomach inside my hand brushed her breasts. They were spongy. It was something different to touch mature balls. I was used to the touch of nubile and young, it was first occasion with mature. I tried to resist from touching her felling like this as I was already in soup with two female and male particularly with her son and daughter-in-law. So, I averted my attention. Once we were late for jog as aunty had to prepare food Prema as she had to leave early somewhere. Aunt wanted to cancel jogging but I pressured her not to miss as it is habit forming so she got ready but much behind the schedule so she only advised me to change together but with due instruction or warning that I was face other wall and not to turn back and no cheating. So, I did the same, she might had observed me with side view.
From next day to save, time aunty suggested to change simultaneously. Few days nothing happened but on one occasion, by chance I saw her reflection in dressing mirror. Oh my god what a beautiful scene it was. She had undressed her saree and blouse she was in just panty and bra she is whiter than my sister, her unexposed to sun part was whiter than milk. Her boobs had filled large cups of her bra, I don’t know size but can say they are very attractive. I don’t know whether they had sagged or not as they were arrested in cage. First, she wore pant and then shirt, I could see till then, but it was more than enough to take snapshot in brain and the image was fixed as screen saver. I didn’t notice much below the belt, but it too was attractive. She was in hurry so she was unaware that I had seen her. But for me it made lot of difference, whenever I looked her, that image came in front of her, rest of the body looked normal but bust was swapped with the nude image.
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She asked what are paining
Me – both of them.
She - what both now I didn’t make gesture but hold both of her breasts and said these. She brushed my hands off her breasts and said why do they pain?
Me – I know he groped both of these before you were imbalanced and I gave I light squeeze. She again pushed my hands said you have become naughty and bite my cheek by her sharp teeth, leaving bite mark. She got up and went to her room and shut doors of her room. I too left for shop.
Next day started as usual. After few days we were changing dress after yoga aunt said something about my strength and teased me, I turned towards her she was wearing petticoat over pant and was in process of removing pant.
I lifted her and spin her holding by stomach. I started rotating her I raised her over the head and spin, she was shouting to let her go. In second or third round her petticoat went flying taking pant with it. Now she was only in bra and panty. I lowered her to my heads level still her legs were hanging in air, both the bodies were not warm but hot. I thought if I hold her any more our bodies will ignite and catch fire. She was struggling to get free but was holding her in that state till she approved of my strength and requested me to leave her. I said I will leave you if you give me hundred kisses on lips and at last settled for ten kisses, on leaving she will give after wearing clothes but tried to run from room but I was aware of her move, I caught her wrist and embraced her tightly. She uttered she will think tomorrow but I didn’t lose her grip. She said I will give tomorrow, I replied once committed means you are bound to follow.
She pretended like freed but my hold was firm after some drama she started giving pecks on lips, I was counting up to nine and tenth I took initiation and gave a hard smooch it lasted for minutes, she was literally trying to get of my clutch as she was startled my sudden attack. She might have never imagined that I would behave like this. Once the kiss was broken she was sobbing and said I never expected it from you. You have committed sin. No it was for fun, as you teased me I was teasing you. If you feel bad about it sorry.
Without commenting she left the room and waited for me to come out. I thought it was end of relation and I had spoiled it. I was literally frightened my face had become pale. She may tell everything in the house and today shall be the last day in this house. The other day when I had touched her boobs jokingly may be she got angry, and that was the reason she went to her room and had closed door. I too didn’t speak a single word started bike she came and silently. Reached home without exchanging a word. I went for shop and entire day I was outside, I took food in hotel. In the night I was late by the time everybody had retired to bed. Didi got up on my arrival she served me food, generally we ate altogether in night. Didi was quite she served food and silent and entered her bedroom. There was not a single word exchanged. I became very much tensed, it was not bearable. I was cursing myself for my act. To lust after aunty was not necessary and I myself don’t know whether actually I was after her or not. But one thing is sure I should not have forced her, I should not taken disadvantage of the loneliness. The other day also I had touched her boobs. Always she treats me like her own son, it’s all my fault, I miss took her trust and misunderstood her affection. I was not able sleep, I wanted to just vanish from the house or at least shift to hostel. I was just thinking and thinking, don’t know when drifted into deep sleep. Sis was shaking me to get up opened my eyes to the jolt and saw bedside clock to read 9. 00 o’ clock. I got up hurriedly and completed morning chores very fast no interaction with anybody and left for college. Had not gone too far I decided against college and went to guest house and laid on the bed. What sister must be thinking of me jiju had offered his own wife for my pleasure or sex hunger. I might have fucked him for his pleasure but it does not mean that he has to offer his bellowed wife that too my own sister for me. He would have found a stud to service him for some money. He could afford to pay any sum for his pleasure. I spoiled trust of everybody in family including my folks.
I smoked cigarettes one after another. By 1 o’clock my mobile rang it was call from Shweta I thought if I bring her here and bang couple of shots I may lose the tension in her company. But decided against it and told her sorry as I am busy. She told ok no problem and hung, I did not even talk more even generally. I didn’t receive even jiju’s calls. At around 3 O‘clock I received massage from jiju to come to shop. Silently left for shop, the moment I entered the shop without telling anything but to look after shop, he emerged out. I had eaten nothing after nominal breakfast. I immersed in business forgetting all my worries for short period.
In the evening I had cup of tea and couple of biscuit’s in the shop it’s elf and jiju didn’t appear till closure. After closing shop wandered here and there for lack of courage to go home and face the family members I strolled here and there till 11 o’clock. I knew all might have slept. In the night when I entered into house didi opened door and she was above to serve me she felt vomiting sensation went to bathroom and vomited, from there only she advised me to help myself. I was too hungry to leave the food. I took some food and slept. The life was going well, my sister had developed a big belly due to pregnancy her boobs also swelled, and they were looking terrific. They seemed like you have kept big balls on her chest and her ass cheeks had become magnificent. She was looking like bombshell except for her stomach. She had gained weight, as she hardly went out her color had become like ripe lemon. Nowadays I could not fuck much because of her condition. Jiju and me had to gentle while fucking her. We could not fuck hard. It was hard to satisfy her husband and brother at the same time. Generally I used to lie on my back sister rode me by swallowing my fuck pole and jiju was any way ass man he preferred her ass to her cunt while threesome. I had never fucked her bunghole till today. As I had another ass reserved for me totally that is for jiju. Whenever sister was tired and either of us are horny she used to give head to one and took another up her love hole. My sister gave me such a nice blowjob, I was forgetting the whole world. I was after swollen boobs. I licked sucked ate them to my heart’s content. If didi is eating jiju I used to fuck his ass hole while I played with her strong and firm balls. Didi retired bed I followed her within no time jiju entered he was hourly as hell. The moment he came he undressed and asked didi to spread her legs. She said she is tired today, but anyway he undressed her she started abusing both of us. I think both the brother-in-laws are never satiated, you need a real whore to satisfy both of you. I said our private love is here why on the earth we need any whore. I started caressing her breasts started licking her teats. She was getting aroused but still said leave me today, I will fuck both of you tomorrow. I said jiju seems to be over excited today, at least give him a blowjob. She turned side way jiju put his massive lund in her mouth. She started licking his red head of penis. She was enjoying smooth silky touch of his cock. I spread her thighs, she took out ramrod out of her mouth and said no not today. I said be cool baby I will not hurt you. It’s not a cheap customer of whore, he is your loving brother. I started massaging her entire legs and started licking her white thighs. She started groaning, I reached to her love hole. Taste of her pussy had changed now, may be due to her hormonal changes. I went on slurping her leaking juice. Nectar was very nice, I had not eaten her since fortnight. She was servicing jiju while I ate her, after few minutes she started jumping on the cot due to excitement. I increased licking speed while I wet my finger and entered into her ass hole and started pumping with maddening speed. She could not moan loud as she had long and hard penis of her husband in her mouth. Her moans were heard like gurgles. So, on her cunt discharged, her juice jumped almost a foot long soaking my entire face, I went on eating her twat while jiju mouth fucked. She was dying for air but jiju was not ready to leave her mouth. Once he filled her mouth with his hot lava then only he left her. Now she was limp due to her own climax. Both husband and wife lay on the cost side by side hugging each other. I got up after her leakage stopped, but I was unfinished as horny as dog in winter. I shouted at them who will satisfy me you both selfish fellows ejaculated and closed you ass and cunt leaving me high and dry. Didi said I can’t take it in my either of holes. I said it’s responsibility of both of you. I slid between them. Jiju asked me to turn. I turned facing their legs. Jiju adjusted himself and started licking my rod, sister was lying lazily I ordered her what are you doing sleeping lazily can’t you see your brother is lying beside you, if you don’t offer your cunt to him, do something. She too started licking from other side. Two tongues are licking at a time was something different. One was kissing knob while other licked base of the rod while I played bums of both. I was kneading both ass cheeks at a time. As the tension mounted I was kneading them with full force making them red with my handling. It was nice experience again. When I started spurting both shared my juice and transferred into each mouth alternatively. Once I was done I changed position and slept behind her hugging from her back while jiju hugged from front. He had to give space for her tummy where as I had full liberty of hugging from back, I slept there only holding her one ball in my hand Shree you have become more naughty nowadays. I said both husband and wife have spoiled me. Otherwise I was naive boy. We drifted off to sleep laughing.
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Once aunty had to attend couple of marriages one at Mandya and another at Mysore with gap of three days in between. Aunty asked jiju to accompany her he denied, saying he can’t afford to spare so many days at a stretch. Prema denied saying she had to study otherwise she would have loved to spend days at Mysore. I said if you like Mysore then do one thing jiju will take her to Mandya and after two days he will return meanwhile you go to Mysore and join aunty and relive your brother. Idea is good but both of us are not in a position to spare. It was decided I had to accompany aunty. I too did not want to go for such long period but there was no alternate I had to agree because all were pressing me only. We went by bus to Mandya and after attending marriage we headed for Mysore. Our room was already booked by one of the distributor. That day we reached Mysore in the evening had food and rested as we didn’t wish to go out.
Next day we went for sightseeing. It was full of fun we were roaming hand in hand like lovers. Aunty never dejected holding her hand or placing my arm on her shoulder. We had nice food had chats and ice creams. Aunty was out of house after long time and she enjoyed my company as I was cutting jokes or made some mischief’s. She was laughing for every act I made. We roamed in the city till late though aunty said she was tired, I never let her go. I even put my arm around her waist. By the time we reached room both of us were really tired, on the way back we had food. The moment we changed and freshened we hit the bed. It was very cozy with king size bed. I was wearing lungi and she had changed into comfortable cotton saree. I was at centre of the bed, there was large single pillow. I had stretched my hand along the pillow she without any hesitation slept on my stretched arm by putting her head partially on pillow and part on my arm. We watched TV for a while. She said let’s sleep and switched off the TV. She turned facing me and I too turned towards her. Now we were almost touching to each other. She smiled looking at my face, kissed my forehead, and said I enjoyed today after long time. Thanks for such a wonderful company my dear she said. Kept her left hand on my waist, your wife is going to be really lucky, to have a such a wonderful person as her hubby.
Me – how do you say aunty, you are not aware of how I will behave with my wife, you haven’t experienced. She was puzzled with my answer but took it sportively, managed to say you take so much of care for everybody. You are looking after entire family while attending business you have made so many changes in such short span of time, while attending college and studying. Even a matured and seasoned person can’t do like this. Such a person will make wonderful husband. She hugged me we were fully embraced. I thanked her for the compliment. I kissed her cheeks. She brought her lips forward we lip kissed [but not like lovers but with concern.]
[she said I don’t know what would be my state after losing my husband, I am sure I would not have led my life the way I am leading now. I pulled her tight, why do you want to remember it,] try to forget everything
Next day opened my eyes to find her in my arm, it took some time to recollect where we were. As we were tired yesterday we had not even stirred in the sleep. I was waiting for her to awake, I didn’t wanted to disturb her sleep. I was just watching her face, it looked innocent like kids few strands of hair had covered her forehead. There was not a single grey hair, jet black. Straight nose broad forehead, thin lips white round face. To have such a lady is a dream, the one who will have is a lucky person. Our bodies still glued to each other. I was feeling heat being emanated by her body. Watching sleeping beauty was enjoyable. After about 10 minutes she was awake, she saw me looking her. I wished her good morning and kissed her cheek.
She inquired when you waked. I said must be half an hour ago. Then what were you doing, why did not you awake me she asked. As you said today is rest day, we don’t have anything to do so I was just lying beside you and looking at the sleeping beauty. She smiled and kissed me on my forehead and wished me good morning sunny and left the bed to bathroom. I ordered for tea, we had tea watching morning news on TV. She entered bathroom I wished I joined her, at that time her mobile rang. Aunty shouted from bathroom to see who was calling, it was Shobha I told her. Aunty was in middle of disrobing, she came out in her bra and panty, though it wasn’t new for me to see her in this attire, but difference was that I could see directly instead of her image. I could hear their speech one side.
Aunty – hi Shobha didi, oh my god I had forgotten about it. Oh thank you how nice to remember and wish ….. Oh thanks jiju. Hi chinnu thanks. Shobha didi ….. Oh nothing special it’s going be to normal day for me. Aunty sobbed …... Ok didi I will not cry ok.. Yes I have to come to Mysore with Shreeshant hand that’s my daughter-in-law ‘s brother …………. Yes he is with us only as you now. Yes he is a good boy ……. Party? Oh I will give if you come here …… no problem I invite everybody let’s celebrate here. Ok I will you later I was getting ready for bath ok, ok thanks again for wishing and she hung up the phone. As she was speaking she had raised her hand I found armpit full of hairs there. I don’t like hairs on women body. As she was playing with her hairs on her head her boobs jiggled a bit. I wanted to see them nude but it was not possible as she called me so many times. I was to satisfy by mere look, I thought.
She went again to take bath, throwing mobile on bed. I was just thinking what special might be today. It can’t be her marriage anniversary, they can’t wish for that as her hubby is no more. Birthday may be the only occasion for which she can be wished. I took the mobile and I called back her sister Shobha and introduced myself and asked the occasion for which her sister was wished.
Shobha – didn’t she tell that it’s her birthday, you are away from house, and none of the family is with you.
Me – no aunty I was not aware of it, so I haven’t wished her. Even neither didi, jiju or Prema have wished them.
Shobha – may be they are worried that if they wish, she will start crying remembering her hubby. Why don’t make a small party for her and get a cake and celebrate, so that she can enjoy her b day.
Me – sure aunty I will see to it, thanks aunty for reminding me. I will make it memorable for her and hung after bidding by.
I didn’t bother to wish even after she came out of her bath still she was in bra and panty, her skin was glowing with fresh bath her long hairs falling over her chest concealing her treasure. Her tummy had become almost flat thanks for the exercises I had learn. She put petticoat closing below the belt scene by that I had seen her cunt’s form which only that part had swollen like bun, she had hairs on legs too. She was drying hairs while she still was in bra. Wet hairs had wetted her bra making them partially see through.
My brain was working at high speed regarding the preparation of her b day.
Silently I finished my bath and ready for breakfast, aunty said she is not hungry and let’s watch for some more time. She was expecting me to ask regarding her sister wished and she would say regarding her b day and I had to wish too. But I wanted to surprise her, so I didn’t speak on that matter. Aunty was disappointed by my behavior, but didn’t comment. It was already 10 o’clock. I was hungry too I proposed her for breakfast she accepted and went. By the time we had breakfast it was 11. 00 o’clock. We were just strolling around and saw a beauty – parlor. I proposed aunty to have some eyebrow trimming and facial to be done she was denying to go. Who is going to see me for whom I have to have makeup. You are going to attend marriage function of your close relatives tomorrow, it’s going be function of rich people. Everybody will come with lots of make up with great hairstyles. I don’t want my girlfriend should look shabby or just an another girl there. So, at least for my sake you have to go there. Any way we are free today and you are not in a mood to visit any sightseeing, instead of spending time in room sitting idly it is better spend some time. She agreed after lots of persuasion. We reached to beauty parlor, aunty asked where you will be till it’s over. I said I have to meet one of the distributor who had arranged our stay here, any way as it is rush here it may take some time. Give me a call if I am late. She agreed for it and entered. I called in charge of the parlor and after showing my aunty, I inquired who is going to attend her. She thinking for while she called a girl and asked me for what I need to meet her. I said I need to give some instruction so the lady went in the girl asked me for what I wanted to meet her.
I told her about aunty who was not really ready to parlor. I have convinced her to go, she needs really good treatment. I don’t know about much things what is done for a lady. I introduced her as my girl friend and I want her to have best of you treatments. Do facial manicure waxing hair styling etc. She said ok and asked me to wait at reception so that she will hand me all the jewelries. Aunty removed all and handed me. The girl helped me to pack them as it was regular practice. When aunt entered inside the beautician and me were alone I fished through my wallet and handed her five hundred note, she became angry and said I am not of that type and asked me to keep back money. I said this has no other meaning but tips to look after my friend. She may not be willing for many of your treatments and may not cooperate, so it all depends upon how you convince. She took the note and said it’s too much of tips. I asked how long it may take, she said it will take at least two to three hours as one more customer is under the course. I asked her to arrange for food if it exceeds lunchtime. When you are through give me a ring. She noted my cell no and assured me that when your girl friend comes out you will just won’t believe what I have done. I left the place, I had planned so many things in the meanwhile. I ordered cake for the eve. I went to jewelers and selected some diamond ornaments, got the quotation. I didn’t have that much money in my bank a/c so called jiju asked him to transfer desired amount to my a/c. He asked for the reason I promised him to give details later as I had lot of the things to do. I purchased some materials to decorate room and purchased clothes for eve. By the time I completed I received a call, it was of beautician. I headed for parlor. I had already handed her new costume i.e. Chunni choley for wearing through that girl and I had collected back the saree she was wearing in morning. When aunt was ready it was almost 4. 00 o’clock. I settled the bill. Beautician came and gave some currency back, I asked her to keep it, but she gave a crumpled currency and made a signal not to open now. I just pocketed it. When aunty emerged I could not believe my eyes, she was a new person with total different getup. That too the dress was also just unusual for her.
But the thing to noted though she looked delicious she was furious [not just angry]. She was burning with anger the moment we were on road she snarled at me who asked you to do all such nasty things to me. Haven’t you observed that I don’t do any make up after demise of my hubby. If any one sees me in thus condition what they will think of me. You should be ashamed to play such game with others sentiments. You have become too much you are crossing your limit’s. First take me to room I want to get rid of this attire. I started sit-ups [uthak baithak] on the road holding my ears. She shouted me to stop drama. I pleaded her to let me speak, she became quite I told her I had instructed that you are going to attend marriage tomorrow so asked them to necessary things. When I saw the bill I understood that they might have confused as you are the bride and they have made bridal make up. Once they have done nothing can be done now. So, I kept quiet and settled the bill. But aunty don’t be angry it is worth to the money I have spent.
You are looking so beautiful. I knew her weakness so I took her to chat centers always she liked chats we took few chats, but she was pressing me to change her dress at least. I said I have spent lot of money on them, so at least wear them to the worth 1000 / hour, somehow I convinced her. People around us paid at least second glance lot of people admired her look, though may not be verbally but their looks said every word. She was embarrassed one side but was proud to be seen on the other side. We had ice cream and strolled around till 7. 00 pm, then left for lodge. By then I managed to call didi and explained regarding b day of aunty and I informed them to wish her when I give them missed call. So, that all three have to wish her at the same time. We returned to room, once I opened door she was first to step in. The moment she saw the decoration she was spell bound. I switched on every light in the room. She came and hugged me and said, so you knew it then. I didn’t bother to reply her, I led her to the table where cake was arranged. She was looking around the room to enjoy the decoration I had made with help of room boys and for that I had give tips generously. She was delighted to see everything. Once I handed over her musical knife, I took camera and was ready then I received call. Everybody sang birthday song which knife was singing, I put on the loud speakers. She was almost on the verge of crying, I signaled her not to cry and proceed to cut cake. I took a piece of cake and stuffed in mouth her children and daughter in law wished her individually. After she thanked everyone she too stuffed cake in mouth.
I was actually getting frustrated even after my sister and her kids wished me, you didn’t even bothered to ask what the call was. I knew from depth of my heart, it’s you only who had highest concern about me and you love me more than my son loves. That added to the pain none of the family wished me since morning, you even after knowing also you neglected. That was reason behind my arrogance today. I love you Shree, and thanks that’s all she said.
Me – put small full point to thanks. Still some more things are yet to come. I opened a cover and produced a golden necklace. This from your lovely son, she didn’t take it instead she bowed her head. I put necklace, then I took out another packet and opened it to find golden bangles studded with nice stones matching to necklace. She stretched her hand without uttering a word, I inserted her hand in them these are from your lovely daughter in law. Then came small box containing ear studs these are from Prema.
She – what about my boy friend ?. I said I am poor man what can I give to a rich girl. Just I can wish her and at the most I can shower with kisses. By now she sat on the cot and I had changed to Bermuda and west. I took place in centre of the cot. She came and sat beside me and asked for her gift which is yet to be delivered. I took her in my arms and kissed her on fore head, eyes and finally on her lips.
Aunt – my birthday was never celebrated in this fashion. My hubby used to wish me in the morning and took out, visited couple of temples and on the way back we had dinner outside. My children also wished me, though every year I gave them gifts, but they never bothered to give gift
To me. My father was against birthday celebration. We never celebrated any ones. This was the most memorable she said. I know mu husband loved me a lot. But he never expressed either verbally or other means. Her eyes were moist remembering her late husband. I took her in my arms and soothed her not to cry on this eve. Shall I give one more compliment? I asked. Few more kisses? She said.
I took out a small box and opened it took out a ring and inserts her finger. She was happy to receive it. Said thanks and gave pecks on my cheek. When she observed the ring she uttered oh my god it’s diamond. My dearest poorest friend has given my diamond ring. From where did you get money to buy. My own son has given gold where as you given diamond. I said cool down my friend I will tell when the time comes. But be assured that I have not earn illegitimately.
She rolled on bed and we went on speaking some other matter. I laid beside her she took my hand in her hand and continued to chitchat. She praised how I was handling business and she asked me you had said that you are on the way to catch some big fish. I said yes I am almost there time is only matter. I am expecting big money from there. Always you keep so many things in suspense. When I asked how you tamed my son you never uttered a single word and said you will reveal it later.
Me – I never said that I will reveal it. I had asked that whether you are happy with the outcome or not, for that you said you are happy. But I had never assured anything to you.
Aunty – whatever it may be, if my son was not on proper track everything would have gone wrong. He was leaving shop on servants and went on visiting Bangalore. It would have spoiled business. We can’t trust anyone nowadays. She asked the secret again I said you don’t ask and I am not going to tell anything about it. What I am concerned is with result but not the way it was tackled. She was bent upon the subject and at last she took oath to tell.
Me – if you really want to know the reason, it may hurt your feeling, and you may even hate me. So, better don’t ask. She said that already my mind is in thermoil, so don’t pull it any more. I may become hysterical on thinking about this matter. I have so many questions un answered. On promise of not to reveal anything to any living soul and if you are hurt by it you have to discuss with me only and none else.
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I narrated everything in detail, not concealing a single word from her. Except my relation with didi.
We had almost embraced each other and my bare leg had moved in her legs as her dress had raised.
She – what about your sister.
Me – what about her. I have told no she has approved our relation with jiju. Further she was the one to suggest to do in house only rather than any other places.
Aunty – don’t be too over smart young boy. I have seen world in wide, whereas still you are still in egg. Tell me how she became pregnant.
I was astonished to hear what she said. I could not digest her word. I wanted to get up and leave her in pretext of attending natures call. I was almost sitting she pulled me, so I fell on her our bodies collided. I said what else I can say your son fucked my sister and made her pregnant I snarled at her. She was dumb folded with my word. This was the first time I had ever spoken bad words in her presence. I never used such words even if I was angry on others also But she raised her voice stop the drama. You have not yet consumed the amount of water equivalent the amount of milk I have consumed. I know my son is almost not capable of producing child. He has got low sperm count.
Me – how do you say. I had seen the clinical report accidentally. Once I had to go somewhere so I was traveling by car a cover flew from dashboard and fell beside me. I kept it on seat, but by chance I saw name Prashanth on it. So, casually I opened cover to find it was semen analysis. It had much high mortality rate of sperms. There was prescription of clomiphen 25 mg tabs and speman forte tabs. I was depressed by the report and left hope of being grandma. That incident took place before I asked for your help. I was under impression that there is something wrong with him. So, I was after you to find it out. Rest of the story you know, I was happy that he stopped his outstation visit’s but I was wondering what was reason and how you stopped from going out. As I had observed him I was thinking that he is gay.
When my daughter in law became pregnant. There were only two reasons either his treatment had worked or she might be doing it with someone else. There were remote chances of her going alone anywhere. Always one or other accompanied her, just not guard but it’s customary that female will not go alone except Prema to college. I was observing her. Many times in the night I heard giggles of more than two members in night at her room. I thought it could be you just gone there but when I found repeatedly I was suspecting something is going on. You have to clarify it.
I was in soup either I had to lie that may damage my sister image if I accept it will spoil image of both. I just wanted to tell her some cooked up story. I said as you say treatment must have improved his health. She asked how he performs.
Me – you mean fucking, he is excellent at it. He can satisfy any lady in bed and he has got extraordinary stamina. Once if he starts fucking he will not leave lady till she cries to stop, I summoned by slip of tongue.
She – it means you have watched him fucking your sister.
Me – not like that, I said no sometimes I had to ride him to get him mood of fucking, so whenever I was fucking him he was getting erection. Once it is erect he used to fuck her very hard. We did it in darkness sometimes threesome.
She – so you did all together.
Me - yes many times he was hard and wanted to fuck her while he was being fucked by me that too in darkness.
She – stop this bullshit story and tell me what is happening between you. If you fathered her child it’s different. Suppose if she had committed adultery I will can’t tolerate but to expel her from my house.
Me – if you don’t get mad at us I will tell in detail. I was not able to look at her face, there was no strength remained in me. Just to protect my family I was compelled to give all details. So, I decided latter.
As I could not see her face-to-face I hid my face in her bosom and started screening the cinema. By the time I completed my story I was hot as hell at the same time I wanted to know her reaction.
Her eyes had become red may be due to lust or even she was excited by my story using all the vulgar words into it. Or due to shame of incest story. Her dress had come up, our legs were mingled like scissor touch of bare, and smooth skin was too much to bear. My rod had erected inside Bermuda was touching her thigh.
She – now you tell me how you managed to buy diamond ring for me, from where did you get so much money.
Me – very simple, as you know in last dealers conference of a company I had won quiz contest and I was offered luxury cruise tour. I encased it for money though the management was not willing to give cash as they said they need my company. I somehow convinced that I am badly in need of money and I don’t have time to attend tour. So, they transferred to my account. So, I brought it for you. Do you accept that it is my own money as I had won it with my good knowledge and intelligence.
Oh Shree you had to sacrifice foreign tour just to buy a ring for me. It’s too much. If you had given smallest present it was ok for me, you could have given a flower, and then also I would be happiest lady. Immediately I collected a rose which was lying on the cake for decoration and gave it to her. It was dark red colored she took it and thanked me. By this moment her dress came still above exposing her butts.
She said no body in my life had taken so much of care. I don’t know what would be my state if you had not entered in my life. I would never be able to come out of sorrow after death of my hubby. There was no soul in the house to console. My son was engrossed in his own problem and business, daughter is too young and innocent. Your sister cared me but didn’t know how to console. It was you who entered in our life and started taking charge of everything from business to even our personal lives. You have to sacrifice your personal life for my family. You got my son back to normalcy, you made me granny. Whenever any one of us need any help always you extend your hand. I know we can’t payback what you have done to us. Because of you only we are able to good business. Prashant always tells me how business and profit improved after your involvement. She was on verge of crying, I said don’t cry friend this is not occasion to cry, I held her strongly to me with one hand. The other hand roamed on her back finally reaching to her butts. I was aware that most of her lower body was nude. My hand automatically caressed her smooth skin and finally reached in her panty to caress her bulky bum.
She stopped crying and started kissing my face then my lips. I held her face tight with left hand and kiss became more passionate while I was kneading her shapely butt. My tongue was trying to find opening to enter a orifice her mouth. She opened her mouth, I don’t know whether she wanted to say something or welcomed my tongue. Our tongues started fighting her cunt was oozing liquid she must be hot by hearing my sex story with her son and bahu. I had explained how we both fucked her bahu. She asked whether her son really satisfies his wife. I said surely there is no doubt about it. I was not aware of his low sperm count maybe it was one of the reason he allowed his wife to be drilled by me. How his organ is is it ok, I said very nice and long enough to touch womb. It is something like mine. How long it is she asked that further It’s almost like mine. Mine is little slimmer than him. Then how long is yours she asked. I have not measured it you may feel and guess it’s almost erect now I said. She started moaning, on her first moan I released her butt traveled to cup her breast from over dress. I have served her every need let me be useful to her womanly need and started squeezing her boobs, one after another.
Shree leave me it is not right for both of us to indulge in this. Its incest we can’t do it she was pushing her my hands, but force was feeble. I went on caressing her body, she was verbally apposing it, but nothing physically. She must be hungry for this since more than year. I don’t know whether she had any interest in it before we had firm bound, but now I think she too needed.
I said what more incest is. Me fucking jiju or fucking didi or having threesome or didi getting pregnant by me as you say. What we are doing is more than that. Girl friend let me be very much clear, I have one cunt and two ass holes for my enjoyment or disposal. Neither of them denies me when I am horny, may be the only invite me to fuck. That way I am more than satisfied, I always respect their desire and many times I fuck jiju as my duty. If you are in need of the blissful and safe intercourse you can say yes. Otherwise I will never force you, what I was thinking is you need banging urgently. Your body language is telling it. We can reach our place by tomorrow night or day after that. When I reach there I have whole world will be present. For you there is nothing for this.
If you don’t need it’s ok for me. I released my grip tried turn away from her. She suddenly caught me and embraced me tightly. It was more than enough for me to conclude. I started kissing her madly and inserted my hand in her panty to feel her freshly shaven pussy. As I caressed the cunt which was already leaking juice. Found the slit entered fingering she shuddered to the touch and her moans started she was no more hesitant. We had broken all the barriers now. She was caressing my back while I was playing with her assets. I pushed my Bermuda along with undies and took out pushing by legs. Her hand automatically reached my erect rod, she hold it smoothly admired it’s touch. I pushed her gagra to her waist. I was now caressing her legs thigh the touch was something totally different from both the girls I had touched previously. Mature aunty was moaning like hell her breathing came harsh I pulled her panty to knees, she kicked them off. I wanted to kiss her body I licked her navel she urged me to proceed. I thought she is indicating me to eat her pussy. I took my mouth to her pussy, she dragged my head by hair nothing now. You just enter my forbidden place now just ride me, I am in no position to sustain any more. I positioned over her she took lead she hold my ramrod and place over her old choot’s opening and urged me to move. I was entering very hot canal of her lovely cunt. It was tight enough to make me slow as it was not serviced since over a year. I slowly plunged my meat into her tight slit. It took several strokes to reach her bottom. I started slowly humping her while holding her still clothed shoulder. She was in such a hurry she did not allow me even disrobing her. I place my hand over her blouse and squeezing them still clothed. She was rolling her head to left and right. I went on pumping her for several minutes at a stretch. She shuddered twice but didn’t allow me take rest nor she rested. I went on pumping her she was oozing her cunt juice now and then. I too didn’t stop till she urged me to stop. At last I too reached climax, started humping her like machine gun and when I was on the verge to release I asked where to release. She said don’t worry I had tubectomy you fill there. When I started cumming like falls and filled her cunt with my juice and fell over her. For the first time I had enjoyed with mature lady. She took my weight for few minutes and pushed me aside. My dead meat came out giving full space for leaking tap.
It was wonderful she said. We were lying in same pose for some twenty minutes. My hands could not keep quiet, started disrobing her fully. First choli came off and next her bra. For the first time I saw her open breasts, they were marvelous in touch, much softer than didi ‘s they had slightly sagged still wonderful for her age. I exclaimed wow what a beauties are these. She said your exercises have made them little tighter than before. Now her gagra came off with petticoat, panty was no more there it had been removed earlier. I parted from her and saw with some distance she blushed to be seen naked. What are you seeing now after making everything, you are eyeing me as if for the first time. I said for the first time I am seeing you total nude and I am repenting why I did not see you like this before.
She – if you had seen me before like this, what difference it would have made. I would be after you than my sister and I would be taking tour of heavens with you. If you had seen me nude you would have made me pregnant than my bahu she laughed.
I came near her and started exploring her beauty, she stopped me and asked again what we are doing is wrong I feel I am cheating my late husband. You are too late to think, we have committed and no two of us is your husband, but, he has cheated you. Her mouth was open with bewilderment. I continued by leaving such a wonderful wife of him in middle of the life. When her needs were still existing. I am performing duty in lieu of him. I want to keep you always happy, if I was born before him and saw you. I would be the one married you. With or without your consent. You are praising me too much. As my hands were on her bum and pulling to me. I took my finger to now, little loose cunt and started fingering her. She threw her hand at my cock and felt it was ready. Oh my god you are ready so soon it’s not even fifteen or twenty minutes you vomited.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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If you are lying nude beside me, I will do it till morning. I wanted to taste her cunt I slid lower and placed my mouth on her cunt she pushed me aside and said what are you doing it’s very nasty already you have discharged there and the place is dirty don’t do it, she got up from bed. I asked why aunt uncle has not done it to you. Let me do it you will just love it’s so pleasing there. Once if I lick there you will be after me requesting to lick. She said I have no experience in it I don’t want to feel it. At least you try if you don’t like I will stop. She agreed after persuasion but not before cleaning. She went to bath and cleaned and dried said you are mischievous fellow I don’t know what you will do with me and she spread herself on cot. I attacked her vagina with my tongue she was shivering and said don’t do it tickles me there. I gave no answer and continued licking starting from outer lips and then inner lips by the time I had reached her clit she was shivering with new found excitement. As I went on nibbling her clit she was getting wild. My tongue entered her pussy while I was playing with her clit, it was too much for her within no time she reached climax. I was not to stop there I further continued mouth fucking her till she had several orgasms and discharged profusely. I went on doing she was totally exhausted. I left her only when she pushed my head seriously. I positioned between her thighs and inserted tip into her throbbing cunt. She requested me not now it has become tender by your licking like hungry dog.
She - let’s have some rest if I am ok by then we will do it. I was little hungry as we had not taken food.
I took cake mouthful and transferred to her mouth we ate the piece transferring from mouth to mouth. We had some fruit’s also. I took remaining cake’s cream smeared on her boobs navel etc and lick cleaned. She too took some cream and smeared on my upper body and on nipples she too licked my body.
I asked her to smear on my ramrod but she said no, even after persuasion she didn’t accept to lick my cock. I too was not ready to rush so many things in a day. I positioned her in doggy style standing on floor and bending on the cot. I came behind her she took lead placed my cock at entrance of her cunt by holding it. I entered her slowly when reached hilt started moving slow and increased speed as per her guidance as she was old player and had mastered many art in fucking experience of decades. From time to time she guided me to increase speed or slow down or when she reached climax she used to halt me. I fucked her for the longest time of my life. I must have fucked her at least one hour without breaking contact or pulling out. She knew when I was about to cum and she slowed me or stopped me. At last it became unbearable for me I started banging her with fastest speed and longest strokes holding her waist, room was filled with our fucking noise I poured whatever my balls had containing emptied in experienced cunt. When no more came out of my rod and it came out by itself we collapsed on cot and slept nude totally exhausted in each other’s arms.
Morning I was awake before her, my hand was on her boob as usual bit it was not didi but aunty my lovely Malathi. In the morning light she looked more beautiful than previous night, her boobs were still reddish due to yesterday’s doggy style fucking I had taken them for support. What a body she has at this age, any one will die to fuck her. I kissed her fore head she didn’t stir, massaged her whole body there was no signal of her waking. I turned her on back caressed silky thighs, horniness added to the morning erection. I was excited within no time I straight away dived on her muff. As I licked there was movement in her. By the time she was fully awake I was mouth fucking her. Oh Shree what a way of awakening it is! You have done it till late night and you are on your business before I was even awake. You are a great lover, let us do after we fresh up. I was not ready to listen, on seeing moistening cunt I lifted her legs placed them on my shoulder and lined my cock with her choot. Without waiting for her signal I jammed my ramrod into her opening of heaven. She squirmed ohhhhhhh, I sank in her cunt with only two strokes she was out of breath by my assault. Without giving chance to recover I started fucking her in missionary position. I had learnt few lessons yesterday and was making use of them, slowed down for few strokes and speeded for some time. Within five minutes she shuddered for first orgasm which followed by every minute. I was kneading her breasts she was shouting as if I am banging her. I rested on her body gave a long smooch still my cock embedded in her juicy cunt. After we recovered she pushed me on my back. Straddled me by placing her legs each side she lowered on my throbbing lund gulped whole rod in one go. She started humping in slow rhythm. Once she took out my cock and peeled skin to lowest and gave a mighty push holding her cunt muscles tight. It pained me a lot but the friction I got was something different it felt I am fucking Shweta. Next she started pumping till she had couple of orgasms for herself and collapsed over me. She had still got good strength may be effect of exercises we did. Still my rod hadn’t delivered juice. I said I am not yet done, let me finish. She turned around backed up and she was totally adhered to my front. She raised her leg in sky and asked me to poke from side, this was new pose for me. I had to struggle to find orifice, she only guided me now I entered in her leaked cunt. It had become slippery due to her discharges. I went slow and steady till I reached my goal while grabbed her bums for support and her one leg was on my hand. It was very nice pose neither she nor I strained. We had some rest before started morning routines. When we relieved our nature calls and ordered tea.
While sipping tea I said you are seasoned player you know many poses and art of mating. She said that’s the main advantage of aunties. You have to learn lot more, don’t worry my lover boy I will make you expert in the art of loving. Whomever you mate in future everybody should be satisfied. You have nice physic good strength over that, you have nice that.
Me what do you mean by nice that.
She – that thing below belt.
Me - it has name call it lund, she was hesitant but I forced her to call it by name. I didn’t leave her till she called every organ by their names, like penis, choot, chuchi etc.
You have spoiled me I think you will spoil my language also. I have neither spoiled you, I have helped you to find the lost treasure. Nor spoiled your language. I am teaching grammar and general knowledge.
There was no hesitation left, we were moving in room nude. Our nakedness didn’t bothered any more. We were very casual as if we were fully dressed. I pinched her long nipples and took them in my mouth. Still you are not satisfied you have been after my body since yesterday evening.
It was meals and now I am taking snacks, she laughed for that. Ok go and take bath, I shall go after that. I said ladies first, she took towel and left for bath. She was latching door by habit, I called her out why are locking is there anything still unseen. She shouted naughty fellow. I had to Waite till finished bath mean while I chose dress for today, emptied pant of previous day started stuffing things in fresh ones. I noticed the crumpled currency there was a piece of paper in it. It was food’s bill for aunty. There was a note on it. I have made your friend ready for you tonight. You are free to contact followed by her cell no and her name Meena. I gave a call and asked her to come to room for hair dress and make up. By the time I heard sound of shower. Thought for a moment and entered bathroom aunty was applying soap on her body, she had closed her eyes. I started rubbing her body she was startled by sudden entry and sighed of relief. You scared me she said, why you came inside boys should not watch ladies bathing. You wait outside till I am finished. I said I am here to finish you.
She said what ?. I said I am here to help you bathing and started rubbing her body with soap. As my hands roamed on her body I could not control myself I was getting excited. I squeezed her tit’s she shouted this is the reason I wanted to keep you away. Once you saw me you start playing. We have done it just a hour back. Just you did what I asked, after little hesitation she uttered you have fucked me and now you are here playing with my balls.
I was not ready to listen to her pleas as this was the first time with a lady in bath. I didn’t have chance with either Shweta or didi. I excited her by inserting a finger in her choot. She became ready and asked me to hurry and ram. She bent and hold shower handle I entered her from behind while shower was running. It was different sensation on slippery body while hot shower running. I must have jammed her for at least half an hour.
We completed bath playing together. Had breakfast in room only. By the time we ate Meena arrived. We were relieved as just before that we had dressed.
Aunty wondered to find Meena here. I told her that I had called her for hairstyle and make up. She opposed but at last agreed. Meena dried hair and made setting of hairs, when she was through she asked aunt to wash her face so can give make up. The moment aunty entered bath and closed door behind her. Meena came near me and whispered, so you had her. I was puzzled by her question. She continued I knew your plan so I prepared her for you. What did you do to her. She said it’s professional secret can’t relive it to anyone. I don’t do it often but your tips made to make it. I looked at her quizzically. She further said the generous tips showed your concern on her. People won’t give that much as tips even when we go to bridal make up at choultries. You can call me whenever you need me.
I didn’t understand whenever you need me, but by the time Malathi was out of bathroom.
While Meena was attending aunt I noticed her keenly. The girl must be around 22 – 24 years unmarried as she is not wearing Mangalsutra very beautiful she is wearing tight pant and top. As she moves her tight boobs jiggle when she is bending facing me I can see her cleavage, they are white in color, I can’t see upto her nipples as they are covered by bra. She caught me looking but made no effort to cover them. I thought she is trying to seduce or neglecting.
Aunt was looking gorgeous though her makeup was simpler than yesterday. I whistled at her, and commented today someone will propose you, but be careful I am here for you. She blushed like newlywed and said if you speak like this I won’t come to marriage. We left for marriage at marriage hall we were greeted by her sister Shobha aunty. Malathi introduced me though she had seen me at didi’s marriage. Shobha aunty praised her as she looked at least ten years younger than actual. Malathi said all these because of this brute. And detailed what I did for her b day, except what we did later.
Shobha was pleased at this and thanked me for the care taken and the way I celebrated. I wish I too was present and I wish I had such a caring nephew for me. [we laughed for that understandingly.] Malathi said it is not proper to for a widow but Shree does not listen to me. Sometimes he irritates me like hell. Malathi sobbed. Shobha took her hand and consoled, said nowadays it’s common almost everybody live like this only. If you exhibit that you are widow people will look in different way. What you have done is safe for you. Now it’s more than a year, so you forget that incident try to be normal. You are going to be granny soon so you can spend your time playing with it.
Marriage function went well, so many people appreciated her look, but none commented her in wrong way. In fact most of her relatives were happy for she becoming normal.
After marriage function we had to return, but aunty was worried for her changed look. I consoled her it will fade within few days, but she was not ready to go back and wanted tour to extend. I asked aunt to call home and inform them. She called jiju and wished to go few temples and want to tour a bit as she had come all the way here and I was not agreeing for the same, it was sort of complaint. Jiju tried to convince me for prolonged tour. I said I am not interested to roam with old lady for few reasons. I am missing classes and I don’t like being away from for longer than this and I am missing them all. And I asked him to come and take charge. He resisted and asked me continue. I complained she does not listen to my wishes and she objects for almost everything, so I am not interested to go along with her. Finally jiju requested me to accompany her for few more days. I agreed to one condition that she has to follow my decisions.
Aunty abused for false complaint. We entered room I caught her started kissing she was pushing me off. Any way you have told everybody that I don’t follow your ideas so I will not cooperate henceforth. I took her in my arms and carried to bed, put her on bed started caressing her body. She was lying like dead, no responses at all. I started giving smooch but she is no more responding, held her lips tight. My hands were roaming on her body, but she is pushing my hand away. I licked her face, I reached to her neck, and there was some sign of her breathing getting deeper. Now I moved to her ears, took a earlobe in mouth, and started chewing. Now she is losing self-control moans are coming out of her mouth despite of her efforts. Now I understood that her ears are her weakness. Entered my tongue in her ear and nibbling her ear. This sent chill over her body, she stopped resisting any more. I took another ear and continued same treatment. She lost control and held me tight and started moaning. She is shuddering now gripped my head and started chewing my lips till they bleed. She was in heat pulled out belt from pant un buttoned and pulled out my pant. She sprawled on bed pulling me over her. Raised her saree to waste pulled my cock from side and showed in her cunt by parting her panty. She pulled me by my buttock to make me enter her. Now I took charge and started humping her in lightning speed. She didn’t last long before shot for last time had very big orgasm of her life. I stayed still by lying on her. Went on leisurely licking her face massaging breasts still encased in blouse. Once she is cool I started moving in slow speed, till she is excited again. She started pushing her buttock from below. I increased speed and now I am fucking her with long and fast strokes, she is lifting her bare butts from below to meet my thrusts. I am squeezing her balls, which I am feeling hard as they are still packed in blouse and bra. I fucked her for long enough to take her for another two or three orgasms. When I am near to my own climax I started banging her in high speed by the time I was ready to fill her hole with my spunk she is having her last orgasm. I started filling fuel in her tank while she is gushing her own juice. She smiled at me and pulled me over her. She is licking my lips which are bruised by her attack. She said even my husband was as naughty as you in our honeymoon.
Malathi what do you think what we are doing now. We are on honey moon only, may be second for you but it’s first with me. She uttered thank you my love before she hid her face in my chest. Had some rest and changed into comfortable clothes after freshened. Ok Malathi tell me what we are going to in coming days. You have taken time from son and daughter-in-law so let me know your plans. She is happy for me calling her by name. It feels nice on you calling me by name but be careful in others presence. My hubby used to call me Mala you too can call Mala. I said my sweet Mala, she slid to my side and is playing with my chest hairs.
Mala – I wanted some time for my bleaching and make up to fade. We now outside of our place, so my dressing and make up will not make any difference. In our place I can’t come out like this, people will take me wrongly and may abuse me for changed look within just a year after losing hubby.
Me – why always you are thinking only that matter. I am putting all my efforts for you to forget sorrow, and to make cheer up in future life. Mala you are disappointing me in this respect. See I had taken you to tour
Over clouds just few minutes back, and now you are coming below the ground level.
Suppose if you continue to be like this. Count me out of your company or group. I will no more any attention to your needs whatever kind they may be.
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Mala – Oh Shree I am also trying to forget my sorrow. I know you are the only fellow who loves from depth of your heart. You are ready to sacrifice anything for my happiness. Now you sacrificed your classes for me. I know you will have to work hard for making up the loss. If you wish there will be line of young and beautiful girls for you, but you are struggling to keep me happy. She started sobbing, I pulled her hard and kissed her forehead, see Mala now only you appreciated me for my acts and now you are crying. What is this wiped her tears with my lips.
Mala – I am not crying baba, tears are because of I am happy for having you at my side.
Me – I can’t understand women you cry when you are sorrow and even when you are happy. I don’t think even god will be able to understand.
Mala – ok Shree let it be whether we are going out for dinner or you will order room service.
Me – we are going out for food. Let me know whether we are going out after another round or we will do it after we are returned.
Mala – are you an animal, always you are after my cunt. When will you be satiated. Just half an hour back we have fucked and you are demanding another round. By the time we reach Hubli my cunt will be worn out or will be swollen and will become of no further use.
Me – I am happy to hear such words from you, see my rod is erected by mere words. What will happen when you start licking it like lollypop. She had become seasoned with language within two days.
I started kneading her balls though covered by nighty but free from bra. I started pulling her nighty towards belly, but she pushed my hand aside. You idiot stop now. I am hungry let’s have some food and the night is ours and I am not going to run away from you. She got up and lead to bathroom.
Both of us dressed up and came out of lodge. I took her to garment house I selected few different types of dresses. Some chudidars pants t-shirts. She raised objection for such fancy dresses. I hushed her and said some are for you and others are for Prema. She is also of same height so I took of your size. She opened mouth to say something but closed, thinking something.
Went to good restaurant and had food of her preference. When we returned urged her to freshen up and by the time she washed I took a short shower and was ready for her to appear.
The moment she came to bed I pulled her over me and started pulling her dress. This time I started journey from her toes to love hole. I didn’t travel above it and settled with it. By the time she is hot enough for penetration. I wondered she gets hot so fast and how she had controlled over her desires for a year. Asked her same question. She replied that my desires were dead, I had buried them with him, but you gave life back to them.
On hearing your sister groan it awakened me but they were subsided fast enough.
Since last couple of months desires were troubling me but I was controlling them. Yesterday I lost the battle and I allowed your massive cock inside most prohibited cunt of mine. I had never dream t that I will sleep with a boy younger than my son. But I am now happy I did it. Instead of dying inch by inch every day I feel I have won battle by selecting you as my lover. By now we are ready for further round as we are aroused enough. I asked her to ride me she readily agreed, without much foreplays she straddled me and sank down to engulf my hard meat. I hold her both hanging balls. I took one nipple while I started playing with another. She rode me till she had strength after two orgasm she collapsed on me. I turned on her back and started humping. After a nice fuck we washed and settled on cot.
Mala announced to go Ooty, next day. I booked two sightseeing tickets for Ooty through lodge.
Next day after a morning shot, we bathed together. While bath also we played a lot. She wanted to wear saree I suggested chudidar after some hesitation she agreed. We left for Ooty like lovers. That day we enjoyed a lot the most beautiful scenes, nature wild life etc.
By 4. 00 o’clock we reached lodge after seeing botanical garden etc. Took some rest at room. I asked her if she had mood for one more round, for which she denied. So, we decided to roam around in city. I asked her to wear pant and shirt, for which she denied and said in student age also she had never wore that kind of dress.
I reminded her promise of submission for every word of mine. She agreed after lots of persuasion. We roamed in city holding hand in hand.
Next day we went for boating and lots of other sightseeing. I took lots of her photos in different dresses from sarees, pant shirt chudidar even I was successful making her wear three / fourths and skirt and top. She looked nice in all types of dresses, though she is old enough. We enjoyed lot outside and inside room.
By the time we reached back home she was totally satiated. Before going home I asked her how to manage in house for sex. She said coolly, as you managed with your sis. You have excess to my room from your room. We can use that door. You can come to me without being observed by others. Any way we have to be careful. At least for a week we should not venture, we shall study atmosphere in house and fix proper time or morning in guesthouse we have ample of chances.
After coming from tour and semi honeymoon. Everything was ok in house. I had to study hard to cope up my studies in the mean while I did not bother to screw old lady, as she had cautioned and I had lots of things to do.
I covered portions in a week’s time and I had to look after business also.
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One day I entered in sister room, she welcomed with open arms. So, you are here after so long, she said. Jiju was teasing me how could you manage weeks without your sis. I pretended to be hungry for sex, said all because of you only. If you had not forced me to go with your mama I would be staying home enjoying sex and study, but you spoiled everything. I had to keep busy for one more week to bring the things to normalcy.
Stop those things now. I want to dive in didi ‘s cunt. Foreplays started I was looking after top portion where as jiju had taken charge et bottom. I was giving smooch, he was playing with her naked thighs and calf. I took her breasts in mouth and started chewing while he was fingering her. By the time I reached below and muff dived jiju had taken my hard shaft in his mouth and was happy like a child who had found his lost toy after long time.
Now didi is ready she asked me to be gentle and advised for doggy style. She stood on ground and hold headboard by bending at waist. I stood behind her and slowly inserted my waiting tool inside her hot cunt. Jiju positioned himself below her as I was pumping my sister he was licking her pussy and part of my moving shaft. I hold her extra large boobs and was pumping nicely. There was no hurry and night was for us. I hadn’t screwed for weeks so she didn’t stop me from fucking her. I am fucking tighter pussy than mil. Sis took jiju cock it was nice threesome. Sis discharged two times and myself and jiju exploded simultaneously. We fell in heap, took almost hour rest talking non-important matters. After a hour jiju said it’s my turn now, asked his wife to prepare me for him. She took my limp cock and caressed, her hand always proved wonders on me. It made slight movement didi licked base of the rod while she played with my tiny balls.
As she licked whole lund it started raising jiju came behind me started caressing my body and he positioned behind my butt started kissing while he caressed my butt hole. I am responding fast my cock reached to its limit.
Jiju said he is missing my tool since long,he straddled me slowly he lowered his body till his back reached my thighs. Sis took my erect danda with her fingers put some saliva on it. She made her hubby dung hole by licking it. She positioned my rod with his tiny hole and asked jiju to take it. He slowly sat on me taking my rod inch by inch to the hilt.Sis sat beside my face and brought her boob to my face. I started licking her one ball while squeezing other. She is pinching my nipples and rotated them in her fingers. My hand reached to her love hole started fingering her cunt. This was nice threesome all are getting their share. Sis extended her hand to husbands rod and giving hand job.
I was fingering her while she was giving hand job to his throbbing rod. My penis is moving in his tight anus. None of us changed position till didi had big orgasm for her, after some time jiju wet didi hand by pouring his juice in it. At last I filled his shit hole with my spunk. We fell in heap, I brought sister in middle both of each side. I slept gripping one ball.
Next day Shweta called me, I took her to room and banged twice. She too was missing me a lot. Probably my rod. We had nice time in room, we chit chatted long as we had met after long gap. She warned me if I have to go for longer period I have to have her with me.
In the same night after everybody were slept mother-in-law came to my room and took me to her room. We hadn’t fucked from the day we returned. She was horny enough to get my rod in her choot. After a long fuck we were lying side by side. Mala asked me whether I fucked sister and jiju. I said yes I am getting my share of both husband and wife.
Mala – how does your jiju reacts while you are jabbing his pucker hole.
Me – he enjoys a lot. He will never be satiated. He is ready always to receive my cock up his back.
Me – I have never seen him complaining of pain, but always eager to have it. If it’s properly lubricated even you also may take it without any problem. Have not uncle fucked your back.
Mala – no I have never taken him in my back hole. I don’t dare to take yours, it’s huge.
Me – you can give a try if you like it I will fuck your lund. Only I can try otherwise from where I shall bring small penis for you.
Mala – no baba not today we can think of it some other time. As I came to know she is virgin there, I wanted to try and break this virginity at least. I had fucked her virgin mouth and now I wanted the final destination.
Without taking her permission I licked her anus till she cried of ecstasy. I took cold cream from side table and smeared lots of cream on her tiny opening of her shit hole, slowly slid a finger in it. She squirmed a little and said don't push too far it may pain.
I thought it’s not paining now, slowly I entered my whole finger in her butt for that she didn’t object. I tried with second finger she pushed my hand complaining of pain.
I said if it pains leave it we shall try some other time. I asked her shall I fuck you doggy, she said nothing but went on all fours raised her butt in air. I slid in her cunt and started banging her wet cunt. She was already horny due to all the foreplay. I was giving alternative jerks few small and big hard. When she reached climax I sensed it and took out my cock. She barked at me, why you took it out when I am in peak. I said Mala it has become too slick, I will wipe excess juice and show it. Her face was over pillow, I took big amount of cream and smeared on my rod, and I asked her to steady as I want ram hard. She just nodded her head without even lifting from pillow. Before she was even aware of what I am up to, rammed my well-lubricated rod into her virgin ass, just head entered in her again before she responds I pushed a little more. She cried in pain and begged me to take out. Thanks she had hid her face in pillow otherwise she would have awaken whole house. My grip on her body was firm, I didn’t allow her to move even little. I assured it’s over, you have swallowed almost all of my rod, congratulations my sweety you have lost another cherry to your lover.
I think you had preserved it for me. She still cried and pleaded to take it out. I was not going to listen. I consoled her, you were curious to know how it feels up in the ass. I am showing it, be brave for some more time you will enjoy the first fuck. My hands cupped her both the breasts and twisted her teats. I bent over her and reached her back, started licking her back without breaking the link. Finally my mouth was near her face, I licked her neck and slowly to her ear. The moment she felt my hot tongue on her ear and even hot breath, she shuddered. I had spent some five or six minutes without making any movement in her hot and tight canal. I gripped her tummy with one hand. She was moaning hard now I thought it is right time to burry myself into her. While she wriggled to free her ear from my mouth I was pushing my erect rod into her little by little. She had totally concentrated in her ears than her ass. Within few minutes I was able to show everything into her. My pubic hairs were touching her soft butts. The feel is different than fucking jiju, as he had tight muscles in his buttock. Mala had smooth and bulky there. She warned not to sow any more. I took her hand and placed in the joint, she exclaimed you rascal you have buried entire meat in my tight buttock. Yes my dear baby let me fuck your ass. She allowed me but didn’t forget to caution me to be gentle. I started with very slow drawing my tool and pushed gently in it was heaven the grip was so tight, I felt my tool in vice I continued fucking after some ten minutes her hole was adjusted to intrusion and her sphincter had adjusted the size and shape of my lund. I made fast pulling and gentle push, she started moaning it was signal for me for increasing speed. Now pushes were harder than withdrawals. It was sending her in ecstasy her moans had become groans. Now I started humping her observing her reactions. I humped for long time and my strokes were in the limit of tolerance. I was fingering her cunt it already had discharged several times. When I was near to my orgasm I started banging her hard. I was no more in position to look at her reactions. At last exploded in her butt. I remained in the position till I stopped cumming and my tool became small.
She sprawled on her face, I laid beside her till our breaths became normal. I pulled her to me kissed her face and asked her, did it hurt a lot.
She smiled at me, yes in the beginning a lot. You had to be cautious in first show. You didn’t tell me otherwise I would have prepared myself mentally, but you cheated me.
Sorry aunt if I hurt you. She said it’s ok it’s all ready happened and no going back.
I asked did you enjoy least. She admitted after few minutes of first intrusion and when you kissed my face from that point it didn’t hurt much. Later part I enjoyed a lot.
There is a surprise do you know. Its anniversary of my first night. I said your marriage anniversary was last month.
Mala – yes anniversary was last month but I had period on that night so first night was postponed for some days because of muhurtham. It was today.
Me – so you lost both cherries on the same date but with wide gap of several years.
Mala – yes the credit goes to my lover boy, you got the privilege of opening ceremony of my cunts younger sister who was virgin till now. I don’t know what the things you will do with me are. You made me wear nastiest dresses like three / fourths skirts what not everything. Of course I had wished to wear chudidars but you went much beyond that.
One thing how you fooled Prema that all the dresses were brought for her. On her enquiry why they looked like used. You convinced her that aunty tried them to confirm whether they suite Prema. She was just fooled along with all family members.
No one other than my husband had seen my body no question of touching me nude. But not only you saw but fucked and made your slave. You made me touched by that beautician, she not only touched me everywhere and did what not everything she removed hairs from every part of me. Made me bald like teenage girls. That aroused my dead desires. I had never ever thought that one day I will surrender to any male. I lost my chastity.
Me – aunty do you feel guilty, we did all for your sake. Still you are young enough and you have travel a long life.
She – yes I felt guilty initially, but I am used to your body and needs. Now I am happy and I don’t feel guilty any more. I am that I fell for such a nice and caring boy. She kissed me we slept nude till early morning holding her tit firm. At around five in morning she awake me and sent me to my room.
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The life continued with one more to be satisfied. I was working on future plan for recovery of misappropriated money. I visited various banks as per Shweta’s statement and my knowledge. Gathered information by bank managers telling some bullshit stories as I had invested the sum in their names. They had to agree for that as we had deposited some black money in others name.
As per my action plan I invited Suresh and his wife on some pretext to farm.
In fact all the three of us went together. They had no reason to doubt me. Once in farm it went in same routine of asking security to open gate, he coming with German shepherd dogs etc.
Once we were in farm I took them tour to entire farm. Once we were at farmhouse herbal tea invited us. After tea Suresh asked the reason for coming here. I made both husband and wife sit in front of table where I had kept laptop.
I switched on laptop, and took out sheaf of reports. He inquired me what it is. I turned toward Sheela aunty and said. You only ask him whether he has made any mischief in accounts. Both of them uttered no. I produced some documentary evidences. He didn’t utter a word. Even after lots of pestering he was not ready to agree. I asked Sheela to convince him for submission but he was reluctant despite of my warning that he is inviting trouble. I took waist belt and thrashed him, Sheela came in between, I pushed her aside and cautioned her not come in between otherwise she may get hurt. Suresh was frightened by man handling him but he tried to threaten me by telling this to my jiju that I tried to bang his wife.
I was happy by this idea given by him. I pulled Sheela and got ready to bang her. I warned him that I am going to execute what he had threatened. Aunty was sure that I am nice person and I am just threatening her husband. She was still, I pulled her saree she was protesting to leave her alone as the matter is of her hubby, and she has nothing to do. I slapped her and roared at her. You love you must have made him doing this. You ladies are always after money and Jewelry so he fed up with your hunger and must have decided to do it. I snatched her saree she rotated by this attack. Somehow, I took out her saree. They tried to run to door I didn’t stop her. When she was above to open door I coolly said. You can’t go out half naked like this moreover dogs are waiting somewhere near gate they will eat you raw. Security person must be engaged somewhere in the farm and gate is locked. If you try to escape you are dead not even god can save you. Coolly went to them pulled Suresh tied him to window after undressing him. His strength had no match to me. At above forty he felt too weak to me. Both of them were begging for mercy. I was burning with fury, what all I was concerned is to recover money. I never planned to seduce Sheela aunty but this fellow husband of her had made me do it, I was still pretending to bang her. If he had submitted himself with all details I was ready to apologize and let them go unhurt. He was in no mood to surrender as it would prove that he is guilty and had to lose whatever he had made in years rather decade.
I gave last warning to him before I pulled Sheela aunty, he cried let her go I will tell. I asked him amount he said one lakh, I got angry and kicked him on the bare ass. He cried with pain. I was losing patience I pulled Sheela aunty by her blouse, she begged me to leave her alone.
Beta I am like your mother don’t behave like this with me. You are a gentleman I never expected such a thing from you. She told her husband to reveal what he had done and save her. He said I am sorry I lied it’s two lakhs rupees he said. Just by pulling her he has admitted to two, if I go further he may come to point, thinking so I pulled her blouse and torn it to pieces. Her boobs had exposed, partially still covered by bra.
If you don’t reveal everything I will not only molest your wife I will poke red-hot iron in your ass hole. Both of them were frightened by my words, but how dare he is he didn’t utter a word. For him money was more important than chastity of his wife. It was inevitable to proceed, so I pulled her to me and pulled her petticoat thread as already she was out of saree. She was protesting by her soul, she was begging me to leave her alone and she was running around the hall to find escape from me. Going out was no question dogs would hunt her, inside I was more dangerous than those dogs. At last I decided to bang her. I pulled still hanging petticoat made her almost nude except bra and panty.
Aunty was requesting me to pardon her husband and leave them. I am distant relative of your mother she is like sister to me so I am your mousi, throughout my life no one has touched me like this. You give me some time I shall get information by idiot hubby of mine. At the same time she was abusing her hubby for his misdeeds only now we have to face bad time. I ripped her bra started squeezing hard, gave long smooch her voice mumbled in my throat. Raised my leg hooked her panty by toes, pushed down. She made hard but futile effort to get rid by me. I was much stronger than her, moreover I was in commanding, and she was shocked by every moves I made. She tried to kick me it narrowly missed my balls.
I was more furious now, I pushed her on sofa. She fell on her back, raised her legs and without wasting any time, I took out my massive cock from zipper and placed it on opening of her slit. As she saw the size she was more frightened, son I have never taken anything of that size, please don’t take me that’s all she could manage to tell before my cock went tearing her dry cunt. No foreplay nothing I wanted to bang her brutally. As I made my way into her unwelcoming vagina she shout with lots of pain and agony. I started fucking her cruelly she was shouting like hell. Suresh was speaking something but none of cared what he had said. I was fucking hard while squeezing her partially sagged soft breasts. Suresh was shouting but his voice was masked by that’s of Sheela aunty.
She was crying and shouting to stop assault but I had deaf ear. At last she begged to at least to slow, I can’t tolerate any more. I had some mercy on her I slowed down, still she was crying, and I was hammering her. When I was reaching I fastened my speed I was ramming her with all my energy her cries had become hoarse. I could not make out whether she was crying or moaning so loud. All of a sudden I felt my cock is drenched in flood. Movements became easy and I started humping aunty with new vigor. So, far my dick was paining due to dry humping. Started withdrawing all the way and inserting entire lund in one stroke. I too didn’t last longer the speed was competing to bullet train, she was shouting I am not protected don’t leak inside. By then I had lost my control, I was in no position to withdraw or hold ejaculation. I started cumming spurt by spurt. Unloaded entire semen into her womb. I fell over her naked body. It was one of the most thrilling fuck I ever had, as it was the only bang ever I had committed. When I was above to get up I found her gripping me hard. She had clutched my back with both her legs in lock. Mixed cum dripping and was flowing along with my leg.
I looked at nude beauty below me. She had closed her eyes tight I thought she looked satisfied.
I got up from her and looked at Suresh his shouts had stopped long way back. His eyes were closed and was murmuring something, may be praying. My eyes traveled all over his nude body. He is over forty handsome, white colored, here and there white strands of hairs are visible. His entire body is white as he never exposes himself to sun. Little fat at abs, found his small cock is hanging between his legs.
I ordered Sheela to prepare tea for me, if she wished she or her husband could have some. She took petticoat wear it, looked at blouse it wasn’t in condition to wear, went for saree, I snarled at her, that’s not needed. Now you are my slave and whore you have to obey me. Go to kitchen like this only and prepare tea. There is box of biscuit’s bring it while tea is boiling. She brought box, I took out few and handed her the packet and asked her to have some. If that bastard is hungry give some to him. Sheela asked how he can eat as he is tied. Asked her to release him. She opened his bound, he silently looked at me. I knew he is in no position to do anything. If he is furious he can kill me but can’t escape from here. I growled at him to sit on chair opposite to me. He sat calmly his head bowed down, didn’t speak anything.
Sheela came with tea for all us, we had silently. I pulled her beside me her jiggling buttocks and naked breasts attracted me. I hadn’t paid attention when I made her nude, then devil was riding me. I started drinking her beauty straight nose, curly and jet-black hairs descended to shoulder, white colored face dimple cheeks thin lips around 34 b cup tit’s slightly sagged honey colored areola extra large teats of brown color. Slight extra muscles on stomach making a tire. Slender legs. She is real beauty at this age. Pulled her to me, she hesitated to stick to me in her husband’s presence. I didn’t care fondled her breasts. She weakly defended, let’s go son it’s too much, all ready you have spoiled me, I had enough of you.
My dear Sheela don’t blame me for this, I had given enough opportunities to this ugly fellow. Neither of you took it serious, in fact I just wanted to threaten you but this fellow false allegated me as I am banging you. I never had thought of even touching you. I never had bad thoughts about you, but this fellow husband of you instigated me. None of you revealed what amount of fraud you have made and where the money is. I started squeezing her boobs, they were much softer than her daughter’s. Gave a smooch she made feeble efforts to get rid of me. Then Suresh opened mouth, in fact I shouted at you to stop and I revealed whatever I have done. You were not listening to my shouts or pleads. I am admitting what I have done. My wife was after some property or own house, she was continuously pestering me to have own house. I told about my earnings and limitations, but she never cared about it. She was comparing me to her friends husbands who are better placed and one who are government officers. At this juncture only Prashanth’s father gifted plot. She was quite for few years but later she was after building it. Though your jiju gave me five lakhs rupees it was not sufficient to build, so I started theft and the habit didn’t stop even I had built house. I had seen taste of money I wanted it to grow for education purpose, later I wanted to gather enough for their marriages.
I have not wasted paisa from it I have invested in bank.
Again lie, I got up and hit his face. I know where you have kept money and invested. You have invested in shares and, I can say the name of banks for example, I quoted some bank names with approximate amount.
He was awestruck by my knowledge. He continued with all details. I was happy at last he has revealed most of it thought. But damage was done. I had bangd his wife.
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He requested me to save them, from being insulted in private or public. I took Sheela on my lap and lapping her boobs. Sheela said your problem is over why do you want to molest me, but didn’t move even an inch from me. I kept on sucking her tit’s and raised her petticoat before my hand reached her vagina she was moaning. I slipped her petticoat to ground she was stark naked. Now he raised and protested this is enough Shree for god’s sake stop it. I can no more see, I will touch your feet and I am ready to return money.
Do you want me to save, I will see that no harm is done to you. Now keep quite or you will face it. By now Sheela was slipping from hand, I hold her hand and pulled. She came and fell on me like a leaf. Taking hold of her boobs I gave long smooch. When I broke the kiss I said till all the accounts are settled you are going to be my personal whore. I took her hand placed on my dick. Without speaking she started caressing. I pushed her head towards my groin, she kissed head of penis started kissing and licking within few minutes most of head had disappeared in her mouth. She was giving terrific head. By chance I looked at Suresh he was observing keenly, I looked at his pecker it was getting hard about 4” thumb size in thickness. Bastard I murmured he had witnessed his wife brutally bangd because of his misdeeds and this fellow is getting excited by watching giving blow job to another fellow in very much presence of him.
I left Sheela and pulled that bugger and kicked ass bent him forward. Before he could understand what I am up to his ass was stuffed with my thick and hard cock. He shouted with pain that encouraged me for next push. It was hard for him as well me to enter un lubed virgin ass. I gave another massive push to burry my entire length. Sheela came to rescue him I ordered her go below him and get fucked by his childish cock. She hesitated for a moment I slapped her and asked her to learn to masters voice.
Rubbing her cheek she did what I had said. She went below him and raised her thighs up to meet his small pecker and inserted in her burning cunt. I matched rhythm of fucking in unison as I was already expert in this type of threesome. He did not last too long he discharged within a few minutes. I didn’t break the speed even I came to know he had cum on his shuddering body and I warned Sheela not get out. He was now begging me to leave him as it’s paining both sides. His shaft had become soft and sensitive after orgasm but still enough stiff to be inside her cunt. I was still fucking his dry ass hole. I broke the movement when he was literally crying and begging me to leave and show mercy on him. I pushed him aside saying, you pervert you were getting excited by watching your wife being fucked by another stud. It was the lesson for that, he was still sobbing touching his burning hole and slumped on chair.
I made her stand on all fours and without wasting much time I buried my rod into her oozing cunt. It was filled with mixture of her own and her hubby’s cum. I went on ramming her this time it was not bang but I was fucking her with love I wanted to enjoy the blissful fuck. I was caressing her hanging boobs while holding her shoulder by another hand. Both of were enjoying the lovely fuck.
She was moaning and I was managing my strokes to her moans. I was biting her back and shoulder. Released her shoulder and placed it on hip another searched for clit. I was fucking her while manipulating her clit soon she shuddered with orgasm and I continued humping her as I had climaxed hardly a hour before. I took lot of time to discharge by then she had lost count of her own. By the time I filled her cunt she was exhausted and slumped on sofa, beside her I too fell. She kissed my face and closed her eyes.
When we had settled, Suresh spoke what we have to do to finalize accounts. I said you have to pay back everything what you have stolen.
What about my future he asked with crying face.
Me – if you will be faithful then we can think of way out.
He – assured that henceforth he will be loyal, he had done non-excusable mistake to loot their own people who had trusted them. It was all because of this ugly lady, if she had not instigated I would have never done this shit-eating thing. I will assure you if you provide me a chance I will prove myself.
Me – how did you believe that you won’t be caught one day.
He – if you hadn’t come into picture I was almost sure that I was never going to caught. By my silly mistake you came to know. The way you are handling things I was always doubting to be caught. I wanted to stop this but since I needed some urgent money I did it and you caught me. I know when you started suspecting me by the time I was in soup and I could do nothing to hide. The way your jiju handled business or even his father is something different than you. Though you are much junior to him and fresher in business, your approach is totally different, you observe thing keenly. I am sorry for what I have done. Somehow, you save me, he fell to my feet.
Me – it all depends on how you will behave in future. If I find that you have changed I will definitely help you. Sheela also touched my feet and begged to help them. I am ready to sacrifice anything to keep my family safe. If this comes in light we will never be able to show our face to anyone. I am ready to follow whatever you say, that’s my promise she said.
I gave them fifteen days time to pay back everything, I know everything in detail. Don’t think how I got all information as you said I have my own way of tackling the things. If you return me entire amount and if I am satisfied, I will give you second chance. If you try to cheat me in first test. You are just finished. You know that how I take use of electronics, you will be put in lot more trouble than you can imagine.
He – means, you have recorded what you did to my wife and me. They were shivering just by imagining it.
I assured them that I will take care of everything. So, let us leave now, if you had admitted everything, I need not had be so rude. I am sorry aunty, in fact I never ever wanted to that rude to you. This fellow only instigated by telling that I wanted to bang you. So, I just did what he was thinking. I had brought you just to influence him to accept the crime. But he made me commit mistake. I am really sorry Sheela aunty. Whatever happened is happened, we have to think how to live in future. We left for home.
Within fifteen, twenty days he came with all cash he had made. He wanted to give me in loneliness. But I had a plan for it.
One night I asked the couple to come home with cash. They were worried that what I was going to do with them. Though I had promised to save them by mere hearing to come home, they were thinking that I will expose them in family red handed. They protested but I gave no other choice.
On that fateful night couple came to my house. When they reached house I greeted them as respectful guests. Though they were scared to enter, they came with artificial smile. I called Malathi aunty didi and jiju out into hall. All gathered, I will give surprise, but on condition that no questions pertaining to subject are permitted.
Malathi aunty, this gentleman cousin of you [Suresh and his wife lost color of face] has done a wonderful job for the family. Sheela aunty had helped him in planning. They have recovered this money from one of culprit who had stolen in over a period by our negligence.
I took the bag Suresh was holding and handed it to Malathi aunty. All were surprised to find over a million rupees it contained. Malathi asked from whom it is recovered. I said it’s secret we are not supposed to reveal because culprit had been punished enough. Without help of Sheela aunty it was not possible, so give her a big hand. Everybody applause to this. Sheela was shying for this. I enjoyed helping to re correct was all she could say. It’s all family whatever we do is to help each other she added.
Malathi aunty was happy to receive such big amount she first congratulated me Suresh then Sheela. Whatever happened is ok but it never should be repeated in future. She asked didi to bring kumkum and saree for presentation. Aunt felicitated couple, they were more than happy, they had never expected that they would get away at this ease, plus it had increased their image in family than losing it.
I signaled Malathi aunty to give some money to Sheela, so that none should suspect them. Malathi aunty took a bundle wrapped in paper handed it Sheela and blessed her.
The story had a good end. I knew if a opportunity is given to him he would be of good use in future. Rest of the family thought the money was recovered from someone whom I had handed to security officer or they were in confusion.
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Next day I received a call from Sheela aunty inviting for the party at her house, I had to come straight from college, she added.
As scheduled next day I went to Sheela ‘s house. When I reached there I found none other than aunty. I asked what the party was about. She said for rescuing us from the most dangerous point. She asked to come for food. I said let all others come so that we can have food all together. She said they may be late so you have now, they can take on their arrival. On her forcing I went to dining table, she served me but I didn’t feel like eating alone, so I asked her to join. I took a plate and kept beside me. She said why you want to spoil another plate very well we can have together. She came and sat right side and fed me with her own hand, she too took from the same plate only. She was not showing any sign of how I had behave with them in farm. We completed meals while chitchatting.
After we washed hands she brought pan and kept in my mouth. It was an very nice food, I appreciated her for such a delicious food and preferably for feeding me. She asked to take rest in bedroom till others come. I wanted to watch TV but stomach was heavy so I preferred to lie down. I took off my shirt and hanged on hanger and spread on bed. I was feeling sleepy, I dozed the moment I laid. I opened my eyes on feeling of someone is waking me. I found Sheela laying beside me, she was urging me to get up. I got up and asked whether all have come. She said no and they are not expected soon and she started kissing my face and gave a long smooch. I feared, what are you doing aunty, what if anybody comes and see us in this state. She took my hand and placed on her boobs, Suresh is not going to come even if he comes that will make no difference. Kids have gone to granny and will return tomorrow only.
So what you are up to, I asked. I want to test whether you know banging only or you know lovemaking. I was in confusion whether to proceed or not. Story of other day was different I was angry and he only made me bang his wife.
That problem is solved even if I remembered calling my whore, but only was till the account was settled. Everything is fine now, so need of these things at this moment. She took the lead she disrobed me and herself. She only took me into her slender arms and gave nice smooch. By now my rod was looking at ceiling. She took it into her mouth gave fantastic blowjob. She is seasoned lady, she only descended on my erect to eat my meat by cunt. I remembered my first time with her daughter Shweta. Like mother like daughter. She rose and fell on my groin till she lasted.
I turned on her back and took charge of pumping her. I show her seven clouds in one shot. When I was nearing I asked her where you want me to pour. She asked me in her hole only. Don’t take it out. Now I remembered the other day she was shouting I am not protected, what she meant by it. When I pumped all I had carried into her cunt. Then I asked her the other day you said you are not protected whether you indicated that I am not clean by diseases or I was not wearing condom to cause her pregnancy or you said you are not healthy.
Sheela said I am perfect clean as you are the second man in my life. My husband can never show his small organ to any one, so his out of question. I knew that you are virgin so I said I am in fertile period, now it does not matter I wanted your hot jism in my hole. I don’t bother even if I carry your child.
Ok Sheela, I am not able to understand why you did it to me. One thing I wanted to show my gratitude second is I felt you are a real man. All my life I never knew that men had long penises also. As I had never talked on this subject it with anyone. [at least you had asked Shweta she would have told, I thought] Even my husband stays long but as not as you. You this thing is magnificent, so I wanted to taste it again. Now I think it was wrong, I will be just addicted to it.
It’s nothing that I was never satisfied by husband, I knew nothing about big cocks exists. Once I tasted you I feel often to get it by you. He is very sober, we generally do it in missionary position once in a while. He is more involved other things than sex. Kids have grown up sometimes any one of sleeps in our room especially when we are horny. We can’t do it in their presence. So, it has become rare program.
You are young and virile that’s also makes difference. Initially I thought you are virgin but today I felt that you know more about it or you very much experienced.
No Sheela I have learnt through blue films and books. Means you have seen bf at this age, till today I haven’t seen, I have just heard about it.
Don’t worry dear some time I will show that too some time.
Shall I take leave dear Sheela, I asked. Not yet what is hurry, I want your company for some more time, she said.
Me – whether you want my company or my cock.
She – what a dirty language do you speak.
Me – when we are fucking becoming nude, why can’t we speak about it openly. Even after three offsprings you have reasonably tight cunt. And ball are still good. If I was aware that one day I was going to fuck you, I would have made a move. I never noticed your beauty. Your assets are worth watching.
I pulled her teats which are longer than a inch. She said hihhhhhhhh. I pulled her and gave smooch she responded by poking her tongue inside my mouth. We kept hugging for few minutes. She got up and tried to wear dress for going out of room, I pulled her dress and insisted to go nude. She washed her face and peeped inside room and asked whether you want tea or bournvita I preferred tea.
It was a scene to watch her moving nude in house. I followed her to kitchen. Moving breasts and jiggling buttocks were fascinating. As she bent on kitchen platform to light gas. Her perturbed hips looked inviting. I kept drinking her beauty. Matured ladies have different kind of attraction. As she was preparing tea I was speaking placed my hand over her shoulder. When she was filtering tea I could not abstain myself from hugging her from back. She cooed oh Shree keep away otherwise you will spill hot tea burning both of us.
We took tea and went to hall watched TV she was getting embarrassed to wander nude all over home and even watching TV though there was no third soul in house. She had never done it, even in early days of marriage. I pulled beside me and placed my hand around her waist and comforted. See if we want to enjoy let us enjoy fully, we are not in public, and no one is looking us.
How come Suresh didn’t come for food, I asked.
She – it was planned so I asked him not to come.
Me – means you had decided to seduce me. That too with consent of husband.
She – in fact he suggested it. We thought no other way to show our gratitude, as you have almost everything, we could offer.
Me – so you accepted the offer willingly.
She – yes with small pretence of shock. How did you guess.
Me – I can guess, on first forced fuck, you were resisting by your heart till I penetrated, once I was completely in and started banging I felt change in you.
She – your observation is right. I came to conclusion that when bang is inevitable enjoy it moreover the man forcing me was none other than my nephew that too with a particular cause, that too after giving enough chances and warnings. Whether your approach was right or wrong, you had determined to execute. I accepted the fact and I tried to enjoy. In fact it was the most memorable fuck of mine. With an young stud and being watched by my hubby. If I was caught at it by him while I was doing for my lust was different. Here he was culprit, suppose if he had accepted his mistake, and agreed to return I would have lost the lifetime opportunity to become your whore or loved by you.
She jumped on my lap fed her breast into my mouth. I embraced her tight her boobs were crushed between us. She poked her tongue into my mouth, I sucked it eagerly, and our tongues started a never losing battle. I cupped her soft balls, it was fun to play with her long teats. As I pulled her nipples she was moaning loudly as if button of pleasure is fixed on her chest. It did not take more time before she invited me to fuck.
She bent and hold sofa I came behind her and licked her entire back, it was so smooth and soft. As I lined my cock to her cunt she pushed her buttock back to receive me. Inserted my hard cock and started kissing her neck, before I started fucking she was moaning at high pitch. Her entire body was hypersensitive to touches. I took grip of balls and started my journey to ecstasy. I went on fucking, every stroke touched her G SPOT making her shout louder. I fucked her nonstop till she reached her peaks two times. After second discharge she collapsed on sofa. I was hard yet, without waiting for her to recover I carried to bedroom and placed her half-lying on her back and rest lower portion out of cot. She asked to Waite but neglected her and took her legs above shoulder and inserted my cock in one go. She screamed with pleasure I went on ramming. With every stroke her boobs jiggled nicely. I increased speed she placed her own palms on each balls and she was squeezing them. I had placed my arms at both sides of her head and went on banging. Her every shout invigorated my strength and increased pleasure. Fucked for another fifteen minutes before I filled her womb with my precious juice.
Hello shreeshant brings another part
For your pleasure!!!!!......,
It is another problem of our shop
There is one more character that is into malpractice in our shop.
He is Dinesh in fact I hadn’t seen any fraudulence from him, but was suspecting every one. He is also close relative of aunt Malathi.
I asked Suresh to help screening accounts maintained by Dinesh. On detailed and keen observations we found some errors done by him. This chap seems to smarter than others. He had misdeeds in such a way that can’t be noticed easily. On hard work of weeks the picture became clear, he too had lifted good amount but not as much as Suresh. We collected some pool proof evidences and I decided to handle myself.
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One fine morning I reached his home. I was greeted by his mother, she was astonished to see me at her home. She announced Dinesh look that has come. And asked me to take seat. She is an old lady, went in to bring water for me.
Nandini wife of Dinesh came and wished me, followed by Vidya sister of Dinesh to wished. I know all the family members as we used to meet in all functions. Vidya used to visit our shop frequently and we definitely talked at least few words. Even Nandini too came. Old man father of Dinesh called to his room as he can’t walk due to recent heart attack, I went to his room and wished him. As we exchanged pleasantries Nandini brought tea for us.
I went to hall and waited for Dinesh to appear, as he was in bathroom, he came wrapped in towel and after bath.
After little talk I said him about the misappropriations taking place in our premises. He acting innocently, you have put them behind bars and now there is nothing to worry.
I came to point directly and said I am talking about your problem. He denied and said there is nothing about me, I am very clean.
I said don’t act I have every proof of your misdeeds. If I wish I can send you too to jail. Why I have come here is you are relative of jiju and mine too. I came here to give you opportunity to accept it and settle without notice of other staff. I am thinking to settle and close the matter between four walls.
He raised voice and said you are unnecessarily accusing me and insulting me. I lost temper and shouted at him, if you are so adamant, I will meet in the court of law. And I am sure that you will get maximum punishment. By my voice Nandini came into hall and requested me, not to raise voice, as there is sick man and he is just recovering from illness. I just warned him and asked him to think into the matter seriously otherwise you are deep in problem. Warning him I came out. The blow was hard enough to make him think.
Dinesh didn’t turn up to shop that day. In evening by four O' clock I received a phone call. It was number I received the call, it was some female she introduced as Nandini. I recognized her and asked what the matter is. She said she wants to talk to me. I said go ahead, she said she wants meet and discuss. I asked her to come to shop, for that not in shop or home somewhere else. We fixed the point she urged me to come within five minutes. I reached there and chose to go some cold drink house. We chose some corner cabin we sat in the cabin she sat opposite to me. Asked her to speak, she was searching for right words by then waiter came, we ordered fruit juice. I asked her what the matter is, in turn what the mater we were arguing for she asked her. I told this matter is between male, females better keep off the subject. By then juice came and we had without speaking any further. By the time it was over a troop of college students came, they made big crowd. It was no more lonely to discuss anything serious. I looked at her face she said it’s better we shift the place as we can’t speak anything personal here. Take me somewhere else so no disturbances are there. I said I have a guesthouse in outskirts if you have faith in me, we can go there. She didn’t even think before saying yes, that was the rapport I had.
I took her on bike and went to guesthouse. I made her sit on chair and asked her talk.
She started sobbing, I let her cry didn’t interrupt her. Bhayya since the moment you had come in the morning Dinesh is missing his mobile is also switched off, I am really tensed. Please tell me the matter which I could not understand properly. What mistake he has made and you were shouting to send him to jail. Is it that big crime ?.
Do you really want to know, she nodded in affirmative. Dines has misused trust on him. He has misused lot of money. He could have asked jiju or aunty as they are relatives but instead he has looted them. I am the last person to tolerate, I was thinking to drag him to court as to keep the thing secret I have approached directly.
Please have mercy on my family, he has already run away by mere talk, if you take harsh step it’s going to be difficult to say what may happen. Even my father-in-law is suffering from heart attack, things will worsen if any family members come to know about it. Do something so that family is not hurt and suggest anything I am ready to listen to your order.
What can you people do, what I want is my money back, and you can’t stop me from punishing him.
She -You just name what I have to do, I will agree for it.
Me – suppose if I say I want you, what will you say. [I just said absentmindedly. I never meant it]
She – please bhayya don’t joke it’s serious, matter.
If I am serious then what.
She – I am helpless and think of relation I am like sister for you. Please don’t speak like this.
I received a urgent call from jiju, he wanted me badly. So, I said let’s think over the matter. I am in hurry I have got to go right now. See you some other time and we can discuss.
She – what do I say in house. They will be worried on his missing.
Me – tell them that he has gone on business related work.
I dropped her on the way and went shop.
Next day morning Nandini called me again.
I said wait in the same place, as I reached spot I found her standing with Vidya. I asked her now what, she only suggested to go the same place. I didn’t comment but I asked them to come by auto, Nandini said I have seen the place only once and I may not be able to guide auto so let’s all go by bike. Without waiting for my protest Vidya sat on bike then Nandini. Generally I never go triple on bike but already they have seated, I took them avoiding signals to avoid security officer.
Once we were in room Nandini told me that he has seen by one of her relative in Harihar the place of some distance from Hubli. I am relived at least he hasn’t harmed himself. By these words Vidya was shocked. Bhabhi what is the matter, is it so serious can harm himself.
Nandini only explained her. When Vidya didn’t know about it why did you bring her into it. I can understand that you don’t have faith in me so you brought her for your security.
Nandini started crying don’t say like that bhayya, she had seen me missing in house yesterday and today she accidentally met me on the road and she too is worried because of her missing brother. Yes Shree in fact I am trying to find him since yesterday, even his mobile is also switched off. In this connection only I returned from college and found bhabhi waiting for you.
So for this only you had come home yesterday ?. Yes but I wanted to keep all of you away from this. I was speaking with sow low tone to him as you should not listen but he only raised voice.
Bhayya please find some way out from this, Nandini said. In fact I till today I don’t know what salary he is getting and how he is managing finance for regular expense for education of Vidya and what he did for treatment. He never looked worried for the expense. Though we lead simple life, as dutiful Indian wife I am doing as per his budget. He only brings the ration and all, so I had never felt that he is doing mischief. Believe me expense wise we are doing in very low budget, no lavish living any extra expenses. In past three years after marriage I have never demanded a single saree for me. I am contended from what he offers me. Even everyone in house are like that only.
Me – let him come, we shall ask him what best can be done. You find him out and ask him to join duty. Later we shall find way. Both girls were crying loudly.
I consoled them and assured them that I will not take any drastic step without informing them.
Both ladies hugged me and said thanks for the assurance and requested me not change my mind on finding him.
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Next day Dinesh joined duty I did not speak to him in this regard. He was looking worried but I kept quite. Few days passed like this. Neither Nandini or Vidya didn’t make any move. I was getting frustrated once I asked Nandini to meet me. She said to me and same spot. I took her to same place.
I asked her what progress she had made, she cried for this and said he is not having any money. Whatever he had stolen is all spent on education and treatment of his father.
I asked her then how you are going to pay me back. Brother what can I do, when you said it’s big money I was under impression that he might have saved some initially we would return that and buy some time to think what best can be done. But the situation is not like that. Dinesh had run away as he is aware of your strength, you can do anything. You have links with tough guys who are ready to do anything on your words or your money plus you have good connection in security officer as your friends father is an officer. To save his life he had fled. He has tried to his level best to borrow money but none gave him. So, tell me what I can do in this condition. I stick to my words that I am ready to do anything to save my family.
I could misuse this condition and ask anything from her. If I did like what difference will make between me and him. Then you ask him whether he has made any laded property so that we can recover from that.
She said I am not aware of that, and he has never mentioned about it. She looked at me waiting for my next move. She was shivering thinking something. May be she was thinking that I will invite her to bed. But I had least interest in it.
I said let’s go, she said are you sure, we should go. I said yes, she thought how wrongly she had understood me. She came and hugged me and said thanks brother, I will inquire whether he has got any property. We left the place.
Within two days I got call from Vidya to meet. She too preferred same place.
We reached place, I asked her what idea you have. Have you thought of anything to settle the matter.
She – Shreeshant I am still unable to think any way. Bhabhi has told everything what you talked.
Means I enquired. She has reproduced every word you have spoken. Including her promise to do anything you ask for and even you mentioned that if you ask for bhabhi.
What did she say about it I asked.
You demanded her but she tried to reason you not to ask for it as she is your sister by relation. But you never mentioned it later, we are sure it was not for her convincing but you are not of that type. The other day when you had called her she was thinking that as last resort. She would have surrendered but you never mentioned about it. Even I was damn sure that you won’t ask for it but, still there was some fear. I know you are naive boy. [this hurt me as I am not as naive as they think]. Now too I say of you had asked for sex she would have slept with you like some cheap prost, bargaining for her family.
Shree tell me did you mean those words.
Me – no I was just angry at your brother. But I am not a fool to ask for such things. Moreover she is like sister to me [though I am sister fucker] I am not that cheap [I am not in search of pussies as I have ample of them. Already I am fucking jiju, his wife that’s my sister, his mother, Sheela aunty jiju ‘s aunty and finally a small girl Shweta. I need to go after cunts any more]
Yes that’s what bhabhi said, very moment you became hero in our view.
I was little tensed, asked her do you mind if I smoke as I am occasional smoker I admitted. She said I will if you don’t share it with me.
I removed shirt and lit cigarette, she asked why I removed shirt. I said in close room if I smoke dress will smell stinky.
She – you have your own thinking of foresight. But I am not going to remove my dress as I am not wearing anything inside today.
I said never mind and handed her cig, she took couple of puffs and transferred it to me.
I asked being a girl how do you started smoking.
She said don’t forget I am an engineering student, in girls hostel lot of girls smoke. I just smoked out of curiosity but I am not addicted. I do smoke once in a while. You rightly said clothes do smell. Once even bhabhi asked me about it. Though we are very close to each other I didn’t tell that I smoke often but said I had just a try. Fortunately none other in family noticed it.
So tell me what brought you here. She said nothing of much important but I wanted to say thanks for not misbehaving with bhabhi and how she feels about you after that meeting with you.
I have some plans of repaying but I am still not sure of it. But I will assure that one or other day I will see to it that all your claims are settled. Just don’t ask me now the way.
This girl seemed to be of some interest. She is very clever and she had her own way of reasoning things. While we were smoking sitting side by side though touching each other I had no evil thoughts about her.
Vidya and I chitchatted for long time she s how lot of interest in me. She said since the day she saw me first time she wanted to make friendship with me. She wanted to come close, but I was not keen so she was keeping herself away. But made it a point to talk to me whenever the opportunity comes. Always bhayya told us that your approach in business has made lot of difference.
You stopped Prashant ‘s frequent visit’s for purchasing, you took charge of that section to keep him busy in selling only and how he was relieved of that pressure. He use to tell us how you made the purchase prices lesser than before and handling the finance in such way that hardly any distributors call u for payment.
If you hadn’t involved in their life by now the business would have reached miserable condition. Though business is good but payments had becoming late due to mishandling. Now I can understand my own brother Dinesh is also part of the problem.
Shree please bear with us, this all happened may be because of my educational expenses. But till now I was not aware of it. In fact nobody in my house ever thought that he is cheating you people. I am sorry for that, somehow I want to see that we should make out your losses.
If you are ready to wait for some reasonable time, we will see to it that you get back your money. May not be wholly but good part of it.
Vidya took another cig and lit. Had couple of puffs and she put it between my lips still holding it. I took two mouthful of smoke she transferred it to her own lips. We were till speaking she had slid still nearer to make it easy for placing cig in my mouth. She placed her left hand on my shoulder to make it still easier for her to transfer cig. Till the cig completed we were in same position. She didn’t make any effort to remove her hand from me. When she made slightest movement her left ball pressed to my arm, till now I hadn’t paid any attention to it. My god it’s so hard it felt like leather ball on my arm.
I didn’t think much about it as I was not aware how she was thinking about it. She was talking like very old friend of her. I had to respect the way she was treating me.
It was getting late and I had attend business so I asked her permission to leave. Her facial expression told that she wanted to sit longer, but looking me hurrying she got up. When both of got up and I wear shirt she hugged me and said thanks for patient listening to her and sanctioning some time to think of repaying. Now again I felt her hard boobs pressing my chest. She rested her face on my chest for some time. She was sobbing, I held her tighter and consoled her, and god is there if you really wish for good things he will help. Don’t lose heart I am not an enemy. I can understand your state. I will extend cooperation if you are really thinking in positive. More ever you are related to us.
You tell your bhabhi I never intended to take her to bed by blackmailing and taking disadvantage of the situation. Till now I haven’t seen either of you with bad intention. The only thing you make it sure that your brother has to come and apologies and give full details of what he has done. And he can ask for time. I don’t want him to send ladies as his representatives and keep himself away from me. I don’t like this type of handling.
Vidya raised her face to see me and said it was nobodies idea. On first instance bhabhi had feared of her husband’s life on threatening by you. Second time she wanted you to know that she had come to know that at least he is alive and location, she even wanted to know about his mistakes. But I by chance came to know about it. I too was worried of his disappearance without informing anybody. Our parents were also worried even after bhabhi told them that he has gone on business purpose. All of us know about his personality, he is very sober and fearful person. Unless some financial problem he would have never dared to such thing in his life.
She was still in my arms, finally she raised her face to look into my eyes. She was weeping her tears had made my shirt wet. I wiped her tears and assured her that I will not take bad step against him without informing you. But convincing him to apology is your job.
She gave light peck on my cheeks and assured me that within couple of days I will receive his confession.
Then make it a point both of sister-in-laws are present at that time. So, that you also will come to know the fact. I patted her back before we separated. She was happy for convincing me and I was happy to reduce their tension.
Within some three four days we had meeting at the same place. Infact I wanted to go their home but due to presence of their parents they preferred same place.
Dinesh confessed his activities, all were right as he needed money for education and for treatment of aged persons. He hadn’t made any money. I said it’s not possible looking at the money you lifted, you must have invested somewhere else, and you are not disclosing. If you are clean by heart I can help you. Otherwise I will give all details in family, there on wards I am not responsible for consequences. There after I will have to obey as they say. Please note that nobody is aware of the things except me. If aunty comes to know she will kick off, you from firm and later it may harm you in all probabilities.
Dinesh opened his mouth at last that he had purchased two acres land near to highway, long back. But because of the litigations and some rowdy people have purchased adjacent land so he has as good as lost it. I swear that no other investment apart from this. If you found anything, you can punish me to any extent or you can kill me. He gave all details of land. It was at through away price, I thought if I make plots and sell them I will get good returns and I can pay back all the amount. Thinking this way I borrowed money and made deal. I didn’t consult anybody as I thought it was once a lifetime opportunity and bought it. I had to pay back debts so I started misappropriating and it was inevitable then.
Later I came to know that it is under litigation, by the time I had paid entire amount. The same fellow had cheated jiju ‘s father also. He has dumped fifteen acres from the same land. Prashanth’s father tried to settle the matter but was of no use. I too fell in the same ditch. I knew story but was not aware it was the same person and land. If I had seek advice of Prashanth he would have told me. I was a fool to cheat and buy land.
Please do something to save me. I don’t have any other source to pay back. What I have all is my salary and so many dependents including aged parents. The only source I have is to die.
I consoled him, we shall find out what best we can do. I can’t let you escape from your crime.
Don’t think of committing suicide but wait, to find some solution.
For the time being recovery from this fellow is impossible, I remembered Vidya had given me some hint that she is thinking in a different way. So, I let them go.
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