Adultery Who Watches the Watchmen Ch. 06 –Different Turn
PK at his hotel :

PK having spoken to Menaka felt something amiss he knew his wife cutting the connection abruptly never happens something should have happened as he just switched on the taped web cam feed opened both the bedroom and Hall feed just to see what happened when uncle arrived so he just started the feed from 3.45pm .

He saw his beautiful darling wife rather well fucked wife sleeping she had very sexy black top and she was sleeping sideways he saw a delightful cleavage he had to admit his wife had such beautiful big boobs it was like big cushion balls resting in her chest many times he had lifted and joked to her my god Menaka each one is solid 1 kg it was such a nice big one she used to chide me you are such a milk baby as he was so fond of her breast

Almost 20 minutes past when he heard the door buzzer as Menaka got up and then had a look at herself in the mirror PK to his surprise found that top she was wearing even in normal condition was showing solid sexy cleavage and his pretty wife astonishingly had one more button undone purposefully adding to unruly hair and just woke up look and then he noticed she was wearing a fetching track bottom clinging to her sexy curves as she was moving sex bomb as she slowly moved to the door & opened it

Prakash then had the first glimpse of his uncle who was openly ogling at his sexy looking wife his eyes was clearly fixated on the cleavage and his words were like arrow to PK’s heart  
“Aree Menaka beti meri pyaari sundar bahu bloody what good that Prakash is doing abroad leaving a precious looking lady like you” 

He now could see Menaka in the sideways angle as she like a true bahu did her pranams PK could not believe his uncle’s open sex filled gaze as Menaka leaned down to touch his feet his eyes it seemed his eyes were getting bigger as he saw her front booty bloody guy thought PK .
Menaka then turned towards kitchen he could see she was in total surprise her face reddish ashamed & angry as he watched his uncle lecherously watching the retreating back of Maneka 

PK then saw the most atrocious sight  from his own uncle his mother’s elder brother his right hand reaching down and squeezing and scratching his cock & balls his intentions pretty clear
My god what I have done thought PK and now he remembered Menaka’s comments that his uncle is very lecherous character with leery glance always at her body & her early reluctance to call him but what he could not understand was why Maneka was in the sexy look in the first place as he wondered loudly.

Then it struck PK Buddu he admonished himself it was to tease the old watchman guy Hari she just did not know about Devan uncle's visit so in fact his dear wife Menaka had the shock of her life when she saw Devan uncle instead of her Paramour Hari no doubts she was so angry with him Prakash then thought will he witness the ultimate insult of his own uncle fucking his dear wife right royally in his own bed my god that guy is 60+ years old .

Prakash could not believe how this has started with this unforeseen sexual foreplay he knew this was going to be another episode of sex for Menaka and he himself her husband has initiated it, problem for PK was he was powerless to stop it as he just cannot tell the intentions of his uncle to Menaka having seen all this in the web cam feed his only way or option now to stop this  incestuous mating was to rush back to India & even if he initiated that plan it will take 3 days minimum for him to leave as he sat pondering at his options .

At Menaka’s house:
Menaka was fuming and frustrated with what had transpired she took a bag and her purse as she told Devan uncle and Ayan she had some shopping to do as she left them

Menaka came down she saw Hari who said good evening madam she was furious with Hari also for not calling her

Good evening one second she called him as he came just outside the gate

Menaka: Hariji a relative has suddenly come to my house my husbands uncle there was no call in the intercom

Hari: Yes Devan uncle a very close maternal uncle correct he showed the mobile to me saying he had just talked to you and wanted to surprise you that’s why I did not call Menaka –any problem

Menaka: O no problem Hariji just wanted to inform you he is at home & no coffee for few days Hari

Hari: Oh Menaka I can serve you coffee at my home I am just call away my dear

Menaka:  looking at him that’s great news but you know Hari you serve a very fast coffee very strong but too fast so let’s see with a wicked grin ok then let me get some groceries for my dear uncle as she left to the nearby shop

Hari understood what she was hinting as he walked away sheepishly

Menaka bought the groceries and just did not feel like going home so just entered nearby walking area park around a small lake as she took a secluded bench then she had her mobile out then looking around ensuring she was alone she just called the number Mall lady

Almost a manly voice answered Pushpa speaking who is it ?

Menaka: Hello forgotten me already –nice name Pushpa

Pushpa: How can I forget you should be the lady I kissed in the mall you are a real beauty people like your lot don’t call us what happened liked what you got

Menaka: O god can we just talk to you I just wanted to know what made you do all those things with me do you try it with everyone you meet

Pushpa : Ok so we are friends now what is your name please tell me

O my name is Menaka and I am a married lady with a son that’s why I asked you  

Pushpa : First thanks for giving 10 rupees and calling me this is the first human act someone has done to me Ok now let me be honest I like ladies even though I have this very big boobs I like ladies very much you see god has given me this big boobs and a handy big dick and when I saw you in the auto I felt so attracted I just tried I never thought you will come to the washroom and when I saw you with your open lips in surprise I had to kiss you –you are very beautiful woman – can I call you Menaka

Menaka : why not you have even kissed me forcibly why not call be my name

Pushpa: Menaka if you are angry I am very sorry in life we have to beg and live and when you get once in life time opportunity of kissing a super lady like you beggars cannot be choosers I had to just try & to be honest I loved it but I am surprised you called me -normally people are afraid of us

Menaka : I just wanted to talk to you to find out why you did that I felt if those ladies had not come into the washroom what you would have done to me I am  afraid even now I do not know whether I will have confidence to come to that mall again

Pushpa : Menaka please do not think like that I will not do anything you don’t like I am very sorry

Menaka : Ok Pushpa thanks for talking to me

Pushpa : Can I at least call and talk to you Menaka I get to talk to whores , pimps and all low class people only can you please just talk to me now and then or when I call if you are free please talk to me

Menaka: Ok Pushpa let me see

Pushpa: Thank you Menaka–then with a huge kiss sound phone got disconnected  

Menaka thought this what you get for calling but honestly she liked talking to that transwoman Pushpa she felt some sought of kinship or freeness talking to her she decided she will talk to Pushpa for sure as she thought in a super slut fashion pushpa ‘s comment of bigger dick was some promise need to be checked .

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just this ..
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Awsme update bro...
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(12-02-2021, 11:21 PM)Ajanmol Wrote: Awsme update bro...

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Menaka returned home and made some dinner and evening snacks serving to uncle and Ayan
Evening and night  Devan uncle almost spent with Ayan so Menaka was relieved after faux pass with her sexual attire when he came to their home Menaka also arranged the unused guest room cleaning and making it ready it even had a TV as she showed Devan uncle to his room & he seem to be normal & relaxed three of them had dinner and he went to his room to take rest

Menaka had short skype call with PK saying the good night as she walked to her bedroom and closed the door not locked just closed just as was casually looking at facebook and what’sup she got a missed call it was from Pushpa

Menaka returned the call –Hello Pushpa

Pushpa: Hello Menaka sorry if I have disturbed if you are with your husband

Menaka: No my husband works abroad in a ship I stay alone with my son I am alone in my bedroom

Pushpa: O god is it not tough to live alone , well in our locality or in our basti  madam if someone is living without husband it’s like a free for all somehow  she has to sleep with someone otherwise she cannot survive to be honest most of the house wives sleep for money but madam there are few good lady’s too who are untouchable

Menaka: O god it is tough to live alone in any locality so Pushpa I ask something how you make your living

Pushpa: Madam daily almost 100/- to 150 is our collection and I make another 200/- or 500/ some days in the night , problem is I am not so preferred by any Men only few and since I like ladies sometime I get chance to fuck a housewife I have to spend money for that but life is ok I live with 2 other Ali’s –Hijra’s and they cook for me –ours is tough life but now it’s ok what about you

Menaka: Honestly I have a good life all thing were good I have son but since I am living alone last 4 months back I get seduced by a slightly older middle age watchman and had a affair now can you believe I am sleeping with three watchman even my husband knows about it he only encouraged this now life has become complicated because  I enjoy the sex so much I am telling you so honestly so it least I can talk free about this to someone

Pushpa : O god Madam you looked pure sati savithri type but honestly madam if you enjoy something I think we should do it and if your husband is not against what is the problem enjoy why should you have regrets

Menaka: You are correct but it is so complicated to get out this

Pushpa : Menaka if I ask something  bluntly will you answer

Menaka : I have told so bluntly what more you want me to tell

Pushpa: You fell for this guys as they were from lower class or you I like sleeping with them because sex is good and they have real big cocks

Menaka: O god both were a factor & all three have big ones and doing with a big cock with a good technique I find is very satisfying

Pushpa: I like your honesty  & let me be honest I have a real big one as mnay tell me I also don’t know why god made me like this but I I just want you to have look at my assets and judge for your selves 

Menaka: O god Pushpa after all the talking you have come to main matter let me honest with you we cannot meet in any normal places and to be very frank Pushpa I am worried about hygiene and safety

Pushpa : I only wanted you to have a look you have gone to the next level Maneka without condom i do not allow or have sex in last 5 years I have maintained that but many gents & ladies love sucking my big cock so after that I always have it washed it with soap & have it cleaned and also monthly once we all get checked by a doctor in our basti the place we stay is also given by government so please do not worry I will never put you in any trouble –even if we don’t meet please talk to me that is enough Menaka madam

Maneka : Ok Pushpa good night if I come to Mall tomorrow I will message you may be we will meet in the mall wash room –This was Maneka at her sluttiest best  giving Pushpa the hope she needed

Pushpa : Please send message I will take bath & come cleanest for you Menaka even if we just talk to each other only

With this most bizaare meeting set up for tomorrow Menaka slept most happily as only she can
Morning Ayan was excited to go to school left as Devan Uncle said Maneka beti I will take him to the bus stand also I want to have a walk around the society Manake made breakfast for both of them as she took bath and decided she will wear slightly sober Churri top and Track pant deciding if he wants to oogle at her let him already in the morning she had sent message to Banke not to come till he gets a message from her.

Devan Uncle returned and had his bath as both of them had break-fast to gather he was very appreciative of her kitchen skills as he said give me good tea after and I wanted to talk to you about something important.

PK her husband had silently opened the web feed in the morning as he had seen yesterday night and the morning had gone smoothly without any sexual adventure as he watched both of them having breakfast and when his uncle told he wanted to talk some important to Menaka more than her he was eager to listen

Devan uncle beta I want to talk few thing straight with you if it’s ok

Menaka : yes uncle you are like a father figure you can talk to me

Devan : Yes Maneka I may seem father figure but you know I am ummarried person by choice and to be honest  with I had some of best relationship and sex within and some outside the family you know I am fairly rich guy I own almost 90 acres fertile land & 2 big houses in the village and I have very decent bank balance too .

Maneka: O God uncle you are god bearing man in the village & you are telling me you had relationship within the family

Devan : Let me frank I viewed relationship or attachment only as sex and really I enjoyed life & yes I am god fearing but I also all this year’s have maintained the decency by having all this relationship very discreetly

Maneka : O god why are telling me all this Uncle

Devan : Aree Beta listen and then decide
Beta I want to leave all the property everything I own to Ayan it will be joint custody till I am alive and then joint custody with you and Ayan Ok I know you are living alone and need a discreet partner I may look old but I am fit and can perform like most young man I just want in return is you sleep with me also may be monthly once you to come to village Saturday & Sunday so I can be with you also so when I leave /die all the property and will come to you and Ayan no one will have doubts or disputes

Further he added beta nowdays all my age group  lady mates are no longer active I need a young woman I just thought why don’t I ask you straight the way yesterday you had dressed when I had came it was so sexy I decided I will ask . Menaka if you are not interested no issue I will leave  but only one humble request just sleep me with just once tonight and then decide I feel this will be good for both of us & the family

Maneka was shocked beyond words she had expected a approach from this old man but this way out of league and his request for sleeping was most outrageous

Menaka: Uncle I am almost like a daughter for you what will Prakash think or Ayan think when he becomes old what will happen

Devan: Beta I am very sexual man I don’t want to tell all my conquest but ultimately you will be sleeping with someone if Prakash leaves you like this alone because Maneka I am a experienced man I know you are lady with high sexual needs hence I am asking you openly because I also need a young  lady for my recreation what I will do with all this money so please think & tell me beta . Iam going out I will come back by 4 pm again beta please give me just one chance that’s my request

Maneka was flabbergasted by the talk of Devan uncle and his words about property and all others made some sense but sleeping with this guy then one side of her mind was saying you have slept with three lowly watchman and now slowly started for thinking of even sleeping with a Transwoman whore why not just give it a go – well then Menaka decided she will decide talking to her new friend Pushpa –Mens was now going places ….

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super story
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(14-02-2021, 03:19 PM)Kalyan143 Wrote: super story

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PK listening to the whole conversation through the webcam was shocked from a one of affairs or just sex acts what his uncle was proposing was in his their local parlance “a keep” or  “kept woman” so he wanted his pretty wife Menaka has his “keep” assuring her of his wealth and PK was worried because his uncle was a very rich guy and any person with some sense will take the deal  Menaka already getting routinely fucked by her watchmen would just think this as another interesting adventure or a perversion and would take it

Prakash just could not believe how one single incident of his lonely wife watching a sexual act in their terrace where she saw Dara screwing a maid has really changed the whole dynamics of his relationship with his wife as he just thought his actual pushing of his wife into the extra-marital sexual act or affair with Dara the middle aged watchman was the real reason but he had not bargained for was the guy’s absolute skills to seduce his wife to have her in his beck and call as he absolutely satisfied his wife with his unusual thick big cock adding into the potent mix .

But Actually PK had not bargained was now that affair had stretched to three watchmen and its seemed his wife had started loving two some acts so it was already descending into actual debauchery of his wife But PK was powerless and he decided only way is to absolutely enjoy this descent was savouring it and  somehow holding on to his wife and may be settle down as a rich guy . 

Menaka home:

Having decided to go to the mall Menaka was excited like a teenager she was undecided what she will do with Pushpa but she knew once she had taken this step there was no holding back as she dressed in that sexy black top –bra less (which ignited the spark in Devan uncle  ) and with figure fitting track pant her saving grace was wearing the panties and secondly a nice thick duppatta to cover her ample cleavage .

Menaka messaged to pushpa I will be at mall will meet you in the washroom at 11.30 -1st floor

Pushpa : O my god Menaka this is the most exciting day in my life come to second floor washroom at the right hand side corner –don’t worry of the sign of its under maintenance please come inside

Menaka took the auto and reached the mall her stomach was absolute butterflies as she roamed around passing time then around 11.30 she walked into the almost deserted second floor washroom

Well inside a nicely dressed Pushpa was sitting in the lengthy wash basin slab

O Menaka good morning you are so beautiful one second as she walked to the washroom door and locked the door no one will come and disturb us

Menaka then coolly removed her duppata giving the absolute sexy look to Pushpa

Pushpa walked up to her O god you are so beautiful and sexy am I in a dream O god as she took Menaka’s trembling hands

O Menaka come to momma as she pulled her & gave tight embrace Pushpa was a very tall transwoman may be around 5-11” and Menaka just reached upto to her shoulders Menaka felt puspha's  right arm pressing her butts onto her giving the feel of the hard  bulging rock hard cock and Menaka could feel a very hard breast in fact the  whole act was so aggressive then Pushpa just turned Menaka face and kissed her lips

Menaka felt a huge black lips descending on her  lips it was typical hard kiss as pushpa aggressively kissed her then Menaka pushed away  & said O god Pushpa wait as Pushpa broke the embrace and kiss and moved a little away O Menaka you are like a irresistible fruit how can i not kiss you god has given me this opportunity

Menaka: O Pushpa I have come on my own so no need to feel so aggressive – I never had a  a transwoman friend before now I have kissed one so dear Pushpa I want to see you first

Pushpa : O god Menaka getting me naked will be big problem for you Menaka

Menaka: I like big problems Pushpa –let me see how big is the problem as she sat on the wash basin slab

Pushpa slowly removed her saree she was in her blouse and petticoat then she removed her blouse and then removed her bra she had real massive big boobs with shiny big balck nipples

Menaka said – Big momma come here as Pushpa walked towards her  Menaka felt the breast she could not believe how strong and hard they where O god its so hard and big as embraced Pushpa and licked and sucked the nipples

Pushpa: O Menaka you have such soft lips your Kiss is like feather touch  and I love this I am in dream My god this is so unreal

After almost few minutes Pushpa herself took Menaka’s head as she kissed those nether Pink lips again as she moved back

Puspha then removed her Petticoat and Menaka was confronted with strong muscle bound thighs and she had no doubts she will see a very big penis inside a trouser like panties

Menaka said wait Pushpa as she walked  and kneeled down in front of the tall transwoman then Pushpa slowly removed her Panties showing a monstrous penis shiny black in calour it was fully raised  very very hard it was almost 3” inches width and almost 11” long or may be more as Menaka could hold both her hands fingers wrapped around the black monster & still 1/3 rd cock was extending out and she had two massive black balls .

Menaka in huge surprise tone-Pushpa I have never seen anything so big it’s so thick and long ho god how is this possible as her hands started milking it all my Watchmen I fucked had big cocks but this is so huge

Pushpa O god Menaka please remove your top I don’t want  that to get spoiled –Menaka just raised her arms as Pushpa removed the top

Menaka then bent forward and took the proud Shewoman cock in her mouth it felt so hard and so clammy in her mouth she was creaming in her panties in excitement Menaka simply loved this massive cock and she wanted to give this lady the best treatment with her mouth and she wanted the taste the jizz from this massive cock

Menaka was sucking with real gusto taking as much as cock in her mouth

Pushpa was shouting O god Menaka – what a hot mouth O god Menaka Iam cumming Iam cumming it was too much for me Iam cumming –O menaka please remove your mouth I will come inside please as she felt cock pulsing

As she looked she could not believe this pretty woman having her almost whitish hands in her black penis was sucking her cock head wanting her Jizz  Pushpa just bent back thrusting forward almost her legs shaking as just blasted the Transwoman cum into the eager mouth of the beautiful housewife whose mouth was swallowing the voluminous cum in real zeal as the lady also squeezed the massive balls in her hands

Pusha was shouting “ O God O god no one does this to me you are angel O my god O my Menaka O god as she slowly came back to earth this was for sure the best Climax Puspha had in her life as she was in tears of joy she was crying she removed her now quieter cock from the unrelenting mouth and sat in the corner in crying in tears after earth shattering climax

It was a ultimate scene to savour as the naked black big Transwoman Pushpa naked and crying /wailing in a corner of the washroom and a bra clad beauty in track suit  contrastingly fair Menaka still swallowing & licking the remnants of the shewoman’s creamy thick  fizz looking surprised at the crying Transwoman / shemale Pushpa .

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wow awesome. amazing..
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(16-02-2021, 12:31 AM)lickerofpussy9 Wrote: wow awesome. amazing..

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[Image: MENS.jpg]
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Menaka shocked and surprised arre Pushpa what happened I thought you had a absolute fantastic climax literally unstoppable cumming for almost a minute 

Pushpa: O Menaka you have given me the ultimate climax of my life I am crying in joy no one ever takes our jizz or cum no one swallows it so I felt so happy and had tears joy Menaka that’s all I do not know how to thank you

Menaka : Removing the track pant and her panties now you can think of many ways of thanking me Pushpa to be honest you have a beautiful big cock so big and I loved that clammy hardness it so filled my mouth i loved sucking you

Pushpa : Oh god Menaka what cute looking pussy you have shaved it this looks so pure as both her arms reached Menaka’s butts and as her big unusual thick lips and rough course tongue started to lick it lovingly Pushpa wanted to be gentle with this lady

Menaka felt the course mouth on her sensitive O Pushpi o god you got huge lips it’s so so good oh lick me good

Pushpa then stood up and carried and placed Menaka on the wash basin slab as she knelt down and renewed her passionate attack on the cutest sublime pussy

Menaka was enjoying this coarse shemale tongue even when she was gentle it was so rough and she liked the big lips clobbering on her pussy  and engorged clit and shemale's tentacle like arms where really having fun with her breast absolutely mauling and fondling Menaka felt this was good decision this new dalliance or affair with this Shemale

Pushpa had Menaka whimpering “ so good so beautiful  Its so so good Oh my god O please” Pushpa felt her cock getting hard seeing this mouth watering pussy it was again rock hard and she wanted to fuck this female she wanted to her big cock around this accommodating pussy lips

Pushpa stood up even as Menaka looked on surprise then Pushpa lined her big black member straight at the gaping pussy as she pushed and entered and then with strong arms just lifted Menaka off the Wash basin holding her tightly as her big back black seamlessly entered into the well lubricated pussy but it was so tight as it went slowly inch by inch her big cock simply captured the helpless house wife pussy then Pusha took few steps towards the wall as she moved she had  almost all her big member inside the glorious tight pussy

Menaka was speechless and stunned by the lightening quick act of Pushpa and the strength of the shemale as she shouted
“Pushpa its so tight your cock is so big I god its slipping in O no you are splitting me O Pushpi  O god”
As Pushpa walked Menaka could feel the tremors in her body as she felt the big cock lodged well in as she looked at the side mirror Menaka felt she had scene the hottest scene of her life - a big black huge shemale and ripened white complexioned lady almost crushed by the big shemale Menaka liked this brutal power play and she was eager for the absolute hot fuck from this shemale

Pushpa holding againt wall had Menaka's legs around her back as she started to fuck the house wife almost taking most of the cock out and then pushing it farthest as she slowly very rhythmically  increased the speed she knew this lady was her for life if she did this properly & she did not want to miss that

Menaka was feeling so good this was ultimate fucking in standing position inside a private washroom & so exciting and dangerous well inside a mall and add to that fucked by a transwoman female with the biggest cock her pussy had taken so far all this thinking was making her cream and induced to make a suction action with her pussy inside muscles on the big black cock as Pushpa’s mouth lips had Menaka's lips munching and kissing

Pushpa feeling the clench of the pussy was overjoyed by the response she wanted give a taste of her full power and energy holding Menaka tightly she gently layed her on the coldish floor and for a few seconds her cock was out of the gaping pussy then spreading Menaka’s  legs she reclaimed the wondrous pussy in one stroke putting almost her entire cock inside this lady as she fucked slowly and with immense pressure from her lower body her mouth completely on Menaka’s mouth enjoying the bonding

Menaka was in a zone she was absolutely manhandled she should say shemale handled her with ease like toy as felt the immense strength and pressure as the big cock completely stretched her this was true bliss and Menaka for her part was sucking tongue of the shemale as she tried contracting  her pelvic muscle to give more suction on each stroke

Pushpa was absolutely on a even keel as she slowly increased the speed she was now truly banging this hot lady as she felt the body tremor of Menaka's  impending her climax then Pushpa’s fingers started almost pinch like motion on the Menaka’s breast it was like a trigger as Menaka just exploded into a unstoppable climax and Pushpa felt almost a vaginal eruption from Menaka this was so hot she just rolled into her own climax absolutely blasting Menaka’s ravaged pussy with her thick solid cum and that triggered a secondary orgasm to Menaka

Menaka was shell shocked by the pleasure given by the translady  this was ultimate as she hung on to Pushpa with a fierce hug absolute enjoying this mating with relish as sweat  kept pouring from both their bodies it was so steamy with sex fluids and sweat as both of them hung onto each other not wanting to break the moment

After almost 5 minutes Menaka felt the heavy strong body of Pushpa quick to understand that  Pusha rolled over in the floor so Menaka was on the top Menaka her head resting on right breast of Pushpa and Puspha's now shrunken member with just the tip still inside Menaka’s pussy for Pushpa this was unreal she just could not believe this kind of pleasure could happen to her

Menaka : Hi Pushpa this was honestly the best sex experience I had it  was ultimate -I came twice 

Pushpa: O Menaka how I can I describe what happened I hope we meet few times I would love to do lot of things with you

Menaka: O don’t worry about that I am at your service I simply like everything about you and I will always be there at your beck and call ok Pushpa i am in a complicated position I want your thinking or advice as she explained the Devan uncle situation

Pushpa: O god no doubts so many men want to get in your panties –Menaka I think you should take his offer if you ask me at end of the day money is so important don’t even think about it just do it

Menaka: O god you seem to have no doubt of the complications

Pushpa: Arre Menaka for your pleasure you have indulged with those watchman so no harm in sleeping with that old chap if you get all his property .

Menaka: You left out our pleasure part Pushpa

Pushpa : I think this was pure magic I did not expect any of this so did not include we should compare with anything

Menaka: Ok dear I will have to leave we will plan next session in some real good place as she got up and washed up & got ready

Pushpa: you leave first I will leave later as she dressed up in absolute satisfaction not believing she had this beautiful lady totally on her control

[+] 3 users Like mouthinvader's post
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Superb narration
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(19-02-2021, 01:09 PM)sexycharan Wrote: Superb narration

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[Image: MENS-2.jpg]
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So good story, loved your writing skills
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One of the best, continue please and add more kinky with blackey
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Lots of thanks for your kinky and supper erotic updates. All the details of sexual acts between low class people and Menka are terrific. Carry on this for a long n long story. All other stories depicting rich people like boss, managers and friends with willing housewife are looking dim into contrast with your kinky story line.
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(21-02-2021, 10:50 PM)blackdesk Wrote: Lots of thanks for your kinky and supper erotic updates. All the details of sexual acts between low class people and Menka are terrific. Carry on this for a long n long story. All other stories depicting rich people like boss, managers and friends with willing housewife are looking  dim into contrast with your kinky story line.

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